20 x 20 Infinity Mission System

V 1.4 By the Prophet of Doom 2014/2015


20x10 Infinity Mission System Contents Designer’s Notes ...................................................................................................................... 3 Rules .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Sequence of Play .................................................................................................................. 5 Mission Tables....................................................................................................................... 6 Primary Missions ....................................................................................................................... 7 Access Supplies 1 ................................................................................................................. 7 Destroy Beacon 2 ................................................................................................................. 8 Quadrant Control 3 ............................................................................................................... 9 Rivers of Blood 4 ................................................................................................................10 Secure Building / Centre 5.................................................................................................11 Triangulation 6 ......................................................................................................................12 Upload Evidence 7 ................................................................................................................13 Breakthrough 8 ....................................................................................................................14 Data Recovery 9 ..................................................................................................................15 Escort Warcor 10 .................................................................................................................16 Launching Sequence 11 .........................................................................................................17 Occupy Buildings / Structures 12 .......................................................................................18 Teseum Run 13 .....................................................................................................................19 Escape with Dropship 14 .....................................................................................................20 Evacuate Diplomats 15 .........................................................................................................21 Investigate Alien Artefact 17 ..............................................................................................23 Save the Scientists 19 ........................................................................................................25 Seize Hardware 20...............................................................................................................26 Secondary Missions .................................................................................................................27 Category A ............................................................................................................................27 Category B ............................................................................................................................28 Category C ............................................................................................................................30


Designer’s Notes The 20x20 mission system is meant to facilitate fast pick-up games but can very well be used for tournament games. It is a flexible system which allows players to use any army point size and play on any table they want to. There are twenty primary missions and twenty secondary missions, allowing for 400 different scenario configurations. 20x20 addresses the problems that players have voiced about other systems. These problems include the missions being overly complicated, restricting the list builds too much by requiring the use of specialists, or objectives being too random. The idea behind this mission system is to have missions which are easy and quick to understand and yet reflect the science fiction background of Infinity. I chose an open system based on a primary and a secondary mission with no secrets. This approach is meant to allow strategical play with both sides knowing about each other’s objectives. The maximum number of Victory Points to be won is always the same, eight. This has been done in order to facilitate using the missions in tournaments. Another reason for designing this mission system was to highlight the roles that the different specialists play in the game. Players can win with any list. Specialists are not required, but in some missions they have the advantage of almost having a guaranteed success in passing the WIP checks necessary to fulfil objectives. Lieutenants have various advantages in some scenarios. Instead of treating all specialists as the same, the skills of different specialists are favoured in some scenarios. The idea here is to have a balance between the value of fighters and specialists without hampering the flexibility of list building. Armies do not need to be tailored for a scenario and that it is still possible to win a scenario after the loss of specialists. Some of the scenarios encourage the use of all models rather than just using some and the rest being “cheerleaders”. The scenarios allow for the maximum flexibility: No special terrain pieces are necessary, the scenarios can be played at any army point value. Table setup and deployment is always as usual. Deployment can always be from all sides. The distances given in the scenarios assume a 4x4 foot table being used. If the table is larger or smaller, players may need to make adjustments. The players may choose to pick their mission instead of rolling for it. Rolling for the missions would disallow the players to tailor the army list specifically to the needs of the scenario. The categories given in the mission table are an indicator of the complexity. Category A missions are very straightforward and easy to understand missions. Category B missions are not really that hard to understand, but require a bit more reading and rules knowledge. Category C missions are not quite as complex as those in Campaign: Paradiso, but getting there. Obviously, some of the missions are being taken from other mission systems and changed a bit to facilitate fast game play. The idea of this mission system is not necessarily for me to come up with incredibly creative new scenario ideas, but to have a system that is fast to understand and easy to use with lists and tables not tailored to a specific mission. Players should be able to use this mission system without any preparation.


Rules There is a primary and a secondary mission in every game. Missions may be chosen or rolled for. Every mission can be played at any army point number and on any board size. The following glossary serves to clarify some terms. Accessible: Objective markers and civilian models must always be placed so that a model can get in base to base contact with it. They may not be placed inside buildings without doors. Active: Active means a model is in a normal state and thus able to act. Camouflage: Taking a WIP check to fulfil a mission objective always reveals the models in camouflage mode. Troopers cannot get back into camouflage mode if they are carrying something as specified in the scenario description. Civilian: Some scenarios require civilians. The maximum number of civilian models required is four. Civilian models have the stats given in Human Sphere. Troopers are not allowed to be deployed in base to base contact with civilians. It is not allowed to attack civilians unless the scenario allows it. Null State: A model which is not able to act due to being unconscious, dead, damaged, destroyed, stunned, sepsitorized, etc. See the Infinity rulebook. Objective Markers (OM): The objectives other than civilians can be represented by using objective markers. However, it is encouraged for players to use crates or other appropriate scenic terrain piece to represent the objectives. However, objective markers may be used as well. If terrain pieces are used, they provide cover. In the scenarios where the objective markers need to get destroyed (Destroy Beacon and Sabotage Ammo Depot), it is highly advisable to use terrain pieces instead of markers. If no pieces are available, use the S3 silhouette for the objective markers. Specialists: In some missions, the skills of specialists are required. Unlike ITS, this system distinguishes between the different specialists. Only the specialists with the skills being described get a bonus as being described in the scenarios. Models with the Specialist Troop skill (Uxia McNeill for example) count as engineers and forward observers unless the mission description says otherwise. Spec Ops: Spec Ops may be used if both players agree on it. The players agree on the number of Experience points given to the Spec Ops. Victory Points (VP): The game evolves around a primary and a secondary mission. A maximum total of 8 VP can be scored in every game; a maximum of 6 from the primary mission and maximum of 2 VP from the secondary mission.


