Gemara Word List

Johannesburg Cheder 5769

two two eight eleven 200 first second third last

‫תרי‬ ‫תרתי‬ ‫תמני‬ ‫חדסר חד סרי‬ ‫מאתן‬ ‫קמא קמייתא‬ ‫תניינא‬ ‫תליתאי‬ ‫בתרא‬

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Words that show a quote

Chumash or Nach the possuk says Since it says Hashem said in the Torah the possuk teaches us the possuk teaches us it is written it is written it is written here it is written there the one possuk says and so it says in the possuk when it says in the possuk how do I understand this part of the possuk

‫בס"ד‬ Letters that can come before a word

on, at, against and The / Hah ! that (added before verb to show emphasis) when since to

...‫א‬ ...‫ו‬ ...‫ה‬ ...‫ד‬ ...‫ק‬ ...‫כד‬ ...‫מד‬ ...‫למ‬

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Words that show people or things

... ‫אמר קרא‬ ... ‫שנאמר‬ ‫ אמר רחמנא‬... ‫תלמוד לומר‬ ... ‫ת"ל‬ ... ‫כתיב‬ ‫ כתיב‬... ... ‫כתיב הכא‬ ... ‫כתיב התם‬ ... ‫כתוב אחד אומר‬ ... ‫וכן הוא אומר‬ ... ‫כשהוא אומר‬ ... ‫מה אני מקיים‬

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

them us you you for them (for) us this that these

‫אינהו‬ ‫אנן‬ ‫אנת‬ ‫את‬ ‫לדידהו‬ ‫לן‬ ‫הדין‬ ‫ההוא‬ ‫הני‬

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Words that show numbers

both of them six three

‫תרווייהו‬ ‫שית‬ ‫תלת‬

18 19 20

Gemara Word List

Johannesburg Cheder 5769

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Words that show a question

‫בעי‬ asks ‫איבעיא להו‬ they asked ... ‫ או דלמא‬... ‫איבעיא להו‬ they asked ..... or maybe ‫אמאי‬ why ‫היכי דמי‬ how is this? ‫מנהני מילי‬ from where (do we get) these words ‫מנין‬ from where? (do we learn this) ‫מנלן‬ where do we know it from ‫מאי טעמא‬ what is the reason ...‫מאי טעמא ד‬ what is the reason that ...‫מאי משמע ד‬ how does this understanding come ‫מאי ואומר‬ why did it say the extra bit ‫מאי הוי עלה‬ what is the halocha in the end what is the basis of their ‫במאי קמיפליגי‬ disagreement what case shows the difference ‫מאי בינייהו‬ between them ... ‫ מהו‬... ‫בעי מיניה‬ he asked him what about … ... ‫ מהו‬... ‫בעו מיניה‬ they asked him what about …

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

Words that show a difficulty with an idea

he asked (a difficulty) they asked (a difficulty) on him he asked (a difficulty) on him And look it's written in a possuk!!

... ‫מתיב‬ ‫מיתיביה‬ ‫איתיביה‬ ... ‫והכתיב‬

78 79 80 81


Mishna or Tosefta or Baraisa - These words often have the letters ‫ תנ‬in them because it is Aramaic for ‫ שנה‬which is the same word as ‫משנה‬ ‫ליתני‬ it should say (in the Mishna) 43 ‫מתניתא‬ a Braysa 44 ‫מתניתין‬ our Mishna 45 ‫תנאי היא‬ it is an argument of the Tano'im 46 Applies to quotes from Mishna ‫תנן‬ we learned in a Mishna 47 ... ‫תנן‬ we learned in a Mishna ‫ תנן‬... we learned in a Mishna Applies to quotes from Baraisa ‫תנו רבנן‬ the Rabonon learned (in a Braysa) 48 ‫תניא‬ we learned in a Braysa (or Tosefta) 49 ... ‫ת"ר‬ the Rabonon learned (in a Braysa) 50 ... ‫תנא‬ it was taught in a Braysa 51 ... ‫ותני עלה‬ and it was taught in a Braysa about it 52 ...[name of Amora]‫תני‬ The Amora taught a Braysa 53 Applies to quotes from Mishnah or Baraisa ... ‫תני‬ it taught 54 ... ‫אימא רישא‬ Say the Reisha 55 ... ‫אימא סיפא‬ Say the Seifa 56 ... ‫למה לי למתני‬ why do I need to be taught 57 ... ‫תנינא חדא זימנא‬ we have been taught it already 58 ... ‫קתני מיהת‬ it nevertheless teaches above 59 ... ‫אמר מר‬ He said above 60

Gemara Word List

Johannesburg Cheder 5769

it is difficult a contradiction shown to be wrong learn it out how do you know … maybe ...! if so then say the Seifa and see a problem! we asked on it it is still difficult in any event, it is a problem and if you want to say

