Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road Jhunsi, Allahabad 211019, India e-mail: anupam/[email protected] ABSTRACT Let G be an algebraic group over a field k. We call g E G(k) real if g is conjugate to g-i in G(k). In this paper we study reality for groups of type G2 over fields of characteristic different from 2. Let G be such a group over k. We discuss reality for both semisimple and unipotent elements. We show that a semisimple element in G(k) is real if and only if it is a product of two involutions in G(k). Every unipotent element in G(k) is a product of two involutions in G(k). We discuss reality for G2 over special fields and construct examples to show that reality fails for semisimple elements in G2 over Q and ~. We show that semisimple elements are real for G2 over k with ed(k) _~ I. We conclude with examples of nonreal elements in G2 over k finite, with characteristic k not 2 or 3, which are not s e m i s i m p l e or u n i p o t e n t .

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

Let G be an algebraic group over a field k. It is desirable, from the representation theoretic point of view, to study conjugacy classes of elements in G. Borrowing the terminology from ([FZ]), we call an element g E G(k) real if g is conjugate to g-1 in G(k). An involution in G(k) is an element g E G(k) with g2 = 1. Reality for classical groups over fields of characteristic ~ 2 has been studied in [MVW] by Moeglin, Vign~ras and Waldspurger. That every element of a symplectic group over fields of characteristic 2 is a product of two involutions is settled in [Nil. Feit and Zuckermann discuss reality for spin groups and symplectic groups in [FZ]. It is well known that every element of an orthogonal group is a product of two involutions (see [Wa] and [W2]). We plan to pursue Received March 4, 2004 and in revised form April 30, 2004 157



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this for exceptional groups. In this paper, we study this property for groups of type G2 over fields of characteristic different from 2, for both semisimple and unipotent elements. By consulting the character table of G2 over finite fields in [CR], one sees that reality is not true for arbitrary elements of G2 (see also Theorem 6.11 and Theorem 6.12, in this paper). Let G be a group of type G2 over a field k of characteristic ~ 2. We prove that every unipotent element in G(k) is a product of two involutions in G(k). As it turns out, the case of semisimple elements in G(k) is more delicate. We prove that a semisimple element in G(k) is real in G(k) if and only if it is a product of two involutions in G(k) (Theorem 6.3). We call a torus in G i n d e c o m p o s a b l e if it cannot be written as a direct product of two subtori, d e c o m p o s a b l e otherwise. We show that semisimple elements in decomposable tori are always real (Theorem 6.2). We construct examples of indecomposable tori in G containing non-real elements (Proposition 6.4 and Theorem 6.10). We work with an explicit realization of a group of type G2 as the automorphism group of an octonion algebra. It is known (Chap. III, Prop. 5, Corollary, [Se]) that for a group G of type G2 over k, there exists an octonion algebra ¢ over k, unique up to a k-isomorphism, such that G ~ Aut(~), the group of k-algebra automorphisms of ¢. The group G is k-split if and only if the octonion algebra ~ is split, otherwise G is anisotropic and ¢ is necessarily a division algebra. We prove that any semisimple element in G(k) either leaves invariant a quaternion subalgebra or fixes a quadratic~tale subalgebra pointwise (Lemma 6.1). In the first case, reality is a consequence of a theorem of Wonenburger (Th. 4, [W1]). In the latter case, the semisimple element belongs to a subgroup SU(V, h) C G, for a hermitian space (V, h) of rank 3 over a quadratic field extension L of k, or to a subgroup SL(3) C G. We investigate these cases separately in sections 6.1 and 6.2 respectively. We discuss reality for G2 over special fields (Proposition 6.4, Theorem 6.10 and Theorem 6.11). We show that for k with cd(k) <: 1 (e.g., k a finite field), every semisimple element in G(k) is a product of two involutions in G(k), and hence is real (Theorem 6.13). We show that nonreal elements exist in G2 over k finite, with characteristic k not 2 or 3 (compare with [CR]); these are not semisimple or unipotent. We include a discussion of conjugacy classes of involutions in G(k) over special fields. The work of [MVW] has played an important role in representation theory of p-adic groups. We hope the results in this paper will find applications in the subject.

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2. T h e g r o u p G2 a n d o c t o n i o n s We begin by a brief introduction to the group ']2. Most of this material is from [SV]. Any group G of type G2 over a given field k can be realized as the group of k-antomorphisms of an octonion algebra over k, determined uniquely by G. We will need the notion of a composition algebra over a field k. Definition: A composition algebra E over a field k is an algebra over k, not necessarily associative, with an identity element 1 together with a nondegenerate quadratic form N on ~, permitting composition, i.e., N ( x y ) = N ( x ) N ( y ) V x , y E

The quadratic form N is called the n o r m on ~. The associated bilinear form N is given by N ( x , y) = N ( x + y) - N ( x ) - N(y). Every element x of satisfies the equation x 2 - N ( x , 1)x + N ( x ) l = 0. There is an involution (anti automorphism of order 2) on ~ defined by 2 = N ( x , 1)1 - x . We call N ( x , 1)1 = x + ~ the t r a c e of x. The possible dimensions of a composition algebra over k are 1, 2, 4, 8. Composition algebras of dimension 1 or 2 are commutative and associative, those of dimension 4 are associative but not commutative (called q u a t e r n i o n algebras), and those of dimension 8 are neither commutative nor associative (called o c t o n i o n algebras). Let ~ be an octonion algebra and G = Aut(~) be the automorphism group. Since any automorphism of an octonion algebra leaves the norm invariant, Aut(~) is a subgroup of the orthogonal group O(E, N). In fact, the automorphism group G is a subgroup of the rotation group S O ( N ) and is contained in SO(N1) = {t E S O ( N ) I t(1) = 1}, where N1 = N I l - . We have (Th. 2.3.5,

[sv]) PROPOSITION 2.1: The algebraic group G = Aut(¢K), where ¢K = ¢ ® K and K is an algebraic closure of k, is the split, connected, simple algebra/c group of type G2. Moreover, the automorphism group ~ is detined over k. In fact (Chap. III, Prop. 5, Corollary, [Se]), any simple group of type G2 over a field k is isomorphic to the automorphism group of an octonion algebra over k. There is a dichotomy with respect to the norm of octonion algebras (in general, for composition algebras). The norm N is a P f i s t e r form (tensor product of norm forms of quadratic extensions) and hence is either anisotropic or hyperbolic. If N is anisotropic, every nonzero element of ¢ has an inverse in ¢. We then call ¢ a division octonion algebra. If N is hyperbolic, up to isomorphism, there is only one octonion algebra with N as its norm, called the split octonion algebra. We give below a model for the split octonion algebra



over a field k. Let ¢=

{(: v) /3

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where k s is the three-dimensional vector space over k with standard basis. On k 3 we have a nondegenerate bilinear form, given by (v, w)

~ i =31 ViWi~ where

v = (Vl,V2,V3) and w = (Wl,W2,W3) in k 3 and the wedge product on k 3 is given by (u A v, w) = det(u, v, w) for u, v, w E k 3. Addition on ~ is entry-wise and the multiplication on ~ is given by

(: ;)(::



- - ' - 0,w')

\ / 3 w ' + a ' w + v A v'



The quadratic form N, the norm on ~, is given by

An octonion algebra over a field k can be defined as an algebra over k which, after changing base to a separable closure ks of k, becomes isomorphic to the split octonion algebra over ks (see [T]). 2.1 OCTONIONS FROM RANK 3 HERMITIAN SPACES. We briefly recall here from [T] a construction of octonion algebras from rank 3 hermitian spaces over a quadratic~tale algebra over k. First we recall (cf. [KMRT])

Detinition: Let C be a finite-dimensional k-algebra. Then E is called an ~tale algebra if [ ®k ks - ks x ..- x ks, where ks is a separable closure of k. Let L be a quadratic ~tale algebra over k with x ~ • as its standard involution. Let (V, h) be a rank 3 hermitian space over L, i.e., V is an L-module of rank 3 and h: V x V ) L is a nondegenerate hermitian form, linear in the first variable and sesquilinear in the second. Assume that the discriminant of (V, h) is trivial, i.e., A3(V,h) ~ (L, < 1 >), where < 1 > denotes the hermitian form (x,y) ~ x y on L. Fixing a trivialization ~: A3(V, h) ~ (L, < 1 >), we define a vector product x: V x V --+ V by the identity h(u, v x w) = ¢ ( u A v A w), for u, v, w E V. Let ~ be the 8-dimensional k-vector space E -- C(L; ]7, h, g)) = L @ V. We define a multiplication on ~ by (a, v)(b, w) = (ab - h(v, w), aw + -bv + v × w),

a, b E L, v, w E V.

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With this multiplication, ~ is an octonion algebra over k with norm N(a, v) = NL/k(a) + h(v,v). Note that L embeds in ~ as a composition subalgebra. The isomorphism class of ~, thus obtained, does not depend on ¢. One can show that all octonion algebras arise this way. We need the following (Th. 2.2, [T]) PROPOSITION 2.2: Let (V, h) and (V', h') be isometric hermitian spaces with

trivia/discriminant, over a quadratic dta/e algebra L. Then the octonion algebras C (L; V, h) and C (L ; V',h') are isomorphic, under an isomorphism restricting to the identity map on the suba/gebra L. We also need the following LEMMA 2.1: Let L be a quadratic field extension of k. Let (V,h) be a rank three hermitian space over L with trivia/discriminant. For any trivia/ization ¢ of the discriminant, the octonion a/gebra ~(L; v, h, ¢) is a division a/gebra,/f

and only if the k-quadratic form on V, given by Q(x) = h(x, x), is anisotropic. We note that a similar construction for quaternion algebras can be done, starting from a rank 3 quadratic space V over k, with trivial discriminant. Let B: V × V ---+ k be a nondegenerate bilinear form. Assume that the discriminant of (V, B) is trivial, i.e., A3(V, B) ~ (k, < 1 >), where < 1 > denotes the bilinear form (x,y) ~ xy on k. Fixing a trivialization ~p: A3(V,B) ~ (k,< 1 >), we defineavector product ×: V × V ~ V b y t h e i d e n t i t y B(u,v×w) =~(uAvAw), for u, v, w E V. Let Q be the 4-dimensional k-vector space Q = Q(k; V, B, ¢) = k • V. We define a multiplication on Q by

(a,v)(b,w) = ( a b - B ( v , w ) , a w + b v + v × w ) ,

a, b C k , v, w C V.

