¦ffdªf¹ff¶ffQ ÀfZ ´fiIYfdVf°f dõX·ff¿fe¹f Àff~fdWXIY Àf¸ff¨ffSX ´fÂf

Title Code : UPBIL04963

Email : [email protected]

½f¿fÊ : 01

AaIY : 04

´fiIÈYd°f Af`SX ´fiQc¿f¯f...

d½fVû¿f IY½fSmXªf ¸ffQe ³fZ ¦fbªfSXf°f ¸fZÔ dIY¹ff ªffQc xka / khuxjA iz/kkuea=h ujsUnz eksnh us xqtjkr xkSjo ;k=k ds lekiu ij dgk fd oa'kokn gkjsxk] fodklokn thrsxkA Hkz"Vkpkj dh iks"kd dkaxzsl fodkl dks xkyh ns jgh gSA mUgksaus pqukSrh Hkjs vankt esa dgk fd og fodkl ds eqís ij pquko yM+dj fn[kk,A usg:&xka/kh ifjokj xqtjkr vkSj xqtjkfr;ksa dks ilan ugha djrk gSA eksnh us bl ckr ij Hkh tksj fn;k fd th,lVh ykxw djus dk QSlyk lHkh ikfVZ;ksa vkSj jkT; ljdkjksa dh lgefr ls fy;k x;k FkkA blesa dkaxzsl Hkh 'kkfey FkhA bl izdkj jkT; esa eksnh dk tknw lkQrkSj ns[kk x;kA eksnh us xqtjkr xkSjo ;k=k ds lekiu ij xka/khuxj ds HkkV xke esa ikVhZ dk;ZdrkZvksa dh jSyh esa dgk fd foi{kh ny ldkjkRed lksp dh ;ksX;rk [kks pqds gSaA mUgksaus dgk] eq>s mEehn Fkh fd dkaxzsl ;g pquko fodkl ds eqís ij yM+sxh ysfdu] og fodkl dks gh xkyh ns jgh gSA fodkl ds eqís ij og ges'kk Hkkxrh jgh gSA bl eqís ij mldh pquko yMus dh fgEer ugha gSA eksnh us dgk fd usg:&xka/kh ifjokj dHkh Hkh xqtjkr vkSj xqtjkfr;ksa dks ilan ugha djrk gSA ljnkj oYyHk HkkbZ iVsy dk ftØ djrs gq, eksnh us dgk fd lHkh dks irk gS fd dkaxzsl us iVsy ds lkFk D;k fd;kA

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¶fZdMX¹ffh esa Qqys ugh lekbZ ml fnu tc csVh dk tUe gqvkA 100 twrs ml cki dks ftlus viuh csVh dks ugh NqvkA ftl fnu csfV;ks ds bfrgkl ds ckjs esa tku tk,xkA csVh D;k pht gksrh gS rw ckdbZ eku tk,xkA csVh Fkh >k¡lh dh jkuh ftlus ugh leiZ.k fd;kA csVh Fkh gkM+h dh jkuh ftlus çse fu'kkuh ij f'kj HksaV fd;kA csVh Fkh enj Vsjslk ftlus gtkjks dks thou nku fn;kA csVh Fkh iUuk èkk; ftlus vius csVs dk cfynku fn;k A vc csfV;ks dk bfrgkl tku rsjh vk¡[k [kqy x;h gksxhA ftl ek¡ us rq>dks tUe fn;k oks Hkh rks fdlh ?kj dh csVh jgh gksxh A

yfyrs'k dq'kokg ¼Hkjriqj½


23 ÀfZ 29 A¢McX¶fSXX, 2017

IY˜XûÔ ¸fZÔ ·fSX·fSXIYSX ¶fZa¨fZ ¦fE ´fMXf£û...


Àf¸´ffQIY : Àfc¹fÊ ´fiIYfVf



´fÈâX : 08

Àfc¹fÊ CX´ffÀf³ff IYf ´f½fÊ LXNX ´fcªff...


¸fc»¹f : 5 ÷Y´f¹fZ

VfWXeQ dQ½fÀf IZY A½fÀfSX ´fSX VfWXeQûÔ IYû ...


ªff´ff³f ¸fZÔ dVfaªfû Af¶fZ IYe Vff³fQfS ªfe°f, ¸fûQe ³fZ Qe ¶f²ffBÊX z ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff

VksD;ks A tkiku ds eè;kofèk pquko esa çèkkuea=h f'katks vkcs us 'kkunkj thr ntZ dh gSA blls çèkkuea=h f'katks vkcs dks foÜo dh rhljh lcls cMh vFkZO;oLFkk dks iVjh ij ykus vkSj mÙkj dksfj;k ij muds igys ls dM+s #[k dks etcwr djus esa enn fey ldrh gSA futh çlkjd Vhch,,l ds vuqeku ds vuqlkj vkcs ds datjosfVo xBcaèku dks laln dh 465 lhVksa esa ls 311 lhVsa fey

dks muds fQj ls çèkkuea=h pqus tkus ij cèkkbZ nh vkSj dgk fd og nksuksa ns'kksa ds chp lacaèkksa dks vkSj vfèkd etcwr cukus dks ysdj cgqr mRlqd gSaA vkcs dks jfookj dks laiUu eè;kofèk pquko esa vHkwriwoZ thr gkfly gqbZ gSA vkcs ds] ,yMh,Q usr`Ro okys xBcaèku dks laln ds fupys lnu esa nks frgkbZ cgqer fey x;k gSAeksnh us V~ohV fd;k] 'esjs fç; fe= vkcs f'katks dks pquko esa jgh gSaAçèkkuea=h ujsaæ eksnh us vius tkikuh led{k f'katks vkcs vHkwriwoZ thr ds fy, gkfnZd

cèkkbZA eSa muds lkFk feydj Hkkjr&tkiku lacaèkksa dks vkSj etcwr cukus dks mRlqd gwaA eksnh vkSj vkcs ds chp lacaèk cgqr vPNs gSa vkSj fiNys rhu o"kksZa esa nksuksa usrkvksa dh dbZ ckj HksaV gqbZ gSA xqtjkr esa gky gh esa vk;ksftr ,d okf"kZd lEesyu esa vkcs us eksnh ds lkFk Hkkx fy;k FkkAtkiku esa nks frgkbZ dk eryc 310 lhVsa thrus ls gSA pquko esa bl thr ls mÙkj dksfj;k ds ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

¹fc´fe ¸fZÔ £û»f d³fSXf»ff, IYf¸f WX¸ffSXf CXQЧffMX³f °fb¸WXfSXf : Ad£f»fZVf ¹ffQ½f ¦fbªfSXf°f ¸fZÔ ¶feªfZ´fe ´fSX ´fMZX»fûÔ IYf OX¶f»f AM`XIY ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff y[kuÅ A ;wih ds iwoZ eq[;ea=h vkSj lektoknh ikVÊ ds jk"Vªh; vè;{k vf[kys'k ;kno us ,d ckj fQj V~ohV djrs gq, ;ksxh ljdkj ij rat dlk gSA vf[kys'k blls igys Hkh fdlku dtZekQh ;kstuk vkSj y[kuÅ esVªks ds mn~?kkVu dks ysdj jkT; dh chtsih ljdkj ij fu'kkuk lkèkrs jgs gSaA;wih ds iwoZ lh,e dk rktk V~ohV bykgkckn 'kgj esa ,d ;kstuk ds mn~?kkVu dks ysdj vk;k gSA vf[kys'k us ;ksxh ljdkj dks dB?kjs esa [kM+k djrs gq, V~ohV fd;k]

'es;ks g‚y bykgkckn dk dk;kdYi] ;wih esa u;k [ksy fujkyk] dke gekjk] mn~?kkVu rqEgkjkA' mÙkj çns'k esa ;ksxh vkfnR;ukFk dh ljdkj dks 7

AfSXEÀfEÀf IYf¹fÊIY°ffÊ IZY WX°¹ffSXûÔ IYf ÀfbSXf¦f QZ³fZ ´fSX 50 »ff£f IZY BX³ff¸f IYf EZ»ff³f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff yqfèk;kuk A vkj,l,l dk;ZdrkZ jfoanj xkslkbZa dh gR;k ds ekeys esa vc rd dksbZ lqjkx gkFk u yxus ds ckn vc iatkc iqfyl dh vksj ls bl gR;k esa 'kkfey vijkfèk;ksa dk lqjkx nsus okys 'k[l dks buke nsus dk ,syku

fd;k x;k gSA yqfèk;kuk ds iqfyl dfe'uj jktsaæ k djus dh Hkh rS;kfj;ka dh tk jgh gSA vfèkdkfj;ksa ds eqrkfcd 18 vDVwcj dks gR;k dh okjnkr ds nkSjku vijkfèk;ksa ds }kjk bLrseky ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

eghus iwjs gks pqds gSaA vf[kys'k ;kno us y[kuÅ esVªks dks ysdj Hkh jkT; ljdkj ij geyk cksyk FkkA 6 flracj dks V~ohV ds tfj, ,lih vè;{k us dgk Fkk] 'y[kuÅ esVªks rks igys ls gh cudj rS;kj Fkh] Hkkjr ljdkj us CMRS ds tfj, NOC ¼vukifÙk çek.ki=½ nsus esa bruk yack oä fy;k] fQj Hkh igys gh fnu esVªks Bi!'y[kuÅ esVªks rks igys ls gh cudj rS;kj Fkh] Hkkjr ljdkj us CMRS ds tfj, NOC nsus esa bruk yack od+~r fy;k] fQj Hkh igys gh fnu esVªks Bi ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

³fSmÔXQi ´fMZX»f ³fZ »f¦ff¹ff §fcÀf IYf AfSXû´f

❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff vgenkckn A xqtjkr esa chtsih dks iVsy usrkvksa us tksj dk >Vdk fn;k gSA jfookj dks tgka ikVhnkj vkanksyu ds vxqvk gkfnZd iVsy ds lg;ksxh ujsaæ iVsy us chtsih ij ?kwl nsus dk vkjksi yxk;k ogha] dqN fnu igys chtsih esa 'kkfey gq, fuf[ky lokuh us lkseokj dks lÙkk:<+ ikVÊ dk lkFk NksM+ fn;k gSA ujsaæ us nkok fd;k Fkk fd chtsih us mUgsa

vius ikys esa 'kkfey djus ds fy, ,d djksM+ #i;s nsus dk v‚Qj fn;k FkkA jfookj dks çsl d‚UÝsal ds nkSjku ujsaæ us ehfM;k dks 10 yk[k #i;s dS'k Hkh fn[kk, tks dfFkr :i ls o#.k iVsy us mUgsa fn, FksA gkykafd chtsih us ujsaæ dks vkjksiksa dks [kkfjt dj fn;k gSA lokuh ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

»fûIY ÀfZ½fIYûÔ IZY A²¹ffQZVf ´fSX IYfa¦fiZÀf ³fZ ½fÀfba²fSXf ÀfSXIYfSX IYû §ûSXf ¸ffZQe ³fZ Àfc¨fe IYû A´f³fe LXd½f ¶f¶ffÊQ ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ³fWXeÔ IYSX³fZ IYe Qe Àf»ffWX: Àfb¿f¸ff t;iqj A yksdlsodksa ij eqdnes ls igys jkT; ljdkj dh eatwjh ysus ds vè;kns'k ij jktLFkku esa fl;klr xjek xbZ gSA tgka ,d vksj ljdkj dk rdZ gS fd blls ljdkjh vfèkdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa dks csotg ijs'kku djus ls futkr feysxh] ogha foi{k us bls Hkz"Vkpkj dks laj{k.k nsus okyk dne djkj fn;k gSA jktLFkku çns'k dkaxzsl dfeVh ds vè;{k lfpu ik;yV us bl ekeys esa jkT; dh olqaèkjk jkts ljdkj ij fu'kkuk

lkèkrs gq, dgk] 'ge ljdkj ds bl dne ls gSjku gSaA blls irk pyrk gS fd

ljdkj Hkz"Vkpkj dks laLFkkxr djus dh dksf'k'k dj jgh gSA ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff
eqykdkr dhA glhuk ds çsl lfpo vgluqy djhe us lq"kek ds dFku dk gokyk nsrs gq, crk;k] ^^mUgksaus eksnh ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

A¸fZdSXIYe d½fQZVf ¸faÂfe SmX¢Àf dMX»fSXÀf³f ¸fa¦f»f½ffSX IYû ·ffSX°f ¹ffÂff ´fSX

❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyh A vesfjdh fons'k ea=h jsDl fVyjlu dh rhu fnolh; ¼24&26 vDVwcj½ Hkkjr ;k=k ds nkSjku nf{k.k ,f'k;k ds ckjs esa vesfjdk dh j.kuhfr esa ubZ fnYyh dk egRo c<+us dk ladsr fey ldrk gSA vesfjdk dh utj vQxkfuLrku esa fLFkfr lkekU; djus ds lkFk gh phu ds c<+rs ncncs ij yxke yxkus ij gSAfVyjlu ikap ns'kksa dh ;k=k ij gSa vkSj Hkkjr ls

igys og ikfdLrku tk,axsA og ikfdLrku dks vkradoknh laxBuksa ds f[kykQ dkjZokbZ

djus dks ysdj l[r lans'k ns ldrs gSaA mUgksaus gky esa ikfdLrku dks ysdj blh rjg

dk c;ku fn;k FkkA 20&27 vDVwcj rd gksus okys nf{k.k ,f'k;k ds bl nkSjs esa fVyjlu lÅnh vjc] drj] ikfdLrku] Hkkjr vkSj fLoV~tjySaM dh ;k=k dj jgs gSaAvesfjdh fons'k ea=h us 19 vDVwcj dks vesfjdk ds 'kh"kZ fFkad VSad CSIS esa vius lacksèku esa dgk Fkk] 'ge mEehn djrs gSa fd ikfdLrku vius ns'k esa ekStwn mu vkradoknh laxBuksa ds f[kykQ fu.kkZ;d dkjZokbZ djsxk] tks mlds vius yksxksa vkSj lhekorÊ {ks= ds fy,

[krjk cu x, gSaA vkradokn dh eqlhcr ls fuiVuk gj lH; ns'k dh ftEesnkjh gS vkSj ;g ilan dk ekeyk ugha gSA vesfjdk vkSj Hkkjr bl {ks=h; dksf'k'k dh feydj vxqvkbZ dj jgs gSaA';g la;ksx ugha gS fd fVyjlu ds 24 vDVwcj dks Hkkjr igqapus ds fnu gh vQxkfuLrku ds jk"Vªifr v'kjQ xuh Hkh Hkkjr vk jgs gSaA Vªai ljdkj us vQxkfuLrku ds ckjs esa viuh j.kuhfr esa Hkkjr dks egRoiw.kZ ❚ Vû¿f ´fÈâX 6 ´fSX

Àfa¦fdNX°f A´fSXf²f dIYÀfe £ffÀf SXfª¹f °fIY Àfed¸f°f ³fWXeÔ: Àfb´fie¸f IYûMXÊ ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhAmPpre U;k;ky; us dgk gS fd laxfBr vijkèk fdlh ^^[kkl jkT;** rd lhfer ugha gS vkSj dksbZ fupyh vnkyr dBksj edksdk yxkus ds fy, vijkfèk;ksa ds f[kykQ jkT; ds ckgj nk;j fd, x, vkjksii=ksa dk laKku ys ldrh gSA egkjk"Vª laxfBr vijkèk fu;a=.k dkuwu ¼edksdk½ laxfBr vijkèkksa ij jksd yxkus ds fy, vijkfèk;ksa ds f[kykQ yxk;k tkrk gSA ;g

dkuwu fnYyh esa Hkh ykxw gSA U;k;ewfrZ ,l , ckscMs vkSj U;k;ewfrZ ,y ukxsÜoj jko dh ihB us mä fVIi.kh mPp U;k;ky; ds QSlys ds f[kykQ fnYyh ljdkj dh vihy ij lquokbZ djrs gq, dhA mPp U;k;ky; us mÙkj çns'k ds dfFkr xSaxLVj c`ts'k flag dks dbZ vkèkkjksa ij edksdk ds rgr vkjksiksa ls vkjksi eqä djus ds fupyh vnkyr ds QSlys dks cjdjkj j[kk FkkA bu vkèkkjksa esa

,d vkèkkj laxfBr vijkèk fxjksg pykus dks ysdj vkjksi i= jk"Vªh; jktèkkuh ds ckgj nk;j djuk Hkh 'kkfey FkkA 'kh"kZ vnkyr us mPp U;k;ky; ds vkns'k dks cjdjkj j[krs gq, dgk fd edksdk dh èkkjk 2 ¼Mh½ esa fn;k x;k 'kCn ^l{ke vnkyr* fnYyh esa vnkyrksa rd lhfer ugha gS vkSj lrr xSj dkuwuh xfrfofèk LFkkfir djus ds mís'; ds fy;s vU; jkT;ksa esa nk;j vkjksii=ksa dk Hkh laKku

fy;k tk ldrk gSA ihB us 34 i`"B ds vius

QSlys esa dgk] ^^edksdk lekt ds fy, xaHkhj [krjk mRiUu dj

jgs laxfBr vijkèk dks jksdus ds mís'; ls ykxw fd;k x;k FkkA edksdk ds çkoèkkuksa dh O;k[;k bl
2 Àfû¸f½ffSX