Sequence of Play 1. Set up table just as normal. None of the scenarios requires a specific set up of terrain. 2. Pick or roll for primary and secondary missions. Roll a d20 twice and consult the tables below. Alternatively, simply decide which mission you want to play. The complexity category is there to help in this decision. Category A being the simplest and C being the most complicated set of mission. The columns Material used, Number of Rounds and Specialists give you further indication whether you want to play the scenario. If you don’t like the result of the roll, roll again or just pick a scenario you like. 3. Set up objective markers and civilians if the scenario instructs you to. In many scenarios, objective markers and civilians need to be set up before the initiative roll. Follow the instructions of the mission. 4. Players choose army lists. The players inform each other which faction they are using, without being specific about whether they use the generic army or a sectorial. They then choose from two army lists of their faction, which may be a generic list or any sectorial. The players choose simultaneously and secretly. 5. Initiative Roll and deployment. The deployment zone is always 12 inches from any table edge just as normal. 6. Play the game as normal. The game length is 4 or 3 rounds, depending on the mission played. The game ends earlier when no player can achieve any more victory points. 7. Determine Winner. Victory Points (VP) are always determined at the end of the game. In every mission, you can get up to 6 VP from the primary mission and up to 2 VP from the secondary mission. The total VP achievable thus is 8. The winner is the player with more VP.


Mission Tables Primary Mission Dice Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Category Scenario A A A A A A A B B B B B

Material used

13 14


Access Supplies Destroy Beacon Quadrant Control Rivers of Blood Secure Building / Centre Triangulation Upload Evidence Breakthrough Data Recovery Escort Warcor Launching Sequence Occupy Buildings / Structures Teseum Run Escape with Dropship



Evacuate Diplomats

16 17 18 19 20


Hostage Siege Investigate Alien Artefact Sabotage Ammo Depot Save the Scientists Seize Hardware

4 OM 2 OM - / 1 Building 1 OM 4 OM 2 civilians 4 OM -/ at least 3 buildings 2 OM Dropship/ template 4 OM, 4 civilians 2 civilians 1 OM 4 OM 4 civilians 2 OM, 2 civilians

Game length 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4

Favoured Specialist Forward Observer Engineer/Hacker Engineer/Hacker Engineer/Hacker -

4 4

Engineer Engineer


Engineer / Hacker

4 4 3 4 4

Hacker Doctor Engineer / Hacker

Secondary Mission Dice Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Category A A A A A A A B B B B B B B C C C C C C

Scenario Cause Retreat Destroy the Enemy Hold your Ground Keep your Troops Alive Kill the Heroes Kill the Lieutenant Kill the Specialists Clear the Mines Collect Dog Tags Demolition Espionage Place Antennae Raise your Flag Shoot the Messenger Bounty Hunt Data Hack Heroic Action Take Prisoners The Duel Zombiefication 6

Favoured Specialist -

Forward Observer Engineer Lieutenant Hacker Doctor

Primary Missions Access Supplies 1 After a misdirected airdrop of vital supplies, both sides try to gain access to them. Deployment: Before the Initiative roll, the players alternate in placing 2 crates or objective markers each on the board. The first OM each player places represents an ammunition supply crate, the second one medical supplies. The OM should be marked in a way to ensure players remember which is which. The 4 objective markers must be placed:    

Within 10 inches of the centre point of the table At least 4 inches away from each other Not inside a building In a way that they are accessible

The objective markers are considered to be indestructible. Game Length: 3 Game Rounds Ammo supplies: Any trooper in an unloaded state and in base to base contact with an OM representing an ammunition supply crate may spend a single order to cancel that state. No roll is required. Medical supplies: Any trooper in base to base contact with an OM representing a medical supply crate is considered to be equipped with a medikit until moving away. Securing supplies: In order to score VP, the players must secure the supply crates (OM). An OM counts as being secured by a player if only friendly active models are in base to base contact with it at the end of the game. Victory conditions: 1 VP for every objective marker secured at the end of the game. +1 VP for having secured both ammo crates (OM). +1 VP for having secured both medical supply crates (OM).


Destroy Beacon 2 Both factions have installed a powerful beacon sending valuable data to their respective headquarters. The mission is to destroy the enemy beacon while keeping the own active. Deployment: When deploying their troopers, the players also deploy a crate or an objective marker which represents the beacon. The terrain piece or objective marker must be deployed:    

within the own deployment zone at least 8 inches away from any table edge on ground level not inside a building

Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Destroying the beacon: The Beacon is very well armoured and can only be destroyed by accessing one of its vulnerable spots. Only d-charges and close combat weapons may be used in order to destroy it. The stats of the beacon are: Armour 6 BTS 6 STR 1. A Beacon which is at STR 0 is not considered to be destroyed. Just like a remote, it can be repaired by a friendly engineer. Victory conditions: Players get: 4 VP if the enemy beacon has been destroyed. +2 VP if the own beacon is not destroyed at the end of the game.


Quadrant Control 3 War for Territory! Both forces struggle to get hold of ground. Game Lengths 3 Game rounds Quadrant Control: At the end of the game, divide up the table outside the deployment zones equally into 4 Quadrants as shown in the table below: (The point where the 4 quadrants meet is the centre point of the table.)

deployment zone

Quadrant 1

Quadrant 2

Quadrant 3

Quadrant 4

deployment zone

Victory conditions: At the end of the game, players determine which quadrants are dominated by the troopers of which player. A quadrant is supposed to be dominated by a player if his/her models in the quadrant are worth more army points than the models of the opponent. If a model is positioned in several quadrants, the controlling player may choose which quadrant it occupies for victory conditions. The army points of models which are in a null state, possessed, immobilized or in retreat are not being counted.

