IT​ ​proect​ ​under​ ​directorate​ ​of​ ​public​ ​instruction)

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Ph:​ ​0471$2529800​ ​fax:​ ​0471$2529810​ ​E$mail:​ ​[email protected]

!"##​ ​$%&​ ​'​ ​ ​()*​ ​+​ ​ ​,​ ​-​ ​ ​ ​.​ ​/)​ ​%​ ​+0​ ​ ​12​ ​34​ ​5​ ​+​ ​678​ ​9:;0<​ ​= >?+​ ​ ​1.​ ​G.O(Rt)​ ​No.1287​ ​2008​ ​G.Edn​ ​dated​ ​12.03.2008 2.​ ​G.O(Rt)​ ​No.1183​ ​09​ ​G.Edn.​ ​Dated​ ​19.03.2009​ ​3.​ ​G.O(Rt)​ ​No.2603​ ​2009​ ​G.Edn. Dated​ ​26.06.2009​ ​4.​ ​Circular​ ​No.​ ​NEP(3)$66500​ ​2008​ ​DPI​ ​dated​ ​22.07.2010​ ​of​ ​the Director​ ​of​ ​Public​ ​Instruction​ ​5.​ ​Circular​ ​No.​ ​ICT​ ​cell​ ​01​ ​2009​ ​HSE​ ​dated​ ​28.07.2010 of​ ​Director, Higher​ ​Secondary​ ​Education.​ ​6.​ ​Circular​ ​No.C5​ ​23193​ ​08​ ​dated​ ​28.07.2010​ ​of​ ​the Director, 6ocational​ ​Higher​ ​Secondary​ ​Education.​ ​7.​ ​Order​ ​of​ ​Director​ ​of​ ​Public​ ​Instruction dated​ ​16.11.2011

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9. 10. 11 12 13

ICT​ ​Requirements​ ​for​ ​High​ ​Schools​ ​(201112) 1​ ​Education​ ​District​ ​: 2​ ​School​ ​Code​ ​: 3​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​the​ ​School​ ​: 4​ ​Assembly​ ​Constituency 5​ ​Loksabha​ ​Constituency 6​ ​Address​ ​of​ ​the​ ​School​ ​: Phone​ ​Number​ ​: Email​ ​Address​ ​: 7​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​HM​ ​: Mobile​ ​Number​ ​: 8​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​School​ ​IT Corordinator​ ​(SITC) : Mobile​ ​Number​ ​: Email​ ​address​ ​: 9​ ​Is​ ​ViCTERS​ ​channel​ ​available​ ​in​ ​the​ ​school​ ​?​ ​Yes​ ​/​ ​No If​ ​Yes,​ ​the​ ​mode​ ​of​ ​reception:​ ​Through​ ​ROT​ ​/​ ​Through​ ​Local​ ​cable​ ​network 10​ ​Total​ ​number​ ​of​ ​classrooms​ ​in​ ​High​ ​School​ ​section​ ​.................. Number​ ​of​ ​electrified​ ​classrooms​ ​.................. 4

11.​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​Computer​ ​Training​ ​to​ ​teachers Total​ ​No​ ​of​ ​High​ ​School​ ​teachers No​ ​of​ ​teachers​ ​who No​ ​of​ ​teachers​ ​Who​ ​haven=t​ ​Received​ ​IT​ ​received​ ​IT​ ​training Training/​ ​Registered​ ​for​ ​Training

12​ ​Broadband​ ​Internet​ ​is​ ​available​ ​at Computer​ ​Lab​ ​/​ ​Staff​ ​Room​ ​/​ ​Office​ ​/​ ​Unavailable 13​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​IT​ ​Account​ ​(furnish​ ​exact​ ​details​ ​ ​Ac​ ​No.​ ​will​ ​be​ ​used​ ​for​ ​further fund​ ​transfer)

a​ ​Account​ ​No. b​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​Bank c​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​branch d​ ​Total​ ​amount​ ​deposited​ ​in​ ​IT​ ​Account​ ​during​ ​last​ ​Academic​ ​year e​ ​Total​ ​amount​ ​withdrawn​ ​from​ ​IT​ ​Account​ ​during​ ​last​ ​Academic​ ​year f​ ​Balance​ ​amount​ ​available​ ​in​ ​IT​ ​Account​ ​as​ ​on​ ​date 14​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​pupils Standard​ ​VIII​ ​IX​ ​X​ ​Total No​ ​of​ ​Division No​ ​of​ ​Students Standard​ ​V​ ​VI​ ​VII​ ​Total No​ ​of​ ​Division No​ ​of​ ​Students Total​ ​No.​ ​of​ ​students​ ​in​ ​LP​ ​Section 5

