FITMAN – Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing

Project ID 604674

MoVA Advanced Management of Virtualized Assets ___ Installation and Administration Guide

Author(s): Copyright: Release Date: Revision:

Konrad Pfleiderer, DITF Denkendorf © 2015 DITF Denkendorf 06-08-2015 1

Project ID 604674

FITMAN – Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing


FITMAN – Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing

Project ID 604674

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.

SOFTWARE LICENSE .............................................................................................................................. 4


INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................. 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.


System Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 4 Download ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Installation and Configuration ........................................................................................................ 5 Sanity Check .................................................................................................................................... 5

ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... 5


FITMAN – Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing

Project ID 604674


The detailed documentation is included in the software and can be found here:  

Login to the repository manager and click on Maintenance & API Manuals on the top right navigation. In the subfolder code_revisions\trunk\documentation\index.html in your browser.

1. Software License

© 2015 German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf for their Center of Management Research This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . 2. Installing the Software

2.1. System Requirements The Software requirements are:   

Apache web server, perfreably version 2.2+ PHP 5.3.5+, as an apache module MySQL server 5.3+


FITMAN – Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing

Project ID 604674



Virtual machine

This virtual machine is ready to run in an Oracle VM VirtualBox. Please read the Readme.txt included in the zip file. Download Source code

The source code can run on any Apache Webserver. Further system software requirements see below. Download 2.3.

Installation and Configuration

The detailed documentation for installation and configuration is included in the software documentation. 2.4. Sanity Check If everything is installed well, it should be possible to call the repository manager and to create a repository using the Create repository function or import a repository using the restore repository function. If the configuration is done according to the documentation this should work well. Insufficient permissions in the file system will cause an unexpected error. 3. Administration Procedures

The virtual machine has included a demo repository. If you run MoVA on your own server you can also download it. To install it, use the repository managers import function by clicking restore repository in the left sidebar.


FITMAN MoVA admin guide.pdf

Project ID 604674 FITMAN – Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing. MoVA. Advanced Management of Virtualized. Assets. ___. Installation and Administration Guide. Author(s): Konrad Pfleiderer, DITF Denkendorf. Copyright: © 2015 DITF Denkendorf. Release Date: 06-08-2015. Revision: 1. Page 1 of 5 ...

291KB Sizes 1 Downloads 356 Views

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