15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

International Organization of Scientific Research and Development

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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Invitation Dear Attendees, Dear Attendees, We are glad to announce the 15th International Conference on Future Trends in Engineering & Business to be held in Chennai, India from May 26-27, 2017 organized by IOSRD and its editorial Board Members. This conference is a unique international platform that’s a confluence of all stake holders of the ecosystem – Industry, Academia, Researchers, Innovators, Regulators – coming together to present and discuss Future Trends in all departments. As the premier event, we have developed a program with your interests in mind. We have not only increased the number of opportunities for you to network with colleagues from across the world but also introduced more focused sessions that will feature cutting edge presentations, special panel discussions, and livelier interaction with industry leaders and experts. We look forward to personally welcoming you to Chennai this May Sincerely,

Future Trends in Engineering & Business2017 Organizing Committee


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

About us Our International Open Access Journals

Salient Features

 500+ Leading-edge Peer Reviewed Open Access Journals  10 Day Rapid Review Process  50000+ Editorial Board Team, 35000+ Reviewers team  30 Million Readers and High Visibility  1000+ Scientific Associations Collaborations  100000+ Likes  Publication immediately after acceptance  Quality and Quick editorial, review processing

 Easy to Submit and Review Systems  High Quality and Fast Publishing Guaranteed  Unbiased, quality-oriented, and transparent reviews  Truly impartial recognition of the best papers  Feedback on the impact of every article  Enhanced feature: Audio version of published paper  Digital articles to share and explore  Sharing option: Social networking enabled  Authors, reviewers and editors are provided with scientific credits  User friendly/feasible website articles translations across more than 50 world languages


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Our International Scientific Conferences  We already have Conducted 14 international Conferences  More than 20 Conferences happening across the globe  Conferences organized in Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business.  CME/CPD Accredited Conferences fostering professional and Personal development  Continuum of education through organized scientific program  Renowned speakers and scientists representing from 40 countries  Highly Interactive sessions and Panel Discussions

 B2B Meetings offers perfect platform for Global Networking Salient Features  Robust on-line publicity for all the speakers and organizing committee members  Career Guidance Workshops for students and early career researchers  Accepted Abstracts will be published in various indexed journals  Accepted abstracts will be labeled with a Digital Object Identification Number (DOI) provided by Cross Ref  Creation of speakers and abstracts pages in Google  Opportunity to publish full Manu Scripts in our Open Access Journals


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

About Conference 15th International Conference on Future Trends in Engineering & Business 2017 website is attracting 25000+ online visitors ranging from Researchers, Academicians and Business professionals, who are working in this field. This unique opportunity that we extend to our speakers and attendees is not being offered by any other conference organizers. Through this the abstracts and research profiles of our speakers and organizing committee members getting global visibility which is an additional feature that you would be receiving in addition to networking opportunities before, during and after the conference.  Conference Date:


 Conference Venue:

Chennai, India

 Conference Page:


 Conference Email Id: [email protected]


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

How Conference Series Conferences differs from others?  20+ Conferences across the globe in 3+ countries all through the year  Over 25 Thousand+ Visitors and 20000+ Unique Visitors per Conference  Participation by Stalwarts from various international Societies  Internationally renowned speakers and scientists Representation  Career guidance for early career researchers and students  Interesting scientific deliberations and discussion  Perfect platform for Global Networking

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 2017 Salient Features  Lightning quick Paper Acceptance from the journal reviewers

 One month Publication  Meet Academia and Industry visionaries to get inspired  Expand your knowledge and find solutions to problems  Knowledge, Benchmarking and Networking offered at one place  Forge connections and for global networking  Highly Organized and Structured Scientific programs  Poster presentations and world class exhibitions  Meet with new vendors and suppliers


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

About Conference Purpose 15th International Conference on Future Trends in Engineering & Business 2017 is an arena for interdisciplinary exchange among professionals in the Engineering and Business Sector,

Goals  The conference program emphasizes evidence-based practice, educational innovation, practical application, and Peer to peer networking and collaboration. The goals of the conference is to provide a transformative professional Development experience through  Bringing together the world’s scientific experts to catalyze and advance scientific knowledge about Aquaculture & Fisheries present the most recent research findings, and promote and enhance scientific collaborations around the world  Bringing together community leaders, scientists, and policy leaders to promote and enhance programmatic Collaborations to more effectively address regional, national and local responses to Elderly Population around the world and overcome barriers that limit access to care and services.


