St. Timothy Lutheran Church 473 Seventh Street, Menasha, Wisconsin 54952 (920) 725-2622

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God’s work. Our hands.

February 2017 Dear friends, It certainly seems that “too busy” is the lament of our frenetic age. We’re a nation driven to squeeze as much out of life as we can. As a result, we seek the latest in time-saving conveniences which only seem to free us to become involved in more things which in turn only free us to become more and more busy. And then comes the church … asking for its share of time and often finding itself not able to compete in the time wars that rage daily through people’s lives. Martin Luther once said that when life was becoming especially busy, he would make it a point to spend an extra hour each day in prayer. There’s something to be said for that. Life needs a focus. Life needs a point and standard from which to measure the worth of all that we do. I believe that God as revealed in Jesus is that point and standard. The relationship with God by which all our activities can be measured and judged is nourished by prayer, worship, and Bible study. Unfortunately, in anything that demands more of our time, we often become defensive. We already don’t have enough time (or so we think) and our faith in God is something that is self-sustaining (or so we think). As a result, sometimes the actions of faith (such as prayer, worship, and Bible study) become causalities in the time wars. It’s not that we don’t care for these faith practices and we may even feel some sadness that we don’t do these as often as we’d like, it’s just that in the time wars they are often the first causalities of our busy lives. Maybe Martin Luther knew something as he fought his own time wars. He knew that the actions of faith, more than being a drain on our precious time, were really allies in the battle. They didn’t take time, they gave time. In our lives our busyness is often only our perception of things. It’s that way because of our choices. Taking time to get in touch with one’s spiritual center through prayer, worship, and reflection on Scripture can put life in its proper perspective. It’s no accident that a very common therapy for being over-stressed and burned out is sorting out one’s core values and getting in touch with God. My hope for all of us is that what we stand for as a congregation, that what our faith in Jesus Christ is all about, can be our ally in the time wars that rage about us. It’s here that God meets us. It’s here that God says stop and take a breather that will empower you for life and not drain you further. Even Jesus, looking at the busyness of his day said, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-29) So … if “too busy” is the lament of our age, maybe Jesus is the answer. Come and meet him! See you in church!

Pastor David Skarsten

Parish Registry Baptisms + Serena Garrow (adult) on January 22, 2017. + Ace Ecklund, son of Trenton Ecklund and Serena Garrow, on January 22, 2017. Those celebrating birthdays in February are: David Uttecht, Sr. Bill Schulze Matthew Selig Helen Kumrow Charles Miller Eugene Frahm Lily Walsh Chris Kline Diane Mattson Steve Agen Jeremy Bauman Thomas Lemke III Joan Pekel Mitchell Reetz Allyson Samp Genevieve Gawlick Barbara Scheatz Jessica Flohr

02/03 02/03 02/03 02/04 02/04 02/05 02/05 02/09 02/10 02/12 02/12 02/12 02/13 02/13 02/14 02/15 02/17 02/17

Layne Solis Chris Flohr Sara Kinnunen Jaden Lohff Kelley Otto Jack Carlson Karen Zettler Doug Pomerenke Starr Sackett Joan Bruce Maddy Hanagan Angela Apfelbeck Molly Vaughan Aeron Schmidt Connor Bauman

02/17 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/23 02/24 02/24 02/25 02/25 02/26 02/27 02/27 02/28

Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Phone (920) 725-2622 Web Page Your Staff Rev. David Skarsten Pastor Debbie Peterson Administrative Assistant Karen Lamia Financial Administrator Mary Ellen Pomerenke Organist Kevin Plekan Music Director What’s Inside Church Announcements Church Council Minutes February Calendar Pastor’s Message

Flower chart for 2017 is available in the narthex. If you wish to recognize a special person or event, write your name on the date chosen with an explanation as to what it is (i.e. birthday, baptism, wedding anniversary, etc.). The cost is $35 which you may place in the offering plate marked “altar flowers” or mail your payment to the Church office. Payment should be received in the Church office by the Wednesday before your flowers will be placed on the altar. Thank you! Choice Dollars – Designate Your 2016 Dollars Are you a member of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans? Do you have 2016 Choice Dollars available to direct? If you do, you can help St. Tim’s in a BIG way! The deadline for directing 2016 dollars is March 31. To help our congregation, simply direct your Choice Dollars to St. Tim’s. There are two easy ways to make your direction. Go to Choice or call 800-Thrivent (800-847-4836). Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to generate some income for our church! Contact Marisa Jones, Financial Associate of Thrivent at (773) 666-3787 or [email protected] with any additional questions. Sunday’s adult education class – Join us for a “Faith Lessons on the Promised Land” video discussion series with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan. You’re welcome to attend all the sessions or only a few - Sundays from 10:15 to 11 a.m. in the lounge. These videos, filmed in Israel and the Middle East where Bible events actually took place, weave together historical, cultural, and geographical contexts to reveal keen insights into how people in biblical times understood God and Jesus’ teaching. In this first volume of the “Faith Lessons,” discover how God guided his people to a specific place - The Promised Land - to impact the world both in ancient times and today! + February 5 – Peter Mariahazy leads the discussion + February 12 – Beth Meltz leads the discussion + February 19 – Pastor Skarsten leads the discussion + February 26 – Confirmation Independent Projects (New Testament focus) in the fellowship hall

