토익 스피킹(고급) 강의지침서 1. 교과목 정보 교과목명


학점 이론


토익 스피킹 (고급)


TOEIC Speaking (advanced)


비고 실습

(예: 팀티칭)



대학 및 기관



작성 책임교수




2. 교과목 개요 구분

교과목 개요 각 기업에서 영어 말하기 능력을 취업을 위한 필수 자격요건으로 간주함 에 따라 영어 말하기는 대학과정에서 이수해야 하는 중요한 과목 중 하나 가 되었다. 따라서 이 교과목의 목적은 학생들의 영어 의사소통 능력을 신


장시키고 토익말하기 시험에서 고득점을 얻기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 토 익 말하기 시험의 체계를 이해하고, 고득점을 위한 전략을 배운다. 또한 파트별 문제 유형을 숙지하고 각 파트의 중요하고 유용한 표현들과 단어 들을 익히고 체계적이고 반복적으로 연습한다. As English communicative ability has been counted as an essential job requirement, English speaking has become an important course for students to complete in university. Therefore, the objective of this course is to enhance students’ English speaking skills and achieve high scores in TOEIC Speaking Test. In order to do this, this course will


help students to understand the system of TOEIC Speaking Test and learn strategies for high scores. Student will also study necessary words and expressions for each part of TOEIC Speaking and practice them




language use.






3. 학교핵심역량 설정 - 본 교과목을 수강하여 배양할 수 있는 핵심역량을 설정(최대 2개 이내) - [붙임3] 참조 핵심 역량

친화적 인성역량

협력적 소통역량

통섭적 창의역량

선택 (√)


( )

ㆍ가족이나 사회의 충실한 구성원으로 자리매김할 수 있도록, 공동의 정서와 기억 을 공유하고 이해심과 이타심 및 책임의식을 배양함 ㆍ올바른 식생활 문화를 학습하고 원예와 같은 취미생활로 여가를 선용하는 등, 건강한 육체와 건강한 정신을 가꾸는 데 주력함 ㆍ환경 파괴에 따른 기후 변화 및 생명공학과 같은 첨단과학이 인간의 실존을 위 협하는 딜레마 속에서, 생명의 존엄성과 존재의 가치를 깊이 고민하여 합리적이 고 윤리적으로 판단하는 도덕훈련을 강화함 ㆍ커뮤니케이션과 설득의 수사법을 통해 원만한 대인관계를 형성하고 사회 친화적 인 적응력을 배양하며, 폭넓은 독서를 통해 자신과 타인의 삶을 들여다보고 격 조 높은 인생을 설계하는 조정능력을 양성함

( )

ㆍ결혼 등으로 파생되는 각종 인간관계에서 상대를 배려하는 자세와 효과적인 설 득 기술로 조화와 협력을 모색하는 소통역량을 강화함 ㆍ서구문명의 보편성과 특수성을 파악하여 동서양의 진정한 화합을 추구하고, 미 래의 기대와 요구에 부응하기 위해 현재를 비판적으로 진단하되 자신은 무엇으 로 공동체 사회에 협동할 것인가를 궁구함 ㆍ외국인 유학생을 위한 한국어 강좌를 개설하여 타국과의 호혜를 도모하고, 신입생 이 대학 공동체 안으로 유연하게 진입하도록 포용과 포섭의 능력을 배양함 ㆍ에너지를 지혜롭게 생산하고 사용하는 방법을 학습하여, 인류가 다른 환경체와 함께 호흡하고 공생하는 능력을 배양함

( )

ㆍ수학과 같은 기초학문의 바탕 위에서 농밀한 융복합교육을 구축하고, 신입생을 통섭형 창의인재로 육성하는 각종 프로그램을 운영함 ㆍ자신의 의견을 전달하여 상대를 설득하는 의사소통 과정에서, 발상을 전환한 창의적 기법을 구사하고, 문학·역사·철학을 비롯한 다양한 분야를 습합하는 통섭적 책읽기를 시도함 ㆍ서구문명사를 고찰하고 동양문명에 용융하여 미래의 신문명을 창달할 약동의 잠 재력을 갖추며, 현재를 관찰하고 미래를 전망하면서 보다 나은 미래를 건설적으 로 제시할 창의역량을 강화함 ㆍ생활 속의 회계와 세무를 투자전략과 연계하여 이해함으로써 현명하고 창의적인 경제적 의사결정 능력을 배양함

