General Data for all 347 MMA Electrodes Storage

3 hermetically sealed ring-pull metal tins per carton, with unlimited shelf life. Direct use from tin is satisfactory for longer than a working shift of 8h. Excessive exposure of electrodes to humid conditions will cause some moisture pick-up and increase the risk of porosity. For electrodes that have been exposed: Redry 200 – 300°C/1-2h to restore to as-packed condition. Maximum 400° C, 3 cycles, 10h total. Storage of redried electrodes at 50 – 200°C in holding oven or heated quiver: no limit, but maximum 6 weeks recommended. Recommended ambient storage conditions for opened tins (using plastic lid): < 60% RH, > 18°C.

Fume data

Fume composition, wt % typical: Fe







OES (mg/m )

8 5 0.8 5 <0.2 16 * F=28% for basic coated Ultramet B347 but this does not affect the OES.

ULTRAMET 347 Product description


All-positional rutile MMA electrode for 321/347

MMA rutile flux coated 347 electrode on high purity 304L core wire. Ultramet 347 has all the benefits of an advanced rutile flux design, including all-positional fixed pipework welding with the 2.5/3.2mm diameter electrodes. Recovery is about 110% with respect to core wire, 65% with respect to whole electrode. E347-16 E 19 9 Nb R32 19.9.Nb.R E 19 9 Nb R 23


AWS A5.4 BS EN 1600 BS 2926 DIN 8556

ASME IX Qualification

QW432 F-No 5, QW442 A-No 8

Composition (weld metal wt %)

All-weld mechanical properties

Operating parameters

min max typ












-0.04 0.02

0.5 2.0 0.7

-0.9 0.7

-0.025 0.01

-0.030 0.02

18.0 21.0 19

9.0 11.0 9.5

-0.50 0.05

10xC 1.00 0.4

-0.50 0.07

4 12 6

As welded Tensile strength 0.2% Proof stress Elongation on 4d Elongation on 5d Reduction of area Impact energy

Rev 04




560 350 30 25 -----

650 500 40 37 52 70 20 53

(1050°C + WQ)

DC +ve or AC (OCV: 50V min) ø mm min A max A

Packaging data

+ 20°C -196°C -196°C

MPa MPa % % % J J J

ø mm length mm kg/carton pieces/carton





60 90

75 120

100 155

130 210





300 11.4 660

350 13.5 399

350 13.5 261

450 16.5 159

(page 2 of 4)

DS: B-31

ULTRAMET B347 Product description

Basic pipe-welding electrode for 321/347

MMA electrode with basic carbonate-fluoride flux on high purity 304L core wire. Designed to give good moisture resistance and hence freedom from weld porosity. The electrode is particularly suited to positional welding of fixed pipework qualified in the ASME 5G/6G position and is tolerant to adverse wind and draughts under site conditions. Compared with rutile types, the basic flux gives a more convex fillet bead profile and although the slag does not self-lift, it is easily removed and gives welds of exceptional appearance and quality. Recovery is about 110% with respect to core wire, 65% with respect to whole electrode. E347-15 E 19 9 Nb B 42 19.9.Nb.B E 19 9 Nb B 20+


AWS A5.4 BS EN 1600 BS 2926 DIN 8556

ASME IX Qualification

QW432 F-No 5, QW442 A-No 8

Composition (weld metal wt %)

All-weld mechanical properties

Operating parameters

min max typ












-0.06 0.03

0.5 2.0 1.2

-0.9 0.3

-0.025 0.01

-0.030 0.02

18.0 21.0 19

9.0 11.0 9.5

-0.50 0.05

10xC 1.00 0.5

-0.50 0.07

4 12 6

As welded Tensile strength 0.2% Proof stress Elongation on 4d Elongation on 5d Reduction of area Impact energy

- 50°C


650 500 40 37 52 90





60 90

75 120

100 155

130 210

ø mm 2.5 3.2 4.0* length mm 300 350 350/450 kg/carton 12.0 13.5 13.5/17.4 pieces/carton 669 396 258/267 * 350mm is the standard length, 450mm is available to order.



450 17.4 162

Solid welding wire for TIG, MIG & SAW of 321/347

Product description

Solid wire for TIG, MIG and SAW.


AWS A5.9 BS EN 12072 BS 2901: Pt2 DIN 8556

ASME IX Qualification

QW432 F-No 6, QW442 A-No 8

Composition (wire wt %)

All-weld mechanical properties

Rev 04


560 350 30 25 ---

DC +ve ø mm min A max A

Packaging data

MPa MPa % % % J


min max typ

ER347 19 9 Nb 347S96 SG X5CrNiNb 19 9 (1.4551)












-0.08 < 0.04

1.0 2.5 1.5

0.30 0.65 0.4

-0.020 0.005

-0.030 0.02

19.0 21.0 19.5

9.0 11.0 9.7

-0.3 0.2

10xC 1.0 0.6

-0.3 0.1

4 12 8

Typical values as welded Tensile strength 0.2% Proof stress Elongation on 4d Elongation on 5d Impact energy - 20°C Hardness cap/mid


MPa MPa % % J HV

660 450 42 40 100 180/200

(page 3 of 4)

DS: B-31

General Data for all 347 MMA Electrodes ... -

Recovery is about 110% with respect to core wire, 65% with respect to whole electrode. Specifications. AWS A5.4. E347-16. BS EN 1600. E 19 9 Nb R32.

126KB Sizes 0 Downloads 204 Views

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