EE 396: Lecture 10-11 Ganesh Sundaramoorthi March 19, 22 2011 0.1

Region Competition for Image Segmentation

We consider the problem of image segmentation, that is, the problem of dividing the image into homogeneous regions. The hope is that these regions correspond to objects or object parts in the image. Let Ω denote the domain of the image, and I : Ω → R be the image, then we seek to partition Ω = ∪N i=1 Ri into N regions such that Ri are mutually disjoint, i.e., Ri ∩ Rj = ∅, and the image in each Ri is homogeneous with respect to some statistic of the image. Note that like the denoising problem, the segmentation problem is ill-posed, and cannot be done without prior assumptions on the regions. For example, one could segment the a discrete image by choosing Ri = {xi } where xi ∈ Ω, and in this case, each pixel in Ri (just one pixel) has homogeneous image statistics. However, this is segmentation is not very useful. We are going to segment the image for now using just the intensity statistics of the image. We make the following assumptions • I(x) = ai + ηi (x) for x ∈ Ri where ai ∈ R and ηi (x) ∼ N (0, σn ) is iid x ∈ Ω and independent in i. We assume that p(ai ) ∝ 1 (uniformly distributed), and further ai are mutually independent. That is, within each region, the image is roughly constant up to some additive noise. This assumption comes from the fact that any square integrable function (i.e., L2 function) can always be approximated up to arbitrary precision with a step function 1 . • We assume a prior distribution on both Ri and the number of regions N . For simplicity, we assume a fixed number of regions 2 . We assume that p(Ri ) ∝ exp (−αL(∂Ri )), where L(∂Ri ) denotes the length of the boundary of Ri . This assumption is typically made in many works in the literature. It arises from the observation that ∂Ri could capture places of many pixels of noise (with homogeneous values) and thus fractalize around such noise, which would not represent the boudary of a typical object seen in natural images. Such fractalized boundaries would have large length, and thus the prior assumes that such large length curves are not probable. This assumption also comes from a minimum description length (MDL) formulation, where the objective is to code ∂Ri with minimal coding length, and the assumption is that the coding length is proportional to L(∂Ri ). Note however, that the prior has the (undesirable) property of penalizing large objects 3 . P A step function is one of the form f (x) = N i=1 ai χRi (x), where Ri ⊂ Ω, χRi (x) = 1 when x ∈ Ri and χRi (x) = 0 when x∈ / Ri , and ai are constants. 2 This is a critical assumption that is unrealistic since in a typical natural image, the number of objects / object parts are unknown; nevertheless, we will assume it since currently, there is no good way of determining the number of regions automatically. 3 I personally believe this prior is not the correct one to use, however, it is used in the commonly in literature. We will see other priors in later lectures. 1


• We assume that Ri are mutually independent from each other, and independent from ai . With these assumptions, we now are going to estimate Ri , i = 1, . . . , N and ai from the image I using the Bayesian paradigm and MAP estimation. Thus, we determine p({ai , Ri }N i=1 |I) : p({ai , Ri }N i=1 |I) = ∝

N Y i=1 N Y i=1 N Y i=1 N Y

p(ai , Ri |I) (independence of ai and Ri in i and themselves)


p(I|ai , Ri )p(ai , Ri ) (Bayes Rule)


p (ηi (x) = I(x) − ai , x ∈ Ri ) p(Ri )


 Z 1 2 (I(x) − ai ) dx exp (−αL(∂Ri )) = exp − 2 2σn Ri i=1 (N ) Z X 1 2 = exp − 2 (I(x) − ai ) dx − αL(∂Ri ) . 2σn Ri 




Therefore, the energy is N  X 1 N E({ai , Ri }N ) = − log p({a , R } |I) = i i i=1 i=1 2σn2 i=1


(I(x) − ai )2 dx + αL(∂Ri )



For simplicity, we choose 1/(2σn ) = 1. This energy is the one considered by [6], and the algorithm to minimize it is known as region competition. We shall see the reason for this terminology as we derive the algorithm to minimize E. The case of two regions with better numeric optimization algorithm is considered by [1] (also see [5]).