Players get: 1 VP for every quadrant dominated. +2 VP if the opponent does not dominate any quadrants.


Rivers of Blood 4 In a grim last stand, both sides are determined to wipe each other out. Game Length: 3 Game Rounds Special rules: The Retreat rules are not used in this scenario. If Cause Retreat is rolled as the secondary mission players get VP if they got their opponent to the point of retreat, but the effects of Retreat do not come into play. Victory Conditions: This scenario is just about taking out enemy models. Always round down for the percentages. Highest applicable VP of the following: 6 VP if all enemy models are in a null state at the end of the game. 5 VP if more than 75% of all models but not all enemy models are in a null state at the end of the game. 4 VP if more than 50% but less than 75% of all enemy models are in a null state at the end of the game. 2 VP if at least 25% but less than 50% of all enemy models are in a null state at the end of the game. 1 VP if at least one enemy model but less than 25% of models are in a null state at the end of the game.


Secure Building / Centre 5 A building must be seized as a stronghold over the battlefield. Deployment: Before deployment, players agree on a building as close to the centre as possible to be the target zone. The building must have entry points to at least two sides. If there is no such building within 6 inches of the centre of the table, a circle with a radius of 6 inches from the centre of the board is declared to be the target zone. No model or marker (including hidden deployment) may be deployed inside the target building / the centre zone. Game Length: 3 Game Rounds Secure Building / Centre: Players try to position as many models as possible inside the target zone. If the target zone is indeed a building, the models must be inside or on top of it in order to be considered to be inside the target zone. Victory conditions: At the end of the game, count the army point costs of the active models inside the target zone. Models in retreat do not count. Players get: 6 VP for the player who has models inside the target zone but no enemy models are inside it. 4 VP for the player whose total points worth of active models inside the target zone is at least 5 army points higher than the opponent’s models inside the target zone. 3 VP if no player has models inside the target zone or the difference in army points worth of the models inside the target zone is 5 pts or less. 2 VP for the player who has active models inside the target zone, but their army points cost is 5 or more below those of the opponent.


Triangulation 6 Target zones must be marked for the heavy artillery. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Triangulation: The aim of the mission is to place 5 triangulation markers on the table. 1 marker must be placed within 8 inches of each table corner and 1 marker within 4 inches of the table centre. Placing triangulation markers: Any model may place a triangulation marker by using a short skill and passing a WIP check with a -3 modifier. Forward observers get a +3 modifier to this roll instead. Once placed, a triangulation marker may not be removed or destroyed. Both players may place up to 5 markers. Victory conditions: 2 VP each for placing a triangulation marker in a table edge of the opponent’s deployment zone. 1 VP for having placed triangulation markers in both table edges of the own deployment zone. 1 VP for having placed a triangulation marker near the centre of the table.


Upload Evidence 7 The soldiers have the opportunity to upload evidence of war crimes they have witnessed to O-12 via a transmitter which is placed in the middle of the battlefield. Deployment: Place an objective marker or a piece of scenery as close to the centre point of the table as possible. The objective marker represents the transmitter. The objective marker must be accessible to be in base contact with models. The transmitter is considered to be indestructible. Game Length: 3 Game Rounds. Uploading Evidence: In order to upload evidence, models must get into base contact with the objective marker and use the Activate skill with a successful unmodified WIP roll. Hackers and Engineers get +3 to their WIP test. Every model can upload evidence only once. There is no limit to the number of attempts for each model to pass the WIP test. Victory conditions: Players get 1 VP for every model that has uploaded evidence to the objective marker. When a lieutenant attempts to upload evidence, the player may reveal the lieutenant and receive 2 VP instead of 1 if the lieutenant succeeds in uploading evidence. The maximum number of VPs to be earned by uploading evidence is 6.


Breakthrough 8 The troopers are trying to break through into the enemy territory. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Breaking through: The troopers are trying to leave the board through the far table edge of the enemy deployment zone with as many troopers as possible. Do not count troopers in a dogged state leaving the table this way. Troopers who left the board this way may not return. If the lieutenant leaves the board through the far table edge of the enemy deployment zone, immediately select a new lieutenant. No loss of lieutenant situation occurs. Troops who deployed via AD: Combat Jump and scattered off the far edge of the enemy deployment zone do not count as having broken through. Victory Conditions: The troopers which managed to leave the board through the far table edge of the enemy deployment zone are considered to have broken through. Calculate the total of their army points. 5 VP if the combined number of points of the troopers which broke through is at least 15 points higher than that of the opponent. 4 VP if the combined number of points of the troopers which broke through is higher than that of the opponent, but by less than 15 points and more than 5 points. 3 VP if the difference between the combined number of points of the troopers which broke through is 5 points or less. 2 VP if own troopers managed to leave the board through the table edge of the enemy deployment zone, but the combined number of points of the troopers which broke through is more than 5 points lower than that of the opponent. +1 VP if the Lieutenant broke through.


Data Recovery 9 Data stored in four crates needs to be recovered and transmitted back to HQ. Deployment: Before the Initiative roll, the players alternate in placing 2 objective markers each on the board. The 4 objective markers must be placed:   

Within 8 inches of the centre point of the table At least 4 inches away from each other In a way that they are accessible.

