GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Task Force Report on Institutional Research Project September 3, 2013 Background Information: The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce In 2011, the GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce, chaired by Cheryl Middleton at Oregon State University was formed by the GWLA Board of directors. The taskforce was charged to investigate local practices at GWLA Libraries, share the data collected, and inform a research project that would communicate evidence of the impact that academic libraries have on student learning at the institutions. Membership on the committee from across GWLA included: Jeff Bullington formerly of University of Colorado-‐Boulder, Donna Ziegenfuss, Alfred Mowdood and Alison Regan of University of Utah; Allyson Washburn of Brigham Young University; Anne Armstrong of University of Illinois, Chicago; Annelise Freeman of University of Missouri; Christina Gola of University of Houston; Cynthia Henry of Texas Tech University; Jeanne Brown, Jen Fabbi and Patty Iannuzzi of University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Lisa Kammerlocher of Arizona State University; Sara Kearns of University of Kansas; Stephen Borelli of Washington State University; Yvonne Mery University of Arizona; and Wendy Holliday formerly of Utah State University. The committee also received abundant assistant and support from Joni Blake, Executive Director of GWLA and Anne McKee, Program Officer for Resource Sharing at GWLA. Methodology In 2012, an action plan was developed to survey the then-‐32 GWLA institutions about the SLO practices at each institution. In addition to the survey, each survey respondent was asked to provide a campus contact that was involved in SLO work on his/her campus to be contacted at a later date for further interview follow up. Of the 23 institutions that responded to the survey, follow up interviews were scheduled at 20 institutions. Under the leadership of Donna Ziegenfuss at the University of Utah, a plan for collaborative qualitative analysis of the interviews was established. The analysis was conducted by taskforce members, Allyson Washburn, Stephen Borrelli, Annelise Freeman, Lisa Kammerlocher, Yvonne Mery, and Jeanne Brown. Timeline • The survey was designed and distributed electronically in Spring 2012. • Follow up interviews began in Spring 2012 and were completed in December 2012. • Data analysis was ongoing during the interview process and completed in Spring 2013. • An additional inventory was compiled on published reports of assessment evidence, practices, and innovations, which were gleaned from the 20 interview transcripts. This process was conducted in Spring 2013 through Summer 2013, and this data was used to recruit presenters for the upcoming November 2013 Symposium that will be held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Survey Information The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 1
An electronic survey was distributed to 32 GWLA member institutions during the Spring 2012. Twenty-‐three GWLA libraries responded to the survey (72% of the membership). The respondents answered a series of questions about the presence and assessment of SLOs on their campuses. In addition, the survey participants were asked to provide a SLO contact on their campuses for a further telephone interview. Three main questions were asked: (1) Does your institution have SLOs that address information literacy (i.e., critical thinking, evaluation and synthesis of information) at any of the following levels -‐ campus, college/department, and/or library? (2) Does the library assess information literacy SLOs at any of the following levels – campus-‐wide, college/department, and/or library level? and (3) Does the library measure the impact of its collaborations with classroom faculty and other academic partners? Follow-‐up Interview Process From the 23 survey respondents, 20 people were identified for additional interviews. Throughout the spring, summer and fall of 2012 interviews of the follow-‐up contacts were conducted by telephone by teams of two taskforce members. The interviews were conducted by Jeff Bullington, Jen Fabbi, Anne Armstrong, Patty Iannuzzi, Wendy Holliday, Sara Kearns, Yvonne Mery and Christina Gola. From these interviews, written summaries were created, and all interviews were recorded and the audio files transcribed. The written transcripts were then submitted to the qualitative analysis team, where sets of partners analyzed and triangulated the interview data and compiled the findings. Since not all institutions had a qualitative analysis package like NVivo or Atlas.ti to conduct qualitative analysis, the research team used Microsoft Excel to conduct the qualitative data analysis and to compile the results of the survey and interviews into corresponding themes and topics for further study. The transcripts were analyzed using grounded theory qualitative methodologies and open coding strategies (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Based on the analysis of the first set of four interviews and triangulation of findings by pairs of researchers, a preliminary set of 17 themes were uncovered and used to define the codebook for the research process. See the descriptions of the 17 themes in Appendix A. Innovative Practices Inventory The last phase of the GWLA SLO analysis is still in progress. Taskforce members are engaged in compiling specific innovative or best practices from the interview data. Findings Survey Results As might be expected, it was reported in the survey that articulation and presence of information literacy related SLOs on GWLA campuses occurs at a variety of levels. Fourteen institutions, or 61%, reported they have SLOs at the campus-‐wide level, 57% reported SLOs are present at the college or department level, and 61% reported having SLOs articulated at the library level. Only 2 of the 23 institutions reported they had no information literacy SLOs at any level, and 7 of the 23 institutions, or 30%, reported they have SLOs at all three levels (campus-‐wide, college/department level, and at the library level). In addition, seven The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 2
institutions reported they did not know if information literacy SLOs were present at the campus or department/college level. However, the percentage numbers for the institutions that reported actual assessment of those information literacy SLOs was much lower than the numbers reported for the presence of information SLOs. Nine institutions, or 39%, reported they do not assess information literacy at any level. Assessment of information literacy SLOs at the library level was reported by 48% of the institutions, and 43% reported assessment of information literacy SLOs for at least one of the three various campus levels. Of the 23 institutions, only 17% reported that information literacy SLOs are assessed at all three levels at their institutions (see Table 1 below). When asked about their assessment of the interaction of libraries with classroom faculty and other academic partners, 61% or 14 of the 23 institutions, reported that they do assess these types of collaborations; 35% reported they do not assess these collaborations and one institution reported that they do not know if these types of collaborations are assessed (see Table 2 below). Table 1: Response Frequencies for survey questions 1 & 2 about the presence of information literacy SLOs and assessment of SLOs at 3 different institutional levels N=23 Campus-‐ College/ Library At All 3 Not at Wide SLOs Department SLOs Levels any SLOs Level Presence of SLOs – 13 (57%) 14 (61%) 15 (65%) 6 (26%) 2 (9%) Yes Number of institutions (percentage) Assessment of SLOS 6 (26%) 6 (26%) 11 (48%) 4 (17%) 7 (30%) – Yes Number of institutions (percentage) Table 2: Response Frequencies for Question #3 about assessing library collaboration with classroom faculty and other academic partners N=23 Yes No I Don’t Know Assessment of Library Collaboration 14 (61%) 8 (35%) 1 (4%)
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 3