Minimizing the energy

We are going to derive an iterative algorithm where we start with guesses for Ri , ai and then we optimize in ai holding Ri fixed, and then update Ri holding ai fixed. Note that the energy is convex in ai since it is just a quadratic function of ai . Thus, the global minimum ai of E while holding Ri fixed is computed by solving : Z ∂ N 0= E({ai , Ri }i=1 ) = 2(ai − I(x)) dx (7) ∂ai Ri we thus see that the optimal choice for ai is ai =

1 |Ri |

Z I(x) dx,



where |Ri | denotes the area of Ri , that is, ai is just the average value of the image inside Ri . Now we turn to optimizing in Ri considering all other regions and all ai fixed. We are then let to optimizing E in Ri . The first thing we ask is if this energy is convex in Ri . Note that to define a convex functional, we must have that the underlying space be a convex space. However, the space of regions do not 2

form a convex space (there is no easy way to make the space of regions even a vector space, that is, define an addition operation on the space of regions). Thus, the energy above is not convex in R. We are thus led to using a steepest descent or gradient descent procedure to optimize the energy, which would mean that we need to compute the Euler-Lagrange equations of E with respect to Ri . To do this, we need to use some facts of differential geometry of curves.


Euler-Lagrange equations in Ri

Note that we seek to minimize and energy of the form Z E(R) = f (x) dx + αL(∂R)



where f : Ω → R (in our case f (x) = (I(x) − ai )2 ). To do this we suppose that the boundary of the region is simple closed curve, i.e., that ∂R forms a smooth non-self-intersecting curve, c, that is, c = ∂Ri . Thus the energy above can be written as an energy depending on c: Z E(c) = f (x) dx + αL(c), (10) int(c)

where int(c) denotes the region that c encloses. Thus, in some sense the optimization problem has become simpler since instead of solving for the region, we solve for a curve (which is a smaller set than the region itself). 0.3.1

Basic differential geometry of curves

Let c : S 1 → Ω ⊂ R2 denote a closed, simple curve in the plane. We note that S 1 = [0, 1]/{0, 1} which means that S 1 is the interval [0, 1] and the endpoints 0 and 1 are considered the same point; this effectively means that c(0) = c(1) (which makes c closed). For example, c(p) = (cos (2πp), sin (2πp)), p ∈ S 1


traces out the unit circle in R2 . We say that c parameterizes the unit circle. Note that are many ways (indeed infinitely many parameterizations of a curve) to parametrize the unit circle (or any other curve), for example, c(p) = (cos (2πp2 ), sin (2πp2 )), p ∈ S 1 .


Note that our energy above only depends on the geometry of the curve and not a particular parameterization of the curve 4 . Note that c0 (p) = cp (p) is the velocity vector of the curve, which is tangent to the curve. We say that a parameteization of a curve is immersed if cp (p) 6= 0 for all p ∈ S 1 . For such a curve, we can define the unit tangent vector : cp (p) T (p) = , (13) |cp (p)| 4

This is desirable since we do not want our algorithm for energy minimization to vary depending on the parameterization we choose; we would like our algorithm to be independent of parameterization. We are interested in the points of the curve not some particular parameterization.


which obviously has norm 1. We define the arclength s of c as Z p |cp (p)| dp, ds = |cp (p)| dp. s(p) =



Note that s(p) denotes the length of the curve c traced out from c(0) to c(p), and ds is the infinitesimal arclength parameter. We also note that Z Z ds. (15) |cp (p)| dp = L(c) = S1


We define differentiation with respect to the arclength parameter as 1 d d = . ds |cp | dp


Note then by this definition, we have that T (p) =

d c(p) = cs (p). ds

We note that |cs (p)| = 1. The unit inward normal vector to the curve is   0 −1 N (p) = JT (p), J = ± 1 0



the plus/negative denotes the fact that depending on the orientation that the curve is traversed (clockwise or counterclockwise), the inward normal will be either a 90 degree counterclockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Recall from your physics class that the acceleration vector of the curve cpp (p) contains both a tangential acceleration term and a normal acceleration term, i.e., cpp (p) = (cpp (p) · T (p))T (p) + (cpp (p) · N (p))N (p).