( )

ㆍ투자와 회계 및 세무에 관한 교양과 상식을 익혀, 개인의 효과적인 경제활동을 영위하고 지역경제의 활성화 방안을 모색함 ㆍ직장체험인턴십, 현장실습, 사회봉사 등의 직접적인 경험을 통해 자신의 적성과 취향 및 열정을 파악하여, 향후의 취업과 진로를 올바르게 선택할 수 있는 사전 준비능력을 배양함 ㆍ인터넷창업, 청년창업, 여성창업에 초점을 맞추어, 대학 졸업생에게 알맞은 창업 아이템과 사업 전략 및 경영인으로서의 자질을 학습함

( ∨ )

ㆍ과학이 하루하루 혁명적으로 발전하는 현대사회에서 수학·물리·화학·생물과 같은 기초학문을 탄탄히 육성하여, 미래의 새로운 과학 패러다임을 창출할 내재적 발 전의 원동력을 육성함 ㆍ산업기술과 환경문제 및 생명공학 등은 전 세계 공동의 글로벌 이슈이기 때문 에, 그에 대한 지식을 습득하고 가치를 인식하여, 미지의 신세계에서 인류의 복 지를 선도적으로 구현할 통찰력을 배양함 ㆍ영어와 중국어 실력을 단계적으로 향상하여, 글로벌 세계로 진출할 교두보로서 의 외국어 능력을 양성함

선도적 지역혁신 역량

글로벌 도전역량


4. 차 례 주차



교과목 소개 (교과목 개요, 교과목 목표, 주별 수업계획, 수업진행 방법, 평가방법)


PART 1 - Read a text aloud  문제 유형 파악하기, 글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기


PART 1 - Read a text aloud  글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기


PART 2- Describe a picture  문제 유형 파악하기, 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기


PART 2- Describe a picture 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기, 관용표현 말하기 연습하기


 PART 3 – Respond to questions  문제 유형 파악하기, 문제4, 5번 답변 연습하기


 PART 3 – Respond to questions 문제 6 답변 연습하기, 관용 표현 말하기 연습




 PART 4- Respond to questions using information provided 문제 유형 파악하기, 문제 7,8번 답변 연습하기 


 PART 4- Respond to questions using information provided 문제 9번 답변 연습하기, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기


PART 5- Propose a solution 문제 유형 파악하기, 유형별 해결책 제시하기 1


PART 5- Propose a solution 유형별 해결책 제시하기 2, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기


 PART 6- Express an opinion 문제 유형 파악하기, 주제별 답변 연습하기 1


 PART 6- Express an opinion  주제별 답변 연습하기 2, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기





【1주차】 『학습목표』 1. 교과목에 대한 개요와 목표를 소개한다. 2. 주별 학습계획을 상세히 설명한다. 3. 강의 방법과 레포트, 시험에 대해 논의한다. 4. 평가방법을 소개한다.

『학습내용』 1. 이 교과목은 토익말하기 시험을 대비하기 위해, 토익 말하기 시험의 체계를 이해하고, 파

트별 문제 유형을 숙지하여 고득점을 위한 접근 방법을 배운다. 또한 각 파트의 중요하고 유용한 표현들과 단어들의 체계적이고 반복적인 연습을 통하여, 학생들은 말하기 능력을 키 우고 영어의 실제 사용을 향상시킬 수 있다. 2. 주별 학습계획 2주차 3주차 4주차 5주차 6주차 7주차 8주차 9주차 10주차 11주차 12주차 13주차 14주차 15주차

PART 1 - Read a text aloud  문제 유형 파악하기, 글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기 PART 1 - Read a text aloud  글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 PART 2- Describe a picture  문제 유형 파악하기, 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기 PART 2- Describe a picture 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기, 관용표현 말하기 연습하기  PART 3 – Respond to questions  문제 유형 파악하기, 문제4, 5번 답변 연습하기  PART 3 – Respond to questions 문제 6 답변 연습하기, 관용 표현 말하기 연습 중간고사  PART 4- Respond to questions using information provided 문제 유형 파악하기, 문제 7,8번 답변 연습하기   PART 4- Respond to questions using information provided 문제 9번 답변 연습하기, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 PART 5- Propose a solution 문제 유형 파악하기, 유형별 해결책 제시하기 1 PART 5- Propose a solution 유형별 해결책 제시하기 2, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기  PART 6- Express an opinion 문제 유형 파악하기, 주제별 답변하기 1  PART 6- Express an opinion  주제별 답변하기 2, 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 기말고사