The objective markers are considered to be indestructible. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Data Recovery: The only way to recover data is to get a model into base to base contact with one of the 4 objective markers and successfully conduct a data recovery action (Activate skill). This requires a successful WIP check modified by -3. Hackers and Engineers get a +3 modifier on the WIP roll instead. The data of every objective marker can only be successfully recovered once by any player. Once it has been recovered by one player, it may still be recovered by the opponent player. Intercepting data recovery: Hackers may try to intercept the data recovery as an ARO action if the model conducting the data recovery is inside their hacking area. Intercepting the data recovery is a face-to-face WIP roll without modifier for the intercepting hacker. If the data recovery is successfully intercepted, no VP is awarded to the side which tried to recover data. Victory conditions: Players get: 1 VP for every time data was recovered from an objective marker. (max. 4 VP) +2 VP for every player who has models in base to base contact with two or more objective markers at the end of the game. +1 VP for every player who has models in base to base contact with one objective marker.


Escort Warcor 10 A warcor is employed to report on the action deep into enemy territory. Deployment: A free warcor model is added to both players’ armies. The maximum number of models in the combat groups is raised to 11. The warcor is deployed with the rest of the opponent’s forces. The usual rules apply. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Escort Warcor: The aim of the scenario is to move the warcor as far as possible into the enemy territory. Warcors may leave the battlefield via the far end of the opponent’s table edge. Victory conditions: Players receive VP according to how far the own warcor has advanced at the end of the game. Players get: 6 VP if the own warcor has left the battlefield via the far table edge of the opponent’s deployment zone. 4 VP if the own warcor is active and in the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game. 3 VP if the own warcor is active and in the opponent’s table half but not inside the opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game. 1 VP if the own warcor is still active, but still in the own table half at the end of the game.

Players get awarded 2 VP if the own warcor is in a null state at the end of the game, but the model has been in the opponents’ table half during the game.


Launching Sequence 11 In order to launch a weapon of mass destruction aimed at the enemy headquarter, the forces must activate several consoles in a certain sequence. Deployment: After the initiative roll, place an objective marker representing a console as close to the centre point of each quadrant as possible. (Just like in the Supremacy scenario of the main rule book.)The objective markers must be accessible. See diagram below. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds

Deployment Zone Player A Quadrant 1

Quadrant 2

Quadrant 3

Quadrant 4

Deployment Zone Player B

The objective markers count as being indestructible. Activating in Sequence: In order to launch the WMD, the consoles or objective markers must be activated in sequence. The numbers below indicate which quadrant the objective marker is in. The sequence for player A is: 1, 2, 3, 4 The sequence for player B is: 4, 3, 2, 1. In order to activate a console, a trooper must be in base contact with an objective marker, use the activate skill and pass a -3 WIP skill test. Hackers and engineers get a +3 mod on their check instead. Victory Conditions: 1 VP for every console activated. +1 VP for having activated all consoles. +1 VP if the opponent has not activated all consoles.


Occupy Buildings / Structures 12 In the close quarters of urban combat, buildings are vital strongholds and fall-back points. The forces fight to occupy as many buildings as possible. Table setup: There should be at least 3 buildings on the table. In the absence of buildings, players can agree on which structures or terrain features supplement for the buildings. Deployment: No model or marker (including hidden deployment) may be deployed inside or on top of a building. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Occupying a building: In terms of getting VPs, a building counts as occupied when there are only own active models inside or on top of it at the end of the game. If active models of both players are inside or on top of a building, no side is considered to have occupied that building. If structures or terrain features are chosen in absence of buildings, the models must be in base to base with the structure or inside the terrain feature in order to occupy. Victory conditions: 4 VP for the player whose models have occupied more buildings than the opponent at the end of the game. 3 VP if both players have occupied the same number of buildings at the end of the game. 1 VP for having occupied at least one building but less buildings than the opponent at the end of the game. +1 VP for having occupied a building/structure that is partially or completely inside the opponents’ deployment zone. If no such building/structure exists, count the building closest to the enemy deployment zone as a building fulfils this criteria for purposes of generating this VP. +1 VP if the opponent is not in occupation of any building at the end of the game.


Teseum Run 13 Valuable shards of teseum are stored in crates. Opposing forces fight to bring them home. Deployment: Two objective markers are being used to represent the tesseum stores. The players alternate placing 1 objective marker each before the Initiative roll. The 2 objective markers must be deployed  Within 4 inches of the centre point of the table  At least 4 inches away from each other.  It must be possible for models to get into base to base contact with the objective markers. No mines may ever be deployed with an objective marker inside its trigger area. The objective markers are considered to be indestructible. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Gathering Tesseum: In order to get a shard of tesseum, a model must be in base to base contact with an objective marker and perform the activate skill, passing a -3 WIP check. Engineers get a +3 modifier to their check. Once a tesseum shard is gathered, place a marker next to the model which searched the objective marker. Models with the baggage special rule receive 2 markers. A model in possession of tesseum may not go into camouflage mode. If a model carrying tesseum shards is in a null state, the marker stays on the board and can be picked up by any model using a single action. All models may only carry 1 tesseum shard at a time; models with the baggage special rule may carry 2. Bringing Teseum Home: A model with a tesseum shard marker moving into the own deployment zone automatically drops the marker, which is then removed from play. The player owning the model is awarded one Teseum Point. Victory conditions: At the end of the game, count the number of Teseum points every player scored in the course of the game. Compare the number of Teseum points the players earned with each other and VP are awarded as follows: 6 VP if a player has more than 2 Teseum Points and at least double the amount of Teseum points than the opponent. 4 VP if a player has more Teseum Points than the opponent. 3 VP if both players have the same number of Teseum Points. 2 VP if a player has less Teseum points than his opponent but at least 1 and the opponent does not have double or more the amount of Teseum points. 1 VP if a player has at least one Teseum point and the opponent has double or more Teseum points.


