International Secretariat INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ACTION AGAINST TERRORISM [email protected]

Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism

Feb. 4th – 6th, 2016 Nairobi, Kenya

CONCEPT NOTE IYAAT Beyond 2016 International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism The International Youth Action Against Terrorism (IYAAT) proposes to hold an annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism to take place every February. This is planned to involve all IYAAT member countries through the Youth representatives in the IYAAT’s Resident Council. The first of these conferences, to be held in February of 2016 (4th to 6th) has been titled/themed the IYAAT Beyond 2016 International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism. This note provides the concept of the annual International Youths Conference on CounterTerrorism, including methodology of implementation, rationale, objectives, expected results and scope as well as its strategic contribution to the UN’s post2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. The annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism shall be hosted by the International Youth Action Against Terrorism (IYAAT) in partnering association with other organizations of the same interest. The conference will further the post-2015 global development discourse on counter-terrorism, emphasizing counter-terrorism implementation challenges, by bringing together Youth representatives, youth leaders and leading counter-terrorism practitioners from around the world purposing to provide an opportunity to assess the crucial role of youths in counter-terrorism. The annual conference will also identify human rights and social justice issues on counterterrorism in the past years, success stories and lessons learned. As well, they shall identify the remaining gaps and challenges and emerging issues and priorities for the future to ensure that the global counter-terrorism agenda advance the realization of human rights and social justice in counter-terrorism measures. As a guiding tool, this note will serve as the basis for other purposes, including public information and the development of the Programme for the Conference.

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Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism


Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1

Problem Statement ................................................................................................................. 3


Justifications, Objectives of the Annual International Youth Conference on Counter-Terrorism .. 5


Proposed Intervention .................................................................................................................... 7





Administration ........................................................................................................................ 7


Participants’ Registration ........................................................................................................ 7


Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 7


Publicity ................................................................................................................................... 8


Venue ...................................................................................................................................... 8


Beginning of the Conference .................................................................................................. 8


Video Recording ...................................................................................................................... 9


Total number of Expected Participants .................................................................................. 9

Value Propositions .......................................................................................................................... 9 5.1

To the World as a whole ......................................................................................................... 9


To the Counter-Terrorism Efforts ......................................................................................... 10


To Conference Sponsors ....................................................................................................... 10


To the Host City, Country ...................................................................................................... 10


To the Participants ................................................................................................................ 11

The IYAAT Beyond 2016 International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism ...................... 11 6.1

Focus areas............................................................................................................................ 11


Envisaged outputs and results .............................................................................................. 12


Conference format ................................................................................................................ 13


Logistical aspects................................................................................................................... 13

Supporting Documents ................................................................................................................. 13

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Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism

1 BACKGROUND “Terrorism” is a word that has been afforded a definition for some hundreds of years, but it became more widely known after the 9/11 attack in the United States of America. The most sincere solution by most Governments across the World has been engaging into war with the Terrorist. War has seen most unfortunate victims decide to take vengeance against those who affected their daily norm of life. This is has been seen to affect schools. Students tend to leave college and abandon their rational thinking and join the most heinous terrorist groups across the world. Questions a Human Being can pause is: is it the harsh economic realities – do such harsh economic realities make a Human Being easily swayed – is it that Human Beings have disconnected from the Childhood social factors and centered on materialistic world, whereby if you cannot attain then you get frustrated “anomie”. There are a thousand and one questions that one have when delving into all forms of terrorisms that occur in our society. Such questions are what International Youth Action Against Terrorism is concerned with. The International Secretariat of International Youth Action Against Terrorism (IYAAT) strongly believes that by going back to the basics, learning and critically analyzing the writings and dictions of various persons within the society we can get to know what terrorism of a certain nature is all about and how can the same be addressed. Currently, the mainstream media pours to the public what it gets as firsthand information but a few will tend to look for the root cause of the problem. The people who are less knowledgeable consume such information without raising an eyebrow. Ignorance has swept most of us and this practice will affect the International Community largely. Looking at the dynamic society where-by technology is accessible to everyone who can utilize the same technological gadgets. Currently, most people believe the media more and the information they receive is what they act on it irrespective of some of them not proffering the inner circumstances that escalated the end result.

1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT The inclusion of the Youths across the globe in these efforts however has always remained on a general level while it should be noted that most, if not all its participants and victims are youths from across the world. The efforts of the Global Governments in counterterrorism, and those of Human Rights organizations in profiling are well acknowledged. Even with these said efforts, there’s lack of dedicated fora available for the youth to assist in averting the underlying gap of cohesion and the spirit joining hands in global peace, as youths globally, on matters of terrorism, still view each other through the biased lenses of Religion and race, which at the slightest provocation puts the world back into anarchy.