With this multiplication, Q is a quaternion algebra over k, with norm N(a, v) = a 2 + B(v, v). The isomorphism class of Q thus obtained does not depend on ¢. One can show that all quaternion algebras arise this way. PROPOSITION 2.3: Let (V, B) and (V', B') be isometric quadratic spaces with

trivial discriminants, over a field k. Then the quaternion algebras Q(k; V,B) and Q(k; V', B') are isomorphic.

3. Some subgroups of G2 Let ¢ be an octonion algebra over a field k of characteristic # 2. Let L be a composition subalgebra of ¢. In this section, we describe subgroups of G =



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Aut (E), consisting of automorphisms leaving L pointwise fixed or invariant. We define

G ( ~ / L ) = {t • Aut(C)Jt(x) = xVx • L} and

G(E,L) = {t e Aut(E)Jt(x) e LVx • L}. Jacobson studied G ( ~ / L ) in his paper ([J]). We mention the description of these subgroups here. One knows that two-dimensional composition algebras over k are precisely the quadratic ~tale algebras over k (cf. Th. 33.17, [KMRT]). Let L be a two-dimensional composition subalgebra of E. Then L is either a quadratic field extension of k or L ~- k x k. Let us assume first that L is a quadratic field extension of k and L = k(~/), where ~/2 = c.1 ~ 0. Then L z is a left L vector space via the octonion multiplication. Also, h: L ± x L ±


h(x,y) = g ( x , y ) + ~ - l g(~/x,y) is a nondegenerate hermitian form on L ± over L. Any automorphism t of E, fixing L pointwise, induces an L-linear map tJL±: L ± ~ L ±. Then we have (Wh. 3, [J]) PROPOSITION 3.1: Let the notation be as fixed above. Let L be a quadratic field extension of k as above. Then the subgroup G ( E / L ) of G is isomorphic to the unimodular unitary group S U ( L ±, h) of the three-dimensional space L ± over L relative to the hermitian form h, via the isomorphism, ¢: G ( E / L )

) S U ( L ±, h)

t , ~ tlL±. Now, let us assume that L is a split two-dimensional ~tale sublagebra of E. Then E is necessarily split and L contains a nontrivial idempotent e. There exists a basis B = {1,Ul,Ue,u3,e, w l , w 2 , w 3 } of E, called the P e i r c e basis with respect to e, such that the subspaces U = span{ul,u2,u3)

and W = span{wl,w2,w3} satisfy U = {x • ~Jex = 0, xe = x) and W = {x • ~jxe = O, ex = x}. We have, for ~ • G ( ~ / L ) , x e U, 0 =

(ex) =




(xe) =

Hence ~(U) = U. Similarly, ~t(W) = W. Then we have (Th. 4, [J])

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PROPOSITION 3.2: Let the notation be as fixed above. Let L be a split quadratic 6tale subalgebra of ~. Then G ( ¢ / L ) is isomorphic to the unimodular linear group SL(U), via the isomorphism given by ¢: G(E/L) ----+ SL(U) ~l ~-~ ~l]v. Moreover, ff we denote the matrix of ~l]v by A and that of T1]w by A1, with respect to the Peirce basis as above, then tA1 = A -~ . In the model of the split octonion algebra as in the previous section, with respect to the diagonal subalgebra L, the subspaces U and W are respectively the space of strictly upper triangular and strictly lower triangular matrices. The above action is then given by r]

(: v)(o fl


t A_ l w



We now compute the subgroup G(E, L) of automorphisms of the split octonion algebra, leaving invariant a split quadratic 6tale subalgebra. We work with the matrix model for split octonions. Up to conjugacy by an automorphism, we may assume that the split subalgebra is the diagonal subalgebra. We consider the map p on ~ given by p:~:



Then p leaves the two-dimensional subalgebra

invariant and it is an automorphism of ¢, with p2 = 1. PROPOSITION 3.3: Let ¢ be the split octonion algebra as above and let L be the diagonal split quadratic ~tale subalgebra. Then we have G(¢, L)


G ( ¢ / L ) >4H,

where H is the order two group generated by p. Proof: Let h E G(E, L). Then hiL ---- 1 or the nontrivial k-automorphism of L. In the first case, h E G(E/L) and in the second, hp E G(E/L). Hence h = gp for



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some g E G(~/L). Moreover, it is clear that H normalizes G(~/L) in Aut(~). Since H M G(~/L) = {1}, we get the required result.


We now give a general construction of the automorphism p of an octonion algebra ~, not necessarily split, as above. We first recall the Cayley-Dickson Doubling for composition algebras: PROPOSITION 3.4: Let ~ be a composition algebra and ~ C ~ a composition

subalgebra, ~ ~ ~. Let a E ~ ± with N(a) = -)~ ~ 0. Then ~ l = ~ ® ~ a is a composition subalgebra of ~ of dimension 2 dim(~). The product on ~1 is given by (x + ya)(u + va) = (xu + )~y) + (vx + y~)a,

x,y,u,v E ~,

where x ~ ~ is the involution on ~ . The norm on ~1 is given by N ( x + ya) = N ( x ) - AN(y).

Let E be an octonion algebra, and L C E a quadratic composition subalgebraof~.

Let a E L ± with N(a) ~ O. Let ~ = L • L a

be the double as

described above. Then ~ is a quaternion subalgebra of ~. Define pl: ~ -+ ~ by pl (x -[- ya) = a(x) + a(y)a, where a denotes the nontrivial automorphism of L. Then Pl is an automorphism of ~ , and clearly p~ = 1 and Pill ----a. We now repeat this construction with respect to ~ and Pl. Write ~ = ~ ® ~ b for some b E ~ ± , N(b) ~ O. Define p: ~ -+ ~ by

p(x + yb) = pl(x) + pl(y)b. Then p2 = 1 and PIL = a and p is an automorphism of E. One can prove that this construction yields the one given above for the split octonion algebra and its diagonal subalgebra. We have PROPOSITION 3.5: Let ~ be an octonion algebra, possibly division, and L C

a quadratic composition subalgebra. Then G(~, L) ~- G(~/L) )~ H, where H is the subgroup generated by p and p is an automorphism o r e with p2 = 1 and p restricted to L is the nontrivial k-automorphism of L. We mention a few more subgroups of Aut(¢) before closing this section. Let C ¢ be a quaternion subalgebra. Then we have, by Cayley-Dickson doubling, ¢=~®~a for s o m e a E ~ ± with N(a) ~ O. Let C E Aut(¢) be such that ¢(x) = x for all x E ~ . Then for z = x+ya E ¢, we have ¢(z) = ¢(x)+¢(y)¢(a). But a E ~ ± implies ¢(a) E ~ ± = ~ a . Therefore ¢(a) = pa for some p E and, by taking norms, we see that p E S L I ( ~ ) . In fact, we have (Prop. 2.2.1, [SV])

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PROPOSITION 3.6: The group of automorphisms of £, leaving~ pointwise fixed, is isomorphic to SLI(~), the group of norm 1 elements of ~. In the above notation, C ( ¢ / ~ ) ~- SLI (~). We describe yet another subgroup of Aut(¢). Let ~ be as above and ¢ E Aut(~). We can write g = ~ a as above. Define ¢ E Aut(g) by ¢(x+ya) = ¢(x) + ¢(y)a. Then one checks easily that ¢ is an automorphism of ~ that extends ¢ on ~ . These automorphisms form a subgroup of Aut(¢), which (we will abuse notation and) we continue to denote by Aut(2). PROPOSITION 3.7: With notation as fixed, we have

G(~, ~) ~ G(~/~) ~ Aut(~). Proof: Clearly A u t ( ~ ) N G ( ~ / ~ ) = (1) and Aut(~) normalizes G(~/~). Now, for ¢ E G(~, ~), consider the automorphism ¢ = ~ - 1 . Then ¢ fixes elements of H pointwise and we have ¢ = ¢ ¢ E G(~/~) x Aut(~). |

4. Involutions in G~ In this section, we discuss the structure of involutions in G2. Let G be a group of type G~ over k and ~ be an octonion algebra over k with G = Aut(~). We call an element g E G(k) an involution if g2 = 1. Hence nontrivial involutions in G(k) are precisely the automorphisms of ~ of order 2. Let g be an involution in Aut(g). The eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 of g E Aut(g) is the subalgebra ~ of g of fixed points of g and is a quaternion subalgebra of ~ ([J]). The orthogonal complement ~ ± of ~ in ~ is the eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue -1. Conversely, the linear automorphism of g, leaving a quaternion subalgebra ~ of ~ pointwise fixed and acting as multiplication by - 1 on ~ ± , is an involutorial automorphism of ~ (see Proposition 3.6). Let p be an involution in G(k) and let ~ be the quaternion subalgebra of ~, fixed pointwise by p. Let p, = gpg-1 be a conjugate of p by an element g E G(k). Then, the quaternion subalgebra ~ ' = g(~) of ~ is fixed pointwise by pl. Conversely, suppose the quaternion subalgebra ~ of ~ is isomorphic to the quaternion subalgebra ~r of ~. Then, by a Skolem-Noether type theorem for composition algebras (Cor. 1.7.3, [SV]), there exists an automorphism g of ~ such that g(~) = ~t. If p denotes the involution leaving ~ fixed pointwise, p~ = gpg-1 fixes ~ pointwise. Therefore, we have



