iD:~ 3833244 t'"







Lttllohud is a report on the intr.:rro:}1.Lion of :Curt :,i,UmDIER, oivilian o;nplo,'/co ct' the illJ,V?orschW1g:lU';'lt, ltufcro.t S'C, HauptabtcilWlg IV, oondLlctod by'!.ic..ior ',1. P. BUHDY, U.S. J',lYIY, at DUSTBIN, SCHLOSS KRAN::lDERG, GEr(i,tJ~NY, un 31 i,uZU3t, 194J.


HC1r.loYlOrk s UbuoQLlcn tly VEri ttell by 3AuERDl:sIl \'7ill be issuod shor tly.



Ho. of pt:.gcs:




British -1. D.D.) 2. H.C.G.

j. D.D •.(i:·~f·~

4.. D.D.,(r" .... 5. D.D. (j-•. 0.

21-:-22. 23. 24--27. 28. 29.

Or:>-?u-G (2) (via Lt. Cilr. HD.l1son) G-2 (via Lt. CuI. HUlce) 1,.S.I.. 4 via. Ho..jor SeMliln) ~rl:e~,(lr, ",.LD. uSF.GT ---­ Cnl. i(unl:el, l!S:iT;U".

,. G.C.R.

7. Cdr. TI,ndy 8. j,ta.j0'r MClr:::U.I1

9 • Chill n,lIll1 10-12. S.L.C. 0) 13· C

30. 8.i;.C. for


31-33. hr. Pri tcho.rd (3)

t.ia,jor SO/ll,1LIn

15. Lt. Cdr. Munson 16. lili.,ior CO\J[)J1 17-20. Tioom Files (I~)

Jeclassified and Approved for Release bV NSA. on 03-09-201'1 lursuant to E 0 13526 FOIA Case # 6;786








H(;port of ItI,I:c:rrof'e t.ion of KliRT of Rl.t




'd~uburri bWlk, who '.'las out of 11 job und hCl\rd that th(; Pi> 'ND.::J lo()kin~; 1'01' ,',ell ',Iho In,ow In.nguo~~es. His pOQr d'C.lI1I1Cr of expr()~:.;j.()n 111ld' th,) lo.elc of' eoncisenc~s and detail of his Olls\'/ern co\;lbi.'1ed to give a ~ot(ll i,,'pI'Cssion 0:1

wx. n.n ordinary b('.rtk clerk in 'a

distinctly 1,;crllUU!'o I},bili ty und of' nn r.ttitudc typical of the en trenohed civil servllll t, proud of his o
2, Ceroor, 1her8 wcro only .:IDUllt a dDzen ()r:rrtWlnlytia pursonllol in the FL in 1~35. Subject took u s;,o.ct auur>;c in tbe: fun dDJ:1C n tals und then won t to work un ()ola'"erlilio.l aode tro..ffic. The helld of the cryptonnlytiu suction (later HAlJPI',"'BTEILlJfiG IV) Wo.s then, ond rC";lD.i.I'ed, l'oiin. Rat Dr, SCHIlOEDER. In pei'iee tirole subjcc t WB.:l uUllce::r-ncd alli\Oi3 t cntiruly \'Ii th eOI,Loroill..l codes in the Gonnon lllligullge. 'I'h:i.s involved the trnffic of Gerr.lClI1 f i = to forden countries during the 4-Y'"ar Anoth<;;r major undorto.king "as the aoue u~ed by tho Czoch SKODh firl.l to' IRAN lllld IRAQ in 1935, This WD.S co,lcerned wi th bridg<;;-~ building pro,ioots o.lH10S t entirely.' A,I."I05 t Illl C'f the work WllS wi th \mown com,10rcial codes, ',li th the uu threo.k uf ViaI' tllu office Y1llil reorganised, un.'! S. 9C, R",f(;I'at "NORDLAENDER VIm H'LAND", The haud of Rcferat 9 WM Ober Rog Rat WENZEL.

was "tUde hend of f(cferot

3. Rderat SiC Thin Eefuz'at ap1)()( to have boen u for o.Ssort(;d problems thllt

DEi'Mb.RK, HmMAY diplul
b) The secret roc:sso.ges of d(:t,n.ined parsons fW requested by the p.,;lica or other fWthority. ("L,SSIBER"). a)

The cOI,L,'ercial tr£\fti.e of neu trill co":,, tri"s (espcc;,lllly TUR:CEY) •


Ship trf.l.ffio of i~u"·thern EUI',-,poon countrios

(1939-40 only).