Escape with Dropship 14 Both forces are stranded in no-man’s land and must try to repair a damaged dropship in order to have some of the team member’s escape and get help for the others. Deployment: Before the initiative roll, place a model of a cargo standard dropship or the smaller dropship template as close to the centre point of the table as possible. Place a circular template over the dropship, with the 1 pointing towards a table edge of your choice. Roll a d20 and pivot the dropship model or template on the spot so that the entry hatch matches to the point determined by the die result. You may place a wide access marker there for sake of clarity. The point where the dropship is damaged is on the opposite side of the entry hatch. Place an objective marker there. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds The Dropship: The dropship is a cargo standard dropship as described in the rulebook. Even though it is damaged in the scenario, it is assumed to have STR 3. If using a template, treat the dropship to have an S8 silhouette for purposes of determining LOS. If you are using a model instead of the template, you may want to exchange the model for the template when determining LOF to and from troopers inside the dropship. Repairing the dropship: Troopers must be in base to base contact with the point where the dropship is damaged in order to attempt repair. Repairing the dropship is an entire order skill which requires a successful engineering WIP roll modified by -6. Engineers get no modifier to the roll. The dropship is considered to be repaired if 2 repairing actions have been performed successfully. It does not matter which player controlled the trooper repairing the dropship. Opening the entry hatch: Only after the dropship has been repaired, the entry hatch may be opened. This requires an activate skill with a -3 modifier to the WIP roll. Engineers and hackers get a +3 mod to this roll instead. With the entry hatch open, models can get inside by passing through the door. Launching the dropship: Once there is at least one model inside the dropship, it may be launched. Launching requires an entire order and a successfully passed WIP check with a -3 modifier. Launching can be done by any model inside the dropship. Destroying the dropship: When the dropship launches, all models enemy to its passengers get an ARO against it if they have LOF to the ship in its directly upwards movement. If they bring the dropship into the destroyed state this way, all passengers are assumed to be killed. Victory conditions: 1 VP for every escaping own model inside the dropship. The lieutenant counts as two models for purposes of generating VP. A maximum of 4 VP can be awarded this way. +2 VP if no enemy models escaped with the dropship +1 VP if only one enemy model has escaped with the dropship


Evacuate Diplomats 15 A spaceship with diplomats has crash landed in neutral terrain. Alas, there is more animosity between the negotiating partners than expected. State secrets have been locked up in crates now scattered across the land. These must be destroyed so that they do not fall into unauthorized hands. Maybe someone wants to have a peek while evacuating their diplomats? Both sides try to evacuate not only their own, but also the other diplomats. Do they return them? Maybe, maybe they will be declared missing or dead... Deployment: 4 objective markers representing the document crates and 4 civilians representing the diplomats will be deployed before rolling for initiative. The players take turns in deploying 2 objective markers and 2 civilians each. The objective markers and civilians are deployed using the combat jump rules. The circular template must be placed entirely at least 12 inches away from any table edge. If the civilian / objective marker goes off the table or does not fit in the spot it ends up in case of dispersion, the opponent may simply place it anywhere on the board at least 12 inches away from any table edge. Objective markers count as PH 8 for determining the combat jump. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Destroying data in crates: Each player will try to destroy the secret data in his/her own crates (OM). To make sure the diplomatic secrets are destroyed, models must be in base to base contact with the own crate (OM) in order to do so. Destroying secrets is a short order, A WIP -3 roll is required. Engineers get a +3 modifier on the WIP check instead. No data may be stolen from this crate (OM) anymore. Remove the crate (OM) from play. Downloading data: In order to steal data from a crate (OM), a model must be in base to base contact and perform a short skill which requires a successful -3 WIP check. Hackers and engineers get a +3 mod to their roll. Data in objective markers may still be destroyed after it has been downloaded. Intercepting data theft: Hackers may try to intercept the data recovery as an ARO action if they or a friendly repeater are within 8 inches of the model attempting the data theft. Intercepting the data recovery is a face-to-face WIP roll without modifier for the intercepting hacker. A successful interception action means that the downloading has failed and thus no VP were scored. Evacuating diplomats: Diplomats of both sides can be evacuated. In order to evacuate a diplomat, a model must synchronize with the civilian and get the model into the own deployment zone. Own civilians count as friendly models and the WIP check is waived. The opponents’ civilians count as hostile civilians. (See: Human Sphere) A civilian does not count as evacuated if an enemy model is in base to base contact at the end of the game. It is not allowed to deliberately attack a diplomat. Players may risk shooting at enemy troopers who are in base to base contact with civilians, which is treated like shooting into close combat. Victory Conditions: 3 VP if more diplomats were evacuated than the opponent could. 2 VP if both players managed to evacuate the same number of diplomats. 1 VP if at least one diplomat could be evacuated, but less diplomats than the opponent could. 1 VP if the data in both of the own objective markers has been destroyed. 1 VP if data from one enemy crate has been downloaded. 2 VP if data from both enemy crates has been downloaded. -2 VP penalty for putting a civilian into a null state. 21

Hostage Siege 16 Civilians have been taken as hostages and must be rescued out of the grips of the enemy. Deployment: The player who kept the Initiative as the result of the Initiative roll plays the attacker, the player who keeps deployment takes the role of the defending hostage taker. As part of deployment, the defender deploys 2 civilians anywhere in his/her deployment zone. The civilians must be accessible. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Rescuing the Hostages: Only the attacker may synchronize a trooper with a hostage. Due to Stockholm syndrome, they count as neutral civilians. (See: Human Sphere) The defender may not intentionally attempt to harm the civilians before they have synchronized with an enemy trooper. After synchronization by the enemy, they may be attacked in order to reduce the VP the opponent will get for the rescue. Victory Conditions: Attacker: 3 VP for every hostage civilian that, at the end of the game, is active and within the own table half. 1 VP for every hostage that, at the end of the game, is active and synchronized with an own trooper but not inside the own table half. -2 VP for every civilian taken to a null state by own troopers. Defender: 3 VP for every hostage that, at the end of the game is still active, inside the own deployment zone and not synchronized with an enemy trooper. -1 VP for every civilian taken to a null state by own troopers.