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Objectives After participating in this meeting, attendees should be able to • Discuss Future Trends in Engineering & Business • Discuss and apply recent research findings related to Future Trends • Reflect on the place of critical distance in Future Trends, Chennai, India

Call for Papers Abstract papers for presentation in the conference are invited from Practitioners, Research Scholars, P.G. & U.G. Students. Authors are requested to send extended Abstract paper by e-mail( [email protected] ). Paper accepted for presentation will be intimated only by e-mail.


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Conference Topics The major topics of conference include, but not limited to:  Civil Engineering Disaster mitigation and management, Building Technology, Environmental Studies, Water Resources, Soil mechanics and Foundation Management, Transportation Engineering, Ocean Management, Remote Sensing, Structural Engineering.  Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mining Engineering, Printing Technology, Energy Studies, Manufacturing Systems Management, Production Technology.  Information Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Technology, Information Science and Technology, Information Technology, Computing Centre.  Electrical and Communication Engineering Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Medical Electronics, Instrumentation Engineering, Electrical Engineering.


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.  Technology Bio Technology, Ceramic Technology, Chemical Engineering, Leather Technology, Rubber and Plastic Technology, Textile Technology, Applied science and Technology.  Science and Humanities Arts, Chemistry, English, Geology, Mathematics, Media Sciences, Medical Physics, Physics.  Management Hospitality management, General management, Architecture, Planning.

Conference Venue Hotel Benzz Park, 62, Thirumalai Pillai Lane, Thiyagaraya Nagar, Parthasarathy Puram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Procedure: Step1: Paper Submission Author Need to submit the paper by sending to [email protected] or Online Paper Submission and has to select the Journals which you would like get publish your paper Step2: Journal Selection If the paper got accepted by reviewers of the particular journal then you will receive your paper report document, Step3: Registration After you received the Paper report document you need to register any one the registration as follows and must send filled registration form with the payment proof to complete registration process  Early-Bird Registration  Standard Registration  Final Registration

(1000INR/30USD Less) (Normal Registration Charge) (1000INR/30USD More)

Step3: Presenting in the Conference Once you completed the registration process you must present the paper in the conference


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. Step 5: Publication Once the conference gets over the paper will get proceed for the publication, Once publication happened you will receive publication details soon. Journals Details: Authors can select any one of the Journal for the paper publication, if the paper got accepted by the reviewers in that particular department

List-1: (Annexure-I, Thomson Reuters (ISI) Journals, Scopus, Web of science)-Published in any one of the Journal prescribed by IOSRD Publication committee only 1. Anna university annexure-1 journals (Discuss with the IOSRD organizing committee members)


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. List-2: International Journals (Annexure-II, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Ulrich)-Published in any one of the author’s prescribed International journal only 1. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, Accept Multi disciplinary subjects, ISSN: 19950772, Anna UniversityAnnexure-II, Sl No: 559 2. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Accept Multi disciplinary subjects, ISSN: 0974 - 2115, Anna University- Annexure-II, Sl No: 10518, 3. Journal of Applied sciences and research, ISSN: 1816-157X, Ulrich Periodicals, EBSCO HOST indexed 4. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1991-8178, Ulrich Periodicals, EBSCO HOST indexed 5. American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, ISSN:19950748, Anna University- Annexure-II, Sl No.1014 6. World Applied Science Journal, Annexure-II 7. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, Annexure-II 8. Global Journal of Pharmacology, Annexure-II 9. Global Veterinaria, Annexure-II 10. Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases, Annexure-II 11. World Journal of Medical Sciences, Annexure-II 12. Academic Journal of Cancer Research, Annexure-II