Confirmation and High School student news and information + Unity Worship Service – Confirmation students and adult mentors will be going to the annual Fox Cities Unity Worship on Wednesday, February 1 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in downtown Appleton. + Confirmation Camp is June 18-23 at Pine Lake Camp near Waupaca. Pine Lake Camp is one of 3 Crossways Camps; the other 2 camps are Imago Dei Village in Clintonville and Waypost near Wausau. + Mission Trip to St. Louis is July 16-21. Students attending are Laura Burrows, Michael Burrows, Lauren Jacobs, Olivia Jacobs, Gabbie Mitchell, Lauren Reetz, and Cali Smith. Adults attending are Dori Smith and Pastor.

2016 Budget Needs Budgeted expenses Income received

$246,474 $258,551

Year-to-date surplus as of December 31, 2016


SCRIP SALES Cards 159 1232

Card Value $5,485.00

Card Cost $5,311.64



December Income $173.36 2016 Income $1,447.28

You Can Be A Winner! - Your name will be entered in a drawing for a free $25 gift card every time you make a purchase through the scrip program during the month of February. You may choose from any of the cards on the cash-and-carry list. The winner will be drawn on February 28. If you haven’t purchased scrip cards yet, now is the time. Stop in the hallway and check it out! Giving Tree - The February Giving Tree has been designated for the Boys & Girls Club of Menasha. In operation since 1998, Boys & Girls Clubs serve 13,000 youth annually at seven Fox Valley locations by providing a safe, fun, and healthy environment to inspire and enable all young people to become respectful, caring, and productive citizens. We are fortunate to have a club as our new neighbor. If you wish to make an offering towards this, please place your donation in an envelope taken from the Giving Tree located in the narthex or a tan envelope in the pew rack and drop it in the offering plate. Thank you!

Please send an e-mail to [email protected] to request the monthly newsletter via e-mail.

Initial Offering – Did you know that the Initial Offering Envelope is intended to go towards alleviating the cost of your yearly offering envelopes? The envelopes currently cost us approximately $900. Initial Offerings received in the past have been just over $600. Please consider using that envelope to help offset the cost. A suggested Initial offering would be $5 to $10. Thank you!

No checks, no cash, no fuss! – Did you know that you can have your pledge amount automatically deducted from your checking or savings account every month? You can choose whatever day of the month works best for you. You will still receive a box of envelopes to use for holidays or special occasions. Electronic giving makes it easy to keep up your pledge even when you are away. Please contact Karen Lamia in the Finance Office (7252622) to get your deduction started now!

Mitten Tree - Help keep a child warm this winter by donating mittens to our mitten tree! The Service Committee is collecting handmade and store bought hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves during the months of February and March. We are collecting these for the Menasha Joint School District to help keep the kids warm this winter. Please place any donations in marked bins in the quiet room off the narthex. Thanks for helping keep a child warm this winter! Notes of Thanks! Thank you so much to the Service Committee for sponsoring the Star Tree Project again this past December. It brightens the day for nursing home residents like my husband when they are remembered with a special gift. A big “Thank You” also to the Christmas Carolers who sang at Oakridge Gardens. My husband said you sounded “beautiful.” He also enjoyed the chocolates you gave him. They were gone that night. May God Bless all of you, Alice Gazecki Dear Members of St. Timothy, Thank you for your generous donation of $75 to our Christmas Community Dinner that was held on Saturday, December 10 at St. Paul’s. This dinner helped provide 300+ individuals with an opportunity to celebrate the holidays in true spirit of CHRISTmas. This event is truly a culmination of love and respect with 7 area churches working together to create a fantastic celebration and holiday feast! Thank you again! Most Sincerely, Kathleen Wollersheim Fox Valley Community Table Site Director Dear Members of St. Timothy, Thank you very much for the gift bags you sent over to Prairie Homes. My mother had the biggest smile on her face when she saw her new blanket. All the other residents enjoyed their gifts as well. God Bless, Della House of Grace Dear Friends, Families and Members of St. Timothy, A heart-felt word of thanks to all of you that helped in any way, our participants, those who organized, and those who served at the Children’s service on January 8th. With schedule delays due to the weather, we appreciate your flexibility to bring this program to completion! We heard nothing but positive comments from a fellowship hall filled with people! Thank you to those who attended and we hope this service touched your heart in a special way…JESUS! Please keep our former student, Tony Brodhagen and his family in your thoughts and prayers. May God’s healing hand be upon them, and give them His strength and power in this time of need. We hope to see you this Sunday in church! Your Spark Team Pre-Baptism Class – If you or your child would like to be baptized, there will be a pre-baptism class on Wednesday, February 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the lounge. Please call the Church office at 725-2622 or email [email protected] to register. First Communion – Classes for students in 5th grade and older take place on the following Wednesdays – March 1 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., March 8 and March 15 from 7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Parent(s) should plan on attending classes with your child. First Communion Sunday will be on Sunday, March 26 at the 9 a.m. service. If you have questions, please speak with Pastor David at 725-2622 or email him at [email protected]