Interview Analysis Results To begin the interview analysis, pairs of researchers coded four interview transcripts, one pair for each interview. Each researcher coded his/her interview independently first and then member-‐checked coding with his/her partner who had also coded the same interview. Each pair submitted a single set of coding after they compiled their codes for their interview. The coding from the four interviews were then compiled and analyzed for themes. Originally, 71 themes where identified from the 484 unique codes. These themes were analyzed using a recursive process of collapsing and combining codes and themes and renaming until the resulting themes were deemed to be unique. From this process, seventeen unique core themes were identified. These core themes were then used to code the remaining interviews. No new themes emerged. Instead of the researchers using open coding and freely labeling what they saw emerging from the data for all of the interviews, like they did in the first set of four interviews, the researchers used the seventeen themes to code the remaining sixteen interviews. No additional themes were identified from the remaining interviews, which indicated we had reached analysis saturation in the data. From the survey data collected earlier, it was learned that most institutions had worked on designing and articulating information SLOs and in many cases, there were also departmental/program SLOs as well as institutional SLOs. However, fewer institutions said they actually formally “assessed” those SLOs. Through the analysis of the interview text, researchers determined a much richer description of how unique institutional factors can hinder progress toward the next step of SLO assessment. After the 20 interview transcripts were teased apart line by line, subjected to multiple rounds of recoding and analysis, and the data was reassembled by theme, new themes and relationships emerged. During the second round of analysis, seventeen themes were collapsed and refined into five main themes (see Appendix B). The five themes were turned back to the researchers, each researcher taking one or two themes to reevaluate and confirm that no new themes were emerging from the data. Using the five themes and frequency data, a conceptual framework or model was constructed that could be used to explain the data themes. The framework was reviewed and refined by Patty Iannuzzi. The five themes were again reviewed and analyzed and collapsed to four main themes informed by the structure of the new framework: (1) SLOs (including design / implementation /assessment / dissemination); (2) Collaboration and Relationships; (3) Culture and Context; and (4) Roles and Responsibilities. The last stage of the theme analysis involved aligning the themes and associated subthemes with the three main divisions of the framework (see Table 3 on the following page): (1) Deconstructing the Process of SLO Assessment: which included categories of codes about SLO design, implementation, assessment and dissemination; (2) Building Partnerships: which included categories of codes related to the importance of building partnerships through collaborative and communicative processes as well as examination of roles and responsibilities; and The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 4
(3) Embracing Change and Opportunities, which included categories of codes related to identifying challenges, strategies for embracing opportunities, conducting research, and rethinking the scope of practice Table 3: Conceptual Framework for Designing, Implementing, Assessing, and Disseminating SLOs based on Contextual Factors Deconstructing the Process Building Partnerships Embracing Change and of SLO Assessment into: through: Opportunities by: 55% of codes 33% of codes 12% of codes Designing and articulating Collaborating with faculty, Identifying drivers and SLOs (library, course, departments, and challenges within the program, institutional levels) administrative groups cultural context Improving communication Utilizing support from between libraries and campus units (e.g., teaching other campus audiences center, institutional research) Implementing and integrating Developing relationships Participating in SLOs at all levels with campus and professional development professional partners and to broaden scope of units practice and understand the higher education context Designing assessments and Evaluating and leveraging Jumping on opportunities collecting results organizational culture and events uncovered (opportunities and barriers) and areas for Conducting research to synergy measure progress (use the assessment cycle to document and measure) Distributing and disseminating Articulating roles and Broadening the scope of SLO information and results responsibilities practice Final adjustments to the framework were made based upon completion of the final round of data analysis and incorporating feedback from additional task force member checks. See Table 3 above for the final conceptual framework. This framework provides libraries with specific topics and structures they can use to assess their contributions to campus efforts related to the articulation, embedding, and assessing of SLOs related to information literacy. Each cell of the matrix provides an opportunity for practices that can be assessed. The framework creates a visual model for three distinct interrelated topics derived from the data analysis. Although most libraries are not at the stage of utilizing best practices connected to all of the topics represented on the framework matrix, there are pockets of best practices and innovative ideas embedded in the interview evidence. This framework can be used by a variety of institutions at different levels of assessing SLOs for improving The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 5
practice. For example, in the UNLV interview there was discussion about how when their Center for Teaching was dissolved, the library leveraged this change to broaden their scope of practice and offer course design support and workshops for instructors. This Embracing Change and Opportunities example can assist other institutions that may not have considered the importance of developing an awareness of change and taking action when opportunities occur at their institutions. Over half of the codes identified in this study (55%) fall into the first column of the framework matrix and focus on how institutions are designing, implementing, collecting assessment data, and disseminating their SLO results. This large number of codes should not be surprising since the interview questions were specifically focused on uncovering SLO practices. The second column in the matrix includes coding about library practices related to collaboration, communication, and building partnerships, as well defining roles and responsibilities, and included 33% of the overall codes. The last column in the matrix encompasses only 12% of the coding related to drivers and opportunities for change, cultural and contextual barriers to change, as well as any coding related to needs for professional development and the broadening of the scope of library work. These codes associated with the change, barriers, and opportunities in last frame of the matrix, although small in number, may be the critical or pivotal pieces related to successful SLO implementation and dissemination. Although these codes occurred in less frequency, they were consistently present and related to the other themes. Therefore, these categories of codes may indicate topics that should be considered when helping guide member institutions through an evaluation of their own SLO status. From the interview data, it could also be concluded that the path libraries were taking toward assessing SLOs is based on a complex set of contextual and institutional factors that vary across institutions. The themes of collaboration, communication, and addressing challenges were evident across all institutions. Therefore, the framework above, built from the GWLA interview data and examples, could be used to establish a process for establishing priorities for institutions to make sure they consider and reflect on their own institutional context and therefore tackle these complex situations in a systematic way. Since each institution is at a different place related to the articulation and implementation of SLOs and also operating under different institutional structures, policies, and cultures, this data can be used to draw out exemplars to help guide practice on designing, implementing, and assessing SLOs while also considering culture, context, and institutional organization. In addition to the identification of major themes and subthemes, the researchers also coded each item as to whether or not it was associated with the campus or institutional level, the department or college level, or the library level. Many items were coded at several levels but only 72 of the 1776 coded instances were classified as relating to all three areas of the institution. These triple-‐classified code instances may indicate important places where institutions might pay particular attention as they are planning and moving forward with initiatives for measuring library impact on student learning, since these codes cross the three different institutional levels. The Table 4 matrix on the following page illustrates the differences of code frequencies and percentages for the three main themes and associated The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 6
