Introduction to Paragliding A Training manual and study guide for beginner and novice level pilots

飞行伞简介 初学者及入门飞行员之训练与学习手册

By Malcolm Vargas, aka:马太乙, USHPA 美国滑翔翼暨飞行伞协会 Translation: Doris Wang , 王怡璇


Introduction to Paragliding A Training manual and study guide for beginner and novice level pilots

飞行伞简介 初学者及入门飞行员之训练与学习手册

First edition copyright 2008 by Malcolm Vargas All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. All rights reserved for translation into other languages. No liability is assumed with respect to use of the information herein, nor any endorsement of any product is implied or intended.

版权所有,未经作者书面许可,不可以任何电子、传统形式,以节录、印制、录音或其他数据储存、 复原档案或重制。 First printing Summer 2008

初版 2008 年夏 printed in the ROC, Taiwan 出版地 台湾 published by Malcolm Vargas, ….. Taiwan 出版者 Malcolm Vargas/马太乙 ISBN _ - ________________- __

Cover picture: less than 1 hour from Taipei, smooth air on a sandy beach at Wai Ao, Ilan provides a perfect landing training location for translator, pilot, Doris Wang.

封面照片:地点─宜兰外澳,距离台北不到一个小时车程;可提供绝佳降落训练。主角为本书译者 、飞行员─王怡璇。


Acknowledgements 谢辞 My first thanks must go to my dear wife, and partner-in-life and flight without whom this book would not have been completed, Doris (Yi Hsuan) Wang, Lee Rensen, who gave me my first flights, Tom Hoy, gave me my first wing, Eddie Hsr gave me my first take off zone, Anatoly Cohn of Apco Aviation gave me my first agency, my flying mates, Y.B. Human?, Roger Smith, Kerry Best, Jaco Hoerst Eugene Wilcox and the inimitable Robert Q. Watson, Gabe Jebb , … 首要感谢挚爱的妻子 Doris 王怡璇,生活伴侣及飞行伙伴,没有你们这本书无法完成;李仁生-放飞教 练,Tom Hoy-给了我第一顶伞,施中怀-给了我第一个起飞场,Anatoly Cohn- 让我开始 Apco 的代理, 飞行伙伴们 Y.B. Human? ,Roger Smith, Kerry Best Kerry,Eugene Wilcox 及 Robert Q. Watson,Jaco Hoerst,Godfrey Meyers…。 To the flying family at Torrey Pines, David, Maya and Gabriel Jebb, and crew, the entire membership of the Taitung Aerosports Association, Jason, Sweet Potato, May- May, ABC, for innumerable tree rescues, Sophie Kidd, the Luyeh Township government, Hwa Dong Valley Tourism Association, Chunghwa Ming Gwo Aerosports Association, Torrey Pines 飞行家族,David, Maya and Gabriel Jebb, 及工作人员。所有台东飞行协会的会员,吉生、 番薯、美美、ABC 等,挂树救援;鹿野乡公所 Sophie Kidd,花东纵谷观光局,台湾飞行运动协会。 Ah Jin, Ah Dzen, Dong Ba, No 11, Wu Ming–I, Chen Yang Ming, Sweet Potato, Flying Squirrel, Sam Chang, Dr. Mark, Black Spot, Tai San, Mustang… Roger Su, Gin Seok Song, Big Air Paragliding, Jerome Daoust, ditors and authors of Cross Country magazine, English and Chinese edition, USHPA magazine. 阿俊、阿政、东宝、11 番、Chen Yang Ming、番薯、飞鼠、叮当猫(张存续) 、医师马克、黑点、(已故) 泰山、野马、Roger Su、珍- Suk、Big Air Paragliding, ,Jerome Daoust,中英文越野杂志的编辑与作者 群,美国飞行协会杂志。 Thanks to Stephen Liao, Chris Yeh, Uncle Fan ( Fan Jen Ren) for their textual contributions, suggestions, encouragement and camaraderie. 感谢小廖、老蟑螂、范叔-范增仁等人的文章,建议、鼓励,以及飞行情谊。 Samuel and John for their enduring patience… 马卜维及马卜元的无比耐心… And to the Paragliding pilots of Taiwan for their long suffering patience with this one fumbling foreigner’s efforts to fit into the local culture and customs. 同时也谢谢台湾飞行员,对这个笨拙的外国人,努力地想融入本地文化所展现的无比耐心。

A number of local pilots who hav always been an inspiration to me, Black Spot, Tarzan and Pai Gu, Fei Su, Mark, who have a very good attitude about flying responsibly. They form the core of a good reputation for paragliders in Taiwan. 许多台湾本土飞行员如黑点、(已故)泰山、排骨、飞鼠、及马克等对于飞行责任的良好态度,对我一 直都是种鼓舞;而他们也是在台湾飞行员的核心榜样。



Dedication 仅献予…

in memoriam 纪念 in memory of “Ah Loon” Law Ji Loon, whose untimely departure from this world, provided the initial impetus for this book…



About the author 关于作者

Malcolm Vargas, aka: 马太乙 has been flying paraglider since 1999. He has taught ESL since 1982, lived in Taiwan since 1986, has done international trade in Taiwan for several years, and has had several business adventures in retail, service and tourism. Originally from New York, he has lived in numerous countries. 马太乙来自纽约,从 1999 年开始学习飞行伞。自 1982 年起,教导以英语为第二外语对象之英语, 于 1986 年起居住于台湾,此外也住过几个不同的国家,曾从事国际贸易零售业服务业及旅游业,也 有过几次零售商业经历。 He dreamt of flying since childhood. When the homemade wing on the bicycle failed, he tried a giant kite. When that failed, he shelved the idea and drove cars fast. When that got him into trouble, he bought a ticket to Asia. 他小时后就梦想飞行,历经自制飞行脚踏车与巨型风筝都失败后,他开始开快车;开快车为他带来麻 烦,也将他带到亚洲来。 He started flying when Lee Rensen offered to train him at Lu Yeh, Kao Tai, Taitung. He flew with, observed and trained with several coaches in Taiwan. He gleaned a great deal of knowledge from coaches worldwide on the internet. He read extensively in micrometeorology and sport aviation. 他在鹿野高台遇到教练李仁生并开始学习飞行。他与几个教练一起飞,一起受训,也与台湾教练一同 训练及观察。他从网络上,汲取大量来自世界各地教练的知识。并且密集地阅读大气象学、飞行运动 等相关文章。 Later, amidst a series of mishaps, he decided to help transfer the USHPA knowledge base to Taiwan. He was trained and certified as a coach at Torrey Pines CA, USA. He stayed on and worked for 2 months to better understand the technology, techniques and management of safety and training. 之后,在一连串不幸事故当中,他决定将 USHPA 的知识基础介绍到台湾。在美国加州 Torrey Pines 接 受训练,并取得教练执照后,为了进一步了解安全管理及训练的知识技巧,而留在 Torrey Pines 工作 2 个月。 This book is a culmination of his flying career. 本书为其飞行生涯中的高峰。

You can’t imgine the immense sacrifices which we have made to make this information available. I hope that you will find it in your hearts and pockets to forward a mall token of your gratitude, 7USD to this account at : [email protected]


foreword 前言 This book was written while coaching my dear wife and partner-in-life carefully, slowly, gently and patiently as a mother hen.

