Homeland Security and All-Hazards Senior Advisory Committee (H-SAC) APPROVED BY-LAWS

Article I – Establishment of the Committee Section 1.1: Enabling Legislation - Establishment of the homeland security and all-hazards senior advisory committee th (“Committee”) pursuant to HB12-1283, which was signed into law on June 4 2012. Section 1.2: Statutory Authority - Statutory provisions applicable to the Committee are found in Section 24-33.5-1614 C.R.S. (2012). Section 1.3: Committee Mission Statement - The mission of the Committee is advise the State’s homeland security advisor, provide strategic direction to the Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, and best position the State to predict, prevent, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats or hazards posing the greatest risk to Coloradoans. Article II – Composition of the Committee Section 2.1: State Government Employee Membership - Membership shall consist of the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Safety (“CDPS”) as Chair of the Committee, the Director of the Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (“DHSEM”) who shall serve as a non-voting member, Director of the Division of Fire Prevention and Control (“DFPC”) or their designee, the Chief of the Colorado State Patrol (“CSP) or their designee, a member of the Department of Local Affairs (“DOLA”), a member of the Department of Public Health and Environment (“CDPHE”), a member of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (“DMVA”), and two members of the Governor’s Office of Information Technology (“GOIT”), to include the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Section 2.2: Appointed Members - Initial members of the committee are to be appointed by the Executive Director of CDPS in consultation with the Adjutant General of DMVA and the Executive Directors of DOLA and CDPHE. Further additions to the Committee will be made pursuant to section 2.7. The Committee shall include representatives from Colorado Counties, Inc.; Colorado Emergency Management Association; Private Industry; Colorado Municipal League; County Sheriffs of Colorado, Inc.; Emergency Medical Services Association of Colorado; Colorado State Fire Chiefs Association; Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police; Tribal Government; Colorado Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster; Regional Homeland Security Coordinators; Special Districts Association of Colorado; State all-hazards Advisory Committee; Denver Urban Area Security Initiative, the Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership, or any successor entity. Section 2.3: Initial Appointment Terms - One-half of the initial, appointed members of the Committee shall be appointed to one-year terms; the other half of initial, appointed members shall be appointed to two-year terms. Section 2.4: Terms following Establishment - Terms for appointed members shall be two years from the date-ofappointment. Section 2.5: Term Limitations – Appointed members may serve additional terms with the approval of the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Safety. Section 2.6: Appointment of Vice-Chairperson and Secretary - With a majority vote of the committee, a vice-chairperson and secretary will be selected from among its members. Section 2.7: Additional Committee Members - Additional Committee members may be added as necessary upon (i) approval of the Executive Director of CDPS, and (ii) by majority vote of the Committee. New members shall be considered voting members unless the Executive Director of CDPS specifies otherwise.