3. 강의 방법 및 레포트 주제와 시험 논의 수업방법은 교수의 강의를 통해 진행하는 것을 원칙으로 한다. 그러나 수업의 참여도와 집 중도를 동시에 높이기 위해 학습한 내용을 짝 활동을 통해 연습을 하거나, 브레인스토밍을 위해 4명 정도의 그룹별로 자유로운 토론이 이루어진다. 또한 각 파트의 내용에 따라 개인 적인 발표가 있을 것이다. 그리고 아울러 리포트의 주제와 시험 형태, 레포트 제출시기 역시 학생들과 논의한다. 4. 평가방법 출석 20%, 과제 20%, 중간고사 30%, 기말고사 30%


【2주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 1 - Read a text aloud  문제 유형 파악하기 2. 글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 문제 유형 파악하기 Direction: In this part of the test, you will hear read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 second to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. 2. 글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기

·의문문 – 끝을 올려 읽기 Ready for savings? Are you looking for something exciting in your life? ·열거 We have it all – stationery printers


copy machines , and even the latest


·숫자 $ 110 , May 15, 2010, conference room 201, 1-888-5 LUXURY 200 acres, within 250 feet, 7, November, 2005, 7:30, Flight 631, 1/3, 섭씨 36.5도, 5번가(5th Ave.) Textop Co., Transport not incl. www.officeoutlet.com



【3주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 1 글의 유형에 따라 읽기 연습하기 2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 글의 유형에 따라 읽기

· 상호명 및 인명 – 개별 단어에 모두 강세 -상호명:Bermont Airlines, Mau Village, Smith Inc. King Insurance Corp. -인명: Amanda Hudson, Thomas Elliot, Paul Abbot, Jessica Blair, Tony Simpson · 지명 및 주소 Belium, Chile, Paris, New York, Asia, Munich, Manhattan, Athens, Hollywood Boulevard, Highway 40 · 묵음 [t]: fasten, castle, wrestle, whistle, Christmas, listen, often [p]: receipt, psychology, cupboard [b]: debt, climb, lamb [l]: folk, salmon, half, chalk, [s]: aisle, isle, island


2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 Advertisement ·We’re so pleased to present our store’s newest line of laser printers. ·We have a wide variety of sizes and styles to choose from. ·All our branches are conveniently located in the downtown shopping district. ·We provide 25% off the regular price on all stocked goods. ·Do not miss this chance to get the hottest looks of the season.


·Whatever you need, Mega Mart has it for you. ·We guarantee that you’ll be completely satisfied with your purchase. ·Sign up for a membership at aboutyou.com and receive additional savings today. ·Customer satisfaction is our number one priority and we’ll do our best to serve you. ·Come in today and check out our reasonable prices and high-quality service. Announcement ·Attention, passengers. We’ll soon be arriving at our final destination. ·Please make sure that you gather all your belongings before leaving the train. ·I’d like to remind you that taking photos is not permitted inside the gallery. ·May I have your attention, please? The store will be closing in 15 minutes. ·Thank you in advance for your cooperation with our staff members. ·Should you encounter any difficulties with the delivery of your order, call the service center. ·We would like to announce that the bus will be leaving at 3 o’clock. ·We appreciate your patience during the delay, and we hope to be starting soon. ·On today’s tour, I’ll show you one of the country’s most famous temples. ·Before we begin the factory tour, I’d like to inform you of the visitor policies. ·You’ll also have some free time to browse the souvenir shop and take a walk in the garden.


【4주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 2- Describe a picture 문제 유형 파악하기 2. 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 문제 유형 파악하기 Direction: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as youi can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture. 2. 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기 가. Training 1. 소수 인물 사진 Step 1 1. 도입(장소) This is a picture of…. 2. 핵심대상(공통 동작 및 상태) What I can see first in this picture is…… The first thing I can see is… (개별 동작 및 상태) The man on the left[on the right, in the middle]… 3. 부차대상 In front of [next to] them, there is[are]…. 4. 배경 In the background[Behind them], I can also see… 5. 마무리 The whole scene looks …… Generally, it seems….