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PROPOSITION 4.1: Let ~ be an octonion algebra over k. Then the conjugacy dasses of involutions in G = Aut(~) are in bijection with the isomorphism classes of quaternion subalgebras of ~. COROLLARY 4.1: Assume that 2Br(k), the 2-torsion in the Brauer group of k, is trivial, i.e., all quaternion algebras over k are split (for example, cd(k) <_ 1 fields). Then all involutions in G( k ) are conjugates. We need a refinement of a theorem of Jacobson (Th. 2, [J]), due to Wonenburger (Th. 5, [W1]) and Neumann ([N]), PROPOSITION 4.2: Let ~ be an octonion algebra over a field k of characteristic different from 2. Then every element of G is a product of 3 involutions. We will study in the sequel the structure of semisimple elements in G(k), in terms of involutions. We will show that a semisimple element g E G(k) is real, i.e., conjugate to g-1 in G(k), if and only if g is a product of 2 involutions in a(k). 5. M a x i m a l tori in SUm We need an explicit description of maximal tori in the special unitary group of a nondegenerate hermitian space for our work; we discuss it in this section (cf. [R], Section 3.4). Let k be a field of characteristic different from 2 and L a quadratic field extension of k. Let V be a vector space of dimension n over L. We denote by ks a separable closure of k containing L. Let h be a nondegenerate hermitian form on V, i.e., h: V × V ) L is a nondegenerate k-bilinear map such that

h(ax, y) = ah(x, y),

h(x, fly)= a(fl)h(x,y),

h(x,y) = a(h(y,x)),

Vx, y E V , a,/~ E L, where a is the nontrivial k-automorphism of L. Let £ be an 6tale algebra over k. It then follows that the bilinear form T: £ x £ > k, induced by the trace: T(x, y) = trE/k(xy) for x, y E £, is nondegenerate. LEMMA 5.1: Let L be a quadratic field extension ofk. Let £ be an dtale algebra over k containing L, equipped with an involution a, restricting to the non-trivial k-automorphism of L. Let .T = £ ~ = {x E £la(x) = x}. Let dimL(£) = n. For u E :~*, define h(~): £ x £ --+ L h (u) (x, y) = trc/L (uxa(y)).

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Then h (~) is a nondegenerate a-hermitian form on C, left invariant by T(E,~ ) = {a E E*[aa(a) = 1}, under the action by left multiplication. Proof." That h (~) is a hermitian form is clear. To check nondegeneracy, let h(U)(x,y) = OVy E C. Then, t r E / i ( u x a ( y ) ) ---- 0 Vy E E, i.e., trc/L(Xy ~) = 0 Vy~ E C. Since C is ~tale, it follows that x = 0. Therefore h (~) is nondegenerate. Now let a E T(c,~). We have

h (u) ((~x, ay) = trE/L ( u a x a ( a y ) ) = t r c / i (UXa(y)) = h (~) (x, y). Hence the last assertion.


Remark: We note that £ = 3r ®k L. If we put 7 = {x E C[a(x) = - x } , then C = ~ ' O 7 . Further, i f L = k(7) with 72 e k*, then ~-' = )r~. Notation: In what follows, we shall often deal with situations when, for an algebraic group G defined over k, and for any extension K of k, the group G ( K ) of K-rational points in G coincides with G(k) ®k K. When no confusion is likely to arise, we shall abuse notation and use G to denote both the algebraic group as well as its group of k-points. We shall identify T(E,a) with its image in U(£, h (u)), under the embedding via left homotheties. LEMMA 5.2: With notation as in the previous lemma, T(E,a ) is a maximal ktorus in U(E, h(~)), the unitary group of the hermitian space (£, h(U)). The proof is a tedious, straightforward computation; we omit it here.

COROLLARY 5.1: Let T(1E,~) = {a e E*Iaa(a ) = 1,det(a) = 1}. Then T~c,~ ) C SU(E, h (~)) is a maximal k-torus. THEOREM 5.1: Let k be a field and L a quadratic field extension of k. We denote by a the nontrivial k-automorphism of L. Let V be a L-vector space of dimension n with a nondegenerate a-hermitian form h. Let T C U(V, h) be a maxima/k-torus. Then there exists ET, an dtale L-algebra of dimension n over L, with an involution ah restricting to the nontrivial k-automorphism of L, such that T = T(c~,~h).

Moreover, if ~T is a field, there exists u E jr, such that (V,h) is isomorphic to (£T, h (~)) as a hermitian space. Proof'. Let A = EndL(V). Then A is a central simple L-algebra. Let CT = ZA(T), the centralizer of T in A. Note that T C £T- The hermitian form h



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defines the adjoint involution 6rh on A,



h(ah(f)(x), y) = h(x, f(y)) for all x,y E V. Then ah is an involution of second kind over L / k on A (cf. [KMRT]). We claim that ah restricts to ET: Let f E ET; we need to show

ah(f) E CT, i.e., ah(f)t = tah(f)Vt E T. This follows from h(ah(l)t(x), y) =h(t(x), f (y) ) = h(x, t -1 f (y) ) = h(x, f t -1 (y) ) =h(ah(f)(x), t - l y ) = h(tah(f)(x), y). We have T C U(V,h) C EndL(V) and ah is an involution on Endn(V), restricting to the nontrivial k-automorphism of L. There is a canonical isomorphism of algebras with involutions (Chap. I, Prop. 2.15, [KMRT]) (EndL(V) ®k ks,ah) ~- (Endk,(V) × Endk,(V),c), where e(A, B) = (B, A). Since U(V, h) = {A E EndL(V)IAah(A) = 1}, we have

V(V,h) ®k ks ~{(A,B) E EndL(V) ®k ks[(A,B).e(A,B) = 1} = { ( A , A - 1 ) I A E Endk,(Y)}. We thus have an embedding

T ®k ks ~

Endks(V) × Endk~(V),A ~ (A,A-1).

To prove ET is ~tale, we may conjugate T ® ks to the diagonal torus in GLn(ks). The embedding then becomes

T ®k ks ~- (ks) n ---+ Mn(ks) x Mn(ks), ( t l . . . tn) ~ (diag(tl,..., tn), diag(t71,..., tnl)). Now, we have

~T ®k ks = ZA(T) ®k ks = ZA®kk,(T ®k ks) ZM,,(k°)×M~(k~)({(diag(tl,...,t,~),diag(t1-1 , . . . , tnl))lti E k;}) = k s2n . Hence CT is an ~tale algebra of k-dimension 2n and L-dimension n. We have T C T(Er,~h) and, by dimension count, T = T(cr,ah). We have on V the natural left Endn(V)-module structure. Since CT is a subalgebra of Endn(V) and a field, V is a left CT-vector space of dimension 1. Let V = ET.V for v ~ 0.

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Let us consider the dual V* = HomL(V,L), which is a left-gT-vector space of dimension 1 via the action: ( a . f ) ( x ) = f ( a ( x ) ) , a E gT, x E V. We consider the following elements in V*: ¢1: V = ET.V


h(/(v), v),


¢2: V = gT.V


f v ~-~ iT(f). Since ~T is separable, both these are nonzero elements of V*. Hence there exists

u E $~ such that h ( f ( v ) , v) = t r ( u f ) V f E ET. We have

h(f.v,g.v) = h ( f ( v ) , g ( v ) ) = h ( a h ( g ) f ( v ) , v ) = t r ( u a h ( g ) f )

Vf, g • gT.

This will prove the lemma provided we show u E F. For any f E ST we have

tr(ah (u) f ) =tr(crh (U).ah (ah (f) ) ) = ah (tr(uah (f) ) ) =ah (h(ah(f)(v),

v) ) = h(v, a h ( f ) ( v )

) = h ( f (v), v) -- tr(uf).

Since CT is separable, the trace form is nondegenerate and hence ah(U) = u. The map


¢: (y, h)


is an isometry:

h (~) ( ¢ ( f v ) , O(gv)) = tr(uah (g)f) = h ( f v , gv) by the computation done above.


COROLLARY 5.2: Let the notation be as fixed above. Let T be a maximal torus

in SU(V, h). Then there exists an dtale algebra gT over L of dimension n, such that T ~- T (1ET ,crh ) " Remark: The hypothesis in the last assertion in Theorem 5.1, that ST be a field, is only a simplifying assumption. The result holds good even when gT is not a field. Let T C SU(V, h) be a maximal torus. Then from the proof of Theorem 5.1 we get ST = ZEnd(v)(T') is an @tale algebra with involution O"h such that T = T (cr:h), 1 . here, T ~ is a maximal torus in U(V, h).



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LEMMA 5.3: With notation as above, V is an irreducible representation o f T if and only if £T is a field.

Proof: Suppose £T is not a field. Then 30 ~ f E £T such that V ~ ker(f) ~ O. Put W = ker(f) C V, which is a L-vector subspace. We claim that W is a T invariant subspace. Let x E IV, t E T: f ( x ) = 0 ~ t(f(x)) = 0 ~ f(t(x)) = 0 ~ t(x) E W. Hence, T ( W ) = W. Conversely, let ET be a field and 0 # W C V be a T-invariant L-subspace of V. We shall show that V = W. We know that V is a one-dimensional CT vector space. Thus, it suffices to show that W is an $T subspace of V. Suppose first that k is infinite. Let t E T(k) be a regular element (see [Bo], Prop. 8.8 and the Remark on page 116). Then gT = L[t] and we have, for f(t) E gT, f ( t ) ( W ) = W, since W is T-invariant. Now let k be finite. Then gT is a finite field and its multiplicative group g~ is cyclic. The group T(k), being a subgroup of g~, is cyclic. Then a cyclic generator t of T(k) is a regular element and, arguing as above, we are done in this case too. | We defined the notion of i n d e c o m p o s a b l e t o r i in the introduction; these are tori which cannot be written as a direct product of subtori. COROLLARY 5.3: Let T be a maximal torus in SU(V, h). Then T is indecomposable if and only if V is an irreducible representation ofT; that is, if and only if £T is a field.

