“Aim at heaven and you will find earth thrown in, aim at earth and you will lose both.” C.S. Lewis Reference Info: This list relies heavily on The Core by Leigh Bortins, Norms & Nobility by David Hicks, and my personal life and study experiences and beliefs.
All Disciplines in the Context of Community & Work
Divine Worship & the Spiritual Disciplines
Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric: The Literary Path
Materials that can help accomplish these things
Liberal Art or Discipline
All of this is so that we may become whole, fully alive human beings partaking of the divine things. Co-creating through our work, becoming the faith steward. To come together as a community, remembering the divine things, nurturing each other’s souls, and attending/cultivating attentive perception.
Morning Time Narration Read Aloud Poetry Memory Work (timeline, geography, English grammar)
To become one with the father through the person of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. To develop disciplined habits and cultivate virtues. Become Comfortable with Leisure & Divine Worship (practice it) Read/Hear the Stories of the Bible Move forward practicing these: Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Study/Journaling/Learning/Biblical Languages, Scripture Memory, Simplicity, Silence/Solitude, Submission, Service, Journaling, Confession/Repentance/Forgiveness, Worship, Guidance/Stewardship, and Celebration Begin Celebrating the Festivals To see Christ, the Ideal type and his story as much as possible. You study the truth and the lies will become automatically evident. To be used to a pattern of language that is true, good, and beautiful. To develop disciplined habits and cultivate virtues. To practice articulating the pattern of language and thought.
Read to Kids from books above their reading level to increase vocabulary (A LOT) Kids read easy books below their reading level in order to master common words. (A LOT) Kids read books out loud at/or slightly above their reading level to gently increase reading skills (A little)
Read books about everything: Science History Biographies of Scientists, leaders, etc…
Have the Ideal Type set before them as much as possible
Created by Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom
Story Bible Individual Bibles Charlotte Mason Scripture Memory Method Journal Places to Serve Catechism, Prayers, Creeds Time in the schedule to these things
Fairytale/myth/fable collections 5 Topics of Invention Teaching the Classics Narration handout & cube
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“Aim at heaven and you will find earth thrown in, aim at earth and you will lose both.” C.S. Lewis
To become comfortable with mystery and remain comfortable with mystery Narrate reading selections, on paragraph level and work up to book level Be able to ask Should he have done it questions
To become comfortable with order & form that we may see Christ more clearly. To develop disciplined habits and cultivate virtues. The Progression: 4 & under – be read to 5 – sit still, draw & color, correct body position 6 – copy words from books and white boards, practice spacing and lines 7 – phonics and spelling rules 8 – write complete sentences (Know punctuation & Capitalization Rules) 9 - Diagramming sentences & be able to reflect on own writing to ensure correctness.
Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric: The Critical Path/English Grammar
1. Memorize 70 Phonograms 2. Memorize 30 Spelling rules 3. Master 1000 most commonly used words * Daily drill * Dictation * Dialectical Discussions about misspellings (from spelling tests and own writing) * Create own Dictionary/Spelling Curriculum (Need to Learn to use a dictionary for this) - Assign weekly phonograms/spelling rules - Make appropriate 10 word spelling lists - Check work - Student read spelling rule, word list & spelling sequence into recording device - Type everything into MS Word 4. Master the 112 sentence classifications, 5 parts of sentence, and the 8 parts of speech 5. Ask critical questions about own sentences and those read to judge correctness and accuracy.
Created by Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom
****See notes in the Core p 125 for insight and answers to the paragraph level thinking and questions****
The writing road to reading Spelling Plus Spelling Dialectic Discussion form Essentials of the English Language Harvey’s Grammar Diagramming Book Our Mother Tongue The Blue Book of Grammar & Punctuation
A note on spelling: “The goal must be to effect improvement in writing. Unless there is a transfer into writing, a spelling program cannot be considered truly effective.” PUNCTUATION & CAPITIALZATION (Review The Core check list pp123-123)
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“Aim at heaven and you will find earth thrown in, aim at earth and you will lose both.” C.S. Lewis To see the structure of language and communicating to see the Word incarnate more intimately and with greater ease? To develop disciplined habits and cultivate virtues. Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric: The Practical Path/ Writing
Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric: The Linguistic Path
The Mathematical Arts: Arithmetic & Geometry
Be able to narrate short paragraphs and progressively move to lengthier and more complex passages. Be able to write down a dictation beginning with a few words to eventually a paragraph Be able to copy, with perfection, any sentence or group of sentences.