Investigate Alien Artefact 17 An Alien Artefact with strange properties has been located and must be investigated. Deployment: Place an objective marker as close as possible to the centre point of the table. The objective marker must be accessible. It represents the alien artefact and counts as being indestructible. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Investigating the artefact: Investigating the artefact is an entire order skill which requires a successful -3 WIP roll. Hackers get a +3 mod instead. Troopers need to be in base to base contact with the artefact in order to investigate. If a trooper fails the investigation roll, this model may not make another attempt to investigate the artefact again in this game. After a successful investigation attempt has been made, no further attempt may be made by troopers from that force in this player’s active game turn. Artefact effects: Apart from scoring VP, investigating the artefact may affect the battlefield. Whenever a trooper successfully investigates the artefact, the player rolls on the following table. If the investigation attempt was a critical success, the player does not roll but chooses an effect instead. Roll a D20: 1-4) Place a circular template anywhere on the table. The affected area is a White Noise zone. The template stays until the end of the game or removed by the last effect of this table. 5-8) Place a circular template anywhere on the table. The affected area counts as affected by Nimbus Plus ammunition. The template stays until the end of the game or removed by the last effect of this table. 9-12) Place a circular template anywhere on the table. All models in the affected area suffer an attack as if hit by an E/M grenade. Furthermore, all deployable pieces of equipment under the template are being removed. Affected models get an ARO reaction. Remove the template immediately. 13-16) Place a repeater marker anywhere on the table. The marker counts as a repeater for both sides. It stays and can only be removed by the last effect of this table. 17-20) Remove a repeater or a circular template that was placed on the table as a result of a successful artefact investigation. Victory conditions: 1 VP for every successful Investigation attempt. +2 VP if all of the models who made successful investigation attempts are active at the end of the game. +1 VP if at least one of the models who made successful investigation attempts are active at the end of the game. 23

Sabotage Ammo Depot 18 An enemy ammunitions depot must be destroyed in a quick strike. Unfortunately, the enemy is better prepared to defend it than intelligence had anticipated. Deployment: The player who kept the Initiative as the result of the Initiative roll plays the attacker, the player who keeps deployment takes the role of the defender. As a part of the deployment of troops, the defender deploys 4 objective markers representing the ammo caches. The objective markers must be put inside the own deployment zone. They may not be deployed inside a building and must be accessible. The defender may also deploy 2 free standard mines inside his/her own table half and may declare 2 models to be in suppressive fire mode. Game Length: 3 Game Rounds Destroying ammo caches: The crates or objective markers representing the ammo caches may only be attacked when no friendly model would be covered by the circular template in case of an explosion. (See below.) Thus, the crates or objective markers representing the ammo caches may only be destroyed with ranged weapons or with d-charges. It is not allowed to attack them with a close combat weapon. The crates (OM) have the following stats: ARM 6 BTS 6 STR 1. They may be repaired by engineers. Explosion: When a crate (OM) goes into the destroyed state, centre a round template over it. Every model under the template is hit with a S15 flame and explosive attack. Remove the crate or objective marker. Victory conditions: Attacker: 1 VP for every crate (OM) destroyed. +1 VP if more than half of the own models are still active at the end of the game. +1 VP if all the crates are destroyed at the end of round 1. Defender: 1 VP for every crate (OM) not destroyed at the end of the game. +1 VP if at least half of the opponents’ models are in a null state at the end of the game. +1 VP if there are no enemy models inside the own deployment zone at the end of the game.


Save the Scientists 19 Scientists have been wounded in an accident at a laboratory. Forces rush in to secure the important personnel. Deployment: Before the Initiative roll, both players alternate in placing 2 civilians each on the board. The 4 civilian models must be placed:   

Within 10 inches of the centre point of the table At least 4 inches away from each other In a way that they are accessible.

Place an unconscious marker next to each civilian as they represent the injured scientists. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Save the Scientists: The aim of the scenario is to get as many scientists as possible into the own deployment zone. This can be done by healing the scientists or moving them according to the CASEVAC rules. (See Campaign Book Paradiso). A scientist counts as having been saved if the model is in the own deployment zone and NOT in base to base contact or synchronized to an active enemy model. Healing Scientists: Doctors and paramedics may heal scientists by using the respective doctor skill. Due to the unknown condition the scientists are in, medikits cannot be used remotely. Healed Scientists then have the stats of a civilian. (See: Human Sphere) The healed scientist becomes a member of the force of the player that healed him/her. The scientist is irregular. The opponents’ models still may synchronize with an active scientist as long as the scientist model is not in base to base contact with an active enemy model. Treat the scientist as a neutral civilian in this case. (See Human Sphere) If a healed scientist ever gets synchronized with an enemy model, the civilian is not part of the opponents’ team anymore and is treated as a neutral civilian for the rest of the game. Players may risk the scientist’s lives by shooting at enemy troopers who have civilians in CASEVAC. Victory Conditions: Players get: 1 VP for every saved scientist.

+1 VP if one or more scientists have been successfully healed by a doctor or paramedic. +1 VP if no active model of the opponent is in base to base contact with a scientist model at the end of the game. A penalty of -2 VP applies if a player has killed a scientist in any way other than trying to heal the model.