在完成本书的过程中,我小心、缓慢、温和、有耐心地如同母鸡般,指导挚爱的妻子,生活伴侣。 I resolved early in my coaching career to approach this activity as if each student were my own flesh and blood.

早在教练生涯开始前,便已下定决心要指导学生如骨肉般。 In teaching my wife to fly and simultaneously working with her on this book, we have developed a systematic approach based on slow and thorough methodology informed by the USHPA, the Chunghwa Paragliding Association, David Jebb and Gabriel Jebb of the Torrey Pines Gliderport, the Golden rule, educational psychology and systems theory.

在译者学飞期间同时本书也在进行,我们根据 USHPA 及中华民国飞行运动协会及 Torrey Pines Gliderport, David Jebb and Gabriel Jebb 的黄金定律及教学法,缓慢且透彻地发展出有系统的步骤。 The book follows an upward spiraling structure from ground base to cloud base.

螺旋上升的架构如同飞行伞从地表而上抵达云底。 The text is organized to provide what the student needs to know before beginning kiting training in the first 4 chapters. Chapters 5 – 7 provide what is needed for the first flights. The last chapters provide what is needed to know for refining piloting skills.

本书的前 4 章提供学员在开始斗伞前所需知识基础。而 5-7 章则给予第一次飞行所需要技能。最后一 章则针对技巧精进。

Be prepared, be informed, be competent, be confident. 彻底准备、充分了解、以及培养能力 Happy landings 降落愉快 Malcolm Vargas 马太乙

The cover lists me as the author although the contributions are from a vast number of sources all listed in the acknowledgements. I received texts from Steven Liao, Simon Oeung, Uncle Fan, Chris Yeh, …. Although these texts are not included in the book, the book itself could not have been written without the benefit of their contribution. 虽然敝人名列作者,本书却由许多资源所共同建构,详述于谢辞中。其中包含小廖、范叔、小蟑螂… 等;即使这些文章未收录于本书,但这些人的无私奉献也促成了本书的问世。


Preface 前言 During the years preceding the printing of this text, the sport aviation population in Taiwan has dropped like a pilot whose lines were cut. Frightening, eh? This was in large part due to economics. It was also in no small part due to a long series of accidents. 本书出版前几年,台湾航空运动人口,像飞行员切断伞绳急速下坠般减少,这样的比喻很吓人吧? 但事实上经济因素占大部分,同时意外事件时有所闻也导致不小的影响。 All of these accidents were due to pilot error. We hear these stories and remark, “He should have known this. He should have done that. He should not have…. “ 这些意外多导因于飞行员的错误;当我们听到这样的故事时都会说「他应该知道这件事的,他以前作 过的啊,他应该…」 Most sports are easy to enjoy without exerting a great deal of mental energy but require physical development. By contrast paragliding is a sport which is 95% brain and 5% muscle. It requires a great deal of knowledge and understanding. 大部分的运动都要求体能,而非大量心理能量。然而,飞行伞是 95%靠脑力 5%靠体力的一项运动; 因此需要相当的知识与理解。 I have to take my hat off to people of less developed countries who attempt this sport by shear tenacity and raw courage. As history has shown us, courage alone does not overcome fear. It will get you hurt and maybe killed. 我必须向发展中国家,哪些靠着坚持、与勇气来尝试这项运动的人致敬。历史的教训使我们了解勇气 并不能克服恐惧,那只会使你受伤甚至死亡。 The weapons against fear are information, knowledge, understanding and love. Don’t let your fear control your life. Learn to control your fear. 对抗恐惧的武器是信息、知识、了解与爱。不要让你的恐惧控制你的生命,学着控制你的恐惧吧。 Paragliding is often described as an extreme sport. There is nothing extreme about it except that to safely enjoy it, you must be extremely knowledgeable and intelligent. 飞行伞运动常被解读为极限运动,除了安全地享受飞行的乐趣没有啥么是极端的,你必须积极地充实 知识并且学聪明点。 This book is designed to tell you what you SHOULD know. This way in the future no one will be saying what you SHOULD have done. 本书先告诉你应该做的;如此一来,日后就不会有人对着你说,你早应该这么做。

Take Care and...保重 Take air!!乘风 Happy landings. 降落愉快 Malcolm and Doris Vargas 马太乙/王怡璇


Addenda: Inspection checklist, Courtesy rules, Sample dhv report, Instructor checklist, glossary, recommended operating limitations, Site guide, Clubs and Associations, sample log book entries, references 附录:检查表、道德条款、DHV 报告模板、教练检核表、术语、建议操作限制项目、场地导览、俱乐 部及协会、飞行记录簿模板、参考数据。


Chapter 1

The Pilot 飞行员 "When I was a kid, I used my mom's bed sheet to make a parachute and jumped off the roof of the barn. I broke my arm. "

「小时候,我把妈妈的被单当成降落伞从车库屋顶跳下来,把手摔断了。」 "When I was a kid, I tied trash can liners together, tied them to my pants belt and jumped off the roof. "

「小时候,我把垃圾桶绑在裤子的皮带上从屋顶跳下来。」 "I built a 2 meter kite out of plastic wrap and bamboo and tied it to my back. "

「我用塑料绳和竹子做了个 2 米长的风筝绑在我的背上。」 There is no end to the stories told by pilots of the mad schemes they contrived as children trying to fly. No longer children, we can now realize that childhood dream with the knowledge, wisdom and responsibility of well informed adult minds.

孩提时尝试飞行的故事,不断地在飞行员间流传着。直到长大,我们才了解儿时的梦想,加上知识与 智能,以及成熟的态度才能实现这个理想。 Attitude 态度 Countless glider pilots have been flying for decades without ever having an injury. They do it by maintaining a complete knowledge base and maintaining a respectful attitude. Courage alone will get you killed.

透过维持知识基础及保持尊敬的态度,有无数飞行员在数十年飞行经验中未曾受伤;勇气只会让你受 伤。 We are entering into a new domain. This domain is completely unfamiliar to us. And, like going to a new country, we are wise to prepare for this journey by reading books and studying maps. This way we know what to expect and how to prepare for it. Think of this book as a guide book to a new world.

