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BEST​ ​EXTRACT:​ ​Patented​ ​Gymnema​ ​Sylvestre​ ​extract​ ​has​ ​been​ ​Clinically Tested​ ​and​ ​Proven​ ​to​ ​naturally​ ​control​ ​insulin​ ​release​ ​but​ ​DOES​ ​NOT​ ​harm pancreatic​ ​beta​ ​cells.

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8X​ ​Gymnema​ ​Sylvestre​ ​Extract​ ​Organic 106​ ​East​ ​Sixth​ ​Street,​ ​Suite​ ​900​ ​Austin,​ ​TX,​ ​78701 Call​ ​Us​ ​1-866-512-5511 Website:​ ​ Google​ ​Site:​ Google​ ​Folder:​

The​ ​'Sugar​ ​Destroyer'​ ​Herb​ ​+​ ​8​ ​Other​ ​Tips​ ​For​ ​Quitting​ ​Sugar​ ​That​ ​Blew​ ​Our​ ​Minds 1.​ ​Find​ ​the​ ​sweetness​ ​in​ ​your​ ​life. The​ ​common​ ​thread​ ​in​ ​people​ ​who​ ​suffer​ ​from​ ​sugar​ ​cravings​ ​is​ ​a​ ​lack​ ​of​ ​self-nurturing.​ ​They are​ ​often​ ​the​ ​types​ ​who​ ​take​ ​care​ ​of​ ​everyone​ ​else​ ​and​ ​put​ ​themselves​ ​last.​ ​So,​ ​their​ ​reward​ ​to themselves​ ​is​ ​the​ ​sweets.​ ​But​ ​what​ ​is​ ​really​ ​missing​ ​is​ ​finding​ ​the​ ​sweetness​ ​in​ ​their​ ​lives. Creating​ ​space​ ​for​ ​themselves.​ ​Finding​ ​time​ ​to​ ​do​ ​things​ ​they​ ​really​ ​love​ ​to​ ​do.​ ​Often,​ ​the people​ ​who​ ​are​ ​most​ ​susceptible​ ​to​ ​sugar​ ​cravings​ ​are​ ​working​ ​stressful​ ​jobs,​ ​living​ ​stressful lives,​ ​completely​ ​out​ ​of​ ​balance.​ ​They​ ​have​ ​disconnected​ ​from​ ​what​ ​their​ ​passions​ ​are​ ​in​ ​life, and​ ​life​ ​has​ ​become​ ​a​ ​series​ ​of​ ​obligations​ ​rather​ ​than​ ​enjoyment.​ ​So,​ ​taking​ ​the​ ​time​ ​to​ ​create