subthemes. Since the number of coding instances vary across themes, both percentages and (actual frequency numbers of codes) are provided. Communication and Collaboration had the highest frequency of codes across the three different levels. The Communication and Collaboration theme, at 55%, was the subtheme with the highest frequency at the campus or institutional level. At the Departmental/College level, the subthemes with the highest percentage of coding were the Designing and Implementing SLOs themes, 34% and 35% respectively. Sixty-‐seven percent of the Roles and Responsibilities codes, the highest number of codes in this subtheme is found at the library level. In the 72 cases where interview text was classified as relating to all three levels of the institution, the subthemes of Culture, Context & Opportunities and Distributing and Disseminating SLOs had the highest frequencies, 21% and 17% respectively. The triple-‐ coded entries also span a large number of institutions, seventeen of the twenty institutions are represented in this group although four institutions have significantly higher frequency of codes here than others. The relationship of these two subthemes are particularly interesting and deserve some additional analysis about how culture might impact the effectiveness of distribution and dissemination of SLOs on university campuses that have the highest frequencies. Table 4: The Coding Frequencies by the 3 Institutional Levels Matrix Distributed by Main Themes Four Main Themes % (#) of % (#) of % (#) of Total # of codes codes tagged codes tagged tagged Departmenta tagged codes Campus l/ Library Wide College Level Deconstructing the Process of SLO Assessment into: 18% (52) 34% (97) 47% (133) 282 • SLOs: Designing 15% ( 53) 35% ( 122) 50% ( 176) 351 • SLOs: Implementing 13% (60) 26% (121) 61% (281) 462 • SLOs: Assessing 36% ( 73) 28% ( 57) 36% ( 72) 202 • SLOs: Disseminating Building Partnerships through: 55% (488) 19% (169) 26% (225) 882 • Communication & 35% (31) 23% (20) 42% (37) 88 Collaboration 16% (53) 17% (55) 67% (215) 323 • Developing Partnerships • Roles and Responsibilities Embracing Change and Opportunities by: 33% (94) 23% (65) 44% (124) 283 • Evaluating Culture & Organizational Context In looking at the different levels of the institution and practices at each of those levels it was reported by researchers that there are higher numbers for SLO accountability at the departmental and campus level, yet text coded around the topic of designing and implementing assessment was higher at the library levels. Most librarians do some sort of assessment of student learning, but often it is self-‐reported data rather than authentic The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 7
assessment. There does not seem to be any universal formal assessment mechanism, often due to the differences in disciplines at the library and department college level. Often due to staffing issues and conflicting roles and responsibilities, some institutions reported there is not much coordination or sharing among librarians. The data also indicate that the planning process for SLOs is often a top-‐down initiative, resulting from accreditation concerns, or an institutional focus on evidence or assessment. Many SLO initiatives revolve around a redesign of general education programs, or are connected to general education courses. Several institutions reported having campus groups developing SLOs or student competencies, and some libraries have developed groups to design library SLOs or to map instructional efforts to disciplinary curriculum. Library-‐developed outcomes are often tied to the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Researchers noted during analysis that at both the campus level and the library levels, considerable efforts are being made to standardize assessment efforts. Campus-‐based efforts are frequently initiated through the Provosts’ offices and tied to accreditation concerns. Across institutions, libraries are spending considerable effort to standardize assessment practices, as presently there is quite a bit of independent assessment that is difficult to codify into a cohesive message. The target of library assessment efforts is changing from a student satisfaction focus, to student learning and success. Libraries are investing in the effort, creating positions like Librarian for Assessment and Planning, or Instruction and Assessment to focus efforts and provide accountability. Most member institutions indicate that they are in the process of learning to assess. Often, the process of curriculum development does not include incorporating assessment. Instead, assessment of learning is considered something to be addressed separately, after the curriculum is developed. Libraries are applying many approaches and instruments in their assessments, using qualitative and quantitative methods often modeled after national tools like the Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Value Rubrics. Limitations of the Research Process As with any research project, there are limitations to the process and methodology. Some of the limitations related to this study are: •
Not all GWLA members participated in the study. If only those members with an interest in assessment and already involved in SLO work participated in the study, does that mean those who did not participate have not yet begun work on SLOs? This would be important to consider when reviewing the data because that might alter the percentage numbers from the survey and also skew the coding. The people who participated in the follow up interviews may have different roles and responsibilities at their institution and the information they provided may be limited to their personal perspective of what is happening on their campus around SLOs or based on their knowledge about their institution or their own library liaison work. Gathering data from multiple perspectives including an academic department who is a heavy collaborator with the library as well as university administrative staff might provide additional insight into the challenges and opportunities presented. Another approach might include identifying and reviewing all general The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 8
education or all the writing/comp programs at GWLA institutions and identify how SLOs are specifically designed, implemented and disseminated from those specific points and connect that information back to the institutional assessment structure and how the library is involved. • The data analysis in this study was done in Excel due to the lack of access to expensive qualitative analysis software by the participating researchers. Using NVIVO or Atlas would have enabled a more comprehensive way of looking at the data and drawing conclusion about the findings. • In order to understand the study findings, it important to take into account that the qualitative analysis part of the study was used to inform the "why" behind the initial survey numbers and identify a possible topic or gap for a future GWLA sponsored research study. Since the main impetus of the qualitative method was to explore and identify issues and topics for a follow-‐up GWLA research project, each category/theme identifies a possible issue for further study in the follow up GWLA study. None of the categories/themes, in this report, are teased apart by isolating negative coding and positive coding separately; the categories were meant to identify and articulate the main topics that libraries should be aware of so they might build their own context-‐dependent strategy for SLOs based on the study data. Therefore it should be noted that the negative and positive coding instances are combined together under the major categories/themes to demonstrate the major topics/issues libraries need to investigate. • Finally, the research was conducted by taskforce researchers with a varying level of qualitative experience and the research process involved spending time on setting up the process and getting up to speed on conducting this type of analysis. Despite this limitation, the taskforce was able to set up an effective process for collaborative research. Now that the process is defined it will be easier to replicate this process and use this method as a possible model for conducting additional GWLA collaborative qualitative research in the future. Innovative Practices Inventory Findings This phase of the project has recently commenced. Members of the taskforce are working through the twenty interview transcripts to compile a list of innovative or best practices from the interview data. To date, the taskforce has done a preliminary analysis of four transcripts. The next step in the process is to map these practices to the Conceptual Framework for Designing, Implementing, Assessing, and Disseminating SLOs based on Contextual Factors. The final step will be collecting the evidence of best practices and making those practices available to the GWLA membership in a central repository. See Appendix C for examples. The GWLA SLO Taskforce Research Questions: Five research questions drove the research and inventory process. The purpose of the data analysis (as outlined in the GWLA charge) was to discover: 1. How are learning outcomes for students articulated at GWLA institution? The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 9
