St. Ambrose Parish Holy Family Mission, Mereta April 5,2015

Easter Sunday F r. Jo e C h ou t ap a l li

D e ac on A llan L an ge

De ac on D an S han n ah an


Daily Mass Readings

Parish Office 325-651-7551 Fax Number 325-651-6605

Mon. Apr. 6

email: [email protected]

6:30 pm +Evelyn Jacob by Nolan & Virginia Niehues 8:00 am Communion Service

Mon. Acts 2:14, 22-33 Mt 28:8-15

Ps 16

Tues. Apr. 7

Web Site:

Wed. Apr. 8

6:30 pm Good Health for Cliff Hohensee by David & Eunice Hohensee

Tues. Acts 2:36-41 Jn 20:11-18

Ps 33

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 228 Wall, Texas 76957

Thr. Apr. 9

8:00 am Mass of Thanksgiving by Nolan & Virginia Niehues

Wed. Acts 3:1-10 Lk 24:13-35

Ps 105

Thr. Acts 3:11-26 Lk 24:35-48

Ps 8


Ps 78

St. Ambrose Mass Times: Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 7:30 & 9:00 am Tue, Thr & Fri 8:00 am Wed 6:30 pm Confession: Saturday 5 pm Holy Family Mass Time: Sunday 10:45 am Rosary is prayed before all Masses.

7:30 pm Good Health for Cole Mikulik by Wall Knights of Columbus Fri. Apr. 10

Sat. Apr. 11

10:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 11:30 am Good Health for Genevieve Schwartz by David & Eunice Hohensee and Sharon & Gary Coats

Acts 4:1-12 Jn 21:1-14

Sat. Acts 4:13-21 Mk 16:9-15

5:00 pm Confessions 6:00 pm Mass for Rain

Sun. Apr. 12 7:30 am +Steve Therault by Friends 9:00 am St. Ambrose: For the Parish 10:45 am Holy Family: +Ed Wanoreck, Jr. by Kevin & Monica Noland

Ps 105

Sun. Second Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-35 Ps118 1 John 5:1-6 Jn 20:19-31

NEW WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE AT ST. AMBROSE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

6:30 pm 8:00 am (Communion Service) 6:30 pm 8:00 am 11:30 am

The Divine Mercy Novena began on Good Friday and will continue daily 30 minutes before Mass through Divine Mercy Sunday.

Sunday, Apr. 5

Happy Easter!

Monday, Apr. 6 PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED. CDA will meet beginning with Mass at 6:30 pm. Hostesses: Marcie Holtman, Marcella Woehl, Marilyn Moeller, Marjorie Kellermeier, Maryann Halfmann, Mary Ann Lewis, Mary Jane Mikulik, Merline Weishuhn. Program: “Human Trafficking” by Barbara Moorman. 8:00 pm: Choir practice. Tuesday, Apr. 7 5:45 am: “That Man is You” meets in Fellowship Hall. 5:00-8:00 pm: The Pro-Life Rams Conference in Rm. 201 of the Houston Harte University Center at ASU. The confer ence will feature speakers from the Texas Right to Life, Students for Life of America, and Angelo State University. Dinner will be served. Everyone is invited. Please plan to attend and help build a culture of life at Angelo State University.

Each Friday at 10:30 am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration, followed by Benediction and Mass at 11:30. The Holy Hour Intention: To pray for the sick in the Parish and various needs of the community. Wednesday, Apr. 8 5:45-6:30 pm: Youth Choir Practice 6:30-7:00 pm: Hangouts (Parent Helpers: Pablo & Ver onica Jiminez, Jamie & Terri Walling, Bobby & Charlotte Crawford.) 7:00-8:00 pm: Jr. High/High School CCD Classes Holy Family: 6:00-7:15 pm -- CCD for Grades 1-8 6:30-8:00 pm — Rabies Clinic at Wall Fire Hall, sponsored by North Concho Veterinary Clinic and St. Ambrose Youth Group. Other vaccinations will be available. Thursday, Apr. 9 Knights of Columbus will meet beginning with Mass at 7:30 pm. Sunday, Apr. 12 After the 9 am Mass -11:00 am: Elementary CCD Classes. 10:00 am: Adult Faith Formation in the Fellowship Hall. 95th Birthday Party for Wilbert Gully Sunday, April 12th St. Ambrose Fellowship Hall Come-and-Go from 2:00-5:00 pm. Everyone is invited! Your presence is your gift!