, 23-29 A¢McX¶fSX, 2017

IY»f¸f ÀfZ

Àfa´ffQIY IYe IY»f¸f ÀfZ

´fiIÈYd°f Af`SX ´fiQc¿f¯f ge lcls lqanj xzg ij fuokl djrs gS th gk¡ èkjrh tks gfj;kyh ls ;qä csgn lqanj vkSj vkd"kZd gSA dqnjr gekjh lcls vPNh lkFkh gksrh gS tks gesa èkjrh ij thou thus ds fy;s lHkh t#jh lalkèku miyCèk djkrh gSA ç—fr gesa ihus dks ikuh] lkal ysus dks 'kq) gok] isV ds fy;s Hkkstu jgus ds fy;s tehu i'kq&i{kh] isM+&ikSèks vkfn gekjh csgrjh ds fy;s miyCèk djkrh gSA gesa fcuk blds ikfjfLFkfrd larqyu dks fcxkM+s bldk vkuUn ysuk pkfg;sA gesa vius çk—frd ifjos'k dk è;ku j[kuk pkfg;s] fLFkj cukuk pkfg;s] lkQ j[kuk pkfg;s vkSj fouk'k ls cpkuk pkfg;s ftlls ge viuh ç—fr dk ges'kk vkuUn ys ldsaA ;s ge balkuksa dks bZÜoj ds }kjk fn;k x;k lcls [kwclwjr migkj gS ftls uqdlku igq¡pkus ds ctk; mldk vkuUn ysuk pkfg;sAHkkjr esa gh ugha iwjh nqfu;k esa çnw"k.k ,d cM+k i;kZoj.kh; eqík gS ftlds ckjs esa gj fdlh dks irk gksuk pkfg, çnw"k.k 'kCn dk vFkZ gksrk gS phtks dks xUnk djuk- orZeku esa ge [krjukd :i ls i;kZoj.k çnw"k.k dh leL;k ls f?kjs gq, gSa- vkSj ;g leL;k Hkfo"; esa gekjs fy;s tkuysok Hkh gks ldrh gS- bl Hk;adj lkekftd leL;k dk eq[; dkj.k gSa vkS|ksxhdj.k ouksa dh dVkbZ vkSj 'kgjhdj.k çk—frd lalkèku dks xUnk djus okys mRikn tks dh lkekU; thou dh nSfud t:jrksa ds :i bLrseky dh tkrh gS- jkLrks ij xkfM;ksa dk T;knk mi;ksx gksus ls isVªksy vkSj Mhty dk Hkh T;knk ls T;knk viO;; gksxk vkSj xkfM;ksa ls fudyus okys èkq, ls ok;q çnq"k.k gksrk gSAi;kZoj.k çnq"k.k esa lHkh gkfudkjd çnw"kd gekjs LokLFk ij foijhr çHkko Mkyrs gSA çnq"k.k ds cgksr ls çdkj gksrs gS ftues eq[; :i ls ty çnq"k.k] ok;q çnq"k.k Hkw çnq"k.k vkSj èofu çnq"k.k 'kkfey gSm|ksxksa esa cM+s iSekus ij mRiknu fd;k tkrk gS vkSj bl çfØ;k esa dsfedy fo"kSys inkFkZ vkSj xSl dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS tks ekuoh LokLFk ds fy;s gkfudkjd gksrs gS- blls ç—fr esa fofHkUu çdkj dh leL;k;s mRiUu gksrh gS tSls dh Xykscy okfeZax ty çnq"k.k bR;kfn- fiNys ,d n'kd esa çk— frd çnw"kd dk Lrj cgksr c<+k gS- lHkh çdkj ds çnw"k.k cs'kd iwjs i;kZoj.k vkSj bdksflLVe dks çHkkfor dj jgs gSa eryc thou dh xq.koÙkk dks çHkkfor dj jgs gSa- euq"; dh ew[kZ vknrksa ls i`Foh ij LokHkkfod :i ls lqanj okrkoj.k fnu&c&fnu fcxM+rk tk jgk gS- çnw"k.k lcls xaHkhj eqík cu x;k gS vkSj gj fdlh dks vius nSfud thou esa LokLF; lEcafèk chekfj;ksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+ jgk gS|bl iqjs czãk.M esa dsoy i`Foh gh ,d ,slk xzg gS tgk ftanxh ds lHkh lalkèku miyCèk gS- bl xzg us gesa ftanxh nh vkSj geus bl xzg dks çnwf"kr fd;k- bl ls rks csgrj gS dh ge bl xzg dks cnyus dh dksf'k'k gh u djs- ge n'kdks ls i`Foh dks çnwf"kr dj jgs gS- ge lHkh blh xzg ij jgrs gS blhfy;s gekjh ;g tokcnkjh gS dh ge bls LoLFk vkSj çnq"k.kjfgr j[ks- ysfdu ge vius nSfud dkeks dks pyrs brus O;Lr gks x;s dh ge gekjh ftEesnkfj;ksa dks gh Hkwy x;s- lkQ+ ikuh vkSj 'kq) gok gekjh LoLFk ftanxh ds fy;s cgksr t#jh gSysfdu vkt ds vkèkqfud ;qx esa bu nks esa ls ,d Hkh lalkèku lkQ+ vkSj 'kq) ugh- vxj ,slk gh pyrk jgk rks vkus okys lkyks esa bl xzg ij dksbZ ftanxh ugh jgsxhAvkt ds fnuksa esa lHkh ds ikl ç—fr dk vkuUn mBkus dk de le; gSA c<+rh HkhM+ esa ge ç—fr dk lq[k ysuk vkSj vius dks LoLFk j[kuk Hkwy x;s gSA ge 'kjhj dks fQV j[kus ds fy;s rduhd dk ç;ksx djus yxs gSA tcfd ;s fcYdqy lR; gS fd ç— fr gekjk è;ku j[k ldrh gS vkSj ges'kk ds fy;s fQV j[k ldrh gSA cgqr lkjs ys[kd vius ys[ku esa ç—fr ds Qk;ns vkSj mldh lqanjrk dk xq.kxku dj pqds gSA ç—fr ds ikl ;s {kerk gS fd oks gekjs fnekx dks fpark eqä j[ks vkSj chekjh;ksa ls cpk,A ekuo tkfr ds thou esa rduhdh mUufÙk ds dkj.k gekjh ç—fr dk yxkrkj ºzkl gks jgk gS ftls larqfyr vkSj mlds çk—frd laifÙk dks lajf{kr j[kus ds fy;s mPp Lrj dh tkx#drk dh t#jr gSAvkt ge vPNh phtks esa iSls [kpZ djus dh ctk;s i;kZoj.k dks çnwf"kr djus okyh phtks esa iSls [kpZ djus yxs gS- çnq"k.k ls gksus okyh chekfj;ksa ls cpus ds fy;s gesa çnq"k.k jfgr ikuh ihuk pkfg;s] LoLFk Hkkstu djuk pkfg;s] lqcg dh rkt+h gok ysuh pkfg;s vkSj dHkh Hkh èofu çnq"k.k ugh djuk pkfg;s- ge esa ls vktdy T;knkrj yksx Qy] gjh lfCt;k [kjhnus esa iSls [kpZ djus dh ctk;s nokb;k ysus esa iSls [kpZ djus yxs gS- ges'kk ;kn j[ks] tcrd ge Lo;a çnq"k.k dh jksdFkke ds fy;s dksbZ dne ugh mBkrs rcrd ge bl leL;k dks nwj ugh dj ldrsAçnw"k.k vkt dh nqfu;k dh ,d xaHkhj leL;k gS A ç—fr vkSj i;kZoj.k ds çsfe;ksa ds fy, ;g Hkkjh fpark dk fo"k; cu x;k gS A bldh pisV esa ekuo&leqnk; gh ugha] leLr tho&leqnk; vk x;k gS A blds nq"çHkko pkjksa vksj fn[kkbZ ns jgs gSa A vkèkqfud oSKkfud ;qx esa çnw"k.k dks iwjh rjg lekIr djuk Vs<+h [khj gks xbZ gS A vusd çdkj ds ljdkjh vkSj xSj&ljdkjh ç;kl vc rd ukdkQh fl) gq, gSa A vr: Li"V gS fd tc rd tu&lewg futh Lrj ij bl dk;Z esa lfØ; Hkkxhnkjh ugha djrk] rc rd bl leL;k ls fucVuk vlaHko gS Aç—fr cM+h le>nkj v‚j esgjcku gSa mlus balku dks lkspus dh {kerk dk lcls cM+k ojnku fn;k gSa ysfdu vQ+lksl dh ckr gSa dh cgqr de yksx ,l egku rksgQ+s dk iwjk bLrseky dj ikrs gSaAç—fr gekjh lHkh t:jrksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, i;kZIr lalkèku miyCèk djokrh gSa] ysfdu gekjs ykyp dks iwjk djus ds fy, ughaA ç—fr lcls èkuoku gS tks de ls de esa larq"V gSA D;ksafd larqf"V ç—fr dh nkSyr gSA

lw;Z izdk'k

IYûdVfVf IYSX³fZ ½ff»fûÔ IYe IY·fe WXfSX ³fWXe WXû°fe

fiNys fnuksa Hkktik ds díkoj usrk vkSj cktis;h ljdkj esa foÙk ea=kh jg pqds ;'koar flaUgk ds vaxzsth v[kckj ^bafM;u ,Dlçsl* esa ^vkbZ uhM Vw Lihd vi ukÅ* 'kh"kZd ls fy[ks ,d vkys[k us orZeku dsUæ ljdkj dks rc ldrs esa Mky fn;k tc mUgkasus orZeku foÙk ea=kh v:.k tsVyh ij fu'kkuk lkèkrs gq, fy[kk fd orZeku foÙk ea=kh us ns'k dh vkfFkZd voLFkk dk csM+k xdZ dj fn;k gS vkSj vxj eSa fQj Hkh pqi jgk rks ;g ns'k fgr esa ugha gksxkA os ;gha ij ugha :dsA mUgksaus ;g dgk fd Hkktik ds dbZ lkaln Hkh bl ckr dks le>rs gSa ysfdu eksnh th ds Mj ls dqN ugha dgrs gSaA dsUæ ljdkj ds fy, fuf'pr :i ;g ,d cgqr cM+k >Vdk Fkk D;ksafd ;'koar flUgk iwoZ ,u Mh , ljdkj ds foÙk ea=kh rks Fks gh] lkFk muds iq=k t;ar flUgk Hkh orZeku eksnh ljdkj esa mì;u jkT; ea=kh gSa rFkk igys oks blh ljdkj esa foÙk ea=kky; esa Hkh jkT; ea=kh ds rkSj ij viuks lsok ns jgs FksA fdlh xaHkhj eqís dh ryk'k esa HkVd jgs foi{k ds fy, blls lqugjk volj vkSj D;k gks ldrk FkkA vkuu Qkuu esa jkgqy xka/kh rFkk vU; foi{kh usrkvksa us mls vius fV~oVj ij iksLV djrs gq, tedj

geyk cksyk] ogha ofj"B vFkZ'kkL=kh] fopkjd ] i=kdkj ] bafM;u ,Dlçsl vaxzsth lekpkj i=k ds iwoZ laiknd rFkk cktis;h ljdkj esa gh ea=kh jg pqds v:.k 'kkSjh th us vkxs c
gaxkek cjik nsus okys ;'koar flUgk gh ml ljdkj esa foÙk ea=kh Fks rFkk v:.k 'kkSjh Hkh fofuos'k] lapkj ,oe~ lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ea=kh ds rkSj ij dkfct FksA fdlh ls Nqik ugha gS fd eksnh ljdkj ds dk;ZHkkj laHkkyrs gh Hkktik ds dbZ ofj"B usrk ftueas

vkMok.kh] eqjyh euksgj tks'kh] 'k=kqèu flUgk] ;'koar flUgk] v:.k 'kkSjh tSls dbZ ofj"B usrkvksa dh jktuhfr o dfj;j gkf'k, ij gaSA ,sls esa ,d NksVh xyrh ij Hkh viuh gh ikVhZ ds Hkhrj ls vkokt vkuk ykfteh gh gS vkSj yksdra=k ds fy, lq[kn Hkh gSA bles dksbZ lansg ugha fd

uksVcanh vkSj th ,l Vh ds ckn thMhih o`f) nj vo:) gqbZ gS ysfdu ,sls lkgfld fu.kZ; dk ;g ,d ek=k igyq ugha gSA bu dBksj fu.kZ; ls ek=k dkxt ij yk[kksa py jgh daifu;ksa dk HkaMkQksM+ gqvk gS rFkk muds iath;u rd dks jí dj fn;k x;k gSA lcds cSad vdkmaV CykWd dj fn, x, gSaA ogha uksVcanh ds ckn rdjhcu 91 yk[k u;s dj nkrkvksa dh o`f) gqbZ gSaA vfèkdrj dkyk èku muds ekfyd }kjk gh ;k rks u"V dj fn;k x;k ;k cSadksa rd igq¡p x;kA bu dok;nksa ls gh dj fjVuZ Hkjus okyksa dh la[;k esa Hkh rdjhcu 25 çfr'kr dh o`f) gqbZ gSA ,d vkadM+s dh ekuas rks 5 vxLr 2017 rd 2]82 92 955 vk;dj fjVuZ Hkjs x, tcfd foÙk o"kZ 2016 &17 dh leku vofèk esa ;g la[;k 2]26]97]843 fjVuZ gh FkhA blls fcYdqy lkQ gS fd cM+s iSekus ij uksVcanh ds dkj.k u;s dj nkrkvksa

dks VSDl ds nk;js esa ykus esa lQyrk feyh gSA çR;{k dj ds laxzg esa Hkh mYys[kuh; o`f) gqbZ gSA 5 vxLr 2017 rd O;fäxr vk;dj ds dj laxzg esa foÙk o"kZ 2016 &17 ds leku vofèk dh rqyuk esa yxHkx 41]79 çfr'kr dh o`f) gqbZ gSA ;s vkadM+s dkyk èku ds f[kykQ ljdkj }kjk fd, x, ç;kl dh lQyrk ij eqgj yxkrs gSaA blesa dksbZ lansg ugha fd eksnh ljdkj dks Hkz"Vkpkj ds f[kykQ yM+kbZ esa vkaf'kd gh lgh ysfdu lQyrk feyh gS vFkkZr ljdkj dh n'kk vkSj fn'kk ij lansg djus dk dksbZ vkSfpR; ugh¡ gS D;ksafd vxj fn'kk lgh gS rks Hkys gh jkLrs iFkjhys gkas] eafty t:j feysxhA blfy, vke turk dks cgqr vfèkd fpafrr gksus tSls gkykr vHkh ugh gS D;ksafd fiNyh ;wih, ljdkj esa ;g leL;k Fkh fd ?kksVkys ij ?kksVkys gq, tk jgs Fks ysfdu iwoZ çèkkuea=kh eueksgu flag th bZekunkj gksrs gq, Hkh bZekunkjh ls fu.kZ; ysus esa v{ke FksA eksnh th ds dk;Z fu"Bk] ladYi] bZekunkjh ij dksbZ ç'u fpUg ugha yxk ldrk vkSj ns'k fgr esa csgn fu"Bk ls fcuk Hk; ls xzflr gq, fu.kZ; Hkh [kwc ys jgs gSa rks vc loky cl bruk gS A

¸ff³fdÀfIY AüSX ·ff½f³ff°¸fIY dWaXÀff IYe dVfIYfSX ¶fZdMX¹ffa ?kjsyw fgalk ;kuh ?kjksa esa ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ds }kjk dh tkus okyh fgalkA vkerkSj ij ?kjsyw fgalk dks ifr ds }kjk iRuh ls dh tkus okyh ekjihV ds lanHkZ esa gh ns[kk tkrk gSA Hkkjrh; ifjokjksa esa fgalk dh f'kdkj ifRu;ka rks gksrh gh gSa] csfV;ksa ds izfr Hkh cgqr fgalk gksrh gSA Hkkjrh; ifjokjksa esa csVs vkSj csVh esa QdZ fd;k tkrk gSA csVs dks tgka oa'k dh csy c<+kus okyk] o`)koLFkk dk lgkjk ekuk tkrk gS] ogha csfV;ksa dks cks> ekudj muls vupkgs dk;Z djokuk] dk;Z u djus ij ekjihV djuk ;k i<+us o vkxs c<+us ds volj u nsuk] bPNk u gksus ij Hkh fookg ds [kwaVs ls ckaèk nsuk ,d izdkj ls fgalk ds gh :i gSaA vkerkSj ij izR;sd Hkkjrh; ifjokjksa eaas ikbZ tkus okyh ;g ,slh fgalk gS ftl ij dHkh xkSj gh ugha fd;k tkrkA ekufld fgalk og fgalk gS

ftlesa vfHkHkkodksa }kjk tkus&vutkus esa csfV;ksa dks ekufld :i ls d"V igqapk;k tkrk gSA jkeyky dh csVh i<+us esa vkSlr vkSj csVh cgqr esèkkoh Fkh ijarq tc mPp f'k{kk ds fy, csVh dks ckgj Hkstus dh ckjh vkbZ rks ekrk&firk us vleFkZrk trk nh vkSj mls vius 'kgj ds gh dkWyst ls LukrdksRrj djus dks dgkA bldk eyky mldh csVh dks vkt 55 o"kZ dh gks tkus ij Hkh gSA 'kgjh {ks=kksa esa bl fn'kk esa dkQh lqèkkj gqvk gS ijarq xzkeh.k vkSj vkSlr eè;eoxhZ; ifjokjksa esa csfV;ksa ds izfr vkt Hkh nksgjk O;ogkj fd;k tkrk gSA mUgsa i<+kbZ

ds leku volj ugha fn, tkrsA f'k{kk ds lkFk&lkFk muds ?kj ds lkjs dke djus dh Hkh vis{kk dh tkrh gSA xzkeh.k ifjos'k esa csfV;ka

tgka ?kj dk lkjk dke djrh gSa] dbZ fdyksehVj nwj ls ikuh ysdj vkrh gSa] ogha csVksa dks vkokjk ?kweus fn;k tkrk gSA HkkoukRed fgalk og fgalk gS ftldh f'kdkj vkerkSj ij dekÅ csfV;ka gksrh gSaA ftu ifjokjksa esa

ekrk&firk dh ns[kHkky djus okyk dksbZ ugha gksrk vFkok ifjokj dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr [kjkc gksrh gS] mu ifjokjksa esa csVh dks HkkoukRed :i ls CySdesy fd;k tkrk gSA ekrk&firk vkSj ifjokj ds izfr ftEesnkjh fuHkkus ds dkj.k os dHkh vius ckjs esa lksp gh ugha ikrhA ,sls ifjokjksa esa ifjokj csVh ds izfr HkkoukRed fgalk djrk gS ftlds dkj.k yM+dh rkmez ikfjokfjd ftEesnkfj;ka mBkrh gSA ,sls ekeyksa esa vDlj yM+fd;ka ekrk&firk dh lsok djrs&djrs Lo;a vfookfgr jg tkrh gSaA Hkkjrh; ifjokjksa esa viuh csfV;ksa ds izfr ekrk&firk tkus&vutkus ,slh fgalk djrs gSa ftldk vlj mudh csfV;ksa dks vanj gh vanj

dpksVrk jgrk gS ijarq ikfjokfjd laLdkj] ekrk&firk dk lEeku vkSj ladksp ds dkj.k os Hkh vkokt ugha mBk ikrha vkSj ;gh csfV;ka tc fdlh ifjokj dh cgw] fdlh dh iRuh curh gSa rks ogka ij Hkh mudk ;g ladksp] laLdkj vkSj lEeku dh Hkkouk mUgsa vius izfr gksus okyh fgalk ds fo:) vkokt ugha mBkus nsrh gSA os iwjk thou fgalk dk f'kdkj gksrh jgrh gSaA vkt ge csVh dks csVs dh rjg mPp f'k{kk ns jgs gSaA mls fdrkch Kku rks gkfly gks tkrk gS ysfdu lkFk gh mls tUe ls gh yM+dh gksus dk ,glkl Hkh djkrs gSa vkSj ;g ,glkl mlds bl eu esa tgj cudj QSy tkrk gS ftlls og dHkh ckgj ugha vk ikrhA csVh esa dHkh bruk lkgl ugha vkrk fd og viuh [kqf'k;ksa ds fy, lekt dks Bksdj ekj ldsA mldh lksp esa] mls mlh lekt esa jguk gSA