There is wide variation in approaches, strategies, and contextual factors at the different GWLA institutions that impact how SLOs are designed, assessed, and disseminated across. No one solution or strategy has been identified as the “best way” to articulate, implement, assess and disseminate SLOs on GWLA campuses. In some cases, librarians serve on committees that are involved in how SLOs are articulated, or librarians articulate outcomes for their own instructional sessions either alone or in collaboration with the teaching faculty. The success of articulating and implementing SLOs was often reported as being based on the strength of librarian-‐faculty collaborations in designing and assessing classroom instruction, and the dissemination of SLOs was often related to the unit or department or college responsible for articulating the SLOs as well as the overall communication channels and processes already inherent in the institution. It was also very clear from the data that librarians, faculty, and administrators have different roles and responsibilities in the SLO articulation and assessment process and these roles also varied across institutions. Communicating about those roles and defining responsibilities associated with those roles may help break down barriers that exist between libraries and academic departments. In the data, there is evidence of a lack of awareness about roles and responsibilities across the different levels of the institutions. Strategies of broadening of the scope of librarian work and roles into areas such as course design and partners with teaching centers were reported in this study 2. What are GWLA libraries doing re: articulation of learning outcomes for libraries? In this study, roles and responsibilities were an important factor in defining how SLOs are designed, articulated, and assessed at institutions that participated in this study. Library information literacy (IL) SLOs were articulated and owned by the library in all cases, but broader general education SLOs that sometimes integrated IL SLOs were in most cases owned by general education councils or committees. Findings in this study also emphasized the importance of establishing partnerships with other campus entities such as the teaching centers, student affairs, and campus-‐wide assessment offices for articulating, implementing, and disseminating SLOs. This could be an area of possibility for expansion of the role of librarians and improving communication and awareness of what is happening across campus related to information literacy topics. Another topic that surfaced often in the interviews was how terminology varies across campuses related to the term information literacy. Several campuses are using more general “critical thinking” or “inquiry” terminology to articulate information literacy SLOs when collaborating with faculty on teaching. In this study, it was discovered that SLO articulation and integration is not just determined by articulating, implementing, and assessing IL SLOs, but it is integrated with other situational factors such as library and institutional culture, success of campus-‐library collaborations and partnerships, and the definition of roles and responsibilities of academic staff and librarians. 3. What assessments are campuses using to measure SLOs? Libraries who participated in this study reported using a variety of methods for assessing SLOs. Some institutions have adopted standardized instruments; some are using rubrics developed by librarians or in partnership with faculty collaborators. Other institutions have developed home-‐grown type tutorials, guides, and instruments, while others are The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 10
considering adoption of nationally distributed and standardized methods. Most institutions reported on using a variety of methods for assessing IL SLOs based on the various needs of collaborative partners and departments. A considerable number of institutions discussed the importance of using a more authentic approach to measuring information literacy progress by evaluating the final student research products and bibliographies. Campuses discussed the challenges of implementing and integrating SLOs in cases when they do not have responsibility for the course assignments or when the format of instruction such as one-‐shot sessions inhibits the ability to collect data about student learning. Institutions reported they ground their SLO assessment in the ACRL standards and use a variety of assessment strategies such as authentic assessment, pre-‐post assessment, formal and informal self reports, and standardized commercial tools and methods. However most institutions reported the assessment varied across programs, departments. and levels. There was also a concern expressed by several institutions about the assessment problems inherent in personal relationships between librarians and faculty, where it was difficult to measure outcomes not uniform across departments. Most institutions reported they are conducting library instruction, which is based on information literacy SLOs, but many less actually reported on formally assessing the SLOS and disseminating reports about their assessment work. Some institutions reported establishing relationships with campus partners (both academic departments and other administration units such as assessment offices) so that they can obtain access to student work and data for assessment. Interest in establishing strategic partnerships across campus was also discussed in relation to improving communication about SLOs on campus and dissemination of SLOs from both the library and at the campus and institutional levels. 4. What assessments are libraries using? Often partnerships are established with specific programs, especially writing, composition, and English where the subject matter may make it easier to implement and assess IL SLOs. Oregon State University Libraries and UT Austin Libraries both reported successful collaborations with writing and composition programs. Academic faculty in these departments embraced the concept of critical thinking and information literacy and could apply it directly to their writing and composition assignments. Library and academic faculty at each institution worked together to integrate IL SLOs into the course curriculum, as well as assessment tools such as pre-‐post tests and rubrics to measure how well the students met the learning outcomes of the course. In most cases, librarians reported that assessments are co-‐developed with faculty collaborators. Other institutions discussed the use of SAILS and iSkills. Some institutions discussed successes in assessment of SLOs through efforts to reach out to other campus units such as Centers of Teaching or working with campus-‐wide assessment offices to gain access to student work or share resources. The idea of culture, both library and campus-‐wide culture, was reported as a very powerful factor in the success of SLO implementation and assessment. Campus-‐wide culture can have a very profound impact on adoption of learning outcomes and may result in increased partnerships between Libraries and academic units. One GWLA institution, reported that its campus implemented SLOs after receiving a report from an accrediting body that the University needed to increase assessment of student learning. This was a prime motivator The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 11