The :; ~rength of the R"forf>-t Var:Loa. ').ocnrilin" to its success with problems. It rwer(l{<;ed Gbout 20 pCL-'ple, ."laillly rvutiflc helpcrs.

4. Gwcllish (Jom; ulur t raffia ill n. 4 and 5 diGi t n(l1l-oJ.phobe tio oode, ummaiphGred, was r"ltd-; the ll;',k 0<:: tV/OOll STOClGiOr.;·!i and TOKYO. 1.1lnost all of tho othcr links wont 0;<;1' to a IJaehine in 1939, but TOiGO was un~ble to convert. Thc lilD,ohlll(; "'0£0 SWCdiflh­ l.mdcancl WD.3 oulled to "Jill.YTAJ,:". S. thlrd(l; it had 15 nUi,lberecl wheels. The FA never broke this llnd ccmsid'"l'ed it 10~ secure. (Thil' soundod to i:lterrogatul' Lke a thoroll:;hly garbled dcscription of eith0t thB IGlYHA or Hi.GI:Lli,; 1I1,.chillC. S.' did "at seem sensitive on the puint, or to bc t;o,rblin~ de1.ibcratoly). None of thB main consulo.r lin!:s to H,l;iin-~GTON, L(-'i':OON, or PiJ
Norwegian Diplomatio. An unenoiphercd 5-letter code aC;.:1pletely up to 1940. Nc:tnil,g \',OS read ai't~r the Norwegian GcJ'/c:rru"lent rll(Ned to LOi'IDJ'i', und S., hou 0 vogue i"tpression they had &;onc ovc:r to c. l,looh.ine. 'Im~ r,:;.'~d.

6. Do.nish Diplor.\Iltia. About 50;b <,1' th<.; traf.'ic in the DIu diplofl1atic cc,de wns r(;(1u up to 19).0. N(jthill~ \Ye.s sulvcd thereafter (;:;;:cc:pt oec;;:,sL;r:r,], mc:s.,aiJ;t: in the_cold cudo, on soma r.-Iip-or cO",l.,eroiU-l sub jcc t.


, 7. .Qo););~crcioJ,,_ CC
The c10 tail of th" cllciph"r,,1en t "'<:os ~'follO\ffi: thc ,bo.sio systC:"l was bigra;n substitution rrllnl D. tabla different for Bach link Co.ld CilD.ngi''-Il.\ each 3 H10lIt,'1S. Thc text WD.£J divide,d into uOgJnen ta (,1' throe or f"ur eroups, a'nd the tex t bi:;r:Hs for cncipherr.lcnt 'lfUTlJ prearronged pairs, :',.9 1 ond 15, 2 and 14, 6 Md 10 etc. Very Lun£,; dC~1ths and Ileo.r depths Vlere prullJccd un olosely similar nULlbcr values, D11d this WDS the entry. ThB whole lwlu ticm tool( o.b(Ju t 6 ',lOll t,hs, s tel' tine '/d th 1942-3 trc.ft'ic and working up to 1~/f4. Tho intcrceptiuf1 uf chi.: trai','ia ,,['.S nut eystCloatis(;'l aL ;my til;\(;, o.nd S. ,did !lot believu "lore than 5Of~ of ~ll th:: trllffic '//f:.lJ ruau C.:.l 0. r(;sult of tho solution.


Clal1de:; t,inc 'l'raffio of De caineu:l. This


ouly scattered

;n(;s~ages iIi -irjdividuo.listiQs-:r~t(;;;\S, whioh Vlorcrorcly solved. SAUERJIER's concom '.vith it led indirectly k' his Vlork on:

9. RussiaJl Troi';'irJ. Si>UEIGIER WDS C.p~'!',)c.chud directly: in 1941 by tho ORIWUNGSPOLIZEI vi th 0 Nquet: t 1',)1' cryptographic c.dvice on the sys toms used by Ruseio.n "I:!,on ts. T!wy go.vo hi,n copi,;£; of

