Hoya Files 2007 # IV Hoya pilosa Seemann 1856 In Flora vitiensis (1865) 163. B. Seemann. For Flora Vitiensis, see under H. bicarinata... It reads, What I distributed under the name H. pilosa (n. 321) is “probably only a young state” of this species having the leaves more hairy below ‘H. bicarinata’. In Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 36 (1898) 417. “Notes on Hoya” J. Britten. H. pilosa Seem. is retained in Ind. Kew. as a species, but can hardly be said to have any claim to that position.- -It first appeared in Bonplandia, ix. 257, as a nomen nudism, and in Fl. Vit. 163, Seemann says it was "probably only a young state" of H. bicarinata (australis), “having the leaves more hairy below." In Sargentia 6 (1942). “Fijian Plant Studies” A. C. Smith. Hoya pilosa Seem. (ex A. Gray in Bonplandia 10: 37, nomen. 1898); Seem. Fl. Vit. 163, nomen. 1866; Britten Jour. Bot. 36: 417, 418, nomen. 1898), which has never been adequately described, is founded on Seemann 321, a sterile duplicate of which is at GH. It has been referred to H. australis (or H. bicarinata), but its leaf-blades are pilose beneath and I am dubious of its place here. In shape and texture of leaf-blades it suggests the following new species, but because of its pubescence it cannot definitely be placed there. In referring the cited Fijian specimens to H. australis, I am following the majority of authors who have worked on this group. Bentham (Fl. Austral. 4: 346. 1868) apparently had no doubt that H. bicarinata and H. australis were synonyms, and his description fits the Pacific specimens fairly well. Britten (in Jour. Bot. 36: 414. 1898) also places H. bicarinata in synonymy, remarking that Asclepias volubilis Forst. (Fl. Ins. Austr Prodr. 21, excl. syn. 1786), from the New Hebrides, is also the same species. This position is followed by Setchell (in Carn. Inst. Publ. 341: 57. 1924) and several other authors and is generally accepted in herbaria. Christophersen (in Bishop Mus. Bull. 128: 188. 1935) expresses the opinion that H. bicarinata may be upheld for the Samoan specimens, at least for the time. Basing his concept of H. australis upon Bentham's description, Christophersen points out several respects in which the Samoan material differs; these characters concern the degree of pubescence of the young stem, the proportions of the peduncle and the pedicels and their pubescence, and the color and pubescence of the corolla. On the basis of a series of material from Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, and the New Hebrides, I am convinced that characters concerning the length and degree of pubescence of the peduncle and pedicels are of little consequence. Specimens with adequate notes, from these regions, are said to have the have the corolla purple to red or reddish brown at base within, while the inner surface is densely and obviously puberulent. Australian specimens, on the other hand, are said to have the corolla pink-tinged at the base within, while its inner surface is glabrous, according to Bentham. However, the Australian specimens which are available to me show that the corolla is obscurely but densely puberulent. As to its color, it seems probable that the notes on Bentham's specimens were not very complete, and one may question the validity of this character.
In short, on the basis of Australian and Pacific material now available to me, I fired no reliable characters on which the specimens can be divided into H. australis on the one hand and H. bicarinata on the other. Future observations and monographic work on the genus may modify this opinion. Corolla 11-20 mm. in diameter, the lobes 4- 8 mm broad; lobes of corona 2.5 - 5 mm. long. Lobes of corona 2.5-3.5 mm. long, concave above, inconspicuously bicarinate beneath; calyx-lobes 1.5-3 mm. long, dorsally strigillose or conspicuously puberulent; corolla somewhat membranous, white with colored center, minutely puberulent within, the sinuses acute; leaf-blades usually broadly elliptic, subcordate or rounded at base………………..H. australis.
Hoya pandurata Tsiang 1939 Type description:
In Sunyatsenia 4 (1939) 125-126. Tsiang. Hoya pandurata Tsiang, sp. nov. Suffrutex epiphyticus in arborius radicans haud scandens, ramis non visis, ramulis stramineoflavis 2 - 3 mm, diametro teretibus glabris laxe densiusculeve foliatis, internodiis 2 - 4 cm, longis. Folia erecto-patentia carnosula glabra pandurata vel anguste oblonga margine involuta apice acuminata basi rotundata et in sino tenuissime biauriculata 4- 7 cm. longa et 1 cm. lata (in Wang 74427, 10 x 2 cm.), nervatione utrinque vix couspicua, petiolo glabro circiter 4 mm. longo apice glaudulis 2 - 4 fascicularibus iustructo. Inflorescentiae axillares umbelliformi-cymosae dimidum foliorum attingentes multiflorae, pedunculo glabro 3 mm. longo, cicatricibus pedicellorum deciduorum multis, pedicellis glabris 1.5 cm. longis, bracteolis ovatis glabris 1 mm. longis gemmis ovoideis. Calyx glaber 5-partitus, glandulis intracalycularibus 5, segmentis quincuncialibus ovatis obtusis 2 mm longis et 1.5 mm. latis; corolla flava vel rubra rotata usque ad tertiam partem inferiorem quinquefida extus glabra intus villosa, lobis ovatis acutis ciliolatis 6 mm. longis et 4 mm. latis; coronae squamae carnosae stellatim patentes superne ovatae ac uminatae medio leviter coucavae, angulo interiore in dentem parvum antheram incumbentem producto exteriore rotnuclato subtus marginibus revolutis cliaracteribus sectionis Euhoyae; gynostegium perbrevi antheris conniventibus; pollinia oblanceolata apice subtruncata basi cuneata, caudiculis horizontalibus retinaculo ellipsoideo. Gynaecium characteribus generis. Yunnan: Sze-Mao, A. Henry l2258 (Type in Herb. N. Y. Bot. Gar., Merotype and Analytical Drawing in Herb. Suny. Univ..); Nan-Chiao, in pure oak woods, alt. 1700 m., C. W. Wang 73461, Aug. 1936, fruit yellow; Fo-Hai, in thickets, on trunk of tree, alt. 1600 m., C. W. Wang 74427, June 1936, flowers yellow; Nan-Chiao, in forest, on tree, alt. 1760 m., C. W. Wang 75297, June 1936, flowers red, Fo-Hai , in woods, on trunk of tree, alt. 1800 m., C. W. Wang 77228, July 1936, flowers light yellow, sometimes with purple dots and shading. The pandurate leaves in this species are characteristic. Other numbers belonging to Hoya are reserved for further study. Translation: Subshrub, epiphytic in trees rooting, not at all climbing, branches not seen, branch straw yellow 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, round, glabrous, loosely and somewhat densely leafed, internodes 2 to 4 cm. long. Leaves erect spreading, a little fleshy, glabrous pandurate or narrowly oblong, margins involute, apex acuminate base rounded and in China very slenderly 2-eared 4 to 7 cm. long and 1 cm. wide (Wong's #74427, 10 cm. by 2 cm ), nerves on both sides not conspicuous, petiole glabrous about 4 mm. long apex glandular 2 to 4 fasicled. Inflorescence axillary, in umbellate cymes, the many flowers reaching to half the leaf, peduncles glabrous 3 mm. long, many scars on the deciduous pedicels, pedicels glabrous 1.5 cm. long, bracts ovate glabrous 1 mm. long, buds ovoid. Calyx glabrous 5-parted, glandular beneath the 5 calycula, segments 5/12ths ovate obtuse 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide; corolla yellow or red rotate parted up to a third part into 5 segments, outside glabrous inside villose, lobes ovate acute ciliate 6 mm.
long and 4 mm. wide; scales of the corona fleshy star shaped spreading above ovate acuminate in the middle lightly concave, interior angle into a tooth anthers incumbent, exterior rounded, beneath margins revolute, characteristic of the section Eu-Hoya; gynostegium very short, anthers connivent; pollinia oblanceolate apex somewhat truncate base cuneate, caudicles ellipsoid. Pistils characteristic of the genus. Other literature: In Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae 63 (1977) 486. Tsiang. Hoya pandurata. A reprint of the above in Chinese script. (Under #16.)
Hoya pandurata Tsiang, Type #12258 (NY)
Hoya pandurata Tsiang # 12258 (A)
Hoya pandurata Tsiang # 12258 (US)
Photo sent by Torill Nyhuus as H. pandurata but incorrectly labeled, 2007
Hoya paniculata Sprengel 1825 Type description: In Systema Vegetabilum 1 (1825) 843 Sprengel. Hoya paniculata 6. H. foliis subcordato ovatis acuminatis glabriusculis, floribus paniculatis, corollae laciniis supra ligulatis. Nov. Holl. Translation: Hoya leaves somewhat cordate ovate acuminate very glabrous, flowers in panicles, flaps of the corolla ligulate above. From New Holland. (all subsequent description’s relate this to the genus Tylophora.)
Hoya papillantha K. Schumann 1898 Type description: In Notizblatt Des Koning Botanischen Garten und Museum zu Berlin 2 (1898) 142. K. Schumann “Flora of New Pommerania”. Hoya papillantha K. Sch. frutex scandens ramis validis teretis glabris; foliis petiolatis, petiolis crassis teretibus, lamina oblonga acutis basi subrotundata carnosa utrinque glaberrima; umbella extraxillare breviter pedunculata, floribus pedicellatis bracteolis binis squamae ciliolatis prope basin pedicellorum suffultis; pedicellis elongatis teretis glabris superne minutissime pilosuli; sepalis ovatis obtusis pariter lente pilosulis; corollae lobis ovatis acutis margins at vix apice recurvatis intus minute papillosis; coronae lobis apice ovatis obtusis supra impresso. Der blütentragende Zweig hat 5 mm im Durchmesser Der Blütenstiel ist 2 cm lang und fast 5 mm dick; die Spreite hat eine heir von 11 cm und sine Breite von 7 cm in der Mitte; sie wird jederfalls des Medianus von etwa sechs eingedürckten, stärkeren Seitenständig durchlauten. Der Blütenstiel ist 1 cm lang; die Stielchen …… 3—3.5 cm. Die Kelchblätter haben sine Länge von 2.5—3 mm; Blumenkrone ist 7 mm lang. Die Coronazipfel sind 2 mm hoch. Neu-Lauenburg-Gruppe, Credner-Insel, an einem stamme von …. subcordata (Dahl D. 239, blühend im Juli 1896). Anmerkung. Ist zweifellos mit H. carnosa R. Br. verwart unterscheidet sich aber durch viel sehwächere Behaarung der Blütenteile und durch kürzere, stumpfe Scheitel der Coronaschuppen. Translation: Climbing shrub with branches robust round glabrous; leaves petiolate, petioles thick round, leaves oblong acute bases somewhat rounded fleshy both sides very glabrous; umbels outside the axils on short peduncles, with flowers pedicelled subtended by paired bracts squamulous ciliate near base of the pedicels; pedicels elongated round glabrous above very minutely pilose; sepalis ovate obtuse in like manner mildly pilose; lobes of the corolla ovate acute margins at apex barely recurved inside minutely papillose; Lobes of the corona ovate apex obtuse impressed above. The bloom-bearing branch is 5 mm in diameter. The petiole is 2 cm long and almost 5 mm thick; the leaf blade is 11 cm long and 7 cm wide in the middle; the median is transversed by about six indented rather prominent lateral veins. The peduncle is 1 cm long; the pedicels 3 to 3.5 cm. The sepals are 2.5 to 3 mm long. The corolla is 7 mm long. The corona tips are 2 mm high. New Laurenburg group, Credner Island, on the trunk of ? subcordata (Dahl #239, blooming in July 1896). Note. It is doubtless related to H. carnosa R. Brown, but is distinguished by the weaker pubescence of the flower parts and by shorter stubby tops of the corona scales. Other literature: In Flora der Deutchen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee (1901) 513. K. Schumann H. papillantha K Sch. Fl. Neu-Pomm. 142.
Bismark-Archipel: Neu-Lauenburg-Gruppe, Creredner-Insel (Dahl n. 239, blühend im Juli 1896) Ist endemisch. Translation: K. Schumann Flora New-Britain page 142. Bismark Archipelego: New Laurenburg Group, Credner Island (Dahl # 239, blooming in July of 1896). It is endemic. In Nachtrange zur Flora der Deutsch Schutzegebite in der Südsee (1905) 365. K. Schumann & K. Lauterbach. H. papillantha K. Sch., Fl. Neu-Pomm. (1898), p. 142; Fl. d. S. 513. Neu-Pommern: Im Strandgebüsch bei Massawa R. Schlechter n. 13707, bl. Nov. 1901). Leider habe ich das Original, welches sich im Berliner Herbar befinden musz, nicht finden können, doch stimmt die recht ausführliche Bescbreibung Schumanns zu, gut mit meiner Pflanze überein, als dasz ich daran zweifeln könnte, dasz hier H. papillantha K. Sch. Vorliegt. Nur in einem Punkte weichen meine nacht lebendem Matrial angefertigten Zeichnungen von der Beshreibuug des Originals ab. Schumann schreibt “sepalis ovatis obtusis, pariter sublente pilosulis”, ich hätte geschrieben “calycis segmentis oblongis obtusis, margine minutet ciliatis, medio glaudulis minutis sessilibus ornatis." Die Färbung der Blüten ist weisz mit je einem roten dreieckigen Fleck am Grunde der Petalen. Translation: Unfortunately I have the original, which is in the Berlin Herbarium, museum, I can not find, however the quite detailed description agrees with Schumann’s, well with my plant in agreement, as I could doubt that it, that here H. Papillantha K. Sch. is available. Deviates my night animate material of prepared drawings of the description of the original only in one point. Schumann writes sepals ovatis obtusis, equally somewhat slowly pilose, I would have written calyx segmentis oblongis obtusis, margine minutely ciliate, in the center a minute sessiìe ornate gland, the coloring of the blooms are white with ever a red triangular stain at the base of the petals. In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 118. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 21. H. papillantha K. Schum. in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 11 (1898) p. 142. Bismarck-Archipel: Neu-Lauenburg-Gruppe, auf der Credner-Insel (F. C. Dahl n. 230. —Blühend im Juli 1896); Neu-Pommern, im Strandgebüsch bei Massawa, auf der Gazelle-Halbinsel (Schlechter n. 13707. Blühend im November *1907). Soweit sich zurzeit übersehen läszt, ist die Art auf die Inselu des Bismarck Archipels beschränkt. Bei äuszerlicher Betrachtung gleicht sie stark der H. mucronulata Warb. doch sind Unterschiede in den Blüte vorlanden. Die Farbung der Blüten ist weisz mit einem roten Dreieck am Grunde Patalen. Translation: #21. Hoya papillantha K. Schum. In the Notes of Botanical Garden Museum, Berlin II, (1898), page 142. Bismark Archipelago, New Laurenburg Group: on the island of Credner, (F. C. Dahl #239. Blooming in July, 1896); New Britain in beach bushes at Massawa, on the Gazelle Peninsula, (Schlechter #13707. Blooming in November, *1907).
As far as appears now the species is limited to the islands of the Bismark Archipelago. With superficial consideration, it closely resembles H. mucronulata Warburg but diversity exists in the blooms. The coloring of the blooms is white, with a red triangle at the petal base. * The herbarium sheet shows the date of 1901 not 1907. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 44. R. D. Kloppenburg. 21. Hoya papillantha K Schumann in Notes of the Botanical Garden Museum, Berlin II. (1898) 142. Bismarck Archipelago: New Laurenburg Group: on the island of Credner. (F. C. Dahl #239 — Blooming in July 1896); New Britain in beach bushes at Massawa on the Gazelle Peninsula (Schlechter #13707 — Blooming in November 1901). As far as it appears now the species is limited to the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. With superficial consideration it closely resembles H. mucronulata Warburg but diversity in the blooms. The coloring of the blooms is white with a red triangle at the petal base. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. papillantha Schumann 33+ Kloppenburg 1990.
Hoya papuana Schlechter 1913 Type description:
In Nachtrange zur Flora der Deutsch Schutzegebite in der Südsee (1905) 361. K. Schumann & K. Lauterbach. Physostelma Wight, Contrib. 39 (1834). P. papuanum Schltr. n. sp. Volubile, alte scandens, e basi ramosum; ramis ramulisque filiformibus, flexuosis, teretibus, glabris, laxe foliatis; foliis lanceolato-ellipticis, longe acuminatis, utrinque glabris, textura tenuius coriaceis, 6—8 cm longis, infra medium 1—2.3 cm latis petiolo brevi, glabro, 0.5—0.7 cm longo; rhachide valde abbreriata petiolo fere aequilonga cylindrica, 1-pauciflora; pedicello filiformi, gracili, tereti, glabro, ca. 2 cm longo; floribus illis P. campanulati Dcne. minoribus 2.2—2.4 cm diametientibus, roseis; calycis segmentis lanceolatis obtusis, glabris, vix 1.5 mm longis; corolla poculiformi-caunpanulata, utrinque glabra, leviter 5-lobata, 1.2 cm longa, lobis triangulis acutis vel subacuminatis, basi utrinque minute auriculatis, 0.4 cm longis; corona breviter stipitata, foliolis adsceadentibus, carnosis, superne oblongis obtusis apice rostratis medio paulo excavatis, subtus dorso oblongis medio logitudinaliter foveolatis, ca. 0.2 cm longis; antheris subquadratis, appendice hyalina oblonga obtusa; pollinlis oblique pyriformibus, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo obtuso, polliniis multoties minore, stigmatis capite breviter conico, breviter rostrato. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland: An Bachrändern zwischen Gebüsch im Torricelli-Geb., alt. ca. 500 m (R. Schlechter n. 14400, bl. April 1902). Von P. campanulatum durch kleinere rosenrote Blüten und die Blätter verschieden. Translation: Physostelma papauanum Schlechter new species. Twining, high climbing, at with the bases branched; branches rebranched filiform, flexuous, round, glabrous, loosely leafed; leaves lanceolate-elliptic, long acuminate, both sides glabrous, texture thinly leathery, 6 to 8 cm long, below the middle 1 to 2.3 cm wide, petiole short, glabrous, 0.5 0.7 cm long; rachis very short, about same length as petiole, cylindric,1 to few flowered; pedicel filiform, slender, round, glabrous, about 2 cm long; flowers as H. campanulata Decaisne, but smaller. 2.2 to 2.4 cm in diameter, rotate, rosy; calyx segments lanceolate obtuse, glabrous, barely 1.5 mm long; corolla cup-shaped-campanulate, both sides glabrous, lightly 5-lobed, 1.2 cm long, lobes triangular acute or somewhat acuminate, bases on both sides minutely eared, 0.4 cm long; corona shortly stipitate, scales ascending, fleshy, above oblong obtuse with apex beaked, in the middle a little concave, below back oblong middle longitudinally pitted, about 0.2 cm long; anthers almost squared, appendages hyaline oblong obtuse; pollinia obliquely ear shaped, translators very short, retinaculo obtuse, pollinia much smaller; stigma head shortly conical, shortly beaked. German New Guinea: in thickets along stream edges in the Torricelli Mts. at about 500 meters above sea level (R. Schlechter #14400. Blooming in April 1902). Differing from Physostelma campanulatum through the smaller, rose-red flower and leaves.
Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 131. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 39. H. papuana Schltr. Physostelma papuanum Schltr. In K. Schum. et Lauterb., Nactr. (1905) p. 361. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen an Bachrändern in den Wäldern des TorricelliGeberges, ca. 500-600 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 14400 Blühend in April 1902. Leider habe ich diese Art während meiner lezten Expedition in Neu-Guinea nicht wiedergefunden. Sie hat ebenfalls die stark verkützen Blütenstände wie H. oligantha Schltr. und ist offenbar mit jener verwandt, besitzt aber ganzt anders geformte Blätter mit langer Träufelspitze. Die Blüten sind bedeutend kleiner und rosenrot. Translation: 39. Hoya papuana Schlechter Physostelma papuanum Schlechter in K Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) p. 361. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees at the edges of the forest of the Torricelli Mountains, about 500 -600 meters altitude (Schlechter #14400 -- Blooming in April 1902). Regrettably I have not again discovered this species in the course of my last expedition in New Guinea. It likewise has the very reduced Inflorescences of H. oligantha Schlechter and a completely different leaf form with long attenuate tips. The blooms are significantly smaller and rose red. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. papuana (Schlechter) Schlechter – 15. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1993) 81-82. R. D. Kloppenburg. 39. Hoya papuana Schlechter — Physostelma papuanum Schlechter in K Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) p.361. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees at the edges of the forest of the Torricelli Mountains, about 500 - 600 meters altitude (Schlechter #14400 — Blooming in April 1902). Regrettably I have not again discovered this species in the course of my last expedition in New Guinea. It likewise has the very reduced Inflorescences of H. oligantha Schlechter and a completely different leaf form with long attenuate tips. The blooms are significantly smaller and rose red. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 128. R. D. Kloppenburg. Physostelma papuanum Schlechter. Hoya papuana Schlechter. A twining, high climber, branched at the base; branches rebranched, threadlike, flexible, round, glabrous, loosely leaved; with the leaves lanceolate-elliptic, long acuminate, both sides glabrous, texture thinly leathery, 6-8 cm. long, below the middle 1-2.3 cm. wide, petiole short, glabrous 0.5-0.7 cm. long; with the rachis very short cylindrical, about the same length as the petiole, 1-few flowered; with the pedicel threadlike, slender, round, glabrous about 2 cm. long; with flowers like H. campanulata Decaisne but smaller 2.2-2.4 cm. in diameter, like a single rose; with the segment of the calyx lanceolate obtuse, glabrous, barely 1.5 mm. long; corolla cup shaped campanulate,
both sides glabrous, lightly 5 lobed, 1.2 cm. long, lobes triangular acute or somewhat acuminate, with the base on both sides minutely earlike, 0.4 cm. long; corona shortly stalked, with the scales ascending, fleshy, above oblong obtuse, with the apex beaked, slightly concave in the middle, below the back oblong in the middle longitudinally (channeled) minutely pitted, about 0.2 cm. long; with the anthers somewhat 4 sided, appendage hyaline oblong obtuse; with the pollinia obliquely pear shaped, translators very short, retinaculum obtuse, much smaller than the pollinia; with the head of the stigma shortly conic, shortly beaked. Northeast New Guinea: in thickets amongst the bushes on the stream banks in the Torricelli Mountains, altitude about 500 meters (R. Schlechter #14400, blooming in April 1902). Near P. campanulatum Schlechter, distinct through the small rose red blooms and the leaf. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee (1905) 361.
Hoya papuanua Schlechter, 1913, Type # 14400 (B) as Physostelma papuana
Hoya parasitica Wallich The correct name for this species is Hoya acuta Haworth and dates from 1821. All the synonyms belong under Hoya acuta. See this folder under Passport:
In Transactions of the Royal Horticulture Society 7 (1827) 23. James Traill. In Transactions of the Royal Horticultural Society 7 (1830) (from a paper delivered Nov. 7, 1826) 23.III. Hoya pallida. The following are the references and synonyms which appear to belong to this species. H. parasitica, Wallich’s MSS. H. acute, Haworth Rev. Plant. Succ. p. 4. H. lanceolata, Lindley in Donn’s Cat. Edit. II, p. 92 H. pallida, Lindley in Bot. Reg. Vol. II, folio 951. H. albens ? Miller's (Bristol) Cat. 1826. This species was originally introduced to the Royal Gardens at Kew, in 1818, having been sent from Calcutta, by Dr. Wallich, under the name quoted above from his MSS. with an additional note in his communication to Mr. Aiton, respecting it; "from the Delta of the Ganges." This information was obligingly given to Mr. Sabine by Mr. Aiton. From Kew, it became transferred to the gardens of the nurserymen and collectors in the vicinity of London, where it has been generally known under the name of H. lanceolata. Mr. Haworth, who had seen the plant at Kew, in 1819, published it in 1821 under the name of H. acute, in his work above quoted, which seems to have escaped the notice of Mr. Lindley when he figured is in the Botanical Register by the name of pallida, which now is generally applied to it. A plant which is sold under the name of H. albens in the nursery of Mr. John Miller of Bristol, is probably the same. The stem is slender; the leaves are ovate-lanceolate, sharply acuminate, slightly recurved at the points, of a whitish green colour beneath, above darker, with the midrib of rather a lighter colour than the rest of the leaf, and from the midrib, small veins sometimes diverge. The petioles are very thick and fleshy in proportion to the leaves, and of the same colour and texture as the stem. The umbels are semiglobose, some times produced in pairs. The flowers have only a moderate fragrance, and are of á pale yellowish colour. The crown is a little paler than the rest of the flower, purple in the centre, with its divisions somewhat channeled. The plant blossomed for the first time at Scion House, in 1825, and was figured from thence in the Botanical Register, the representation in which is excellent. The specific name of pallida then applied to it, very properly distinguishes it from H. carnosa, but a comparison with the other species, will scarcely support its correctness. In H. trinervis, the flower is much paler, and the leaves of H. pallida are when in health, fully as dark, as those of some of the other species. Perhaps any of the three specific names which it had previously obtained, are less objectionable than pallida. In Flora of Indica 2 (1834) 36. W. Roxburg. 15. A. parasitica. R. Parasitic, perennial, creeping. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, fleshy, drooping. Umbels simple, globular nectary concave, stellate, protruding five ovate rays at the top.
This climbing species is a native of the Sunderbund, or forest in the estuary of the Ganges, where it grows on trees, creeping up, and over their trunks and branches to an extent of some fathoms; emitting roots from ever part, which take fast hold of the parent tree. The first plant brought into the Botanical garden at Calcutta died when planted in the ground, but when tied to trees and their roots fixed in any cavity or fork where some humidity and nourishment was to be found, they grew well, though slowly, and blossomed during the hot season, and about the beginning of the rains in June. I have, however, reared them in common earth since. Leaves, opposite, petioled, retrofracted, ovate-lanceolate, acute, of a firm fleshy texture, and smooth on both sides, veins scarcely conspicuous above, and invisible underneath; from two to four inches long, and about one broad. Petiole short, round, ash coloured, in fact, more like a part of a branch than a petiole. Peduncles solitary, interfoliaceous, round, smooth, about an inch and a half long, each supporting a most elegant, drooping, globular umbel of the most beautiful, exquisitely fragrant rather small, pearl-colored flowers. Calyx; leaflets linear, scarcely half the length of the corolla. Corolla. Wheel-shaped, with the divisions cordate. Nectary concave, stellate, protruding five ovate, thick fleshy horns. Or rays at the top. Stamens as in the genus. The pericarp has not yet been found. In A General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 126. G. Don. 10. H. parasitica (Wall. ascl. no. 29. Wight, and Arnott, l.c.) plant parasitical, climbing, radicant, glabrous; branches slender, terete; leaves fleshy, glabrous, shining, finely 3-nerved at the base, oblong-lanceolate attenuated; peduncles almost twice as short as the leaves, many-flowered, sometimes twin; umbels sub-globose: corol1a glabrous, deeply, 5-cleft; leaflets of corona ovate, acute, with the inner angles laying upon the stigma. perennial climbing shrub. Native in the woods of Snudabund, at clue estuary of the Ganages. Asclepias parasitica Roxb. Fl. ind. 2 p. 42. and mus. ind. orient. t. 1882. H. pallida, Lindl. In bot. reg. t. 951. H. acuta, Haw. rev. p. 4. H. lanceolata, Lindl. in Donn. hort. cantab. ed. II. p. 92. H. albens, Mill. brist. cat. 1826. Flowers fragrant, yellow; corona paler than the rest of the flower, purple in the centre. Leaves paler beneath, and darker above. Parasitical Hoya. Shrub tw. In Synopsis Plantarum 6 (1840) 891. D. N. F. Dietrich. 9. H. parasitica Wall. parasitica scandens radicans glabra; ramis teretibus; fol. carnosis glabris nitidis oblongo-lanceolatis attenuatis; cor. glabra profunde 5-fida. Asclepias parasitica Roxburgh. In sylva Sunderbund Ind. or. Subshrub. Translation: parasitic climbing rooting glabrous; branches round; leaves fleshy, glabrous shining oblong-lanceolate, attenuate; corolla glabrous, deeply 5-lobed. Asclepias parasitica, Roxburgh. In trees in masses. Indian Order. Subshrub. In Icones Plantarum (1843). “Indiae Orientalis” Wight. 587. Hoya parasitica (Wall. Asclepias parasitica Roxb.) scandent, parasitical, glabrous, branches slender terete, leaves fleshy, glabrous, shining, slightly 3-nerved at the base, oblong-lanceolate, tapering to a point; peduncles about half the length of the leaves, many flowered; corolla
glabrous, deeply 5 cleft; leaflets of the crown ovate-acute, the interior angle resting on the stigma. Wight’s Contributions. In DeCandolle, Prodromus Syst, Veg, 8 (1844) 637. Decaisne. 19. H parasitica (Wall. Wight et Arn.! contrib. p. 37), scandens radicans parasitica g1abra, ramis tenuibos, fo1iis oblongo-lanceolalis basi et apice attenuatis carnosis g1abris nitidis tenniter et obsolete basi triaerviis, peduncalis folio brevioribus multifloris, pedicellis gracilibus, corolla g1abra alte 5-fida, coronae stam. foliol. ovatis acutis angulo interiore stigmate incumbente. Vining shrub in sylva Sunderbund ad Gangeticum aestuarium. Asclepias parasitica Roxb. Fl. ind. 2, p. 42, (v. s. h. Mus. par.) Translation: climbing rooting parasitic glabrous; branches slender, leaves oblong-lanceolate base & apex attenuate fleshy glabrous shiny and obsoletely three nerved from the base, peduncles shorter than the leaves, many flowered, pedicels slender, corolla glabrous deeply 5 parted, leaflets of the staminal corona ovate acute interior angle incumbent upon the stigma. Vining shrub in trees on the banks of the Ganges estuary.. Asclepias parasitica, Roxburgh. …….. (I have seen it in the Paris Museum.) In Tuinbouw Flora 1 (1853) 72. H. W. De Vreise. 14. Hoya parasitica Wall. Deze woekerende was-bloem onderscheidt zich gemakkelijk door halen eigenaardiren lancetvormigen bladvorm. Zij schijnt tot hiertoe niet te zijn afgbeeld. Zij is beschreven bij Wight en Arnott (Contributions p. 37) en bij Roxburgh (fl. ind. 2. p. 42). Zij komt in zeer Weinige verzamelinger voor. Het is mij niet bekend, dat zij ooit in de kassen gebloeid heeft. Zij komt voor op den catalogus van Jacob Maqoy. Translation: These selections have-flowers distinguishing it easily by the lance-shaped leaves. They appear dead for this not to be pictured. They are described by Wight and Arnott (Contributions p. 37) and by Roxburgh (fl.ind.2.p.42). For they come in very few assembled divisions. It is not known to me, that they ever have thrived in the house. They come from on the catalog from Jacob Maqoy. In Handbook of Indian Flora 2 (1866) 242. Robert Wight. (8) H. parasitica. (Wall.) Ident. Wight’s Contrib. p. 37. Dec. prodr. VIII. p. 637. Syn.. Asclepias parasitica, Roxb. Flor. Ind. II. p. 42. Engrav. Wight’s Icon. t.587. Spec. Char. Parasitic, climbing, rooting: leaves fleshy, glabrous, shining, 3 nerved at the base, oblong-lanceolate, attenuated, peduncles shorter than the leaf, many-flowered: corolla glabrous, deeply 5-cleft: leaflets of the staminal crown ovate-acute; inner angle incumbent on the stigma: flowers white, fragrant. Woods on the banks of the Ganges. In Flora Indica (1874) 255. Roxburg. (Reprint of Carey’s 2 (1832) 43. 15. A. parasitica. R. Parasitic, perennial, creeping. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, fleshy, drooping. Umbles simple, globular; nectary concave, stellate, protruding five ovate rays at the top. This charming species is a native of the Sunderbund, or forest in the estuary of the Ganges, where it grows on trees, creeping up, and over their trunks and branches to an
extent of some fathoms; emitting roots from every part, which take fast hold of the parent tree. The, first plant brought into the Botanic garden at Calcutta died when planted in the ground; but when tied to trees and their roots, fixed in any cavity or fork where some humidity and nourishment was to be found, they grew well, though slowly, and blossomed during the hot season, and about the beginning of the rains in June. I have, however, reared them in common earth since. Leaves opposite, petioled, retrofracted, ovate-lanceolate, acute, of a firm fleshy texture, and smooth on both sides; veins scarcely conspicuous above, and invisible underneath; from two to four inches long, and about one broad. Petioles short, round, ashcoloured, in fact, more like a part of a branch than a petiole. Peduncles solitary, interfoliaceous, round, smooth, about an inch and a half long, each supporting a most elegant, drooping, globular umbel, of the most beautiful, exquisitely fragrant, rather small, pearl colored flowers. Calyx; leaflets linear, scarcely half the length of the corol. Corol wheel-shaped, with the divisions cordate concave, stellate, protruding five ovate, thick fleshy, horns, or rays at the top. Stamens as in the genus. The pericarp has not yet been found. In The Flora of British India (1883) 57-58. J. D. Hooker. 23. H. parasitica, Wall. in Wight Contrib. 37 and Cat. 8159; glabrous, leaves 3-5 in. ovate elliptic or lanceolate acute or acuminate 3-5 nerved, peduncles solitary or in pairs short or long slender or stout, pedicels slender long glabrous, coronal-processes longer than the corolla-tube. Wight Ic. t. 587; Dcne. in DC. Prodr. viii. 637. H. Hookeriana, Wight Contrib. p.. 37; Wall. Cat. 8153; Dcne. .l. c. 636. Hoya sp. Wall. Cat. 8153. H. pallida, Lindl. In Bot. Reg. t. 951; Paxt. Fl. Gard. t. 26, copied in Lemaire Jard. Fleur. t. 64. Asclepias parasitica, Roxb. Hort. Beng. 20, and Fl.. Ind. ii. 42. Assam; Conulla, Clarke. Khasi Mts. Ascending to 2000 ft. Sunderbund, and from Chittagong to Singapore, Malacca and the Andaman Islds. A tall climber, stem stout or slender. Leaves extremely variable in length and breadth, much the largest in Khasian specimens, nerves obscure; petiole ¼- ¾ in., very thick. Peduncles 1-3 in., slender or stout and becoming much thickened and scarred; pedicels ¾ -1 in, Sepals small, ovate. Corolla ½ in diam., pearly white; lobes glabrous within, always inflexed in dried specimens with the coronal-processes projecting between them; these are ascending. ovate, acute, concave with a mesial ridge above, with the narrow end outwards, and the inner angle very short, white, pink at the junctures—I have seen no fruit. Except in the large leaves, sometimes 9 in. long, I can find no character for H. Hookeriana, H. cinnamomifolia, Hook. Bot. In Dictionary of Gardening (1885). G. Nicholson. Hoya parasitica, (H. pallida) pale yellow or straw with a pink corona. Very fragrant in moderate sized umbels. Summer. Leaf fleshy, ovate dark green. India 1815. B. R. 951. In Transactions of the Linnean Society 3 (2nd series) (1888) 321. H. Ridley. H. parasitica, Wall. Pramau, near Pekan. In Aberdeen University Studies “The Flora of Siam” (????) 134. Hoya parasitica, Wall. ( F. B. I., iv. p. 57. Chiengmai, Doi Sootep, 300-600 m., Kerr, 1690.
In Dictionary of the Royal Horticulture Society. (1893). H. parasitica. l. variable, elliptic to lanceolate or ovate, fleshy dark green, fl. pale yellow or straw; corona pink, vary fragrant, umbels of moderate size. Summer. India 1815. (B. R. 951 sp. H. pallida. In Flora of the Malayan Peninsula (1908) 572. King & Gamble. 14. Hoya parisitica, Wall. in Wight Contrib. 37 (1834), and Cat. 159. A stout climbing epiphytic shrub, creeping, over the trunks and branches of trees and giving off roots from every part (Roxb.); branches smooth, pale, fleshly. Leaves fleshy, thick, very variable; Ovate or elliptic or lanceolate, acute or acuminate at apex, rounded or almost cordate to cuneate at base; glabrous on both surfaces; margins curved; 3 to 7 in. long, 1.5 to 3 in. broad; 5-nerved from the base, the outermost pair thin, forming loops near the margins, from the sinuses of which transverse nerves join them to the middle pair; midrib with several transverse nerves also joining the middle pair, which nave one or two loops near the tip, all raised on both surfaces when dry, as are the other irregular reticulations, petiole very thick, .25 to 1 in. long. Umbels many-flowered, racemose, on short or long (reaching 4 in.), thick (often nearly .25 in. in diam.), tubercular rachises at the ends of stout l to 3 in. long axillary or lateral peduncles which are solitary or in pairs; pedicels slender, .5 in. long or longer ; buds turbinate, 5-angled; flowers pearly-white with a pink centre, very fragrant. Calyx membranous; lobes ovate, acute; scales very small. Corolla .3 in. broad; lobes cordate, glabrous, inflexed, with the corona-processes projecting between them. Corolla of 5 membranous 2-lobed processes, which are horny and shining when dry,, and white with pink tips; the outer lobes ovate, spreading, grooved beneath; the upper lobes erect, acute. Staminial-column, short; anther-cells divergent; appendages membranous, acute; pollen-masses oblong, truncate, thin on the outer margin, attached by short thick (translators) caudiclers to the conical pollen carriers(cqudicles). Style-apex membranous, 5-angled, conical-apiculate. Fruit not known. Wight l. c. 587, Dcne. in DC. Prodr. VIII. 637; Hook. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 57, Prain Beng, Plants 700. H. hookeriana, Wight contrib. 3· Wall. Cat. 8153; Dcne. l. c. 636. Hoya sp., Wall Cat.8 l53. H. pallida, Lindl. in. Bot. Reg. t. 951, Paxt: Fl. Gard. t. 26. copied in Lemaeire Jard. Fleur. t. 64. Asclepias parasitica, Roxb. Hort. Beng. 20, and Fl. Ind. II. 42; Wight lc. t. 587. Kwdah: Kunstler 1829. Penang: at Waterfall, Curtis. Perak: at Sungie Larut, Wray 2273; at Bake Kuran, Scortechini 1626; at Ulu Bubong, King's Collector 10316. Malacca: Griffith; Maingay (K.D.) 1126, 1132, 1138. Pahang: Praman, near Pekan, Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. Ser. 2, III. 321. Singapore: Ridley 1796, 8070.— Distrib. India (Sikkim, Assam, Sundarbans, Chittagong, Andaman islands). Kunstler describes the colour of the flowers as “white with a pink centre" or “waxy white with a purplish tinge," but Wray says it is “pale greenish-yellow with a few small spots of crimson." Roxburgh, who had it in cultivation, says the flowers are “pearlcoloured”, and is what the Fl. Br. Ind. says of the corolla, giving the corona-processes as “white with pink at the junctures." Maingay (MS. Notes IV. p. 41) says, “petals white, faintly greenish towards the tips, corona white. "These remarks, for what seems clearly to be the same plant, explain the difference between Lindlay's and Paxton's drawings alluded to in the Fl. Br. Ind. As remarked in Fl. Br. Ind., H. cinnamofolia, Hook. Bot. Mag. 4347, from Java “has very similar flowers and leaves.” But for the corolla being
green and the corona purple in that fig., we should be inclined to place it under H. parasitica. In Kew Bulletin (1911) 418. Hoya parasitica, Wall. ( F. B. I., iv. p. 57. Chiengmai, Doi Sootep, 330-660 m., Kerr, 1690. Distr. India, Burma, Malay Peninsula. In Flore Generales des Indo Chine 4 (1912) 134-136. J. Costantin. 2. H. parasitica Wall. in Wight Contrib., p. 37; Wight Icon., tab. 587; Dcne in DC. Prodr., VIII, p. 637; King and Gamble. Nat. Mala., III p. 782; Craib, in Kew. Bull., 1911, p. 418; H. Hookeriana Wight Contr., p. 37; H. pallida Lindl. in Bot. Reg., tab. 951; Paxt. Fl. Gard., tab.26, Lemaire Jard. Fleur. tab. 64; Asclepias parnsitica Roxb.; H. cinnamofolia Hook. Bot. Mag., tab. 347; Fl. d. Serres, IV, p. 310. Arbrisseau epiphyte quelquefois terrestre, vigoureux, rampant sur les troncs et les branches, produisant des racines adventives. Tige souvent rouge fonce; branches lisses, pales, charnues. Feuilles parfois tres charnues, epaisses, polymorphes, ovales, elliptiques ou lanceolees, aigues ou acuminees a la pointe, en coin ou'rarement arrondies a la base, glabres sur les 2 faces, a bords rouges, recourbes; nervures basilaires 3-5, laterales 20, tres fines, toutes saillantes, presque ailees ou ondulees en dessous par dessiccation; limbe long de 5-18 cm. sur 3-5.5 cm.; petiole vigoureux, tres charnu, long de 6-20 mm. Inflorescence: ombelle multiflore; pedoncule axillaire devenant tres epais apres la fecondation, long de 5-10 cm., a sommet cylindrique et epais long de 3.5 cm. sur 5 mm. a nombreuses cicatrices, simple ou ramifie; pedicelles de l'ombelle greles, longs de 1.5-2 cm., glabres ou finement granuleux ou a rares polls courts; boutons turbines, pentagonaux; fleurs blanches ou jaunatres, parfois orangees a la pointe, rosees ou violacees au centre, de 6-7 mm. de diam. a parfum esquis.—Calice a sepales ovales aigus, presentant entre 2 sepales interieurement 1 glance tres petite. Corolle glabre, finement papilleuse ou puberulente en dedans; lobes ovales-triangulaires, inflechis entre les appendices de la coronule. Coronule: pieces 5, cornees, brillantes, assez minces, jaunatres sur le sec, blanches, roses ou violacees au sommet, en nacelle, a 2 cotes ou 1 cote bifurquee vers le bas, les pointes externes ovales, etalees, aiguës, l'extremite interne dressee, aigue. Semines a colonne courte; antheres a loges divergentes; appendices du connectif membraneux, aigus; masses polliniques oblongues, tronquees, minces sur la merge externe; caudicules epais; retinacles coniques. Pistil: tete stylaire membraneuse, pentagonale, surmontee d'un cone apicule. Fruit: follicules tres etroits, macules de brun rouge, lisses, droits, inflechis a l'extremite, longs de 14 cm. sur 4 mm.; graines aigrettees (3-4 mm. X 1 mm.).—Fig. 18, p. 131. Cambodge: Me. Arat, Schral (Pierre); Kampot (Geoffray). —Cochinchine: monts Dinh, pres Baria (Pierre); pres Kaidol (Deniis cult. au Museum).—Tonkin: Vo-xa (Bon).—Laos: Luang-prabang (Massie), bassin du Semoun (Harmand).—Siam: Xieng-may (Kerr). —Singapore et presqu'ile Malaise, Birmanie. Var. Spirei Cost. — Feuilles extrtmement charnues et atteignant d'assez grandes dimensions (15 cm. X 6.5 cm.); fleurs a corolle tres fortement poilue en dedans; pedicelle peu poilu. Laos: Luang-prabang (Spire). Noms laot.: Dok tan, Dok than. Var. Geoffrayi Cost.—Rameaux legerement pubescents; sepales peu ou pas cilies au bord, poilus sur le dos. Corolle veloutee-pubescente en dedans. Graines fines (3 mm. X 0.5 mm.). Cambodge: Kampot, foret de plaine (Geoffray).
** Feuilles de moins de 5.5 cm. de large. Tige glabre; feuilles allongees, oblongues, en coin a la base, aigues a la pointe; parfois tres charnues, a nervures a peine visibles; follicules large de 4 mm. et plus …………………12. H. parasitica. * Compiler’s notes: Hoya parasitica var geoffrayi is Geoffray 382 (P) per J. F. Veldkamp 28 Oct. 1994. Lectotype for variety Spire was selected by D. Kent: Spire 1529 (P) annotated. ** Inflorescences laterales, non termmales. Nervures 3-5 a la base du limbe; les autres nervures secondaires obliques par rapport a la nervure principale. … 12. H. parasitica. H. parasitica: 12, pollinaire, pollinie p, ritinacle r X 10; —1 3, feuille X l0; ( 1/8. Translation: Epiphytic shrub, sometimes terrestrial, vigorous, trailing upon trunks and branches; producing adventitious roots. Stems often dark red; branches smooth, pale, fleshy. Leaves often very fleshy, thick, variable, in shape, oval, elliptic or lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, in a wedge, or rarely rounded at the base, glabrous on both surfaces, with red borders, turned under; basal nerves 3 to 5, lateral 2, very fine, all prominent, almost winged or wavy at the base, when dried; 5 to 18 cm long by 3 to 5.5 cm. wide; petiole strong and fleshy, 6 to 20 mm. long. Inflorescence: many flowered umbel, peduncle axillary, becoming very thick from flowering, 5 to 10 cm. long; rachis cylindric, 3.5 mm. thick by 5 mm long with many scars, single or branched; pedicels slender 1.5 to 2 cm. long, glabrous or finely granular with sparse short hairs; buds obconical 5 sided; flowers, white or yellowish, sometimes orange at the tips; pinkish or purplish in the center 6 to 7 mm. in diameter with an exquisite scent. Calyx with oval pointed sepals, having 1 very small gland inside between the sepals. Corolla glabrous, finely papillose or puberulous within; lobes ovate-triangular, bent inwards between corona scales. Corona 5-lobed, horny, glossy, rather small, yellowish when dried, white and pinkish or purplish on crown, bout shaped, 2 cleft at the base, external tips oval and spreading, acute, inner apexes erect, acute. Staminal column short; anthers placed opposite, with the connecting membranes pointed; pollinia oblong, truncate, thin on the outer margins; caudicles thick; retinacula conical. Pistal: styles membranous 5-sided, having an apiculate cone on top. Fruit: follicles very narrow, spotted brown-red, smooth, straight, turned in at the tips, to 14 cm. long x 4 mm.; seeds tufted (3 to 4 mm. x 1 mm.) …..Variety Spirei, Cost.: Leaves extremely fleshy, reaching 15 cm. x 6.5 cm. Flowers with corolla very strongly-hairy inside, pedicel not very hairy. Variety Geoffrayi, Cost.: Branched lightly pubescent. Sepals a little or not at all ciliate on edge, hairy on the back. Corolla velvety-pubescent inside. Fine seeds. (3mm. X 0.5 mm.) -660 m., Kerr, 1690. Distr. India, Burma, Assam, Malay Peninsula. In Cyclopedia of Gardening (1913) 1613. L. H. Bailey. H. pallida, Lindl. ( H. parasitica. Wall (H. pallida, Lindl.) Tall climber; lvs. fleshy, variable, ovate-elliptic to lanceolate: fls. pale yellow or straw-color. The corona pinkish. India. B. R. 951. J. F. L. n. 64. In Journal of the Federated Malay States 5 (1917) 164. H. Ridley. 48. Hoya parasitica, Wall. Koh Samui. No. 5718. Common in the Malay Peninsula.
In A Flora of the Andaman Islands 2 (1923) 209. C. E. Parkinson. Hoya parasitica Wall. deserves mention. It is a scandent twiner in mangrove swamps. It has thick fleshy dead looking, epiphytic 3-5 nerved leaves and waxy white and pinkish umbellate flowers with pearly luster. Follicles very slender. In Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1923) 395-396. H. N. Ridley. (6) H. parasitica Wall. Wight, Contrib. 37; King , l.c. 572. H. pallida Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 951. Stem rather slender climbing widely over trees. Leaves fleshy drying rigid, coriaceous but thin, oblong elliptic sub-acute or blunt base shortly narrowed, occasionally rounded at base, 3 to 4 in. long. 1 to 2 in. wide; petiole .2 in. long, thick. Peduncles stout 1 to 3 in. long, rachis thick elongated to 4 in. long, pedicles small oblong blunt. Corolla .3 across, pearly white or pinkish white, lobes inflexed, glabrous ovate cordate acute. Hab. Common on trees on river banks and near the sea. Singapore, Jurong; Pulau Serapu; Palua Tekong; Jahor, Pulau Tinggi (Fielding). Pahang, Pekan. Malacca (Maingay, Griffith). Dindings, Pangkor. Perak, Sungei Larut (Wray). Kedah (Kunstler). Adang group on Pulau Tengah. Dist. India. Corona processes acute; corolla spreading. Leaf-nerves 3 to 5 from base, conspicuous. Leaves oblong, base narrowed, flowers white……. (6) H. parasitica In Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 3 (1951) 40-41. Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall ex Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 37 (1834); F. B. I. iv. 57; Mat. F. M. P., No. 19, 572 (782); F. M. P. ii 396; F. I. C. iv. 134, fig. 18. Hoya Ridleyi King et Gamble in Journ. AS. Soc. Beng. lxxiv, ii, 575 (1907) (Mat. F. M. P., No. 19, 575 (785)). Hoya globifera* Ridl. Journ. F. M. S. Mus. v. 164 (1915). Asclepias parasitica Roxb. Hort. Beng. 20 (1814), nomen tantum, et Fl. Ind. ii. 42 (1832). F. K. V. x. 318; Ridl. ii 56, ii. 164 et iv 102; Craib I 418 et ii 134. Hoya sp. Ost. 7614. PAYAP. Doi Sutep, 330-660m, Kerr l690! NAKAWN SAWAN.. Raheng, along river, Lindhard 47 (Herb. Copenhagen)! CHANTABURI. Rayawng, Ban Pe, Put 2697 ! Kao Sabap, W. slopes, 15m., Seidenfaden 2677! Kaw Chang, Lem Dan, mangrove and littoral forest, Schmidt 138! 168! Kaw Chang, Klawng Mayom, Schmidt 607b! PRACHINBURI. Sriracha, Nawng Nam Kio, 60m., Mrs. D. J. Collins 1257! KRUNGTEP. Bangkok, on fruit trees, Kerr 4226! 6963! Marcan 243! RACHABURI. Bangtapan, Keith (ex Ridl.). SURAT. Kaw Tao, on rocks close to beach, Kerr 12711! Kaw Panang, Robinson 5756 (type! of Hoya globifera). Kaw Samui, Put 869! Robinson 5718! Kaw Prap, on trees by beach, Kerr 12529! PUKET. Pang-nga, Kao Yao Yai, on trees by beach and in scrub, Kerr l7494! 17565! Satul, Ban Tengah, Ridley 16346 et 16348 (Herb. Singapore!) Pulau Adang, Ridley 15854 (Herb. Singapore)! Lang-kawi, Curtis (Herb. Singapore)! Robinson! NAKAWN SRITAMARAT. Singora, on bushes in sandy ground near sea, Kerr 15108! Distr. Bengal! (type), Assam! Burma! French Indo-China (ex (F. I. C.) Pen. Mal.! Local names: Lin hia (……), Siamese, Bangkok; Nom mia (…..), Siamese, ex Put); Nom pichit (……). Siamese, Rayawng (Ex Put); Nua matawm (……. ) , Lao, Chiangmai. This is a very variable species: the variations affecting the texture, shape, size and venation of the leaves, and to a lees extent, the size of the flower and shape of the corolla
lobes. As the writer has been unable to find good characters for distinguishing H. globifera* Ridl. and Hoya Ridleyi King et Gamble from Hoya parasitica, they are here included in that species. Several authors have regarded Hoya pallida Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 951 (1826) as synonymous with Hoya parasitica, while ignoring its priority. A It is probable, however, that Lindley’s plant is a distinct species. A reference to his plate shows that the 1eaves are penninerved, while the corolla is unlike that of H. parasitica ; Loureiro’s Stapelia cochinchinensis, as represented by a sheet in the British Museum Herbarium, is Hoya parasitica as understood here. In view of the discrepancy between Loureiro's description of the flowers of his species and the actual flowers on the sheet mentioned, his specific name is not taken up here. * Note: the repeated mistake in the name of Ridley’s species. In Bengal Plants 2 (1963) 519. Botanical Survey of India D. Prain. Leaves, branches, and umbels quite glabrous; sepals ovate; corolla pearly white, 3 in. wide; lobes glabrous within; coronal processes longer than corolla-tube; peduncles short or long; leaves 3-5 in. long, ovate, elliptic or lanceolate, acute or acuminate, margins flat; petiole .75-1 in. (p. 519) …. Hoya parasitica. In Cay-co Mien Nam Viet Nam 2 (1972) 198. 3192 Hoya parasitica Wall. in Wight. Ho-hoa. ky-sinh Phu-sinh it khi o dat; than thurng do dam. La map, day, dahinh xoan den thon, dai 5-18cm, gan rat min. Tan tron nhieu hoa; hoa tang hay vang-vang, tam timtim, rong 6-8mm, rat thom; vanh khong long. Manh-nang hep 4mm dai 14cm, co dom nau do; hot dai 3-4mm, co long-mao Nui Dinh (h. theo Wight). Translation: I n Malayan Nature Journal 30 3/4 (1978) 514, 517. R. E. Rintz. 22a) Hoya parasitica (Roxburgh) Wallich ex Wight, Contr. 37 (1834). Type: E. India, Assam collector? (not seen).—FIG. 26. = H. ridleyi King & Gamble, JAS. Beng. IV (1903) 575. Type: Malaysia, Ridley (K). = H. globifera Ridley, J.F.M.S. Mus. V (1915)164. Type: Sumatra, Ridley (K). Distinguishing Features: Leaves fleshy, elliptical with cuneate bases; c. 10cm long by 4cm wide; veins not easily seen. Peduncle horizontal, rigid, 3—5cm long. Umbel negatively-geotropic, convex with rigid, uniform pedicels c. 3cm long; 1-40 flowers, open 4 days. Corolla somewhat spreading, pubescent inside; c. 1.5cm diam., white. Corona upper lobe deep pink, lower lobe white. Follicle c. 12cm long by 4mm diam; often produced in large numbers. Ecology: All along the coasts from Langkawi and Kota Baru to Singapore, often draping the trees in great abundance; rarely inland. Distribution: E. Borneo, Java (?), Sulawisi. In Malayan Nature Journal 30 3/4 (1978) 514,517. R. E. Rintz. 22b) Hoya parasitica var. Citrina (Ridley) Rintz, comb nov.—FIG. 27. = H. citrina Ridley, J.R.A.S.S.Br. 86 (1922) 300. Type: Ma1aysia, Slinger, Btu Coves, Ridley (K). Distinguishing Features: Identical florally to H. parasitica but differs in the large leaves which are usually fleshy, ovate with cordate bases and a pair of veins parallel to
the midrib; c 15cm long by 8cm wide; often glossy green above and red or green below. The leaves are very similar to those of H. latifolia. Intermediate leaf forms, which are elliptical with cuneate bases but with the extra pair of veins parallel to the midrib, occur on Pulau Pangkor. Ecology: Generally occurring inland along lowland rivers but especially common on limestone hills in Pahang, Perak and Selangor. In The Taxonomy and Phytochemistry of the Asclepiadaceae in Tropical Asia (1995) 77. 6. The Asclepiadaceae of Central Myanmar Nyo Maung. 14. Hoya parasitica Wall. Ex. Traill. Trans. Hort. Soc. 7 (1830) 23. Epiphytic, high climbing vine; leaves thick and fleshy ovate-lanceolate; inflorescence umbelliform raceme; corolla lobes reflexed, stellately spreading; corona scales ovoid, thick with convex surfaces. Distribution: Rakhire State, forest. In The Taxonomy and Phytochemistry of the Asclepiadaceae in Tropical Asia (1995) 91. “The Genus Hoya in Thailand” O. Thaithong. 27. H. parasitica Wall. in FBI 4 (1883) 57. FMP 2 (1923) 396; FIC 4 (1912) 134-136; Fl Siam. Enum. 3 (1951) 40-41: Malay Nat. J. 30 (1978) 514, fig. 26 & 27. Occurrence: widely distributed.
Hoya parviflora Wight Type description:
In Contributions to the Botany of India (1834) 37. R. Wight. 6. H. parviflora (Wight) volubilis glabra, ramis teretibus, foliis carnosis lanceolatis basi apice attenuatis, pedunculis gracilibus folio subrequantibus multifloris parvifloris, corolla glabra, cor. st. foliolis late obvatis emarginatis obcordatisve angulo interiore acuminato stigmati apiculato incumbente. Hoya, Wall. ! Asclep. n. 33. Maulmyne; Wallich. (R. W.) Translation: twining glabrous, branches slender, leaves fleshy lanceolate base and apex attenuate, peduncles slender with leaves of almost equal length many flowered, small flowered, corolla glabrous, leaflets of the staminal corona broadly obovate emarginate obcordate interior angle acuminate stigma apiculate incumbent. Hoya, Wall.! Asclepiad #33., Maulmein; Wallich. (Robert Wight). Other literature: In General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 126. G. Don. 6 H. parviflora (Wight, contrib. ind. bot. p. 37.) twining, glabrous; branches slender, about equal in length to the leaves, many-flowered; corolla glabrous; leaflets of corona broad obovate, emarginate, or obcordate, with the inner angles acuminated, and laying upon the stigma, which is apiculated. Woody twining shrub. Native of Burman Empire, the Maulmeyne. Hoya, Wall. ascl. no. 33. Small-flowered Hoya. Shrub tw. In Synopsis Plantarum 6 (1840) 891. D. N. F. Dietrich. 6. H. parviflora Wight; volubilis glabra; ramis tenuibus; fol. carnosis lanceolatis; pedunc. Gracilibus multifloris; cor. glabra. In Ind. or. Woody plant. Translation: twining glabrous; branches thin; leaves fleshy lanceolate; peduncles slender many flowered; corolla glabrous. From Eastern Indian. Woody plant. In DC Prodromus System Veget. 8 (1844) 637. (DeCandolle’s) Decaisne. 22. H. parviflora (Wight contrib. to bot. of Ind. p. 37) volubilis, glabra, ramis tenuibus, foliis lanceolatis basi et apices attenuatis, pedunculatis gracilibus folium subaequantibus multifloris, floribus parvis, corolla glabris, coronae stam. Foliolis obovatis emarginatis obcordatisve angulo interiore acuminato stigmati apiculato incumbente. Woody plant in India orient. Maulmyne (Wallich). Translation: twining, glabrous branches thin, leaves lanceolate base and apex attenuate, peduncle slender leaves almost the same length many flowered, flowers small, corolla glabrous, leaflets of the staminal corona obovate emarginate obcordate interior angle acuminate stigma apiculate incumbent. Woody vine from eastern India. Maulmyne. (Wallich).
In Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis 4 (1848) 16. R. Wight. 1269 Hoya parviflora (R. W.,) scandent, leaves approximated, fleshy, glabrous, narrow lanceolate, blunt pointed: flowers few, generally paired, from a short thick peduncle; pedicels shorter then the leaves; corolla glabrous; leaflets of the crown ovate pointed, the apex resting on the stigma. Courtallium, flowering September. The specimen from which the drawing was made grew in thick shady jungle, thickly matted over a large stone; as a species it seems to approach H. linearis but the leaves are glabrous and lanceolate in place of hirsute and linear. In Handbook of Indian Flora 2 (1866) 247. R. Wight (W. Drury). H. parviflora Ident. Wight’s Contrib. p. 37; Dec. prod. v. 8 p. 637. Engrav. Wight’s Icon. t. 1269. Spec. Char. Climbing: leaves approximated, fleshy, glabrous, narrow-lanceolate, blunt-pointed; flowers few, generally in pairs from short thick, peduncle; pedicels shorter than the leaves; corolla glabrous; leaflets of the crown ovate, pointed, the apex resting on the stigma. Courtallium, flowering in September. In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 54. J. D. Hooker. 9. H. parviflora, Wight Contribr. 37; quite glabrous, leaves lanceolate acuminate very thick and fleshy, peduncles long slender, corolla revolute villose* within, column conical. Wall. Cat. 8156 A; Dcne in DC. Prodr. viii 637. Tanasserim: Moulmein, Wallich. Stem climbing, slender. Leaves 2 ¼ - 1 by ½ - ¾ in. ; petiole short, thick. Peduncle almost as long as the leaves; pedicels 1/3 in., very slender. Sepals ovate, glabrous. Corolla 1/6 - ¼ in. diam. Corona-processes membranaceous, united into a conical vertically 5-lobed column, each lobe again longitudinally folded and bifid at the spreading tip. Follicles 4 in. long, very slender. This approaches an unnamed Japanese species, but the leaves are more fleshy and column different. * Type description says corolla glabrous! In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bengal Branch 27/74 (1908) 576-577. “Flora of the Malayan Peninsula” King and Gamble. 19. Hoya parviflora, Wight Contrib. 37 (1834). A twining, slender epiphytic undershrub; rooting on the stems and branches of trees; branchlets very slender, terete. Leaves thick, coriaceous; lanceolate, acute both at apex and base; glabrous on both surfaces; margines slightly recurved; 2 to 4 in. long, .35 to .75 in. broad; midrib slender, obscure; main nerves very faint even when dry, 5 to 6 pairs, very acutely (about 10°) spreading from the midrib, the lowest pair even more so; reticulations not visible; petiole about .l5 in. long, thick. Umbels many-flowered (30-40), racemose, lateral or terminal; peduncle rather stout, 1.5 to 1.75 in. long, ending in a thickened strobilate rachis often 1 in. long with minute imbricate bracts; pedicels slender, .25 to .5 in. long; buds globose, depressed; flowers many, about .15 to .25 in. in diam., apparently white. Calyx membranous, very small; lobes ovate. Corolla rotate, revolute, * villous within with unicellular soft hairs; lobes triangular. Corona of 5 membranous horizontally spreading processes, forming a shallow cone; lobes longitudinally folded, bifid et apex. Staminal-column very short; anthers connivent over the style-apex, with very thin membranous appendages; pollen-masses very-minute,
flattened, oblong-truncate, attached by minute cup-shaped caudicles to the triangular pollen-carriers. Style-apex with a conical tip. Follicles very slender, 4 to 5.5 in. long, .2 in. broad; pericarp thin, smooth. Seeds oblong, .25 in. long, not winged, truncate at tip, and bearing a 1 in. long white silky coma; testa very thin, pale brown, smooth; cotyledons, oblong, .05 in. long; radicle cylindric, .075 in. long. Wall. Cat. 8156A; Dcne. in DC. Prodr. VIII. 637; Hook f. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 54. Penang: at Balik Pulau, Curtis 689; on Mount Elvira, Md. Haniff for Curtis. Distrb. Tenasserim (Wallich 8156 a). leaves with nerves not or very faintly visible when dry: Flowers minute; corolla rarely over .15 in. in diameter; pedicels filiform; Leaves lanceolate, margins only slightly recurved ….19. H. parviflora. * Type description says corolla glabrous! In Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1923) 401. H. Ridley. (22) H. parviflora Wight, Contrib. 37, King and Gamble lx. 576. A slender rather wiry twiner. Leaves coriaceous lanceolate, narrowed to both ends orates falsely whorled - nerves 5 to 6 pairs faint when dry; 2 to 4 in. long, .35 to .75 in. wide; petioles .5 in. long. Peduncles 1.75 in long, rather slender; rachis lengthening to 1 in. long; pedicels .25 in long. Flowers many, pinkish white, .25 in. across. Corolla-lobes triangular * villous inside. Corona-lobes forming a cone. Follicles very slender, 4 to 5.5 in. long, .2 in wide Seed oblong truncate, plume 1 in. long. Hab. In forests and woods twining, low down on small trees, not rare, but not often flowering. Malacca, Mt. Ophir. Penang, Balik Palan; Waterfall (Curtis). Selul (Ridley). * Type description says corolla glabrous! In Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 3 (1951) 41. W. G. Craib & A. F. G. Kerr. Hoya parviflora Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 37 (1834); F. B. I. iv. 54; Mat. F. M. P., No. 19,576 (786); F. M P. ii. 4 Rachaburi. Bangtapan, Put 1379! Surat. Yan yao, c. 300m., on limestone rocks, Kerr 18204! Distr. Burma (type ! Moulmein), Pen. Mal.! Our plants have flowers rather smaller then those of the type. In Malayan Nature Journal 30 #3/4 (1978) 486-488. R. E. Rintz. 4) Hoya parviflora Wight, Contr. 37 (1834). Type Burma, Tenasserim, Moulmein, Wallich 8156A (K).—FIG. 8. Distinguishing Features: STEMS thin, often deep red when young. LEAVES fleshy, lanceolate with acuminate bases; up to 10cm long by 1.5cm wide; lower surface often deep red. PEDUNCLE reflexed, rigid, 3 - 6cm long. UMBEL positively-geotropic, concave with rigid , curved pedicels 3mm—3cm long; 1 - 40 flowers; open 4 days. COROLLA with a dense ring of thick hairs at the base of the lobes, otherwise glabrous; c. 5mm diam; white. CORONA lower lobe 3-parted; both lobes white. CAUDICLES broadly winged. FOLLICLE c. 10cm long by 4mm diam. Ecology Endemic to Malaysia and S. Thailand-S. Burma; common in lowland forest throughout the peninsula; often blooming in November.
In The Taxonomy and Phytochemistry of the Asclepiadaceae in Tropical Asia (1995) 92. “The Genus Hoya in Thailand” O. Thaithong. 28. H. parvifolia * Wight (*Note: mistake here the species of Wight is Hoya parviflora) Contrib. Bot. Ind. (1834) 37. FBI 4 (1883) 54; FMP 2 (1923) 401; Fl. Siam. Enum. 3 (1951) 41-42; Malay. Nat. J. 30 (1978), Fig. 8. Occurrence: (PEN): Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Ranong, Phangnga. (SW): Prachuab Khiri Khan.
Something wrong with the ID here as the foliage is completely different.
