6 April 2018
Dear FCRH Freshman: Good afternoon. Soon, you will register for fall 2018 courses. Please review these ten (10) important points, followed by the course registration timetable. Understanding both will help you register more efficiently. --------------------------------------------------1. When emailing the Dean's Office or your Core Advisor, include your full name, FIDN, 5-digit CRN (course reference number) and course code (example: PHIL 3000-R13) of the course in question, and your specific request. Be clear and concise. 2. FCRH students should register for FCRH courses: Search by college ("Fordham College/Rose Hill") within "Advanced Search" on the "Browse Classes" screen. 3. FCRH students should not register for any course whose section number is preceded by a "C" (C01), an "E" (E01), or a "W" (W01). Such courses are not approved for FCRH freshmen and/or are from different colleges within Fordham not counting towards your FCRH degree. 4. If registering for a majors/pre-health level science course, be sure to register for all components of the course, which may include lecture, lab, and recitation. Enter all of the 5-digit CRNs together when registering. To check for these corequisites, click on the course title from the "Advanced Search" results page and look within the "Corequisites" tab. 5. Some advanced disciplinary courses have prerequisites. If you are not currently enrolled in or have completed such courses, the system will not permit you to register for the higher-level course. To check for prerequisites, click on the course title from the "Advanced Search" results page and look within the "Prerequisites" tab. 6. All "Texts & Contexts" sections are EP2, and all EP2 sections are "Texts & Contexts." Note that there are some EP2 courses that are offered outside the English department, but fulfill this requirement. Search by course attribute on the "Advanced Search" page to find these. Note as well that you are permitted to take both an EP2 and an EP3 in the same semester. 7. If a section is closed, then you need to search for an open section. Specific requests for an override into a closed course section need to be directed to the associate chair of the given department. Professors and deans do not override course enrollments. 8. The night before you register, check that your desired courses remain open, so that you can rearrange your schedule as needed. 9. During the registration period (Monday, 4/16, and Wednesday, 4/18), Mr. Rametta and I are available to meet with students on a first-come, first-serve basis, given the large volume of inquiries. No scheduled appointments will be made.
KEATING HALL, ROOM 302 | BRONX, NY 10458 | (718) 817-4725 | FAX: (718) 817-5752
10. Remember, your Core Advisor must review and approve your ideal schedule of five (5) courses, each with two (2) backups, in order to have your advising hold removed on my.fordham. Please do not procrastinate; you unnecessarily delay your ability to register. I cannot remove your hold. Only your advisor is permitted to remove the hold to ensure that you are educated about your academic plan. Also, check to see if you have any other holds (financial/billing, etc.) since they will also prevent registration. To check for holds, click on "Prepare for Registration" within the "Look Up Classes & Student Registration" link within "Self-Service Applications" on the Student Tab. A message from St. Ignatius of Loyola: Be kind to your classmates. Do not register selfishly for a course/section that you intend to drop later and have it serve as a placeholder to complete your schedule. One of your classmates might need or want that course. That classmate might be you. --------------------------------------------------To determine your eligibility, see below. You are able to register beginning at 7:00 am on your eligibility date. Course Registration Timetable: Your eligibility is based on credits already earned (AP and IB credits, prior college courses, earned fall semester credits), NOT ones in progress this semester. See the page on DegreeWorks on the Core Advising Website for instructions on how to check your number of earned credits. Fordham College at Rose Hill
Friday, April 6, 2018: Students who have earned 83 credits and above. Monday-Tuesday, April 9-10, 2018: Students who have earned 60-82 credits. Wednesday-Thursday, April 11-12, 2018: Students who have earned 49-59 credits. Friday, April 13, 2018: Students who have earned 30-48 credits and above. Monday-Tuesday, April 16-17, 2018: Students who have earned 19-29 credits. Wednesday April 18, 2018: Students who have earned 0-18 credits The last day for add/drop or late registration is September 6, 2018. --------------------------------------------------Thank you. Regards, Dean Parmach