´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªÞf CXØfSX ´fiQZVf ÀfZ ´fiIYfdVf°f dõX·ff¿fe¹f Àff~fdWXIY Àf¸ff¨ffSX ´fÂf
RNI NO.UPBIL/2017/74008
Email :
[email protected]
½f¿fÊ : 01
AaIY : 12
ÀfOÞXIY ¹ff°ff¹ff°f IYe Àf¸fÀ¹ff AüSX CXÀfIYf Àf¸ff²ff³f..
18 ÀfZ 24 dQÀf¸¶fSXX, 2017
dQ»»fe ¸fZa NaXOX ÀfZ »fû¦fûÔ IYe WbXBÊX ¸fÈ°¹f...
Àf¸´ffQIY : Àfc¹fÊ ´fiIYfVf
´fÈâX : 08
NaOX ·ffE 04 ·fe,Àf°ffE ·fe ..
Jerusalem, the USA and misplaced priorities of the ...
¸fc»¹f : 5 ÷Y´f¹fZ
A³fb¿IYf d½fSXfMX IYû d¶f¦f ¶fe IYf ...
¦fbªfSXf°f ¨fb³ff½f ³f°feªff °f¹f IYfa¦fiZÀf ¸fZÔ WbXAf SXfWbX»f SXfªf IYSmX¦ff ·fd½f¿¹f IYe QVff-dQVff ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff
xqtjkrA ,fDtV iksy us bdrjQk ?kksf"kr dj fn;k gS fd xqtjkr vkSj fgekpy çns'k esa fdldh ljdkj cusxhA ysfdu dy vkus okyk pqukoh urhtk yacs oä ds fy, jktuhfrd vkSj vkfFkZd jkg dh fn'kk Hkh r; dj nsxkA Hkktik dh ftruh cM+h thr] lqèkkj ds mrus gh cM+s dneA yacs Hkfo"; ds fy, uhao vkSj jktuhfrd :i ls jktx dk lq–
yM+k tk jgk Fkk rks mldk çHkko Hkh dqN oSlk gh gksxk blesa vk'p;Z ughaA ;g vkSj ckr gS fd 'kq: ls gh xqtjkr esa Hkktik ljdkj dh okilh dks mlh rjg ekuk tk jgk Fkk ftl rjg 2019 esa eksnh ljdkj dh okilh dk vkdyu fd;k tkrk jgk gSA ;kuh nksuksa pquko tqM+s gSaA ,fDtV iksy us tks vkdyu fd;k gS mlds vuqlkj Hkktik yxHkx iqjkus vkadM+ksa ds lkFk gh xqtjkr esa okil gksxhA lkseokj dks iÙkk [kqy tk,xkA xqtjkr ds lkFk lkFk fgekpy çns'k
d½fVû¿f IY½fSmXªf E³fªfeMXe IZY AfQZVf ´fSX d¶fRYSmX °fû¦fdOX¹ff ubZ fnYyhA vejukFk ;k=k esa ea=ksa vkSj t;dkjksa ij ikcanh yxkus okys ,uthVh ds vkns'k dk fo'o fganw ifj"kn ds varjjk"Vªh; dk;kZ/;{k vkSj jk"Vªh; v/;{k çoh.k rksxfM;k us fojks/k fd;k gSA fo'o fganw ifj"kn us bls viekudkjh crkrs gq, ,uthVh dk Qrok djkj fn;k gSA fo'o fganw ifj"kn ds varjjk"Vªh; v/;{k çoh.k rksxfM;k us Hkkjr ljdkj dks fu'kkus ij ysrs gq, dgk gS fd ge ges'kk vihy djrs gS fd fdlh dkj.k ls fganw /keZ dh Hkkoukvksa dks Bsl ugha igqapuh pkfg,A ogha ,uthVh ij rat dlrs gq, dgk fd bl rjg ds rqxydh Qros dks okil ys ysuk pkfg,A us'kuy xzhu fVªC;wuy ¼,uthVh½ us vejukFk Jkbu cksMZ dks vejukFk ;k=k ds nkSjku ea= vkSj t;dkjs ij jksd yxkus dk vkns'k fn;k FkkA lkFk gh ,uthVh us dgk fd vkf[kjh psd iksLV ls Hkäksa dh flQZ ,d ykbu gh gksuh pkfg,A ,uthVh us dgk fd ?kaVh Hkh ugha ctuh pkfg, vkSj ykLV psd iksLV ds ckn eksckby vkSj fdlh Hkh lkeku dks ys tkus dh btktr ugha gksuh pkfg,A
IYfMcX³fÊ ªf¦f°f
dk HkhAurhtk vkdyu ds vuqlkj gh vk;k rks yksdlHkk ds ckn gq, l=g pqukoksa esa Hkktik nl ij thr gkfly djus esa lQy jgsxhA ysfdu vxj xqtjkr esa
Hkktik dh lhVsa 115 ds mij xbZ rks fQj ;g Hkh LFkkfir gks tk,xk fd pkj lky ds eksnh 'kklu dk gj dne jktuhfrd :i ls Hkh vljnkj gSAHkktik vè;{k vfer
'kkg dk çcaèku ogka Hkh dkjxj gS tgka 22 lky ls Hkktik gh lÙkk esa gSA xkSjryc gS fd xqtjkr pquko ds eè; gh çèkkuea=h ujsaæ eksnh us ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA dkaxzsl ikVÊ esa vkt ls ,d u, ;qx dh 'kq#vkr gksus tk jgh gS- 'kfuokj dks jkgqy xkaèkh ikVÊ dh deku laHkkyus tk jgs gSaA dkaxzsl vè;{k in ij jkgqy xkaèkh dh rktiks'kh dk t'u eukus ds fy, nwj&nwj ls dk;ZdrkZ fnYyh igqap pqds gSa- 'kfuokj dks vkSipkfjd rkSj ls jkgqy xkaèkh dkaxzsl ikVÊ dh iwjh deku laHkky ysaxsAfnYyh ds 24 vdcj jksM fLFkr dkaxzsl ds n¶rj esa mudh rktiks'kh dks ysdj HkO; dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k tk jgk gS- bldh rS;kfj;ka iwjh gks pqdh gSaA t'u ds fy, Lis'ky rkSj ij fnYyh ds pkanuh pkSd ls vk, gyokbZ tysch vkSj yìw lesr dbZ rjg dh feBkb;ka cukus esa tqVs gq, gSa- fnYyh ds ;wFk dkaxzsl n¶rj esa feBkbZ ds lkFk gh yksdxhrksa dh Hkh rS;kjh dh xbZ gSAblds vykok ns'k Hkj esa dkaxzsl dk;kZy;ksa esa t'u euk;k tk,xk- jkgqy xkaèkh dh rktiks'kh dks ysdj ns'k Hkj ds dkaxzsl usrkvksa vkSj dk;ZdrkZvksa esa tcjnLr mRlkg gSA 'jkgqyjkt' dh [kq'kh esa ikVÊ n¶rj esa ,d fnu igys ls gh yìw cuus yxs- fnYyh] y[kuÅ lesr dbZ txgksa ij ikVÊ eq[;ky; dks ykbV ls ltk;k x;k gS- 'kfuokj dks fnYyh fLFkr dkaxzsl n¶rj esa fnXxt usrkvksa dk te?kV ns[kus dks feysxkAbl dk;ZØe esa reke lkaln] foèkk;d] lh,yih usrk] ihlhlh vè;{k ,vkbZlhlh ds reke ink-
¸fdWX»ff ÀfbSXÃff ªff¦føYIY°ff IZY d»fE dQ»»fe ´fbd»fÀf IYfg³MÑ`X¢MX AüSX AÀ±ff¹fe ³fZ »ffOX»fe WXfRY ¸f`SXf±f³f IYf dIY¹ff Aff¹fûªf³f IY¸fÊʨffSXe IYû ·fe ¶fSXf¶fSX ½fZ°f³f ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff fnYyh esa d¸f»f³ff ¨ffdWXE: Àfb´fie¸f IYûMÊX ❚efgykubZ lqfnYyhA j{kk vkSj muds
❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA lqçhe dksVZ us dgk gS fd vLFkkbZ ;k d‚UVªSDV ij dke dj jgs deZpkfj;ksa dks Hkh fu;fer deZpkfj;ksa ds cjkcj lSyjh feyuh pkfg,A dksVZ us dgk gS fd ^cjkcj dke ds fy, cjkcj iSls* dks ekuuk gksxkA lqçhe dksVZ dh csap us ;s Hkh dgk fd de iSls nsuk neudkjh gSA
lEeku dh j{kk ds edln ls ,d gkQ eSjkFku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA efgyk lqj{kk tkx:drk ds fy, ds fnYyh iqfyl }kjk ,d vuwBh eSjkFku efgykvksa dh lqj{kk o muds lkFk gksus okys vijkèkksa dks jksdus ds çfr fnYyhokfl;ksa dks tkx:d djus ds fy, fnYyh iqfyl ,oe~ ykMyh QkmaMs'ku xSj ljdkjh laLFkk }kjk fnYyh ds tokgj yky usg#
LVsfM;e ls ls ,d vuwBh eSjkFku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftles fnYyh ds vklikl ds {ks=ksa ls yxHkx 15 gtkj ls vfèkd yksxks us Hkkx fy;kA tokgj yky
usg: LVsfM;e ls bafM;k xsV o du‚V Iysl gksrs gq, okfil eSjkFku dk lekiu gqvkA bl nkSM+ dks Øe'k 21] 11] 5 ]o 3 fdyksehVj dh vyx vyx ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
fèkdkjh ikVÊ ds bl ,sfrgkfld iy esa f'kjdr djsaxs- ns'k dh lcls iqjkuh ikVÊ dkaxzsl esa u, ;qx dh 'kq#vkr gksus tk jgh gS] ftldks ysdj flQZ dk;ZdrkZ gh ugha] cfYd usrk Hkh csgn mRlkfgr gS- xkaèkh ifjokj ls dkaxzsl ds vè;{k cuus okys jkgqy xkaèkh ikaposa 'k[l gksaxsAblls igys 11 fnlacj dks jkgqy xkaèkh dkaxzsl ds vè;{k fuokZfpr gq, Fks- dkaxzsl usrk ,e jkepaæu us bldk vkSipkfjd ,syku fd;k Fkkdkaxzsl vè;{k in ds fy, flQZ jkgqy xkaèkh us gh ukekadu nkf[ky fd;k Fkk- jkgqy ds vè;{k fuokZfpr gksus ds ckn fnYyh fLFkr dkaxzsl eq[;ky; ds ckgj ikVÊ dk;ZdrkZvksa us iVk[ks ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
¸fdWX»ff AfSXÃf¯f d¶f»f ªf»Q ÀfZ ªf»Q ´ffÀf WXû³ff ¨ffdWXE: CX´fSXfáÑX´fd°f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff HkksikyAmijk"Vªifr osadS;k uk;Mw us efgyk vkj{k.k fcy dh èkheh j¶rkj ij ,d ckj fQj cgl NksM+h gSA tacwjh eSnku ij efgyk Lo&lgk;rk lewgksa ds lEesyu dks lacksfèkr djrs gq, mUgksaus dgk fd foèkkulHkk vkSj laln esa efgykvksa dks vkj{k.k nsus ds fy, foèks;d tYn ls tYn ikfjr gksuk pkfg,A bl ekeys esa cgqr nsj gks pqdh gSA dksbZ Hkh ny bldk fojk-
sèk ugha dj jgk gS] ysfdu fcy vkxs ugha c<+ ik jgk gSA mijk"Vªifr us dgk fd U;w bafM;k ds fuekZ.k ds fy, ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
¶ff¶fSXe ¸fbïZX AüSX ¦füSXÃff ´fSX ÀfeE¸f ¹fû¦fe AüSX IY»¶fZ ªf½ffQ IZY ¶fe¨f WbXBXÊ ¨f¨ffÊ
bl QSlys ls ns'kHkj ds yk[kksa vLFkkbZ deZpkfj;ksa dks jkgr feysxhA tfLVl ts,l [ksgj vkSj ,l, ckscns us ;s QSlyk lquk;k gSA dksVZ us dgk fd ,d gh dke esa yxk, x, yksxksa dks fdlh nwljs O;fä ls de lSyjh ugha nh tk ldrhA dksVZ us Hkkjr ds osyQs;j LVsV gksus dk rdZ Hkh fn;k vkSj dgk fd de iSls ij dke djokuk ekuoh; xfjek ds f[kykQ gSA dksVZ us dgk fd lqçhe dksVZ ds fofHkUu QSlyksa ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff y[kuÅ A ekSykuk lS;n dYcs tokn udoh us vkt lqcg eq[;ea=h ;ksxh vkfnR;ukFk ls muds vkfèkdkfjd fuokl ij eqykdkr dhA eqykdkr ds ckn ekSykuk us ehfM;k dks crk;k fd lh,e ls dbZ egRoiw.kZ eqíksa ij ckrphr esa ckcjh eqík vkSj xkSj{kk ds uke ij gks jgh xqaMkxnÊ Hkh 'kkfey gSA ekSykuk us ckcjh efLtn vkSj jke tUeHkqfe eqís dks gy djus ds fy, ckcjh efLtn eqís dh vly ikVÊ lqUuh oDQ cksMZ ls ckr phr djus ds fy;s dgk vkSj crk;k ds og ckr phr ls el,ys dk gy pkgrs gS] bl ij eq[;ea=h us dgk fd lqUuh oDQ cksMZ
ls vPNs ekgkSy esa ckr gksuh pkfg;s] eq[;ea=h us ekuk fd bl ekeys esa
vly ikVÊ lqUuh oDQ cksMZ gh gSA xkSj{kk ds uke ij gks jgh xqaMkxnÊ
ij eq[;ea=h us dgk fd geus bl lacaèk esa l[r vkns'k tkjh fd, gSa fd ,lk djus okyksa ij l[r dkjokbZ dh tk;sA eq[;ea=h us dgk fd vxj dksbZ ,slk djrk gS rks turk dkuwu dks vius gkFk esa u ysa cfYd ekeys dks iqfyl ds gokys dj nsA dkuqu dks gkFk esa ysus okyksa ds fy;s l[r vkns'k~ tkjh fd;s x;s gSAckrphr ds nkSjku ekSykuk us oDQ cksMZ dh lhchvkbZ tkap ij Hkh eq[;ea=h dks eqrOots djrs gq, dgk fd geus lquk gS fd lhchvkbZ tkap dh Qkby vfèkdkjh iqjkuh tku igpku ds vkèkkj ij jksd ysrs gSa] eq[;ea=h us rqjar lacafèkr yksxksa ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
WXdSX¹ff¯ff IZY OXeªfe (ªfZ»f) IZY ³ff¸f ´fSX Q¶fa¦fBÊX ÓfcNZX ¸fbIYQ¸fûÔ ¸fZÔ RYhÀff³fZ IYe d¸f»f d¸f»f SXWXe W`ÔX ²f¸fdIY¹ffa ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA fnYYkh fuoklh xtjkt flag ;qok eap fganq ifj"kn~ ds jk"Vªh; v/;{k] yksdtu 'kfDr ikVhZ ds iwoZ ;qok v/;{k o QwM dkWiksZjs'ku vkWQ bafM;k ds iwoZ lykgkdkj o dbZ laLFkkvksa ls tqM+s gSa mUgksaus vius U;k; ds fy, ljdkj ls U;k; dh xqgkj dh gSA gfj;k.kk ljdkj us gj ihfMr dks U;k; dk Hkjkslk fn;k gS] ijUrq gfj;k.kk iz'kklu ds ofj"B vf/kdkjh gh vius in dk nq#i;ksx dj /kefd;kW ns jgs gS] ogh eq>s >wBs ewdnes es Hkh Qalk jgs gSA ihfMr xtjkt flag us crk;k fd gfj;k.kk ds Mhth ¼tsy½ ds HkkbZ dsih
flag o dEiuh ,fyosfVM fcYMdkWu izkbZosV fyfeVsM ds vU; funs'kd dsoy d`".k] funs'kd lat; feJk] lHkh us "kM;a= jp dj eq>s dEiuh esa crkSj funs'kd cukus ds fy, eq>ls 'ks;j euh ds #i es 3600000@ ¼NRrhl Ykk[k½ #i;s dqN pSd o dqN uxn½ ys fy, ogha esjs ckj&ckj vkxzg ds ckn Hkh tc eq>s u rks dEiuh dk in fn;k vkSj ugh eq>ls dksbZ ,xzhesUV fd;k] xtjkt flag us crk;k fd] esjs }kjk ckj&ckj dgus ds ckn Hkh tc eq>s dksbZ dk;Zokgh gksrh utj ugha vkbZ rc eSus vius fn;s #i;s ekaxus 'kw# dj fn;s rc eq>s] Mhth ¼tsy½ dsih flag dk gokyk nsdj
/kefd;kW nsus yxs blds fy, lquhy HkM+kuk o lq'khy HkM+kuk /kefd;ka nsrs jgs] eSus mudh vkokt Hkh fjdksMZ dh gSA ogh eq>s fdlh ewdn~nes es Qlkus dh Hkh /kefd;ka nh tkus yxhA mUgksus crk;k fd tc ncko esa vkdj funs'kd dsoy d`".k dqekj us 3600000@& ¼NRrhl yk[k½ ,lchvkbZ cSad ds pSd ns fn;k A eSus tc fuf'pr rkjh[k ij caSd esa pSd Mkyk rks cg cSad ls LVki isesUV dj fn;k x;kA bl ckcr tc eSusa daiuh ds lHkh lnL;ksa ls ckr dh rks vkukdkuh dj /kefd;ka nsus yxsA eSus pSd okilh ij fu;e 138 ds rgr dksVZ es eqdnek ntZ djk fn;k] tc dksVZ ls
muds f[kykQ vkns'k ikfjr gq,s rks] mUgksus eq>ij fglkj ftys ds Fkkus esa 420@406@120 ch ds rgr eqdnek ntZ djk fn;kA xkSjryc gS fd bles esjs lkFk esjs iqoZ deZpkjh dks >wB cksydj esjs f[kykQ U;k; fnykus ds fy, ncko fn;k tkus yxk] tc og ugh ekuk rks mUgksaus mldks esjs lkFk tksM fn;k x;k vkSj mls tsy es cUn djok fn;kA ogh gkbZ dksVZ esa eSus vius f[kykQ eqdnes dh vihy dh rks feyh Hkxr ls esjh tekur [kkjht djok nh] vc eSa vius lkFk gq, vU;k; ds f[kykQ ekU; lOkksZPp; U;k;ky; eas vihy nk;j dh ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX
2 Àfû¸f½ffSX
, 18-24 dQÀf¸¶fSXX, 2017
Àfa´ffQIY IYe IY»f¸f ÀfZ ÀfOÞXIY ¹ff°ff¹ff°f IYe Àf¸fÀ¹ff AüSX CXÀfIYf Àf¸ff²ff³f euq"; lM+dksa dk mi;ksx yacs le; ls djrk jgk gSA lM+dksa ij gksus okys ;krk;kr dk turk ds fy, cgqr egRo gSA lM+d ;krk;kr lqpk# #i ls gks lds blds fy, dkuwu cuk, x, gSa] Hkkjr esa lM+d dh ckbZa vksj pyus dk fu;e gSA lM+dksa ij Hkkjh okguksa dks ,d fuèkkZfjr xfr lhek rd gh pyk;k tk ldrk gSA pkSjkgksa ij ladsrd cfÙk;ka yxkbZ tkrh gSa rkfd lM+d tke rFkk nq?kZVuk tSls fLFkfr;ksa dk de ls de lkeuk djuk iM+sA tgka VªSfQd ykbVsa ugha gksrh gSa] ogka ;krk;kr iqfyl gkFk ds b'kjs ls ;kf=;ksa dks jksdus vkSj vkus dk ladsr djrh gSA iSny ;kf=;ksa dh lqfoèkk ds fy, Hkwfexr ikj iFk rFkk QqVikFk cuk, tkrs gSAa tsczk dzkflaZx cukbZ tkrh gSa rkfd iSny ;k=h vkjkenk;d
lMds mBkrh gSA vr% t:jh gS dh lM+dksa dks lgh gkyr esa j[kk tk, rFkk mudk mfpr j[kj[kko dj lM+d dks pkSM+k fd;k tk,A bl fn'kk vkt dy vPNs ç;kl gks jgs gSa bl iz;kl esa xfr ykus dh vko';drk gS lM+d ;krk;kr ds vojks/kksa dks nwj dj fy;k tk, rks ns'k dh vkfFkZd çxfr vkSj xfr esa rsth vk,xhA lM+dksa ij ;krk;kr lkekU; #i ls gks lds blds fy, VªSfQd tke dh leL;k ij vfèkd è;ku nsus dh t:jr gSA 'kgjh vkcknh dh cgqr rsth ls c<+ jgh gS A ysfdu ,slk vuqikr esa 'kgj dh vkèkkjHkwr lajpuk dk fodkl ugha gqvk gS ftldh otg ls lM+dksa esa 'kgjksa esa VªSfQd ,d cM+h leL;k cu dj mHkjk gSa A fiNys nks n'kd esa 'kgjksa dk tcjnLr fodkl gqvk gSA egkuxjksa dh vkcknh Hkh cgqr rsth ls c<+h gSA Xykscy eSustesaV dalYVsalh QeZ eSfdats dh ,d fjiksVZ ds vuqlkj 2008 esa 'kgjh tula[;k yxHkx 33 djksM+ Fkh tks 2030 rd c< dj 59 djksM igqap tk,xhAflQZ fnYyh dh ckr djsa rks ;gka dh tula[;k fiNys 1 nld es 21 fQlnh ls T;knk cM+h gSA NksVs 'kgjksa esa Hkh o`f) de vk'p;Ztud ugha gS vgenkckn dh vkcknh 2001 ls 2011 ds chp 40 fQ;nh ls Hkh T;knk cMh gSaA 'kgjksa esa tula[;k c<+ jgh gS mldk jQrkj ls ogk dh vk/kkj Hkwr ljapuk dk fodkl ugha gqvk gSA vkcknh ds fygkt ls bu 'kgjh dsUnz esa vkokl fctyh vkSj ikuh ds fy, csgrj lqfo/kk ds fy, cgqr dqN fd;k tkuk 'ks"k gSA buesa ls jkstejkZ dh ftanxh esa lcls cM+h leL;k cu dj mHkjk gS VsfQd A ,d v‚Vks ikVZ daiuh esa ,XthD;wfVo 26 lky dh bZ'kk if.Mrk dgrh gSa fd fnYyh dh lM+dksa ij xkM+h pykuk vlHko gSA gj txg geslka tke feyrk gSA gkykafd fnYyh dksydkrk eqEcbZ csaxyq# esa esVªks Vªsu ds tfj, lkoZtfud ifjogu dks csgrj cukus dh dksf'k'k dh xbZ gSA ysfdu ckdh 'kgjksa dh ckr djsa rks lkoZtfud ifjogu dh gkyr vPNh ugha gS fd mÙkjnkrkvksa dk ekuuk gS fd ;krk;kr ls fudyus ds fy, 'kgjksa dk uohuhdj.k vfr egRoiw.kZ gSA ;g ckr lkeus vkbZ gS fd vkèkqfud ç.kkyh esa lqèkkj ds fy, cl vkSj esVks lsok mlds fy, csgrj lekèkku gks ldrs gSa A ysfdu mÙkjnkrkvksa dk ekuuk gS fd bldk lekèkku futh dkj ekfydksa ij naMkRed mik;ks es fufgr gSa A fnYyh vkSj eqacbZ tSls egkuxj yksxksa dk ekuuk gS fd og vius ifjokj ds lkFk le; fcrkrs tcfd NksVs 'kgjksa ds yksx ,slk ekurs vfr O;Lr lM+dksa ij ¶ykbZvksoj ;krk;kr dh leL;k dks nwj fd;k tk ldrk gSA