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Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism

International Youth Action Against Terrorism (Herein after referred to as IYAAT) is a Foundation that its mandate is discriminative and indiscriminative in nature. IYAAT is discriminative because it focuses on a particular Class of Human Beings within the world. The Class of concern is the Youth. IYAAT however acknowledges that the phrase “Youth” does not have a consistent meaning. This is provided herein under in terms of age parenthesis: Organisation United Nation Secretariat United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation International Labour Organisation United Nation Habitat (Youth Funds) United Nation Children’s Funds World Health Organisation United Nation Population Fund United Nations Development Programme African Youth Charter

Definition of Youth (Age parenthesis) 15 – 24 15 – 24 15 – 24 15 – 32 15 – 24 15 – 24 15 – 24 15 – 30 15 – 35

IYAAT does adopt the African Youth Charter definitions on who a Youth is, it should be noted that the same definition is closely related to that of United Nation habitat (Youth Funds) and United Nations Development Programme for reasons being that the two have an impact on developing the status of the Youth. IYAAT is indiscriminative because it targets Human Beings from all structures across the world; thus, International Youth Action Against Terrorism is working close with everyone irrespective of their sex, gender, ethnicity, religion, race, language, color, disability, culture, dress, health status. IYAAT also applauds the rich text of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that it also hopes if the same is appreciated by its target the rich text of International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights will be achieved. IYAAT notes that Terrorism is basically an act or omission that is executed so as to impact fear within a person or persons. Thus, apart from the daily understanding of the heinous attacks being made by various terrorist groups networked across the world, IYAAT acknowledges State and/or Persons Terrorism. State Terrorism includes that act or omission committed by a Democratic and Dictatorship State. A Democratic State will inflict fear on foreigners in their State of other States but will not attempt to touch their own citizens whilst Dictatorship form of Terrorism is an act or omission that a State commits against its own subject. All these acts or omissions have a common result which is to inflict fear that can make that group of people change their view or opinion.

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Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism

Person Terrorism, it based on the legal view. This is where-by the person (a juridical or an artificial person) undertake steps that will inflict fear on people or persons. Therefore, it is noteworthy that with a sincere definition of what terrorism is, there is likelihood of changing the perspective of the youth of what terrorism. This will help The Youth become the agents of their own peers, juniors and seniors. If this objective is achieved, we will be preparing a sufferable society. We will have an International Community that appreciate our own differences; hence, shun from mere manipulation of phrases that will lead to one fragment antagonizing against the other or the rest. Cyber-terrorism is also an emerging factor but there is less literature on it. Nevertheless, there are cases whereby cyber-attacks can be utilize to achieve the negative fruits of terrorism. For instance, the Security Agency in United States of America stated that planes should recheck the passenger Wi-Fi might or can be hacked into and maybe hacker may control the plane.

2 JUSTIFICATIONS, OBJECTIVES OF THE ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE ON COUNTER-TERRORISM With reference results from the past decade, there are some universal truths that cannot be departed from: • • •


Successful engagement of Youths have led to better policy formulation, implementation and evaluation; There has been an increase in recognition of Youths in social development processes; Youths across the globe have been effectively used to clarify government and organizations’ missions and visions. It is within this context that young people probably have their strongest impact. Universally agreed that young people help clarify and bring focus to organizations’ mission and vision, through informal and formal means, becoming the keepers and protectors of the world; The exclusion of youth from policy-making processes and power structures, whether deliberate or unintentional, can create significant tensions in society which can manifest itself in forms that represent a serious threat to the social fabric, such as crime and violence 1 . During a 2005 YEN High-Level Dialogue a Rwandan State Secretary stated: “A lot of Rwanda’s problems in the past have had to do with young people who are uneducated, unemployed, and unemployable. This meant that they were fertile ground for manipulation and for misuse by the selfish politicians that led to the1994 genocide”. Poor economic and social environment can foster conditions in which youth without prospects are manipulated, and are recruited or forced into armed conflicts, both

Joining Forces with Young people

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Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism

within their own borders and also in neighboring countries hence threatening global peace. The Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism has the following predefined objectives: 1. Highlight key challenges, their causes and areas of concern related to CounterTerrorism • Determine priority issues for building capacity and encouraging youth participation on counter terrorism programmes (e.g., through Social Justice and Human Rights advocacy, rectifying social disparities, strengthening the security sector and generating sustainable livelihoods); • Analyze challenges in transitioning from early recovery to long-term planning in post terrorism attack scenarios; and • Examine blockages that hinder counter-terrorism implementations, the design of counter-terrorism programmes, and the implementation of counter-terrorism programmes.