Proof: By the above lemma, if V is reducible as a representation of T, CT is not a field. Hence it must be a product of at least two (separable) field extensions of L, say £T = E1 × " " × Er. Then from Corollary 5.2, T = T~r = T~I × --. × T~,. Hence T is decomposable. Conversely, suppose V is irreducible as a representation of T. Then, by the above lemma, ET is a field. Suppose the torus T decomposes as T = T1 x T2 into a direct product of two proper subtori. Suppose first that k is infinite. Let t E T(k) be a regular element (see [Bo], Prop. 8.8 and the Remark on page 116). Then the minimal polynomial (= characteristic polynomial) x(X) of t factorizes over k, as can be seen by base changing to ks and conjugating T to the diagonal torus in SL(n). Therefore ET = L [ X ] / x ( X ) is not a field, a contradiction. Hence T is indecomposable. When k is finite, the multiplicative group E~ of ET is cyclic and hence T(k) is

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cyclic. A cyclic generator t of T(k) is then regular and we repeat the above argument to reach a contradiction. Hence T is indecomposable. I

6. Reality in G2 Let G be a group of type G2 defined over a field k of characteristic ¢ 2. Then, there exists an octonion algebra ~ over k such that G ~ Aut(ff) (Chap. III, Prop. 5, Corollary, [Se]). Let to be a semisimple element of G(k). We will also denote the image of to in Aut(ff) by to. We write ¢~o for the subspace of trace 0 elements of ~. In this section, we explore the question if to is conjugate to to 1 in G(k). We put Vt~ = ker(to - 1) s. Then Vt~ is a composition subalgebra of with norm as the restriction of the norm on ~ ([W1]). Let rto = dim(Vto M ~0). Then rto is 1, 3 or 7. We have LEMMA 6.1 : Let the notation be as fixed above and let to E G(k) be semisimple. Then, either to leaves a quaternion subalgebra invariant or fixes a quadratic ~tale subalgebra L o f ~ pointwise. In the latter case, to E SU(V, h) C G(k) for a rank 3 hermitian space V over a quadratic field extension L ofk or to E SL(3) C G(k).

Proof'. From the above discussion, we see that rto is 1,3 or 7. If r, o = 3, to leaves a quaternion subalgebra ~ of ~ invariant. As in Proposition 3.6, writing = ~ • ~ a for a E ~ z , N(a) # 0, to is explicitly given by to(x + ya) = cxc -1 +(pcyc-1)a for some c E ~ , N(c) ~ 0 a n d p E ~ , N(p) = 1. We now assume rto = 7. In this case, the minimal polynomial of to on ~o is (X - 1) 7. But since to is semisimple, the minimal polynomial of to is a product of distinct linear factors over the algebraic closure. Therefore to = 1. In the case rio = 1, L = Vto is a two-dimensional composition subalgebra and has the form Vto = k.1 ® (Vto M fro), an orthogonal direct sum. Let L M fro = k.7 with N(7) # 0. Since to leaves ~o and Vto invariant, we have to(7) = 7 and hence to(x) = xVx E L, so that to E G(~/L). The result now follows from Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 3.2. I If to leaves a quaternion subatgebra invariant, it is a product of two involutions and hence real in G(k). This follows from the following theorem (see Wh. 4, [W1]). THEOREM 6.1: Let ~ be an octonion algebra. If g is an automorphism of which maps a quaternion subalgebra ~ into itself, then g is a product of two involutory automorphisms.



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COROLLARY 6.1: If an automorphism g of ~ leaves a nondegenerate plane of

fro invariant, then it is a product of two involutory automorphisms. We discuss the other cases here, i.e., to leaves a quadratic @tale subalgebra L of ¢ pointwise fixed. 1. The fixed subalgebra L is a quadratic field extension of k and 2. The fixed subalgebra is split, i.e., L ~ k x k. By the discussion in section 3, in the first case, to belongs to G ( ¢ / L ) S U ( L ±, h) (Proposition 3.1) and in the second case to belongs to G ( g / L ) ~SL(3) (Proposition 3.2). We denote the image of to by A in both of these cases. We analyse further the cases when the characteristic polynomial of A is reducible or irreducible. THEOREM 6.2: Let to be a semisimple element in G(k) and suppose to fixes the quadratic @tale subalgebra L of ~ pointwise. Let us denote the image of to by A in SU(L ±, h) or in SL(3) as the case may be. Also assume that the characteristic polynomial of A over L in the first case and over k in the second,

is reducible. Then to is a product of two involutions in G(k). Proof." Let us consider the case when L is a field extension. Let T be a maximal torus in S U ( L ±, h) containing to. By Corollary 5.2, there exists an @tale Lalgebra £T with an involution a and u E ~* such that (L ±, h) -~ (ST, h(~)); here, 9r is the fixed point subalgebra of a in CT- Since the characteristic polynomial of A is reducible, we see that L ± is a reducible representation of T. From Corollary 5.3 we see that ST is not a field. We can write ST ~- 9r ® L where 5r is a cubic @tale k-algebra but not a field. Let ~- = k x A, for some quadratic @tale k-algebra A. Hence ST '~- L x A ® L and a is given by (a, f ®/~) ((~, f ®/~). Writing u = (ul, u2) where ul E k, the hermitian form h (u) is given by h (~) ((l, (~), (/', (~')) = trL/L(lull') + trA®L/n(SU2~') = lull' + trA®L/L(SU25'). Hence L x {0} is a nondegenerate subspace left invariant by the action of to E

T?£T,ah) --~'~T~. × T 1A®L, which acts by left multiplication. Therefore to leaves invariant a two-dimensional nondegenerate k-plane invariant in ¢~o. The result now follows from Corollary to Theorem 6.1. The proof in the case when L is split proceeds on similar lines. | In general, we have the following THEOREM 6.3: Let G be a group of type G2 over a field k of characteristic not 2. Then every unipotent element in G(k) is a product of two involutions in

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G(k). Let g E G(k) be a semisimple dement. Then g is real in G(k) if and only if it is a product of two involutions in G(k). Proof'. The assertion about unipotents in G(k) follows from a theorem of Wonenburger (Th. 4, [Wl]), which asserts that if the characteristic polynomial of t E Aut(¢) is divisible by (x - 1) 3, t is a product of two involutory automorphisms of ~. In view of Theorem 6.2, we need to consider only the semisimple elements in S U ( L ±, h) or in SL(3) with irreducible characteristic polynomials. By Corollary 5.3, it follows that such elements lie in indecomposable tori. The result follows from the following theorem. I THEOREM 6.4: Let to be an dement in G(k) and suppose to fixes a quadratic dtale subalgebra L of ~ pointwise. Let us denote the image of to by A in S U ( L ±, h) or in SL(3) as the case may be. Also assume that the characteristic polynomial of A over L in the first case and over k in the second is irreducible. Then to is conjugate to to I in G( k ) if and only if to is a product of two involutions

in a(k). Proo~ We distinguish the cases of both these subgroups below and complete the proof in the next two subsections; see Theorem 6.6 and Theorem 6.9. I 6.1 SU(V, h) C G. We assume that L is a quadratic field extension of k. Let to be an element in G(~/L) with characteristic polynomial of the restriction to V = L 1, irreducible over L. We write ~ = L ~ V, where V is an L-vector space with hermitian form h induced by the norm on ~. Then we have seen that G(~/L) -~ SU(V, h) (Theorem 3.1). LEMMA 6.2: Let the notation be as fixed above. Let to be an element in G(~/L) with characteristic polynomial irreducible over L. Suppose that 3g E G(k) such that gtog -1 = to 1. Then g(L) = L.

Proof" Suppose that g(L) (t L. Then we claim that 3x E L M ~0 such that g(x) • L. For this, let y E L be such that g(y) ¢ L. Let x = y - ½tr(y)l. Then tr(x) = 0 and if g(x) E L then g(y) E L, a contradiction. Hence we have x E L M ¢~ with g(x) ¢_ L. Also, since to(x) = x, we have to(g(x)) = gtol(x) -= g(x). Let g(x) = a + y, for 0 ~ y E L±; then to(g(x)) = a + to(y) = a + y, i.e., to(y) = y. Therefore to fixes an element in L ±. This implies that the



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characteristic polynomial of to on L ± = V is reducible, a contradiction. Hence,

g(L) = L.


We recall a construction from Proposition 3.5. Let a E L ± with N(a) ~ O. Let ~ = L ® La and Pl: ~ -+ ~ be defined by pl(x + ya) = a(x) + a(y)a. Write again ¢ = ~ ® ~ b for b E ~ ± with N(b) ~ 0 and define p: ¢ --+ ¢ by

p(x + yb) = a(x) + a(y)b. Then p is an automorphism of ~ of order 2 which restricts to L to the nontrivial automorphism of L. The basis {fl = a, f2 = b, f3 = ab} of V = L I over L is an orthogonal basis for h. W e fix t h i s basis t h r o u g h o u t this section.

Let us denote the matrix of h with respect to this basis by

H = diag()h, A2, A3) where Ai = h(fi, fi) E k*. Then SU(V, h) is isomorphic to

S U ( H ) = {A e SL(3, L)[tAHA = H}. THEOREM 6.5: With notation fixed as above, let A be the matrix of to in

S U ( H ) with respect to the Axed basis described above. Let the characteristic polynomiM o[ A be irreducible over L. Then to is conjugate to to 1 in G(k), if and only if fi is conjugate to A -1 in SU(H), where the entries of A are obtained by applying a on the entries of A. Proof."

Let g E G(k) be such that gtog -1 = to 1. In view of Lemma 6.2, we

have g(L) = L. We have (Prop. 3.5) G(~, L) ~- G(¢/L) ~ N where N = < p > and p is an automorphism of ¢, described above. Clearly g does not belong to G(¢/L). For if so, we can conjugate to to to 1 in G(¢/L) "~ SU(H). But then the characteristic polynomial x ( X ) = X 3 - ~tX 2 + aX - 1, where a E L, and ~ = a. Hence x ( X ) is reducible, a contradiction. We write g = gPp where gt C G(¢/L). Let B be the matrix of g~ in SU(H). Then, by a direct computation, it follows that

grog -1 (ao.1 + a l f l + a2f2 + a3f3) = ao.1 + a l B A B - l f l

+ a2BAB-lf2 + a3BflB-lf3 •

Also, t o l ( a o . l + a l f l -]- a2f2 + a3f3) = (ao.1 + a l A - 1 fl -t- a 2 A - t f 2 + a 3 A - l / 3 ) . Therefore, if to is conjugate to to 1 in G = Aut(¢), then .~ is conjugate to A -1 in SU(H). Conversely, let BfitB -1 = A -1 for some B E SU(H). Let g' E G(E/L) be the element corresponding to B. Then g'p conjugates to to to 1.