lw;Z izdk'k
IY»f¸f ÀfZ
¦fbªfSXf°f ¨fb³ff½f ¸fZÔ AfSXÃf¯f IYf »ff»fe´ffg´f xqtjkr esa vkj{k.k ds ftl ykyhiki ls gkfnZd iVsy [kq'k gSa vkSj nkok dj jgs gSa fd 50 Qhlnh ls vfèkd vkj{k.k fn;k tk ldrk gS] og ,d iwjs leqnk; dks Hkqykos esa j[kus dh dksf'k'k ls vfèkd dqN gS gh ughaA lafoèkku fo'ks"kK MklqHkk"k d';i dh ekusa rks lafoèkku esa dgha Hkh fy[kk ugha gS fd vkj{k.k fn;k tk, vFkok ughaA Hkkjrh; lafoèkku lHkk ds foe'kZ esa vkj{k.k t:j 'kkfey FkkA lkekftd vlekurk vkSj vkfFkZd vlary q u dks lekIr djus nfyrksa vkSj vkfnoklh tkfr;ksa dks flQZ 10 lky ds fy, ukSdfj;ksa vkSj f'k{kk esa vkj{k.k nsuk r; gqvk Fkk ysfdu vktknh ds 70 lkyksa ds nkSjku ;g vofèk c<+kbZ tkrh jgh vkSj vc vkj{k.k ,d jktuhfrd gfFk;kj cu x;k gSA vlekurk vkSj vlary q u ds ewY;kadu u tkus fd, x, ;k ugha ysfdu vkj{k.k tkjh gSA vlekurk vkSj vlary q u ds ewY;kadu u tkus fd, x, ;k ugha] ysfdu vkj{k.k tkjh gSA nfyrksa vkSj vkfnokfl;ksa esa dbZ tkfr;ka vkSj O;fä djksMi+ fr Hkh gks x, ysfdu
muds iwjs ifjokj ds fy, vkj{k.k vkt Hkh tkjh gSA vkbZ,,l] mldh choh vkSj cPps Hkh vkbZ,,l cu x, gSAa ;g gkfly Hkh vkj{k.k dh cnkSyr gS ysfdu vkj{k.k vc Hkh tkjh gSA gfj;k.kk vkSj jktLFkku esa tkVksa vkSj xqtjZ ksa ds vkj{k.k dk eqík lqyxk gh ugha] fgald Hkh gks x;k FkkA gky gh esa jktLFkku ljdkj us xqtjZ ksa dks vkj{k.k nsus dk QSlyk fy;k ysfdu gkbZ dksVZ us mls [kkfjt dj fn;kA egkjk"Vª esa vkj{k.k ds fy, ejkBk fryfeyk jgs gSa vkSj rfeyukMq esa czkã.k Hkh vkj{k.k ds fy, vkanksfyr gSAa yxrk gS fd ,d fnu xjhc] vehj lHkh rcds vkj{k.k ds fy, lM+dksa ij mrj vk,axAs rks ml lkekU; oxZ dh ukSdfj;ksa vkSj f'k{kk dk D;k gksxk tks cnfdLerh vkSj tUe ls gh] vkj{k.k ds dkj.k muds gkFkksa ls fQly xbZ gS\a ,d fnu os Hkh vkj{k.k dk
'kksj epk ldrs gSAa eqík xqtjkr ds iVsyksa dk gSA mUgsa vkj{k.k dh njdkj gh ugha gSA nqfu;k Hkj esa muds dkjksckj QSys gSAa iVsy cqfu;knh rkSj ij
ij iVsyksa ds eky] isVkª y s iai vkSj vU; cM+h nqdkus]a 'kks:e gSAa xqtjkr esa u tkus fdu iVsyksa dh tehusa fNu xbZ gS]a vkfFkZd lzkrs lw[k x, gSa fd os
O;olk;h gSAa xqtjkr ds lwjr 'kgj esa gh djhc 5000 NksV& s cM+s dkj[kkus gSa tks ghjs dk dkjksckj djrs gSAa tks dkjksckjh ugha gS]a os ghjk rjk'krs gS]a mldk lkSna ;Z c<+krs gS]a ikfy'k djrs gSAa mUgsa vkj{k.k okyh ukSdjh ugha pkfg,A vejhdk esa vfèkdrj jktekxksZa
vkj{k.k ij vkeknk gS\a xqtjkr esa laiUu O;kikjh tekr gh iVsy gSA gkfnZd iVsy u tkus fdu ikVhnkjksa ds usrk gS\a xqtjkr esa u tkus fdu iVsyksa dh tehusa fNu xbZ gS]a vkfFkZd lzkrs lw[k x, gSa fd os vkj{k.k ij vkeknk gSa\ njvly ;g vkj{k.k laHko gh
ugha gS D;ksfa d lqçhe dksVZ esa ukS ttksa dh lafoèkku ihB dk QSlyk gS fd ljdkjh ukSdfj;ksa vkSj f'k{kk esa 50 Qhlnh ls vfèkd vkj{k.k ugha fn;k tk ldrk gkykafd rfeyukMq ,d viokn gS tgka 69 Qhlnh vkj{k.k gS&50 Qhlnh vkschlh] 18 Qhlnh nfyr vkSj ,d Qhlnh vkfnoklhA rc ;g dkuwu U;kf;d leh{kk ds nk;js esa ugha FkkA 2010 esa lqçhe dksVZ dh ihB us ;g Hkh QSlyk fn;k fd 50 Qhlnh ls T;knk vkj{k.k rHkh fn;k tk ldrk gS tc ukxfjdksa vkSj tkfr;ksa dk oSKkfud MkVk miyCèk gksA loky gS fd xqtjkr esa ikVhnkjksa ds vkj{k.k dh ekax fdruh oSèk vkSj voSèk gS\ fuorZeku mi eq[;ea=kh fufru iVsy dh ;g fVIi.kh lVhd yxrh gS&^,d ew[kZ us vthZ nh] nwljs us mls eku fy;kA* ?kks"k.kk i=k esa ntZ djus] vkj{k.k nsus dk vk'oklu nsu]s mls pquko ds nkSjku [kwc çpkfjr djus ls dkaxl sz dk D;k tkrk gS\ igyh lPpkbZ
rks ;g gS fd xqtjkr esa dkaxl sz dh ljdkj cuus ds nwj&nwj rd vklkj ugha gSAa ;fn fdlh Hkh dfj'es ls ljdkj cu Hkh xbZ rks fQj dkaxl sz dk igyk [ksy gkfnZd ,aM daiuh ls VkyeVksy djuk gksxkA ;fn vkj{k.k dk fcy ikfjr gks Hkh x;k rks vnkyr mls [kkfjt dj nsxh] ;g r; gSA vc loky ;g mBus yxk gS fd ml lkekU; oxZ dh ukSdfj;ksa vkSj f'k{kk dk D;k gksxk tks vkj{k.k ds dkj.k muds gkFkksa ls fQly xbZ gS\a ,d fnu os Hkh vkj{k.k dk 'kksj epk ldrs gSAa eqík xqtjkr ds iVsyksa dk gSA mUgsa vkj{k.k dh njdkj gh ugha gSA nqfu;k Hkj esa muds dkjksckj QSys gSAa iVsy cqfu;knh rkSj ij O;olk;h gSAa xqtjkr ds lwjr 'kgj esa gh djhc ikap gtkj NksV& s cMs+ dkj[kkus gS]a tks ghjs dk dkjksckj djrs gSAa tks dkjksckjh ugha gS]a os ghjk rjk'krs gS]a mldk lkSna ;Z c<+krs gS]a ikfy'k djrs gSAa mUgsa vkj{k.k okyh ukSdjh ugha pkfg,A vejhdk esa vfèkdrj jktekxksZa ij iVsyksa ds eky] isVkª y s iai vkSj vU; cM+h nqdkus]a 'kks:e gSAa
SXfWbX»f ¦ffa²fe IYû IYfaMXûÔ IYf °ffªf ns'k dh lcls iqjkuh ikVhZ vkSj dHkh turk dh lcls T;knk pgsrh jgh ikVhZ dkaxzsl ds ikl vkt brus Hkh yksdlHkk lnL; ugha gSa fd mls eq[; foi{kh ny dk ntkZ fn;k tk ldsA ,sls gkykr esa jkgqy xka/kh dks dkaxzsl dk v/;{k cuk;k x;k gSA blls iwoZ dkaxzsl ds ftrus Hkh v/;{k jgs] mu lHkh dks etcwr dkaxzsl feyh FkhA ;gka rd fd fuorZeku dkaxzsl v/;{k vkSj jkgqy xka/kh dh ekrk Jherh lksfu;k xka/kh us Hkh ftl ttZj dkaxzsl dh ckxMksj laHkkyh Fkh] rc Hkh mlds ikl 141 yksdlHkk ds lnL; Fks vkSj pkj jkT;ksa esa dkaxzsl dh etcwr ljdkjsa Hkh gqvk djrh Fkha tc 11 fnlEcj 2017 dks tc jkgqy xka/kh dks dkaxzsl dk fufoZjks/k v/;{k pquk x;k gS rc dkaxzsl ds ikl flQZ 46 yksdlHkk lnL; gSa vkSj ikap jkT;ksa rFkk ,d dsUnz
'kkflr izns'k esa mldh ljdkj gSA ,sls dfBu le; esa feys rkt dks dkaVksa dk rkt gh dgk tk,xkA jkgqy xka/kh dkaxzsl dh lcls eqf'dy n'kk esa ikVhZ dh ftEesnkjh laHkky jgs gSa ysfdu ge igys Hkh ,d vkys[k esa crk pqds gSa fd jkgqy dh rktiks'kh dk ;gh vuqdwy le; gS D;ksafd nl lky ds ;wih, ljdkj ds le; tc os cgqr dqN dj ldrs Fks] rc os dksbZ ,slk dk;Z ugha dj ik;s ftldh ns'k dh turk ppkZ djrh ysfdu bl ckj iz/kku ea=h Jh ujsUnz eksnh vkSj Hkktik ds jk"Vªh; v/;{k vfer 'kkg ds x<+ xqtjkr esa fo/kku lHkk pquko esa mUgksaus ftl rjg Hkktik dks pqukSrh nh gS] mldh ppkZ iwjs ns'k esa gks jgh gSA
xqtjkr ds urhts dqN Hkh fudysa ysfdu dkaxzsl ds ,d usrk ds :i esa jkgqy xka/kh us ijh{kk ikl gh dj
yh gSA blesa dksbZ lansg ugha fd dkaxzsl ds ikl ,d xkSjo'kkyh fojklr jgh gSA ns'k dks vktkn
djkus dh eqfge blh jktuhfrd ny us pyk;h Fkh vkSj ykyk yktir jk; ls ysdj lqHkk"k panzcksl rd blh ikVhZ ds usrk gqvk djrs FksA ns'k dks vktknh feyus ds ckn Hkh n'kdksa rd blh ikVhZ dk ncnck jgk gSA lu~ 1947 esa tc ns'k dks vktknh feyh Fkh] ml le; dkaxzsl dh ckxMksj vkpk;Z tsch d`ikykuh laHkky jgs FksA mu fnuksa dkaxzsl ds laxBu dk pquko Hkh yksdrkaf=d rjhds ls djk;k tkrk FkkA izfr o"kZ pquko gksrk FkkA ;g ijEijk vktknh ls igys ls FkhA lnL;ksa dks pquko djus esa fdruh vktknh feyrh Fkh] bldk mnkgj.k ml
pquko ls feyrk gS tc jk"Vªfirk egkRek xka/kh ugha pkgrs Fks fd usrk th lqHkk"k panz cksl dkaxzsl ds v/;{k cusa ysfdu usrk th pquko esa 'kkfey gq, vkSj dkaxzsl ds v/;{k Hkh pqu fy;s x;sA egkRek xka/kh pkgrs Fks fd iafMr tokgj yky usg: dks v/;{k cuk;k tk,A usrk th lqHkk"k panz cksl us xka/kh th dh Hkkouk dk lEeku djrs gq, pquko esa thrus ds ckn bLrhQk fn;kA bl izdkj yksdra= cgqr le; rd pykA ckn esa v/;{k dk dk;Zdky Hkh c<+k;k x;kA bl rjg vktknh ds ckn izfl) bfrgkl dkj iV~VkfHk lhrkjeS;k dks 1948 esa dkaxzsl dk v/;{k cuk;k x;kA os nks o"kZ rd v/;{k jgsA muds ckn izfl) lkfgR;dkj iq:"kksRre nkl V.Mu us dkaxzsl dh deku laHkkyh vkSj 1950 ls 1951 rd os v/;{k jgsA
IYf³fc³f-½¹f½fÀ±ff ´fSX ¹fû¦fe IYf IYOÞXf IYQ¸f ljdkj dh lcls dM+h ijh{kk dkuwu&O;oLFkk dks ysdj gksrh gS vkSj mRrj izns'k esa blh ds pyrs turk us ljdkj cnyus esa nsjh ugha dh FkhA ;g le; Fkk lektoknh ikVhZ vkSj clik ds jktdkt dk tc nksuksa cM+h ikfVZ;ka & Hkktik vkSj dkaxzsl yxHkx fdukjs dj nh x;h FkhaA lektoknh ikVhZ ds dfFkr xaqMkjkt dks gh clik izeq[k lqJh ek;korh us eq[; eqn~nk cuk;kA clik izeq[k dks dM+d iz'kkld ekuk tk jgk Fkk vkSj ml le; clikbZ ukjs yxk jgs Fks& p<+ xqaMksa dh Nkrh ij] eqgj yxkvks gkFkh ijA izns'k dh turk Hkh xqaMkjkt ls rax vk x;h Fkh vkSj mlus clik dh ljdkj cuok nh FkhA ljdkj rks clik dh cu x;h ysfdu vijk/k ls eqfDr ugha feyhA blfy, ,d ckj fQj lik dks lRrk lkSaih x;h ysfdu dkuwu&O;oLFkk dh fLFkfr cn ls cnrj gh gksrh pyh x;hA lcls T;knk efgyk,a vius dks vlqjf{kr le> jgh Fkha] blfy, 2017 ds fo/kku lHkk pquko esa tc Hkktik us vius ladYi i= esa dgk fd u jgsxk xqaMkjkt] u jgsxk
Hkz"Vkpkj rks bl ckr us Hkh yksxksa dks izHkkfor fd;kA Hkktik dh thr esa flQZ ;gh dkj.k ugha jgk ysfdu ;g dkj.k Hkh egRoiw.kZ jgk vkSj tc dM+d usrk ;ksxh vkfnR;ukFk dks eq[;ea=h cuk;k x;k] rc lcls igyh vis{kk yksxksa dh ;gh FkhA izns'k esa dkuwu&O;oLFkk esa cnyko 'kq:vkrh le; utj vk;k tc ,.Vhjksfe;ks LDok;j pyk;k x;k ysfdu pksjh&MdSrh] ywVikV vkSj gR;k ds vijk/k Fkeus dk uke ugha ys jgs gSaA blhfy, eq[;ea=h ;ksxh vkfnR;ukFk us laxfBr vijk/kksa ij udsy dlus ds fy, ;wih daVªksy vkQ vkxZukbTM Økbe ,DVA ;wih dksdkA dkuwu cukus dk fu'p; fd;k vkSj 13 fnlEcj dks blij dSfcusV us eatwjh Hkh ns nh gSA vc foi{k dks viuk nkf;Ro fuHkkuk gSA vijk/kksa ij fu;a=.k ikus ds fy, l[rh dh t:jr gksrh gSA iqfyl ds ofj"B vf/kdkfj;ksa dks dbZ ckj blds fy, le>k;k x;k vkSj mudh leL;k,a Hkh lquh x;haA xq[;ea=h Jh ;ksxh us iqfyl vf/kdkfj;ksa ls lkQ&lkQ dgk fd os fcuk fdlh ncko
ds vijkf/k;ksa ij f'kdatk djsaA bldk urhtk Hkh lkeus vk;k vkSj Jh ;ksxh dh ljdkj ds 8 eghus dh vof/k esa brus vijk/kh ekj fxjk;s
dkuwu edksdk ds uke ls cuk;k x;k vkSj vijk/k fu;a=.k esa lQyrk Hkh feyhA blfy, mRrj izns'k esa ;wih dksdk ds fy, izLrko dks
x;s ftrus iwoZoÙkhZ ljdkj ds iwjs dk;Zdky esa ,udkmaVj ugha gq, FksA fdrus gh vijk/kh izns'k NksM+dj ckgj pys x;s ysfdu n'kdksa ls izns'k dh dkuwu&O;oLFkk iVjh ls mrj pqdh gS rks mlds fy, fdlh dM+s dkuwu dh t:jr Fkh vkSj mls Jh ;ksxh dh ljdkj cukus tk jgh gSA mRrj izns'k esa laxfBr vijk/kksa ij dM+kbZ ls fu;a=.k dk ;gh jkLrk cpk FkkA egkjk"Vª esa bl izdkj dk
dSfcusV esa j[kk x;kA dSfcusV dh cSBd esa bl u;s dkuwu dks eatwjh ns nh x;hA bls 14 fnlEcj ls 'kq: gq, 'khrdkyhu l= esa fo/kku lHkk esa is'k fd;k tk,xkA bl ij foi{kh nyksa dh jk; yh tk,xhA dkuwu&O;oLFkk dks ysdj foi{kh ny Hkh gaxkek djrs jgs gSaA blfy, ;wih dksdk dks ykxw djus esa mUgsa viuk Hkh lg;ksx nsuk pkfg,A Jh ;ksxh dh ljdkj ds ikl bruk cgqer gS fd bls nksuksa lnuksa
esa vklkuh ls ikfjr djk;k tk ldsxkA bl dkuwu dks ysdj ;ksxh dh dSfcusV us djhc lok ?kaVs rd fopkj&foe'kZ djds izko/kkuksa dks eatwjh nh gSA ;wih dksdk dkuwu esa dqN izeq[k izko/kku bl izdkj ls j[ks x;s gS ftlls fujijk/k O;fDr dks blds rgr fxj¶rkj ugha fd;k tk ldsxk ysfdu laxfBr vijk/k djus okyk cp Hkh ugha ik,xkA ;wih dksdk ds rgr fdlh ftys esa dfe'uj ¼vk;qDr½ vkSj vkbZth iqfyl ds vkns'k ij gh eqdnek ntZ fd;k tk,xkA bl izdkj iqfyl Fkkuksa dks ysdj tks vDlj f'kdk;r dh tkrh gS] bldh laHkkouk ugha jgsxhA vijk/kh dh ryk'k rks lHkh Lrj ds iqfyl okys djsaxs ysfdu mlds vijk/kh gksus dh iqf"V dfe'uj vkSj vkbZth iqfyl ds Lrj ls gksus ds ckn gh eqdnek ntZ fd;k tk,xkA eqdnesa ntZ gksus ds ckn ml dfFkr vijk/kh ij iwjh rjg ls f'kdatk dlk tk,xkA lcls igys rks ml vijk/kh dh lkjh lEifRr dks jkT; ljdkj vius dCts esa ys ysxhA bu vijkf/k;ksa ds ekeys vnkyr esa T;knk fnu yVds
u jgsa] blds fy, Hkh ;wihdksdk esa izko/kku fd;k x;k gSA blds rgr dgk x;k fd lquokbZ ds fy, vyx ls dksVZ cuk, tk,axs ftlesa vijk/kh dks fjVk;MZ tt ds ;gka vihy djus dk Hkh ekSdk feysxkA ekuk tk jgk gS vkSj ljdkj dk Hkh dguk gS fd bl dkuwu ds ykxw gks tkus ds ckn mRrj izns'k esa laxfBr vijk/kksa esa dkQh deh vk tk,xhA vijk/k iwjh rjg Hkys gh u lekIr gksa ysfdu dqN jkgr rks feysxhA izns'k esa tehu ij tcju dCtk djus okys HkwekfQ;k] voS/k 'kjkc ds dkjksckj esa fyIr vijk/kh] udyh nokvksa dk /ka/k djus okys] voS/k ckyw vkSj feV~Vh dk [kuu djkus okys] ljdkjh edkuksa vkSj tehu ij dCtk djus okys ncax bl dkuwu ds nk;js esa vk,axsA blh rjg xSaxLVj ,DV esa ftu 28 laxhu vijk/kksa dks 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS] mUgsa Hkh vc ;wihdksdk esa feyk fn;k x;k gSA bl izdkj dk fo/ks;d egkjk"Vª esa edksdk ds uke ij vkSj dukZVd o xqqtjkr esa ddksdk vkSj xdksdk ds uke ls dkuwu cu pqdk gS A
3 Àfû¸f½ffSX
, 18-24 dQÀf¸¶fSXX, 2017
dQ»»fe ¸fZa NaXOX ÀfZ »fû¦fûÔ IYe WbXBÊX ¸fÈ°¹fb, IZYªfSXe½ff»f QZÔ BXÀ°feRYf :¸f³fûªf d°f½ffSXe ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff fnYyh Hkktik vè;{k eukst frokjh us dgk gS fd xr nks lIrkg esa 91 cs?kjksa dh e`R;q ds lekpkjksa us fnYyh dks fopfyr fd;k gS vkSj dstjhoky ljdkj dh laosnughurk dks mtkxj fd;k gSA vjfoUn dstjhoky ljdkj ds fy, cs?kjksa dks ekSle dh ekj ls cpkus tSlk ekuork dk fo"k; Hkh dsoy jktuhfrd uEcj cukus dk [ksy gSA pkgs viuh 49 fnu dh ljdkj ds nkSjku gks ;k 2015 esa lÙkk esa vkus ds rqjUr ckn eq[;ea=h vjfoUn dstjhoky us cs?kjksa dh ekSle dh ekj ls j{kk ds fy, cM+s&cM+s nkos fd;s FksA u;s jSu clsjksa dh LFkkiuk ds lkFk gh orZeku jSu clsjksa ds lqèkkj ds vykok dstjhoky ljdkj us iqjkuh csdkj clksa dks Hkh jkr esa
lM+d fdukjs [kM+k dj cs?kj&?kj ds :i esa mi;ksx ds nkos Hkh fd;s Fks ij jk"Vªh; jktèkkuh esa nks lIrkg ls de le; esa 91 cs?kj yksxksa dh lM+d ij e`R;q us dstjhoky ljdkj ds cs?kjksa dks vkJ; ds nkoksa dh iksy [kksy nh gSA mUgksaus dgk gS fd yxkrkj ,slh tkudkjh fey jgh gS fd vusd LFkkuksa ij cs?kj ds fy,
cuk;s jSu clsjksa ij rkys yVds gSa ;k fQj ogka fu;qä pkSdhnkj fcuk iSls fy;s xjhcksa dks ços'k ugha nsrsA iqjkuh fnYyh lfgr vusd LFkkuksa ij jSu clsjksa esa O;kIr xanxh ogka jg jgs cs?kjksa ds LokLF; ds fy, Hkh xaHkhj :i ls gkfudkjd gS vkSj blds dkj.k Hkh ogka jg jgs yksxkas dh e`R;q ds lekpkj lkeus vk;s gSaA
