Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) Charter The U.S Department of Homeland Security requires every state have a governance process to guide the allocation of federal DHS preparedness grant funds. Keeping with the guiding principles of governance for all DHS preparedness programs, grantees must coordinate with their stakeholders to examine how they integrate preparedness activities across disciplines, agencies, and levels of government, including State, territorial, local, and tribal units of government. To accomplish this, the SAA must establish or reestablish a unified Senior Advisory Committee (SAC). Organization of the Committee Name: The organization will be known as the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee (WOHSSAC). Composition of the Committee: A. The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee must include whole community intrastate and interstate partners as applicable and have balanced representation among entities with operational responsibilities for terrorism/disaster prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery activities within the State. B. State agency voting members will be appointed by their department, as requested by the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee and represent the entities suggested by the FOA and as found in Appendix A. C. Each member/entity has one vote on the committee. D. Whole community members will be appointed by their governing body and represent: 1. Law Enforcement 2. Fire Service 3. Emergency Management 4. Emergency Medical Services E. Wyoming Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (WYVOAD) F. Tribal Communities G. Non-voting members are invited by the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee Chair at the recommendation of Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee to offer subject matter expertise related to the topic being addressed. Administration: Chair: The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee Chair shall be selected from among the members of the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee. All members are eligible to serve as Chair. Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee members must first be nominated for the position of Chair prior to consideration. Each nominee must accept their nomination to officially be considered for the position of Chair. Following nominations, the Chair shall be selected by a majority vote of those members in attendance at the election meeting and those in attendance by proxy. The Chair shall

serve a one-year term, to be elected each January. The Chair’s responsibilities shall include but are not limited to: 1) requesting members from the necessary agencies and organizations to fulfill membership requirements; 2) developing and approving the agenda for meetings; 3) presiding over meetings; and 4) appointing sub-committees and forming working groups as necessary. Vice Chair: All members are eligible to serve as Vice Chair. Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee members must first be nominated for the position of Vice Chair prior to consideration. Each nominee must accept their nomination to officially be considered for the position of Vice Chair. Following nominations, the Vice Chair shall be selected by a majority vote of those members in attendance at the election meeting and those in attendance by proxy. The Vice Chair shall serve a one-year term, to be elected each January. The Vice Chair shall act in the absence of the Chair and assist the Chair with other duties as assigned. Secretary: All members are eligible to serve as Secretary. Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee members must first be nominated for the position of Secretary prior to consideration. Each nominee must accept their nomination to officially be considered for the position of Secretary. Following nominations, the Secretary shall be selected by a majority vote of those members in attendance at the election meeting and those in attendance by proxy. The Secretary shall serve a one-year term, to be elected each January. The Secretary shall keep minutes and make them available to the committee for approval. Purpose The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee is solely an advisory committee. The purpose of the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee is to advise the state in becoming better able to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond, and recover from those threats and hazards posing greatest risk to Wyoming; to provide advice to Wyoming Office of Homeland Security in the development of related strategies and policies; to improve the coordination of the homeland security department both internally within Wyoming Office of Homeland Security and externally within state government, local jurisdictions, tribal governments, first responders, private and non-profit sectors, academia and research communities; to advise on available preparedness funding sources; to ensure the preparedness grant applications align with the state’s THIRA; and to work to fill identified gaps. Responsibilities Committee Responsibilities: A. Make recommendations to Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Director/SAA on projects to receive grant funding and funding levels for each project. B. Provide advice to Wyoming Office of Homeland Security regarding homeland security issues in the critical mission areas. C. Identify opportunities to meet stated goals and objectives and fill gaps. D. Participate in subcommittees and working groups as necessary to address emerging administrative, programmatic and operational issues related to homeland security grants E. Make recommendations to the Director/SAA in the selection of projects to receive grant funding and funding levels of each, should it become a competitive process.

WOHS Director Responsibilities: A. Inform the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee at least annually regarding the state’s Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) results to include capability targets, with recommended actions. B. Inform the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee at least annually regarding the State Preparedness Report (SPR) results to include capability gap, with recommended actions. C. Deliver a financial report semi-annually concerning project funding allocations and expenditures by grant year. D. Be responsible for fiduciary and programmatic compliance requirements of each grant program. Meetings and Conduct of WOHSSAC Business Public Meetings Act: The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee is subject to the Public Meetings Act as codified in Wyoming Statutes §§ 16-4-401—16-4-408. All meetings and any potential executive sessions will be conducted in accordance with this Act. Meeting Schedule: A. The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee will meet at least semi-annually at the direction of the Chair. B. Special meetings of the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee may be called at the discretion of the Chair. C. Whenever practical, the time and place of the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee meetings will be communicated to members at least 14 days prior to the meeting. Input from members will be requested for agenda items. D. The agenda will be forwarded at least 5 working days prior to the meeting Meeting Conduct: A. The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee will conduct meetings via the latest version of Roberts Rules of Order. B. The Chair is responsible for fair and reasonable conduct of meetings. Discussion: A. Issues that require consideration may be discussed without a motion. B. An issue may be resolved by general consensus. Voting: A. Every member has one (1) vote. B. Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee members may designate a proxy from the member’s respective agency or organization to act/vote on their behalf. This proxy must be delivered to the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee Secretary in writing (to include email) prior to the day of the meeting. C. Proxies will be granted all rights given to Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee members for the purpose of the Committee. D. Voting on issues will take place in the event consensus cannot be reached. E. Determinations will be made based on majority vote of members present.

Amendment of Charter Changes to this Charter are to be presented to the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee for consideration. Once agreement (by majority vote of those present) is reached to accept, reject or alter the change request, the Charter will be amended, signed and dated by each Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee member and the Director then subsequently disseminated to the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee membership.

Establishment of the WOHSSAC The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Director shall be responsible for requesting members from the requisite agencies and organizations as outlined in Appendix A to form the initial Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee. The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Director shall be responsible for presiding over the initial Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee meeting until the committee elects its chair. Following the initial request for members to create the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee, the Chair shall assume responsibility for requesting members and shall preside over each Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Senior Advisory Committee meeting as outlined above.

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