Step 2 동작- 주로 현재진행형(be+..ing) 사용 They’re looking a laptop monitor. is pointing at something on the monitor screen. is putting her arm around her mother’s shoulder. 2. 복장 – is wearing/ is dressed in The girl is wearing a short sleeved shirt. is dressed in an ivory long sleeved shirt. has rolled up his sleeves. 3. 헤어스타일 – have 동사 사용 She has a ponytail. has short hair, has a bob, has a shaved head, curly hair, gray hair, be bold, a beard, sideburns… example 1 Three people are working at a construction site. And in front of them, there stands a concrete wall. The workers are wearing uniforms, safety helmets and masks. The man on the right is standing with one hand on his waist. The man next to him is drilling the wall with a machine. The man on the left is sitting on a block of wood. In the bottom left corner, there are many iron bars pointing upward. example 2 There are three people at a front desk. Behind the front desk, there is a woman with long hair. She is sitting with her legs crossed and talking on the phone. In front of her, a man and a woman are having a conversation. The man is gesturing with his hand. The woman is looking at the man and listening to him. In the background, there are glass doors and people can see the street through them.


【5주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 2 사진 유형에 따라 묘사 연습하기 2. 관용표현 말하기 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 사진 유형에 따라 묘사하기 가. Training 2- 다수 인물 사진

This is a picture taken in the meeting room. There are several people having a meeting. All of them are wearing formal clothes. A woman in a red sleeveless shirt is standing and making a presentation. On the left side of her, there are two men and three women looking at the right direction while resting their arms on the table. On the right sides, there are three people. One of them is wearing glasses. Some documents are placed in front of each person. In the foreground of the picture, there is a big TV screen. In the left background, I can see two round windows and a framed picture is hanging on the wall. Generally, it seems like they are enjoying the meeting. 나. 사물 또는 배경 사진


3. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 Store feel[touch] the clothes

hold the clothes up to oneself

inspect[examine] an item

pay for items at the counter

push a cart around

look through a shop window

weigh some fruit

check the price tag

scan items

divide items into several bags

Restaurant take an order

study[examine] the menu

make a toast

pour water into a glass

serve the food on a tray

clear the table

wipe one’s mouth

serve[help] oneself

stand in line to order

sit around the table

House a television mounted on the wall

A carpet[rug] is laid.

decorations on the shelves

A fireplace is placed.

put one’s legs on the table

the light hanging from the ceiling

sit against the couch

Lights comes from the window.

vacuum the living room

mop the floor

Kitchen chop some vegetables onions on the chopping[cutting] board taste it scrub the sink do[wash] dishes dry dishes with a cloth take out a milk carton put in some seasonings a stove (cf. microwave) a messy counter


Lecture room take notes

whisper to a friend next to him

open up one’s bag

put one’s head down on one’s desk

make a presentation

lean[bend] one’s body forward

speak into a microphone

attend a lecture

write something on the blackboard

with one’s chin on one’s hand

sit on a desk

pay attention to a class

Office have a meeting

point at a chart

sit up straight

lean back in a chair

do a video conference

exchange business cards

talk on the phone

do tow things at a time[at once]

make a cup of coffee

reach for one’s glasses

Paperwork work on the document[paper]

review[look over] a report

rip[tear] a piece of paper

crumple up a piece of paper

sign the document

search through documents

click the mouse

type on the keyboard

stare[gaze] at the screen

make a copy

Office furniture & supplies Post-it notes are attached. be divided by partitions Papers are scattered[spread out]. The drawer is left open. The desk lamp is turned on. A bulletin board is hanging. reach for a pencil holder A phone is off the hook. The blinds are drawn. Papers are piled[stacked] up.