eukst frokjh us dgk gS fd eq[;ea=h }kjk cs?kjksa dks vkJ; nsus ds cM+s&cM+s nkoksa ds ckotwn xr nks lIrkg esa gqbZ cM+h la[;k esa cs?kjksa dh ekSr ds lekpkjksa ds ckn fnYyh ds yksx mEehn djrs gSa fd bldh uSfrd ftEesnkjh ysrs gq;s eq[;ea=h vjfoan dstjhoky bLrhQk nsaA frokjh us mijkT;iky vfuy cSty ls vuqjksèk fd;k gS fd og fnYyh ljdkj ds eq[; lfpo lfgr lacafèkr ofj"B vfèkdkfj;ksa dks funZs'k nsa fd og jSu clsjksa dk vkSpd fujh{k.k djsa vkSj ;g lqfuf'pr djsa fd fnYyh esa gj balku dks jkr esa lksus ds fy, Nr dk vkJ; feysA fnYyh Hkktik vè;{k us fnYyh ds ukxfjdksa ls fuosnu fd;k gS fd og cs?kjksa ,oa vU; xjhcksa ds fy, ;FkklaHko u;s&iqjkus xeZ diM+s ,oa dEcy vkfn nsdj ekuork dk lg;ksx djsaA
dÀf£fûÔ IYû OXeEÀfEÀfEÀf¶fe IYe ´fSXeÃff ¸fZÔ IYOÞXf IÈY´ff¯f »fZªff³fZ IYe A³fb¸fd°f :¸f³fe¿f dÀfÀfûdQ¹ff ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA mieq[;ea=h euh"k fllksfn;k us fnYyh vèkhuLFk lsok p;u cksMZ
Mh,l,l,lch dh vk;ksftr ijh{kk esa dM+k o —ik.k igus fl[k fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk ços'k çfrcafèkr dj fn;k x;k FkkA ;g
¼Mh,l,l,lch½ dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, dgk gS fd fl[k vH;FkÊ dM+k o —ik.k ds lkFk ijh{kk ns ldsaA fllksfn;k ds dk;kZy; dh vksj ls 'kfuokj dks Mh,l,l,lch ds funs'kd dks i= fy[kk x;k gSA blesa dgk x;k gS fd ;g laKku esa vk;k gS fd fiNys fnuksa
vlaoSèkkfud gS vkSj lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn&25 dk mYya?ku gSA Mh,l,l,lch ds funs'kd dks funZsf'kr djrs gq, mieq[;ea=h us dgk fd vkus okyh ijh{kkvksa esa fl[k fo|kFkÊ dM+k o —ik.k lesr vius èkkfeZd çrhdksa dks igu dj tk ldsaxsA bl lacaèk esa vko';d dne mBk, tk,aA
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dbZ ckj uksfVl tkjh fd;k x;k ysfdu tehu ls dCtk ugha gVkA jfookj lqcg thMh, dh Vhe ç'kklfud vfèkdkjh vkSj ny cy ds lkFk ekSds ij igqaphA Vhe us tslhch yxkdj Iy‚V ij gqbZ pkjnhokjh dks rksM+ fn;kA Iy‚V ds vanj gq, voSèk fuekZ.k ds èoLrhdj.k dh Hkh dkjZokbZ dh xbZA bl nkSjku rhu nqdku vkSj ,d dejs dks èoLr fd;k x;kA dCtk dj cSBs yksxksa us ç'kklu dh bl
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iqfyl dks irk yx x;k- Qqjdku dks rks iqfyl idM+us esa lQy jgh] ysfdu mlds lkFk mldk bykt djkus vk, nks cnek'k Hkkxus esa lQy jgs FksA
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dks Hkh ,sls futh lqj{kk xkMZ dh t:jr gSA tks iqfyl ds fy, dbZ ek;uksa esa ennxkj lkfcr gksAa futh lqj{kk xkMZ dks fuiq.k cukus ds fy, çgjh ;kstuk ds rgr fnYyh iqfyl dh vksj ls LokLF; tkap f'kfoj] dkmalfyax o çf'k{k.k f'kfojksa dk fd;k tk,xk rkfd lqj{kk xkMZ esa foÜokl iSnk gksA vewY; iVuk;d us dgk fd blesa lkslk;Vh dh vkjMCY;w, dk Hkh dkQh vge ;ksxnku gSA dk;ZØe ds nkSjku vk;qä us }kjdk ds pkj yksxksa dks
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IiYfBX¸f Àf¸ff¨ffSX
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bafnjkiqje A oS'kkyh esVªks LVs'ku ls fnYyh tkus ds fy, v‚Vks esa cSBs vki dk;ZdrkZ ls pkj cnek'kksa us fiLVy ds ne ij ywVikV dhA fojksèk ij ekjihV Hkh dhA ihfM+r dk vkjksi gS fd tc og fjiksVZ ntZ djkus bafnjkiqje Fkkus igqaps rks iqfyl us muls dgk fd ywV dh ,Qvkbvkj ugha ntZ djsaxsA ywVs x, lkeku ds [kksus dh f'kdk;r fy[k dj ns nksA mUgksaus jfookj lqcg LFkkuh; vki dk;ZdrkZvksa ls ncko cuok;k rks iqfyl us mudh ,Qvkbvkj ntZ dj yhA dkuiqj ds Xoky Vksyh ds jgus okys Qghe vke vkneh ikVÊ esa lks'ky ehfM;k Vhe esa osc fMtkbuj gSaA 'kfuokj dks og vius HkkbZ ls feyus ds fy, dkuiqj ls xkft;kckn igqaps FksA 'kfuokj jkr 10 cts og ykSV jgs FksA oS'kkyh esVªks LVs'ku ls ubZ fnYyh jsyos LVs'ku tkus ds fy, v‚Vks esa cSBs FksA mUgksaus crk;k fd v‚Vks esa pkyd o rhu ;qod igys ls cSBs FksA esVªks LVs'ku ls vkèkk fdyksehVj vkxs pyus ij gh cnek'kksa us mudh duiVh ij fiLVy yxk nhA cnek'kksa us muds lkFk ekjihV dj cSx] eksckby] ilZ o vU; lkeku ywV fy;kA fojksèk djus ij cnek'k mUgsa xksyh ekjus dh èkedh ns jgs FksA cnek'kksa us mudh tSdsV Hkh ywVus dk ç;kl fd;k rks og pyrs v‚Vks ls dwn x,A blls mUgsa xaHkhj pksV vkbZ gSA ?kVuk ds ckn cnek'k v‚Vks ysdj fnYyh dh rjQ Qjkj gks x,A Qghe us crk;k fd mUgksaus ,d jkgxhj ds eksckby ls 100 uacj ij d‚y dj iqfyl dks lwpuk nhA vkjksi gS fd vkèks ?kaVs ckn iqfyl muds ikl igqaphA iqfyldfeZ;ksa us muls ?kVuk ds ckjs esa iwNrkN dhA jkLrs Hkj cnek'k muds lkFk ekjihV o ywVikV djrs jgs] ysfdu jkLrs esa iqfyl dgha ugha fn[khA ywVikV dh okjnkrksa dks jksdus esa ukdke iqfyl vc [kksus dh f'kdk;r ntZ djokdj vijkèk ds vkadM+s dks de dj jgh gSA Qghe us crk;k fd 'kfuokj jkr og Fkkus igqaps rks iqfyl us tcju muls ywVs x, lkeku ds [kksus dh f'kdk;r fy[kus dks dgkA vkjksi gS fd iqfyl us muls dgk fd ywV dh ,Qvkbvkj ugha ntZ gksxhA bl ckr ls og cgqr vkgr gq,A jfookj dks mUgksaus vke vkneh ikVÊ ds LFkkuh; dk;ZdrkZvksa ls laidZ fd;kA dk;ZdrkZvksa us bafnjkiqje Fkkuk iqfyl ij ncko cuk;kA blds ckn ,Qvkbvkj ntZ dh xbZA
dVf´Àf EªfcIZYVf³f ÀfZÔMXSX ¸fZÔ IYüVf»f ¸fZ»fZ IYf WbXAf Af¹fûªf³f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA fnYyh ds f'kIl ,twds'ku lsUVj esa dkS'ky esys dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dks'ky esys esa eq[; mís'; Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk pykbZ tk jgh Ldhe çèkkuea=h dks'ky fodkl ;kstuk esa ;qokvks dks fu'kqYd çf'k{k.k nsus rFkk Lojkstxkj budk eq[; mís'; gS] ftuesa eq[;
vfrFkh foèkk;d lqUnj flag r¡oj jgs vksj mUgksus Nk= Nk=ks dks thou esa cM+us dh çsj.k nhA lkFk gh mUgksus VªsfuUx lsUVj esa fn;s tk jgs çksxzke dk Q+;nk mBkus dh vihy dh dk;ZØe esa laLFkk ds lºlUpkyd fufru Bdjku] yksds'k flag] ;'k iky] eksfudk] eerk] lfgr ntZuks yksx mifLFkr FksA
IZYªfSXe½ff»f ÀfSXIYfSX QZ SXWXe W`X IYfd°f»f IYû ÀfaSXÃf¯f : ªf¦fQeVf MXfBÊXMX»fSX ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA fnYyh ds eq[;ea=h vjfoan dstjhoky ,oa dkaxzsl usrk txnh'k VkbZVyj ds dfFkr jktuhfrd fj'rksa ij fnYyh fl[k xq#}kjk çcaèkd desVh us loky [kM+s fd;s gSA 1984 fl[k dRysvke ekeys esa vkjksih VkbZVyj ds f[kykQ dfFkr xokg [kjhn ekeys esa gfFk;kj dkjksckjh vfHk"ksd oekZ }kjk i‚yhxzkQ VsLV nsus dh gkeh Hkjus ds ckotwn fnYyh ljdkj dh ySc }kjk oekZ dk VsLV djus ls fdukjk djus dks desVh ds vè;{k euthr flag th-ds- us lkft'k djkj fn;k gSA f'kjkse.kh vdkyh ny ds jk"Vªh; çoäk th-ds- us ikVÊ v‚fQl esa i=dkjksa ls ckrphr djrs gq, dgk fd dstjhoky dk vc VkbZVyj dh
ihB ihNs [kM+k gksuk lkfcr djrk gS fd jktuhfrd rkSj ij 49 fnuksa rd fnYyh esa dkaxzsl ds lkFk feydj lÙkk dk Lokn p[kus okys dstjhoky ds eu esa vHkh Hkh dkfry dkaxzslh;ksa ds fy, jge ekStwn gSA ,d vksj rks dstjhoky iatkc pquko ds nkSjku iatkc ,oa iatkch;r dk iSjksdkj cuus dk nkok djrs ugha Fkdrs Fks] nwljh rjQ 1984 ds dkfry dks fl;klh iukg nsus dk ekSdk ugha NksM+rs gSA th-ds- us dgk fd dstjhoky us 1984 dk bUlkQ fnykus ds fy, igys ,l-vkbZ-Vh- cukus dk elkSnk dsaæh; x`g ea=ky; dks Hkstk ijUrq ckn esa ;g QkbZy lfpoky; ls xqe gks xbZA fQj iatkch vè;kidksa dks ljdkjh Ldwyksa esa ukSdjh nsus ds
v[kckjksa esa cM+s Lrj ij foKkiu fn;sA ijUrq vc iqjkus iatkch vè;kidksa dks Hkh osru feyus esa nsjh gks jgh gSA th-ds- us loky fd;k fd ;fn vfHk"ksd oekZ vc i‚yhxzkQ VsLV nsus ls budkj dj ns rks dkSe dk fdruk cM+k uqdlku gksxk \ ySc dh e'khu [kjkc gksus dh ftEesnkjh vc dkSu ysxk \
dM+dM+Mwek dksVZ ds tt vfer vjksM+k }kjk lh-ch-vkbZ- vfèkdkjh dks vfHk"ksd oekZ ds i‚yhxzkQ VsLV dh e'khu [kjkch ds ckjs esa yxkbZ xbZ QVdkj dks ueks'kh Hkjk crkrs gq, th-ds- us vke vkneh ikVÊ ds fl[k foèkk;dksa dks bl elys ij dstjhoky ls iqNrkN djus dh ulhgr nhA dstjhoky dh Hkwfedk dks lafnXèk crkrs gq, th-ds- us dgk fd b¶rkj ikVÊ ds nkSjku VkbZVyj dks xycfg;ka Mkyus okys dstjhoky dh lkeus vkbZ rLohjksa ds ckn vc e'khu dk [kjkc gksuk pksj ,oa pkSdhnkj ds feyus dk ladsr gSA blls lkfcr gksrk gS fd fnYyh ljdkj us gkFk vk;s cM+s ekSds dks NksM+dj dkfry dks laj{k.k nsus ds ekè;e dks lokZsÙke ekuk gSA
''¶fZMXe ´fPÞXfAû ¶fZMXe ¶f¨ffAû" d³f½fZQIY - ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf
A¦fSX »fûIY ÀfZ½fIY Af´f IYf CX°´feOÞ³f IYSX SXWZX W`a, ªf³f ´fid°fd³fd²f Af´fIYe Àfb³f½ffBÊ ³fWXe IYSX SXWZ Wa`X, BX³f ´fdSdÀ±fd°f¹fûÔ ¸fZÔ Af´f ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf ÀfZ °fbSaX°f Àf¸´fIÊY IYSmÔXÜ WX¸f Af´fIYe ÀfZ½ff ¸fZÔ 24x7 WXfdªfSX W`ÔXÜ
-: Àf¸´fIÊY ÀfcÂf :-
RNI NO.UPBIL/2017/74008
Weekly bilingually Hindi/English Newspaper Vol : 01
Issue : 12
Editorial Jerusalem, the USA and misplaced priorities of the
Islamic world "Stop spilling blood for oil"- used to be common play card displayed during demonstrations in the Islamic countries going through internal strife. America (the USA) was considered the villain, who presumably created all the trouble in Islamic Major world, particularly oil rich reason of Saras Tripathi Middle East. Partially true, partially prejudiced and partially propagandist; the blame was dumped on the USA to hide their own mismanagement of inter-state relations among Muslim countries. Today, when the US production of shale oil has equalled that of Saudi Arabia: 10 million barrel a day, the Muslim world cannot blame America to create trouble in the Middle East. Major cause of conflict in the Middle East is rivalry of Sunni and Shia sects, led by Saudi Arabia and Iran respectively. Saudi Arabia created Daesh (ISIS) to destabilise two Shia majority countries under the influence of Iran: Syria and Iraq. Syria under BasharAl-Assad (an Alawaite, a sub-sect of Shia) was not acceptable to Saudi Arabia. Iraq, under Saddam Hussain, was recognized as a Sunni nation only because Baath Party of Saddam (himself a Sunni) was dominated by Sunnis, though a Shia majority nation, majorly consisting of Shia Kurds. Elimination of Baathists and emergence of Kurds as dominant force, rattled Saudi Arabia and it created ISIS for overthrowing Kurdish/Shia dominated government in Iraq and Alawaites led government in Syria. Despite all the adding and abetting by Sauds with latest gadgets imported from the US, ISIS was crushed by Kurds and Syrians (off course, with the help of Russians). This further frustrated and flabbergasted Saudi Arabia and to avenge the defeat, it started looking for softer targets of Shia dominance and found in the name of Hauthis of Yemen. The Saudi coalition forces, surprisingly, are led by a "devout Muslim general" of an Islamic nation; Pakistan. Yes, it is led by RahilSharief (Ex-Army Chief of Pakistan), rehabilitated in Saudi Arabia, under deal with Nawaz Sharif to avoid military takeover of Pakistan. The complete blockade of Yemen by Saudi Arabia and its allies followed by ruthless attack of civilian population of Yemen, only shows that the notion of "Islamic Unity" is followed only until self-interests of rulers are not harmed. Today, out of 28 million Yemenis, 17 million are on the verge of starvation because of economic and military blockade imposed by Saudi Arabia and its allies, including the USA. There is no food, no potable water, no power, no medical expertise, no medicine, and no hospital to look after the sick and wounded. Plane loads of Yemenis are arriving in India for as advance medical treatment as complicated surgeries and as trivial medications as cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery. The most tragic part is no country (including Muslim countries) or Islamic groupsare bothered about this "biggest humanitarian crises in recent human history"- as described by the UN. For OIC (Organization of Islamic Co-Operation), getting together to discuss shifting of US embassy to Jerusalem is more important that saving lives of 17 million Muslims of Yemen. What can be more preposterous and sanctimonious than this?There are demonstrations all over Islamic world; from as west as Morocco and as east as Indonesia, against the decision of the USA to shift its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but not a single demonstration against ruthless bombing of Yemen by Saudi coalition under RahilSharief. The USA is having the last laugh, by using one Muslim nation against the other, Shia against Sunnis and Saudis against Iran. It's business of arms supply is also booming, Saudis being the biggest client. Despite surpassing Saudi Arabia in daily production of (Shale) crude oil, the USA is still importing oil from Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries, as its long term strategy. "Till it is easy and cheaper to import, why one should exhaust own reserves/resources"- seems to be the Mantra of the strategic planners in the USA. This exposes double-faced Indian Muslim leaders too, who are extremely concerned about a few thousand Rohingyas than 280 Lakh Yemenis. They are screaming and demonstrating against their own nation to accept and settle "foreigner" and "radicalised" Rohingyas in India but have not even spoken about 28 million Yemenis, who are on the verge of death. Is it because, in case of Yemenis the perpetrators are Muslims and in case of Rohingyas the perpetrators are Buddhists (Myanmaris)? This not only exposes fallacy of Islamic Unity but also communal mind set of Muslim world. If Muslims kill Muslims it is not a crime and never a matter of concern. But if non-Muslims trouble Muslims, it is sufficient reason for starting Jihad.
18 to 24 December, 2017
Pages : 8
(Editor : Surya Prakash)
Price : 5/-
