Grove Starter kit for LinkIt ONE.pdf 1 9/15/14 5:59 PM

Modules Introduction

· About LinkIt ONE The LinkIt ONE development board is an open source, high

Starter Kit for LinkIt ONE

performance board for prototyping Wearables and IoT devices.

1. Grove Touch Sensor

It's based on the world's leading SoC for Wearables, MediaTek

This "button" can sense the touch of your finger.

features to Arduino boards, making it easy for you to connect to

※ Example

various sensors, peripherals, and Arduino shields. · How to use LinkIt ONE

get start with LinkIt ONE.

This example will show you how to get data from sound sensor.

※ Example The example below shows you how to use this touch sensor to turn a led(D13) on and off.

File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_Touch_Sensor ※ Tips

among excessive wires. Why couldn't we simplify the building

This is an alternative to the momentary button. Grove Touch

process? With this goal we designed and created the Grove

Sensor detects the change in capacitance in the circular region;

system. Every Grove module has one function, such as sensing

the closer your finger is to the region, the larger the change in

light, and it has pre-installed wires. You only need to plug one

capacitance. Even if there is paper between your finger and the

Grove cord into a socket on the Base Shield for the module to


You can open serial monitor, then the data appear. Connection: Grove - Sound Sensor connect to A0 of Grove Base Shield

Connection: Sketchbook path:

and signal. Soon the LinkIt ONE would be hard to manipulate

This code of Grove - Sound Sensor will works with this module.

※ Example

Grove - Touch Sensor connect to D2 of Grove Base Shield

a module was connected to LinkIt ONE, including power, ground

function reliably in your design.

This is a sensor that detects the change of light.

features of MediaTek LinkIt. It also provides similar pin-out

download LinkIt ONE IDE and the most important, learn how to

Before we had Grove, at least three wires were needed every time

This is a sensor to evaluate the intensity of sound.

and GPS (MT3332) chipsets to provide you with access to all the

of LinkIt ONE first, where you can learn how to install driver,

· About Grove

3. Grove - Light Sensor

Aster (MT2502) combined with high performance Wi-Fi (MT5931)

If this is your first time to use a LinkIt ONE, please refer to the wiki


2. Grove Sound Sensor

Sketchbook path: File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit-> Grove_Sound_Sensor ※ Tips The electric microphone collects sound intensity for all frequencies, and the potentiometer acts as the doorman. When you rotate it clockwise to the extreme, it lets everything go through, and when you rotate it fully counterclockwise, nothing goes through.

Connection: Grove - Light Sensor connect to A0 of Grove Base Shield ※ Tips The output of the analog light sensor ranges from 0 to 1023, but it is not linear with respect to the ambient light intensity. Below is a table to help you understand what the output really means. Sensor Value 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

LUX <1 ~1 ~3 ~6 ~10 ~15 ~35 ~80 >100

Description Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes Twilight in the city

Family living room Office building light in hallway Very dark, overcast day

sensor, it will still function reliably.





4. Grove - Servo

5. Grove - Dust Sensor

6. Grove – Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro

7. Grove - UV Sensor

8. Grove – Barometer

This is an actuator whose positon can be precisely controlled.

This sensor can measure air quality.

It has more complete and accurate performance than the basic

This sensor is used for detecting the intensity of incident ultravio-

This sensor can is used for detecting the baro and temperature.

version. The detecting range of this sensor is 5% RH - 99% RH, and

let(UV) radiation.

-40°C - 80°C.









※ Example In the example, the servo will move from location 0 to location 180, then move to location 0, and follow by recycle. Connection: Grove - Servo connect to D8 of Grove Base Shield Sketchbook path: File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Servo ※ Tips Grove - Servo has several mounting hardware options for different purposes: you can use them to drive a small fan, lift an object, or mimic a clock hand.

※ Example

※ Example

The example code can show you how to get data from the sensor.

