Emotional First Aid

“Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift from one whom he loves above all, a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty, and mystery beyond human conception, and so delicate that a word, a breath, a look, nay, a thought may injure it.” ― Nikola Tesla

I hope this gives you a little intro to how and why our emotions can affect our physical health. There is so much more to learn in this subject! But it is my intention to give you something to be aware of and address in your physical health. Healing the emotional and vibration side can bring healing in our bodies a lot faster. What we first need to understand is that we are first energy beings. We are created spiritually/vibrationally/energetically before we were created physically. To understand the emotions and the body is important to gain physical healing. Emotions if they are not “released” in a healthy way are stored in the body in certain organs and systems. If these stay trapped for periods of time they then cause that system to break down, malfunction, or mess-up the DNA and cell. Thus then causes them to “go wacko”. Understanding this knowledge of how our physical health is affected and what emotions are stored in what area, and then how to release it can be a great tool. Brilliant minds have understood this and it has been talked about and studied fir a long time. The Science Burying emotions without processing them in a healthy way can cause a host of problems. Our minds and bodies really are interrelated, something the Western medical community is finally coming to believe. More and more evidence is mounting that our emotions have a direct effect on our bodies. • Researchers at Duke University Medical Center looked at patients with atherosclerosis and found that those without emotional support from a spouse or friend had a 50% mortality rate over 5 years compared with a 17% mortality rate for those with this crucial support. • Researchers at the Montreal Heart Institute found that heart attack patients with depression had a 6-month mortality rate of 16%. Those who didn’t suffer from depression had a 3% rate. • A major study of 17,000 people found that those who had experienced one or more adverse childhood events (over half the participants!) were four to 50 times more likely to have physical illnesses, ranging from heart disease, fractures, alcoholism, and diabetes to obesity or eating disorders, and more.


Body and Emotions “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.” ― Nikola Tesla Sit down and pinpoint what you are feeling and why. If it is old, it might be an experience you had, it isn’t necessary to revisit or remember the traumas we have forgotten or suppressed in order to heal. Simply learning to acknowledge and release the emotions we are experiencing in the present can effectively release old wounds. You then want to replace it, or fill that space with an emotion you DO want to feel, or the positive instead of the negative. Here is a basic chart to guide you. Look for the system or organs you are having physical problems with and then find the emotion. Try and ask your self why you are feeling this, even if you can link it to anything you can still release it. One of the best ways to start recognizing your emotions is by answering the question: What do I feel right now? Are you lonely, jealous, resentful, stressed, angry? Pick a word that describes what you are feeling in the moment and write it in a little notebook. If you can’t seem to find the words for what you’re feeling, Google “list of emotions” online and you’ll find plenty. Don’t suppress what you are feeling. Find a place where you can be alone and quiet. Breathe deeply and become aware of your body. Gently bring your attention to each area of your body in which you feel tense or uncomfortable. See if you can consciously relax that area, and let yourself experience the feelings that come up. Keep in mind that you may need some practice at this before you arrive at any deep insights. Above all, just let the feelings be and don’t try to change them. The Harmonic Scale of Emotion, as described by Robert Tennyson Stevens, indicates which emotions are a high frequency and which ones are not. The highest frequency emotion is enthusiasm. Love and joy also fall into this category. This is followed by pain (emotional or physical) which is followed by anger. The next lower frequency emotion is fear, which is followed by grief. Below grief is apathy. Finally, the lowest frequency emotion is unconsciousness (meaning it is so awful we have completely blocked out those situations from our lives). Identify Truth and Lies Our emotions are usually based on the beliefs and perceptions that we developed in childhood; Things that we were taught by our parents, that they were taught by their parents, and on and on. For example, if you were raised by parents who believed that money is hard to come by and that there is never enough to go around, you may also have a belief in scarcity—a cup that is always half empty. If you can become aware of the beliefs you’ve inherited that no longer serve you, then you can identify them as lies and not keep being at the mercy of your automatic emotional reactions.


Have you ever found yourself lost in the swamp of depressed, miserable thinking? **Don’t try to suppress your negative thoughts. Let yourself feel them and then ask yourself: Why am I saying that to myself? This is part of being aware of your feelings, and it is a useful step towards emotional healing. Accept and Love your self the way you are. How you think, feel, believe- Identify what is not for your highest good and then release in the way you choose. Resources Something’s I always have on hand to help is the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, the Power of the Subconscious Mind, and The Body Electric, are great resources to have on hand with directories to look up more specific areas of the body that have pain to then what emotion is connected there. These books will help give you a basic foundation for this and help in a paradigm shift by giving you more understanding. Ways of releasing: Crying Yelling Running Working out Writing things down then burn or flush it away. This way, they are out of your head and heart and onto the paper Scribbling Drawing Sports Being in Nature Visualization Mantras- saying specific words like “I release this anger from my liver” Music And…. Fragrance! It is one of the easiest and quickest ways to release and move through a negative emotion so it doesn’t get “stored” and choose a more positive one. As a fragrance is inhaled, millions of olfactory receptor cells which line the inside of the nose are picking up the molecules from the fragrance which causes the nervous system to fire and send messages to the limbic portion of the brain. Each one of the hundreds of millions of nerve cells within this membrane is replaced every 28 days! The lining of nerve cells triggers electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb, which then transmits the impulses to the gustatory center (where the sensation of taste is perceived), the amygdala (where emotional memories are stored) and other parts of the limbic system of the brain which control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels and hormone balance. And all of this happens in less than a second! Essential oils are the most natural and best way to heal emotions. Being pure and from the earth, they have a high vibration and don’t cause side effects. They are not