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Let V be a vector space over L of dimension n with a nondegenerate hermitian form h. Let H denote the diagonal matrix of h with respect to some fixed orthogonal basis. Then, for any A E U(H), we have t A H A = H. Let A E S U ( H ) with characteristic polynomial XA(X) = X n + a l X ~-1 + " " + a n - i X + (-1) n. Then ( - 1 ) h a / = a n - / f o r i = 1,... ,n - 1. LEMMA 6.3: With notation as above, let A E S U ( H ) with its characteristic polynomial over L be the same as its minimal polynomial. Suppose A = A1 A2 with A1,A2 E G L ( n , L ) and ,41A1 = I = ,42A2. Then A1,A2 E U(H). Proof:

Let H = diag(A1,A2,... ,As), where AI,... ,An E k. We have tAHflt =

H. Then ( H A ~ I ) A ( H A I I ) -1 = HA-~IA1A2A1H -1 = H ~ - I H -1 = tA. Since the characteristic polynomial of A equals its minimal polynomial, by (Th. 2 [TZ]), HA-; 1 is symmetric, i.e., H A ~ 1 = t ( H A I 1) = t A ~ I H . This implies, H = tA1HA11 = t A I H A I . Hence A1 E U(H). By similar analysis we see that A2 E U(H).


LEMMA 6.4: With notation as above, let A E S U ( H ) with characteristic polynomial XA(X) = X n + a l X n - l + "" " + a n - I X + ( - 1 ) n over L, equal to its minimal polynomial. Then, A = B1B2 with B1,B2 E G L ( n , L ) and BIB1 = I = B2B2. Proof:

Let A x denote the companion matrix of A, namely

if0 0,1,/












We have

Ax =

(-1) n



a,~-i .

0 .












-1 .

I 0 .

0 .















and A1AI = I = A2A2, using ( - t ) ~ a i = ~n-~ for i = 1 , . . . , n - 1. Since the characteristic polynomial of A equals its minimal polynomial, there exists T E G L ( n , L ) such that A = T A x T -1. We put B1 = T A x T -1, B2 = T A 2 T -1. Then A = B1B2, where BIBI = I =/~2B2.




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COROLLARY 6.2: Let A E S U ( H ) with characteristic polynomial XA(X) over

L the same as its minimal polynomial. Then, A = BIB2 with B1,B2 E U(H) and BIB1 = I = B2B2. From this corollary, we get the following LEMMA 6.5: Let A E SU(H), with characteristic polynomial over L equal to

its minimal polynomial. Then, 1. ft is conjugate to A -1 in U(H), if and only i r A = A1A2 with A1,A2 E U(H) and A1A1 = I = A2A2; 2. A is conjugate to A -1 in SU(H), if and only if A = A1A2 with A1,A2 E S U ( H ) and AIA1 -- I = t]2A2. The following proposition is due to Neumann (IN], Lemma 5). Recall that we have fixed a basis {fl, f2, f3} for V = L ± over L in Theorem 6.5. PROPOSITION 6.1 : Let ~ be an octonion algebra over k and let L be a quadratic field extension of k, which is a subalgebra of ~. An dement t E G(E/L) is a

product of two involutions in Aut(E), if and only if the corresponding matrix A E S U ( H ) is a product of two matrices A1, A2 E SU(H), satisfying filA1 = A2A2 = I. We now have THEOREM 6.6: Let to be an dement in G(~/L) and let A denote the image of to in SU (H). Suppose the characteristic polynomial of A is irreducible over L. Then to is conjugate to to 1, if and only if to is a product of two involutions in

G(k). Proof: From Theorem 6.5 we have, to is conjugate to to 1, if and only if .4 is conjugate to A -1 in SU(H). From Lemma 6.5 above, ,3, is conjugate to A -1 in S U ( H ) if and only if A = A1A2 with A1,A2 E S U ( H ) and ,41A1 = I = A2A2. Now, from Proposition 6.1, it follows that to is a product of two involutions. |

Let V be a vector space over L of dimension n together with a nondegenerate hermitian form h. Let A E SU(H). Let us denote the conjugacy class of A in U(H) by C and the centralizer of A in U(H) by Z and let

LA = {det(X)lX E Z}.

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LEMMA 6.6: With notation as tixed above, for X , Y

E U(H), X A X -1 is conjugate to Y A Y -1 in S U ( H ) if and only if det(X) _= det(Y)(mod LA).

Proof: Suppose there exists S • S U ( H ) such that S X A X - 1 S -1 = Y A Y -1. Then, Y - 1 S X • Z and det(X) -= det(Y)(mod LA). Conversely, let d e t ( X Y -~) = det(B) for B • Z. P u t S = Y B X -~. Then det(S) = 1, S • S U ( H ) and Y - 1 S X = B • Z. Then, y - 1 S X A = A y - 1 s x gives S X A X - 1 S -1 = Y A Y -1. | LEMMA 6.7: Let to be an element in G ( ¢ / L ) for L a quadratic [ield extension of k and A be the corresponding element in SU(H). Suppose the characteristic

polynomial of A is irreducible over L. Then, to is conjugate to to 1 in G(k), if and only i f / o r every X • U(H) such that X f t X -1 = A -1 , det(X) • L A. Proof: We have, by Theorem 6.5, to is conjugate to to I in G(k) if and only if is conjugate to A -1 in SU(H). Let X E U(H) be such that X f t X -1 = A -1. Then from the above lemma, -4 is conjugate to A -1 in S U ( H ) if and only if det(X) • L/]. | COROLLARY 6.3: With notation as t~xed above whenever L1/L;~ is trivial, to is

conjugate to to 1 in G(k), where L 1 = {a • Lla(~ = 1}. Proof: We have L 1 = {a • Lla(~ = 1} = {det(X)lX • U(H)}. Now let us fix Xo • U(H) such that XofitXo I = A -1. Then, for any X • U(H) such that X A X -1 = A -1, we have X o l X • ZU(H)(fii). Hence det(X) • det(X0)L A. But since L1/LA is trivial, we have det(X) • L A. From the above lemma, it now follows that to is conjugate to to 1 in G(k). | Remark: From the proof above, for any X • U(H) such that X A X - 1 = A -1, we get X • XoZu(H ) (4). Since the characteristic polynomial of A is irreducible, that of A is irreducible as well. Therefore Zv(g)(,4) C ZEndL(Y)(A) = L[A] = L[T]/ < x ~ ( T ) >. In fact, ZU(H)(A ) = {x • ZEndL(y)(fii)lXah(X ) = 1}. Hence we can write X = X o f ( A ) for some polynomial f ( T ) • L[T]. LEMMA 6.8: Let A • S U ( H ) and its characteristic polynomial XA(X) be irreducible over L. Let E = L[X]/x;~(X), a degree three tieId extension of L. Then L1/L;~ ~-+ L*/N(C*).

Proof: Define a map 0: L 1 > L*/N(E*) by x ~ xN(C*). We claim that ker(¢) = {x e Lllx e N(E*)} = L A = { g ( x ) l x • $*,xa(x) = 1}. Let x •



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ker(¢), i.e., x = N(y) for some y E £* and xa(x) = 1. Let ~3 = x y - l a ( y ) E £*, then N(~) = x, ~a(~)) = 1. Hence x E L A. Conversely, if N(x) E L~ for some x E £* such that xa(x) = 1 then N(x) E ker(¢). | Hence if the field k is C1 (for example, a finite field) or it does not admit degree three extensions (real closed fields, algebraically closed fields etc.), L*/N(E*) is trivial. From Corollary 6.3, it follows that every element in G(~/L), with irreducible characteristic polynomial, is conjugate to its inverse. In particular, combining with Theorem 6.2, it follows that every semisimpte element in G(k) is conjugate to its inverse. PROPOSITION 6.2: With notation as above, let L be a quadratic field extension of k and let S E SU (H) be an element with irreducible characteristic polynomial

over L, satisfying S = S -1 . Let £ = L [ X ] / x s ( X ) , a degree three field extension of L, and assume L1/N(£ 1) is nontrivial, where L 1 = {x E Llxa(x) = 1}, £1 = {x E £[xa(x) = 1} and a is the extension of the nontrivial automorphism of L to £. Then there exists an element A E SU(H) with characteristic polynomial the same as the characteristic polynomial of S, which cannot be written as A = AIA2 where Ai = Av~ 1 and Ai E SU(H). The corresponding element t in G(~/L) is not a product of two involutions in G = Aut(~) and hence not real in G. Proof: Let b E L 1 such that b2 ¢ N(£1). Put D = diag(b,l,1) and A = DSD-1; then A belongs to SU(H). Now suppose A = A1A2 with .4i = A~-1 and Ai E SU(H). T h e n A = A1A2 = DSD -1 = DSDD -2. P u t T 1 = DSD and T2 = D-2; then Ti = Ti-1. Since A2AA~ 1 = ~ - 1 and T2AT~-1 = .~-1, we have T f l A 2 E Zu(v,h)(A), i.e., T~-IA2 = f ( A ) for some f ( X ) E L[X] (see the Remark after Corollary 6.3). Then b2 = det(T2-1) = det(T2-1A2) = d e t ( f ( A ) ) E N(£*), a contradiction.