15​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​Hardware​ ​available​ ​in​ ​School​ ​(​ ​High​ ​School​ ​section​ ​only) Sl.​ ​No. e​ ​l​ ​b​ ​a​ ​p​ ​m​ ​u​ ​d​ ​f Supplied​ ​items​ ​under​ ​ICT​ ​Scheme​ ​(IT@​ ​School) Total​ ​No. o e​ ​l​ ​b​ ​a​ ​r​ ​i​ ​a <​ ​d​ ​e​ ​r​ ​e​ ​t t​ ​n​ ​i​ ​a​ ​l​ ​p y​ ​b u 8 e c d​ ​e​ ​t​ ​a​ ​Quantity​ ​(including o​ ​.​ ​o​ ​N p​ ​e​ ​r​ ​t e​ ​l​ ​b​ ​a​ ​d s​ ​i​ ​g​ ​e​ ​r​ ​Total l​ ​a​ ​t​ ​r​ ​o D​ ​I​ ​t​ ​n​ ​i m​ ​o​ ​c Item supplied​ ​by 8orking​ ​IT@ l​ ​a​ ​t​ ​o​ ​T​ ​School u​ ​b​ ​g a​ ​r​ ​g​ ​p t​ ​n P a​ ​l e​ ​n r​ ​e​ ​p​ ​e​ ​s​ ​=s s​ ​m​ ​e​ ​t​ ​i​ ​e​ ​t​ ​a​ ​l​ ​o n​ ​i​ ​k​ ​r​ ​o​ ​8​ ​t​ ​o​ ​N C

(​ ​Total​ ​8orking Nos. complaints​ ​Total​ ​ha+ing No. i​ ​a​ ​l​ ​p​ ​m​ ​o​ ​c​ ​r​ ​e​ ​h​ ​t​ ​e n p W o​ ​r​ ​t​ ​l​ ​e​ ​K​ ​h​ ​t​ ​i m​ ​o o​ ​n​ ​a​ ​h​ ​t​ ​e​ ​r​ ​o​ ​m​ ​a D​ ​I​ ​e​ ​h​ ​t​ ​r​ ​e​ ​t​ ​n s​ ​b h m

1​ ​Desktop Computer 2​ ​Laser​ ​Printer 3​ ​Dotmatrix Printer 4​ ​Inket​ ​Printer 5​ ​4​ ​in​ ​1​ ​Printer 6​ ​Scanner 7​ ​Handycam 8​ ​Digital Camera 9​ ​External HDD 10​ ​NetBook 11​ ​Thumb Dri+e 12​ ​Laptop 13​ ​6006@​ ​UPS 14​ ​3K6@​ ​UPS 15​ ​Other​ ​UPS

16​ ​DLP​ ​LCD Proector 17​ ​T6 18​ ​Photocopier 19​ ​Generator 20​ ​Monitor 21​ ​D6D​ ​Writer

(Please​ ​give​ ​numbers) 6 m​ ​o

16.​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​Hardware​ ​requirements @pproximate​ ​Rate No.​ ​required​ ​@mount​ ​(​ ​)

​ ​ ​ ​!​ ​"​ ​# $​ ​$​ ​ ​%​ ​ ​%​ ​&​ ​'& ​ ​!# (​ ​$​ ​)*​ ​+%​ ​( ​ ​ ​ ​ ​%​ ​,​ ​' ® ̄°±23 μ¶ ́ · ̧ ®1o··» ̄3 1··μ1⁄4 ̄±23·μ 1¶μ3 ̄ ̧ ̄123¶

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ICT​ ​Requirements​ ​for​ ​HSS/VHSS​ ​(201112) 1​ ​District​ ​:

2​ ​School​ ​Code​ ​: 3​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​the​ ​School​ ​: 4​ ​Assembly​ ​Constituency 5​ ​Lok​ ​sabha​ ​Constituency 6​ ​Address​ ​of​ ​the​ ​School​ ​: Phone​ ​Number​ ​: Email​ ​Address​ ​: 7​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​Principal​ ​: Mobile​ ​Number​ ​: 8​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​Higher​ ​Secondary​ ​IT​ ​Corordinator​ ​(HITC) : Mobile​ ​Number​ ​: Email​ ​address​ ​: 9​ ​Is​ ​ViCTERS​ ​channel​ ​available​ ​in​ ​the​ ​school​ ​?​ ​Yes​ ​/​ ​No If​ ​Yes,​ ​the​ ​mode​ ​of​ ​reception:​ ​Through​ ​ROT​ ​/​ ​Through​ ​Local​ ​cable​ ​network 10​ ​Total​ ​number​ ​of​ ​classrooms​ ​in​ ​HSS/VHSS​ ​Section​ ​.................. Number​ ​of​ ​electrified​ ​classrooms​ ​.................. 11.​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​Computer​ ​Training​ ​to​ ​teachers Total​ ​No.​ ​of​ ​HSS/VHSS​ ​teachers​ ​No​ ​of​ ​teachers​ ​who​ ​received​ ​IT​ ​training

12​ ​Broadband​ ​Internet​ ​is​ ​available​ ​at Computer​ ​Lab​ ​/​ ​Staff​ ​Room​ ​/​ ​Office​ ​/​ ​Unavailable 8