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Section 2.8: Appointed Member Vacancy - In the event of vacancy of an appointed position due to death, resignation, removal for misconduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, or otherwise, the Committee Chair shall appoint a replacement to fill the position for the remainder of the unexpired. The replacement shall meet the qualifications for the position being vacated and represent the same organization as the vacating member. Section 2.9: Voting - Only voting members of the Committee are permitted to participate in the Committee’s formal decisionmaking process, specifically making motions, seconds of motions, discussion of formal motions, votes, and chair subcommittees. Issues that require consideration by the Committee may be discussed with or without a motion. Any issue requiring a vote of the Committee may be resolved by recording the general consensus of the Committee or by formal motion. If there are no objections, either by general consensus or formal motion, a decision of the Committee is deemed unanimous. Section 2.10: Non-voting member - The Director of the Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management within the Department of Public Safety serves as a non-voting member of the Committee. Section 2.11: Compensation - Committee members shall receive no compensation. However, members may be reimbursed for any actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on the Committee. Section 2.12: Conflict of Interest - A Committee member who is present at a meeting at which any matter is discussed in which they have a private, pecuniary or property interest shall declare that they have a potential conflict of interest. A Committee member found to have a conflict of interest shall abstain from voting as well as refrain from possible influence over other Committee members. Article III – Duties of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, & Secretary Section 3.1: Chairperson Duties - It shall be the Executive Director’s responsibility to (i) preside at each of the meetings of the Committee; (ii) keep Committee members informed of matters pertinent to their responsibility; (iii) set the agenda for full Committee meetings; (iv) represent the Committee and be spokesperson for the Commission with the media and at governmental, community, or other meetings or designate another member as a Committee representative; (v) sign letters and other official documents of behalf of the Committee, and (vi) establish whether quorum exists at each regular meeting. Section 3.2: Vice-Chairperson Duties - The vice-chairperson will preside over meetings when the Chairperson is absent and perform any other relevant duties when so assigned by the Chairperson. Section 3.3: Secretary Duties - The secretary shall ensure that Committee proceedings adhere to Committee by-laws and the “Modern Rules of Order” adopted by the Committee for conducting business, and duties as specified in section’s 4.3 and 5.3 respectively. Article IV – Duties of the Committee Section 4.1: Duties of the Committee - The Committee shall annually review the Colorado Homeland Security Strategy and make recommendations on the strategy's goals, policies, and priorities; advise the governor, through his or her homeland security advisor, regarding the planning and implementation of tasks and objectives to achieve goals contained in the Colorado homeland security strategy; Identify opportunities to consolidate existing state-level advisory boards, while ensuring that local and tribal entities have latitude in determining their needs in program areas; review homeland security grant applications and make recommendations to the Homeland Security Advisor regarding grant distributions; and provide policy guidance to the Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. Section 4.2: Establishment of Subcommittees - The Committee may establish subcommittees to focus on specific issues or matters of consequence to the Committee. The Executive Director shall select the Chairpersons for any subcommittees as well as the advisory committee members to serve on the subcommittees. The Chairperson of a subcommittee may select non-advisory Committee members from interested members of the community to serve on the subcommittee without compensation or reimbursement for expenses.

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Section 4.3 – Duties of Subcommittees - Each subcommittee shall make written findings and recommendations for consideration by the full Committee. The Chair of each subcommittee shall ensure that meeting minutes are recorded and later distributed to members of the subcommittee. A copy will also be provided to the Secretary. Article V – Meetings and Conduct of Committee Business Section 5.1: Quorum - A quorum shall occur when more than half of voting Committee members are present, either in person or via teleconference. Section 5.2: Meeting Decorum - Rules contained in the most current edition of Modern Rules of Order, as amended, shall govern all Committee proceedings except when in conflict with by-laws adopted by the Committee or provisions of law. Subcommittee proceedings shall not governed by the Modern Rules of Order. Section 5.3: Record Keeping - Records will be kept by the Secretary, or staff as assigned, of motions made, moving and seconding members, abstentions, and voice votes taken during regular Committee meetings, along with findings or recommendations of any subcommittee and copies of any presentation materials used during Committee proceedings. Section 5.4: Public Access and Communications - Meetings of the Committee and the various subcommittees are open to the public. Reasonable accommodation shall be made for members of the public. Approved minutes from all Committee and subcommittee meetings will be made available to the public and posted to the division website. Official notice of each regular meeting shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the Committee’s principal meeting place, 9195 E. Mineral Avenue, at least 24-hours prior to the meeting. Section 5.4.1: Executive Session - An executive session shall be held only with the consent of two-thirds majority of voting Committee members present and the intended purpose of the executive session meets at least one of the eligibility criteria set forth in 24-6-402(3)(a), CRS. Prior to commencing an executive session, the intended purpose and corresponding statutory provision authorizing the session shall be communicated to the public. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute, the public shall not be granted access to the executive session, nor will any meeting minutes derived from the executive session be made open to the public. Section 5.5: Public Comment - A public comment period will be made available at the conclusion of each regular meeting of the Committee. The public comment period is limited to 15 minutes, unless a majority of the Committee permits extension. Any individual member of the public is limited to three minutes of presentation time during the public comment period, unless a majority of the committee permits extension. Article VI – Adoption and Amendment of By-laws Section 6.1: Adoption of By-laws - The by-laws of the Committee will be effective upon adoption by a majority vote of all voting members of the Committee. Section 6.2: Amendment of By-laws - The by-laws may be amended only after written notice of a proposed amendment is sent to all members of the Committee at least 72-hours prior to any motion to amend the by-laws. Amendments to the bylaws are effective upon adoption by three-fourths of all voting members of the Committee. Votes to amend committee bylaws may be captured electronically, but certification of the voting results must await a motion during actual committee proceedings.

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HSAC Bylaws_Version1.3_September 2017_FINAL.pdf

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