The former measures acceleration along the curve (e.g. the acceleration that can be seen with changes in your speedometer) and the later measures acceleration due to curvature in the path. The tangential acceleration is dependent on the parameterization of the curve. From your physics class, we know that the speed of the curve squared divided by the radius of curvature is the normal component of acceleration : cpp (p) · N (p) =

|cp (p)|2 = |cp (p)|2 κ(p). R(p)


where κ(p) is one over the radius of curvature; that is, κ(p) =

cpp (p) · N (p) . |cp (p)|2


We define the curvature vector, K(p), to be the unit normal times the curvature, that is, K(p) = κ(p)N (p),


and indeed, by direct computation, one can show that K(p) = css (p) = κ(p)N (p); that is the curvature vector is the second derivative of the curve with respect to arclength. 4



Euler-Lagrange Equations of Functionals Defined on Curves

We consider now computing the Euler-Lagrange equations of an energy that is defined on curves, that is, of the form E : M → R where M = {c : S 1 → Ω : |c0 (p)| = 6 0, c is smooth}.


Note that we want to calculate the directional derivative of E at c. In order to do this, we need to know the space of permissible perturbations or the directions of a curve c; we denote the space Vc (the subscript denotes that the space is dependent on the curve c). The space of permissible perturbations are simply vector fields defined on c, that is,  Vc = h : S 1 → R2 : h is smooth . (25) A perturbation deforms the curve c as follows : c(p) + th(p), for t small


(see picture : in class). Note that if t is small, then c + th ∈ M , that is, |(c + th(p))0 (p)| = 6 0.


We now define the directional derivative as Definition 1. Let E : M → R be an energy, then the directional derivative of E at c ∈ M in the direction h ∈ Vc is d dE(c) · h = E(c + th) . (28) dt t=0 Necessary conditions for a local minimum are obtained by solving for the c that satisfy dE(c) · h = 0, for all h ∈ Vc .


Since the energy E is non-convex, there is no guarantee that the solution of these equations will lead to a global optimum of the energy. Thus, in general, one uses a gradient descent technique. We now define the gradient (similar to our earlier definition in Lecture 2) : Definition 2. The gradient of E : M → R at c is a permissible perturbation g = ∇E(c) ∈ Vc such that Z Z dE(c) · h = h(p) · g(p) ds(p) = h(p) · g(p)kcp (p)k dp, for all h ∈ Vc (30) c


Remark 1. Note that if we choose h = −∇E(c) = −g(p), then Z dE(c) · h = − |g(p)|2 ds(p) ≤ 0,



and so the energy is reduced by moving in the negative gradient direction. Also, note that Z hh, kiL2 = h(s) · k(s) ds



is an inner product (called the geometric L2 inner product). Therefore, by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, we have that | dE(c) · h| | dE(c) · h| ≤ khkL2 kgkL2 , or ≤ kgkL2 , (33) khkL2 which means that h = g is also the steepest direction with respect to the L2 inner product. The Euler-Lagrange equation for E is simply ∇E(c) = 0. 5


Gradient Descent of Length

Let us compute the the gradient of the length functional L(c) first : d L(c + th) dL(c) = dt t=0 Z d 1 = |cp (p) + thp (p)| dp dt 0 t=0 Z 1 d |cp (p) + thp (p)| dp = 0 dt t=0 Z 1 cp (p) + thp (p) · hp (p) = dp 0 |cp (p) + thp (p)| t=0 Z 1 cp (p) = · hp (p) dp 0 |cp (p)| Z 1 d cp (p) · h(p) dp (integration by parts; closed curve - no boundary terms) =− 0 dp |cp (p)| Z 1 1 d cp (p) =− · h(p)|cp (p)| dp |c (p)| dp |cp (p)| p 0 Z 1 =− h(p) · css (p) ds(p)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41)


Therefore, we see that ∇L(c) = −css = K = −κN.


