Calvary Corvallis Newsletter

October 2011

God‟s Spirit Is Leading Capilla del Valle Calvary Corvallis Spanish Fellowship By Pastor Moy and Laura Soriano It is hard to communicate all that God is doing in Calvary Corvallis Spanish Fellowship (Capilla del Valle). We started back in March 2008 as a Spanish Home Fellowship at Daniel and Holly‟s home. The fellowship began to grow and nine months later came the time when we clearly felt led by the Lord to go all in and start a Spanish speaking church as part of Calvary Corvallis. Our first Sunday service was on November 30, 2008. I remember in the early days we would set up about 15 chairs and wonder if anyone would come at all. Today we set up about 50 chairs and at times see them all full. Now, a number is not our measuring stick to what God is doing, but it is a beautiful sight to see the „Prayer Chapel‟ sometimes full of Spanish Speaking people worshiping God and taking in the council of God‟s Word.

Pastor Moy & Laura Soriano

One of the first things we decided as a church was that we would have a weekly prayer meeting. We started meeting every Tuesday evening at 7 pm “Pray for God to open in the multipurpose room. It doors to reach the lost and has been a great the religious, that through opportunity for the sound teaching of us as a fellowship to come God's Word, souls would together and be set free.” pray as a family. It is such an awesome time for us to bond as a “family” in Christ, share each others burdens, and encourage each other in our walks.

We also felt it was very important that we always share a meal together, so on the first Sunday of every month we have a Hispanic potluck before our Sunday service. We have found that it is a great time for our church to invite others to come and share a meal with us and get to know us. The fellowship during these times is amazing; laughing, talking, encouraging, and eating! (continued on page 2)

Calvary Connection (God’s Spirit is leading continued from p. 1) This year was our first women‟s over-nighter/retreat. We had 14 women come and be encouraged. There was teaching, crafts, and alone time (and of course a lot of laughs). When you think of the size of our fellowship, to have 14 women come was a huge blessing (like 90% of the women in our fellowship!) We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and feeling like family. We also had our second men's over-nighter this year. We had campfires, sleeping under the stars, teachings, and fellowship, it was a blessed time together! We have also seen God raise up teachers, disciplers, and leaders among the men of our church.

Men from Spanish School of Ministry

Here are some other cool things God has been doing in our fellowship; In November of 2009 we had a “Couples Conference” with two other churches joining us (40 Couples), and every summer we do outreaches at the parks, door-to-door, soccer tournaments, and a soccer camp, we also have our Sunday teaching on channel 29 (Comcast) four times a week (Sun. 2pm, Tues. 8pm, Wed. 11am, and Fri. 3pm). This past year, God opened another HUGE door with the Spanish School of Ministry!!! It is a two year program modeled largely after Cornerstone SOM. We had 12 people persevere and complete the first year of the program. I believe this has been the biggest area of spiritual growth in the Spanish fellowship, people are really diving into all that God has for them in His Living Word!! It has been a blessed journey to start Capilla del Valle. We have had times of growth and times of thinning, but through it all, God's Word has been going out to a community steep in religion, steep in works, and to a community that needs Jesus. Pray for us, there is so much work to do in our community and we needs laborers. Pray for God to open doors to reach the lost and the religious, that through the sound teaching of God's Word, souls would be set free. By: Pastor Moy and Laura Soriano

Pastor Moy with daughter Miriam Ladies from Spanish School of Ministry 2

Our family has been at Capilla Del Valle for the last year and we are so thankful that God has called us to be a part of this church. We believe He has us here for a reason and we are excited as He stretches us in faith and trusting Him to lead us personally and as a body. One of the ways we have been able to connect with others and grow a deeper sense of love and unity is through prayer times with other members of our church body. It has been a place to “come as you are” and bear each other‟s burdens as well as the burden for the lost in our community. God is consistently using our time of prayer to shift our eyes to Jorge & Beth Juarez with daughters Him and His leading. We Nora and Carmen are definitely encouraged through prayer! This last school year we have had the privilege of participating in the first Spanish School of Ministry led by our pastor. It has been amazing to take the classes together as a couple and learn and discuss together what God is teaching us. We are looking forward to our second year in the program; we know it will be challenging and even more amazing! God has really surprised us with this opportunity and we are truly thankful. We are blessed to be involved in sharing God‟s love with Latinos in our community! Thank you for supporting “One of the ways we have been our church in prayer! By: Jorge and Beth able to connect with others and Juarez & family

grow a deeper sense of love and unity is through prayer times with other members of our church body.”