made from synthetics and wont cause toxic over load. They also change the genetic structuring by calming the central nervous system through the amygdala and pineal gland, enabling the release of stored trauma and negative emotions. Studies with brain wave frequency have shown that smelling lavender increases alpha waves in the back of the head, which are associated with relaxation. Fragrance of Jasmine increases beta waves in the front of the head, which are associated with a more alert state. Scientific studies have also shown that essential oils contain chemical components that can exert specific effects on the mind and body. A fragrance company in Japan conducted studies to determine the effects of smell on people. They have pumped different EO fragrances in an area where a number of keyboard entry operators were stationed and monitored the number of mistakes made as a function of the smell in the air. The results were as follows: -When we are exposed to lavender oil fragrance (a relaxant), the keyboard typing errors dropped 20% -When exposed to Jasmine (an uplifting fragrance), the errors dropped 33% -When exposed to Lemon Fragrance (a sharp, refreshing stimulant), the mistakes fell by a whopping 54% Systems Where Emotions are Stored This is a basic layout of which emotions store where: Liver/Gallbladder/Thyroid- Anger stores here Lungs/Large Intestines- Grief stores here Stomach/Pancreas- Worry stores here Heart/Brian/Small Intestines- Stress or Sorrow stores here Kidney/Bladder/Adrenal- Fear stores here Glands/Sexual Organs- Overwhelmed, worthless The Essential oils to aid these system and the specific emotions are as follows: Console is the oil for: Liver/Gallbladder/Thyroid- Anger stores here Motivate is the oil for: Lungs/Large Intestines- Grief stores here Cheer is the oil for: Stomach/Pancreas- Worry stores here Forgive is the oil for: Heart/Brian/Small Intestines- Stress or Sorrow stores here Passion is the oil for: Kidney/Bladder/Adrenal- Fear stores here Peace is the oil for: Glands/Sexual Organs- Overwhelmed, worthless stores here. Others I always have on hand are: Serenity- sleeping and calming, Elevation- depression and mood, Balance- first and always favorite, use on ears, to keep a balance and not so many “up and downs” Putting in the Positive emotion to replace the negative


Liver/Gallbladder/Thyroid- Anger stores here REPLACE WITH: Acceptance Lungs/Large Intestines- Grief stores here REPLACE WITH: Happiness Stomach/Pancreas- Worry stores here REPLACE WITH: Trust Heart/Brian/Small Intestines- Stress/Sorrow stores here REPLACE WITH: Excitement Kidney/Bladder/Adrenal- Fear stores here REPLACE WITH: Courage Glands/Sexual Organs- Overwhelmed, worthless REPLACE WITH: Peace Give your focus and time and energy to these emotions, change your thought pattern and say the opposite in your head when you feel yourself going back to bad habits. How To Use One of the most beneficial ways of using essential oils is aromatically. Pick the essential oil you need to address that specific emotion or system. Put 1 drop of oil in your hand and just sit for 1 min and smell it, take 3 deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You can also directly put that oil on the organ connected to that system and emotion. Do as often as needed or every morning and night. *If you cannot “pin point” an emotion just put the oil over you heart (emotional center) or over the system or organ where the emotion is stored and let the oil do the work. Essential Oils are amazing in emotional healing. I have seen time and time again and can personally testify the healing power in using these for emotional healing. A lot of the times it causes their physical pain to leave immediately. I have experiences with my own children where I saw a significant difference using them. The fragrance alone of a therapeutic essential oil can directly affect everything from your emotional state to your lifespan. The fragrance can cause an instinctive reaction because of the way smells effect the nervous system. For help in getting the oils you need or for ordering, go to www.mydoterra.com/sambec Or go to the Products page at myvibrationality.com E mail: [email protected] Copyright Vibrationality


Emotional First Aid.pdf

Page 1 of 5. 1. Emotional First Aid. “Everyone should consider his. body as a priceless gift from. one whom he loves above all, a. marvelous work of art, of. indescribable beauty, and. mystery beyond human conception, and so delicate that. a word, a breath, a look, nay, a. thought may injure it.” ― Nikola Tesla. I hope this ...

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