Mizoram had become the third power- surplus state in the north-east after Sikkim and Tripura, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today.He also said the central schemes for the benefit of the northeast had gained momentum and that his government was committed to developing the region. "Today, we celebrate a significant milestone in the history of Mizoram with the completion and dedication of the 60-MW Tuirial hydropower project," the prime minister said, while addressing a public meeting here after inaugurating it. With the commissioning of the project, Mizoram became the third power-surplus state in the north-east, he added. The hydropower proj-
The Supreme Court today directed the Centre to proportionally allocate Rs 7.8 crore, earmarked for setting up of 12 special courts to deal with cases involving politicians, to the concerned states. The apex court said the governments of states where the special courts are to be set up will constitute these courts in consultation with the respective high courts so as to ensure that they are functional by March 1, 2018. A bench comprising Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Navin Sinha also granted two months to the Centre to collect and collate data of cases involving lawmakers pending across the country.The bench said the main issue relating to life ban on convicted politicians would be
ect would produce "251 million units" of electrical energy every year and boost the economic development of the state, Modi said."The completion of this project is a reflection of our commitment to completing the ongoing projects and ushering in a new era of development in
the north-east," he added. The Tuirial project, which was announced and cleared in 1998 by the then Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, was the first major central project to be successfully commissioned in Mizoram, the prime minister said.
heard in the month of March. The apex court listed the matter for further hearing on March 7. The apex court was earlier informed by the Centre that at least 12 special courts would be set up to decide cases involving politicians as accused. The Centre had sought more time to col-
lect and collate data of pending cases against lawmakers across the country. The apex court had on November 1 directed the Centre to place before it details regarding 1,581 cases involving MPs and MLAs, as declared by the politicians at the time of filing their nominations during the 2014 general elections.It had asked the government to apprise it of how many among these 1,581 cases have been disposed of within a year and how many have ended either in conviction or acquittal.The top court was hearing petitions seeking to declare the provisions of the Representation of People Act, which bar convicted politician from contesting elections.
RAHUL WILL LEAD THE PARTY WITH COURAGE, DEDICATION: SONIA Handing over the charge of Congress president to her son Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi today said the party should set its house in order and be ready for any sacrifice to stop the communal forces in the country.Congratulating Rahul Gandhi on his elevation, she said personal attacks on her son have made him fearless and voiced confidence that the young leadership will infuse new vigour in the party. "I am sure he will lead the party with courage and dedication," 71-year-old Sonia Gandhi said addressing an event in which Rahul Gandhi was handed over certificate of election as Congress president.Sonia Gandhi, who headed the 132year-old Congress for the last 19 years, also thanked party lead-
ers and workers for the support she received during her tenure as its chief.Sonia Gandhi said that the country was facing "unprecedented challenges", but stressed that the party was not going to be scared."Congress should introspect and move forward and stand by its values.... It is a moral battle, we have to set our house in order and be ready for the fight and to make any sacrifice," she saidStriking a personal note, Sonia Gandhi said she was proud of her son's endurance and determination. "Rahul is my son and I don't feel it is appropriate that I praise him but I will definitely say that since childhood he had faced the agony inflicted by violence."In his political life, he faced vicious personal attacks
Iconic award night with bollywood actress shamita shetty Tia Jewels by Shalu Jain hosted a gala awards night with Bollywood
Actress Shamita Shetty At The Umrao on 16.12.2017.Night was full of Glamour and Glitters Fashion Show by Awardees Dance Performances by India's leading dance troupe Dance Smith Makeover by House of Beauty - Sahil Malhotra Event Managed by DM Events Decor Partners - Ritika Sahni
Girdhar from Pom Pom VIP Guests included names of MP Amar Singh
Shahnaz Husain Ji Dr Seema Midha Dr Anuj Sushil Vakil and Sunita Vakil Shilani Sadh Dr Varun Katyal Shikha A Sharma Neha Kala Naavnidhi K Wadhwa [18/12, 14:20] Shallu Jain: Iconic Awards by Shalu Jain was one of its kind and was really an iconic and memorable event to cherish.
which have made him more fearless.
I am proud of his endurance and determination. I am fully
confident that he will lead the party with courage and dedication," Sonia Gandhi said.During the speech, she also talked about the time when whe was reluctant to join politics following the assassination of her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi and husband Rajiv Gandhi.Sonia Gandhi had to briefly stop her speech due to disturbance from bursting of fire crackers outside AICC head quarters by party workers to celebrate Rahul Gandhi's ascension. The event was attended by Rahul Gandhi's sister Priyanka Gandhi-Vadra, her husband Robert Vadra, former prime minister Manmohan Singh and other senior party leaders.
Republicans release final Bill on tax reform plan Washington, The ruling Republican party on Friday unveiled the final version of their tax bill which promises massive tax cuts for the middle class and businesses.The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowers the corporate tax rate to 21 per cent (beginning January 1, 2018) down from 35 per cent, the largest reduction in the history of the US.The voting on the USD 1.5 trillion tax cut Bill will be held next week and if passed will be the most sweeping tax overhaul in decades. President Donald Trump, who had promised tax-cut during his election campaign, now wants the Bill signed into law by the end of the year.“By lowering tax rates, simplifying the rigged and burdensome tax code, and repealing the failed tax on lower- and middle-income households known as the Obamacare individual
mandate, this legislation will grow our economy, raise wages, and promote economic competitiveness,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said.“President Donald Trump applauds the House and Senate conferees on coming to an agreement on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and looks forward to fulfilling the promise he made to
the American people to give them a tax cut by the end of the year,” she said.The White House statement came after the House and the Senate agreed on the unified tax Bill.Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Corker also voiced their support for the Bill.House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy hoped to deliver the Bill to the President’s desk just in
time for Christmas.“We have been working toward this for years, and now the American people are closer to a plan that will deliver higher wages, lower taxes, a simpler system, and a stronger American economy,” he said.House Speaker Paul Ryan said the bill overhauls America’s tax code to deliver tax relief for workers, families and job creators, and revitalise the nation’s economy.The act will lower taxes across the board, eliminate costly special-interest tax breaks, and modernise international tax system“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will help create more jobs, increase paychecks, and make the tax code simpler and fairer for Americans of all walks of life,” said Ryan.With this bill, the typical family of four earning the median family income of USD 73,000 will receive.
GST council decides that inter-state e-way bill compulsory from Feb 1 New Delhi, The 24th GST Council meeting held on Saturday decided that the inter-state e-way Bill will be made compulsory from February 1, 2018. The system will be ready by January 16. The uniform system of e-way Bill for inter-state as well as intrastate movement will be implemented across the country by June 1.Till such time as the national e-way Bill is ready, the states were authorised to continue their own separate e-way bill systems. However, it was represented by the trade and transporters that this is causing undue hardship in the inter-state movement of goods and, therefore, bringing in an early all India system of e-way Bill has become a necessity. The GST Council on Saturday reviewed the progress of readiness of hardware and software required for the introduction of nationwide e-way Bill system.The nationwide e-way Bill system will be ready to be rolled out on a trial basis latest by January 16. Trade and transporters can start using this system on a voluntary basis from the stipulated date.The rules for
implementation of nationwide e-way Bill system for inter-state movement of goods on a compulsory basis
will be notified with effect from February 1. This will bring uniformity across the states for seamless inter-state movement of goods.While the system for both inter-state and intra-state e-way Bill generation will be ready by January 16, the states may choose their own timings for implementation of e-way Bill for intrastate movement of goods on any date before June 1. There are certain states which are already having system of eway Bill for intra-state as well as interstate movement and some of those states can be early adopters of national e-way Bill system for intra-state movement also. An official statement said in any case, the uniform system of e-way Bill for inter-state as well as intra-state movement would be implemented across the country by June 1.
Monday, 18 to 24 December-2017
An influential meeting held with Education The first meeting of All India Wallpaper Covering Association held in Delhi to promoted trade Minister Prakash Javadekar for the
Inclusion of Sikh History in NCERT books Statutory body Established under the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Act, 1971, The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, took a serious step regarding the Sikh history by keeping an influential meeting with the incumbent Union Minister of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India Prakash Javadekar for the inclusion of Sikh History in NCERT books, so that the young Indian generation could know about their heritage. Present at the meeting was Preeti Sapru, Sanjay Sapru, Shri Manjit Singh along with eminent personalities of Sikh community. The main motto of the meeting was the Sikh History, mentioned in the discussion about the Sikh Gurus who worked tirelessly for the upliftment of the Indian Society in general and the downtrodden Indian in particular. However, regretfully the history of the Sikhs does not figure anywhere in the school syllabus. And the topic of the negligence and
injustice did by the governments considering the glorious past of the Sikhs was also stated in the meet. Minister Shri Prakash Ji gave a patient and serious hearing to the committee. Whereas, the deep topics about the Sikh history which was requested to include in one or two chapters
in the NCERT books are, Guru Nanak, Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh, Two Younger Sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, the History of Eighteenth Century, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and Indian freedom movement and the Sikhs.
For the very first time, the All India Wallpaper Covering Association (AIWA) held its 'Meet & Greet' on 12 December 2017 at MGM Residency, New Delhi. The main motive behind this meeting is to promote Trade. The entire members along with 47 Importers of India were gathered together to thank finance minister Mr. Arun Jaitley and PM Narendra Modi appreciating their move towards reducing GST rate on the wallpaper to 18%, in turn, helping the wallpaper industry to grow and boom. Association President Mr. Baldev Sharma and General Secretary Mr. Keval Mehta cordially honored Mr. Manoj Jain with 'Certificate of Appreciation' thanking him for his vision and outstanding efforts, dedication, and commitment which has helped the trade to scale to new heights. The association also decided with a consensus to represent
before the governmental authorities for extending the benefits of skill development programme to the workers Kaarigars of wallpaper industry. They shared, this programme is an initiative by National Skill Development Corporation in association with the Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship. This is a welcome move and seeks to provide skill training to thousands of workers of this industry which would definitely act as a step in the realization of Prime Minister's vision of transforming India into the skill capital of the world.
