Agency name

Primary contact person First Name

Last Name

Primary contact email

Primary contact phone number Website

Agency physical address Street Address

Street Address Line 2


Postal / Zip Code

Agency postal address (if different)

Street Address

Street Address Line 2


Postal / Zip Code

How many years have you been in business as an education agent?

State / Province

0 United Country States Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba State / Province Australia 0 Austria United Azerbaijan Country States Afghanistan The Bahamas Albania Bahrain Algeria Bangladesh American Barbados Samoa Andorra Belarus Angola Belgium Anguilla Belize Antigua Benin and Barbuda Argentina Bermuda Armenia Bhutan Aruba Bolivia Australia Bosnia and Herzegovina Austria Botswana Azerbaijan Brazil

Is your agency involved with any other business?

How many students do you send to Australia each year? Number of students for ELICOS Number of students for Vocational/TAFE

Number of students for High School Number of students for University Which other countries do you send students for study and how many students do you send to each?

From which countries or regions do you source students?

Which Australian institutions or schools do you represent and how many students do you send to each?

How much is your student service fee? What services do you provide to students?

Student counselling

Follow up with parents

Collecting tuition fees

English testing

Pre-departure briefing

Visa application assistance

Other services - specify below

Details of other services if selected above

Total number of staff in your company Are any of your staff

Qualified Education Agents with PIER Online

Registered Migration Agents with the MARA

Educated in Australia

What is your fee to process a student visa on behalf of a student? Please provide links to the MARA profiles of your qualified staff

Ref 1 Institution name

Ref 1 Contact Name First Name

Last Name

First Name

Last Name

Ref 1 Email

Ref 1 Phone

Ref 2 Institution name

Ref 2 Contact Name

Ref 2 Email

Ref 2 Phone

Ref 3 Institution name

Ref 3 Contact Name First Name

Last Name

Ref 3 Email

Ref 3 Phone

How did you first find out about ICAE?

❍ Google search

Google advertising

❍ Search other than Google ❍ Client/student requested to enrol at ICAE ❍ Newspaper advertisement

From another Agent

❍ From a current student

Other website (please specify below)

❍ Other non-web source (please specify below)

Why do you want to become an agent for ICAE?

What steps do you take to ensure that your staff act in an ethical and responsible manner when recruiting and counselling students? What steps do you take to ensure you maintain compliance with the ESOS Act, National Code and Migration Act?

How many students do you estimate you will send to ICAE in the next 12 months?

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