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← Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Eugene Onegin Kletnici Victor Hugo → October 30, 2013 ∙ 6:55 pm ↓ Jump to Comments
Edgar Allan Poe The Raven Romanticism in literature occurs at the transition between the 18th and 19th century as a reaction to classicism, and is marked by the appearance of the French Republic. In French aristocratic salons begins to linger feeling of uncertainty, alienation in the world. After a representative of Romanticism in American literature and a national forerunner of modern trends in literaturata.Otkrien eminent first in Europe (France, Russia), then in his homeland, Amerika.Fatalistichki intuonirana life story, (son of artists who die young, vlljubenost first cousin, who died at 14, falls into a psychological crisis, emotional suffering, called "cursed man," experiencing a nervous breakdown). miniature life is hell, inevitable destiny. He is the author of the poetry collections "Tamerlan and Other Poems," "The Raven and Other Poems" and "Bells"; cherished and detective stories ("The Mystery of Marie Roger," "Golden Beetle", "Purloined Letter," "Murder in Morga Street ") and fantasticscientific novelistika (" History of Arthur Gordon Pym, "" Manuscript found in a bottle "), humorous novels" Devil in the belfry "and satirical novel" business man ". Edgar Allan Poe is one of the greatest American poets, whose work is the dominant motive spleen (sadness). "The Raven" is a lyric poem in elegiac narrative flow in the form of a dialogue with architectureperfect versification: 18 sekstini (18 stanzas, each stanza contains six lines), rhymed with braided and internal rhymes. Garvan sign language has two meanings: Denotatively meaning: black, predatory, aggressive bird; Connotative meaning: associated with accident, deathRaven is a symbol of misfortune and death. "The death of a beautiful woman najpoetichna topic in the world," Primary inspiration: too early death of the poet's beloved wife, the young and beautiful Virginia. Experiencing a Nervous Breakdown. The primary motive: Grief over the death of beloved Lenore Holders of dramatic tension are: the lyrical subject, raven, Lenore The initial picture of Raven's Goethe style. After that identify with the lyrical hero, introduces Raven, who as intruding his knocking at the gate at any age. Sequence window into ominous bird that black raven that here only confirms skrshenosta spirit. Come as a symbol of eerie mystery, the bird will witness the impossibility woman once lost, lost love, loved being dead to come back again. Raven lands on the bust of Pallas (goddess of wisdom). Herjot, exhausted by pain in his Lenore, the
hallucinations lead dialogue with the black bird. Raven comes to me in its proud position as the horrible apparition, naming as "never again." This phrase is repeated in chorus the song as black as heavy content of despair, of hopelessness, of death. That, in fact, the hero leads devastated dialogue with his own torn soul. Raven is just imaginary poetovo I weighed the destruction to self destruction, even in a physical sense. The song is halucinantna vision realized through personification, confirming the skrshenosta spirit. The song is melodic, rhythmic perfectly shaped magic sound. This song was the result of a collision with the poet's world. Toje decadent, who because of the painful condition of his spirit diminishing values. However, Edgar Allan Poe is a precursor of symbolism. The Raven is a poem about the death of my beloved wifeaesthetics of sufferingthe aesthetics of the poet's broken psyche. About these ads
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