我们正进入我们所不熟悉的领域;如同到了另一个国家,透过阅读书籍及研究地图而了解,以便可预 期并事先做好准备。你可以将这本书当成通往新世界指南。 The very idea of running off a cliff is a command to someone to go kill himself. This shows how deeply imbued in us is the idea that man was not meant to fly. A large part of the process of learning to fly is to overcome this idea even at the subconscious level.

要求别人从悬崖跳下如同要求对方自杀一般,这也显现出人们想要飞行之愚蠢至极的主意。大部分学 习飞行的过程是为了实行飞翔的概念,甚至于存在潜意识里。 There is a great deal of mental preparation that is occurring while we are training our body and learning the technology and techniques. As coaches we are responsible for this.

当在训练我们的身体并学习知识及技能时,心理层面的准备是很重要的。然而身为教练更要为此负 责。 There is a great deal of understanding, knowledge that must be gained. Learn it and learn it well. This book contains the essentials of a new pilot. You will spend the rest of your piloting career gaining more knowledge. The safe pilot is the one who acknowledges that he/she is always learning. Come to paragliding humbly and humbly stay there.


其中很重要且必须要学习的就是理解与知识,要学且要学的好。这本书包含了新手飞行须知;且在未 来飞行的过程中获得更多的知识,安全的飞行员是能体认并不断学习,谦卑地飞并谦卑的维持下去。 There are 2 basic hindrances to learning to fly. And, addressing these hindrances provides a neat format for understanding the processes involved in teaching/learning flight. They are emotional, specifically fear, and cognitive, specifically a steep learning curve.

学习飞行有两个障碍,这就得谈到影响飞行的障碍,其中涉及教学/学习的最终模式。这包含了心理的 恐惧及初学者在认知学习上的障碍。 Emotional 情绪的 FEAR 恐惧 All cultures use fear to control. But we must not become slaves to our fears. One way to overcome fear is to “be brave‟, be courageous. This is a childish way. A better way is to use knowledge. If we use only courage we can get hurt or killed. Fear is our signal that we need to learn.

所有的文化利用恐惧来控制事务,但我们绝不要被恐惧所奴役。克服恐惧的方法之一是有勇气、无畏 的;但这是幼稚的,仅利用勇气我们则会受伤或是死亡。较佳的方式是运用知识去了解,恐惧是我们 需要学习的讯号。 As we come to understand the systems, processes, elements of flight, we overcome our fear. Too much fear prevents learning. So, learning must go along with the reduction of fear.

当我们了解飞行系统过程及飞行元素,我们便克服恐惧。太多的恐惧阻碍了学习,故要学习必须降低 恐惧。

Overcome Fear with Knowledge! 知识克服恐惧 One way to reduce fear is desensitization. By gradual exposure to the object feared, we can reduce the fear response to a manageable level. If a person is afraid of heights we can have them jump a foot or 2 off the ground. If a pilot‟s first flights are gliding a meter agl, he/she will be more relaxed. Learning can occur. 降低恐惧的其中一种方式是减感作用(减少情绪化);透过渐进地面对恐惧,我们可以降低对恐惧的反 应并达到可控制的层次。如果有惧高症先请他单脚或双脚远离地面,假设第一次飞行滑行一米远/高于 地表,那么他会比较放松,如此学习便有成效。 When you recognize you are afraid, stop and deal with it. Back down a step or 2 on your training curriculum. Retreat to a safer task and wait until you have mastered it. 当你察觉害怕时停下来并解决,透过回到训练期时前一个或前两个步骤,以较安全的做法重新面对直 到熟练为止。 Here are some of the symptoms of fear to watch for when training: 以下是一些恐惧症状在训练时期所要注意的: o o o o o o

sweaty palms 手心冒汗 clenched jaw 紧咬牙根 shallow breathing 呼吸短促 performance hesitation 表现迟疑 wandering attention 注意力涣散 silence or stuttering 静默或口齿不清


The Panic State 处于惊慌之中 Have you ever been in a situation that is life threatening and you don‟t know what to do? How did you respond? Did you freeze up? Were you at a loss of words? Did you lose control of your muscle activity? Did you forget the things that you should have remembered to do?

你曾经处于生命遭受威胁,你却不知道该如何是好吗?你如何反应? 你被吓呆说不出话,甚至无法控 制肌肉活动,或是忘记你原本记得的处理程序? This is the panic state. It is quite normal. If you want to learn to fly, you must learn to overcome the limitations imposed on you by the panic state. If you cannot, or if you are not willing to learn to conquer the panic state, close the book now. Go play golf.

这就是所谓惊慌阶段,而且相当普遍。如果你想学习如何飞行,就必须学习克服恐慌所带来的限制。 假如你无法达成,或是无法克服恐慌,那么阖上书本,去打高尔夫球吧! Good bye. 再见。 The best way to overcome the panic state is to BE PREPARED. The best way to be prepared is to:

克服恐惧最好的方法就是充分准备,达到充份准备的最佳方式为: o o o o

understand the situation 了解情况 anticipate what COULD happen. 推断可能发生的情况 be aware of the current situation 体认现状 be completely rehearsed in how to handle any mishaps 充分预习到能够处理任何意外状况

This requires a great deal of study, paying attention and practice.

这需要大量的阅读、专注以及练习。 Almost every possible mishap is described in this book. Read it. Read other pilots accident reports on the internet.

几乎每个可能发生的意外状况,在这本书中均有介绍,好好地阅读。并从网络上看其他飞行员的事故 报告。 Many of the deflations and instabilities are easy to practice. If you practice doing big ears you will be ready when you have a wing tip collapse. If you practice porpoising, you will be ready when it happens by accident.

多数溃伞及不稳定的情况是容易练习的。当你在练习双边小夹(大耳朵)时,你就会有伞尖塌陷的心理 准备。事先预习准备,就连突如其来的求婚也能轻松以对。 Symptoms of a panic attack: 恐慌状态的指标: increased heart rate 心跳加速

inadequacy 失落

uncontrollable sweating 不断冒汗

excessive fear 极度恐惧

shortness of breath 呼吸短促

temporary loss of memory 短暂失忆

difficulty breathing 呼吸困难

perceptual disorientation 视觉失调

adrenaline rush 肾上腺素激增

trembling 颤抖

butterflies in the stomach 肠胃翻滚

confusion 困惑

feeling of going crazy 接近疯狂

chest pain 胸痛

dizziness 晕眩

hopelessness 没有希望的

choking sensation 窒息感

catatonia 紧张症

Know thyself! 了解你自己 3

Recovery from panic 从恐慌中回复 Bring your toggles up. This is to prevent a stall. Many people go into a fetal position in a panic state. This would bring the toggles down into a possible stall.

