406/16 (1) Cyngor Cymuned Cegidfa Guilsfield Community Council Minutes of Guilsfield Community Council Meeting held on Thursday 22 September 2016. Present: Cllr EG Turner (Chairman) Cllr P Harding (Vice Chairman), Cllr J Morgan, Cllr M Webster, Cllr O Williams, Cllr S Rawlings, Cllr P Edwards and Cllr P Gittins In Attendance: Mrs J Hollinshead (Clerk) Visitors: None Agenda 43/2016 To receive apologies for absence Apologies received from Cllr M Kneale, Cllr E Davies and Cllr T Trevor 44/2016 To receive and confirm Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 26th July 2016 Council resolved that the minutes were correct and Cllr Turner signed them as a true record. 45/2016 Note information on matters from these Minutes not otherwise on the agenda. a) 128/2016 (b) Cemetery The proposed meeting with County Cllr D Jones, representatives from Powys CC and Cllr Turner was still outstanding. Email to be sent to County Cllr D Jones reminding him this is still outstanding. b) 128/2016 (7) Montytrax.. This is still ongoing. c) 142/2016 (4) Hedge outside The Square – Email to be sent to County Cllr D Jones informing him that the trimming was still to be completed and also the roses were now overhanging as well. d) 142/2016 (17d) Model Financial Regulations. The Council resolved to adopt the Model Financial Regulations. e) 28/2016 (7) Powys LDP Examination, Notice of Suspension. A progress meeting will be held on the 15th September 2016 at the Media Resource Centre, Llandrindod Wells. f) 28/2016 (17) Cllr Jill Kimble, Garden Waste Collection Points. A reply had been received from County Cllr D Jones who stated that if the recycling centres from Welshpool and Newtown were to be removed to possibly another area, he would strongly oppose this if this is what eventually comes forward. g) 38/2016 (70) Pension Regulations Clerk is progressing this and waiting for answer. h) 39/2016 Planning Applications – A reply had been received from Planning Services about the plans being too small to read. Tracey Evans said that you are able to zoom into the plans to enlarge information, and if you click on the PDF this can be enlarged as well. It can also be saved to the desktop, which might also help. Outstanding from AGM i) 08/2016 (d) The Burgess Land Trust Committee – Two representatives. Second representative still to be confirmed as Cllr Trevor j) 08/2016 (e) Play Area Inspections – Two representatives. Second representative still to be confirmed as Cllr Kneale.

406/16 (2) 46/2016 To note disclosures of interest from Members on current agenda None 47/2016 To receive the Council’s Financial report a) To note the Financial Statement • Community Account £248.51 credit • Business Money Manager Account £12627.01 (as at 21 August) • Swansea Building Society £6189.30 (as of 30 June) b) To note and approve payment of accounts due • Mrs J Hollinshead Salary for August and September (Gross £408) Net £326.40 • Hire of Meeting Room £32.00 (Apr, May, June, July) • HM Revenue £122.40 Council resolved to approve and payment to be made. 48/2016 To receive, discuss and take appropriate action on correspondence received Correspondence received by email and forwarded to Councillors on receipt. Members duly observed correspondence and matters noted and actioned as appropriate. 5) One Voice Wales AGM Motions 2016 – None 7)Harlequin Group – Welshpool PCP004 – A Meeting had been held on Friday 16th September and the outcome was that a new box will be put the other side of the Bus Stop, and will be the same size as the one already there. 10)Planning Notifications 22/7/16 to 5/8/16 – None concerning Guilsfield 13) Shan Mayor – Montytrax summary for the regenerator newsletter. This is still ongoing 19) Planning Notifications 5/8/16 to 19/8/16 – None concerning Guilsfield 31)Planning Notification 19/8/16 to 02/09/16 – None concerning Guilsfield 36) School Consultation – Welshpool Town Primaries Consultation Documents – Consultation about Welshpool Town primary schools will run from 5thSeptember to 5pm on 18th October. 38) Hilary Parks – Best Kept Village Invitation – Representatives will be Cllr Gittins, Cllr Turner, Rachel and one other chosen by Rachel. 41) One Voice Wales – The Late Cllr Chris Backshall 45) One Voice Wales – Assets of community Value. It was agreed by the Councillors for the Clerk to fill out the questionnaire. 51)Planning Decision Notice Notifications 2/9/16 – 16/9/16 – None concerning Guilsfield 54) Pre-Application Consultation Gwastad Farm, Guilsfield – Cllr Trevor cannot recall any correspondence being received on this matter. Council resolved a letter should be sent explaining that Cllr Trevor cannot recall receiving such correspondence and could they send a site plan as a matter of urgency. Councillors discussed Gwastad Farm but Trawscoed Hen is unanimously preferred by Guilsfield Council as the preferred site, as it would not be obtrusive to the school and the bungalows who house some of the elderly generation. Clerk also to ask why County Cllr D Jones hasn’t been sent a letter and ask for them to communicate directly with the Council as Cllr Trevor has extenuating personal circumstances at this moment in time.

