New reports show that terrorist group ISIS has recruited US citizens for an attack “deadlier than 9/11.” Do you know how to test your survival plan for vulnerabilities that expose your family to unspeakable atrocities? Because these are the same terrorists committing a “Christian Holocaust.” They’ve crucified women and children, and recently beheaded two American journalists. A now they’ve set their sights on your hometown.

CNN recently reported that people are joining ISIS… right here in the United States.

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The real threat isn’t even the attack itself… it’s the social meltdown that will follow. Riots, chaos, and violence will fill the streets as people panic. If you think Obama and the government will protect you, you’ve been living under a rock. Only you can keep your family safe and alive when the shit hits the fan. My name is Craig Irons, and in this article, I’ll show you three strategies to test your survival plan for deadly holes that I learned from a retired Army Ranger and wilderness survival expert. I’ll also share with you his complete survival plan that will get you prepped for any disaster with a single trip to Walmart. You’ll learn that the key to keeping your family alive isn’t complicated techniques or so-called “super” foods… Keeping your family alive is about having a simple, solid plan, and the right supplies.

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And you can get all the supplies you need in a single trip to any superstore like Walmart. That may sound like a stretch, but bear with me and I’ll show you exactly how it works. You’ll see which foods and supplies you’ll need in a disaster and may not survive without, and you’ll see how to protect yourself, your home, and your family from angry, starving mobs. Now, Obama and his liberal cronies want you to be dependent on them, so they don’t want this information getting out. I don’t know how long I can keep it up, so make sure you watch it before it gets taken down.

Let’s face it: this country is headed for disaster. Terrorist groups like ISIS are recruiting members within our borders, and planning deadly attacks. But ISIS isn’t the only threat to your family’s safety.

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Natural disasters are getting worse each year. Remember the disaster following Hurricane Katrina? The wind, rain, and floods were only part of the danger. The real threats were the lack of food and drinking water, and the violent gangs of hungry looters.

Think it couldn’t happen to you? Experts say this year could be the worst ever for natural disasters. And whether it’s crazed jihadists, a hurricane, earthquake, or tornado that starts the chaos, the end result is the same — a very real and deadly threat to the security of your loved ones. That social meltdown might come even sooner, once people realize that the government is lying about the supposed economic “recovery.” They fudge unemployment numbers to hide the truth. And they don’t mention that people are making less than ever in just about every field… even while inflation is skyrocketing. So you’re making less and less money, while each dollar you do make is worth less and less.

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We’re plummeting towards the “social meltdown” tipping point. Soon, your paycheck won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on, and then no one will be willing to work anymore. Police, firefighters, and even the military will refuse to work for free, leaving you to fend for yourself against starving mobs of angry Obama worshippers… who will be coming for your food stockpile. The real question is whether this impending economic disaster will trigger social chaos before the energy crisis does. That’s right, our nation is facing an energy crisis, and I’m not just talking about high gas prices. Our weak power grid can barely handle the stress we put on it now. And it’s a big, fat vulnerable target to terrorist attacks. In fact, on April 16, well-armed terrorists attacked a power station in Silicon Valley, knocking it out of commission.

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It took over 6 weeks to get it back up and running… and the terrorists were never caught. The chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission warned that this looked like a practice run, and that terrorists could use the same style of attack to target just a few power stations… and cut power to most of the country. He warned that it would take months to repair. Without electricity, no one will be able to get their money out of the banks. No one will get paid. Transportation will slow to a crawl, and grocery store shelves will go bare. People will panic. And what thanks did this federal chairman get for warning us? He was forced to resign, so Obama and the liberal media could go on pretending everything was just fine… …right up until all hell breaks loose, and you’ve got no way to feed your family.

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The riots in Ferguson, Missouri show just how close even small towns are to descending into lawlessness. When that happens, your family will be looking to you to keep them safe. That’s why it’s so important that you try out these 3 simple ways to test your survival plan for holes… And why I want you to have this complete survival plan that shows you how to get prepped for any disaster with a single trip to Walmart.

