Hillsboro Charter Academy Management Committee Minutes Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 6:30-8:15 PM Media Center Chair: Mark Wertheimer Attendees: Mark Wertheimer, Corinna Sloup, Stefanie Krimsky, Megan Tucker, Andrea MacDuffee, Christy Hendrickson, Tauvas Johnson, Miranda Meadows, Amy Goodyear, Tiffany Miller, and Stacie Kling. Absent: Rebecca Fuller Agenda items: I. II. III. IV. V.

Opportunity for Community Comment A. none Committee Member Comment A. none Approval of minutes from 12/12/17 A. Megan moved, Stacie second, passed unanimously Reorder Agenda A. none Discussion Items A. Member Reports 1. Principal (Mark Wertheimer) a. Waitlist policy amendment approved and on line b. BOD officers selected i. Ben Lenhart, President ii. Nicole Rude, VP iii. Yvonne Balfour, Secretary iv. Nicole Rude, Acting Treasurer v. Members i. Rebecca Fuller ii. Marie Doe iii. Nicki Bazaco iv. Roger Vance v. Nicole Rude vi. Amy Newton vii. Gwen Wilf c. Election of parent rep underway d. We will plan better inclement weather response, especially regarding salt and plowing 2. Grade 3-5 Classroom Teacher Representative (Vice President, Stacie Kling) a. DARE graduation is coming up for the fifth graders, asked that BOD be invited. This is a busy time for them as many decisions are being made for middle school. They will be visiting the middle school and testing will be starting. b. Progress reports are coming out with the rubrics for the second quarter. c. Date for the Lottery – On or about the second Wednesday in March will be the lottery. Board of Directors to finalize at next meeting. d. Enrollment policy – on the website. Post lottery info on weekly blast and calendar. 3. Grade K-3 Classroom Teacher Representative (Tiffany Miller) a. Will have a student teacher, Brandy Hedrick-Van Briggle, joining us on March 5th and will be here for 8 weeks in Mrs. Millers classroom.

4. Support Staff Representative (Tauvas Johnson) a. none 5. School Culture (Miranda Meadows) a. School-specific survey almost completed. Plans are to post to parents at the end of the semester b. School Store business plan being explored, to take place after survey complete 6. STEAM/PBL (Megan Tucker) a. Professional Development day, 1/2/18: i. National School Choice week, 1/22-1/26. Scarves distributed. ii. January 25, 2 PM, Donor Plaque celebration. BOD to finalize arrangements. January 29 workday, Sea Perch (underwater robots) training and devices provided for free iii. VCEC (Virginia's Children's Engineering Conference), Feb 8 and 9. Staff will be presenters and attendees. iv. E3 extravaganza during Engineering Week, Olympics theme, classroom rotation similar to Coding events, February 15-23. Pilots and Paws presenter coming. v. Second semester Exhibition of Learning planning (April 27, 6-7:30 PM) 7. BOD Liaison (Treasurer, Rebecca Fuller) a. absent 8. Communications (Corinna Sloup) a. Newsletters will be coordinated with Mark b. How to streamline the web page to it is not so cluttered and it is easier to use. The home page will have a more prominent donation presence. c. How to improve communication between kids/parents/and school. We already use seesaw, and she is looking at SMS to send out to parents for functions so everyone is in the know. General feedback at the meeting indicates put texting service on hold. d. Also attach a calendar to the email blast so parents can print it. This, too, was put on hold, as the calendar is easily printed from the website. 9. Events Coordinator (Andrea MacDuffee) a. School Auction Meetings - 3rd Wednesday of every month, the first one is on the 17th at 7pm, have the auction meeting here in the nest. They want to welcome everyone who can help. No prior experience necessary. The auction will be at Breaux Vineyards on May 4th 2018. They are trying to find an online auction site for the silent auction items. An email blast article is forthcoming, and the event is at the end of each weekly email blast. b. Andrea was at the events committee for the town. They are going to start with relandscaping the town. Julie Paul is the liaison for HCA questions. They also want to do an indoor Easter egg hunt and target the HCA community. The town is going to start planning more family friendly events that target the HCA community as a whole. Roger is doing a “state of the Gap” on January 20th at 9am, including the town improvements. So they are thinking of doing a school potluck? Andrea was thinking of doing a family skate night in Purcellville, although, it is going through a change in management. 10. Partnership (Christy Hendrickson) a. Christy is looking for ideas to get people to sign up for scrip. The increased prominence of the donation options on the web should help. b. Read-a-thon – Last year we had the Read-a-thon at the same time we had many other fundraisers and so it was not a successful. In addition, the website took




20% of the proceeds. Christy is going to research additional websites, and options for read-a-thon programs. 11. Food (Stefanie Krimsky) a. Continuing with limited menu. b. They are doing student incentives to help with the behavior in the lunch room. Including a classroom incentive “the golden tray” and an individual recognition program for students with good behavior. c. They will also have a special “Farm Fresh” lunch on Valentine’s day. Parents will be invited to this event. Special arrangements will be made with PE to accommodate likely time overruns for lunch period. d. Will be looking at the budget and trying to increase the variety if the budget allows. 12. Parent Representative (Recorder, Amy Goodyear) a. none Action Items A. Read-A-Thon fundraiser a. See above under Partnership b. Alternatives being sought c. We want to promote events, as they are key to our culture, making sure they are not presented as fundraisers per se. d. We will have a chili cook-off on February 17th at 5:30pm Next meeting: 2/13/18, 6:30-8 PM A. Agenda Items a. none Adjournment: 8:15 PM

Hillsboro Charter Academy Management Committee ...

Jan 9, 2018 - Hillsboro Charter Academy. Management Committee Minutes. Tuesday, January 9 ... 7. BOD Liaison (Treasurer, Rebecca Fuller) a. absent. 8. Communications (Corinna Sloup) a. ... How to improve communication between kids/parents/and school. We already use seesaw, and she is looking at SMS to ...

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