Hoya parvifolia Schlechter 1908 Type description:
In Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 40 (1908) 15. R. Schlechter. 15. Hoya parvifolia Schltr. n. sp.; gracillima, epiphytica, parum ramosa, volubilis; caule ramisque filiformibus elongatis, flexuosis dense et breviter hispidulis, lax foliatis, radicantibus; foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis vel oblongo-ellipticis obtusissimis, utrinque dense et breviter hispidulis, 1.2-1.7 cm. longis, 0.8-1 cm. latis, petiolo hispidulo c. 0.3 cm. longo; cymis umbelliformibus, 15-20 floris, grasiliter pedunculatis, pedunculo hispidulo 4-5 cm. longo, pedicellis glabris 0.7-1.2 cm. longis; floribus flavidis, illis H. lacunosae Bl. fere aequimagnis; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusis, margine minute ciliatis, ceterum glabris, 0.2 cm. longis; corolla recurvula 0.7 cm. diametiente, usque infra medium 5-lobata, extus glabra intus dense niveo-hispida, lobis ovatis acutis apice reflexis; coronae phyllis antice adscendentibus superne ellipticis medio gibbo oblongo donatis antice rostratis, subtus in lobis 2 dorso productis; antheris trapezoideis, appendice hyalina triangula; polliniis erectis oblique oblongoideis basi extus carinato-lobatis, trasnslatoribus perbrevibus; retinaculo ellipsoideo polliniis fere 5-pol minore; stigmatis capite conico. Sumatra: auf Bäumen am Danau Kotta, im Distrikte Irdragiri (R. Schlechter n. 13307, blühend im Juni 1901). Ohne Blüten macht die Planze den Eindruck einer Dischidia als den einer Hoya. Translation: See under Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species below. Other literature: In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. parvifolia Schlechter (Schlechter 13307) – 14. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 130. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya parvifolia Schlechter. A very slender epiphyte, very little branched, twining, with stems and branches threadlike, elongated, flexible densely and shortly hispid, loosely leaved, having aerial roots; with the leaves shortly petiolate oblong or oblong-elliptic, very obtuse, both surfaces densely and shortly hispid, 1.2-1.7 cm. long, 0.8-1 cm. wide, petiole hispid about 0.3 cm. long; with cymes shaped like umbels, 15-20 flowered, narrowly pedunculate, peduncle hispid 4-5 cm. long, with the pedicels glabrous 0.7-1.2 cm. long; with flowers pale yellow, like H. lacunosa Blume nearly the same size; with segments of the calyx ovate obtuse, with the margins minutely ciliate, center glabrous, 0.2 cm. long; corolla recurved 0.7 cm. in diameter, 5 lobed all the way to below the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely pure white hispid, with lobes ovate acute, apex reflexed; with scales of the corona apex ascending, above elliptic with a hump in the middle with oblong beaked apex, below extended into 2 lobes; with the anthers trapezoidal, appendages hyaline, triangular; with the pollinia erect, obliquely oblong, with the outside
base horny-lobed, translators very short; retinaculum ellipsoidal nearly 5 times smaller than the pollinia, with the head of the stigma conic. Sumatra: on trees by Danau Kotta in the Indagiri District (R. Schlechter #13307, blooming in June 1901). Without blooms this plant looks like a Dischidia rather than a Hoya. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 92. 40 (1908) 15. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 104. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya parvifolia Schlechter in Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 40 (1908) 15. Hoya parviflora Schltr. n. sp.; gracillima, epiphytica, parum ramosa, volubilis; caule ramisque filiformibus elongatis, flexuosis dense et breviter hispidulis, lax foliatis, radicantibus; foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis vel oblongo-ellipticis obtusissimis, utrinque dense et breviter hispidulis, 1.2-1.7 cm. longis, 0.8-1 cm. latis, petiolo hispidulo c. 0.3 cm. longo; cymis umbelliformibus, 15-20 floris, graciliter pedunculatis, pedunculo hispidulo 4-5 cm. longo, pedicellis glabris 0.7-1.2 cm. longis; floribus flavidis, illis H. lacunosae Bl. fere aequimagnis; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusis, margine minute ciliatis, ceterum glabris, 0.2 cm. longis; corolla recurvula 0.7 cm. diametiente, usque infra medium 5-lobata, extus glabra intus dense niveo-hispida, lobis ovatis acutis apice reflexis; coronae phyllis antice adscendentibus superne ellipticis medio gibbo oblongo donatis antice rostratis, subtus in lobis 2 dorso productis; antheris trapezoideis, appendice hyalina triangula; polliniis erectis oblique oblongoideis basi extus carinato-lobatis, trasnslatoribus perbrevibus; retinaculo ellipsoideo polliniis fere 5-pol minore; stigmatis capite conico. Sumatra: auf Bäumen am Danau Kotta, im Distrikte Irdragiri (R. Schlechter n. 13307, blühend im Juni 1901). Ohne Blüten macht die Planze den Eindruck einer Dischidia als den einer Hoya. Translation: A very slender epiphyte, very little branched, twining, with stems and branches threadlike, elongated, flexible densely and shortly hispid, loosely leaved, having aerial roots; with the leaves shortly petiolate oblong or oblong-elliptic, very obtuse, both surfaces densely and shortly hispid, 1.2-1.7 cm. long, 0.8-1 cm. wide, petiole hispid about 0.3 cm. long; with cymes shaped like umbels, 15-20 flowered, narrowly pedunculate, peduncle hispid 4-5 cm. long, with the pedicels glabrous 0.7-1.2 cm. long; with flowers pale yellow, like H. lacunosa Blume nearly the same size; with segments of the calyx ovate obtuse, with the margins minutely ciliate, center glabrous, 0.2 cm. long; corolla recurved 0.7 cm. in diameter, 5 lobed all the way to below the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely pure white hispid, with lobes ovate acute, apex reflexed; with scales of the corona apex ascending, above elliptic with a hump in the middle with oblong beaked apex, below extended into 2 lobes; with the anthers trapezoidal, appendages hyaline, triangular; with the pollinia erect, obliquely oblong, with the outside base horny-lobed, translators very short; retinaculum ellipsoidal nearly 5 times smaller than the pollinia, with the head of the stigma conic. Sumatra: on trees by Danau Kotta in the Indagiri District (R. Schlechter #13307, blooming in June 1901). Without blooms this plant looks like a Dischidia rather than a Hoya.
References: A. Nicholas in The Asclepiadaceous Works of Schlechter (1992) 31. Kloppenburg in Dr. Schlechter's Hoya Species (1993) 130-131. Hoya parvifolia Schltr. n. sp.; gracillima, epiphytica, parum ramosa, volubilis; caule ramisque filiformibus elongatis, flexuosis dense et breviter hispidulis, laxe foliatis, radicantibus; foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis vel oblongo-ellipticis obtusissimis, utrinque dense et breviter hispidulis, 1.2— 1.7 cm longis, 0.8—1 cm latis, petiolo hispidulo c. 0.3 cm longo; cymis umbelliformibus, l5—20-floris, graciliter pedunculatis, pedunculo hispidulo 45 cm longo, pedicellis glabris 0.7—1.2 cm longis; floribus favidis, illis H. lacunosae Bl. fere aequimagnis; calycis segmentis ovate obtusis, margine minute ciliatis, ceterum g1abris, 0.2 cm logis; corolla recurvula 0.7 cm diametiente, usque infra medium 5-lobata, extus glabra intus dense niveo-hispida, lobis ovatis acutis apice reflexis; coronae phyllis antice adscendentibus superne ellipticis medio gibbo oblongo donatis antice rostratis, subtus in lobos 2 dorso productis; antheris trapezoideis, appendice hyalina triangula; polliniis erectis oblique oblongoideis basi extus carinato-lobatis, translatoribus perbrevibus; retinaculo ellipsoiäeo polliniis fere 5-plo minore; stigmatis capite conico. Sumatra: auf Bäumen am Danau Kotta, im Distrikte Indragiri (R. Schlechter n. 13307, blühend im Juni 1901). Ohae Blüten macht die Pflanze eher den Eindrack einar Dischidia als din einer Hoya. Translation: very slender epiphytic, few branched, twining; stalk and brunches filiform elongated, flexuous densely and shortly hispid, loosely leafed, rooting; leaves shortly petioled, oblong or oblong-elliptic very obtuse, both sides densely and shortly hispid, 1.2 to 1.7 cm long, 0.¸ to 1 cm wide, petiole hispid about 0.3 cm long; cymes umbellate, 15 to 20 flowered, slenderly pedunculate, peduncle hispid 4 to 5 cm long, pedicels glabrous 0.7 to 12 cm long; with flowers pale yellow, like those of H. lacunosa Blume, and almost of equal size; calyx segments ovate obtuse, margins minutely ciliate, otherwise glabrous, 0.2 cm long; corolla recurved 0.7 cm in diameter, 5-lobed to below the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely snow-white hispid, lobes ovate acute apex reflexed; leaves of the corona inner angle ascending above elliptical middle humped oblong-beaked, outside two lobed; anthers trapezoidal, appendages hyaline triangular; pollinia erect obliquely oblong base outside horny-lobed, translators very short; retinaculum ellipsoidal 5 times smaller than pollinia; stigma head conical. Sumatra: in trees at Danau Kotta in the Indragiri District (R. Schlechter #13307. Blooming in June, 1901). Without blooms this plant looks more like a Dischidia than a Hoya.
Hoya parvifolia Schlechter, 1908, Type # 13307 (B)
Hoya parviflora Schlechter 1908
Picture, plant from Sarawak, Borneo.
Hoya patella Schlechter 1913 Type description:
In Botanische Jarbücher 50 (1913) 132. "Die Asclepiadaceen von Dutsche Neu Guinea" R. Schlechter. 41. H. patella, Schltr. n. sp. Suffrutex epiphyticus, ramosus, gracillimus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, minute et spasm puberuli. Folia patentia vel patula, breviter petiolata, oblongo-elliptica, obtusiuscule acuminata, subtus puberula, petiolo puberulo, superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae breviter pedunculatae, umbellatim pauciflorae, pedunculo abbreviato; minute puberulo, pedicellis filiformibus, glabra. Flores in sectione inter majores. Calyx parvulus, foliola ovato-lanceolata, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multoties breviora. Corolla late companulata, patelliformis, extus glabra, intus dimidio superiore minutissime papillosa, lobis late triangulis, breviter acuminatis. Coronae foliola patenntia, sub-horizontalia, apice paulo adscerdentia, superne oblonga, apice acuminata, extus obtusa, lateribus incrassato-rotundata. Pollinia obligue oblongoidea, basin versus paululo attenuata, translatoribus brevissimis, retinacuulo rhomboideo minutissimo. Ein sehr zierlicher, epiphytischer Schlinger mit fadenförmigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 6.5—9 cm lang, in der Mitte 2.7—3.4 cm breit, Blattstiele ca. 0.5 0.7 cm lang. Blütenstunde doldig wenigblütig auf kurzen. behaarten, ca. 0.7—1 cm langem Stiel Blütenstiele fadenförmig, kahl, 3 cm lang. Blüten zu den groszeren in der Sektion gehhörig. Kelch sehr klein, Blätterrn ca. 2 mm lang. Korolla breit gloekenförmig, ausgebreit ca. 3.5 cm im Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen sternförmig abstehend, von der spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande ca. 6 mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern der Berge von, Wobbe, im Minjemtal, ca. 300 m ü. M. (Schlechter n.16375. —Blühend im August 1907). In dieser liegt eine der wenigen Arten des Gebietes vor, welche auszerhalb der Nebelwaldformation auftreten. Die Art ist von den verwanten leicht kenntlich durch Blutenfarbung und die niedrigen. Schmalen Koronaschuppen. Die Blütenfärbung ist bellrosenrot mit kaminroter Korona. Translation: See text below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 85-86. Translation of "Die Asclepiadaceen von Dutsche Neu Guinea" (Botanische Jarbücher 50:132), Dale Kloppenburg. Hoya patella Schlechter. A very slender branched epiphytic half shrub. branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, minutely and sparsely pubescent. Leaves spreading or outspread, briefly petiolate, oblong-elliptic, somewhat obtusely acuminate, below pubescent, petiole pubescent, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shortly pedunculate, umbel of a few flowers, with the peduncle short, minutely pubescent, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the largest in the section. Calyx very small, with the leaflets
(lobes) ovate- lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate (saucer shaped), outside glabrous, inside upper half minutely papillose, lobes broadly triangular, shortly acuminate. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, acuminate, outside obtuse, sides thickly rounded, Pollinia obliquely oblong, apex a little attenuate, with the translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A very ornamental, epiphytic clinging vine with threadlike, loosely leaved branches. Leaves 6.5-9 cm. long, in the middle 2.7-3.4 cm. wide. Petioles 0.5-0.7 cm. long. Inflorescences umbel like, with a few flowers on a short pubescent peduncle, about 0.7-1 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare, 3 cm. long. Flowers are among the largest in the section. Calyx very small, lobes about 2 mm. long. Corolla widely bell shaped, extended about 3 cm. in diameter. Corona scales extended, star shaped, from the apex to the outer edge about 6 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the mountains of the Wobbe in the Minjem Valley, about 300 meters altitude (Schlechter #16375 - Blooming in August 1907). In this lies one of the few species of the area, which occurs outside of the mist forest formation (rainforests). The species is mildly distinguishable from its allies through its bloom color and the narrow, small corona scales. The bloom coloring is bright rosered with carmine-red corona. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. patella Schlechter (Schlechter 16375) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 132-133. Dale Kloppenburg. Hoya patella Schlechter. A very slender branched epiphytic half shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, minutely and sparsely pubescent. Leaves spreading or outspread, briefly petiolate, oblong-elliptic, somewhat obtusely acuminate, below pubescent, petiole pubescent, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shortly pedunculate, umbel of a few flowers, with the peduncle short, minutely pubescent, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the largest in the section. Calyx very small, with the leaflets (lobes) ovate- lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate (saucer shaped), outside glabrous, inside upper half minutely papillose, lobes broadly triangular, shortly acuminate. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, acuminate, outside obtuse, sides thickly rounded, Pollinia obliquely oblong, apex a little attenuate, with the translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A very ornamental, epiphytic clinging vine with threadlike, loosely leaved branches. Leaves 6.5-9 cm. long, in the middle 2.7-3.4 cm. wide. Petioles 0.5-0.7 cm. long. Inflorescences umbel like, with a few flowers on a short pubescent peduncle, about 0.7-1 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare, 3 cm. long. Flowers are among the largest in the section. Calyx very small, lobes about 2 mm. long. Corolla widely bell shaped, extended about 3 cm. in diameter. Corona scales extended, star shaped, from the apex to the outer edge about 6 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the mountains of the Wobbe in the Minjem Valley, about 300 meters altitude (Schlechter #16375 - Blooming in August 1907).
In this lies one of the few species of the area which occurs outside of the mist forest formation (rainforests). The species is mildly distinguishable from its allies through its bloom color and the narrow, small corona scales. The bloom coloring is bright rose-red with carmine-red corona. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jarbücher V.50 p.132 "Die Asclepiadaceen von Dutsche Neu Guinea".
Hoya patella Schlechter 1913
Picture by Eva- Karin Wiberg
Hoya patella Schlechter, 1913, Type # 16375 (B)
Hoya patella Schlechter Isotype 16375 (UC)
Hoya paxtonii Nichols 1885 Type description: I am inclined to think this is a distinct sp. (RDK). In Dictionary of Gardening 2 (1885) 155. G. Nicholsen. H. paxtonii, Nichols. Closely resembles the H. belle in habit and appearance, but has less fleshy, more acuminate and lighter green leaves. Pure white flowers with pinkish centres. Both dwarf and form a drooping mass. Dictionary of the Royal Horticulture Society. H. paxtonii synonym of H. bella.
Hoya pedunculata Schlechter Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 108. R. Schlechter. 2 ?. H. pedunculata, Schltr. (Warb.) Schltr. Dischidia pedunculata Warb. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XVIII (1893) p. 206. Nördostl. Neu-Guinea: Im Uterwald bei Kelana (F. C. Hellwig n. 155. — Blühend im, August 1888). Vie ich schon oben bemerkt, ist die Zugehörigkeit der Art zur Sektion nicht sicher. Das Original ist im Berliner Herbar vorhanden, aber blütenlos. Offenbar ist die Beschreibung nacht vollständig untentwiekelten Knospen angeferigt worden. Der ganze Habitus spricht dafür dasz die Pflanze in diese Verwendtschaft gehört. In der Blattform ateht sie in der Mitte zwischen H. halophila Schltr. und H. litoralis Schltr.. Translation: 2. ? Hoya pedunculata (Warburg) Schlechter. Dischidia pedunculata Warburg: in Engler Botanische Jahrbücher XVIII (1893) p. 206. Northeastern New Guinea: in shoreline forests at Kelana (F. C. Hellwig #155 blooming in August 1888). As I have already mentioned above, its belonging to this section is not certain. The original is in the Berlin Herbarium, but bloomless. Apparently the description was completed using buds, not completely open. The whole habit seems to indicate that the plant belongs in this group. In the leaf form it is midway between Hoya halophila Schlechter and Hoya litoralis Schlechter. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 16. “Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu-Guinea” D. Kloppenburg. 2.? Hoya pedunculata (Warburg) Schlechter. Dischidia pedunculata Warburg: in Engler Botanische Jahrbücher XVIII (1893) p. 206. Northeastern New Guinea: in shoreline forests at Kelana (F. C. Hellwig #155 blooming in August 1888). As I have already mentioned above, its belonging to this section is not certain. The original is in the Berlin Herbarium, but bloomless. Apparently the description was completed using buds, not completely open. The whole habit seems to indicate that the plant belongs in this group. In the leaf form it is midway between Hoya halophila Schlechter and Hoya litoralis Schlechter. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. pedunculata (Warb.) Schlechter - 15.
Hoya peekelii Markgraf 1927 Type description: In Notizblatt des Konigl. Botanischen Garten und Museum zu Berlin-Dahlen 10 (1927) 119-120. Markgraf. Hoya peekelii, Mgf. n. sp. (Asclepiadaceae).—Frutex scandens ramis carnosis, brevissime puberulis. Folia carnosa, elliptica, 12 cm longa, 7 cm lata, nitida, apice brevissime acuminate, rectinervia sparsissime pilosa, basi circa petiolum 3—4 cm longum breviter connate. Inflorescentia axillaris, umbelliformis. Pedicelli 3 cm longi pubescentes. Lobi calycis oblongi, obtusi, 8 mm longi, 4 mm late extus pubescentes, intus glabri et basi glandulis singulis altera sepalibus ornati. Corolla rotate, brunnea, 4 cm diam. metiens extus pubescens, intus papillosa et circa gynostegium villosa, interne lobos plicata; lobi acute triangulares, 1 cm longi et lati. Coronae nitida asteriformis, in media parte columnae accreta; pars externa loborum oblonga, obtuse, subtus bicarinata, 4 mm longa, 3 mm late 2 mm alta, pars introrsa oblique erecta, subulata, 3 mm longi. Gynostegium 8 mm altum, basi 5 mm crassum et brevissime pubescens. Retinacula l mm longa, obovata, basi acute; translatoribus sursum curvatae, latae (l/2 mm longae, 1/2 mm latae); pollinia oblonga, 1 mm longa, l/2 mm lata. Mericarpium immaturum 22 cm longum, 3 cm crassum, curvatum, longe acuminatum, sparse puberulum. Neu-Mecklenburg: Lamekot, Tesin, 200 m ü. M., (blühend und fruchtend 1. Juli 1925 — Peekel n. 1047). Die Art gehört zu der in Papuasien endemischen Sektion Eriostemma Schltr., in der sie sofort an den langen Keltchblättern kenntlich ist. Die nahestehende H. gigas Schltr. unterscheides sie durch stärkere Behaarung, namentlich des Säulenfuszes, fast Kreis runde Auszenabschnitte der Nebenkrone, gröszere Blüten und schmalern Translatoren. Translation: A climbing shrub stems fleshy, shortly puberlous. Leaves fleshy, elliptic, 12 cm. long, 7 cm. wide, shinny, apex briefly acuminate, netted veins sparsely hairy, base near the petiole 3 to 4 cm. long shortly conate. Inflorescence axillary, in the form of an umbel. Pedicels 3 cm. long pubescent. Calyx lobes oblong, obtuse, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide outside pubescent, inside glabrous and base embellished with a single gland another alternating with the sepals. Corolla rotate, brownish, 4 cm. in diameter with a soft outside pubescence, inside nippled and near the gynostegium villose, internal lobes cupped; lobes acute triangular, 1 cm long and wide. With a star shaped corona, with the middle part of the column grown together; the pair of external lobes oblong, obtuse, below two keeled , 4 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, 2 mm. tall, the inside pair obliquely erect, awl shaped, 3 mm. long. Gynostigium 8 mm. tall, base 5 mm. thick and shortly pubescent. Retinacula 1 mm. long, obovate, base acute; translators barely curved, breadth (1/2 mm long, ½ mm wide); pollinia oblong, 1 mm long, ½ mm wide. Meriocarp immature 22 cm long, 3 cm thick, curved, long acuminate, sparsely puberulous. In New Mecklenburg: Lamekot, Tesin, 200 meters altitude (blooming and fruiting in July 1925 Peekel #1047). This species endemic to Papuasia belongs to the section Eriostemma Schlechter, it thus differs by the large calyx blades. The nearest affinity is H. gigas Schlechter, but is
distinct through the stronger pubescence, namely at the column base, nearly a circle around the outer segment of the column, the larger flower and smaller translators.
Hoya pendula Wight & Arnott 1834 Type description: In Contributions to the Botany of India (1834) 36. Robert Wight. 3. H. pendula (W. & A.:) volubilis, foliis carnosis glabris ex oblongo-ovalibus acutis in 1ate ovate: acuminata margine revolutis, pedunculis petiolum paullo superantibus pendulis multifloris, corolla intus pubescente, cor. st. foliolis obovalibus obtusissimis depressis angulo interiore brevi apice truncato, stigmate apiculato.— , Rheedei; foliis oblongo ovalibus acutis.—Asclepias pendula, Roxb. fl. Ind. 2. p. 36; in caet. merc. Ind. or. mus. tab. 612. — Rheed. Mal. 9. t. 13.— , Neelgherrense; foliis ovatis acuminatis. — Wight.! cat. n. 1521.—H. revoluta, Wight! in Wall. herb. soc. Linn.!—Hoya, Wall! Asclep. n. 27, 41?— . In montibus Circars; Roxburgh. Malabar; Rheede.—. Ad Neelgherry; Wight. There are some specimens in Finlayson’s herbarium (Wall. asclep. n. 41), but not in flower, very similar to the Neelgherry plants, and have the margine of the leaves folded back in the same way; but the leaves are much smaller, and the stem throws out roots, so that they can scarcely be referred to the same species. Our Neelgherry specimens arc also imperfect. With regard to Roxburgh’s plant, it must be confessed that his specific character, “nectaries protruding five horns at the base”, does not appear to be applicable to ours; but, on the other hand, his after description, “nectary stellate; O may represent one of its five parts much magnified,” is in accordance, nor does he there notice the horns formally mentioned. In his drawing at the Indian house, one of the dissections agrees well with our species, but there is another which represents the coronal leaflets expanding at the back into a long tapering horn, and which we scarcely understand; we almost suspect that the artist had here taken a side-view of the leaflet, without regard to perspective, thus representing a kind of longitudinal section, and that Roxburgh has trusted to the accuracy of the figure, and described in consequence, as part of his specific character, the projecting horns, which he himself had not seen. Translation: twining, leaves fleshy glabrous from oblong-oval acute to broad ovate acuminate, margins revolute, peduncles with the petioles a little overtopping many flowered pedicels, corolla inside pubescent, lobes of the staminal corona obovoid obtuse depressed interior angle with a short truncate apex, stigma apiculate — alpha, Rheede; leaves oblong oval acute.— Asclepias pendula, Roxburgh in Flora of India 2 page 36; in Cat. Merc. Ind. or. Museum tab. 612.—Rheed. 1521.— Hoya revoluta, Wight (I have seen this); leaves ovate acuminate…….. Other literature: In Flora Indica 2 (1834) 36-37. Roxburgh. 9. A. pendula, R. Leaves oblong, veinless, very smooth, and fleshy. Umbels simple, many flowered. Nectaries protruding five horns at the base. Nasjera-patsja. Rheed. Mal. t. 13. A native of the mountainous parts of the Cirears; it flowers during the hot and rainy seasons. Stems and larger branches woody, twining, running over trees, &c. to a great extent. Branchlets twiggy, and pendulous. Leaves opposite, oblong, smooth, shining, of a very firm, hard, fleshy texture, veinless. Umbels peduculed, lateral, solitary,
pendulous with the branchlets many flowered. Flowers milk-white, fragrant, pendulous also. Pedicels as long as the peduncles. Corolla flat, inside covered with a kind of silky down. Nectary stellate; O may represent one of its five parts magnified. Anthers remarkably large, reflected over, and resting upon the common stigma. If taken out and examined before the flower opens, they are then found much swelled; along the sharp edge there is a double line, which I conclude forms an opening for the prolific fluid to escape at, but in old flowers they are mere collapsed membranes. On dividing the plump ones I could readily press out a yellow fluid. Note. This is the most favorable species I have met with for examining the structure, and contents of the anthers of this gynandrous genus. In A General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 125. G. Don. 3. H. pendula (Wight, and Arnott, contrib. ind. bot. p. 36.) twining; leaves fleshy, glabrous, from oblong-oval acute to broad ovate, acuminated, with revolute edges; peduncles pendulous, a little longer than the petioles, many-flowered; corolla downy inside; leaflets of corona oboval, very blunt, depressed, having the inner angles short and truncate at the apex; stigma apiculated. Woody shrub. Native of the East Indies. Var. a, Rheedii (Wight, and Arnott, l. c.) leaves oblong-oval, acute. Woody shrub. Native of Malabar and the Circars. Asclepias pendula, Roxb. fl. ind. 2. p. 36.—Rheed. Mal. 9. t. 13. Var. , Neelgherense (Wight, and Arnott, l. c.) leaves ovate, acuminated. Woody shrub. Native of Neelgherries. Wight. cat. no. 1521. H. revoluta, Wight. Hoya, Wall. ascl. nos. 27. and no. 41. Pendulous-umbelled Hoya. Shrub tw. In Synopsia Plantarum 6 (1840) 891. D. N. F. Dietrich. 3. H. pendula, W. et A. volubilis; fol. carnosis glabris ovali-acutis margine revolutis; pedunc. pendulous multifloris; cor. intus pubescente. Asclepias Roxb. Rheede 9. t. 13. H. rovolula Wight. In Circars et Malabar. Perennial shrub. Translation: Hoya pendula Wight & Arnott twining; leaves fleshy glabrous oval-acute margines revolute; peduncles pendulous many flowered; corolla inside pubescent. Asclepias Roxburgh…… In Decandolle, Prodromus System Veget. 8 (1844) 635-636. Decaisne. 9. Hoya pendula (Wight et Arn. contr. to bot. of Ind. p. 36), volubilis, foliis ex oblongo-ovalibus acutis v. late ovatis acuminatis margine revolutis, peduncullis petiolum plano superantibus pedulis, multifolris, corolla introsum pubescente, coron., stam. foliolis obovalibus obtusissimis depressis angulo interiore brevi apice truncato, stigmate apiculato. var. Rheedii, foliis oblongo-ovalibus acutis. Asclepias pendula Roxbg. fl. ind. 2, p. 36. Rheed. Malab. 9, t, 13. In mont. Cireas. (Roxbg.) ad or. Malabar. var. Neelgherrensis, foliis ovatis acuminatis. Ad Neelgherry Wight cat. 1521. Icon. t. 474. H. revoluta Wight in Wall. herb.
Translation: twining, leaves from oblong-ovate acute or broadly ovate acuminate margines revolute, peduncles and pedicels clearly exceeding the petiole, multiflowered, corolla inside pubescent, leaflets of the staminal corona oval obtuse interior angle depressed with a short apex truncate, stigma apiculate. variety Rheedii, leaves oblong-oval acute. …………… variety Neelgherrensis, leaves ovate acuminate. ……………. In Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants 3 (1923) 345. E. D. Merrill. Hoya pendula W. & A. F.-Vill. l. c. (under Excluded Species). In Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 53 (1955) 504. Santapau. 35. The name Hoya pendula. In the botanical literature of India, two plants go under the name Hoya pendula: (a) Wr. & Arn. in Wt. Contrib. 36, 1834; (b) Wt. in Icon. t. 474, 1840-43. It is clear that in accordance with Art. 74 of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the name can be retained for the first plant, the other being a later homonym in the sense of the Code, therefore an illegitimate name. The nomenclature and synonym of these two plants is, therefor the following: (a) Hoya pendula Wt. & Arn. in Wt. Contrib. 36 1834, excl. Synon.; non Wt. Icon. 18401843. Hoya wightii Hook. f. in Fl. Br. Ind. 4: 59, 1883; Santapau, Fl. Khand. In Rec. Bot. Soc, Ind. 16 (1): 175, 1953 . Hoya pallida Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 152, 1861.* (b) Hoya iconum Santapau, nom. Nov. Hoya pendula Wt. Icon. t. 474, 1840-43, non Wt. & Arn. 1834; Hooker in Fl. Br. Ind. 4: 61, 1883. Asclepias pendula Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2: 36, 1832. *only a listed name
Hoya perakensis Ridley 1910 Type description: In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Straits Branch 57 (1910) 71-72. H. Ridley. Hoya perakensis, n. sp. Stems slender creeping and rooting. Leaves ovate acute coriaceous glabrous base broad truncate rounded 4 ½ inch long 3 inches wide, nerves from the base 5, with few arched secondary nerves, drying brown with recurved edges, petiole thick ¼ inch long. Raceme thick 2 inches long, of which the peduncle is ¾ inch, all glabrous, umbel 1 inch across many flowered, pedicels slender ½ inch across. Sepals ovate lanceolate obtuse pubescent very short. Corolla 3/8 inch across lobes triangular acute minutely pubescent outside, glabrous within. Corona of 5 processes inflated adnate at base staminal column, lower lobe fleshy horizontal lanceolate sublobed at base thick elevated in the centre. Upper lobe tooth-like 1/3 length of the lower lobe, 2 valved below. Staminal column short, anthers incumbent on the style apex. Anther cells divergent appendages linear oblong, tips scarious. Pollen masses narrow oblong linear flat straight attached by very short horn-shaped caudicles to the dark brown elliptic carriers. Temengoh and Kuala Kenering, allied to H. Forbesii, King. Other literature: In Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1923) 398. H. Ridleyi. (11) H. perakensis Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 57, p. 70. Stems slender. Leaves coriaceous ovate acute, base broad truncate; nerves from base 5; 4.5 in long; raceme 1.25 in. long, 3 in wide; petioles .25 in long. Peduncles .75 in. long; racemes 1.25 in. long, thick; pedicels .5 in. long. Calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, pubescent. Corolla .36 in. across, lobes triangular, pubescent outside only. Corona-lobes, lower horizontal lanceolate, upper tooth-like. Hab. Perak, Temengoh and Kwala Kenering (Ridley). Rare and local. In Malayan Nature Journal 30 (1978) 520. R. E. Rintz “under Doubtful or Excluded Species”. 2. Hoya perakensis Ridley, J.R.A.S.S.Br. 57 (1911) 70. Type: Malaysia, Perak, Kuala Kenering, Ridley (K). This sheet is missing from Kew and no other specimens exist. Editors Note: (RDK) I feel just because Rintz could not find the Type sheet and it seems the plant in nature dose not exclude its having been found by H. Ridley. Ridley said it was “rare and local”, possibly by 1978 it was extinct.
Hoya phyllura O. Schwartz 1931 Type description:
In Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg 7 (1931) 261. O. Schwartz. Hoya phyllura O. Schwartz nov. spec. Frutex scandens epiphyticus. Rami graciles teretes vel leviter angulosi in vivo virides laevi glabri, internodiis elongatis 4—13 cm longis, ad nodos non incrassati. Folia opposite; lamina oblongo-elliptica vel levissime ovato-oblonga, basi abrupte angustata, apice longe et acute caudato-acuminata, glabra in sicco coriacea nitida, nervis valde prominentibus, nervatura penniformi venis utrinque 3—4 abeuntibus valde apicem versus curvatis et inter se anastomosantibus, nervulis anguste reticulatis. Lamina margine integra et levissime revoluta, 8—16 cm longa 3.2—6.2 cm lata, acumine 1.52 cm longo, in vivo viridis subtus dilutius quam supra. Petiolus robustus 1—1.7 cm longus. Inflorescentiae laterales umbellatae, pedunculo robusto brevi 2.3—3 cm longo suffultae. Flores numerosi (15 - 30) pedicellis gracilibus filiformibus arcte sub flore conspicue incrassatis, 3.5—4.5 cm longis insidentes. Calyx e denticu1is 5 minutis anguste triangularibus constans. Corolla patens, 1.5—2 cm diametiens, carnosa utrinque glaberrima in vivo extus alba intus dilute luteo-rosea, fere usque ad dimidium longitudinis suae in lobos 5 ovatos apice leviter acuminatos divisa. Coronae stamineae phylla 5, 5.5 mm longa, supra anguste elliptica leviter concave utrinque acute versus stigma leviter cornuto-producta margine revoluta. subtus canaliculata crasse carnosa. Antherae minutae in appendicem triangularem tenuiter membranaceum albidum 2 mm, longum productae. Ovaria anguste ovate. Stigmatis caput auguste apiculatum. West-Borneo: Bei Lebang Hara, um 150 m, Urwald am Ufer. (Hans Winkler n. 339, 24. November 1924.) Translation: Climbing epiphytic shrub. Branches slender round or lightly angled, in the living state green smooth glabrous, internodes elongate 4 to 13 cm long, nodes not thickened. Leaves opposite, blade oblong-elliptic or very slightly ovate-oblong, bases abruptly narrowed, apex long and acute caudate-acuminate, glabrous in the dry state coriaceous shining, nerves very prominent, nervation pinnate veins 3 to 4 on each side disappearing very near apex, curving and anastomosing, nerves narrowly reticulate. Leaf margins entire and very lightly revolute, 8 to 16 cm long, 3.2 to 5.2 cm wide, acumen 1.5 to 2 cm long, in the living state lighter green beneath than above. Petioles robust 1 to 1.7 cm long. Lateral inflorescence umbellate, supported by robust short peduncles 2.3 to 3 cm 2.3 to 3 cm long. Flowers numerous (15 to 30) situated upon pedicels which are slender filiform but conspicuously thickened close beneath the flowers, 3.5 to 4.5 cm long.. Calyx uniform without teeth of 5 minute narrow triangles. Corolla spreading, 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter, fleshy both sides very glabrous in the living state outside white, inside pale yellow-rose, almost divided longitudinally through the middle into 5 lobes apex lightly acuminate. Leaflets of the staminal corona 5 to 5.5 mm long, above narrowly elliptic lightly concave, on both sides acute towards the stigma lightly horned margins revolute, below channeled, thickly fleshy. Minute anthers with triangular appendages that
are slenderly membranous white 2 mm long. Ovary narrowly ovate. Stigma head narrowly apiculate. West Borneo: Near Lebang Hara about 150 meters above sea level, in coastal primary forests. (Hans Winkler #339, November 24. 1924).
Sent via Torill Nyhuus as Hoya phyllura 2006 I do not thing this is correct
Hoya phyllura Schwartz Type # 339 (K)
Photo taken by Ted Green at the Sandakan Forestry Herbarium. Dec 2006.
Hoya picta Miquel 1856 Type description: Here Miquel changed Blume’s sp (Acanthostemma) into a Hoya but still invalid as name used prior by Siebold 1848. In Flora Indiae Bataviae 2 (1856) 524-525. Zollinger & F. A. W. Miquel. 29. Hoya picta Miq. Folia breviter petiolata, late ovata mucronato-acuta, utrinque purpureo-picta et glandulosa, sicca subtrinervula, subtus convexa, 4—5 lin. longa; pedunculi 13/4 -pollicares apice incrassato multiflori; corolla intus spongioso-velutina, Acanthostemma pictum Blume Rumphia IV. p. 29, Mus. bot. l. c. p. 58. fig. X. Habitus fere Dischidiae truncatae. Java, in de wouden der bergstreken. Translation: Leaves on short petioles, broadly ovate mucronate-acute, both sides purple-dyed and glandular, in the dried state almost three nerved, beneath convex, 4-5 lines long; peduncles 1 3/4 inches apex thickened many flowered; corolla inside spongy-velvety. Acanthostemma pictum Blume, Rumphia IV, p. 29, etc. It grows with Dischidia truncatae. Java in the trees of the arid mountains. Other literature: In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 4 (1869) 33. P. A. G. Miquel. Hoya picta Revue Hortic. 1853, p. 277. H. variegata De Vriese in van Houtte Fl. d. Serr. VIII. tab.838. “Variegata, volubilis radicans, ramulis teretibus velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-(vel flavo-) variegatis ovalibus ellipticis vel oblongs subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis 2—5 cent. longis, pedunculis fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa utrinque rosea laciniis subdeltoideis apice reflexis ibique stellato-barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis trinugularibus albis in medio purpureis; reliqua H. carnosae.” — An sui iuris sit ultro inquirendum; ab H. laurifolia Decaisn. cui supra adscripsi, distincta. — H. variegata Sieb. videtur lusus H. laurifoliae. Translation: Revue Horticole 1853, page 277. H. variegate DeVriese in Van Houtte Flora de Serres vol. 8, tab. 838. “Variegate, twining rooting, branches round velvety almost pubescent, leaves white (or yellow) variegated oval elliptic or oblong somewhat acuminate, petiole red 2 to 5 cm. long, peduncles dark red; corolla fleshy both sides rose 1obes somewhat deltoid apex reflexed with stellate beard, leaflets of the staminal corona triangular white in the middle purple; remnant of H. carnosa” its place here should be investigated: from H. laurifolia Decaisne the above described is distinct H. variegata Siebold it seems is a variant. In Annales Musci Botanici Lugduno- Batavi (1869) 34. P. A. G. Miquel. Hoya picta Revue Hortic. 1853, p. 277. H. variegata De Vriese in Van Houtte Fl.. d. Serr. VIII. tab.838 “variegata, volubilis radicans, ramulis teretibus velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-(vel flavo-) variegatis ovalibus ellipticis vel oblongs subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis 2—5 cent. longis, pedunculis fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa utrinque rosea laciniis subdeltoideis apice reflexis ibique stellato-barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis triangularibus albis in medio purpureis; reliqua H. carnosae." — An sui iuris sit ultro
inquirendum; ab H. laurifolia Decaisn. cui supra adscripsi, distincta. — H. variegata Sieb. videtur lushes H laurifoliae. Translation: Variegated, twining and rooting, stems round velvety-somewhat pubescent, leaves white (or yellow) variegated oval elliptical or oblong somewhat acuminate, pedicels reddish 2 to 5 cm. long, peduncles reddish-brown; corolla fleshy both sides rose flaps somewhat deltoid apex reflexed and there stiff haired, leaflets of the staminal corona triangular white, in the middle purplish; a remnant of H. carnosa” Without of itself a position other than foreign; from Hoya laurifolia Decaisne. Whose above description it is distinct, Hoya variegata Siebold it seems is a mutation of H. laurifolia. In Exkursionsflora (1912) 98. S. H. Koorders (in Key) 7 a. Blätter bis 1 cm lang, breit eiförmig, oben spitz, beiderseits purpurn gefleckt und drüsig, in sicco nervig. Pedunculi 5 cm lang, vielblütig. Korolle innen schwammig-sammethaarig. Epiphytisches kraut, habituell an Dischidia picta erinnernd. Miq. 1. c. 524; Acanthostemma pictum Bl., Mus. bot. I. tab. X. Java: In Gebirgswäldern (nach Blume); bisher im Buitenzorger Herbar noch nicht von mir wiedergefunden. — Das mir aus Leiden von Dr. Goethart gütigst zugeschickte javanische, sterile Original von Hoya picta Miq. scheint mir wenigstens im Blatt Hoya lacunosa Bl. täuschend ähnlich zu sein. Blüten und lebendes Material von H. picta habe ich nicht vergleichen können. H. picta (Bl.) Miq.* Translation: 7a. Leaves to 1 cm long, broad form, apex up, both sides purple speckled and glandular, in the dry state ± nerved. Peduncle ± 5 cm long, many blooms. Corolla inside papilose-velvety. Epiphytic herbs, reminiscent habit of Dischidia picta Miq. l.c. 524; Acanthostemma pictum Bl., Mus. offered. I. tab. X. Java: In the mountain forests (after Flower); hitherto I could not find it in the Buitenzorger Herbarium. - This to me from Leiden by Dr. Goethart graciously was sent to Java,, the original was sterile of Hoya picta Miq. seems to me veined as in the leaves of Hoya lacunosa Bl. deceptively similar to being. I have not compared flowers and living material of H. picta…………………H. picta (Bl.) Miq.* In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 94. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya picta (Bl.) Miquel in Flora Indiae Bataviae 2 (1856) 524-25. Folia breviter petiolata, late ovata mucronulato-acuta, utrinque purpureo-picta et glandulosa, sicca subtrinervula, subtus convexa, 4-5 lin. longa; pedunculi 1 3/4-pollicares apice incrassato multiflori; corolla intus spongioso-velutina. Acanthostemma pictum Blume Rumphia IV p.29, Mus. bot. l.c. p. 58 fig. X. Habitus fere Dischidia truncatae Java, in de wouden der bergstreken. Translation: Leaves on short petioles, broadly ovate mucronulate- acute, both surfaces purple colored and granulose, dried somewhat three nerved, 0.8 - 1.0 cm. long; with the peduncle 4.4 cm. and apex thickened many flowered; corolla on the inside spongyvelvety. Acanthostemma pictum Blume in Rumphia 4:29, Museum Botanicum Lugd.-
Bat. 1:58 fig. X. It grows with Dischidia truncata. Java in the forests of the arid mountains. As Acanthostemma pictum Blume in Rumphia 4 (1848) 29. Foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandulosis subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papillosovelutina. - Habit. In mountanis Javae occidentalis arboribus innascens. Translation: Leaves (small) somewhat round to ovate mucronulate with both sides colored purple and granulous convex below; racemes shaped like umbels with somewhat long peduncles, many flowered; corolla inside papillose-velvety. - Habitat in the mountains of Western Java, adhering to trees. Other Citations: Miquel in Museum Botanicum Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1848) 58; Walpers in Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1852-1853) 64; Koorders in Exkursionsflora von Java (1912) 98, as A. pictum Blume.
Hoya picta Siebold 1848 Type Description: In Annales de la Societe Royal D’Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand 4 (1848). Hoya picta. Sieb. (Hoya peinte.) classe. Pentandrie. Order Monogynie. Family Naturelle Asclepiadees. Tribe Pergulariees. (Voir pour la description du genre, tome II, page 401 de ces Annales.) Car. Spec. Hoya picta Von Sieb. Caule tereti, ramis imo roseo-flaccidis; foliis ovatis-lanceolatis, apice attenuatis acutis, carnosis, medio aurco, citrino et junioribus purpureo aut azureo-roseo et marginibus viridi variegatis (floribus ignotis). Tab. 218. Car. spec. H. Peinte*. Von Sieb. Tige cylindrique, rameaux faibles et roses au sommet, feuilles ovales-lanceolees, attenuees au bout, aigues, charnues, au milieu d’un jaune d'or ou de citron et 1es plus jeunes d'un pourpre ou rose azure, les bords verts (fleurs inconnues). Pl. 218. Dans le deuxieme volume de ees Annales, page 401, nous avons donne I’histoire d’un Hoya variegata; introduit du Japon, par M. Von Siebold. Nous avons du nous borner a ne donner que la figure des feuilles de cette plante, feuilles qui pour nos cultures valent presque des fleurs tant elles sont belles. Nous sommes dans la meme position a l'lgard de l'Hoya picta de M. Von Siebold, dont le comite charge de choisir les planches qui paraissent dans ces Annales, a voulu reproduire les feuilles sans les fleurs. MM. G. De Winter et J. G. Jongeling, horticulteurs au Mail a Utrecht, viennent de publier a l'egard de ces deux plantes une circulaire speciale, accompagnee de deux dessins colories. Nous extrayons ce qui suit de cette circulaire, puisque ces paroles donnent l'historique de cette espece. “C'est au zele infatigable et aux soins judicieux de M. le docteur Ph. Fr. Von Siebold, directeur de la Societe royale pour l'encouragement de l’horticulture placee sous la protection speciale du roi des Pays-Bas, que l'Europe doit la possession de ces plantes. “Ce savant botaniste, deja si celebre par les services nombreux qu'il a rendus a la botanique, fut assez heureux de faire transporter du Japon, en 1845, ces deux plantes remarquables, les premieres qui furent importees en Europe. Vers la fin de la meme annee nous les avons achetees de la societe, au prix de trois mille florins de Hollande (6,349 fr. 21 cent.), de sorte que nous en sommes actuellement sends possessurs. “Ces belles plantes exciterent au plus haut degre l'admiration des botanistes, amateurs et horticulteurs, a cause des belles et invariables nuances de leurs feuilles,.... celles-ci sont tachetees d'un jaune d'or dans la premiere espece (Hoya picta) et dan5 la seconde elles sont rayees, marbrees et bordees d'un blanc pur (Hoya variegata). “A l’exposition de plantes a Gand, dans l'eti de 1846, elles remporterent sur plus de cent autres nouvelles especes de plantes, la grande medaille d'argent, prix d’argent, prix decerne a la plante la plus nouvelle et la plus remarquable non fleurie; ce prix leur a ete decerne a l'unanimite par Messieurs les membres du jury. “Ayant ete envoyees aux expositions de fleurs a Utrecht et a Dordrecht, elles captiverent de nonveau l'attention de tout le monde et a chacune de ces deux expositions, elles ont egalement remporte une medaille extraordinaire en argent.
“La redaction du Maandschrift voor Twinbouw (janvier 1846), de Dordrecht, et celle des Annales de la Societe royale d'Agriculture de Botanique de Gand (octobre 1846), persuadees de l'importance de ces plantes, se sont empressees de les faire peindre et d'en donner une description detaillee. “M. W. H. De Vriese, professeur de botanique a 1'universit de Leyde, ayant bien voulu se charger de l'examen exact et de la description de ces plantes, n’a pas hesite a les declarer deux especes toutes differentes des Hoya, distinguees d'une maniere remarquable de toutes les especes connues. Le redacteur des Annales de la Societe royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand, est a cet egard entierement de l'avis de M. le professeur De Vriese. “Aussi nous aimons a croire que cet avis attirera l'attention d tous les amateurs et horticulteurs et que ces plantes, qui se distinguent de tant de manieres, deviendront dans la suite un des principaux ornements des serres. Et bien qu'en Europe ces plantes n’aient pas encore donne des fleurs, il y a tout lieu de croire que les fleurs egaleront en beaute celles du Hoya carnosa, si meme clles ne les surpassent.” Nous avons traite tome II, page 402 de la culture de cette plante. Note:* Presumable a misprint (misspelling) or what? Translation: (See for the description of the type, tome II, page 401 of these Annals.) Characteristics of the species Hoya picta Von Sieb. Stems round, branches base rose-flaccid; leaves ovate-lanceolate, apex attenuate acute, fleshy, arched in the middle, yellowish and when young purplish or azure-rose and margines green variegated (with flowers unknown). Tab.218. Characteristics of the species H. Preinte*. Von Sieb. Stem cylindrical, branches weak and roses to the summit, leaves oval-lanceolate, attenuate to the boils, sharp, fleshy, in the middle with yellow or of lemon and the more, young with purple or rose azure, the edges green (flowers unknown). Pl.218. In the second volume of the Annals, page 401, we are given the history of Hoya variegata; introduced of from Japan, by M. Von Siebold. We have from him the drawing which the donor neglected the figure of the leaves of this plant, leaves which are nearly worth as much the flowers, in as much as they are beautiful. We are in the same position in regard to Hoya picta of M. Von Siebold, whose committee choose the drawings which are seen in these Annals, has wanted reproduce the sheets without the flowers. Messers. G. De Winter and J.G. Jangling, horticulturists in the Mail to Utrecht, published with regard to these two plants one special circular, accompanying of two drawings in color. We extract this, which follows of this circular, since these words give the history of this species. "It is to the tireless goodwill and judicious care of M. the doctor Ph. Fr. Von Siebold, superintendent of the Societe Royale for the encouragement of the horticulture placed under the special protection of the king of the Netherlands, that the Europeans owe the possession of these plants. "This learned botanist, already so famous by the numerous services that he has yielded as a botanist, was sufficient happy to transport these from Japan, in 1845, these two remarkable plants were imported into Europe. Towards this end of the same year we purchased them for the society, at the price of three thousand florins of Holland (6,349 fr. 21 cents), we sent that actually sum.
"These beautiful plants are exciting and pleasing, causing a high degree of admiration for the botanist, amateurs and horticulteurs, because of the beautiful and variable shades of theirs leaves,....there are traces of yellow as in the premiere species (Hoya picta) and in the second they are rays, marbling and borders of pure white (Hoya variegata). "The grand exposition of these plants, in late 1846, they reported on more than a hundred other new species of plants, the big medal money, price concerns the plant novelties and the more remarkable not the flowers; this price has been awarded them by the unanimity of the members of the jury. "Having the envoys to the exhibitions of flowers at Utrecht and the Directorate, they captivated the novel attention of all the world and has each of these two exhibitions, they have elegantly carried a silver medal also. "The reaction of the Manuscript from Twinbouw (January 1846), of Directorate, and of the Annals of the Socitete Royale d'Agriculture of Botany of Gand (October 1846), persuades one of the importance of these plants, hastened to make a painting of them and give a detailed description. "M.W.H. De Vriese, professor of botany at the university of Leiden, having well wanted to be in charge of the exact examination and of the description of these plants, has not taken steps hastily, has declared the two all different species of the Hoya, distinguished by the remarkable manner of all the known species. The editor of the Annales of the Societe Royale d'Agriculture and of Botany of Gand, has in this regard engendered the notice of M. le professor De Vriese. "Also we like to believe that this notice will attract the attention of all the amateurs and horticulturists and that these plants, which are so distinguished of so many handlers, will become in the continuation one of the principal ornaments of greenhouses. And well that in Europe these plants don’t have to give of flowers again, there is a place to believe that the flowers will equal in beauty those of Hoya carnosa, the same or they may surpass them. "We have a draft tome II, page 402 of the culture of this plant. In Annales de la Societe Royal D’Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand 4 (1848) 218. Au Hoya picta var. argentea et un H. picta var. aurea.
Hoya picta Siebold 1848 Annales de la Societe Royal D’Agric. de Botanique 4:401-402 t.218.
No known Herbarium sheets, could be at Kew:
There were two other hoya species named Hoya picta, listed below with descriptions: First by Blume called this species an Acanthostemma Species (1849). Later Miquel (1856) placed it in the Genus Hoya. It is a Section Acanthostemma (Bl) Kloppenburg species. In 1869 Miquel named a Hoya picta Rev. Hortic. mentioning Hoya variegata De Vriese; Hoya carnosa and Hoya latifolia Decaisne. This seems to me an unfortunate mixing of species. H. variegata Siebold seems to hold no connection to H. picta Siebold and to connect the two names is unfortunate. Miquel goes on to say he believes Hoya variegata is a variant sport (mutation) of Hoya laurifolia. The two following names 'picta' are invalid as Siebold's name takes priority.
Hoya picta Blume 1849 In Rumphia 4 (1849) 29. K. L. Blume. 6. A. pictum: foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandiulosis subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus 1ongiuscle pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-velutina.— Habit. In montanis Javae occidentalis arboribus innasecns. Translation: leaves (small) slightly round to ovate, sharply pointed; both sides purple-stained and glandular; below convex; shaped like an umbel with somewhat long peduncles many flowered; corolla papilose-velvety inside. Habitat: Innate in the mountains of Western Java, in trees. In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavorum 1 (1849) 58. C. L. Blume. 147. Acanthostemma pictum Bl. fig. X.: foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandulosis subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-velutina. Bl. in Rumphia l. c.— In montanis Javae occidentalis arboribus innascens. Translation: leaves (small) somewhat round-ovate mucronate both sides purple spotted and glandular convex below; racemes umbel formed somewhat long pedunculate multiflowered; corolla inside papilose velvety. Blume in Rumphia as above.— in the mountains of Eastern Java growing in the trees. In Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1853) 64. W. G. Walpers. 6. A. pictum Blume l. c. p. 29. & Mus. bot. Lugd. Bat. 51. no. 147. fig.10. t— Foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis, utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandulosis, subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolle intus papillosovelutina. —Crescit in montanis insulae Javae. Translation: Leaves (small) almost round-ovate mucronate, both sides purples stained and glandular, below convex; racemes umbellate on long many flowered peduncles; corolla inside papillose. velvety. It lives in mountains on the island of Java.
Hoya picta Miquel 1856 In Flora Indiae Bataviae 2 (1856) 524-525. Zollinger & F. A. W. Miquel. 29. Hoya picta Miq. Folia breviter petiolata, late ovata mucronato-acuta, utrinque purpureo-picta et glandulosa, sicca subtrinervula, subtus convexa, 4—5 lin. longa; pedunculi 13/4 -pollicares apice incrassato multiflori; corolla intus spongioso-velutina, Acanthostemma pictum Blume Rumphia IV. p. 29, Mus. bot. l. c. p. 58. fig. X. Habitus fere Dischidiae truncatae. Java, in de wouden der bergstreken. Translation: Leaves on short petioles, broadly ovate mucronate-acute, both sides purple-dyed and glandular, in the dried state almost three nerved, beneath convex, 4-5 lines long; peduncles 1 3/4 inches apex thickened many flowered; corolla inside spongy-velvety. Acanthostemma pictum Blume, Rumphia IV, p. 29, etc. It grows with Dischidia truncatae. Java in the trees of the arid mountains. In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 4 (1869) 33. P. A. G. Miquel. Hoya picta Revue Hortic. 1853, p. 277. H. variegata De Vriese in van Houtte Fl. d. Serr. VIII. tab.838. “Variegata, volubilis radicans, ramulis teretibus velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-(vel flavo-) variegatis ovalibus ellipticis vel oblongs subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis 2—5 cent. longis, pedunculis fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa utrinque rosea laciniis subdeltoideis apice reflexis ibique stellato-barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis trinugularibus albis in medio purpureis; reliqua H. carnosae.” — An sui iuris sit ultro inquirendum; ab H. laurifolia Decaisn. cui supra adscripsi, distincta. — H. variegata Sieb. videtur lusus H. laurifoliae. Translation: Revue Horticole 1853, page 277. H. variegate DeVriese in Van Houtte Flora de Serres vol. 8, tab. 838. “Variegate, twining rooting, branches round velvety almost pubescent, leaves white (or yellow) variegated oval elliptic or oblong somewhat acuminate, petiole red 2 to 5 cm. long, peduncles dark red; corolla fleshy both sides rose 1obes somewhat deltoid apex reflexed with stellate beard, leaflets of the staminal corona triangular white in the middle purple; remnant of H. carnosa” its place here should be investigated: from H. laurifolia Decaisne the above described is distinct H. variegata Siebold it seems is a variant. In Annales Musci Botanici Lugduno- Batavi (1869) 34. P. A. G. Miquel. Hoya picta Revue Hortic. 1853, p. 277. H. variegata De Vriese in Van Houtte Fl.. d. Serr. VIII. tab.838 “variegata, volubilis radicans, ramulis teretibus velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-(vel flavo-) variegatis ovalibus ellipticis vel oblongs subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis 2—5 cent. longis, pedunculis fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa utrinque rosea laciniis subdeltoideis apice reflexis ibique stellato-barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis triangularibus albis in medio purpureis; reliqua H. carnosae." — An sui iuris sit ultro inquirendum; ab H. laurifolia Decaisn. cui supra adscripsi, distincta. — H. variegata Sieb. videtur lushes H laurifoliae. Translation: Variegated, twining and rooting, stems round velvety-somewhat pubescent, leaves white (or yellow) variegated oval elliptical or oblong somewhat acuminate,
pedicels reddish 2 to 5 cm. long, peduncles reddish-brown; corolla fleshy both sides rose flaps somewhat deltoid apex reflexed and there stiff haired, leaflets of the staminal corona triangular white, in the middle purplish; a remnant of H. carnosa” Without of itself a position other than foreign; from Hoya laurifolia Decaisne. Whose above description it is distinct, Hoya variegata Siebold it seems is a mutation of H. laurifolia. In Exkursionsflora (1912) 98. S. H. Koorders (in Key) 7 a. Blätter bis 1 cm lang, breit eiförmig, oben spitz, beiderseits purpurn gefleckt und drüsig, in sicco nervig. Pedunculi 5 cm lang, vielblütig. Korolle innen schwammig-sammethaarig. Epiphytisches kraut, habituell an Dischidia picta erinnernd. Miq. 1. c. 524; Acanthostemma pictum Bl., Mus. bot. I. tab. X. Java: In Gebirgswäldern (nach Blume); bisher im Buitenzorger Herbar noch nicht von mir wiedergefunden. — Das mir aus Leiden von Dr. Goethart gütigst zugeschickte javanische, sterile Original von Hoya picta Miq. scheint mir wenigstens im Blatt Hoya lacunosa Bl. täuschend ähnlich zu sein. Blüten und lebendes Material von H. picta habe ich nicht vergleichen können. H. picta (Bl.) Miq.* Translation: 7a. Leaves to 1 cm long, broad form, apex up, both sides purple speckled and glandular, in the dry state ± nerved. Peduncle ± 5 cm long, many blooms. Corolla inside papilose-velvety. Epiphytic herbs, reminiscent habit of Dischidia picta Miq. l.c. 524; Acanthostemma pictum Bl., Mus. offered. I. tab. X. Java: In the mountain forests (after Flower); hitherto I could not find it in the Buitenzorger Herbarium. - This to me from Leiden by Dr. Goethart graciously was sent to Java,, the original was sterile of Hoya picta Miq. seems to me veined as in the leaves of Hoya lacunosa Bl. deceptively similar to being. I have not compared flowers and living material of H. picta…………………H. picta (Bl.) Miq.* In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 94. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya picta (Bl.) Miquel in Flora Indiae Bataviae 2 (1856) 524-25. Folia breviter petiolata, late ovata mucronulato-acuta, utrinque purpureo-picta et glandulosa, sicca subtrinervula, subtus convexa, 4-5 lin. longa; pedunculi 1 3/4-pollicares apice incrassato multiflori; corolla intus spongioso-velutina. Acanthostemma pictum Blume Rumphia IV p.29, Mus. bot. l.c. p. 58 fig. X. Habitus fere Dischidia truncatae Java, in de wouden der bergstreken. Translation: Leaves on short petioles, broadly ovate mucronulate- acute, both surfaces purple colored and granulose, dried somewhat three nerved, 0.8 - 1.0 cm. long; with the peduncle 4.4 cm. and apex thickened many flowered; corolla on the inside spongyvelvety. Acanthostemma pictum Blume in Rumphia 4:29, Museum Botanicum Lugd.Bat. 1:58 fig. X. It grows with Dischidia truncata. Java in the forests of the arid mountains. As Acanthostemma pictum Blume in Rumphia 4 (1848) 29. Foliis (parvis) subrotundo-ovatis mucronatis utrinque purpureo-pictis et glandulosis subtus convexis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papillosovelutina. - Habit. In mountanis Javae occidentalis arboribus innascens.
Translation: Leaves (small) somewhat round to ovate mucronulate with both sides colored purple and granulous convex below; racemes shaped like umbels with somewhat long peduncles, many flowered; corolla inside papillose-velvety. - Habitat in the mountains of Western Java, adhering to trees. Other Citations: Miquel in Museum Botanicum Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1848) 58; Walpers in Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1852-1853) 64; Koorders in Exkursionsflora von Java (1912) 98, as A. pictum Blume.
Hoya piestolepis Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 123. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch NeuGuinea: R. Schlechter. 30. Hoya piestolepis, Schltr. n. sp. — Suffrutex parum ramosus, alte scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia patentia vel patula, petiolata, oblonga vel elliptica, acuminata, basi breviter cordata, textura coriacea, utrinque glaberrima. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes, c. 10-florae, graciliter pedunculatae, pedunculo pedicellisque filiformibus, glabris. Flores inter majores in sectione. Calycis foliola ovato-triangula obtusiuscula, glabra, quam corolla multo breviora. Corolla reflexa, usque, infra medium 5-fida, extus glabra, intus dense et minute papillosa. Coronae foliola patentes, lateraliter valde compressa, a latere visa semiovalia, apice brevi, leviter adscendente, superne anguste linearia, antheris paululo breviora. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo parvulo rhomboideo. Ein hochkletternder Schlinger mit schnurartigen locker behlätterten Zweigen, Blätter 12—15 cm lang, in der Mitte 5.5—7 cm breit, Blattstiele 1 1.5 cm lang. Blütenstände doldig, etwa 10-blütig, auf etwa 6 cm langem Stiel. Blütenstiele sehr schlank, kahl, 4—4.5 cm lang. Blüten ziemlich ansehnlich. Kelch sehr klein, Zipfel etwa 2 mm lang. Korolla ausgebreitet etwa 2.4 cm im Durchmesser, auszen kahl, innen sehr kurz papillös. Koronaschuppe von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande 0.5 cm lang, etwa 4 mm hoch. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern auf dem Gomadjidji, im Wariatale, ca. 450 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 19376. —Blühend im Mai 1909). Bei der geringen Zahl von Arten welche wir zurzeit von der Sektion kennen, sind die einzelnen leicht charakterisiert. H. piestolepis Schltr. unterscheidet sich von den übrigen durch die sehr stark seitlich zusammengedrückten Koronaschuppen. Die Blüten sind weinrot, innen sehr Kurz, weiszpapillös. Translation: 30. Hoya piestolepis Schlechter new species. A half-shrub with few branches, high climbing. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate oblong or elliptic, acuminate, base briefly cordate, texture leathery, both sides glabrous. Inflorescence shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, on a slender peduncle, pedicels of the peduncle threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the largest of the section. Lobes of the calyx ovate-triangular, shortly obtuse, glabrous, much shorter then those of the corolla. Corolla reflexed, 5-parted all the way to the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose. Scales of the corona outspread, sides very compressed, sides seen from above somewhat oval, inner apex short, slightly ascending, above narrowly linear, anthers somewhat shorter. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very short, retinaculum small, rhomboid. A high climbing vine with cord like loosely leaved branches. Leaves 12-15 cm. long, in the middle 5.5-7 cm. wide. Petiole 1-1.5 cm. long. Inflorescence umbellate, about 10 flowered, on a peduncle about 6 cm. long. Pedicels very slender, bare, 4-4.5 cm. long. Flowers rather prominent. Calyx lobes very small, to the end 2 mm. long. Corolla
outspread, 2.4 cm. in diameter, outside bare, inside very shortly papillose. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge 0.5 cm. long, some 4 mm. high. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the Gomadjidji, in the Waria Valley, about 450 meters altitude (Schlechter #19376 -- Blooming in May 1909). Amongst the small number of species, which we know in this section, at the present time, they are individually easy to characterize. Hoya piestolepis Schlechter differs from the reminder through the strongly laterally compressed corona scales. The flowers are wine-red inside with short white hairs. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 16. “Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu-Guinea” D. Kloppenburg. Under Section III (Blume) Schlechter. 30. Hoya piestolepis. Translated text same as the following. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. piestolepis Schlechter (Schlechter 19376) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993)136-137. Dale Kloppenburg. Hoya piestolepis Schlechter. A half-shrub with few branches, high climbing. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate oblong or elliptic, acuminate, base briefly cordate, texture leathery, both sides glabrous. Inflorescence shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, on a slender peduncle, pedicels of the peduncle threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the largest of the section. Lobes of the calyx ovate-triangular, shortly obtuse, glabrous, much shorter then those of the corolla. Corolla reflexed, 5-parted all the way to the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose. Scales of the corona outspread, sides very compressed, sides seen from above somewhat oval, inner apex short, slightly ascending, above narrowly linear, anthers somewhat shorter. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very short, retinaculum small, rhomboid. A high climbing vine with cord like loosely leaved branches. Leaves 12-15 cm. long, in the middle 5.5-7 cm. wide. Petiole 1-1.5 cm. long. Inflorescence umbellate, about 10 flowered, on a peduncle about 6 cm. long. Pedicels very slender, bare, 4-4.5 cm. long. Flowers rather prominent. Calyx lobes very small, to the end 2 mm. long. Corolla outspread, 2.4 cm. in diameter, outside bare, inside very shortly papillose. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge 0.5 cm. long, some 4 mm. high. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the Gomadjidji, in the Waria Valley, about 450 meters altitude (Schlechter #19376 -- Blooming in May 1909). Amongst the small number of species, which we know in this section, at the present time, they are individually easy to characterize. Hoya piestolepis Schlechter differs from the reminder through the strongly laterally compressed corona scales. The flowers are wine-red inside with short white hairs.