After Easter, Fr. Joe will be going to parishioners’ homes to bless them and the families. The visits will be on Thursdays of each week. If you would like to have your home blessed, please call LaVerne Schniers @ 651-8576 to set up a time, or you may call the Parish Office @ 651-7551.

Easter Sunday

Key passage: When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. [Colossians 3:4] Adult: Why do you believe that you will live with Christ for all eternity? Child: Who has helped you believe that you will live with Jesus forever? Reprinted with permission from Heritage of Faith, Published by Twenty-Third Publications.

Apr. 8: Rabies Clinic at the Wall Fire Hall. Contact Paige Jones for details. The event will run from 6:30-8:30 pm. Apr. 8: Class. Welcome back, kids and teachers. Apr. 19: Spring Chicken Affair. Mary Lee Hoelscher will coordinate this event. Apr. 19: Confirmation Sunday for our Freshmen students. May 9: Junior High Spring Dance. Contact person is Michelle Rohmfeld. June 5: Relay for Life. Contact persons are Jerry and Marisol O’Leary. June 17: Mark your calendars — Schlitterbahn Trip for High School Students.

Adoration Chapel St. Margaret’s Church Every Sunday 6:00-7:00 pm:

Acknowledgements: Kids, I thank you all for benefiting the Pregnancy Help Center by picking up baby bottles and turning them in. Thanks to everyone who assisted in the Parish Workday on Saturday morning. (Looks good, doesn’t it?) Also, special thanks to Beth Niehues and Jodie & Leon Braden for coordinating the yard clean-up on Sunday, and to all the kids who attended. Excellent job, guys, and I know the families appreciate all the hard work you did — and so do I!

Apr. 12 Marilyn Moeller Donna Multer

Apr. 5 Kim Mikulik Mary Jane Mikulik

Advisor contact: Jeanie Schniers

Happy Easter! OUR LORD has risen!!!!! Again, kids, everyday at 3 o’clock let’s continue praying for our farmers and all those involved in harvesting and planting in our community. May the peace of Christ be with you all. ~Dcn Dan

Seminarian 0f the Month.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Apr, 19: 9:00 Mass — Confirmation with Bishop Sis. Apr. 19: 11 am-2 pm — Spring Chicken Affair, benefiting the West Texas Rehab Center . Tickets $8 each. Place: Behind First Financial Bank on Knickerbocker Rd. FMI contact Mark Clark @223-6364. THANK YOU NOTES:

Freddy Perez

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all our youth members for yard clean-up in our community on Sunday. You did a great job in helping our elderly in the community. As I talked to you in the Sunday homily, “When you help the sick and elderly, you are helping Jesus.” Thank you Beth, Deacon Dan and all the parents to help organize this event. God bless you. ~Fr. Joe P.S. Wow! It makes me think that you do listen to the homily on Sundays. (LOL)

2nd Year Theology Assumption Seminary From: San Angelo TX Birthday: Mar. 30, 1986 Favorite Food: Homecooked food. Hobbies: Learning random facts.

The family of Bobby Biedermann wishes to thank everyone who helped with the wonderful celebration of his life. Thank you to Fr. Joe, Jeanie, Johnnie Mae and the choir (the music was perfect), Deacons Dan, Allan & Walter, the altar servers, ushers, and all those who helped with the meal. May God bless you!

~The Bobby Biedermann


A special thanks to everyone who sent expressions of love through your prayers, cards, calls and visits during my time of recovery. May God bless each of you.

 

~Ethel & Presley Weishuhn

Thanks to all those who attended the workday last Saturday! Your help was greatly appreciated! A note of thanks for all the food, flowers, cards, visits, and most of all your prayers during my recovery from knee surgery. A special note of thanks, too, to all of the youth and sponsors who came and worked in our yard. Blessings to each of you!