The St. Timothy Lutheran Church Players present: “Godspell” March 10, 11 at 7:00 PM and March 12 at 2:00 PM March 17, 18 at 7:00 PM and March 19 at 2:00 PM Doors open 1 hour prior to the show! Seating is first come, first served Admission is a free will offering. Lent at St. Timothy – join us! + Ash Wednesday services at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. (March 1) + Lent midweek services at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. – 35 minutes (March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5). + Soup Supper at 5:30 p.m. (March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5). Bring your family to the fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m. for this meal of food and fellowship. A free-will offering will be taken.

St. Timothy Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, December 20, 2016 Present: Steve Bergner, Mike Elter, Stephanie Jacobs, Arnie Jones, Jeff Montour, Greg Oberstadt, Pastor Skarsten, Kris Stahl, Merrie Weyenberg Absent: Pam Ronski Meeting called to order at 6:10pm by Steve. The devotion was shared by Jeff. January Devotion – Merrie. Last Month's Minutes: M/S/C Stephanie/Greg to approve the minutes for November 15, 2016. All voting aye. Treasurer's Report: Jeff Montour reviewed the November 2016 Treasurer's report, which reflects budgeted and non-budgeted items. M/S/C Stephanie/Merrie to accept the Treasurer's report as written. All voting aye. Finance: Finance committee council report dated December 20 was provided. Scrip sales were up in October! A contest for a $25 scrip card coming in January and February, with the drawing at the end of February. Wish list items: Nothing added now, discussion on a new sign. Target the annual meeting timing for discussion and to have it on the list. Greg has the lead. Giving Tree Designation: December – heating expenses, January – St. Joseph Food Pantry, February – Boys and Girls Club Committee Reports: Youth: Mission trip to St. Louis at the end of July is planned. Up to 6 students to commit to the trip. Chaperones are already identified. Worship: No report. Report dated November 8 was provided. Education: Every student is going to confirmation camp at Pine Lake in June. All students are going, 5 of 6 students are repeat attendees! On December 10, confirmation students (and others) spent time at St. Paul’s church supporting Community Table Christmas Dinner. Stephanie plans to continue to lead this effort for St. Timothy. Hospitality: No report.

Service: No report.

Property: Carpets in the church were cleaned. Music room, nursery, council room carpeted and painted.

The number of participants in the cleaning and painting day was outstanding. Great to see! The new snow blower works very well. Everyone appreciates John Weber’s support of the snow removal and salting in our parking lot. Thanks John!! And thank you Greg for coordinating all of the work at the church! Evangelism: Update on the idea to distribute a cookie with a note from St. Timothy. Plan is to complete this around Valentine’s Day and Easter. Stewardship: No report.

Human Development: No report.

Personnel/Mutual Ministry: No report. Theatrical Ministry: Auditions start at the beginning of January. All looking forward to Godspell March 10, 11, 12 and 17, 18, 19. Other: The shoebox effort was very successful. Over 90 boxes provided with many necessities. Great work and leadership from Kris Stahl and all involved in supporting this effort. Pastor's Report: Pastor included a calendar of events for the coming months, highlighting Christmas service opportunities. Ministry Night is Tuesday January 10th. Appleton conference annual meeting is being held at St. Timothy on Saturday February 4th. Debbie Peters requesting release from membership. M/S/C Kris/Greg to accept this request. All voting aye. Pastor shared status of council member changes and needs. Thank you Arnie, Jeff and Steve for your leadership and support!!