Hoya piestolepis Schlechter, 1913, Type # 19376 (B)
Hoya piestolepis Schlechter # 23483 (A)
Hoya polyneura Hooker 1883 Type description: In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 54. J. D. Hooker. 8. H. polyneura, Hook. f.; quite glabrous, branches stout, leaves 3-4 in. subsessile rhombic-ovate or lanceolate acuminate very fleshy, nerves very many oblique straight parallel, umbels axillary very shortly peduncled, corolla-lobes papillose within. Hoya, No. 29. Herb. Ind. Or., H. f. & T. Sikkim Himalaya; Herb. Griffith, alt. 3-5000 ft., J. D. H., Clarke. Branches long, flexuous. Leaves vary variable in breadth, broadest 1-21/2 in the middle, base narrow but rounded; midrib slender, nerves very close. Peduncle at length thickened and scared; pedicels slender. Sepals oblong, obtuse, glabrous. Corolla ½ in diam., white, disc glabrous. Coronal-lobes red-purple, very short, orbicular, flat above, inner angle produced upwards in some specimens into a short, erect beak which equals the long subulate anther-tip, and downwards into 2 auricles; other specimens have a very short inner angle and short anther tips. Follicles 4 in slender, falcate, smooth. Seeds 1/16 in. long, ovate-lanceolate. Other literature: In The Flora of the Eastern Himalaya (1971) 109. (Univ. Tokyo Press) Hiroshi Hara. Hoya polyneura Hooker f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 54 (1883). Sikkim. Singhik, 1500 m (Jul. 1, 1969). Bhutan. Tinlegang, 1900 m (May 4, 1967, young fir.); Mishichen-Khosa, l600-1800 m (May 10,1967, young fr.). Distr. E. Himalaya (Sikkim. Bhutan). In Records of the Botanical Survey of India 20/2 (1973) 147. “Materials for the Flora of Bhutan.” H. polyneura Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 54, 1883. An epiphyte with long flexuous branches: Leaves thick 7-10 cm long. Rare in the area. Sham Khara, 1500 m. Nov. 1964, Deb 30. In Exotica III (1978) 1631. A. B. Graf. Hoya polyneura (Himalaya Reg.) Glossy leaves, greenish-silver, with darker veins,; waxy flowers like white stars, corona bronzy red. In Tropica 4 (1992) 1020 A. B. Graf. Hoya polyneura (Himalayan Reg.), “Fishtail hoya”; broad ovate, opposite glossy green leaves with darker veins, 6-8 cm long; waxy flowers like white stars, corona bronzy red. Subtropical. p. 152. In Hortica 1 (1992) 1067. A. B. Graf. Hoya polyneura (Himalayan Reg.), “Fishtail hoya”; broad ovate, opposite glossy green leaves with darker veins, 6-8 cm long; waxy flowers like white stars, corona bronzy red. Subtropical. In The Hoya Handbook (1992) 87. D. Kloppenburg & A. Wayman. Hoya polyneura Hooker f.. This hoya is a native of the Himalayan region of India. My first plants of this species were sent to me by Genash Mani Pradhan of Genash Villa, Kalampong. This
beautiful village is nestled against the Himalayan Mountains. Genash tells me that this species grows as an epiphyte with its long flexible branches hanging from the lateral branches of large trees which are bathed with the monsoon breezes. It is found at high altitudes of from 3-5000' elevation. The plant was first named and described by J. D. Hooker in Flora of British India in 1883. This plant is not a vine but instead has graceful downward curved branches ending from their own weight. The well foliated branches are covered with fleshy light to medium green leaves with prominent and distinctively parallel veins. The leaves remind some of fish tails. It is sometimes referred to as the "Fish Tailed Hoya". The paired leaves are held flat and are variable in size, mostly 3-4 " long when mature and 1-2 1/2" at the widest portion. The flower clusters are borne from below the nodes, under the paired leaves, so the flowers are only visible from below. For this reason, if the plant is positioned high you will be able to enjoy viewing the flower clusters when your plant blooms. It might be advisable to have this plant on a pulley so it can be watered and tended to and then when it begins to bloom raise it so you can watch the buds and flowers develop. The reflexed white to cream corolla contrast sharply with the clear red-purple color of the corona in the center. It is a true beauty. I recommend that this plant be grown cool with high humidity. Do not let the well drained potting mixture dry out. Air movement and uniform conditions will help this plant achieve its full potential.
Photo by Ann Wayman, Central Point, Oregon.
Hoya polyneura Hooker f. #3793
Hoya praetorii Miquel 1857 Type description: In Flora Indiae Bataviae 2 (1857) 526. Zollinger & F. A. W. Miquel. 36. Hoya praetorii Miq. Petioli tenuiusculi pollice subbreviores., folia oblonga vel ovato-oblonga vel sublanceolata acuminata, costulis utrinque circiter 5 patule adsecndentibus subtus prominentibus, supra subsulcatis, 6—3 poll. longa; umbellae pedunculatae terminales et interpetiolares, pedicelli bipollicares; corolla patens intus ad basin hirsutula, laciniis mucronato-acutis. Plocostemma pallidum Blume Mus. bot. l. c. Foliis angustioribus et corollae tomento interno tenuiore a praeced. differt. Sumatra, in de wouden (Praetorius). Translation: Petiole somewhat thin 1 inch or somewhat shorter, leaves oblong or ovate-oblong or somewhat lanceolate acuminate, midrib on both sides with 5 outspread ascending veins prominent beneath, above somewhat grooved,6 to 3 inches long; umbels on terminal peduncles and between petioles, pedicels 2 inches; corolla flat inside towards base hirsute, lobes mucronate-acute. Plocostemma pallidum Blume, Mus. Bot. as cited above. Leaves somewhat narrow and with the corolla tomentose inside thinner than preceding. different. Sumatra in the woods
Hoya pruinosa Miquel 1856 In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum 1 (1849) 58-59. F. A. W. Miquel. 148. Acanthostemma pruinosum Bl.: foliis (parvis) subrotundatis supra convexis glanduloso-punctatis subtus planis et glauco-pruinosis; umbellis breviter pedunculatis paucifloris. Bl. in Rumphia l. c. Dischidia pruinosa Herb. Zipp. In truncis arborum Guineae Novae. Translation: Leaves (small) somewhat round above convex granular- punctate, beneath flat and glaucous-pruinose; umbels on short peduncles few flowered, Blume in Rumphia at the place cited - Dischidia pruinosa Zippelius Herbarium. - On the trunks of trees in New Guinea. Type description: In Flora Indie Batavae 2 (1856) 525. Zollinger & F. A. W. Miquel. 31. Hoya pruinosa Miq. Rami graciles radicantes, folia subsessilia, subrotunda vel elliptica obtusa, supra convexa glanduloso-punctata, subtus plana et glauco-pruinosa, semipollice breviora, umbellae breviter pedunculatae pauciflorae. Acanthostemma pruinosum Blume Rumphia l. c. p. 30, Mus. bot. p. 58.-Dischidia pruinosa Zippel. herb. Habitus omnino Dischidiae nummulariae vel affinium. Nieuw-Guinea (Zippelius). Translation: Branches slender rooting, leaves somewhat sessile, almost round or elliptic obtuse, above convex granulose-punctate, (round depressions like glands), below flat and glaucous-pruinose (covered with a bloom on the surface), .5" or less, with the umbel shortly pedunculate few flowered. Acanthostemma pruinosum Blume in Rumphia at the place cited p. 30. Museum Botanicum Lugd.-Bat. 1:58 - Dischidia pruinosa Zippelius's Herbarium. Manner of growth exactly like Dischidia nummularia or related. New Guinea (Zippelius). Other literature: In Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 1 (1876). R. H. C. C. Scheffler. Hoya pruinosa Miq. l. c. p. 525. En outre M. Teysmann receuillit, pres de Dore, une espece de Hoya et une autre Asclepiadee. Une troisieme espece de la meme famille fut trouvee par le meme voyager, pres d’ Andaj. Translation: In besides M. Teysmann recently, presented, one species of Hoya and one other Asclepiad. A third species of the same family was carried by the same travel, pres d'Andaj. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 98. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya pruinosa (Bl.) Miquel. Hoya pruinosa (Bl.) Miquel in Flora Indie Batavae 2 (1856) 525. Rami graciles radicantes, folia subsessilia, subrotunda vel elliptica obtusa, supra convexa glanduloso-punctata, subtus plana et glauco-pruinosa,
semipollice breviora, umbellae breviter pedunculatae pauciflorae. Acanthostemma pruinosum Blume Rumphia l. c. p. 30, Mus. bot. p. 58.-Dischidia pruinosa Zippel. herb. Habitus omnino Dischidiae nummulariae vel affinium. Nieuw-Guinea (Zippelius). Translation: Branches slender rooting, leaves somewhat sessile, almost round or elliptic obtuse, above convex granulose-punctate, (round depressions like glands), below flat and glaucous-pruinose (covered with a bloom on the surface), .5" or less, with the umbel shortly pedunculate few flowered. Acanthostemma pruinosum Blume in Rumphia at the place cited p. 30. Museum Botanicum Lugd.-Bat. 1:58 - Dischidia pruinosa Zippelius's Herbarium. Manner of Growth exactly like Dischidia nummularia or related. New Guinea (Zippelius). Also as Acanthostemma pruinosum Blume in Rumphia 4 (1849) 30. Foliis (parvis) subrotundis supra convexis glanduloso-punctatis subtis planis et glauco-pruinosis; umbellis breviter pedunculatis paucifloris Bl. in Rumphia l.c. Dischidia pruinosa Herb. Zippel. - Habitat. In truncis arborum Guinea Novae. Translation: Leaves (small) somewhat round above convex granular- punctate, beneath flat and glaucous-pruinose; umbels on short peduncles few flowered, Blume in Rumphia at the place cited - Dischidia pruinosa Zippelius Herbarium. - Habitat on the trunks of trees in New Guinea. Other Literature: Miquel in Museum Botanicum Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1849) 58-59; Morren in Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 1 (1876).
Hoya pseudomaxima Koorders 1918 Type description: In Philippine Journal of Science 15 (1918) 263-267. S. H. Koorders. 3. Hoya pseudomaxima Kds. sp. nov. Taf. IV. Hoya imbricata Callery foliis basi profunde cordatis et a Hoya maxima Kds. foliis supra glaberrimis et apice haud raro emarginatis differt. Luzon, Rizal Province, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 22089 Ramos, blühend am 7ten December, 1913. Blätter kreisrund, am Grunde bis 3 cm tief-herzförmig, oberseits völlig kahl (nicht nur unbehaart, sondern auch ohne Cutiular-Höcher) und glatt, unterseits kahl und auch ohne Cuticular-Höcker, bis 8 cm lang und 9 cm breit. Blüten ± wie Hoya imbricata, Früchte unbekannt. Bemerkung: Während bei allen (12) Einsammlungs-Nummern meiner Hoya maxima aus Nord-Ost-Celebes (Kds. n. 16204 , u.s.w.) die Blatt-Oberseite stets mit Cuticular-Höckern dicht bedeckt ist, welche dauernd oder seltener nur in der Jugend je ein Flaumhaar tragen, bei der nur aus den Filipinen (Mount Isarog) bekannten Hoya pseudomaxima ist die Blatt-Oberseite völlig glatt (glaberrima) ohne Cuticular-Höcker und ohne Flaumhaare. Translation: differs from Hoya imbricata Callery in that the foliage is profoundly cordate and from Hoya maxima Koorders leaves above glabrous and at the apex not at all or rarely emarginate……………………. Leaves round-circular, at the base to 3 cm deeplyheart-shaped, on the top entirely glabrous (not only glabrous, but also without Cutiularprotruberances and polished, undersides glabrous and also without Cutiularprotruberances, to 8 cm long and 9 cm broad. Flowers ± like Hoya imbricata, Fruits unknown. Comment: while near all (12) collection-numbers of my Hoya maxima out of Nord-OstCelebes (Kds.n.16204 , u.s.w.) the leaf on the top were densely covered, fixed with Cutiular-protruberances, which are permanent or rare only in their youth bearing a down, with the only one out of the Filipinen (Mount Isarog) known as Hoya pseudomaxima are the leaves on the top entirely polished (glabrous) without Cutiularprotruberances and without down. Other literature: In Bulletin du Jardin Botanique 2/3 (1920) 247-248. S. H. Koorders. 3. Hoya pseudomaxima Kds. (mis. Juni 1918 in Herb. Bureau of Science in Manila). Hoya imbricata Callery foliis basi profunde cordatis et Hoya maxima Kds. foliis supra glaberrimis et apice haud raro emarginatis differt. Filippinen (Leg. M. Ramos)., während bei Hoya maxima a die Blätter stets einen tief-herzförmigen Fuss besitzen mit Fusslappen, welch einander berühren oder übereinander greifen. Translation: different from imbricata Callery, leaves definitely heart-shaped and Hoya maxima Koorders leaves above glabrous and apex not at all emarginate. Philippine (of M.
Ramos) thick is near Hoya maxima the leaves are set one deeply heart shaped at the foot sitting with the base overlapping, which is plus or minus a touch the one above grasping one another.
Hoya pseudovalifolia Costantin 1912 Type description: In Flore Generale Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 139. J. Costantin. 20. Hoya pseudovalifolia, Cost., n. sp. Feuilles ovales-acuminees, charnues; limbe long, de 4.2-6 cm. sur 2.4-4-3 cm.; petiole epais de 3 mm. Inflorescence:: pedoncule allonge (6 cm.), velu, termine par une tete a cicatrices; pedicelles tris courts (3 mm.); fleurs petites, mal constituees. Fruit. . Cochinchine: Mt Dinh, Baria (Pierre). Pedoncule poilu; feuilles charnues (4.2-6 cm X 2.4 - 3 cm.) … 20 H. pseudovalifolia. Translation: Leaves ovate-acuminate, fleshy; 4.2 to 6 cm long and 2.4 to 3 cm wide; petioles up to 3 mm long. Inflorescence: peduncle to 6 cm long, pubescent and terminal end having a scarred rachis; pedicels very short (3 mm); flowers very small, not well formed Fruit…. Peduncle hairy, leaves fleshy (4.2 to 6 cm. by 2.4 to 3 cm.) ……
Hoya pubens Costantin 1912 Type description: In Flore Generale Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 136. J. Costantin. 3. H. pubens Cost., a. sp. Tige a fine pubescence, a poils espaces et courts; racines adventives presentes. Feuilles moins charnues que dans l'espece precedente, ovales-oblongues, arrondies, souvent aigues a la base, courtement apiculees au sommet; nervures apparentes sur les 2 faces, nervures laterales 2, en outre 2 paires partant de la base, plus fortes et ramontant jusqu’au sommet; reseau tertiaire tres apparent; limbe long de 9.5-13 cm. sur 3.6-6.8 cm.; petiole tres charnu, epais, long de 2 cm. sur 3 mm. Inflorescence en ombelle; pedoncule vigoureux, long de 9-10 cm., renfle au sommet; pedicelles glabres, greles (2 cm.); fleurs jaunatres de 6-8 mm.—Calice a sepales etroits, arrondis au bout, glabres ou parfois legerement cilies, longs do 2.5 cm. Corolla a peine pubescente en dessus, a nervures apparentes en dessous. Coronule a pieces aigues, planes superieurement, carenees en dessous, a bords lateraux releves vers le haul, a extremite externe aigue. Fruit: follicule long de 13-16 cm sur 2.5 mm ; graines aigrettees (3-4 mm. 5 mm.) Tonkin: environs de Ninh-binh a Kien-khe, ½ Vo-xa (Bon). Tige tres legerement pubescente, au moins sur les parties jeunes. Feuilles atteignant 13 cm. de long; follicules tres longs et tres minces (16 cm. X 2.5 mm.) ; fleurs jaunatres ….. ………………………..13. H. pubens. Translation: Stem with fine pubescence; short adventitious rootless. Leaves not Isis fleshy as the preceding species (parasitica) oval-oblong, rounded or often pointed at base shortly apiculate at the apex; veins 2 lateral, in addition to pairs departing at the base and joining the others, reappearing near apex, very strong and prominent on both sides. Three rib-net-work very apparent; leaf 9.5 to 13 cm long by 3.6 to 6.8 cm. ; petiole very fleshy, thick, 2 cm long by 3 mm. Inflorescence in umbels; peduncles strong, 9 to 10 cm long, swollen at the apex; pedicels glabrous, slender (2 cm.); flowers yellowish 6 to 8 mm. Calyx sepals narrow rounded at the end, glabrous or sometimes lightly ciliate, 2.5 mm long (text said cm but that has to be a misprint). Corolla pubescent inside and nerves apparent beneath. Corona parts pointed, smooth, flat on top; beneath edges lofty, raised at the end, outer extremity pointed. Fruit: follicles 13 to 16 cm. long by 2 to 5 mm., seed tufted (3 to 4 mm. by 5 mm.). Tonkin: near to Ninh-binh and Kien-khe, and Vo-xa (Bon). Stalks very lightly pubescent, less so over the young parts. Leaves attaining 13 cm. long; follicles very long and very slender. Flowers yellowish.
Hoya pubera Blume Type description: In Bijdagen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Inde (1825) 1065. C. L. Blume. Hoya pubera, Bl. H: foliis (parvi) aveniis ovali-oblongis acutis carnosis puberis, corolla intus hirsuta, Crescit: in maritimis insulae Kambangae ad arbores. Floret: October, etc. Translation: leaves (small) veinless oval-oblong acute fleshy puberulous, corolla inside hirsute. It lives on the seashores of the island of Nusa Kambangae in trees. Flowers: in October and others. Other descriptions: In General System of Gardening and Botany (1837). G. Don. 30 H. Pubera (Blume bijdr. p. 1065.) leaves small, vein1ess, oval-oblong, acute, fleshy, downy; corolla hairy inside. Woody perennial shrub. S. Native of the Island of Nusae-Kambanga, on trees by the sea-side. Downy Hoya. Fl. Oct. Nov. Shrub tw. In Synopsis Plantarum 6 (1840) 892. D. N. F. Dietrich. 26. Hoya pubera Blume; fol. parvis aveniis ovali-oblongis acutis carnosis puberis; cor. intus hirsutis. In Java. Woody. Translation: foliage small veinless oval-oblong acute fleshy downy; corolla inside hairy. In Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 639. Decaisne. 34. H. pubera (Bl. bijdr. p. 1065), radicans, foliis aveniis ovalibus v. ovali-oblongis acutis basi in petiolum brevem attenuatis, corolla introrsum hirsuta. (v. s. sine fl. h. Mus. par.) Translation: rooting, leaves veinless oval or oval-oblong acute base at petiole shortly attenuate, corolla inside hirsute. (I have seen it without flowers in the herbarium at the Paris Museum.) In Rumphia 4 (1849) 29. C. L. Blume 6. A. puberum foliis (parvis) ovalibus vel ovali-oblongis utrinque acutis puberulis subtus convexiusculis et albidio-viridulis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-hirsutula. — Hoya pubera Bl. l. c. De Caisne l. c. p. 639. 34. Habit. In maritimis insularum Javae et Nusae Kambangan. Translation: Leaves (small) oval or oval-oblong, both ends acute puberulous, beneath convex and white-green; racemes shaped like an umbel on long peduncles many flowered; corolla inside papilose-hirsute. Hoya pubera Blume as cited above, De Caisne as stated above page 639. 34 It lives in the seacoasts of Nusa Kambangan on the island of Java. In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavorum 1 (1849) 58. C. L. Blume. 146.
Acanthostemma puberum Bl. foliis (parvis) ovalibus v. ovali-oblongis utrinque acutis puberulis subtus convexiusculis et albidio-viridulis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-hirsutula. Bl.. in Rumphia 1. c.—Hoya pubera Bl. Bijdr. Fol. Ned. Ind. p. 1065. Decaisne op..cit. p. 639. 34. In maritimis in insularum Javae et Nusae Kambangan. Translation: Leaves (small) oval or oval-oblong, both ends acute puberulous, beneath convex and white-green; racemes shaped like an umbel on long peduncles many flowered; corolla inside papilose-hirsute. In Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1852) 64. W. G. Walpers. 5. A. Puberum Blume l. c. Foliis (parvis) ovalibus vel ovali-oblongis, utrinque acutis puberulis, subtus convexiusculis et albidio-viridulis; racemis umbelliformibus longiuscule pedunculatis multifloris; corolla intus papilloso-hirsutula—Hoya pubera Blume, Crescit in Java. Translation: Leaves (small) oval or oval-oblong, both ends acute puberulous, beneath convex and white-green; racemes shaped like an umbel on long peduncles many flowered; corolla inside Papilose-hirsute. Hoya pubera Blume It lives in Java In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie 2 (1856) 524. F. A. W. Miquel. 27. Hoya pubera Bl. Ramuli graciles radicantes cum petiolis puberi, mox glabrati et papillosi, folia breviter petiolata, elliptica vel elliptico-oblonga utrinque acute, puberula, subtus convexiuscula et albo-viridula, adulta utrinque papilloso-punctata, 1— ½ poll. longa, pedunculi longiusculi apice umbellatim multiflori; corolla intus spongioso-pubera. Hoya pubera Blume Bijdr. p. l065. Decaisne. in DC. Prodr. l. c. p. 639.—Acanthostemma puberum Bl. Mus. bot. I. p. 58.—Dischidiae punctatae indumento et habitu non absimilis. Java en Noesa Kambangan, in de kuststreken (Bl.). Translation: Branches slender rooting with petioles puberulous, presently glabrate and papillose, leaves shortly petioled, elliptic or elliptic oblong both ends acute, puberulous, beneath convex and white-green, adult both sides papilose-punctate, 1 to ½ inches long, peduncles longer apex umbellate of many flowers; corolla inside spongy-puberulous. In De Tropische Natur 6 (1917) 188-190. C. A Backer et al. We hadden nu het recht te vermoeden, dat de in de Pleopetlis gevonder wortel ook aan Hoya pubera had behoord. In die richting werd het onderzoek voortgezet. Een pear dagen later kreeg ik van B. v. D. B. een mooie Hydnophytum-knol thuis-gezonden, die samenwoonde met dezelf de Hoya. De stengel dezer laatste liep achter fangs den knol (fig. 5) en gaf daar vele wortels af, die door elke opening van den knol near binnen gedrongen waren en den binnenwand van alle holten netvormig overdekten. Weer een pear dagen later kreeg ik een groot exemplaar van de Pleopeltis, ook al weer samengroeiend met Hoya pubera. De range wortels der indringster waren in vele wortelstokken near binnen gegroeid (fig. 6) en hadden zich dear op dezelfde wijze vertakt, als we hierboven reeds hebben beschreven. Zoo was overtuigend gebleken dat Hoya pubera meermalen als commensaal van
mierenplanten optreedt. Nu moest nog onderzocht worden, of dit regel of uitzondering was. B. v. d. B. beloofde mij ook heiraan zijn anndacht te zullen en zond me na korten tqd een uitvoerig verslag, waarin het land der mierenplanten zoo aanschonwelijk beschreven wordt, dat ik niet beter kan doen dan den schrijver hier zelf aan het woord te laten. ”Zoo, juist kom ik terug van een tocht near het mierenparadijs aan de Tji-Sokan. Ik kon u niet langer op de gevraagde inlichtingen laten wachten en zoo trok ik er van morgen, 7 April, voor dag en danw op uit. Het was eenig mood in de bosschen en hoewel ik deze plaatsen reeds meerdere malen bezocht heb, was alles nog even nieuw en interessent als bij het eerste aanschonwen. Het terrein, dat door het nagenoeg geheel ontbreken van paden uiterst 1astig te begaan is, helt af naar de Tji Sokan. Een zijriviertje hiervan, de Tji Tjoeroeg, een beekje, dat zijn naam met eere draegt '), bestaat over de geheele lengte uit nagenoeg niets den grootere en kleinere watervallen; het water stroomt er over een steenen bedding Men bevindt zich hier in een diep dal, waarvan de bodem ongeveer 750 M. boven de zee ligt, terwijl de wanden zich steil 150 a 300 M. verheffen. De lucht in het dal is droog en warm, de bodem schraal en arm aan water. In deze streek, waar de natuur veel schoons heeft bijeengegaard, dat ze echter als een egoiste voor de buitenwereld tracht verborgen te houden door de ongenaakbaarheid en grillige gesteldheid van het terrein te best te nemen, vindt men het land der mierenplanten en haar bewoonsters, de Iridomyrmex. Men vindt de planter boom aan boom, de Hydnophytum, de Myrmecodia, de Pleopeltis, de slingers van Dischidia Rafflesiana en de snoeren van Dischidia imbricata. De Leconopteris kreeg ik hier nog niet te zien, die groeit een unrtje verder. Maar wet ik wel opmerkte, was de Hoya pubera. Stam en takken der boomen waren er op vele plaatsen mee overgroeid; hier en daar ook hing ze in slingers af. Ik had u beloofd erop te letten, waar deze interessante plant voorkomt. Als resulteat ken ik u zeggen, dat ik de Hoya pubera overal zag, wear ook de Iridomyrmex voorkwam, ja, op een paar twijfelachtige gevallen na, zag ik hear slechts dear, waar ook een of meerdere soorten van mierenplanter groeiden. Het beginpunt der plant was, voorzoover ik dat kon nagaan, nagenoeg steeds te vinden bij een of andere mierenplant. Van uit zoo'n punt verspreiden zich hear stengels naar alle kanten, hier en daar zich aan den steunboom vasthechtend met dunne, zijdelings verioopende wortels. Veel ziet men doorgaans niet van deze wortels, dear de mieren ze meerendeels met het laagje aarde van hear tunnels overdekken. Ik zag de plant niet veel bloeien, hoewel er knoppen genoeg aanzaten. logelijk is er nu de tijd niet voor. Translation: we assume it correct to think that the roots found in the Pleopeltis had belonged to a Hoya pubra. The investigation was continued in this direction. A few days later I got prom B.v.d. B. a pretty Hydnophhytum bulb that is a companion plant or the same hoya. The stem of this latter one ran along behind the bulb and sent out many roots there which went into each opening of the bulb and covered over all holes on the inner wall with a netted covering. Again a few days later I receipted a 1arge sample of Pleopeltis, again growing together with a Hoya pubera. The long roots of the intruder had many rootlets growing to the inside (Fig. 6) and had branched out in the same manner as we have already described above. Thus it was obvious that the Hoya pubera was often a 'boarder" on the ant-plants.
It must now be investigated as to whether this was the rule or the exception, B.v.d.B. promised to give me his thoughts on this, and after a short time he sent me a detailed report in which the land of the ant-plants was described so well that I can do no better than to let the writer here tell it in his own words: "I have just come back from a trip to the ant paradise at Tji Sokan. I couldn't let you wait any longer on the explanation in question, and so I set out on the morning of April 7 before daylight. It was very, pretty in the forest, and despite the fact that I had visited this spot may times, everything seemed new and as interesting as when I first saw it. The terrain, which was almost entirely lacking in paths, went down to the Tji Sokan. A tributary of it, the Tji Tjoeroeg (waterfall), a brooklet, that bears its name with honor, consists over the whole length of almost nothing else than greater or lesser waterfalls. The water streams over a stony creek bed. Here one finds oneself in a deep valley, where the altitude is about 750 meters above sea level, while the cliffs rise up steeply 150 to 300 meters. The air in the valley is dry and warm, the soil thin and lacking in moisture. In this region, where nature has brought together many beautiful things, and where, however, she as an egoist has attempted to conceal them from the outside world by the inaccessible and capricious location and by taking advantage of the terrain, one finds the land of the ant plants and its other inhabitants, the Iridomyrmex. One finds plants one after the other — the Myrmecoidia, the Pleopeltis, the trailers of Dischidia Rafflesiana, and the vines of Dischidia imbricata. I did not see the Iecanopteris growing here, it grows about an hour’s journey away. But what I indeed saw was Hoya pubera. The trunk and branches of the trees in many places were almost overgrown; here and there they hung dorm in festoons. I had promised to let you know there this interesting plant occurs. As a result, I can tell you that I saw the Hoya pubera everywhere that the Iridomyrmes occurred. And, except for a few doubtful cases, I saw it only where there were several types of art-plants growing. The base of the plant was almost always to be found with one or other of the ant-plants. From such a point it spreads its roots in all directions, and here and there it holds itself to the tree with lateral roots. One doesn't see these roots much, since the ants cover them over with the layer of soil for their tunnels. I didn't see the plant blooming much, no matter how many buds they had. It is possible that it was not time for this." In Exkursionsflora (1912) 98. S. H. Koorders. (from key). 7 b. Blätter 1 ½ 2 ½ cm lang, elliptisch-oblong oder obovat-spatelig, oben und unten spitz, beiderseits kurzflaumig und papillös punktiert. Pedicellus (des Originals) 3 cm lang (abgebrochen). Korolle innen schwammig-flaumhaarig (nach Miquel spongioso-pubera). Junge Zweige und Blattstiele kurzflaumig und papillös. Epiphytisches, habituell an Hoya lacunosa Bl. erinnerndes Kraut. Miq. l. c. 524; Acanthostemma puberulum Bl. Mittel-Java: Auf Nusa Kambangan in der Nähe der Küste (Blume n. 1684 in Herb. Leiden); bisher im Buitonzorger Herbar noch nicht aus Java wiedergefunden. ……………………………… H. pubera Bl. Translation of the German by Dieter Paul: 7 b. Leaves ± 1 ½ -2 ½ cm long, ± elliptic-oblong oder obovate-spatula shaped, above and below acute, otherwise kurzflaumig und papillose punctate. Pedicels (on originals) ± 3 cm long (was broken off). Corolla inside spongy, hairy (according to Miquel spongy-
puberlous). Young branch and petiole short hairy and ± papillös. Epiphytes, resembling Hoya lacunosa Bl.. Miq.l.c.524; Acanthostemma puberulum Bl. Central-Java: From Nusa Kambangan in the neighborhood of Küste (Blume n. 1684 in the Herbarium at Leiden); until now I could not find it in the Buitenzorg Herbarium of Java. In Blumea 6/2 (1950) 330. “Notes on the Flora of Java” R. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink. Hoya puber Bl. (note: this is the corrected spelling for the species name) (Sphalm. Pubera). Bijdr. 1065; Backer in De Trop. Nat. 6 (1917) 188-190, fig. 46; Docters van Leeuwen in De Trop. Nat. 18 (1928) 138 an ? Acanthostemma pictum Bl. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 14 (15 April 1849) 58, fig. X Hoya picta (Bl.) Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. 2 (1856) 524 non aliorum. Blume’s last mentioned species is not a well known one. The figure given by Blume strikingly resembles Hoya puber Bl., but according to the description the flowers are purple-dotted. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 99-101. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya puber Blume in Bijdagen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indië (1826) 1065. H: foliis (parvis) aveniis ovali-oblongis acutis carnosis puberis, corolla intus hirsuta. Crescit: in Maritimes insulae Nusae Kambangae ad arbores. Floret: Octobri, etc. Translation: Hoya: leaves (small) veinless oval-oblong acute flashy puberulous, corolla hirsute. Growing on the seashore of the island of Nusa Kambangan on trees. Flowers in October, etc.
Hoya puber Blume, 1826, #2928 (BO) Incorrect
Hoya puber Blume, 1826, #5023 (BO) Hoya puber Blume Holotype 5928 (BO)
Hoya pubescens Reinecke 1893 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 25 (1893) 669. “Die Flora der Samoa-Inseln” Reinecke. H. pubescens Reinecke n. sp.; caulis scandentis, volubilis internodiis longis; ramulis pubescentibus; foliis carnoso-coriaceis, planis, penninerviis, ovalibus vel ovatis, brevissime abrupte acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel subcordatis, petiolis longis, pubescentibus, lamina utrinque minute lanata; inflorescentiis axillaribus, multifloris pedunculo pedicellis subaequali; calycis laciniis lanceolatis, longe acuminatis, extus pubescentibus; corollae lobis e basi late obtuse angustatis, planis, extus glabris, intus hirtellis; disco evoluto; coronae stamineae foliolis incrassatis, marginibus haud revolutis, dorso eximie bicarinatis; folliculis longis, acuminatis, ceraceo-pruinosis. Stengel bis 15 mm dick; Internodien ca. 1 dcm, Blattstiele 2—3 cm, Spreiten 6— 9 cm lang, 4—6 cm breit; Dolden- und Blütenstiele ca. 3 cm; kelchzipfel ca. 3 mm lang, an der Basis 1.5 mm breit; Krone 15—18 mm im Querdurchmesser, kronzipfel an der Basis 5 mm breit; Follikel l0—14 cm lang, ca. 3 cm dick. Blüten wachsartig. Im Küstenbusch sehr verbreitet, besonders an Waldrändern und Flussläufen. Weniger aromatisch. Upolu, Savaii (n. 220). Einheim. Name: “fue se le lea,” Winde, die der Sonne trotzte, weil die Blätter äuszerst schwer trocknen und absterben. Verwendung: Auch zur Parfümierung; des Cocosöls, besonders aber zu Halsketten. Diese Pflanze, welche von der U. S. Expl. Exped. bereits auf Samoa gefunden, aber von A. Gray zu H. bicarinata A. Gray gestellt wurde, urilerscheidet sich doch von dieser derartig, dass sie als selbständige Art zu betrachten ist. Die dickfleischigen, beiderseits behaarten Blätter, die lanzettlichen, stark behaarten Kelchzipfel und die Form der Kronlappen trennen sie scharf von der folgenden H. bicarinata. H. bicarinata A. Gray Proceed. Am. Acad. V (1861/62) 335. — Seem. 163.—Drake d. Cast 236. Upolu: Letogo-Flussgebiet, Jan.1894 (n. 224). Einheim. Name: Verwendung: wie vorige. Verbr.: Pacifische Inseln, Australien. Das Material ist bis auf einen Laubtrieb auf dem Transport zertürt werden, so dass die Zugehorigkeit zur Art nur vermutungsweise zu bestimmen ist. Translation: Hoya pubescens Reinecke new species; stalk climbing, twining internodes long; branches pubescent; leaves fleshy-coriaceous, flat, penninerved, oval or ovate, very shortly and abruptly acuminate, bases rounded, or somewhat cordate, petiole long, pubescent, blades on both sides shortly lanate; inflorescence axillary, many flowered, peduncle and pedicels almost equal; Calyx lobes lanceolate, long acuminate, outside pubescent; lobes of the corolla at bases broadly obtuse narrowing, flat, outside glabrous, inside hairy; disc unrolled; leaflets of the staminal corona thickened, margins not at all revolute, back two keeled; follicles long, acuminate, horny-pruinose. Stem up to 15 mm thick; Internodes about 1/10 cm, petiole 2 to 3 cm. eaves spreading, 6 to 9 cm long and 4 to 6 cm wide; umbels and peduncles about 3 cm. Leaves of calyx about 3 mm long, at the
base 4.5 mm wide; corolla 15 to 18 mm in diameter, lobes of corolla at the base 5 mm wide; follicle 10 to 14 cm long, about 1 cm thick. Blooms wax-like. Very wide spread in coastal thickets, especially at the edges of forests and near rivers. Less fragrant. Upolu, Savaii (#220). Local name: "fue se le la", which means “Bindweed which defies the sun”, since the leaves scarcely dry out and die off. Use: also for fragrance in coco-oil, and especially in necklaces. This plant, which was already found by the U.S. Exploration Expedition on Samoa, but was listed by A. Gray, as H. bicarinata A. Gray, is different from the latter in that it is considered an individual species. The thick fleshy leaves, tomentose on both sides, the lanceolate, heavily tomentose lobes of the calyx, and the form of the crown lobes sharply differ from H. bicarinata. H. bicarinata, A. Gray, Proceed. Am. Aced. V. (1861/62) 335. Seem. 163...Drake d. Cast. #236. Upolu: Letogo Riverbasin, Jan. 1894 (#224). Native name & uses: as above. It lives on Pacific Islands and Australia. The material was destroyed in transit but for 1 branch so that the identity of genus or species can only be determined with conjecture. Other literature: In Denkschiften d. kais. Akad. D. Wiss. Math.-naturw. Klesse 75 (1910) 333. (Samoa) K. Rechinger. Hoya pubescens Reinecke, Sam., in Engl. Bot. Jahrb., Bd. 25 (1893), p. 669. Textfig. 21. Insel Upolu: Fluszufer des Vaisingano bei Malifa, auf Bäumen; Motootua; Bei Utumapu, Nr 1533, 1667; Bei Laulii, Nr. 996; Bei Tiavi, Nr. 379. Insel Savaii: In trockenerem Waldgebiete zwischen Aopo und Sassinn. Stimmt vollkommen mit Originalexemplaren Reinecke's überein Translation: In the driest Forests here between Aopo and Sassinn. Is perfectly correct with the original example in Reinecke's over-one. In Plants of Samoa (1972) 41. B. E. V. Parham. Fue Se Le La (R"670). Hoya australis R.Br. ex Traill, (Asclepiadaceae) Hoya pubescens Rein. Epiphytic. climbing shrubs; leaves opposite, fleshy or coriaceous; flowers in umbel-like racemes, sweet-scented, and used for perfuming coconut oil; fruit a follicle, seeds surrounded with silky hairs; Reinecke translates the Samoan name "Winde die der Sonne trotzt", i.e. "Twines as the sun runs". Wild hoya.
Hoya pubescens Reinecke Isotype 220 (BISH)
Hoya pubifera Elmer 1938 Type description:
In Leaflets of Philippine Botany 10 (1938) 3588-3589. A. E. D. Elmer. Hoya pubifera Elm. n. sp. A crawling perennial upon a half decayed log, the older parts branched. Young stems herbaceous, slender, curved and inclined to twine,-yellowish brown, soft and minutely velutinous, subterete, covered with very small papillae. Leaves opposite, widely scattered, thick or leathery, curing grayish to yellowish brown, entire, the edges sometimes pressed with involute margins, narrowly oblong or oblanceolate to narrowly spathulate, velutinous beneath as well as densely or numerously papillose, the upper surface very similar but only slightly pubescent, the average blades 12 cm long by nearly 3 cm wide at or above the middle, the base attenuate, apex obtuse to subacute, a few of my detached leaves are only 6 cm long by 2 cm wide and with both ends obtusely rounded; midrib not conspicuous, lateral nerves none; petioles 1 to 3 cm long, dark yellowish brown, leaving circular scars upon falling. Peduncle stout, erect or nearly so, 4 cm long, similarly papillose and of a rich yellowish brown tomentum on my specimen, terminated by a number of pedicel scars. Type specimen number 169471, discovered by A. D. E. Elmer in woodlands at about 1599 feet altitude, Irosin (Mt. Bulusan), Province of Sorsogon, Luzon, August 1916. Even though I failed to secure flowers or fruits, my specimens were distributed under this new name which is here described from leaf characters only. Compare it with Bureau of Science numbers 17603 and 20500.
Hoya pubifera Elmer, # 16971 (BO)
Hoya pubifera Elmer, Type #16971 (NY)
Hoya pubifera Elmer Type # 16971
Hoya pubifera Elmer Type # 16971 (US)
Hoya pulchella Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 128. "Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea", R. Schlechter. 36. H. pulchella Schltr. n. sp. — Suffrutex epiphyticus, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, minute puberuli. Folia erecto-patentia vel patula, petiolata, parvula, ovata, obtusa, subcoriacea, utrinque glabra. petiolo minute puberulo, superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae graciliter pedunculatae, umbelliformes, 4—6-florae, pedunculo minute puberulo, pedicellis filiformibus, glabris. Flores in sectione inter mediocres, pulchelli. Calycis foliola parva, anguste ovata, obtusiuscula, margine ciliata, quam corolla multo breviora. Corolla late campanulata usque ad medium fere 5-fida, extus g1abra, intus lobis margines versus dense puberulis, medium et basin versus sensim minute papilloso-puberulis, basi glabrata, lobis ovatotriangulis, acutis, marginibus et apice recurvis. coronae foliola patentia, brevi, superne latte obovata, apice breviter acuminata, medio rotundato-foveolata, extus obtusissima, dorso leviter bicostata, pollinia oblique et anguste oblongoidea, apicem versus paulo attenuata, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo rhomboideo, minuto. Ein sehr zierlicher, äuszerst eleganter, epiphytischer Schlinger mit fadenförmigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 1.7—2.2 cm lang, unterhalb der Mitte 0.9—1.3 cm breit, Blattstiele 0.3 – 0.5 cm lang, kurz behaart. Blütenstände doldig, 4—6-blütig, auf sehr schlanken, sein behaarten 4.5—8 cm langen Stielen. Blütenstiele fadenförmig dünn, kahl, 2—2.7 cm lang. Blüten recht ansehnlich, für die Sektion mittelgrosz. Kelchzipfel sehr klein ca. 1.5 cm lang. Korolla breit glockenförmig ausgebreitet, etwa 2.5 cm im Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen abstehend, kurz, von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande 2.5 mm lang. Nordöstl Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Torricelli-Gebirges, ca. 900 m ü. M. (Schltr. N. 20103. — Blühend im September 1909) Unter den kleinblättrigen Physostelma-Arten ist diese Art eine der reizendsten. In der Belaubung erinnert sie stark an H. microphylla Schltr. Doch sind ihre Blüten bedeutend gröszer und innen stärker behaart und Koronaschuppen sind noch breiter. Die Blüten sind reinweisz nit dunkel-karminroter Korona. Translation: see under Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 75-76. R. D. Kloppenburg. I 36. Hoya pulchella Schlechter n. sp. -- A climbing, epiphytic half shrub, not much branched. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, minutely pubescent. Leaves erect, spreading or outspread, petiolate, small, ovate, obtuse, slightly leathery, both sides glabrous, petiole minutely pubescent, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences slenderly pedunculate, shaped like umbels, 4 - 6 flowered, peduncle minutely pubescent, pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers medium sized in the section, small and beautiful. Leaflets (lobes) of the calyx small, narrowly ovate, somewhat obtuse, margins ciliate, much smaller than the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, 5 parted almost to the middle,
outside glabrous, inside towards the margins densely pubescent, in the middle toward the base gradually minutely papillose pubescent, base glabrous, lobes ovate-triangular, acute with the margins and tip (apex) recurved. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, short, above broadly obovate, with the tip shortly acuminate, middle rounded, grooved, outside very obtuse, top (back) lightly two-ribbed. Pollinia oblique and narrowly oblong like, a little attenuate toward the apexes, with the translators very short, retinaculum, minute. A very ornamental, extremely elegant, epiphytic vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches. Leaves 1.7 - 2.2 cm. long, below the middle 0.9 - 1.3 cm. wide, petioles 0.3 -0.5 cm. long, shortly pubescent. Inflorescences shaped like umbels, 4 - 6 flowered, on a very slender, finely pubescent peduncle, 4.5 - 8 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, thin, bare, 2 -2.7 cm. long. Flowers rather prominent, medium-large for the section. Calyx lobes very small about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla widely bell-shaped, about 2.5 cm. In diameter flattered. Corona scales spreading, short from the apex to the outer edge 2.5 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the Torricelli Mountains about 900 meters altitude (Schlechter #20103 -- Blooming in September 1909). Among the small leaved Physostelma species, this species is one of the most charming. In its foliage it strongly resembles H. microphylla Schlechter, but its blooms are significantly larger and the inner surface more pubescent and the corona scales are still wider. The blooms are pure white with dark carmine-red corona In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. pulchella Schlechter (Schlechter 20103) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter's Hoya Species (1993) 138-139. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya pulchella Schlechter. A climbing epiphytic half shrub, not much branched. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, minutely pubescent. Leaves erect, spreading or outspread, petiolate, small, ovate, obtuse, slightly leathery, both sides glabrous, petiole minutely pubescent, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences slenderly pedunculate, umbel like, 4-6 flowered, peduncle minutely pubescent, pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers medium sized in the section, small and beautiful. Lobes of the calyx small, narrowly ovate, somewhat obtuse, margins ciliate, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, 5 parted almost to the middle, outside glabrous, inside towards the margins densely pubescent, in the middle toward the base gradually minutely papillose-pubescent, base glabrous, lobes ovate-triangular, acute with the margins and apex recurved. Leaflets of the corona spreading, short, above broadly obovate, with the tip shortly acuminate, middle rounded, grooved, outside very obtuse, back lightly two-ribbed. Pollinia obliquely and narrowly oblong like, a little attenuate toward the apexes, with the translators very short, retinaculum, minute. A very ornamental, extremely elegant, epiphytic clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches. Leaves 1.7-2.2 cm. long, below the middle 0.9-1.3 cm. wide, petioles 0.3-0.5 cm. long, shortly pubescent. Inflorescences umbel like, 4-6 flowered, on a very slender, finely pubescent peduncle, 4.5-8 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, thin, bare, 2-2.7 cm. long. Flowers rather prominent, medium-large for the section. Calyx lobes very small about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla widely bell shaped, about 2.5 cm. in diameter
flattened. Corona scales spreading, short from the apex to the outer edge 2.5 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Torricelli Mountains about 900 meters altitude (Schlechter #20103 - Blooming in September 1909). Among the small leaved Physostelma species this species is one of the most charming. In its foliage it strongly resembles H. microphylla Schlechter, but its blooms are significantly larger and on the inner surface more pubescent and the corona scales are still wider. The blooms are pure white with dark carmine-red corona. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.128, "Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya pulchella Schlechter, 1913, Type # 20103 (B)
Hoya pulchella Schlechter, 1913, Isotype # 20103 (UC)
Hoya purpurascens Teijsmann & Binnendijk 1863 Type description: In Natuurkunndie Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie 25 (1863) 407-408. “Plantae Novae in Horto Bogoriensi Cultae, J. E. Teijsmann & S. Binnendijk.. 69. Hoya purpurascens (§ 1. folia trinervia Miq. Flor. N. J. II, 520.) H. volubilis glabra, foliis ovatis, acuminatis, basi rotundatis, trinerviis, supra sublacunosis, purpurascentibus, marginibus revolutis, umbellis subglobosis, longiuscule pedunculatis; corollis glabris; coron. Stam. foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, basi acutis, subtus carinatis. Hab. Sumatrae prov. Lampong, Teijsmann. Caules ramosi. teretiusculi ad nudos foliorum incrassati. Folia opposita vel alterna, petiolis teretibus glabris 0.015 longa, 0.085-0.05 lata, ovata acuminata, basi rotundata vel emarginata coriaceo-carnosa, utrinque purpurascentia 3-nervia in medio foliorum nervis lateralibus prominentibus (siccis) lacunosa, nervi in foliis adultioribus viridiusculi, in junioribus albidi. Pedunculi interpetiolares aut saepe in ramulis junioribus 0.07 longi, cylindrici, ci, superne subcrassiores. Receptaculum 0.015 longum, apice pedicelli umbellato-conferti, pedicelli graciles 0.015 1ongi violaceopicti. Flores odorati, magnitudine H. carnosae simillimi. Calyx parvus, quinquepartius glaber, laciniis ovatis obtusiusculis. Corona glabra, violacea, laciniis ovatis acutis apice revolutis coron. stam obscure-violacea supra plana vel lacunosa subtus sulfate. Antherae membrane albino marinate. Retinacula late, Brunei reflex. Pollinia intus sulcata. Stigma in centro brevissime apiculatum. Ovaria duo. Translation: 69. Hoya purpurascens (Section 1 (Eu-Hoya). Leaves three nerved. Miquel in Flora N. J. II, 520.) Hoya, twining, glabrous, leaves ovate, acuminate, base rounded, three nerved, above almost lacunose, reddish or purplish, margins revolute, umbels almost globose, somewhat long peduncled; corolla glabrous, leaflets of the staminal corona ovate, acuminate, base acute, below keeled. Habitat in Sumatra, province of Lampong, Teijsmann. Stalks and branches round, thickened towards the nodes. Leaves opposite or alternate, petioles round g1abrous, 0.015 long. 0.085 to 0.05 wide, ovata, acuminate, base rounded or emarginate, fleshy-leathery, both sides purplish, 3 nerved, central and lateral nerves prominent, (dried) lacunose, nerves of the adult leaves green, in the juvenile ones white. Peduncle between petioles or frequently on juvenile branches 7 cm length, cylindric, somewhat thickened at the apex. Rachis 0.015 long, apex bearing pedicels in a dense umbel, pedicels slender, 0.015 long, violet spotted. Flowers scented, the size of H. carnosa, very similar. Calyx small, 5-parted, glabrous, flaps ovate somewhat obtuse. Corolla glabra, violet, leaflets ovate, apex acute revolute; staminal corona obscure-violet, above flat or lacunose, beneath grooved. Membrane of the anther white margined. Retinacula broad, brown, reflexed. Pollinia inside grooved. Stigma in the center shortly apiculate. Two ovaries. Other literature:
In Journal of Botany, British & Foreign 36 (1898) 417. J. Britten. Hoya purpurascens, stands in Ind. Kew. as of “Teijsm. & Binn. Cat. Hort. Bog. 885 (nomen).” But it was previously described by the same authors in Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. 408 (1863). The word “nomen” should be added to the Ind. Kew. citation from Cat.— Hort. Bog. For H. ciliata T. & B.
Hoya pusilla Rintz Type description:
In Malayan Nature Journal 30 (1978) 492-493. R. E. Rintz. 7) Hoya pusilla Rintz, sp. nov.* Type: Malaysia, Pahang, Sungai Tahan, Rintz 55 (L).—FIG. 11. Distinguishing Features: STEMS thin. LEAVES very similar to those of H. lacunosa; fleshy, oblanceolate with acuminate bases and thickened margins; up to 8cm long by 3cm wide. PEDUNCLE reflexed, rigid, up to 5cm long. UMBEL positively-geotropic, concave with rigid, curved pedicels c. 2mm—2.5cm long; 1 -30 flowers, open 4 days. COROLLA with only a sparse ring of long hairs inside at the base of the lobes, otherwise glabrous; c. 4mm diam; white or pale pink. CORONA very small and blunt; upper lobe pink or red, lower lobe white. CAUDICLES broadly winged. Ecology: Endemic to Malaysia and known only from lowland forest along the Sungai Tahan, Pahang. The roots are often associated with ant nests. *Hoya pusilla Rintz, sp. nov., caulibus angustis, foliis ad eos H. lacunosae similimis, carnosis oblanceolatis, marginibus incrassatis; pedunculo reflexo rigido, umbello concavo, pedicellis curvatis 1-30-floribusi; corolla intus sparse longe-hirsuto e basin lobi, cetera glabra, albo vel albi-roseo; corona obtuse minimo lobo superiori roseato, inferiori albo; caudiculis late alatis. TYPUS: Rintz 55 (Pahang), Sg. Tahan, K. Puteh, l00m alt., 4-6-1976 (L! ). Translation: branches narrow, leaves from the East similar to H. lacunosa, fleshy oblanceolate, margins thickened; peduncles rigid reflexed, umbels concave, pedicels curved 1 to 30 flowered; corolla inside at the base of the lobes with sparse long hirsute, otherwise glabrous, white or whitish rose; Corona obtuse very small upper lobe rose, lower lobe white; caudicles broadly winged.
Hoya pusilla Rintz, 1978, Type # 55 (KLU)
Hoya pusilla Rintz 1978 : Malaysis, Pahang, Surigai, Tahan, Rintz 55 (L)
Altitude 100m From the type description
LEAVES very similar to those of H. lacunosa; fleshy, oblanceolate with acuminate bases and thickened margins; up to 8cm long by 3cm wide. Note: Blades are pinnately nerved (obscure) roughly 5 per side and at fairly wide angles. Petioles are curved, about 0.9 cm. long and 0.25 cm. in diameter and are grooved above.
Hoya pusilla Rintz, Holotype # 55 (PER)
Hoya pusilla Rintz, Holotype # 55 (PER)
Hoya pusilliflora S. Moore 1916 Type descriptopn: In Transactions of the Linnean Society of Botany 9 (1916) 115. S. Moore. Hoya (§ Plocostemma) pusilliflora, S. Moore, sp. nov. Rami scandentes, volubiles; graciles: Folia breviter petiolata, lanceolata vel lanceolato-ovate, longiuscule cuspidato-acuminata, apice obtuse, basi rotundata nisi late obtuse, margine recurva pergamacea, utrinsecus glabra, usque ad 6-7 cm. longa, 18-24 mm. lata. Umbellae circa 20-florae. Pedunculi gracillimi, foliis summis fere aequilongi circa 4 cm. longi. Pedicelli pedunculis multo breviores, filiformes, glabri, 1 cm. longi. Calycis parvuli segmenta ovato-oblonga, obtuse, dorso microscopice puberula, 0.70 mm. longa. Corolla parva, aegre 5 mm. diam. Coronae phylla a gynostegio breviter superata, ascendentia, a latere compressa, antice (interns) obtusa, postice obtusa, tenuiter crassiuscula. Antherarum appendices abbreviate. Pollinia oblonga; glandula linearis, minute. Camp I, 500 ft. Leaves drying pale greenish grey, nervation well marked on the upper side, less clear on the on the lower; petioles 2-3 mm. long, stoutish, channeled above; glabrous. Segments of calyx 0.75 mm. long. Corollas barely 5 mm. across, the undivided part 0 5 mm., the lobes 2.5 mm. long. Pollinia 0.3 mm.; gland about 0.1 mm. long. Allied to the last, but unlike it by reason of the broader, thinner leaves and the long and very slender peduncles, the smaller flowers, the corona reaching nearly to the Top of the gynostegium, and the short appendages to the anthers. Translation: Branches climbing, twining, slender. Leaves shortly petiolate, lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate, longish cuspidate-acuminate, apex obtuse, base rounded if not broadly obtuse, margins recurved, parchment-like, both sides glabrous, up to 6-7 cm. long and 18-24 mm. wide. With umbels of about 20 flowers. Peduncles very slender; uppermost leaves almost the same length, about 4 cm. long. Pedicels much shorter than peduncles, filiform, glabrous 1 cm. long. With the segments of the calyx small, ovate-oblong, obtuse, back microscopically puberulous, 0.75 mm. long. Corolla small, barely 5 mm. in diameter. Leaflets of the corona shortly overtopped gynostegium, ascending, with the sides compressed, in front obtuse, at the back obtuse, a little thickened. Anther appendages shortened. Pollinia oblong; retinaculum linear, minute. Note: no type designated nor place of deposit.
Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908 Type description:
In Repertorium Specierum Novarum 5 (1908) 133. (Fedde) Rechinger. 18. Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger, nov. spec. Caulis longe scandens, internodia longa. Folia crasse coriacea, margine (in sicco) haud vel vix revoluta, opaca, conspicue quintuplinervia, nervi utrinque manifeste prominentes, breve petiolata. Petiolus 1 cm longus. Inflorescentia umbelliformis, pedunculo crasso persistenti 5 - 6 cm longus, pedicelli graciles ca. 16 mm longi. Flores parvi glabri. Segmenta calycis oblonga rotundata apice acuminata glabra. Corolla parva glabra alba. Samoa, Insel Upolu, in Wäldern bei Laulii, Mai 1905 (No. 468, Rechinger). Hochkletternde Schlingpflanze, von H. Upolensis* Reinecke hauptsächlich verschieden durch viel kleinere, schmälere Laubblätter (9—10 cm X 2—3 cm), ferner durch viel kleinere Blüten. Blätter stets zu zweien gegenständig. Durchmesser der Blüten mit flach ausgebreiteten Corollen (in trockenem Zustande) höchstens 9—10 mm, in geschlossenem Zustande 6 mm. Kelchzipfel 1.5 mm lang. Dolden reichblütig, ca. 20-blütig, Blüten wohlriechend glänzend weiss. *Note: spelling incorrect. Translation: Stems long climbing, with long internodes. Leaves thick leathery, margines (when dry) not at all or barely revolute, opaque conspicuously 5 nerved, nerves prominently visible on both sides, shortly petioled. Petioles 1 cm long. Pedicels slender about 15 mm. long. Flowers small glabrous. Segments of the calyx oblong with rounded apex acuminate glabrous. Corolla small white glabrous. Samoa, Island of Upolu, in forests near by Laulii, May 1905 (number 468, Rechinger). Tall climbing twining plant near H. upoluensis Reinecke principal difference being a great deal smaller with narrower leaves 9 to 210 cm by 2 to 3 cm, and furthermore by the much smaller blooms. Leaves always in opposite pairs, opposite. Diameter of the blooms when flattened and extending the corolla (in the dried state) at most 9 to 10 mm. In closed state 6 mm. Calyx lobes 1.5 mm long. Umbels having about 20 blooms. Blossom s fragrant, glossy white. Other literature: In Denkschriften d. kais. Akad. D. Wiss. Math-naturw. Klasse, Band 85 (1910) 336. “Botanische-zoologiche Ergebnisse von den Samoainseln” K. Rechinger. *Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger in Fedde, Repert. novar. specier., Bd. V, p. 133 (1908). Taf. XII, Fig. 1. Caulis longe scandens, internodia longa. Folia crasse coriacea, margine (in sicco) haud vel vix revoluta, opaca, conspicue quintuplinervia, breve petiolata, nervi utrinque manifeste prominentes. Petiolus 1 cm longus. Inflorescentia umbelliformis, pedunculo
crasso persistenti. Pedunculus 5 - 6 cm longus, pedicelli graciles circa 15 mm longi. Flores parvi, glabri albi. Segmenta calycis oblonga rotundata apice acuminate glabra. Insel Upolu: Auf Bäumen in Waldern bei Laulii, Mai, Nr. 468. Hochkletternde Schlingpflanze, von H. upoluensis Reinecke augenfällig verschieden durch viel kleinere, schmälere Laubblätter (9 bis 10 cm X 2 bis 3 cm), ferner durch viel kleinere Blüten. Blätter stets zu zweien, gegenständig. Durchmesser der Blüten mit flach ausgebreiteten Korollen (in trockenem Zustande) höchstens 9 bis 10 mm, in geschlossenem Zustande 6 mm. Kelchzipfel 1.5 lang. Dolden reichblütig, zirka 20 blütig, Blüten wohlriechend, rein Weisz. Translation: See Type description above by Rechinger. In Bishop Museum Bulletin 128 (1935) 187. Christophersen? Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger: Fedde Rep. Nov. Sp., vol. 5, p. 133, 1908. Savaii: forest, Salailua, altitude 100 meters, flower, September 15, 1931, Christophersen no. 2605; forest, Papa-Fangalele, altitude 10 meters flower, November 21, 1931, Christophersen no. 3409. This species is closely related to H. samoensis Seemann, differing in the narrower leaves (Which are prominently 5-nerved) and slightly smaller flowers. The specimens in Bernice P. Bishop Museum differ from the original description in their slightly larger flowers. Dr. Art Whistler has lumped this species under H. pottsii Traill as follows.
1. Hoya potsii Traill. H. pycnophylla Rech. H. upoluensis Rein. H. samoensis Seem. Type locality: Hainan Island Distribution: China eastward to Samoa
Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 5409 (BISH)
Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger W 1257 (BISH)
Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 9605 (BISH)
Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 403 (BISH)
Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 153
Hoya radicalis Tsiang et P. T. Li 1974 Type description: `In Acta Phytotaxinomica 12/1 (1974) 120-122. J. Tsiang & P. T. Li. Hoya radicalis Tsiang et P. T. Li, sp. nov. Sect. Hoya Proxima H. lancilimbae Merr. a qua praesertim foliis spathulatis et; pedicellis longioribus differt. Frutex epiphyticus supra arborem radicans ad nodes et internodis radices aeries frequenter gerenea nisi juniore omnino glaber, cortice cineraceo. Folia carnosa spathulata v. oblanceolata 10—21 cm longa 3 - 4 cm late apice breviter acuminata v. acute basi cuneata in petiolum attenuato-decurrentia notabiliter marginata, nervatione utrinque conspicua nervis, utrinsecus circiter 10 v. ultra venulis reticulates, petiolis in siccitate fere applanatis 3—6 cm longis apice glandulis obsoletis. Cymae extras-axillares corymbosae multiflorae pedunculis ca. 4 cm longis cicatricibus pedicellorum deciduorum multis, pedicellis 2-2.5 cm longis; calyx 5-partitus; corolla rotate albino et purpureo-maculosa angulo exteriore coronae rotundato et ceterum charateribus Sectionis Hoyae Verae. Kwangtung: Mao-Ming, in nixed woods, fls. white, purple-spotted. 4 VIII 1956, L. Tang l859 (Type in Kwangtung Bot. Inst.). Kwangsi: Tien-O, 12 IX 1958, C. T. Li; 601507; Shang-Sze, 15 VIII 1951, W. C. Ko 995; same loc., III 1944, S. H. Chun 43955. Translation: Nearest to H. lancilimba Merrill differs by spatulate leaves and longer pedicels. Epiphytic shrub above in trees, rooting at nodes and between nodes entirely glabrous except new growth frequently copper toned, surface ash-colored. Leaves fleshy, spatulate or oblanceolate 10 to 21 cm long 3 to 4 cm wide, apexes shortly acuminate or acute, bases cuneate running into the petioles margins noticeably narrowing all the way down, nervation on both sides conspicuous, nerves on both sides about 10 or more reticulate veins, petiole, when dried, almost flattened to 3 to 6 cm long, with obsolete glands. Extra-axillary cymes of many flowered clusters, peduncle about 4 cm long scared pedicels ten times longer., pedicels 2 to 2.5 cm long.; calyx 5-parted; corolla rotate, dull white and purple spotted exterior angle of the corona rounded and otherwise characteristic of the Section Hoya Vera. Other literature: In Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae 63 (1977) 488. 18. Hoya radicalis Tsiang et P. T. Li in Acta Phytotax Sinica 12: 120. 1974. Text in Chinese.
Hoya reticulata Costantin 1912 Type description: In Flore General Des Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 138. J. Costantin (M. H. LeConte). 17. H. reticulata Cost., n. sp. Tige glabre, de 5-6 mm. de diam.; entre-noeuds longs de 1-5 cm. Feuilles oblongues, en coin ou rarement un peu arrondies a la base, attenuees progressivement a partir du tiers inferieur, tres aiguës acuminees au sommet (acumen de 5-6 mm.), glabres, minces, transparentes; nervures secondaires 9-10 paires, saillantes, presque ailees en dessous, a 40° environ, droites, se divisant en dichotomies regulieres, coufluentes en arcs a 4-5 mm. du bord, tres visibles sur les faces; reseaux tertiaire et quaternaire visibles; limbe long de 11-18 cm. sur 3-4.5 cm.; petiole long de 1.5-2.5 cm. sur 2 mm. Inflorescence et fleurs inconnues; pedicelles jusqu'a 7 cm., glabres. Fruit: follicule, 1long de 18-20 cm. sur 6-8 mm., ocrace clair, lisse, strie longitudinalement; graines aigrertees un peu fusiformes, bombees sur un cote, avec une legere gouttiere sur l'autre face, brillantes, 3.5 mm X 1.2 mm. Cambodge: Mts. Krewanh (Pierre). Translation: Stem glabrous of 5-6 mm. in diameter; long between nodes lengths of 1-5 cm. Leaves oblonge, in corner or rarely a little rounded at the base, attenuate progressively from the third lower portion, very sharp points at the apex (acuminate of 56 mm.), glabrous, thin, transparent; secondary nerves 9-10 pairs, prominent, almost winged underneath, at about 40°, right, divided in regular dichotomies, coufluentes in arches of 4-5 mm. from the edges, very visible on the faces; visible tertiary and quaternary networks; limbe length of 11-18 cm. by 3-4.5 cm.; petiole length of 1.5-2.5 cm. on 2 mm. Inflorescence and flowers unknown; pedicels about 7 cm. , glabrous. Fruit: follicle, 18-20 cm. 1ong by 6-8 mm., clear ocrace, smooth, streaked longitudinally; seeds aigrertees a few fusiformes, rounded on the ends, with a light gutter on the face, brilliant, 3.5 mm x 1. 2 mm. Cambodia: Mts. Krewanh (Stone). Note: No type designated not depository.
Hoya reticulata Merrill 1920 Type description: name invalid, prior usage. In Philippine Journal of Science 17 (1920) 311. E. D. Merrill. Hoya reticulata sp. nov. § Euhoya. Planta epiphytica, scandens, pedicellis exceptis glabra; foliis coriaceis, ovatis ad oblongo-ovatis, nitidis, 8 ad 12 cm longis, basi late rotundatis, apice tenuiter acute acuminatis, in siccitate utrinque perspicue reticulato-rugosis, nervis utrinque circiter 4, patulis vix perspicuis; umbellis multifloris, pedunculo usque ad 10 cm longo, pedicellis leviter pubescens; floribus rotatis, circiter 1 cm diametro, glabris corollae lobis rhomboideo-ovatis, acutis, processibus crustaceis, turgidis oblongo-ovatis, acutis; folliculis 9 ad 11 cm longis, usque ad 4 mm diametro. An epiphytic vine, glabrous except the sparing]y pubescent pedicels. Leaves fleshy when fresh, coriaceous when dry, ovate to oblong-ovate, shining, 8 to 12 cm long, 4 to 7 cm wide, the base broadly rounded, the apex slenderly and sharply acuminate, the epidermis on both surfaces coarsely reticulate-wrinkled when dry; petioles 1 to 2.5 cm long; lateral nerves about 4 on each side of the midrib, somewhat spreading. Umbels many-flowered their peduncles 2 to 10 cm in length, the somewhat thickened parts marked with scars of fallen pedicels, 1 to 6 cm in length, the pedicels 1.5 to 2 cm long, slightly pubescent. Flowers rotate, glabrous, about 1 cm in diameter, yellowish-white. Calyx lobes ovate, acute, about 1 mm long. Corolla lobes 4 to 4.5 mm long, about 3.5 mm wide, rhomboid-ovate, acute, spreading, glabrous. Coronal processes crustaceous, the lower lobes turgid, oblong-ovate, acute, about 2.5 mm long, the upper surface flat. Staminal column short, sessile. Follicles slender, cylindric, somewhat acuminate, 9 to 11 cm long, up to 4 mm in diameter, the seeds terete, about 3 mm long. Mindanao, Surigao Province, Bur. Sci. 34530 Ramos & Pascasio, April 17, 1919, in swampy thickets at low altitudes. This species is manifestly allied to Hoya cardiophylla described above but is readily distinguished by its different shaped, slenderly acuminate leaves which are broadly rounded but not cordate at the base, its pubescent pedicels, and other characters. Other literature: In Philippine Science Journal 3 (1923) 353. “Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants” E. D. Merrill. Hoya reticulata Merr. In Philipp. Journ. Sci. 17 (1920) 331. Mindoro, Mindanao (Surigao), B. S. 34530 Ramos & Edano 39530 Ramos & Pascasio 39507 Ramos. In swampy thickets at low altitudes. Endemic.