space​ ​and​ ​find​ ​the​ ​sweetness​ ​in​ ​life​ ​is​ ​a​ ​great​ ​long-term​ ​strategy​ ​to​ ​avoid​ ​sugar.​ ​If​ ​the​ ​person​ ​is satisfied​ ​in​ ​all​ ​aspects​ ​of​ ​their​ ​lives,​ ​there​ ​is​ ​less​ ​reason​ ​to​ ​reach​ ​for​ ​the​ ​sweets​ ​when​ ​stressed. 2.​ ​Drink​ ​apple​ ​cider​ ​vinegar. Apple​ ​cider​ ​vinegar​ ​helps​ ​to​ ​change​ ​your​ ​taste​ ​buds​ ​to​ ​the​ ​point​ ​where​ ​sugary​ ​foods​ ​taste​ ​too sweet.​ ​I​ ​have​ ​found​ ​people​ ​to​ ​crave​ ​less​ ​junk​ ​when​ ​they​ ​sip​ ​apple​ ​cider​ ​vinegar​ ​throughout​ ​the day. 3.​ ​Take​ ​the​ ​"sugar​ ​destroyer"​ ​herb. Gymnema​ ​sylvestre​​ ​is​ ​an​ ​herb​ ​in​ ​the​ ​milkweed​ ​family​ ​and​ ​known​ ​as​ ​a​ ​"sugar​ ​destroyer"​ ​in ayurvedic​ ​medicine,​ ​as​ ​it​ ​desensitizes​ ​our​ ​taste​ ​buds​ ​to​ ​sweet​ ​items.​ ​It​ ​can​ ​help​ ​promote healthy​ ​blood​ ​sugar​ ​levels​ ​and​ ​reduce​ ​cholesterol​ ​due​ ​to​ ​supporting​ ​a​ ​healthy​ ​pancreas​ ​and liver​ ​function.​ ​It​ ​helps​ ​regenerate​ ​beta​ ​cells​ ​in​ ​the​ ​pancreas,​ ​which​ ​secrete​ ​insulin​ ​in​ ​order​ ​to take​ ​up​ ​sugar​ ​into​ ​the​ ​cells​ ​for​ ​energy.​ ​It​ ​also​ ​helps​ ​make​ ​cells​ ​more​ ​sensitive​ ​to​ ​receiving insulin.​ ​We​ ​tend​ ​to​ ​crave​ ​sweet​ ​items​ ​when​ ​we're​ ​low​ ​on​ ​energy​ ​(perhaps​ ​not​ ​enough​ ​insulin​ ​or cells​ ​are​ ​resistant),​ ​stressed​ ​(increased​ ​cortisol​ ​causes​ ​the​ ​body​ ​to​ ​use​ ​sugar​ ​so​ ​we​ ​need​ ​to replenish),​ ​or​ ​poor​ ​sleep​ ​(also​ ​increases​ ​cortisol),​ ​for​ ​example,​ ​and​ ​gymnema​ ​helps​ ​balance spikes​ ​in​ ​blood​ ​sugar​ ​that​ ​could​ ​additionally​ ​be​ ​triggered​ ​by​ ​a​ ​poor​ ​diet.​ ​A​ ​few​ ​drops​ ​on​ ​your tongue​ ​before​ ​a​ ​meal​ ​can​ ​offset​ ​desiring​ ​sugar​ ​and​ ​last​ ​for​ ​about​ ​three​ ​hours,​ ​especially​ ​in conjunction​ ​with​ ​a​ ​nutritious​ ​diet​ ​and​ ​the​ ​desire​ ​to​ ​quit​ ​sugar.​ ​However,​ ​caution​ ​should​ ​be​ ​used if​ ​someone​ ​is​ ​taking​ ​oral​ ​medication​ ​or​ ​insulin,​ ​as​ ​it​ ​can​ ​alter​ ​prescription​ ​dosages. 4.​ ​Become​ ​a​ ​sugar​ ​detective. One​ ​of​ ​the​ ​best​ ​ways​ ​to​ ​quit​ ​added​ ​sugar​ ​is​ ​to​ ​get​ ​really​ ​good​ ​at​ ​learning​ ​how​ ​to​ ​find​ ​it.​ ​Simply looking​ ​at​ ​the​ ​grams​ ​of​ ​sugar​ ​will​ ​not​ ​cut​ ​it​ ​since​ ​sugar​ ​can​ ​come​ ​naturally​ ​through​ ​dried​ ​fruit. The​ ​industry​ ​has​ ​gotten​ ​very​ ​good​ ​at​ ​masking​ ​sugar​ ​and​ ​calling​ ​it​ ​by​ ​other​ ​names.​ ​I​ ​usually teach​ ​my​ ​clients​ ​two​ ​important​ ​rules:​ ​1)​ ​if​ ​it​ ​ends​ ​in​ ​"-​ ​ose,"​ ​it's​ ​sugar,​ ​and​ ​2)​ ​if​ ​it​ ​ends​ ​in​ ​"syrup" it's​ ​also​ ​a​ ​sugar.​ ​Some​ ​frequent​ ​ones​ ​that​ ​appear​ ​healthy​ ​but​ ​are​ ​still​ ​sugar​ ​are​ ​brown​ ​rice sugar,​ ​date​ ​sugar,​ ​and​ ​of​ ​course,​ ​sucrose,​ ​fructose,​ ​and​ ​lactose. 5.​ ​Know​ ​that​ ​sugar​ ​replacements​ ​won't​ ​satisfy​ ​your​ ​cravings. Don't​ ​try​ ​to​ ​replace​ ​sugar​ ​with​ ​fruit​ ​and​ ​expect​ ​to​ ​be​ ​satisfied.​ ​Seltzer​ ​is​ ​not​ ​cola,​ ​and​ ​a​ ​banana is​ ​not​ ​a​ ​cookie​—​and​ ​that's​ ​totally​ ​OK.​ ​Let​ ​those​ ​non-sugar​ ​items​ ​be​ ​their​ ​own​ ​awesome​ ​things instead​ ​of​ ​consolation​ ​prizes,​ ​and​ ​take​ ​this​ ​opportunity​ ​to​ ​try​ ​new​ ​stuff​ ​and​ ​find​ ​something​ ​new you​ ​like.​ ​Rather​ ​than​ ​focusing​ ​on​ ​what​ ​you​ ​can't​ ​have,​ ​think​ ​about​ ​what​ ​you​ ​can​ ​have​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as some​ ​foods​ ​and​ ​beverages​ ​you've​ ​been​ ​curious​ ​to​ ​try.​ ​For​ ​example,​ ​maybe​ ​your​ ​colleague's favorite​ ​ginger​ ​tea​ ​always​ ​smells​ ​amazing,​ ​but​ ​you've​ ​been​ ​in​ ​a​ ​rut​ ​with​ ​your​ ​sugary​ ​coffee drink.​ ​Now​ ​is​ ​a​ ​great​ ​time​ ​to​ ​give​ ​something​ ​different​ ​a​ ​shot.​ ​You​ ​might​ ​find​ ​something​ ​you​ ​love, and​ ​the​ ​novelty​ ​can​ ​help​ ​distract​ ​you​ ​from​ ​sugar​ ​FOMO.

6.​ ​Eat​ ​almond​ ​butter. The​ ​most​ ​helpful​ ​tip​ ​I​ ​know​ ​of​ ​for​ ​quitting​ ​sugar​ ​is​ ​to​ ​keep​ ​your​ ​blood​ ​sugar​ ​stable​ ​with​ ​almond butter.​ ​Keep​ ​a​ ​jar​ ​on​ ​hand​ ​at​ ​work,​ ​at​ ​home,​ ​and​ ​in​ ​your​ ​bag,​ ​and​ ​feed​ ​yourself​ ​a​ ​spoonful about​ ​a​ ​few​ ​times​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​day.​ ​This​ ​will​ ​ensure​ ​steady​ ​blood​ ​sugar,​ ​warding​ ​off​ ​any blood​ ​sugar​ ​crashes​ ​that​ ​can​ ​make​ ​you​ ​go​ ​scavenge​ ​for​ ​a​ ​hit​ ​of​ ​sugar.

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