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. List-3: (Annexure-II, Thomson Reuters (ISI) Journals, SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO, Ulrich) -Published in any one of the author’s prescribed journal only 1. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, SCOPUS indexed in List-3 2. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems in Annexure-II, ISSN: 1943-023X, SCOPUS, Multidisciplinary Journal. 3. Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology (RJFH), Thomson Reuters (ISI), Science Impact Factor (SIF)=1.68, InfoBase Impact Factor (IBI Factor)=4.19, ISSN:1816-9112 (Print) 4. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN :0974-6846, Cas, Ebsco,Doaj, Indexcopurnics, Ulrichsweb, etc 5. Advances in Environmental Biology (AEB), Thomson Reuters (ISI), (SJIF 2012 = 2.726), ISSN:19950756, Anna University-Annexure II, Sl No.508 6. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Science, Thomson Reuters (ISI) & Web of Science, ISSN:23133724 7. Advances in Biological Research, Pub-Med 8. Journal of Natural Remedies, Indexed in SCOPUS with H Index 13, IndMed and Included in Web of Science BIOSIS Previews, EMBASE, U. S. National Library of Medicine, UGC Mandate, ICI and Annexure-II-Anna University 9. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care, Indexed in U. S. National Library of Medicine, SCOPUS with H Index 6 and included in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, EMBASE, UGC Mandate and Annexure-II-Anna University.


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. 10. MVP Journal of Medical Sciences, indexed in Index Copernicus 11. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology, Web of Science Zoological Record, ICI and UGC Mandate 12. Journal of Biological Control, included in Web of Science Zoological Record and BIOSIS Previews, UGC Mandate and ICI. Has a NAAS score of 5.34 for year2017 13. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, Indexed in SCOPUS with H Index 13, included in Web of Science BIOSIS Previews, EMBASE, U. S. National Library of Medicine, UGC Mandate, ICI and Annexure-IIAnna University. 14. Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction, Indexed in Index Copernicus, included in Web of Science Zoological Record and BIOSIS Previews, U. S. National Library of Medicine, UGC Mandate. 15. Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, Indexed in SCOPUS with H Index 2. 16. Journal of Surface Science and Technology, Indexed in SCOPUS with H Index 12 and included in UGC Mandate, ICI and Annexure-II-Anna University. List-4 : International Journals (ISI and Scopus under processing, Impact Factor, Doi, Cross Ref, Google Scholar) 1. International Journal of Biochemical Engineering 2. International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering 3. International Journal of Power Systems 4. International Journal of Services Computing 5. International Journal of Advanced Digital Design 6. More Journals


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Registration Details At least one author of each paper is required to register. The author will sent the Registration form, Camera Ready Paper only in the prescribed format, Journal Copy Right form, Payment proof by participants should be sent only email should be reach the Coordinators on or before Registration due date in order to finish the registration. Registration Time:  Early-Bird Registration (1000INR/30USD Less)  Standard Registration (Normal Registration Charge)  Final Registration (1000INR/30USD More)

- On or before 30-Apr-2017 - On or before 15-May-2017 - On or before 20-May-2017

List-1: International Journals (Annexure-I) Charges Will Vary Depends Upon the Journals (Discuss with the IOSRD organizing committee members)


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

List-2: International Journals (Scopus /Anna University Annexure-II) Categories

Early bird Others India (USD) (INR) 240 8000

Standard Others India (USD) (INR) 270 9000

Final Others (USD) 300

Authors (Academician & Ph.D Scholar) Authors (U.G. and P.G. Scholar) Additional Paper (s)*, EPoster^^, Without food (Only UG Scholar)^^^ Listeners, Co-authors^

























Additional Page (More than 6 pages)# Extra Proceedings & Certificate / Accompany person per day

40 /Page 40

1000 /Page 1000

40 /Page 40

1000 /Page 1000

40 /Page

1000 /Page



Authors (Practitioner)


India (INR) 10000

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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