13​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​pupils First​ ​Eear​ ​Second​ ​Eear​ ​No.​ ​of​ ​Batch​ ​No.​ ​of​ ​Students​ ​No.​ ​of​ ​Batch​ ​No.​ ​of Students 14​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​Hardware​ ​available​ ​in​ ​HSS/VHSS​ ​Section Sl.​ ​No. Supplied​ ​items​ ​under​ ​ICT​ ​Scheme​ ​(IT@​ ​School) Quantity e​ ​l​ ​b​ ​a​ ​p​ ​m s​ ​m​ ​e e​ ​l​ ​b​ ​a​ ​r​ ​i​ ​a​ ​p​ ​e​ ​r e​ ​l​ ​b d​ ​e​ ​r​ ​e​ ​t​ ​s​ ​i​ ​g l​ ​a​ ​t <​ ​t​ ​n​ ​i​ ​a​ ​l​ ​(including Total​ ​supplied 8orking​ ​by​ ​IT@​ ​School u​ ​d​ ​f​ ​o t​ ​i​ ​e​ ​t​ ​a t​ ​u​ ​b a​ ​d​ ​a​ ​r​ ​u​ ​o Total​ ​No. e r p a​ ​m​ ​m​ ​o​ ​c​ ​y​ ​b Item .​ ​o l​ ​o​ ​s g​ ​n​ ​i​ ​k g​ ​p​ ​N​ ​l​ ​a b​ ​t r​ ​o​ ​8 N Total​ ​8orking Nos.

complaints​ ​Total​ ​ha+ing No. o​ ​T t 8 C

Desktop Computer 2​ ​Laser​ ​Printer 3​ ​Dotmatrix Printer 4​ ​Inket​ ​Printer 5​ ​4​ ​in​ ​1​ ​Printer 6​ ​Scanner 7​ ​Handycam 8​ ​Digital Camera 9​ ​External HDD 10​ ​NetBook 11​ ​Thumb​ ​Dri+e 12​ ​Laptop 13​ ​6006@​ ​UPS 14​ ​3K6@​ ​UPS 15​ ​Other​ ​UPS 16​ ​DLP​ ​LCD Proector 17​ ​T6 18​ ​Photocopier 19​ ​Generator 20​ ​Monitor 21​ ​D6D​ ​Writer

(Please​ ​give​ ​numbers)

e​ ​1

9 r​ ​t​ ​n​ ​i​ ​a​ ​l​ ​p​ ​m​ ​o​ ​c​ ​r o​ ​P​ ​n​ ​o​ ​r​ ​t​ ​l​ ​e​ ​K​ ​h​ ​t​ ​i D​ ​I​ ​t​ ​n​ ​i​ ​a​ ​l​ ​p​ ​m​ ​o​ ​o e​ ​h​ ​t​ ​e​ ​h​ ​W m​ ​o​ ​c​ ​e​ ​n​ ​o​ ​n​ ​a​ ​h​ ​t​ ​e​ ​r​ ​o​ ​m​ ​( d​ ​e​ ​t​ ​a​ ​r​ ​e​ ​p​ ​e​ ​s​ ​=s​ ​D​ ​I​ ​e​ ​h​ ​t​ ​r​ ​e​ ​t​ ​n

(Please​ ​give​ ​numbers) 15.​ ​Details​ ​of​ ​Hardware​ ​requirements @pproximate​ ​Rate No.​ ​required​ ​@mount​ ​(​ ​)

​ ​ ​ ​!​ ​"​ ​# $​ ​$​ ​ ​%​ ​ ​%​ ​&​ ​'& ​ ​!# (​ ​$​ ​)*​ ​+%​ ​( ​ ​ ​ ​ ​%​ ​,​ ​' ® ̄°±23 μ¶ ́ · ̧ o ̄31 1¶μ3 ̄ ̧ ̄123¶ 1¥¦vt1⁄2t¥3⁄4 vx​v vx¥ ​ y|¥ 3⁄4¥v​tzw x​|¥ ¥¥} |¥¦t1⁄2t¥3⁄4 stvx wuxyyz ¦¥{twv¥¦w ​}3⁄4 1⁄2y¿}3⁄4 uy¦¦¥uv ̄ ​{¦¥¥ vy ​ t3⁄4¥ À vx¥ v¥¦Áw ​}3⁄4 uy}3⁄4tvty}w wÂ¥ut1⁄2t¥3⁄4 t} vx¥ ut¦u¿z¦ ±y ̄3® \ [\ 3⁄4v¥3⁄4 y1⁄2 ¶Ã¥u¿vt|¥ 1⁄4t¦¥uvy¦ ̄3 ®uxyyz ĦyÅ¥uv ®uxyyz ®¥z ® ̄°±23 μ¶ ́ · ̧ Äμ ̄±1 ̄Ä2»


ICT Requirements for HSS/VHSS (201112) Accounts

Computer Lab / Staff Room / Office / Unavailable. 13 Details of IT ... 10 NetBook. 11 Thumb. Dri+e. 12 Laptop. 13 6006@ UPS. 14 3K6@ UPS. 15 Other UPS ...

NAN Sizes 1 Downloads 206 Views

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