IYWXfh ¦fBÊX dSXV°fûÔ IYe ¸fWXIY fiNys fnuksa ,d dk;ZØe esa ,d O;fä ls eqykdkr gqbZA dqN ?kaVs lkFk jgrs gq, rFkk ckrphr esa çFke n`"V;k os lqlaLÑr ekywe iM+saA pyrs& pyrs eSaus iwN fy;k fd vki dgka jgrs gSa rks mUgksaus cgqr 'kk;jkuk vankt esa mÙkj fn;k] ^bl 'kgj esa esjs edku rks cgqr gSa ij esjk ?kj bd Hkh ughaA* ifjokj esa dkSu& dkSu gS\* ds tokc esa mUgksaus fQj ,d 'ksj çLrqr fd;k] ^fj'rkas dks oä vkSj gkykr cny nsrs gSa] vc rsjk ftØ gksus ij ge ckr cny nsrs gSaA* ;g tkuus dh mRlqdrk c<+ xbZ fd vkf[kj ,slk mUgksaus D;ksa dgkA rks ekywe gqvk fd muds rhu iq=k gSaA lHkh laiUu gaS] ?kj esa ukSdj pkdj gSa ysfdu firk ds fy, dgha txg ughaA ,slk Hkh ugha fd og o`) ukdkjk gksaA mUgksaus gh dM+h esgur dj csVksa dks etcwr uhao nh ysfdu uhao ds iRFkj dks vc dksbZ egRo nsus okyk u FkkA os tSls rSls viuh xqtj clj dj jgs FksA ^vki csVksa ls viuk vfèkdkj D;ksa ugha ekaxrs\* ds tokc esa mUgksaus dsoy bruk dgk] ^vfèkdkj ekaxk tk ldrk gS] I;kj

ughaA* lp gh gS ?kj vkSj edku esa varj gksrk gSA edku tehu ds ,d VqdM+s ij bZaV] xkjs] lhesaV ls curk gS ysfdu ?kj lcls igys fny esa curk gSA fj'rksa dh pkjnhokjh] lacaèkksa dk viuRo] drZO;cksèk] ,d nwljs ds fy, leiZ.k] R;kx] riL;k ls curs gSa ?kj ysfdu u tkus D;ksa vkt raxfnyh ds dkj.k ?kjksa esa nhokjsa f[kap jgh gSaA dHkh&dHkh rks ,sls yxrk gS tSls LokFkZ dh bu nhokjksa ds chp ?kj u tkus dgk¡a [kks jgs gaSA bUgha fnuksa] vusd ,slh [kcjsa lkeus vkbZ gS ftuesa ekuoh; ewY;ksa vkSj ikfjokfjd fj'rksa ds njdus dk ladsr gSA iwohZ fnYyh esa cPps dks MkaVus ij lkl us jksdk rks xqLlkbZ cgq us ikl j[ks ydM+h ds iVjs ls ihV&ihV dj vikfgt lkl dh lkal can dj nh vkSj fdlh dks 'kd u gks] blds fy, 'ko dks tykus

dh dksf'k'k Hkh dhA uks,Mk esa iq=k us lEifÙk&fookn ds dkj.k xksyh ekj nhA dkuiqj esa tehu gfFk;kus ds fy, u;s ifr lax fiNys ifr vkSj vius gh lxs nks csVksa dks tgj nsdj ekj fn;kA fnYyh esa IykV esa fgLlk u nsus ij NksVs

jgh gSaA cpiu esa jke vkSj y{e.k dh tksM+h dg dj iqdkjs tkuss okys ;qok gksus ij ¼;k 'kknh ds ckn½ ,d nwljs dks QwVh vka[k ugha lqgkrsA mlls Hkh nq[kn ;g fd nksukas gh eka&cki dks nks"k nsrs gaS fd mUgksaus mlls i{kikr fd;k

us cM+s HkkbZ dh pkdw ekj dj gR;k dhA fnYyh ds vyhiqj {ks=k esa nkekn us iRuh u Hkstus ij lkl ij rstkc MkykA eqacbZ esa ,d O;fä us vius ifjokj ds 14 lnL;ksa dks ekSr ds ?kkV mrkjkA ifjokj* uked laLFkk ij dyad ,slh vla[; ?kVuk,a pkjksa vksj ls gesa Hk;Hkhr dj

vkSj nwljs dks T;knk fn;kA Qk;ns esa jgk ;g ^nwljk* dkSu gSa] bldk QSlyk os rks D;k] bZ'oj Hkh ugha dj ldrk D;ksafd lkft'ksa vkSj uQjrsa I;kj dks rkj&rkj dj dj pqdh gksrh gSa tgka ,d nwljs ds fy, ln~Hkkouk ds cnys vi'kCn gh 'ks"k jgrs gSaA ,sls esa ifjokj dks iqy dh rjg

tksM+s j[kus okys cM+ksa dh fLFkfr cgqr [kjkc gksrh gSA ,sls gh ,d ekeys esa eq>s lHkh i{kksa ds chp fQj ls ln~Hkko dk;e djus dk tuwu lokj gqvkA ,d ,d dj lcls vyx ckr dj mudh leL;kvksa o f'kdk;rksa dks tkuus dk ç;kl fd;kA etsnkj ;g fd leL;k rks nwj&nwj rd dgha dgha ugha Fkh ijarq f'kdk;rsa cgqr FkhA lkl ls vfèkd cgq dh ^bZxks*] cM+s HkkbZ ls c<+dj NksVs esa cM+IiuA dksbZ vius vanj >kadus dks rS;kj ughaA caVokjs dh iwoZ laè;k ij eSaus ç;kl fd;k fd de ls de ,d ckj cM+ksa ds lkeus dsoy ^lkjh* cksy dj muds larIr ân; dks jkgr çnku dh tk;s ysfdu vQlksl fd cgq dk Vdk lk tokc Fkk] ^;g lc eSa ugha dj ldrhA* eu esa cgqr {kksHk gqvk fd vkf[kj okrkoj.k esa ,slk tgj dkSu ?kksy x;k fd ifjokj

tgk¡ fj'rs dh ifo=krk vkSj ,d nwljs ds fy, cM+s ls cM+s cfynku nsus rd ls ladksp ugha fd;k tkrk] vkt v[kkM+s cu jgs gSaA e;kZnk rkj&rkj gS blhfy, rks ftu lacaèkksa ds fy, tku rd nh tkrh Fkh] vkt tku ysus ls Hkh ladksp ugha fd;k tkrkA ^[kwu iqdkjrk gS!] ^[kwu ikuh ls xk<+k gksrk gS*] ^viuk&viuk gksrk gS* tSls vusd tqeys vpkud FkksFks fn[kkbZ nsus yxsA fo'okl djuk dfBu gks jgk gS fd ftl ns'k esa ^rqe ee fç; Hkjr le HkkbZ* dks ckj&ckj nksgjk;k tkrk gS] ogha HkkbZ&HkkbZ dk 'k=kq gks x;k gSA pkph eka leku gksrh Fkh ysfdu ,d pkph dks csfV;ksa dks xyr jkg ij èkdsyrs gq, ns[kk fd vkn'kZ O;ogkj ls xk;c gSaA vc rks cl muds xhr xk;s tk jgs gSaA ;ejkt ls ifr dks okil ykus okyh lkfo=kh ds ns'k esa ifr&iRuh vkt D;k vkpj.k dj jgs gSa\ bu ?kVukvksa esa ;fn dU;k Hkzw.k gR;kvksa dks Hkh 'kkfey dj ns rks rLohj dkQh foÑr fn[kkbZ nsus yxsxhA vkf[kj ikfjokfjd fj'rksa ds chp dSDVl dkSu cks jgk gS\ fdldh utj yxh gS A

3 Àfû¸f½ffSX


, 23-29 A¢McX¶fSX, 2017

IY¨fSXf CXNX½ff³fZ IZY d»fE A¶f QZ³ff WXû¦ff Vfb»IY ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyh A ?kj ;k n¶rj ls dpjk mBokuk gS rks lacafèkr fuxe fudk; dks ekfld 'kqYd pqdkuk gksxkA gkbZ dksVZ ds funZs'k ij rS;kj l‚fyM osLV eSustesaV ck;y‚t] 2017 ds rgr yksxksa dks ?kj ;k n¶rj vkfn ls dpjk mBokus ds fy, ;wtj pktZ nsuk gksxkA ck;y‚t esa dpjk çcaèku ls tqM+s fu;eksa ds mYya?ku ij gj oxZ ds fy, tqekZus dh jde Hkh r; dj nh xbZ gSAfnYyh gkbZ dksVZ ds

funZs'k ij fnYyh LVsV yhxy lfoZl vFk‚fjVh ¼Mh,l,y,l,½ us ;s ck;y‚t rS;kj fd, gSaA Mh,l,y,l, ds esacj lsØsVjh latho tSu us crk;k fd ck;y‚t rS;kj djus ls igys lacafèkr i{kksa ds fo'ks"kKksa ls dbZ ckj ehfVax dj mudh jk; yh xbZA ck;y‚t rS;kj djrs gq, l‚fyM osLV eSustesaV :Yl] 2016 dks iwjh rjg è;ku esa j[kk x;kA uksfVQkbZ gksrs gh tYn ;s fu;e iwjh fnYyh esa ykxw gks tk,axsA vFk‚fjVh us

bls gkbZ dksVZ ds gokys dj fn;k gSA ;wtj Qhl yxkus ds fy, ,elhMh dks ck;y‚t ykxw gksus ds ckn rhu eghuksa ds Hkhrj dpjk iSnk djus okyksa dk ,d MsVkcsl rS;kj djuk gksxkA Qhl tek djus ds fy, eSdfute cusxk] ftlesa v‚uykbu isesaV dh Hkh lqfoèkk feysxhA lkykuk vkSj Ng eghus esa Hkqxrku dk Hkh çkoèkku gS] ftldh ,Mokal isesaV ij fMLdkmaV us crk;k fd dpjk çcaèku ds ck;y‚t esa ;wtj pktZ dk feysxkAMh,l,y,l, ds fu;eksa dk l[rh ls ikyu gks] çkoèkku gS] ogha fu;e rksM+us vfM'kuy lsØsVjh uohu xqIrk blds fy, tgka ,d rjQ okyksa ds fy, tqekZus dh jde

·ü¹ff Qcªf ´fSX ¶»fc »ffBX³f ¸fZMÑXû ÀfZ½ff ¶ffd²f°f ¹ffÂfe WbXE ´fSmXVff³f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyh A rduhdh xM+cM+h ds dkj.k }kjdk&uks,Mk esVªks ykbu ij 'kfuokj dks Vªsuksa dk vkokxeu ckfèkr gqvkA njvly] }kjdk ls uks,Mk tk jgh ,d esVªks Vªsu dk iSaVksxzkQ vksojgsM ykbu ¼OHE½ esa Qal x;kA ml le; Vªsu jktho pkSd vkSj vkj- ds- vkJe ds chp FkhA Vªsu dks lqcg 9:20 cts jktho pkSd igqapuk FkkA blds dkj.k yksxksa dks dkQh ijs'kkuh gqbZA v‚fQl tkus okys yksxksa ds dkj.k lqcg esVªks esa dkQh HkhM+ gksrh gSA 'kfuokj dks HkS;k nwt dk

R;kSgkj gksus ds dkj.k esVªks esa vkSj Hkh T;knk HkhM+ FkhA ,sls esa Cyw ykbu ij lQj dj jgs ;kf=;ksa dks dkQh ijs'kkfu;ksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+kA blds ckn ykbu&3 ij 9:20 ls 10:05 cts rd NksVh nwjh ds fy, esVªks lsok dks 'kq: fd;k x;kA ;equk cSad vkSj uks,Mk@oS'kkyh ds fy, esVªks pyhA mèkj] djksy ckx ls }kjdk lsDVj&21 ds fy, esVªks pykbZ xbZA blds vykok djksy ckx vkSj ;equk cSad ds chp flaxy ykbu ij gh esVªks pyhA blls ;k=h viuh eafty rd rks igqaps ij blesa dkQh nsjh gqbZAOHE Vhe us

çHkkfor lsD'ku esa rqjar lsok cgky djus ds ç;kl 'kq: fd,A lqcg djhc 10:05 cts #dh gqbZ Vªsu dks lsok ls gVk;k x;kA fQygky ykbu&3 ij Vªsuksa dk vkokxeu lkekU; gks x;k gSA

Hkh r; dj nh xbZ gSA ?kjksa esa jgus okys yksxksa dks vius vklikl xanxh QSykus ;k dpjk Qsadus ds fy, 200 #i;s rd dk tqekZuk nsuk gksxkA O;kolkf;d bZdkb;ksa ds fy, bu fu;eksa dk mYya?ku djuk vkSj Hkh Hkkjh iM+sxk] ftuds fy, tqekZus dh jde 10]000 #i;s ls ysdj 1 yk[k #i;s rd r; dh xbZ gSA bl tqekZus ds nk;js esa vkjMCY;w, ls ysdj ekdZsV vlksfl,'kal vkSj eSuqQSDpjlZ Hkh gSaA

dQ»»fe IZY ¨ffSX ¶fOÞZX SmX»f½fZ ÀMZXVf³fûÔ ´fSX E³fªfeMXe ³fZ »f¦ff¹ff EIY-EIY »ff£f ªfb¸ffʳff ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyhA jk"Vªh; gfjr izkfèkdj.k ¼NGT½ us l‚fyV osLV eSustesaV flLVe ;kuh Bksl vif'k"V çcaèku dks ysdj fnYyh ds pkj egRoiw.kZ jsyos LVs'kuksa dks vkM+s gkFkksa fy;k

gSA ,uthVh us fnYyh ds pkj jsyos LVs'kuksa ij ,d&,d yk[k #i;s dk tqekZuk yxk;kA bu ij vkjksi gS fd bu LVs'ku ij l‚fyV osLV eSustesaV flLVe fu;eksa ds vuqlkj ugha FkkA

bl nkSjku Mhth,e ¼v‚ijs'kal½ us daVªksy :e ls dke dh fuxjkuh dh tcfd Vªsu ;krk;kr dks tYn cgky djus ds fy, ,th,e ¼VªSD'ku½ ml txg ij igqaps] tgka Vªsu #dh FkhA

ARYÀfSXûÔ IYf OXeE¸f ³fZ SXûIYf ½fZ°f³f IY˜XûÔ ¸fZÔ ·fSX-·fSXIYSX ¶fZa¨fZ ¦fE ´fMXf£û

❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff xkft;kckn A ftykfèkdkjh fjrq ekgsÜojh us rglhy yksuh ds laiw.kZ lekèkku fnol esa vuqifLFkr jgus okys 5 vfèkdkfj;ksa dk osru jksdus dk vkns'k fn;k gSA ftu vQljksa dk osru jksdk x;k gSA buesa vfèk'kklh vfHk;ark] y?kq flapkbZ] voj vfHk;ark MwMk] ifj;kstuk çcaèkd fuxe] lgk;d funs'kd eRL; rFkk {ks=h; çcaèkd ;wih,lvkbZMhlh 'kkfey gSaA laiw.kZ lekèkku fnol esa dqy çkIr 36 f'kdk;rksa esa ls 6 dk fuLrkj.k ekSds ij dj fn;k x;kA bl nkSjku ofj"B iqfyl vèkh{kd ,p,u flag us iqfyl lacafèkr f'kdk;rksa dk fuLrkj.k fd;kA eq[; fodkl vfèkdkjh jes'k

jatu us fodkl foHkkx ls lacafèkr leL;kvksa dk fuLrkj.k fd;kA mi ftykfèkdkjh yksuh vrqy dqekj eq[; fpfdRlk vfèkdkjh ,uds xqIrk] ftyk fodkl vfèkdkjh vkj lh lDlsuk lfgr fofHkUu foHkkxksa ds ftyk Lrjh; vfèkdkjh mifLFkr jgsA

¸fûQe IZY ¸faÂfe ³fZ ¹fû¦fe IZY d½f²ff¹fIY IYû A³f´fPÞ ¶f°ff¹ffX ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff Qjhnkckn A dsaæh; lkekftd U;k; ,oa vfèkdkfjrk jkT;ea=h ,oa Qjhnkckn yksdlHkk {ks= ls lkaln —".kiky xqtZj us mÙkj çns'k ds ehjkiqj foèkkulHkk {ks= ls Hkktik foèkk;d ,oa pkj ckj lkaln jgs vorkj HkM+kuk ij xaHkhj vkjksi yxk, gSaA xqtZj us jfookj dh 'kke vorkj HkM+kuk dks [kuu ekfQ;k crk;kA blls igys 'kqØokj dh 'kke vorkj HkM+kuk us Qjhnkckn esa xqtZj ds ekek jktiky ukxj dk uke fy, fcuk vkjksi yxk;k Fkk fd os vijkfèk;ksa dks laj{k.k nsrs gSaA vorkj HkM+kuk ds bl vkjksi dks jfookj lqcg frxkao {ks= ls dkaxzsl ds foèkk;d yfyr ukxj us vkSj iq[rk dj fn;kA mUgksaus xqtZj ds ekek jktiky ukxj ij HkM+kuk ds vkjksiksa dks lgh djkj fn;k vkSj dgk fd yfyr ukxj tsbZ ls ysdj ,lMhvks vkSj iqfyl pkSdh çHkkjh ls ysdj Fkkuk çHkkjh rd ls rcknys vkSj euekfQd rSukrh ds uke ij olwyh djrs gSaA yfyr ukxj us ;g Hkh dgk fd ;g lc dsaæh; jkT;ea=h —".kiky xqtZj dh tkudkjh

esa gSA mUgksaus jkT; foèkkulHkk esa Hkh ;g ekeyk mBk;k FkkA eq[;ea=h euksgj yky us —".kiky xqtZj ls vius eèkqj lacaèkksa ds pyrs mudh f'kdk;r ij dksbZ dkjZokbZ ugha dh vkSj xqtZj ds ekek jktiky fujadq'k gks x,A vorkj HkM+kuk vkSj yfyr ukxj ds bu vkjksiksa dk tokc nsus jfookj 'kke [kqn dsaæh; jkT;ea=h —".kiky xqtZj eSnku esa mrjsA .mUgksaus dgk fd vorkj HkM+kuk nq?kZVuko'k Hkktik esa 'kkfey gks x, vkSj ehjiqj ls eksnh&;ksxh ygj esa foèkk;d Hkh cu x, exj ;s os yksx gSa tks lÙkk ds lkFk jgrs gSaAA

❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyh A lqçhe dksVZ dh jksd vkSj iqfyl dh l[rh ds ckotwn fnokyh ls 24 ?kaVs igys dbZ txgksa ij èkM+Yys ls iVk[kksa dh fcØh gqbZA dqN txg cdk;nk 'kVj mBkdj iVk[ks fcds] rks dbZ txgksa ij nqdkunkj dêksa esa iVk[ks Hkjdj e k d Z s V d‚EIySDl ;k xfy;ksa esa csprs utj vk,A ,slh lwpuk,a iqfyl dks Hkh feyhaA ;g vyx ckr gS fd iqfyl dkjZokbZ ls igys iVk[kksa dh nqdku ds 'kVj fxj x, ;k dêksa esa iVk[ks cspus okys f[kld x,A dqN txgksa ij iqfyl dkjZokbZ gksus dh Hkh lwpuk gSApkanuh pkSd ds HkkxhjFk iSysl esa chrh 'kke iqfyl us jsM djds ,d 'k[l

dks iVk[ks csprs jaxs gkFkksa nckspkA iqfyl dk dguk gS fd og vkoktsa yxkdj iVk[ks csp jgk FkkA bl ckjs esa eq[kfcj dh lwpuk ij iqfyl us nfc'k nhA vkjksih ls 4 dês

iVk[ks feysA igpku vksYM yktir uxj fuoklh QSly ds rkSj ij gqbZA mlds ikl ls 71 fdyks iVk[ks tCr fd,Anwljh vksj NksVh fnokyh dh jkr iqfyl us lCth eaMh ds vk;Ziqjk bykds dh yach xyh esa jsM djds ,d nqdku

ls yxHkx 13 fdyks iVk[ks tCr fd,A iqfyl dk dguk gS fd 'kke ds le; iVªksfyax Vhe us 'k‚i uacj 4214 ij jsM dhA ogka çrki uked 'k[l us nqdku ds ckgj Vscy ij iVk[ks yxk jgs FksA iqfyl dks ns[kdj iVk[ks
Àfe¶feAfBÊX IZY À´fZVf»f OXf¹fSmX¢MXSX ¶f³fZ SXfIZYVf AÀ±ff³ff ´fSX ´fiVffa°f ·fc¿f¯f ³fZ »f¦ff¹fZ AfSXû´f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff ubZ fnYyh A dsaæh; tkap C;wjks ¼CBI½ ds vfrfjä funs'kd jkds'k vLFkkuk dks tkap ,tsalh ds fo'ks"k funs'kd cuk, tkus ds çLrko dks eatwjh fey xbZ gSaA ogha] fu;qfä dks ysdj vke vkneh ikVÊ ds iwoZ usrk vkSj ns'k ds tkus ekus odhy ç'kkar Hkw"k.k us geyk cksyk gSA

mUgksaus jkds'k vLFkkuk dh fu;qfä ij loky mBkrs gq, dgk fd lhchvkb ds vfrfjä funs'kd jkds'k vLFkkuk dk uke LVfyZax ck;ksVsd dh Mk;jh esa gSA bl ij lhchvkbZ us [kqn ,QvkbZvkj ntZ dh gSA blds ckotwn ljdkj us lhchvkb

IiYfBX¸f Àf¸ff¨ffSX

ªfeªff ³fZ WXe IYSX½ffBÊX WXd¿fÊ°ff IYe WX°¹ff ikuhir A gfj;k.koh xkf;dk gf"kZrk nfg;k dh gR;k muds thtk fnus'k djkyk us gh djokbZ FkhA iqfyl iwNrkN esa fnus'k us ;g ckr dcwy yh gSA fnus'k dks çksVsD'ku o‚jaV ij >Ttj tsy yk;k x;k FkkA dksVZ esa is'k fd;k x;k vkSj mls 4 fnu dh iqfyl fjekaM ij fy;k x;kA fnus'k us crk;k fd tsy esa cSBdj mlus gf"kZrk dh gR;k dh lkft'k jph FkhA crk nsa fd eaxyokj dks ikuhir ds pejkM+k xkao ls iqXFkyk tkus okys jkLrs ij dkj lokj cnek'kksa us gf"kZrk dh xksyh ekjdj gR;k dj nh FkhA ikuhir ds ,lih jkgqy 'kekZ dk dguk Fkk fd gf"kZrk dh gR;k ds ekeys esa mUgsa dksbZ jktuhfrd otg ugha feyh vkSj u gh dksbZ futh >xM+k lkeus vk;k FkkA gkykafd gf"kZrk dh cgu yrk nfg;k dk dguk Fkk] 'esjh cgu eka dh gR;k ds ekeys dh xokg Fkh] blfy, esjs ifr us mldh gR;k dj nhA' gR;k okys fnu gf"kZrk ds xkao pejkMk ls ckgj fudyrs gh ,d dkj us mudh dkj dks vksojVsd fd;k vkSj fQj xkf;dk dh dkj dks tcju #dok fy;kA dkj #dus ds ckn vkxs py jgh dkj esa lokj ,d fryd yxk, ;qod ckgj fudyk vkSj gf"kZrk dh dkj esa lokj yksxksa dks fjo‚Yoj fn[kk dj psrkouh nh fd ;fn ftank jguk pkgrs gks rks gf"kZrk dks NksM+dj dkj ls uhps mrj tkvksA tku [krjs esa ns[k gf"kZrk ds lHkh lkFkh fu'kk] çnhi dqekj] lanhi vkSj Hkxr dkj ls uhps mrjdj lM+d fdukjs [ksrksa esa Hkkx fudysA

YdQ»»fe ¸fdWX»ff Af¹fû¦f ³fZ dIYOX³fe

¶fZ¨f³fZ AfBÊX »fOÞXIYe IYû ¶f¨ff¹ff ubZ fnYyh A c‚;ÝsaM us yM+dh ls 'kknh djus ds fy, 1 yk[k 80 gtkj #i;s dh fMekaM dh] rks yM+dh mldh fMekaM iwjh djus ds fy, fdMuh cspus vLirky igqap xbZA M‚DVj dks dqN xM+cM+ yxkA mUgksaus fnYyh efgyk vk;ksx dks lwpuk nhA vLirky igqaph vk;ksx dh Vhe us yM+dh dh dkmalfyax 'kq: dh vkSj mls 'ksYVj gkse esa j[kok;kA yM+dh dk dguk Fkk fd vxj ml yM+ds ls 'kknh ugha gqbZ rks og vkRegR;k dj ysaxhA blds ckn vk;ksx dh Vhe us iqfyl ds tfj, muds ekrk&firk dks lwpuk nhA dkmalfyax ds ckn yM+dh us c‚;ÝsaM ds f[kykQ dsl ntZ djokus vkSj 'kknh djus ls budkj dj fn;kA fnYyh efgyk vk;ksx us fcgkj efgyk vk;ksx dks i= fy[k dj dgk fd yM+dh dh fu;fer dkmalfyax dh tk,A fnYyh efgyk vk;ksx ds vuqlkj] fcgkj ds y[khljk; ftys dh 21 lky dh iq"ik ¼cnyk gqvk uke½ dh 'kknh de mez esa gks xbZ Fkh] ysfdu fdlh dkj.k mldk rykd gks x;kA blds ckn og vius eka&cki ds ?kj ij gh jgus yxhaA blh nkSjku iM+ksl esa jgus okys ,d yM+ds ls mudh nksLrh gks xbZ vkSj nksuksa us 'kknh djus dk QSlyk fd;kAyM+dk eqjknkckn ftys esa dke djrk FkkA iq"ik vius ifjokj ds lkFk >xM+k djds yM+ds ls 'kknh djus eqjknkckn igqap xbZA ogka ml yM+ds us 'kknh ds fy, iSlksa dh 'krZ j[k nhA iq"ik ds eqrkfcd] yM+ds us dgk fd vxj og mls 1 yk[k 80 gtkj #i;s nsxh rHkh og mlds lkFk 'kknh djsxkA mlds ikl brus iSls ugha Fks rks og fdMuh cspdj iSlksa dk bartke djus ds fy, ysMh gkfMZax vLirky igqap xbZA vLirky esa iq"ik us ,d M‚DVj ls fdMuh cspus dks ysdj ckr dhA M‚DVj dks yxk fd og fdlh jSfdV ds paxqy esa Qal xbZ gSA M‚DVj us fnYyh efgyk vk;ksx dh gsYiykbu 181 ij d‚y djds bldh lwpuk nhA M‚DVj us iqfyl dks Hkh bl ckjs esa lwpuk nhA fnYyh efgyk vk;ksx dh Vhe us iq"ik ls ckr dh rks mlus iwjh dgkuh crkbZA vk;ksx dh Vhe us iqfyl ds ekè;e ls iq"ik ds ekrk&firk dks lwpuk nhA nks fnu ckn mldh eka fnYyh vk xbZaA iq"ik vkSj mldh eka nksuksa us yM+ds ds f[kykQ dsl djus ls budkj dj fn;k vkSj fcgkj okil pyh xbZaA

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Title Code : UPBIL04963

Weekly bilingually Hindi/English Newspaper Vol : 01

Issue : 04

Editorial Pollution, environment degradation and threat to human existence The alarming level of pollution and fast sliding environmental health all over the globe in general and in our country in particular, is not only a matter of concern for all of us, but a matter of our future existence. There is no doubt that almost entire pollution and environmental degradation is result of human activities, though Major Saras Tripathi at times, nature’s own activities also cause pollution like; dust storm, volcanic eruptions, flood and draught etc. However, what we see today, human beings are solely responsible for the havoc they have created for whole of flora and fauna under duress on the earth. So this answers our fundamental question- what should we do to reduce environmental degradation? Simple,we should reduce human activity on the earth. The answer is simple, but its implementation; extremely difficult. One does not need to do research to find out what is killing the clean environment. It needs only simple observation, inspection and introspection. If we want to reduce human activities, we have to reduce the population itself. It is no co-incidence that the level of pollution is directly linked to the density of population. The two most polluted countries today on the earth are China and India and they are the highest and second highest populated countries in the world. The density of population may have a bit of variation, but it is closely linked to the density and number of people living in the defined geographical area called “nation”. The “human activities” are a very broad term and involve every human activity from as fundamental as inhaling Oxygen and exhaling Carbon dioxide to carrying out activities like mining, excavations, extractions, burning, throwing effluents, farming, construction, transportations, moving of goods and livestock etc. Since it is impossible to stop all human activities, we must divide them under vital, essential, and desirable. We can’t do anything about vital activities i.e. that are inevitable for human existence. So it is essential and desirable where we have to concentrate. There may be some difference of opinion about dividing these activities in the said heads; some may place one activity in this or that category but there can’t be any difference of opinion that it is these two categories that need to be controlled or restrained. As a model city to study pollution, if we take Delhi, we can understand the cause and effect of pollution and environmental degradation. Delhi’s pollution levels have been a cause of concern for some time, with the National Green Tribunal (NGT) and honourable Supreme Court stepping in to do the crisis management on behalf of the Governments, unfortunately. Banning of crackers, banning of diesel fuelled buses, phasing out of older vehicles etc are some of the measure taken to manage the crisis. An estimated 3 million deaths a year are linked to exposure to outdoor air pollution. In 2012, an estimated 6.5 million deaths, almost 12% of all global deaths, were linked to indoor and outdoor air pollution. It is estimated that India has almost 25% death share of the world due to pollution. Air pollution has emerged the biggest threat to human existence and human health, ironically, created by human themselves. Nearly 90 per cent of airpollution- related deaths occur in low- and middleincome countries, with nearly two out of three occurring in South- East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Among diseases linked to air pollution are cardiovascular diseases, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. Air pollution also increases the risks for acute respiratory infections. Major sources of air pollution include inefficient modes of transport, household fuel and waste burning, coalfired power plants, and industrial activities. However, not all air pollution originates from human activities. For example, air quality can also be influenced by dust storms, volcanic eruptions, particularly in regions close to deserts and other activities of nature. If we compare India and China, the two aspiring giants, we find over all India has not done better. Of the world’s top 20 polluted cities, 13 are in India compared to just three in China. Due to density of pollution and poor implementation of environmental laws, life expectancy is reduced by 3.2 years for the 660 million Indians who live in cities, including Delhi. In China, the corresponding slide in the life expectancy is a bit better at three years. Water contamination is also at alarming level. 40% of the water bodies have disappeared in Delhi NCR region due to urbanization. The Ganga and Yamuna are ranked among the world’s 10 most polluted rivers. Yamuna has been declared dead due to level of effluent and degradation of water quality. Many rivers in India have fast degraded and are on the verge of extinction like Hindon in Uttar Pradesh, Vapi in Gujarat and Sukinda in Odisha, Mithi in Mumbai. In overall carbon emission India is third; just behind China and the US. The two Asian nations have endeavoured furious economic growth in the past decade that has resulted into rapid rise in pollution. Among the two emerging economies China has better ability to manage the impact of breakneck economic growth on its environment. The effect of China’s success is most visible in its air and water, both of which have a direct bearing on public health. Its efficiency in managing better is attributed to the authoritarian regime, ironically. We have to fight the fast degradation at two levels; preventive and corrective. At preventive level, we must discourage private transport, stop new thermal power projects, provide better techniques to farmers for disposal of crop stubbles, stop throwing of untreated effluents in the rivers, think of disposing of dead bodies in better ways like electric crematoriums. On the corrective side, acquire better technology for cleaner fuel, bring andensure implementation of strict laws. Discourage migration from rural to urban areas and from smaller cities to bigger cities. Centralised human activity is the biggest cause of environmental degradation and it needs to be tackled at war footing. Growing population is putting unbearable stress on the limited resources available on the earth and the world need to tackle it as key preventive measure.

23 to 29 October 2017

Pages : 8


(Editor : Surya Prakash)

Price : 5/-

PM INAUGURATES FERRY SERVICE PAK ENVOY MEETS BETWEEN GHOGHA AND DAHEJ IN GUJ WITH SWARAJ Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated the first phase of the Rs 615 crore 'roll- on-roll-off' (ro-ro) ferry service between Ghogha in Saurashtra and Dahej in south Gujarat. He launched the first phase at a rally here in the presence of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel. "This is the first of its kind project not only in India but also in South-East Asia," Modi said at the rally which comes ahead of the Assembly polls in the state. "This is also a unique project as the state government has used the latest technology to make this ferry service possible," he said.

The prime minister had earlier termed this as his "dream project". He is later scheduled to make a trip from Ghogha, Bhavnagar district, to Dahej, Bharuch, on the ferry. From Dahej, he will leave for Vadodara where he is slated to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for projects

worth over Rs 1,140 crore. According to Ajay Bhadoo, the chief executive officer of Gujarat Maritime Board which has executed the ro-ro project, the first phase of the service is meant for passengers.In the second phase, which will be ready in two months, cars can

also be carried between the two towns. The service reduces the distance between the two towns from 310 km by road to 30 km, which can be covered in one hour, Bhadoo said.Modi had laid the foundation stone for the project in January 2012, when he was the chief minister of Gujarat. The prime minister had earlier visited pollbound Gujarat last Monday when he addressed his party workers at a rally in Gandhinagar. Prior to that, on October 8, Modi visited his home town Vadnagar. He also inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of various projects in Rajkot, Vadnagar, Gandhinagar and Bharuch.

DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN: TRUMP 'MOST DANGEROUS' PRESIDENT EVER Navigating ongoing rifts on the political left, Democratic Party Chairman Tom Perez said party unity is crucial in the fight against President Donald Trump, whom he lambasted as an "existential threat" to the nation. "We have the most dangerous president in American history and one of the most reactionary Congresses in American history," Perez said as he addressed the first national party gathering since his election in February. The former Obama Cabinet officer blistered "a culture of corruption" that he said extends to Trump's Cabinet, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, but he warned that internal ruckuses over party priorities and leadership would distract from the goal of winning more elections to upend Republicans' domination in Washington. The chairman's plea comes amid a rift over his appointments to little-known but influential party committees and the 75 at-large members of the national party committee. Perez and his aides plug his choices as a way to make the DNC younger and more diverse, but the moves also mean demotions for several prominent Democrats who backed Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential primaries and then supported Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison over Perez in the postelection race for party chairman. Perez spent considerable time during the week's proceedings meeting privately with some frustrated DNC members, including some he did not reappoint. He apologised publicly Saturday for not reaching all of those members before he announced his appointments, but he defended his overall aim. "If someone ever asks you which wing of the party you belong to, tell 'em you belong to the accomplishment wing of the Democratic Party," he said, "because you're trying to get s--- done.

Pakistan today said its High Commissioner Sohail Mahmood met External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, but dismissed as "speculative" the reports in media that the two discussed the issue of

that Mahmood met Swaraj on October 17 but asserted that it was a routine meeting by the diplomat who recently assumed office as Pakistan's new High Commissioner to India.

Kulbhushan Jadhav Foreign Office issued a statement after reports in media claimed that Swaraj asked Mahmood to drop all charges against Jadhav and send him back for any progress in bilateral ties. 46-year-old Jadhav was sentenced to death by a Pakistani military court in April for his alleged involvement in espionage and terrorist activities. The International Court of Justice in May halted his execution on India's appeal. Foreign Office spokesman Nafees Zakaria today confirmed

"While broad contours of bilateral relations were deliberated upon during this interaction, no specific case came under discussion. Therefore, the reports appearing in the Indian media are speculative," Zakaria said. He also said that the meeting was held in a cordial and constructive atmosphere."The Minister and the High Commissioner took stock of the current state of Pakistan-India relations," he said. He said it is "customary for the newly-posted envoys to make courtesy calls on the local dignitaries."


That's what we're trying to do here, folks. We're trying to move the ball forward." To some extent, the latest developments reflect routine party politics after an unusually contentious chairman's race, but they also highlight lingering resentments from Sanders backers who accused the DNC in 2016 of stacking the nominating process in Clinton's favour. Perez's appointees will hold sway over setting the primary calendar in 2020 and, perhaps most importantly, whether the party's superdelegates, including the 75 at-large members, will continue to cast presidential nominating votes at Democratic conventions without being bound to any state primary or caucus results. Democrats are looking next month to hold the Virginia governor's seat and wrest the New Jersey governor's seat from Republican control. Next year, Democrats need to flip at least 24 Republican congressional seats to regain control of the House. They face an uphill battle in gaining control of the Senate, because they must defend 10 incumbents in states Trump won last November. Democrats also want to increase their gubernatorial roster from the current 15 state executives.

Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi today took a swipe at Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje over a controversial ordinance, pointing out that the year was "2017,

the ordinance prohibited an investigation without prior sanction against judicial officers and public servants and also restricted the media. It said under the pro-

not 1817". “Madam Chief Minister, with all humility we are in the 21st century. It's 2017, not 1817,” Gandhi tweeted. He also tagged a news report entitled “Rajasthan ordinance is against free speech, say legal experts”. The report said

posed law, the media cannot report on accusations against magistrates and others until the prosecution gets the go-ahead from the sanctioning authority.The state government said in a release last night there was no provision in the ordinance to protect corrupt officials.

Coffee can reduce diabetes risk The medicine that can delay your diabetes is right on your coffee table. 'Cafestol', a bioactive substance found in coffee, could help delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes, improve cell function and insulin sensitivity in laboratory mice, according to a study carried out by a team of scientists in Denmark. This is yet another research finding that has driven coffee from its universal role as a breakfast beverage into the list of items that can be recommended for a healthy diet and lifestyle. For instance, recently researchers at the University of Southern California in the US — in a study of more than 180,000 participants — found that drinking coffee could lead to a longer life. Researchers have also earlier identified substances in coffee that could help reduce the risk of developing diabetes but 'cafestol' is one substance that has so far been untested. In their study, the researchers wanted to see if

'cafestol'. At the end, blood samples for fasting glucose, glucagon and insulin as well as liver, muscle and fat tissues for gene expression analysis were collected. The researchers iso-

'cafestol' would help prevent or delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes in mice. The findings have been reported in the American Chemical Society Journal of Natural Products. According to the authors, "the finding could spur the development of new drugs to treat or even prevent the disease". For their study, the scientists chose a model of mice — called

KKAy mice — that are prone to develop diabetes. Forty-seven male mice were randomly divided into two groups — treatment and control groups. While all the mice consumed normal diet, the mice in the treatment group were fed daily with 'cafestol' for 10 weeks. The animals in the control group were not given

lated islets of Langerhans — which produce insulin — and measured their insulin secretory capacity. "After 10 weeks of intervention, fasting plasma glucose was 28-30 per cent lower in 'cafestol' group compared with the control group," the researchers report. "Fasting glucagon was 20% lower and insulin sensitivity improved by 42 per cent in the high-cafestol group. Cafestol increased insulin secretion from isolated islets by 75-87 per cent compared to the control group." The researchers conclude their results show that cafestol possesses anti-diabetic properties in mice. " C o n s e q u e n t l y, cafestol may contribute to the reduced risk of developing Type2 diabetes in coffee consumers and is a good candidate for drug development to treat or prevent the disease in humans."