The gradient descent then leads to the PDE ∂t c = css ,


that is, we deform the curve infinitesimally in the negative gradient direction. The above equation is known as curvature flow and sometimes also referred to as the geometric heat equation because of its resemblence to the ordinary heat equation (ut (t, x) = uxx (t, x)), which we saw in our lecture in denoising. Note however, the geometric equation is non-linear. This is because, s, the arclength variable changes with time t: ∂t c(t, p) = cs(t)s(t) (t, p) = κ(t, p)N (t, p) =

cpp (t, p) · N (p) N (t, p), |cp (t, p)|2


and that as we can see is non-linear. The equation has many interesting properties, and it was of significant interest in the mathematical community [3, 4]. We note a few properties : 1. Maximum Principle : Any bounding box that tightly bounds the curve is always shrinking as the curve is evolved under the geometric heat equation. That is, more precisely, if int(c1 (0, ·)) ⊂ {(x1 , x2 ) : |x1 − y1 | ≤ R1 , |x2 − y2 | ≤ R2 } where int(c1 (0, ·))\{(x1 , x2 ) : |x1 − y1 | ≤ r1 , |x2 − y2 | ≤ r2 } = 6 ∅ for all r1 < R1 , r2 < R2 .


then int(c1 (t, ·)) ⊂ {(x1 , x2 ) : |x1 − y1 | ≤ R1 (t), |x2 − y2 | ≤ R2 (t)} where R1 (0) = R1 , R2 (0) = R2 and R1 (t), R2 (t) are decreasing in time t. The bounding box may be with respect to any orthognal coordinate system x. 2. Comparision Principle : If c1 and c2 are simple closed curves 5 and c2 (0, ·) ⊂ int(c1 (0, ·)) then c2 (t, ·) ⊂ int(c2 (t, ·) for all time t where c1 and c2 are evolved according to the geometric heat equation. 3. Embeddedness : Any simple closed curve will remain simple under the geometric heat equation. 0.3.4

Gradient descent of region-based term

We now turn our attention to minimizing the term Z Er (c) =

f (x) dx



where f : Ω → R is some function defined on the domain of the image. Note that c must be simple for the above energy to make sense. We first write Er as a integral around the curve rather so that computing the directional derivative becomes easier : Z Z Ec (c) = f (x) dx = F (c(s)) · N (s) ds (46) int(c)


where we have applied the Divergence Theorem and div F (x) = f (x), x ∈ Ω, and we have assumed that Ω is simply connected. Note that such an F : Ω → R2 exists, i.e., we can choose F = ∇φ where φ : Ω → R satisfies ∆φ = f , the later is the Poisson equation and has a solution [2] 6 . Here N is the outward normal vector. Note that N = JT = Jcp (p)/|cp (p)| so that Z


F (c(p)) · Jcp (p) dp.

Er (c) =



We now compute the directional derivative : d dEr (c) · h = Er (c + th) dt t=0 Z d 1 = F (c(p) + th(p)) · J(cp (p) + thp (p)) dp dt 0 t=0 Z 1 d dp = F (cp (p) + th(p)) · J(cp (p) + thp (p)) 0 dt t=0 Z 1 = (DF (c(p))h(p)) · Jcp (p) + F (c(p)) · Jhp (p) dp

(48) (49) (50) (51)

0 5

Simple means that there are no self-intersections of the curve. 1 In the case that R Ω is rectangular, Ω = [a, b] × [c, d], we have a simple solution, we may choose F (x) = 2 1 x2 and F (x) = 2 c f (x1 , ξ) dξ. 6


1 2

R x1 a

f (ξ, x2 ) dξ,

where DF (x) =

∂F ∂x1 (x)

∂F ∂x2 (x)


∂F 1 ∂x1 (x) ∂F 2 ∂x1 (x)

∂F 1 ∂x2 (x) ∂F 2 ∂x2 (x)

