Presented by UMD Department of Art & Design Fine Arts Academy

Narrative Film Workshop for high school students Faculty presenter, Joellyn Rock UMD campus, MMAD Lab

February 19-20 (Duluth Schools winter break) 1:00 - 4:00 pm, each day $50

This 2-day hands-on filmmaking workshop for teens offers an introduction to video production in UMD’s new Motion + Media Across Disciplines Lab. Friday will cover using studio cameras and lighting techniques to capture a short fictional scene on interior set with chromakey (green screen) background. Saturday will move into post-production techniques and basics of video editing. Students should bring their imaginations and an open mind about storytelling with digital media. No previous experience necessary.

Experimental Animation for high school students Faculty presenter, Betsy Hunt UMD A.B. Anderson Hall 335

March 18-19 Fri. 6:00 - 8:00 pm & Sat. 12:30-4:30 pm


This 2-day workshop utilizes traditional hand drawn animation techniques as well as cutout animation and pixelation stop motion techniques. Students will experience experimental techniques using software and technology such as Dragonframe Stopmotion software, DSLR cameras, light tables and scanners, as well as Adobe Premier Pro.

Student work will be featured in UMD Open Studio & the Duluth Superior Film Festival Scholarships Available Registration & Scholarship Info [email protected] 218-726-7011 This project is supported by a UMD Academic Affairs Public Engagement Grant and South Pier Inn

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Emerging Filmmaker Project Duluth, High school workshops (3).pdf ...

Emerging Filmmaker Project Duluth, High school workshops (3).pdf. Emerging Filmmaker Project Duluth, High school workshops (3).pdf. Open. Extract.

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