Frontier Mining

The Essentials

The Essentials What You Need to Mine Cryptocurrency


Frontier Mining

The Essentials




A free private database called a coin wallet. This is a password-protected container that stores your earnings and keeps a network-wide ledger of transactions. If you are mining Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin, check out Coinbase.

A free mining software package, like CCminer, if you are using a Nvidia chipset, or Claymore, if you are using AMD. There are lots of miners out there — feel free to experiment.

A membership in an online mining pool, which is a community of miners who combine their computers to increase profitability and income stability. We like Zpool and A Hash Pool, but there are many more. Make sure you trust the pool. There have been instances in the past where miners have had money stolen from them by the pool owners.


Frontier Mining

The Essentials




Membership at an online currency exchange, where you can exchange your virtual coins for conventional cash, and vice versa. Coinbase has one built into their wallet, so if you have that you should be covered, but this is dependent on the coin you decide to mine. You might need to use several exchanges to sell your newly minted coins. Some exchanges to check out are Binance, Kucoin and Polonex.

A reliable full-time internet connection, ideally 2 megabits per second or faster.

Cheap power. Running a miner 24/7 uses a lot of power. Check out profit calculators, such as this one: Profit Calc, to ensure that you will be profitable with your current power rate.


Frontier Mining 




The Essentials

A hardware setup location in your basement or in another cool and air-conditioned space. Miners tend to use high-powered fans that are extremely loud. Putting them in a space that isn’t used by people regularly is preferable, as miners will make whatever room they are in extremely hot and noisy.

A desktop or custom-built computer designed for mining. Yes, you may use your current computer to start, but you won't be able to use the computer while the miner is running. A separate dedicated computer is ideal. Do not use a laptop, gaming console or handheld device to mine. These devices just are not effective enough to generate income.

An GPU or an ASIC Miner. The cost will be anywhere from $90 (used) to $3,000 (new) for each GPU or ASIC Miner. The GPU or ASIC will be the workhorse of providing the accounting services and mining work. 4

Frontier Mining

The Essentials



A house fan to blow cool air across your mining hardware. Mining generates substantial heat, and cooling the hardware is critical for your success. Keep the temperature low to help increase the lifespan of your equipment.

Technical Understanding. You absolutely need a strong appetite for reading and constant learning, as there are ongoing technology changes and new techniques for optimizing mining results. The most successful miners spend hours every week studying the best ways to adjust and improve their coin mining performance.


Frontier Mining

The Essentials

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1041 Foothill Boulevard La Cañada, CA 91011


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combine their computers to increase profitability and income stability. We like Zpool and A Hash Pool, but there are many more. Make sure you trust the pool.

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