AHB 45 Newsletter Transportation Research Board


Volume 1, Issue 5, November 2013


The Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS) at EPFL undertakes research on modeling and control of complex transport systems. Creating realistic models and control strategies for large-scale transportation systems remains a big challenge, due to the high unpredictability and heterogeneity of traveler decisions, the uncertainty in their reactions to control and the spatiotemporal propagation of congestion, and the lack of coordinated actions coupled with the limited infrastructure available. We are now seeking one PhD student and one PostDoctoral researcher to join our team for a Starting ERC Grant "METAFERW: Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale urban multimodal networks" working in a variety of topics including, but not limited to: 1. Congestion modeling and propagation in large scale complex urban networks 2. Hierarchical control of multi-modal urban systems 3. Data fusion for large scale multi-sensor transport networks 3. Efficient planning and optimization of on-demand transportation systems These posts provide opportunities to work on existing projects, to develop new research ideas and projects and to establish collaborative links across institutional and disciplinary boundaries. Highly motivated candidates with a strong background in TRAFFIC FLOW THEORY and/or OPERATIONS RESEARCH and/or CONTROL THEORY and/ or PHYSICAL MODELING and/or BIG DATA ANALYSIS are encouraged to apply. A short statement of interest and a detailed CV together with 3 names for potential recommendation letters. Additionally, for the Post-Doc position two top quality journal publications should be submitted together with a detailed CV. This position is available for February 2014 and applications can be submitted until the position is filled (3 months of visa process for non EU-citizens). Please send your application and CV directly to Prof. Nikolas Geroliminis at [email protected]. PhD students need to be firstly considered by the EPFL Doctoral School http:// phd.epfl.ch/ (EDCE or EDIC schools). For more info about our research refer to http://luts.epfl.ch/ (publications at http:// luts.epfl.ch/page-17062-en.html). We are offering highly competitive salaries. We are looking forward to welcoming you in EPF Lausanne, one of the top engineering institutes worldwide.

Hyperlink - EPFL - PostDoc.pdf

control strategies for large-scale transportation systems remains a big challenge,. due to the high unpredictability and heterogeneity of traveler decisions, the.

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