【6주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 3 – Respond to questions 문제 유형 파악하기 2. 문제4, 5번 답변 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 문제 유형 파악하기 Direction: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Questions 6. * The criteria of assessments pronunciation, intonation, stress grammar, vocabulary, cohesion relevance of content, completeness of content 2. 문제4, 5번 답변 연습하기 가. purchasing furniture 1) What kind of furniture do you prefer to buy? I prefer to buy classic furniture made of wood and leather, because it looks very stylish. Also, it’s not that trendy. 2) When was the last time you bought a piece of furniture? The last time I bought furniture was last year. I bought a leather sofa, because I wanted to replace my old fabric safa. 3) Where do you normally buy furniture, and who do you usually shop with? I nomally buy furniture from the discount mall near my house. And I usually shop with my mother or sister, because they have a good sense of design. 나. buying toys 1) Where is the closest toy store to your place? The closest toy store to my place is the one in my local shopping mall, and it takes about 20 minutes on foot to get there. 2) What toy did you buy most recently? The toy I bought most recently was a teddy bear and I got it for my lovely niece’s birthday. She likes it so much, so she always carries it with her. 3) When do you normally go shopping for toys? I normally go shopping for toys at Christmas time, because toys are perfect gifts for my nephews and nieces. I usually give them dolls, toys cars and robots.


다. 이중 질문 연습하기 1) How often do you eat out, and who do you eat out with? -> I eat out once a month, and I usually eat out with my family. 2) When was the last time you went to a park, and where did you go? -> I went to a park last weekend, and I went to Central Park. 3) What transportation do you use to commute to work or school? How long does it take? -> I commute to school by bus and it takes 30 minutes to go to school by bus.

라. 단일질문과 근거 제시하기 1) What is your favorite Internet shopping mall? -> My favorite Internet shopping mall is Fashion Market. The reason is that Fashion Market provides a lot of discounts. 2) Who do you usually send e-mails to? -> I usually send e-mails to John Park because Park is my coworker.


【7주차】 『학습목표』 1. 문제 6 답변 연습하기 2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습 『학습내용』 1. 문제 6 답변 연습하기

For me, the most important thing I consider when buying a laptop computer is its speed. The reason is that slow laptop models are frustrating to use. For example, when I was browsing the web on my friend’s cheap laptop model last week, I got very annoyed. The web pages took far too long to load, and I end up giving up and doing something else. Therefore, I think it’s essential to buy a laptop with a high processing speed.


For me, I think it’s a great idea to buy electronic products online. The reason is that retailers charge far too much for electronic goods. For example, when I tried to buy an MP3 player, the on line price was 10 percent lower than the price at my local store. Therefore, I think it’s definitely better to purchase electronic goods through the internet.

For me, I think it’s a great idea to buy electronic products online. The reason is that retailers charge far too much for electronic goods. For example, when I tried to buy an MP3 player, the on line price was 10 percent lower than the price at my local store. Therefore, I think it’s definitely better to purchase electronic goods through the internet. 2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습

Buying books Q1 How many books do you think you read a month? Q2 Where do you usually buy books? Q3 Do you think books make good gifts? R1 at least one book every other month[two months] haven’t thought about that / but, over 10 books a year R2 at major bookstores / they have a wide selection of books at a local bookstore / it is close to my place online / it costs less and the delivery is fast R3 yes / good books are on oasis for the mind. yes / books are gifts from the heart. no / it’s hard to know another person’s taste.


Online shopping Q1 Do you like to shop online and how often do you do it? Q2 What was the last item you bought online? Q3 What are the items you don’t like to buy online? R1 yes, frequently / it’s convenient and fun yes, almost every day / I think I’m addicted to it R2 new shoes / they were inexpensive but they don’t look cheap a book / enjoy reading it during my commute R3 vegetables / I can’t tell whether they’re fresh clothing / it’s easy to be taken in by the picture Hobbies Q1 How do you like to spend your free time? Q2 Do you like to spend your free time at home or outside? Q3 Do you think people’s hobby preferences have changed? R1 take a rest at home alone attend concerts and visit museums with close friends R2 at home / comfortable and familiar surrounded by nature / peaceful and beautiful in open spaces / to enjoy the scenery R3 yes / people are spending less time with family. yes / people prefer indoor activities to outdoor ones. no / many hobbies from long ago are still popular today. Sports Q1 What kinds of spots do you like most? Q2 Were you on any sports teams when you were a child? Q3 If you chose to watch a sports game, would you go to the stadium in person or watch it on TV? R1 any team sports / usually play them on the weekends individual sports / usually play them after work R2 was on the school basketball team for 3 years was not on a team / but did taekwondo used to play soccer with friends / did it for fun R3 go in person / to feel the energy and excitement go in person / to root for my favorite team watch it on TV / hate being in a crowded place