IEW, structure & Style The Lost Tools of Writing Synonym finder “Paint-Sample” Synonym Cards Narration, Copywork, and dictation
The Progression Continued: 10+ – Discover the content to be writ about (invention) 10+ - Arrange all the research in a fitting and ease of use way 10+ – Saying all the ordered research in eloquently fitting way (Elocution) 10+ – continue advancing in quality and judgment in carrying out these skills and tasks
1. Latin: Follow Evan Milner’s system 2. Spanish: practice phrases for communicating 3. Arabic: Learn the Alphabet and Begin Learning phrases for communicating 4. Greek: Learn the Alphabet
TO see the language of creation. To see God more clearly. To develop disciplined habits and cultivate virtues. To know the nature of numbers, to know order & form. To recognize it when it is before us. To notice more of God in everyday. 1. Work on Math lessons as daily habit 2. Practice mental math 3. Drill and practice for speed & accuracy 4. Move slowly through foundational ideas by over practicing concepts 5. Demonstrate neatness when writing a problem 6. Learn inverse operations for additional practice and to check answers 7. Learn to create and explain problems to demonstrate competency with a concept. 8. Do not permit calculators until trigonometry 9. Copy every problem and each step in order to self check the work and identify help needs
Created by Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom
Evan Der Milner materials Spanish Family Mentor Arabic Mentor How to Learn Any Language by Barry Farber Greek Alphabet Flashcards Stories/Tapes/etc... in Latin, Spanish, and Arabic Don’t rush. Proceed for mastery. Math Memory Work- ORAL All Math facts Spine Curriculum Teaching Textbooks Supplemental curriculums Understanding Mathematics Khan Academy Ray’s Math Books
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“Aim at heaven and you will find earth thrown in, aim at earth and you will lose both.” C.S. Lewis
Drawing Journal & Nature Study
Learning to “see”, gaining perspective, perceiving reality and cultivating wonder & curiosity. To practice seeing, that it may become habit, that we can see more than we could ask or imagine Seeing the Big Picture: Logos: there is a big picture that is beyond us Starting Lessons: 1. Label the great circles 2. Practice lesson 1 3. The prime meridian and the international date line 4. Learning is satisfying (add in music) 5. Adding Africa 6. Repeat lesson 5 7. Continental Blobs 8. Label the oceans 9. Blob perfection 10. Final project Next Step: Follow procedures on page 161 ‘The Core’ K – Great Circles grid & Continental Blobs 1 – Australia 2 – South America 3 – Africa 4 – North America 5 – Europe 6 – Asia 7 – Antarctica & Indonesia 8 – World Map Observe everything and journal about it Use all senses observing all branches of science Have children Narrate Nature study time Nature/Collection/Observation Journal Defining and classifying terms that describe the universe Include information about People from History when fitting Research & Presentation Skills 1. Make Table of Contents, Index, and Glossary for Nature Journal 2. Record information alphabetically
Created by Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom
Drawing Journal Geography Memory work Globe Wall map of the United States Wall map of the World Atlas Lap books (Nations to pray for) www.JoshuaProject.com
Science memory work Science Acts & Facts Cards CC Day Experiments Lab Journal Nature Exploring & Journaling BOOKS – related to science content Ex: Carry on Mr. Bowditch Ralph Moody Series The Phantom Tollbooth A Parable of Nature Christian Liberty Nature Readers
Paragraph Copying Resources Write and Draw through History Draw Write Now
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“Aim at heaven and you will find earth thrown in, aim at earth and you will lose both.” C.S. Lewis 3. Learn about glossaries, thesauri, indexes, dictionaries, other research resources Work up to a weekly written narration about Nature Study time during week Handwriting Practice: Spelling Plus, Scripture on board, & well written sentences
The Mathematical Arts: Harmonics
The Mathematical Arts: Astronomy
To see and hear the harmony of music so they can see and hear the harmony of the Father. The marriage of language and mathematics.
Tin Whistle Listen to Classical Music Listen to lots of Harmonious music
Learning to “see”, gaining perspective, perceiving reality and cultivating wonder & curiosity. To practice seeing, that it may become habit, that we can see more than we could ask or imagine Seeing the Big Picture: Logos: there is a big picture that is beyond us Ordering our thoughts to the great logos and picture
Signs & Seasons Memoria press Astronomy book
Watch the sky and begin to memorize constellation and where they are. Integrated in literature, memory work, and Nature Journaling.
The 4 Sciences: TO love flavorful beauty and to make things our slave rather than being the slave of anything. Things serve us. We are beings that house the Holy Spirit. Fine Arts, Gymnastic, & the Home Arts
Drawing Visual Arts Drama Athletics Home arts (decorating, atmosphere creation, culinary/medicine)
Created by Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom
Use nature journal and integrated projects as platform to build art experiences from. Drawing With Children Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Gene Franks
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