向上抬升控制环,可以避免失速的产生;许多人在恐慌时,有可能将控制环向下拉,达到导致致命的 失速情况的发生。 Physical symptoms 身理征兆: Deep breathe through your nose, hold it for 3 seconds and exhale slowly. Do it again. 用鼻子深呼吸,持续 3 秒再慢慢地呼出,再做一次。 Clench your lower abdomen; stomach muscles and sphincter. A common expression among soldiers going into battle was, “Keep a tight asshole.” This helps to maintain blood flow to the brain. Also, it reassures you that you have some control over the situation. And, proximo-distally, you can expand that control. 收紧你的下腹部,胃部肌肉及括约肌。套句阿兵哥在战场上常说的「把屁股绷紧」,这可以帮你维 持脑部的血液循环,同时确保你可以集中并扩展注意力,以便控制眼前所面临的状况。 Talking to yourself is sign of higher order intelligence. Do it. The sound of your own voice is calming. Positive thoughts will reduce your physical symptoms. Tell yourself, “I have been thoroughly trained to treat all situations. I have done this before. I am a fully capable intelligent human being.” Then, go on to step 4. Or sing a simple song. No, not a lullaby. Or talk to your glider. If you could be in a gaggle during an international competition you would hear a mumbling like a swarm of bees as the pilots talk to their gliders. 跟自己说话是一个较高层次的智力指标,试着去做;你自己的声音是很平静的,而积极的想法将会 降低身理征兆;告诉自己,你已接受过完整的训练,以便应付所有情况,而这是我的亲身经验,告 诉自己「我很聪明」 ,然后进行第 4 步骤或是唱首简单的歌,当然不是催眠曲啰。试着跟你的伞 说话,假如你在国际竞赛中,你会听到一堆飞行员像蜜蜂似地,叽叽喳喳正对着自己的伞说话。 Mental and emotional 心理的与情绪的: “Reboot” your memory. Recall simple and obvious facts; name, telephone number, e mail address, homepage, children‟s names, wife‟s birthday (Don‟t worry if you can‟t remember it). Then, begin to recall the training you had in the simulator about rapid descent techniques in preparation for the corresponding deflations. Then, go to step 4.

“重新启动”你的记忆,试着回想简单明确的事实:姓名、电话号码、电子邮件账号、网页、孩子的 名字、老婆的生日(如果不记得也没有关系) 。然后回想你在仿真器上,练习迅速下降时所对应的塌 陷反应,接着进行步骤 4。 Get on the radio and talk to someone, “So, how‟s the weather?” or some other benign remark.

透过对讲机与别人谈话「天气如何啊?」 ”或是闲话家常。 Assess the situation according to the descriptions in Emergency procedures. Look up at your glider. Feel where the tension is distributed on your lines. Exactly what is the problem? Chances are there is no problem. Many panic attacks are unfounded. Or, by the time you got yourself under control the glider did also. Make sure you study the section on emergency procedures. 根据紧急处理程序,抬头看你的伞,找出造成伞绳张力不均的确实原因,很有可能根本没有问题。 许多造成恐慌的原因并不明朗,甚至当你找到原因时你的问题也解决了;确定你已经研读了有关紧 急处理步骤的章节。

Conquer thyself, THEN the sky! 战胜自己进而征服天空 4

Object Fixation 物体锁定 Maybe you have seen this video on World's Funniest Videos: a man is paragliding. He is coming into landing over a small stream. He appears to want to miss the stream. He pulls the left toggle. He pulls the right toggle. He pulls the left, all the while looking down into the stream. Of course, he lands directly in the stream.

或许你看过「个人飞行秀」世上最有趣的影片。他从溪流上方进场准备降落,看起来就快错过了。他 一下拉左煞车,一下拉右煞车;整个过程他不断往下看着河床。想当然尔,最后他降落在河床上了。 The story is told of the child learning to ride a bicycle that runs the bicycle straight into the only tree within 50 yards in any direction. Other pilot who lands his plane crashing into the only tree within miles.

当我们还小正在学习如何骑脚踏车时,无论如何总会撞上那颗在 50 码(约 50 米)远的树。正如同飞行 员降落时,不偏不倚撞上那几哩内唯一的一颗树一般。 This is a phenomenon called Object Fixation. By fixating on the object we DON'T want to hit, we hit it. The mind seems to get the signals crossed. It happens so often and is the reason for so many accidents and fatalities that it is a part of every good aviation course. The way to avoid it is to fixate on ANOTHER object or area where you DO want to hit. Rather than sending yourself a DON'T command, you send yourself a DO command and you REPLACE the object with another object.

以上便是「物体锁定」的现象。注视着不想撞上的物体,最后却总是撞上了;注意力似乎接收到交错 的信号。这样的情形经常发生,而且造成意外或是致命伤害;良好的飞行课程亦应涵括此项目。要避 免这现象发生最好的方法是:锁定其他区域或是你想要降落的地方,而非一味地告诉自己「不要」 做。

Use “Do” Commands for self-control 使用「作」的指令来自我控制 Cognitive 认知 Steep learning curve 陡峻的学习曲线 The sky is a totally unfamiliar place. There is much we must learn to become comfortable there. There is so much that it must be learned slowly in small pieces. The information must be placed in the correct order like building blocks. There are basic skills to master before going on to more difficult skills. There is basic knowledge which will help top learn more complex ideas.

天空是个完全陌生的地方,且有很多需要循序渐进,慢慢地以正确程序学习使我们能乐在其中;有太 多要如同盖房子般,在接受艰难的技巧前,须先熟悉基本技能,且能帮助学习更复杂的概念。 Most learning occurs by relating it immediately to things already learned. So, for the average person, what relates to flying? New learners must find familiar experience to connect to. Many of these will be by comparison and by metaphor. 大部分的学习都与曾经学习过的知识有立即的关联,因此大部分的人都在思考什么与飞行相关。初学 者必须找出其中的关联性,大部分则是透过比较或比喻的方式。 The comparisons are easy. Watch the flaps on the wings next time you ride an airplane. This will help you to understand the trailing edge of the glider. Watch the wings of a bird as it flies. Watch the leaves in the air to understand turbulence. Blow smoke at the fan in your house. Watch how it behaves. Watch bubbles rising in a glass of 7 Up to visualize morning thermal development. Examine steam over a pot of boiling water. It may help you understand cloud formation.