【9주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 4- Respond to questions using information provided 문제 유형 파악하기 2. 문제 7,8번 답변 연습하기  『학습내용』 1. 문제 유형 파악하기 Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. 2. 문제 7,8번 답변 연습하기 

[Question7] What types of cars do you have, and can I make reservations online? We have compact cars, economy cars, sedans, SUVs, and mini vans. And yes, you can make reservations online. [Question8] Is the fuel charge included in the rental fee? No, the fuel charge is not included in the rental fee.


[Question7] Where is your restaurant located? We are at 1432Fairview Avenue. It’s on the corner of Fairview Avenue and King Street. [Question8] About 15 people will be coming. Do I have to make a reservation? Yes. Reservations must be made for parties over 10 people.


【10주차】 『학습목표』 1. 문제 9번 답변 연습하기  2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 문제 9번 답변 연습하기 

[Question 9] I heard there will be project updates from different departments. Could you tell me a little more about that? Sure. There will be three project updates from the Research & Development, Marketing and Customer Service departments. First, Toby Jenkins from Research & Deveopment will be giving a project update. Next, some Marketing updates will be presented by Kate Teller. Finally, Ronald Dean from Customer Service will go through his updates.


[Question 9] Besides going to the discussions, what else can I do in the afternoon? You can also visit three one-hour workshops held in Lotus Hall. The first workshop titled ‘Constructing the perfect science lab’starts off at 1:00 p.m. After this, the next workshop starts at 2:00 p.m., and this is about creating a teaching plan. The last session from 3:00 to 4:00 will be about using technology to teach science classes. 2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 Flight itinerary 출발

Your flight from A to B is scheduled to depart[leave] at~. Your flight from Sydney to San Francisco is scheduled to depart at 10:50P.M. on February 16th. 도착 You’ll be arriving[landing] in A at~. You’ll be arriving in Sydney at 6:50 A.M. on March 4th. 비행시간 Your flight from A to B will last ~. Your flight from Denver to San Francisco will last 4 hours and 10 minutes. 경유지 You’ll have a stopover[layover] in~ for~. You’ll have a stopover in San Francisco for about 6 hours on you return trip.


Business trip itinerary 출장기간 The trip will take~ days, starting on A and ending on B. Mr. Watanabe’s trip will take 3 days in total, starting on August 13th and ending on August 15th. 교통수단 He doesn’t need to arrange his own transportation to~. He doesn’t need to arrange his own transportation to the hotel. He’ll be taken by Mr. Piata’s private car. 숙소 He’ll be staying at ~. He’ll be staying at Central Hotel downtown and have casual dinner there with Pedro Piata. Movie timetable 상영영화 ~ kinds of movies are showing[playing] at the theater. Currently, four kinds of movies are showing at the theater. 상영시간 A runs for nearly ~ / The running time of A is nearly ~.

Hang Time runs for nearly 2 hours. / The running time of Hang Time is nearly 2 hours. 상영시간대 It has ~ screenings[showings] a day on[from A to B].

Hard Nails has two screenings a day from Sunday to Thursday, starting at 6:10 P.M. and 11:00P.M. 상영횟수 It screens[shows, runs, plays] ~ a day on[from A to B].

Heartbreak screens 3 times a day on Friday and Saturday.