Old Business: Account with AT&T is resolved! Great work Jeff!!! Insurance is renewed! Thanks Stephanie!!! Thanks to Steve and Greg for being available to take receipt of and confirm good condition of the new tables! Sherry brought forward issue of nursery being used as Sunday school - families with young children (not in Sunday school) would like access to the nursery. The Sunday school moved rooms and this issue is resolved. Thank you! New Business: 2017 budget proposal reviewed by Jeff. Budget almost complete, waiting for final information from 2016 – final service is December 25, pledges and giving open until the final day of the year – to have actuals. M/S/C Stephanie/Greg to accept the budget as presented to be approved with the understanding that numbers will change as we approach December 31. All voting aye. Congregational meeting will be January 29th. M/S/C Stephanie/Arnie to start congregational meeting at 10:30 and provide child care. Children’s and Adult Sunday school will be canceled that day. Goal is to raise attendance. All voting aye. Greg brought forward the idea of digital marketing through Facebook. Council agreed to learn more about this process and how it works. Greg will help educate us on this topic. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 17 at 6 pm. M/S/C Mike/Stephanie to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 pm. All voting aye. The Lord's Prayer ended the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Mike Elter

Christmas Happenings at St. Timothy’s

Confirmation students helped fill and wrap shoeboxes for the 19th Annual Care and Share Christmas Shoe Box Project.

The Worship Committee and some Christmas Volunteers decorating the church lounge for the Christmas season.

Sunday School children waiting for the January 8th Children’s Christmas Program to begin.

Spark Sunday School - Winter/Spring Semester Calendar 2017 1. Jesus’ Baptism

Matthew 3: 13-17

January 22, 2017

2. St. Timothy Annual Meeting (during Education Hour)

January 29, 2017

3. The Disciples

February 5, 2017


Matthew 4:12-23; 9:9-13; 10:1-4

Valentine’s Day/ Hearts for Jesus

5. The Lord’s Prayer

God is Love, Love one another

Matthew 6:5-15

6. Woman at the Well

John 4:5-42

February 12, 2017 February 19, 2017 February 26, 2017

7. A Storm

Matthew 8:23-27

March 5, 2017

8. The Centurion’s Servant

Matthew 8: 5-13

March 12, 2017

9. Jesus Blesses the Children

Mark 10: 13-16

March 19, 2017

10. Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Matthew 20:29-34

March 26, 2017

11. The Sower

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

April 2, 2017

12. Palm Sunday – Jesus rides in Jerusalem, The Lord’s Supper – Maundy Thursday April 9, 2017 13. Easter Sunday – He is Risen

No Sunday School

April 16, 2017

14. The Story of Easter – Jesus on the Cross and the Resurrection

April 23, 2017

15. The Good Samaritan

(Healing Service Sunday)

April 30. 2017

16. Teacher’s Choice Sunday

(Gifts for Mother’s / Father’s Day)

May 7, 2017

17. Children’s Crafts and Creativity Sunday – Fellowship Hall

May 14, 2017

Final day of Sunday school for the Spring Semester is May 14, 2017 - Happy Mother’s Day Happy Father’s Day – June 18th, 2017

Dear Friends and Families, Spark Sunday school’s designated offering will benefit Crossways Camping Ministries of Wisconsin, supporting Pine Lake near Waupaca, Imago Dei Village in Clintonville, and Waypost, near Wausau. Thank you for your support of children and family ministries!

Mary Ellen Pomerenke

Help Wanted! St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 Name ______________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Email ________________________________________ Please check those items for which you are willing to commit your time and energy. Please contact Administrative Assistant Debbie Peterson at 725-2622 or [email protected] for more information about any of these opportunities to serve. One-time Opportunities I am willing to… __ Be a helper for the musical Godspell (example: painting, set design, building sets, etc.) Contact Steve Bergner at 810-1910 or Terry Weiland at 202-2088 Volunteers for the Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, March 1 at 6:30 p.m. __

Lector: 1 Volunteer Needed


Communion Assistant: 1 Volunteer Needed


Ushers: 2 Volunteers Needed


Greeter: 1 Volunteers Needed


Nursery: 1 student and 1 adult needed On-going Opportunities

I am willing to... __

Usher with a team every 8 weeks at the 9 a.m. service (Jeff Luehring’s team is short a regular usher)


Serve on the altar guild for the 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning worship service.


Serve as a counter (once every 6 weeks)


Empty the trash in the little kitchenette off the lounge and small bathroom in office areas.


I need more information before committing to one of these opportunities. Please contact me.

If you need volunteers for an upcoming event, please call 725-2622 or email Debbie at [email protected]

February newsletter - 2017.pdf

deducted from your checking or savings account. every month? You can choose whatever day of the. month works best for you. You will still receive a.

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