Monday, 23 to 29 October-2017

Air India looks to mobilise India today different from 1962; won’t spare anyone on terrorism, says Chouhan Rs 1,500-cr short-term loans Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan vehemently attacked Pakistan and China, saying India today is different from what it used to be in 1962 and affirmed that the country “would not spare” anyone on the issue of terrorism. Mr. Chouhan, who arrived in Washington on a nearly week-long US visit, said India is no longer a country of 1962 and this was realised by none other than China whose troops had to withdraw from its intruded position in Doklam because of the determination shown by Indian soldiers and the emergence of a strong India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “India today is not a country of 1962,” Mr. Chouhan said amidst applause from the audience. He was addressing the IndianAmerican community at a reception organised by the Indian embassy here. His comment on China was an apparent reminder of the then defence minister Arun Jaitley’s remarks during the standoff. “The situation in 1962 was different and India of 2017 is different,” Mr. Jaitley said when asked about China’s warning that the Indian Army should learn “historical lessons”. On August 28, India and China agreed to “expeditious disengagement” of border personnel at the face-off site in Doklam following diplomatic communications after over two months standoff. Mr. Chouhan said there would be “no compromise” on terrorism, in a veiled warning to neighbouring Pakistan, which is accused of harbouring terrorists on its soil. “India would not spare anyone, if any (nation) tries to provoke us on the issue of terrorism,” Chouhan said, adding that India is the greatest advocate of world peace and does not want to provoke others. He spoke in Hindi.The visiting

chief minister described the IndiaUS friendship under the current dispensation as a “golden age”. During his address, he also referred to the recent statements on India made by top American leadership, in particular, ones by US President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The two largest democracies of the world are now working together not only to strengthen their relationship but also for the global good, he said. In addition to visiting New York later this week, the Chief Minister would deliver key note address on integral humanism at the inaugural Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Forum at the US Capitol this afternoon. While India has been a victim of terrorism for long, it was only under Modi that it carried out surgical strikes against those giving shelter to terrorists, he said. Referring to the recent Doklam incident, the Chief Minister said the Chinese soldiers had to finally return because of the exemplary determination shown by Indian soldiers and the emergence of a “strong India” under Prime Minister Modi. On the two major policy decisions — demonetisation and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) — Mr. Chouhan said only a Prime Minister of the caliber of Modi could take such courageous decisions. “A normal Prime Minister

cannot take a decision on demonetisation,” he said, adding that it can only be taken by one who has the determination to get rid of the black money and end corruption. It is the Modi government which took the decision on GST and implement it. Mr. Modi fulfilled the dream of one nation one tax, he said, adding that the country is marching ahead in every field. After Mr. Modi became the Prime Minister, there has been acceleration in India’s development, decisions are being taken at a fast pace and inflation is down. There is an all-round development of the country, he said, exhorting Indian— Americans in joining fellow Indians in the all-round development of the India. Indian Ambassador to the US Navtej Sarna said Mr. Chouhan is “one of the most progressive far thinking and visionary leaders” of India. Mr. Sarna noted that Madhya Pradesh under the chief ministership of Mr. Chouhan has become one of the “fastest growing” states of India.

New Delhi,- Disinvestment-bound Air India has sought proposals for short-term loans worth Rs 1,500 crore to meet “urgent” working capital needs, according to a document.This is the second time in little over a month that the flagship carrier has floated tenders for short-tenure

their financial bids along with the amount they are willing to provide by October 26. “Air India would like to draw the shortterm loan within three working days after awarding the acceptance letter to the successful bank/s,” the document said. Last month also, the airline had sought

loans even as the government is working on the modalities for the stake sale. In a document issued on October 18, Air India said it is looking for “government- guarantee-backed Rupee short-term loans totalling up to Rs 1,500 crore to meet its urgent working capital requirements”. The loan would have a tenure up to June 27, 2018, from the date of being availed and the deadline could be extended. “The amount of Rs 1,500 crore will be drawn in one-three tranches... The government guarantee is valid up to June 27, 2018, or till the date of disinvestment,” the document said. With regard to the loan, the carrier has requested banks to submit

proposals for short-term loans of up to Rs 3,250 crore to meet urgent working capital requirements. It could not be immediately ascertained whether the airline received adequate response for the document floated last month. As part of a turnaround plan approved by the previous UPA regime, Air India is to receive up to Rs 30,231 crore from the government subject to meeting certain performance thresholds. The 10-year bailout package began from 2012. The embattled carrier has received around Rs 26,000 crore under the package so far. In June, the CCEA gave its in-principle nod to the strategic disinvestment of the airline.

Yogi Adityanath faces ‘tough civic polls test’ in UP The upcoming municipal polls in Uttar Pradesh will be a key test for Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath as they would indicate whether the priest-turned-politician has been able to ensure that the BJP continues to maintain its popularity level. Earlier this year, riding on Hindutva wave the party had secured a three-fourths majority in the state assemble paving way for 45-year-old saffron-clad Adityanath to become the chief minister. The civic polls, to be held in NovemberDecember, is being seen as a major challenge for the Hindutva leader as the outcome would reveal the mood of the voters ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, political observers say.The notification for the local body polls is likely to be issued by the end of this month. "Voting for local bodies is based on local issues. In the civic polls people cast ballots. The masses will get a chance to register their disapproval of the anti-people BJP government," Samajwadi Party MLC Rajpal Kashyap said, adding the urban local polls would be the first direct elections with Adityanath at the helm. The BJP's victory in these polls would be seen as a stamp of

approval for the Adityanath government. "The results will also present an opportunity to the party for course correction in their policies and governance," political observer and academic Manjula Upadhyay said. The urban polls were earlier scheduled for June-July, but were postponed as the electoral rolls and some other processes could not be completed within the stipulated time. The Aam Aadmi Party is gearing up to contest these polls. "We will contest from wherever we feel we have a strong organisational base," AAP leader Sanjay Singh said. The Arvind Kejriwal-led party had not contested the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls and instead diverted all its resources to focus on Punjab. The SP and the Congress, which forged an alliance in run up to the 2017 UP state polls, have decided to contest these elections separately. SP chief Akhilesh Yadav has said his party will have no alliance in the elections to urban local bodies and would contest them on its 'bicycle' symbol. SP spokesperson and MLC Sunil Singh Sajan said, "The pre-poll electoral tie-up was for 2017 Assembly elections. This does not mean that it will continue for the urban

MARUTI SUZUKI DETHRONES HYUNDAI MOTOR INDIA LTD Maruti Suzuki India has become the largest passenger cars exporter from India in the first half of the ongoing fiscal, dethroning Hyundai Motor India Ltd which has now been pushed to the fourth spot behind Volkswagen and General Motors. In the April-September period this fiscal, Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) exported 57,300 units of passenger cars as against 54,008 units in the year-ago period, up 6 per cent, according to the latest data by Society of I n d i a n Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM).The long-running number one exporter, Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) on the other hand shipped 44,585 units as against 63,014 units in the year-ago period, a decline of 29.25 per cent. The company is now behind Volkswagen and General Motors India in terms of export of passenger cars from India. During the first half of the fiscal, Volkswagen India exported 50,410 units at a growth of 16.92 per cent. It is now the second biggest exporter of passenger cars from India behind MSI. Last year, it had exported 43,114 units during the same period.Interestingly, General Motors (GM) which had on May 18 this year decided to stop selling its vehicles in India after struggling for over two decades to make a mark, is now the

third biggest exporter of passenger cars from the country. In the first half of the fiscal, GM exported 45,222 units as against 30,613 units in the year-ago period, a growth of 47.72 per cent. The company exports vehicles from its manufacturing plant at Talegaon in Maharashtra. It has sold its first plant at Halol in

Gujarat to MG Motor India, an arm of China's SAIC. Another US auto major, Ford also posted impressive growth in exports of passenger cars from India during the period. The company's overseas shipments stood at 42,412 units as against 31,467 units in the same period last fiscal, up 34.78 per cent making it the fifth biggest exporter from India. Nissan Motor India, which was the third biggest exporter last year saw its overseas shipments during the first half of the fiscal decline by 37.11 per cent to 30,872 units from 49,091 units in the same period last fiscal. It now occupies the sixth spot.

local bodies' elections or 2019 Lok Sabha polls." As for Congress, senior party leader Ghulam Nabi Azad had recently said his party would go alone in the urban local polls. The Bahujan Samaj Party is also fighting the polls sans an alliance. In the event of a split in non-BJP votes, the saffron party will have an edge. Expecting that a split in opposition votes would help the BJP's prospects, its spokesperson Shalabh Mani Tripathi exuded confidence that the party would register an impressive win. The BJP has started Vikas Parv, which will disseminate information pertaining to various developmental schemes and projects of the Centre in the last three-and-a-half years," he said. "It will also spread information about the developmental works undertaken and achieved in the six-months of the Adityanath government in the state," Tripathi said. The AAP has already released its first list of 19 candidates for the Lucknow Municipal Corporation election. According to a release issued by the party, Priyanka Maheshwari is its nominee for the post of Lucknow mayor. Although, the BJP has traditionally been strong in the urban constituencies, the acid test for Adityanath

would be to match the performance exhibited during the Assembly elections. Around 30 million voters would be eligible to exercise their franchise in these polls to be held for over 650 posts, including 438 municipal boards, 202 town areas and 16 corporations, also comprising two newly constituted Ayodhya Nagar Nigam and Mathura-Vrindavan Nagar Nigam.In 2012, the BJP had swept these polls, winning 10 of the 12 mayoral posts. Lucknow mayor Dinesh Sharma is now a deputy chief minis-

ter of the state. In the coming months, the spotlight will also be on the Gorakhpur and the Phulpur Lok Sabha bypolls with the recent Amethi visits of Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi and BJP chief Amit Shah and the SP national convention in Agra setting the stage for a high-octane contest.Though no date has been announced by the Election Commission, the two Lok Sabha constituencies will go to polls in the near future as Adityanath and his deputy Keshav Prasad Maurya vacated them after becoming MLCs. "Undoubtedly, the BJP will not only emerge victorious in both the by-polls, it will also improve its victory margin," UP BJP spokesperson Manish Shukla said. The Samajwadi Party has also claimed that it is ready to contest the bypolls. Akhilesh Yadav told the party's Agra convention earlier this month that the two key by-elections would give his party a chance to gauge which way the wind was blowing, months after it was routed in the Assembly polls. Akhilesh Yadav had said if results of the elections were in "our favour, it will give a message not only for the 2019 (Lok Sabha polls), but also for the 2022 (assembly polls)".

INDIA BEAT MALAYSIA TO WIN ASIA CUP HOCKEY AFTER A DECADE India today ended their 10-year wait for continental triumph when they beat a gutsy Malaysia 2-1 in a nail-bitting final to clinch their third Asia Cup hockey title, here today. India, which won the Asia Cup last time in 2007 in Chennai, scored from field efforts through Ramandeep Singh (3rd minute) and Lalit Upadhyay (29th) to dash Malaysian hopes. Malaysia were in summit clash for the first time since tournament's inception. The ever-improving Malaysians, however, fought valiantly and didn't give up for a single minute. Their efforts bore fruit in the 50th minute when Shahril Saabah pulled one goal back. The Indians, ranked sixth in the world, were in for nervous last 10 minutes but the defence did enough to hold on to the lead. Pakistan won the bronze medal after edging out Korea 6-3 in the third-fourth place playoff match earlier in the day. For India' new chief coach Marijne Sjoerd, it was perfect start to his stint as the Asia Cup was his maiden tournament in charge of the senior national side. The top-ranked Indians finished unbeaten in the tournament, having won all their matches except for the 1-1 draw against Korea in th Super 4 stage. Today's win was India's second victory over Malaysia in the tournament, having beaten them 6-2 in the Super-4 stage. For Malaysia, it was their best result in the tournament. They had earlier won the bronze in the 2007 edition of the event in Chennai. The Indians came out all guns blazing and took the lead as early as the third minute through Ramandeep, who scored from a rebound after his initial deflection from SV Sunil's cross hit the post. Chinglensana Singh's reverse hit from close range then went wide as India wasted a golden chance. It was a battle fought on even keel between the two teams as Malaysia secured

their first penalty corner in the 13th minute but wasted it. Harmanpreet Singh was then denied by Razie Rahim as he made a goalline save to keep out the Indian defender's flick from India's first penalty corner. Minutes later Malaysian goalkeeper Kumar Subramaniam made double save -- first kept out Akashdeep Sinh's shot and then denied Amit Rohidas from the resultant set piece. A minute before the half time, Lalit doubled India's lead when he beautifully deflected home Sumit's reverse hit cross from the left flank. After the change of ends, Lalit and Ramandeep came tantalisingly close to extending India's tally of goals but their shots from inside the D were off target. Down by two goals, the Malaysians came out all guns blazing in the fourth and final

quarter in search of the equaliser and gave the Indian defence a run for their money. After wasting their second penalty corner, Malaysia came back into the match when Saabah scored from close range in the 50th minute as the Young Indian defence wilted under pressure for a second. It was nervous last 10 minutes for the Indians as Malaysia mounted attack after attack in search of an equaliser. In the form of their third penalty corner, Malaysia had a golden opportunity to take the match into shoot-out but the Indian defence stood tall to maintain their slender lead.With three minutes from the hooter, Malaysia withdrew goalkeeper Subramaniam for an extra player but the move failed to yield desired result as the Indians managed to hold on to their lead for a famous victory.

6 Àfû¸f½ffSX


, 23-29 A¢McX¶fSX, 2017

Àfc¹fÊ CX´ffÀf³ff IYf ´f½fÊ LXNX ´fcªff ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff oSfnd dky ls gh euq"; mu lHkh phtksa dks iwtrk vk;k gS ftUgksaus mlds thou esa vuqdwy çHkko Mkyk gS rFkk ftuls nSfud thou esa mls ykHk feyrk jgk gks ] fQj pkgs og unh gks] o`{k] ioZr] igkM+] pUæek ;k lwjt gh D;ksa u gksA ;s lHkh lnSo euq"; ds J)k dk çrhd jgs gSa rFkk iwtuh; Hkh jgs gSA oSfnd dky ls gh vk;Z lw;Z dks txr vkRek ekurs jgs gSaA blesa vkt Hkh dksbZ lansg ugha fd lw;Z ds fcuk ge i`Foh ij thou dh dYiuk Hkh ugha dj ldrs gS] vr% dgus esa vfr'k;ksfä ugha fd oSfnd dky ls gh Hkkjr esa lw;Z mikluk dk çpyu jgk gSA lw;Z dh mikluk dh ppkZ Hkkxor iqjk.k] fo".kq iqjk.k rFkk czãoSorZ iqjk.k esa Hkh feyrh gS ysfdu NB iwtk dh 'kq:vkr rdjhcu eè;dky ls ekuh tkrh gS ysfdu foxr nks n'kd ls bldk çpyu cgqr rhoz xfr ls c<+k gSA ;w¡ rks fgUnqvksa ds vusdkusd ioZ esa ls NB Hkh ,d vkLFkk ls tqM+k ioZ gS fdUrq Hkys gh çfr'kr dkQh de gks ysfdu dqN eqfLye oxZ ds yksx Hkh NB ioZ cgqr vkLFkk ls dj jgs gS ftlus bl ioZ dh xfjek dks cgqr c

ªff´ff³f ¸fZÔ dVfaªfû Af¶fZ IYe Vff³fQfS ªfe°f... ijek.kq [krjs ls fuiVus ds vkcs ds ladYi dks rkdr fey ldrh gSA tkiku vesfjdk dk çeq[k {ks=h; lg;ksxh vkSj ,f'k;k dh çHkko'kkyh vFkZO;oLFkk gSA blls igys tkiku esa lqcg lk7 cts ¼LFkkuh; le;kuqlkj½ ernku dsaæ [kqys vkSj yksx rst gokvksa vkSj ewlykèkkj ckfj'k ls tw>rs gq, ernku dsaæksa esa igqapsA

èkhjs èkhjs ;g ioZ lkekftd dkeuk iw.kZ gqbZ vkSj ikaMoksa dks lejlrk vkSj lkaçnkf;d ln~Hkkouk varrksxRok lkjk jktikV okil çkIr dk çrhd curk tk jgk gSA ewy :i gks x;kA ls Hkkjr ds fcgkj vkSj mÙkj çns'k esa nwljh dFkk jkek;.k ls tqM+h gS euk;k tkus okyk ioZ vc èkhjs èkhjs dgrs gSa fd jko.k fot; ds ckn u flQZ Hkkjr ds vfèkäj jkT;ksa esa v;ksè;k okilh ds i'pkr jkejkt euk;k tk jgk gS vfirq fo'o ds LFkkiuk okys fnu dkfrZd 'kqDy i{k nwljs ns'k esa cls Hkkjrh; Hkh dbZ "k"Bh dks Hkxoku jke rFkk ekrk lhrk ns'kksa esa lw;Z mikluk dk ;g ioZ us lw;Z nsork dh iwtk vpZuk dh rFkk cgqr èkweèkke vkSj vkLFkk ls euk jgs miokl j[kk FkkA rc ls gh NB ozr gSaA dbZ jkT;ksa }kjk bl ioZ ij Nqêh eukus dh çFkk gSA NB ioZ gsrq ,slh fnu xqM+ esa cuh [khj] ?kh yxh jksVh dh ?kks"k.kk Hkh bldh cdh vjx ;k ioZ dh xfjek dks cgqr c
¦fbªfSXf°f ¸fZÔ ¶feªfZ´fe ´fSX ´fMZX»fûÔ IYf OX¶f»f AM`XIY ... dqN fnu igys gh chtsih esa 'kkfey gq, FksA ikVhnkj vkanksyu esa og gkfnZd ds djhch Fks vkSj vkj{k.k vkanksyu lfefr esa lwjr ds la;kstd FksA lokuh us ujsaæ iVsy ds nkoksa dks Hkh lgh Bgjk;k gSA lokuh us chtsih ij ikVhnkj fcjknjh ds lkFk Ny dk Hkh vkjksi yxk;kA mUgksaus dgk] 'eSa ftl mEehn ds lkFk chtsih esa 'kkfey gq, Fkk og iwjk ugha gqvkA