406/16(3) 57) 2018 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales Initial Proposals – To be put on next Agenda. Everyone to receive a copy. 49/2016 To receive and take appropriate action on Planning Applications/Matters in the Guilsfield Community Consultations Received – None received . Reports Received – None received 50/2016 To review play area matters Park Road The bark will be topped up Friday 23 September. Cllr Harding to liaise with members when ready to tip the bark. Cllr Morgan reported that a new see-saw was £1900 which was made of stainless steel. He reported that he had sent an email to Playdale but not received a response. Clerk to follow this up and resend email, and to ask for an installation design plan on existing concrete base. Grants were still being looked into, Clerk to ask Sophie Fearnley-Whittingstall from Awel Newydd Cyf, about the possibility of funding and also Powys County Council to see if there are grants available for playground replacement. Cllr Morgan also stated that the bench had been removed to allow hedge cutting, but as yet not been bolted back down. 51/2016 To consider Highway/Environmental Matters in the Community Area Review Outstanding Matters B4392 Junction at Groes – Visibility very poor – This has been dealt with and no longer an issue Hazelnut Tree at the Pound. The tree is overhanging from the Church yard – This is in hand and should be dealt with this week Laundry Lane blocked drains – This has been reported (ref 42656) This is ongoing. Sarn Bridge Pothole – This has now been filled in. Received New Matters a) Entrance of Mytton Close- On the main highway there are some horrible potholes, and also just before the pedestrian crossing, where services have dug the road up previously, the repair is now sinking. b) 6 – 22 Dolwen On the green tree surgery is required due to trees drooping over cars c) Glyndwr Crescent- trees on land adjacent need looking at. 52/2016 - Remembrance Service 13 November Clerk to get in contact with Caroline Rhodes about this event. Cllr Gittins and Cllr Rawlings agreed to do a reading each. Clerk to ask Caroline what readings she would like and to drop them off with Cllr Turner. Clerk to contact British Legion with regard to two wreathes, one for church and one for Community Council.

406/16 (4) Clerk to contact Roy Turner and Mark Hart to see if they would lay the wreaths. Cllr Turner to contact the Bugle player. . 53/2016 – Annual Accounts The Annual Accounts had come back from Grant Thornton. The Auditor General for Wales issued Guilsfield Community Council an unqualified audit report. They highlighted that the Council should review the income and expenditure incurred against its agreed budget as part of its quarterly budget monitoring. Proposal of Audit Council resolved to accept proposal. Clerk to fill in Notice of Conclusion of Audit and display on notice board for 14 days Quarterly Budget/Expenditure (Apr to June) This was looked at by the Council and was within budget. Only one item to note was Insurance from Came and Came was £11.49 more due to an increase in the IPT. Council resolved to approve. 54/2016 – Model Financial Regulations Council Members discussed the Model Financial Regulations (Wales) and agreed to adopt them. 55/2016 Date and time of next meeting Monday 24 October at 8pm Mrs Jill Hollinshead - Clerk

GCC Sep 22 2016 Minutes.pdf

Swansea Building Society £6189.30 (as of 30 June). b) To note and approve payment of accounts due. • Mrs J Hollinshead Salary for August and September ...

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