~Virginia & Nolan Niehues

We just want to give a great big hug and thanks to the great group of kids and their sponsors that helped trim trees and bushes and piuck up twigs and limbs in our pecan orchard. They did a fantastic job and were very much appreciated. ~Raymond & Leona Kadlacek

The Pregnancy Help Center of the Concho Valley is having LIFEWALK 2015, a fundraiser on Saturday, April 25, at 9:00 am. Plan to get involved and help the Center raise funds to continue to provide free alternatives to abortion and share the love and Gospel o Christ to women and teens unprepared for pregnancy. Help us reach our goal of 10 walkers for St. Ambrose/Holy Family. For more information contact Sarah Tharp (806-241-4430) or [email protected]. April 23-26: Women’s ACTS Retreat at Christ the King Retreat Center. Send-off and return Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. This is a lay retreat presented by local parishioners. Activities focus on Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Goal: Deepen r elationship with J esus Chr ist, r enew r etr eatants spir itually, give new meaning to pr ayer life and litur gy, and to build lasting relationships. All are welcome, but it fills up fast! Cost: $195. Scholarships are available on an “as needed” basis. FMI call Sandy Angle @ 234-4559, Jamilyn Hunt @ 234-4066, Vonda Wilde @ 656-5434 or Angie Gonzalez @ 895-0458.

Please note: Contact ROSA MARTINEZ @ 763-1402 to add or remove a person from the Prayer List. Prayer List: Jesse Alvarez, John Paul Basquez, Deacon LeRoy Beach, Terri Jost Beach, Tommy Bernard, Martha Lynn Block, Maryah Bonilla, James Braden, Lorine Braden, Tootsie Brenek, Victor Brenek, Gary Coats, Frankie Cantu, Ross Dutton, Ann Feist, Nadine Fischer, Dorothy Frenzel, Kervin Frysak, Nicole Gaitan, Virginia Galindo, Leo Garcia, Glen Gesch, James Glass, Anita & Inocente Gonzales, Edward Gonzalez, Steven Gonzalez, Florine Gray, Alex Guevara, Gloria Guevara, Bobby Halfmann, Kevin Halfmann, Sherry Halfmann, Lucy Hayes, Amanda Herrera, Diane Havlak, Jean Hirt, Calvin Hoelscher, Cliff Hohensee, Judy Holik, Julie Houston, Daniel Jansa, Michael Jasso, Marcel Kalina, Gertrude Kellermeier, Melissa Kellermeier, Kay Kennemer, Lester Kiesling, Nicole (Wilde) Klinesmith, Betti Knott, Bethany Lewis, Kim Loudermilk, Antonio Martinez, Ernestina Martinez, Louisa Martinez, Pedro Martinez, Patricia McCrea, James Michalewicz, Cole Mikulik, McCall Miller, Bobbie Morales, Keith Nally, Rory Niehues, Virginia Niehues, Enriqueta Ornelas, Lillian Pagel, Carol Pelzel, Elaine Pelzel, Claudia Perez, Gary Peters, Msgr. James Plagens, Lori Potter, Bacilia Ramirez, Domingo Ramirez, Dorothy Ramirez, Armando Reyes and Nancy Reyes, Annie Mae Ripple, Donnia Robles, Jessica Bubenik Schmalbach & Baby Charlie, Alfred Schwartz, Genevieve Schwartz, Gloria Schwartz, Doug Seamands, Donna Schwertner, Wayne Smetana, “Special Intention” by Moeller Family, Mike St. Clair, Connie Stoneburner, Daniel Strube, The Family of Cesar Zea-Gomez, Darlene Torres, Laura S. Torres, Mark Tully, Lindy Walker, Presley & Ethel Weishuhn, Hubert Wilde, Velma Wilde, Caden Williams, Herbert Woehl, Mickey Wright, Msgr. Benedict Zientek.

Easter Sunday, 2015.pdf

A special thanks to everyone who sent expressions of love through your prayers, cards, calls and visits during. my time of recovery. May God bless each of you.

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