Before I get too far, I want to tell you about how my own over confidence almost killed my family It’s embarrassing, but I figure if I share the story, then you won’t make the same mistake that I did… by just assuming that your survival plan was good enough. Like I said upfront, my name is Craig Irons. I’m from a small town near Lincoln, Nebraska. But a couple years ago, I moved my wife and two kids to a house in the hills and canyons of southwest Idaho. I wanted privacy, and that’s what we got. We have to drive 45 minutes through winding gravel roads just to get from our house to the main road. Our closest neighbor – a tough old man who saved my family’s lives – lives about 5 miles away.

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The closest town is an hour and a half away – and it only has a population of 97. When we first got here, me and my family thought this was heaven. No nosy neighbors, no government watchdogs on our backs. We kept our pantry stocked with a once-a-month trip to the store, and heated our house with a wood stove.

I thought we were far enough from civilization that we’d be safe from any disaster that might happen.

But I wasn’t ready.

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The first winter we lived here, we had record snowfalls, and record low temperatures. In the middle of the day, it was only 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The gravel road to my house was covered in several feet of snow. My truck couldn’t get through it. The pump for our well froze, so we struggled to get fresh water. I thought we had plenty of food and water stockpiled, but as the days went by, the stockpile was disappearing fast. My kids complained about smaller portions at dinner, but only my wife recognized how much danger we were in.

I’ll never forget when she asked me, “how much more water do we have?” “Not much,” I admitted. “But enough for another couple days.” Plus, we could always melt the snow. I was too ashamed to tell her that water wasn’t our biggest problem. Our food stockpile would only last us another day, and our wood for the woodstove would run out soon after.

If I didn’t do something, my family was going to die hungry, thirsty and freezing. I decided that the next day, I would make it to the main road no matter what. If my truck got

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stuck, I would walk the rest of the way. That night it snowed another 18 inches. My truck couldn’t get out of the garage, let alone drive 20 miles through winding, hilly roads covered in ice and snow. I can’t describe how helpless I felt. That’s a terrible feeling, knowing your family is going to die, and not being able to do a damn thing about it. I tried to figure out how fast I could walk 20 miles in 5 feet of snow and 0 degree weather. It might kill me, but what other choice did I have? I had to try to save my family. As I got bundled up, I heard the most beautiful noise of my entire life: a diesel engine approaching our house. I ran outside to see our old “neighbor” climbing out of his truck, which had bigger wheels and higher lift than mine. “Figured I’d come check on you new folks,” he said.

His name was Chuck Coleman, and he saved my family’s lives. He had enough food, water, and fuel stockpiled to keep us alive until the snow melted enough for me to move my truck 3 weeks later.

I couldn’t believe how close I’d come to killing my family. Get Prepped in 1 Trip to Walmart

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I knew winters could be tough, and I thought I’d prepared enough. I had a stockpile. I had a plan. But I didn’t realize the holes in my plan. The disaster was worse than I thought it could ever be. My trusted source of water disappeared. My food and wood stockpiles weren’t nearly big enough.

I swore I would never let that happen again. I would never let holes in my survival plan put my family in danger again. I knew winter would come again, and I knew there were a million other disasters that might happen. So I started searching for a new survival plan. I looked all over the library and the internet, reading everything I could find. I must have downloaded twenty different guides about surviving disasters. But none of them were what I needed. All the guides I found required tons of my time, and were way too complicated. I’m a busy man. If I don’t work, my family doesn’t eat. I didn’t have time to figure out overly-complicated survival plans. I didn’t want to become a nutrition expert, or learn about calorie-rich foods from Asia. I didn’t have time to learn all the secrets of some guy who

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survived Hurricane Katrina.

I just wanted to learn how to keep my family alive during a disaster. People have been surviving in dangerous situations since Adam and Eve – I knew it wasn’t as complicated as these survival guides said it was.

Finally, I realized I had the perfect person to help me develop a survival plan without vulnerabilities: Chuck, the man who’d helped me survive the winter. So one night I drove over to his house, and we talked. He told me about his experience as an Army Ranger, and how he’d survived in situations tougher than most people can even imagine. War, natural disasters, riots – you name it, and he’s survived it. That’s why he wasn’t worried to come live out here in the middle of nowhere. He knows exactly how to look at a dangerous situation, and then make a plan to get through it. Over the years, Chuck learned how to spot weaknesses in his plans, and fix them before anything could go wrong. I asked for his help in creating my own survival plan, and showed him all the plans and guides that I’d purchased. He looked through them, sometimes nodding, but mostly shaking his head.