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‫קשיא‬ ‫תיובתא‬ ‫תיפוק ליה‬ ... ‫ דלמא‬... ‫ממאי‬


... ‫אי הכי אימא סיפא‬ ... ‫והוינן ביה‬ ‫אכתי קשיא‬ ‫מכל מקום קשיא‬ ... ‫וכי תימא‬


103 104 105

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Words that show why something is not a problem

it's not a problem this is .... and that is … it's not a problem this is .... and that is … he explained it as what are we dealing with here? here we are dealing with it was only needed for it was only needed for what might you have said ...., so it come to teach us … to exclude from it comes to teach us something by the way this is what he was saying

... ‫ הא‬... ‫לא קשיא הא‬


... ‫ כאן‬... ‫לא קשיא כאן‬ ... ‫תרגמא‬ ‫הכא במאי עסקינן‬ ... ‫ עסקינן‬...‫הכא ב‬ ... ‫לא צריכא אלא‬ ... ‫לא נצרכה אלא‬


... ‫ קמ"ל‬... ‫מהו דתימא‬ ...‫לאפוקי מ‬ ‫מלתא אגב אורחיה‬ ... ‫קמ"ל‬ ... ‫הכי קאמר‬


113 114 115 116 117

119 120 121


And look we learned in a mishna!! And look it's taught in a Braysa!! And look it was said by Amoraim!! he raised an objection on the contrary because of / do you think? it is all right if you say It is good this case is good , but that case is a problem

... ‫והתנן‬ ... ‫והתניא‬ ... ‫והאיתמר‬ ‫מתקיף‬ ‫אדרבא‬ ‫אטו‬ ‫מרת בשלמא‬,‫אי א‬ ‫בשלמא‬


... ‫ אלא‬... ‫בשלמא‬


it is good if you say ..., but if you say ‫ אלא‬... ‫אי אמרת בשלמא‬ ... ‫אי אמרת‬ … there is a problem it is good according to this one, but according to that one there is a ... ‫בשלמא למאן דאמר‬ ... ‫אלא למאן דאמר‬ problem what is there to say? (what can you ‫מאי איכא למימר‬ answer?) ‫אי הכי‬ if so ... ‫אלא מעתה‬ but now there is a problem ‫איני‬ is it so? ‫ורמינהי‬ and I will ask a contradiction ... ‫ורמינהו‬ they asked a contradiction He showed a contradiction, it's .. written .. and it's written ... ‫ וכתיב‬... ‫ רמי כתיב‬... the one Braysa teaches … and the ... ‫ ותניא אידך‬... ‫תני חדא‬ other Braysa teaches according to your own understanding ... ‫ולטעמיך‬ there is a problem !

83 84 85 86 87 88 89


92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101

Gemara Word List he hasn't here there like this now Like / when the last part the first part yes even though even though even so but it was said went it is impossible when woman place gate / section Beis Din man inside give he saw

Johannesburg Cheder 5769 ‫לית ליה‬ ‫הכא‬ ‫התם‬ ‫הכי‬ ‫השתא‬ ‫כי‬ ‫סיפא‬ ‫רישא‬ ‫אין‬ ‫אף על גב‬ ‫אף על פי‬ ‫פילו הכי‬,‫א‬ ‫לא‬2‫א‬ ‫איתמר‬ ‫אזל‬ ‫פשר‬2‫אי א‬ ‫אימת‬ ‫איתתא‬ ‫אתרא‬/‫אתר‬ ‫בבא‬ ‫בי דינא‬ ‫גברא‬ ‫גו‬ ‫הב‬ ‫חזא‬

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it is super short and this is actually what is being taught really I would say to you and I could also say also

‫חסורי מחסרא והכי‬ ... ‫קתני‬ ... ‫ולעולם אימא לך‬ ... ‫ואי בעית אימא‬ ... ‫אי נמי‬

122 123 124 125

Words that show a difficulty with the language

it is obvious what is he coming to teach us, we already learned it … that is the same as let the possuk rather write let it rather teach let him teach it as a separate idea



... ‫ תנינא‬... ‫מאי קמ"ל‬ ... ‫היינו‬ ... ‫לכתוב‬ ... ‫לתני‬ ... ‫ליתני ולפלוג בדידה‬


let him combine them and teach them ‫ליערבינהו וליתנינהו בחדא‬ ... ‫מחתא‬ together the Reisha and Seifa don't make ‫קשיא רישא אסיפא‬ sense together this is a problem, you said … and then it teaches … why make special mention of … now that it mentions... why does it need to mention …