Seize Hardware 20 Valuable hardware is locked in crates and must be seized. The crates are secured with powerful passwords, which the personnel of the site will know. They may also have some other useful information. Deployment: Before the roll-off for Initiative, both players alternate in deploying a civilian and an objective marker each. (In total, 2 civilians and 2 objective markers will be deployed.) Civilians and objective markers must be deployed in the following manner:     

Civilians and objective markers must be deployed within 10 inches of the centre point of the board The civilians must be at least 4 inches away from each other The objective markers must be at least 4 inches away from each other There must be at least a distance of 2 inches between a civilian and an objective marker. Civilians and objective markers must be deployed in a way that a model can get into base to base contact with them.

No model may be deployed in base to base contact with a civilian. Game Length: 4 Game Rounds Civilians: In this scenario, it is not possible to synchronize with the civilian models. It is not allowed to shoot at them or deliberately place a template weapon touching a civilian model. Interrogating Civilians: In order to interrogate, a model must be in base to base contact with the civilian model. Interrogating is an entire order skill and requires a successful WIP check modified by -3. Lieutenants get a +3 modifier on this roll instead. For the sake of BS attacks, troopers are only counted as being in base to base to base contact with a civilian while they are interrogating. When the first civilian has been successfully interrogated, make a d20 roll: On a 1-10, the civilian knows the password to the objective marker placed by the player whose model interrogated the civilian. On a 11-20, the civilian knows the password to the objective marker that the opponent player has placed. The other civilian will then automatically know the password to the second objective marker and no further roll is required after the interrogation of civilians. Civilians may still be interrogated after the objective markers have been opened as they also reveal other useful information. Opening a crate: A crate (OM) can only be opened once a civilian has been successfully interrogated and thus given away the password for that crate (OM). Troopers must be in base contact with a crate in order to open it, using a short skill and passing a WIP check modified by -3. Hackers and engineers get a +3 bonus on their WIP check. Seizing the hardware: If a trooper opens a crate (OM), it seizes a piece of hardware. Place a marker next to the trooper. Any trooper may carry one or both pieces of hardware. Hardware can be passed on in between friendly models which are in base to base contact. A model in possession of hardware may not go into camouflage mode. If a trooper gets in a null state, any model can pick up the hardware with a single action. Victory conditions: 2 VP for each hardware item in possession of a friendly active model at the end of the game. 1 VP for each civilian interrogated. 26

Secondary Missions A maximum of 2 VP may be scored from the secondary mission.

Category A Cause Retreat 1 The enemy should flee from its positions! If the opponent’s army go in retreat, a player receives 2 VP. The VP are awarded even if no models are actually affected by the retreat rules. Destroy the Enemy 2 Thin out the enemy troops! But make sure your own troops don’t suffer too much in the process. If you have 10% more army points not in a null state on the table than your opponent, you receive 1 VP. If you have 30% more army points not in a null state on the table than your opponent, you receive 2 VP.

Hold your Ground 3 It is vital not to give ground to the enemy. A player gets 2 VP if no active enemy models are inside the own table half at the end of the game. Alternatively, a player gets 1 VP if no enemy model is inside the own deployment zone at the end of the game. Kill the Heroes 4 Killing famous enemy soldiers has a tremendous effect on morale on both sides. 1 VP can be scored for every enemy trooper in a dead state who has the troop classification of character. (Unconsciousness is not enough.) If the opponent has less than two of such models, the two models with the highest army point cost also count as heroes for the purposes of awarding VP. Kill the Lieutenant 5 It is vitally important to get rid of the enemy leader. Players receive 2 VP for killing the enemy lieutenant. If the enemy lieutenant is unconscious at the end of the game, the player receives 1 VP. Kill the Specialists 6 Taking out the enemy’s specialists means denying the enemy the ability to fulfil their objectives. 1 VP can be scored for every enemy trooper in a dead state at the end of the game which has one or more of the following skills: specialist troop, engineer, doctor, forward observer, hacker. (Unconsciousness is not enough.) If the opponent has less than two specialists, the two enemy


models with the highest army point costs also count as a specialists for the purposes of awarding VP. Keep your Troops Alive 7 The safety of the own forces is paramount for every good commander. 2 VP are awarded to the player who has at least 75% of his models surviving at the end of the game. 1 VP is awarded to the player who has at least 50% of his models surviving at the end of the game.

Category B Clear the Mines 8 Dangerous explosives from previous conflicts are littering the battlefield. They must be disposed of safely. Before deployment, both players alternate in placing one anti-personnel mine each within 8 inches of the centre of the table. The mines are placed in the usual camouflaged state. Place the mines even if the description of the primary mission does not allow it. The mines trigger for models from both sides. Always place the template in a way to affect the maximum amount of models. 1 VP for destroying a mine. No VP are awarded for a mine being triggered by a model, regardless whether damage was caused or not.

Collect Dog Tags 9 The soldiers want to adorn themselves with trophies taken from their dead enemies. Every model killed or destroyed leaves a dog tag behind. Place a marker when removing a killed / destroyed model. Picking up such a dog tag requires a short skill which succeeds automatically. A trooper must be in base to base contact with the dog tag marker in order to do so. A player receives 2 VP for having collected at least two dog tags and more dog tags than the opponent. Alternatively, a player receives 1 VP for having collected at least one dog tag.

Demolition 10 A building or structure in the enemy deployment zone must be destroyed at its weak spot. As part of the own deployment, players place an objective marker in base contact with a building or structure. The OM must be at least partially within the enemy deployment zone. One trooper is additionally equipped with a single d-charge. This is open information. 2VP are scored if a model places the d-charge on the building or structure at any point where it touches the objective marker laid by the owning player.


Place Antennae 11 An antennae must be placed at a high spot to facilitate battlefield communication. Before deployment, the players decide which area or areas of the table are the highest the troopers can access. When deciding for multiple areas, all areas must be of approximately equal height. Only areas at least 12 inches away from any table edge are considered. Every trooper is equipped with an antennae. Only one antennae may be placed. It may not be removed by the enemy player. The antennae must be placed inside a high area as agreed on before deployment. Placing an antennae is a short skill which requires a successful WIP roll modified by -3. Engineers get a +3 mod on the roll. A trooper may try again when having failed the WIP roll. 2 VP are awarded to each player who succeeds in placing an antennae.