Yosef having fun at Creation Camp

Beth sharing Jesus with the kids 3

Calvary Connection God‟s Word helps me make sense of life and it helps me know that there are no perfect people before God‟s eyes. However, if we want to be under God‟s grace, we need to repent and give ourselves to God no matter what worries we have or what problems we may have. If you have God‟s in your life and you trust in Him, your burden is light. I love the church because when I enter I feel a tranquility and a joy to be with others who understand and want the same thing I‟m seeking. I feel comfortable and yet uncomfortable because they are all so sociable but I am a very reserved person. By: Benito Rosas (Brand, brand new believer)

Benito Rosas With Pastor Moy and Nelson Dias

“It is a spiritual nourishment to come to church every Sunday.” It has been a great experience coming to Capilla Del Valle; I have grown a lot spiritually Before I came to this church I thought I knew God, but now I realize that I only knew He existed. God is a big God and I know he has a plan for each of us when we live in obedience. It is a spiritual nourishment to come to church every Sunday. God bless you and thank you. Maria Pena With children Belinda and Luis

By: Maria Peña

It has been one year and eight months that I arrived here at Capilla Del Valle. I came from Los Angeles, Ca and I had always been looking for a place to congregate. I had a friend here in Corvallis that told me about this church and brought me; I have been here ever since that day. The reason I have stayed here is because they teach the complete gospel of God‟s Word. In my time here, I have learned a lot of new things about who God is!!! Another interesting thing here is that there are clearly two cultures, Hispanic and American. By: Manuel Valle Julio Ramirez & Manuel Valle,


“The reason I have stayed here is because they teach the complete gospel of God’s Word.”


Calvary Connection Capilla Del Valle is just one more name of a group… But to me it is where I found what I had been looking for, God‟s peace in my life. At all the previous churches I had always just been a spectator and I only wanted to receive. If the church did not meet the requirements I was looking for, I would decide that this church was not for me. Upon arriving at Capilla, I wasn‟t necessarily impacted by the attendees of Capilla Del Valle; however I was impacted by the simplicity of our pastor, and even more then that, his “We are united in one passion for lost souls. don‟t want to elevate same thing, the promise of Ihim; just that it is Pastor Moy with Bertha Perkins eternal life we have in hard to find people now a days who follow God‟s Word and are willing to live by faith. Christ Jesus.” During this past year, I have learned more than in my previous 15 years. Another thing that encourages me is that I have found good brethren and friends in Christ; we are united in one same thing, the promise of eternal life that we have in Christ Jesus. Also, there is a very safe environment and Moy is always trying to keep us in unity and love. We are a body in Christ united by His love and mercy. By: Bertha Perkins

Maria Pena & Monica Juarez

My name is Monica Juarez, I have been going to Capilla Del Valle for about 2 years now, and I am really excited to be part of such a great spiritual family. I attended the school of ministry and I learned so much about the Bible in such a way that I had never imagined. I enjoy the fellowship that is shared with everyone on Sundays. I like the diversity of the church. Although we are still a small church, and not many single people, I feel Capilla Del Valle is a place where I feel comfortable and can grow. I am not sure where the Lord will lead me next in my life, but for now I enjoy teaching the children once in a while. I thank God for my home church and for all of the things that He will teach me in Capilla Del Valle. By: Mónica Juárez

God has been so faithful to us as we look back and reflect on all of the work that he has done through Capilla del Valle. It is humbling to remember that this new body of believers once began as a small home fellowship in our living room on Monday nights. Since then the Lord has grown this ministry into a church that yearns to follow the Lord‟s leading. It is such a blessing to see our body pressing into the word and seeking the Lord‟s guidance in our lives. Being part of this body has been such a blessing. When we first moved back to Corvallis we were torn between a Spanish speaking fellowship and Calvary. We chose Calvary in faith and within months the Lord opened doors for us to serve in a Spanish speaking ministry at Calvary! Currently the Lord has us serving with Children‟s Ministry and although there are days when we feel so unworthy, it is stretching us and teaching us of His grace. By: Daniel and Holly Olvera


Daniel & Holly with kids Kendall (baby) & Samara

Calvary Connection I started attending Calvary Corvallis six years ago; I immediately loved it here and knew it was the church for me. I attended a variety of services and events and even served when I could, but after three years I was still disconnected. When the Spanish speaking ministry started, I finally found my place at Calvary. The Spanish church has become my home and my family. Our Spanish church is made up of people who are finding God and his truth for the first time, people who knew God at one time but haven‟t been seeking him for years, and people who have been Christians for a while and have now found a supportive and encouraging church family. The things that always drew me to Calvary Corvallis were the sound Biblical teaching, open and honest leaders, and people who do their best to surrender their lives to Christ. Capilla Del Valle offers these same things to the Spanish speaking people in our area. I am so excited and blessed to be a part of it. By: Jandi Sorbo

