Galen University  Mile 62.5 George Price Highway  P.O. Box 94  Cayo District  Belize, C.A.  +501-824-3226

APPLICATION INTO GALEN’S SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Galen University’s scholarships are awarded for full-time study at Galen University to Belizeans who demonstrate the best combination of citizenship and academic potential. Incoming first-time freshmen may qualify for a four-year tuition scholarship and incoming transfer students may qualify for a two-year tuition scholarship to pursue a Galen University undergraduate degree. Applicants should exhibit a well-rounded character with the best combination of citizenship and academic potential through involvement in the community and/or co-curricular activities. There are three types of Scholarships:  Academic Excellence (must have minimum CGPA of 3.50)  Professional Scholarship (must have a minimum CGPA of 3.00)  Athletic Scholarship – Male and Female in areas of volleyball, football and basketball (must have a minimum CGPA of 2.80) Only applicants who meet all the requirements will be considered for the awarding of a scholarship. Applicants must submit a completed scholarship application form with all support documentation along with an original essay of 500 words that responds to the following question:  What would you do to become a fully engaged student at Galen and how will your involvement help/facilitate your personal and professional development? Sign your essay to confirm that it is your work and it is a true reflection of your thoughts and writing skills. Any evidenced conclusion that your submission is not your own work will be grounds for denial of scholarship consideration.

DETAILS OF APPLICATION Intended Academic Program of Study: _________________________________________________________ Scholarship applying for (Check one): Academic Excellence Professional Scholarship Athletic Scholarship (select sub-category of interest): Male volleyball Female volleyball Male football Female football Male basketball Female basketball Cumulative Grade Point Average from feeder institution: _______________________________________

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Legal Name (Please enter your name as it appears on your passport and/or other official documents.)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Last



Suffix (Jr., Sr. (if applicable)

Mobile #: _____________________________ Home #: _________________________________ Permanent Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

RECOMMENDATIONS Two detailed letters of reference are needed. Please submit along with application form and original essay. Referees should prepare a character reference letter describing their affiliation to the applicant and their knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities. These testimonials should highlight the applicant’s attitude, initiative, personal ethics, involvement in co-curricular activities that will increase his or her chances of being an engaged student at Galen, working with others to become model Galen graduates and need. Kindly provide the required contact information for referees below. Referees cannot be relatives of applicant. 1. Name of Referee: _________________________________________ Occupation: ______________________________________________ Mobile #: _____________________________ Home #: _________________________________ Permanent Email: ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Name of Referee: _________________________________________ Occupation: ______________________________________________ Mobile #: _____________________________ Home #: _________________________________ Permanent Email: ____________________________________________________________________

PROOF OF NEED Please submit a copy of the most recent TD4 of whoever will fund your Galen education. Also submit a paragraph (below) explaining your financial need and include all other dependents that this person supports. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Kindly ensure that this form is properly completed. Incomplete application forms will result in disqualification. Applicants must be accepted to Galen University to be eligible for a scholarship.

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Check each of the skills that you possess (based on experience). Carpentry




Event Planning


Expressive Arts

Computer Science

Graphic Design







Other (please specify): ________________________

Management of social media platforms

Video Editing Website Management


Other (please specify): _______________________________


DECLARATION (Please print your name, sign and date in the spaces below to confirm the submission of your scholarship application.)

I, _____________________________________ certify that the information and support materials provided are current, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that withholding information requested in this scholarship application or giving false information will make me ineligible for scholarship consideration at Galen University. _______________________________________ Applicant’s Signature

______________________________ Date

OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Application received: ___________________ Received by: ________________________________ Application Status: Complete Incomplete Missing requirements: ____________________________________________________________________ Scholarship Decision:



Dean’s Signature: __________________________ Date of Decision: _____________________________ Recommended Job Placement: ________________________________________________________________

Thank you for applying into Galen’s Leadership Scholarship Program! Please ensure that all support documentation are included and all sections of this application are complete before making your submission. This application will become a part of your permanent record at Galen University. Kindly submit your completed application package to: Galen University Office of Student Affairs GALEN UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 94 San Ignacio, Cayo District Belize, Central America You may also deliver your scholarship application package to any of Galen’s Centers across the country. The locations of the centers are listed below. For more scholarship information contact us at [email protected] or by telephone at (501) 824-3226.


2090 Chancellor Avenue, Belize Institute of Management

Caye Caulker Roman Catholic Primary School, Caye Caulker Village

San Pedro High School, Lagoon Street, San Pedro Town

Cayo District: 

2nd Floor Habet Building, Constitution Drive, Belmopan City

Mile 62 ½ George Price Highway, Central Farm Village

Corozal District: 

Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College, San Roman Village

Orange Walk District: 

Muffles College, San Andres Street, Orange Walk Town

Stann Creek District: 

Ecumenical Junior College, Ecumenical Drive, Dangriga Town

Independence Junior College, Savannah Road, Independence Village

Toledo District: 

New Site Area, Toledo Community College, Punta Gorda Town

Kindly ensure that this form is properly completed. Incomplete application forms will result in disqualification. Applicants must be accepted to Galen University to be eligible for a scholarship.

GU Scholarship Application_Fall 2017.pdf

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