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General Location Map   

Appendix A





































































































































New Kanata North ES



















Planning Department, September 2017

New Kanata North Elementary School Site

Appendix B

Kanata Highlands Public School

New Kanata North ES

Future Realignment of Goulbourn Forced Road

Future Walden Road Extension


Planning Department, September 2017


Kanata North Urban Expansion Area

*(; . ('

Appendix C

| KNUEA boundaries and properties of sponsoring landowners


Recommended Attendance Boundaries

Appendix D

Area redirected from St. Isidore to New Kanata North ES





Area redirected from St. Gabriel to New Kanata North ES





New Kanata North ES




Planning Department, September 2017

Grades 7-12: All Saints HS

THEN north along and including both sides of Huntmar Road to the point of commencement at the Old Carp Road.

THEN proceeding northwest along the CNR Tracks to Huntmar Road,

THEN south along the middle of Goulbourn Forced Road to the CNR Tracks,

THEN south along the middle of Innovation Drive to Goulbourn Forced Road,

THEN west along Terry Fox Drive to Innovation Drive,

THEN south along the middle of March Road to Terry Fox Drive

the intent is to capture the entire southeast quadrant of the Kanata North Urban Expansion Area),

THEN west along the rear property lines of Celtic Ridge Crescent, Windance Crescent and 910 March Road to March Road (Note:

THEN south along the abandoned CN Railway to the northern portion of Celtic Ridge,

quadrant of the Kanata North Urban Expansion Area),

along the rear property lines of Houston Crescent to the abandoned CN Railway (Note: the intent is to capture the entire northeast

THEN north along the middle of March Road to a point just south of Houston Crescent at 1070 March Road and proceeding easterly

quadrant of the Kanata North Urban Expansion Area),

THEN proceeding in an easterly direction along the lot line to March Road, (Note: the intent is to capture the entire southwest

Concession 3,

THEN proceeding in a northerly direction along the rear property lines of Marchbrook Circle to a point between Lot 12 and Lot 13,

THEN proceeding east along the middle of the Old Carp Road to a point just east of Marchbrook Circle,

COMMENCING at the junction of Huntmar Road and Old Carp Road,

Serves an area defined by a line

New Kanata North Catholic Elementary School 785 Goulbourn Road, Kanata, ON

Appendix E

Grades 7-12: All Saints HS

THEN north along and including both sides of Huntmar Road to the point of commencement at the CNR Tracks.

THEN west long the middle of the multi-use pathway/former Richardson Side Road to Huntmar Road,

THEN north along the middle of Kanata Avenue to the multi-use pathway/former Richardson Side Road,

THEN northwest along the rear property lines of Cambrior Crescent (all Cambrior Crescent attends Georges Vanier) to Kanata Ave.,

THEN west along the middle of Goldridge Drive to the rear property lines of Cambrior Crescent at Norgold Crescent

THEN following the rear property lines of Blackdome Crescent (all Blackdome Crescent attend Georges Vanier) to Goldridge Drive,

THEN south along the middle of Kanata Avenue to the rear property lines of Blackdome Crescent,

THEN west along the middle of Knudson Drive to Kanata Avenue,

of Langford Crescent to Knudson Drive,

THEN projecting south through Walden Park to the rear property line of Kennis Crescent and continuing along the rear property line

THEN proceeding south along the walkway to Walden Drive (up to but not including #144 Walden Drive) to Walden Park,

THEN following Beaver Pond Park easterly to the walkway immediately east of Cecil Walden Ridge,

THEN south down the middle of Goulbourn Forced Road to Beaver Pond Park,

THEN east along the CNR tracks to Goulbourn Forced Road,

COMMENCING at the junction of Huntmar Road and the CNR Tracks,

Serves an area defined by a line

St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School 400 Keyrock Drive Kanata, ON K2T 0G6 (613) 271-6181

Appendix F

Grades 7-12: All Saints HS

Stonecrest Road in this section to the point of commencement at Kinburn Side Road.

THEN north along and including both sides of Huntmar Road and Stonecrest Road and any roads accessible only by Huntmar and

THEN west along the middle of Old Carp Road to Huntmar Drive,

THEN south along the rear property lines of Marchwood Circle to Old Carp Road,

Marchwood Circle,

THEN south along the middle of March Road to a point between Lot 12 and 13 and proceeding westerly to the rear property lines of

THEN west along the rear property lines of Houston Crescent and including #910 March Road to March Road,

THEN north along the abandoned CN Railway to the rear property lines of Houston Crescent (south portion),

THEN proceeding easterly along the rear property lines of Windance Cres. and Celtic Ridge Cres. to the abandoned CN Railway,

THEN north along the middle of March Road to a point just north of #910 March Road,

THEN north and west along the middle of Terry Fox Drive to March Road,

THEN south along the middle of March Valley Road to Terry Fox Drive,

THEN proceeding south along the former municipal boundary between Kanata and Nepean to March Valley Road / Herzberg Road,

THEN south along Shirley’s Brook to the former municipal boundary line between Kanata and Nepean (DND lands),

THEN proceeding east and south along the Ottawa River to Shirley’s Bay,

THEN east along the lot line to the Ottawa River,

11 and 12, Concession IV (Torbolton),

THEN north along but not including Dunrobin Road (both sides of Dunrobin Road attend St. Michael Fitzroy) to the line between Lots

THEN proceeding east along but not including Kinburn Side Rd to Dunrobin Rd (both sides Kinburn Side Rd attend St. Michael Fitzroy),

COMMENCING at the junction of Kinburn Side Road and Stonecrest Road,

Serves an area defined by a line

St. Isidore Catholic Elementary School 1105 March Road Kanata, ON K2K 1X7 (613) 592-1798

Appendix G

FINAL Kanata North Final Boundary memo Sep2017.pdf

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