Amber Soriano and Jandi Sorbo


Women’s Retreat “Choosing The Better Thing” Luke 10:42


Calvary Connection We started attending Capilla Del Valle (CDV) shortly after returning from Central America several years ago. This was about the time that CDV was beginning to pick up momentum and reach out to the Latin community in Corvallis. Reflecting back on these beginnings and where God has led us today, it is amazing to see the progress. Many who were with us in the beginning are not with us today and vice versa. In a community where people come and go, God‟s message of hope has truly gone out from CDV. We praise God for the solid Bible teaching and the compassion of our core group of believers who are sending God‟s message out into our community and beyond.

Flerida & Chuck Lund

By: Chuck and Flerida Lund Wowzers. What a year this has been. August 28 will be my first year since I moved to Corvallis and began attending Capilla Del Valle, and what growth! I feel like I‟ve grown more in 1 year here at Capilla, than in my first year of life! I can‟t pick just one topic to share about, from Children’s Ministry (which was the passion that brought me to Oregon & Capilla), our first Women’s Over-Nighter, Spanish School of Ministry, House Churches, and Sunday Spanish Services. Here‟s my sincere heart; I need to grow. I‟ve only just begun to see the path that Christ has set before me, and I am excited to actually walk down it! Spanish School of Ministry has taught me to use my brain and to love and learn the truth about Christ, the truth of who I am and to show it, and that my heart would sincerely desire it. If I was truly made for the praise and glory of God… then I used to be WAYYY off track. It is an honor each and every time I get to teach the children; to watch these children laugh and play while answering questions about Christ brings a special smile to my face (and helps me learn as I prepare the lessons and activities). I love the relationships that I‟ve built with the women around me. I want to be surrounded by Christian woman whom I can be a role model, and who I can have as a role model. There is a true and deep love for each other at Capilla, and I‟m excited to see what the Lord will do in each of our lives as we all grow at Capilla Del Valle.

Miriam & Erick Estrada

By: Miriam Estrada 9

Calvary Connection

Inviting men to be saved (background) while others signed up for free soccer ball

Sharing Jesus love with all who stopped by

Calvary Corvallis (CC) helps staff the “Gospel Booth” at the Benton Fair each year. The „Gospel Booth‟ is a booth that invites people to take a test based on what they know to determine if indeed they „are‟ or „are not‟ going to heaven. I have been part of this evangelistic outreach for about four years now and I have loved every year. It is so awesome to be in there with different people from our church every year, and listen to the heart of the people from our church body sharing the gospel. Well, this year I got to be in the „Gospel Booth‟ with Tim Lee our men‟s leader at CC. I was excited because we have never been together in the booth before and well, the reason it was awesome is because Tim is one of the closes friends God has given me here at CC. But, let me tell you what, it was actually a very hard three hours together (no, it wasn‟t Tim), it was the Signing up for soccer ball drawing enemy! Tim and I were bombarded with skeptics, arguers of this age, and a drunken Christian for most of the night. Our fellowship was sweet, but the work of evangelism was hard and exhausting. Until… Until ten minutes before we were to close the booth for the night. There standing behind a drunken Christian woman was a young couple peering over her shoulder wanting to get close to the booth. After the woman left, this young couple was able to come to the booth. Wow!!! They were so ready to hear the Gospel. They were so attentive, maybe the young man more then his girlfriend, but you could see it in their eyes and hear it in their response that they were ready to receive the truth of God‟s Word. Tim led them in prayer to receive forgiveness of their sins and to have their names written in the Lamb‟s Book of Life!!! It was so awesome!!! After three hours of battling and contending for the truth of the Gospel, there was the fruit that came as we did not loose heart. Ready to share Jesus at the Benton County Soccer Tournament 10

By Pastor Moy Soriano

Pastor Moy Soriano 541 971 2578 Sunday Service 2pm Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7pm Monday Spanish School of Ministry 6:30-9:30pm


God‟s Spirit Is Leading Capilla del Valle

Calvary Corvallis Newsletter ... Our first Sunday service was on November 30, 2008. I ..... group of believers who are sending God‟s message out into our.

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