I 0 ':




systems that were oapturod ;Jith agents, c.nd he gro
s. e~ til.1D,t"d thot a totcJ. 0f 15CX.J different lCCJy::> pas::>ed through his r;and13, .,us tly ham), substi tution syste;,LS, .,li.Jstly in Rus:.Jinn but ,,\ru1y in Ge=on (s. hir,\3clf dccs no t know RLlS~ ion Itt 03.1.) of thes 0 only 4 or 5 wc-re "olved without a oompletely captured koy. One of' tho oohievolL1<..:nt:3 of wl1ich S1l.UERi3IER Hrill proudes t WM th", usc of an ordinary book, left bchi"d by III I agcl1t, to solve hi<; traffic. S. was never c0ncerned wi th ra.dio pI'\Y:;odur"s, but purely with the cipher s/stem.:; llSE;d. fIe \":8.3 abh; to ·~ive o.dvic13 on th~ probable .3rollP tv which Dll c-J3ent belonged and could then cunsul t his records for an account of the S'locess or failure of a particular techniqU<:: uf' "GEENSPIEL" agains t this gr
10. Rost of Ho.uptabteilung IV. S's £\ccount 0,0 the whold crypt seotion it'! IGs!> co;"ple t", than that of PJ..ETZEL (1/54) but agrees wi th it· un all importLlnt partioulars excopt for the SiZ8 of' Ret'oro.t 9. S. {Sives thi:J o.s 45 people during the war, wi th 0. few l".lOre previCJusly who were en[\lJ.ged in 0. frui tles" .:It coole on RussiD.ri diplumatic traffio. (This attack culminat<::d in tho belief tho.t tho systel,\ v:o.s a code ·"ith a nCJn-repeating o.dditivG). S. of,ulo. give


details of Refurats

6, 7, or 8. Of R"'ferat

9h he reo&lled only the solutiun of a Polish diplvmCltio code in 1940-41. This he rowelilbo'od ns using one addi tive vf spucific length, y,hioh after 1943 becamc too long to proo.uce 0.epths, so that it \'las not solved after that time. (This sounded to interrogator JilOro lUeo .8.. Polish HOll\o Office than a l"CJreiGn Office sy" tcr.!) • S. giveo. 0. genoral pioture of 0. hi.ghJ,Y. bureaucratio organisation domino.ted by red tape and procc;d.urc, 60 that nCJ dopartmon t know what the o the: rs were doing. SCliHOEDER wns old and fussy, lileing quiet and dislildng innovation. PJ.ETZEL wns also very petty anil o.oademie in his outlook.


This narro-,muss affected r01ations of the ~'h with tho j.uswaertiges Junt, uKW, and OIQ-l. Liaison wns handled by a single reprosen tutive and never involved any exqhuniOlJ of visi ts by oporati.ons personnel. S. s[\id he; did not !cnow one sin;:;le pers(;n in any . of the other organizations. . , . .. Siuilarly thera was foo olo~e relation between solu~ion o.nd evaluation work. Tho erypt scotions simply dio. ;'~dr WlJrk nnd handed the untral1s1atod product o)(;r 1;0 the evaluation seotion wi thuu t oVur l~nvwil1g bcoame it thorcaf tel' ­


Hauptob t. IV i,;<.'ved to BRESIJ.U eo.rly in Dn e] ~.he V~):>:'k ::uffcrod. Wi th .hE; Russian BRESLl.U \,lW ublll,cloneu. e::lrJ.J ill 'I ~i ...? =<1 all sections of the office ware soattered, S. hil:lSelf returning to BERLlli. 1CJ~".

Move:,]cn ts of FA.

Wr'rkin~ eor r1 itJorc.q ':m":'J not ";(;(1d

I-162 Interrogation of KURT SAUERBIER.pdf

Rat Dr, SCHIlOEDER. In pei'iee tirole subjcc t WB.:l uUllce::r-ncd alli\Oi3 t cntiruly \'Ii th. eOI,Loroill..l codes in the Gonnon lllligullge. 'I'h:i.s involved the trnffic. of Gerr.lClI1 fi= to forden countries during the 4-Y'"ar Anoth<;;r major undorto.king "as the aoue u~ed by tho Czoch SKODh. firl.l to' IRAN lllld IRAQ in 1935, This ...

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