To apply and find out more information contact
Greater Metropolitan Housing Coporation (GHMC) • Phone: 612-722-7141 • Website: www.gmhchousing.org • Address: 3749 Cedar Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55407
GMHC’s mission is to preserve, improve and increase affordable housing for low and moderate income individuals and families, assist communities with housing revitalization as well as create and carry out demonstration projects.
CANDO 3736 Chicago Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 T: (612)824-1333 E:
[email protected] W: www.thecentralneighborhood.com
You are Central and Central CAN DO Housing!
Housing Resources
• Minneapolis 311 • 311
YO U A R E C E N T R A L & C E N T R A L C A N D O H O U S I N G
Central Neighborhood in Minneapolis, MN is home to a vibrant and diverse community with bustling business nodes, and historic homes. It is minutes from both Downtown and Uptown Minneapolis and I35W. Central is home to Green Central Park, several community gardens and
• Ca! to report housing issues and find more resources.
• Habitat for Humanity • 612.331.4439 • Ca! for help with painting your home or help with foreclosure prevention.
• Center for Energy and Environment • 612-335-5884 • Offers a variety of low-interest loans and grants to Minneapolis property owners, including renters, to help fix up their homes.
• Rebuilding Together • 651-776-4273 • Provides repairs such as roofing, plumbing, and electrical work for low-income families and seniors.
• Hearts and Hammers
H O M E B U Y E R S F O R G I VA B L E L O A N S# Qualifications: Buyers in the Central Neighborhood whom have taken a homebuyer education class, are buying a single family or duplex home and staying in the home for over 5 years. Maximum Funding: The maximum amount granted is $5,000.00. If the house is on the vacant and boarded list the maximum is raised to $10,000.00
HOME IMPROVEMENT LOW INTERE ST L O A N S# Qualifications: Central Resident in a single family, duplex, condo or townhouse. Maximum Funding: $35,000.00 with a 3% simple interest loan. This is a $1 for $1 matching program.
• 952-922-2451 • For seniors and individuals with disabilities, volunteers provide exterior “home rehab,” painting, and landscaping.
• Handyworks • 612-721-8687 • Matches seniors with volunteers to perform household chores.
E M E R G E N C Y G R A N T S#
Qualifications: Central residents who are owner occupied and homesteaded qualify for up to one loan on their property. The emergency must be dependent on the resident staying in their home. Maximum Funding: $5,000.00