Mrs. India Delhi NCR Beauty Pageant’ India's only national beau- Third Edition of Smile International Film ty pageant for Married Women offering International platform Festival for Children and Youth Opens with Mrs. India beauty pageant is all set to recognize and celebrate the existence of woman, by coming up with the new platform Mrs. India Delhi NCR Beauty Pageant especially for all the married woman, India's only national beauty pageant for Married Women offering an International platform and promoting Diabetes Awareness. Based on the theme of the pageant that is "Beauty in Diversity”, to the fact that every woman is beautiful. Therefore, for the same, the entire team as well as Judges of ‘Mrs. India Delhi NCR Beauty Pageant’ today showcased their upcoming beauty contest while a press conference held in Delhi at The Lalit Hotel, Barakhamba Avenue. Well, to grace the event the personalities from fashion industry as well as
Bollywood were witnessed by their presence such as Mrs. Ritu Sood, the Board of Director Mrs. India. Ahmad Kabir Shadan, director & producer. Chief Guests such as Mrs. Gurumaa Bhrigushree Monica Anand, Director of Bhrigu Shastram along with Kapil Mohan Gupta, director of AD fashions Retail Pvt.Ltd. Apart from them Mrs. Deepa Antil, president of Women welfare association, Satbir Gujjar, Chairman, Mrs. Deepali Phadnis, National Head Mrs. India were also part of the event. While interacting with media the enthusiastic team of ‘Mrs. India Delhi NCR Beauty Pageant’ revealed several details for their upcoming contest and showcased categories conducted for the ladies in two age groups. As Mrs. Asia
Raveena Tandon and other national and international dignitaries
International India for Age up to 40 Years. Classic Mrs. Asia International India, Age above 40 Years. Mrs. Planet - Age Up to 50 Years as well as Mrs. World. And apart from this, the main highlight of the contest was also revealed that the State (Delhi/NCR) Pageant Winners will get
Direct Entry for Mrs. India 2018. Well, it’s time for all the ladies to pull up their socks because Mrs. India Delhi/NCR Pageant is ready to full fill its promise to be an amazing show with the most beautiful women from all over Delhi/NCR who will be representing the
Nationals in Indore, where he won the gold medal amid controversy after getting three walkovers.
Incidentally, it was Rana who gave him a walkover in the title clash in Indore, but the duo wrestled this time and Sushil came out
on top with a 5-4 margin. In his first bout, Sushil defeated Johannes Petrus Botha of South Africa 8-0 followed by the win over Rana. Sushil also beat Jasmit Singh Phulka of Canada by fall en route his gold medal. “It’s a very proud and emotional moment for me as I have returned to the mat on international level after a gap of 3 years. I want to dedicate this gold to my guru and to my nation. JaiHind????” an emotional Sushil wrote on his Twitter handle. Sakshi takes gold Another Olympics medallist, Sakshi Malik, also clinched a gold medal in the championships. Sakshi defeated New Zealand’s Tayla Tuahine Ford 13-2 in the final of the 62kg women’s freestyle category to add another gold for India.
Sindhu finishes bridesmaid at Dubai Super Series Final Dubai, Top Indian shuttler PV Sindhu suffered yet another final loss, going down fighting against World No. 2 Akane Yamaguchi of Japan in a pulsating women’s singles summit clash of the Dubai Super Series Final here on Sunday. In the prestigious season-ending tournament finale, Sindhu played her heart out before losing 21-15 12-21 19-21 to Yamaguchi in an energy-sapping summit clash that lasted an hour and 31 minutes. The 22-year-old came agonisingly close to clinching the title before finishing runner-up once again in her third major tournament, following last year’s Rio Olympics and this year’s Glasgow World Championship. In scenes similar to the World Championship final in Glasgow in August, the summit clash here went down to the wire as the duo engaged in a battle of attrition and nerves. Playing her fourth final of the season, Sindhu logged the first point with a magnificent down the line smash. However, a couple of unforced errors and a wrong judgement at the baseline allowed Yamaguchi to make it 3-2. A lucky net
chord gave another point to the Japanese. However, Sindhu unleashed a superb cross court smash to draw parity at 5-5. The Indian went wide next and another lucky net chord saw Yamaguchi open a 7-5 lead. The Japanese produced another cross court return to gain another point before Sindhu grabbed
Santanu Mishra, Executive Trustee of Smile Foundation & Chairman – SIFFCY said, “I hope through SIFFCY, we will be able to channelize the energy of children and youth in a positive way and engage them proactively in the process
Foundation & Chairman – SIFFCY and Jitendra Mishra, Festival Director – SIFFCY. The weeklong festival started from today will continue till 17th December, 2017 at Sirifort, New Delhi. This year, apart from prestigious International juries, SIFFCY also have a young jury board where children have given their inputs in selection of films. International jury consists Mr. Arend Agthe (Germany), a celebrated film maker known for Karakum and My Friend Raffi; Mr. Gert Hermans (Belgium), Chief-editor, European Children’s Film Association; Ms. Judita Soukupova (Czech Republic), Festival Director, Junior Fest, Ms. Michal Matus (Israel), Head of E d u c a t i o n Department, Cinematheque and Festival Director, Tel Aviv Int’l Children’s FF and Ms. Chantal Bowen (Canada), a veteran film maker and Executive Director – Youth Media Alliance and National award winning film maker from India Anwar Jamal. The panelist for the film festival includes Ms. Laurie Gordon (Canada), a film maker; Festival Director – Montreal Animation FF and Ms. Marlaine Cover (USA), Spokesperson & Trainer, Life Skill Parenting 2.0. Speaking on the occasion, Raveena Tandon said, “I am so thankful to all of you to be here on the inauguration morning on the very own SIFFCY, it is something that is to be very proud of children that there is a film festival, that is only and wholly for children. I want kids to take a vow that whatever they will learn from here, they will follow in their daily life. Movies are the best media to educate our children, so I also want to thank SIFFCY which has acted as a media to communicate goodness to our children, as it is the right time to educate them what is good and what is bad for them”.
of initiating social change. The idea behind SIFFCY is to design a rich mix of film programmes to build and support the growing interest in the infotainment industry. This includes programming that cultivates an audience for World Cinema while supporting filmmakers in career development, so that this powerful medium can be explored in a more focused manner for disseminating serious yet effective social messages”. “SIFFCY is a unique platform to encourage and support the growing interest in meaningful cinema a m o n g y o u n g , aspiring, independent people without any favouritism. This year we have been fortunate enough to have many international partners, who have extended their support towards our initiative to entertain, engage, educate & empower the children & youth through various cinematic experiences & related capacity building workshops. We have scheduled Panels discussions & forums on ‘Environment & Climate change’, ‘Road Safety’, ‘Like Skill development’ and Role of Cinema, apart from the regular technical workshops by industry experts on Film making, Cinematography, Sound design, Production design, Storytelling & Photography” added Mr. Jitendra Mishra, Festival Director – SIFFCY. SIFFCY is a reflection of Smile Foundation’s efforts to use films as a medium for sensitizing masses, especially children and youth, and engaging them proactively in the process of bringing Social change.
Delhi/NCR State for Mrs. India 2018. Audition 1 will be held on 23rd December on Saturday. Audition 2 will be held 7th January on Sunday in Gurgaon. And Finale will be held on 2nd, 3rd & 4th Feb i.e., Friday, Saturday & Sunday at Hotel The Lalit, Delhi.
On international return, Sushil runs away with gold New Delhi, Double Olympics medallist Sushil Kumar made a triumphant return to the international arena by clinching a gold medal at the Commonwealth Wrestling Championships in Johannesburg, South Africa, today. Returning to international wrestling after more than three years, Sushil defeated New Zealand’s Akash Khullar via a pinfall in the final of the 74kg freestyle category. It is his first medal in international wrestling since his gold medal in the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. It was double delight for India as Parveen Rana won a bronze medal in the same weight category. Sushil returned to competitive wrestling in November at the
The third edition of the ‘Smile International Film Festival for Children & Youth’ (SIFFCY) was inaugurated today in the esteemed presence of actress Raveena Tandon, along with Shantanu Mishra, Executive Trustee of Smile
six straight points to turn the tables. Sindhu won a couple of points before levelling 8-8 after closing out a pulsating rally, consisting of 33 shots, with an overhead return. She led 10-8 before entering the break with a three-point advantage after producing another scintillating cross court smash on her rival’s backhand.After the interval, Sindhu moved to 13-8 after grabbing two points. Yamaguchi grabbed three points, which included a successful video referral, to narrow the lead to 11-14. The racquet slipped out of Sindhu’s hand and then she found the net as Yamaguchi breathed down her neck at 13-14. The Japanese, however, could not capitalise as she hit wide and Sindhu unleashed two sensational returns, including a quick return on serve, to once again open up a five-point cushion. The Indian finally earned seven game point opportunities with a quick smash near the court. Yamaguchi saved two game points before Sindhu’s cross court smash came to her rescue as the Indian pocketed the first game in 23 minutes.
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, 18-24 dQÀf¸¶fSXX, 2017
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IYf»f IYf ´fi¸ff¯f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff dkypØ ds foHkktu esa jkek;.k dk le; =srk;qx ekuk x;k gSA lR;;qx] =srk] }kij vkSj dfy;qx dk pØ pyrk jgrk gSA bl rjg ds 27 pØ iwjs gks pqds gSaA =srk;qx esa Hkxoku jke ds ckjs esa dbZ oSKkfud izek.k Hkh fey jgs gSaA bUgha esa ,d gS leqnz esa cka/kk x;k iqy tks Hkxoku Jh jke us e'kgwj okLrqdkj uy vkSj uhy ls cuok;k FkkA uy vkSj uhy dks nso f'kYih fo'odekZ dk oa'kt] crk;k tkrk gSA Hkxoku jke dks lefiZr nks xazFk gh eq[; :i ls fy[ks x;sA buesa ,d gS egf"kZ ckYehfd jfpr ckYehfd jkek;.k vkSj nwljk xksLokeh rqylh dk izca/kdkO; jke pfjr ekulA ckYehfd jkek;.k esa lsrqca/k dk foLrkj ls o.kZu fd;k x;k gSA jkepfjr ekul dk ikB rks ?kj&?kj esa gksrk gS vkSj xhrk izsl xksj[kiqj us bls tu lkekU; rd igqapk fn;k gSA Hkkjr ds yksx tc fons'k esa tkrs gSa rc Hkh vius lkFk jkepfjr ekul dks ys tkrs gSaA e;kZnk iq:"kksRre Jh jke ls tu Hkkouk dks tksM+k x;k gSA dqN fo}kuks us rks ,d 'yksd esa gh jkek;.k dk lkj Hkj fn;k gS vkSj mlds ikB ls Jh jke dh d`ik feyrh gSA ;g 'yksd gS & vknkSjke riksoukfn xeua gRok e`xa dkapue oSnsgh gj.ka tVk;q ej.ka lqxzho laHkk"k.ke~ ckyh fuxzg.ke~ leqnz rj.ka yadk iqjh nkgue~ i'pkr jko.k dqaHk d.kZ guua ,rkf)jkek;.ke~A blh izdkj xksLokeh rqylhnkl us Hkh dkxeq'kqf.M vkSj x:.k ds laokn esa iwjh jkek;.k dk o.kZu dqN pkSikb;ksa vkSj nks-