Hoya reticulata Schlechter 1913 Type description: Invalid see below. In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 115. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 14.. n. sp. Suffrutex volubilis, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia patentia vel patula, breviter petiolata, elliptica, obtusiuscula, carnosulo-coriacea, utrinque glabra, subtus reticulato-nervosa, petiolo brevi superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae umbellatae, globosae, 20—30-florae, pedunculatae, pedunculo pedicellisque glabris. Flores in sectione inter mediocres. Calycis segmenta ovalia obtusissima, subverruculoso-punctata, quam corolla multo breviora Corolla rotata, usque infra medium 5-fida, erectus glabra, intus dense et microscopice papillosa, lobis rhombeo-ovatis, obtusiusculis. Coronae foliola patentia, horizontalia, superne rhombeo-ovata, antice apiculata, extus subacuta. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo minutissimo rhomboideo. Ein zierlicher, wenig verzweigter Schlinger mit schnurförmigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 6.5—10 cm lang, in der Mitte 3—5 cm breit, Blattstiele 0.6—1 cm lang, fleischig. Blütenstände doldig, fast kugelig, 20—30-blütig auf ca. 2.5 cm langem, kahlem Stiel. Blütenstiele sehr fein, gleichlang, ca. 2 cm lang, kahl. Kelchzipfel etwa 1.5 mm lang. Korolla gegen 1.4 cm im Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande. ca. 0.4 cm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern am Fusze des BismarkGebirges, bei der Saugueti-Etappe, ca. 300 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 18517. — Blühend im Oktober 1908). Bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung erinnert die Art an H. ischnopus Schltr., doch sind die Blätter von anderer Form und unterseits mit stark hervortretender Netzaderung versehen. Die Blüten haben innen eine kaum sichtbare, dichte Papillenbekleidung auf der Korolla, die ich in dieser Form bei kleiner der verwandten Arten kenne. Die Stiele der fast kugeligen Blütendolden sind ziemlich kurz. Translation: see under Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 37-38. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu-Guinea by R. Schlechter). 14. Hoya reticulata Schlechter n. sp. - A twining half shrub, not very branched, climbing. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, shortly petioled, elliptic, somewhat obtuse, fleshy coriaceous, both sides glabrous, reticulately nerved below, petiole short, lightly grooved above. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, globose, 20-30 flowered, pedunculate, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous. Flowers medium sized in the section. Segments of the calyx oval, very obtuse, somewhat warty-punctate (dotted), much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla rotate, 5 parted to just below the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely and microscopically papillose, lobes rhomboid, ovate, somewhat obtuse. Leaflets (scales)
of the corona outspread, horizontal, rhomboid-ovate above, with the apex apiculate, somewhat acute outside. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, retinaculum very minutely rhomboid. A clinging vine, with cordlike, little branched, few leaves on branches. Leaves 6.5-10 cm. long in the middle 3-5 cm. wide. Petioles 0.6-1 cm. long, fleshy. Inflorescences in umbels, almost spherical, 20-30 flowered, on a peduncle about 2.5 cm. long, bare. Pedicels very fine, equally long, about 2 cm. long, bare. Calyx lobes 1.5 mm. long. Corolla about 1.4 cm. in diameter. Corona scales about 4 mm. long from apex to the outer end. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest at the foot of the Bismarck mountains, near Saugueti Etappe, about 300 m. altitude. (Schlechter #18517 - blooming in October 1908). With a superficial examination the species reminds one of H. ischnopus Schlechter, but the form of the leaves and obvious venation of the undersides of the leaves are different. The blooms on the inside have a barely visible papillose covering on the corolla, which in this form, I am familiar with in no other species. The peduncle of the almost spherical umbels are moderately short. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. reticulata Schlechter (Schlechter 18517) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter's Hoya Species (1993) 140-141. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya reticulata Schlechter. A twining half shrub, not very branched, climbing. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, shortly petioled, elliptic, somewhat obtuse, fleshy coriaceous, both sides glabrous, reticulately nerved below, petiole short,, lightly grooved above. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, globose, 20-30 flowered, pedunculate, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous. Flowers medium sized in the section. Segments of the calyx oval, very obtuse, somewhat wartypunctate (dotted), much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla rotate, 5 parted to just below the middle, outside glabrous, inside densely and microscopically papillose, lobes rhomboid, ovate, somewhat obtuse. Leaflets (scales) of the corona outspread, horizontal, rhomboid-ovate above, with the apex apiculate, somewhat acute outside. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, retinaculum very minutely rhomboid. A clinging vine, with cordlike, little branched, few leaves on branches. Leaves 6.5-10 cm. long in the middle 3-5 cm. wide. Petioles 0.6-1 cm. long, fleshy. Inflorescences in umbels, almost spherical, 20-30 flowered, on a peduncle about 2.5 cm. long, bare. Pedicels very fine, equally long, about 2 cm. long, bare. Calyx lobes 1.5 mm. long. Corolla about 1.4 cm. in diameter. Corona scales about 4 mm. long from apex to the outer end. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest at the foot of the Bismarck mountains, near Saugueti Etappe, about 300 m. altitude. (Schlechter #18517 - blooming in October 1908). With a superficial examination the species reminds one of H. ischnopus Schlechter, but the form of the leaves and obvious venation of the undersides of the
leaves are different. The blooms on the inside have a barely visible papillose covering on the corolla, which in this form, I am familiar with in no other species. The peduncle of the almost spherical umbels are moderately short. Notation: since another species of Hoya had previously been given this name, the name for this species became invalid. In 1984 in "Bulletin of Botanical Research, Harbin China, 4:121 it was given the new name Hoya Chunii Li., by the author P. T. Li.
Hoya retusa Warburg 1907 Type description: name invalid as prior use. In Repertorium Specierum Novarum 3 (1907) 394. O. Warburg & R. Schlechter “Amboin”. 32. Hoya retusa Warb., nov. spec. Ramulis crassis (4-5 mm) in nodis subincrassatis flavidis laevibus lenticellis paucis subelevatis punctifomibus inspersis, novellis tomentellis mox glabris, petiolis 2— 2.5 cm longis 2 mm crassis, junioribus dense puberulis demum glabrescentibus; foliis coriaceis obovatis 7—10 cm longis 7—10 cm latis basi rotundatis apice retusis in sinu breviter apiculatis, utrinque glabris supra in juventute pubescentibus, venis utrinque 5—6 patulis strictis longe ante marginem indistincter connexis, reticulo nervorum subdistincto. Pedunculo tomentello 3 cm longo 3 mm crasso apice valde incrassato ibique umbellate florigero, pedicellis 2 cm longis pills erectis minutis parce inspersis, sepalis lanceolatis 1 mm longis obtusis pubescentibus, corolla extus glabra intus papillosa 13 mm in diametro, lobis late triangularibus, coronae stamineae lobis patulis late ellipticis navicularibus supra concavis apice interno erecto lanceolato, apice externo obtuso haud recurvo. Celebes: Minahassa, Tomohon (Sarasin no. 552, 29. IX. 1894). Liane, Bl. wachsweiss, innen Purpurpunkte, Milchsaft. Durch die retusapiculaten grossen Blätter leicht erkennbar. Translation: Branches thick (4 to 5 mm) with nodes somewhat thickened, yellowish, smooth, small lenticels somewhat elevated interspersed, new growth tomentose soon glabrous, petioles 2 to 2.5 cm long, 2 mm thick, when young densely puberulous becoming glabrous, leaves leathery obovate 10 to 15 cm long, 7 to 10 cm wide bases rounded apexes retuse in sinus shortly apiculate, both sides glabrous, above on juvenile leaves pubescent, veins on both sides 5 to 6, spreading strait and long connected before reaching the margine indistinct, reticulations of nerves somewhat distinct. Peduncle tomentose 3 cm long, 3 mm thick with apexes very thickened and there upon umbellate bearing flowers, pedicels 2 cm long sparsely interspersed with short erect hairs, sepals lanceolate, 1 mm long, obtuse pubescent, corolla outside glabrous, inside papillose 13 mm in diameter, lobes broadly triangular, lobes of the staminal corona spreading, broad elliptic, boat-shaped, concave above, inner angle erect, lanceolate, external apexes obtuse, not recurved. Celebes: Minahassa, Tomohon (Sarasin #552, Sept. 29, 1894) Vine, blooming, wax-white, within purple spotted. Milky sap. It is recognized by the retuse apiculated large leaves. Other literature: In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. retusa Warb. – 36.
Hoya revolubilis Tsiang et P. T. Li 1974 Type description:
In Acta Phytotaxinomica Sinica 12(1) (1974) 124. J. Tsiang & P. T. Li. Hoya revolubilis Tsiang et P. T. Li, sp. nov. Sect. Hoya. Species H. salweenicae Tsiang et P. T. Li certe affinis a qua marginibus revolubilibus basi late cuneatis et glabris differt. Frutex epiphyticus volubilis supra arborem radicans lobis corollae intus exceptis omnino glaber, ramis ramulisque fistulosis cortice atro-cineraceo deciduo. Folia in 1ineamento H. liangii Tsiang simillima quae differs angulo exteriore coronae rotundato; in hac specie foliis crasse carnosis ellipticis v. elliptico-oblongis 6—9 cm longis 2-3 cm latis apice obtusissimis basi late cuneatis v. rotundatis margine revolubilibus supra lucide viridibus et subtus pallidioribus in siccitate pallide flavescentibus, costa supra applanata et subtus prominente nervis venulisque evanescentibus, petiolo 1— 1.5 cm longo supra petiolum 2-3 glandulifero. Cymae axillares foliis breviores 7 cm diam. pedunculo perbrevi 5 mm longo et pedicellis 3 cm longis. Calyx 5-partitus tubo subcampanulato segmentis lanceolatis, corolla albida rotate extus glabra intus puberula lobis valvatis oblongis 4 mm longis 3 mm latis marginibus in alabastro adhaerentibus, coronae foliolis stellate patentibus angulo posteriore acuto, characteribus, ceteris Sectionis Hoyae Verae. Yunnan: Shine loco, G. Forrest 9108 (Typus! in Arn. Arb. et isotypus Inst. Bot. Kwaugtung. servati); Between Kambaiti and Tengehung via Kuyung, trailing over lava, fls. white, XII 1922, J. F. Rock 7706. Translation: Definitely allied to the species H. salweenica Tsang and P. T. Li. From which it differs by the larger revolute glabrous leaves and a wedge shaped base. A twining climbing epiphyte high in the trees, rooting lobes altogether glabrous except inside the corolla, branched and rebranched leathery hollow deciduous dark-gray. Leaves with similar features to H. liangii Tsang which differs by the rounded exterior angle of the corona; in this species the leaves are thick fleshy elliptic-oblong 69 cm long 23 cm wide with the apex obtuse base wedge-shaped or rounded with margines revolute above shiny green and below papilose when dry pale yellowish, midrib above flattened and below prominent nerve with veinlets vanishing, petiole 1 1.5 cm long above on the petiole 2-3 glands. Cymes axillary leaves short 7 cm, in diameter peduncle very short 5 mm long and pedicels 3 cm long. Calyx of 5 parts tube somewhat campanulate segments lanceolate, corolla white rotate outside glabrous inside puberulous lobes valvate oblong 4 mm long 3 mm wide margines of the flower buds adherent, leaves of the corona star-like flat with the posterior angle acute, characteristic otherwise of the Section Hoya Vera. Other literature: In Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae 63 (1977) 483. Hoya revolubilis Tsiang et P. T. Li in Acta Phytotax. Sinica 12: 124. 1975. Remaining article in Chinese script.
Hoya revolubilis Tsiang Isotype # 7706 (US)
Hoya rhodostemma Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 134. . “Die Asclepiadeen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 44. H. rhodostemma Schltr. n. sp. — Suffrutex epiphyticus, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia erecto-patentia. late elliptica, acuminata basi cuneata, coriacea, utrinque glabra, superne lucida, subtus opaca, petiolo glabro, superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae, longipedunculatae, umbelliformes, 410 flora, pedunculo gracili et pedicellis filiformibus glabris. Flores in sectione inter majores, illis H. pulchellae Schltr. similes. Calycis parvuli foliola ovato-oblonga, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multoties breviora. Corolla late campanulata, patelliformis, usque ad medium fere 5-fida, extus g1abra, lobis late triangulis, breviter acuminatis, intus minutissime papillosis, basin versus glabratis, margine pilis minutis incurvis donatis. Coronae foliola crassiuscula dorso et apice leviter adscendentia, superne late ovalia, acuminata, extus obtusissima, lateraliter subcarinato-plicata. Pollinia oblongoidea, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo minuto, rhomboideo. Ein epiphytischer, wenig verzweigter Schlinger mit locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 9—14 cm lang, in der Mitte 4.2—7.3 cm breit, Blattstiele kahl. 1.52.2 cm lang, Blütenstande doldig 4—10 blütig, auf schlankem, kahlem, 9—14 cm langem Stiel. Blütenstiele fadenförmig, kahl, 3—4.5 cm lang. Kelch sehr klein. Blätter kaum 2 mm lang. Korolla breit glockenförmig oder schüsselförmig, ausgebreitet ca. 2 cm im durchmesser. Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande ca. 2.75mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Dischore-Gebirges, im Wariagebiet, ca. 1200 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 19627. — Blühend im Mai l909); auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Maboro-Gebirges, im Wariagebiet, ca. 1100 m ü. M. Schlechter n. 19857. — Blühend im Juni 1909). Diese prächtige Art scheint auf die Gebirge des Wariagebietes beschränkt zu sein. Sie ist nahe verwandt mit H. epedunculata Schltr., unterscheidet sich aber durch die langgestielten Blütenstande, die Blütenfärbung und die kürzeren koronaschuppen. Die Blüten sind schneeweisz mit kirschroter Korona. Translation: See Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 91-92. R. D. Kloppenburg. 44. Hoya rhodostemma Schlechter n. sp. - A few branched climbing half shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves erect outspread, broadly elliptic, acuminate, base wedge shaped, leathery, both sides glabrous, above lucid, below opaque, petiole glabrous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences with long peduncles, umbel like, 4-10 flowered, with the peduncle slender, and pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the largest in the section, similar to H. pulchella Schlechter. Leaflets (lobes) of the calyx small, ovate oblong, obtuse, glabrous, much
smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, saucer shaped, 5 parted nearly all the way to the middle, outside glabrous, lobes broadly triangular, shortly acuminate, inside most minutely papillose, near the base glabrous, margins with minute incurved hairs. Leaflets (scales) of the corona somewhat thick, tip of apex slightly ascending, above broadly oval, acuminate, outside very obtuse, sides somewhat keel-folded (or pleated). Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very short, retinaculum minute, rhomboid. An epiphytic vine, not much branched, with loosely leaved branches. Leaves 914 cm. long, in the middle 4.2-7.4 cm. wide, petioles bare, 1.5-2.2 cm. long. Inflorescences umbel like, 4-10 flowered, on a slander, bare peduncle 9-14 cm long. Pedicels threadlike, bare 3.4-4.5 cm. long. Calyx very small, lobes scarcely 2 mm. long. Corolla broadly bell shaped (campanulate) or bowl shaped, flattened, about 2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge about 2.75 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Dischore Mountains in the Waria District, about 1200 meters altitude (Schlechter #19627 - Blooming in May 1090): on trees in the forests of the Maboro-Mountains, in the Waria District, about 1100 meters altitude (Schlechter #19857. - Blooming in June 1909). This magnificent species seems to be confined to the mountains of the Waria District. It is closely allied to H. epedunculata Schlechter, but is distinguished by means of the long peduncles of the umbels, the bloom coloring and the shorter corona scales. The blooms are snow-white with a cherry-red corona. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. rhodostemma Schlechter (Schlechter 19627, 19857) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 142-143. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya rhodostemma Schlechter. A few branched climbing half shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves erect outspread, broadly elliptic, acuminate, base wedge shaped, leathery, both sides glabrous, above lucid, below opaque, petiole glabrous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences with long peduncles, umbel like, 4-10 flowered, with the peduncle slender, and pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the largest in the section, similar to H. pulchella Schlechter. Lobes of the calyx small, ovate oblong, obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, saucer shaped, 5 parted nearly all the way to the middle, outside glabrous, lobes broadly triangular, shortly acuminate, inside most minutely papillose, near the base glabrous, margins with minute incurved hairs. Scales of the corona somewhat thick, tip of apex slightly ascending, above broadly oval, acuminate, outside very obtuse, sides somewhat keel-folded (or pleated). Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very short, retinaculum minute, rhomboid. An epiphytic vine, not much branched, with loosely leaved branches. Leaves 9-14 cm. long, in the middle 4.2-7.4 cm. wide, petioles bare, 1.5-2.2 cm. long. Inflorescences umbel like, 4-10 flowered, on a slender, bare peduncle 9-14 cm long. Pedicels threadlike, bare 3.4-4.5 cm. long. Calyx very small, lobes scarcely 2 mm. long. Corolla broadly bell shaped (campanulate) or bowl shaped, flattened, about 2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge about 2.75 mm. long.
Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Dischore Mountains in the Waria District, about 1200 meters altitude (Schlechter #19627 - Blooming in May 1090): on trees in the forests of the Maboro-Mountains, in the Waria District, about 1100 meters altitude (Schlechter #19857. - Blooming in June 1909). This magnificent species seems to be confined to the mountains of the Waria District. It is closely allied to H. epedunculata Schlechter, but is distinguished by means of the long peduncles of the umbels, the bloom coloring and the shorter corona scales. The blooms are snow-white with a cherry-red corona. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p. 134, "Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya rhodostemma Schlechter, 1913, Type # 19627 (B)
Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903 Type description: In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bengal Branch 74 (1903) 575. “Flora of the Malayan Peninsula” King & Gamble. 18. Hoya Ridleyi, King & Gamble, n. sp. A twining epiphytic undershrub, rooting at intervals on the bark of trees; branchlets pale, terete, lanceolate, rather slender when dry. Leaves fleshy, coriaceous when dry, variable; ovate or ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute at apex, rounded or narrowed or sometimes cuneate at base; both surfaces g1abrous; margins recurved; 3 to 5 in. long, 1.25 to 1.75 in. broad; midrib slender. Faint, as are the nerves generally, even when dry; main nerves about 5 to 6 pairs, the lowest pair starting from the base and curving along the margin, the other nearly at right angles, quickly branching and joining the marginal one; reticulations irregular netted; petiole very thick, .25 to .75 in. long, broad at the junction of the blade. Umbels many-flowered, on .25 to .75 in. long rachises with small tubercles at the ends of stout lateral peduncles 1 to 4 in. long; pedicels slender, .5 to .75 in. long; buds flattened, .25 in. in diam. Calyx papillose without; lobes oblong, acute, .06 in. long; no scales. Corolla rugose without, puberulous within; lobes cordate, almost 3pointed, points acuminate, especially the end one. Corona of 5 shining inflated processes; lower lobe horizontal, ovate, sharply acute, concave on the upper surface with a median ridge, 2-valved below; upper lobe on acute elect tooth, shorter than the anthers. Staminalcolumn short, inserted on the tube of the corolla, wings of filaments ear-like; anther cells divaricate; appendages scarious, acuminate, incurved; pollen-masses flattened, oblong, truncate at top; attached by short thick caudicles to the 3-lobed rounded rather large pollen-carriers. Style apex membranous, 5-angled; tip long conical. Fruit not known. Kedah: at Pulau Songsong, Curtis. Penang; Curtis; at Pulau Tikus, Ridley 9476. Perak: at Maxwell’s Hill, Ridley 5519. Singapore: at Grange Road, Ridley 10358. To this species belongs Curtis 2355 from Kwala Lumpor, Selangor, which has, however, smaller leaves, but with no flowers. Leaves moderate sized, usually under 5 in. in length and 1.75 in. in breadth; main nerves nearly at right angles to the midrib, rather faint on both surfaces…18. H. Ridleyi. Other literature: In Kew Bulletin (1911) 418. Hoya Ridleyi, King & Gamble, Mat. Mal. Pen., 19, p. 575. Kedah, Pulau Songsong (ex Mat. Mal. Pen., l.c.). Distr. Malay Peninsula (ex Mat. Ma1. Pen., lc.). In A Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1923) 401. H. N. Ridley. (21) H. Ridleyi King & Gamble, l.c. 575. A long climber. Leaves fleshy coriaceous ovate to lanceolate or oblong acute, rounded or cuneate at base; nerves (when dry) 5 to 6 pairs faint; 3 to 5 in. long, 1.25 to 1.75 in. wide; petioles very thick. .25 to .75 in. long. Corolla puberulous inside, .3 in. across, pearly pinkish white, lobes cordate, acute, short. Corona-lobes, lower sharply
acute. Hab. Common on trees in orchards and open country. Singapore, Tanglin; Kranji; Blakang Mati, Johor, Pulau Tinggi (Fielding); Kota Tinggi. Malacca, Tanjong Kling. Dindings, Pangkor. Perak, Thaiping Hills 2400 ca. altitude. Penang, Pulau Tikus. Kedah, Pulau Song-Song (Curtis). Lankawi. Perlis, Kanga (Ridley). Distrib. South Siam. From the key: Lower coronal lobe thick and blunt. Leaves under 1.75 in. across; nerves inconspicuous when dry. In Malayan Nature Handbooks, Common Wildflowers (1961) 26-27. M. R. Henderson; Ridley’s Hoya (Hoya ridleyi) Akar setebal, Akar serapat. This is one of those plants, so common in Malaya, that creep or perch on the branches of shrubs or trees but which do not take food the plants they live upon as the Mistletoes do. Ridley's Hoya creeps and twines. Its thick and rather stiff leaves are more or less elliptical in outline with pointed tips and are usually about 2-4 inches long. The veins are hardly visible and the leafstalk is short and stout. The flowers radiate from the thickened and rough end of a stalk about 2 inches long, forming an umbrella-shaped bunch, the thickened part gradually lengthening as more flowers appear. Each flower is stalked and about 1/3 to 2/5 inch across. The 5 broad and pointed petals spread out flat and are pearly white or pinkish and the stamen are in the centre of the flower is star-shaped and of the same colour. The fruit pods are long and slender, reaching about 5-6 inches and have many plumed seeds. This Hoya is to be found on the trees in open paces all over the lowland, especially in orchards and gardens, on river hanks and near the sea. Several other kinds are common in similar places and one or two with rather large flowers are found on mangrove trees. Their stiff, waxy flowers are attractive and well worth a close examination. In Dictionary of the Royal Horticulture Society (1965). H. Ridleyi. l. ovate to lanceolate or oblong, acute wedge-shaped at base, 3 to 5 in. long, fleshy, leathery; stalk thick. Fl. pearly pinkish white; downy within; corona lobes sharply acute; umbels 3 in. across. Java on trees (F. d. S. 579.) In Illustrated Guide to Tropical Plants (1969) 667. Hutchinson. Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble. Large climber, white latex. Leaves 813 cm, fleshy. Flowers 89 mm wide, pinkish white. In Malayan Wild Flowers Dichotyledons (1974) 229-233. “Malayan Nature Society” M. R. Henderson. 5. H. ridleyi (Ridley's Hoya). Fig. 282. Differs from H. diversifolia in the rather narrower and more pointed leaves, with the base usually narrowed, the pearly white or pinkish flowers about the same size, and the pointed, not blunt, white or pink processes from the stamen column. Common on river bank trees, on trees near sea, and on orchard trees. Named in other literature: In Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1923) 398. H. Ridleyi. (11) H. perakensis Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 57, p. 70. Stems slender. Leaves coriaceous ovate acute, base broad truncate; nerves from base 5; 4.5 in long; raceme 1.25 in. long, 3 in wide;
petioles .25 in long. Peduncles .75 in. long; racemes 1.25 in. long, thick; pedicels .5 in. long. Calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, pubescent. Corolla .36 in. across, lobes triangular, pubescent outside only. Corona-lobes, lower horizontal lanceolate, upper tooth-like. Hab. Perak, Temengoh and Kwala Kenering (Ridley). Rare and local. In Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 3 (1951) 40-41. Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall ex Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 37 (1834); F. B. I. iv. 57; Mat. F. M. P., No. 19, 572 (782); F. M. P. ii 396; F. I. C. iv. 134, fig. 18. Hoya Ridleyi King et Gamble in Journ. AS. Soc. Beng. lxxiv, ii, 575 (1907) (Mat. F. M. P., No. 19, 575 (785)). Hoya globifera* Ridl. Journ. F. M. S. Mus. v. 164 (1915). Asclepias parasitica Roxb. Hort. Beng. 20 (1814), nomen tantum, et Fl. Ind. ii. 42 (1832). F. K. V. x. 318; Ridl. ii 56, ii. 164 et iv 102; Craib I 418 et ii 134. Hoya sp. Ost. 7614. PAYAP. Doi Sutep, 330-660m, Kerr l690! NAKAWN SAWAN.. Raheng, along river, Lindhard 47 (Herb. Copenhagen)! CHANTABURI. Rayawng, Ban Pe, Put 2697 ! Kao Sabap, W. slopes, 15m., Seidenfaden 2677! Kaw Chang, Lem Dan, mangrove and littoral forest, Schmidt 138! 168! Kaw Chang, Klawng Mayom, Schmidt 607b! PRACHINBURI. Sriracha, Nawng Nam Kio, 60m., Mrs. D. J. Collins 1257! KRUNGTEP. Bangkok, on fruit trees, Kerr 4226! 6963! Marcan 243! RACHABURI. Bangtapan, Keith (ex Ridl.). SURAT. Kaw Tao, on rocks close to beach, Kerr 12711! Kaw Panang, Robinson 5756 (type! of Hoya globifera). Kaw Samui, Put 869! Robinson 5718! Kaw Prap, on trees by beach, Kerr 12529! PUKET. Pang-nga, Kao Yao Yai, on trees by beach and in scrub, Kerr l7494! 17565! Satul, Ban Tengah, Ridley 16346 et 16348 (Herb. Singapore!) Pulau Adang, Ridley 15854 (Herb. Singapore)! Lang-kawi, Curtis (Herb. Singapore)! Robinson! NAKAWN SRITAMARAT. Singora, on bushes in sandy ground near sea, Kerr 15108! Distr. Bengal! (type), Assam! Burma! French Indo-China (ex (F. I. C.) Pen. Mal.! Local names: Lin hia (……), Siamese, Bangkok; Nom mia (…..), Siamese, ex Put); Nom pichit (……). Siamese, Rayawng (Ex Put); Nua matawm (……. ) , Lao, Chiangmai. This is a very variable species: the variations affecting the texture, shape, size and venation of the leaves, and to a less extent, the size of the flower and shape of the corolla lobes. As the writer has been unable to find good characters for distinguishing H. globifera* Ridl. and Hoya Ridleyi King et Gamble from Hoya parasitica, they are here included in that species. Several authors have regarded Hoya pallida Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 951 (1826) as synonymous with Hoya parasitica, while ignoring its priority. A It is probable, however, that Lindley’s plant is a distinct species. A reference to his plate shows that the 1eaves are penninerved, while the corolla is unlike that of H. parasitica; Loureiro’s Stapelia cochinchinensis, as represented by a sheet in the British Museum Herbarium, is Hoya parasitica as understood here. In view of the discrepancy between Loureiro's description of the flowers of his species and the actual flowers on the sheet mentioned, his specific name is not taken up here. Note: the repeated mistake in the name of Ridley’s species.
In Malayan Nature Journal 30 3/4 (1978) 514, 517. R. E. Rintz. 22a) Hoya parasitica (Roxburgh) Wallich ex Wight, Contr. 37 (1834). Type: E. India, Assam collector? (not seen).—FIG. 26. = H. ridleyi King & Gamble, JAS. Beng. IV (1903) 575. Type: Malaysia, Ridley (K). = H. globifera Ridley, J.F.M.S. Mus. V (1915)164. Type: Sumatra, Ridley (K). Distinguishing Features: Leaves fleshy, elliptical with cuneate bases; c. 10cm long by 4cm wide; veins not easily seen. Peduncle horizontal, rigid, 3—5cm long. Umbel negatively-geotropic, convex with rigid, uniform pedicels c. 3cm long; 1-40 flowers, open 4 days. Corolla somewhat spreading, pubescent inside; c. 1.5cm diam., white. Corona upper lobe deep pink, lower lobe white. Follicle c. 12cm long by 4mm diam; often produced in large numbers. Ecology: All along the coasts from Langkawi and Kota Baru to Singapore, often draping the trees in great abundance; rarely inland. Distribution: E. Borneo, Java (?), Sulawisi.
Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble #....... (BO)
Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble # 11954 (KLU)
Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble # ... (KLU) Something wrong with this determination.
Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble #.....(KLU)
Ridley’s Hoya Herbarium Sheets, SBG Singapore. Singapore Location
Date Collector
Hoya ridleyi
Hoya ridleyi
North Seletar
December 1898
Hoya ridleyi
Belakang Mati
Now renamed Sentosa Island
Hoya ridleyi
Hoya parasitica
Choa Chu Kang
Hoya ridleyi
Hoya ridleyi
J. Sinclair
Hoya ridleyi
March 02,1893 Narrow-leaved, comments below* October 19, 1953
*”white, corona yellowish , woolly. Peduncle pink.” in Ridley’s handwriting.
All the 08 sheets have been renamed ex BRAHM’s List on November 12, year? as:
Hoya ridleyi as Hoya verticillata var. verticillata. Hoya parasitica is now Hoya verticillata var. parasitica & Hoya citrina is now Hoya verticillata var. citrina. OTHERS: 1893
Hoya coriacea
Only 1 Singapore collection. Leaves are small but of the same shape & venation as my Johor larger-leaved clone.
Hoya occlusa
No Ridley sheet found.
K.F. Yap, May 21, 2005. Pollinarium sent by Kim Yap. Pollinium length widest
0.63 mm. 0.22 mm.
Retinaculum length shoulder waist hip ext.
0.21 mm. 0.13 mm. 0.05 mm. 0.10 mm. 0.07 mm
Translators length depth wide top
0.10 mm. 0.04 mm. 0.01 mm.
Caudicle bulb diam.
0.06 mm.
Hoya rosea Schumann 1905 Type description: In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schützgebeite in der Südsee. (1905) 365366. K. Schumann & K. Lauterbach. H. rosea K. Sch. n. spec. Frutex succulentus in arbores altos scandens ramis gracilibus teretibus. sicc. subangulatis novellis ipsis glabris; foliis breviter petiolatis lanceolatis acuminatis basi acute sicc. coriaceis rugosis utrinque glabris; racemo axillari multifloro pedunculato pedunculo glabro; floribus pedicellatis pro rata parvis; sepalis ovatis acutis; corolla rotata vix ad medium in lobos triangulares acutos diviso glabro; gynostegio humili; coronae lobis maximis radicantibus linearibus apice obtusis; stigmatis capite depresso. Die 30 und mehr Zentimeter langen Triebe sind am Grunde in getrocknetem Zustande kaum 2 mm dick. Der Blattstiel ist 11.5 mm lang; die Spreite hat eine Länge von 2.55 cm und in der Mitte eine Breit von 8—15 mm, Nerven sind weder auf der Ober - noch auf der Unterseite wahrnehmbar; getrocknet ist sie ledergelb ins Grünliche oder Bräunliche gehend. Der Stiel der Infloreszenz ist 22.5 cm lang; die Traubenspindel ist stark verdickt, zylindrisch und trägt an der fortwachsenden Spitze etwa acht bis zehn Blüten. Die Kelchblätter sind kaum 1.5 mm, die Blumenkrone ist 6 mm lang und hellrot gofärbt. Das Gynosteg ist so hoch wie der Kelch lang ist und die gelben Koronaschuppen sind 3 mm lang. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland:. Sattelberg (Biro n. 10, bl. 16. Nov. 1898, dzodzo pan der Kai, ibutumitili der Jabim). Die schmalen am Grunde spitzen Blätter in Verbindung mit den hellroten Blüten, welche aus einer sich fortgesetzt verlängernden Achse nach und nach hervortreten, charakterisieren die Art. Diejenige Pflanze, welcho Warburg als H. Rumphii Bl. beschrieben hat, ist mit ihr nahe verwandt. Sie unterscheidet sich abor durch noch schmälere und noch längere (1cm lang gestielte Blätter von 56 cm Länge und 1 cm Breit. Der Blütenstand wird von einem bis 8.5 cm langen Stiel getragen; die Achse wird bis 1.2 cm lang und ist der noch einmal so dick als dieser. Die Stielchen sind stets länger, als bei H. rosea; die Korolle ist etwas kleiner und tiefer geteilt und inuenseits länger papillös. Von wesentlicher Verschiedenheit ist das Gynosteg, Es ist hüber und deutlich kegelförmig, die Koronaschuppen sind deutlich zweiteilig, unter dem stumpfen radialen Hauptkörper tritt ein langerer, schwanzförmig, tief zweispaltiger Lappen hrever. Ich nenne die Art H. sororia K. Sch. Beide Arten haben mit H. Rumphii Bl., die wir aus der Rumphiusschen Tafel (Herb amb. V, t. 175, fig. 2) kennen, nichts gemein. Die sehr zahlreichen Blüten von dunkel purpurroter Farce in der Dolde, welche auf einem sehr kurzen Stiele steht, sowie die Form der brieteren kurz zugespitzten, am Grunde aberundeten Blätter unterscheiden sie solgleich. Translation: H. rosea K. Schumann new species. Succulent shrub in trees, high climbing branches slender, round, when dried somewhat angular when young, glabrous; leaves shortly petiolate, lanceolate, acuminate, bases acute, dried leathery, rugose, both sides glabrous; racemes axillary many flowered, pedunculate; peduncles glabrous; flowers pedicelled, small; sepals ovate acute; corolla rotate, divided to middle, with lobes triangular glabrous acute; gynostegium low; lobes of the corona (radiating) very large
linear with apex obtuse; obtuse apexes. Stigma head flat. The shoots that are 30 or more centimeters long are in the dry state on the ground only 2 mm thick. The petiole is 1 to 1.5 mm long; the leaf blade is 2.5 to 5 cm long and is 8 to 15 mm wide in the middle with veins that are clearly perceivable neither on the upper or under side; when dried it is leather yellow bordering on greenish or brownish; the peduncle of the inflorescence is 2 to 2.5 cm long; the rachis is very thickened, cylindrical and bears on the tip that is still growing about 8 or 10 blooms. The pedicels measure 1 cm or more. The sepals are scarcely 1.5 mm; the corolla is 6 mm long and bright red. The gynostegium is as high as the calyx is long and the corona scales are 3 mm long. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (Northeast New Guinea) at Sattelberg. (Biro #10, blooming 16th November 1898, …….) The pointed leaves, narrow at the base, along with the bright red flowers, which gradually emerge from a continually lengthening axis, distinguish the species. The same plant that Warburg described as H. rumphii Blume is closely related to it. It is distinguished, however, by more narrow and longer (1cm) petioled leaves of 5 to 6 cm in length and 1 cm width. The flower head is borne by an 8.5 cm long peduncle; the axle gets up to 1.5 cm long and is once again as thick. The petioles are always longer than with H. rosea; the corolla is somewhat smaller and deeper divided and on the interior with longer hairs. An essential difference is seen in the gynostegium. It is taller and clearly ball-shaped the corona scales are clearly in two parts and under the stubby radial main body occurs a longer tail-shaped, deeply divided lobe. I name the species H. sororia K. Schumann. Both species have nothing in common with H. rumphii Blume, with which we are acquainted from the Rumph Chart (Herb. Amb. V, t.175 fig. 2). The very numerous flowers of dark purple colour in the inflorescence, which is on a very short peduncle, as well as the form of the leaves that are rounded at the base, but are broader and shortly acuminate, distinguish them immediately. Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1903) 108. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch NeuGuinea” R. Schlechter, Under Doubtful Species. 50. H. rosea K. Schum. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb. Nachtr. (1905) p. 365. Nordöstl. Neuguinea: auf dem Sattelberg (L. Biro n. 10. Blühend im November 1898). Das Original dieser Art habe ich im Berliner Herbar nicht finden können. Aus der Beschreibung ist die Art habe ich im Berliner Herbar nicht finden können. Aus der Beschreibung ist die Art nicht festzustellen. Vielleicht gehort sie zur Sektion Otostemma. Nach den kleinen Blättern zu urteilen ist sie vielleicht mit H. pedunculata Warb. identisch. Translation: see under Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea below. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 101. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu-Guinea by R. Schlechter). Under Doubtful Species. 50. Hoya rosea K. Schumann in K. Schumann And Lauterbach Nachtr. (1905) p. 365.
Northeast New Guinea: on the Saddle Mountain (l. Biro #10 - Blooming in November 1898). The original of this species I have not been able to find in the Berlin Herbarium. From the description the species is not settled (confirmed). By chance it might belong to the Section Otostemma, judging from the small leaves it is possible identical to H. pedunculata Warburg. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. rosea Schumann – 15, 33.
Hoya rotundifolia Siebold 1853 Type description: In Tuinbouw Flora 1 (1853) 70. DeVriese. H. rotundifolia Sieb. Deze onderscheidt zich door elliptisch-rondachtige bladen, die op de opper-vlakte eenigzins gevlekt zijn. Zij zijn dik, vleeschachtig, ongeveer l0 cent. Breed en 12-13 lang. Wij bezitten deze plant, ingevoerd uit Japan, door Jhr. Von Siebold. Zij heeft, near mijne kennis, in onze kassen nog niet gebloeid, zoodat men hear onder de minder bekende ken rekenen (Extr. Du cat. des pl. du Japon de von Siebold & Co. a Leyde. 1841). De kultuur is als van H. Carnosa. Translation: . It is distinguished by its elliptic-round leaves, those above are elusively suggestively-plain stained. They are thick, succulent, approximately l0 centimeters broad and 12-13 long. We own these plants, imported out of Japan, to Mr.. Von Siebold. They have, to my knowledge, in still not thrived in our homes, so that one can knowingly comprehend fewer (Extr. du cat. des pl. du Japon the von Siebold & Co. of Leiden.1841).The culture is as for H. Carnosa.
Hoya rubida Schlechter 1901 Type description:
In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee (1905) 366. K. Schumann & K Lauterbach. H. rubida, Schltr. n. sp. Epiphyticum in Ramis truncisque arborum, ramosum; ramulisque filiformibus, elongatis, flexuosis, glabris teretibus, radicantibus, laxe foliatis; foliis vulgo patulis ovatis vel ovato-ellipticis, breviter acuminatis, utrinque glabra, texture thickly puberulis, 4—6 cm longis, infra medium 2—3 cm latis, petiolo glabro, superne leviter sulcato ca 1 cm longo; pedunculo 3—7 cm longo, tereti, glabro, rhachide incrassata demum cylindrica; umbella 15— 25-flora, pedicellis 2—2.5 cm longis, gracillimis, glabris; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusiusculis margine minute ciliatis, caeterum glabris, 0.2 cm longis; corolla rotata rubida, usque ad medium fere 5-lobata, 1.2 cm diametiente, extus glabra, intus loborum mediis exceptis minutissime et dense papilloso-puberula, lobis ovatis obtusiusculis; coronae foliolis carnosis horizontalibus superne ovatis obtusis, apice breviter acuminatis, medio gibbere humili donatis, subtus ovatis, medio longitudinaliter foveolatis; antheris trapezoideis, basi angulis lunato-incurvis, appendice hyalina ovata, obtusa; polliniis oblique oblongis, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo minuto rhomboideo, polliniis multoties minore; stigmatis capite conico. Neu-Pommern: Auf Bäumen Strande zwischen Massawa und Kap Lambert (R. Schlechter n. 13711, bl. Nov. 1901). Die Art ist durch die verhälmismäszig kleinen Blätter und die rötlichen Blüten gekennzeichnet. In der Länge der Stiele der Blütendolden scheint sie variabeler zu sein, als es bei den Arten der Gattung der Fall zu sein scheint. Translation: see below under Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya species. Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 111. R. Schlechter. 7. H. rubida Schltr. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Nachtr. (1905) p. 366. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen am Strande bei der Mündung des Waria, ca. 10 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. *13711. Blühend im Juli 1909). Bismark-Archipel: Neu-Pommern, auf Bäumen am Strande zwischen Massawa und Kap Lambert (Schlechter n. *19948. — Blühend im November 1901) Eine charakteristische Art der Standformationen. Mit Vorliebe scheint sie in der Mangroveformation zu wachsen oder auf Bäumen am Rande hinter derselben. Die Blüten sind hier schon kaum kleiner als etwa bei H. carnosa R. Br. Ihre Färbung ist sehr charakteristisch, nämlich weinrot oder dunkel-violettrot mit weinroter Korona. * Note: these two numbers are transposed. Translation: see Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea below.
Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 25-26. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu-Guinea by R. Schlechter). 7. Hoya rubida Schlechter in K. Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) p. 366. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees and at the beach by the mouth of the Wari river about 10 m above sea level (Schlechter #13711 -- Blooming in July 1909). Bismark Archipelago: New Pomerania; on trees and beach between Massawa and Cape Lambert (Schlechter #19948 -- blooming in November 1901). A characteristic species of the beach areas which seems to prefer to grow in the mangroves or otherwise on trees at the edge of them. The blooms are scarcely smaller than those of H. carnosa R. Brown. Its coloring is very characteristic, namely winered, otherwise dark-violet red with a reddish corona. In Tropica 4 (1992) 1020. A. B. Graf. Hoya rubida (New Guinea); a beautiful climber which we collected in the wild Finisterre Mountains; fleshy glossy green, 10 cm. obovate leaves; stunning 3 cm flowers lacquered maroon, with red corona. Tropical p. 152 In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. rubida Schlechter (Schlechter 13711) – 15, 33. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 144-145. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya rubida Schlechter. A much branched epiphyte upon tree trunks and branches; branches and branchlets threadlike, elongate, flexible, glabrous, round, with aerial roots, loosely leaved; with leaves generally spreading, ovate or ovate-elliptic, shortly acuminate, both sides glabrous, texture thickly puberulous *,4-6 cm. long, 2-3 cm. wide below the middle, petiole glabrous above slightly grooved, about 1 cm long; peduncle 3-7 cm. long, round, glabrous, with the rachis thickened at length cylindrical; umbels of 15-25 flowers, with the pedicels 2-2.5 cm. long, very narrow, glabrous; with the segments of the calyx ovate, somewhat obtuse, margin minutely ciliate, center glabrous, 0.2 cm. long; corolla rotate, red (clear red), 5 lobed all the way to near the middle; 1.2 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside except for the middle of the lobes minutely and densely papillosepuberulous, lobes ovate somewhat obtuse; with the scales of the corona above ovate, with the apex shortly acuminate, in the middle with a low hump like swelling, below ovate, in the middle longitudinally grooved; with the anthers trapezoidal, the corner of the base incurved-crescent shaped, appendages hyaline ovate, obtuse; with the pollinia obliquely oblong, translators very short, retinaculum minutely rhomboid, many times smaller than the pollinia; with the stigma head conic. New Britain (New Pommern): On trees by the seaside between Massawa and Cape Lambert (R. Schlechter #137111, blooming in November 1901). It is distinguished through the relatively small leaves and reddish blooms. In the length of the peduncle which seem to be more variable than is the case with other species of the genus.
*I believe he may have meant "leathery" here, since he already sated they were glabrous. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1905 Nachtrage zur Flora die Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee p. 366. Hoya rubida Schlechter. A much branched epiphyte upon tree trunks and branches; branches and branchlets threadlike, elongate, flexible, glabrous, round, with aerial roots, loosely leaved; with leaves generally spreading, ovate or ovate-elliptic, shortly acuminate, both sides glabrous, texture thickly puberulous *,4-6 cm. long, 2-3 cm. wide below the middle, petiole glabrous above slightly grooved, about 1 cm long; peduncle 3-7 cm. long, round, glabrous, with the rachis thickened at length cylindrical; umbels of 15-25 flowers, with the pedicels 2-2.5 cm. long, very narrow, glabrous; with the segments of the calyx ovate, somewhat obtuse, margin minutely ciliate, center glabrous, 0.2 cm. long; corolla rotate, red (clear red), 5 lobed all the way to near the middle; 1.2 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside except for the middle of the lobes minutely and densely papillosepuberulous, lobes ovate somewhat obtuse; with the scales of the corona above ovate, with the apex shortly acuminate, in the middle with a low hump like swelling, below ovate, in the middle longitudinally grooved; with the anthers trapezoidal, the corner of the base incurved-crescent shaped, appendages hyaline ovate, obtuse; with the pollinia obliquely oblong, translators very short, retinaculum minutely rhomboid, many times smaller than the pollinia; with the stigma head conic. New Britain (New Pommern): On trees by the seaside between Massawa and Cape Lambert (R. Schlechter #137111, blooming in November 1901). It is distinguished through the relatively small leaves and reddish blooms. In the length of the peduncle which seem to be more variable than is the case with other species of the genus. *I believe he may have meant "leathery" here, since he already sated they were glabrous. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1905 Nachtrage zur Flora die Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Sudsee p. 366.
Hoya rubida Schlechter, 1901, Type # 13711 (B)
Hoya rubida Schlechter, 1901, # 19948 (B) This is not the same species he designated as the type above.
Hoya rubida Schlechter, # 140 (BO)
Hoya rufolanata Ridley 1923 Other literature:
In The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bengal Branch 75 (1908) 526-527. “Flora of the Malayan Peninsula” King & Gamble. 3. Genianthus rufo-velutinus, King & Gamble, n. sp. A climbing shrub; branches and branchlets stout, densely clothed with soft chocolate-brown tomentum; nodes somewhat swollen. Leaves coriaceous; elliptic-ovate or obovate, acuminate at apex, cuneate or attenuate or rounded at base; upper surface shining, glabrous or slightly villous, pubescent on the midrib and main nerves; lower surface ferruginous-villous, especially on the nerves, dull; margins strongly recurred; 4 to 6 in. long, 2 to 3 in broad; midrib stout, impressed above, as are the 7 to 9 pairs of main nerves which, leaving the midrib at an angle of about 50°, are at first straight and then curve upwards to join a rather obscure intramarginal looped nerve, also impressed; secondary nerves few; reticulations transverse, irregular; petiole stout, .75 to 1 in. long, densely ferruginous-tomentose. Cymes densely ferruginous-tomentose, few-branched, on .25 to .5 in. long peduncles, reaching 4 in. long and broad; branches spicate-paniculate; the flowers in small clusters, sessile or very shortly peduncled; bracts minute, ovate-acute, deciduous; buds oblong-conical; flowers cream-coloured. Calyx campanulate; tube short .025 in. long; lobes ovate, glabrous within, as long as tube; scales between them within 0 or very minute. Corolla-tube short, .05 in. long; lobes linear-oblong, 1 in. long, densely white-villous within. Corona adherent to the staminal-column below, free above and longer, each process furnished with an upturned tooth on the back:. Stamens slender, appendages acute; po11en-carriers semicircular; pollen-masses 2 to each cell, rounded. Style-apex columnar, ringed at the base. Follicles divaricate in one straight line, cylindric, very obtuse, 4 in. long, about 1 in. broad; pericarp densely covered with chocolate-brown soft wool. Seeds oblong, slightly winged, .75 in. long, .25 in. broad, produced above in a short beak broad at the tip which bears a copious whitish silky coma 2 in. long; testa thin; albumen scanty; cotyledons (immature) oblong, radicle stout. Perak: on large trees in dense forest, King’s Collector 5611, 6865, 6882. Type description: In Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1923) 402. H. Ridley. (25) H. rufo-lanata Ridl. Stem .2 in. through, with petioles, back of leaves and fruit densely thick red-woolly. Leaves ovate acute, base round; nerves 5 to 6 pairs sunk above, glabrous above coriaceous; 4.5 to 4.75 in. long, 3 in. wide; petiole thick 1 to 1.25 in. long. Flowers unknown. Capsule lanceolate blunt, rather abruptly narrowed from a broad base 4.5 in. long, 2 in. wide at base. Plume of seed white copious, 1 in. long. Herb. Perak, Sungei Siput (Burkill). I know nothing at all like this; the very dense red brown wool on the stem and back of leaves is unlike anything I know. Unfortunately, no flowers or seed have been procured. It seems to be nearest to H. coronaria.
From the key: Leaves large ovate, stem back of leaves and petioles densely red woolly. In Malayan Nature Journal 30 (1978) 520. R. E. Rintz “Doubtful & Excluded Species”. 3. Hoya rufo-lanata Ridley, F. M. P. ii (1923) 402. Type: Malaysia, Perak, Sungai Siput, Burkill (K). = Geniantbus* rufo-velutinus King & Gamble, J.A.S. Beng. IV (1903) 526. Type: Malaysia, Perak, King’s Collector 5611 (not seen). * Note: spelling incorrect.
Hoya rufolanata Ridley, 1923, #356 (KLU)
Hoya rumphii Blume Type description:
In Bijdragen tot de Flora von Nederlandsch Indie (1825) 1065. C. L. Blume. Hoya rumphii, Bl. H: foliis aveniis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis carnosis glabris planis infra pallidioribus, corolla intus subsericea (Rumph. Herb. Amb. V. t.175, fig. 1). Crescit: in montosis insularum Javae ac Moluccarum. Floret: toto anno. Var. longifolia, foliis longiter acuminatis margine recurvis, corolla glabra (an species ?) Crescit: prope Tuju in montosis Megamendung. Translation: see Hoya Section Acanthostemma below. Other literature:
In Allgem Med-Pharm. Fl., 3 (1834) 1084. Kosteletsky. H. rumphii Blume Rumph's H. Blätter elliptisch oder länglich-lanzettlich, zugespitzt, fleischig, aderlos, kahl; Corollen innen fast seidig. - Rumph. 5. t. 175. f. 1. Diese und die folgenden Arten unterscheiden sich von den übrigen schon dadurch, dasz sie nur auf Bäumstämmen entspringen und sich auch nach dem ganzen Berlaufe mittelst Wurzelfasern festhalten, so das nur die Aeste von den Bäumen herab hängen. Blätter sehr kurz-gestielt, dick und brüchig, 2-3" lang, zwei Finger breit, oben blaszgrün und roth gesleckt, unten weiszlich. Dolben 20-30 blüthig, auf 1" langen Stielchen; die Blüthenstielchen eben so lang. Blüthen wohlriechend, balszbraum und sammtartig glänzend, in der Mitte gelb, 1/2" breit. Corrollenzipfel eiförmig, spitz, zurück geschlagen. Balgkapseln walzlich, 7-8" lang, federkieldick, weiszlich mit blutrothen Flecken. - Auf den Molukken. - Blüht fast stets, vorzüglich aber im September. (perennial).-Die Unmendung hat sie ganz mit der voher gehenden gemein, und gegen Gonorrhöen wird sie sogar vorgezogen. - Eine ganz gleiche Anwendung finden nach Rumph ebendaselbst noch 2 ähntiche, doch nur unvollkemmen bekannte Arten, nämlich H. alba * und H. elegans; bie erste hat gröszere, über 4" lange, 2" breite, ungefleckte, Blätten, etwas gröszere weisse, Blumen und eben so lange dünne, doch ungefleckte grüne Früchte; dei zweite hat sehr dünne, nur halmdicke, etwas runzelige und gleichsam höckerige Stengel, viel gröszere, 4-5" lange, 2 1/2-3" breit Blätter mit steifer Spitze, zierliche, weisz und purpurroth gefärbte Blumen, auch viel kürzere, fast 3 seitige Früchte. Translation: see below under Hoya Section Acanthostemma. In General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 127. G. Don. Corolla 5 parted, flat, or reflexed. Leaflets of corona emarginate on the outer angles. Acanthostemma. Blum. Bijdr. p. 1065. 29. Hoya Rumphii (Blum. Bijdr. p. 1065.) Leaves veinless, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, fleshy, glabrous, flat and paler beneath; corolla rather silky inside. Wood perennial shrub. Native of Java, and the Malaccas, on
the mountains of Megamendung. Rumphius’s Hoya. Fl. year. Shrub tw. In Synopsis Plantarum 6 (1840) 892. D. N. F. Dietrich. H. Rumphii Blume; fol. aveniis oblongo-lanceolatis glabris, cor. campanulata glabra. In Java. Woody. Translation: leaves oblong-lanceolate glabris, corolla campanulate glabrous. In Prodromus Sys. Veg. 8 (1844) 637. Decaisne. 17. H. Rumphii (Bl.! bijdr. 1065), scandens, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi angustatis apice acuminatis carnosis aveniis glabris planis subtis pallidoribus 2- 3 poll. long. 2 latis, pedunculis po1licaribus multifloris (20-30), corollae laciniis retroflexis crassiusculis pallide fuscis subholosericeis, coronae stam. Foliolis luteis. Rumph. Amb. 5, p. 470, tab. 175, fig. 1 woody per. In Amboina et montosis insulae Javae ac Moluccarum (Blume). var. 1ongifolia, foliis longiter acuminatis margine recurvis, corolla glabra (an species ?) circa Tuju in montib. Megamendung, insulae Javae Bl. l. c. (v. s. sine fl. h. Mus. par.) Translation: climbing, leaves oblong-lanceolate base narrowed apex acuminate fleshy veinless glabrous flat pale beneath 2 to 3 inches long, 2 wide, peduncles 1 inch many flowered (20 to 30), flaps of the corolla reflexed, very thick pale brown somewhat silky all over; leaflets of the staminal corona yellow. …………………on Amboin and mountains of Java and the Moluccas (Blume) var. longifolia: leaves longer acuminate margins recurved; corolla glabrous (a species?) near Tuju in Megamendung mountains, island of Java. I have seen without flowers at the Paris Museum Herbarium. In Rumphia 4 (1848) 29. C. L. Blume. 1. A. Rumphii: foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis, basi obtusiusculis glabris planis subtus pallidioribus, umbellis longissime pedunculatis multifloris; corollâ intus subsericeâ. - Hoya rumphii Bl. Bijdr. Flor. Ned. Ind. p. 1065. De Caisne l. c. p. 637. 17. Nummularia lactea major Rumph. Herb. Amb. V:470, tab. 175. fig. 1. - Habit. In Archipelago Indico et Moluccano ad arbores. Translation: see under Hoya Section Acanthostemma below. In Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavorum 1 (1849) 58. C. L. Blume. Acanthostemma rumphii Blume: foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis, basi obtusiusculis glabris planis subtus pallidioribus, umbellis longissime pedunculatis multifloris; corollâ intus subsericeâ. - Hoya rumphii Bl. Bijdr. Flor. Ned. Ind. p. 1065. De Caisne l. c. p. 637. 17. Nummularia lactea major Rumph. Herb. Amb. V:470, tab. 175. fig. 1. - Habit. In Archipelago Indico et Moluccano ad arbores. Translation: see under Hoya Section Acanthostemma below. In Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1852) 64. A. Rumphia Blume l. c. — Foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis, basi obtusiusculis glabris planis, subtis pallidioribus umbellis longissime pedunculatis multifloris; corolle intus subsericea. — Hoya Rumphii Blume. — Nummularia lactea major Rumph. Crescit in Archipelago
Indico et Moluccano ad arbores Translation: Leaves oblong-lanceolate acuminate, base very obtuse glabrous flat, below papilose and umbels on long peduncles of many flowers; corolla inside somewhat silky. Hoya Rumphia Blume. Nummularia lactea major Rumphius. It lives the forests in the Indian Archipelago and Moluccas. In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie Bataviae 1 (1856) 523. F. A. W. Miquel. § 3. Sperlingia Vahl. Act. Hafn. P. 113. Acanthostemma (Bl. Rumphia IV. p. 29, genus.) Flores parvi, corollae laciniis revolutis; coronae stamineae phylla basi sagittata. Triacma, van Hasselt herb. Corollae fuscesentes vel dilute purpureae. Plures Dischidiarum habitu. 24. Hoya Rumphii Bl. Scandens, radicans, folia e basi acutiuscula vel angustata oblongo vel rhombeo-lanceolata acuminata, glabra, subtus pallidiora, 2—4 poll. longa, coriacea, pedunculi tripollicares apice racemoso-multiflori, corollae intus subsericeae. Hoya Rumphii Blume Bijdr. p. l065. Decaisn. l. c. p. 637.—Acanthostemma Rumphii Bl. Rumph. Herb. Amb. V. p. 470, tab. 175, fig. 1, teste cl. Blume l. c. Hoya opposita G. Don Dichl. Pl. IV. p. 128. Sperlingia opposita Vahl. Act. Soc. Hafn. Vi. p. 114. Dischidiae sagittatae habitum fere induit. Sunda-Archipel, Molukken, op boomstammen. Translation: climbing, rooting, leaves with the base slightly acute or narrowly oblong or rhomboid lanceolate acuminate, glabrous, paler below, 2 to 4 inches long leathery, peduncle 3 inches, apex with multiflowered raceme, inside of the corolla somewhat silky. In Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 1 (1876) 38. R. H. C. C. Scheffler. Hoya Rumphii Bl.; Miq. l. c. p. 523: …………………………………… In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee. (1905) 513. K. Schumann & K. Lauterbach. H. Rumphii Bl. Bijdr. 1065; Warb. Pl. pap. 409; K. Sch. Fl. Neu-Pomm. 142. Bismarck-Archipel: Neu-Pommern, Gazelle-Halbinsel, Ralum am Strande auf Bäumen (Dahl); Neu-Lauenburg-Gruppe, Insel Ulu (Warburg). Bisher von den Molukken und Holländisch Neu-Guinea bekannt. Translation: In Bureau of Science Publication 9 (1917) 438. “An Interpretation of Rumphius Herbarium Amboinense” E. D. Merrill. Rumphius’s Herbarium Amboinense. Hoya Rumphii Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1065. Acanthostemma rumphii Blume Rumphia 4 (1848) 29, Mus. Bot. 1 (1849) 58. Nummularia lactea major I fusca Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5: 470. T. 175. F. 1. Amboina, Lateri and Hitoe lama, Robinson Pl. Rumph. Amb. 84, 650, August and November, 1913 in forests, altitude l50 to 200 meters, locally known as buah tali tali. Poiret, in Lamarck Encycl. Suppl. I (1810) 407, reduced the Rumphian species with doubt to Apocynum agglomertatum Poir., which was based on specimens from Santo Domingo, and to which it certainly does not refer. Blume apparently based his description of Hoya rumphii on Javan specimens, but in the original description of the
species reduced the Rumphian illustration as a synonym, which has been accepted by most subsequent authors. The Amboina specimens may or may not be the same as the Javan form. In De Nuttige Planten von Nederlandsch Indie 2 (1927) 1297. K. Heyne. Hoya Rumphii Bl. Volksnamen. Mal. Amb.: Daoen pitis. Onder den naam Nummularia lactea major beschrijft Rumphius (V, bl.470) een drietal zeldzame klimplanten, die steeds haar oorsprong vinden in de ruige schors van op vlakke, steenachtig stranden voorkomende dikke boomen of in half verrot hout. Zij loopen met ijle, lange stengels de boomen op. hechten zich overal aan de schors met worteltjes die aan de leden staan, en laten een deel der stengels, welke de dikte hebben van een stroohalm, van de takken afhangen als een verwarde, dooreengestengelde massa. Als middel tegen de steken van gevaarlijke visschen komen zij in gebruik overeen met Nummularia lactea minor (zie Dischidia Nummularia), welke voor dat doel het meest wordt gebezig; de groote daarentegen habben de voorkeur ter genezing van gonorrhee, waartoe men een afkooksel van de bladern, dat zacht verkoelend en stoopend werkt, ingeeft. (Rumph.) De identiteit der soorten is niet geheel helder; de eerste met bruine bloemen wordt gehouden vor H. Rumphii Bl. , de tweede witte werd H. alba Kostel. gedoopt en de derde met dunne stengels is H. elegans Kostel. Translation: Under the name Nummularia lactea major Rumphius described (V, bl. 470) three rare climbing plant, those always originate in the decayed bark of thick trees standing on flat stony beaches or on half rotten wood. They grow upwards in the trees with very thin long stalks attached everywhere on the bark with tiny roots, connected to the stalks at the nodes and enable a part of the stalks, which have the thickness of a straw, to hang from the branches in a confused intertwined mass. As a device against the stinging coming from dangerous fish, they are in use along with Nummularia lactea minor (Dischidia Nummularia), which for that objective it mostly used; for the older people on the contrary, it is used primarily for curing gonorrhea, by taking in decoctions of leaves it works as a gentle refrigerant and it regulates body liquid. The identity of the types is not entirely sure; the first with brown flowers is identified as H. Rumphii Bl., the second white one is named H. alba Kostel. and the third with thin brown stems is H. elegans Kostel. In Flora of Java 2 (1965) 269. C. A. Backer. (in key). b. Leaves with much narrowed or acuminate top, acute, in vitro rather thin to moderately thick, thinly coriaceous when dry. Epiphytes or rather slender climbers, not very tall….13 13. Inner and outer angles of corona-scales sharply set off flown each other, not merely separated by constriction; inner angle slightly concave at the base of the upper side; margins of the depression ending in the keeled, very much and broadly thickened median part of the outer angle; this carinate median part extending to the top of the outer angle; corona-scales inserted at the base of the staminal tube; peduncle rather thin, glabrous, 2½4 cm long; pedicels very slender, glabrous, c. 1½ cm; calyx-segments oval, obtuse, glabrous, violet, c. ¾ mm long; corolla in sicco well over 1 cm diam., segments very shortly pubescent inside; pollinia narrowly oblong with a cuneate or acute top; follicles
linear, acuminate, glabrous, more or less distinctly rhomboid from a narrowed , acute to rather obtuse base, acuminate, rather acute, glabrous, with fairly numerous nerves especially above, veined, with a few rather small, knob-shaped trichomes, 611 cm by 24 cm; petiole glabrous, 1 ½ 6 ½ cm. Dimensions ?; VII, VIII; W.; here and there; 1000-1400; forest…………………………………………….H. rumphii Bl. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 106-108. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya rumphii Blume in Bijdragen tot de Flora von Nederlandsch Indie (1825) 1065. H: foliis aveniis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis carnosis glabris planis infra pallidioribus, corolla intus subsericea (Rumph. Herb. Amb. V. t.175, fig. 1). Crescit: in montosis insularum Javae ac Moluccarum. Floret: toto anno. Var. longifolia, foliis longiter acuminatis margine recurvis, corolla glabra (an species ?) Crescit: prope Tuju in montosis Megamendung. Translation: Hoya: leaves veinless oblong-lanceolate acuminate fleshy glabrous flat below pale, corolla inside somewhat silky (Rumphius Herbarium Amboinensis 5 tab. 175, figure 1) a shrub. Growing in the mountains of Insular Java and Molucca. It flowers all year. var. longifolia, leaves longer acuminate with the margins recurved, corolla glabrous (a species ?) It lives near Tuju in the Megamendung Mountains. Also as Acanthostemma rumphii Blume in Rumphia 4 (1848) 29: foliis oblongolanceolatis acuminatis, basi obtusiusculis glabris planis subtus pallidioribus, umbellis longissime pedunculatis multifloris; corollâ intus subsericea. - Hoya rumphii Bl. Bijdr. Flor. Ned. Ind. p. 1065. De Caisne l. c. p. 637. 17. Nummularia lactea major Rumph. Herb. Amb. V:470, tab. 175. fig. 1. - Habit. In Archipelago Indico et Moluccano ad arbores. Translation: leaves oblong-lanceolate acuminate, with the base very obtuse glabrous, below flat and pale, umbels with very long multiflowered peduncles; corolla inside somewhat silky. - Hoya rumphii Blume in Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indie p. 1065. Decaisne at the place cited p. 637. 17. Nummularia lactea major In Rumphius's Herbarium Amboinense p. 470. tab. 175 fig. 1 - Habitat: In the Archipelago of Dutch East India and Molucca on trees. H. rumphii Blume: Kosteletsky in Allgem Med-Pharm. Fl., (1834) 1084: H. rumphii Blume Rumph's H. Blätter elliptisch oder länglich-lanzettlich, zugefpitzt, fleichig, aderlos, kahl; Corollen innen fast feibig. - Rumph. 5. t. 175. f. 1. Diese und die folgenden Arten unterscheiden sich von den übrigen schon dadurch, dasz sie nur auf Bäumstämmen entspringen und sich auch nach dem ganzen Werlaufe mitteltst Wurzelfasern felthalten, so das nur die Aeste von den Bäumen herab hängen. Blätter sehr kurz-gestielt, dick und bruchig, 2-3" lang, zwei Finger breit, oben blaszgrün
und roth gesleckt, unten weiszlich. Dolben 20-30 blüthig, auf 1" langen Stielchen; die Blüthenstielchen eben so lang. Blüthen wohlriechend, balszbaum und sammtartig glänzend, in der Mitte gelb, 1/2" breit. Corrollenzipfel eiförmig, spitz, zurück geschlagen. Balgkapseln walzlich, 7-8" lang, federkieldick, weiszlich mit blutrothen Flecken. - Auf den Molukken. - Blüht fast stets, borzüglich aber im September. (perennial).-Die Unmenbung hat sie ganz mit der voher gehenden gemein, und gegen Gonorrhöen wird sie sogar vorgezogen. - Eine ganz gleiche Anwendung finden nach Rumph ebendaselbst noch 2 ähnliche, doch nur unvollkemmen bekannte Arten, nämlich H. alba * und H. elegans; bie erste hat gröszere, über 4" lange, 2" breite, ungefleckte, Blätten, etwas gröszere weisse, Blumen und eben so lange dünne, doch ungefleckte grune Früchte; dei zweite hat sehr dunne, nur halmdicke, etwas runzelige und gleichsam höckerige Stengel, viel gröszere, 4-5" lange, 2 1/2-3" breit Blätter mit steifer Spitze, zierliche, weisz und purpurroth gefärbte Blummen, auch viel kürzere, fast 3 seitige Früchte. German translation by Dieter Paul: Leaves elliptic or long shaped like a lance, pointed, meaty, without veins, bare, corollas inside almost silky. - Rumphia volume 5 table 175 figure 1. (Nummularia lactea major according to Blume). This Hoya and the following species differ from the others, as they only root on tree trunks, clinging to them with roots, so only the branches hang from the trees. Leaves very short stemmed, thick and fragile (easily bendable) 2-3 " long, 2 fingers wide, upper pale green and spotted red, lower white-like. Umbels have 20-30 flowers on 1" long little stems; the flower stems have the same length. Flower nice smelling (fragrant), pale brown and velvety shining, in the middle yellow. 1/2 " wide. Tips of the corolla egg-shaped, pointed and turned backwards. Capsule of the pod cylindrical 7-8 " long, thick as a quill of a feather, whitish with blood red spots. On the Mollucken: almost always flowering, but preferably in September. Woody. The application is the same as the one above, and the hoya is preferred for Gonorrhea. A very similar application (according to Rumphia) is for two similar but incompletely known species: Hoya alba and Hoya elegans. The first has leaves 4" long and over 2" wide, no spots on the leaves. Flowers somewhat larger, white and also long, thin but with spotted fruits. The second has stems, very thin like a straw, lightly covered with bumps. The leaves are much larger 4- 5" long, 2 1/2 - 3" wide with a hard point, small white and purple/red colored flowers, fruits are much shorter and almost three sided. Discussion: as for the above species H. alba Kostel. and H elegans Kostel. both are mere names in the above description with no valid descriptions. Merrill in Interpretations of Rumphius’ Herbarium Amboinensis (1917) 439 writes: “Hoya alba Kostel. Allgem. Pharm. Fl. 3 (1834) 1084 (type!). Nummularia lactea major H. alba Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5:470. This species is of entirely doubtful status. It was referred by Henschel (1866) to Hoya diversifolia Blume, while Hasskarl, Neue Schlüssel (1866) 148, thought it might be Cyrtoceras multiflora Heynh. = Hoya multiflora Blume = Centrostemma multiflorum Decne. There is no reason, however for considering it other than a true hoya. “Hoya elegans Kostel. Allgem. Med.-Pharm. Fl. 3 (1834) 1084 (type!). Nummularia lactea major 111 (albo-purpurea) Rumph. Amb. 5:471. Amboina, soja and
Hitoe messen, Robinson Pl. Rumph. Amb. 83, 604. August and October, 1913, in light forest, altitude 175 to 300 meters, locally known as bunga nasi. Hasskarl, Neue Schlüssel (1866) 148, thought that this Rumphian form might by a synonym of Hoya macrophylla Blume, a species originally described from Javan material. Hoya elegans Kostel. was based wholly the Rumphian description, and this name is here retained”. Other Citations: Florolae Insularum Australium Prodromus #128 (1786) 21, as Nummularia lactea major Rumph.; Kosteletsky in Allgem Medical Pharm. Fl. 3 (1834) 1084; G. Don in General System of Gardening 4 (1837) 127; Decandolle Prodromus 8 (1844) 637; Museum Botanicum Lugd.-Batav. 1 (1849) 58; Walpers in Annales Botanices Systematicae 3 (1852-1853) 64; Miquel in Flora Indiae Batavae 2 (1856) 523 ; Scheffler in Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 1 (1876) 38; Merrill, Interpretations of Rumphius' Herbarium Amboinense (1917) 438; Heyne in De Nuttige Planten van Nederlandsch Indie 2 (1927) 1207 ; Bak. v.d. Brink f., Blumea 6 #2 (1950) 379;Backer & Bakhuizen V. D. Brink f. Flora of Java 2 (1965) 269. Herbarium Sheets: #3011 Bakhuizen v. d. Brink 1917 (BO); #1084 (as H. elegans) 1834; 1836 Rumphia; #2101 (as H. kuhlii) Sapiin; #22449 (BO). Note: (RDK) These and many other early descriptions are so vague and lacking in any detailed measurements to the point where I feel it is nearly impossible to match them to any known commercial species. The original of Dr. Blume presented above 1826 cites a Rumphian figure (herein presented). This drawing gives some insight as to the foliage characteristics (if it is properly portrayed): The fact that the flower clusters are of about 30 flowers, not all opening at once. The coronal lobes are drawn inaccurately, pointing to the corolla lobe center rather than the sinus. (no hoya is thus shaped) The original description of Dr. Blume states that the corolla inside is somewhat silky. In 1844 Decaisne adds the qualifier "holo" (somewhat silky all over). Not until we come to 1848 and the description in Rumphia 4:29 do we find that the species is placed in the genus Acanthostemma. C. A. Backer in Flora of Java 2 (1965) 269, (if he has the same species) adds some measurements. The species presently in commerce under this name does not fit this description in regards to the coronal scales, pedicel length, calyx segment shape and other details. Backer says of the corolla "segments very shortly pubescent inside". Compare to Blume's "silky". Backer's leaf base description does not fit Rumphia's fig.1 nor does the venation mentioned. It should be possible to match a plant specimen to Backer's description, but is this a description of H. rumphii Blume? There is a Hoya rumphii herbarium sheet at (BO) of Backer’s #22449 . Dr. J.F. Veldkamp rites “This should be discussed differently: The inclusion of the Rumphian plate was an attempt by Blume to match his specimen with existing literature. This was also done by Vahl, Don, and others and should be eliminated from all. At present it seams that no one knows what the Rumphian Hoya is. H. rumphii is typified by the Javan collection, presumable collected by Blume, but possibly by others. e.g. Reinhardt, Kuhl & Van Hasselt, Zippelius, etc., as well. No doubt there are discrepancies, as possible two different species are concerned.