比较是容易上手的方式。例如在下次搭飞机时观察机翼运动的情形,这会帮助你了解伞翼后缘的作用 情形。观察鸟类飞行时的翅膀;透过观察在空中飞舞的落叶来了解乱流的情形;在家里用风扇吹烟观 察整个过程。观察 7 喜汽水的气泡在玻璃杯中上升的情形,以便了解早晨热气流发展的情况。检验沸 腾的开水上的蒸气或许能让你了解云的结构。 By breaking the learning process into small chunks, and insisting on mastery of each chunk before progressing we achieve 2 things: 透过将学习内容切割成几个大主题,并且在进行任何一个主题前将疑虑厘清,有以下两个目的: o reduce the severity of the steep learning curve 降低学习的困难程度 o reduce the level of anxiety and fear 减低紧张及不安 By allowing the pilot some bunny hops, he/she becomes confident in the ability of the glider to support his/her weight. Later on, when he/she is 200 meters agl there is less chance of panic. 容许飞行员作一些兔子跳,来增加他/她对于飞行伞可以支撑他/她的体重之信心。接着当他/她在距离 地表 200 米时将大幅减少恐惧的机会。 The learning curve can be flattened out by the following strategies 透过以下的方法使得学习变得简单: o make sure you know all of the terminology before beginning the tasks. 在任务开始前已确定 了解专业术语 o break the tasks down into manageable units 将其切割成可以掌握的单元 o don‟t practice to a point of fatigue 不要练习到精疲力竭 o practice under conditions where the student FEELS assuredly safe 在学员感觉肯定安全的情 形下练习如:  will not get snagged 不会纠结  will not get dragged 不会拖曳  will not get gusted off the ground 不会被强风吹离地面 o establish routines and work them to the point of habituation 将例行动作练习到成为习惯性 o use muscle memory 利用肌肉记忆

Chunking, muscle memory and a non-threatening learning environment can reduce a steep learning curve

大量的肌肉记忆及不具威胁的学习环境将可减低陡峻的学 习曲线 Goals 目标 By setting specific goals in small units, baby steps, we assure the pilot a series of simple and manageable tasks. This way he/she can observe his progress, and receive compliments and encouragement. He can plot his progress.

透过设定如婴儿学步般较小的目标,以确定飞行员能够完成易控制的任务。如此一来他/她可以检视进 度并受到赞美及鼓励,甚至规划学习进度。 For example, the thought of controlling 500 meters of string and 30 sq meters of fabric is confusing. But, when the wing is gradually opened and put away systematically it becomes easy. Do it 7 times. When you can do it without thinking, we are ready to continue.


例如:有着控制 500 米长的绳子、30 平方米大的布料的想法是令人困惑的。但当伞翼慢慢地张开且 有系统地放下则变得简单。 Motivation 动机 Students may question many of the tasks set in the process of learning. It is important that they know the objective, the benefits of learning them and the dangers of not learning them.

许多学生在学习的过程中会对很多指令产生质疑。所以让学员了解学习的主题,以及相关的优缺点是 很重要的。 Foundations 基础 It is very important that new learners have a good understanding of what comes before. If the foundation is not stable, everything we put on it will be shaky.

新学员在学习时能了解学习的先后次序是很重要的。。如果基础不扎实,后来所学的也就不稳固。 The Learning Zones 学习区 The student can be in one of 3 states of mind while learning a new task

当学员在学习新任务时会处于下列三种心理状态之一: 1. The comfort zone- everything is familiar, safe. Usually involves repeating old activities.

舒适-每项任务都是熟悉且安全的,通常出现在重复练习的过程。 2. The Stretch zone - This is the edge of familiar territory. It consists of enough novelty that learning can occur. There is some stress. But it is manageable.

延伸-这是熟悉领域的边界。它包含了学习过程中产生的新奇体验,这其中也包含了可控制 的压力。 3. The panic zone - the amount of novelty and /or danger is so great that the stress level is too high. This is where most pilots are on their first flight unless they have been properly prepared. The primal survival mechanism takes over. Learning cannot occur.

惊慌-当新奇的经验/危险已经造成压力过大时所遭遇的情形。大部份新学员的第一次飞行都 是如此;除非他们大部分的情形都已经模拟准备过了。原始求生 本能机械式地取代,也无法 学习。 It is in the comfort zone that automatic processing has been learned. It is passing through to the stretch zone that new behavior can be introduced. 在舒适区已经知道如何自然地处理已经学到的;借着进入延伸区来建立新的行为态度。 Fatigue 疲劳 You cannot learn when under fatigue. Here are some symptoms to watch for. When fatigued, take a break. Go read a book. Watch others practice. Or just lay in the grass with your girl friend.

在过度疲累的情形下是无法学习的。当疲劳发生时,休息、或是读书,看其他人练习,更可以就和女 朋友躺在草地上。而疲劳有以下的症状可观察: o sweating 汗流浃背 o lying down 躺下 o cool flashes 寒栗 o hard breathing 呼吸急促 o poor performance 表现差的 o lingering 拖延的


Attitude 态度 Common attitude problems include: arrogance, excessive competitiveness, over confidence, impatience, excitability, demanding respect, seeking admiration, showing off, foolishness. These will hinder your learning, and possibly even result in your injury or death. Stay humble, and stay alive. You are nobody special because you can fly. You are just another fool.

一般常见的问题包含:自大、过度竞争、过度自信、不耐的、激动的、过度要求尊重、寻求赞美、爱 现、愚昧;这些都会阻碍学习甚至可能造成伤害或死亡。你不过是个傻子,别以为会飞就与众不同, 要保持谦逊并且活着。 Distractions on the training field will hinder learning; people taking pictures, spectators, family members, uncertainty about the weather conditions, criticism from other pilots all inhibit learning by distracting the pilot from the task at hand.

练习场上令人分心的事物会影响学习:例如拍照的人、旁观者及家人。或者是不稳定的天气、其他飞 行员的批评;这些都影响了学员的学习情形。 Psychological syndromes associated with piloting 导航时的不同心理征兆 Some of the psychological syndromes to deal with in flight are:

一些在飞行中所发生的心理征兆如下: Vanity - there is a tendency to get arrogant about oneself. pg pilots are a member of a very small minority. 自负─有些对自己有变自大的倾向,但飞行伞飞行员仅是其中的少数。 Superman complex - there is a tendency for some to feel invincible. 超人情结─有少数人觉得自己是所向无敌的。 Competitiveness - when we see others flying above us, we feel we need to get higher than they are. Don‟t fly the other guy‟s glider. Competing with the forces of nature, defying the very law of gravity is competition enough. Never mind the other pilot‟s performance. This leads to another syndrome: 竞争-当看见其他飞行员比自己飞的高时,总觉得要飞得比他还高。不要飞其他飞行员的伞。与自然 对抗,与地心引力抗衡就已经足够。不要在意其他飞行员的表现;这会导致其他的征兆如下: Jealousy - Be INSPIRED by the other pilot's performance. Convert your jealousy and criticism into your own motivation to copy him. Make a habit of complimenting other pilots on their performance. "Hey you cored that thermal nicely." "Nice top landing." "Good form on that take off." Soon you will see how your attitude follows your words. And your relationships will improve.

