Jim Skinner’s Tucson, Arizona Seismic Station 32.113933 N, -111.030233 W, 791 M (2600 Ft) ASL System # 4 This system was created to monitor Radio Frequency background level changes that may occur before large earthquakes. This phenomena has been reported by scientific research stations for many years at various locations on the Earth. This “experiment” has evolved from a simple homebrew “VLF” converter built in 1991 to a multiple commercial receiver monitoring station. The station as comprised now uses two Software Defined Radio receivers (SDR’s) and several experimental antennas. Commercial software is being used to run the two SDR radios and the system is now monitored 24/7 using a HP-8300, i3, 4 Gb RAM, 250Gb Hard Drive computer system. Loop antennas are in the build cycle and an existing (since 1994) underground “inductively loaded” antenna system is in the stages of being rebuilt. Active Loop Antenna

UnderGround Antenna

Coaxial Switch Active Whip Antenna

Loop Antenna (future)

RF-Space SDR-IQ SDR Radio Receiver 500 cycles to 30 MHz SDRPlay RSP-2 1 KHz to 2.0 GHz SDR Radio Receiver

HP-8300, i3 4 Gb RAM 250 Gb HD Computer

HP-8300, i3 4 Gb RAM 250 Gb HD Computer -

SDR Radio Receiver. 500 cycles to 30 MHz. SDRPlay RSP-2. 1 KHz to 2.0 GHz. SDR Radio Receiver. Jim Skinner's Tucson, Arizona Seismic Station.

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