Hoya rumphii Blume # 3011 (BO)
Hoya rumphii Blume, # 22419 (BO)
Hoya rumphii Blume, # 7484 (BO)
Hoya ruscifolia Decaisne 1844 Type description: of no value as described without flowers. In Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 639. Decaisne. H. ruscifolia, suffruticosa ramosia, ramis foliolis, foliis ovatis mucronatis mucrone acutissimo subsessilibus aveniis glaberrimis, pedunculatis brevissimis receptaculo ovato reductis, folliculis ovatoacuminatis glaberrimis. Woody shrub montib. Igorotes insula lucon. (Callery). (v. s. sine fl. h. Mus. par.) Translation: somewhat woody, branched, stems leaved, leaves ovate mucronate mucrone very acute somewhat sessile without veins very glabrous, peduncles short receptacle ovate reduced, follicles ovate-acuminate very glabrous. Other literature: In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie Bataviae 1(1856) 524. F. A. W. Miquel.28. Hoya ruscifolia Decaisn. in DC prodr. l. c. p. 639. Suffruticosa, ramosa, ramis foliosis, folia subsessilia ovata acutissimo-mucronata avenia glaberrima, pedunculi brevissimi ad receptaculum ovoideum redacti ovato-acuminati glaberrimi. Luzon, in het Igorotesgebergte (Callery). Translation: somewhat woody, branched, stems, stems leaved, leaves ovate almost sessile ovate very acute mucronate without veins very glabrous, peduncles short with the receptacle ovate reduced, follicles ovate-acuminate very glabrous. In Philippine Hoya Species 3rd. Ed. (1996)132. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya ruscifolia Decaisne in DeCandolle's Prodromus 8 (1844) 639, Igorotes Mts., Callery, Luzon. A subshrub, branched, leafy, leaves ovate, mucronate, apex very acute, nearly sessile, veinless, very glabrous. Peduncles very short. Rachis also short, ovate. Follicles ovate acuminate, glabrous. A woody plant. Leaves supposedly like H. lacunosa var. pallidiflora. No flower available for description. Miquel placed this species in the Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel. Actually this section is incorrect and has been supplanted with Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg. Since there are no flowers on the type sheet (nor were they collected) it seems obvious a section can not be designated. I do not feel this species can at this time be identified among living material.
Hoya sanae Bailey 1897 In Queensland Agriculture Journal 1 (1897) 229. In Comprehensive Catalog of Queensland Plants 80 (1909) 333. F. M. Bailey. Hoya. R. Br. Waxflower. Sana, Bail. This probably is the one referred to in Flora Australiensis as H. carnosa. (Fig. 308. ) In Queensland Flora 3 (1900) 1013. F. M. Bailey. 1. H. Sana, (after Mrs. F. L. Jardine), Bail. Ql. Agric. Jour. i. A slender climber, on open country found climbing over shrubs to the height of 6 or more feet. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, from 1 ½ to 3 ¼ in. long, thick, pale in colour, only showing a rather broad midrib, more or less covered on the under side with white hairs, often aciculate, petioles seldom exceeding ½ in. Peduncles hairy, about 10 lines long, bearing an umbel of about 10 or 12 more or less pubescent, white flowers. Pedicels hairy, 9 lines long . Calyx-lobes 5, hairy, rather narrow. Corolla spreading to about 5 lines diameter; lobes 5, hairy on the back, the hairs munch shorter on the face. Corona-segments expanding into concave, ovate, horizontally spreading laminae, the base ending in a rather long point; the 2 keels almost wing-like. Hab.: Polo Creek, Somerset, Mrs. F. L. Jardine. There does not seem sufficient authority for giving H. carnosa, R. Br.. as a Queensland species. The specimen in Mueller's herbarium, referred to by Benth. Fl. Austr. iv. 346, must, in my opinion, have been placed there in mistake; or, it might have belonged to H. Sana, which in a dry state somewhat resembles H. carnosa. In Hoya in Australia (1988) 10. P. I. Forster. In. H. sana F. M. Bail., Qld. Agric. J. 1: 229 (1897), Fig. 7. Type: Polo Creek, Somerset, F. L. Jardine s. n. (BRI ). F. M. Bailey, Queensland fl. 3: 1012 (1900); F. M. Bailey, Compr. cat. Queensland Pl. fig. 308 (1913). Named for Mrs. F. L. Jardine who collected the type material (Fig. 7). This is a rambling epiphytic vine that can cover large areas of dry coastal heathland or completely cover beach front trees at the type locality. Plants from Somerset (Fig. 2.) are fairly consistent in form with only small exceptions. Stems woody, apices only with pubescence. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate (when desiccated with revolute edges to oblong-cuspidate), 11cm long, 4.5cm wide (when recurved the width is half this; upper surface sparsely pubescent, yellow to reddish (depending or environmental conditions), six brochidomous-anastomosing lateral nerves very obvious creating a quilted effect; lower surface densely pubescent, yellow to pale-green, lateral nerves barely discernible Peduncles to 2cm long, puberulous. Umbels of up to 35 flowers, pedicels 2cm long. Corolla 1.8-2.2cm diameter, minutely puberulous on both surfaces (there can be 1orger hairs or. the corolla edge than on the surface, particularly at the tip); lobes with edges moderately curved, acutely ovate with apex acuminate, white with red between the coronal lobes. Corona 0.6cm diameter, centre not higher than lobes; 2mm long, 1-l.5mm wide, obovate to broadly obovate with basal appendages & tips antrorse. Fig. 8.
In Encyclopedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation (1990) 388. W. Roger Elliot & David L. Jones. Hoya sana Bailey = H. australis ssp. sana (Bailey) K. Hill.
Hoya sarcophylla Ridley 1917 Type description: In Journal of the Federated Malay States Museum 8/4 (1917) 62. H. Ridley. Hoya sarcophylla, sp. nov. Scandens glabra. Folia crasse coriacea lanceolata basi obtuso, nervis invisis, costa in pagina superiore ad basin obscure, 8.5 cm. longa, 3 cm. lata, petiolo crasso 4 mm. longo. Pedunculis crassus 2-2.5 cm. longa racemo crasso 4 cm. longo, carnoso tuberculoso. Pedicelli rubri 1.4-2 cm. longa pubescentes. Sepala 5 ovata acuta rubra. Corolla 1.2 cm. lata glabra, lobis ovatis acutis brevibus 6 mm. longis, apicibus recurvis. Corona.7 mm. lata, lobis inferioribus crassis obtusis haud concavis, lobis superioribus parvis dentiformibus. Andraecium stipulatum. Pollinia minuta oblonga truncate disco minuto oblongo rubro. Pistilla lageniformia. Siolal; Daras, at 3000 feet. This seems allied to H. Pottsii, Trail. Bot. Mag. t. 3425, a very little-known plant said to have come from Macao. and of which 1 have seen only a figure. The leaves in this plant however are much narrower and acute. The colour of the corolla appears to have been white or yellow, the corona perhaps pink. Translation: climbing glabrous. Leaves thick leathery lanceolate with the base obtuse, nerves invisible, midrib on the upper surface at the base obscure 8.5 cm. long 3 cm. wide, petioles thick 8 mm. long. Peduncles thick 2 to 2.5 cm. long, racemes thick 4 cm. long, thick covered with warts. Pedicels red 1.4 to 2 cm. long pubescent. Sepals 5 ovate acute red. Corolla 1.2 cm. wide glabrous , lobes ovate acute short 6 mm. long, apical area recurved. Corona 7 mm. wide, inferior lobes thick obtuse not at all concave, superior lobes small tooth-like. Androecium stalked. Pollinia minute oblong truncate from the minute reddish disk. Pistil tongue-like.
Hoya schallertiae Burton 1982 Type description: This is not a hoya, misidentified by Burton: Flower cluster does not belong with stem and leaves. In The Hoyan 3(1982) 96-97. C. M. Burton. Hoya schallertiae, nov. sp. Caulis scandens nec volubilis, c. 1/16" diametro; internodia c. 1¼ to 1½. Foliis sessilis paribus oppositis, basi cordatus-truncatus, apice rotundatis, latioribus quam longioribus (3/4" X 1" ± ), margine erosus-undatus, supra convexus, globosus, puberulous, subtus scaberulous. Foliis trunco appresis radicantes numerosis obtegentibus. Inflorescentiis umbelliformis, multifloribus. Pedunculis 2-2½" ±. Sepalis oblongus, acutus, papillosus. Corolla 1/2 to 5/8" diametro, intus sericeus-papillosus praeter extiore 1/5 qui glabris, extus papillose, margine leviter involutus, 5-lobis ad 1/4 ab basi. Corona squamae rhombiformis, nitidus, carinatus, interiore altius quam exteriore; exteriore 2-fid uncatus. Fructus non visi. Rio Grande Valley, Seranaya, Mindanao, Philippines. (Dr. Edgar A. Mears, without number - U.S. Herbarium #447593 - March 11, 1904). Unfortunately, the pollinia are badly damaged, in all flowers available. All flowers are sprinkled over with insect eggs and most pollinia are chewed up. The fully preserved insects are often found occupying the pollinia apace. Another unfortunate circumstance is that the many flowered umber is completely detached from the plant stalk, creating some doubt that they belong together. In spite of the pollinia damage, I believe that this plant’s place in Hoya is certain. The flowers are similar to those of H. imbricata in some ways and the growth habit is the same. However, our plant differs from H. imbricata in having paired, opposite leaves rather than one leaf per node, and the leaves of our plant are much, much smaller. Also the leaves of H. schallertiae do not overlap in the manner of shingles as do those of H. imbricata. Flower colour is uncertain but appears light. Some of the flower specimens show a touch of pink near, the bases, but this may be due to chemical changes in drying. Most have dried to a straw yellow colour. Corona scales are light, either white or yellow...in the dried state they appear yellow. This hoya appears to me different from any other published hoya. It is named in honor of Mrs. Ruth Schallert, Botany Librarian at Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., U.S.A, who has helped me, (and HSI) far beyond the call of duty, in obtaining Hoya research material. Translation by author: Stalk climbing, not twining, about 1/16" in diameter; internodes about 1 ¼ to 1 ½ ". Leaves sessile (or nearly so), in opposite pairs, bases cordate or truncate, apexes rounded, broader than long ( ¾" X 1" ± ), margins erose-wavy, convex above, and lumpy, puberulous, scabrous beneath. Leaves flattened and oppressed against tree trunk, covering numerous roots. Inflorescence in many flowered umbels. Peduncles 2 to 2 ½ ” long. Sepals oblong, acute, papillose. Corolla ½ to 5/8” in diameter, inside silkypapillose, except for outer 1/5. Which is glabrous; outside papilose, margines lightly involute, 5-lobed to ¼ from base. Corona scales rhomboid, shining, fleshy, interior higher than exterior; exterior 2-fid toothed. Fruit not seen.
Other literature: In Philippine Hoya Species 3rd. Ed. (1996) 138. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Conclusions) The species H. Schallertiae Burton has been excluded since it appears obvious that the peduncle on the Herbarium (type) sheet did not come from the floral stem associated with it. The floral peduncle is larger then the stem of the plant. This observation is made from a photocopy of the type sheet and I have not seen the sheet personally. Until I or others who feel as I do examine this material, I will leave it as a dubious species. It has not appeared in any collected material in the National Herbarium of Manila.
Hoya Schlechteriana Moore 1916 Type description: no type designated not place of deposition: In Transactions of the Linnean Society of Botany 9 (1916) 112. S. Moore. Hoya (§ Eu-Hoya) Schlechteriana, S. Moore, sp. nov. Rami scandentes, sparsim ramulosi, distanter foliosi, radicantes. Folia petiolata elliptica, sparsum obtuse caudato-acuminata, basi obtusa, carnosa-coriacea, utriobique glabra, 10-11 x 3.8-4.5 cm. Umbellae verisimiliter pluriflorae, pedunculis ramis fere aequilatis quam folia brevioribus glabris fere 6.5 cm. longis insidentes pediceli filiformes, floribus plane longiores, circa 2 cm. longis. Calyx parvulus, glabra segmenta trianguiari-deltoidea, obtusa, circa 1 mm. longa. Corolla pro rata submediocris, rotate, tubo 2.5 mm. longo, paullo ultra medium divisa, extus et prope basis intus glabra; lobi deltoidei, acuti, extus glabri, intus praesertim margines versus subtiliter pubescentes, 3.5 mm. longi. Corona crassiuscula; phylla horizontalia, apice truncate gynostegioque incumbentia, superne oblonga, medio plana, postice rotundato-truncata, 2.5 cm. longa, lateribus oblongis crassiusculis. Pollinia oblongo-pyriformia, obtuse; glandula minute, caudiculis aequilonga. (Camps III to-IV, 2100 to 2500 ft. Leaves apparently pale green in the fresh state, much discolored when dry and sometimes almost white, nervation indistinct on either side; petioles 8-l0 mm. long, somewhat fleshy, channeled and microscopically puberulous on the upper side. Flowers rather more than 1 cm. in diameter when expanded. Leaves of the corona reaching, when the corolla is pressed out, almost to the sinuses of the lobes. Pollinia 3 mm., gland 0.1 mm. long. This is evidently near H. chloroleuca, Schlechter, judging from the description in Engler, Jahrb. l. (1913) p. 121, the leaves and the corona being the chief points of difference. Named in compliment to Dr. Schlechter, who has done such valuable work, both as collector and author, upon the Papuan flora. The material consists of a shoot bearing leaves and a single peduncle from which the flowers have become detached. In a capsule accompanying these are 13 flowers, all seemingly derived from the single inflorescence secured. Translation: Branches twining, sparsely branched, rooting, leaves distantly spaced. Leaves petiolate, elliptic, upwards obtuse caudate-acuminate, bases obtuse, fleshy leathery, both sides glabrous, 10 to 11 by 3.8 to 4.5 cm. Umbels probably several-flowered, sitting upon peduncles and branches equally shorter than the leaves, glabrous, almost 6.5 cm long. Pedicels filiform, with flowers distinctly longer, about 2 cm long. Calyx small, glabrous, segments triangular-deltoid, obtuse, about 1 mm long. Corolla somewhat middle-sized, rotate, tube 2.5 mm long, divided to a little above the middle, outside and near the base inside glabrous; lobes deltoid, acute outside glabrous, inside chiefly towards the margins finely pubescent, 3.5 mm long. Corona somewhat thick; scales horizontal, apexes truncate, incumbent upon the gynostegium, oblong above, middle flat, posterior rounded-truncate, *2.5 cm long, sides oblongly thickened. Pollinia oblong-pear shaped, obtuse; glands minute; caudicles equal in length. Note: . 2.5 mm is probably what was meant here.
Hoya schneei Schlechter 1921 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 56 (1921) 567. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Micronesia” R. Schlechter. Das Verbreitungsgebiet dieser nur schon etwa 150 Arten umfassenden Gattung erstreckt sicb von Indien nach Oster fast über das ganze Monsungebiet bis zu den Samoa-Inseln. Zwei Arten sind nördlich bis China vorgedrungen, wo etwa in der Höhe von Hongkong und Macao die Nordgrenze der Verbreitung des Geschlechts erreicht wird, während von den fünf australischen Arten eine nach Süden bis zum nördlichen Neu-Süd-Wales vordringt, also als einzige in der Gattung den Wendekreis überschreitet. Es hat mich eigentlich überrascht, dasz das Genus, welches in Papuasien eine so hohe Entwicklung und groszen Formenreichtum erlangt hat, in Mikronesien nur in einer Art nachgewiesen wurde. Ich halte es für wahrscheinlich, dasz das Gebiet mehrere Arten besitzt. Eiazige Art im Gebiete. .………………………………….1. H. Schneei Schltr. 1. H. Schneei Schltr. n. sp. Suffrutex ramosus, alte scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes glabri. Folia patentia vel erecto-patentia, petiolata, elliptica, acuminata, basi cuneata, coriacea, glabra, superne lucida. Cymi axillares, umbelliformes, multiflori pro genere gracilius pedunculati; bracteis minutis deltoideis, pedicellis filiformibus, glabris, pedunculo bene brevioribus. Flores in genere mediocres, fide collectorum albi. Calyx usque ad basin 5-partitus, parvulus, segmentis ovatis, obtusiusculis, margine minute ciliatis, caeterum glabris. Corolla rotata, usque ad medium fere 5-loba, lobis triangulo-ovatis, superne dense papilloso-puberulis, basin versus papillosis vel glabratis; Coronae foliola patentia, subhorizontalia superne medio levissime concavula cum gibbo obscuro infra apicem circuitu ovata in rostrum breve subulatum obtusiusculum in stigmatis caput apice incumbens producta, dorso obtusa, lateribus incrassato-rotundati, apice quam anthera paululo breviora. Anthera trapezoidea generis, appendice hyalina oblongo-ovata, obtusa. Pollinia plana oblique oblongoidea extus tenuiter marginata, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo, basi versus paulo angustato, quam pollinia fere 3-plo breviore. Stigmatis caput circuitu acute pentagonum, depressum; medio apice gibbo brevi obtuso donatum. Ein wahrscheinlich eipiphytischer oder halbephytischer Schlingstrauch mit fadenfadenförmingen bis 6 m langen Zweigen. Blätter 511 cm lang, etwa in der Mitte 34.5 cm breit, am 71o mm langen Stielen. Blütenstande 3—3.5 cm 1angen Stielen. Blütenstielcher 22.5 cm lang. Blüten etwa 1.71.8 cm Durchmesser, weisz oder grünlichweisz. Kelchsegmente etwa 2 mm lang. Korolla radförmig ausgebreitet, vom Grunde bis zur Spitze der Lappen 9 mm lang. Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande etwa 3.5 mm lang. Karolinen: Ponape (Dr. Schnee. — Blühend im Jahre 1909); an dem Wege mach dem Badeplatz bei der Station, auf Ponape (Ch. Gibbons n. 1044. Blühend im August 1911); in niedrigem Buschwald, am Tol, auf Ponape (C. Lederman n. 13262.— Blühend im November 1913); ohne nähere Angaben, auf Ponape (C. Ledermann u 13300a, 13384,
13484a, 13710a. — Blühend und fruchtend im November-Dezember 1913). Die Art ist mit H. ischnopus Schltr. von Papasien verwandt aber durch die besonders nach dem Rande zu dichtere und langere Behaarung der Krollazipfel und etwas groszere Blüte leicht zu underscheiden. Nach Gibbon’s Angaben heiszt die Pflanze auf Ponape chakchak. Einige Examplare Ledermann’s haben ausgewachsene Früchte. Diese sind wie bei allen Arten dieser Verandtschaft sehr schlank und dunnspindelformig, hier 1518 cm lang in der Mitte 56 mm im Durchmesser. Translation: see below under Dr. Schlechter’s hoya Species.
Other literature: In Bishop Museum Bulletin 209 (1935) 91. S. F. Glassman “Florae of Ponape”. Hoya schneei Schltr., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 56: 567-568, 1921.—Kanehira, Dept. Agric. Kyushu Imp. Univ., Jour. 4:398, 1935.—Hosokawa, Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, Trans. 33:121, 1943. Colonia, Aug.8, 1929, Kanehira 658 (NY), epiphyte; same data, July l931, Kanehira 1569 (BM, NY), Mt. Tamatamansakir, 500 ft., June 23, 1949, Glassman 2332 (US), climbing; Mt. Seletereh, 2,000 ft., rain forest, July 28, 1949, Glassman 2749 (US), flowers white, milky juice, abundant. Native name, takituk. Leaves of this species are employed in the treatment of gonorrhea. Endemic. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. schneei Schlechter (Gibbons 1044; Ledermann 13262, 13300A, 13384, 13484a, 13710a; Schnee s. n. – 17. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 146-148. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya schneei Schlechter. A branched half shrub, high climbing, with branches threadlike, flexible ,loosely leaved, round, glabrous, leaves spreading or erect outspread, petiolate, elliptic, acuminate, with a wedge shaped base, leathery glabrous, above lucid, with cymes axillary, shaped like umbels, many flowered as a genus slenderly pedunculate; with minute triangular bracts, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous, peduncle very short. Flowers in general midsize, according to the collector white. Calyx 5 parted all the way to the base, very small, segments ovate, somewhat obtuse, margin minutely ciliate, center glabrous. Corolla rotate, 5 lobed all the way to the middle, lobes triangular-ovate, above densely papillose-puberulous, towards the base papillose or glabrous, with the lobes of the corona spreading, somewhat horizontal, above the middle slightly concave, with an obscure raised hump below the apex, nearly ovate, towards the beak awl shaped, a little obtuse, projected over the top of the apex of the stigma head, back obtuse, sides thickened, rounded, much shorter than the apex of the anther. Anthers generally trapezoidal, appendage hyaline, oblong-ovate obtuse. Pollinia flat, obliquely oblongovate, outside thinly marginate, translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid, narrowing
toward the base, 3 times shorter than the pollinia, with the head of the stigma pentagonally circular acute, depressed with a hump in the center of the apex, briefly obtuse. A likely epiphyte or half epiphytic twining climber, threadlike as long a 6 meters. Leaves 8-11 cm. long, near the middle 3-4.5 cm. wide, petiole close to 7-10 mm. Peduncle at 3-4-3.5 cm. long,. Pedicels 2-2.5 cm. long. Flowers about 1.7-1.8 cm. in diameter, white or greenish white. Calyx segments about 2 mm. long. Corolla somewhat rotate, from the base to the tip the lobes are 9 mm. long. The scales of the corona from the tip to the other end about 3.5 mm long. Karolinea: (Caroline Islands): Ponape (Dr. Schnee - blooming in the year 1909 on the road near the bathhouse near the station by Ponapae (Charles Gibbons #1044 - blooming in August 1914 in the low standing forest near Tol on Ponapae) (C. Ledermann #13262 blooming in November 1913) also near Angaben, on Ponapae (C. Ledermann #13300a, 13384, 13384 a, 12710a - blooming and fruiting in November- December 1913. This species is related to H. ischnopus Schlechter from Papuasia (New Guinea) but distinguished from the other through the margin of the thicker and longer hairs on the corolla and the somewhat slightly larger blooms. After being given "The Plants of Ponapae. "checklist" One specimen of Ledermann's has a fruit from a living plant. This is as from all the other species, very narrow and spindle shaped, here 15-18 cm. long and near the middle 5-6 mm. in diameter. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1921 Botanische Jahrbücher V.56 p.567-568.
Herbarium sheets:
Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schltr. Hoya schneei Schlechter
Ponope Is. Ponope Is. Type Ponope Is. Ponope Is. Ponope Is. Ponape Is. Ponope Is. Ponope Is. Ponope Is. Yap Trail to Infu SE Yap
13384 13710a 1044 13710 13262 1569 13484a 3300 422
1909 1913 1911 1913 1913
Ledermann Schnee (B) Ledermann Gibbons Ledermann Ledermann
Ledermann Ledermann 1965 Not this species KLU
Picture by Ann Wayman, Central Point, Oregon. “A small growing species with dark green, rather thin leaves. This plant cascades beautifully or the stems can be wrapped around the plant to keep it in bounds”.
Hoya schneei Schlechter, 1921, Type sn. (B)
Hoya schneei Schlechter, 1921, # 5398 (GUAM)
Hoya schneei Schlechter, 1921, # 5398 (GUAM)
Hoya schneei Schlechter #1569 (NY) Not the type as stated below. Not sure Identification is correct. RDK.
Hoya schneei Schlechter # 1569 (US)
Hoya sororia Schumann 1905 Type description: In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee (1905) 365366. K. Schumann & K Lauterbach. Diejenige Pflanze, welche Warburg als H. Rumphii Bl. beschrieben hat, ist mit ihr nahe verwandt. Sie unterscheidet sich aber durch noch schmälere und noch längere (1 cm lang) gestielte Blätter von 56 cm lang und 1 cm Breit. Der Blütenstand wird von einem bis 8.5 cm langen Stiel getragen; die Achse wird bis 1.2 cm lang und is über noch einmal so dick als dieser. Die Stielchen sind stets länger, als bei H. rosea; die korolle ist etwas kleiner und tiefer geteilt und innenseits länger papillös. Von wesentlicher Verschiedenheit ist gas Gynosteg. Es ist höher und deutlich kegelförmig; die Koronaschuppen sind deutlich zweiteilig, unter dem stumpfen radialen Hauptkörper tritt ein längerer, schwazförmiger, tief zweispaltiger Lappen hervor. Ich nomme die Art H. sororia K. Sch. Beide Arten haben mit H. Rumphii Bl. die wir ans der Rumphiusschen Tafel (Herb. amb. V, t. 175, fig. 2) kennen, nichts gemein. Die sehr zahlreichen Blüten von dunkel purpurroter Farbe in der Dolde, welche auf einem sehr kruzen Stele steht, sowie die Form der breiteren kurz zugespitzten, am Grunde aberundeten Blätter unterscheiden sie sogleich. Translation: The plant which Warburg described as Hoya rumphii Blume is distinguished, however, by more narrow and longer (1 cm. long) petioled leaves of 5 to 6 cm long and 1 cm wide. The inflorescence is borne by a 8.5 cm long peduncle; the axis is up to 1.2 cm long and is further over one times as thick as this one. The peduncles are much larger, than with Hoya rosea; the corolla is somewhat smaller and deeply divided and the interior has longer hairs. Am essential difference seems to be the gynostegium. It is taller and clearly bell shaped; the corona scales are clearly in two parts, under the stubby radial main body occurs a longer tail shaped, deeply divided lobe. I name this species Hoya sororia K. Schumann. Both species have nothing in common with Hoya Rumphii Blume, with which we are acquainted from the Rumphian chart (Herbarium Amboin 5, t 175 figure 2). The very numerous flowers of dark purple color in the umbel, which is on a very short peduncle, as well as the form in the broader and shorter acuminate leaves that are rounder at the base, distinguishes them immediately. Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 118. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea" R. Schlechter. 51. Hoya sororia, K. Schum. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Nactr. (1905) p. 366 in obs. H. Rumphii Warb. in Engl. Jahrb. V. XIII (1890) p. 409. (nec. Bl.). Bismark-Archipel: Neu-Pommern, auf Bäumen am. Strande bei-} Ralum (F. Dahl); Neu-Lauenburg-Gruppe, auf der Insel Ulu (O. Warburg). Auch diese Art habe ich im Berliner Herbarium nicht finden können (Es sollte mich nicht wundern, wenn sie sick als identisch erweist mit H. papillantha K. Schum.)
Translation: ( under doubtful species).#51. Hoya sororia K. Schum. in K. Schumann & Lauterbach Nachtrage zur Flora Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee (1905), page 366 in observation.H. rumphii Warb; in Engler's Botanical Yearbook Volume 13 (1890), page 409 (not Blume’s) Bismark-Archipelago: New Pomeriana, (now New Britain) on trees on the seashore at Ralum (F. Dahl); New Lauenburg-Group, on the island of Ulu, (O. Warburg). Also, I have been unable to find this species in the Berlin Herbarium. I would not be surprised if it proves to be identical with H. papillantha K. Schumann. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 101. R. D. Kloppenburg. 51. Hoya sororia K. Schumann in K. Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) 366. In observation. H. rumphii Warburg in Engl. Jahrb. (1890_ 409 (not Blume). Bismarck-Archipelago: New Britain, on trees on the beach by Ralum (F. Dahl); New Lauenburg Group, on island of Ulu. (O. Warburg). Also this species I have not been able to find in the Berlin Herbarium. (I would not be surprised, if it were identical with H. papillantha K. Schumann). In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. sororia Schumann – 15.
Hoya siamaca Craib 1911 Type description: In Kew Bulletin (1911) 419. Craib. Hoya siamaca Craib sp. n., ab H. longifolia, Wall., foliis latioribus hand in petiolos attenuatis, corona majore suberecta recedit. Folia lanceolata, oblongo-lanceolata vel ovato-lanceolata, apice acutiuscula, basi obtuse, 3.7-9.5 cm. longa, 1.5-2.2 cm. lata, utrinque glabra, margine leviter recurvo, sicco coriacea, nervis omnino obscuris; petioli 0.5-1.5 cm. longi, glabri. Umbellae 10-14 florae, pedunculo 1-5 cm. longo glabro suffultae; pedicelli 2 cm. longi, glabri. Sepala parva, ovato-lanceolata, acute, prime densius puberula. Corolla usque ad 1.5 cm. diametro, extra glabra, intra loborum apicibus acutis exceptis et praesertim marginem versus puberula. Coronae lobi suberecti, supra concavi sed medio umbone instructi, 3-3.5 mm. longi. Chiengmai, in evergreen jungle on Doi Sootep, 1500-1650 m., Kerr, 724. Translation: near H. longifolia Wallich. Leaves wider, not at all attenuate towards the petioles, corona larger somewhat erect and drawn back. Leaves lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate lanceolate, apexes somewhat acute, bases obtuse, 3.7 to 9.5 cm. long, by 1.5 to 22 cm. wide, both sides glabrous, margins lightly recurved, when dried leathery, nerves entirely obscure; petioles 0.5 to 1.5 cm. long, glabrous. Umbels of 10 to 14 flowers, peduncles 1 to 5 cm long, glabrous, subtended; pedicels 2 cm long, glabrous. Sepals small ovate-lanceolate, acute, at first densely puberulous. Corolla up to 1.5 cm in diameter, outside glabrous, inside puberulous, except the acute lobes and especially towards the margins. Lobes of the corona somewhat erect, above very concave, with a boss in the middle, 3 to 3.5 mm long. Other literature: In Aberdeen University Studies (0000) 135. "The Flora of Siam” A duplicate of the Kew Bulletin article except for a reference to that article. In Florae General Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 133. J. Constantin (M. H. Lecomte) 8. H. siamica Craib, in Kew Bull., 1911 p. 419. Feuilles lanceolees, oblongues-lanceolees ou ovales-lanceolees, assez aigues au sommet, obtuses a la base, glabres sur les 2 faces, coriaces a l'etat sec; nervures peu visibles; limbe long de 3.7-9.5 cm. sur 15-22 mm; petiole long de 5-15 mm., glabre. Inflorescences en ombelle a 10-14 fleurs; pedoncule glabre, long de 1-5 cm.; pedicelles longs de 2 cm., puberulents.—Calice a sepales petite, ovales-lanceoles, aigus, au debut densement puberulents. Corolle a jusqu'a 15 mm. de diametre, glabre en dehors; lobes aigus au sommet. Coronule a lobes presque dresses, concaves par dessus, mais avec une bosse au milieu, longs de 3-3.5S mm. Siam: Xieng-may, sur le Doi Sootep (Kerr). Nervures secondaires peu visibles; feuilles longues de 3.5-9.5 cm.; ombelle multiflore …………………………………………………………….8. H. siamica. Translation: Leaves lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate to oval-lanceolate, rather pointed at apex, obtuse at the base, glabrous on both sides, leathery when dried, nerves not visible;
blade 3.7 to 9.5 cm. long by 15 to 22 mm.; petiole 5 to 15 mm. long, glabrous. Inflorescence umbels of 10 to 14 flowers, peduncle 1 to 5 cm. long glabrous; pedicels to 2 cm. long, puberulous. Calyx, sepals small, oval-lanceolate, pointed, densely puberulous. Corolla up to 15 mm. in diameter, glabrous on the outside; lobes pointed at the apex. Corona lobes nearly concave above with a boss in the middle, 3 to 3.5 mm. long. Siam: Xieng-may, on the Doi Sootep (Kerr). Secondary nerves little visible; leaves 3.5-9.5 cm long.; Umbels e multiflowered……………………………….8. H. siamica. In Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 3 (1951) 42. Hoya siamica Craib in Kew Bull. 1911, 419; F. I. C. iv. 133. Craib I 419 et ii 135. Payap. Doi Chiengdao, c. 1500m, dense evergreen Kerr 5610! Doi Sutep, 15001650m., evergreen forest, Kerr 724 (type). Udawn. Dan Sai , Pu Lomm Lo, 1600m, evergreen Kerr 5783! Chantaburi. Krat, Kao Kuap, Put 2990! Rachaburi. Prachuap, Kao Luang, c. 1000m., evergreen Kerr 11007! This species differs from the related Hoya longifolia Wall. in its larger flowers and thicker corona. In The Taxonomy and Phytochemistry of the Asclepiadaceae in Tropical Asia (1995) 92. “The Genus Hoya in Thailand” O. Thaithong. 31. H. siamica Craib Kew Bull. (1911) 419. FIC 4 (1912) 133: Fl. Siam. Enum. 3 (1951) 42. Occurrence: (N): Chaing Mai. (NE): Loei. (E): Nakhon Ratchasima. (SE): Chanthaburi. (PEN): Nakhon Si Thammarat. Notes: Slender climber, leaves fleshy, midrib and veins furrowed, usually dark green and shining above, paler or glaucous green below; flower about 1.4 cm dia. when fully expanded; corolla white, pubescent inside, margin of lobes slightly recurved; corona purple, darker purple towards inner end, coronal scales ovate. This is wrong as the corolla inside is pubescent.
Comments via David Liddle: Hoya siamica is still a bit of an enigma to me. Although we collected from the same areas as the type collection, and surrounding areas, you can not be sure whether the material is H. siamica or a form of H. longifolia. The plant we saw is very variable and although some clones bear only superficial resemblance to longifolia others had very long thin leaves, up to 17 cm. long by *20 cm. wide, but the plants were not fertile and Craib's description seemed to indicate few differences to what we call H. longifolia. * he must have meant 2 cm.
Hoya silvatica Tsiang et P. T. Li 1974 Type description: In Acta Phytotaxanomica 12/1 (1974) 125. J. Tsiang & P. T. Li. 7. (followed by 3 lines of Chinese script). Hoya silvatica Tsiang et P. T. Li, sp. nov. Ab H. lyi Lev. distincta nervis lateralibus subtus prominentibus foliis subtus pubescentibus instructis et pedicellis 33.5 cm longis. Frutex epiphyticus supra arborem radicans praeter partes juniores folia subtus et corollam intus glaber, ramulis cineraceis bifariam pubescentibus 2 mm diametro. Folia chartaceo-carnosula elliptica v. elliptico-oblonga superne fere glabra et inferne pubes centia ad nervos densiora 811 cm longa 2.54 cm lata apice breviter acuminata basi cuneata, costa nervisque subtus leviter elevatis eis lateralibus 7—10 jugis ac, venulis conspicue reticulatis supra petiolum 23 glandulifera, petiolis 1—3 cm longis, pubescentibus. Cymae desunt in typo, pedicellis glabris 3—3.5 cm longis, calice glabro, corolla alba 1 cm diametro, angulo posteriore coronae loborum acuto, characteribus ceteris Sectionis Hoyae Verae. Yunnan: Gung-Shan, alt. 2000 m, under forest, vine, fls. white, XI 1935, C. W. Wang 66906 (Typus! in Herb. Inst. Bot. Kwangtung, servatus). Translation: Distinct from Hoya lyi Leveille lateral nerves prominent below leaves below pubescent and pedicels 3 to 3.5 cm long. Epiphytic shrub rooting in trees, glabrous except for juvenile leaves and corolla inside, branches yellowish, in two rows pubescent 2 mm in diameter. Leaves papery to fleshy elliptic or elliptic-oblong above almost glabrous and beneath pubescent, dense near to the nerves, 8 to 11 cm long by 2.5 to 4 cm wide, apexes shortly acuminate bases cuneate, costa below lightly elevate, lateral nerves 7 to 10 pairs with veins conspicuously reticulate 2 or 3 glands above petiole, petiole 1 to 3 cm long, pubescent. Cyme missing, pedicels glabrous 3 to 3.5 cm long, calyx glabrous, corolla white 1 cm in diameter, outer angle of the corona lobes acute, characteristic otherwise for the Section Hoya Vera. Other literature: In Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae 63 (1977) 486. 15. ………Script. Hoya silvatica Tsiang et P. T. Li in Acta Phytotax. Sin 12: 125. (1974). (followed by paragraph of Chinese script with dimensions).
Hoya sogeriensis Moore 1913 Type description: In Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 52 (1913) 293. S. Moore “Plantae Novae Papauanae”. Hoya ( Eu-Hoya) sogeriensis, sp. nov. Planta scandens, caule satis valido folioso interdum radicante, foliis per rata magnis ellipticis vel elliptico-oblongis breviter acuminatis apice obtusis basi obtusis 5-nervibus carnoso-coriaceis glabris petiolis sat longis incrassatis insidentibus, pedunculis robustis foliis multoties brevioribus, umbellis circa 20-floris, pedicellis tenuibus pedunculo saepissime brevioribus et pedunculis omnino glabris, calycis parvuli segmentis ovatis obtusis glabris, corolla, mediocri rotate ultra medium divisa lobis rhombeo-ovatis acutis recurvis intus prope basin glabris alibi minuto papillosis, coronae phyllis horizontalibus apice (interne) obtusis superne ovatis medio concavis postice acutis lateribus oblongis crassiusculis, antherarum alis optime prominentibus, polliniis oblongo-pyriformibus apice obtusissimis, glandula ovata caudiculas teneras duplo excedente. British New Guinea, Mt. Sogere, 1750-2000 ft.; H. O. Forbes, sine no. Caulis saepius 2-3 mm. diam., nonnunquam usque, ad 4 mm. Folia pleraque 10-16 x 3-4 cm., in sicco viridi-grisea; nervi utrinque eminentes; petioli 1-2 cm. long., superne canaliculati, summum 5-6 mm. diam., saepissime vero tenuiores. Pedunculi 2-4 cm long.; pedicelli 17 mm. Flores pedicellique purpurei. Calycis segmenta aegre 2 mm. long. Corolla circa 12 mm. diam.; lobi 4.5-5 x 5 mm. Coronae phylla (sensu radiato) 4 mm. long., superne 2 mm. lat. Pollinia .6 mm., glandula .25 mm. long. Judging from the description, this should be placed next H. marginata Schlechter, which, inter alia, has larger and broader acuminate leaves and a corona diverse in some respects. Translation: Climbing plant, stalks moderately to strongly foliate sometimes rooting, leaves relatively large elliptic or elliptic-oblong shortly acuminate apex obtuse bases obtuse 5-nerved fleshy-leathery glabrous setting upon moderately long thickened petioles, peduncles strong much shorter than the leaves, umbels of about 20 flowers, pedicels thin very often shorter than peduncle, both entirely glabrous, calyx small, segments ovate obtuse glabrous, corolla middle sized rotate divided beyond the middle, lobes rhomboid-ovate acute recurved inside near base glabrous elsewhere minutely papillose, leaflets of the corona horizontal, (inner) apex obtuse ovate above middle concave outer apex acute sides oblongly thickened, anther extremely prominent, pollinia oblong-pear shaped, with very obtuse apexes, glands ovate caudicles delicate twice longer. British New Guinea, Mt. Sogere, 1700 to 2000 ft.; H. O. Forbes without number. Stalks frequently 2 to 3 mm in diameter, sometimes up to 4 mm. Leaves for the most part 10 to 16 by 3 to 4 cm, when dried greenish-gray; nerves on both sides projecting out; petioles 1 to 2 cm long, channeled above, at the top 5 to 6 mm in diameter, most frequently, in truth, thinner. Peduncles 2 to 4 cm long; pedicels 17 mm. Flowers and pedicels purplish. Calyx segments scarcely 2 mm long. Corolla about 12 mm in diameter; lobes 4.5 to 5 by 5 mm. Leaflets of the corona (appear radial) 4 mm long, above 2 mm wide. Pollinia .6 mm, gland .25 mm long.
Hoya sororia Schumann 1905 Type description: In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee (1905) 365366. K. Schumann & K Lauterbach. Diejenige Pflanze, welche Warburg als H. Rumphii Bl. beschrieben hat, ist mit ihr nahe verwandt. Sie unterscheidet sich aber durch noch schmälere und noch längere (1 cm lang) gestielte Blätter von 56 cm lang und 1 cm Breit. Der Blütenstand wird von einem bis 8.5 cm langen Stiel getragen; die Achse wird bis 1.2 cm lang und is über noch einmal so dick als dieser. Die Stielchen sind stets länger, als bei H. rosea; die korolle ist etwas kleiner und tiefer geteilt und innenseits länger papillös. Von wesentlicher Verschiedenheit ist gas Gynosteg. Es ist höher und deutlich kegelförmig; die Koronaschuppen sind deutlich zweiteilig, unter dem stumpfen radialen Hauptkörper tritt ein längerer, schwazförmiger, tief zweispaltiger Lappen hervor. Ich nomme die Art H. sororia K. Sch. Beide Arten haben mit H. Rumphii Bl. die wir ans der Rumphiusschen Tafel (Herb. amb. V, t. 175, fig. 2) kennen, nichts gemein. Die sehr zahlreichen Blüten von dunkel purpurroter Farbe in der Dolde, welche auf einem sehr kruzen Stele steht, sowie die Form der breiteren kurz zugespitzten, am Grunde aberundeten Blätter unterscheiden sie sogleich. Translation: The plant which Warburg described as Hoya rumphii Blume is distinguished, however, by more narrow and longer (1 cm. long) petioled leaves of 5 to 6 cm long and 1 cm wide. The inflorescence is borne by a 8.5 cm long peduncle; the axis is up to 1.2 cm long and is further over one times as thick as this one. The peduncles are much larger, than with Hoya rosea; the corolla is somewhat smaller and deeply divided and the interior has longer hairs. Am essential difference seems to be the gynostegium. It is taller and clearly bell shaped; the corona scales are clearly in two parts, under the stubby radial main body occurs a longer tail shaped, deeply divided lobe. I name this species Hoya sororia K. Schumann. Both species have nothing in common with Hoya Rumphii Blume, with which we are acquainted from the Rumphian chart (Herbarium Amboin 5, t 175 figure 2). The very numerous flowers of dark purple color in the umbel, which is on a very short peduncle, as well as the form in the broader and shorter acuminate leaves that are rounder at the base, distinguishes them immediately. Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 118. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea" R. Schlechter. 51. Hoya sororia, K. Schum. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Nactr. (1905) p. 366 in obs. H. Rumphii Warb. in Engl. Jahrb. V. XIII (1890) p. 409. (nec. Bl.). Bismark-Archipel: Neu-Pommern, auf Bäumen am. Strande bei-} Ralum (F. Dahl); Neu-Lauenburg-Gruppe, auf der Insel Ulu (O. Warburg). Auch diese Art habe ich im Berliner Herbarium nicht finden können (Es sollte mich nicht wundern, wenn sie sick als identisch erweist mit H. papillantha K. Schum.)
Translation: ( under doubtful species).#51. Hoya sororia K. Schum. in K. Schumann & Lauterbach Nachtrage zur Flora Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee (1905), page 366 in observation.H. rumphii Warb; in Engler's Botanical Yearbook Volume 13 (1890), page 409 (not Blume’s) Bismark-Archipelago: New Pomeriana, (now New Britain) on trees on the seashore at Ralum (F. Dahl); New Lauenburg-Group, on the island of Ulu, (O. Warburg). Also, I have been unable to find this species in the Berlin Herbarium. I would not be surprised if it proves to be identical with H. papillantha K. Schumann. In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 101. R. D. Kloppenburg. 51. Hoya sororia K. Schumann in K. Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) 366. In observation. H. rumphii Warburg in Engl. Jahrb. (1890_ 409 (not Blume). Bismarck-Archipelago: New Britain, on trees on the beach by Ralum (F. Dahl); New Lauenburg Group, on island of Ulu. (O. Warburg). Also this species I have not been able to find in the Berlin Herbarium. (I would not be surprised, if it were identical with H. papillantha K. Schumann). In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. sororia Schumann – 15.
Hoya speciosa Decaisne 1844 Type description: In Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 634. Decaisne (DeCandolle’s). 1. Hoya speciosa, foliis latiusculis ovatis v. ovato-ellipticis basi rotundatis apice breviter acuminatis marginibus anguste revolutis utrinque g1abris petiolatis, sepalis ovatorotundis submembranaceis, corolla maxima, laciniis late triangularibus planiusculis introrsum papilloso-velutinis, coronae stam. foliolis subdepressis parte externa; suborbiculari angulo interiore obtuso stigmati umbilicato incumbente. Flores centimetr. 4 lati, speciosi. Aff. Coronae Ariadnes punicieae Rumphia qua floribus introrsum papilloso-velutinis nec nitidis differt. Woody Shrub in Amboina (La Billardiere). (v. s. h. Mus. par, ex dono cl. Webb.) Translation: leaves very broad ovate or ovate-elliptic with the base rounded apex shortly acuminate margins narrowly revolute both sides glabrous petiolate, sepals ovate-rounded somewhat membranaceous, with large corolla, flaps broad triangular very flat inside papilose-silky, leaflets of the staminal corona with the exterior part somewhat depressed, interior angle somewhat orbicular obtuse incumbent upon the stigma. Flowers 4 cm. broad showy. Allied to Hoya corona Ariadna punicea Rumphia from which it differs by the inside of the flowers papilose-velvety not shinny.
Hoya stenophylla Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 130. “Die Asclepiadeen of Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 37. H. stenophylla Schltr. n. sp. — Suffrutex epiphyticus, ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, elongati, flexuosi, bene foliati, teretes, minute puberuli. Folia patentia vel patula, breviter petiolata, anguste 1inearia, apiculata, basi rotundata, marginibus vulgo recurvulis, coriacea, utrinque glabra, petiolo puberulo, brevi, superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae graciliter pedunculatae, umbelliformes, c. 10-florae, pedunculo subfiliformi, minutissime puberulo, pedicellis filiformibus, glabris. Flores in sectione vix inter mediocres, pulchelli. Calyx parvulus, foliolis lanceolatis, obtusiusculis, glabris, quam corolla multoties brevioribus. Corolla late campanulata, usque supra medium 5-flda, utrinque glabra, lobis ovato-triangulis, subacuminatis, margine minute ciliatis. Coronae foliola patentia, subhorizontalia, superne oblonga, apice triangulo subacuminato brevi, extus obtusa, subtus latifoveata. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, translatoribus brevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo parvulo. Ein eleganter, zierlicher, epiphytischer Schlinger mit fadenförmigen, gut beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter schmal linealisch, 6—8 cm lang, in der Mitte 3.5—4.5 mm breit, Blattstiele 2—3 mm lang. Blütenstände doldig, ca. 10-blülig, auf sehr dünnem, schlankem, etwa 6.5 cm langem Stiel. Blütenstiele fadenförmig, kahl, ca. 2 cm lang, Kelch sehr klein, Blättchen ca. 1.5 mm lang. Korolla ausgebreitet ca. 2.3 cm im Durchmesser. Konaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande kaum 3 mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Torricelli-Gebirges, ca. 800 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 20066. —Blühend im September 1909). Unter den Arten des Gebietes hat diese neben H. wariana Schltr. die schmälsten Blätter. In den Blüten steht sie den drei oben beschriebenen am nächsten, zeichnet sich aber durch die nur am Rande sehr kurz bewimperten sonst kahlen Korollalappen aus. Die Blütenfärbung ist hell kreme-gelb, nach der Basis der Korolla hellrosa. Translation: see below under Hoyas of North Eastern New Guinea. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 49-50. R. D. Kloppenburg (Translation of Die Asclepiadeen of Deutsch Neu Guinea by R. Schlechter). 37. Hoya stenophylla Schlechter n. sp. - A climbing, branched epiphytic half shrub. Branches threadlike, elongated, flexible, densely leaved, round, minutely puberulous. Leaves spread or outspread, briefly petioled, narrowly linear, base rounded, margins commonly recurved, leathery, both sides glabrous, with the petiole pubescent, short, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences thinly pedunculate, umbel-like, about 10 flowered, peduncle somewhat threadlike, very minutely puberulous, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flowers in the section medium sized, beautiful and little. Calyx very small, with the leaflets (lobes) lanceolate, somewhat obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, 5 parted to above the
middle, both sides glabrous, lobes ovate-triangular somewhat acuminate, margins minutely ciliate. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading almost horizontal, above oblong, apex (tip) triangular, somewhat shortly acuminate, outside obtuse, below broadly grooved. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators short, retinaculum rhomboid, small. An elegant ornamental epiphytic clinging vine with threadlike, well leaved branches. Leaves narrowly linear, 6-8 cm. long, in the middle 3.5-4.5 mm. wide. Petiole 2-3 mm. long. Inflorescences in umbels about 10 flowered, on a very thin slender peduncle. Pedicels threadlike, bare, about 2 cm. long. Calyx very small, lobes about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla extended about 2.3 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the apex to the outer edge, barely 3 mm long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 meters altitude (Schlechter #20066 - Blooming in September 1909). Among the species of the area, this one along with H. wariana Schlechter has the narrowest leaves. In respect to the bloom it is closest to the above described, moreover delineated through the very short ciliation on the margins of the corolla lobes, but otherwise bare. The flower is light cream-yellow, towards the base of the corolla light rose. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. stenophylla Schlechter (Schlechter 20066) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 151-152. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya stenophylla Schlechter. A climbing branched epiphytic half shrub. Branches threadlike, elongated, flexible, briefly petioled, narrowly linear, base rounded, margins commonly recurved, leathery, both sides glabrous, with the petiole pubescent, short, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences thinly pedunculate, umbel like, about 10 flowered, peduncle somewhat threadlike, very minutely puberulous, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous, densely leaved, round, minutely puberulous. Leaves spreading or outspread. Flowers in the section medium sized, beautiful and little. Calyx very small, with the lobes lanceolate, somewhat obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, 5 parted to above the middle, both sides glabrous, lobes ovate-triangular, somewhat acuminate, margins minutely ciliate. Scales of the corona spreading almost horizontal, above oblong, apex triangular, somewhat shortly acuminate, outside obtuse, below broadly grooved. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators short, retinaculum rhomboid, small. An elegant ornamental epiphytic clinging vine with threadlike, well leaved branches. Leaves narrowly linear, 6-8 cm. long, in the middle 3.5-4.5 mm. wide. Petiole 2-3 mm. long. Inflorescences in umbels about 10 flowered, on a very thin slender peduncle. Pedicels threadlike, bare, about 2 cm. long. Calyx very small, lobes about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla extended about 2.3 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the apex to the outer edge, barely 3 mm long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 meters altitude (Schlechter #20066 - Blooming in September 1909). Among the species of the area, this one along with H. wariana Schlechter has the narrowest
leaves. In respect to the bloom it is closest to the above described, moreover delineated through the very short ciliation on the margins of the corolla lobes, but otherwise bare. The flower is light cream-yellow, towards the base of the corolla light rose. Published by Dr. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.130, "Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya stenophylla Schlechter, 1913, Type # 20066 (B)
Hoya subcalva Burkill 1901 Type description: Eriostemma ? In Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (1901) 141. Burkill. 337. Hoya subca1va, Burkill [Asclepiadaceae]; ex afflnitate H. purpureae, Blume, et H. Guppyi, Oliv., ab una coronae radiis elongatis, ab altera petalis subcalvis, ab utraque foliis tenuioribus differt. Folia ovato-elliptica, brevissime acuminata, basi rotundata, 44.5 poll. longa, 2-2.5 poll. lata, glabra, nervis utrinque sat conspicuis; petiolus 6-10 lin. longus. Inflorescentiae umbellatae, 8 - l0-florae; pedunculus et pedicelli ad 1 ½ poll. longi, glabri. Sepala subtriangularia, ½ lin. longa. Corolla ad medium divisa, 10 - 14 lin. lata dorsa glabra, intus praecipue ad margines minutissime pustulata nec pilosa; segmenta anguste triangularia, acuta. Coronae radii 2 ½-3 lin. longi, medio vix 1 lin. lati, nitentes. New Guinea. Kaiser-Wilhelms Land Hollrung, 28. Solomon Islands. In a collection chiefly from New Georgia, Officers of H. M. S. "Penguin." The specimen collected in New Guinea was sent to Kew under the name of H. purpurea, Blume. Translation: it differs from the near H. purpurea, Blume, and H. guppyi, Oliver, it differs from the other by the elongated radial corona, petals being almost bald, by leaves both being thinner. Leaves ovate-elliptic, very shortly acuminate, bases rounded, 4 to 4.5 inches long 2 to 2.5 inches wide, glabrous, nerves on both sides moderately conspicuous; petioles 6 to 10 lines long. Inflorescence umbellate, of 8 to 10 flowers; peduncle, and pedicels to 1.5 inches long, glabrous; Sepals almost triangular, ½ line long. Corolla divided to middle 10 to 14 lines wide, back glabrous, inside chiefly near the margins very shortly pustulate, not pilose; segments narrowly triangular, acute. Rays of the corona 2.5 to 3 lines long, in the middle scarcely 1 line wide, shining. Other literature: In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee (1905) 366. K. Schumann & K. Lauterbach. H. subcalva Bwck. In Kew Bull. 1901, p. 141.H. purpurea K. Sch. Fl. deutsch-ostas. Schutzgeb, 216, non Bl. Kaiser-Wilhemsland: Ohne bestimmten Standort (Hollrung n. 28 (?)). Solomonsinseln: New Georgia (Offiziere der Penguin). Ist endemisch. Hollrung hat unter n. 28 keine Hoya gesammelt, vielleicht soll die n. 258 gelesen werden, die schon unter dem Namen H. megalaster Warb. aufgeführt wurde. Translation: Without definite Location (Hollrung n. 28 (?)). Solomon Islands: New Georgia (Officers of the Penguin). It is endemic. Hollrung had collected a Hoya under n. 28, perhaps under continuing reading the n. 258 might become (the correct number), the beauty might be found under the name H. megalaster Warburg.
In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. subcalva Burkill – 33.
Hoya subglabra Schlechter 1913 Type description:
In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 119. R. Schlechter. Hoya subglabra Schltr. n. sp. Suffrutex ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, elongati, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia patentia vel patula, petiolata, elliptica, acuminata, textura tenuiter coriacea, utrinque glabra, petiolo glabro superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes, 1015 florae, gracillime pedunculatae, pedunculo pedicellisque filiformibus glabris. Flores speciosi, illis H. leucorhodae Schltr. similis et fere aequimagni. Calycis segmenta lanceolato-ovato, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multoties breviora. Corolla rotata usque ad tertiam partem inferiorem 5-fida, extus glabra, intus apices versus subinconspicue papillosa, caeterum glabra, lobis ovatis, acutis. Coronae foliola patentia, superne oblonga, acuminata, medio leviter adscendentia, antheris paulo breviora. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, translatoribus brevibus, retinaculo minuto rhomboideo. Ein zierlicher Schlinger mit fadenförmigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 9 13.5 cm lang, in der Mitte 3.55.5 cm breit, Blattstiele 0.81.5 cm lang. Blütenstände doldig, 1015 blütig, auf sehr schlanken, ca. 78 cm langem Stiel. Blütenstiele fadenförmig, kahl, 33.5 cm lang. Kelchzipfel sehr klein, ca. 2.5 mm lang. Korolla radförmig, ca. 2 mm Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande ca. 3.5 mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wälden am oberen Maijen am Flusze des Finisterre-Gebirges, ca. 450 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 18060.Blühend im Juli 1908). In dieser Art liegt offenbar eine nahe Verwandte der H. leucorhoda Schltr. vor sie ist vor jener gekennzeichnet durch die schmäleren Blätter, die viel schlankeren Stiele der Inflorescenz und der Blüten, die geringe Behaarung der Korolla und die verschiedenen Koronaschuppen. Die Blüten sind ebenfalls weisz mit roter Korona. Translation: see below under The Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea. Other litrature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 49-50. R. D. Kloppenburg (Translation of Die Asclepiadeen of Deutsch Neu Guinea by R. Schlechter). 24. Hoya subglabra Schlechter n. sp. A twining branched half-shrub. Branches threadlike, elongate. loose foliated, round glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, elliptic, acuminate, leathery textured, both sides glabrous, petiole glabrous, lightly grooved above. Inflorescences umbellate (like an umbel), 10-15 flowered, narrowly pedunculate, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous, threadlike. Flowers showy, similar to H. leucorhoda (leucorhodae) Schlechter and almost equal in size. Segments of the calyx lanceolate-ovate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than those of the corolla. Corolla rotate 5-parted as far as a third from the base, outside glabrous, inside with the apices almost inconspicuously papillose, otherwise glabrous, lobes ovate acute. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, oblong above, acuminate, slightly concave in the center, above the middle is a indistinct
hump, outside obtuse, apex slightly ascending, anthers much shorter. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators short, retinaculum minute, rhomboid. A pretty clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches. Leaves 9-13.5 cm. long, in the middle 3.5-5.5 cm. wide. Petioles 0.8-1.5 cm. long. Inflorescences in umbels, 10-15 flowered, on a very slender peduncle about 7-8 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare, 3-3.5 cm. long. Calyx lobes very small, about 2.5 mm. long. Corolla radial, about 2mm. (2 cm.?) in diameter. Corona scales, from the apex to the outer edge about 3.5 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the upper Maijen, at the foot of the Finisterre Mountains, about 450 m. altitude (Schlechter #18060 - Blooming in July 1908). In this species there is an obvious relationship to H. leucorhoda Schlechter. It differs from it by its more narrow leaves (smaller), the much more slender peduncle of the inflorescence and the flower, the lesser pubescence of the corolla and the different corona scales. The flowers are likewise white with a red corona. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. subglabra Schlechter (Schlechter 18060) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 153-154. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya subglabra Schlechter. A twining branched half-shrub. Branches threadlike, elongate. loose foliated, round glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, elliptic, acuminate, leathery textured, both sides glabrous, petiole glabrous, lightly grooved above. Inflorescences umbellate (like an umbel), 10-15 flowered, narrowly pedunculate, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous, threadlike. Flowers showy, similar to H. leucorhoda (leucorhodae) Schlechter and almost equal in size. Segments of the calyx lanceolate-ovate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than those of the corolla. Corolla rotate 5- parted as far as a third from the base, outside glabrous, inside with the apices almost inconspicuously papillose, otherwise glabrous, lobes ovate acute. Scales of the corona spreading, oblong above, acuminate, slightly concave in the center, above the middle is a indistinct hump, outside obtuse, apex slightly ascending, anthers much shorter. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators short, retinaculum minute, rhomboid. A pretty clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches. Leaves 9-13.5 cm. long, in the middle 3.5-5.5 cm. wide. Petioles 0.8-1.5 cm. long. Inflorescences in umbels, 10-15 flowered, on a very slender peduncle about 7-8 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare, 3-3.5 cm. long. Calyx lobes very small, about 2.5 mm. long. Corolla radial, about 2mm. (2 cm.?) in diameter. Corona scales, from the apex to the outer edge about 3.5 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the upper Maijen, at the foot of the Finisterre Mountains, about 450 m. altitude (Schlechter #18060 - Blooming in July 1908). In this species there is an obvious relationship to H. leucorhoda Schlechter. It differs from it by its more narrow leaves (smaller), the much more slender peduncle of the inflorescence and the flower, the lesser pubescence of the corolla and the different corona scales. The flowers are likewise white with a red corona. Published by Dr. R.
Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.119, "Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya subglabra Schlechter, 1913, Type # 18060 (B)
Hoya subglabra Schlechter # 11857 (US)
Hoya subquaterna Miquel 1856 Type description: In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie Bataviae 1 (1856) 525. F. A. W. Miquel. 30. H. subquaterna Miq. Glabra, folia distincte petiolata, opposita passim subquaterno-
approximata, rhombeo-ovata attenuato-acuminata, carnosa avenia, petiolo subpeltatim inserta, 7—4 lin. longa, pedunculi axillares solitarii rigidi patentes bipollicares, apice brevi-bifidulo bracteato floriferi, flores pedicellati.... Java, in Patjitan en Blambangan (Horsf.). Translation: Glabrous, leaves distinctly petiolate, opposite here and there almost shield shaped, rhomboid-ovate attenuate-acuminate, fleshy, veinless, petiole almost peltately inserted, 7-4 lines long, peduncles axillary, solitary, rigid, wide spread 2 inches, apex shortly bifid, bracteate, floriferous, flowers pediceled. Java at Patjitan and Blambangan. Other literature: In Revisio General Plantarum 2 (1891). Otto Kuntze. H. subquaterna Miq. Java: Willis 1500 m. Ich kann bezüglich der Blüthen die mangelhafte Miquel'sche Diagnose leider nicht ergänzen, aber die Art ist sonst bei Vergleichung mit einem Originalexemplar sicher zu erkeunen. Doch kann die Diagnose dabin erweitert werden: Herba ramosissima ab arboribus pendula ½ m longa; folia acuminata acuta vel obtusiuscula plano concava i e. supra plano subtus intra nervos marginales concava siccitate conspicue triplinenvia rugulosa. Ueber die eigenthümlichen. Brillenglas ähnlichen, auf Oberfläche und Unterfläche verschiedenartigen, vertieften oder erhabenen oder planen Blattformen mancher epiphrtischen Apocynaceen, Piperaceen und Cyrtandraceen habe ich schon in meinem Reisewerk: Um die Erde (p. 295; 387) einige Notizen gegeben. Leider lässt sich das im getrockneten Zustande dieser succulenten Pflanze nicht mehr beobachten. Translation: H. subquaterna Miq. Java: Wilis 1500 meters. In reference to the flowers, I cannot add to the incomplete diagnosis of Miquel, but the species is to be recognized for sure in the comparison with the original specimen. But the diagnosis can be extended to: A much branched perennial, pendulous from the trees - ½ m. long; leaves acuminate acute or somewhat obtusely flattened concave i.e. above plane, below between the margins of the nerves concave, when dry somewhat wrinkled conspicuously triplinerved, rugulosa. On account of this characteristic, similar to brilliant glass, on the surface and the undersurface very different in nature, deepened or sublime or a plane leafblade more epiphytic than Apocynaceae, Piperaceae and Cyrtandraceae I have no doubt seen in my recent tour: Some notice was given to the world (p. 295; 387). Unfortunately of us is the fact that this succulenten Plant not more observe in the dried condition. In System Verzeichnis 1 (1911) 8. S. H. Koorders. Hoya subquaterna ? Miq. Epiphytisches, windendes Kraut. Ost.-Java: Besuki: Tjuramanis: Region II: kds 20837 (2165* 31, X, 1885)Kds 21038 (2165 * 1. XI. 1895). In Exkursionsflora von Java (1912) 98. S. H. Koorders “Flora of Java”. (Key). 8a. Blätter am Grunde 1 nervig .........…………………………………………………9 8b. Blätter wenigstens am Grunde 3—5 nervig …………………………………… 10 9a. Blattstiel etwas oberhalb der Basis inseriert. Alle Teile der Pflanze kahl. Blätter gegenständig oder quirlich zu 4, ei-rautenförmig, oben allmählich zugespitzt, fleischig,
ohne deutliche Seitennerven, ¾ —1 1/3 cm lang. Pedunculi 5 cm lang. Blüten gestielt. Korolle und Frucht bisher nicht beschrieben. Bei Kds. n. 21038 (vgl. unten) wurde von mir noch folgendes notiert: Korollzipfel kahnförmig, am Grunde mit einem sackartig erweiterten, kurzen Anhängsel versehen, in sicco hyalin, dünn, völlig kahl, eiförmig, spitz. Blüten weisz, geruchlos, 1/3 —l/2 cm breit. Pedunculi 2—6 cm. Pedicelli dünn, bis 1 cm lang. Pollinien mit einseitig stark verdickter Wand. Klemmkörper schmal dreieckig. Epiphytisches windendes Kraut. Miq. 1. c. 525 (in der Untersektion Acanthostemma). Mittel- und Ost-Java: In Pajitan-Madiun und Blambangan-Banjuwangi (Horsfield).—Mit Zweifel bringe ich zu dieser im Buitenzorger Herbar nicht durch authentisches Material vertretene Art folgende von mir gesammelte Specimina: Ost-Java: In der Res. Besuki bei Simpolan und Tjoramanis (-Djember) um 500—8OO m ü. M. im Regenwald zerstreut (Kds. n. 21038 , und 20837 ). —Authentisches Material habe ich im Buitenzorger Herbar nicht angetroffen. Auch im Utrechter Herbar fehlt authentisches Material. H. subquaterna Miq.* Translation: 8a.Leaves at the base 1 nerved. ........…………………………………………………9 8b. Leaves at least at the base 3-5 nerved ……….………………………………… 10 9a. Petiole is inserted on the upper part of the pedestal. All parts of the plant glabrous. Leaves opposite or whorled to 4, oval-rhomboid, up gradual sharp pointed, fleshy, without distinct visible nerves, ± ¾ -1 1/3 cm long. Pedunculi 5 cm long. Flowers petiolate. Corolla and Fruit hitherto not described. Near Kds.n.21038 (compare below) became of me nor following notes: Corolla lobes glabrous, at the base with a sack-like expansion, provided with a short appendage when dry hyaline, thin, completely bald, egg-shaped, pointed. Blooms white, no smell, ± 1/3 -l/2 cm broad. Pedunculi 2-6 cm. Pedicel thin, to 1 cm long. Pollinia with one-sided strong thick wall. Retinaculum small triangular. Epiphytic twining shrub. Miq.1.c.525 (in the Under Section Acanthostemma). Middle and EastJava: In Pajitan-Madiun and Blambangan-Banjuwangi (Horsfield). -With doubt I bring this in the Buitenzorger Herbar not through authentic species material supplied in place of the following specimen collected by me: East-Java: In the Res. Besuki near Simpolan and Tjoramanis (-Djember) so as to 500-8OO meters altitude scattered in the rainforest (Kds. n.21038 b, and 20837 b).-Authentic Material I have not found in the Buitenzorger Herbarium. Also failed in the Utrechter Herbarium to find authentic material. H. subquaterna Miq.* In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 118-119. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya subquaterna Miquel in Flora Indiae Batavae 2 (1856) 525. Hoya subquaterna Miq. Glabra, folia distincte petiolata, opposita passim subquaternoapproximata, rhombeo-ovata attenuato-acuminata, carnosa avenia, petiolo subpeltatim inserta, 7-4 lin. longo, pedunculi axillares solitarii rigidi patentes bipollicares, apice brevi-bifidulo bracteato floriferi, flores pedicellati... Java, in Patjitan en Blambangan (Horsf). Translation: Hoya subquaterna Miquel. Glabrous, leaves distinctly petiolate, opposite here and there somewhat almost four sided, rhomboid-ovate attenuate-acuminate, fleshy,
no veins visible, petiole inserted somewhat shield shaped, 1.4-.08 cm. long, with peduncles axillary solitary rigid wide spread 2" long, with the apex shortly bifid (2 divisions), bracteate, floriferous, flowers peduncled. Java at Patjitan and Blambangan (Horsfield). Dr. Otto Kuntze in Revisio Genera Plantarum part 2 1891. Description: H. subquaterna Miq. Java Wilis 1500 m. Ich kann bezüglich der Blüthen die mangelhafte Miquel’sche Diagnose leider nicht ergänzen, aber die Art ist sonst bei Vergleichung mit einem Originalexemplar sicher zu erkennen. Doch kann die Diagnose dahin erweitert werden: Herba ramosissima ab arboribus pendula - ½ m longa; folia acuminata acuta vel obtusiuscula plano concava i.e. supra plano subtus intra nervos marginales concava siccitate conspicue triplinervia rugulosa. Translation: H. subquaterna Miq. Java: Wilis 1500 m. In reference to the flowers, I cannot add to the incomplete diagnosis of Miquel, but the species is to be recognized for sure in the comparison with the original specimen. But the diagnosis can be extended to: A much branched perennial, pendulous from the trees - ½ m. long. Leaves acuminate acute or somewhat obtusely flattened concave i.e. above plane, below between the margins of the nerves concave, when dry somewhat wrinkled conspicuously triplinerved. Other references:; Schumacher in Systematisches Vegetabilum. (Java) 1 (1910-1913); Koorders in Exkursionsflora "Flora of Java" (1912) 98. Herbarium sheets: #20837 Koorders 1895; #21038 Koorders 1895 Note: Miquel has placed this species in the Section Sperlingia, with “basi sagittata” however there is nothing in the description itself to indicate it has the bilobed extensions of this section. He says the apex is shortly bifid, referring to the peduncle, which is more typical of a Dischidia species. Koorders in Exkursionsflora von Java says Miquel placed this in the untersection Acanthostemma (525). There is no indication that Miquel meant Acanthostemma to be a (subsection) of the section Sperlingia. This was a subtle formation of a subsection by Koorders, and was felt by Dr. Benjamin Stone not to be adequate. At any rate if it is a bilobed species it now belongs in the Section Acanthostemma. I have not seen a herbarium sheet of this species. See under VIII Discussion at the end. p. 139.
Hoya tenggerensis Bakhuizen 1950 Type description: In Blumea 6/2 (1950) 380. “Notes on the Flora of Java” R. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink f.. Hoya tenggerensis Bakh. f. spec. nov. Scandens; caulis glaber; folia ovato-oblonga basi rotundata apice breviter acuminata glabra 35 nervis, in area delimitata, nervis mediis cum 2 basalibus percursa nervis lateralibus pluribus qui crassitudine atque cursu nervis basilibus simillimi sunt, in sicco crasse coriacea supra manifeste subtus minutus manifeste grosse venulosa, supra basin costae cella reniformi crassissimo (an? trichomatum podicem) instructa 1012 cm longa, 5.5-6 cm lata, petiolo crassissimo glabro 1 cm longa. Pedunculus glabra 1.54 cm longus; pedicellus tenuis glaber 2.5 cm longus; calyx basi intus glandulis 5 munitus; laciniis ovatis obtuso-rotundatis extus primo sparse pilosellis, dein glabris 1.5 mm longis; corolla 1.8 cm diametiens; laciniae apicem recurvis acutis, extus glabrae intus densiuscule papilloso-pilosellae; corona lobi rhomboideo-elliptici, intima et extrema parte acuti, supra valide carinati; pollinia lanceolata marginibus parallelibus, basi abrupte contracta apice suboblique truncate uno latere pellucide marginata 0.9 mm longa, translatoribus circauter longiora; folliculi ignoti. Java Eastern part, Pasoeroean, Mt. Pengger (= ? Teegger), forest, alt. 1500 m. ü. M. Buysmde 303 (U), type spec. Fl. Aug. Translation: Climbing, stems glabrous; leaves ovate-oblong base rounded apex short acuminate glabrous 3 to 5 nerves, within a limited area, middle nerves with 2 basal precursor nerves laterals many, with thickness and thicker nerves similarly at the base, when dry manifestly thick leathery above, below veins not as manifestly coarse, above at the base of the midrib provided with thick kidney shaped cells ( lacking ? trachoma base) 10 to 12 long, petiole thick glabrous 1 cm long. Peduncles glabrous 1.5 to 4 cm long; pedicels round glabrous 2.5 cm long; calyx at the base inside with 5 minute glands; flaps ovate obtusely-rounded outside very sparsely pilose, becoming glabrous 1.5 mm long; corolla 1.8 cm in diameter; flaps acute with apex recurved, outside glabrous inside densely papillose-pilose; corona lobes rhomboid-elliptic, internally and at the extreme part acute, above the apex decidedly keeled; pollinia lanceolate with parallel margines, base abruptly narrowed apex almost oblique with a pellucid margine 0.9 mm long. Translators about as long; follicles not seen. Other literature: In Flora of Java 2 (1965) 270. C. A. Backer. (Key). b. Leaves ovate-orbicular or narrowly elliptic, broadest near the base, 1 2/3 2 ¼ times as long as wide, 35 nerved or faintly tripli-quintuplinerved, on the upper surface at the base of the midrib with a conspicuous, large insertion area for trichomes; stem g1abrous. ……………………………………………………………………………………………18 18a. Leaves in the area enclosed by the middlemost pair of basal nerves with 1 or more lateral nerves of equal thickness and similar direction as the basal nerves, ovate-oblong, from a rounded base, shortly acuminate, glabrous, in sicco thickly coriaceous, distinctly
coarsely veined above less so beneath. 1012 cm by 5 ½ 6 cm; petiole very thick, glabrous, c 1 cm long. Peduncle glabrous. 1 ½ 4 cm; pedicels thin, glabrous, c. 2 ½ cm long; calyx on the inside with 5 glands; segments ovate, obtuse-rounded, at first sparingly pubescent outside, afterwards subglabrous, c. 1 ½ mm long; corolla c. 1 2/4 cm diam.; segments with reflexed tops, acute, glabrous on the back, rather densely papillose inside; corona-scales rhomboid-elliptic, acute at both ends, strongly keeled above; pollinia linear-lanceolate, with parallel margins, with an abruptly narrowed base and truncate, suboblique top, pellucid-margined, c. 1 mm long, thrice the length of the translator; follicles ? Dimensions ?; VIII, up to now only on Mt. Tengger (E.); 1500; forest …………………………………………………………………H. tenggerensis Bakh. f.
Hoya teretifolia Griffith ex Hooker 1883 Type description: In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 54. J. D. Hooker. 5. H. teretifolia, Griff. Mss.; quite glabrous, stem very slender creeping and rooting, leaves 5-7 in. very slender cylindric quite terete. Upper Assam; Patkoy hills, alt. 4000 ft. Griffith. A very singular plant, mentioned under the above name by Griffith in his Journal (p. 69). The leaves, which are rather distant, are curved and (as dried) about 1/3 in. diam. I have seen no flowers.
Hoya teysmanniana Miquel 1856 Type description: In Flora van Nederlandsch Indie Bataviae 1 (1856) 522-523. F. A. W. Miquel. 22. Hoya teysmanniana Miq. Valida, folia e basi obtuso-rotundata subobverse lanceolato-oblonga (sursum parum latiora) ex apice rotundato vel truncato vel levi-emarginato costa subproducta submucronata, crasse coriacea, avenia 5—3 poll. longa, receptacula solitaria? pedunculata 1—1 ½ poll. longa, crasse cylindrica obtusa bracteis deciduis cicatrisata, pedunculo vulgo paullo longiora, pedicellis gracilibus subbreviora, sepala lineari-lanceolata dorso hirtella, flores albi carnosi crassi, glabri, expansi ultrosemipollicaris diametri corollae laciniae triangulari-acutae nunc incurvae coronae stamineae phylla inflata. Sumatra, bij Soengi Pagoe (Teysm.). Setabah rimbo mal. Translation: Robust growing, leaves at bases obtuse-rounded, somewhat obverse lanceolate-oblong (upwards a little wider) at the apex rounded or truncate or lightly emarginate, costa almost extended into a mucrone, thick leathery, veinless 53 inches long, rachis solitary? pedunculate, 11 ½ inches long, thick cylindrical obtuse scared deciduous bracts, peduncle generally a little longer, pedicels slender somewhat short, sepals linear-lanceolate on the back hairy, flowers white thick fleshy, glabrous, spread out over a half inch in diameter, corolla lobes triangular-acute, here incurved, leaflets of the staminal corona inflated. Sumatra, near Soengi Pagoe (Teysmann) ...Native name Setabah rimbo.
Hoya thomsonii Hooker 1883 Type description: Name corrected adding “i” In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 61. J. D. Hooker. 15. H. Thomsoni, Hook. f.; petioles and leaves beneath sparsely pilose, leaves 2-3 in. oblong or obovate-oblong acuminate very thick*, umbels axillary, peduncles short puberulous tip at length thickened and scarred, corolla-lobes with fringed margins glabrous or pubescent within.—Hoya, n. 12, H. f. T. Khasia Mts.; Churra, alt. 3-4000 ft., J. D. & T. T. Stem slender, rooting. Leaves not very fleshy* , 2/3 - 1 ½ in. broad, midrib obscure, base obtuse or rounded, nerves very faint, arched; petiole ¼ - ½ in. Peduncle ½ -1 in., pubescent; pedicels glabrous or sparse1y puberulous. Sepals glabrous, ovate, acute. Corolla ½ in. diam., lobes acute. Coronal-processes obovate with the broad end outward, concave above with a boss, inner angle produced into a short erect spur as long as the anther-tip.—The pubescence of the leaves is very obscure in dried specimens. Note: ** this appears to me to be a conflict “leaves…. very thick” and “ leaves not very fleshy”.
Hoya tjadasmalangensis Bakhuizen 1950 Type description: In Blumea 6 (1950) 389-390. “Notes on the Flora of Java” B. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink. Hoya tjadasmalangensis Bakh. f. spec. nov. Scandens; caulis glaber sparse verruculatus; folia late ovata, basi rotundata breviter acutiuscule acuminata glabra. Enervis supra grosse verrucosa in sicco crassissime coriacea 19.5 cm longa 22 cm. lata, petiolo crasulisimo 3.5 cm longo. Inflorescentia subumbelliformis permultiflora, pedunculo gracili subglabro 2 cm longo; calycis laciniae anguste triangulares acutae subglabrae 1 mm longae; corolla horizontaliter patens parvula in sicco 6 mm diametiens; laciniae ovatae acuminatae glabrae 3 mm longae; coronae lobi ovati, angulo externo late rotundi vel retusi, angulo interno acuti, subtus vix gibbosi; pollinia anguste oblonga marginibus fere parallelibus, apice in uno latere obliqua membranae0-marginata 0.3 mm 1onga, translatore 4 x longiora; caudicula obsoleta; folliculi ignoti. Java, western part, Preanger Regencies, Tjadsmalang, near Tjidadap, S.W. of Tjebeber, forest, alt. 1000 m: Winckel 488 (L), type spec., fl. Oct., v.n. kikandel; idem: Bakhuizen van den Brink 2481 (L), fl. Apr. Note: one sheet needs to be designated as the Holotype. Translation: Climbing, stems glabrous sparsely warty; leaves broadly ovate, base rounded, briefly acute and acuminate, glabrous. Not nerved above large warts when dry thickly leathery 19.5 cm long 22 cm wide. Inflorescence almost umbellate of many flowers, peduncles thin almost glabrous 2 cm long. Calyx lobes narrowly triangular acute, somewhat glabrous 1 mm long. Corolla horizontally flat small when dry 6 mm in diameter; leaflets ovate acuminate glabrous 3 mm long; lobes of the corona ovate, exterior angle broadly rounded or retuse, interior angle acute, below barely humped; pollinia narrow oblong, margines almost parallel, apex with one lateral oblique membrane margined 0.3 mm long, translators 4 times longer, without caudicles, follicles not seen. Other literature: In Flora of Java 2 (1965) 271. C. A. Backer. (Key) b. Corona-scales obovate, broadly rounded or emarginate at the outer angle, acute at the inner angle, slightly convex beneath; peduncle thin, very sparingly short-hairy, 5-8 cm long; pedicels thin, glabrous, c. 2 cm; calyx segments acute, subglabrous, c. 1 mm long; corolla when drier c. 6 mm diam.; segments acuminate, subglabrous, c. 3 mm; pollinia linear-oblong, with subparallel margins and suboblique apex, pellucid-margined, c. 1/3 mm long, about 4 times as long as the translator; follicles? Leaves broadly ovate, from a rounded base, shortly acuminate, very thickly coriaceous when dry, 5-nerved, coarsely transversely veined above, c. 19 cm by c. 12 cm; petiole very thick, c. 3 ½ cm. Dimensions ?; IV, X; up to now only known from Tjadasmalang (W); 1000. Forest. . . . . . . H. tjadasmalangensis Bakh. f.
Hoya tjampeaensis Hochreutiner 1936 Type description: In Candollea 6 (1936) 479. B. P. G. Hochreutiner. Hoya tjampeaensis Hochr. sp. nov. Caulis scandens lignosus planta tamen ± epiphytica; rami juniores minutissime pilosuli. Petioli juniores dense manifesteque pilosi breves, serius lenticel1osi; lamina elliptica, apice acuminata et acuta, basi attenuata acuta, raro paululum rotundata, margine integra, coriacea tamen nervi ± utrinque prominentes et conspicui, nervus medius subtus valde prominens, nervi secundarii infimi parvi, obliqui, juxta marginem dispositi, ultra ¼ laminae longitudinem inconspicui. Nervi secundarii alii principes utrinque ca. 6-7, valde irregulares, ± obliqui vel perpendiculares et ita arcuati angulosique ut irregulariter anastomosantes videantur, i. e. ± prope marginem vel procul a margine. Lamina apparenter glabra, tamen pilis minutissimis rarissimis utrinque ornata, praecipue in nervo medio. Inflorescentiae umbellatae; pedunculi pilosuli, nigrescentes, interdum oppositifolii, folio axillante deficiente; pedicelli densissime minutissimeque papillosi, prob. glandulosi.—Calyx parvus, extus ut pedicelli papillosus et insuper pilos nonnullos raros praebens, intus glaber, margine pilis minutissimis ciliatus, lobi saepe reflexi, triangulares tamen ± obtusi. Corolla pallide lutea extus intusque ut pedicelli densissime papillosa nec vero pilosa, ultra medium lobata, lobis erectis vel incurvis acutis. Coronae phylla lanc olata, horizontalia, utrinque acuta, glaberrima, supra ± concava sed medio carinata; margines abrupte reflexae et tam revolutae ut coronae phylla valde crassa, semiovoidea videantur. Stamina valde reducta, in stylo applanato inclinata et etiam adpressa, apice appendice scarioso ovato parvo erecto ornata, appendix ille ad styli apiculum breve centrale adpressus; pollinia elongata, linearia, compressa. Ovarium semi-conicum, fissum, in gynostegii depressi cavernula clausa occultatum. Petioli 0.5-3 mm. longi; lamina 10 x 4.5—25 x 10 cm. longa et lata. Pedunculus ca. 3.5 cm. longus, pedicelli 9-11 mm. longi. Flos sicc. ca. 7-8 mm. latus. Calycis lobi ca. 1 x 0.75 mm. longi et lati. Corollae lobi ca. 2-2.5 mm. longi. Coronae phylla supra ca. 2.75 mm longa et vix ultra 1 mm. lata. Staminum appendix ca. 0.25 mm. longum. Ovarium vix ultra 0.5 mm. longum. Styli apiculum 0.1-0.2 mm. longum. Java, Tjampea, pr. Buitenzorg, foret dense sur rochers calcaires, alt 200 m. 25 septembre 1904, plante epiphyte ou volubile a fleurs jaunatres et centre blanc (n. 1909). Cette plante ressemble au H. macrophylla. Comme lui, elle a les pieces de la couronne horizontales et aigues aux deux bouts. Elle se distingue en cela du H. clandestina Bl. mais elle differe totalement du H. macrophylla par la forme de ses feuilles qui sont plus aigües a la base et totalement depourvues de ces 5 nervures arquees caracteristiques. Les nervares secondaires ont aussi une tout autre apparence. En revanche, on peut avec quelque vraisemblance comparer notre plante a la description du H. Lindaneana Koord. et les indications donnees sur les nervures des feuilles et sur leur forme correspondent assez bien a ce que nous observons ici. Toutefois, il semblerait etrange qu’une plante de montagne de l’Ardjuno se retrouve a Tjampea.
Enfin, notre plante a des feuilles de la dimension de celles au H. vitellina mais ne semble pas pouvoir etre identifiee avec cette espece qui a des fleurs de la dimension de celles du H. carnosa c'est-a-dire de plus de 1.5 cm. de diametre. Translation: Stalk climbing ligneous, nevertheless more or less epiphytic; young branches minutely pilose. Juvenile petioles densely and manifestly shortly pilose, becoming; lenticeled; blades elliptic, apexes acuminate and acute, base attenuate acute, rarely a little rounded, margins entire, leathery but nevertheless nerves more or less prominent on both sides and conspicuous, middle nerves below very prominent, secondary nerves at the bottom small, oblique, meeting at the margins, over ¼ of blade long inconspicuous. Secondary nerves other than the principle about 6 to 7 on both sides, very irregular, more or less oblique or perpendicular and in this manner arching at an angle and noticeably irregularly anastomosing, i.e. more or less near margins or at a distance from the margins. Blade apparently glabrous, nevertheless very minute pilose very rarely adorned on both sides, mainly on the middle nerve. Inflorescence umbellate; peduncles pilose, dark, sometimes opposite leaves, not in the leaf axils; pedicels very densely and shortly papillose, probably glandular Calyx small, outside at pedicels papillose and above not at all pilose or rarely so, inside glabrous, margins very shortly pilose ciliate, lobes often reflexed, triangular but more or less obtuse. Corolla pale yellow outside and within near pedicels very densely papillose, not truly pilose, lobed above middle, lobes erect or incurved acute. Corona scales lanceolate, horizontal, both ends acute, very glabrous, above more or less concave but yet keeled in the middle; margins abruptly reflexed and equally revolute, as leaflets of the corona are very thick, semi-ovoid in appearance. Stamina very reduced, with styles flattened bent down and also appressed, appendage apexes scarious ovate ornate small erect, appendages towards the style apiculate shortly adpressed in the center; pollinia elongated, linear, compressed. Ovaries half-conical, split, gynostegium depressed in a closed hidden chamber. Petiole 0.5 to 3 mm. long; blades 10 by 4.5 to 25 by 10 cm. long and wide. Peduncles about 3.5 cm long, pedicels 9 to 11 mm. long. Flower when dried about 7 to 8 mm. wide. Calyx lobes about 1 by 0.75 mm. long and wide. Lobes of the corolla about 2 to 2.5 mm. long. Leaflets of the corona above about 2.75 mm long and barely over 1 mm. wide. Staminal apex about 0.25 mm. long. Ovary barely over 0.5 mm. long. Style apiculum 0.1 to 02 mm. long. Java, Tjampea, near Buitenzorg, dense forest over calcareous rocks, altitude 200 meters, 25 September 1904, plant epiphytic or twining with yellowish flowers and a white center (# 1909). This plant resembles H. macrophylla. Like it, it has a horizontal corona parts pointed on both ends. In this it is distinguished from H. clandestine Bl., but it differs totally from H. macrophylla by the form of its leaves which are more pointed at the base and totally lacking those five characteristic arched veins. The secondary nerves also have a completely different appearance. On the other hand our plant can be compared with some plausibility to the description of H. Lindaneana Koorders and the indications given regarding the nerves of the leaves and their form correspond rather well to what we observe here.
However it would seem strange for a mountain plant from Ardjuno to be found in Tjampea. Finally, our plant has leaves of the size of those of H. vitellina but do not seem to be able to be identified with this species which has flowers of the size of those of H. carnosa, that is more than 1.5 cm in diameter.
Hoya torricellensis Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 132. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 42. H. torricellensis Schltr. n. sp. Suffrutex epiphyticus, gracillimus, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia patella vel patula, elliptica, acuminata, coriacea, glabra, petiolo glabro, leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae graciliter pedunculatae, umbellatim pauciflora, pedunculo glabro, pedicellis filiformis, glabris. Flores in sectione inter mediocres, illis H. epedunculatae Schltr. similes, sed bene mediocres. Calycis parvuli foliola ovato-oblonga, obtusa, eciliata, glabra quam corolla multoties breviora. Corolla late campunulato, usque ad medium fere 5-fida, extus glabra, margine eciliata, intus dense papillosa-puberula, lobis ovato-triangulis, acutis. Coronae foliola patentia, apice suberecta, superne oblonga, apice acuta, extus obtusa, lateribus rotundato-incrassata. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, basin versus paululo attenuata, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo rhomboideo minuto. Ein sehr zierlicher, epiphytischer Schlinger mit schnurartigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 9—14 cm lang, in der Mitte 4—4.3 cm breit. Blütenstände doldig, wenigblütig auf kahlem, schlankem, ca 2.3 cm langem Stiel. Blütenstiele fadenförmig, kahl, ca. 2.3 cm lang. Blüten in der Sektion mittelgrosz. Kelch sehr klein, Blättchen ca. 1.5 mm lang. Korolla breit schüsselförmig, ausgebreitet ca. 2.6 cm im Durchmesser, am Rande nicht bewimpert, Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande ca. 0.4 cm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Waldern des Torricelli-Gebirges, ca. 800 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 20315. — Blühend im September 1909). Ich habe nicht geschwankt, ob diese Art neben der folgenden als eigene Art anzuschen ist oder nicht. Habe mich dann aber doch entschlieszen müssen, sie als gesonderte Spezies zu betrachten da doch mehrere Merkmale dafür sprechen, auf welche ich bei Beschreibung der H. epedunculata Schltr. näher eingehen werde. Die Blütenfärbung der vorliegenden Art ist hell-weinrot, die Koronaschuppen sind gelblich mit roten Spitzen. Translation: See under Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 87-88. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea by R. Schlechter). 42. Hoya torricellensis Schlechter n. sp. - A very slander little branched climbing half shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, elliptic, acuminate, leathery, glabrous, petiole glabrous, slightly grooved. Inflorescences on slender peduncles, umbel of few flowers, with the peduncle glabrous, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flower average sized for the section, similar to H. epedunculata Schlechter, but much smaller. Leaflets (lobes) of the
calyx small, lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse, without cilia, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, 5 parted nearly to the middle, outside glabrous, margins without cilia, inside densely papillose-puberulous, lobes ovate triangular, acute. Leaflets (Scales) of the corona spreading, apex somewhat erect, above oblong, apex acute, outside obtuse, sides thickly rounded. Pollinia obliquely oblong, toward the base a little attenuate, with the translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A very ornamental (elegant, pretty fine etc.) epiphytic vine with cordlike, loosely leaved branches. Leaves 9-14 cm. long, in the middle 4-4.3 cm. wide. Inflorescences umbel like, few flowered, on a bare, slender peduncle about 3 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare about 2.3 cm. long. Blooms midsize in the section. Calyx very small, lobes about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla broadly bowl shaped (campanulate) wide spread about 2.6 cm. in diameter, not ciliated on the edge. Corona scales from the tip to the edge about 0.4 cm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 meters altitude (Schlechter #20315 - Blooming in September 1909). For a long time I was undecided about this species compared to the following, whether it is to be acknowledged as a single species or not. I was then obliged to consider it was a special species, since several distinct features lead to his conclusion. I will go into proving them further in the description of H. epedunculata Schlechter. The bloom coloring of the above species is bright wine-red, the corona scales are yellowish with red tips. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. torricellensis Schlechter (Schlechter 20315) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 115-116. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya torricellensis Schlechter. A very slender little branched climbing half shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, elliptic, acuminate, leathery, glabrous, petiole glabrous, slightly grooved. Inflorescences on slender peduncles, umbel of few flowers, with the peduncle glabrous, with the pedicels threadlike, glabrous. Flower average sized for the section, similar to H. epedunculata Schlechter, but much smaller. Lobes of the calyx small, lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse, without cilia, glabrous, much smaller than that of the corolla. Corolla broadly campanulate, 5 parted nearly to the middle, outside glabrous, margins without cilia, inside densely papillose- puberulous, lobes ovate triangular, acute. Scales of the corona spreading, apex somewhat erect, above oblong, apex acute, outside obtuse, sides thickly rounded. Pollinia obliquely oblong, toward the base a little attenuate, with the translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A very ornamental (elegant, pretty fine etc.) epiphytic vine with cord like, loosely leaved branches. Leaves 9-14 cm. long, in the middle 4-4.3 cm. wide. Inflorescences umbel like, few flowered, on a bare, slender peduncle about 3 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare about 2.3 cm. long. Blooms midsize in the section. Calyx very small, lobes about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla broadly bowl shaped (campanulate) wide spread about
2.6 cm. in diameter, not ciliated on the edge. Corona scales from the tip to the edge about 0.4 cm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 meters altitude (Schlechter #20315 - Blooming in September 1909). For a long time I was undecided about this species compared to the following, whether it is to be acknowledged as a single species or not. I was then obliged to consider it was a special species, since several distinct features lead to this conclusion. I will go into proving them further in the description of H. epedunculata Schlechter. The bloom coloring of the above species is bright wine-red, the corona scales are yellowish with red tips. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.132, "Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya torricellensis Schlechter, 1913, Type # 20315 (B)
Hoya trinervis Trail 1837 In Transactions of the Royal Horticulture Society 7 (1830) 26. James Traill. Type description: In General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 126. G. Don. 11. H. trinervis (Trail, in hort. trans. 7. p. 26.) stems slender filiform; leaves variable in size, oblong, sharply acuminate, pale green beneath, and mottled with small brown spots, light yellowish green above, with 3 prominent veins; umbels globose; segments of corolla sharp-pointed; the sides and ends of which are reflex. Woody perennial shrub. Native of China. Lobb. bot. cab. 936. Corollas pale greenish yellow, slightly scented, frequently mottled beneath with red. Corollas pale greenish white, with a yellowish tinge in the centre. Three-nerved-leaved Hoya. Fl. July, Aug. Cult. 1824. Shrub tw. Other literature: In Magazine of Botany 12 (1852) 165. Paxton’s. Hoya trinervis. This plant is inferior in beauty to H. carnosa; it has been several years in the country, but does not appear to be much known. The leaves are more pointed than those of the old species, and are transversed by these prominent veins. The flowers appear in cymes, and are creamy yellow colour. A specimen lately imported was exhibited at the great metropolitan floral meetings, by Messers Veitch and San.
Hoya treubiana Schlechter 1908 Type description:
In Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 40 (1908) 16. R. Schlechter. Hoya treubiana Schltr. n. sp.; volubilis, alte scandens, ramosa; ramis ramulisque filiformibus elongatis, flexuosis, glabris, laxe foliatis; foliis petiolatis oblongis obtusis, glabris, cruse coriaceis, nervis haud conspicuis, marginibus revolutis, 13—18 cm longis, medio fere 4.5—5.5 cm latis, petiolo carnoso, 1—l.5 cm longo; cymis pedunculatis umbelliformibus, multifloris; pedunculo tereti, glabro, c. 7 cm longo; pedicellis filiformibus, glabris, c. 2.5 cm longis; calycis segmentis oblongis obtusis, glabris, 3.5 mm longis, corolla subrecurva usque ad medium fere 5-lobata, 0.9 cm longa, extus glabra, intus dense velutino-puberula, lobis ovatis acutis, marginibus revolutis; coronae phyllis horizontalibus carnosis, dorsum versus paululo adscendentibus, superne late ellipticis concavis, apicem versus rostratis, subtus longitudinaliter foveatis, ovatis, obtusis; polliniis oblique oblongoideis, margine exteriore leviter carinato-marginatis, translatoribus brevibus apicem versus paululo incrassatis, retinaculo rhomboideo translatoribus vix longiore. Niederländisch- Indien: kultiviert im botanischen Garten zu Buitenzorg. Die langen, dicken Blätter, deren Nervatur vollständig unsichtbar ist, charakterisieren diese Art schon auf den ersten Blick. Die Blüten sind gröszer, a1s es gewönlich bei Arten dieser Verwandtschaft der Fall ist. Translation: see Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya species below. Other literature: In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 31. A. Nicholas. H. treubiana Schlechter (Type cited as growing in the Berlin Botanic Garden) – 14. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 137. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya treubiana Schlechter. A branched high climbing twiner; branches and branchlets threadlike elongate, flexible, glabrous, loosely leaved; with the leaves petiolate, oblong obtuse, glabrous, thickly leathery, nerves not at all conspicuous, with the margins revolute, 13-18 cm. long, in the middle nearly 4.5-5.5 cm. wide, petiole fleshy, 1-1.5 cm. long; with the cymes pedunculate, shaped like umbels, multiflowered; peduncle round, glabrous, about 7 cm. long; pedicels threadlike, glabrous, about 2.5 cm. long; with the segments of the calyx oblong obtuse, glabrous, 3.5 mm. long, corolla somewhat recurved, 5 lobed all the way to near the middle, 0.9 cm. long, outside glabrous, inside densely velvety-puberulous, lobes ovate acute, with the margins revolute; scales of the corona horizontal fleshy, towards the back a little ascending, above broadly elliptic, concave, apex towards being beaked, below longitudinally minutely pitted, ovate obtuse, with the pollinia obliquely oblong,
with the exterior margins mildly keel-margined, translators small a little thickened towards the apex, retinaculum rhomboid, translators barely longer. Netherlands Indies: cultivated in the botanical garden at Buitenzorg. At first glance the principle characteristics of the species are without doubt the long, thick leaves with the completely invisible nerves. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher #92 40 (1908) 16.
Hoya treubiana Schlechter, 1908, Type sn. (B)
Hoya trigonolobos Schlechter 1905 Type description:
In Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee (1905) 366367. Schumann & K Lauterbach. H. trigonolobos Schltr. n. sp. Epiphyticum in ramis truncisque arborum, ramosum, alte scandens; ramis ramulisque filiformi-elongatis teretibus glabris. Laxe foliatis, radicantibus; foliis patulis, ovatis vel ovato-oblongis, acutis vel breviter acuminatis, utrinque glabris, textura carnoso-coriaceis, ca. 14 cm. 1ongis, medio vel infra medium ca. 7 cm latis, petiolo crasso, brevi, 0.5—0.7 cm longo; pedunculo gracili, tereti, glabro, ca. 6.5 cm longo, rhachide incrassata; demum cylindrica; umbella 10—15-flora, pedicellis filiformibus, teretibus glabris, ca. 3.5 cm longis; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusis, glabris, margine minute ciliatis, vix 0.2 cm longis; corolla rotate, ad medium usque 5 lobata, ca. 1 cm diametiente, extus glabra, lobis triangularibus acutis intus minutissime puberulis, corollae parte connate intus glabra; coronae foliolis carnosis, horizontalibus, superne oblongis, apice rostrato-acuminatis, medio leviter excavatis, gibbere minuto donatis, subtis sulcatis; antheris late trapezoideis, appendice hyalina triangulari obtusiuscula; polliniis oblique oblongis, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo rhomboideo, polliniis multoties minore; stigmatis capite breviter conico. Neu-Pommern auf Bäumen in den Wäldern bei Mandres, alt. ca. 50 m (R. Schlechter n. 13763, bl. Nov. 1901). Wohl mit H. marginata Schltr, am nächsten verwandt, aber durch die Blüten gut charakterisiert. Note: This species is spelled in the type description as above but in Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) it is speller H. trigonolobus. Also spelled thusly by Nichols (1992). Translation: see under Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species below. Other literature: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 112. R. Schlechter. 10. H. trigonolobus* Schltr. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Nachtr. (1905) p. 366. Bismarck-Archipel: Neu-Pommern, auf Bäumen in den Wäldern bei Mandres, ca. 50 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 13763. — Blühend im November l 901). Äuszerlich hat diese Art eine unbestreitbare Ähnlichkeit mit H. marginata Schltr. doch ist sie gut verschieden von jener durch die kleineren Blüten und die wenigen scharfabgesetzte Haarberandung auf den Koronaschuppen. Die Koronaschuppen sind ähnlich wie bei H. marginata Schltr.. aber oben flacher und breiter. Die Blüten sind, weiszlich, innen am Grunde mit hellroten Flecken. * Note: spelling different than in the original species description. Translation: see below under Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea.
In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 87-88. R. D. Kloppenburg. (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea by R. Schlechter). 10. Hoya trigonolobus Schlechter in K. Schumann and Lauterbach, Addendum (1905) p. 366. Bismarck - Archipelago: New Pomeranian, on trees in the forest at Mandres, about 50 m. altitude (Schlechter #13763 - Blooming in November 1901). Superficially, this species has an unquestionable similarity to H. marginata Schltr., yet it is distinct from it owing to its smaller blooms and less prominent hairiness on the edges of the corolla sections. The corona scales are comparable to those of H. marginata Schltr., but are broader and flatter above. The blooms are whitish with bright red flecks on the inner surface. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 32. A. Nicholas. H. trigonolobus Schlechter (Schlechter 13763) – 15, 33. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 159-160. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya trigonolobos* Schlechter. Epiphytic on the branches and trunks of trees, high climbing; branched and rebranched, threadlike-elongate, round glabrous, loosely leaved, producing aerial roots; leaves spreading ovate or ovate-oblong, acute or briefly acuminate, both sides glabrous, texture fleshy-leathery, about 14 cm long, in the middle or below the middle about 7 cm. wide, petiole thick, short, 0.5-0.7 cm. long; peduncle slender, round, glabrous about 6.5 cm. long, with the rachis thickened, eventually cylindrical; umbels 10-20 flowered, with the pedicels threadlike, round glabrous , about 3.5 cm. long; with the segments of the calyx ovate obtuse, glabrous, with the margin minutely ciliate, barely 0.2 cm. long; corolla rotate, 5 lobed all the way to near the center, about 1 cm in diameter, outside glabrous, lobes triangular acute, inside very minutely puberulous, with the connate part of the corona glabrous; with scales of the corona fleshy, horizontal, above oblong, apex beaked acuminate, in the center lightly concave, with a minute hump. below sulcate; anthers wide trapezoidal, appendages hyaline triangular, somewhat obtuse; with the pollinia obliquely oblong, translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid, much shorter than the pollinia, with the head of the stigma a short cone. New Britain on trees in the forest near Mandres, altitude about 50 meters (R. Schlechter #13763, blooming November 1901). The closest alliance is with H. marginata Schlechter again through the good characteristics of the bloom. Published by K. Schumann & K Lauterbach in: 1905 Nachtrage zur Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebeite in der Südsee p. 366-367. *Note: I have left the spelling as in the type description, however the Type sheet appears to have the spelling “H. trigonolobus”. This is also the spelling used by Schlechter in the Bot. Jahr. 50 (1913) 112. I assume Schumann corrected the spelling in the original description, a publication error ?
Hoya trigonolobos Schlechter, 1905, Type # 13763 (B)
Hoya trinervia (Hort.) Mach. ex Regal 1865 Type description: In Gartenflora (1865) 306. E. Regal. 3. Hoya trinervia, H. Mack. Asclepiadaceae. Eine neue Hoya, die zunächst mit H. macrophylla Blume verwandt ist, und gleich dieser wahrscheinlich von den Inseln Südasiens stammea dürfte. Kleinere 35 nervige, aber nicht geaderte Blätter, sitzende Blüthenstäinde, weisse Blüthenstielchen und Blumen und zurückgebogene Blumen-blätter unterscheiden unsere Pflanze aber sofort. Wir erhielten diese Art, die wir noch nicht bescbrieben gefunden, aus dem Garten des Herrn Mackoy in Lüttich. Es ist eine windende, Pflanze von niedrigem Wuchse, mit unter der Lupe sehr kurz behaarten stielrunden Aesten. Die von einem kurzen dichen Stiel gestützten Blätter sind dick und lederartig, oval, vorn zugespitzt, von 3 oder 5 unter der Blattspitze anastomosirenden Längsnerven durchzogen, oberhalb hellgrün, unterhalb blasser, durchaus kahl 3—4 Zoll lang und 1 ½ Zoll breit. Die ungestielten Blüthendolden setehen auf der Spitze eines verlängarten Blüthenbodens, Blüthenstielchen und die wohlriechenden Blumen von wrachstarbener weisser Färbung. Kelch kurz, mit aufrechten Lappen, gleich dem Kelch mit einzelnen sehr kurzen Härchen besetzt. Lappen der Blumenkrone oval, zugespitzt, am Rande und der Spitze zrückgerollt, unterhalb kahl, oberhalb mit sehr kurzen warzenförmigen Härchen besetzt. Der kranz trägt 5 oben flache Blättchen von rhomboidaler Form, die an der vordern Ecke spitz und 3mal kürzer als dis Blätter der Blumenkorone. Eine sehr sehöne Pflanze niedrige Warmhaus, die schon als kleine Pflanze ihre schönen äusserst wohlriechenden Blüthendolden entwickelt. Translation: A new Hoya, the first is related to H. macrophylla Blume, and like this one probably derived from the Islands of south Asia. Smaller 3—5 nerved, but not veined leaves, sitting inflorescence, small white pedicels and flowers and bent back arched flower-petals immediately distinguishes our plant. We obtained this species, which we found still not described, from the garden of Herrn Mackoy in Lüttich. It is a winding, plant of enviable form, with under the microscope very short hirsute rounded hollow shafts. Those of a short thick stalk support thick and leathery leaves, oval, before the pointed end, of 3 or 5 passed through under the long leaf apex anastomosing, the above side bright green, underside pale, glabrous throughout 3-4 inches long and 1 ½—2 inches broad. The stalkless umbel stands at the apex of a lengthened bloom umbel, pedicels and the whole abundantly scented waxy colored flowers are colored white. Calyx short, with upright flaps, like the calyx beset with single very short little hairs. Flaps of the corona are oval, outer apex, is bordered and the apex turned under, lower end glabrous, inner end occupied with a very short nipple-like little hairs. The crown carries 5 high flat leaflets of rhomboid form, those on the anterior apex angle are three times shorter than the sharp leaves of the corona. A very beautiful plant for the low warm house, the already small plant by comparison with develops the refined utmost scented bloom umbel.
Hoya trukensis Hosakawa Type description:
In Journal of Japanese Botany 13 (1937) 282. Hosakawa. Hoya trukensis, sp. nov. Planta ad truncos vel ramos fruitieum scandens. Caulis filiformis, gracilis, laxe foliatus, teres, glaber. Folia patentia vel erecto-patentia, petiolata, petiolis ca. 1 cm longis glabris; lamina ovato, apice acuminata vel caudato-acuminata vel caudata, basi rotundata, chartacea, utrinque glabra, supra lucida, 4-5.5 cm. longa, 2-2.5 cm. lata. Cymus axillaris umbelliformis, multiflorus, gracilis, peduculatus, pedunculo ca. 3 cm long, pedicellis filiformibus tenuibus ca. 1.7cm longis. Calyx usque ad basin 5-partitus, parsalus, segmentis ovatis hyalinis acutis ca. 2.3 mm longis 1.2 mm latis margine ciliolatis caeterum glabris. Corolla rotate, usque ad medium fere 5-lobe, lobis ovato-deltoides superne dense papilloso-puberulis, versus basin papillosis vel glabratis 4 cm longis 4.5 cm latis. Coronae squama patens subhorizontalis 2 mm longa 1.5 mm crassa, apice adscendens, crassa, breviuscula, superne ovalis medio leviter concavula, angulo interiore in rostrum acuminata antheris paullo producta, subtus marginibus revolutis sulcata. Anthera deltoidea, appendice hyalino deltoideo-ovato apice acuto. Pollinia oblique obovato-oblong. Stigma vertice pentagonum, medio pyramidatim apiculatum. Hab. Caroline: Truk, islet Wara, epiphytic on a strand forest (T. Hosokawa, no8433! VIII. 14, 1936 Type in Herb. Taihoku Imper. Univ.). I will differentiate the written species with its characteristic leaves from Hoya Schnee; Schltr. which occurs only on Ponape. Vernacular name in Truk, “Kisirom”. Translation: Plant, climbing an trunks and branches of trees or shrubs. Stalks filiform, slender, loosely leafed, round, glabrous. Leaves outspread or erect-spreading, petioles about 1 cm long glabrous ovate, apexes acuminate or caudate-acuminate, bases rounded, papery, both sides glabrous, above lucid, 4 to 5.5 cm long by 2 to 2.5 cm wide. Cymes axillary, umbellate, many flowered, slender, pedunculate; peduncles about 3 cm long, pedicels filiform, slender about 1.7 cm long. Calyx 5-parted up to the base, small, segments ovate hyaline acute about 2.3 mm long, 1.2 mm wide margines ciliate, otherwise glabrous. Corolla rotate, 5-parted almost to the middle, lobes ovate-deltoid, above densely papillose-puberulous, towards the base papillose or becoming glabrous 4 cm long and 4.5 cm wide. Scales of the corona spreading almost horizontal 2 mm long 1.5 mm thick, apexes ascending,, thick, small, above oval, medium concave in the center, inner angle with acuminate beak anthers a little extended, below margins revolute grooved. Anthers deltoid, appendages hyaline deltoid-ovate apex acute. Pollinia obliquely obovate-oblong. Stigma above 5-sided, middle pyramidal apiculate.
Hoya trukensis Hasokawa, 1937, # 5342 (GUAM)
Hoya trukensis Hasokawa, 1937, # 5342 (GUAM)
Hoya trukensis Hosokawa #3067B (BISH)
Hoya trukensis Hoskawa #3091 (BISH)
Hoya tsiangiana P. T. L 1984 In Bulletin of Botanical Research 4/1 (1984) 120. Li Ping-tao. Hoya tsiangiana P. T. Li, nom. nov. Hoya retusa Warb. in Fedde, Repert. Nov, Sp. 3: 1907, non Dalz. (1852). Distr. Indonesia (Celebes). Note: Warburg’s sp. name had been used before so name invalid.
Hoya tsoi Merrill 1934 Type description: In Sunyatsenia 2 (1934) 16. “Contributions to Our Knowledge of Kwangtung Flora” E. D. Merrill & W. Y. Chun. Hoya tsoi Merrill, sp. nov. Plate 7. Frutex scandens, glaber, ramis teretibus ultimis 1.5 mm. diametro, internodiis usque ad 15 cm. longis; foliis oblongis vel anguste oblongo-ellipticis, coriaceis, in vivo carnosis, 6 ad 8 cm. longis, l.5 ad 2 cm. latis, pallidis, utrinque subaequaliter angustatis, basi acutis, apice plerumque actuate acuminatis, nervis primariis utrinque 4 vel 5, patulis, obscuris, arcuato-anastomosantibus; petiolo crasso, 8 ad 15, mm. longo; umbellis lateralibus, pedunculo usque ad 4 cm. longo, sursum paullo incrassato, cicatricibus multis aerentibus; floribus ut videtur flavido-viridibus, sub anthesin 2 cm. diametro; sepalis tenuibus, oblongo-ovatis, obtusis, glabris, 5 mm. longis, 3 mm. latis; corolla rotata, lobis ante anthesin inflexis, teretibus, late ovatis, utrinque glabris, acutis, 7 mm. longis; corona 8mm. diametro, sessilis, processibus 4 mm. longis, basi rotundatis, subhippocrepiformibus, 2.5 mm. latis, margine paullo elevato, sursum angustatis, ascendentibus, lanceolatis, acuminatis, 2 ad 2.4 mm. longis. Kwangtung: Sup-man-ta Shan, C. L. Tso 23455, July 29, 1933, scandent shrub growing on trees, altitude about 360 m. A species characterized by its narrow, acutely acuminate, obversely penninerved leaves, its rather large flowers, and its thin glabrous petals. Translation: Climbing shrub, branches round to 1.5 mm in diameter internodes 15 cm. long, leaves oblong or narrowly oblong-elliptic, leathery, when alive fleshy, 6 to 8 cm long, 1.5 to 2 cm wide, pale, on both sides somewhat narrow, base acute, apex mostly acute acuminate, primary nerves on both sides 4 to 5, spreading, obscure, bending, anastomosing; petioles thick 8 to 15 mm long; umbels lateral, peduncles 4 cm long, at sparsely somewhat thickened, covered with many apical scars; flowers appear yellowish-green 2 cm in diameter; sepals smal1 oblong-ovate, obtuse, glabrous 5 mm. long, 3 mm. wide; corolla rotate, lobes before opening inflexed, thin, broadly ovate, glabrous on both sides, acute, 7 mm. long; corona 8 mm in diameter, stemless, processes 4 mm long, base rounded, somewhat saddle shaped 2.5 mm wide, margins a little elevated upwards narrow, rising, lanceolate, acuminate 2 to 2.4 mm long. Other literature: In Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae 63 (1977) 488. Hoya lancilimba Merr. F. tsoi (Merr.) Tsiang in Sunyatsenia 3: 180. 1936. H. tsoi Merr. in Sunyatsenia 2: 16, Pl. 7. 1934. Followed by Chinese Script.
Hoya tsoi Merrill Type # 23455 (NY)
Hoya upoluensis Reinecke 1893 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 25 (1893-94) 669. “Die Flora der Samoa-Isln.” Reineke H. upoluensis Reinecke n. sp.; caule scandens, internodiis longis; foliis coriaceis, siceis chartaceis, breviter petiolatis, saepe obliques, elliptico-lanceolatis distincte acuminatis, basi angustatis, conspicue quintuplinerviis, nervis utrinque prominulis; inflorescentia umbelliformi, pedunculo petiolum multo superante; pedicellis tenuibus, quam pedunculus brevioribus; floribus permagnis; calycis segmentis oblongis, angusto-rotundatis, glaberrimis; corolla magna, glaberrima, tubo brevissimo, lobis latis, in apicem longam productis; laminis antheriferis oblongis, loculis sublinearibus. Hoch steigende Schilngpflanze. Stengel bis 5 mm dick, Internodien regelmäszig, 1 dcm, Blattstiel 25 mm, Blätter 7—15 cm lang, bis 5 cm breit. Doldenstiel 8—5 cm, Blütenstiel 2-2 ½ cm 1ang; Kelchlappen 2—2 ½ mm lang, Krone 12—15 mm im Querdurchmesser. Zipfel der Staminalcorolla bis 5 mm lang, in der Mitte ca.2 mm breit. Dolden reichblütig; Blüten wachsweisz, glänzend, sehr wohlriechend mit purpurrotem Narbenkopf. Vorzugsweise im jüngeren Busch und an Flussläufen. Upolu: Mulifanua-Busch, Oct. 1893 (n. 86). Einheim. Name: fue manogi, d. h. wohlriechende Kletterpflanze. Verwendung: Die duftenden Blüten dienen zur Parfümierung des Cocosdö1s. Vielleicht hat Seemann, Fl. Vit. 163 unter H. samoensis Seem. ex Herb. Hook. dieselbe Pflanze gemeint. Die an und für sich unzulängliche Diagnose daselbst stimmt jedoch einerseits bezüglich der Blattform, andererseits in der Behaarung der Blüten nicht mit der vorliegenden Art überein. Erstere nennt er ovato ellipticis, letztere intus puberulis.; allein in dieser Beziehung gleicht Seemann’s Pflanze der folgenden Art. forma minor. Im Habitus der Art sehr ähnlich, doch immerhin nicht unerheblich unterschieden durch die Blattstellung und Umbildung je eines Blattes in eine Haftwurzel oder Ranke. Die Blüten (noch nicht aufgeblüht) sind zarter und von Natur gelblich; die Klemmkörper sind in der Blüte als dunkelrote Knöpfehen erkennbar. Savaii: Centralgebiet, 1000 m, Sept.1894 (n. 446). Es ist nicht ausgegechlossen, vielleicht wahrscheinlich, das die Form eine selbst-ständige Art darstellt, die aufzustellen indessen das mangelhafte Material nicht angebracht erscheinen lässt. Translation: stems climbing, with long internodes; leaves leathery, when dry papery, briefly petiolate , often oblique, elliptic- lanceolate, distantly acuminate, narrow based, definitely quintuple nerved, nerves prominent on both sides; inflorescence umbel-shaped, peduncles many times longer than the petiole; pedicels slender, shorter than the peduncles, flowers fairly large; calyx segments oblong, narrowly rounded very glabrous; corolla large, very glabrous, tube very short, lobes broad, with long apex; flaps of the anthers oblong; locules somewhat linear. A high climbing vine. Stalk 5 mm thick, internodes regularly 10 cm, peduncle 25 mm, leaf 7 to 15 cm long, 5 cm wide. peduncle 3 to 5 cm, pedicels 2 to 2.5 cm long; sepal
lobes 2 to 2.5 mm long, corona 12 to 15 mm in diameter. The tip of the staminal corona is 5mm long, in the middle about 2 mm wide. The umbel with many flowers. Blooms waxy-white, glossy, very fragrant with purple center. Preferable in the jungle thickets and near water courses. Upolu: Mulifanua-thicket, October 1893 (N. 86). Local name: fue manogi, d. h. odorous climbing plant. Application: The fragrant blooms are used for the perfuming of coconut oil. Perhaps has Seemann, Fl. Vit. 163 under H. samoensis Seem. ex Hooker meant the same plant. That on and of itself inadequate diagnosis there is correct with respect to the leafform on the one hand however, on the other hand the pubescence of the blooms are not in agreement with the present type. Firstly he calls it ovato ellipticis, latter inside puberulous; alone in this relationship is like Seemann's plant of the following type. * forma minor. In the Habitus of the type very similar, however after all not insignificantly ever distinguished through the leaf-position and reformation of a leaf into a holding-root tendril. The flower(not yet opened) are delicately and from nature yellowish; the hard holdfasts are recognizable in the bloom as a dark red button. Savaii: Centralgebiet, 1000 meters, Sept. 1894 (n.446). It is not ausgegechlossen, maybe probably, that the form represents a selfcontinuous type, to say, meanwhile that the material is defective appearing not to be placed properly. Other literature: In Denkschriften d. kais. Akad. D. wiss. Math.-naturw. 85 (1910) 334. K. Rechinger “Botanische Ergebnisse von der Samoainseln”. H. upoluensis Reinecke, Sam., p. 669) Var. minor (Reinecke, l. c., p. 869) Rechinger. Insel Upolu: Im Kammgebiete bei Tiavi, zirka 600 m s. m., Nr. 1351. Kammgebiet des Lanutoo, Nr. 1830. Blätter im getrockneten Zustande fast papierdünn, stets deutlich fünfnervig, häufig wird eines der beiden gegenständigen Blätter durch eine Haftwurzel ersetzt. Junge Blätter am Rande bewimpert. In allen Teilen kleiner als die typische H. upoluensis Reinecke. Translation: “A botanical find from the Samoa’s”……………….. Island of Upolu: In the ridge district near Tiavi, about 600 meters altitude # 1351. In the ridge district of Lanutoo, # 1830. In The Bulletin of the Lloyd Library 33 (1934) 92-93. “Flora of Samoa” C. G. Lloyd & W. H. Aiken”. Hoya.— There are two very distinct forms of Hoya which we noticed as occurring on the island. The hoya has twining stems which throw out roots at the lower nodes, the leaves are opposite thick and fleshy, and the flowers are borne in lateral umbels; the corolla is rotate, the 5 lobes of the limb are ovate and validate in the bud. The staminal corona consists of 5 scales inserted on the gynostegium and usually spreading horizontally like a star in the center of the corolla; the inner angle bears a small
tooth incumbent on the anther; the pollen masses are erect; the follicles are smooth or with winged like appendages. Hoya upoluensis. Stem climbing, internodes about 4 inches long as a rule; leaves coriaceous 1 ¼ -3 inches long by 1 inch wide, of dry papery consistency, rather oblique, elliptic-lanceolate, distinctly acuminate, base narrow, conspicuously 5 nerved; petiole 1 inch, inflorescence umbelliform; umbel stalk from 1-2 inches; flower stalks a little shorter; calyx small the crown about ½ inch in transverse diameter, calyx segments oblong, narrowly rotund, glabrous Corolla large, glabrous, tube short, broadly lobed, long drawn out at the apex; the membrane terminating the anthers oblong, cavity of the anther sublinear. The plant blooms rarely. In Plants of Samoa (1972) 39. B. E. V. Parham. FUE MANOGI (R"669) Hoya upoluensis Rein., (Asclepiadaceae). Epiphytic vine, with thick, fleshy, oral leaves and clusters of sweet-scented, cream-coloured flowers, Upolu hoya. Dr. Art Whistler placed this sp. under Hoya pottsii; It is a triplinerved species not palmate as is Hoya pottsii (RDK). 2. Hoya potsii Traill. H. pycnophylla Rech. H. upoluensis Rein. H. samoensis Seem. Type locality: Hainan Island Distribution: China eastward to Samoa Savai'i: W 1024 (UHAW), W 1045 (UAHW), W 1237 (UAHW), B 2153 (BISH), C 916 (BISH), C 2605 (BISH, K), C 2899 (BISH), C 3409 (BISH), W 513 (M). Bpolu: W 206 (UHAW), W 1507 (UHAW), C 370 (BISH), K 468 (W), K 1351 W), K 1830 (W), R 86 (G). Tutuila: W 1460, (UHAW), L 1985 (UHAW), Me 16769 (M), C 1007 (BISH) Manu'a: W 1297 (UHAW), Y 9379 (UHAW), Ha 123 (BISH), Ma 262 (BISH), G 1116 (BISH) Sin Loc: P 31 (K). P 32 (K), P 33 (K), P 255 (K), P s.n. (K) USEE s.n. (US?) Not seen: R 446 (Savai'i) Reinicke described H. upoluensis as a "high-climbing vine. Stem up to 5 mm. thick, internodes regular, 10 cm long, Petiole 2.5 cm long. Leaves 7-15 cm. long, up to 5 cm wide. Peduncles 3-5 cm long, pedicels 2-2.5 cm long. Calyx lobes 2-2.5 mm, corolla 12-15 mm across. Lobes of the pollinia are up to 5 mm long, about 2 mm wide. Umbel richly flowering, flowers waxy-white, glistening, fragrant with purplish stigmas." Variety minor differs "in the leaf arrangement with one leaf being an aerial root or tendril. The
flowers are delicate and yellowish. The retinaculum is visible in the flower asa asmall dark-red button."
Hoya vacciniiflora Schwartz 1931 Type description: In Mitteilungen Aus Dem Institut Fur Allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg 7 (1931) 261. Schwartz. Hoya vacciniiflora O. Schwartz nov. spec. Frutex (scandens vel repens?). Rami crassiusculi glabri laeves vetustiores verrucosi ubique radicantes, radicibus robustis valde ramosis. Folia oblongo-lanceolata utrinque acuta glaberrima coriacea in vivo verosimiliter crassa margine integra uninervia, nervo supra impresso subtus prominente venis ubique crebre anastomosantibus. Folia breviter petiolata petiolo crasso supra canaliculato, 0.5—l cm longo, lamina 5.5—8.6 cm longa 1.6—1.7 cm lata. Inflorescentiae verosimiliter multiflorae pedunculo robusto 2.5 cm longo apicem versus clavato suffultae. Pedicelli graciles filiformes 2.2 cm longi. Calyx parvus (fere ad basin in lobos) 5 anguste triangulares partitus, lobis 1.5 mm longis. Corolla urceolari-camanulata leviter carnosula ore usque ad ¼ longitudinis suae in dentes 5 late triangulares apice obtusos divisa glabra intus solum sub incisuris marginis pilis longiusculis robustis barbata, in vive lutea extus maculis intense rubris conspersa, in flore nostro unico 1.4 cm longa totidemque lata. Coronae stamineae phylla patentia supra leviter excavata anguste obovata utrinque obtusiuscula marginibus primo recurvis deinde patentissimis et itaque phyllis marginibus se invicem arcte at attingentibus. Antherae 5, 1.5 mm longae, in processum anguste triangularem hyalinum productae. Stigmatis caput conico-apiculatum. West-Borneo: Auf dem Bukit Mulu, um 1200 m, Urwald. (Hans Winkler n. 518. 2. Dezember 1924.) Unser Exemplar, das leider recht unvollständig erhalren ist, so dasz eine ausführliche Beschreibung namentlich der Blütenverhältnisse nicht gegeben werden kann, stimmt im vegetativen Aufbau sehr gut mit den von Elmer von den Philippinen verteilten Exemplaren (n. 13372 von Mindanao und n. 16916 von Luzon) überein, die als Hoya angustifolia Elm. bezeichnet sind. Blüten habe ich von diesen Nummern nicht gesehen, die Beschreibung der Art (deren Name übrigens ungültig wäre, da es schon eine H. angustifolia Traill. gibt) scheint auch noch nicht veröffentlicht zu sein, so dasz ich mir kein endgültiges Urteil darüber bilden kann. An unserer Art ist der Bau der Coronaschuppen besonders bemerkenswert. Ihre Ränder sind zuerst abwärts gebogen und biegen an den radialen Seiten weiter unten wieder rechtwinkelig nach auszen, so dasz sie dann horizontal auseinanderspreizen. Der Umrisz jeder Schuppe ist dann genau der eines Kreissektors von 72°. Da sich die Ränder der benachbarten Schuppen, ganz dicht berühren, entsteht ein flacher, tellerförmiger Coronaring rings um das Gynostemium. Translation: Shrub (climbing or creeping?). Branches somewhat thick, glabrous smooth, with age becoming warty and everywhere rooting, roots robust decidedly branched. Leaves oblong-lanceolate both ends acute very glabrous leathery when living probably thick, margins entire one-nerved, nerve impressed above, prominent below, veins throughout frequently uniting. Leaves shortly petioled petioles thick, channeled above, 0.5 to 1 cm long, blade 5.5- to 8.5 cm long and 1.51.7 cm wide. Inflorescence probably many flowered, peduncle strong 2.5 cm long, supporting a club shaped apex.
Pedicels narrow slender 2.2 cm long. Calyx small 5 narrow triangular parts almost to the base of the lobes, lobes 1.5 mm long. Corolla urceolate-campanulate lightly fleshy, rim up to ¼ longitudinally formed into a tooth 5 broadly triangular obtuse points distinctly glabrous, inside the lowest part below the divided margins covered with longish strong beard, in the living state yellow outside sprinkled intense red spots, the united part of flower 1.4 cm long and just as wide. Leaflets of the staminal corona spreading above lightly concave, narrowly obovate both ends obtuse margins at first recurved then very spreading and consequently leaflet margins alternately closely touching. With 5 anthers, 1.5 mm long, with processes narrowly triangular hyaline. Stigma head conical-apiculate. West Borneo: on Bukit Mulu, about 1200 meters, primeval forests. (Hans Winkler #518, 2 December 1924). Our example, which has been unfortunately received rather incomplete, so that a detailed description of the bloom relationships cannot be given, coincides very well in vegetative structure with the example shared by Elmer from the Philippines (#13372 from Mindanao and #16916 from Luzon) which are designated as H. angustifolia Elmer. I have not seen blooms from these numbers, the description of the species (whose name is invalid since there is already a H. angustifolia Traill), seems also not to have been published, so that I can make no final judgment about it. In our species the structure of the corona scales is noteworthy. Their edges are bent sideways., and on the radial sides they bend down at a right angle to the outside, so that they then spread out horizontally from each other. The pattern of each scale is then exactly that of a segment of 72°. Since the edges of the neighboring scales touch each other, there develops a flat plate-like corona ring around the gynostegium.
Hoya vaccinioides Hooker 1883 Type description: In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 56. J. D. Hooker. 16. H. Vaccinioides, Hook. f.; quite glabrous, branches very long slender pendulous, leaves ½ in. elliptic subacute fleshy nerves obsolete. Upper Assam; Mishmi Mts., by the Thumat river, Griffith. Follicles 3 in. long, slender, straight, pericarp thin, stems round velvety-pubescent; petioles round, above pubescent lanceolate, leaves diverse when young ovate-orbiculatis, apex briefly acute, later elliptic lanceolate acute, base margine entire, other abbreviated, thick variegation; flowers not noted ? It lives in Japan. Note: a description without flowers is next to useless.