2. To present IYAAT’s recommendations and perspectives on the UN’s Post 2015 Development Agenda and, propose areas to be tackled to achieve the main project objectives of:

• Increasing youth’s capacities to utilize sustainable development principles in policy-making in countries facing terrorism and armed conflict;

• Recommending ways to integrate sustainable development principles into national development strategies as part of youth development and social justice. 3. Identify and assess the critical gaps in the area of Counter-Terrorism and comprehensive counter-terrorism planning in affected countries. • Assess needs related to the process, content, implementation and monitoring of sustainable development strategies; 4. Review and evaluate experiences and status of methodologies for integrating Human Rights and Social Justice Principles in overall Counter-Terrorism strategies in countries mostly affected by it. • Assess the principles of Human Rights and Social Justice, and analyze impediments to their implementation in counter-Terrorism strategies; • Identify both common and unique challenges to designing and implementing effective counter-terrorism strategies in the face of Human Rights Principles; and

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Share success stories and brainstorm solutions for addressing those challenges.

5. Make recommendations and propose areas to be tackled to achieve the main conference objectives above stated.

3 PROPOSED INTERVENTION To achieve the above predefined objectives, the Annual Youths Conference on CounterTerrorism is proposed to be held in selected Venue City every February. The first day is to be a plenary session set aside for the opening remarks as well as an expert-facilitated conference on Counter-Terrorism, Human Rights and Social Justice involving the participants presenting a paper(s) on the above topics before the conference itself, and these can be incorporated in the IYAAT’s CTS Journal (Counter-Terrorism Studies Journal).

3.1 ADMINISTRATION This Annual Conference shall be administered and managed by a Joint Organizing Committee made up of IYAAT International Secretariat members, aided by a select group of Organizing Partners (OPs) (whose selection procedure shall be set out in the IYAAT’s Annual Youths Conference Policy) in close consultation with the IYAAt’s International Secretariat.

3.2 PARTICIPANTS’ REGISTRATION The Annual Conference is planned to involve all youths from all over the World, albeit through the resident representatives sitting in the IYAAT Resident Council at that particular time. Each represented country is expected to register a maximum of two representatives each, of opposite genders. Further, each country may send a team of accompanying youths representatives. Each participant shall be required to register each with a standard fee to be set by the Conference Organizing Committee which will go a long way in defraying specific elements of the budget. The amount shall be remitted to the conference’s bank account set up under the IYAAT. Upon Registration, each participant shall be supplied with a PreConference operational pack consisting of travel Visa Support Letter, Official Conference Registration letter and any other documents as deemed appropriate

3.3 PREPARATION Preparations for the Annual Conference shall commence with the sending of official abstract invitation letters from the Conference Organizing Committee through the Resident Council and the PR and Communications Committee to the respective countries. Alongside the letters will be attached the Programme schedule for the conference, the theme/Title of the conference (with specific focus topics) and rules of procedure to govern the conference (these materials will also be made available within the IYAAT website. Page | 7

Annual International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism

3.4 PUBLICITY For publicity of the conference, the Organizing Committee purposes to have media partners who shall assist at their most convenient in publicizing the event. However, internally the PR and Communications committee shall be in charge of publicizing the event through all available platforms within the IYAAT budget.

3.5 VENUE Each year, before the formation of the next Conference Organizing Committee, the IYAAT Secretariat shall propose a list of probable cities to host the next conference, and from them, elect the venue city, based on: • Thematic significance; • Security; • Availability/Convenience of the Organizing Committee; • Frequency of the City being Venue (As no city shall host two consecutive Annual Conferences); • Costs; • Language considerations;

3.6 BEGINNING OF THE CONFERENCE The competition shall begin with the actual registration of participants in attendance at venue. Upon this registration, each participant shall be supplied with a Conference operational pack consisting of, and depending on the budget also, conference folders, name tags as well as branded IYAAT/Sponsor pens and T-shirts. Thereafter will be an opening ceremony to be presided over by the Conference Guest of Honor, and proceeded as the Programme specifies. This however shall be preceded by a brief orientation by a member of the Conference Organizing Committee, and/or Venue support staff on the operation and use of the conference facility, followed by brief welcoming remarks from the Master of Ceremony who shall welcome the Guest of Honor to give the keynote opening address. This shall take place in the Conference venue’s main auditorium/ballroom as convenient. Proceeding this on the first day shall be presentations/remarks by the experts, youth leaders and dignitaries in attendance before the whole lot of participants. The second day of the conference shall have paper presentations from the Resident Representatives, grouped into the focus topics drawn for the year’s Conference Theme/Title and running parallel to each other. This shall count as the preliminary paper presentation rounds. The preliminary rounds shall be conducted on guided procedure depending on number of participants and the expected results from them. The Organizing Committee of each annual youths conference on counter-terrorism shall ensure that the focus topics are at a minimum of 3 (three) and at a maximum of 4 (four) so at achieve substantive results, rather than elaborate results with less substance. Page | 8