Remark: If we choose S in the theorem above with characteristic polynomial separable, then the element A, constructed in the proof, is a semisimple element in an indecomposable maximal torus, contained in SU(H), which is not real. We recall that any central division algebra of degree three is cyclic (Theorem, Section 15.6, [P]). Let L be a quadratic field extension of k. Let F be a degree three cyclic extension of k and we denote E = F.L. Let us denote the generator of the Galois group of F over k by r. Let A = F G F u ( ~ F u 2 with udu -1 = T(d) for all d E F and u 3 = a E k*. Then A, denoted by (F, T, a), is a cyclic algebra of degree three over k. Recall also that (F, T, a) is a division algebra if and only if

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a f~ NF/k(F*). We denote the relative Brauer group of F over k by B ( F / k ) , i.e., the group of Brauer classes of central simple algebras over k, which split over F. We define a map ¢: B ( F / k ) ~ B ( E / L ) by [(F, T, a)] ~ [(E, T, a)] (which is the same as the map [D] ~ [D ® L]). This map is well defined (Section 15.1, Cor. c, [P]) and is an injective map since ker(¢) = {[(F,T,a)] E B ( F / k ) [ a • k*,a • NE/L(E*)} = {[(F,z,a)] • B ( F / k ) ] a • NF/k(F*)}. We have a commutative diagram,


~ B(F/k)

L* /I N E/L~-l~. )

~- ~ B ( E / L )

The vertical maps are injective in the above diagram. We have the following exact sequence,

1 --~ (NE/L(E*)k*)/NE/L(E*) ~


~ L 1 / N E / L ( E 1) ----+ 1

where ( N E / L ( E * ) k * ) / N E / L ( E * ) -~ k*/NF/k(F*). Hence, from the commutativity of the above diagram, we get B ( E / L ) / ¢ ( B ( F / k ) ) ~- L1/NE/L(E1). This shows L 1 / N E / L ( E 1) is nontrivial, if and only if there exists a central division algebra D over L which splits over E, and it does not come from a central division algebra over k, split by F. We recall a proposition from [K] (Chapter V, Prop. 1). PROPOSITION 6.3: Let k be a number field and L a quadratic field extension of k. Let F be a cyclic extension of degree m over k, which is linearly disjoint from L, over k. Then there exists a central division algebra ( F L / L, T, a) over L of degree m, with an involution of second kind, with a E L 1.

COROLLARY 6.4: Let k be a number field and L a quadratic field extension of k. Let F be a cyclic extension of degree 3 over k. Let us denote E = F.L. Then L 1/WE/L (E 1) is nontrivial. Proof: By the proposition above, there exists a degree three central division algebra (E,T,a) over L with a E L I. Therefore a ~ NE/L(E*). 1 We proceed to construct an example of the situation required in Proposition 6.2.



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PROPOSITION 6.4: Let k be a number field. There exist octonion algebras over k such that not every (semisimple) element in Aut(~) is real.

Proof: We use Proposition 6.2 here. Let L be a quadratic field extension of k. Let F be a degree three cyclic extension of k. Then we have E = F.L, a degree three cyclic extension of L. We denote the extension of the nontrivial automorphism of L over k to E over L by a, which is the identity automorphism when restricted to F. Sometimes we write ~ = a(x) for x E E. Let us consider E as a vector space over L. We consider the trace hermitian form on E defined as follows: tr:ExE-----+ L tr(x, y) = trE/L (x~). The restriction of this form to F is the trace form tr: F x F

~ k, given by tr(x, y) = trF/k(xy). We choose an orthogonal basis o f F over k, say {fl, f2, f3}, with respect to the trace form, and extend it to a basis of E / L . Then the bilinear form tr with respect to this basis has diagonalization < 1, 2, 2 > (Section 18.31, [KMRT]). We have disc(tr) = 4 E NL/k(L*). Hence (E, tr) is a rank 3 hermitian space over L with trivial discriminant and S U ( E , tr) is isomorphic to S U ( H ) where H = diag(1, 2, 2). We choose an element 1 ~ a E T 1 - L 1, where T; = {x E EIx2 = 1, NE/L(X) = 1}. Let us consider the left homothety map, l~:E


la(x) = ax. Since a E T 1 - L 1, the characteristic polynomial x ( X ) of la is the minimal polynomial of a over L, which is irreducible of degree 3 over L. Next we prove that la E S U ( E , tr). This is so since = tr(ax,

= trE/L(aza

) =

= tr(x, y).

Let S = (sij) denote the matrix of l~ with respect to the chosen basis {fl, re, f3 } of F over k. Then the matrix of la is S = (s~y). Also, since a5 = 1, we have S S = 1. Thus we have a matrix S in S U ( H ) , for H = < 1, 2, 2 >, satisfying the conditions of Proposition 6.2. Now, let L = k(?) with ?2 = c E k*. We write Q = k G F .

Since (F, tr)

is a quadratic space with trivial discriminant, we can define a quaternionic multiplication on Q (Prop. 2.3); denote its norm by NQ. We double Q with 72 = c E k* to get an octonion algebra E = Q ® Q with multiplication (x, y) (u, v) = (xu + c~y, vx + y~t)

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and the norm N((x, y)) = NQ(x) - cNQ(y). We choose a basis {1, a, b, ab} of Q, orthogonal for NQ, so that NQ has diagonalization < 1, 1,2, 2 > with respect to this basis. This gives a basis

{(1,O),(a,O),(b,O),(ab, O),(O, 1),(O,a),(O,b),(O, ab)} of ~ and the diagonalization of N with respect to this basis is < 1, 1,2, 2, - c , - c , -2c, - 2 c > . We observe that the subalgebra k • k C ¢ is isomorphic to L and L ± = F × F is a three-dimensional vector space over L with hermitian form < 1, 2, 2 >. Hence SU(L ±, h), with respect to the basis {(a, 0), (b, 0), (ab, 0)} of L ±, is SU(H) for H = < 1, 2, 2 >. Hence, from the discussion in previous paragraph, we have an element of required type in SU(L ±, h). By Corollary 6.4, L1/N(E 1) is nontriviah It follows from Proposition 6.1 and Proposition 6.2 that not all (semisimple) elements in Aut(¢), which are contained in the subgroup SU(E, tr), are real. | COROLLARY 6.5: Let k be a totally real number field. Then there exists an octonion division algebra ~ over k such that not every element in Aut(~) is real. Hence there exist (semisimple) elements in Aut(~) which are the product of three involutions but not the product of two involutions.

Proof: We recall from Lemma 2.1 that if the k-quadratic form Q s , corresponding to the bilinear form B: E × E ~ k, defined by B(x,y) = trE/L(X~) + trE/L(~y), is anisotropic, then the octonion algebra ~, as constructed in the proof of the above proposition, is a division algebra. In case when k is a totally real number field and L = k(i), the diagonalization of qu is < 1, 2, 2, 1,2, 2 >, which is clearly anisotropic over k. |

Remark: We note that the quadratic form QB as above can be isotropic for imaginary quadratic number fields. For example, if k = Q(~/L--22), Qu has diagonalization < 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - c , c,c >, which is isotropic. Hence the octonion algebra E in this case is split. Therefore, indecomposable tori in subgroups SU(V, h) C Aut(E) exist in all situations, whether ~ is division or not. And in either case, there are nonreal elements. 6.2 SL(3) C G. Let us assume now that L ~ k x k. We have seen in section 3 that G(~/L) -~ SL(U) ~ SL(3). Let to be an element in G(~/L) and denote



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its image in SL(3) by A. We assume that the characteristic polynomial of A E SL(3) is irreducible over k. In this case, the characteristic polynomial equals the minimal polynomial of A. LEMMA 6.9: Let the notation be fixed as above. Let to be an dement in G(~/L) and its image in SL(3) be denoted by A. Let the characteristic polynomial of A be irreducible over k. Suppose that 3h E G = Aut(~), such that htoh -1 = to 1. Then h(L) = L.

Proof: Suppose that h(L) ~_ L. Then we claim that 3x E L M ¢o such that h(x) ¢_ L. For this, let y E L be such that h(y) • L. Let x = y - ltr(y)l. Then tr(x) = O, and if h(x) E L then h(y) E L, a contradiction. Hence we have x E L M ~o with h(x) ¢. L. Also, since to(x) = x, we have to(h(x))


hto l(x) = h(x).

Therefore, to fixes h(x) E Eo and hence fixes a two-dimensional subspace span{x, h(x)} pointwise, which is contained in ~o C E. Hence the characteristic polynomial of to on ~o has a degree 2 factor. But the characteristic polynomial f ( X ) of to on Eo has the factorization

I ( X ) : (X - 1)x(X)x*(X), where x ( X ) is the characteristic polynomial of to on the three-dimensional ksubspace U of ~ and X* (X) is its dual polynomial (see Sec. 3, [W1]). Since x ( X ) is irreducible by hypothesis, this leads to a contradiction. Hence any h E Ant(E), conjugating to to tO 1 in G, leaves L invariant. I THEOREM 6.7: With notation fixed as above, let A be the matrix of to in SL(3) with irreducible characteristic polynomial. Then to is conjugate to to 1 in G = Aut(E), if and only irA is conjugate to tA in SL(3).

Proof." Let h E G be such that htoh -1 = to 1. In view of the lemma above, we have h(L) = L. We may, without loss of generality (up to conjugacy by an automorphism), assume that ~={(;

v~)ia,~Ek;v, wEk3}




By Proposition 3.3, h belongs to G(~/L) )~ H. Clearly h does not belong to G(~/L), for if so, we can conjugate to to to 1 in SL(U), which implies in particular that the characteristic polynomial x(X) of to on U is reducible, a contradiction. Hence h = gP for some g E G(E/L). Let A denote the matrix of to on

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U in SL(3) and B that of g. Then, a direct computation gives

htoh_1 (: v): (tB_IAtB w Btd-lflB-lv) ~ and

toI (: Vfl): (tA~w A-iv) .


htoh -1 = to I ~ A = B t A B -1. Hence, to is conjugate to to 1 in G(k) if and only if A is conjugate to tA in SL(3). | We now derive a necessary and sufficient condition that a matrix A in SL(3), with irreducible characteristic polynomial, be conjugate to tA in SL(3). We have, more generally, THEOREM 6.8: Let A be a matrix in SL(n) with characteristic polynomial XA(X) irreducible. Let E = k[X]/XA(X) -~ k[A] be the field extension of k of degree n given by XA(X). Then A is conjugate to tA in SL(n), /l and only if, for every T E GL(n) with T A T -1 = tA, det(T) is a norm from E.