“This stuff isn’t bad, but it makes everything too damn Get Prepped in 1 Trip to Walmart

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complicated. Look at this.” He read a line from one of the guides. “A paste packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals that seeps out of rock formations in the Himalayas. “You don’t need Asian rock goop to get protein,” he laughed. “Buy a jar of peanut butter! And you can get all the vitamins and minerals you need from a $3 bottle of vitamins. Even better, stock up on the right canned vegetables, and that’s all the special nutrients you need right there.”

“I can help you put together a better plan,” he said. “One that’s simple and to-the-point. “And I’ll tell you what – all the supplies you need to get prepped for a disaster? I bet you can pick up every one of them up at the Walmart.” So the next day, that’s exactly what we did. We drove to the nearest Walmart (which was 2 hours for us, but probably a lot closer for most people), each grabbed a cart, and then I followed him all around the store as he grabbed what I needed. When I got home that evening, I had all the supplies I needed to get my family through the next winter, and to get them through any disaster that came my way. Over the next couple weeks, Chuck wrote out for me a complete survival plan – everything he’d learned from his time as an Army Ranger about surviving riots and social collapse, and everything he’d learned from living in the wilderness about making sure your family can eat, drink, and stay safe. Once he gave it to me, I studied every word.

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I was never going to put my family in danger again. I followed every piece of advice he wrote for me. After I thought I had everything ready, I let him know. “Oh, you’re prepped, are you?” he said. “Well, let’s find out.”

Chuck told me he had three ways to test my survival plan. (If you want to test your own survival readiness, this is how you can do it. Grab a pen and paper so you can run these tests later.)

The first was to do a “Practice Disaster Week.” Before I could stop him, Chuck went to my circuit breaker and cut off the power to my house. “Don’t turn that on for 7 days,” he said. “Don’t turn on your faucets. Don’t go to the store. Don’t even buy gas. For the next week, you have to survive only on your stockpile.” So for one week, that’s what we did. And boy did it show me the holes in my plan. For starters, I learned that my kids will absolutely devour a plate of beans. That meant we needed to stockpile more beans than most people. I also learned that my wife is allergic to the type of soap I’d put in our stockpile. That was something else to modify. This “Practice Disaster Week” helped me see where my survival plan needed work.

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But to be honest, my real “disaster week” was back during our first winter. That’s when I found out how utterly unprepared my family was– we didn’t have enough food or fuel, and we only had one way to get drinking water. When you do your own “Practice Disaster Week,” you’ll find all kinds of little vulnerabilities – like needing extra beans or a different soap. More importantly, you’ll resolve deadly exposure to catastrophe – like not having enough food… or not being ready to defend your family against a desperate intruder… or escape the wrath of an angry mob. Fix them all – starting with the big ones – and then try it again in a couple weeks.

The next test Chuck showed me was just as easy: The Start-to-Finish Equipment Check. Make sure all your equipment works, and that you know how to use it. Chuck had me bring all my survival equipment outside. Then he started giving me orders. “You know how to use that firestarter?” he asked. “Show me.” So I built a fire. “How about that water purifier? Let’s see it.” So I purified some water. We went through everything – cooking equipment, tools… even my firearms.

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For some things I’d never used before – like the water purifier – I was making sure I knew how to use them. But even for things I’d used a thousand times – like my rifle – I was making sure they were in proper, working order. Chuck told me to test everything every couple of months. You never knew when you’ll need it. So to make sure you survival plan will keep your family alive after a disaster, get out all your equipment and test it. Make sure you know how to use it, and make sure it works right. The last thing you need is for your propane stove to not work when you’re trying to boil water, or your handgun to lock up when there’s an angry mob breaking down your door.