for the entire institution to be involved in developing learning outcomes, and the library plays a role in working with individual faculty to develop learning outcomes. (See Appendix C). 5. How do GWLA libraries contribution to University SLOs? Participants in this study often reported that IL SLOs are not always necessarily integrated with institution-‐wide SLO assessment, and the reporting of differences in this area is due to variation in roles, departmental processes, established collaboration practices, institutional culture, and information literacy definition and adoption practices. Library and institutional leadership plays an important role in effective implementation, dissemination, and reporting on SLOs at the institution level, as well as with the integration of the library in campus-‐wide assessment efforts. There is not widespread articulation of SLOs according to many study participants and some described cases where library SLOs are not distributed on the institutional level as well as departmental SLOs not being distributed and published. The dissemination of SLOs appears to be dependent on departmental structure and policies, the strength of individual librarian-‐faculty relationships, and the prominence of courses that have a stronger information literacy component. Faculty and department culture can impact how SLOs are implemented in courses and programs as well as disseminated. Many study participants discussed a lack of awareness of what is going on around campus regarding SLOs and were not aware of where program and institutional SLO assessment data could be located or where it was reported. Librarians discussed the challenges of “silos” and “not being at the table” and therefore not being in the loop about institution and campus wide assessment initiatives. Librarians that reported being active participants in committees and cross-‐campus collaborations were more apt to know about what was happening on their campuses related to assessment. There is also wide variation in how SLOs are disseminated and reported on campuses. Most participants discussed the posting of SLOs on websites. Strong library and administrative leadership in the area of assessment appears to help create a culture for reporting about assessment and sharing data on campuses. This leadership also helps establish a culture of accountability so that SLOs are assessed and reported on a regular basis. Librarians also reported on the benefits of accreditation and campus accountability as factors that helped in the assessment and dissemination of SLOs. Institutional culture that marginalizes librarians hinders the ability of the library to be at the table for decision-‐making and policy-‐making in the area of assessment and dissemination of SLOs. Library culture where librarians work on an individual basis with faculty was also reported as hindering moving forward with broader and more comprehensive SLO assessment. The culture and context of the campus dynamics can provide a very powerful opportunity for moving SLO assessment forward if libraries can overcome the structural and climate challenges of marginalization. Final Observations and Recommendations The Conceptual Framework for Designing, Implementing, Assessing, and Disseminating SLOs based on Contextual Factors (Table 3) can be used by a variety of institutions at different The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 12
levels of assessing SLOs for improving practice. For example, in the UNLV interview, there was discussion about how when their Center for Teaching was dissolved, the library leveraged this change to broaden their scope of practice and offer course design support and workshops for instructors. This Embracing Change and Opportunities example can assist other institutions that may not have considered the importance of developing an awareness of change and acting when opportunities occur at their institutions. Although some exemplar initiatives and innovative programs assessing IL SLOs were identified through this study, review of the entirety of the data suggests that IL SLOs are being assessed in many different ways and in most cases the assessment was described using more informal and anecdotal measures and not evidence-‐based practice. The survey also confirms disconnect between the designing and implementing of SLOs and the assessing and reporting out of findings on IL SLOs. This gap in the SLO process may be a prime candidate for future research. Building on the successful assessments of some institutions, it would be helpful to collect additional data and conduct analysis around the process of assessment to identify in more detail what makes successful assessment work; that is, what is the culture of the institution, organizational structure, campus policies, leadership factors, and the place of the library on successful campuses? Successful case studies extracted from this study data may be helpful in giving other institutions ideas of what they can try at their institutions, but more specific information is needed on the contextual factors of these successful institutions to inform future best practice since institutional structures and library organizations vary. One small but important finding gleamed from the interviews was that due to staffing issues and conflicting roles and responsibilities of librarians at several institutions there was not much coordination or sharing among librarians. Encouraging libraries and librarians to focus on internal sharing of instructional assessments and documenting that information in a central location, for example similar to Kansas State University Libraries (Appendix C) might prove to be doable and effective. Another interesting aspect of the data analysis evolution centered on differentiating between collaboration and campus-‐wide partnerships and relationships. As the analysis progressed the researchers differentiated text coded as collaborations as more about the action taken by individuals working together (teaching together with SLOs, planning assignments together to measure SLOs) whereas relationships were more about developing alliances or working partnerships with other units to help disseminate SLOS, engage faculty in the SLO process, and to help to market, analyze and promote SLOs. These are two very different things. When looking at study data across the three levels of the institution, researchers commented that there is evidence of almost equal numbers for collaboration at the departmental and library level, but less at the campus level. It appears from the data that “relationships” could have a broader and more powerful impact on the work done in the library when integrated with the opportunities of interaction of librarians at the different levels of the campus..In contrast, “collaborations” were more focused on impacting interactions with individuals at a more personal level or at the program level. Therefore, one recommendation would be to focus on developing relationships, as well as collaborations so that IL SLO work could be integrated at a variety of campus levels. The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 13
The impact that an institutional culture has on the ability of an organization to come together around SLOs was another interesting finding in our data. Some institutional efforts are bolstered through an institutional commitment to evidence, while other institutions’ reported that decentralized culture limited successes in developing, and implementing SLOs. Other related limiting factors include academic freedom, fear of negative impact on the tenure and promotion process, and the general lack of a culture of assessment. Many libraries reported that they are actively building a culture of assessment, creating positions to support the effort such as Assessment and Planning Librarians. One of the researchers recommends teasing out further the importance of investigating challenges related to assessment implementation and dissemination at all three levels of the institution since the data appears to indicate that the departments and campuses are more accountable for SLOs than libraries (except for the area of IL SLOs). Additionally, information from the interviews suggested that “planning the process for SLOs is often a top down initiative, resulting from accreditation concerns, or an institutional focus on evidence or assessment”. This is an area that might merit further exploration in conjunction with the recent economic down turn and the impact of legislation in higher education. In the area of curriculum development, the data indicated an area that might prove fruitful for more study. Data collected in our study suggested, “Often the process of curriculum development does not include incorporating assessment. Instead assessment of learning is considered something to be addressed separately, after the curriculum is developed.” This practice seems to run counter to the current practice of “backwards design” which includes the steps of outcomes, assessment and then curriculum development. There maybe some important questions that to be answered to help libraries tie assessment into curriculum level. Are libraries incorporating this current pedagogy into their own curriculum development and in conversations with other campus and department faculty? What principles or methods are the curriculum development practices on at our own institutions being based on? In summary, it is difficult to report on what all GWLA institutions are doing as related to the designing, implementing, assessing, and dissemination SLOs since each institution reported on a variety of methods, strategies, and organizational approach. However there are commonalities in motivations, such as accreditation reviews, program redesigns, and a desire to move to a more evidence-‐based driven culture. There are many innovative and varied practices described in the interviews. Institutional contexts and cultures, campus academic priorities and initiatives, leadership at both the institutional and library levels, and changing roles of librarians are all impacting how libraries are measuring IL SLOs.
