CONCEPT OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE The use of Business Intelligence in every business function is growing. As the volume of transactional data goes up, insights hidden into this data can be mined using business intelligence. Banks have huge volumes of transactional data gathered over a period of time. The trends and patterns of the transactions can throw up many new perspectives and foster a data driven decision making. Business Intelligence in banking can be unveiled by asking these four questions: What business requirements? •All business decisions have a context and the data needs to be organized and mined for this context
1.To focus on the methodology of BI, independent of the tool used 2.To demonstrate the potential of BI 3.To focus on answering business, not delivering the reports, From gather business requirements to applying the technology, there is a unwavering focus on decision making
Which challenges to solve? • Every solution has a cost. Prioritizing challenges for the highest business return is the key
Who champions the cause? • Analysis is not as simple as it looks. Gathering data, keeping the analysis updated and assisting users to take data driven decisions demands a meticulous and a great amount of effort.
• Deposits with a focus on Term Deposits • Loans with a focus on Cash Credit Accounts • Cash Management
• The starting point could be vague, there could be a lot of grey areas in the way.
Analytics to drive actions • Action Oriented • Focused for decision
Business Intelligence Solution • Multi dimensiona l decision oriented
FINANCIAL, SOCIAL and ORGANIZATIONAL benefits are seen. Specifically in banking some of the areas covered are as follows: •Movement in CASA, Deposits •Analysis of usage of ATMs •Non-Performing Assets •Analysis of Demand & Term Loans •Priority / Weaker Section Exposure •Branch-wise Product Sales •Customer segmentation and risks •Top Depositors report •Earnings in Insurance Commission, PAN Card Commission, Franking •Employee productivity
How to do BI – the approach?
• Daily Transaction
•Installation and Configuration of BI platform •Requirement Gathering •Data Modelling •ETL •Information Delivery •Training to IT and Business Users
A detail report prepared from the fresh and in-depth insights helped the Bank to identify several opportunities to improve its performance by multifold. The system of dashboards and alerts gave a complete control to users and helped them act on opportunities to increase the profitability.
REFERENCES • Kimball’s – Datawarehouse tool kit • Business Research Methods Cooper, Schindler, Sharma • Carlo D'Amico - Web site and Portfolio
introduction objectives of study contribution ... -
CONCEPT OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. The use of Business Intelligence in every business function is growing. As the volume of transactional data goes up, ...
infrastructure and financial constrains (UPOV, 1981;. Roller, 1984).This paper reports the use of leaf morphometrics concerning in two willow species, S.
Jun 6, 2007 - negligible degree to training in foreign languages." In reviewing Epstein's La ... 42-51; cited by Coleman, op. cit., p. 94. l4 Oscar H. Werner, "The ...
that ethical decision making has a pay-off so that the prosperity of a company is assumed to. I be related to its ... shortage of jobs and supervisor has a family to support, the pressure to act unethically is really great. ..... include dealing with
17 sites with abundant Vaccinium sp. within the UAF. Bonanza ... 15-20 m or 25-40 m from the centers of each site. ... Citizen science monitoring of Melilotus sp.
administration and management from the earliest historic times as Goody. (1977) points ...... "Maximize profits" or the legislators say, "Eliminate dangerous health hazards", it does so. .... The new elite of clerks and masters produces 'a vast new .
e describe tlie role of foreign trade in the economic development of a country ..... there is a large scope to enhance the export of tourism, software ..... factors such as going back on n contract and refusing to fulfil it on its original terms, ina
about the forces exerted on an object by other objects for different types of forces or components of forces. [SP 6.4, 7.2]. 3.A.3.2: The student is able to challenge ..... string length, mass) associated with objects in oscillatory motion to use tha
Fuel accounts for (26%) of tlie total imports for the year. 1996-97. ..... Chemical and allied products: It accounts for 9.6% ofthe total exports for the year 1996-97.
Feb 5, 2016 - NCTC. Who Should Attend. This course is designed for fisheries biologists, hatchery managers, fish health biologist, or wildlife biologist ... introductory program that familiarizes participants with the signs, causes, control and preve
Establish human rights through good governance; and. 5. Expand ... Social media: Webpage: .... in marketing sector. This project is ...
development cooperation: from economic growth to an integrated ..... But withdrawing aid also incurs an opportunity cost for building a longer term safeguard.
protection of consumers, workers, merchants, and financiers. Ijtihad. (opinion) was used to .... andZaidi paper. They affirm using the supply of credit and money,.
Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) is a unique ... Skype name: beds20111 ... mainly two sites, Karamjal and Sundarban Information Centre (SIC). ... To make people free from anxiety about buying fuel. .... information and data avail
(Source: Added at 34 Ill. Reg. .... Demonstrate the ability to operate hand and power tools used ... Identify alternative actions related to various hazards while.
Jun 1, 2013 - All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) and District Educational Officers in the. State is ... Director, Adult Education, Project Director, Women.
Most modern database managers also allow the storage of other types of information such as dates, hyperlinks, pictures and sounds. As well as being able to store data, a database allows you to select information quickly and easily. (for example, a li
L1: Recall religious stories and recognise symbols and other verbal and visual ... The journey of life and death: why some occasions are sacred to believers, and.
15 Dec 2016 - application. Furthermore, the Scientific Advice Working Party will bring forward scientific advice to facilitate proactive pharmacovigilance planning, and integrated advice on safety, quality and efficacy .... The SAWP shall pay special
After recovery, deafferented animals show little change in yield of the ... drive learned over a period of time may replace the missing stretch reflex ..... one without sensory contribution (aâc), i.e., when stretch reflexes contribute 30% of overa
Jun 1, 2016 - advice, applications for the authorisation of community marketing authorisation ... The drafting group will report to the PhVWP-V in direct line. ... products or in their field of expertise and be included in the European experts list.
Jul 13, 2017 - with provisions laid down by the Management Board, e.g. the .... Report on the activities of the working party to the CVMP or other ... discussion topic due to conflict of interest, he/she must inform the secretariat in advance in.