¹fc´fe ¸fZÔ £û»f d³fSXf»ff, IYf¸f WX¸ffSXf CXQЧffMX³f... xhr Hkh csgn çpfyr gSaA dqN yksd xhr rks brus yksd fç; vkSj d.kZfç; gaS ftls lqudj gh NB ioZ gsrq vkLFkk vkSj J)k ân; esa tUe ysus yxrh gSA bl ioZ dh lcls cM+h [kkfl;r ;g gS fd ;g lekt ds gj oxZ dks lkFk tksM+us rFkk gj oxZ dh vgfe;r dk ,glkl djkrk gSA flQZ ,d ;gh ioZ gS ftlds dkj.k vkt Hkh ckal ls cus crZu cukus dh dyk thfor gS rFkk bls thfor j[kus okys dks thfodksiktZu gsrq lalkèku tqVkus dk Hkh ,d ekSdk gksrk gSA HkkSfrd vkMEcj ls nwj unh ;k iks[kj fdukjs fd;k tkus okyk ;g ioZ vke balkuksa dks tehu ls tqM+s jgus dh lh[k nsrk gS ogh unh rkykc lw;Z dh mi;ksfxrk ;kn fnykrk gS ftls vktdy dh Hkkx nkSM+ okyh ftanxh esa ge Hkwyrs tk jgs gSA vkt tc euq"; èkhjs èkhjs HkhM+ esa vdsyk gksrk tk jgk gS] ge fdlh R;ksgkj esa Hkh ,d nwljs ds ;gk¡ tkus ls cprs gSA vkilh laokn de gksrk tk jgk gSA ,sls esa bl ioZ ds eukus dk rjhdk gh ,slk gS fd yksx lkewfgd :i ls ,d txg ,d=k gksrs gaS rFkk ,d nwljs ds lkFk bl ioZ dks eukrs gSA bl ioZ dh J)k dk ;g vkye gS fd dksbZ vutku Hkh t:jr ij vkidh enn dks vk tkrk gSA vkt ds cnyrs nkSj esa yksxksa dks ,dtqV djus esa ftruk lkeF;Z ;g ,d ioZ gS vkSj fdlh ioZ esa ;g {kerk n``f"Vxkspj ugha gksrh gSA dg ldrs gaS fd vkilh HksnHkko dks Hkqykdj] lkFk ,dtqV gks] lsok Hkkouk ls ycjst] lkEçnkf;d lkSgknZ vkSj lkekftd ln~Hkko dk ;g ,d fojkV ioZ gSA

¸fb£f-ÀfüÔQ¹fÊ IYû ¶fPÞXf³fZ IZY CX´ff¹f ❚ ´fdSX´fc¯fÊ ³¹fcªf Àfa½ffQQf°ff vius :i&lkSan;Z dks fu[kkjus dh pkgr fdls ugha gksrh\ lkSan;Z dh dbZ leL;k;sa gksrh gSa tSls&Ropk] ds'k] psgjk] ekFkk] us=k] ukd] gksaB] nkar] fpcqd] xky] dku] xzhok] Lru] gkFk&iSj] dej o uk[kwu vkfn dh fofHkUu O;kfèk;kaA ;gka dqN pqus gq, iz;ksx crk;s tk jgs gSa ftuls eq[k&lkSUn;Z dh o`f) gksrh gSA lkaoyh Ropk%& lw;Z dh èkwi ls eq[k dh Ropk lkaoyh gks tk;k djrh gSA blds fy, xk; ds dPps nwèk esa FkksM+k&lh cQZ o ued Mkydj feJ.k cuk ysa rFkk mls :bZ ds Qkgs ls psgjs ds Ropk ij yxkdj chl feuV j[k NksM+saA mlds ckn lkQ ikuh ls èkks ysaA ,slk fnu esa 2&3 ckj djus ls Ropk fQj ls xksjh gks tkrh gSA dksguh ds uhps dh Ropk dk dkykiu nwj djus ds fy;s ml ij uhacw dk jl fudkyk gqvk fNydk ysdj dqN nsj rd jxM+sa ;k cslu esa [kV~Vh NkN feykdj mldk isLV cuk ysa vFkok uhacw dk jl] fXyljhu vkSj xqykcty feykdj jkst Luku ls iwoZ L;kg Ropk ij FkksM+h nsj jxM+sa ;k nwèk esa gYnh feykdj ysi&lk cukdj yxk;saA blls Ropk dh ';keyrk nwj gksdj Ropk fu[kj tkrh gSA ckyksa dh lqUnjrk%& >M+rs gq, ckyksa dks vfèkd ikSf"Vd o rkdroj cukus ds fy, ckyksa dh fu;fer lQkbZ djsaA vfèkd /kwi] Hkhxh ;k lw[kh gok ls mUgsas cpk;saA ckj&ckj ckyksa dks laokjs tkus ls rFkk vfèkd nsj rd da?kh fd;s tkus ls Hkh cky vfèkd VwVrs gSaA ckyksa dh lQkbZ ds fy, jlk;uksa ls cus ekWMuZ 'kSEiw dk iz;ksx u djsaA ckyksa esa jkst

esagnh] Hkkaxjk ;k vkaoys dk rsy Mkysa rFkk [kkus ds lkFk xktj] lsc] ddM+h vkfn dk iz;ksx vfèkd djsaA ckyksa dks vfèkd yack] ?kuk o dkyk cukuk gks rks lQsn dykSath o thjs dks leku ek=kk esa ysdj mldk pw.kZ cukdj j[k ysaA jkr dks ckyksa esa ukfj;y rsy ds lkFk feykdj yxkrs jgus ls ckyksa dk >M+uk :d tkrk gSA P;ouizk'k ;k vkaoys dk pw.kZ jkst 5 xzke dh ek=kk esa ikuh ds lkFk ysuk pkfg,A tokdqlqe dk rsy jkst yxkus ls cky vfèkd c<+rs gSaA uhe o ccwy ;k csj ds iÙkksa dks ,d lkFk ihl ysaA bl isLV dks ckyksa ds ewy esa yxkdj rhu ?kaVs rd NksM+us ds ckn èkks ysaA tklwan ds Qwyksa ds jl dks ;k mlds jl ls cus rsy dks ckyksa dh tM+ esa yxkus ls cky vfèkd yacs gksrs gSaA vxj 'kjhj dh van:uh xjeh dh otg ls cky vfèkd fxjrs gksa o NksVs gksa rks esagnh ds iÙkksa dk jl ;k djsys ds ewy dks ikuh esa f?kldj ckyksa dh tM+ksa esa yxkus ls Qk;nk gksrk gSA dkys èkCcs%& psgjs ij fLFkr dkys èkCcs ;k nkxksa dks feVkus ds fy, uhacw ds jl esa lqgkxk feykdj mu èkCcksa ij fu;fer :i ls yxkdj gYds&gYds ekfy'k djrs jguk pkfg,A blls psgjs ds Åij ds lHkh èkCcs vklkuh ls nwj gks tkrs gSaA ckyksa dk vHkko%& ewaN] iydksa] nk<+h] ;k HkkSagksa ij ckyksa ds u gksus ;k de gksus ls eq[k dh lqUnjrk esa deh vk tkrh gSA mu LFkkuksa ij tgka ckyksa dk vHkko gks] ogka ij jkst vjaMh ;k fry ds rsy ls ekfy'k djsaA lkFk gh dSfY'k;e ls Hkjiwj oLrqvksa dks Hkh Hkkstu

´fi±f¸f ´fÈâX IZY Vû¿f

!4 flracj dks vf[kys'k us rat dlrs gq, dgk Fkk] 'batu rks igys gh py fn;k Fkk---fMCcs rks ihNs vkus gh FksA'18 flracj dks ;ksxh ljdkj ds 6 eghus iwjs gksus ij Üosr i= ds f[kykQ vf[kys'k us V~ohV fd;k] 'Hkwy pqds tks viuk ladYi i=] Üosr i= mudk cgkuk gSA' bl V~ohV esa ,lih vè;{k us mÙkj çns'k Qly _.k ekspu ;kstuk ds rgr ,d fdlku dks feys lfVZfQdsV dh rLohj iksLV dh FkhA

AfSXEÀfEÀf IYf¹fÊIY°ffÊ IZY WX°¹ffSXûÔ IYf ÀfbSXf¦f QZ³fZ ... dh xbZ eksVjlkbfdy dks cjken dj fy;k x;k gSA cjken eksVjlkbfdy Qwyuoky ds fuoklh —".k dqekj ds uke ij jftLVMZ gS ftls mUgksaus yksgkjk ds jgus okys jksfgr uke ds 'k[l dks cspk FkkA bu yksxksa ls iwNrkN djus ij iqfyl dks gR;k esa 'kkfey yksxksa ls tqM+k dksbZ lqjkx ugha fey ldk gS ogha ;s ckr Hkh lkeus vkbZ gS fd ftl eksVjlkbfdy ls gR;k dh okjnkr dks vatke fn;k x;k og yqfèk;kuk ds èkksysoky pkSd ds ikl ls 10 vDVwcj dks pksjh gks xbZ Fkh ysfdu bl ckr dh f'kdk;r fn, ds ckotwn iqfyldfeZ;ksa us ,QvkbZvkj ugha ntZ dhA

Àfa¦fdNX°f A´fSXf²f dIYÀfe £ffÀf SXfª¹f °fIY... vko';drk FkhA 'kh"kZ vnkyr us bl loky ij fopkj fd;k fd ^^yxkrkj tkjh xSj dkuwuh xfrfofèk** dks LFkkfir djus ds mís'; ds fy;s vkSj vijkfèk;ksa ds f[kykQ edksdk ds rgr ekeyk ntZ djus ds fy, jk"Vªh; jktèkkuh {ks= fnYyh ds ckgj l{ke vnkyrksa esa nk;j vkjksii=ksa dk laKku fy;k tk ldrk gS ;k ughaA blus bl loky ij Hkh xkSj fd;k fd fdlh [kkl vnkyr ds vfèkdkj{ks= esa dksbZ laxfBr vijkèk gq, fcuk D;k edksdk ds rgr eqdnek pyk;k tk ldrk gSA 'kh"kZ vnkyr us O;oLFkk nh fd edksdk ds rgr 'kCn ^l{ke vnkyr* fdlh [kkl jkT; dh vnkyrksa rd lhfer ugha gS] tgka ;g dkuwu ykxw gS vkSj yxkrkj tkjh xSj dkuwuh xfrfofèk LFkkfir djus ds fy, vU; jkT;ksa dh vnkyrksa esa nk;j vkjksii=ksa dk Hkh laKku fy;k tk ldrk gSA blus ;g Hkh O;oLFkk nh fd fnYyh ds Hkhrj laxfBr vijkèk gq, fcuk vijkèkh ij edksdk ds rgr eqdnek ugha pyk;k tk ldrkA

»fûIY ÀfZ½fIYûÔ IZY A²¹ffQZVf ´fSX IYfa¦fiZÀf ³fZ ... jkT; ljdkj blds tfj, mu yksxksa dks cpkuk pkgrh gS] ftuds tfj, jkT; esa Hkz"Vkpkj vkSj ?kksVkys djok, x, gSaA' bl chp jkT; ds x`gea=h xqykc pan dVkfj;k us mn;iqj esa laoknnkrkvksa ls ckrphr djrs gq, dgk gS fd ljdkjh vfèkdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa dks csotg ijs'kku djus ls futkr fnykus ds fy, ;g vè;kns'k yk;k x;k gSA mUgksaus dgk fd ljdkj 23 vDVwcj ls 'kq: gks jgs jktLFkku foèkkulHkk ds l= esa bl ij foèks;d ysdj vk,xh] blfy, bl ckjs esa blls vfèkd dqN ugha crk;k tk ldrkA dVkfj;k us ,d loky ds tokc esa dgk fd 180 fnu esa ljdkj dh vuqefr ugha feyus ij vuqefr eku yh tk,xh vkSj vfxze dk;Zokgh dh tk ldsxhA mUgksaus dgk fd ljdkj dh ea'kk csotg dke esa vM+axk Mkyus okys yksxksa vkSj csotg vius uke dh çflf) ikus okys yksxksa ij vadq'k yxkus dh gS vkSj blhfy, ;g vè;kns'k yk;k x;kA

¸ffZQe ³fZ Àfc¨fe IYû A´f³fe LXd½f ¶f¶ffÊQ ³fWXeÔ... muls ¼lwph½ dgk fd vkidh cgqr vPNh varjjk"Vªh; Nfo gS] bl cckZn er dfj,A** ;g Li"V ugha gS fd eksnh us ;g fVIi.kh dc dhA ckaXykns'kh ehfM;k dh [kcjksa esa nkok fd;k x;k gS fd eksnh us fiNys eghus viuh E;keka ;k=k ds nkSjku lw ph ls eqykdkr ds nkSjku ;g dgk FkkA djhe us dgk fd lq"kek us ckaXykns'k ds bl #[k dk leFkZu fd;k fd E;keka dks vius ukxfjdksa dks okil ysuk pkfg, vkSj vkradokn ls yM+rs le; funkZs"k yksxksa dks nafMr ugha djuk pkfg,A

A¸fZdSXIYe d½fQZVf ¸faÂfe SmX¢Àf dMX»fSXÀf³f ¸fa¦f»f½ffSX ... esa 'kkfey djsaA dSfY'k;e dh VscysV Hkh fuR; izfr yh tk ldrh gSA >kb;ka%& Ropk ij >kb;ka ;k Ropk ds :[ksiu dh fLFkfr esa gYnh ikmMj dks nwèk ;k eykbZ ds lkFk feykdj isLV cuk ysa rFkk mu LFkkuksa ij yxkdj eysa ;k fQj uhacw esa fXyljhu feykdj mu LFkkuksa ij èkhjs&èkhjs jxM+rs jgus ls >qfjZ;ka o eqagkls feV tkrs gSaA vks"B lkSan;Z%& gkasBksa dks dksey cuk;s j[kus ds fy, uhacw ds fNyds gksaBkas ij jkst eysaA vxj gksaB lw[ks o njkj;qDr gksa rks ml ij jkst ?kh ;k eD[ku yxk;saA fnu esa ,d ckj dqedqekfn rsy gksaBksa ij eyrs jgus ls gksaBksa dk lkSan;Z fu[kj mBrk gSA eD[ku rFkk dslj dks feyk dj ml isLV ls gksaBksa ij èkhjs&èkhjs ekfy'k djrs jgus ls gkasB vfèkd

yky ;k xqykch curs gSaA VekVj] xktj] lsc] larjk] vaxwj dk vfèkdkfèkd iz;ksx ykHkdkjh gksrk gSA vka[kksa ds dkys èkCcs%& vka[kksa ls vfèkd dke ysus ;k vR;fèkd lsDl] fpark vkfn ds dkj.kksa ls vka[kksa ij dkys èkCcs ¼orqZy½ gks tk;k djrs gSaA vkyw dk jl ;k [khjs ds jl dks dkyh Ropk ij jkst gYds gkFkksa ls eyus ;k nwèk esa gYnh dk pw.kZ feykdj ysi djus ls os èkCcs feV tkrs gSaA lQsn nkx o eLls%& lse dh iÙkh dk jl ;k L;kg thjk ¼dkyk thjk½ ds pw.kZ dks ikuh ds lkFk ihldj lQsn nkx okys LFkku ij yxkus ls lQsn nkx gV tkrs gSa rFkk Ropk lkekU; gks tkrh gSA

lg;ksxh ekuk gSA vesfjdk ds j{kk ea=h tsEl eSfVl us Hkh fiNys eghus viuh Hkkjr ;k=k ds nkSjku ;g ckr dgh FkhAHkkjr us ;g Li"V fd;k gS fd og vQxkfuLrku esa vius lSfud ugha HkstsxkA Hkkjr dk dguk gS fd og vQxkfuLrku esa lqj{kk etcwr djus ds fy, tkudkjh lk>k djus vkSj lqj{kkdfeZ;ksa dks çf'k{k.k nsus ds tfj, vesfjdk ds lkFk dke djsxkA vQxkfuLrku ds yksxksa dh lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkfr etcwr djus] baÝkLVªDpj ç‚tsDV~l rS;kj djus vkSj vQxkfuLrku ljdkj dh {kerk c<+kus esa Hkkjr dh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk gksxhA vQxkfuLrku esa vius fgrksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, vesfjdk vkSj :l nksuksa ds lkFk Hkkjr feydj dke dj jgk gSAHkkjr ;k=k ds nkSjku fVyjlu çèkkuea=h ujsUæ eksnh vkSj fons'k ea=h lq"kek Lojkt ds lkFk eqykdkr djsaxsA og jk"Vªh; lqj{kk lykgdkj vftr MksHkky ls Hkh feysaxsA vfèkdkfj;ksa us crk;k fd bu ehfVax ds nkSjku vQxkfuLrku esa nksuksa ns'kksa dh Hkkxhnkjh c<+kus] nf{k.k ,f'k;k dks ysdj j.kuhfr ij ppkZ gksxhAnksuksa ns'k vkradokfn;ksa ij fu;a=.k djus ds fy, vkilh lg;ksx Hkh c<+k jgs gSaA ,f'k;k esa phu ds c<+rs çHkko ij yxke yxkus ds fy, vesfjdk pkgrk gSA

7 Àfû¸f½ffSX


, 23-29 A¢McX¶fSX, 2017

BX³fd¸f¹ff OXI`Y°f ¨fPÞXf ´fbd»fÀf IZY WX°±û ❚ Afa³fQ d¸fßff fp=dwVA iwoZ esa ekjs x, nL;q yfyr iVsy xSax dk lfØ; lnL; tks fd bu fnuks nL;q ccyh dksy ds b'kkjksa ij ?kVuk, dj jgk Fkk ftldh ryk'k esa taxyks dh [k+kd Nku jgh iqfyl dks 35000@& dk bukfe;k MdSr nL;q jTtu iVsy dks ekjdaMh varxZr equxk igkM+ esa eqBHksM+ ds nkSjku fxj¶+rkj fd;k gS tcfd xSax ds vU; lnL; Hkkx fudyus esa lQy jgsAiqfyl vèkh{kd fp=dwV çrki xksisaæ ds funZs'ku esa Vhe dh deku lEHkky jgs lhŒvksŒ eÅ fouhr flag] lkftn [kku] lqthr lesr ftys dh reke Fkkuks dh Q+kslZ ds la;qä rRokèkku esa ;g lQyrk

❚ Ad¸f°f IbY¸ffSX d°f½ffSXe

feyhA MdSr ds ikl ls iqfyl ls ywVh xbZ 303 cksj jkbQ+y] ,d 12cksj dk vlygk ,d 315 cksj dh jkbQ+y vkSj Hkkjh

ek=k esa dkjrwl cjken gq,A iqfyl vèkh{kd fp=dwV ds vuqlkj ;g MdSr ,d vU; xSax esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy, fudyk FkkA ftldh lwpuk

Àf¶f EdSX¹ff IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f IZY dSXIYfOÊX øY¸f ¸fZÔ »f¦fe Af¦f IYf A¶f °fIY ³fWXeÔ WbXAf £fb»ffÀff ❚ Àfbd¸f°ff Vf¸ffÊ vuwiiqjA glnso {ks= varxZr jktuxj vkslh,e dk;kZy; ds fjdkMZ :e esa 12 vDVwcj dh njfE;kuh jkr yxh vpkud vkx ds dkj.kks lfgr egRoiw.kZ nLrkostks dh tyus dh vc rd tkap çkjaHk ugh dh xbZ gSA iwjs ekeys esa t¡gk 'kq: ls gh vans'kk utj vk jgk Fkk ogha jkr esa yxh vkx dh tkudkjh lqcg rd fdlh dks irk ugh py ldh FkhA ogha d‚yjh çcaèku }kjk 13 vDVwcj dh nksigj yxHkx 2-30 cts rd bldh lwpuk u rks jkeuxj Fkkus esa nh xbZ Fkh vkSj u gh lc ,fj;k eSustj dks bldh tkudkjh FkhA ftl ij dk;kZy; ds vfèkdkfj;ks ij gh dbZ loky [kMs gksus çkjaHk gks x, gSA ogha vc rd bl ekeys esa u rks foHkkxh; tkap dj vkx yxus ds dkj.kks dk

irk py ldk gS vkSj u gh ml nLrkost tks dh vkx esa tydj [kkd gks x,A ogha bl ekeys esa d‚yjh ds vfèkdkfj;ks }kjk pqIih lkèks gq, iwjs ekeys dks BaMk gksdj Hkwy tkus ds ç;kl esa yxs gq, gSA ogha 9 fnu chr tkus ds ckn Hkh vc rd vkx yxus ds dkj.kks dk irk o foHkkx }kjk bl ekeys esa lkèkh xbZ pqIih ij Hkh çJ fpUg [kM+k dj jgk gSA

tksj dk >Vdk èkhjs ls t:j yxk gSA dklxat chtsih ds fiNM+k oxZ ekspkZ ftykè;{k o dklxat uxj ikfydk ds iwoZ vè;{k :i fd'kksj dq'kokg ds Hkrhts lat; dq'kokg us dklxat Hkktik ftykè;{k dks viuk bLrhQk çsf"kr dj fn;k gS vkSj çh Iykfuax ds vuqlkj bLrhQs ds pan feuVksa ckn gh foi{kh ny clik dh lnL;rk rRdky çHkko ls xzg.k dj yh gS] lc dqN rRdky rRdky esa gqbZ bl dok;n dks