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 14
References Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 15
APPENDIX A: Description of the original Seventeen Themes Strategies for Planning, Implementing & Integrating SLOs (98 instances) Originally, this theme was divided into several subthemes (planning, implementing, integration and evaluation) but due to the overlap of these codes, the themes were recombined. Although there is a clear definition between planning, implementing, and integrating SLOs, at this phase of the analysis the themes relating to the actual designing and implementing of SLOs should remain together. In many cases the coding of these subthemes are so integrated it was difficult to separate out the theme sub-‐groups. Roles/Responsibilities for Assessment/SLOs (57 instances) The number of instances of codes here was the most surprising theme. There was much discussion about what roles librarians are playing, such as course designer, assessment experts, planners, teachers, instructional designers, collaborators, leaders, and advocates for information literacy. Included in this theme are also instances relating to workload issues, committee work, library organizational structure, etc. This theme is important and unique because of how the variations in the roles and responsibilities of librarians and faculty can impact the success of assessment initiatives. Collaboration (51 instances) The collaboration theme had one of the highest numbers of incidences. This theme was assigned to coding instances related to the discussion of the collaborative efforts of librarians with faculty, the librarians with departments, and librarians with support units. This collaboration theme was also prevalent at different levels involving sharing of assessment strategies in the library, at the department level in the discussion of collaboration, and common departments that collaborate such as writing and composition and first year programs. This theme can also be used to define the coding instances that discussed different types of collaboration such as teaching responsibilities, assignment design, SLO design and development, etc. The collaboration code instances at the institutional level were far less in number than at the library and department/college level. Often the collaboration happening at the institutional level took on broader and different attributes and those were coded under the theme of departmental relationships (see that theme below). Communication Issue (38 instances) The way the library plans how it communicates and how it communicates with collaborators and partners on campus can impact the effectiveness of collaborations and relationship building on campus. Communication codes included in this theme incorporate terminology such as, who is “at the table” for planning and discussions, and how there was little awareness of what departments and units are doing with assessment. There was also discussion about whether assessment should be made “private” or “public”. Communication codes were also associated with text related to developing an awareness of how people find out about what is happening on campus or how SLOs and assessment are communicated around campus. Tools-‐Instruments-‐Resources for SLOs (38 incidences) The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 16
This theme was used to tag and code instances related to any type of tools or instruments used to assess information literacy or measure SLOs (such as iSkills, Sails, or ACT). It also included any strategies for assessing student learning such as surveys, pre-‐post tests, self reports, rubrics, quizzes, and interviews that were used to measure information literacy or document SLOs. Accountability & Reporting of SLOs (34 instances in codes) This theme covers text in interviews that discusses how SLO and/or assessment of information literacy instruction are reported. Included in this theme are codes about reporting up to administration, the high stakes nature of assessment, and how the SLOs play into accreditation, as well as the different types of reporting such as posting on websites or including statistics in reports. Who receives the reporting on SLOs and information literacy instruction; how information is compiled and reported; and what levels of assessment are reported are some of the topics discussed in the interviews that resulted in coding instances in this theme. Curriculum & Instruction (30 instances) This curriculum and planning theme was derived from the collection of coding instances that related directly to information literacy instruction or curriculum. This theme contains coding that was tagged as assignment design, specific courses, and the relationship of information literacy and SLOs, curriculum in general education or 1st year seminars, or “signature” courses. It also includes coding related to lesson planning and classroom instructional strategies. Departmental Relationships (26 instances) This theme was used to classify instances of the different types of disciplines and departments that librarians reported having relationships with. Unlike the Collaboration theme above, which focused more on one-‐on-‐one or library/department relationships focused on instruction, coding instances connected to this theme are more about developing partnerships with other units such as centers for teaching, or assessment offices, student affairs units, or larger programs such as distance learning units, These codes focus on integrating information literacy or improving assessment on a broader scale. These types of relationships are focused on utilizing or leveraging expertise or access from other units that might not be traditionally connected with the library. Although the collaborations and departmental relationships themes may eventually be combined, it is important to keep these two themes separate at this time to track what units, departments, and disciplines seem more amendable to adopting assessment and information literacy practices and see if any patterns could be identified across institutions. Culture and Priorities Issues (22 instances) In the initial interviews several levels of culture were evident and discussed such as library culture, institutional culture, and faculty culture. The culture and priorities of the institution may dictate priorities at a lower level and have an impact on the roles and responsibilities for assessment, collaboration about assessment, and the accountability and reporting of assessment. Whether the institution is decentralized or centralized, and how The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 17
the institution was structured where coding instances common in theme because these may impact the culture and how things work on campuses. Structures, Policies, and Administration (22 instances) This theme included coding instances related to policies, staffing, financial constraints, and the core values of institutions. Coding instances in this theme also related to discussion about strategic planning and reporting structures, which can be factors that influence SLO planning and implementation. Professional Development (17 instances) Professional development topics were discussed in several types of context in the study interviews. Although this theme contains a smaller percentage of coding instances than discussed previously, an important aspect of this theme is that the codes were distributed across several levels and discussed factors related to developing faculty, librarians, TAs and students. Coding related to support for assessment and train the trainer models, as well as, innovative models such as faculty institutes are covered within this theme. Challenges (16 instances in codes) This theme emerged as a catch-‐all for the coding of any text relating to the challenges of assessment or measuring SLOs. For example, some of the challenges coded within this theme include the complexity of assessment; the difficulty of measuring student learning; the value or lack of value associated with a “smile survey” assessment; about how it is easier to plan assessments but more difficult to carry out assessments; and about how varied disciplines, courses and assignments are and how this affects the design and implementation of assessments. For this first round of coding there were several themes of codes (see the five themes below) with very small numbers of codes. However often in qualitative coding the most important code themes may actually be those on the periphery of the major themes. Therefore these smaller themes will be separated out as independent themes until the second round of coding. Leadership (12 instances) Leadership coding instances, although a small number of instances, were separated out as a separate theme because of the perceived importance of this attribute as it as discussed in the interview texts. Coding related to this theme focused around persistence, respect, active role vs. a passive role, and vision. Leadership coding instances were often associated with change. There were also negatives associated with the leadership theme, such as how losing a head of a department can impact progress and effective of departments. Change Related (9 instances) Although this is a small number of codes associated with this theme in this round of coding, the importance of change in higher education today should be an independent theme. This theme focused on the process of change; the slowness of change; as well as how new people, positions, losing people, and curriculum revisions are all related to change. The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 18
Opportunities (8 instances) On the flip side of challenges and change are code instances related to opportunities. Coding in this theme connected to opportunities focused on how people are making things work despite challenges and this might help us become more aware of opportunities when they emerge at our institution. In the interviews completed thus far, there were codes about marketing opportunities; opportunities for pushing for library inclusion in institutional processes; and the advantages and opportunities of “getting in the ground floor”. General (SLO catch-‐all) (6 instances) This theme contains coding instances related to very unique situations that did not fit in the other main themes. This theme contains coding instances about what might be driving SLO assessment; or state involvement in campus assessment, or other institutional specific codes. IL Topics (4 instances) The purpose of this theme is to isolate some specific information literacy topics that were discussed as examples of instructions or needs, or departmental interests. Some examples here are copyright and plagiarism. In the next round of coding these codes will be redistributes to other themes.
