ECHO for Patient Navigators Description of ECHO Colorado: ECHO Colorado ~ Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes ~ is inspired by Project ECHO at the University of New Mexico. It is an innovative approach to building capacity in rural and underserved areas by supporting and expanding the participant’s scope of practice. ECHO Colorado faculty, staff and partners have dedicated themselves to demonopolizing knowledge in order to expand access to best-practice care and programming. ECHO Colorado is designed as a multi-organizational collaborative system to take advantage of the many topic experts and organizational networks that exist across Colorado. The ECHO Colorado program will focus on both increasing capacity for clinical patient care and on increasing capacity for disease prevention.

How ECHO for Patient Navigators works:

Reducing patient navigators’ isolation, reducing high cost of off-site trainings, ECHO Colorado exponentially increase access to expert knowledge and support by strategically moving knowledge instead of moving practitioners.

Kory Thomas, MPH ECHO Coordinator Colorado School of Public Health [email protected]

Patricia Valverde, PhD, MPH Co-Director Patient Navigation Training Collaborative Phone: 303.724.0628 [email protected]

expecting to launch April 2015!

Potential PN Learning Communities: Cancer Navigation Health Promotion

Mental Health

The ECHO for patient navigators will focus on increasing patient navigator’s knowledge and skills in topics of interest. During ECHO sessions, topic experts present brief trainings on current best practice strategies and patient navigators present cases on the application of those strategies in their practice using bi-directional video. ECHO Colorado topic experts and other participants discuss cases and recommendations are made regarding next steps. Patient navigators may bring the same cases back for ongoing decision making support.

QUESTIONS? please contact:

Learning Communities

Palliative Care Psychosocial Care transitions PN Evaluation PN Management

For more information, please visit:

Andrea Dwyer Networking Coordinator/Trainer Patient Navigation Training Collaborative Phone: 303.724.1018 [email protected]

Content originally developed by the University of New Mexico Project ECHO, adapted on 2/18/2015 by ECHO Colorado.

ECHO for - Virtual Community for Collaborative Care

ECHO. Colorado faculty, staff and partners have dedicated themselves to de- monopolizing knowledge in order to expand access to best-practice care.

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