National Federation of IndianRaihraymen 3 , C H E L MSFORD ROAD,NEWDELH]. 110055 Affiliatedto : lndianNationalTradeUnionCongress {lNTy.gL. International TransportWorkers'Federation(lTF)


Dared: I 7/0'/20I s

The Member Staff, RailrvayBoard. N e r vD e l l r i D e a rS i r .


Improvementin the Educational Qualificationand the pav structurefor the categorl,of MedicalLaboratory Staff in Railwavs- reg.


RailwayBoard'slerterNO.E(NG)lll200VRR-V45 dated2210512015.

NfrlR desiresto invite kind attentionof the RailwayBoard to tlreir ordersdated22105/2015 prescribing minimumeducational qualification vis-a-vis payband& gradepayattached to Croup'C' posrsirr the MedicalDepartment. While the minimumedr-rcational qualification and pay band& gradepat,lbr tlrc st c a t e g o r i eosf ' P h y s i o t l r e r a pai n d ' P h a r m a c i s t ' ( i t e ri in- & i i i ) i n t l r e B o a r d ' sl e t t e rh a c ib e e nw r o n g l l prescribed, the Federation haspointedout theseaberrations vide lettersdated28105l20l5 & 03i08/20t5ibr rectification. to whichthereis no response. 2. f:urtherto above.NFIR hassincccorreto know tlratthe Ministryof tlealthand lrarnilyWelfarc w h i c hi s t h e n o d a lr n i n i s t r yl r a v ei s s u e dO M N o . t : . N o . A - 2 8 0 2l 0 / 2/ l0 0 8 - P M S ( P al )r td a t e d1 7 " .' t u l y2 U l - s (copy enclo"sed), revisingthe designation and the pay structLlre of Lab Stafl. The OM revealsthar the r n i n i m u mp a y s c a l es h a l lb e P B - l + C P 2 8 0 0w i t h d e s i g n a t i o n . l u n M i oer d i c a l . a b ' l - e c h n o l o g iOs r h . cr features of theOM arementioned below:. o .


o o

'l'echnician/Blood Lab BankTechnician presently in PB-l+GP2800,be placedin GP 4200+PI]-2. 50ohpostsof Medicall-ab Technologist in GP 4200+PB-2slrouldbe lllled br prornotion fiorn persons lvorkingin GP 2000.2400&2800 + Pt)-l (postsin GP 2000.2400to be phascc1 our) 50oh postsof Medical l-ab Tcchnologists in GP 4200+PII-2 should bc llllccl rhrouslrclirc'cr recruittnent from openmarkettiom persons posscssing tlreeducational qLralificatiorr o1'[]achclor's Degreein MedicalLaboratory witlrtwo yearspracticalexperience. The postsof Sr.MedicalTechnologist in PB-2+GP4600 in Croup 'B' (Gaz) with designarion Technical Officerarerequired to be filledby prornotion of staffworkingGP 4200(100%prornorion quota). Postsof Sr TechnicalOfficer in CP Rs.4800-rPB-2 nrav be lllled frorn TcclrnicalOtllcer (il) 4600-PU-2. Postsof ChiefTechnicalOfficer in PB-3+GP5400(Group'A') arebe rnadepanof hierarchy'. couldbe seentlratRailway'Board's circLrlar dated22105120l5 needsto beamendecl on tltelinesof O.M..of Ministryof Flealth andFarnilyWelfare. Governlnenl o1-lndia. NFIR.therefore. requests the RailwavBoard(MS) to kindlvscctlratthercviseci pa) strLrctLlrc andtlrc cadrehierarclry as circulated by tlreMinistryol-tlealthand [:arnillWellarc in respect ol'l-abolatoly Stal't'ot' MedicalDepartment is adoptedin favourof Laboratory Statl'ofMcdical[)cpafirnent on IndianRailr.ral,s arrd instructions issued. dulyendorsing copyto theFederation.

DA/As above

C o p y t o g e t h e r w i t h a c o p y o f O M dl 7a'theJdu l y 2 0 l 5 t i s s u e d b y t h e M i n i lsl reray lot h f &FarrilyWeltare)is fbrivarded to theDirector, General, RHS,RailwayBoard.New Deli for inforrnation andnecessarv action. to theGeneralSecretaries of affiliatedLrnion ol'NFIR. \r-{opy fbrwarded c o p y t o M e d i ac e r r r r e N l r l R & c o p y t o F i l eN o . l V N F l R / 7 ' r ' c p c / c o r r e s / p t . V .

Phone: 011'23343305, 65027299, Rly.A30-22283,22626, Fax : 011-2374401g, Rty.22382. Tetegram : RATLMAZDOR E'mail: [email protected]; [email protected], website:


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Improvement in the educational qualification.PDF

Degree in Medical Laboratory witlr two years practical experience. o The posts of Sr.Medical Technologist in PB-2+GP 4600 in Croup 'B' (Gaz) with designarion.

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