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 19
Appendix B – Round 2 Coding: Collapsing and Refining of Themes (Aligning Seventeen Themes to Five Themes) NEW Five Themes (containing 1054 codes) based on completion of additional interviews Collaboration and Communications Issues (285 code instances)
OLD Seventeen Original Themes (484 codes) based on 4 interviews for developing the coding catalog
Collaborations (51 instances) Communication Issues (38 instances) • There was overlap in the collaboration and communication themes such as collaborations resulting because of good communications Departmental Relationships (26 instances) • Although this theme contains codes about collaborations or partnerships at a different scope and level than more personal collaborations, this theme was combined due to overlap of strategies and opportunities related to making a conscious effort to collaborate and partner on projects Strategies for Planning, Implementing Strategies for Planning, Implementing & Integrating & Integrating SLOs (262 code SLOs (98 instances) instances) Culture and Priorities Issues (22 instances) • This theme contains all of the • Most of the codes related to assessment culture, coding related to the SLO design, institutional culture, and institutional priorities implementation, and assessment were added here because these are an important as well as the culture coding aspect to consider when strategizing and related to how units work together planning SLO implementation and integration at their institutions Curriculum and Instruction (208 code Curriculum and Instruction (30 Instances of codes) instances) Tools-‐Instruments-‐Resources for SLOs (38 • This theme now contains all coding incidences) IL Topics (4 instances) focused on the planning of curriculum and instruction issues • Some of these information literacy topics became around information literacy more integrated with curriculum and topics for curriculum Professional Development (17 instances) • Most of the professional development codes related to training librarians and faculty in assessment strategies and skills such as writing objectives, so this fits better here with instruction and curriculum Roles/Responsibilities for Roles/Responsibilities for Assessment and SLOs (57 Assessment and SLOs (206 code instances) instances) Accountability & Reporting of SLOs (34 instances in codes) • This combined theme contains coding related to roles and • When collapsing and reevaluating the codes and responsibilities for not only the themes, this accountability and reporting theme
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 20
SLO designing and instruction but also the reporting and accountability of assessment. Structures, Policies, and Administration ( 93 code instances) • Upon recoding, the leadership coding instances were more related to the institutional structure and administration and were therefore combined in the second coding round.
fit much better with the roles and responsibilities theme; it was about who was responsible for reporting about assessments and to whom Structures, Policies, and Administration (22 instances) Leadership (12 instances) • This leadership theme on reevaluation and consolidation of coding was really about leaders within the structure of the institution and how leadership issues were impacting the implementation of SLOs
The themes below with low numbers were redistributed into the new five themes above. For example, challenges were redistributed to the roles and responsibilities theme and the collaboration and communication issues theme. The small numbers of codes in these themes no longer warranted a separate theme: • Challenges (16 instances in codes) • Opportunities (8 instances) • General (SLO catch all) (6 instances) • Change Related (9 instances)
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 21
Appendix C – (In Progress) Innovative Practices & Selected Evidence Inventory Notes: Analysis is incomplete and includes information from 4 institutions, additional analysis of sixteen remaining transcripts remains. Tag(s) Practice Assessment History students required t write a research paper. Librarians use (Kansas State rubric to assess papers and give the students feedback on the University) research process. Rubric is also used to determine if papers should go into the institutional repository because of the high quality of the papers. Library has just begun initial stages of working with a Research from University of North Carolina to assess library impact on instruction. The work already being done in History maybe a good place to start. On a yearly basis, the assessment person gathers information literacy assessment from individual librarians and places the information into an annual report that is compiled for a campus assessment report. University holds an annual assessment conference mostly departments and college assessment committees but it is open to everyone to attend. Library assessment person attends. Assessment Information Literacy embedded in the Oregon Associative of Arts (Oregon State Transfer Degree and Oregon Transfer Model University) AAOT Writing Outcomes (for transfer students): Criteria.pdf Assessment (UT Collaboration with rhetoric and composition faculty member and Austin) program. Faculty member recognizes that information literacy in integral to writing well. At the time of the interview they had just developed a pre and post-‐test that all graduate student teaching assistants (GTAs) were required to administer to their students at the beginning of the semester. The results of the pre-‐test were shared with the GTA’s. The information challenged GTA assumptions about what their students knew coming into college writing and gave them a better idea of the level of competencies their students start with. Assessment Office of Academic Programs, Assessment & Accreditation: (Oregon State University) Undergraduate program learning outcomes: -‐majors-‐assessment/undergraduate-‐program-‐learning-‐outcomes OSU Libraries: Undergraduate Information Literacy Competencies: The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 22
Assessment (university of Las Vegas)
Assessment (Oklahoma State University)
Collaboration *Assessment (Oregon State University)‐instruction/information-‐ competencies UNLV has implemented programmatic assessment of all undergraduate students through a standardized self-‐report survey “College Outcomes Survey”. UNLV currently has 260 programs posted on assessment website and all of them have learning outcomes. Library keeps an inventory of all partnerships and then surveys partners to determine if the libraries role in the partnerships is effective. ETSI Skills Assessment – UNLV libraries partnered with the academic success center to worked to adapt this test to gather information related to information literacy skills of incoming students and inform UNLV information literacy teaching practices and library services. . Gateway freshman learning class students are asked to assess the value of what they learned in the sessions we do with them. It is not a formalized assessment. Students tell us they learned a lot. They think they learned how to search a database. They think they understand the difference between scholarly information and non-‐ scholarly information. They think they understand or they highly value different aspects that I know are information literacy, but we don’t say that. We’re just basically getting feedback, but students are learning. Partnership with beginning composition course to information literacy in OSU Wr. 121 course required by incoming students. OSU library faculty teach in each one of those sections, the students do two tutorials and there is a variety of classroom activities and are incorporated into an information Literacy portfolio/tutorial that comprises 0% of student course grade. Library faculty assess the information literacy tutorial, the course includes a pre and post assessment on information literacy. Classroom faculty assesses information literacy using in-‐ class free writes and other activities. In student final projects and the second paper in the course is an information literacy focused paper. OSU Library created course content for WR 121: o Tutorial: :‐ The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 23