¸fWXfd³fQZVfIY ¶fa¦f»fZ ½f IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f IZY Àff¸f³fZ SXf°fû-SXf°f WbXAf Ad°fIiY¸f¯f

❚ Àfe¸ff I`Y±f½ffÀf gks'kaxkcknA ftyk eq[;ky; ij 'kkldh; vkSèkksfxd çf'k{k.k laLFkk vkbZVhvkbZ xsV ds vklikl jkrks&jkr vfrØe.k dj j[kkus yxs ViA xkSjryc jgs dh dqN gh le; ckn bykds esa vkjVhvks dk;kZy; f'k¶V gksus okyk gS ] blh ds pyrs dbZ vkjVhvks ,tsaV us igys ls gh jkrks&jkr jksM fdukjs Vi j[kdj txg ij vfrØe.k dj fy;k gSA tcfd ikl gh

°¹fûWXfSX ´fSX ¶faQ dQ£û EMXeE¸f, WbXBÊX ´fSmXVffd³f¹ffa ❚ Ad¸f°f IbY¸ffSX

lqèkkj gksus ij ifjtu 'kqØokj dh nksigj mls fpfdRld dks fn[kkus yk, FksA fpfdRld vU; ejhtksa ds LokLF; dk ijh{k.k dj jgs Fks] tcfd dEikmaMj us iqjkus mipkj dks ns[kdj cPps dks ,d ds ckn yxkrkj rhu batsD'ku ns fn,] ftlls cPps dh dqN gh nsj esa ekSr gks xbZA tc fpfdRld dks tkudkjh gqbZ rks mlus iwNrkN dhA bl ij fpfdRld us crk;k fd cPps dh ekSr vksojMkst nok,a igaq-

pus ls gqbZ gSA dEikmaM dh ykijokgh ls cPps dh ekSr dh tkudkjh ds ckn ifjtuksa esa vkØks'k iui x;kA xqLlk, ifjtuksa us Dyhfud ij tedj gaxkek dkVkA ?kVuk dh tkudkjh feyrs gh iqfyl ekSds ij igaqp xbZ] iqfyl us ekeys dh tkudkjh djus ds ckn dkjZokbZ dk vkÜoklu fn;kA mlds ckn ifjtu foyki djrs gq, f'k'kq ds 'ko dks ysdj vius xkao pys x,A

Qe´ff½f»fe ´fSX 15 WX½f»fQfSXûÔ IYû ´fQû³³fd°f IYf d¸f»ff °fûWXRYf ❚ SXfªfZÔQi Vf¸ffÊ dksfj;k]NÙkhlx<+A NÙkhlx< ds ljxqtk laHkkx ds15 goynkjks dks ;s nhikoyh csgn [k+kl gks xbZ gSA jsat ds vkbZth fgeka'kq xqIrk us cqèkokj dks nsj 'kke lqph tkjh dj--bu iaæg çèkku vkj{kdksa ds fy, nhikoyh ;knxkj cuk nh gS--inksUufr ds ckn goynkj ls ,,lvkbZ cusA iqfyldfeZ;ksa dh uohu inLFkkiuk Hkh dj nh xbZ gS tkjh gqbZ lqph ds vuqlkj-- vklu jke ljxqtk ls cyjkeiqj]jkds'k ;kno ljxqtk ls cyjkeiqj]jkenso flag dksfj;k ls cyjkeiqj]y{eh

feyrs gh iqfyl us ,Ecql yxkdj MdSr dks ?ksj fy;k vkSj eqBHksM+ ds ckn lQyrk gkFk yxhA ,lih us Vhe dh ihB FkiFkikbZA

dklxatA dklxat uxj fudk; pquko ds oä usrkvksa dk ny cny dk;ZØe 'kq: gks x;k gS] crk;k tk jgk gS fd uxj fudk; pquko vcdh ckj ikVÊ flacy ij yM+s tk,axs ,sls esa gj ny ls nl nl mEehnokj pquko yM+us dh gqadkj Hkjrs ut+j vk jgs gSa|] lÙkk:<+ ny ds detksj çR;k'kh foi{kh nyksa esa viuh nky xykus esa yxs gSa vkSj foi{kh nyksa ds etcwr çR;k'kh lÙkk:<+ ny esa èkucy ds cycwrs ,aVªh ekjus dh tqxr esa yxs gq, gSa] pquko ds bl pØO;wg dks dkSu ij djsxk ;s rks le; gh crk,xk ysfdu fQygky

uxj fudk; pqukoksa ls ns[kdj tksM+k tk jgk gS] lat; dq'kokg ds Hkktik dh lnL;rk ls bLrhQs dks ysdj dklxat Hkktik ftykè;{k dh dksbZ çfrfØ;k lkeus ugha vkbZ gSA

¸fªffSX IZY ³ff¸f ´fSX WXû SXWXe »ff£fûÔ IYe IY¸ffBÊX

❚ ¦füSX½f dõX½fZQe QrsgiqjA dekbZ dk lcls cM+k vìk cuk Qrsgiqj ftys ds Fkfj;kao Fkkus ds gkbos is clk mljSuk dqN eqfLyeks us ,slh vQokg QSyk j[kh gS dh tks balku etkj esa fcuk iSls p<+k;s vkxs tk,xk mldk ,DlhMsaV gks tk,xk vkSj xkao ds gh eqfLyeksa dk iwjk xzqi

Q½ffAûÔ IYe Aû½fSXOXûªf IZY ¨f»f°fZ WbXBÊX ¶f¨¨fZÔ IYe ¸fü°f ❚ Ad¸f°f IbY¸ffSX d°f½ffSXe dklxatA 'kgj ds unjbZ xsV bykds esa fLFkr ,d futh Dyhfud ij 'kqØokj dh nksigj dEikmaMj dh ykijokgh ds pyrs 11 ekg ds f'k'kq dh ekSr gks xbZA fpfdRld }kjk Hkh vksojMkst igaqpus ls ekSr gksus dh ckr dgh xbZ gSA f'k'kq dh ekSr ds ckn xqLlk, ifjtuksa us Dyhfud ij tedj gaxkek dkVkA ?kVuk dh tkudkjh feyrs gh iqfyl ekSds ij igaqp xbZ] iqfyl us fjiksVZ ntZ djus dk vkÜoklu nsdj ekeyk 'kkar djk fn;kAifjtuksa ds eqrkfcd dklxat dksrokyh {ks= ds xkao czkfgeiqj fuoklh fxjkZt flag ds 11 ekg ds iq= psru dk mipkj unjbZ xsV fLFkr Mk- eqds'k lDlsuk ds Dyhfud ij py jgk FkkA LokLF; esa

d´fLXOÞXf ½f¦fÊ ¸fû¨ffÊ dªf»ff²¹fÃf ³fZ LX ûOe ·ffªf´ff dklxat Hkktik dks ,d

paæ d';i dksfj;k ls cyjkeiqj]jktsaæ ikaMs; cyjkeiqj ¼;Fkkor½]iq"ijkt

flag dksfj;k ls cyjkeiqj]Hkxorh çlkn dqjZs t'kiqj ls cyjkeiqj]ghjkyky ck?ko t'kiqj ls ihVh,l

eSuikV]lqjs'k dqekj tksxh t'kiqj ls ihVh,l eSuikV] t;uanu ekcZy t'kiqj ls ihVh,l eSuikV]fnycksèk jke pkSgku dksfj;k ls t'kiqj]ujsaæ flag t'kiqj ls ihVh,l eSuikV]yods'k jktokMs lwjtiqj ls cyjkeiqj] lar jke ljxqtk ls t'kiqj] lq[kjke ydMk lwjtiqj ls ihVh,l eSuikV inLFk fd, x, gSa bl inksUufr ls buds ifjokj es fnikoyh dh nks nks [kq'kh;k vkbZ gS jsat vkbZ th fgeka'kq xqIrk us laHkkx ds oklh;ks ,oa iqfyl foHkkx ds vkyk vfèkdkfjvks dks fnikoyh dh
dklxatA nhikoyh ioZ ds ,d fnu iwoZ ls gh tuin eq[;ky; ij lHkh cSadksa esa rkys iM+ x,A O;kikjh ,ao ckgj ls vkus okys yksxksa dks ,Vh,e cSadksa dh vkl Fkh] ysfdu cSadksa esa rkys iM+rs gq, buesa Hkh rkys yVd x,A blds pyrs vkèkk ntZu ls vfèkd ,Vh,e cSadsa can jghaA ysu&nsu djus dks yksx [kkls fpafrr fn[kkbZ fn,A dbZ yksxksa dk ;g R;ksgkj Qhdk jg x;k] D;ksafd og ckgj ls vk, Fks vkSj R;ksgkj eukus dks ,Vh,e cSadsa gh ,d ek= lgkjk FkhaA

iwjh jkr Vªd cl dkjks ls etkj esa iSlk p<+okrs gS vkidks crk ns gj jkr etkj es 5 ls 6 gtkj #i;s p<+rk gS tks dh eghus esa 1 yk[k 50 gtkj ls Hkh T;knk dh dekbZ gksrh gS vksj ;s jkr olwyh gksrh gS vkSj ç'kklu [kkeksl gSA

iqfyl egkfuns'kd dk caxyk vkSj dk;kZy; gSA vfrØe.k ds ;gh gky lnj cktkj yksd lsok dsaæ ds lkeus]Hkwfe fodkl cSad ds lkeus]iksLV vkfQl ds lkeus ihiy pkSd ij Hkh ns[kk tk ldrk gSA vkf[kj fdldh feyhHkxr ls gks jgk gS jksM fdukjs ljdkjh Hkwfe ij vfrØe.k \ ç'kklu ds vkyk vfèkdkjh ekSu vkf[kj D;ksa gS\;s ,d xaHkhj fo"k; tulekU; ds fy;s cuk gqvk gSA

VfWXeQ dQ½fÀf IZY A½fÀfSX ´fSX VfWXeQûÔ IYû Qe ßfðXfaªfd»f ❚ Àfbd¸f°ff Vf¸ffÊ vuwiiqjA fnukad 01-09-2016 ls 3108-2017 rd dh vofèk esa drZO; dh osnh ij lEiw.kZ Hkkjro"kZ esa ohjxfr dks çkIr gq;s 370 iqfyl vfèkdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa dks 21 vDVwcj 'kghn fnol ds volj ij Fkkuk dksrokyh vuwiiqj ifjlj ij iq"ikatyh vfiZr dh xbZA bl volj ij loZçFke iqfyl vèkh{kd Jh lquhy dqekj tSu }kjk fofHkUu iqfyl ,oa lqj{kk cyksa esa 'kghn gq;s 370 vfèkdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa ds uke dk okpu fd;k x;k A rRi"pkr iqfyl vèkh{kd Jh lquhy dqekj tSu] foèkku lHkk vuwiiqj ds foèkk;d Jh jkeyky jkSrsy] foèkku lHkk dksrek ds foèkk;d Jh eukst vxzoky] iq"ijktx<+ ds foèkk;d Jh QqUnsyky flag] dysDVj ftyk vuwiiqj Jh vt; 'kekZ] ftyk iapk;r lhvks ds0Ogh0,l0 pkSèkjh] ,Mh,e vuwiiqj Jh vkj0ih0 frokjh] eq[; fpfdRlk vfèkdkjh ftyk vuwiqij Jh vkj0ih0 JhokLro ]uxj ikfydk vè;{k Jh jke[ksykou jkBkSj] vfrfjä iqfyl vèkh{kd Jh oS".ko

'kekZ ]vuqfoHkkxh; vfèkdkjh ¼iq-½ dksrek Jh fot; flag ifjgkj ,oa iq"ijktx<+ ,lMhvksih Jh ey[kku flag] gksexkMZ dek.MsaV vuwiiqj Jh ts0ih0 mbds ] çHkkjh Fkkuk dksrokyh vuwiiqj Jh foHksUæw osadV VkafM;k] ppkbZ Fkkuk çHkkjh ihlhdksy] Fkkuk jktsUæxzke çHkkjh ukjsUæ iky] Fkkuk ;krk;kr çHkkjh mifujh{kd Jh fctsUæ feJk] }kjk 'kghn Lekjd ij

iq"ikatyh vfiZr dh xbZA blds ckn jf{kr fujh{kd Jh deys"k ijLrs }kjk 'kksd ijsM ds ekè;e ls 'kghnksa dks lykeh nh xbZA rRi'pkr 'kghn fnol dk;ZØe esa mifLFkr lHkh vfèkdkjh@deZpkfj;ksa ,oa vuwiiqj ds vke turk@uofugky cPpksa }kjk Hkh 'kghnksa dks iq"ikatyh vfiZr dh xbZA

dMXIYMX ¶fMX½ffSXZ ÀfZ ¸f¨fe ²f¸ffÀff³f Af¦fªf³fe IZY IYfSX¯f ªf¦fWX-ªf¦fWX VfbøY WbXAf d½fSXû²f ´fiQVfʳf WbXAf ·ffSXe ³fbIYÀff³f ❚ ½fªfWbX»f IY¸fSX dkS'kkEchA tuin ds uxj iapk;r vtqgk dh jktuhfr esa mcky vk x;k gSA fVdsV cVokjs dks ysdj ikVÊ ds usrkvksa dks lik ls ,d Hkh lefiZr dk;ZdrkZ u feyus ij 'kq:vkrh nkSj esa gh iqjkus clikbZ ij nkao yxk;kA lcls cM+h ckr yxHkx 35 ls 40 gtkj dh vkcknh okys uxj iapk;r esa ,d Hkh lik dk;ZdrkZ usrkvksa dks u fn[kus ij lSdM+ks likb;ksa us iwoZ pkS;jeSu çfrfufèk o~ iqjkus díkoj usrk dh vxqokbZ esa txg&txg fojksèk çn'kZu o~ dkfEcax 'kq: dj nh gSAcrk nsa usrk th vFkkZr eqyk;e flag dks viuk vkn'kZ ekudj pyus okys vkseçdk'k dq'kokgk o~ egsaæ dqekj rc ls ikVÊ esa gh tc usrk th turk

ny esa gqvk djrs Fks le; ds lkFk usrk th us viuh ikVÊ dk xBu fd;k mles Hkh bUgksaus c<+&p<+dj Hkkxhnkjh fuHkkbZA fiNys foèkkulHkk pquko esa lik esa usrkvksa dh viuh uhfr;ksa ds pyrs Dyhu Lohi gksuk iM+kA ftlds pyrs lik us iwoZ ftykè;{k v'kksd dqekj ;kno dks iSny dj u, ftykè;{k ds :i esa [kM+d flag iVsy dks cuk;k ysfdu usrkvksa dh uhfr;ka tl th rl gh jghAle; ds lkFk Hkys gh iqjkus likbZ vkse çdk'k dq'kokgk o~ egsaæ flag dks ftys dk vkykdkekau bXuksj djuk 'kq: dj fn;kA ftlds pyrs fudk; pquko esa pquko desVh esa egsaæ

flag dk uke rks 'kkfey fd;k x;k ogh¡ vkseçdk'k dq'kokgk dk fQj Hkh uke ugha 'kkfey fd;k x;kA okgh desVh esa egsaæ flag dk uke rks 'kkfey gqvk ijUrq uke uke rd gh 'kkfey jgk mudh ckrksa dks dksbZ rcTtks ugha nh xbZ ftlds QyLo:i likb;ksa us txg&txg fojksèk çn'kZu 'kq: gks x;kA

❚ »fd»f°fZVf IbYVf½ffWXfX HkjriqjA :ickl mi[k.M dh xzke iapk;r ckjgekQh ds xkao fldjkSnk esa vKkr dkj.kksa ls vkx yx xbZA vkx yxus xkao esa fLFkr èkeZ'kkyk ds ikl j[kh djhc 250 eu dM+c ,oa vU; lkeku tydj jk[k gks x;kA vkxtuh ls xzkeh.kksa dk yk[kksa #i, dk uqdlku gksus vuqeku gSA xzkeh.kksa us crk;k fd èkeZ'kkyk ds ikl dbZ xzkeh.kksa dh dM+c j[kh gqbZ FkhA vKkr dkj.kksa ls j[kh dM+c esa cgqr rst vkx yx xbZA vkx ds pyrs cgqr dM+c ty dj jk[k gks xbZA vkx dh lwpuk feyrs gh xzkeh.kksa us vkuu & Qkuu esa dM+c dks gVkuk 'kq: dj fn;kA fQj Hkh djhc 250 eu dM+c ,oa vU; lkeku tydj jk[k gks x;kA xzkeh.kksa ds ç;klksa ls vkx ij dbZ ?k.Vks esa dkcw ik;k tk ldkA

