Are you familiar with TerraNova and Inview testing? Found out a couple days ago that my child would be subjected starting next week to these tests. My thought this morning: shouldn't this require parental consent? Especially the Inview portion. Your thoughts (if you have time)? smile emoticon Thanks!…

TerraNova InView | Testing - CTB/McGraw-Hill TerraNova InView can help educators reliably measure important skills and abilities. Learn if InView Testing from CTB is right for your students. CTB.COM

 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Yes, this is a IQ test. Informed written parental consent is the law....but schools don't follow laws and ethics.
 ‪Michele Gauze Anderson‪‪ Thank you for your speedy and honest reply!
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Michele Gauze Anderson‪‪ May I use your reply above as a quote in a letter to Rep. Andy Thompson of Ohio? He has asked me to write a letter that he will share with fellow legislators‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Michele Gauze Anderson; Yes u may use my quote, but better yet, compose a letter that shows you‬have‬done‬your‬research‬from‬ direct‬source‬references.‬‬‪ ‪1. Google: "APA Ethics Code". Find a few ethics rules that clearly apply to informed consent in testing. Quote them directly, reference it, then use my quote as a supporting reference.
 ‪Michele Gauze Anderson‪‪ Thanks, Dr. Thompson. It's been awhile since I've tried to write anything formal, and with my procrastinator tendencies, this might take all that I've got ‪

 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Michele Gauze Anderson:‬Keep‬it‬simple.‬Make‬two‬ major‬points:‬‬‪ ‪1. This IS a test of clinical psychology. (Attach the test description). ...‪ 2. Informed written consent from the parent is the ethical and legal requirement required by licensed clinical psychologists in the private sector to protect the child from harm, and being taken advantage of, and to acknowledge parental authority granted them by law. (Attach the APA ethics code....cut and past the applicable consent code(s) directly in your letter). End by asking them to explain why this test is being given in violation of standard ethics, (designed to ensure safety), in public schools. Need more "info"? About 1/4 way through my below attached presentation, I discuss ethics in testing, and show multiple slides from the APA code as evidence. Not one person or entity in the entire country, has been able to argue or criticize this line of reasoning. Because they can't without looking real stupid. Summary: keep your letter brief (one page). Make your point. Refer to your evidence. Attach the original source material in full (APA Ethics Code), ask a question to be answered. Simple. So please take the time to write this letter. This weekend. If not? I Bill out my time at $250.00 per hour...I won't send you a Bill if you follow through with this. . ‪‪ ‬
 ‪Michele Gauze Anderson‪‪ So, I'm looking at 3.10 (a & b) and 9.03 (a) and there is no way that w/in 9.03(a) (1 or 2) there is a provision in Ohio state law that mandates this testing for educational purposes w/o parental consent. Thank you for the outline. I will use this and run with it! With this knowledge, it looks like I can take on the district‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪‬Time‬was‬limited‬for‬me,‬otherwise‬I‬would‬have‬included‬ the‬national‬SCHOOL‬psychologist‬ethics‬code.‬‬‪

