
(19) United States (12) Reissued Patent

(10) Patent Number: US RE43,952 E (45) Date of Reissued Patent: Jan. 29, 2013

Uhl et a1.




References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 1,576,781 A 3/1926 Phillips 1,735,726 A 2,407,845 A

(75) Inventors: Jean Francois Uhl, Paris (FR); Joel Henrion, Suippes (FR); Michel Scriban,

11/1929 Bornhardt 9/ 1946 Nemeyer


Ternay (FR); Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut, Paris (FR)


(73) Assignee: Medtronic Navigation, Inc., Louisville,







(21) Appl. No.: 09/784,829 (22)


Adams et al., “Orientation Aid for Head and Neck Surgeons,” Innov. Tech. Biol. Med., vol. 13, No.4, 1992, pp. 409-424.

Feb. 8, 2001


Related US. Patent Documents

Reissue of: (64) Patent No.: Issued:

Primary Examiner * Ruth S Smith

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Harness, Dickey

5,868,675 Feb. 9, 1999

Appl. No.:


PCT Filed: PCT No.:



Oct. 5, 1990

8371 (0X1), (2), (4) Date:

table, and which is connected to a reference structure com

prising a plurality of base points. The system creates on a screen a representation of the non-homogeneous structure

Jun. 22, 1992

PCT Pub. No.: WO91/04710

and of the reference structure connected thereto, provides the coordinates of the images of the base points in the ?rst frame of reference (R1), allows the marking of the coordinates of the base points in R2, and allows the carrying out of the local

PCT Pub. Date: Apr. 18, 1991

Foreign Application Priority Data


Oct. 5, 1989


(FR) .................................... .. 89 13028

Int. Cl.

A61B 19/00


An interactive system for a local intervention inside a region of a non-homogeneous structure, such as the skull of a patient, which is related to the frame of reference (R2) of an operation



US. Cl. ...... .. 600/424; 600/425; 600/426; 600/427;


Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 600/407,


600/411, 415, 417, 424, 425, 426, 427; 606/130; 378/4, 20, 41, 58, 205; 901/6, 16, 41 See application ?le for complete search history.

intervention with an active member such as a trephining tool, a needle, or a radioactive or chemical implant. The systems

also optimizes the transfer of reference frames between R1 and R2, from the coordinates of the base points in R2 and the images in R1 by reducing down to a minimum the deviations between the coordinates of images in R1 and the base points in R1 after transfer. The system also establishes real time bi directional coupling between: (1) an origin and a direction of intervention simulated on the screen, (2) the position of the active member.

101 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets

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Interactive system for local intervention inside a non-homogeneous ...

Feb 8, 2001 - Tech. Biol. Med., vol. 13, No.4, 1992, pp. 409-424. (Continued) ...... nation Systems, and Support Systems,” Journal of Microsurgery, vol. 1, 1980 ...

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