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On the third and final day, the best 5 (five) researched papers from each focus topic shall be announced, following the experts’ analysis, and their writers rewarded. However, all participants receive a participation certificate, and if available, incentives by the event sponsors. The incentives shall not be limited to material but also educational/empowerment incentives such as internships and scholarships. This shall be preceded by brief speeches by the various invited guests present in order as proposed by the conference organizing Committee. The invited guests and resident representatives shall be presented a gift pack consisting of the Conference branded souvenir, a branded t-shirt, a CTS Journal among others things. This shall also serve as the closing ceremony. Afterwards, the resident representatives and other conference participants shall proceed for a 3 to 4 hours tour of the venue city, to a location most convenient in consideration of time, before being dropped at the designate airport for their return flights.

3.7 VIDEO RECORDING The events of the competition shall be video recorded during the whole duration of the competition (3days). This will enable the IYAAT’s PR and Communications Committee to produce DVDs on mooting in Kenya which shall include brief interviews of the participants, resident representatives, the youth leaders present, the IYAAT Secretariat, the invited guests and experts as well as other actors involved in the competition. This will add value to the counter-terrorism arena in the world by providing other digital resources on youths’ involvement in counter-terrorism.

3.8 TOTAL NUMBER OF EXPECTED PARTICIPANTS The conference in its full score is expected to involve 195 countries (UN Member States), each presenting one teams of two resident representatives, and any additional sponsored representatives. There will also be a total of 8 invited guests (Experts/dignitaries), and 5 IYAAT Goodwill Ambassadors. There will be further added 3 invited Youth Leaders. Additionally, there will be the IYAAT International Secretariat members. In summary the competition will involve a sum of about 200 people, including other guests as well as members of staff. The IYAAT Beyond 2016 International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism however is prepared to host only to a maximum of 200 participants.


To authenticate the Youths’ position as pivotal in the fight against terrorism, Human Rights and Social Justice Advocacy. To further the UN’s Post2015 Sustainable Development Agenda’s publicity through representation of its progress and goals in the Annual conferences. Page | 9

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To further the youths’ International Linkages through cooperation and collaboration with other world renowned scholars/Experts, and youth leaders, as well as conference Host city/country and sponsors.


• •

To create a platform where both the Youths, experts/scholars, youth leaders as well as organizations dealing with counter-terrorism, Human Rights and youth advancement can meet and deliberate/discuss the contemporary issues of relevance to counter-terrorism efforts across the world. To initiate a mentorship Programme by involved organizations, practitioners and experts/scholars. A platform to build capacity for future counter-terrorism experts


To authenticate the sponsor’ position in the fight against terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Human Rights and Social Justice Advocacy, and Youths empowerment. All our sponsors shall have a special feature in a brochure to be distributed to all participating Resident Representatives at the beginning of the competition, shall have room to display stand-up banners at the venue and present their organization’s brochures and any other materials to form part of the operational packs to be presented to the participants at the commencement of the competition, and further shall have time to briefly address the participants on their organizational goals and activities in the opening ceremony and further have room to present, a special award, to a category of their own choice at the conclusion of the conference. They shall moreover be featured in the IYAAT’s website.


To brand and market the City’s/Country’s profile in its status counter-terrorism efforts. To improve City’s/Country’s cooperation with other countries and partnering organizations in the country and to further its profile. To develop through partnerships with organizations in the sector linkages for advancement of the Annual conference focus topics. To be a center for holding events with cooperating foreign bodies or NGOs and to possibly develop exchange as well as scholarship programmes for its youths through the same. To give other countries’ youths an opportunity to learn the ways of the hosting City/Country through cultural exchange and the conference concluding tour. Page | 10

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• • •

To improve the participants’ advocacy, research and public speaking and presentation skills as well increasing their counter-terrorism, Human Rights, Social Justice and Youth Empowerment knowledge base. To increase the participants’ ability to research and to provide a basis for excellent writing on Counter-Terrorism through exposure to intensive research and a variety of research methodology. To aid in transition from academia to real practice To expose and test participants' practical application of theoretically acquired Counter-terrorism knowledge to a given thematic scenario of the conference. To build the students’ capacity to generate local International Law moot problems thus improving their critical and analytical thinking on legal contemporary issues affecting the society. To provide mentorship as well as possible internship, fellowship or scholarship placements after the conference.