The code in this example shows you how to get temperature and

※ Example

※ Example

You can see the output data in the serial monitor.

humidity from the sensor. You can see the output data in the

The example will show you how to get UV value from the sensor.

The example will show you how to get baro and temperature


serial monitor.

You can see the output data in the serial monitor.

from the sensor, You can see the output data in the serial monitor.




Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro connect to D2 of

Grove - UV Sensor connect to A0 of Grove Base Shield

Grove - Barometer connect to I2C Port of Grove Base Shield

Grove Base Shield

Sketchbook path:

Sketchbook path:

Sketchbook path:

File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_UV_Sensor

File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_Barometer ※ Tips

Grove - Dust Sensor connect to D2 of Grove Base Shield Sketchbook path: File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_Dust_Sensor ※ Tips · 3 min preheat time is required when used at the first time.

File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_Temp_Hu-

※ Tips

· Pins VR1 and VR2 come preset. Please DON'T change the default


Go out into the sunlight, you will find the UV value increase. The

The unit of barometer is KPA. It can widely measure pressure


※ Tips

Grove - UV Sensor is based on the sensor GUVA-S12D which has a

ranging from 300hPa to 1100hPa, AKA +9000m to -500m above

The warnings and wrong operations possible cause dangerous. It

wide spectral range of 200nm-400nm.

sea level, with a super high accuracy of 0.03hPa(0.25m) in ultra-high resolution mode.

has more complete and accurate performance than the basic version. The detecting range of this sensor is 5% RH - 99% RH, and -40°C - 80°C. -6-



9. Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±16g)

10. Grove - Led Bar

11. Grove - Base Shield

This is a high resolution digital accelerometer providing you at

Grove – LED Bar is comprised of a 10 segment LED, you can use it

Base Shield is an interface between Arduino and Grove modules.

max 3.9mg/LSB resolution and large ±16g measurement range.

as an indicator.

There are 16 Grove sockets on the base shield, whichcan be

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2. Secret Box When some guys open this secret box, you will get an SMS.

1. Noise Finder

※ Materials List:

divided into three different functional areas: digital ports (8),

Noise Finer can show you the sound intensity around you. Then

· Grove - Light Sensor

analog ports (4), and I2C ports (4).

you can judge if the noise is too large or not.

· Base Shield

※ Materials List:

· LinkIt ONE

· Grove - LED Bar

Find the complete recipe here:

· Grove - Sound Sensor

· Base Shield · LinkIt ONE

※ Example The example will show you how to get accelerator from the sensor, You can see the output data in the serial monitor. Connection: Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer connect to I2C Port of Grove Base Shield Sketchbook path: File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_Acclelrometer ※ Tips It's based on an advanced 3-axis IC ADXL345.Low power 0.1 μA in standby mode at VS = 2.5 V.

Find the complete recipe here:

※ Example

The example will show you how to control every led of Grove LED Bar. Connection:

The Grove modules communicate via different protocols, and you

Grove - Led Bar connect to D2 of Grove Base Shield

can quickly figure out how to use them by familiarizing yourself

Sketchbook path:

with the communication methods of each module.

Sound Sensor Light Sensor

File -> Examples -> Grove_Starter_Kit -> Grove_Led_Bar ※ Tips 10 segment LED means there're 10 LEDs. It can be used as an indicator for remaining battery life, voltage, water level, music volume or other values that require a gradient display.



LinkIt ONE

LinkIt ONE


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Grove Starter kit for LinkIt ONE.pdf 2 9/15/14 5:59 PM

GroveStarter Kit for LinkIt ONE C








Grove Starter kit for LinkIt ONE - GitHub

features to Arduino boards, making it easy for you to connect to various sensors ... Example. This code of Grove - Sound Sensor will works with this module. Connection: ... Connection: Grove - Barometer connect to I2C Port of Grove Base Shield ... volume or other values that require a gradient display. 10. Grove - Led Bar.

610KB Sizes 5 Downloads 355 Views

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