忌妒-从其他飞行员的表现获得激励,并且将妒忌及批评转化成为学习的动力。将赞美其他飞行员的 表现变成习惯,如「你气流盘的很好。」「 原地降落很漂亮。」「起飞姿势很标准。」很快地你会发 现,言行影响态度,而你的人际关系也会提升。 Terror - There may be occasions when you find yourself absolutely terrified. You must be prepared IN ADVANCE. Practice and prepare for the dangerous circumstances by doing simulations. This way you will be ready to deal with the situation and can prevent being completely terrified. The correct response will be memorized by your muscles.

惊恐-偶尔会察觉自己处于完全惊吓的情形,所以需要事前预防。透过模拟来练习预防危险情形的发 生,如此即使在绝对惊恐的情形之下,还是能够危机处理。正确的反应将透过肌肉记忆下来。 Adrenaline junkie – some people need to get a jolt of adrenaline. Otherwise they don‟t know they are alive. They need a brush with death to appreciate life. These are dangerous students. They are a danger to themselves. The opposite of these are the …


肾上腺亢奋-有些人需要获得肾上腺的亢奋作用,才能感受到自己仍然活着;而这些人不会是好学 员,甚至对他们自己而言是危险的。相反地,以下才能称为好学员: Isolationists - ones who just want to find a quiet place to be alone in the sky and enjoy the peace, solitude and be in complete control of their lives. 孤立主义-那些只想独自在安静的天空,享受宁静与孤独的人,才是能完全控制生命的人。 Show off - It can be easy for some people to get caught up in performance flying, flying to show off. You are safer if you fly for yourself and for no one else, unless you are a paid performer.

爱现-有些人很容易在飞行时,为了出风头而过度表现。除非你是受雇的表演者,否则为了自己的兴 趣而飞较为安全。

Muscle memory 肌肉记忆 One way to prepare for crisis is to do simulations frequently to the point that you train your muscles to perform a task even when your mind is not involved. When process becomes automatic, you have truly learned. 事先常常练习危机处理,当你心理状态无法处理危机时,身体仍能自然反射。当过程自然而然产生, 才能算是真正学习了。 Curve of remembering 记忆曲线 Research indicates that people forget 80% what they learn in 24 hours. Then, after relearning, it takes 7 days to lose 80%. Then, after relearning again, it takes up to a month to lose 80 %. This indicates 2 things. There is great value in relearning. Relearning enhances memory. 研究指出人在学习的 24 小时内会忘记 80%,然而在再次学习之后的 7 天内会失去所学习的 80%;在 第二次学习后时间拉长为一个月。以上的研究说明了两件事:一、再次学习的重要性;二、再次学习 加深了记忆。 Body 体格 -the physical requirements 体能要求 There appear to be no physical limitations to paragliding. As long as you have eyes and at least 1 arm, you can fly. Muscle is not a requirement and may even be a hindrance. Muscular people tend to over control the glider rather than cooperating with it. The key to good kiting skills is gentle, delicate feedback. 飞行伞运动似乎没有个别的体能要求,只要有眼睛及至少一只手臂。肌肉并非必须,有时过度发达也 许是种阻碍。斗伞的要领是温柔,及全然地反应回馈,而非使用蛮力。 -age limits, etc 年龄限制 There appears to be no upper age limit to paragliding. There is one coach in Japan who is over 80 years old. There may be a lower limit of around 10 years. 从事飞行伞运动也没有年龄限制;在日本有位年龄超过 80 岁的教练。 Social 社交 Paragliding will take you away from your other pursuits; golf, family, TV, education. After free flight, most other activities lose their enjoyment. You may find at some time that you have no friends who are not pilots.


谈到飞行伞对社交层面的影响包含了:家庭的冲击、支出、人际、孤立等等。此外也包含了以往的兴 趣例如:高尔夫、家庭、电视、教育。在完成首飞后大部分的活动便相形失色了。而你也将发现,你 的朋友全是飞行员。 Time and financial requirements 时间与金钱的要求 Paragliding is not only expensive and time consuming it is addicting. This is a dangerous combination. So, it is better to be single and independently wealthy. Pilots spend between 1000 USD - 3000 USD per year for equipment upgrades. Most pilots are either financially independent or broke. 飞行伞运动不仅昂贵且耗时更会上瘾,你得有足够经济来源以支持此项运动。飞行员每年花费美金 1000-3000 元在装备更新上。 Perceptual 感官的 You will be developing a whole new set of perceptual skills. You will learn to determine 你将会发展出一套全新的感官技巧,有利于判定以下各种情况: 1. elevation while looking down 从天空俯瞰之高度, 2. distance based on the horizon, 与地平线间之距离 3. the sensation of going up or down 升高或降低的敏锐度, 4. rate of ascent or decent, 上升或下降的速率 5. speed relative to the air mass 速度与气团的关系 6. speed relative to the ground 速度与地面的关系 7. wind speed and direction 风速及风向 8. polar orientation 极地方位 9. glide ratio 滑降比 10. changes in glide ratio 滑降比率变化 Few people have the opportunity to do this in normal life. So, here are some ways to prepare. 平常一般人很少有机会体验,因此你可以藉由以下的方式来准备: Elevation while looking down 向下俯瞰时的高度: Extend your arm and use your thumb to gauge the size of objects relative to their distance. 伸长手臂,利用大拇指来测量物体的大小,及其与距离 的关系。 A car at 60 meters is about the size of your thumb. At 300 meters it will be the size of your pinky nail. 一部在 60 米距离处的车,大小如同你的大拇指般;而 300 米处的大小如同你的小 拇指。 Go to the window of the upper floors of a building. Go to the 3rd floor. Look at things and observe how small they are. 走到建筑物较高楼层的窗户边,如 3 楼;向外观察物体的大小。 Go to the 5th floor and look at THE SAME objects.

继续向上走到 5 楼再观察同一个物体; Go to the 10th floor, the 15th floor.

往上走到 10 楼 15 楼高。


Pay special attention on the lower floors, 2, 3 4... This is the elevation where the interesting things happen. This is the critical area for landing approach.

特别注意在 2.3.4.楼等低楼层时所看到的物体 大小变化,这是整个降落过程中最为困难的地 方。 Look at trees and guess their height based on a comparison to building height. One floor of a building is about 3 meters. How much is 3 floors?

观察树木,并且比较建筑物的高度,以推敲树木的高度。一层楼建筑物约高 3 米,那 3 层楼应 该有多高呢? Speed relative to objects far away 速度与远方物体的关系: While driving down the road, you have the sound of the engine, the rate of near objects passing to give you clues as to your speed... In the sky you have none of this.