‪ odes‬1.1.1,‬1.1.2,‬and‬1.1.3‬clearly‬outline‬inform‬consent‬ethics,‬ C and‬outline‬exceptions‬(minor‬psych‬review‬services,‬and‬emergencies)....‬ Giving‬a‬cognitive/IQ‬test‬without‬consent,‬for‬the‬purposes‬you‬described,‬ does‬not‬cut‬it.‬‬‪ ‪So slam them‬with‬both‬ethics‬codes.‬.‬‬‪ ‪ et‬your‬direct‬source‬evidence‬"do‬the‬talking"‬one‬"cares"‬ L about‬what‬you‬have‬to‬say.‬‬‪ ‪I'm‬a‬doctor,‬and‬as‬you‬can‬see,‬I‬even‬followed‬my‬own‬advice‬in‬ the‬presentation.‬‬‪ ‪I made it about the evidence,‬not‬me‬or‬my‬"opinion".‬‬‪ ‪‪‪
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪‬Be‬prepared,‬however,‬for‬a‬"non-response".‬‬‪ ‪W hich means, you did your job well. It won't change a damn thing, but you can share you stuff, and the non response of the school, with other parents‪ ‬‬
 ‪Michele Gauze Anderson‪‪ My last comment should be a question - Is there a way that Ohio law could mandate IQ testing for educational purposes w/o parental consent? I'm not a lawyer and I know you aren't either. ORC 3324.03 School districts to identify gifted students. (A) A student shall be identified as exhibiting "superior cognitive ability" if the student did either of the following within the preceding twenty-four months: (1) Scored two standard deviations above the mean, minus the standard error of measurement, on an approved individual standardized intelligence test administered by a licensed school psychologist or licensed psychologist; (2) Accomplished any one of the following: (a) Scored at least two standard deviations above the mean, minus the standard error of measurement, on an approved standardized group intelligence test; (b) Performed at or above the ninety-fifth percentile on an approved individual or group standardized basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test... Those words standardized group intelligence test are not sitting well with me.
 ‪ ‬‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪‬Now‬you‬are‬straying‬into‬another‬subject:‬scope‬of‬ practice‬and‬the‬interpretations‬of‬psychological‬instruments.‬‬‪ ‪Not‬a‬winnable‬war‬or‬argument.‬.‬‬‪ ‪They‬"practice"‬within‬their‬limited‬scope‬and‬mission.‬My‬private‬

doctors?‬We‬are‬able‬to‬provide‬a‬broader‬and‬more‬integrated‬approach‬ to‬evaluating‬a‬child.‬‬‪ ‪Solution? Get a independent evaluation from a doctoral level child psychologist. If the‬school‬conclusions‬differ‬widely‬from‬your‬private‬care‬ professional?‬‬‪ ‪Take‬your‬kid,‬pull‬him‬out‬of‬school,‬and‬go‬home.‬‬‪ ‪ school psychologist can legally and ethically use the test you A showed. Traditionally, this is administered during‬the‬course‬of‬a‬IEP‬ evaluation‬request...which‬always‬include‬written‬signed‬informed‬consent‬ from‬the‬parent.‬Legal.‬Ethical.‬‬‪ ‪IF, however, a teacher is sticking a entire classroom of kids in front of a computer and administering this test as part‬of‬measuring‬adherence‬ to‬common‬core‬standards‬(or‬any‬other‬reason),‬without‬informed‬ consent‬of‬the‬parent?‬Then‬they‬clearly‬are‬playing‬fast‬and‬loose‬with‬ ethics‬laws‬designed‬to‬protect‬kids‬from‬exploration‬and‬harm.‬‬‪ I‪f you have evidence‬that‬the‬test‬you‬provided‬above‬is‬being‬used‬ in‬this‬manner,‬then‬you‬have‬a‬case.‬‬‪ ‪Otherwise? You don't.
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ public school special education? It's a broken system that will only get worst under common core.
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Ann Marie Banfield‪‪ Gary Thompson this is GREAT info. Thank you. It's hard to hold a school accountable when parents have no idea about any of this.
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Ann Marie Banfield:‬the‬ultimate‬point‬of‬my‬presentation,‬ that‬many‬parents‬have‬missed‬is‬this:‬‬‪ I‪t‬is‬now‬impossible‬to‬hold‬the‬schools‬accountable.‬Agendas‬do‬ not‬take‬into‬account‬either‬evidence,‬or‬parental‬wishes.‬No‬matter‬how‬ strong.‬‬‪ ‪You‬(and‬others)‬are‬fighting‬a‬agenda.‬‬‪ ‪Ball‬game‬over.‬‬‪ ‪The only viable solution to‬that‬problem‬is‬massive‬holdouts‬and‬ opting‬out‬of‬testing.‬‬‪

I‪n my culturally compliant state of Utah, that will never happen. As such, I refuse to participate in a war that parents themselves are not willing to use the only viable tool to stop the‬problem:‬‬‪ ‪Civil‬disobedience.‬‬‪ ‪My‬community‬gets‬what‬my‬community‬allows.‬They‬are‬fine‬with‬ education‬reforms‬as‬a‬whole.‬‬‪ ‪Good luck with that.
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪‬Parental‬passion,‬and‬mounds‬of‬accurate‬evidence,‬ have‬no‬chance‬against‬the‬Billion‬dollar‬corporate‬interests‬embedded‬in‬ public‬schools.‬‬‪ ‪ hat is the only way to shut down a corporation? Walk away. Don't W feed the machine.