128 129 130 131 132 133

... ‫הא גופא קשיא אמרת‬ ... ‫והדר קתני‬ ... ‫מאי איריא‬


‫ מבעיא‬... ... ‫השתא‬


‫איכא‬ ‫ליכא‬ ‫אית ליה‬



Gemara Words

there is there isn't he has

138 139

Gemara Word List if you want to say take out came in this (point) they argue clearly (in place of a question mark) concerning we learn because heading maybe the same applies I would have said where therefore these words (apply) One says... and the other says one of them the reason learns when like we learned the whole world (everyone) in order when do they argue

Johannesburg Cheder 5769 ‫אם תמצי לומר‬ ‫אפיק‬ ‫אתא‬ ‫בהא קמיפלגי‬ ‫דיא‬2‫בה‬ ‫בתמיה‬ ‫גבי‬ ‫גמרינן‬ ‫דהא‬ ‫דיבור המתחיל‬ ‫דלמא‬ ‫הוא הדין‬ ‫הוה אמינא‬ ‫היכא‬ ‫הילכך‬ ‫הני מילי‬ ‫וחד אמר‬..‫חד אמר‬ ‫חד מינייהו‬ ‫מא‬,‫טע‬ ‫יליף‬ ‫כד‬ ‫כדשנינן‬ ‫כולי עלמא‬ ‫כי היכי‬ ‫כי פליגי‬

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fitting we are afraid since in the first place thing went up against your will ox Hashem (the one who has mercy) but way it is established if if you want, I can say (answer) is talking about there is (this difference) between them some say one can say if you say yes; it is so does it not follow? still unless according to we see if it were not

‫חזי‬ ‫חיישינן‬ ‫כיון‬ ‫לכתחלה‬ ‫מילתא‬ ‫על‬ ‫ך‬,‫על כרח‬ ‫תורא‬ ‫מנא‬,‫רח‬ ‫אבל‬ ‫אוקימתא‬ ‫אי‬ ‫אי בעית אימא‬ ‫איירי‬


‫איכא ביניהו‬ ‫איכא דאמרי‬ ‫איכא למימר‬ ‫אילימא‬ ‫אין הכי נמי‬ ‫אינו דין‬ ‫אכתי‬ ‫לא אם כן‬2‫א‬ - ‫אליבא ד‬ ‫אלמא‬ ‫אלמלא‬


166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178

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Gemara Word List it is okay also he learns it out the difference uses he holds reasoning enough help you might think disproof argument it is necessary it lets us hear (a new point) standing / referring to we hold in front a proof maybe we derive (learn) from it come and hear come and hear furthermore the question stands (remains unanswered)

Johannesburg Cheder 5769

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‫ניחא‬ ‫נמי‬ ‫נפקא ליה‬ ‫נפקא מינה‬ ‫נקט‬ ‫סבירא ליה‬ ‫סברא‬ ‫סגי‬ ‫סייעתא‬ ‫סלקא דעתך‬ ‫פירכא‬ ‫פלוגתא‬ ‫צריכא‬ ‫קא משמע לן‬ ‫קאי‬ ‫קיימא לן‬ ‫קמיה‬ ‫ראיה‬ ‫מא‬2‫ש‬ ‫שמע מינה‬ ... ‫ת"ש‬ ‫תא שמע‬ ‫תו‬




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is it within his power? all the more so similar to it makes no difference not to exclude to include further on let us say to say above further on to include the one who said he needs it it is clearer since however nevertheless however you look at it automatically from the beginning a story it compares it implies

‫כל כמיניה‬ ‫כן‬2‫כל ש‬ ‫כעין‬ ‫לא שנא‬ ‫לאו‬ ‫לאפוקי‬ ‫לאתויי‬ ‫להלן‬ ‫לימא‬ ‫למימר‬ ‫לעיל‬ ‫לקמן‬ ‫לרבות‬ ‫מאן דאמר‬ ‫מבעיא ליה‬ ‫מחוורתא‬ ‫מיגו‬ ‫מיהו‬ ‫מכל מקום‬ ‫ממה נפשך‬ ‫ממילא‬ ‫מעיקרא‬ ‫ה‬2‫ש‬,‫מע‬ ‫מקיש‬ ‫משמע‬

215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239

Gemara Word List Johannesburg Cheder 5769 page ... -

Gemara Word List. Johannesburg Cheder 5769 page 1 of 6. בס"ד. Letters that can come before a word on, at, against. א... 1 and. ו... 2. The / Hah ! ה... 3 that. ד... 4. ( added before verb to show emphasis. ) ק... 5 when. כד... 6 since. מד... 7 to. למ... 8. Words that show people or things them. א0ינ-הו. 9 us. אנ2ן. 10 you. א נ-ת-. 11 you.

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