International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources IC3G 2016 Melbourne, Australia. 28-29 September 2016 Home >

Paper Submission >

Abstract submission is now open

with knowledge”

Dear Colleagues, You are invited to be a part of the First International Conference on Geo-

Program > mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources in Melbourne, 28-29 September

Registration > Abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be accepted until 30 November 2015.

General Info >

Advances in physical processes in subsurface earth materials to


Committees >

“Challenge the limits

enhance deep earth energy and mineral extractions, and

Submit your abstract here and present your latest research along with the

greenhouse mitigation

following key-note speakers:

Important dates Prof Derek Elsworth, Department of Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Selected papers will be published in following

Editor-in-chief of Geomechanics and geophysics for Geo-energy and Georesources

international journals

Prof Giovanni Barla,

November 30, 2015 Abstract submission deadline

Politecnico di Torino Editor-in-chief of Rock mechanics and Rock Engineering Prof Carlos Carranza-Torres, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus Editor-in-chief of Engineering Geology Prof Manchao He, ISRM Vice President, State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology

January 01, 2016 Notification of abstract acceptance May 01, 2016 Full paper submission deadline

Prof Robert Zimmerman,

June 15, 2016

Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College, London

Notification of full

Editor-in-chief of International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining

paper acceptance


July 15, 2016 IC3G 2016 aims to promote discussion on strategies to address challenges in Final camera ready developing geo-energy and geo-resources extraction measures from paper submission geomechanics and geophysics prospects. The conference will bring together the researchers, industry, government agencies and students and we welcome your participation.

deadline July 15, 2016 Early bird registration

Please remember to book by 15 August 2016 to take advantage of our reduced begins. early registration rates. August 15, 2016 Yours sincerely

Early bid registration deadline

IC3G 2016 Conference Chair Professor Ranjith PG Professor Jian Zhao

Organized by

International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo ... -

Sep 29, 2016 - Submit your abstract here and present your latest research along with the following key-note speakers: “Challenge the limits with knowledge”. Advances in physical processes in subsurface earth materials to enhance deep earth energy and mineral extractions, and greenhouse mitigation. Important dates.

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