 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Edward Flint:‬can't‬beat‬a‬agenda‬in‬a‬IDEA‬trial‬either.‬‬‪ ‬
 ‪Edward Flint‪‪ Can't fight a school district willing to spend $200,000 of taxpayer money to fight a case they could have settled and paid all the expenses of special education for 1/4 of that over several years.
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Michele Gauze Anderson‪‪ I'm reposting the following that I posted in our Stop Common Core in Ohio group. ‪ This along with the principal's comments when I asked would TerraNova testing be in all subject areas (Yes) and what is InView (IQ testing) and if these would be on computer (No, paper/pencil). "I have been livid the past two days. Received a letter from my son's teacher letting us know of upcoming testing dates. Here's the rundown: January 20-30 - Grade 3 TerraNova and Inview February 25 - PARCC math (90 minutes am, 90 minutes pm) March 2-13 - Performance Based Assessments April 28-30 - OAA Reading This list doesn't include i-ready end of year (EOY) tests in math and reading or ODE diagnostic tests in Math and Writing. What do you think about all this testing Andy Thompson? I went into the principal's office today and reminded him that I attempted to turn in PARCC refusal in December and would be getting a letter to him very soon. Procrastinator! I wanted to know why all this other testing was coming down, especially this TerraNova when 3rd graders already have all these other tests. Both principal and asst. principal were in the office. One asked if I'd seen the article in The Columbus Dispatch about Ross from ODE wanting to decrease the testing. TerraNova is coming down from our district. What a way to smother the love of learning!" The thought

about parental consent didn't hit me until this morning. ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ If what you cited above is accurate and concise, and informed written consent is NOT obtained, it is clearly the largest group act of unethical behavior in the field‬of‬"testing"‬that‬I‬have‬ever‬heard‬of‬in‬ the‬Country.‬‬‪ ‪Send my congratulations to the administrator who is watching over this.‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪‬That‬said,‬they‬simply‬do‬not‬give‬the‬slightest,‬minimal‬ amount‬of‬crap‬about‬ethics.‬‬‪ When that becomes clear to you after confronting them, you will more than likely become cynical as Mr. Flint and I.
 ‬‬ ‪Ann Marie Banfield‪‪‬To‬clarify,‬would‬the‬ethical‬application‬to‬the‬Terra‬Nova‬ then‬also‬apply‬to‬the‬PARCC‬and‬SBAC?‬‪ ‪Is that because the assessments are not simply testing academic knowledge?
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Allison M. Shipe‪‪ Do u guys ever get the idea that if you/I choose to send our children through the doors of most any public Ed school, we no longer, as parents have rights?‪ ‬

 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Ann Marie Banfield:‬Yes‬indeed‬it‬does.‬‬‪ ‪Made‬that‬argument‬very‬clear‬in‬the‬presentation.‬.‬Which‬I‬will‬ refer‬you‬too.‬.‬‪ ‪Oh...and not a soul can provide evidence that that the common core tests are just a academic test (hint: it's not). See presentation. ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪ Allison M. Shipe: yup. That ship has also sailed ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪This‬whole‬ethics‬thing?‬It's‬pretty‬much‬the‬one‬hole‬the‬ Core‬developers‬and‬PR‬crew‬has‬yet‬to‬prepare‬for‬and‬provide‬scripts‬to‬ their‬minions.‬‬‪ ‪It's fun to bring up stuff that is not on their script. .
 ‪ ‬
 ‪Gary Thompson‪‪‬Or‬at‬least‬it‬was‬fun.‬‬‪I'm‬done.‬‪

Ethical Testing Dr.T.pdf

smile emoticon. Thanks! TerraNova InView | Testing - CTB/McGraw-Hill. TerraNova InView can help ...

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