List-3: International Journals (ISI/Anna University Annexure-II) Categories

Early bird Others India (USD) (INR) 330 11000

Standard Others (USD) 360

India (INR) 12000

Final Others (USD) 390

Authors (Academician & Ph.D Scholar) Authors (U.G. and P.G. Scholar)













Additional Paper (s)*, EPoster^^, Without food (Only UG Scholar)^^^ Listeners, Co-authors^













Additional Page (More than 6 pages)# Extra Proceedings & Certificate / Accompany person per day

40 /Page 40

1000 /Page 1000

40 /Page

1000 /Page 1000

40 /Page

1000 /Page



Authors (Practitioner)



India (INR) 13000

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[email protected]

15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

List4 :International Journals (ISI and Scopus under processing, Impact Factor, Doi, Cross Ref, Google Scholar) Categories

Authors (Practitioner) Authors (Academician & Ph.D Scholar) Authors (U.G. and P.G. Scholar) Additional Paper (s)*, EPoster^^, Without food (Only UG Scholar)^^^ Listeners, Co-authors^ Additional Page (More than 6 pages)#

Early bird Others India (USD) (INR) 135 4500

Standard Others (USD) 165

India (INR) 5500

Final Others India (INR) (USD) 195 6500



















30 40 /Page

1200 1000 /Page

60 40 /Page

1500 1000 /Page

90 40 /Page

1800 1000 /Page


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. Extra Proceedings & Certificate / Accompany person per day







Important Note: www.iosrd.org

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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

 Any one of the author MUST register for the conference  Registered persons/ Authors only to allow the conference hall and provide the conference certificate  Please fill this form without any corrections (.xl format only) and send it via email along with a proof of the payment or bank receipt (Scanned in JPG/PDF format) to complete registration process  All registered papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be published in any one of the author’s prescribed International journal.  Authors’ registration fee includes the Welcome reception, Participation in the technical session, Badge/I-Card, Conference bag and/or conference accessories, Conference document (CD proceedings), Lunch, Coffee breaks and Journal Publication.  Due to any unavoidable circumstances if there is a change in venue / date of the conference, all the registered participants will be intimated immediately regarding the change. On-site/spot registrations are not permitted for the Conference day.  Student fees are applicable only to full-time students. Presenting Authors must register to attend the conference.


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[email protected]

15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. Payment Methods Method 1: Bank deposit / NEFT Details Name A/C No. Bank Branch City/Town IFSC Code MICR Code Branch Code District State Office Add

IOSRD INDIA 156005000970 (Type: Current Account) ICICI Bank Avadi, Tamil Nadu Avadi ICIC0001560 600229049 1560 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu #24, Brindavan Nagar, CRPF Road, Avadi, Chennai 600065, Tamilnadu, India

Method 2: Online payment using Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking:


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[email protected]

15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. Online payment for Indians (Add 2.5% Bank Charge with registration fees) using Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking: Pay Now(Or) Link: https://www.instamojo.com/iosrd/international-organization-of-scientific-res/ Online Pay using Paypal for other than Indians (Add 6 % Bank Charge with registration fees) using Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking: Pay Now Important Dates  Early bird registration  Last date of Submission of full papers  Registration Date

: 10.04.2017-30.04.2017 : 20.05.2017 : (Author’s Choice can choose any one of the following)

 Early-Bird Registration (1000INR/30USD Less)  Standard Registration (Normal Registration Charge)  Final Registration (1000INR/30USD More)  Date of Conference  Date of Publication

- On or before 30-Apr-2017 - On or before 15-May-2017 - On or before 20-May-2017

: 26 & 27.05.2017 : Jun/July 2017 issue


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India. Previous Conference Images






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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.





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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.


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15th International Conference on

Future Trends in Engineering & Business 26&27-May-2017, Chennai, India.

Communication address Co-Ordinator #24, Brindavan nagar, CRPF Road, Avadi chennai 600065, Tamil Nadu

**********Thank You**********


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May 27, 2017 - paper. Digital articles to share and explore. Sharing option: Social networking enabled. Authors, reviewers and editors are provided with.

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