WR-‐121-‐Before-‐You-‐Come-‐to-‐the-‐Library-‐ o Tutorial:‐WR-‐ 121-‐Exploring-‐Your-‐Topic-‐ o Sources quiz: /761?type=QuizResource o Keywords quiz: /766?type=QuizResource
Collaboration Assessment (Kansas State University)
Collaboration (Oregon State University)
Colllaboration (University of Nevada – Las Vegas)
OSU Library Faculty and First Year Composition Faculty Article: “Step by Step through the Scholarly Conversation: A collaborative Library/Writing Faculty Project to Embed Information Literacy and Promote Critical Thinking in First Year Composition at Oregon State University” by Deitering and Jameson: College of Architecture has worked closely with librarians on their regional planning and design to emphasis critical thinking in their program. Librarian working with the History Department to integrate IL into their history cornerstone and capstone project. Librarians worked with History Department to develop a rubric on critical thinking based on departmental student learning. OSU Library Faculty and First Year Composition Faculty • Article: “Step by Step through the Scholarly Conversation: A collaborative Library/Writing Faculty Project to Embed Information Literacy and Promote Critical Thinking in First Year Composition at Oregon State University” by Deitering and Jameson: Collaborations around educational partnerships are an important part of the UNLV Libraries strategic plan and the institute was designed to be a campus initiative with libraries taking the lead. The partnerships the Libraries participate in center around the education role that libraries play in student learning. Successful partnerships have included working with academic affairs, the office of information technology and the office of academic assessment. Partnerships with the academic success center are particularly successful and have enabled the libraries to work with a large portion of the undergraduate student population that are at risk. The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 24
UNLV Libraries developed a library Instruction framework that started with identify the values related to library teaching mission. Those values were mapped learning outcomes and then to the ACRL Information Literacy Standards. Then the learning outcomes were mapped to the UNLV curriculum starting with courses that library was currently involved with, then moving to general education courses and finally to other strategic course within the curriculum. The Library Instruction Framework translates UNLV Student Learning Outcomes into Libraries Information Literacy Outcomes and informs library faculty discussions with academic faculty and within the course re-‐design process. Library took on roll as course redesign experts because there is no center for teaching and learning at UNLV. The UNLV Libraries too lead in developing the Institute on Course Design in 2011 and again in 2013. UNLV Libraries was able to get groups to come together by using terms such as “research” or “inquiry”. Information literacy was not a term that resonated with other groups on campus. It is important to find terminology that is effective in the culture of the institution the library resides in. Participants in the institute redesigned class assignments developed by academic faculty and incorporated critical thinking components. Participants developed a rubric that was general and broad enough to measure how well students did on critical thinking aspects of their assignments. The 2013 institute was centered involves faculty from across all disciplines and is focused on how to reach first year students. Librarians at each table who are trained to work with academic faculty to identify opportunities to incorporate information literacy into the curriculum and individual assignments. Collaboration/Partn Faculty Committee created to implement process for proposals from ership faculty developing signature courses that all incoming and transfer (UT Austin) students were required to take. These courses are interdisciplinary and taught by distinguished UTA faculty. Librarian determined who was on the committee, talked to members of the committee about what type of process they were thinking of using to implement or suggest these signature courses and the importance of information literacy to college student success. Librarian identified potential areas for incorporating information literacy into signature course and student success. Seed planting. Successful in raising awareness of librarian expertise with information literacy and writing student learning outcomes. Cited an example of working with a philosophy professor who asked a library faculty member to develop the information literacy outcomes for his signature course. The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 25
Culture (University of Nevada-‐Las Vegas)
Place at the Table (University of Nevada – Las Vegas)
Student Learning Outcomes (University of Nevada-‐ Las Vegas) Student Learning Outcomes (Oregon State University)
Student Learning Outcomes (UT Austin)
Student Learning
Selected signature courses are larger format so there are TA’s trained for leading discussion in these courses. In some instances librarians train TA’s in teaching information literacy into the course. UNLV Libraries was able to get campus groups to come together by using terms such as “research” or “inquiry”. Information literacy was not a term that resonated with other groups on campus. It is important to find terminology that is effective in the culture of the institution the library resides in. Librarians play a leadership role on the Consortia for Faculty Professional Opportunities. The committee was developed in lieu of a teaching and learning center. Membership the committee has promoted key partnerships with other academic units and programs. UNLV Libraries had a lead faculty member who was very active in the faculty senate, she kept abreast of the curriculum redesign project and served as an advocate for project Library Dean instrumental in advocacy, support and identifying and fostering potential relationships. University of Nevada Las Vegas has developed University Learning Outcomes -‐ Student learning objectives have been disseminated across campus and have been adopted through the process of course integration. OSU Library Teaching Faculty selects at least 3 classes they teach per year and rewrite the learning outcomes for those classes. The individual librarian selects one learning outcomes (based on the a set of learning goals developed for undergraduate students) out of 4 to evaluate the along with selecting the method that they are going to assess whether students were successful in meeting the learning outcomes. G4 Related to the signature courses, there is a Faculty Information Toolkit. There are six requirements of a signature course including the information literacy requirement. The learning outcomes are posted there in the tool and faculty developing their course proposals are asked to demonstrate how they will structure their course to meet those learning outcomes. Campus uses the term critical thinking. The definition is “students The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 26
Outcomes /Accreditation (UT Austin) Student Learning Outcomes (Kansas State University)
will demonstrate the ability to access and interpret information, respond and adapt to changing situations and make complex decisions, solve problems and evaluate actions”. Developed in response to accrediting body’s comments that there was not a robust assessment for student learning outcomes. There are student-‐learning outcomes for the University. Within the colleges and department, student-‐learning outcomes are managed individually but everyone is required to report on their student learning assessment at once per year.
The GWLA Student Learning Outcomes Taskforce Report 27