5.1 FOCUS AREAS From the above objectives, the conference will focus on the following topics, subject to revision on annual basis, so as to facilitate the discussion of the implementation of the Global counter-terrorism agenda, bearing it in mind that some of the discussions would be linked with the ongoing UN’s Post-2015 Development Agenda: • • • •

Helping to strengthen capacities and institutions on counter-terrorism; Partnerships for bringing the issue of youth action in counterterrorism efforts amongst the masses; Monitoring and new forms of accountability on Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism strategies; Resources for youth development and capacity building.

The Annual Conferences shall in the end build on the reports and recommendations from parallel Conference processes as outlined above. To this end, the discussions from each session of the conference are closely intertwined. The conference should foster ideas, identify trends, note challenges and project future scenarios for implementation instruments in support of an overall Beyond 2016 Counter-Terrorism framework.

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5.2 ENVISAGED OUTPUTS AND RESULTS The conference will identify positive counter-terrorism developments in the past years, remaining gaps and challenges, as well as emerging issues and priorities for the future to ensure that the broader global counter-terrorism agenda, advance the realization of human rights and social justice in counter-terrorism strategies. The Conference will – while counting on the Global Youth Fora it shall provide - bring together positive developments, good practices and lessons learned in analyzing the involvement of the youths in acts of terrorism. Furthermore, the Conference will stimulate debate, identify new approaches while promoting the replication and scaling-up of demonstrated successful interventions. Keeping in mind that the IYAAT’s operation and programmes are of three-tier significance: •

One, the Counterterrorism efforts can mainly benefit from this organization as a test and implementation platform to popularize their projects aimed at the Global Youths without the religious and/or racial bias reception it would otherwise receive.

The second benefit shall accrue to the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism body in achieving its Post-2015 development agenda using the youths as participants and policy makers, while at the same having touch with the reality of the state of Global Youths.

The third significance shall accrue to the Global Youths as they finally get a broadbased but specific platform on their state and needs on the ground level, as well as gain practical experience in participation in the proposed IYAAT year round activities. IYAAT’s means of youth participation is through the inclusion of the Resident Council (RC) in the IYAAT’s organization structure and all functional positions in the International Secretariat (IX) .The RC is coordinated by the Director of Resident Council who sits in the IX.

The Conference will also identify solutions for the future and concrete follow-up actions in order to ensure that a human rights-based approach is an integral part of counter-terrorism strategies, as well as youths’ participation in counter-terrorism programmes. The outcomes of the conference, analytical papers, presentations and rapporteur summary will be hosted on the IYAAT web platform for Beyond 2016 consultations, and on preferred platforms of all organizing partners to this conference. The discussions emerging from the conference will inform the work of IYAAT going forward.

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5.3 CONFERENCE FORMAT The conference shall consist of several regular sessions spread across running parallel to each other, and two plenary sessions in the main auditorium. The plenary sessions shall be on the first and the last days of the conference (4th and 6th February 2016).

5.4 LOGISTICAL ASPECTS Venue & dates: The first Annual Conference

(IYAAT Beyond 2016 International Youths

Conference on Counter-Terrorism) thematic conference will be hosted by the IYAAT in Nairobi City of Kenya, from 4th – 6th February 2016. Participants: Apart from the Resident Representatives from IYAAT represented countries, a broad selection of participants conversant with Counter-Terrorism, Social Justice and Development, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law dimension of the Counter-Terrorism agenda shall be participants - by invitation. The IYAAT Beyond 2016 International Youths Conference on Counter-Terrorism is

however planning to host only to a maximum of 200 participants.

6 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1. IB2016 Annex #1 (Conference Budget) 2. IB2016 Annex #2 (Conference Programme) 3. IB2016 Annex #3 (Conference Participants’ Guidelines)

7 PROPOSED SPONSORS IYAAT shall approach sponsors from the following fields: • • • • • • • • • •

Counter-Terrorism Bodies; Human Rights advocacy and related bodies; Humanitarian and Related Bodies; Social Justice and Related Bodies; Youth Empowerment and related Bodies; Governments and Related Ministries; UN Bodies; Regional Bodies; Embassies; Youth Associations and Organizations.

In Extension, the IYAAT shall also approach corporate bodies whose interests are covered from the above list, and also in the facets of: • • • •

Media Partners Delegate Sponsor partners; Conference Venue Partners; Venue City Tour partners, amongst others.

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International Youths Conference on Counter ... -

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