Proof: Fix a To E GL(n) such that ToATo 1 = tA and define a map, {T e Mn(k)ITA = tAT} --4 k[A] T F-~ TolT. This map is an isomorphism of vector spaces, since if T E Mn(k) is such that T A = tAT then T o l T belongs to Z(A) (= k[A], as the characteristic polynomial of A is the same as its minimal polynomial). To prove the assertion, suppose To E SL(n) conjugates A to tA. But with the above bijection, T o l T = p(A) for some p(A) E k[A], p(X) E k[X]. Hence det(p(A)) = det(T), i.e., d e t T is a norm from E. Conversely, suppose there exists T C GL(n) with T A T -1 = tA and det(T) is a norm from E. Then there exists p(X) E k[X] such that det(p(A)) = det(T) -1. Thus det(Tp(A)) = 1 and (Tp(A))A(p(A)-IT -1) = T A T -1 = tA. | In the case under discussion, A E SL(3) has an irreducible characteristic polynomial. Hence, E ~- k[A] ~- ZM3(k ) (A) is a cubic field extension of k. We combine the previous two theorems to get



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COROLLARY 6.6: Let A be a matrix in SL(3) with irreducible characteristic polynomial. With notation as above, suppose k*/N(E*) is trivial Then A can be conjugated to tA in SL(3) and hence to can be conjugated to to I in Aut(¢). If k a C1 field (e.g., a finite field) or k does not admit cubic field extensions (e.g., k real closed, algebraically closed), the above criterion is satisfied automatically. Hence every element in G(E/L), for L = k x k, with irreducible characteristic polynomial over k, is conjugate to its inverse in G(k). In particular, combining this with Theorem 6.2, we see that every semisimple element in G(k) is real. We shall give a cohomological proof of reality for G~ over fields k with cd(k) _< 1 (see the remarks later in this section). LEMMA 6.10: Let A be a matrix in SL(n) with irreducible characteristic polynomial Then A is conjugate to tA in SL(n) if and only if A is a product of two symmetric matrices in SL(n). Proof: Any matrix conjugating A to tA is necessarily symmetric (Th. 2 [TZ]). Let S be a symmetric matrix which conjugates A to tA in SL(n), i.e., S A S -1 = tA. Let B = S A = tAS. Then B is symmetric and belongs to SL(n). Hence A = S - 1 B is a product of two symmetric matrices in SL(n). Conversely, let A be a product of two symmetric matrices from SL(n), say A = $1S2. Then $2 conjugates A to tA. | We need the following result from ([W1]) (cf. also [L]), PROPOSITION 6.5: Let ~ be a (split) Cayley algebra over a field k of characteristic not 2. Let L be a split two-dimensional subalgebra of ~. An element E G(~/L) is a product of two involutory automorphisms if and only if the corresponding matrix in SL(3) can be decomposed into a product of two symmetric matrices in SL(3). We have THEOREM 6.9: Let to be an element in G(~/L), with notation as in this section. Let us assume that the matrix A of to in SL(3) has irreducible characteristic polynomial. Then to can be conjugated to to 1 in G = Aut(~), if and only if to is a product of two involutions in G(k). Proof: The element to can be conjugated to to 1 in G if and only if A can be conjugated to tA in SL(3) (Theorem 6.7). This is if and only if A is a product

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of two symmetric matrices in SL(3) (Lemma 6.10). By Proposition 6.5, this is if and only if to is a product of two involutions in Aut(~). | In view of these results, to produce an example of a semisimple element of G = Aut(~) that is not conjugate to its inverse in Aut(~), we need to produce a semisimple element which is a product of three involutions but not a product of two involutions. We shall show that, for the split form G of G2 over k = Q or k = Qp, there are semisimple elements in G(k) which are not conjugate to their inverses in G(k). We shall end this section by exhibiting explicit elements in G2 over a finite field, which are not real. These necessarily are not semisimple or unipotent (see the remarks at the end of this section). We adapt a slight variant of an example in ([W1], ILl) for our purpose; there, the issue is bireflectionality of G2. LEMMA 6.1 1 : Let k be a field and let S be a symmetric matrix in SL(3) whose characteristic polynomial p ( X ) is irreducible over k. Let E = k[X]/ < p ( X ) >, the degree three field extension of k given by p ( X ) . Further, suppose that k */ N ( E* ) is not trivial. Then there exists a matrix in SL(3), with characteristic polynomial p(X), which is not a product of two symmetric matrices in SL(3). Let b e k* such that b2 ¢_ N ( E * ) . Consider D = diag(b,l,1), a diagonal matrix, and put A = D S D -1. Then A E SL(3). We claim that A is not a product of two symmetric matrices from SL(3). Assume the contrary. Suppose A = D S D -1 = $1S2 where $1, $2 E SL(3) and symmetric. Then Proof."

A = D S D -1 = ( D S D ) D -2 = $1S2.

Let T1 = D S D , T2 = D -2. ThentTi = T i , i = 1,2 a n d A = T1T2 = $1S2. Therefore, t A = T2T1 = T2AT~ 1 = $2S1

---- $2AS2-1.

Since the characteristic polynomial of A is irreducible, by the proof of Theorem 6.8, D:S2 = T ~ S ~ E Z ( A ) = k[A] ~- E, which implies $2 = D - 2 f ( A ) for some polynomial f ( X ) E k[X]. Taking determinants, we get 1 = det $2 = det D -2 det(f(A)), i.e., b2 = det(f(A)) E N ( E * ) , contradicting the choice of b E k. Hence A cannot be written as a product of two symmetric matrices from SL(3). |



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Remark: In view of Theorem 6.9 and its proof, the element A corresponds to an element in Aut(~) which cannot be conjugated to its inverse. If we choose the matrix S, as in the statement of the lemma above, to have separable characteristic polynomial, the matrix A, as constructed in the proof, corresponds to a semisimple element in an indecomposable torus contained in SL(3) C G = Aut(~), which is not real. THEOREM 6.10: Let G be a split group of type G2 over k = Q or Qp. Then there exists a semisimple element in G2(k) which is not conjugate to its inverse.

Proof: R e a l i t y over Qp: Let k = Qp, p ~ 2. Let p(X) be an irreducible monic polynomial of degree n, with coefficients in Qp. By a theorem of Bender ([Bel]), there exists a symmetric matrix with p(X) as its characteristic polynomial, if and only if, for the field extension E = Qp[X]/(p(X)), there exists a in E* such that (-1)n(n-1)/2N(a) belongs to ( ~ ) 2 . We choose E as the (unique) unramified extension of Qp of degree 3. Then, E is a cyclic extension Of Qp. We choose/~ E E*, N(/~) = 1 so that E = Qp(/~). L e t p ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of ~ over Qp. Then, applying Bender's result, there is a symmetric matrix A over Qp, with characteristic polynomial p(X). Since N(/~) = 1, A belongs to SL(3,Qp). We have q~p/N(E*) ~ Z/3Z (see Sea. 17.9, [P]), hence ( ~ ) 2 ¢ N(E). Therefore we are done by Lemma 6.11, combined with Proposition 6.5 and Theorem 6.9. | This example shows that there exist semisimple elements in G = Aut(~) over k = Qp, which are not a product of two involutions and hence must be a product of three involutions, by ([W1]). In particular, reality for G2 fails over Qp (Theorem 6.3). R e a l i t y over ~. A polynomial p(X) E K[X] is called K-real if every real closure of K contains the splitting field of p(X) over K. Bender (Th. 1, [Be2]) proves that whenever we have K, an algebraic number field, and p(X) a monic K-polynomial with an odd degree factor over K, then p(X) is K-real if and only if it is the characteristic polynomial of a symmetric K-matrix. Let p(X) = X 3 - 3X - 1. Then all roots of this polynomial are real but not rational. This polynomial is therefore irreducible over Q and, by Bender's theorem stated above, p(X) is the characteristic polynomial of a symmetric matrix. Note that K = Q[X]/ < p(X) > is a degree 3 cyclic extension of Q. We recall that for a cyclic field extension K of a k, the relative Brauer group B(K/k) ~- k*/NK/k(K*) (ref. Sec. 15.1, Prop. b, [P]). It is known that if K / k is a nontrivial extension of global fields, then B(K/k) is infinite (ref. Cor. 4,

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[FKS]). Therefore, for K chosen as above, Q*/N(K*) is not trivial. Hence all conditions required by Lemma 6.11 are satisfied by the polynomial p ( X ) and we get a semisimple element to E G2(Q) which is not conjugate to its inverse, using Lemma 6.11, Proposition 6.5 and Theorem 6.9. I R e a l i t y over Fq: Let k = F~ be a finite field. We have shown (Theorem 6.3) that semisimple elements and unipotent elements in G(k) are real in G(k). We now construct an element in G(k) which is not conjugate to its inverse. Let be the split octonion algebra over k; assume that the characteristic of k is not 2 or 3. We use the matrix model for the split octonions, as introduced in section 2. Let L be the split diagonal subalgebra of ~. We assume that k contains primitive third roots of unity. We have G ( ~ / L ) ~ SL(3). Let w be a primitive third root of unity in k. Let A=

(i o) w 0



Then A E SL(3) and the minimal polynomial (=characteristic polynomial) of A is p ( X ) = ( X - w) 3. Let b E k be such that the polynomial X 3 - b2 is irreducible over k (this is possible due to characteristic assumptions). and B -- D A D -1. Then B E SL(3) and has the same as A. Note that B is neither semisimple nor unipotent. the automorphism of ~ corresponding to B. It is clear subalgebra of t is precisely L.