8 Àfû¸f½ffSX


, 23-29 A¢McX¶fSX, 2017

¦fû»f¸ff»f A¦fZ³f ¸faZ IYfg¸fZOXe IZY Àff±f WXfgSXSX IYf ·fe MX¨f jksfgr 'ksêh ds lg&fuekZ.k vkSj funZs'ku ls lth 'xksyeky' lhjht dh pkSFkh fQYe 'xksyeky vxsu' cgqr tYn flusek?kjksa esa nLrd nsus okyh gSA vt; nsoxu] rCcw] ifj.khfr pksiM+k] vj'kn okjlh] rq"kkj diwj] Js;'k ryiMs] dq.kky [ksew] çdk'k jkt] uht fufru eqds'k tSls flrkjksa ls lth bl fQYe ds çeks'ku ds flyflys esa blds dykdkj fiNys fnuksa fnYyh esa Fks] tgka bUgksaus ehfM;k ds lkFk [kqydj ckrsa dhaA tSlk fd lHkh tkurs gSa]z tgka 'xksyeky' lhjht dh fQYeksa esa ges'kk galh&fBBksyh gksrh jgrh gS] ogha bl ckj 'xksyeky vxsu' esa g‚jj dk Hkh Vp fn;k x;k gSA bl ckr esa dksbZ jk; ugha gS fd ;g fQYe vkus okys fnuksa esa dkQh èkeky epkus okyh gSA

bl ekSds ij ifj.khfr pksiM+k us dgk fd og ,d gh rjg dh 'kSyh esa ugha caèkuk pkgrh gSa] blfy, ges'kk vyx rjg dh fQYesa djus dh dksf'k'k djrh gSaA esjs fy, ;g cgqr lEeku dh ckr gS fd eq>s jksfgr 'ksêh ds lkFk mudh csgn egRoiw.kZ xSax ds lkFk dke djus dk ekSdk feyk] D;ksafd og cgqr cM+s Mk;jsDVj gSaA mUgksaus lk<+s rhu lky rd bldh fLØIV ij dke djus ds ckn bls Qkbuy fd;kA ;gh otg gS fd bl ckj dsoy blesa d‚esMh gh ugha] cgqr lkjh ubZ phtsa Hkh ns[kus dks feysaxhA rq"kkj diwj us dgk fd esjs fy, ;g xoZ dh ckr gS fd eSa 'xksyeky' lhjht dh fQYeksa dk fgLlk jgk gwaA eq>s ;g Lohdkj djus esa Hkh fgpd ugha fd esjs

dfj;j esa 'xksyeky' lhjht dh fQYeksa dk vge ;ksxnku jgk gSA tcfd] d‚esMh tSls fcYdqy vyx t‚uj dh fQYe esa gkFk vktekus ds ckjs esa iwNs x, loky ds ckjs esa rCcw us crk;k fd dksbZ Hkh t‚uj rc vklku gks tkrh gS] tc vkidks irk py tkrk gS fd vki D;k djus tk jgs gSaA tc rd vki O;fäxr Lrj ij fdlh pht ls tqM+ko eglwl ugha djrs gSa] rc rd mlesa vkidk lkS çfr'kr bUo‚YoesaV ugha gks ikrkA oSls] esjk ekuuk gS fd vki csgrj d‚esMh rHkh dj ikrs gSa] tc vkidks dks&LVkj dk Hkjiwj lkFk feyrk gSA gkykafd] d‚esMh esjs fy, fcYdqy ubZ pht Fkh] ysfdu csgrjhu Vhe ds lkFk dke djus dk bruk Qk;nk t:j feyk fd eSaus Hkh bl t‚uj dk Hkjiwj yqRQ

mBk;kA dq.kky [ksew us dgk fd esjs fy, 'xksyeky' lhjht dh fQYe dk fgLlk gksuk gh jksekapd vuqHko nsrk gS] D;ksafd bl fQYe dh tks LVkj dkLV gS] mlds lkFk LØhu 'ks;j djuk gh cgqr dqN fl[kk nsrk gSA Åij ls jksfgr 'ksêh tSls Mk;jsDVj ds lkFk dke djus ls

´fe½feAfSX dÀf³fZ¸ffªf IYf ´fe½feAfSX d´fid½f»fZªf VfbøY ubZ fnYyh A Hkkjr dh lcls cM+h vkSj lcls çhfe;e fQYe çn'kZuh daiuh ihohvkj flusekt cqèkokj dks ihohvkj fçfoyst 'kq: djus ds lkFk bl dkjksckj esa vius 20osa lky ds iM+ko ij igqap xbZ gS] tks fd blds c<+rs laj{kd vkèkkj ¼orZeku esa 75 fefy;u½ ds fy, ,d oxZ dh vxz.kh oQknkjh dk;ZØe dks js[kkafdr djrk gSA mYys[kuh; gS fd ;g oQknkjh dk;ZØe lnL;ksa dks çFke Js.kh ds voljksa vkSj mUur ykHkksa dh le`)

J`a[kyk çnku djrk gSA ihohvkj fo'ks"kkfèkdkj dk leFkZu djus ds fy,] ihohvkj fçfoyst 'kqYd ds :i esa ,d gh ewY; ds [kk| vkSj is; okmpj is'k dj jgk gSA ihohvkj fçfoyst 'kq: djus ds ekSds ij fo'ks"k vfrfFk ds rkSj ij c‚yhoqM vfHkusrk vkfej [kku vkSj vfHkus=h t+Sjk okfle Hkh mifLFkr FkhaA bl ekSds ij ihohvkj fyfeVsM ds la;qä çcaèk funs'kd latho dqekj fctyh us dgk] ge ihohvkj fo'ks"kkfèkdkj] gekjh oQknkjh

dk;ZØe] tks fd flusek?kjksa esa lcls iqjL—r dk;ZØeksa esa ls ,d gksus ds fy, fMt+kbu fd;k x;k gS] esa igyh ckj is'k fd;k x;k gS] ds lnL;ksa dks ihohvkj flusek?kjksa esa eq¶r fVdV ;k [kk| vkSj

°ff´fÀfe ´f³³fc ¶f³f³fZ

ªff SXWXea ¶fWcX e'kgwj vnkdkjk rkilh iUuw vlyh thou esa ugha fQYeh thou esa cgw cuus tk jgh gSaA bl fQYe dk uke ^eqYd* gSA cgw dSlh gksxh] ;g rks fQYe ns[kus ds ckn gh irk pysxkA rkilh iUuw us fQYe ^eqYd* dh 'kwfVax 'kw: dj nh gSA funsZ'kd vuqHko flUgk ds funsZ'ku esa cu jgh ;s ,d fFkzyj fQYe gSA fjiksVZ~l ds vuqlkj] rkilh bl fQYe esa fnXxt vfHkusrk _f"k diwj dh cgw dk fdjnkj fuHkk,axh vkSj ,d odhy ds :i esa fn[ksaxhA rkilh us ,d c;ku esa dgk] euksjatd fQYe djds ,d czsd ysus ds ckn eSa fQj ls ,d ,slh fQYe dj jgh gwa] ftlls cgl 'kq: gksxh vkSj fQYe yksxksa ds fnyksa dks Hkh Nq,xhA ;g ,d lks'ky fFkzyj gS vkSj eSa bl fQYe esa fofHkUu dykdkjksa ds lkFk dke djus ds fy, mRlqd gwaA bl fQYe esa csgrjhu dykdkj dke dj jgs gSa vkSj ,slh fQYesa eq>s ,d dykdkj ds :i esa fu[kjus dk ekSdk nsrh gS ysfdu QSlyk rks n'kZd gh djsaxsA

Qed´fIYf IYû ¶f°ff¹ff ³f¹fe OÑXe¸f ¦f»fÊ e'kgwj ghjksbu vkSj jktusrk gsekekfyuh us nhfidk iknqdks.k dks u;h Mªhe xyZ ?kksf"kr fd;kA gsek ekfyuh ds thou ij fy[kh xbZ fdrkc fc;‚UM n Mªhe xyZ ds y‚Up ds ekSds ij nhfidk iknqdks.k fo'ks"k esgeku cu dj igqaph FkhaA blh nkSjku gsek th us nhfidk dks u, tekus dh Mªhe xyZ crk;k ysfdu lkFk gh ;s Hkh dgk fd muls mudk Mªhe xyZ dk f[krkc u Nhuk tk;A ,d ç'u ds mÙkj esa gsek ekfyuh us dgk fd og ekurh gS fd nhfidk iknqdks.k vkt ds tekus dh Mªhe xyZ gSa oks Hkh fcuk fdlh 'kd ds gS ysfdu bldk vFkZ ;g u yxk;k tk, fd vkt ds ckn mUgsa bl uke ls cqykuk can dj nsuk pkfg,A

is; is'kd'k ds fy, ,d ljy vkSj vklku rjhdk dk vkuan ys ldsaxsA ihohvkj vius ewY;oku esgekuksa ds fy, fQYe ds vuqHko dks c<+kus esa viuh vksj ls ges'kk ç;kljr gSA

Hkyk dkSu budkj dj ldrk gSA cgqr dqN ,slh gh QhfyaXl Js;'k ryiMs dh Hkh Fkh] tks 'xksyeky' lhjht dk fgLlk gksus Hkj ls gh xkSjokfUor eglwl djrs gSaA ;gh otg gS fd vj'kn okjlh ds lkFk Js;'k Hkh bl fQYe dh fjyht dk cslczh ls bartkj dj jgs gSaA

31 dQaÀf¶fSX °fIY ¶f`ÔIY £ff°fZ ÀfZ Af²ffSX d»faIY ³fWXeÔ IYSXf¹ff °fû ¢¹ff WXû¦fZÔ ³fbIYÀff³f ubZ fnYyh A cSad dh vksj ls vxj vkids ikl [kkrs dks vkèkkj ls fyad djkus ds eSlst vk jgs gSa rks bUgsa fcydqy utjvankt u djsaA D;ksafd ,slk djuk vkidks fnDdr esa Mky ldrk gSA vxj vkidk cSad [kkrk 31 fnlacj rd vkèkkj ucaj ds lkFk fyad ugha gS rks bls vLFkk;h :i ls Cy‚d fd;k tk ldrk gSA ,sls esa vki vius [kkrs ls dksbZ Hkh foÙkh; ysu&nsu ugha dj ik,axsA vkidks crk nsa fd cSad vius xzkgdksa dks 31 fnlacj] 2017 ls igys vkèkkj viMsV djkus dk vuqjksèk dj jgs gSaA ljdkj dh vksj ls ,d twu]

2017 dks tkjh vfèklwpuk ds eqrkfcd cSad [kkrksa dks 31 fnlacj 2017 rd vkèkkj ls fyad djkuk vfuok;Z gSA D;k dguk gS ,DliVZ dk& VSDl vkSj fuos'k ,DliVZ cyoar tSu dk ekuuk gS fd 31 fnlacj] 2017 rd cSad [kkrk vkèkkj ls u tksM+us dh lwjr esa vki cSad esa tek iSls dk bLrseky ugha dj ldsaxsA vkids lSyjh ,dkmaV esa Hkh le;≤ ij lSyjh ØsfMV rks gksrh jgsxh] ysfdu vki mls u rks fudky ik,axs vkSj uk gha mi;ksx dj ik,axsA blfy, bl rjg dh foÙkh; ysunsu fnDdrksa ls cpus ds fy, tYn gh cSad tkdj

u;h fnYyhA çèkkuea=h ujsaæ eksnh us Hkkjrh; g‚dh Vhe dks
thr ls [kq'k gSA** Hkkjr us Qkbuy esa eysf'k;k dks 2&1 ls gjkdj rhljh ckj ,f'k;k di thrkA

¨fe³f ³fZ WXfIYe d½fä IY´f IZY d»fE dIY¹ff éYf»feRYfBÊX, QdÃf¯f IYûdSX¹ff ¶ffWXSX yqlkus A phu us Hkkjr esa vxys lky gksus okys gkdh foÜo di ds fy;s DokyhQkbZ fd;k tcfd nf{k.k dksfj;k ,slk djus esa foQy jgkA ;g igyh ckj gS tc phu us foÜo di esa txg cuk;h gSA
¶ff»fe½fbOX Àf¸ff¨ffSX

ckWyhoqM ds dykdjksa ds fy, eSMe rqlkn E;wft;e ilanhnk LFky cu x;k gSA e'kgwj xkf;dk vk'kk Hkkslys lesr dbZ dykdkjksa dh ekse dh izfrek ogka yx x;hA vc o:.k /kou dh ekse izfrHkk Hkh yxus tk jgh gSA o#.k /kou us lky 2012 esa fQYe LVwMSaV v‚Q n b;j ls viuk c‚yhoqM MsC;w fd;k FkkA cgqr gh de le; esa mUgksaus u flQZ c‚yhoqM dks csgrjhu fQYesa nha cfYd] vke turk ds fnyksa ij Hkh jkt fd;kA gky gh esa o#.k dks ysdj cM+h [kcj lkeus vkbZ gSA njvly] o#.k dh fjyht gqbZ fQYe tqM+ok 2 dh lDlSl euk jgs o#.k /kou ds fy, lsfyczs'ku dk ,d vkSj ekSdk vk;k gS vkSj ;g ekSdk gS mudk ekse dk iqryk! vc rd rks vki le> gh x, gksaxs fd

A¶f VffQe IZY ¸fcOX ¸fZÔ W` Qed´fIYf nhfidk iknqdks.k vc 'kknh djus

°fbÀffQ ¸¹fcdªf¹f¸f ¸fZÔ ½føY¯f ²f½f³f ·fe ge ckr dj jgs gSa] nqfu;k Hkj esa e'kgwj lSysfczVht ds oSDl LVspw ds E;wft;e eSMe rqlkn dhA dgk tk jgk gS fd o#.k dk ekse dk tqM+ok gkax dkax ds eSMe rqlkn ds E;wft;e esa utj vkus okyk gSA ;g [kcj o#.k ds esaVj vkSj fQYeesdj dj.k tksgj us vius V~ohVj ds tfj;s 'ks;j dhA mUgksaus o#.k

´fi²ff³f¸faÂfe ³fZ ·ffSX°fe¹f WXfgIYe MXe¸f IYû EdVf¹ff IY´f ªfe°f³fZ ´fSX ¶f²ffBÊX Qe

dh rLohj ds lkFk bl xqM U;wt dks yksxksa ds lkeus is'k fd;k vkSj fy[kk&crk nsa fd gkax dkax ds eSMe rqlkn esa o#.k /kou igys c‚yhoqM LVkj gSa ftudk oSDl LVspw cu jgk gSA o#.k ds vykok gky gh esa ystsaM flaxj vk'kk Hkkslys dk Hkh oSDl LVspw rS;kj fd;k x;k tks fnYyh ds eSMe rqlkn dk fgLlk gSaA

¸fSXfNXe dRY»¸f ¸fZÔ ¸ff²fbSXe ek/kqjh nhf{kr vius thou ds ipkl lky vkSj dfj;j ds 33 lky iwjs djus ds ckn vc ejkBh fQYeksa esa ços'k dj jgh gSaA mUgksaus gky gh esa ,d ejkBh fQYe esa dke djus dh lgefr ns nh gSA ek/kqjh ds bl ejkBh MsC;w dks rstl çHkk fot; nsÅLdj Mk;jsDV djsaxsA fQYe dh dgkuh nsoJh f'koMsdj us fy[kh gS vkSj fQYe dk uke vHkh rd r; ugha fd;k x;k gSA viuh bl ubZ 'kq#vkr ds ckjs esa ek/kqjh us dgk gS fd fQYe dh dgkuh gj ?kj tSlh gh gSA ;g u flQZ çsj.kknk;d gS cfYd lgh ek;uksa esa thou thus dks çksRlkfgr Hkh djsxhA bl fQYe esa dke djus dk esjk lcls cM+k dkj.k gh ;s gS fd dgkuh fny dks Nw ysrh gSA c‚yhoqM dh djhc 75 fQYeksa esa dke djus ds ckn ek/kqjh nhf{kr us igyh ckj ejkBh Hkk"kk dh fQYe esa dke djus dk QSlyk fd;k gSA

ds ewM+ esa gSa vkSj mudk ifjokj Hkh ;gh pkgrk gSA m/kj tc ls nhfidk iknqdks.k vkSj j.kohj flag us ,d&nwljs dks MsV djuk 'kq: fd;k gS rc ls QSUl budh 'kknh ds Iyku tkuuk pkgrs gSaA gkykafd ,d&nwljs ls MsV djus ds ckjs esa j.kohj vkSj nhfidk us ges'kk [kkeks'kh gh cjrh gSA oSls] j.kohj us dbZ voljksa ij [kqysvke nhfidk ds çfr viuk I;kj çnf'kZr fd;k gS ysfdu nhfidk us dHkh ,slk ugha trk;k gSA vc nksuksa dks lkFk jgrs gq, djhc 4 lky gks x, gSa vkSj ,slh mEehn dh tk jgh gS fd ;s nksuksa vkxs Hkh lkFk gh jgsaxsA gky esa gsek ekfyuh dh ck;‚xzkQh gsek ekfyuh cs;‚UM n Mªhe xyZ ds y‚Up ds ekSds ij nhfidk us viuh 'kknh ds Iyku ij ppkZ dh vkSj crk;k fd fdl rjg muds firk mUgsa 'kknh'kqnk ns[kuk pkgrs gSaA

¹ffSX IYû ¸f³ff³fZ IZY d»fE d±fSXIYe ½ff¯fe

egcwc dks eukus ds fy, D;k&D;k ugha djuk iM+rk gSaA vfHkus=h ok.kh diwj us ,d ohfM;ksa lkax esa ;kj dks eukus ds fy, ,sls Bqeds yxk;s fd ns[kus okys nkarksa rys maxyh nckus yxsA ok.kh diwj dk u;k xkuk fjyht gqvk gS eSa ;kj eukuk uh--------A blesa mUgksaus foankl gksdj Mkal fd;k gSA ;g xkuk 1973 esa fjyht gqbZ fQYe nkx ds xkus dks jhfeDl djds cuk;k x;k gSA bl xkus dks ;f'krk 'kekZ us xk;k gS vkSj bldh dksfj;ksaxzkQh rq"kkj okfy;k us dhA ok.kh diwj gky gh esa fQYe csfQØs esa j.kohj diwj ds lkFk utj vk;h FkhaA mudks ysdj ;'kjkt fQYe Hkh ,d fiDpj cukus tk jgh gS ftlesa muesa lkFk fjfrd jks'ku vkSj Vkbxj JkQ Hkh fn[kkbZ iM+saxsA

A³fb´f¸f£ûSX IYe ³f¹fe dªf¸¸fZQfSXe vuqie [ksj dks fQYe ,saM Vsfyfotu bafLVVîwV v‚Q bafM;k ¼,QVhvkbZvkbZ½ dk ps;jilZu fu;qä fd;k x;k gS] rHkh ls mUgksaus viuh ftEesnkfj;ksa ds çfr dke djuk 'kq: dj fn;k gSA vuqie [ksj ,QVhvkbZvkbZ ds iq.ks bafLVVîwV dSail esa ljçkbt foftV djus igqaps vkSj ;gka Nk=ksa dks lacksf/kr fd;kA

Lokeh] eqæd] izdk'kd ,oa lEiknd lw;Z izdk'k us ekusDl vkWiQlSV] ch&12] ,l-Mh-dkEiysDl] fudV ,e-,e-th- vLirky] th-Vh-jksM+] xkft;kckn ls eqfnzr djkdj 3 ,iQ@7] lSfd.M Ýyksj] xkSre ikyh jksM+] lS0&3] oS'kkyh] xkft;kckn ls izdkf'kr fd;kA Title Code : UPBIL04963, E-mail : [email protected], Contact No.-9212130561, 9821679302

lekpkj i=k ls lacaf/r lHkh fooknksa ds fy, U;kf;d {ks=k xkft;kckn] mRrj izns'k gksxkA i=k esa izdkf'kr lkexzh ls lEiknd dk lger gksuk vfuok;Z ugha gSA

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'es;ks g‚y bykgkckn dk dk;kdYi]. ;wih esa u;k [ksy fujkyk] dke gekjk]. mn~?kkVu rqEgkjkA' mÙkj çns'k esa. ;ksxh vkfnR;ukFk dh ljdkj dks 7. eghus iwjs gks pqds gSaA vf[kys'k ;kno. us y[kuÅ esVaks dks ysdj Hkh jkT;. ljdkj ij geyk cksyk FkkA 6. flracj dks V~ohV ds tfj, ,lih. vè;{k us dgk Fkk] 'y[kuÅ esVaks rks. igys ls gh cudj rS;kj ...

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