Raise your Flag 12 The lieutenant wants to proudly raise the flag of his nation in enemy territory as a mockery of the foe.. The original lieutenant has one flag which only he/she may raise. It must be raised in the enemy half of the table. Raising the flag is a short skill which automatically succeeds. Put a marker where a flag has been raised. Players can take down enemy flags with a coup de grace action, destroying the flag. 2 VP if the own flag is still raised at the end of the game.

Shoot the Messenger 13 A trooper has classified information which will be disclosed to HQ once the battle is over. Before deployment, each player nominates one trooper which has classified information. This is private information. 1 VP if the own trooper with classified information survives the game. 1 VP if the enemy trooper with classified information is dead at the end of the game.

Espionage 14 The enemy deployment zone needs to be mapped! Mapping the enemy deployment zone is a long order and requires a -6 WIP check which reveals the model if camouflaged. Only models inside the enemy deployment zone may perform this action. Forward observers do not get a negative modifier to the WIP check. 2 VP are gained for mapping the enemy deployment zone.


Category C Bounty Hunt 15 An enemy trooper has broken the laws of the Concilium Convention. He/she must be brought to justice. In the tactical phase of his/her first turn, each player announces (open information) which trooper of the enemy is being hunted. This trooper must have one of the following troop classifications: - character - veteran troop - mercenary troop - headquarters troop Only if it is not possible for the player to nominate an enemy troop which falls into this category, he/she may do so in the tactical phase of the second turn. If that still is not possible, the enemy lieutenant, even if unrevealed, is considered the nominated target of the bounty hunt. It may not be possible to nominate a trooper because all eligible enemy troopers have not yet been deployed, are in camouflage or there simply are no eligible troopers in the opponents army list. 2 VP for killing the nominated target of the bounty hunt. Unconsciousness is not enough.

Data Hack 16 Important data can be obtained by hacking into the opponent’s computer systems. The data can be obtained in three ways: 1) Getting a trooper into base to base contact with an enemy hacker or lieutenant who is in a null state. In order to extract the data, the trooper perform an entire order skill and succeed a WIP check modified by -3. Hackers get a +3 mod on this roll. 2) Every trooper equipped with a hacking device, hacking device plus or an assault hacking device is equipped with a special program which targets enemy hackers within hacking area. The Burst is 1, damage is 12 and no modifiers apply. Data is extracted if the hack attack is successful and the opponent’s BTS roll failed. 3) Scavenging any enemy hacking device. For the VP to be awarded, the scavenger must be active and still in possession of the hacking device at the end of the game. 2 VP for successfully extracting the data. Take Prisoners 17 Prisoners need to be taken in order to be interrogated. If this mission is chosen, all regular pistols count as stun pistols. Enemy troopers may be moved using the CASEVAC rules. (See Campaign Book Paradiso.) Unconscious and stunned (not dead!) enemy troopers are considered prisoners of a player if one or more of the following criteria are met: 1) The model is in base to base contact and in CASEVAC mode with an own active model at the end of the game. 2) The model is inside the own deployment zone and your own army is not in retreat. 30

Only models with the wound attribute can be prisoners. Lieutenants count as two models when being prisoners for the sake of determining VP. The player with more prisoners than the opponent is awarded 2 VP. A player with at least 1 prisoner but fewer prisoners than his opponent scores 1 VP. It is allowed to risk the death of own captured troops by shooting at enemy models which have them in CASEVAC. Heroic Action 18 Special merit is awarded to soldiers who go above and beyond the call of duty. A player gets 2 VP if during the game one his/her troopers did at least one of the following: - Get an enemy trooper into null state using a knife or bare hands. The enemy trooper’s CC skill and martial arts level must be higher. - In a single turn, get 5 or more enemy troopers into a null state. - Successfully performed a WIP check in order to fulfil an objective when being exposed to more than 1 attack in ARO. - Killed a model which is worth at least 20 army points more. The own model must be a garrison or line trooper. The Duel 19 The martial artists yearn to earn glory by defeating worthy opponents in hand-to-hand combat. 2 VP are awarded if an own troop takes an enemy troop into a null state by close combat. The CC and/or the martial arts level of the opponent trooper must be at least equal or higher. Troops without martial arts are considered having MA level 0. In order for VP to be awarded, no other own troops may have been used a CC or BS skill against the trooper the duellist was in contact with. The duellist may not have increased his B due to allied models. (Example: VP are awarded if a father-knight takes out an SAS and vice versa. The SAS has a lower CC, but has MA2. The knight does not have the MA skill.) Zombiefication 20 A powerful experimental drug will be tested on the battlefield. If successful, an enemy trooper will become your mindless slave! Every trooper with a medipack is equipped with the drug. If no trooper in the army is equipped with a medipack, the player may nominate a model which will then have a medipack which can only be used once, and only in order to apply the drug. This is open information. The drug may be applied remotely or when in base to base contact with an unconscious enemy trooper. If the WIP test succeeds to heal the trooper, the opponent player may make a WIP test for his/her model; modified by -6. If the roll succeeds, the trooper is active again and may be used by the owning player. If the roll fails, the drug was successful and the player who used it may control the resurrected enemy trooper. However, the models WIP is reduced by 6 and is isolated for the rest of the game. After a successful zombiefication, the test is considered to be completed and no further attempts to turn people into mindless slaves may be made. 2 VP are awarded for zombiefying an enemy trooper. 31

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