! (52)

is the Jacobian of F . Integrating by parts we find that Z 1 d dEr (c) · h = (DF (c(p))h(p)) · Jcp (p) − F (c(p)) · (Jh(p)) dp dp 0 Z 1 (DF (c(p))h(p)) · Jcp (p) − (DF (c(p))cp (p)) · (Jh(p)) dp = 0 Z 1 (Jcp (p))T DF (c(p))h(p) − (J T DF (c(p))cp (p)) · h(p) dp =

(53) (54) (55)


( above we use (Ax) · y = x · (AT y) for A ∈ Rn×n , x, y ∈ Rn ) Z 1   cp (p)T J T DF (c(p)) − cp (p)T DF (c(p))T J h(p) dp = 0 Z 1   = cp (p)T J T DF (c(p)) − DF (c(p))T J h(p) dp.

(56) (57) (58)


Note that J T DF (c(p)) − DF (c(p))T J is in the form A − AT where A = J T DF (c(p)), and note that A − AT = (a12 − a21 )J where a12 = (0 1)

∂F 1 ∂x2 (x) ∂F 2 ∂x2 (x)


dF 2 (x), a21 = (−1 0) = dx2

(59) ∂F 1 ∂x1 (x) ∂F 2 ∂x1 (x)

! =−

∂F 1 (x), ∂x1


and therefore, J T DF (c(p)) − DF (c(p))T J = div F (c(p))J = f (c(p))J.


Therefore, Z


cp (p)T Jh(p)f (c(p)) dp

dEr (c) · h = 0



h(p) · (J T cp (p))f (c(p)) dp 0   Z 1 T cp (p) = h(p) · J f (c(p))|cp (p)| dp |cp (p)| Z0 = h(s) · (f (c(s))N (s)) ds. =


Therefore, we see that ∇Er (c) = f N


where here N is the outward normal vector. We see that to increase the energy, Er , one simply moves the curve in the outward normal direction at points where f (c(s)) > 0 at a speed of f (c(s)) and in the inward normal direction when f (c(s)) < 0. So points on the border of R (i.e., points on c) are added to the region if f > 0 and deleted if f < 0. 8


Putting it all together : Region Competition Algorithm

The region competition energy is E({ai , Ri }N i=1 )


N Z X i=1



(I − ai ) dx + α





where Ri are mutally disjoint and ∪N i=1 Ri = Ω. We denote by ci = ∂Ri . When Ri and Rj are adjacent, we have that ci ∩ cj 6= ∅. Therefore, we see that for points x ∈ ci ∩ cj : Z Z  Z Z ! ∇ci ∩cj E({ai , Ri }N i=1 ) = ∇ci ∩cj

(I − ai )2 dx + α


(I − aj )2 dx + α

+ ∇cj ∩cj ∂Ri



= (I − ai )2 Ni − κi Ni + (I − aj )2 Nj − κj Nj where Ni is the unit outward normal of ci . Note that for points in ci ∩ cj , we have that Ni = −Nj , and thus, 2 2 ∇ci ∩cj E({ai , Ri }N i=1 ) = ((I − ai ) − (I − aj ) )Ni − 2κi Ni   ai + aj = 2(aj − ai ) I − Ni − 2κi Ni , when Ri is adjacent to Rj . 2

Note the competition between adjacent regions through the competing terms (I − ai )2 Ni , (I − aj )2 Ni , hence the name region competition. Thus, we deduce the following algorithm : 1. Pick N the number of regions.  N 2. Guess Ri0 i=1 where Ri0 are mutally disjoint and ∪i Ri0 = Ω. 3. Compute aki =

1 |Rik |

Z I(x) dx.



4. Update Rik : for x ∈ ∪i ∂Rik , if x ∈ ∂Rik ∩ ∂Rjk (i 6= j), then ! ! aki + akj k+1 k k k Ni − κi (s) Ni (s), x = cki (s) ci (s) = ci (s) − ∆t (aj − ai ) I − 2


(note above that both curves ci and cj are updated if they overlap). 5. Repeat 3-5 until convergence.

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