【11주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 5- Propose a solution 문제 유형 파악하기 2. 주제별 해결책 제시하기 1 『학습내용』 1. 문제 유형 파악하기 Direction : In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. In your respond, be sure to Show that you recognize the problem, and propose a way of dealing with the problem 2. 주제별 해결책 제시하기 1 가. 다음을 듣고 메시지를 파악하고 해결책을 제시해봅시다. Hi, this is Alison King in apartment 16. We moved in last week and we are very happy because this is our first family home. However, we've just noticed that the kitchen faucet is dripping. dripping My husband has tried to fix it. But it didn't stop dripping. It's quite annoying and I don't know what to do with this. My husband and I are going away for the weekend. weekend So, I want it to be fixed before then. then Since you are the superintendent, I want you to come and have a look at it as soon as possible. Could you please call me and let me know when you can come? come Again, this is Alison King in apartment 16. Thanks. 나. 다음을 듣고 메시지를 파악하고 해결책을 제시해봅시다. Hi, Emma, this is Randy Cross. We met at Linda’s party last week. The reason I’m calling is that I heard you work for the company that I will be interviewing with next Thursday. I’ve been preparing for the interview, but I can’t find much information about the company’s latest products. I was hoping you could give me some information about them. This would be a great help. Call me anytime at 555-4214. Thanks. 다. 다음을 듣고 메시지를 파악하고 해결책을 제시해봅시다. Hello, this is Lynn McDonald. I live in Oakwood Apartments unit #115. My apartment was supposed to be repainted, and a new rug was to be put in the living room. My contract stated the paint was to be blue and the carpet brown. Instead, the walls are yellow and the carpet is green. I’m having guests come to my home this weekend, so this needs to be fixed at once. Someone needs to call me back to tell me how you are going to correct this mistake. My number is 555-8723.


【12주차】 『학습목표』 1. 주제별 답변 연습하기 2 2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 주제 유형별 답변 연습하기 2 가. 다음을 듣고 메시지를 파악하고 해결책을 제시해봅시다. Good morning, my name is Dereck Stevens. I have an appointment to see the dentist at 2 P.M. tomorrow. But the problem is, my teeth are hurting so much right now that I don't think I can wait until tomorrow afternoon. Do you think there is any way I can visit your clinic today instead? Like I said before, I am in a lot of pain right now. Please call me back at 555-1209. Thanks. 답변 말하기 HI, Mr. Stevens. This is Jack from the dentist's office. I see that you have an appointment tomorrow. However, you said that your teeth are hurting very much right now. And you would like to visit us today instead. Since this is an emergency, we will change your appointment time to 4 P.M. today. Please call and let us know if this is a good time for you. Thank you. 나. 다음을 듣고 메시지를 파악하고 해결책을 제시해봅시다. Hello, Sylvia, this is James Kennedy calling from the airport. I was supposed to arrive in Seattle tonight so I could be back at work tomorrow morning. But the problem is, there is a big snowstorm in the New York area, and all the flights have been cancelled. So I won't be able to come in to the office tomorrow. I was wondering if you could attend the AAC seminar in my place. It starts at 1 P.M. at the Dovner Conference Center. Call me ASAP on my cell phone to let me know if this is possible. Thanks! 답변 말하기 Hi, James. This is Sylvia returning your call. Your message stated that you are at the airport. I understand that you will not be able to come in to the office tomorrow. And you were wondering if I could attend the ACC seminar in your place. Sure, I think I will be able to go in your place. I will also let our team members know about the situation. I hope you will be able to make your way back to Seattle soon. See you soon!


2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 가. Missing delivery items I got your message saying that you have some missing items in your delivery. Reasons ·There was an error[a failure] in the online ordering system. ·The staff made a mistake due to handling too many orders. ·A new employee packed the orders incorrectly. Solutions ·I’ll send one of our employees to deliver the missing product. ·I’ll get the missing goods delivered to you by express courier. ·They were shipped separately and will be there tomorrow. 나. Defective delivery items I got your message saying that some of your delivery is damaged. Reasons ·A car accident happened in transit. ·The staff forgot to put on a ‘Fragile’ sticker while packing. ·The delivery man didn’t take food care of the delivery. Solutions ·I’ll send one of our delivery men to exchange the item. ·I’ll contact a retail store near your place and get them to deliver. ·We’ll give you a full refund with no penalty, of you want. 다. Problems with a reservation I heard that you have a problem with your reservation. Reasons ·Some files on the computer were lost due to a power outage. ·He entered the reservation into the computer for the wrong day. ·There were some bugs in our new reservation system. ·There was a communication mix-up between the server and the manager. Solutions ·We’ll reserve a bigger room for you at no extra charge. ·We’ll upgrade you to first class for free. ·We’ll bring you another order and provide wine for free. 라. Complaints of the quality I heard that you’re unsatisfied with your product. Reasons ·I’m not sure what caused the malfunction. ·We had so many customers to serve due to a peak season. Solutions ·We’ll send our technician to your home immediately. ·If it’s defective, we’ll exchange it for another one right away. ·If you just changed your mind, we cannot give you a refund. ·If it’s because of your carelessness, you cannot exchange it. ·All our products come with a one-year warranty.