Hoya variegata De Vriese 1853 Type description: name untenable as previously used by Siebold 1846. The above should be be credited to Siebold and Morren. See under that name in my files. RDK In La Belgique Horticulture 3 (1853) 501. Horticulture. L’Hoya variegata Represente D’Apres une Plante Fleurie en 1852 dans la Collection de son Altesse Royal le Prince Frederick des Pay-Bas, Par M. W.-H. De Vriese, Professor de Botanique a l’universite de Leyde. En 1864, I'horticulteur d'Utrecht, M. Jongeling, m'invita a faire la description d'un Hoya japonais qu'il avait achete de la maison Von Siebold et Ce., a Leyde. Je me suis acquitte de cette tache selon mes moyens. Cette description a ete reproduite en totalite ou en partie par les publications horticoles de Hollande et de Belgique. On trouve, entre autres, ce travail en extrait avec une gravure de cette plante, mais non fleurie, dans les Annales de la societe d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand, du professeur M. Ch. Morren, 2.vol. n. 22, oct. 1846. Cette espece est entree plus tard dans le commerce. Seulement depuis quelques mois, j'ai cu loccasion de la voir en fleur; c'est la fleur que nous reproduisons ci-contre (pl. 46). Elle s'est epanouic dans le courant de l’ete 1852, dans les serres de Son Altesse Royale le prince Frederic des Pays-Bas. Je crois qu'on reconnaitra avec moi que cette fleur est tres-differente de celle de l’Hoya carnosa et que personnc nc la confondra avec cette espece. Leurs fleurs different trop sous le rapport de leurs couleurs t et d'autres caracteres. Les feuilles restent constamment variees et versicolores, malgre qu’on ait cultive cette plante plusieurs annees de suite; nous rappellerons encore qu'en cette meme annee 1846, deux nouvelles especes d’Hoya ont ete introduites. Celle que nous represcatons actuellement est celle qu’on appelle variee d'argent. Nous ne pouvons declarer si l'autre, ditc variee d'or, a deja fleuri. Je crois indubitablement que la premiere est deeidement une nouvelle espece que je caractirise comme suit: H. variegata. Devr. Jaarboek v. d. kon. Nederl. maats. tot. aanm. V. d. tuinb. 1852, p. 59, cum ic. Volubilis, radicans, ramulis teretibus, velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-variegatis, margine saepe roseis carnosis, ovalibus, ellipticus oblongis, subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis, 2 - 5 cent. Longis, peduncles fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa, utrinque rosea, laciniis subdeltoideis, apice reflexis ibique stellato-barbatis; coronae stamineae foliolis triangularibus, albis, in medio purpureis. Reliqua sunt ut in H. carnosa. fond d'argile et des arrosements moderes, de l'ombre a demi. La multiplication se fait par bouture, a chaud et sous cloche Cet Hoya, couronne d'une medaille de vermeil a l’exposition de la societe de Gand en 1846, est du Japon, mais nous sommes sans details sur sa station primitive. On a dit dans le temps que l'edition entiere en avait ete achetee par M. Jongeling, pour 7407 francs. Depuis, cette plante s'est propagee, mais elle est encore peu repandue (1). Elle croit mieux en serre chaude que dans la serre temperee ou l'on peut cependant la cultiver. ll lui faut une terre substantielle a etouffee. Translation: The Hoya variegata presented after an in bloom plant blossomed in 1852 in the collection of his Royal Highness the Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, by M.W.H. De Vriese, Professor of Botany at the University of Leyde.
In 1864, the horticulturist of Utrecht, M. Jongeling, invited me to make the description of a Japanese Hoya that he had bought at the house of Von Siebold and Thus to Leyde. I am myself familiar of the strain according to my means. This description has ete reproduced in totality or in part by the horticultural publications of Holland and of Belgium. One finds, among others, this work is an engraving of the plant, but with no bloom, in Annals of the Society of Agriculture and Botany of Ghent, of the Professor Mr. Ch. Morren, 2nd Volume #22, October 1846. This species was entered later into the trade only for some month, I have on occasion seen a flower; it is the flower that we reproduce opposite (pl. 46). It bloomed during the summer of 1852, in the sight of his Royale Highness the prince Frederic of the Netherlands. I believe that one will agree with me that the flower is very different from that of Hoya carnosa and that no one will confound it with that species. Their flowers differ too much in their color and other characteristics. Leaves remain constantly varied and versi-colored, even though one has cultured this plant for several years; we will recall that in this same year 1846, two new species of hoya have been introduced. The one that we represent currently is the one we call variety argentia. We can not declare if the other, variety cup of gold, has ever flowered. I believe undoubtedly that the first is undoubtedly a new species that I characterize as follows: H. variegata. Devr. Jaarbork v.d. kon. Nederl. maats. tot. aanm. v.d. tuinb.1852, p.59, with ic. Climbing, rooting, stems round, velvety- somewhat pubescent, leaves white-variegated, margins often rosy fleshy, oval, elliptic oblong, somewhat acuminate, petioles reddish, 2 to 5 cm. long, peduncles brown-red; corolla fleshy, both sides rose colored flaps almost deltoid, apex reflexed triangular, white, and there with stiff barbs, corolla fleshy, both sides rosy, flaps almost deltoid; leaflets of the staminal corona triangular, white, in the middle purple, the remainder like in Hoya carnosa. This Hoya, has been awarded the crown medal of the expedition of the society of Ghent in 1846, is from Japan, but we are without details of its primitive station. It was said that the entire edition had been bought by M. Jongeling, for 7407 francs. Since, this plant propagated itself, but it is again still scarce. It does better in a hot greenhouse than in a moderate greenhouse or one can mean while propagate it. It is necessary for it to have a substantial earth and with bottom heat and a moderately atmosphere with about half shade. It is multiplied by cuttings, with heat under a suppressed bell. In Fleur des Serres des Jardins de L’Europe 8 (1853) 241. Van Houtte (DeVriese). I Charact. Gener. Vide supra, vol. IV. t. 310 et vol. VI. p. 143. Charact. Specif. H. variegata, volubilis, radicans:, ramulis teretibus velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albovariegatis, margine saepe roseis carnosis ovalibus ellipticis v. oblongis, subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis 2-5 centim. longis,; pedunculis fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa utrinque rosea, laciniis subdeltoideis, apice reflexis ibique stellato barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis triangularibus, albis, medio purpureis. Reliqua sunt ut in Hoya carnosa. Hoya variegata, De Vriese. Ann. 1846 (1). Annal. Soc. D’Agric. Et de Bot. de Gand, vol. II, N. 22, octob. 1846, avec figure de 1a plante sans fleur. En 1846,1esieur Jongeling, d'Utrecht, me demanda la description d'une espece d’Hoya du Japon, qu'il avait achetee de M. Von Siebold a Leyde. L'article que je fis a cette
occasion fut plus op moins completement reproduit par des journaux hollandais et belges, et notamment dans la publication horticole ci-dessus nommee. Bientot repandue dans le commerce, la plante ne m'etait pourtant connue qu’a l’etat sterile, lorsque, en l852, jeus le plaisir de la voir en fleur dans la collection de son Altesse royale le prince. Frederic des Pays-Bas. C'est d'apres cet exemplaire que fut dessinee la figure ici publiee La comparaison, de ces fleurs avec celles de !'Hoya carnosa, etablit entre. les deux, tant pour le coloris que pour d'autres caracteres plus importants, des differences a mon avis assez tranchees, pour justifier la distinction specifique de ces plantes. Apres une culture de plusieurs annees Hoya variegata conserve, comme au premier jour, son caractere panache. Seulement la panachure s'y presente heureusement sous deux nuances, favorables l'une et l'ornementation des serres; d’une part, la variete argentee (zilverbonte) a laquelle se rapporte notre figure, d'autre part la variete doree (goudbonte), dont nous n’avons pu voir encore 1es fleurs, a la date ou nous tracons ces lignes, c'est-a-dire en septembre l 852. Culture: Un milieu chaud et humide, un sol meuble et richement compose d'humus vegetal (bois pourri, terreau de fumier et de feuilles, etc.) sont de toute necessite pour obtenir de: cette jolie plante une vegetation franche et une trellis en boule, ou ovale pyramidal, d’un metre a un metre et demi de hauteur environ, ou le long des piliers ou des chevrons de la serre chaude, d’ou puissent retomber en liberte ses elegantes ombelles de fleurs odorantes. Multiplication de boutures sur couche chaude et sous cloche. L. VH. Translation: See under La Belgique Hort. Above. In Annales Botanices Systematicae 5 (1858) 506. W. G. Walpers. 4. Hoya variegata de Vr. (Walp. Rep. VI. p. 743 n. 2). — De Vriese fl. des serres VIII. tab. 838. P. 241. Variegata volubilis radicans ramulis teretibus velutino - sub-pubescentibus, f. albo variegatis, marg. saepe roseis carnosis ovalib. ellipticis oblongis subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis; cor. carnosa utrinq. rosea, laciniis subdeltoideis, ap. Reflexis ibique stellatobarbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis, triangularibus, albis in medio purpureis, Reliqua sunt in Hoya carnosa. Hoya picta var. argentea. Hoya picta var. aurea In Revue hort. 1853 p. 277. Habitat Japonia. Translation: Variegated twiner, stems rooting, velvety, round - somewhat pubescent, flowers white-variegated, large often rose fleshy oval elliptic or oblong somewhat acuminate, petioles reddish 2 to 5 cm long, peduncle brownish red, corolla fleshy both sides pink, flaps somewhat deltoid, apex reflexed and there stiff hairs, leaflets of the staminal corona triangular, white in the center purple. Remains within H. carnosa.
Hoya variegata Siebold ex Morren Type description:
In Repertorium Botanica Systematicae (1846) 743. 2. Hoya variegata Siebold mss. ex Morren, Ann de la soc. D’agriecult. Et de bot., do Grand II. 401, t. 90. Caule tereti velutino-pubescente; petiolis teretibus, supra lineolatis pubescentibus, foliis diversis, junioribus ovato-orbiculatis, apice brevi acuto, demum ellipticis lanceolatis acutis, basi margine uno producto, altero abbreviato, crassis variegatis; floribus ignotis. ? Creseit in Japonia. Translation: Stems round velvety pubescent; petioles round, above linearly lined pubescent, leaves diverse, juvenile ones ovate-orbicular, apex short acute, becoming elliptic lanceolate acute, base margine one, the other abbreviated, thick variegated, flowers not seen. ? — it lives in Japan. Other literature: In Annales Societe Royale D’Agriculture et de Botanique de Grand 2 (1846) 401402. C Morren. Car. spec. H. variegata. Sieb. Caule tereti, velutino-pubescente; petiolis teretibus, supra lineolatis, pubescentibus; foliis diversis, junioribus ovato-orbiculatis, apice brevi acuto, demure ellipticis, lanceolatis, acutis, basi margine uno producto, altero abbreviato, crassis, variegatis. (Floribus ignotis.) Tab. 90. Car. Spec. H. variee. Sieb. Tige ronde, veloutee-pubescente; petioles ronds, lineoles au-dessus, pubescents; feuilles diverses, dans le jeune age ovales-orbiculares, bout court, pointu; plus tard elliptiques, lanceolees, aigues, a la base un bord prolonge, l’autre plus court, epasisses, variees. (Fleurs inconnues.) Les Hoya sont des sous-arbrisseaux de l'Asie et de la Nouvelle-Hollande tropicales, grimpants ou tombants, poussant souvent des racines sur leurs tiges ou leurs rameaux, a feuilles opposees, epaisses, charnues ou membraneuses, a ombelles interpetiolacees et multiflores. Chacun counait l'ancien Hoya carnosa de nos serres, au pedoncule permanent, se couvrant annuellement d'une ombelle, dit-on, et reellement c’est un epi de fleurs veloutees charmantes qui font l'admiration de ceux qui les contempleot. Robert Brown fonda le genre et lui donna le nom de Thomas Hoy, jardinier du duc de Northumberland au chateau fameux de Syon. Quelques auteurs ont pretendu que le nom d'Hoya etait celui d'un botaniste espagnol. C’est une erreur. L'Hoya variegata de Siebold est une plante toute nouvelle, introduite par les soins de celebre botaniste et que nous avons vu figurer a l'exposition de Gand de mars 1845 ou elle remporta la, distinction d'une medaille speciale, tent elle fixn l'attention du jury et du public. La plante etait tellement belle et remarquable par ses feuilles vertes, variees, lavees, maculees, striees, bordees de blanc, par ses pedoncules roses, que le comite nomme par la Societe Royale pour la reception des plantes dans le journal, a decide qu'il ne fallait pas attendre 1e floraison de cette espece pour en publier le dessin. Le coloris des feuilles valait pour lui celui des fleurs. La valeur horticole de cette espece
est d'ailleurs tellement haute que le commerce a besoin de cette representation et c'est en sa faveur que les Annales la publient. Le savant professeur de botanique de Leyde, l'honorable M. De Vriese, a fait en hollandais une descriplion de cette plante, qui nous a ete communiquee et que nous respectons comme sa propriete manuscrite. Nous esperons toutefois qu'il nous pardonnera cette indiscretion qui est d'ailleurs aussi notre avis, a savoir que selon lui les Hoya variegata et picta, introduits dernierement par M. Van Sieboldt, s'eloignent tellement des especes connues de Hoya, qu'indubitablement ce sont des especes nouvelles. Si nous ne nous trompons la valeur de l'edition de l'Hoya variegata etait de 3500 florins des Pays-Bas (7407 fr.). L'acquisition en a eti faite toutefois a Utrecht, par MM. De Winter et Joengeling dans l'etablissement desquels cette plante se vendra par souscription. Culture: Cet Hoya est de serre chaude, de serre temperee et de serre froide; il exige une terre substantielle, du terreau melange d'argile. Place en pleine terre dans la serre, il croit mieux et vite. L'ombre et la demi-ombre lui sont favorables. L'arrosement doit etre modere; la multiplication se fait par boutures, sous cloches et en tannee chaude, ou en tanc's system. Translation: Stems round, velvety pubescent, petioles round above linearly lined, pubescent, leaves diverse, juvenile ones ovate-orbicular apex shortly acute, finally elliptic, lanceolate acute, base margine produced one, the other abbreviated, thick, variegated. (Flowers not seen.) Species characteristics H. variegated Siebold. Stem round, velvety-pubescent; petioles round, linearly lined above, pubescents; leaves diverse, in the young age ovalorbicular, shortly pointed, later elliptic, lanceolate. Sharp, has the base one edge prolonged, the other shorter, epaisses, variegated. (flowers unknown). The Hoyas are under-shrubs of the Asian tropics, trailing or falling, of New Holland, often pushing roots on the stems or their branches, with opposite, thick, fleshy or membranous leaves, they have umbels between the petioles and multiflowered. Each knows the ancient Hoya carnosa of our greenhouses, the peduncle is permanent, covering themselves annually with an umbel, one says, and really it is an cluster of charming velvety flowers that makes the admiration of these contemporaries. Robert Brown founded the type gave it the name of Thomas Hoy, gardener of the duke of Northumberland to the famous castle of Syon. Some authors have pretended that the name of Hoya was the one of a Spanish botanist. It was an error. The Hoya variegata of Siebold is a all new plant, introduced by the cares of the famous botanist and that we have seen figured at the exposition of Gand of March 1845 where it carried the distinction of a special medal, where it fixed the attention of the jury and the public. The plant was so beautiful and remarkable by his green variegated leaves washed, stained and streaked broadside with white by its peduncled roses, that the committee on names of the Societe Royale for the reception of the plants in the journal, has decided that it was not necessary to wait for the flowering of this species to publish the drawing of it. The coloration of the leaves was worthy of it without one flower The horticultural value of the species is besides so high that the trade needs this representation and it is in its favor that Annales publish it.
The learned professor of botany of Leyde, the honorable Mr. De Vriese, has made a description in Dutch of this plant, that has been communicated to us and that we respect his handwritten property. We hope however that he will forgive this in-discretion that is besides our opinion, was known according to him that the Hoya variegata and picta, were introduced later by M. Van Sieboldt, aside from the known hoyas, that it is undoubtedly some new species. If we are not mistaken the value of the Hoya variegata edition was 3500 florins of the Netherlands (7407 franks). The acquisition in has made it ete however has Utrecht, by MM. DFE Winter and Joengering in the establishment from where the plant will be sold by subscription. Culture: This Hoya is hot greenhouse, moderate greenhouse and coldhouse plant; it demands a substantial earth, of the compost mixed with clay. Place in full soil in the greenhouse, it behaves better and quicker. The vigorousness must be curbed; it is multiplied by cuttings, under bells and with some heat, or in a tank system. In Tuinbouw Flora 1 (1853). W. H. DeVries. 12. Hoya variegata Sieb. Deze Plant is uit Japan in Nederland ingevoerd in 1845 met eene andere verscheidenheid, die als H. picta Sieb. algemeen bekend is. lk heb haar beschreven in het Jaarb. der Kon. Nederl. Maatsch. van Tuinb. In 1852, alwaar men eene af beelding vindt van de bloem, de bloem, eenige, die naar ik weet, in Nederland heeft gebloeid. Deze bloem is gezien in de verzameling van Z. K. H. Prins Fredrik Der Nederlanden. Zij heeft bewezen, dat deze plant wel degelijk verschilt van H. carnosa. Afgeb. Flor. Serr. 1853. 241. Translation: This plant is from Japan, introduces in 1845 into The Netherlands, with a difference from Hoya picta Siebold which is generally known and described in Jaarb. der Kon. Nederl. Maatsch. from Tuinbouw in 1852, with knowledge occasionally one finds from the flower, the flower, those which I know, having thrived in The Netherlands. This flower is seen in the gathering at K. H. Prince Fredrik of the Netherlands. They have proved, that these plants, differ well from H. carnosa. Afgeb. Flor. Serr.1853. 241.
Hoya variegata De Vriese In La Belgique Horticulture 3 (1853) 501. Horticulture. L’Hoya variegata Represente D’Apres une Plante Fleurie en 1852 dans la Collection de son Altesse Royal le Prince Frederick des Pay-Bas, Par M. W.-H. De Vriese, Professor de Botanique a l’universite de Leyde. En 1864, I'horticulteur d'Utrecht, M. Jongeling, m'invita a faire la description d'un Hoya japonais qu'il avait achete de la maison Von Siebold et Ce., a Leyde. Je me suis acquitte de cette tache selon mes moyens. Cette description a ete reproduite en totalite ou en partie par les publications horticoles de Hollande et de Belgique. On trouve, entre autres, ce travail en extrait avec une gravure de cette plante, mais non fleurie, dans les Annales de la societe d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand, du professeur M. Ch. Morren, 2.vol. n. 22, oct. 1846. Cette espece est entree plus tard dans le commerce. Seulement depuis quelques mois, j'ai cu loccasion de la voir en fleur; c'est la fleur que nous reproduisons ci-contre (pl. 46). Elle s'est epanouic dans le courant de l’ete 1852, dans les serres de Son Altesse Royale le prince Frederic des Pays-Bas. Je crois qu'on reconnaitra avec moi que cette fleur est tres-differente de celle de l’Hoya carnosa et que personnc nc la confondra avec cette espece. Leurs fleurs different trop sous le rapport de leurs couleurs t et d'autres caracteres. Les feuilles restent constamment variees et versicolores, malgre qu’on ait cultive cette plante plusieurs annees de suite; nous rappellerons encore qu'en cette meme annee 1846, deux nouvelles especes d’Hoya ont ete introduites. Celle que nous represcatons actuellement est celle qu’on appelle variee d'argent. Nous ne pouvons declarer si l'autre, ditc variee d'or, a deja fleuri. Je crois indubitablement que la premiere est deeidement une nouvelle espece que je caractirise comme suit: H. variegata. Devr. Jaarboek v. d. kon. Nederl. maats. tot. aanm. V. d. tuinb. 1852, p. 59, cum ic. Volubilis, radicans, ramulis teretibus, velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-variegatis, margine saepe roseis carnosis, ovalibus, ellipticus oblongis, subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis, 2 - 5 cent. Longis, peduncles fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa, utrinque rosea, laciniis subdeltoideis, apice reflexis ibique stellato-barbatis; coronae stamineae foliolis triangularibus, albis, in medio purpureis. Reliqua sunt ut in H. carnosa. Cet Hoya, couronne d'une medaille de vermeil a l’exposition de la societe de Gand en 1846, est du Japon, mais nous sommes sans details sur sa station primitive. On a dit dans le temps que l'edition entiere en avait ete achetee par M. Jongeling, pour 7407 francs. Depuis, cette plante s'est propagee, mais elle est encore peu repandue (1). Elle croit mieux en serre chaude que dans la serre temperee ou l'on peut cependant la cultiver. ll lui faut une terre substantielle a fond d'argile et des arrosements moderes, de l'ombre a demi. La multiplication se fait par bouture, a chaud et sous cloche etouffee. Translation: The Hoya variegata presented after an in bloom plant blossomed in 1852 in the collection of his Royal Highness the Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, by M.W.H. De Vriese, Professor of Botany at the University of Leyde. In 1864, the horticulturist of Utrecht, M. Jongeling, invited me to make the description of a Japanese Hoya that he had bought at the house of Von Siebold and Thus
to Leyde. I am myself familiar of the strain according to my means. This description has ete reproduced in totality or in part by the horticultural publications of Holland and of Belgium. One finds, among others, this work is an engraving of the plant, but with no bloom, in Annals of the Society of Agriculture and Botany of Ghent, of the Professor Mr. Ch. Morren, 2nd Volume #22, October 1846. This species was entered later into the trade only for some month, I have on occasion seen a flower; it is the flower that we reproduce opposite (pl. 46). It bloomed during the summer of 1852, in the sight of his Royale Highness the prince Frederic of the Netherlands. I believe that one will agree with me that the flower is very different from that of Hoya carnosa and that no one will confound it with that species. Their flowers differ too much in their color and other characteristics. Leaves remain constantly varied and versi-colored, even though one has cultured this plant for several years; we will recall that in this same year 1846, two new species of hoya have been introduced. The one that we represent currently is the one we call variety argentia. We can not declare if the other, variety cup of gold, has ever flowered. I believe undoubtedly that the first is undoubtedly a new species that I characterize as follows: H. variegata. Devr. Jaarbork v.d. kon. Nederl. maats. tot. aanm. v.d. tuinb.1852, p.59, with ic. Climbing, rooting, stems round, velvety- somewhat pubescent, leaves white-variegated, margins often rosy fleshy, oval, elliptic oblong, somewhat acuminate, petioles reddish, 2 to 5 cm. long, peduncles brown-red; corolla fleshy, both sides rose colored flaps almost deltoid, apex reflexed triangular, white, and there with stiff barbs, corolla fleshy, both sides rosy, flaps almost deltoid; leaflets of the staminal corona triangular, white, in the middle purple, the remainder like in Hoya carnosa. This Hoya, has been awarded the crown medal of the expedition of the society of Ghent in 1846, is from Japan, but we are without details of its primitive station. It was said that the entire edition had been bought by M. Jongeling, for 7407 francs. Since, this plant propagated itself, but it is again still scarce. It does better in a hot greenhouse than in a moderate greenhouse or one can mean while propagate it. It is necessary for it to have a substantial earth and with bottom heat and a moderately atmosphere with about half shade. It is multiplied by cuttings, with heat under a suppressed bell. In Fleur des Serres des Jardins de L’Europe 8 (1853) 241. Van Houtte (DeVriese). I Charact. Gener. Vide supra, vol. IV. t. 310 et vol. VI. p. 143. Charact. Specif. H. variegata, volubilis, radicans:, ramulis teretibus velutino-subpubescentibus, foliis albo-variegatis, margine saepe roseis carnosis ovalibus ellipticis v. oblongis, subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis 2-5 centim. longis,; pedunculis fusco-rubellis; corolla carnosa utrinque rosea, laciniis subdeltoideis, apice reflexis ibique stellato barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis triangularibus, albis, medio purpureis. Reliqua sunt ut in Hoya carnosa. Hoya variegata, De Vriese. Ann. 1846 (1). Annal. Soc. D’Agric. Et de Bot. de Gand, vol. II, N. 22, octob. 1846, avec figure de 1a plante sans fleur. En 1846,1esieur Jongeling, d'Utrecht, me demanda la description d'une espece d’Hoya du Japon, qu'il avait achetee de M. Von Siebold a Leyde. L'article que je fis a cette occasion fut plus op moins completement reproduit par des journaux hollandais et belges, et notamment dans la publication horticole ci-dessus nommee.
Bientot repandue dans le commerce, la plante ne m'etait pourtant connue qu’a l’etat sterile, lorsque, en l852, jeus le plaisir de la voir en fleur dans la collection de son Altesse royale le prince. Frederic des Pays-Bas. C'est d'apres cet exemplaire que fut dessinee la figure ici publiee La comparaison, de ces fleurs avec celles de !'Hoya carnosa, etablit entre. les deux, tant pour le coloris que pour d'autres caracteres plus importants, des differences a mon avis assez tranchees, pour justifier la distinction specifique de ces plantes. Apres une culture de plusieurs annees Hoya variegata conserve, comme au premier jour, son caractere panache. Seulement la panachure s'y presente heureusement sous deux nuances, favorables l'une et l'ornementation des serres; d’une part, la variete argentee (zilverbonte) a laquelle se rapporte notre figure, d'autre part la variete doree (goudbonte), dont nous n’avons pu voir encore 1es fleurs, a la date ou nous tracons ces lignes, c'est-a-dire en septembre l 852. Culture: Un milieu chaud et humide, un sol meuble et richement compose d'humus vegetal (bois pourri, terreau de fumier et de feuilles, etc.) sont de toute necessite pour obtenir de: cette jolie plante une vegetation franche et une trellis en boule, ou ovale pyramidal, d’un metre a un metre et demi de hauteur environ, ou le long des piliers ou des chevrons de la serre chaude, d’ou puissent retomber en liberte ses elegantes ombelles de fleurs odorantes. Multiplication de boutures sur couche chaude et sous cloche. L. VH. Translation: See under La Belgique Hort. Above. In Annales Botanices Systematicae 5 (1858) 506. W. G. Walpers. 4. Hoya variegata de Vr. (Walp. Rep. VI. p. 743 n. 2). — De Vriese fl. des serres VIII. tab. 838. P. 241. Variegata volubilis radicans ramulis teretibus velutino - sub-pubescentibus, f. albo - variegatis, marg. saepe roseis carnosis ovalib. ellipticis oblongis subacuminatis, petiolis rubellis; cor. carnosa utrinq. rosea, laciniis subdeltoideis, ap. Reflexis ibique stellato-barbulatis, coronae stamineae foliolis, triangularibus, albis in medio purpureis, Reliqua sunt in Hoya carnosa. Hoya picta var. argentea. Hoya picta var. aurea In Revue hort. 1853 p. 277. Habitat Japonia. Translation: Variegated twiner, stems rooting, velvety, round - somewhat pubescent, flowers white-variegated, large often rose fleshy oval elliptic or oblong somewhat acuminate, petioles reddish 2 to 5 cm long, peduncle brownish red, corolla fleshy both sides pink, flaps somewhat deltoid, apex reflexed and there stiff hairs, leaflets of the staminal corona triangular, white in the center purple. Remains within H. carnosa.
Chromosome Information H. variegata Siebold ex Morran 2n = 44 It is a variegated Hoya carnosa. Leaves: a little smaller than H. carnosa, a little wavy, milky white marginated 1/3 --- 1/4 leaf edge. Often variegated part are light red.
Chromosome ranges from Max. 1.3 μ to Min. 0.4 μ . This construction as distinguish as H. carnosa. L ----- This construction is 5 pairs. 3 pairs of the submedian constriction with trabant and 2 pairs of the median constriction with trabant M ----- This construction is 12 pairs. 4 pairs of the suhmedian constriction and 8 pairs of the median constriction. 8 pairs of the median constriction distinguish 2 pairs of the M1 sub-group and 6 pairs of the M2 in size order. S ----- 2 pairs of the submediun constriction and 3 pairs of the median constriction. The size of chromosome is continuous except 1 group. On the whole it shows symmetrical karyotypes. The formalize is .follows: K=44=6t Lsam+4tLm+8BMsm+4M1m+12.M2m+4Ssm+6Sm
The chromosome Karyotypes
Hoya variifolia Ridley 1926 Type description: In Kew Bulletin (1926) 74. Hoya variifolia Ridl. n. sp.; H. parviflorae Wt. affinis, gynostemio in toto differt, lobis coronae obtusis bifidis, foliis dimorphic. Scandens gracilis internodiis longis, foliis carnoso-coriaceis dimorphic ellipticis obtusis, basibus angustatis, 1.5 cm longis, 5 mm. latis, atque 1ineari-lanceolatis utrinque acuminatis 4 cm. longis, 2 mm. latis, petiolis vix distinctis; umbellis 18-floris; pedunculis gracilibus 2 cm. longis; pedicellis 1 cm. longis; floribus 2 mm. latis brunnescentibus, sepalis oblongis obtusis glabris, corollae lobis ovatis superne velutinis; gynostemio brevi, lobis coronae carnosis oblongis obtusis bifidis, inferiore concavo superiore, breviore deflexo, oblongo obtuso; antheris brevibus lineari-oblongis; pistillo conico; stylo brevi; stigmate parvo rotundato. Sipora, 14793. Flowers pinkish and brownish. Translation: near H. parviflora, gynostegium entirely different, lobes of corona obtuse, bifid, leaves dimorphic. Climbing slender internodes long, leaves fleshy-leathery dimorphic elliptic obtuse, bases narrow, 1.5 cm. long, 5 mm. wide, and linear-lanceolate, both ends acuminate 4 cm. long, 2 mm. wide, petiole scarcely distinct; umbels 18-flowered; peduncles slender 2 cm. long; pedicels 1 cm. long; flowers 2 mm. wide light brown; sepals oblong obtuse glabrous; lobes of the corolla ovate above velvety; gynostegium short, lobes of corona fleshy oblong obtuse bifid, outer inferior concave interior shortly deflexed, oblong obtuse; anthera short linear-oblong, pistil conical; style short; stigma small rounded. Sipora, #14793. Flowers pinkish and brownish.
Hoya venusta Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913)128. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 35. H. venusta Schltr. n. sp. Suffrutex epiphyticus, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosa, laxe foliati, teretes, sparsim puberuli. Folia patentia vel patula, petiolata lanceolata vel elliptico-lanceolata, obtus acuminata, coriacea, utrinque glabra, reticulato-nervosa, petiolo brevi, sparsim puberulo, superne leviter sulcato. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes, 6-10 florae, pedunculo tereti, puberulo, pedicellis filiformibus, glabris. Flores in sectione inter minores, illis H. microphyllae Schltr. similes et fere aequimagni. Calycis foliola ovata, obtusiuscula, glabra quam corolla multo breviora. Corolla perlate campanulata usque ad medium fere 5-fida, extus glabra, intus minute et dense papilloso-puberula lobis ovato-triangulis. Coronae foliola patentia, horizontalia, superne oblonga, apice triangulo, brevi acuta, extus obtusa, per medium longitudinaliter foveolata cum, gibbo obscuro ante medium. Pollinia oblique oblongoideo, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo rbomboideo minuto. Ein epiphytischer sehr zierlicher und eleganter Schlinger mit fadenförmig locker beblättern Zweigen. Blätter 3—5 cm lang, unterhalb der Mitte 0.9 - 1.7 cm breit Blattstiele 0.20.4 cm 1ang. Blütenstände doldig, 6—10-blütig auf 1.52.7 cm langem, leicht behaartem Stiel. Blütenstiele sehr fein und schlank, kahl, 1.72.3 cm lang. Blüten für die Sektion ziemlich klein, denen der H. microphylla Schltr. ähnlich. Kelchzipfel klein, 1.5 mm lang. Korolla, wenn ausgebreitet, gegen 2 cm durchmesser. Korona schuppen von der Spitz bis zum äuszern Rande gegen 3.5 mm lang. Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Waldern des Bismarck-Gebirges, ca. 2200 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 18764 — Blühend im November 1908). Unzweifelhaft ist die Art als eine nahe Verwandte der H. microphylla Schltr. anzuschen. Äuszerlich ist sie vor jener aber schon durch die längeren lanzettlichen Blätter mit langer stumpfer Träusfelspitze zu erkennen. Auszerdem ist die ganze Korolla innen kurz und dicht papillös behaart und die Koronaschuppen sind ungleich sehmäler und 1änger. Die Blüten sind weisz mit purpurroter Korona. Translation: see below under Hoyas of North Eastern New Guinea. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 73-74. R. D. Kloppenburg (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea by R. Schlechter). 35. Hoya venusta Schlechter n. sp. - a climbing epiphytic half shrub. not much branched. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, sparsely puberulous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, acuminate, leathery, both sides glabrous, reticulately veined, shortly petioled, sparsely puberulous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel. 6-10 flowered, with the peduncle round, puberulous with the pedicels filiform, glabrous. Flower very small for
the section, (the former) H. microphylla Schlechter is similar and almost of equal size. Leaflets of the calyx ovate, somewhat obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than from the corolla. Campanulate, 5 parted almost to the middle, outside glabrous, inside minutely and densely papillose-puberulous, lobes ovate triangular, glabrous, acute. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, horizontal, above oblong, apex (with the tip) triangular, shortly acute, outside obtuse, longitudinally grooved through the middle, along with an obscure hump above the center. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very mall, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A epiphytic very ornamental and elegant clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches. Leaves 3-5 cm. long, below the middle 0.9-1.7 cm. wide, petioles 0.2.4 cm. long. Inflorescences umbellate, 6-10 flowered, on a peduncle slightly pubescent and 1.5-2.7 cm. long, pedicels very fine and slender, bare, 1.7-2.3 cm. long. Flowers rather small for the section, similar to those of H. microphylla Schlechter. Calyx lobes small 1.5 mm. long. Corolla when spread out (flattened) 2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge about 3.5 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Bismarck mountains, about 2200 meters altitude (Schlechter #18764 - Blooming in November 1908). Undoubtedly this species is to be regarded as closely allied to H. microphylla Schlechter, however it is recognized from the other through the long lanceolate leaves with long attenuate ends. Moreover, the whole corolla inside has short and thick papillose hairs and the corona scales are dissimilar (unlike), narrower and longer. The blooms are white with purple-red corona. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 32. A. Nicholas. H. venusta Schlechter (Schlechter 18764) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 161-162. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya venusta Schlechter. A climbing epiphytic half shrub, not much branched. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, sparsely puberulous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, acuminate, leathery, both sides glabrous, reticulately veined, shortly petioled, sparsely puberulous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, 6-10 flowered, with the peduncle round, puberulous, with the pedicels filiform, glabrous. Flower very small for the section, H. microphylla Schlechter is similar and almost of equal size. Lobes of the calyx ovate, somewhat obtuse, glabrous, much smaller than those of the corolla. Campanulate, 5 parted almost to the middle, outside glabrous, inside minutely and densely papillosepuberulous, lobes ovate triangular, glabrous, acute. Scales of the corona spreading, horizontal, above oblong, apex triangular, shortly acute, outside obtuse, longitudinally grooved through the middle, along with an obscure hump above the center. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, retinaculum rhomboid, minute. A epiphytic very ornamental and elegant clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches. Leaves 3-5 cm. long, below the middle 0.9-1.7 cm. wide, petioles 0.20.4 cm. long. Inflorescences umbellate, 6-10 flowered, on a peduncle slightly pubescent and 1.5-2.7 cm. long, pedicels very fine and slender, bare, 1.7- 2.3 cm. long. Flowers rather small for the section, similar to those of H. microphylla Schlechter. Calyx lobes
small 1.5 mm. long. Corolla when spread out (flattened) 2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the tip to the outer edge about 3.5 mm. long. Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forests of the Bismarck mountains, about 2200 meters altitude (Schlechter #18764 - Blooming in November 1908). Undoubtedly this species is to be regarded as closely allied to H. microphylla Schlechter, however, it is recognized from the other through the long lanceolate leaves with long attenuate ends. Moreover, the whole corolla inside has short and thick papillose hairs and the corona scales are dissimilar, narrower and longer. The blooms are white with purple-red corona. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.128, "die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya venusta Schlechter, 1913, Type # 18767 (B)
Hoya viridiflora R. Brown 1820 Type description: In Sprengel Systema Vegetebilum 1 (1820). Caroli A. Linne. 2. H. viridiflora R. Brown; foliis ovatis acuminatis membranaceis corollisque glabris, coronae foliolis exsulcis, volubilis, foliis oppositis planis ovatis integerrimis acuminatis, umbellis erectis Linn. Suppl. 170. - Willd. Spec.1. p. 1269. - Pers. Syn 1, p. 276. Walla Kakacodi Rheed. Malab. IX. p. 25. T. 15. Glaberrima ramis volulbilibus. Folia petiolata subcordata venosa. Umbellae simplicissimae pedunculatae. Pedunculus longitudine petioli. Flores viridescentes. Linn. Folia in icone Rheedi cordata potius quam ovate, et pedunculi petiolis breviories, umbellae vero cum pedicellis iisdem majores. Folliculi conici, pollicem et ultra in diametro ad basin.- - Inter frutices in memorosis Zeylonae. König. Obs. Differt structura coronae e habitu a carnosa, in que typus generis. Translation: Leaves ovate acuminate membranaceous glabrous as the corolla is, leaflets of the corona not furrowed below. In Mem. Werner Soc. 1. page 27. Asclepias volubilis twining tree-like, leaves opposite flat ovate entirely acuminate, umbels erect. ………..Glabrous twining stems. Leaves petiolate almost cordate veined. Umbella simple pedunculate. Peduncles longitudinal petiolate. Flowers becoming green. Linn. Leaves Rheedi’s illustration cordate rather more ovate and peduncles shorter than the petioles, umbels in fact with pedicels somewhat larger. Follicles cone-shaped one inch and larger in diameter at the base. During fraternal memory of the Zeylona. King. Other literature: In Sprengel Systema Vegetebilum 1 (1825) 843. H. viridiflora R. Br. H. foliis subcordato-ovatis acuminatis membranaceis corollisque glabris, laminis gynostegii exsulcis. Ceylon (Asclepias volubilis L.) Translation: leaves almost cordate-ovate acuminate membranous corolla, blades of the gynostegium not furrowed.
glabrous as is the
In Botanical Miscellany 2 (1830) 98. W. J. Hooker. 1. Hoya viridiflora. Pentandria Digynia. Nat Ord. Asclepiadeae. Gen. Char. Cor. rotata, 5-fida. Corona staminea 5-phylla, foliolis depressis, carnosis, angulo interiore producto in dentem antherae incumbentem. Antherae membrana terminatae. Massae pollinis basi affixae, conniventes, compressae. Stigma muticum. Folliculi leaves. Semina comosa. Br. Hoya viridiflora; foliis ovatis (cordatisve) acuminatis membranaceis corollisque glabris, coronae, foliolis exsulcis, (folliculis pulverulento-tomentosis.) Br. (Suppl. Tab. I.) Hoya viridiflora. Br. in Wern. Trans. v. 1. p. 27. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veget. v. 6. p. 61. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p. 843. Asclepias volubilis. Linn, Suppl. p. 170. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. l. p. 1269. Watta-kaka-codi. Rheede, Hort. Mal. v. 9. p. 25. t. 15.
A milky shrub. Stems twining: the bark: rough and cracked; on the branches about one year old, cinerous and tuberculated. Petioles 1-2 inches 1ong, round, smooth, and with the young shoots and peduncles sprinkled all over with an impalpable whitish powder. Leaves sometimes ovate, sometimes deeply cordate and acuminate, (perhaps these constitute different species,) of a thin membranous texture, and, like the other parts, sometimes powdery. Flowers green, in lateral simple umbels; peduncles about as long, as the petioles; pedicels nearly the same length. Calyx 5-parted, small. Corolla rotate, 5-cleft, divisions obtuse. Crown of the stamens of 5 fleshy truncated bodies, attached to the toy of top column, each furnished with a little tooth, projecting, from the interior angle, which rests on the adjoining anther. Anthers terminated be a membrane, resting on the stigma. Pollen masses erect, compressed. Pistil: Germens 2: Styles short and very thick: Stigma slightly convex. Pericarp; 2 follicles adhering at the base, and diverging, ventricose in the middle, and terminating in an obtuse point, very thickly covered with a yellow impalpable powder. This plant is common all along the Coromandel Coast, growing in almost any soil, and flowering during the greater part of the year. The leaves, pealed and dipped in oil, are much esteemed by the natives as a discutient in the early stages of boils; when the disease is more advanced, they are employed in the same way to promote suppuration. In Allgem Med-Pharm. Fl. 3 (1834) 1083. Kosteletsky. H. viridiflora. R. Br. Grünblumige (woody) Blätter fast herz-eiförmig, zugespitzt, häutig, sammt den Corollen kahl; die Fortsätze der Staubfadensäule ohne Furchen.—. Rheede. 9.t.l5, —Asclepias volubilis. L. Ein ansehnlicher Schlingstrauch, in allen Theilen kahl. Stengel und Aeste grau. Blätter 3-5” lang, 2-3” breit, auf 1-2” langen Stielen, eiförmig, an der Basis herzförmig oder auch abgerubdet, spitz oder zugespitzt, dunkelgrün, unter blässer. Dolden einfach, vielblüthig; der gemeinschaftliche, Blüthenstiel so lang wie die besondern, doch kürzer als der Blattstiel. Blüthern grün.—Corollenzipfel flach ausgebreitet oder etwas zurück geschlagen, eieförmig, spitz. Balgkapseln fast kegelelig, stumpf, 3 – 4” lang, am 1518”dick, grünlich-gelb.— Gemein in hacken, Gebüschen und in hainen der indisschen halbinsel, so wie auf Seilan. — Blüht im Summer, (wood) Die gelbliche, innen weisse, scharfe und sehr bittere Wurzel, so wie die jungen Triebe werden bie Wassersuchten, aber auch um Auswurf zu bewirken, ferner äuszerlich gegen den Bisz der Brillenschlange argewendet. Translation: Green-blooming. Woody. Leaves almost oval-cordate, apex pointed, leathery, the corolla entirely glabrous; with the exception of the climbing tendrils in all respects glabrous.— Rheede.9.t.l5, -Asclepias volubilis. L. Follicle almost conic, dull, blunt, 3 - 4" long, at the base 15-18" thick, greenishyellow. - Common in hedges, and in groves A considerable climbing shrub, in all respects glabrous. Stems and branches gray. Leaves 3-5" long, 2-3" broad, in 1-2" long peduncles, oval, at the bases cordate or also almost rounded, pointed or sharpened, dark green below lighter. Umbel simple, many flowers; the mutual, pedicel of equal length, however shorter than the petiole. Flowers green. Corolla tips flat extended or reflexed. Oval, pointed.. of the endemic peninsula, as in Seilan. — Flowers in the Summer, (woody shrub) It proves to be yellow, inside white, sharp and very bitter Root, so that the young
shoots, much like a water sickness, but also it causes vomiting, furthermore compared with a bad bite from a cobra. In Contributions to the Botany of India (1834) 34. Robert Wight & Wallich. § 2. Folia membranacea. Cor. st. foliola subtus esulcata. 10. H. viridifolia (R. Brown:) volubilis, foliis ovate cordatisve acuminatis membranaceis utrinque glabris, corolla glabra segmentis ovatis acutiusculis, cor. st. foliolis supra planis obovalibus obtusissimis angulo interiore brevi obtuso, folliculis divaricatis crassis obtusis ferrugineo-farinosis.—Br. in Wern. soc. mem. 1. p. 26; Roem. et Sch. syst. veg. 6. p. 51; Spr syst. 1. p. 843; Wall.! Asclep. n. 24 (excl. f ), 26, 60, c (ex parte); Wight ! in Hook. bot. misc. 2. p. 93. Suppl. t. 1; cat. n. 1523.—Asclepias volubilis, Linn. suppl. 170; Willd. sp. pl. 1. p. 1279; Roxb. fl. Ind. 2. p. 36. — A. viridiflora, Roxb. in coet. merc. Ind. or. mus. tab. 611. — Apocynum tiliaefolium, Lam. enc. meth. 1. p. 214. — Rheed. Mul. 9. t. 15. — , alpina; floribus majoribus, corolla segmentis obtusis. — Wight ! cat. n. 1523. b. — Hoya, Wall. ! Asclep. n. 25.— u. In ore Coromandeliana frequens. Apud Morang et Gongachora, Hamilton; Silhet, Wallich. — . Ad. Neelgherry; Noton; Wight. The alpine variety has much larger flowers, and the segments of the corolla very obtuse; it does not appear, however, to differ in other respects. Translation: In General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 127. G. Don. § 2. Leaves membranous. Leaflets of corona without any furrow beneath. 34 H. viridifolia (R. Br. in mem. wern. soc. 1. p. 26.) twining; leaves ovate, or cordate, acuminated, membranous, glabrous; corolla glabrous: with ovate, acute segments; leaflets of corona flat above, oboval, very blunt, with the inner angles short and obtuse; follicles thick, divaricate, obtuse, clothed with rusty mealiness. Woody perennial shrub. Native on the coast of Coromandel, frequent; and at Morang and Gongachora, and Silhet. Wall. ascl. no. 24, exclusive of f. 26. and 60 c. Wight, in Hook. bot. misc. 2. p. 98. suppl. t. 1. Asclepias volubilis, Lin. suppl. 170. Roxb. fl. ind. 2. p. 36. Asclepias viridiflora, Roxb. in. mus. or t. 611. Apocynum tiliaefolium, Lam. diet. 1. p. 214.—Rheed. Mal. 9. t. 15. Flowers green. Var. a, alpina (Wight, and Arnott, contrib. ind. bot. p. 39.) flowers larger; segments of corolla obtuse. Woody perennial shrub. Wight, cat. no. 1523. b. Wall. ascl. no. 25. Native of the Neelgherries. Green flowered Hoya. Fl.? Clt. ? Shrub tw. In Symopsis Plantarum 6 (1840) 892. D. N. F. Dietrich. b. Folia membranaceous. 38. H. viridiflora R. Br. volubilis, fol. ovatis cordatisve acuminatis utrinque glabris; cor. glabra segmentis ovatis; folliculis divaricatis ferrugineo-farinosis. Hook. Misc. supp. t. 1. Asclepias volubilis L. Apocynum tiliaefolium Lam. Rheede 9. t. 15. In Cormandelia et Silhet. Woody. Translation: twining, foliage ovate cordate acuminate both surfaces glabrous; segments corona glabrous segments ovate; follicles spreading becoming rusty-powdery. In Icones Plantarum (1843) “Indiae Orientalis”. R. H. Beddome. 556. Hoya viridiflora (R, Brown) twining: leaves ovate or cordate, acuminated, membranaceous
glabrous: corolla glabrous, with ovate acute lobes; leaflets of the staminal crown flattened above, obovate, obtuse, interior angle short, blunt, follicles divaricated, thick obtuse rusty coloured. — Wight’s Contributions. In Prodromus Syst. Veget. 8 (1844) 639. Decaisne (DeCandolle). § 3 Wattahaka folia membranacea; coronae stam. foliola supra convexa, subtus exsulca; masse pollinis compressae opacae, 38. H. viridiflora (R. Br. Wern. soc. 1, p. 27), volubilis, foliis ovatis cordatisve acuminatis utrinque glabris, pedunculatis saepius petiolum aequantibus pedunculisque glabris, corollae laciniis ovatis acuminatis utrinque glabris, coronae stam. foliolis supra planis obovatibus obtusissimis angulo interiore brevi obtuso, folliculis divaricatis crassis obtusis ferrugineo-farinosis v. glabris. Woody shrub in India orient, frequens ad or. Malaharicam; in Nepalia, montib. Neelgerrts, (Leschenault, Perrottet), in insula Molluccanis, Timor (Riedle et Wight. in Hook. bot. misc. 2. p. 39; cat. n. 1523; Wall. herb. ind. cat. n. 8163 a. Wight. in Hook. bot. misc. 2. p. 93, supp. t. 1; WattaHaka-codi Reheed. Malab. 9, p. 15. Asclepias volubilis L. suppl. 170; Willd. Spec. pl. 1 p. 1279. (v. s. h. Mus. par.) Translation: Wattahaka leaves membranous; leaflets of the staminal corona convex, below grooved; pollen in masses compressed opaque. 38. Hoya viridifolia (Robert Brown in Wern. Soc. 1 page 27), twining, leaves ovate cordate acuminate both surfaces glabrous, peduncles often of the same length as the pedicels and glabrous, flaps of the corolla ovate acuminate both sides glabrous, leaflets of the staminal corona flat above, oval obtuse interior angle shortly obtuse, follicles curved thick obtuse finely hairy or glabrous. In The Flora of Bombay (1861) 153. Nicholas A. Dalzell & Alexander Gibson. 4. Viridiflora, R. Br. Wern. Soc. i, p. 27. — Twining; leaves ovate or cordate-acuminate, smooth and with pedicels glabrous; flowers, grow in drooping umbels, which appear in May; follicles divaricate, thick obtuse, covered with rusty-coloured farina, or smooth. Very common in hedges. Maratha name “Doree,” owing to its being used as rope. Wight in Hook,. Bot. Misc. ii, p 98; Suppl. t. 1; Rheed Mal. ix, p 25, t. 15; Asclepias volubilis, Linn. Suppl. 170; Willd. Sp. i. p 1279; “Hirun Doree,” Maratha name. In Ceylon Plants (1864) 199. G. H. K. Thwaites. 3. H. viridiflora, R. Br. (DC. l. c. p. 639; Wight, Ic. t. 586.) C. P. 1855. Hab. Common, up to an elevation of 3000 feet. Nom. Vulg. “Kirriangoona.” The leaves of this species are eaten by the Cinghalese. In Handbook of Indian Flora 2 (1866) 241. Robert Wight. (W. Drury). (5) H. viridiflora, (R. Br.) Ident. R. Br. in Wern Soc. Mem. L. p. 26.—Wight’s Contrib. p. 39. — Dec. prod. VIII. p. 639. Syn. Asclepias volubilis, Linn. supp. — Roxb. fl. Ind. H. p. 36. — Apocynum tiliaefolium, Lam. Engrav. Wight’s Icon. t. 586, — Rheede Mal. IX. t. 15 — Hook. Bot. Misc. II supp. t. 1 Spec. Char. Twining: leaves ovate or cordate, acuminate membranaceous, glabrous on both sides; corolla glabrous, segments ovate, acutish: leaflets of the staminal
crown flat above, oboval, very obtuse, inner angle short, obtuse: follicles divaricate, thick, obtuse, rusty farinaceous, flowers smallish, green, inodorous. All over India, flowering from March till May. In The Flowering Plants of Western India (1894) 186. A. K. Nairhe. (Under Dregia). D. volubilis (Hoya viridiflora, D.). Large, bark light grey, leaves oval or cordate, flowers in drooping umbels, green, fleshy, follicles 3 to 5 inches long, seeds with delicate silky tufts. Hirandori, ambri. Common in hedges. Perhaps the commonest twiner of the order except Daemia. It is a rather remarkable- looking plant, and has no smell, and not milky, but watery juice. In Dictionary of Gardening, Century Supplement (1901) 431. George Nicholson. H. viridiflora (Green-flowered). Fl. green; corolla ½ in. in diameter, cup-shaped, the lobes triangular; umbels drooping, very many-flowered; peduncles 1in. to 3in. long. fr. covered with rusty dust. l. ovate-suborbicular, or cordate, acuminate. 3in. to 6in. long; petioles 1in. to 3in. long. Long. The correct name of this plant is Dregia volubilis.
Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don 1837 Type description: see complete discussion of this species under Passport Hoya acuta. In General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 128. G Don. † Species described by Vahl, under the generic name of Sperlingia, which ought to take precedence of Hoya, being the oldest, which we have still retained, on account of that name being generally received. Both species are probably identical with two of those described above. 36. Hoya verticillata. climbing, rooting; stems terete, g1abrous; leaves 4 in a whorl, petiolate, oblong, acuminated, acute, fleshy, glabrous, veinless; umbels pedunculate, copious; pedicels compressed, filiform; segments of corolla triangular, acute at both ends, retusely sub-bicornute outside, on the outer margin: within inflexed, conduplicate edges; corona a simple star, covering the genitals, having the lobes equal in length to the corolla, complicate, lanceolate, with an elevated line in the middle, and a corresponding furrow on the opposite side, yellowish, shining; follicles 6-8 inches long, glabrous. Woody shrub. Native of the East Indies. Sperlingia verticillata, Vahl, in act. soc. hist. nat. hafn. 6. P. 113. Whorled-leaved Hoya. Shrub twining. Other literature: In Flora of British India 4 (1883) 62. J. D. Hooker. H. verticillata, G. Don Gard. Dict. (Sperlingia verticillata, Vahl, Syst. Naturhist. Selsk. Kiobenh. Vi. 113). Said to be native of India, is unknown to me. *In Hoya Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel (1993) 1-3. R. D. Kloppenburg. Under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) a plant can be assigned to taxa of the following ranks below Genus and of higher status than species (in descending sequence): subgenus, sectio, subsectio, series, and subseries. To date the Genus Hoya has been subdivided into subgenera and sectio (sections). The sectional divisions are established in an attempt to group species with recognizably similar characteristics together. By descriptions based on a species Type in each section it is hoped in this way to delineate as precisely as possible the probable phylogeny, and to bring out the salient structures which indicate relationships. A section is a taxonomic category. Sections if natural have evolved over time just as species or genera have. As a better understanding of the entire complex of hoya species has grown so to have more sections been defined; several originally as genera in their own right. Eventually many of these genera were incorporated into the genus Hoya. Since they represented a delineated species or group of species it was natural that they were incorporated as sectional representatives of this complex genus. Articles #21 and #22 of the ICBN establish the rules for subdivisions of genera. This monograph covers species in the Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel. This section was established by Miquel 1856 in Flora Indie Bataviae 1:523. I have presented each species which I feel follows the delineation’s of this section. The original and some subsequent pertinent literature of each species has been translated when necessary and presented here. I have added copies of type sheets and other pertinent drawings to give a
complete picture of each species. The list contains all species formally included under the Genus Acanthostemma Blume. It has been a common practice recently to refer to the Section Acanthostemma but there is no taxonomic basis for this designation. The section is properly Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel. Acanthostemma if it were to be designated a section would be a synonym of the prior section. II. Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel. The Latin description establishing this section follows: Section 3. **Sperlengia Vahl. 1810 Act. Hafn. I:113 Acanthostemma (BL. Rumphia IV:29, genus). Flores parvi, corollae laciniis revolutis; coronae stamineae phylla basi sagittata. - Triacma, van Hasselt herb. Corollae fuscesentes vel dilute purpureae. Plures Dischidiarum habitu. * this section has been rescinded and replaced with Section Acanthostemma Kloppenburg. **Note: the spelling here differs from that in Index Kewensis (Sperlingia). Actually Ind. Kew. is correct in the spelling. Translation: Flowers small with the corolla lobes (flaps) revolute (rolled back); with the base of the staminal corona leaf sagitate (arrow shaped with the two equal projections pointed downward). - Triacma, van Hasselt's herbarium. With the corolla brownish or light purple. Frequently (often) associated with Dischidia. The term "sagittata" is a very appropriate term to define these Hoya species. A shelf-like projection arises from the lateral sides of the corona scale and proceeds beyond the outer apex of the scale proper. The top of the shelf is usually fairly flat and linearly lined with slight grooves, the lower portion is rounded and forms the lower sides of the scale, which eventually curls under below to form the coronal groove referred to as sulcate. Along with the other characteristic features, the section is well defined. Vahl, a Danish Botanist is the author of the Genus Sperlingia which was published in 1810. The type species for this genus was Sperlingia verticillata Vahl. It was published in Skivt. Nat. Selsk. Kiobenh. 6:112. This now is considered Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don. The description of this species appears in alphabetical order in this publication. Since the Dutch botanist Carl Ludwig Blume had established the Genus Acanthostemma, which contains species of the same section, it is well to look at the description of this Genus to become more familiar with this section. Genus Acanthostemma Blume was published in Rumphia IV (1848) 29 - 30 as follows: Calyx quinquepartitus. Corolla rotata, quinquefida, laciniis revolutis. Corona staminea pentaphylla, gynostegio abbreviato adnata, foliolis sagittatis carnosis erectis, angulo superiore in dentem antherea incumbentem producto. Antherae membrana stigmati incumbente terminatae. Pollinia basi affixa erecta subdivergentia oblonga compressa, anguste marginata. Stigma apiculatum. Folliculi laeves. Semina plurima, ad umbilicum comosa. -- Herbe pseudo-parasiticae, late in insulis Asiae tropicae et Nova Guinea dispersae, scandentes radicantes; foliis oppositis vel verticillatis carnosis; umbellis vel racemis umbelliformibus saepe multifloris; floribus parvis fuscis vel dilute purpurascentibus.
