TI-84 Guide GraphOrg
© Mr Vasquez
1. FORMAT Step 1: 2ND FORMAT Step 2: RectGC Step 3: CoordOn Step 4: GridOff Step 5: AxesOn Step 6: LabelOn Step 7: ExprOn 2. MODE Step 1: First line: Normal Step 2: Next line: 2 (Decimal Places) Step 3: Next line: Degree Step 4: Next line: Func Step 5: Next line: Connected Step 6: Go down to STAT DIAGNOSTICS Step 7: STAT DIAGNOSTICS: On Step 8: STAT WIZARDS: On 3. TI-83: TURNING STAT DIAGNOSTICS ON Step 1: 2ND CATALOG Step 2: D Step 3: Go down to DiagnosticOn Step 4: ENTER Step 5: ENTER 4. WINDOW SETUP Step 1: WINDOW Step 2: According to your needs, fix Xmin. Step 3: According to your needs, fix Xmax. Step 4: According to your needs, fix Xscl. Step 5: According to your needs, fix Ymin. Step 6: According to your needs, fix Ymax. Step 7: According to your needs, fix Yscl.
10. SCATTERPLOTS (STAT PLOTS) 10.1. TURNING ON PLOT 1 Step 1: 2ND STAT PLOT Step 2: 1:Plot1… Step 3: On Step 4: ENTER 10.2. TURNING OFF PLOT 1 Step 1: 2ND STAT PLOT Step 2: 1:Plot1… Step 3: Off Step 4: ENTER 10.3. DISPLAYING A SCATTERPLOT Step 1: GRAPH 10.4. RESIDUALS SCATTERPLOT Step 1: 2ND STAT PLOT Step 2: 2:Plot2… Step 3: On Step 4: ENTER Step 5: Go down to Ylist: Step 6: Type RESID Step 7: ENTER Step 8: ZOOM Step 9: 9:ZoomStat Step 10: ENTER 11. LINEAR REGRESSION Step 1: STAT Step 2: CALC Step 3: 4:LinReg(ax+b) or 8:LinReg(a+bx)
Exiting a particular screen = 2ND QUIT Clearing a particular entry = CLEAR Use the arrows to move the cursor: ▲▼◄ ►
Step 4: Xlist: (Independent variable) L1 is the default value. ND ND ND To change it, press 2 L2, or 2 L3, or 2 L4, etc.
5. LISTS IN THE KEYBOARD: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6.
Step 5: YList: (Dependent variable) L2 is the default value. ND ND ND To change it, press 2 L1, or 2 L3, or 2 L4, etc.
6. DELETING LISTS STORED IN THE CALCULATOR Step 1: 2ND MEM Step 2: 2:Mem Mgmt/Del... Step 3: 4:List... Step 4: Press DEL for each existing List. 7. STATISTICAL MENU Step 1: STAT Step 2: 5: SetUpEditor Step 3: ENTER 8. ENTERING LISTS Step 1: STAT Step 2: 1:Edit Step 3: Enter data in List 1 (L1), List 2 (L2), etc. 9. ALPHABETICAL CHARACTERS 9.1. ENTERING ONE ALPHA CHARACTER Step 1: ALPHA Step 2: Type the alphabetical character 9.2. ENTERING SEVERAL ALPHA CHARACTERS Step 1: 2ND A-LOCK Step 2: Type the alphabetical characters Step 3: ALPHA (turns off ALPHA characters)
Step 6: Go down to Store RegEQ: Step 7: STO Step 8: VARS Step 9: Y-VARS Step 10: 1:Function Step 11: 1:Y1 (or 2:Y2, or 3:Y3, etc.). Step 12: ENTER Step 13: Go down to Calculate Step 14: ENTER Step 15: GRAPH 12. PREDICTING Step 1: GRAPH Step 2: 2ND CALC Step 3: 1:Value Step 4: X= Enter the value of the independent variable. Y answer is shown. 13. PREDICTING (LOOKING AT THE TABLE) Step 1: GRAPH Step 2: 2ND TABLE Step 3: Look for the value of the independent variable (X). Step 4: Find the matching value of the dependent variable (Y1, or Y2, etc.).