gksa esa dj fn;k gSA xksLokeh rqylh nkl us Hkh leqnz ij iqy cukus dk o.kZu fd;k gS ftldh iqf.V vc oSKkfud Hkh dj jgs gSaA /keZ ij vkLFkk u j[kus okys dfFkr fo}ku vkSj ladh.kZ jktuhfrd dkj.kksa ls vius ns'k ds yksx Hkys gh jkelsrq dh ,sfrgkfldrk vkSj çkekf.kdrk dks [kkfjt djrs jgrs gSa vkSj mls dkYifud crkrs gSa] ysfdu HkwxHkZ oSKkfudksa] vkfdZ;ksykftLV dh Vhe us lSVsykbV ls çkIr fp=ksa vkSj lsrq LFky ds iRFkjksa vkSj ckyw dk v/;;u djus ds ckn ;g ik;k gS fd Hkkjr vkSj Jhyadk ds chp ,d lsrq dk fuekZ.k fd, tkus ds ladsr feyrs gSaA oSKkfud bldks ,d lqij áweu ,phoesaV eku jgs gSaA oSKkfudksa ds vuqlkj Hkkjr&Jhyadk ds chp 30 ehy ds {ks= esa ckyw dh pêkusa iwjh rjg ls çk—frd gSa] ysfdu mu ij j[ks x, iRFkj dgha vkSj ls yk, x, çrhr gksrs gSaA ;g djhc lkr gtkj o"kZ iqjkuh gSa tcfd bu ij ekStwn iRFkj djhc pkj&ikap gtkj o"kZ iqjkus gSaA ;g ckr Hkh le>us dh gS fd Hkkjr ds nf{k.kiwoZ esa jkes'oje vkSj Jhyadk ds iwoksZÙkj esa eUukj }hi ds chp mFkyh pêkuksa dh ,d psu gSA bl bykds esa leqæ csgn mFkyk gSA leqæ esa bu pêkuksa dh xgjkbZ flQZ 3 QqV ls ysdj 30 QqV ds chp gSA bls Hkkjr esa jkelsrq o nqfu;k esa ,MEl fczt ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA bl iqy dh yackbZ yxHkx 48 fdeh gSA jkelsrq HkkSfrd :i esa mÙkj esa caxky dh [kkM+h dks nf{k.k esa 'kkar vkSj LoPN ikuh okyh eUukj dh [kkM+h ls vyx djrk gS] tks /kkfeZd ,oa ekufld :i ls nf{k.k Hkkjr dks mÙkj Hkkjr ls tksM+rk gSA jkelsrw iqy Hkkjr ds nf{k.k&iwohZ rV ds
fdukjs rfeyukMq fLFkr jkes'oje }hi vkSj Jhyadk ds mÙkj&if'peh rV eUukj }hi ds chp fLFkr gSA ft;ksy‚ftLV M‚DVj ,ysu ysLVj crkrs gSa fd fganw ekU;rk ds eqrkfcd bl iqy dks Hkxoku jke us cuok;k FkkA lkbal pkSuy us OgkV ^v‚u vFkZ ,ufl,aV ySaM ,aM fczt* uke ls ,d M‚D;wesaVªh cukbZ gS ftlesa Hkw&oSKkfudksa dh rjQ ls ;g fo'ys"k.k bl k tk ldrk gSA Hkw&oSKkfudksa us uklk dh rjQ ls yh xbZ rLohj dks çk—frd crk;k gSA oSKkfudksa us vius fo'ys"k.k esa ;g ik;k fd 30 ehy yach ;g J`a[kyk psu ekuo fufeZr gSA vius fo'ys"k.k esa Hkw&oSKkfudksa dks ;g irk pyk fd ftl lSaM ij ;g iRFkj j[kk gqvk gS ;s dgha nwj txg ls ;gka ij yk;k x;k gSA muds eqrkfcd] ;gka ij yk;k x, iRFkj djhc 7 gtkj lky iqjkuk gSA tcfd] ftl lSaM ds Åij ;g iRFkj j[kk x;k gS og flQZ pkj gtkj lky iqjkuk gSA gkykafd] dqN tkudkj bls ikap gtkj lky iqjkuk ekurs gSa ftl nkSjku jkek;.k esa bls cukus dh ckrsa dgh xbZ gSA Hkxoku Jh jke ds ckjs esa lc ls izekf.kd xzaFk ckYehfd jkek;.k esa ;g dgk ;k gS fd tc jke us lhrk dks yadk ds jktk jko.k ds paxqy ls NqM+kus ds fy, yadk }hi ij p<+kbZ dh] rks ml oä mUgksaus lHkh nsorkvksa dk vkºoku fd;k vkSj ;q) esa fot; ds fy, vk'khokZn ekaxk FkkA buesa leqæ ds nsork o#.k Hkh FksA o#.k ls mUgksaus leqæ ikj tkus ds fy, jkLrk ekaxk FkkA tc o#.k us mudh çkFkZuk ugha lquh rks mUgksaus leqæ dks lq[kkus ds fy, /kuq"k mBk;kA Mjs gq, o#.k us {kek;kpuk djrs gq, mUgsa crk;k fd Jhjke dh lsuk esa ekStwn uy&uhy uke ds okuj ftl iRFkj ij mudk uke fy[kdj leqæ esa Mky nsaxs] og rSj tk,xk vkSj bl rjg Jh jke dh lsuk leqæ ij iqy cukdj mls ikj dj ldsxhA ;gh gqvk HkhA blds ckn jke dh lsuk us yadk ds jkLrs esa iqy cuk;k vkSj yadk ij geyk dj fot; gkfly dhA
×ðá % Øks/k ij fu;U=.k cuk;sa j[ksaA dqN dk;ksZ esa vR;f/kd Je djus ij gh lQyrk çkIr gksxhA efgykvksa dk [kjhnkjh ij /ku dk O;; gksxkA O;olk;& dks;ys ds O;kikjh lksap&le>dj gh dksbZ fu.kZ; ysaA ßëá % vfç; lekpkj fey ldrk gSA 'kklu lÙkk dk lg;ksx feysxkA O;kolkf;d çfr"Bk c<+sxhA thoulkFkh dk lg;ksx o lkfu/; feysxkA f'k{kk çfr;ksfxrk ds {ks= esa lQyrk feysxhA ç×ÍéÙ % O;kolkf;d çfr"Bk c<+sxhA LokLF; ds çfr lpsr jgsA HkkxnkSM+ jgsxhA ikfjokfjd thou lq[ke; gksxkA x`gksi;ksxh oLrqvksa esa o`f) gksxhA ··ü % vkt vkids çse laca/k ubZ ÅapkbZ dks çkIr djsaxs vkSj vki dksbZ vPNk fu.kZ; ys ldrs gSaA ;fn vki fookfgr gSa] rks nkEiR; thou esa [kq’kgkyh jgsxhA çâ¢ãU % vk/khuLFk deZpkjh ;k iM+kslh ls ruko fey ldrk gSA dqN ikfjokfjd my>usa jgsxhA O;FkZ dh HkkxnkSM+ jgsxhA LokLF; ds çfr lpsr jgus dh vko';drk gSA ·‹Øæ % ikfjokfjd thou esa [kqf'k;ksa ds iy nLrd nsaxsA vpkud gh dksbZ [kq'kh dk lekpkj çkIr gksxkA iwath fuos'k esa ykHk ds volj jgsaxsA okgu [kjhnus esa firk dk lg;ksx feysxk Ð ÌéÜæ % ikfjokfjd lq[k esa o`f) gksxhA O;; ij fu;a=.k j[ksaA /ku dh fn'kk esa lq/kkj gksxkA ikfjokfjd nkf;Ro dh iwfrZ gksxhA larku ;k f'k{kk ds çfr fpafrr jgsxsA ßëçà¿·¤ % ç'kklfud o jktuSfrd {ks=ksa esa dksbZ egRoiw.kZ in gsrq vkidk uke çLrkfor jgsxkA fdlh Hkh ekeysa esa vuko';d c;kuckth ls cpsa] ;g fookn o fpark,a ns ldrh gSA vkenuh ds lk/kuksa dks vkSj mUur cukus esa vHkh oä yxsxkA ÏÙé % vkfFkZd i{k etcwr gksxkA larku ds nkf;Ro dh iwfrZ gksxhA O;kolkf;d lQyrk feysxhA HkkX;o'k dksbZ ,slh ?kVuk gksxh ftlls vkidh çfr"Bk c<+sxhA ×·ÚU % ;k=k dk ncko cgqr vf/kd jgsxk] ijUrq vki blls cfp;saA vkt vuki&'kuki [kpsZ Hkh gksaxs mldks vki jksd ugha ik;saxsA ?kj&ifjokj ds yksxksa dks cgqr vPNk lg;ksx feysxkA O;olk; esa nSfud vk; c<+sxhA ·é¢Ö % O;kolkf;d lQyrk feysxhA ikfjokfjd nkf;Ro dh iwfrZ gksxhA LokLF; ds çfr lpsr jgsA bZ'oj esa vkLFkk c<+sxhA ;k=k ns'kkVu dh fLFkfr lq[kn o ykHkçn gksxhA ×èÙ % vkt dke&dkt dkQh xfr vk;sxhA vkids fd;s tk jgs ç;klksa esa lQyrk dh laHkkouk gSA vkfFkZd ykHk dk fnu gS vkSj vU; ç;klksa esa Hkh lQyrk feysxhA
NaOX ·ffE ·fe,Àf°ffE ·fe ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff BaM esa fnu esa xquxquh èkwi dk vkuan vius vki esa vuwBk gksrk gS vkSj jkr dks jtkbZ] dacy vks<+ dj lksuk lcdks lqgkrk gSA BaM dh cM+h jkrsa bldks vkSj c<+k nsrh gSaA bl ekSle esa MVdj [kkuk vkSj fidfud eukuk Hkh lcdks Hkkrk gSA BaM dh vfèkdrk dh viuh eqlhcrsa Hkh gSaA ;g lsgr cukus dk lsgrean ekSle gS fdUrq ykijokgh eqlhcr esa Mky ldrh gSA bl ekSle esa lnhZ] tqdke] cq[kkj] fueksfu;k] tksM+ksa esa nnZ vkfn vke ckrsa gaSA
BaM esa gekjs ykijokgh cjrus ij cPps] cM+s ,oa cw<+ksa rd dks bl ekSle dh ijs'kkuh [kkus&ihus ,oa ipkus dh {kerk c<+ tkrh gSA mBkuh iM+rh gSA BaM ds ekSle esa rkieku fxjrk vr,o ge MVdj [kkus tkrk gS vkSj ulsa fldqM+us yxrh yxrs gSaA ,sls esa 'kqxj c<+ gSA ge viuh 'kkjhfjd xfrfofèk;ka tkrh gSA 'kqxj ejht Hkh ,sls esa de dj nsrs gSa ftlls lkoèkkuh cjrrs gq, ilhuk cguk :d tkrk gSA ikuh lhfer ek=kk esa [kk,aA tks Hkh BaMk gks tkrk gSA bl lcls [kk jgs gSa] mldh vfèkd ek=kk dks jDrpki c<+rk lsgr Je dj tkrk gS vkSj ân;k?kkr dk [krjk c<+ tkrk gSA [kpZ djsaA ;g ekSle ds fy, mPp jDrpki ,oa ân;jksxh eèkqesfg;ksa bl ekSle esa fo'ks"k lkoèkkuh cjrsaA ân;k?kkr okyk Hkh ekuk BaMs ikuh ds LFkku ij gYds xeZ tkrk gSA BaM ds ekSle esa ikuh esa ugk,aA FkksM+k Je] O;k;ke Hkh djsaA dqN ilhuk cgk,aA ued] jlhys] Qy&Qwy] lCth 'kDdj] rsy] ?kh dh vfèkdrk okyh dh vkod Hkjiwj jgrh gSA oLrqvksa dk vR;Ur de lsou djsaA xtd] yM~Mw ] ikiM+h] cjQh] B.M ds ekSle esa rkieku esa iqyko] ijkBk [kkus dks feyrs gSaA fxjkoV gksus ij 'okal ufy;ka ;g eksVs yksxksa ds eksVkis ,oa fldqM+ tkrh gSaA ,sls esa lqcg ;k dksysLVªky dks c<+kdj eqlhcr Hkh 'kke ckgj fudyus ij vFkok ?kj [kM+h dj ldrk gSA nksuksa dk c<+uk esa gh vLFkek dk nkSjk iM+us eqlhcr dk ?kj ekuk tkrk gSA rst BaM esa jkr dks T;knk yxrk gSA ,sls ejht fcuk xeZ diM+s igus ?kj ls ckgj u le; esa ckgj jgus] BaMs ikuh ls tk,aA xeZ Hkkstu de ek=kk esa ugkus ij gkbiksFkfeZ;k dh fLFkfr djsaA nok dk lsou le; ij mRiUu gks tkrh gSA 'kjhj BaMk iM+ t:j djsaA ckgj èkqaèk esa tkrk gSA blesa 'kjhj dk rkieku fcYkdqy u tk,aA gYdk QqYdk lkekU; ls Hkh fxj tkrk gSA ;g O;k;ke] izk.kk;ke djsaA 'kjhj dks tkuysok Hkh gks tkrk gSA 'kjkc ihus lfØ; o 'okal uyh dks nq:Lr okyksa dks ;g [krjk vkSj T;knk gksrk gSA j[ksaA
´fi±f¸f ´fÈâX IZY Vû¿f
¦fbªfSXf°f ¨fb³ff½f ³f°feªff °f¹f IYSmX¦ff... ,d rjg ls gqadkj Hkjrs gq, dgk Fkk fd og 'ns'k vkSj lekt fuekZ.k ds fy, l[r dne mBkrs jgsaxs Hkys gh mUgsa bldh jktuhfrd dher pqdkuh iM+sA'tkfgj rkSj ij bls th,lVh tSls ,sfrgkfld dne ls tksM+dj ns[kk tk jgk Fkk ftldk xqtjkr esa dkaxzsl dh vksj ls Qk;nk mBkus dh dksf'k'k gqbZ FkhA blls igys uksVcanh tSls eqíksa ij Hkh dkaxzsl us C;wg jpus dh dksf'k'k dh Fkh ysfdu turk us mls udkj fn;k FkkA yksdlHkk pquko esa vc Ms<+ lky dk oä gSA mlls igys xqtjkr vkSj fgekpy dh cM+h thr Hkktik vkSj çèkkuea=h dks ;g vkÜoLr djus ds fy, dkQh gksxh fd turk vc fodkl dks eqík ekurh gS vkSj 'U;w bafM;k' ds fy, ;ksxnku dks Hkh rS;kj gSAjktuhfrd vlj [kqn Hkktik ds vanj ls ysdj foi{k rd ij fn[ksxkA Hkktik dh cM+h thr foi{kh [kses dh xksan lq[kk nsxkA
IYfa¦fiZÀf ¸fZÔ WbXAf SXfWbX»f SXfªf... QksM+s- dgha
IYfg³MÑ`X¢MX AüSX AÀ±ff¹fe IY¸fÊʨffSXe IYû... ds fl)kar dks ns[krs gq, ;s fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gSAdksVZ us dgk fd dksbZ Hkh O;fä de iSls esa bPNk ls dke ugha djrk] cfYd [kqn dh çfr"Bk nkao ij yxkdj blfy, dke djrk gS rkfd vius ifjokj dk isV Hkj ldsA D;ksafd og tkurk gS fd vxj de iSls esa dke Lohdkj ugha fd;k rks mldh eqf'dysa c<+ tk,axhAdksVZ iatkc ds vLFkkbZ deZpkfj;ksa ls tqM+s ekeys dh lquokbZ dj jgh Fkh ftUgksaus LFkkbZ deZpkfj;ksa ds cjkcj lSyjh ikus ds fy, lqçhe dksVZ dk #[k fd;k FkkA blls igys iatkc vkSj gfj;k.kk gkbZdksVZ us dgk Fkk fd vLFkkbZ deZpkfj;ksa dks LFkkbZ ds cjkcj lSyjh ugha nh tk ldrhA
WXdSX¹ff¯ff IZY OXeªfe (ªfZ»f) IZY ³ff¸f ´fS... gSA eq>s ekufu; U;k;ky; ij iwjk Hkjks'kk gS fd eq>s U;k; feysxkA ihfM+r xtjkt flag us crk;k fd yxkrkj fey jgh /kefd;ksa o esjs f[kykQ jpk;s x;s "kM;a= ds fy, eSus U;k; ds fy, iz/kku eU=h dk;kZy;] x`gea=h] gfj;k.kk ds eq[;eU=h foMks] eq[; lfpo gfj;k.kk] ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx] ,l,lih gfj;k.kk] fnYyh iqfyl deh'kuj] x`g lfPko gfj;k.kk o dbZ vf/kdkfj;ks dks fyf[kr f'kdk;rs Hkh nh] ysfdu eq>s u rks dgha ls dksbZ tokc feyk ugh v'oklu] eSjs lkFk yxkrkj vU;k; gks jgk gSA cjkcj /kefd;kW fey jgh gS ftl dkj.k esjk iwjk ifjokj budh /kefd;ks ls Mjk gqvk gSA yxkrkj gfj;k.kk iqfyl ds }kjk esjs vU; fj'rsnkjks ds ikl Hkh tkdj /kefd;ka nh tk jgh gS vxj eq>s #i;s ugha feys o esjs lkFk U;k; ugh gqvk rks es vkRegR;k djus ij etcwj gks tkÅaxkA
¸fdWX»ff ÀfbSXÃff ªff¦føYIY°ff IZY d»fE dQ»»fe... Js.kh ds çfrHkkfx;ksa ds vuqlkj lapkfyr fd;k x;k Fkk A ftles gkQ eSjkFku ds çFke fotsrk dks ,d yk[k #i, lfgr vU; Js.kh ds fotsrkvksa dks udn buke Hkh fn, x,A x`g ea=h jktukFk flag ds lkFk lkekftd U;k; ,oa vfèkdkfjrk ea=h Fkkojpan xsgyksr] foÙk jkT; ea=h f'ko çrki 'kqDy th] fnYyh iqfyl dfe'kuj vewY; iVuk;d] ykMyh QkmaMs'ku dh laj{kd o~ yksd lHkk lkaln Jherh fç;adk flag jkor rFkk dbZ ofj"B vfrfFkx.k ,oa tkus&ekus flrkjs ns'k dh csfV;ksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, ykMyh j{kd ds :i esa ekStwn FksAbl eSjkFku esa igyh ckj ,d vuwBk ç;ksx fd;k x;k ftlds vuqlkj fnYyh ds vyx&vyx {ks=ksa ls yxHkx 10]000 csjkstxkj ;qokvksa dks bl dk;ZØe esa dkS'ky fodkl ds çf'k{k.k gsrq iath—r fd;k x;k ftlls mUgsa rdfudh çf'k{k.k fn;k tk lds rkfd os vius dkS'ky Kku ds vkèkkj ij jkstxkj ik lds A dk;ZØe ds laLFkkid nsosUæ dqekj xqIrk }kjk dk;ZØe ds çeq[k fcnq ykMyh j{kd ds ckjs esa ifjp; fn;k ftles crk;k dh bl eqghe dk mís'; gj ds ls ,d O;fä dks efgyk dh lqj{kk o mlds lEeku ds fy, ykMyh j{kd ds :i esa tkx:d djuk gSa aA
¸fdWX»ff AfSXÃf¯f d¶f»f ªf»Q ÀfZ ªf»Q ´ffÀf WXû³ff...
BaM ds le; xeZ rktk Hkkstu djsaA ekSleh Qy] Qwy] lCth&Hkkth] lykn t:j [kk,aA eè;e xeZ ikuh esa ugk,aA xeZ fcLrj ,oa can dejs ls lhèks ckgj u fudysaA i;kZIr xeZ diM+s igusaA bl ekSle esa èkwi lsou dj ykHk t:j ysaA ijkaBk] iqyko vius LokLF; dks è;ku esa j[kdj [kk,aA xqM+] xtd] ikiM+h] yM~Mw] cjQh dk vius LokLF; ds vuqlkj lsou djsaA can dejs esa vaxhBh] flxM+h u tyk,aA pgydneh ,oa O;k;ke djsaA Je djus ls u fgpfdpk,aA 'kjhj esa ljlksa dk rsy yxkdj
ekfy'k djsaA NksVs cPpksa ,oa cw<+ksa ds LokLF; ij bl ekSle esa t:j è;ku nsaA BaMs ikuh ds LFkku ij lkekU; rkieku okyk ikuh fi,aA lwi] twl ,oa nwèk fi,aA ;g lsgr cukus dk ekSle dgykrk gSA xzh"e vkSj o"kkZdky ds le; ds LokLF;xr [kkeh dks ;g nwj djrk gSA bl ekSle esa tksM+ksa esa nnZ] tdM+u] vkyl] FkdkoV] detksjh] lnhZ] tqdke] cq[kkj] BaM yxuk lkekU; ckr gSA nek] i{kk?kkr] 'kqxj] ch-ih-] xfB;k ds jksxh Hkh viuh lfØ;rk cuk, j[kus dk mik; djsa vkSj okafNr lsgr ykHk ik,aA
lcls igys efgykvksa dks l'kä djus dh t:jr gSA Hkkjr ges'kk ls L=h çèkku ns'k jgk gS] blhfy, ge Hkkjr dh èkjrh dks Hkkjr ekrk dgrs gSa] firk ughaA lekt esa dqN dqjhfr;ka vkbZ gSa] ftls [kRe djus dh t:jr gSA fuHkZ;k dkaM tSlh ?kVuk,a lekt ds fy, dyad gSaAf'kojkt us Lo&lgk;rk lewgksa ds fy, [kksyk fiVkjk eq[;ea=h f'kojkt flag pkSgku us jfookj dks efgyk Lo&lgk;rk lewgksa ds fy, cM+h ?kks"k.kk,a dh gSaA mUgksaus dgk fd efgyk Lo&lgk;rk lewgksa dks ikap djksM+ #i, rd ds yksu dh xkjaVh ljdkj nsxh vkSj yksu dk rhu çfr'kr C;kt vuqnku Hkh ljdkj nsxhA ;g vuqnku rhu yk[k #i, rd gksxkA