当行驶在路上时,引擎声及路旁物体经过的速率,都可以推测车行速度。但在天空就没有这些 可供参考,因此需要参考远方的物体。 You must reference based on objects far away. Practice this while you are driving by focusing on objects far away. See how quickly or slowly they pass. Watch the clouds and guess their distance and height. Practice guessing cloud base.

当你开车时注视着远方,看看车子经过这些物体的速度如何。借着看天上的云来推断其距离与 高度,练习猜测云层的高度。 The sensation of going up or down 对于上升或下降的敏感: Go in an elevator blind folded, or with eyes closed. Try to find an elevator without the voice.

试着找一个没有声音的电梯,蒙住眼睛或闭上眼来体验上升或下降的感觉。 Wind speed and direction and polar orientation 风速风向及极地方向: Polar orientation is easy to determine when the sun is shining. But what do you know on a cloudy day? Carry a pocket compass with you at all times. Memorize the wind indicator chart and make a habit of watching for these signs, guessing the wind speed and direction. Keep an eye out at all time for wind indicators; smoke, flags, debris, banners, tree tops, leaves

当阳光照耀时很容易判断极地方位,如果是阴天呢? 随身携带罗盘(指北针),将方位牢记, 并随时注意旗帜,猜测风速及风向。随时注意风向指标如炊烟、旗帜、布条、树顶、树叶等 等。 The Field of Vision 视野 The field of vision is used to visualize 3 dimensional position in 2 dimensions. Suppose you are approaching a landing location. And, between you and your target, there is an obstacle. How can you know if you are going to land before it or pass over it? How do you know if you have sufficient elevation to pass over it? And, how do you know if your GLIDE PATH will take you that far?

这里所指的视野,是利用平面假想立体尺寸的方式。假设你正接近降落场,在降落点与你之间有障碍 物;你要如何知道会落在降落点前或者超过降落点呢?如何知道是否有足够的高度可以跨越?要怎么 确定能滑翔那么远呢? The 'field of vision' can help you understand your glide path.

这里所说的”视野”可以帮助你了解你的滑翔路径。 Here is an experiment that can help you to understand the field of vision. Get in your car. Use a whiteboard marker to make line along the center of your windshield from the left to the right. As you drive along, notice how objects along the road move in relation to the line on your windshield.


以下的试验可以让你更清楚的了解:坐上你的车,从挡风玻璃左边至右边用白板笔在中间划一条线; 当你行进时观察路旁经过物体与挡风玻璃上这条线的关系。 Some objects move down on the windshield as you approach them. Some objects move up. DO the objects that pass over you, sign boards, power lines, treetops, move up or down? Do the objects that pass under you, white lines, debris, move up or down? This is exactly how TV picture and video game images are constructed.

有些物体在车子靠近时位移至挡风玻璃下方,而有些则往上移。例如路标、电线或是树顶当你经过时 它们是往上移或是向下移动?那么交通标线纸屑等等,它们是往上移或是向下移动?这也是电视影像 及电玩游戏图像如何被建构出来的。 The same phenomenon occurs in the sky. And, although you don't have a windshield, the same perceptual process can be used. The windshield defines your field of vision. It allows you to translate 3 dimensional into 2 dimensions. So, let‟s use an imaginary TV screen and take it with us when we fly.

同样的情节也发生在天空, 即使你没有车子的挡风玻璃 可以参考,依然可以使用相 同的预测方法。挡风玻璃如 同视野,可以将立体转换成 平面所使用的距离。那么让 我们带着,并透过假想的电 视屏幕,跟着我们飞行去! This is the pilot‟s view. The first thing he sees is his shoes. The picture shows 3 ways to use the Field of Vision to determine glide path.

飞行员所看的到的就是自己的双脚,图片中利用视野的概念,可以有 3 种方式可以决定飞行路径: A. Line up a distant object with your toes. Keep perfectly still. If the object rises over your toes, you will not reach it at your present glide path. If it sinks below, you will reach it.

用脚指头来对齐远方的物体,并维持不动。假如这个物体升起并超过你的脚指头,你将无法 依目 前的飞行路径抵达这个物体;反之,当你的高度低于目标物时你则可以达到这个物体的 位置。 B. If you want to know if you will pass over or under a wire, choose an object directly behind it (in this case the bush behind the wire). If the object moves upward, you will pass over the wire. If it drops down in the field of vision, you will not pass over it at your present glide path.

假如你想知道自己如何通过电线,从上越过或是从底下穿过,选定电线后方的物体(也就是上 图中的灌木) 。假设物体向上移动你则会从电线上面越过;若是目标物体在视线中向下墜落, 则无法依照目前的飞行路径通过它。 C. Choose 2 objects oriented vertically in the Field of Vision. If the distance between the 2 objects gets smaller, you will not reach the second object. If the distance gets greater, you will overfly them. 选定视野中两个直立的物体来观察,当两个物体间距离变小,则你无法到达第二个目标物; 当距离变远你将无法飞越它们。


Viewing the glide path 观察滑 翔路径 Get accustomed to determining the angle at which your head is tilted in relation to the horizontal.

试着习惯去判断你与地平面的飞 航角度。 In the above image, lines A, B and C indicate glide ratios of 7:1, 4:1 and 2:1 respectively. You can see how A clears the trees and bushes. B may just clear the tree top. C will put you in the bushes.

左图中的线 A、B、C 分别代表滑降比 7:1, 4:1 和 2:1。你可以看到滑降比 7:1 时可完全越过树 顶与草丛;4:1 的滑降比刚好越过树顶;2:1 的滑降比则会陷在草丛里。。 Looming - a perceptual phenomenon 蜃景─一种知觉现象 Our perception of distance is informed by the angle at which we perceive. When we are up high, looking down at the ground, it doesn't appear that we are descending much because the angle of our perception isn't changed much. As we get closer, the angle changes more dramatically. A good example of this is how the moon seems to set faster near the horizon than directly over head. To avoid this deception, you can use a variometer. Or, rather than focusing on the ground, focus on the landing point in the distance.

我们对于距离的认知是根据所接收的角度而来的。当我 们在高处俯瞰地面,由于视线角度变化不多,所以无法 察觉下降的程度。当距离越近变化的程度就越剧烈。例 如观察月亮时,当月亮越接近地平面,下沉的速率高过 月亮在头顶时;要避免这样的情形发生,你可以使用高 度机或者将视线集中于远处的地面。 The soft focus - a perceptual skill 柔软焦距 一个感官技巧 You have been using the soft focus all of your life. Now, you will learn how to enhance it. When you drive a car, there is generally nothing in particular that you are focusing on. But, if a basketball rolls in front of your car, you immediately stop. If another car begins to tailgate, you know it immediately. Your attention is evenly distributed throughout your surroundings. Your mind is aware of a neutral state. This is a soft focus. When that neutral state is disrupted, by something, your attention is immediately focused on that item. While in training, try to develop the soft focus as you progress from one task to the other.