【13주차】 『학습목표』 1. PART 6- Express an opinion 문제 유형 파악하기 2. 주제별 답변하기 1 『학습내용』 1. 문제 유형 파악하기 Directions: Directions In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. topic Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. prepare Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. 2. 주제별 답변하기 1 가. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: statement " Adults over twenty-five should move out of their parents' home." State your opinion and give specific reasons to support your idea. 나. When you're assigned a new project, do you prefer asking colleagues for help or doing it on your own? Include specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 다. Which company would you prefer to work for: for a large, well-known company, or a small, up-and-coming company? Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion. 라. What do you think about this statement: "People these days pay more attention to their appearance than in the past." Give your opinion and use specific reason to support it. 마. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Good communication is a mark of a good leader.” Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


【14주차】 『학습목표』 1. 주제별 답변하기 2 2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 『학습내용』 1. 주제별 답변하기 2 가. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “It should be mandatory for all high school students to take a study skills course.” Give specific reason and details to support your answer. [인사] Hello, Ms. Lee. This is Edward. [문제인식] I’ve just checked your message about the Elmo cake. I’m terribly sorry that we ruined the birthday party for your twins. [문제해결] Our driver just called me he can deliver the cake by 1 p.m. so the cake will be there in 10 minutes. I know it’s too late, so you don’t need to pay for it. It is no excuse, but we actually had the Elmo cake in the delivery van and ready to go at 11:30 a.m. However, our van broke down in the middle of the road and it took an hour to fix it. [끝인사] We recognize that you have been a loyal customer of our bakery for many years and hope that you’ll give us a chance to make up for this. Please stop by the bakery with the twins soon. 나. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “No one will use paper mail in twenty years.” Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. [의견] It’s hard to imagine anyone using paper mail in twenty years. Let me explain why. [근거 1] To start with, I think there are too many other alternatives that seem far more appealing. Through the use of the Internet, there are a variety of ways that people can communicate with each other nowadays. For example, people can write to each other using email or use instant messaging services to ‘talk’ to each other as if they were having a conversation. [근거2] Moreover, sending paper mail costs more money and time. [결론] So, it’s highly unlikely that anyone will still be using paper mail in twenty years.


2. 관용 표현 말하기 연습하기 가. Vacations places Q Some people like to spend their vacation at a famous tourist spot while others prefer to go on a vacation to a little-known place. Prefer famous tourist spots ·Tourism attractions are well-equipped with amenities. ·It’s easy to get information to plan your trip. ·You can tour well-known landmarks. Prefer little-known places ·It’s more relaxing because it isn’t crowded with people. ·Famous tourist spots overcharge you. ·You can have more unique and adventurous experiences. 나. Internet or electronic devices Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Internet or other electronic devices will replace books in the near future.” Agree ·It became common to get information on the Internet. ·It’s convenient because a lot of data can be stored. ·An e-book is more portable and cheaper. Disagree ·People enjoy the feeling of holding a physical book. ·Some people prefer to collect the books hey read. ·Reading is a more traditional activity, so it will not be affected by technology. 다. College education Q. Some students prefer to attend small universities, but others think it’s better to go to universities with a large number of students. Prefer small universities ·Students will get more attention in the smaller classes. ·You can get better acquainted with professors and classmates. ·Small universities allow students to participate in more hands-on activities. Prefer large universities ·The reputation of famous universities is better for employment. ·Large universities have more facilities and clubs on campus. ·Students have a better chance of getting a scholarship.


라. Children’s education Q. Some people agree that homeschooling is an alternative method of education while others think it cannot replace formal education. Can be an alternative method ·The quality of education in schools is deteriorating. ·Parents know their children better than anyone else. ·It’s possible to have classes based on the level of each student’s academic ability. Cannot replace formal education ·Parents are not properly trained in teaching methods. ·Students miss out on a chance to build friendships. ·Parents tend not to view their children objectively.


【15주차】 기말고사


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