¶ff¶fSXe ¸fbïZX AüSX ¦füSXÃff ´fSX ÀfeE¸f ... dks cqyk dj dgk fd mUgsa rqjar oDQ cksMZ dh lhchvkbZ tkap dh Qkby ds ckjs esa crk;k tk, fd dke dgka rd iqgapk gSA ekSykuk us oDQ cksMZ ds ekStwnk ps;jeSu dh okLrfodrk crkrs gq, eq[;ea=h ls dgk fd mldk mnkgj.k ,d lkWi tslk gS tks mls nwèk fiykrk gS mls gh MLrk gS] ftl ij eq[;ea=h us dgk fd ps;jeSu us gels feyus ds fy, le; ekaxk Fkk] ysfdu geus feyus ls budkj dj fn;kA eq[;ea=h ls f'k;ksa ij LFkkfir >wBs vkSj vuisf{kr eqd}eksa dks gVkus ds ckjs esa Hkh ckr dh xbZA eq[;ea=h us vkÜoklu fn;k fd tYn gh Qjth eqd}eksa dks lekIr dj fn;k tk,xkA eq[;ea=h ls lqcg 9-30 cts 'kq: eqykdkr vkèks ?kaVs rd tkjh jghA
7 Àfû¸f½ffSX
´fifQZdVfIY IYf³f´fbSX ´fbd»fÀf ³fZ »fbMZXSXZ ¦f`Ô¦f IYf dIY¹ff ´fQfÊRYfVf , 18-24 dQÀf¸¶fSXX, 2017
❚ ¦füSX½f dõX½fZQe dkuiqjA iqfyl vèkh{kd] tuin dkuiqj nsgkr }kjk vijkfèk;ksa ds fo:) pyk;s tk jgs vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr fnukad 14-12-2017 dks Jh larks"k dqekj vk;Z çHkkjh LokV Vhe e; euh"k feJk lfoZykal lsy o Fkkukè;{k Jh çHkkr dqekj flag] Fkkuk lêh o çHkkjh fujh{kd Jh nsosUæ flag] Fkkuk Hkksxuhiqj e; gejkgh iqfyl cy ds f'ko'kfä
flag] Fkkuk Hkksxuhiqj e; gejkgh iqfyl cy ds Rofjr dk;Zokgh djrs gq;s eq[kfcj dh lwpuk ij eqxy jksM xzke vQlfj;k dh eMS;k eksM ds ikl vk;s fd FkksMh nsj esa ,d buksok dkj lQsn jax ua0 m0ç0 78 Mhch 6393 Hkksxuhiqj dh rjQ vkrh gq;h fn[kkbZ nh fd mijksä iqfyl Vhe }kjk Rofjr dk;Zokgh djrs gq;s ?ksjkcUnh dj 06 vfHk;qäksa dks e; buksok dkj ds
fxj¶rkj fd;k x;k rFkk fxj¶rkj fd;s x;s vfHk;qäksa dh ryk'kh fy;s tkus ij muds dCts ls 04 vnn reapk ns'kh e; 08 vnn ftUnk dkjrwl 315 cksj o 02 yk[k 05 gtkj :i;s o 05 vnn eksckby] e`rd jgh'k ¼Vªd pkyd½ dk ywVk x;k uksfd;k eksckby o vkèkkj dkMZ o 01 tksMh diMs rFkk e`rd eaxy flag ¼Vªd pkyd½ dk ywVk x;k iSu dkMZ]
A½f`²f Àfa¶f²fûÔ IZY ¨f»f°fZ ´fd°f IYe ¦f»ff Q¶ffIYSX IYe WX°¹ff ❚ Ad¸f°f IbY¸ffSX dÀfaWX QrsgiqjA dksrokyh {ks= ds Bkdqjiqj etjs vtubZ xk¡o esa chrs 11 fnlacj dh jkr xyk nckdj ,d ;qod dh gR;k ds ekeys dks e'kDdrksa ckn LFkkuh; iqfyl us vkt [kqyklk fd;k vkSj vkjksfi;ksa dks fxj¶rkj dj tsy Hkstk x;k gSA dksrokyh {ks= ds Bkdqjiqj etjs vtubZ fuoklh lqjsUn flag ;kno iq= xqykc flag ;kno dk foxr fnuks ?kj ds vanj xyk nckdj gR;k dj nh xbZ Fkh |ftlds lEcUèk esa 501@17 vijkèk eqdnek o èkkjk 302 vkbZihlh iath—r dj e`rd dh iRuh fufèk ;kno o mlds nwj ds fj'rsnkj loZs'k mQ+Z NksVw ;kno iq= iaFkq ;kno fuoklh uwjiqj Fkkuk dY;kuiqj dks fxj¶rkj dj tsy Hkstk gS |
iRuh dks 5:30 ij ?kj ls fxj¶rkj fd;k o iqfyl lw=ksa dh tkudkjh ds lkFk loZs'k mQ+Z NksVw dks laor frjkgs ls lqcg 8:30 ij fxj¶rkj fd;k gS A crkrs pys dh e`rd dh iRuh o mlds nwj ds fj'rsnkj ds 'kknh ds igys ls voSèk lEcUèk Fks A nksuksa fj'rsnkj gksus ds dkj.k ?kj esa vkuk& tkuk yxk jgrk Fkk A e`rd lqjsUn ;kno o mudh
Vffad°f²ff¸f d³f¸ffʯf ¸fZÔ ªf¸fIYSX WbAf ¶faQSX¶ffaMX ❚ Àfbd¸f°ff Vf¸ffÊ vuwiiqjAxzke iapk;r ckMh[kkj ds varxZr vkus okyh lHkh ;kstukvks dks
ckr Hkh lkeus vkbZ gS fd dfelu fd ywV [klksV ds pDdj es fcy Hkqxrku dks jksd fn;k x;k FkkA
iRuh ds fj'rs dks ysdj ?kj esa gj fnu rw rw eSa eSa gksrh jgrh Fkh ftlds pyrs xzke çèkku us mudk ,d lky igys lqyk Hkh djk;k Fkk A *dksrokyh çHkkjh vfuy dqekj jk; us crk;k fd e`rd ds jkr esa lks tkus ds ckr iRuh us vkjksih dks ?kj ds vanj cqykdj mldk xyk nckdj gR;k dh ?kVuk dks vatke fn;k gSA
oksVj vkbZ-Mh- o Vªd dk 01 Msx 02 Lihdj cjken fd;s x;sA cjken lkeku ds lEcUèk esa iwNrkN fd;s tkus ij fxj¶rkj vfHk;qäksa us fnukad& 30@31-10-2017 dks Fkkuk Hkksxuhiqj {ks= ds xzke uFkqvkiqj eqxy jksM ij Vªd pkyd dh gR;k dj 'ko dks Qsad nsus o Vªd dks ywV dj ys tkus rFkk fnukad 08@09-11-2017 dks Fkkuk lêh ds xzke vQlfj;k ds lkeus eqxy jksM ij Vªd pkyd dh gR;k dj 'ko dks Qsad nsus o Vªd dks eky lfgr ywV dh ?kVuk dkfjr djuk Lohdkj fd;k gSA mä ?kVukvksa ds lEcUèk esa Fkkuk Hkksxuhiqj ij eq0v0la0 1397@17 èkkjk 302@201 Hkk0n0fo0 rFkk Fkkuk lêh ij eq0v0la0 254@17 èkkjk 302@201 Hkk0n0fo0 ds vfHk;ksx iath—r fd;k x;k FkkA mä cjkenxh ds lEcUèk esa Fkkuk Hkksxuhiqj o lêh ij iath—r vfHk;ksxksa esa vijkèk dh èkkjk 396@412 Hkk0n0fo0 dh c
¶f`ÔIY AfgRY ¶fOÞXüQf IYSXfSXe ³fZ dIY¹ff FY¯f d½f°fSX¯f I`ÔY´f E½fa ¦fûâXe IYf Af¹fûªf³f
❚ d¸f³WXfªfb»f WXÀf³f dkS'kkEchA uxj iapk;r djkjh ds rqylh xsLV gkml esa xzkgd tkx#drk o _.k forj.k dSai ,oa xzkgd xksf"V dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA _.k forj.k esa 16 fdlku Hkkb;ksa dks fdlku ØsfMV dkMZ çnku fd;k x;kA vkSj 6 yksxksa dks Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk Ldhe eqæk yksu ds rgr fn;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe esa eq[; vfrfFk cSad v‚Q cM+kSnk ds mi ekg çcaèkd ih-ds- nkl th jgsAih ds-nkl th us yksxksa dks lacksfèkr djrs gq, dgk fd gekjk gj xzkgd Hkxoku dk :i gksrk gS] xzkgd ls ge cSad deZpkjh vkSj vfèkdkjh gSa] gels ls xzkgd ughA ges gj xzkgd ls çse iwoZd is'k vkuk pkfg,A vkSj bl ekSds ij ,yMh,e dkS'kkEch fnus'k feJk] Jh iadt flag]djkjh 'kk[kk çeq[k çoh.k dqekj ,oa _.k vfèkdkjh jk.kk nÙkk vkfn vfèkdkjh x<+ ,oa Hkkjh la[;k esa xzkgd bl xksf"V esa 'kkfey gqosA
ª½f`»fÀfÊ IZY ¹fWXfg »ff£fûÔ IYe ¨fûSXe ❚ Ad¸f°f IbY¸ffSX dÀfaWX QrsgiqjA mÙkj çns'k ds Qrsgiqj ftys ds cdsoj Fkkuk {ks= ds ubZ cktkj esa chrh jkf= pksjks us ToSylZ dh nqdku dk 'kVj rksM+dj uxnh lfgr yk[kks dh ToSyjh ikj dj fn;k | ?kVuk dh lqpuk feyrs gh iqfyl us ToSylZ ds ekfyd dks lqpuk fn;k ekSds ij igqaps ToSylZ ds ekfyd us nqdku esa tkdj ns[kk tgk¡ pksjks us ykdj rksM+dj uxnh A ihfM+r nqdkunkj dh ekus lfgr lksus dh ToSyjh lfgr rks yxHkx rhu cts ,lvks dk yk[kks dk eky ij dj fn;k Qksu vk;k dh pksjks us nqdku
dk 'kVj rksM+dj pksjh dh gS ] ekSds ij igqaps nqdkunkj us tkdj ns[kk tgk¡ pksjks us ykdj dks rksM+ dj ,d fdyks lksuk o 10 fdyks pkanh pqjk ys x, vkSj nqdku esa yxs lhlhVhoh dSejs dks rksM+ Mkyk] ogh¡ iqfyl us crk;k dh chrh jkf= pksjks us ToSylZ dh nqdku dk 'kVj rksM+dj lksuk o pkanh ds vkHkw"k.k pqjk ys x, gS ftldh tk¡p djkbZ tk jgh gSa tYn gh pksjh dh ?kVuk dk [kqylk dj fy;k tk;sxk A
¸f²¹f´fiQZVf IZY Aû¸fIYfSX ³fZ dQ»ff¹ff QZVf IYû ¦fû»OX ¸f`OX»f ysdj 'kkafrèkke fuekZ.k o 'kkSpky; fuekZ.k esa tedj canjckaV dh x;h gSAxzke iapk;r esa ujsxk ds rgr vèkwjs rkykc o 'kkafrèkke dk fuekZ.k fd;k x;k Fkk ftldh tkap gksuk vHkh ckdh gSA etnwjksa us tuin iapk;r lhbZvks ls fyf[kr f'kdk;r nsus fd ckr Hkh dgh gS dbZ ekg ckn Hkh etnwjh ugha feyus dh ckr dgh gSA vkSj lkaFk fg lkaFk vHkh gky fg es cus 'kkafr èkke es Hkh dkQh canj ckaV gqbZ gS ftles ;g
fdlh vkSj ds uke ij gks x;k Hkqxrku xzke okfl;ksa us vkjksi yxk;k fd xzke iapk;r esa rkykc] 'kkafrèkke] iqfy;k fuekZ.k ds vèkwjs fuekZ.k dks ysdj igys Hkh Hkz"Vkpkj dh ckrsa lkeus vk pqdh gSaA bl 'kkafrèkke dks cus egt dqN efgus gq, gS vkSj ;g vHkh ls ttZjrk fd >yd fn[kk jgk gS lkQ lqFkjk rLohjks es ns[kk tk ldrk gS xq.koÙkk fofgu fuekZ.k dk;Z gqvk gSA
❚ Àfbd¸f°ff Vf¸ffÊX HkkywekM+kA Hkkjrh; fu'kkusckth esa lqekj varjjk"Vªh; fu'kkusckt HkkywekM+k ds liwr usoh eSu vksadkj flag us ,d ckj fQj ns'k dks Lo.kZ ind fnyk;kA tkiku ds okdks 'kgj esa py jgh 10 oha ,f'k;kbZ 'kwfVax pkSafi;uf'ki esa tgka 10 ehVj ,;j fiLVy O;fäxr esa thrw jk; us dkaL; ind thrk oghA Hkkjrh; frdM+h vksedkj flag thrw j‚; ]'kkgtkj fjtoh ]us 10 ehVj ,;j fiLVy LièkkZ dk Vhe Lo.kZ ind thrk ftlesa vksadkj flag dk Ldksj lcls vfèkd jgkA gkykafd 10 ehVj ,;j fiLVy ds Qkbuy esa vksadkj flag txg ugha cuk ik, ]ysfdu vius yacs vuqHko
o ,dkxzrk ls Vhe bafM;k dks ,d ckj fQj ls Lo.kZ ind fnyk;k vksadkj flag thrw jk; ,oa 'kkgtkj fjtoh] us Js"B çn'kZu djrs gq, Vhe dks dqy 1735 vad ds lkFk Lo.kZ ind fnyk;k A ;gka 1729 vad ikdj phu nwljs LFkku ij jgk A tcfd fo;ruke 1728 vad ds lkFk rhljs LFkku ij jgk AA vksadkj flag us blls igys v‚LVªsfy;k esa [ksys x, dkeuosYFk xsEl esa 10 ehVj ,;j fiLVy esa flYoj esMy ns'k dks fnyk;k Fkk tcfd 'kkgtkj fjtoh dks xksYM ]vkSj
¨fûSXe ¦fE MÑZX¢MXSX ÀfdWX°f AfSXû´fe IYû dIY¹ff d¦fSXµ°ffSX ❚ Àfbd¸f°ff Vf¸ffÊ vuwiiqjA Fkkuk fctqjh varxZr okMZ Øekad 11Nrgk eqgYyk fuoklh 'kkfgn mQZ eksVw firk vCnqy }kjk fctqjh Fkkus esa lwpuk nh x;h fd 15 fnlEcj dks mldk yky jax dk efgaæk VªSDVj ,e -ih 18,, 7064 e; Vªkyh ?kj ds lkeus [kM+h Fkh ijarq lqcg 4 cts ns[kus ij xkM+h xk;c FkhAdksbZ vKkr pksj efgaæk VªsDVj dher 4 yk[k #i;s dh pksjh dj ys x,Abl ?kVuk dks fctqjh uxjfufj{kd egsaæ flag pkSgku }kjk xEHkhjrk iwoZd ysrs gq, rRdky bldh lwpuk iqfyl dIrku vuqiiqj lquhy tSu]vfrfjä iqfyl vèkh{kd oS".ko 'kekZ]dksrek iqfyl vuqohHkkxh; vfèkdkjh fot; flag dks nh x;hAftl ij iqfyl dIrku }kjk uxjfufj{kd dks ukds canh dj iqfyl Vhe dk xBu dj Rofjr dk;Zokgh dk funZs'k fn;k x;k ftl ij rRdky uxjfufj{kd pkSgku }kjk vijkèk Øekad 399@17 èkkjk 379 rk-fg ds rgr dk;e dj nks iqfyl ikVÊ;ks dk xBu
dj ,d NÙkhlx<+ eusUæx<+ dh ?j vkSj nwljh Vhe 'kgMksy dh vksj jokuk dh xbZAfoospuk ds nkSjku tkudkjh feyh fd fnukad 15@12@2017 dh jkr 10 cts jktsUæxzke dh rjQ jgus okys xsnq pksjh x, VªsDVj ds vkl ikl ?kwe jgk Fkk]ysfdu VªsDVj pksjh gksus ds ckn tc
Fkkuk jktsUæxzke ftyk vuqiiqj }kjk VªsDVj pksjh djds ilyk [kkaMk iksaMh ds chp taxy esa fNikdj j[kuk crk;k x;k Fkk vkSj pksjh x, VªsDVj dh dher 4 yk[k dks 15 fnlEcj dks gh cjken dj fy;k x;kA VªsDVj pksjh tSls nqLlkfgl ?kVuk dk mlh fnu cjkenxh esa iqfyl dIrku lquhy tSu ds dq'ky ekxZn'kZu ,oe vfrfjä iqfyl vèkh{kd oS".ko 'kekZ]dksrek i q f y l vuqfoHkkxh; vfèkdkjh fot; flag ds dq'ky usr`Ro esa Fkkuk f c t q j h uxjfufj{kd egsaæ flag pkSgku }kjk vius Fkkuk LVkQ+ l mfu -vkyksd flag]çèkku vkj{kd mes'k frokjh]vkj{kd latho f=ikBh]lur f}osnh]jkgqy çtkifr]'kdhy jtk ds lkFk feydj pksjh x, VªsDVj dks 12 ?k.Vs ds vanj cjken djus esa lQyrk çkIr dh xbZ gS mä ?kVuk ds inkZQk'k esa çèkku vkj{kd mes'k frokjh ,oe latho f=ikBh dh egRoiw.kZ ;ksxnku jgkA
EEÀfAfBÊX IZY DY´fSX WX¸f»ff IYSX³fZ ½ff»fZ d¦fSXµ°ffSX ❚ SXfªfZ³Qi IbY¸ffSX Vf¸ffÊ dksfj;k NRrhlx
fn,A vfrfjä iqfyl vèkh{kd fuosfnrk i‚y 'kekZ ds usr`Ro esa 6 Vhe dks xfBr dj la?ku tkp djus ds vkns'k fn;s vkSj Vhe us 24 ?kaVs esa iwjh ?kVuk ds 4 vkjksfi;ks dks idM+ fy;k vkSj ?kVuk dk inkZQkl Hkh gks x;kA vkilh fookn ij iaMks yksxks us fd;k Fkk tkuysok
geyk eèkq iaMks]ekudqaoj iaMks]nsoh 'kadj iaMks]jkek'kadj iaMks dks fd;k fxj¶rkj ?kVuk esa ç;qä MaMk] ywV x;k Mªkboj dk eksckby]xkM+h ds dkxtkr ÙkFkk [kwu ds NhVs yxs diM+s cjken fd, gS iqfyl egkfujh{kd ljxqtk jsat rFkk iqfyl vèkh{kd dksfj;k us Vhe ds dk;Z dh ç'kalk dh gSA
BX³f ÀfOÞXIYûa ´fSX ¨f»f³ff dIYÀfe ¨fb³fü°fe ÀfZ IY¸f ³fWXeÔ ❚ Ad¸f°f IbY¸ffSX d°f½ffSXe dklxatA vekaiqj&fl<+iqjk&ifV;kyh ekxZ tks fd bu fnuksa viuh nqnZ'kk ij vkalw cgk jgk gS] bl lM+d ij ;krk;kr nckc bruk gS fd vk;s fnu ejEer ds ckotwn ekxZ ds [kìs de gksus dk uke ugha ys jgs gSa] vfèkdkjh lkaln foèkk;d o reke tuçfrfuèkh bl bykds esa vkrs tkrs bl ekxZ dk mi;ksx djrs gSa ysfdu Hkkjh ;krk;kr o tuin ds vge mi;ksx okys bl ekxZ ds 'kqf)dj.k pkSM+hdj.k o iqujks)kj ds ç'u ij mä lHkh fu#Ùkj gSa]"D" dSVsxjh ds ;krk;kr nckc okys bl 45 fdyksehVj yacs ODR dk pkSM+hdj.k vfr vko';d gSA
IYf»fe ¸ff°ff ¸fadQSX IZY ´ffÀf d¸f»fe dÀfSX IYMXe »ffVf dkaL; ind thrw jk; us thrdj ;gka Hkkjrh; frdM+h us Dyhu Lohi djrs gq, ns'k dk ijpe Qgjk;k FkkA vksadkj flag dh bl lQyrk ij lewps uxj esa [kq'kh dk ekgkSy gS lHkh yksxksa us vksadkj dh bl lQyrk ij mUgsa o mudh Vhe dks 'kqHkdkeuk,a o cèkkbZ fn, gSa A ftUgksaus ns'k dk ge lc dk eku c<+k;kA
❚ ´fb¿´fSXfªf Vf¸ffÊ dq#{ks=A dq#{ks= ds dLck figksok esa Mªsu ds fdukjs ij dkyh ekrk eafnj ds lehi ,d uo;qod dh flj dVh yk'k feyus ls luluh QSy xbZ vkSj ogka ls xqtj jgs jkgxhjksa us bl yk'k dh lwpuk iqfyl foHkkx dks nh vkSj iqfyl foHkkx us rqjar dkjZokbZ djrs gq, ekSds ij tkdj bl ekeys dh tkap 'kq: dj nh gS çkFkfed tkudkjh ds vuqlkj vkSj bl dks D;ksa ekjk ;g gR;k ;k rks jaft'ku gS ;k vc rd ;g irk ugha py ik;k gS fd ;g yk'k fdlh x;k gS gkykafd vklikl ds fQj ra=&ea= dh ?kVuk dks yksx d;kl yxk jgs gSa fd vatke fn;k x;k gSA O;fä dh gS
8 Àfû¸f½ffSX
, 18-24 dQÀf¸¶fSXX, 2017