Translation: Calyx 5 parted. Corolla rotate, pentamerous, with the lobes revolute. Corona of 5 segments, adnate to the short gynostegium, segments sagittate , fleshy, erect, with the superior (inner) angle produced into a tooth, incumbent upon the anther. With the anther terminal membranaceous, incumbent upon the Stigma. Pollinia affixed at the base, erect somewhat divergent, oblong with compressed narrow sides. Stigma apiculate. Follicles (seed pods) smooth. Many seeds with a hairy-tufted umbilicus. Herb, falsely parasitic, rooting climber, widely dispersed in insular Asian tropics and New Guinea; foliage fleshy opposite or verticillate (whorled); umbels or racemes shaped like umbels often many flowered; with flowers small dark or light (dilute) purplish. The same Latin description appears in Annales Botanices Systematicae by G.C. Walpers (1852-53) 64. The flowers of this section are all relatively small, mostly ball shaped rotate revolute, and mostly many flowers per umbel in geotropic configuration. The exceptions are in the Subsection Angusticarinatae Kloppenburg (which follows this). The corollas are glabrous on the outside, inside pubescent, puberulent or villous, most with the a small apical triangle glabrous. The corona are upright to very upright (a few somewhat horizontal) all with the inner lobe higher than the outer. The inner lobes are either toothed or horizontally thin flat projections. The sides of the scales are modified into keel-like shelves which extend to the outer apex or in most cases beyond to form the bifid (sagittate) extensions characteristic of the section. The scale is fully channeled below due to the thinning sides curling under. The stylar head is conic with the a nipple like head or mealy in consistency arising from the pentamerous base. The pollinaria consist of sterile edged pollinia attached at the lower end to the clear bulbous caudicle, which in turn are supported by a wedge shaped, rather ornate, translator. The translators are not clear, are yellowish in color and with opaque inclusions or surfaces. These are attached to the retinaculum sides usually below the waist and appear to arise from pockets in the side of this structure. The retinaculum are bisymmetrical, horny, dark burnt sienna in color and rather thick. The outer (lower) apex is always bifid and sharply pointed, leading over the edge of the fused stigmas toward the stigmatic receptive area. The follicles are narrow, long straight or with a slight curve. The lateral sides of the coronal scale are keeled, beginning usually just below the inner lobe, slightly forward of a position opposite the dark colored retinaculum of the pollinarium. These keeled sides extend on to the outer apical area and then as ligule like structures beyond the outer apex. The sides of the coronal scale below these keels curve under, becoming thinner, recurve under (revolute) to form two parallel hollow narrow cone-like areas, the revolute sides may touch or be slightly apart forming a linear channel referred to as sulcate. There are a number of modifications to this basic structural form. The keels in some species are wider than others, some lower down on the scale sides, and in some species are on the ventral side themselves forming the sulcation. The bifid modifications on the lower scale surface may also be modified into half lobe )( shaped structures as with Hoya halophila Schlechter. At first I was inclined to form a new section to cover these ventral types. I eventually realized, however that there was a nearly continuous series of lobe placements represented in the various species. Included here are such species as Hoya parvifolia Schlechter, Hoya incurvula Schlechter, Hoya bilobata Schlechter and a number of others. An evolutionary progression from one form to another. Bilobed species range from those I included below in Subsection
Angusticarinatae, with short bifid outer extensions through well developed, very visibly lobed species. Those species with ventrally placed lobes I have placed in a new subsection. This subsection I have named Ventralibilobatae. In Hoya Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel (1993) 127 R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya verticillata G. Don. (Hoya verticillata G. Don in General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 128.) 36 H. verticillata; climbing, rooting; stems terete, glabrous; leaves 4 in a whorl, petiolate, oblong, acuminate, acute, fleshy, glabrous, veinless; umbels pedunculate, copious; pedicels compressed, filiform; segments of the corolla triangular, *acute at both ends, retusely sub-bicornate outside, on the outer margin; with inflexed, conduplicate edges; corona a simple star, covering the genitals, having the lobes equal in length to the segments of the corolla, campanulate, lanceolate, with an elevated line in the middle, and a corresponding furrow on the opposite side, yellowish, shining; follicles 6-8 inches long, glabrous. Shrub S. Native of the East Indies. Sperlingia verticillata Vahl, in act. soc. hist. hafn. 6 p. 113. * Unless you assume Don meant to put “corona” here, the section does not make sense since the corolla can not have two ends (only one apex per lobe). In addition subbicornate seems to imply to the bifid coronal sections as does also the term “conduplicate edges”. Whorled-leaved Hoya. Shrub twining. Other citations: Hooker f. in Flora of British India 4 (1883) 62. (Unknown to him). Discussion: There is nothing in the description to indicate that it is a bilobed coronal species except that it was lumped by Miquel with the Acanthostemma as a synonym in a section described as sagittate, and was the type species for the Genus Sperlingia Vahl. In Hoya Section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg (1994) 1 R. D. Kloppenburg. Under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) a plant can be assigned to taxa of the following ranks below genus and of higher status than species (in descending sequence): subgenus, sectio, subsectio, series, and subseries. To date the Genus Hoya has been subdivided into subgenera and sections. The sectional divisions are established in an attempt to group species with recognizably similar characteristics together. By studying the species in each section it is hoped in this way to delineate as precisely as possible the probable phylogeny, and to bring out the salient structures which indicate relationships. A section is a taxonomic category. Sections if natural have evolved over time just as species or genera have. As a better understanding of the entire complex of Hoya species has grown so too have more sections been defined; several originally as genera in their own right. Eventually many of these genera were incorporated into the genus Hoya. Since they represented a delineated species or group of species it was natural that they were incorporated at the sectional or subgeneric level of this complex genus. Articles #21 and #22 of the ICBN establish the rules for subdivisions of genera.. On the 15 of June 1992 I presented my first study of the “Hoya Sections”, which included references to the Hoya Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel. Subsequently in January 1993 the first release of a manuscript on this section was completed. Dr. J. F. Veldkamp at the Rijksherbarium at Leiden, The Netherlands made numerous suggestions
for corrections and revisions which were appreciated. A revised edition was completed in January 1994. At the urging of Dr. J. F. Veldkamp I began an in depth study of the literature of each species I had included in the Section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel. In working on the changes to this latter publication it became apparent to me that some of the species previously thought to be in this Section did not belong there. The major shock occurred when I realized that the genus Sperlingia Vahl on which this section was based by Miquel did not contain bilobed coronal species. The types of Vahl’s two species have been identified by Ruurd van Donkelaar in The Netherlands (identification was incorrect) as being Hoya parasitica Wall. ex Traill. (Thus Section Sperlingia is a synonym of Section Hoya, while H. verticillata (Vahl) Don is the correct name for H. acuta Haworth; including H. parasitica Wallich ex Trail). It is apparent to me that Miquel fixed in his mind Vahl’s description of the corolla for the corona. (see the text and translation on page 3). In addition confusion probably arose because of the introduction of Rumphius’ t. 175, f. 1, or Nummularia lactea major adapted as a synonym by several authors, i.e. Rumphius’ Herbarium Amboinensis 5 t.175 fig.1. This figure has been placed into synonymy with various species beginning with George Forster (1776), Vahl (1810) and Blume (1826). George Forster and Vahl placed both of these entities into synonymy. Blume, however did not include the species under Hoya rumphii’s description in 1826, but when he switched his species to Acanthostemma rumphii Blume in 1848 he included Nummularia lactea major. It seems abundantly clear that the Rumphius’ figure is not a coronal bilobed species. Because no section has been designated to house these bilobed coronal hoya species, where they have previously been incorrectly included in the section Sperlingia (Vahl) Miquel, a new sectional description is here presented. I have chosen to keep taxonomic continuity by naming this new section Acanthostemma. I had some hesitancy with “Acanthostemma” since Koorders incorrectly quoted Miquel and referred to an “untersektion Acanthostemma” (though doubtful as a correctly established “subsection”). I did not want confusion to arise over the use of this name for a section. Upon further consultation with Dr. Veldkamp I accepted his premise that the term “Acanthostemma” would best serve by keeping in line with prior usage. Lectotypification for the genus was done by Dr. K. D. Hill in Telopia 3(2):1988, with Acanthostemma rumphii (Bl.) (Hoya rumphii Bl.), as the lectotype. 2. Sperlingia 112-113 (This copy was obtained by Dr. J. F. Veldkamp at the Rijksherbarium in Leiden, The Netherlands, from Dr. Bertel Hansen in Denmark.) Sperlingia Botaniken synes Konig Christian den 4 de meget at have yndet. Han stiftede ikke allene ben forste offentlige botaniske have her I Landet, men anlangde og en dor fig selb bed Rosenborgs Slot. Til Opseer over benne satte han Otto Sperling. Vel harbenne ikke efterladt fig andet Beviis paa sin kundskab am Værter, end bolt en Fortegnelse over Haven ban forestod, Hortus Christianæus Hafn., men hans Samtidge, der vare I Stand til at bedomme ham I benne henseende, ansaae ham for at være vel bedandrit deri. Maskee, ifald han ikke var bleven idbviklet med Corfitz Ulfeld, han havde aflagt flere prover paa sin kundskab. Mange gives, som ikke have bidragt mere, og adskillige mindre til Bidenskabens, Underdelse, end Sperling, after hvilke man har opkaldet planter. Teg troer,
att bet saaledes kan indskyldes, at jeg har villet bevare bennes Minde fom Botanist Slægten, som jeg har benævnt efter ham, beter ligesom forrige til Contortæ, dmærker far de bvrige Slægter ved at de aflange kronblade ere baade, hvorved de faae et Udseende, som om de vare dobbelt trekantede, den ene Vinkel indad vendt, de to udad, og hver af disse endende fig I en lidt længere fremstaaenden Spidse. Saavel Figuren af Nummularia lactea major Rumph. amb. 5. t. 175., som Blomstermaaden og Beskrivelen af koronen, passer saa fuldkommen til de 2de Værter, som jeg her leveter beskrevne, at jeg ikke tvivler om, at de hore til benne Slægt. Teg anseer endog den han kalder Nummularia lactea major tab. 175. f. 1. at være samme med den jeg kalder Sperlingia opposita. Character Essentialis. Contorta. Nectarium stellula simplex genetilia tegrens. Petala 5, apice marginibusque inflexis triangularia, plana , conduplicata. Verticillata 1. Sperlingia foliis quaterno verticillatis. Habitat in India orientali. Caulis scandens, radicans, lignosus, teres, cortice cinereo, glaber, lævis. Folia peteolata, remota, quaterno-verticillata, bi-tripollicaria, oblonga, acuminata, acuta, integerrima, camosa, crassa, glabra, avenia, enervia, glabra. Petioli fere pollicares, succulenti, planodepressa, lati, basi articulati. Pedunculi laterales, teretes, galbri. Flores umbellati, copiosi: pedicelli pollicares, filiformes, compressi, uniflori. Receptaculum commune, primum hemisphæricum, demum cylindricum, pedunculo parum crassius, e casu pedicellonum conferte cicatricatum. Calyx pentaphyllus: foliola oblonga. Petala quinque, apice margine inflexo conduplicata, triangularia, margine exteriore retusosubbicorinia: explanta oblonga utrinque acuta. Corpus truncatum stellula quinqueradiata: radii lanceolati, longitudine petalorum complicatorum, cum petalis alternates, medio linea elevata, ad cujus latera foveola longitudinalis, flavescentes, nitidi. Stamina non vidi. Germina duo sub centro copusculi. Folliculus sex-octopollicaris, glabra, lævis. Semina copiosa. Translation: (by Dr. Bertel Hansen of the Botanical Museum at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark)........King Christian the 4th apparently loved botany. Not only did he establish an official Botanical Garden in the county, but he also arranged a private garden at the Rosenborg Castle. To supervise his private garden he employed Otto Sperling. This man did not leave other proof of his knowledge about plants except a mere list (of plants) of the garden, he supervised, in Hortus Christianaeus Hafn.(iensis), but his contemporaries, capable of evaluating him in this connection, considered him to be well founded in this (i.e. knowledge of plants). May be, if he had not been connected with Corfitz Ulfeld (sentenced for high treason), he would have given more examples of his knowledge. Plants have been named after many, who did not contribute more, and several less, to the spread of science, than Sperling. I think. it may therefore be excused that I have wanted to preserve the memory (of Sperling as a botanist). The genus, I have named after him, belong as the former to Contortae, distinguished from the other genera by the elongate petals being in the apex and laterally inflexed hereby appearing double triangular, one angle pointing inwards, two outwards, and each of these terminating in a slightly protruding tip (very hard to imagine; the Latin text is easier). The illustration of Nummularia lactea major Rumph. amb. 5. t. 175., and the description of the corolla are in close agreement with the 2 plants, I describe here, and do not doubt that they belong to this genus. I even consider the one he calls Nummularia
lactea major tab. 175. f. 1. to be the same as I call Sperlingia opposita. (bracketed remarks are Dr. Hansen’s) italics are mine. Essential Character. Contort. The simple star shaped nectare covering the genetilia. Petals 5, flat with the triangular apices and margins inflexed, rolled longitudinally (lengthwise). Sperlingia leaves four in a whorl. Habitat. in the East Indies. Branches climbing, rooting, ligneous, round, with grayish bark, glabrous, smooth. Leaves petiolate, remote, four in a whorl. 2-3" long, oblong acuminate, acute, entire, fleshy, thick, glabrous, veinless, without nerves, glabrous. Petioles nearly 1" long, succulent distinctly flattened, wide, base jointed. Peduncles lateral, round glabrous, flowers umbellate, plentiful: pedicels 1", filiform compressed one per flower. Receptacle common, end hemispherical becoming cylindrical, peduncle not very fleshy and devoid of pedicels, densely scared. Calyx pentamerous: leaflets (sepals) oblong. Petals five, apical margines inflexed folded together longitudinally, triangular, with the exterior margins notched with 2 horns: outspread oblong both ends acute. Body pentamerous, star shaped: rays lanceolate, petallike folded longitudinally upon itself, alternating with the petals, elevated along the center line, minutely lined (or furrowed) along the sides, yellowish, shiny (glossy). Without stamens. Two ovaries, glabrous below the center of the body. Fruit (follicle) 6-8" long, glabrous, smooth. Seeds copious. Note: what are the “apice” margins of the corolla? Is he referring to the apical area or the sinus area. Both these areas can exhibit a bi-horned effect from the corolla ends or edges turning under. More often the corolla margins turn under (away from the inner surface) to form 2 horns or projecting lobes at the sinus. I know of none of the Acanthostemma species that do this to the extent of forming horns or other projections. I believe the term should be “reflexed” and not “inflexed”. It was this “Petala” description that made me realize that Miquel had evidently assumed Vahl was referring to the corona as “conduplicate”, when in fact it is the corolla here referred to. The species described are S. verticillata = Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don and S. opposita = Hoya opposita (Vahl) G. Don, as follows: H. verticillata. Climbing, rooting; stems terete, glabrous; leaves 4 in whorl, petiolate, oblong, acuminate, acute, fleshy, glabrous, veinless; umbels pedunculate, copious; pedicels compressed, filiform; segments of the corolla triangular, acute at both ends, retusely sub-bicornulate outside, on the outer margin; with inflexed, conduplicate edges; corona a simple star, covering the genitals, having the lobes equal in length to the segments of the corolla, complicate, lanceolate, with an elevated line in the middle, and a corresponding furrow on the opposite side, yellowish, shinning; follicles 6-8 inches long , glabrous. A woody shrub. Native of the East Indies. Sperlingia verticillata, Vahl, in act. soc. hist. hafn. 6. p. 113. H. opposita. A woody perennial. Native of the East Indies. Sperlingia opposita, Vahl l. c. p. 114. Nummularia lactea major, Rumph. amb. 5. p. 470. t.175. f. 1. Very like H. verticillata; but differs, in opposite leaves, the narrower petioles, which are convex beneath, and concave above; while, in that species, they are flattened and depressed, almost an inch long, succulent, and articulated at the base. It should be noted that nothing in the genus description indicates that these species are bilobed coronal species. Nor is there any connection to the genus Acanthostemma Blume except for the citation of the Rumphian
figure tab. 175 fig. 1 in Rumphius’ Herbarium Amb. of Nummularia lactea major. This drawing was placed into synonymy by Vahl with his Sperlingia opposita. This genus was published in the same year that Robert Brown published the Genus Hoya. Hoya, R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. I. (1809) 26. There has been some question as to which genus has priority. D. J. Mebberley Jupiter Botanicus (Robert Brown of the British Museum) 1985:168 writes “The paper on Asclepiadaceae and the Prodromus were presented by the author to the Linnean Society on 3 April 1810, and the Prodromus was available to the general public on 7 April when it was advertised as for sale in boards at 18s, though Brown sent out at least one copy on 27 March. Brown paid the cost of printing the book, £93.14.4 ½d. and its advertisement in the Morning post and chronicle (12s.) and on the covers of the Botanical magazine and English botany (a guinea each) In March he had “delivered to Miles & Hunter formerly Johnson & Co. [i.e. Joseph Johnson who published works by Erasmus Darwin, Priestley and Cowper] St. Paul’s churchy” 20 copies. In May, Brown sent nine copies, to the Paris botanist - Jussieu, Rene Desfontaines (copy now at Kew), la Billardiere (copy, from Fielding’s library. now at Oxford), Correa, Louis Richard, Baron Ambroise Palisot de Beauvois, Aime Bonpland, Louis du PetitThouars and Leschenault. Besides the Linnean copy, he gave away others to Banks, to whom it dedicated, Dryander, Smith, Turner, Lambert, Dickson, Aiton, Ferdinand and Franz Bauer, Konig, MacLeay, Caley, Law of Edinburgh, Jamenson and Trinity College, Dublin”. *In Blumea 40/2 (1995) 425-428. J. F. Veldkamp, R. van Donkelaar & R. D. Kloppenburg. BLUMEA 40 (1995) 425-428. The Identity of Sperlingia Vahl (Asclepiadaceae) Summary: Sperlingia Vahl (Asclepiadaceae) is a synonym of Hoya R. Br. sect. Hoya (Asclepiadaceae). Its two species are identical. The lectotype, S. verticillata Vahl, is the basionym of H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don, the correct name for Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight. Introduction: At the end of the 18th century a Danish mission was active in SE India at Tranquebar. Some of its employees, the most famous of which was J.G. Koenig (17281785), collected plants and sent them home. One of these was P.J. Floer or Flohr, who apparently between 1760 and 1777 sent living specimens to Vahl in Copenhagen. Among these specimens were two which Vahl thought to represent a new genus, Sperlingia, named after Otto Sperling (1602-1681), a medical doctor in Copenhagen and Keeper of a royal private Garden at Rosenborg Castle. Vahl thought that there were two species, S. verticillata Vahl and S. opposita Vahl. In 1837 G. Don realized that these belonged to Hoya R.Br. and made the necessary combinations. He remarked that they "are probably identical with two of those described above", but as he did not know which ones, these combinations are validly published. It may be noted that Don thought that Sperlingia was an older name for Hoya, but he referred to the publication of R. Brown 'On the Asclepiadeae' of 1811, apparently not knowing there was a preprint of it published on 3 April 1810. Mabberley (1985) stated that it was published a week earlier, on 27 March, in the Prodromus, which is against Steam's (1960) citation of the unpublished council minutes of the Linnean Society, which to him suggested that both works were published on the same day, 3 April. This is in direct contradiction to Steam's own remark a few lines earlier, that a handwritten note by
R. Brown in the copy of the Prodromus says that Brown gave 20 copies to the publishers Miles & Hunter in March. We therefore agree with Reveal & Hoogland (1992) and Liede & Albers (1994: 222) and disagree with Brummitt (1994) 1) Rijksherbarium / Hortus Botanicus, P. O. Box 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. 2) P.O. Box 15, 4250 DA Werkendam, The Netherlands. 3) 6427 N. Fruit Ave. Fresno CA 93711, U.S.A. The exact date of Vahl's publication is not known. The type sheets are annotated '(1804) 1810'. Warming (1880) said that the Society ceased to exist in 1804 and that the paper was published in 1810, while Christensen (1924) said it was published in 1818. It may be that the paper was read in 1804. Dr. B. Hansen (C) informed us that "there is no doubt that it was printed and released from the printer’s office at some date in 1810." We will at present accept that it was later than Brown's publication; if it can be shown that it was earlier, Hoya must be conserved! Blume (1826-1827) divided Hoya into four parts, three unnamed, the fourth witn the remark '(Acanthostemma)'. This is a validly published name without rank (Art. 35.2) and not a section as is sometimes said (e.g. by Liede & Albers, 1994: 220). In 1849 he mentioned it as a section of Hoya, thereby clarifying his intention, but at the same time elevated it to generic rank. Is this a validation according to Art. 35.Ex.2? Some have accepted it as such, see e.g. Bullock (1979) and, more recently, in various treatments of the species in issues of The Hoyan (e.g. Burton, 1985, 1991). Miquel (1857) used the name Sperlingia (as 'Sperlengia') again for a section of Hoya in which he also included Acanthostemma Blume. (That it is a section and not an unnamed infrageneric entity is shown by his remark under sect. Physostelma.) If Blume indeed has validated sect. Acanthostemma, sect. Sperlingia Miq. is superfluous, but not illegitimate, as the basionym is legitimate (Art. 63.3). Miquel did not include any of Vahl's species, probably because he thought that they did not occur in the Dutch East Indies. This has induced some to select one of the included species as the lectotype of sect. Sperlingia, but this is obviously erroneous: type and name are irrevocably linked, and one of Vahl's original species must be selected. The most obvious choice as the lectotype is S. verticillata, as after Don S. opposita was even more neglected and almost forgotten, and we agree with Hill's choice (1988) followed by Liede & Albers (1994: 224). The necessary lectotypification of Acanthostemma was also made by Hill who choose H. rumphii Blume, a combination with a chaotic nomenclatural history and identity that will have to be dealt with elsewhere. Teijsmann & Binnendijk (1863) have used the name Acanthostemma at an infrageneric level, but it may for differing reasons be regarded as not validly published as a section here. Some argue that the word 'section' is not used here, but a paragraph sign, others regard 'Acanthostemma folia enervia' as a strophe-name. One of us, RDK, has extensively studied this section, and distributed working copies of various stages of the manuscript to interested persons. These writings must therefore NOT be regarded as effective publications with validly published names or combinations! RDK had the suspicion that S. verticillata did not belong to this section, however, and so JFV asked the type material on loan from C. RvD inspected these and concluded that they were conspecific with each other and with the widely spread, polymorphous H. parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight. As the latter was published in 1834, H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don is the correct name for it. The
consequence of this is that the name Sperlingia for a genus or section becomes a heterotypic synonym of Hoya sect. Hoya ('Eu-Hoya' auct.), and that the species included in sect. 'Sperlingia' auct. belong to a different section: J. F. Veldkamp, R. van Donkelaar & R. D. Kloppenburg: The identity of Sperlingia 427 Hoya R. Br. section Acanthostemma (Blume) Blume. Hoya § Acanthostemma Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Indie 16 (1827) 1065 (no indication of rank).— Hoya sect. Acanthostemma Blume & Acanthostemma Blume, Rumphia 4 (1848) 49.—Lectotype: H. rumphii Blume. Hoya R. Br. sect. Sperlingia auct. non Miq. Further study will very likely reveal further additions to the list of synonyms. At present the synonymy for H. verticillata seems to be: Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4 (1837) 128.—Sperlingia verticillata Vahl, Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6 (1810) 113.—Type: Flohr in Hb. Vahl (C holo, labeled IDC neg. 72Il, 6-7). Sperlingia opposita Vahl, Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6 (1810) 114.—Hoya opposita G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4 (1837) 128.—Type: Flohr in Hb. Vahl (C holo). Hoya acuta Haw., Rev. Pl. Succ. (1821) 4.—Type: Extant? 'In regio horto kewense A.D. 1819' (see note). Hoya pallida Lindl., Bot. Reg. 10 (Fete 1826) t. 951.—Type: Extant? 'Duke of Northumberland' (see note). Hoya lanceolata Lindl. in Don, Cat., ed. II (early 1826) 92.—Type: (see note). Hoya angustifolia Traill, Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7 (Nov. 1826) 29.—Hoya pottsii Traill var. angustifolia Tsiang & Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12 ('January' 1974, rec. in L 23-4-1974) 124; Fl. Hainan. 3 ('October' 1974) 272.—Type: Potts (extant?). Hoya pottsii Traill, Trans. Hort. Soc. 7 (Nov 1826) 25, t. 1.—Type: Potts (extant?, if not: Traill's plate). Hoya nicobarica R.Br. ex Traill, Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7 (Nov. 1826) 28.— Type: Hb. Banks (BM holo). Hoya albens J. Miller, Bristol Cat. (1826).—Type: unknown (see note). Hoya hookeriana Wight, Contr. Bot. India (1834) 37.—Lectotype: Wallich Cat. 8153-A (K holo). Asclepias parasitica Roxb., [Hors. Beng. (1814) 20, nom. inval.] Fl. Ind. ed. 2, 2 (1832) 42.—Hoya parasitica Wall. ex Wight, Contr. Bot. India (1834) 37.—Type: Hb. Roxburgh (BM holo; K, plate). Hoya parasitica Wight var. geoffrayi Constantin, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 136.—Type: Geoffray 382 (P holo). Hoya parasitica Wight var. spirei Constantin, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 4 (1912) 136.—Lectotype: Spire 1529 (P holo). Hoya globiflora Ridl., J. Fed. Mall States Mus. 5 (1915) 164.—Type: Robinson 5756 (SING holo) from S Thailand, not Ridley s.n. from Sumatra as cited by Rintz (1978, as 'globifera'). Some other names may belong here as well: Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble, J. As. Soc. Bengal 74 (1908) 575.—Lectotype: Ridley s.n. (CAL holo; K) (appointed by Rintz, 1978, but three Ridley collections were cited by K & G).
Hoya rigida Kerr, Kew Bull. (1939) 463.—Type: Put 3034 (K holo). Hoya obscurinervia Merr., Philip. J. Sc. 23 (1923) 263.—Type: McClure 9819 (PNH holo, lost; HK, SYS). Note: From Traill (1826) it becomes obvious that H. acuta, H. pallida, H. lanceolata, and perhaps H. albens were all based on cuttings from a Wallich accession in K first described by Haworth (1821). These names are not homotypic (see Art. 9.5): later collections from a living specimen that originally provided the material for the holotype or its generative or vegetative descendants are not considered to be iso 428 types, or even fragments of the holotype. Such things may be called merotypes. Contrary to a remark by Britten (1898), Traill did not validate H. parasitica Wall.: he cited the name in synonymy under H. pallida. Rintz (1978) has treated H. citrina Ridl. as a variety of H. parasitica. We have the impression that it is a distinct, but closely related species, perhaps identical with H. macrophylla Blume. Hoya cinnamomifolia Hooker is usually cited as identical, but differs in leaf shape and the corona; it also grows at higher altitudes. Acknowledgments: We want to thank Dr. B. Hansen (C) for the loan of the type material of Vahl's species and the translation of Vahl's introduction to Sperlingia. Mr. D. J. Liddle, Mareeba, Australia, and the late Dr. B. C. Stone, Manila, Philippines, very much encouraged RDK to study this section. References: Backer, C.A., & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink f 1965. Flora of Java 2: 266-271. Groningen. Blume, C. L. 1827. Asclepiadeae. Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indie 16: 1065. Batavia. Blume, C.L. 1849. Asclepiadeae. Rumphia 4:49. Britten, J. 1898. Notes on Hoya. J. Bot. 36: 413-414, 418. Brummitt, R.K. (ed.). 1994. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 40. Taxon 43: 120. Bullock, A. A. 1979. Index nominum genericorum 3. Reg. Veget. 102: 1638-a. Burton, C.M. 1985. Hoya sections. Hoyan 7: 36-37. Burton, C.M. 1991. Hoya sections. Hoyan 12: 69. Christensen, C. 1924. Den Dansk botanisk Historie 2: 88. Copenhagen. Don, G. 1837. A general history of dichlamydeous plants 4: 128. London. Haworth, A.H. 1821. Revisiones plantarum succulentarum: 4. London. Hill, K.D. 1988. A revision of Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) in Australia. Telopea 3: 241-255. Kerr, A.F.G. 1951. In: W.G. Craib & A.F.G. Kerr, Flora Siamensis Enumeratio 3: 40-41. Bangkok. Liede, S., & F. Albers. 1994. Tribal disposition of genera in the Asclepiadaceae. Taxon 3: 220, 222, 224. Mabberley, D.J. 1985. Jupiter botanicus: 168, 411. London. Miquel, F.A.W. 1857. Flora Indiae batavae 2: 521, 523. Amsterdam, Utrecht. Reveal, J.L., & R. D. Hoogland. 1992. Proposals to modify entries in Appendix IIB of the Code. Taxon41: 122-123. Rintz, R. E. 1978. The Peninsular Malaysian species of Hoya (Asclepiadaceae). Mall Nat. J. 30: 467-522. Steam, W. J. 1960. An introduction to Robert Brown's 'Prodromus florae novae Hollandiae', in R. Brown, Prodromus, facs. ea.: xxix. Teijsmann, J. E., & S. Binnendijk. 1 863. Plantae novae in Horto bogoriensi cultae. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Inde 25: 408. Traill, J.W.H. 1826. Accounts and descriptions of the several plants belonging to the genus Hoya, which are cultivated in the garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick. Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7: 23. Vahl, M. 1810. Beskrivelse over nye Planteslaegter. Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6: 112-114. Warming, E. 1880. Den Danske botaniske literatur fra de aeldste tider til 1880. Bot. Tidsskr 12: 80. In Blumea 41/2 (1996) 439-442 J. F. Veldkamp & B. Hansen. New Combinations under Hoya verticillata (Asclepiadaceae) and a bibliographical note on Sperlingia. Summary: Two new varietal combinations are proposed under Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don (Asclepiadaceae). The reason for the delay in the publication of Sperlingia Vahl is outlined.
In a previous article we (Veldkamp et al., 1995) have reduced Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight (Asclepiadaceae) to H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don. While this was in press a paper by Kiew (1995) appeared where a new variety of H. parasitica was described. She also made clear that H. parasitica var. citrina (Ridl.) Rintz is indeed a form of H. parasitica, and not a distinct species, something we were not sure of. Roxburgh mentioned an Asclepias parasitica Roxb. ip 1814, which was validly described in 1832, based on material in the Botanic Gardens of Calcutta. However, in between (1819) Hornemann also had published an Asclepias parasitica Wallich probably based on material grown in the Botanic Garden of Calcutta in 1815 and sent by Wallich in 1816 and certainly on a plant grown in 1818 in Copenhagen (see also Mabberley, 1984). There are three sheets in C and Mr. R. van Donkelaar identified them as belonging to A. parasitica sensu Roxb. One sheet is stamped 'Hb. Horn.' and annotated (by Hornemann himself?) "Hoya parasitica Wall. (Asclepiasparasitica Roxb.) Herb. paras." (with the alchemist's symbol for herb); note that Hornemann published it as "caulefruticoso" and with the alchemist's symbol for a woody plant "Aestuar. Gangis" (IDC microfiche 14 II, 6-7). Because of the stamp and the annotations this may be regarded as the lectotype. The other two sheets bear references to Wallich, but it is not clear whether they were actually written by Wallich himself. The script is similar. On the back of one sheet there is "HB. 1815, No. 787", presumably referring to the Botanic Garden in Calcutta. The number is not that of Wallich (1829-1847), where '787' is Didymocarpus replans Jack, while '8159' is Hoya parasitica Herb. Wight. On the back of the other sheet, annotated "IDC microfiche photo 14 II, 4-5", is written "Asclepias parasitica Roxb." "India orientale misit Wallich 1816." Actually the publication, not the identity of Hornemann's name is so far of importance in that it made Roxburgh's 1832 combination a later homonym. Wight (1834) transferred Roxburgh's taxon to Hoya and, as it had no legitimate epithet, was allowed to use any he pleased. He made the (now) legitimate combination Hoya parasitica [Roxb.] Wallich ex Wight and this combination is to be used if the taxon is regarded as distinct. The citation of "[Roxb.]" here is intended to indicate that the basionym is illegitimate. Of fincially the square-bracketed author can be completely deleted. When H. parasitica Wight is regarded as a synonym of H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don, new combinations are required for the varieties distinguished by Kiew. 1. Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don var. citrina (Ridl.) Veldkamp, comb. nov. Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don var. citrina (Ridl.) Kloppenburg, Fraterna 2nd Quart. 1996 (1996) 9, comb. inval.—Hoya citrina Ridl., J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. 86 (1922) 300.—Hoya parasitica [Roxb.] Wall. ex Wight var. citrina Rintz, Mall Nat. J. 30 (1978) 514, f. 27.—Hoya acuta A.W. Haworth var. citrina Kent, Hoyan 11/1/2 (1989)1.— Lectotype: Ridley’s. n., 'Batu Caves' (holo K). Petioles 1-2 cm long. Leaf blades ovate, 10-18.5 by 6.5-8.5 cm, base cordate, rigidly coriaceous, venation conspicuous, lowest pair of lateral veins extending to the apex. Distribution: Malay Peninsula: Pahang (fide Rintz, 1978), Perak (Ulu Bubong, Batu Kurau), Selangor (Batu Caves). Habitat: Common on limestone, and sometimes in riverine fringe forest at low altitudes.
Note: Because Kloppenburg (1996) cited Hoya verticillata proper as one of the synonyms, he ought to have used the autonym. He also gave no full and direct reference to the basionym. His combination is therefore invalid. 2 . Hoya verticillata (Vahl ) G . D on var. hendersonli (Kiew ) Veldkamp, comb. no v. Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don var. hendersonii (Kiew) Kloppenburg, Fraterna 2nd Quart. 1996 (1996) 9, comb. inval.—Hoya parasitica [Roxb.] Wall. ex Wight var. hendersonii Kiew, Sandakania 6 (1995) 66, t. I.—Type: SF 23668 (Henderson) (holo SING). Petioles c. 2 cm long. Leaf blades ovate-oblong, 11.5-17 by 5-6.5 cm, base slightly cordate, coriaceous, venation conspicuous, lowest pair of lateral veins extending to the apex. Distribution: Malay Peninsula: Pahang, Cameron Highlands, Fraser's Hill. Habitat: Lower montane forest, 1200-1260 m altitude. Note: Because Kloppenburg (1996) cited Hoya verticillata proper, he ought to have used the autonym. He also reduced his new combination in the next paragraph to a synonym of var. citrina. His combination is therefore invalid. 3. Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don var. verticillata Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4 (1837) 128.—Sperlingia verticillata Vahl, Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6 (1810) 113.—Type: Flohr s. n. in Hb. Vahl (holo C, labelled IDC neg. 7211, 6-7). Asclepias parasitica Hornem., Hort. Bot. Hafn., Suppl. (1819) 126.—Lectotype: Hb. Hornemann s. n. (holo C, IDC microfiche photo Type Herbarium 14 11, 6-7). Asclepias parasitica Roxb. [Hors. Beng. (1814) 20, nom. inval.] Fl. Ind. ed. 2, 2 (1832) 42, non Hornem. (1819).—Hoya parasitica Wall. ex Wight, Contr. Bot. India (1834) 37.—Lectotype: Hb. Roxburgh 1382 (holo BM; K: Icon. Ined. 1382). Hoya amoena Bakh. f., Blumea 6 (1950) 380.—Type: Koorders 20341 (holo L; iso BO). For further synonymy see Veldkamp et al. (1995). Petioles 0.5-1 cm long. Leaf blades ovate to lanceolate, 6.5-13.5 by 2.3-6 cm, base rounded to broadly cuneate, succulently coriaceous, venation obscure, lowest pair of lateral veins extending about halfway to apex. Distribution: India, Nepal, Andamans, to S Vietnam; Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Singapore, NE Sumatra (Sibolga), Sarawak, Brunei, Java (P. Peucang; Besuki, G. Puger, as H. amoena), and perhaps elsewhere. Habitat: Common in beach forests, especially on islands. Sperlingia: Some more research by BH on the publication date of Sperlingia Vahl (see Veldkamp et al., 1995) has brought an intriguing piece of history to light. In the case of the publication date for Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk 6 (1810) we have the following facts. Vahl died late December 1804. His very good friend, N. Tonder-Lund' also a member of the Naturhistorieselkabet finished his Enumeratio vol. 2, and Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6, where Vahl had several papers. However, Tonder-Lund, who was a government servant taking care of especially custom problems, was sent on a mission to Norway early 1809. He ship-wrecked and disappeared in January 1809 and was never found. Volume 6 was ready for the printers in 1810 and contained a long prologue by the zoologist J. Rathke, a friend of both Vahl and Tonder-Lund. The prologue was an
obituary of Tonder-Lund and contained one or two passages not very favourable to E. Viborg, another professor of botany and definitely an enemy of the Vahl club. Viborg, who had influential friends in the government, had done anything to harm Vahl over the last twenty years. He now demanded Rathke's prologue to be cut out before the issue was released to the booksellers. It is unbelievable that this discussion went on for eight years, but it is a fact that the issue was not released until 1818 with the protologue deleted. However, we think that one copy was placed in the Copenhagen Botanical Library already in 1810, because that copy contains Rathke's prologue in full and was thus spared Viborg's auto-da-fe. It is the only copy known to contain the full prologue. If this reasoning holds true, effective publication took place in 1810, as the volume was available to the public (Art. 29.1). Whether this was before 27 March 1810, the date that Hoya R. Br. was published, is as yet unknown.—BH. It is to be noted that all authoritative works (Index Kewensis, Index Nominum Genericorum, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, 1994), perhaps by mere copying one another, have accepted 1810 as the publication date of the new genera published by Vahl in this issue: Dacryodes, Schumacheria, Thonningia are currently accepted, while Ptyxostoma, Macaglia, and Westia are nomina rejicienda. Collyris is generally regarded as a synonym of Dischidia R. Br., also of 27 March 1810 and thus the nomenclatural fate of Dischidia is identical with that of Hoya. Collyris was lectotypified with C. major Vahl by Panigrahi (1986). This species is now D. major (Vahl) Merr., formerly known as Dischidia raflesiana Wall. Acknowledgments: We are very grateful to the Keepers of C for the loan of the Hornemann material of Hoya parasitica Wallich ex Hornem. and for the identification of it by Mr. R. van Donkelaar. References: Hornemann, J.W. 1819. Hortus regius botanicus hafniensis, Suppl.: 126 Hafnia (Copenhagen). Kiew, R. 1995. A new Begonia (Begoniaceae), Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) and Sonerila (Melastomata ceae) from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia. Sandakania 6: 63-71. Mabberley, D.J. 1984. Pallas's Buckthorn and two and a half centuries of neglected binomials. Taxon 33: 436. Panigrahi, G. 1986. Nomenclature and distribution of Dischidia rafflesiana (Asclepiadaceae). Bangladesh J. Bot. 15: 195. Roxburgh, W. 1814. Hortus bengalensis: 20. Serampore. Roxburgh, W. 1832. Flora indica, ed. 2, 2: 42. Serampore. Veldkamp, J. F., R. van Donkelaar & R. D. Kloppenburg. 1995. The identity of Sperlingia Vahl (Asclepiadaceae). Blumea 40: 425-428. Wallich. 1829-1847. A numerical list of dried specimens ...: no. 787, 8159. London. Wight, R. 1834. Contributions to the botany of India: 37. London. *NOTE: the above publication is negated (and contains other serious errors) by the fact that Vahl’s material was misidentifies by Ruurd van Donkelaar. The species is not Hoya parasitica Wallich (by priority Hoya acuta Haworth).
Hoya villosa Constantin 1912 Type description: In Flore Generale des Indo-Chine, 4 (1912) 137. J. Costantin (M. H. LeComte). 16. H. villosa Cost., n. sp. Tige assez vigoureuse, epaisse de 6-8 mm., villeuse, a poils jaunitres, ou glabre. Feuilles oblongues, elliptiques, arrondies a la base et au sommet parfois tres legerement echancrees ou tres faiblement mucronees, densement villeuses, jaunes ou roussatres en dessous; peu villeuses en dessus; nervures laterales 4 padres, obliques, arquees vers le bord, invisibles en dessous; limbe long de 7-11 cm. sur 3.8-4.8 cm.; petiole villeusx ou glabre, long de 1.5-2 cm., epais de 4 mm. Infloresence: ombelle multiflore; pedoncule vigoureux, long de 3-5 cm., couvert de cicatrices au sommet sur 18 mm. apres la chute des pedicelles; pedicelles greles, a villosite jaune roussatre, longs de 2 cm.; fleurs blanches, etalees en etoile, de 12 mm. de diam.—Calice tres fortement poilu, obtus ou a peine aigu au sommet. Corolle a lobes triangulaires (4 mm. X 4 mm.), pubescents en dedans. Coronule a 5 pieces en forme de bateau, assez epaisses a l'extremite externe, arrondies ou obtusement aiguës, convexes ou concaves en dessus; non carenees ou plates, creusees a la base en dessous, avec un petit bec, depasse plus ou moins par la membrane connectivale. Etamines: masse pollinique plate, arrondie a l’extremite, avec bordure externe claire. Pistil: tete du style petite. Fruit. . . Tonkin: vers Ninh-binh (Bon).—FIG. 18, P. t 131. Nom vulg: Tu-cu. * * Nervures laterales obliques par rapport la nervure midiane. Feuilles tres poilues, tomenteuses surtout en dessus; feuilles oblongues, arrondies a la base, souvent aussi au sommet (parfois echancre ou faiblement mucrone 7-11 cm. X 3.8-4.8 cm.) 16. H. villosa Translation: Stem sufficient vigorous, 6-8 mm. thick, villous, when young it has hairs, otherwise glabrous. Leaves oblong, elliptic, rounded at the basis and at the summit sometimes very slightly echancrees or very weekly mucronate, densely villose, yellow or rose colored underneath; a little villose on top; nerves four pairs of laterals, oblique, arched toward the edge, invisible underneath; limbe length of 7-11 cm. x 3.8-4. 8 cm.; petiole villous or glabrous, length of 1. 5-2 cm., 4 mm thick. Inflorescence: a manyflowered umbel; peduncle vigorous, length of 3-5 cm., covered with scars on the summit 18 mm as a result of the fall of the pedicels; pedicels spindly, has a villose yellow rosette 2 cm. in length; flowers white, spread out in a star of 12 mm. in diam.-very heavily shaggy, obtuse or hardly sharp at apex. Corolla has lobes triangular (4 mm. x 4 mm. ), pubescents on the inside. Corona of 5 pieces in the shape of a boat, sufficient thick has the external extremity rounded or obtuse, convex or concave on top; not streamlined or flat, grooved on the base below, with a small beak, pass more or less connected by a membrane. Stamens: pollinia in masses flat, rounded at the extremities, with external border clear. Pistil: head of the style small. Fruit... Tonkin: toward the Ninh-binh (Bon). -FIG.18, p. 131. Local name: Tu-cu. Lateral nerves laterales obliques from the median nerve.
Leaves very shaggy, tomentose especially above; blades oblong, rounded at the basis, often also at the summit (sometimes echancre or weekly mucronate 7-11 cm. x 3.8-4.8 cm.).
Hoya volubilis Griffith 1854 Type description: In Notulae Asiatica 4 (1854) 39 W. Griffith. 5. Hoya volubilis, Pl. CCCCX. A. fig. 3. Scandens volubilis caulibus teretibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acutis coriaceis glaucescentibus basi, 1-callosis, indistincte 3-nerviis, umbellis intrapetiolaribus longe pedunculatis, floris. Pedunculis perinnantibus, folia excedentib. apices versus cicatricibus inflorescentia antecedentis notatis. Pedicellis filiformibus 1 ½ uncialibus basi minute bracteatis, masculis irregularibus purpureis, floribus magnis, albidis, cereaceis coronae, foliolorum angulis intrautib. rosaceis, anth. lutescent. Cal. 5 partit. Cor. subrotata profunde 5-partit. laciniis late ovatis acutis intus lucidis. Corona 5-phylla, foliolis carnosis-simis, radiatis, supra planis; ovatisque, angulo intrante dentiforme in autheram pruduct. incumbentemque. Antherae membranum terminatae. Pollinia erecta basi affixa, margine interiore quoad antheram, cartilagineam diaphanam. Stigma apiculo brevi, apice membranaceo. Epiphytica in arborib. Mergue: March, 1835, flores subsuaviter odorat. The pollinia on being detached and especially if put in water become twisted, so that the; hare the same arrangement as those that are naturally pendulous. It is impossible to make them revert to their natural situation. Very probably the fact of their being erect depends upon some local applicable cause, to be ascertained by examination of these in the young state. Aestivatio subvalvata, nec Hoyae genuina civis ejusdem generis cum Hoya viridifolia. Partis floris interdum quaternaria. Translation: Climbing, twining stems round, leaves ovate-lanceolate acute leathery glaucous at the base one callus , indistinctly 3 nerved, umbels from between the petioles, long pedunculate, flowering. Peduncles perennial, bracts of the apex exceedingly marked with scars proceeding the inflorescence. Pedicels threadlike 1 ½ inches and at the base minute bracts, the leaflets of the yellow corona inner angle rose, anthers transparent. Calyx of 5 parts, corolla almost rotate deeply 5 parted, leaflets broadly ovate acute inside shinny. Corona of 5 leaflets, leaves very fleshy, radiating, above flat and ovate, interior angle produced into a tooth incumbent and upon the anther. Anthers terminal membranous. Pollinia erect affixed at the base, interior margines as to the anther cartilage colorless. Stigma apiculate short apex membranous. Epiphytic in trees. Mergue 1835, flowers almost without odor.
Hoya wallichiana Decaisne Type description: In Prodromus Syst. Veg. 8 (1844) 635. Decaisne (DeCandolle). 6. H. Wallichiana, volubilis, foliis late ovata et ovatis v. obovatis basi rotundatis v. obsolete emarginatis apice brevi acuminatis ad limbi ortum transverse callosis subcarnosis transverse venous, subtus velutinis nervo medio valde prominente glabro, petiolo vix poll. crasso, floribus, .. .. Confusa coin H. latifolia, Wall. cat. h. ind. n. 8165. Woody shrub. in India orientali, ( v. a. sine fl. Mus. par.) Translation: twining, leaves broad ovate oval or obovate with rounded base or obsoletely emarginate apex short acuminate, with the limb arising from transverse veins transversely thickened and somewhat fleshy, below velvety with middle nerve very prominent glabrous, petiole scarcely 1 inch, thick, flowers ….. confused with H. latifolia in Cat. h. Ind. number 8165 woody shrub from Eastern India. (I have seen it without flowers in the Paris Museum). Other literature: In The Flora of British India 4 (1883) 62. J. D. Hooker Under “Doubtful and excluded Species”. H. Wallichiana, Dcne. l. c. 635; said to be mixed with Wallich’s n. 8165 (H. latifolia), appears from Decaisne’s description to be H. coronaria, Blume.
Hoya warburgii Schlechter Hoya warburgii Schlechter. Herbarium Sheet #17494 (B) unpublished. Collected by V. Warburg. Note: unpublished.
Hoya wariana Schlechter 1913 Type description: In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 122. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea” R. Schlechter. 49. H. wariana Schltr. n. sp.— Suffrutex parum ramosus, scandens, gracillimus. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, bene foliati, teretes. glabri. Folia patentia vel subpatula, breviter petiolata, ligulato-linearia, acuta vel apiculata, basi obtusa, textura tenuiter coriacea, utrinque glabra. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes, 10— 15 florae, gracillime pedunculatae pedunculo pedicellisque filiformibus, glabris. Flores in sectione inter minores. Calycis foliola ovata, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multo breviora. Corolla rotata, usque ad tertiam partem basilarem 5-fida, lobis ovatis acutis. margine dense ciliatis, caeterum utrinque glabris. Coronae foliola (in floribus nondum omnino evolutis) abbreviata, antice adscendentia, superne rhombeo-obovata apice acuta, extus obtusissima, subtus in lamellas 2 decurrentes producta. Pollinia oblique oblongoidea, translatoribus brevissimis, retinaculo anguste rhomboideo, minuto. Ein sehr zierlicher kleiner Schlinger mit fadenförmig, gut beblätterten Zweigen, bis 3 m hoch. Blätter 2.2—5.5 cm lang, in der Mitte 3.3—5.5 mm breit, Blattstiele kurz, oben leicht gefurcht, kaum 2 mm lang. Blütenstande doldig, 10—15 blütig auf fadenförmig-schlankem, ca. 6 cm langem Stiel. Blütenstiele fadenförmig, kahl, 1.3—1.5 cm lang. Blüten in der Sektion recht klein. Kelch sehr klein, ca. 1.5 mm lang, Korolla radförmig, ca. 0.8 cm im Durchmesser. Konaschuppen offenbar sehr kurz an den noch nicht völ1ig entwickelten Exemplaren von der Spitze bis zum äuszeren Rande knapp, 1.5 mm überschreitend. Nordöstl Neu-Guinea: zwischen Sträuchern auf dem Dscheregi im Wariatale, ca. 400 m. M. (Schlechter n. 17430. — In Knospe im März 1908); zwischen Sträuchern kletternd, in den Bergwäldern bei Pemo, im Wariatale, ca. 400 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 18410. — In Knospe im Mai 1909). Die Zugehörigkeit der Art zur Sektion Eu-Hoya ist noch nicht ganz sicher. Das von mir gefundene Material befindet sich noch im Knospenzustande. Die Koronaschuppen ahneln in diesem Zustande mehr denen der Sektion Otostemma, doch glaube ich, dasz sei bei vollständiger Entwicklung sich als echte Eu-Hoya erweisen wird. Falls nicht, so ist sie natürlich bei Otostemma unterzubringen, wo sie noch isolierter stehen würde als in Eu-Hoya. Ich habe die Art bescbrieben. da sie infolge ihrer schmalen Blätter charakteristisch ist und selbst in nicht blühendem Zustande mit keiner anderen verwechselt werden kann. Die Blüten sind offenbar grünlich-weisz. Translation: see under Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea below. Other literature: In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1992) 59-60. R. D. Kloppenburg (Translation of Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch Neu Guinea by R. Schlechter). 29. Hoya wariana Schlechter n. sp. - A very slender, little branched half-shrub.
Branches threadlike, flexible, well leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or somewhat outspread, shortly petioled, strap shaped, linear, acute or apiculate, base obtuse, thin leathery texture, both sides glabrous. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, 10-15 flowered, narrowly pedunculate, pedicels of h peduncle glabrous, thread like. Flowers among the smallest in the section. Leaflets (lobes) of the calyx ovate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than the corolla. Corolla rotate, 5 parted all the way to one third from the basal area, lobes ovate acute, margins densely ciliate, otherwise entirely glabrous. Leaflets (scales) of the corona ascending, above rhomboid obovate, apex acute, outside very obtuse, below two gills (thin plates of tissue) extend down and adnate to the scale. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, retinaculum narrowly rhomboid. A very pretty small clinging vine with thread like well leaved branches, up to 3 m. high. Leaves 2.2-5.5 cm. long, in the middle 3.5-5.5 mm. broad, petiole short, slightly furrowed above, barely 2 mm. long. Inflorescences umbellate, 10-15 flowered, on a threadlike slender peduncle about 6 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare 1.3-1.5 cm. long. Flowers in the section remarkably small. Calyx very small, about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla radial, about 0.8 cm. in diameter. Corona scales obviously very short, an on the specimens that are not fully developed, they barely exceed 1.5 mm. from apex to the extreme outer edge. Northeastern New Guinea: among shrubs (bushes) on the Dscheregi in the Waria Valley, about 400 m. altitude (Schlechter #17430 - In bud March 1908); between shrubs climbing in the Mountain forests near Pemo in the Waria valley approximately 400 meters altitude (Schlechter #19410 - in bud in May 1909). The appropriateness of the species in this section Eu-Hoya is not entirely certain. The material found by me was still in the bud stage. The corona scales in this condition more closely resemble the section Otostemma, but I believe that with complete development it will prove to be a true (real) Eu-Hoya. If not, it naturally belongs to Otostemma where it would stay more isolated than in Eu-Hoya. I have described this species, as a consequence of its characteristically narrow leaves and even in the non blooming condition can be mistaken with no other. The blooms are obviously greenish-white. In The Asclepiadaceous Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 32. A. Nicholas. H. wariana Schlechter (Schlechter 17430, 19410) – 15. In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 163-164. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya wariana Schlechter. A very slender, little branched half-shrub. Branches threadlike, flexible, well leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or somewhat outspread, shortly petioled, strap shaped, linear, acute or apiculate, base obtuse, thin leathery texture, both sides glabrous. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, 10-15 flowered, narrowly pedunculate, pedicels of the peduncle glabrous, thread like. Flowers among the smallest in the section. Lobes of the calyx ovate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than the corolla. Corolla rotate, 5 parted all the way to one third from the basal area, lobes ovate acute, margins densely ciliate, otherwise entirely glabrous. Scales of the corona ascending, above rhomboid obovate, apex acute, outside very obtuse, below two gills (thin plates of tissue) extend down and
adnate to the scale. Pollinia obliquely oblong, with the translators very small, retinaculum narrowly rhomboid. A very pretty small clinging vine with thread like well leaved branches, up to 3 m. high. Leaves 2.2-5.5 cm. long, in the middle 3.5-5.5 mm. broad, petiole short, slightly furrowed above, barely 2 mm. long. Inflorescences umbellate, 10-15 flowered, on a threadlike slender peduncle about 6 cm. long. Pedicels threadlike, bare 1.3-1.5 cm. long. Flowers in the section remarkably small. Calyx very small, about 1.5 mm. long. Corolla radial, about 0.8 cm. in diameter. Corona scales obviously very short, an on the specimens that are not fully developed, they barely exceed 1.5 mm. from apex to the extreme outer edge. Northeastern New Guinea: among shrubs (bushes) on the Dscheregi in the Waria Valley, about 400 m. altitude (Schlechter #17430 - In bud March 1908); between shrubs climbing in the Mountain forests near Pemo in the Waria valley approximately 400 meters altitude, (Schlechter #19410 - in bud in May 1909). The appropriateness of the species in this section Eu-Hoya is not entirely certain. The material found by me was still in the bud stage. The corona scales in this condition more closely resemble the section Otostemma, but I believe that with complete development it will prove to be a true (real) Eu-Hoya. If not, it naturally belongs to Otostemma where it would stay more isolated than in Eu-Hoya. I have described this species, as a consequence of its characteristically narrow leaves and even in the non blooming condition can be mistaken with no other. The blooms are obviously greenish-white. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.123, "Die Asclepiadaceen von Der Deutsch Neu Guinea".
Hoya wariana Schlechter, 1913, Type # 17430 (B)
Hoya wightiana Thwaites 1864 Type description: In Ceylon Plants (1864) 199. G. H. K. Thwaites. 2. H. Wightiana, Thw.; volubilis; follis gracilibus, carnosis, lineari-lanceolatis, acuminatis, obtusis, basi angustatis; pedunculis brevibus, multifloris; corollae lobis ovatis, parce acuminatis, obtusis, minute papillosis; coronae stamineae parum depressa, foliolis obovatis, obtusis, interne acutis.—c.p. 2762. Hab. Central Province, at an elevation of 3000 to 5000 feet. Folia 1-3 poll. longa, 2-5 lin. Lata; petiolo purpurascente, 1-3 lin. longo. Pedicelli g1abri, 6 lin. longi. Calyx minutis, glaber. Corolla alba, 6-7 lin. In exp.. Corona staminea purpurea, 2 lin. in exp. A very beautiful species, bearing considerable resemblance to the figure of D, Wight’s H. pauciflora (H. parviflora in desc.) lc. t. 1269; and its more numerous flowers and obtusely-pointed leaves seem to be the principal points of distinction. Translation: twining, leaves glabrous, fleshy, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, obtuse, with narrow base; peduncles short. multiflowered; lobes of the corolla ovate, slightly acuminate, obtuse, with short hairs, corona stamen slightly depressed, leaflets obovate, obtuse, internal acute. ………………………………. …………. Leaves 1-3 lines long, 2 to 5 lines wide, petiole purplish, 1 to 3 lines long. Pedicels glabrous, 6 lines long. Calyx small glabrous. Corolla white, 6 to 7 lines when flattened. Staminal corona purple, 2 lines when flattened.
Hoya wightii Hooker 1883 Type description:
In The Flora of British India (1883) 59. J. D. Hooker. 30. H. Wightii, Hook. f.; quite glabrous, leaves 3-4 in. long-petioled elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate or nearly orbicular acute at both ends thick, margines recurved, nerves distinct horizontal or nearly so, peduncles much shorter than the pedicels, sepals linear-oblong, follicles slender. H. pendula, Wight & Arn. Contrib. 36 (excl. syn); Dcne. in DC. Prodr. viii. 635; Grah. Cat. Bomb. Fl. 119. H. pallida, Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 152. Hoya, n. 27, Herb. Ind. Or. H. f. & T. Deccan Peninsula; from the Bombay Ghats to the Nilgherry Mts. A stout climber. Leaves 1¼ -2 in. broad, margins often revolute, tip obtuse often produced, nerves loosely netted; petiole ½ -1 in. Peduncles 1/8 -1 /4 in.; pedicels stout, 1 in. Sepals glabrous. Corolla ½ - ¾ in. diam., cream-coloured, g1abrous within, margines puberulous. Coronal-processes ascending, short, inflated, obtuse, concave above, inner angle produced into a short erect spur. Follicle, 4 in. long, slender, straight, pericarp thin.—For the distinctions between this and H. ovalifolia see the later plant. The vars. Rheedei and Nilgherrensis, Wight, are not distinguishable. Leaves orbicular ovate-oblong or broadly elliptic, rarely lanceolate, penninerved, nerves arching (not prominently 3-5 nerved from base). See also H. polyneura and H. lobbii. Other literature: In The Flowering Plants of Western India (1894) 849. A. K. Nairhe. H. Wightii (H. pallida, D.). A climbing parasite, leaves oval acute, dead-looking, flowers in umbels white or cream coloured, pretty, follicles 4 inches long, slender, straight. Amri, duthvel. Mababableshwar and elsewhere, pretty common. Very like the well known wax plant (H. carnosa), but paler in colour. In Flora of the Presidency of Madras 2 (1923) 849. J. S. Gamble. 3. Hoya Wightii, Hook. f. F. B. I. iv H. pendula, W. & A. in Wt. Contrib. 36 (excl. syn.). W. Ghats. hills of Coimbatore, Nilgiris. Anamalais and hills of Tinnevelly, at 4,000-6,000 ft. A stout climber, apparently epiphytic and rooting, the corolla white or greenish, the corona purple, the follicles very slender, up to 4 in. long. In Flora of the Khandala 16 (1953). “Records of the Botanical Survey of India” Santapau. Hoya wightii Hook. f. in FBI. 4: 59 "I. d: 59, 10; C. 2 . 169- Blatt. 2. McC. 532. H. pendula Wight & Arn., in Wight, Contr. 36 (excl. syn.; non Wight, Icon t. 575).* H. pallida Dalz. & Gibs., Bomb. Fl. 152, 1861. H. parasitica Graham, Cat. 119, 1839, (non Wall.). In habit this plant shows considerable variation; on June 16, 1944, I found a number of young seedlings each with one or two leaves growing on the bark of several
trees, and the seedlings had no connection with the ground. In August, 1944, another large plant had numerous adventitious roots from most of the upper nodes, especially those near the ends of the branches. On several occasions I have noticed plants in the ravines growing on rocks. This plant, then, may be considered as; a geophyte that on occasions may also live as an epiphyte; is it also a parasite ? Very abundant on trees on Behran's Plateau and Bhoma Hill, also abundant on rocks in Echo Point Ravine. When in full bloom, there is no finer plant in Khandala. Plants growing on rocks often have their leaves infected with Phyllosticta hoyae Died. Flowers. June - August to November. Flowers. June to August. Fruits.—August to November. McConn ex Blatt. & McC., Revis.; Santapua 137/15, 23, 31, 34! PF: 578 636! 926! 1284! 1438! 1537! 1538! 2153! 2154! 2245! 2246! 2595! 2813! 4116! 4479! 4882! 9007! 9171-9173! In Dictionary of the Flowering Plants of India 81. Santapau & Henry. H. wightii Hk. F. from W. Peninsula; a perennial climber going high on trees, often severing connections with the ground and becoming epiphytic. In The Flora of the Klandala on the Western Ghats of India 16 (1960) 155. Santapau. Hoya wightii Hook. f. in FBI 4: 59, 1883; C 2: l69; Talbot 2 :258; Santapau in RBSI 16(1): 175, 1953. H. pendula Wt. & Arn. in Wt. Contrib. 36, 1834 (excl. syn. Non Wt. Icon, t. 474, 1840-43) ; Santapau in RBSI 16(1): 138, 1960. In habit this plant shows considerable variation; on June 16, 1944, I found a number of young seedlings each with one or two leaves growing on the bark of several trees, and the seedlings had no connection with the ground. In August, 1944, another large plant had numerous adventitious roots from most of the upper nodes, especially those near the ends of the branches. On several occasions I have noticed plants in the ravines growing on rocks. This plant, then, may be considered as; a geophyte that on occasions may also live as an epiphyte; is it also a parasite? Very abundant on trees on Behran's Plateau and Bhoma Hill, also abundant on rocks in Echo Point Ravine. When in full bloom, there is no finer plant in Khandala. Plants growing on rocks often have their leaves infected with Phyllosticta hoyae Died. Flowers. June - August to November. In Flora of the Presidency of Sind 2 (1976) 258. 2. H. Wightii, Hook. f .; Fl. Br. I. 4- 59; H. pallida, Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb Fl. 152; Cooke Fl. Pres. Bomb. 2, 169. A glabrous, twining shrub; branches smooth, terete with long internodes between the leaves. Leaves ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, 1.25"- 3" by .75"-1.5", acute or shortly acuminate at the apex, rounded at the base, thick, fleshy; margins recurved; lateral-nerves in dried leaves 3-4 pairs, more or less at right angles to the midrib; vegetation distinct, scanty, irregular. Flowers white in axillary, interpetiolar, peduncled umbels; peduncles .25" long"; pedicels stout, 1" long. Calyx divided to near the base; sepals ovate, 1" long, obtuse, reflexed. Corolla creamy-white, .5"- .75" across, glabrous; lobes broadly triangular-acute; corona of 5, inflated, obtuse, ascending lobes, the broad end outside, the inner angle shortly erect and obtusely spurred. Follicles straight, slender, about 4" long by .25" thick, tapering at both ends; coma nearly 2" long.
Deccan peninsula from the Bombay ghats to the Nilgiris. On trees throughout the Konimn and North Kanara; very common on the Supa ghats mostly in rain-forest. Fl. rarely in R S. also in Jan. Fr. C. & H. seasons. In the Flora of Hassan District of India (1976) 449-450. C. Soladanha & D. H. Nicholson. I. Hoya wightii J. Hooker, Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 59. 1883; Gamble, Fl. Madras 849(597). 1923. Hoya pendula sensu auct. excl. basionym: Wight & Ann. in Wight, Contrib. Ind. Bot. 36. 1834. Leaves elliptic, glabrous, 5-10 cm long; base acute to attenuate; apex acuminate; margins revolute and not undulate; lateral veins at nearly right angles to the midrib (75-90°). Flowers in umbels. Corolla lobes, 7-9 mm long, puberulent within, creamcolored. South W. India. Common in wet forests of Ghats. May-July. CFS 12453, Stevens 422. In Flora of the South Indian Hill Stations 1 (1977) 339. R. F. Fyson. Hoya Wightii Hook. f. 1522 and 2213; F.B.I. iv 59, XLIV 32. Stem thinner than a lead pencil, glabrous. Leaves elliptic but variable, very thick, shortly stalked. Peduncles 1 inch stout. Pedicel ½ to ¾ inch. Flowers ¾ inch. Petals white; coronal lobes obovate obtuse pink or purple. Follicles brown. t. 319. Pulneys: by the Pamban stream. Nilgiris and Mangalore. Wight.
Hoya wightii Hooker, Isotype # 27 (NY)
Hoya wightii Hooker # 379 (US)
Hoya wightii Hooker # 2851 (US)
Hoya wightii Hooker # 12809 (US)
Hoya wightii Hooker # 13580 (US)
Hoya wrayi King & Gamble 1903 Type description: In Flora of the Malayan Peninsula 74/2 (1903) 579-580. “Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bengal Branch” King & Gamble. 23. Hoya Wrayi, King & Gamble, n. sp. A slender creeping epiphytic undershrub, rooting on the branches of trees; stems slender, very rough when dry. Leaves fleshy, thinly coriaceous when dry; lanceolate, obtuse and glandular-apiculate at apex, long-attenuate at base; upper surface glabrous smooth, lower minutely papillose, both grayish when dry; margins recurved; 3.5 to 4 in. long, 1 to 1.25 in. broad; midrib slender, broadened at base; main nerves very inconspicuous even when dry, about 4 pairs, at about 30° with the midrib; reticulations not visible; petiole very thick, rugose, jointed at the junction with the blade. Inflorescence not seen; rachis minutely tuberculate; pedicels slender, .75 to 1 in. long, scurry. Calyx hyaline, papillose without; tube short; lobes linear-oblong, .05 in. long; scales subulate. Corolla campanulate-rotate, .3 in. broad when open, villous within with cellular hairs, margins fimbriate-crispate; lobes very short, triangular. Corona of 5 processes, attached above the filament-tube, horny and yellow when dry; lower lobe a slightly upcurved linear-lanceolate ridged spur; upper similar, erect, dorsally flattened, longer than the anthers. Staminal-column with filament-tube free from the corona, otherwise short; anthers short, cells parallel; appendages scarious, ovate, curved over the style-apex; pollen-masses flattened, oblong, obliquely truncate with membranous margins, attached by broadly inflated cup-like caudicles to the conical pollen-carriers. Style-apex 5-angled, thick, concave abode with a conical apiculus. Fruit not seen. Perak: at Gunong Batu Pateh, 4300 ft., Wray 371. In Malayan Nature Journal 30 #3/4 (1978) 484-485. “The Peninsular Species of Hoya” R. E. Rintz. 2) Hoya wrayi King & Gamble, J.A.S. Beng. IV (1903) 579. Type: Malaysia, Perak, Gunong Batang Padang, Wray 371 (K). This sheet is only a drawing by Gamble but all points agree with it.—FIG. 6. = Physostelma wrayi Ridley, F.M.P. ii (1923) 411. Distinguishing Features: STEMS, petioles and peduncles densely hirsute when young. LEAVES thick and rigid, narrowly-elliptical with attenuate bases; margins reflexed, often corrugate; up to 10cm long by 3cm wide. PEDUNCLE reflexed, thin and flexuous, 3 - 4cm long. UMBEL positively-geotropic, concave with rigid, curved pedicels 5mm—3cm long; 1 - 15 flowers, open 4 days. COROLLA spreading, densely pubescent inside, marginal hairs long-villous; c. 1.2cm diam; pale pink. CORONA lower lobe upcurved; both lobes white. CAUDICLES broadly winged. FOLLICLE c. 10cm long by 4mm diam. Ecology: Endemic to Malaya, in dense mountain forests between 1000—l500m; very rare, being only known from Bukit Fraser, Pahang and Gunong Batang Padang, Perak.
Hoya yuennanensis Hand- Mazzetti 1936 Type description: In Symbolae Sinicae 7 (1936) 1001. “South West China” H. H. Mazzetti. H. yuennanensis Hand,-Mzt. Sect. Euhoya Miq. Caules longissimi, succulenti, c. 3 mm crassi, radicibus adventivis brevibus scandentes, juveniles papillosi et dense hirti, vetustiores fulvidi vix glabrescentes. Folia suborbicularia usque elliptica, 6—11 cm longa, longitudine paulo usque (raro) duplo angustiora, breviter et obtuse apiculata, basi late rotundata ipsa truncata, crassissima, plane, sicca dilute viridia, utrinque crispule hirta, juniora subtus fere villosa, costa nervisque 5—7 tenuibus sub. c. 60° abeuntibus rectis ante marginem tantum arcuato-conjunctis cum venarum reti laxissimo in sicco utrinque prominulis, costae basi glandula aurantiaca instructa; petiolus 3—7 mm longus, 2—3 mm crassus, dense hirtus. Pedunculi axillares, 2—3 ½ cm longi, petiolis similes. Umbellae multiflorae axis brevis, bracteis minutis, latis, membranaceis. Pedicelli tenues, 1 ½—2 ½ cm longi, partim glabri. Calycis lobi subliberi, late ovati, 2 ½ mm longi, rotundati, glabriusculi, marginibus membranaceis. Corollae alboroseae (e note ad vivum), 17—19 mm diametientis, planae extus glabrae, intus minute velutinae, ad quartum inferum partitae lobi ovati apicibus acutissimis utrinque glabris saepe breviter reflexis. Coronae lobi obovoideo-globosi, 3 mm diametro, lateribus subcontiguis, dorso sulco profundo perpendiculari ad l/3 fissi, ventre in rostra tenuia supra stigma stellatim contigua contracta. Pollinia minute, retinaculis spadiceis, translatoribus brevibus. W-Y.: Felsen, auch hoch auf Baumstämme kletternd, in der str. St., 17002100 m. Am Yangtse ober Djitsung. Am Mekong überall zwischen Lota-Tanschan und Tsedjrong, 10. IX . 4 X. 1915 (7971) und im Seitental unter Lodjre. Im birm. Mons. am Salwin bei Tschamutong, aufwärts bis Wuli. Similis H. carnosa (L ) R. Br.quae multo glabrior, corollae lobis brevioribus obtusis, coronae lobis anguste ovoideis, supra basin enim latissimis dein sensim angustatis. His simillima H. Lyi Levl., quae differs foliis angustioribus, glabris nervis horizontalibus, corollae lobis rotundatis. H. diversifolia Bl. et H. villosa Const. In Fl. gen. Indo-Ch. iam floribus minoribus distant. Translation: Stems very long succulent, about 3 mm thick, adventitious roots short twisted, juveniles papilose and densely hairy, when old soft nearly becoming glabrous. Leaves almost circular continuously elliptic, 6 to 11 cm long, somewhat continuously longitudinal (rarely) doubly narrow.. briefly and obtusely apiculate, base broadly rounder truncate, very thick, flat, dry light green, both sides with twisted hairs, below when young almost velvety, below 5 to 7 nerves diverging at about 60° from the midrib straight to near the margines barely curved connecting loosely with the reticulate veins when dry prominent on both sides, at the base of the midrib is a yellowish gland; petioles long 3 to 7 mm, 2 to 3 mm wide densely hairy. Peduncles axillary, 2 to 3.5 cm long, petioles similar. A multiflowered umbel with short axis, minute bracts, wide, membranous. Pedicels thin, 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, in part glabrous. Calyx lobes somewhat free, broadly ovate, 2.5 mm long, rounded, almost glabrous, margines membranous. Pink corolla ( as noted when fresh) 17 to 19 mm in diameter, flat, outside glabrous, inside minutely
velvety, lobes divided plus or minus nearly ¼, ovate apex very acute both sides glabrous often briefly reflexed. Lobes of the corona obovoid-globose, 3 mm in diameter, laterally somewhat joining, back deeply grooved, divided perpendicularly 1/3, inner face narrowly beaked contracted star-like adjoining above the stigma. Pollinia minute, retinaculum date-colored, translators short. North West Yunnan : Clefts also climbing high on tree trunks, with the ……….1700 to 2100 meters. On the Yangtse above Djitsung. On the Mekong above all between Lota-Tanschan and Tsedjrong, 10. IX., 4 X. 1915 (1971) and in Seitental below Lodjre. Within the mountains near Salwin by Tschamutong, upstream near Wuli. Similar to Hoya carnosa (L) Robert Brown, which is more glabrous, lobes of the corolla shorter obtuse, lobes of the corona ovoid narrow, above the base certainly thereafter gradually narrower. Similar to Hoya lyi Levl., which differs in narrower foliage glabrous, horizontal nerves lobes of the corona rounder. Hoya diversifolia Blume and Hoya villosa Coste in Fl. Gen. Indo-Chin distinct till now with larger flowers.
Hoya zollingeriana Miquel 1857 Type description:
In Flora Indiae Bataviae 2 (1857) 518. F. A. W. Miquel. 7. Hoya zollingeriana, Miq. Folia breviter petiolata, c basi obtuse supra petiolum antice subprotracta elliptica vel majora obovato-oblonga, obtusa vel brevissime obtuso-apiculata, crasse coriacea, subtus utrinque 5—4 veins obsoletis (in sicco subprominule) dichotomis notata, 4—2 ½ polls longa, pedicelli tenues, flores diametro 2 ½ lin., sepala ovate margine subscarioso ciliolata, corollae (vitellinae?) intus spongioso-pubescentis laciniae ovatae acutae reflexae, coronae stamineae phylla (violascentia?) in superficie ellipsoidea, extrorsum obtusa. Hoya coriacea Zoll. herb. excl. Syn. Bl.Calyce H. fraternae affinis, corolla, H. coriaceae. pedunculus 4 ½ poll. longus, receptaculum conicum 2 lin. Longum, bracteis ciliatis. H. diversifoliae etiam accedit, floribus (colore propabiliter diversis) similis sed corollae laciniae non adeo acutae et coronae phylla longiora;—pedunculus etiam multo longior! Java, bij Lalaei, Mei (ZOLL.). Translation: Leaves with short petioles and bases obtuse, on the upper dorsal side of the petiole somewhat drawn out, elliptic or largely obovate-oblong, or obtuse-apiculate, thick leathery, beneath on both sides 4-5 obsolete veins (when dry, somewhat prominent) in pairs, 4-2.5 inches long, pedicels slender, flowers 2.5 lines in diameter. Sepals ovate, margins somewhat roofed, ciliate. Corolla (yellowish ?) inside papillose-pubescent, lobes ovate acute reflexed, leaflets of the staminal corona (violet?), upper surface ellipsoidal, outer obtuse. H. coriacea, Zoll., excluding syn. Bl. Calyx near H. fraterna, corolla of H. coriacea. Peduncles 4.5 inches long, rachis cone shaped 1/6 inch long, bracts ciliate. H. diversifolia also resembles it, flowers (colour probably diverse) similar, but flaps of the corolla not nearly as acute and leaflets of the corona longer; peduncles also much longer! Java near Lalaei, Mei (Zollinger). Other literature: In Exkursionsflora (1912) 100. S. H. Koorders. (Key). 9h. Blätter 6—10 cm lang, elliptisch oder obovat-oblong, am Grunde stumpf, oben stumpf oder apiculat, dicklederig, mit 4—6 Paar in sicco hervortretenden Seitennerven. Blüten ½ cm Durchm., dünngestielt. Pedunculus 11 ½ cm lang. Kelchblätter eiförmig, gewimpert. Korolle innen schwammig-flaumhaarig mit zurückgebogenen Zipfeln. Windender (?) Strauch. Miq. 1. c. 618. Java: Nur bei Lalai (?) von Zollinger gesammelt; bisher nicht in Java wiedergefunden und inn Buitenzorger Herbar fehlend. Auch im Utrechter Herbar fehlt diese Art. ……………………H. Zollingeriana Miq* Translation: 9h. Leaves 6—10 cm lang, elliptic or obovate-oblong, at the base blunt, above blunt or apiculate, thick leathery, with 4—6 pairs, when dry the side nerves are easily visible. Flowers ½ cm in diameter, peduncles thin. Peduncles 11 ½ cm long.
Sepals leaves egg-shaped, ciliate. Corolla on the inside spongy-fuzzy-hairy with bent back corners. Winding (?) Shrub. Miquel as above 618. Java: Only near Lalai (?) collected by Zollinger; until now not recovered in Java and lacking in the Buitenzorger Herbarium. Also missing is the type in the Utrecht Herbarium.
Hoya zollingeriana Miquel #...... (BO)
Hoya zollingeriana Miquel # 12615 (BO)