14. DELETING STORED EQUATIONS Step 1: 2ND MEM Step 2: 2:Mem Mgmt/Del... Step 3: 6:Y-Vars... Step 4: Press DEL for each existing Y-Var (Y1, Y2, Y3, etc.) 15. WARNING: DO NOT RESET THE CALCULATOR! This action will delete ALL stored programs and applications. 16. TURNING OFF STAT PLOTS Step 1: 2ND STAT PLOT Step 2: ENTER Step 3: ► to Off Step 4: ENTER Step 5: If they are on, turn off Plot2 and Plot3. 17. TABLE SETUP Step 1: 2ND TBLSET Step 2: Fix the TblStart= Step 3: ▼ to ∆Tabl= Step 4: Fix the increment for the independent variable (x) ∆Tabl= Step 5: Indpnt: Auto Step 6: Depend: Auto 18. ENTERING Y= Step 1: Press Y= Step 2: Enter the first function in Y1. Step 3: ▼◄ ◄ Change to a different graph style. Step 4: ►► Enter the second function (if any) in Y2. 19. DISPLAYING THE TABLE Step 1: 2ND TABLE 20. TRANSMITTING PROGRAMS (FOR EXAMPLE, AQRS) Step 1: Connect the calculators with the link cable. Push both ends in firmly. 20.1. RECEIVING CALCULATOR Step 2: 2ND LINK Step 3: ► to Receive Step 4: ENTER. (Screen Message: Waiting…) 20.2. TRANSMITTING CALCULATOR Step 5: 2ND LINK Step 6: 3:Prgm… Step 7: ▼ to AQRS Step 8: ENTER Step 9: ► to TRANSMIT Step 10: ENTER Step 11: Screen Message: AQRS PRGM Step 12: Disconnect the calculators.
21. ARCHIVING PROGRAMS (FOR EXAMPLE, AQRS) Step 1: 2ND MEM Step 2: 5:Archive Step 3: PRGM Step 4: ▼ to AQRS Step 5: ENTER Step 6: ENTER 22. UNARCHIVING PROGRAMS (FOR EXAMPLE, AQRS) Step 1: 2ND MEM Step 2: 6:6UnArchive Step 3: PRGM Step 4: ▼ to AQRS Step 5: ENTER Step 6: ENTER
23. EXECUTING THE QUADRATIC PROGRAM AQRS Step 1: PRGM Step 2: ▼ to AQRS Step 3: ENTER Step 4: A= Key the value of a in. Step 5: ENTER Step 6: B= Key the value of b in. Step 7: ENTER Step 8: C= Key the value of c in. Step 9: ENTER Step 10: Y= Key the value of y in. (Usually, but not always, the Y value is 0.) Step 11: ENTER 23.1 RESULTS (FIRST SCREEN) First Line: Discriminant Second Line: x1 Third Line: x2 Step 12: ENTER 23.2 RESULTS (SECOND SCREEN) First Line: Vertex (x coordinate) Second Line: Vertex (y coordinate) Third Line: Opening (Opens Upwards or Opens Downwards) 24. ENTERING THE EQUATION IN Y= Step 1: Press Y= Step 2: Key the function in Y1. Step 3: ENTER Step 4: Set up the WINDOW. Step 5: GRAPH 25. USING THE EQUATION SOLVER (eqn) Before using the Equation Solver the equation (eqn) should be equal to zero! Step 1: MATH Step 2: ▲ to Solver Step 3: ENTER Step 4: CLEAR Step 5: Once eqn:0= is clear, 2ND RCL Step 6: VARS Step 7: ► to Y-VARS Step 8: 1:Function Step 9: 1:Y1 Step 10: ENTER Step 11: eqn:0= shows the equation entered in Y1 Step 12: ENTER Step 13: Cursor to X= Step 14: ALPHA SOLVE. Answer is shown in the cursor position. Step 15: ▲ to Solver Step 16: CLEAR Step 17: 2ND QUIT 26. MINIMUM OR MAXIMUM Step 1: GRAPH Step 2: 2ND CALC Step 3: 3:Minimum or 4:Maximum Step 4: ◄ or ►to Left Bound Step 5: ENTER Step 6: ►to Right Bound Step 7: ENTER. X and Y answers are shown. 27. CALCULATING OTHER VALUES OF Y Step 1: 2ND CALC Step 2: 1:Value Step 3: X= Enter the value of the independent variable. Y answer is shown.
X= (Enter the value of the independent variable)