ªf¸fʳfe IYû WXSXfIYSX ·ffSX°f ³fZ ªfe°ff IYfaÀ¹f ´fQIY ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ·fb½f³fZäSX Ü Hkkjr us foÜo g‚dh yhx Qkbuy esa teZuh dks 2&1 ls gjkdj dkaL; ind ij dCtk tek;kA Hkkjrh; Vhe us 2015 esa jk;iqj esa vk;ksftr gq, blh VwukZeVas esa dkaL; ind thrk FkkA yhx esa rhljs vkSj pkSFks LFkku ds eqdkcys esa Hkkjrh; f[kykfM;+kas us 'kq#vkr ls gh teZuh ij ncnck cuk, j[kkA teZuh dh Vhe eqdkcys ls igys gh la?k"kZ djrh utj vkbZ] tc mlds ikap f[kykM+h pksV vkSj chekjh dh otg ls eSp [ksyus ugha mrjsA v‚LVªfs y;k ds f[kykQ lsehQkbuy esa 13 f[kykfM;+kas ds lkFk [ksyus okyh teZuh dh Vhe dkaL; ind ds eSp esa flQZ 11 f[kykfM;+kas ds lkFk gh [ksy ldhA blds ckotwn teZuh ds f[kykM+h iwjs tks'k ds lkFk eSnku ij mrjs vkSj mUgksua s xksy dh vksj 13 'k‚V
yxk,] tcfd Hkkjr flQZ 12 'k‚V gh yxk ldkA teZuh us isukYVh d‚uZj esa Hkh ckth ekjhA teZuh dks tgka lkr isukYVh d‚uZj feys] tcfd Hkkjr pkj isukYVh d‚uZj gh gkfly dj ldkA dbZ f[kykfM;+kas dh xSjekStnw xh ds ckotwn teZuh dh Vhe us 'kkunkj g‚dh [ksyh vkSj 21 feuV rd eSp esa vkØked #[k
viuk;kA vxj eSnku esa teZuh dh iwjh Vhe gksrh rks fuf'pr gh eSp dk ifj.kke dqN vkSj gks ldrk FkkA teZuh ds f[kykfM;+kas us [ksy dk vPNk uewuk is'k fd;kA igys DokVZj esa gh mUgksua s dbZ ekSds Hkquk,A teZuh Vhe us Hkkjr dks dM+h pqukSrh nh vkSj igys DokVZj ds 14osa feuV esa gh eSp dk igyk isukYVh d‚uZj gkfly fd;k]
ysfdu Hkkjr us etcwr fMQsl a ls bldks xksy esa rCnhy ugha gksus fn;kA cq[kkj ds ckotwn [ksy jgs teZuh ds dIrku ekdZ xzeS cq'k dks ,d vPNk ekSdk feyk] ysfdu xsna usV ds ikl ls gksdj xqtj xbZA teZuh us 19osa feuV esa nks isukYVh d‚uZj gkfly fd,] ysfdu Hkkjrh; xksydhij lwjt djdsjk us 'kkunkj cpko fd;kA vxys gh
feuV esa teZuh dks ,d vkSj isukYVh d‚uZj feyk] ysfdu fudyl C:al bls xksy esa ugha cny ldsA Hkkjr dh vksj ls igyk xksy eSp ds 21osa feuV esa vk;k] tc ,loh lquhy us 'kkunkj xksy fd;kA blds ckn teZuh ds ekdZ ,Iiy us eSp ds 36osa feuV esa xksy djds Ldksj dks 1&1 ls cjkcj dj fn;kA blds ckn eSp ds 54osa feuV esa gjeuçhr flag us isukYVh d‚uZj dks xksy esa rCnhy djds Hkkjr dks 2&1 dh c<+r fnyk nhA blds ckn dksbZ xksy ugha gks ldk vkSj Hkkjr us dkaL; ind vius uke dj fy;kA vafre iyksa esa teZu f[kykfM;+kas dks dbZ isukYVh d‚uZj feys] ysfdu os mUgsa xksy esa rCnhy djus esa dke;kc ugha gks ik,A
´fZdSXÀf ÀfZaMÐÀf ªf¸fʳf ¢»f¶f IYû ³fZ¸ffSX IZY ªf»Q »füMX³fZ IYe CX¸¸feQ
❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff dSX¹fû dOX ªfZ³fZSXûÜ isfjl lsVa l teZu dks mEehn gS fd usekj czkthy ls rhu ;k pkj fnu esa ykSV vk,axAs og futh dkj.kksa ls ?kj x, gSAa dksp ;qukbZ ,ejh us dgk fd geus mudks tkus dh btktr nh FkhA gesa mEehn gS fd og rhu ;k pkj fnu esa okil vk tk,axAs dksp us dgk fd
usekj us muls 'kfuokj dks yhx&1 esa yhy ds f[kykQ gksus okys eSp ls igys Vhe ls tqMu+s dh ckr dgh gSA dksp us dgk mUgksua s eq>ls dgk Fkk fd mudk ,d ikfjokfjd elyk gS vkSj ;g muds fy, cgqr t:jh gSA og gels czkthy tkus dh btktr ekaxs jgs FksA usekj blh lky lcls egaxs f[kykM+h cudj ckflZyksuk NksMd + j ih,lth esa vk, FksA
14 IYSXûOÞX ´f`³f IYfOÊX AüSX 100 IYSXûOÞX ³faQ»ff»f IYû A²¹fÃf AüSX Ad¸f°f ¨füWXf³f IYû CX´ff²¹fÃf IYe IY¸ff³f ¶f`ÔIY £ff°fZ ¹fc³feIY AfBÊXOXe ÀfZ WbXE d»faIY ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyh A 30 djksM+ iSudkMZ esa ls djhc 14 djksM+ iSu dkMZ vkèkkj ls fyad djk, tk pqds gSaA ogha cSad vdkmaV ls vkèkkj dkMZ dks fyad djus dh fLrfFk FkksM+k T;knk csgrj gSA djhc 100 djksM+ vdkmaV esa ls 70 Qhln cSad [kkrs vkèkkj ls fyad djk, tk pqds gSaA Hkkjrh; fof'k"V igpku çkfèkdj.k ¼;wvkbZMh,vkbZ½ ds lhbZvks vt; Hkw"k.k ikaMs dh vksj ls ;g tkudkjh lkeus vkbZ gSA vkidks crk nsa fd lqçhe dksVZ dh vksj ls fiNys g¶rs lHkh t:jh lsokvksa ds fy, vkèkkj fyafdax dh MsMykbu esa btkQk dj fn;k x;k FkkA igys ;g rkjh[k 31 fnlacj 2017 vkSj 6 Qjojh 2018 ¼eksckby uacj½ fuèkkZfjr FkhA ysfdu vc lHkh dkeksa ds fy, ubZ MsMykbu 31 ekpZ 2018 gSA tc ikaMs ls ;g iwNk x;k fd vc rd fdrus iSu dkMZ dks vkèkkj ls fyad djk;k tk pqdk gSA blds tokc esa mUgksaus dgk fd 30 djksM+ iSu esa ls djhc 14 djksM+ iSu dks vkèkkj ls fyad
djk;k tk pqdk gSA ikaMs us dgk] Þge vkèkkj fyafdax dh çfØ;k dks vkSj ljy cukus dh fn'kk esa dke djrs jgsaxsA geus lHkh cSdksa dh 'kk[kkvksa esa vkèkkj ds fy, Åaxfy;ksa ds fu'kku vkSj vka[kksa dh iqrfy;ksa dks LdSu djus dh lqfoèkk çnku djus dks dgk gS]
rkfd yksxksa dks fdlh rjg dh fnDdrksa dk lkeuk u djuk iM+sA ljdkj fofHkUu çdkj dh lsokvksa dks tSls fd ØsfMV dkMZ] cSad [kkrksa] eksckby Qksu vkfn dks vkil esa tksM+uk pkgrh gS rkfd VSDl pksjh dh ?kVukvksa jksdk tk ldsA
❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff dVf¸f»ffX,Ü fiNys fnuksa fgekpy çns'k esa gq, fgekpyh O;atu vkSj laL—fr dks jk"Vªh; Lrj ij ,d eqdke fnykus ds fy, vyx&vyx ljdkjh o v/kZljdkjh o futh gksVyksa ds jsLVksjsaV ds egkçcaèkd dks vkSj lQsn ds vykok i;ZVu ,oa vfrfFk çcaèkuksa ls tqM+s fofHkUu f'k{k.k laLFkkuksa ds çkè;kidksa vkSj Hkkstu vkykspdksa o ys[kd us fgekpy ,lksfl,'ku dk xBu fd;k ihVj gkml esa bl cSBd dk loZlEefr ls uanyky 'kekZ dks lgk;d egkçcaèkd i;ZVu fuxe dks vè;{k pquk x;k tcfd fgekpy ds gh lgkjk bafM;k gksVy ds vfer pkSgku dks mikè;{k pquk x;k crk ns vfer pkSgku gksVy çcaèku esa dkQh le; ls tqM+s gq, gSa fons'kksa esa viuh [kkuk cukus dh dyk esa fuiq.k jgsaA vfer pkSgku us crk;k gekjh ,lksfl,'ku dk mís'; ikjaifjd fgekpyh O;atu Hkkjrh; jlksbZ esa ijksls tkus okys O;atuksa o Hkkjrh; laL—fr dks jk"Vªh; varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ds gksVyksa vkSj jsLVksjsaV~l ds eSU;w es] leqfpr LFkku nsus o çns'k ds ;qokvksa dks bl O;olk; ds çfr çksRlkfgr djuk ,lksfl,'ku dk mís';
'¸fZSXZ d¸fÂf IYe Qb»WXd³f¹ff' IZY IY»ffIYfSXûÔ ³fZ ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff jksekafVd Mªkek fganh Qhpj fQYe esjs nksLr dh nqYgfu;k 15 vxLr dks fjyht gks xbZ] ysfdu blls igys fQYe dk çeks'ku djus iwjh Vhe fnYyh vkbZ FkhA fnYyh xsV fLFkr fMykbV flusek esa vk;ksftr laoknnkrk lEesyu esa fQYe ds lHkh dykdkj] elyu& eqnkflj tQj] 'kk;uk ckostk] lkSjHk jk; vkSj fuekZrk vkyksd jk; us ehfM;k ls [kqydj ckrphr dhA tgka rd bl fQYe dh dgkuh dk loky gS] rks ;g vk;Zu vkSj ekfgjk dh dgkuh gS] tks dfj;j vkSj mPp f'k{kk çkfIr ds edln ls ,d&nwljs ls nwj vkSj vyx gks x, FksA vk;Zu dks vius I;kj ij foÜokl Fkk] ysfdu ekfgjk us mls NksM+ fn;k vkSj mlds lkFk lacaèk foPNsn dj fn;kA ekfgjk ds bl
A³fb¿IYf d½fSXfMX IYû d¶f¦f ¶fe
IYf AfVfe½ffÊQ
vuq"dk 'kekZ vkSj fojkV dksgyh dks 'kknh djus ij
dIY¹ff dRY»¸f IYf ´fi¸fûVf³f
crkZo us vk;Zu ds fny dks rksM+ fn;kA djhc nks lky ckn mUgsa vius d‚yst ds nksLrksa& g"kZ vkSj Lusgk dh vksj ls ,d Qksu vk;k] tks mUgsa vius ,d fe= lTtkn ds fookg lekjksg esa vkeaf=r djus ds edln ls FkkA fookg LFky Hknjok] tEew&d'ehj esa Fkk] tgka lc yksx nqYgu dh rLohj fn[kkus ds fy, lTtkn ij tksj ns jgs FksA vkf[kj esa tc lTtkn ls viuh nqYgu dh rLohj fn[kkbZ] rks vk;Zu vokd gks x;k] D;ksafd ;g ekfgjk dh rLohj FkhA vkSj] fQj ;gha ls dgkuh esa ,d eksM+ vkrk gSA fQYe fuekZrk vkyksd jk; us dgk] 'eSaus fQYe m|ksx esa vius thou ds 27 o"kZ fn, gSaA tgka rd bl fQYe dh ckr gS] rks vks-ih- jk; }kjk funZsf'kr bl fQYe dk viuk ,d vyx vkd"kZ.k gS] D;ksafd ewy :i ls ;g ;qok ih<+h dh fQYe gSA geus bl
cPpu us 'kknh&'kqnk yksxksa ds Dyc esa 'kkfey gksus ij fojkV vkSj vuq"dk dk Lokxr fd;k gSA fny /kM+dus nks esa vuq"dk 'kekZ ds lkFk dke dj pqds vfuy diwj vkSj mudh csVh lksue diwj us fo#"dk dks thou dk u;k pSIVj 'kq: djus ds fy, fo'k fd;k gSA , fny gS eqf'dy esa vuq"dk dks Mk;jsDV djus okys dj.k tkSgj us uofookfgr tksMs+ dks lQy oSokfgd thou dh dkeuk djrs gq, c/kkbZ nh gSA ,d vkSj V~ohV esa dj.k us vuq"dk vkSj fojkV dh 'kknh dh QksVks dh rkjhQ
fQYe dks d'ehj vkSj vklikl ds {ks=ksa esa 'kwfVax dh gSA n'kZd bl ewoh dks ilan djsaxsA bl fQYe esa eqnkflj tQj] 'kk;uk ckostk] lkSjHk jk;] e;wj esgrk] iwtk jkBh] vuhd eqtkoj vkSj Qkfju flíhdh çeq[k Hkwfedkvksa esa gSaA
jgsxk ,lksfl,'ku }kjk le;≤ ij fgekpy çns'k mRloksa ds dk;ZØe esa ikjaifjd O;atuksa vkSj laL—fr ls tqM+h çfr;ksfxrkvksa Hkh djokbZ tk,xh blesa jkT; o jk"Vªh; Lrj ds i;ZVd Hkh fgekpy ds ikjaifjd O;atuksa dk yq¶r mBk ldsaxs] lkFk gh lgkjk bafM;k ds vfer pkSgku us crk;k xksok esa vkus okys le; esa [kkus dk 'kkSd j[kus okys yksxksa ds fy, Økf'kax SLikbl ,d çksxzke tYnh gh VsyhdkLV gksxk ftlesa pkSgku [kkus dh jsflih dks lk>k djsaxs bl ds vykok bu dk vxyk lwV fgekpy eSa twu eghus esa gksxk vkt vfer pkSgku xksok esa vius vkus okys xzkgdksa ds fy,
LokLF; oèkZd [kkuk cukus ds fy, e'kgwj gSA uanyky 'kekZ us dgk fd fgekpyh O;atuksa dks eap çnku djus ds fy, bl ,lksfl,'ku dk xBu fd;k x;k ,lksfl,'ku fgekpyh O;atuksa dh ns'k&fons'k esa igpku djkus ds fy, –<+ ladYi gS blh ds lkFk 'kekZ us crk;k fgekpyh ;qokvksa o ;qofr;ksa dks Hkh bl O;olk; esa Hkfo"; dh laHkkoukvksa ls ifjfpr djok;k tk,xk blh dM+h esa ,slksfl,'ku jktho vkgwtk 'kSQ gksVy dkWEcj es;j f'keyk o fot; dqekj of'k"B ,DthD;wfVo 'kSQ gksVy ejhuk dks ofj"B mikè;{k] vjfoan 'kekZ vkj,e Dyc efgaæk fjtksVZ e'kkscjk] vkjih MsYVk ,DthD;wVho 'kSQ fMcsapj gksVy ] fd'kksj ldykuh 'kSQ veksn fjtksVZ veksèk fjlksVZ euksuhr fd;k x;kA lqjsaæ 'kekZ egkçcaèkd ekyuk gksEl fjtksVZ e'kkscjk dks egklfpo tcfd fodkl 'kekZ egkçcaèkd rq'kkyh fjtksVZ] o#.k MsYVk] 'kSQ ,p,p,p f'keyk lquhy o oSHko lgk;d çkè;kid ,ihsth vkSj lat; Bkdqj çkè;kid vè;kid cgkjk ;wfuoflZVh o jktdqekj HkkfV;k lhlsy vkscjk; dks la;qä lfpo pquk x;kA
´fbSXÀIYfSX Àf¸ffSXûWX IZY Àff±f dÀfµÀfe IYf WbXAf Àf¸ff´f³f
jk"Vªh; Lrj ds fodkl laxBu Lekby QkmaMs'ku }kjk vk;ksftr vius rjg ds ,dek= 'Lekby baVjus'kuy fQYe QsfLVoy Q‚j fpYMªsu ,aM ;wFk' ¼fl¶lh½ dk lekiu gks x;kA fnYyh ds fljhQksVZ v‚fMVksfj;e esa 11 fnlacj ls 17 fnlacj rd pys bl QsfLVoy esa nqfu;k Hkj ls 100 ls vfèkd vFkZiw.kZ fQYeksa dk çhfe;j gqvk] ftuesa Qhpj fQYe] y?kq fQYe vkSj o`Ùkfp= Hkh 'kkfey FksA 17 fnlacj] ;kuh lekiu ds fnu varjjk"Vªh; fQYe egksRlo dk
iqjLdkj lekjksg dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] ftlesa Lekby QkmaMs'ku ds dk;Zdkjh U;klh vkSj vè;{k 'kkaruq feJk] egksRlo ds funs'kd ftrsaæ
feJk ds vykok çeq[k varjjk"Vªh; x.kekU; O;fä ,oa ;qok twjh cksMZ Hkh mifLFkr Fkk] tgka cPpksa us fQYeksa ds p;u esa tkudkjh nh FkhA
'Aa°fSXSXfáÑXe¹f ´faªff¶f RYûSX¸f ' IYe ¶f`NXIY ¸fZÔ dÀf£f Àfb²ffSXûÔ ´fSX WbXBXÊ ¨f¨ffÊ
djrs gq, fy[kk gS fd fojkV vkSj vuq"dk dh 'kknh dh rLohjksa us gj fdlh dh jksekafVd ço`fÙk dks txk fn;k gSA tks vdsys gS]a mUgs Vhl mB jgh gksxh vkSj tks diYl gS]a oks b'd eglwl dj jgs gksx a As
❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff jktèkkuh fnYyh ds gksVy yh esfjfM;u esa fl[k lqèkkjksa ij 'varjjk"Vªh; iatkc Q+ksje' dh cSBd gqbZA cSBd ds vk;kstu dk edln fl[k fookg vkSj vU; èkkfeZd lekjksgksa esa dqN cM+s cnyko djuk Fkk] ftl ij ehfM;k ds lkFk [kkl ppkZ djus ds fy, osc flusek vè;{k M‚- jktw pïk] xq#}kjk çcaèku lfefr ds vè;{k euthr th] n U;w bafM;k ,Dlçsl ds laiknd çHkq pkoyk tSls dbZ çeq[k yksx mifLFkr FksA fl[k leqnk; dk ekuuk gS fd fl[k lqèkkjksa ij ppkZ djus vkSj fl[k fookgksa ij [kpZ dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, lcdks ,d lkFk vkuk pkfg,A gkykafd] fiNys lky fl[k leqnk;
esa gqbZ 'kkfn;ksa vkSj vU; èkkfeZd lekjksgksa esa cM+s cnyko djus ds fy, ,d ,sfrgkfld çLrko ikfjr fd;k x;k Fkk] ftldk Hkkjr vkSj vklikl ds foÜo esa fl[k leqnk; ds fy, O;kid çHkko ns[kus dks feyk gSA 12 fnlacj
2016 dks ikfjr ladYi dk mís';] lknxh dks lekjksgksa esa okil ykus vkSj ifjokjksa ij foÙkh; cks> de djuk gSA blfy,] ;g cSBd Hkh fl[k leqnk; ds fy, lkekftd lqèkkjksa ds ckjs esa dqN egRoiw.kZ QSlys ysus ds fy, gqbZ FkhA lkFk gh muds 'kknh vuq"Bkuksa ij xaHkhj ppkZ Hkh gqbZ FkhA blh lacaèk esa osc flusek xzqi ds vè;{k M‚- jktw pïk us dgk] leqnk; ds lnL;ksa dks 'kknh ds dkMksZa ds forj.k ds fy, vkèkqfud lapkj fofèk;ksa dk bLrseky djuk pkfg,A
Lokeh] eqæd] izdk'kd ,oa lEiknd lw;Z izdk'k us ekusDl vkWiQlSV] ch&12] ,l-Mh-dkEiysDl] fudV ,e-,e-th- vLirky] th-Vh-jksM+] xkft;kckn ls eqfnzr djkdj 3 ,iQ@7] lSfd.M Ýyksj] xkSre ikyh jksM+] lS0&3] oS'kkyh] xkft;kckn ls izdkf'kr fd;kA Title Code : UPBIL04963, E-mail : [email protected], Contact No.-9212130561
lekpkj i=k ls lacaf/r lHkh fooknksa ds fy, U;kf;d {ks=k xkft;kckn] mRrj izns'k gksxkA i=k esa izdkf'kr lkexzh ls lEiknd dk lger gksuk vfuok;Z ugha gSA