Teaching and researching technology-mediated language learning Marta González-Lloret Initiative for Multilingual Studies (IMS) Technical Workshop Date: Tuesday, March 17 Time: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Location: ICC 227 Abstract: This workshop will present several tools that SLA and CALL research

suggest as effective for language learning, focusing on Web 2.0 tools for computer-mediated communication such as wikis, blogs, games, synthetic environments and CMC. Several tasks and activities that incorporate these tools in the L2 classroom will be offered. Participants will have a chance to explore several of these tools as well as tasks and activities and create activities for their own classrooms. This workshop will also present existing trends of research on these tools and suggest new agendas to advance the research on technologymediated L2 teaching and learning. NOTE: Participation will be limited due to space. If you plan to take part in the workshop, please email Todd McKay ([email protected]) by no later than Friday, March 13. Marta González-Lloret is an Associate Professor at the Spanish Division of the Department of Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA) at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa. She is originally from Valladolid, Spain. Her main areas of interest are the intersections of technology and TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching) and technology and L2 pragmatics; Conversation Analysis for L2 interaction; teacher training; and assessment. She teaches courses on Spanish language, linguistics, second language acquisition, teacher training, and CALL, and her most recent book is Technology-Mediated TBLT: Researching Technology and Tasks published by John Benjamins.

For more information on the IMS, visit https://sites.google.com/site/imsgeorgetown/home

IMS Technical Workshop Marta G-L (1).pdf

computer-mediated communication such as wikis, blogs, games, synthetic. environments and CMC. Several tasks and activities that incorporate these tools.

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