Making Arrangements Roleplays Functional language for making arrangements/ Present Continuous or Future Continuous for future arrangements Each time, choose how you will communicate: face to face, email, memo, SMS, fax, note, phone, answerphone, video call, online chat, social media, etc. You both want to invite the other out for food and/ or drinks. One of you doesn’t want to meet but is too polite to say so. You are rarely both in the same country at the same time. For reasons of politeness, you both want the other person to suggest a time and place first. One of you needs to delay a meeting. One of you needs to bring forward a meeting. One of you needs to cancel a meeting. You both want to meet, but your other plans could easily change. One of you wants to meet as soon as possible but the other is very busy. One of you wants to meet as soon as possible, but the other doesn’t see the reason for the rush. For reasons of politeness, you both offer to meet at the other person’s office. You can’t agree on a venue. You want to meet, but you need to arrange it with many other people too. The venue you agree on is difficult to find. You’ll be late for a meeting that starts in ten minutes. One of you can’t make it to the bar where people are already waiting. Discuss (dis) advantages of the different ways of communicating which are listed above. Are there others?
phone, answerphone, video call, online chat, social media, etc. You both want to invite the other out for food and/ or drinks. One of you doesn't want to meet but ...
Emailing roleplays and brainstorming useful phrases. Roleplay email exchanges from below, saying exactly what you would write in your email. Continue each exchange until it comes to a natural end. The person who picked the card should take the role w
Roleplay email exchanges from below, saying exactly what you would write in your email. Continue each ... My name is⦠and I work for⦠I was given your ...
The GPC Polygon Clipper Library is entirely free for download and evaluation. If, after your evaluation, you decide you wish to use GPC for a particular application you're developing, what ... If you wish to use GPC as part of a commercial for-profit
work together to discuss good tactics and language for dealing with that ... and ask me/ please email me at this address and I'll do my best to answer them.
leave a message including a website address. 16 Phone reception and ask to be put through to someone. They are not available, so leave a message including ...
you need to speak to (= You don't have a name). ... 20 Phone someone and talk about the details of a website (getting them to get ... Can I just check your name?
Computer Science Department ... Conics and cubics A conic (or conic curve) is an algebraic curve of degree at most 2 and a cubic (or .... The following non-.
In computer vision, exploration of arrangements by subdivision meth- ods has been .... vertex and associated with all its adjacent regions representing curves. Optionally ... Of course, in the linear case, we can easily use exact methods for de-.
Computer Science Department. D-67653 ... Conics and cubics A conic (or conic curve) is an algebraic curve of degree at most 2 and a cubic (or cubic curve) is ...
Making Arrangements Phone Calls Game. What are your arrangements and plans for tomorrow, this weekend and the beginning of next week? Write all of your real arrangements (meetings, drinks with friends, dentist appointments etc.) in the spaces below,
in per student spending across districts.1 States across America have adopted ..... erty Tax Repeal Plan,â Technical Report, Advance America January 2008.
eral classes of curves such as conics/cubics [11], and algebraic curves [16]. Subdivision ... In computer vision, exploration of arrangements by subdivision meth-.
Jan 23, 2007 - OF THE FOLLOWING NONREFUNDABLE TRAVEL SERVICE FEES ... $30.00 FOR EACH AIR TICKET ISSUED FOR TRAVEL WITHIN ... EMAIL IBMREFUNDS AT AEXP. ... lines or facilities, or third party technology systems, or ... For customers purchasing travel
Sign in. Page. 1. /. 6. Loading⦠Page 1 of 6. CAMBODIAN MEKONG UNIVERSITY EN 105. Is the school that cares for the value of education New English File (Upper). Tutor: VinhSovann. Future Form. I. Future Simple. There are four form of future simple.