MASTER OF LIBRARY, AND INFORMATION SCIENCE (Revised) Term End Examination December, 2011 -
Maximum Marks : 100
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Illustrate your answers with suitable examples and diagrams, wherever necessary. Write relevant Q. No. before writing the answer.
1.1 What is a distributed database? Discuss its architecture and advantages over a centralised database. OR 1.2 What are the basic requirement of a computerised cataloguing module ? Enumerate and describe the basic jobs involved in it.
What do you understand by 'news filtering services'? Describe various 'modes of providing such services.
OR What is EDDS ? Explain. Can a document under the purview of copyright and not in public domain be supplied under EDDS ? If yes, describe how ?
3.1 Explain the features of real time digital reference service. Describe the Collaborative Digital Reference Service Project of the Library of Congress. OR 3.2 What is an Internet Protocol ? Describe the different Internet Protocol briefly.
What are the two types of evalualtion criteria for e-resources ? Describe the specific criteria in brief. OR
Internet is a resource of vast and fast changing information resources. Discuss how to make an effective search and keep up-to -date with Internet resources.
Write short notes on any three of the following (in about 300 words each) (a) Inverted Lists (b)
Information Communication Technologies Applications.pdf ...
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1 See ..... located âover thereâ in the computer science building. Personally, I do not think of ...... as real and virtual, but considered both interactions as part of their embodied real life and their real self. ...
Technologies in Healthcare Full Online ePub ... home-monitoring networks, the recording and information submitting process, and hospice/nursing home use. ... and physicians Security and privacy Healthcare facility planning Emerging media ...
tional search to online interactive maps, social networks ... more and more popular, and rapidly growing. ... Most of these network demands, although invisi-.
the deployment of broadband access networks around the world. The proliferation of access bandwidths offered by technologies such as fiber to the home (FTTH) has led to the mushroom- ing of many new web applications, from tradi- tional search to onli
In the 66 years since India achieved independence, telecom services have grown from 100,000 ... The selling of talk time spawned a network incorporating. 27 .... of Anthropology, 13(5), 414â433. doi:10.1080/14442213.2012.726253. Gupta ...
Information Technologies Strategic Business Plan - FY17.pdf. Information Technologies Strategic Business Plan - FY17.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.
Information and communications technologies (ICT) have played a key role in .... development can be restricted as a network administrator's job is considered a ...
... the apps below to open or edit this item. pdf-1297\free-space-laser-communication-technologies-16-proceedings-of-spie-from-society-of-photo-optical.pdf.
... the apps below to open or edit this item. pdf-1297\free-space-laser-communication-technologies-16-proceedings-of-spie-from-society-of-photo-optical.pdf.
2.10 Virtual private networks need not use real private WANs. Page 2 of 4 ... 3.8 Avoids collision on wireless networks H. Advanced mobile phone system.