Actually, Chuck’s last way to test for holes in your survival plan is all about protecting your family and home from mobs, thieves, murderers, and rapists – anyone who might be trying to hurt you during a collapse. Chuck called this “Frankenstein,” but I’m going to call it “Zombies,” since that’s more what’s in the movies these days. It’s a simple game you can play with your kids to test your home for weak spots. Pick a starting point somewhere in your yard. You’re gonna be the zombie (or Frankenstein, or any monster), and chase your kids. They get a head start, and then they run inside and hide. They can declare doors or windows “locked” by touching them and yelling “locked.” And they can “build barricades” in hallways (all they have to do is yell “barricade” and point to where it is).

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But any lock or barricade only stops you for 60 seconds. Then you get to move through it. Once you catch them, the game is over. You probably see the goal of this game. It shows you where the easiest entry points to your house are. And when you’re walking around looking for an “unlocked” door or window, you’re seeing all the ways an intruder or mob is going to be looking to break in. And once you’re inside, you’ll see the best places to slow down an intruder or mob and protect your family. Then you can use a few simple tricks that Chuck showed me to turn your house into a fortress. (I’ll get to those in a minute.) To get an even better view of the cracks in your defences, switch places with your kids, so you can see what it’s like to try to keep someone out. Also, try inviting someone else over to play the game, so you can see how someone who doesn’t know your house tries to get in. It feels a little silly, but my kids enjoyed it. More important, it showed me what I needed to do make my house safer. After all, there’s no point in stockpiling food and water if a thief or mob can just break in and steal it from you.

Those three tests showed me how inadequate my survival plan was. Right away, I went and fixed them – following the advice that Chuck had written out for me.

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The next winter came, and again we got snowed in and cut off from the world. But this time I kept my family warm and their bellies full. Let me tell you, I felt so proud seeing my wife and kids look at me with complete trust. They knew that I was taking care of them – that no matter what, I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to them.

That’s my responsibility as a husband, father, and patriot… and it’s yours, too. There’s no denying it: the world is going to hell. Pretty soon I won’t be the only one who has to provide for my family without grocery stores, without electricity, and without the government’s help. The American people are on edge. They’re like a horse who smells a mountain lion – nervous, jumpy, and ready to panic. The riots in Ferguson prove that. One bad incident with a cop, one protest gone wrong, and suddenly the whole town is rioting.

It won’t take much for the powder keg to blast all over the country. Just one spark, and… boom. That spark might be a terrorist attack by the US citizens recruited by ISIS. It might be a natural disaster, or economic collapse, or nationwide power blackout. But whatever sets it off, it’s the bedlam that follows that’s the real danger. No power, no food in the grocery stores, no clean drinking water. Welfare bums getting hungry,

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lazy gangsters getting greedy, and ordinary citizens who just didn’t prepare. That’s a recipe for nationwide social collapse. Don’t count on the government to save you. They won’t even be able to pay the police or military to protect you from angry mobs, hoodlums, murderers, or rapists. Or worse, they’ll try to round everyone up into FEMA camps, where disease spreads like wildfire and we all starve together. No thank you. Fathers, husbands, and patriots like you and me have to take responsibility for keeping our families alive. That’s what Chuck and me were talking about when we decided to make this presentation. This nation was built on the backs of responsible people, and it’s falling apart because there aren’t enough of us anymore.

We decided to do something to help. Now, there’s nothing two regular guys can do to turn millions of lazy welfare bums into hard workers, but we can help the people who are already responsible patriots get prepared for what’s coming. After all, each winter me and Chuck have to survive without any help from anyone. And Chuck has survived more dangerous situations than anyone I know. You name it – riots, insurgency, natural disasters, evacuations, outright warfare – he’s made it through. So the two of us decided to share his survival plan with any true patriot who wants to protect his family during the coming collapse.

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Chuck provided the info, and I’m helping him get it to you. It’s not complicated. It’s not confusing. It’s not full of weird power foods or ancient ninja selfdefense secrets. It’s just a simple, to-the-point guide that shows you how to keep your family safe and their bellies full during the collapse, and avoid the deadly holes that hijack so many survival plans. And just like Chuck showed me, we show you how to pick up all the supplies and equipment you need in a single trip to any superstore. That’s why we’re calling this guide…

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