Let D = minimal Let t E that the

diag(b, 1, 1) polynomial G ( ~ / L ) be fixed point

THEOREM 6.11: The element t C G ( ~ / L ) as above is not real. If not, suppose for h E G(k), hth -1 = t -1. Then, since t fixes precisely L pointwise, we have h(L) = L. Therefore h E G(¢, L) ~- G ( ¢ / L ) ~ H, where H = < p > is as in Proposition 3.3. If h E G ( ¢ / L ) , conjugacy of t and t -1 by h would imply conjugacy of B and B -1 in SL(3). But this cannot be, since w is the only root of p ( X ) . Thus h = gp for g C G ( ¢ / L ) . Now, by exactly the same calculation as in the proof of Theorem 6.7, conjugacy of t and t -1 in G(k) is equivalent to conjugacy of B and t B in SL(3). Let C B C -1 = t B with Proof:

C e SL(3). Let T=

-1 0


Then T E SL(3) is symmetric and T A T -1 = tA. Hence ,4 is a product of two symmetric matrices in SL(3), say A -- T1T2 with Ti E SL(3), symmetric (see



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the proof of Lemma 6.10). But C B C -1 = ~B gives (DCD)A = tA(DCD). Therefore, by an argument used in the proof of Theorem 6.8, using the fact that the characteristic polynomial is equal to the minimal polynomial of A, we have

DCD = T2f(A) for some polynomial f E k[X]. Taking determinants, we get b2 = det(f(A)) = f(w) 3. But this contradicts the choice of b. Hence t is not real.


A similar construction can be done for the subgroup SU(V, h) C G. We continue to assume that k is a finite field with characteristic different from 2, 3. We first note that the (split) octonion algebra contains all quadratic extensions of k. We assume that 2 is a square in k and that k contains no primitive cube roots of unity. Let L be a quadratic extension of k containing a primitive cube root of unity w. Let b E L with NL/k(b) = 1 such that the polynomial X 3 - b2 is irreducible over L. Let c~ E L with NL/k(O~) = --1. Let


1 032

2 1-




then A E SU(3) and the minimal polynomial (=characteristic polynomial) of A over L is (X - w) 3. Let F be a cubic extension of k and E = F.L. Then E is a cyclic extension of L and we have the trace hermitian form as defined in Proposition 6.4, on E. We fix an orthogonal basis for F over k for the trace bilinear form and extend it to a basis of E over L. Then the trace hermitian form has diagonalization < 1, 1, 1 >. We construct E -- L G E with respect to the hermitian space (E, tr), as in Section 3. Then SU(L ±, h) ~- SU(3). Let D = diag(b, 1, 1) and B = DAD -1. Then B E SU(3) and has the same minimal polynomial as A. Note that B is neither semisilnple nor unipotent. Let t denote the automorphism of E corresponding to B. Then the fixed point suhalgehra of t in E is precisely L. We have THEOREM 6.12: The element t E G(E/L) as above is not r e a l Proof." Suppose t is real in G(k). Then there is h E G(k) such that hth -1 = t -1. Since the fixed point subalgebra of t is L, we have h(L) = L. Thus, by Proposition 3.5, h E G(E,L) ~ G(E/L) >~H, where H = < p > is as in Proposition 3.5. If h E G(E/L), then B and B -1 would be conjugate in SU(3), but that cannot be since w is the only eigenvalue for B. Hence h = gp for g E G(E/L). Then, conjugacy of t and t -1 in G(k) is equivalent to conjugacy of and B - : in SU(3), by the same calculation as in the proof of Theorem 6.5. By

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Lemma 6.5, this is if and only i f B = B1B2 with Bi E SU(3) and BiBi = 1. But then B = DAD -1 = B1B~ and hence A = (D-1B1D-1)(DB2D) = A1A2, say. Then Ai E U(3) and A---TAi = 1. Let C E SU(3) be such that C-BC -1 = B -1. Then C D A D - 1 C -1 = D A - 1 D -I. This gives (D-1CD-I)-A(DC-1D) = A -1. Hence, by Lemma 6.5, A = TIT2 with Ti E SU(3), TiT~ = 1. Therefore, by a similar argument as in the remark following Corollary 6.3, we must have T1A; 1 = f ( A ) for a polynomial f ( X ) E L[X]. Taking determinants, we get b -2 = f(co) 3, contradicting the choice of b. Therefore t is not real in G(k). I


1. Our results in fact show that if a semisimple element in G(k), for a group G of type G2, is conjugate to its inverse in G(k), the conjugating element can be chosen to be an involution. The same is true for unipotents (these are always conjugate to their inverses). 2. One can give a simple cohomological proof of reality for G2 over k with cd(k) _< 1. Recall that cd(k) < 1, if and only if, for every algebraic extension K of k, B r ( K ) = 0 ([Se] Chap. 3, Prop. 5). Let g E G(k) be semisimple and T be a maximal k-torus of G containing g (cf. [Sp], Corollary 13.3.8). Let N ( T ) be the normalizer o f t in G and W = N ( T ) / T the Weyl group of G relative to T. We have the exact sequence of groups 1 -+ T --+ N ( T ) --+ W --+ 1.

The corresponding Galois cohomology sequence is 1 --+ T(k) -+ N(T)(k) --+ W(k) --+ H I ( k , T ) --+....

Now, if cd(k) _< 1, by Steinberg's theorem (see [S]), H I ( k , T ) = 0. Hence the last map above is surjective homomorphism of groups. Therefore the longest element Wo in the Weyl group W of G~, which acts as - 1 on the set of positive roots with respect to T ([B], Plate IX), lifts to an element h of N(T)(k). Hence, over ks, we have hth -1 = t -1 for all t E T. But h E G(k), hence the conjugacy holds over k itself. Using Theorem 6.3, we get the following interesting result. THEOREM 6.13: Let cd(k) < 1 and G be a group of type G2 over k. Then every semisimple element in G(k) is a product of two involutions in G(k).



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3. T h e obstruction: From our results, we see that semisimple elements belonging to decomposable tori are always product of two involutions and hence real in G(k). For semisimple elements belonging to an indecomposable maximal torus T, the obstruction to reality is measured by L 1/N(C1), where T C SU(V, h) ~ SU(£, h (~)) is given by T = E 1 and C is a cubic field extension of L. In the other case, when T C SL(3), the obstruction is measured by k*/N(~F*), where Jr is a cubic field extension of k. In both cases, the obstruction has a Brauer group interpretation. When T C SL(3) C G is an indecomposable maximal torus, coming from a cyclic cubic field extension ~" of k, the obstruction to reality for elements in T(k) is the relative Braner group B(Jr/k). For an indecomposable torus T C SU(E, h ~) C G, where E is a cubic cyclic field extension of L, the obstruction is the quotient B(~/L)/¢(B(~F/k), where ~" is the subfield of C, fixed by the involution a on E, and ¢ is the base change map

B(~/k) --~ B(£/L). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We thank Dipendra Prasad for suggesting the problem and his generous help. We thank Huberta Lansch and E. Bender for making available their papers to us. The authors thank H. Petersson for very useful comments on the paper. We thank Surya Ramana and Shripad for many stimulating discussions. We are extremely grateful to the referee for suggestions, which improved the exposition tremendously. The second author thanks ICTPTrieste for its hospitality during the summer of 2003.

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דוקטור לפילוסופיה
and it is a recurring theme in the analysis of Boolean functions that they are, ..... in the first part, and apply the results to further study of graph properties in the ...

Antibiotic Allergy
Feb 9, 2006 - and severity of the reaction and the organ systems affected (Table 1). Factors such ... the answers to which may help determine whether .... is further validated, it is best considered a re- .... The Physicians' Desk Reference provides

Biochemical Journal
domain that is critical for signalling, a three-stranded β-sheet connected by loops and turns, ... such, they have been best characterized with respect to signalling through heterotrimeric ..... in protecting the host [52]. Recruitment of leucocytes

Forensic Program
the provider of numerous services for other academic departments and the university as a whole. ... forums becomes a lost or, at best, low-priority goal in forensics educa- tion?" (56). To ignore ... On our campus, the host- ing of a forensic night .

online appendix
May 15, 2015 - revenues comes from online orders in year t. Share of ... Share of the total wage bill paid to workers with a college ...... No telecom No computer ..... Table IV), we calculate the first term on the right hand side: the proportional.

Egalitarian Opportunities
equality, this may be viewed as a clever marketing policy on behalf of egalitarians. but the ..... that other kinds of opportunities might be at least as good. What the ... Cohen (1990) is even more direct on that point, and agrees with. Rawls who ..

IJRIT International Journal of Research in Information Technology, Volume 2, Issue 4, April ... University College of Science. .... Organizing Map (SOM)[10] is a member of the CLNNs and this can be the best choice when implementing vector.

uncorrected proof
Jun 9, 2009 - In fewer than 20 years, mobile phones have gone from being rare and expensive .... or mobile laptops to a considerable degree because they are in the course of ..... Social Science Computer Review, 24(1), 106Б118. Cleland ...

uncorrected proof
Apr 7, 2003 - The causative agent for the fungal epizootic in these years was identified as N. rileyi. In ... Biocontrol Science and Technology (2003) 13, 367Б/371 ... but at different times: population 1, 3 months prior to N. rileyi .... behind the

Thanh Xuan
Environment&Urbanization Vol 17 No 1 April 2005. 237 ..... schools, a secondary school, two kindergartens and some technical schools. It had a police station ... Hanoi (350,000 dongs per year, or US$ 35) and the vice-president was paid.

Supermax Prisons
for correctional administrators and increase economic cost to the community without apparent benefits ..... prison construction, which means temporary jobs for those building the prison and ..... Wilkinson et al., 495 F. App. 0176P (2004). Baker ...

Report on
6.1 Development and dissemination of public awareness .... around 150 viss (app. 245kg) ..... present survey), qualitative cost-effective interview surveys on the ...

Just Physics
biological development. Damian G. Kelty- ... propose that complexity science serves as an application of recent advances in physics to ... developing cognitive structure. ..... computational means of describing the convolutions of turbulence.

Nov 9, 2008 - 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. ... time and power. Device function and. Software. Functional. Simulator. Timing. Simulator .... Give the simulated application an illusion of approximate time. (functional time ...

In current practice, the use of a superscript lowercase letter indicates that the editor .... 6 The remnant theme in 4Q161 and its relationship to the larger Dead Sea Scrolls ..... word ןוילכ in the lemma (Isa 10:22) and corresponds with the scr

ď - Sites
Developed, implemented, and supported Instructional Technology initiatives. • Implemented a 1 to 1 ... Implemented and maintained Google Apps for Education.