关于柔软焦距,你已经不自觉地,运用在你的生活中,现在你将学习如何加强。当你开车时并没有特 定将焦点放在特定物体上;然而,当有一颗篮球滚到你的车前,你会马上停车。你的注意力会平均地 分散在你的四周,这也就是所谓的柔软焦距。当完整过程被某些事物干扰时你的注意力会立刻被转 移。当你从一个步骤到下一个步骤的训练过程中,试着培养柔软焦距技巧。


When you begin kiting, allow your attention to expand from the toggle tension to the entire glider and continue expanding outward until it is at the soft focus state. This is when you know that you are competent in that skill.

在斗伞时,将控制环的张力扩展至整个伞衣,并持续向外扩张至柔软焦距的程度,这个时候你知道自 己已经有能力执行这项技巧了。 Later, when you are doing wing overs, do the same. Do the same expansions of your focus as you learn each of the skills, and tasks.


Technical and Theoretical 技巧与理论 The next chapter discusses theoretical and technical information needed for a beginner. By studying it simultaneously with the ground training, you can reduce your ground training time.

下一个章节要讨论初学者所需关于技巧与理论的相关信息。透过与地面训练同时进行,你可以减少地 面训练的时间。

Questions 问题 (1) The best way to overcome fear is with: (a) money (b) courage (c) knowledge (d) drinking

克服恐惧最佳方式为 (a) 金钱 (b) 勇气 (c) 知识 (c) 喝酒。 (2) Circle the signs that a student is have a fear attack include: (a) sweating (b) clenched jaw (c) wandering attention

圈选出当学生产生恐惧时的表现 (a) 流汗 (b) 咬牙切齿 (c) 注意力涣散。 (3) Object fixation refers to: (a) a romantic condition (b) a fear condition (c) excitement

物体锁定指的是 (a) 浪漫的状态 (b) 恐惧的情况 (c) 兴奋。 (4) The Stretch Zone refers to: (a) stomach area of a pregnant woman (b) the fear factor (c) Knowledge area where new information can be taken in.

扩张区指的是 (a) 孕妇的腹部 (b) 恐惧 (c) 能接受新信息的知识范围。 (5) In 24 hours we can forget ____ % of what we have learned. (1) 20 (2) 30 (3) 80

在 24 小时之内我们会遗忘所学的______% (a) 20 (b) 30 (c) 80。 (6) You will require no changes in perceptual training as a pilot: (

在飞行员训练过程中感官不会有所改变,这个叙述 (


)对 (

) True (

) 错。

) False

Chapter 2

Theories of flight 飞行理论 The natural function of the wing is to soar upwards and carry that which is heavy up to the place where dwells the race of gods. More than any other thing that pertains to the body it partakes of the nature of the divine. 翅膀的作用在于负载重物并向上攀升直到神之 居所。比起其他相关的事物主体它更能分享自然的神圣。 Plato, 'Phaedrus.'

柏拉图 斐德罗篇

How does it fly? Theories of flight are too complex to discuss in detail in this book. But, here are the summaries. 它如何飞行?飞行理论过于复杂不便于本书中讨论;然而以下为重点摘要。 Two of the earliest explanations are Bernoulli's Principal and Newton‟s 3rd Law of thermodynamics. 最早的解释为白努力及牛顿第三运动定律。

Bernoulli says that in an air flow, as the speed of the air increases, the pressure decreases. 白努力定律指的是,在气流中空速增加则压力降低。 So, as air flows over the wing, the air over the top flows faster than under the bottom. This creates a low pressure area over the wing. This is lift.

常数 v = streamline fluid velocity 沿流流体速度

因此当气流通过伞衣,上层气流的流速高于下层。这 也造成伞衣上层的压力较低;这就是所谓的升力。

g = gravity acceleration 重力加速度

Bernoulli has fallen out of favor lately in favor of more precise explanations.

h = height of the fluid 流体高度 p = streamline pressure 沿流压力

现今对于白努力定律的应用已经渐渐减少了。 ρ = density of the fluid 流体密度

Newton’s 3rd Law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As the air hits the under side of the wing, it is deflected downward and the wing is pushed upward. That upward force is proportionate to the amount of air that is deflected downward. 牛顿第三运动定律提到作用力与反作用力。当气流碰 到伞翼下层并向下流动,使得伞翼向上抬升。这往下 流动与向上抬升的力是成比例的。


And a more recent theory, Circulation Theory, says, …而近期的理论「循环理论」是这么说的: As the air flows over the top of the wing, it continues over the back and down. This sets up a circular flow of air around the wing, as illustrated above. The air rising up from under the trailing edge provides the lift to keep the wing aloft.

流动的气流通过伞翼,并持续向后且往下流动,这形成伞翼周围循环的气流如上图所示。这股上升 的气流,从伞翼后缘提供伞衣上升所需要的力量。

Downwash Theory says, that as the air is forced off the back of the wing, it goes down. The lift under the wing is the result of the downwash.下洗气流定律說明,当气流被推往伞翼后方时同时下沉,而这 个在伞翼下方的升力便是下洗气流。 Turning Flow Theory 转向气流定律 says that the lift is a resultant force from the downward turn of the air which has passed over the top of the wing. 这里指的升力是来自于下方从

伞翼上方转向的气流汇集。 The 4 Forces 4 种作用力 All these theories disagree in their explanations. But, they all agree on at least 3 things: 所有的理论都与

其解释不相符。但是它们都阐明以下 3 点: 1. that wings do, in fact, fly, 伞翼实际上都能飞 2. an airflow across the wing is necessary and 通过伞翼的气流是必要的 3. that they rely on the 4 forces; lift, thrust, gravity and drag: 它们都需要依靠 4 种作用力,升 力、推力、重力、阻力: Lift is the sum of all forces perpendicular to the flight path. The primary feature of the wing which affects the lift is the angle of attack, the angle between the chord of the wing and direction of the airflow. The chord of a wing is a line drawn through the cross section from the trailing edge to the leading edge. 升力 指的是与飞行路径垂直作用的所有作用力的总合;伞翼中影响升力最主要的要素是攻角角度,也 就是翼弦与伞之间以及气流方向所形成的角度。翼弦指的是,一条从伞翼后缘连结至伞翼前缘的横切 线。 This diagram shows a paraglider wing at various angles of attack. The cross section of the wing is highlighted in white.以下的图示就可以清楚看出伞翼攻角的变化;伞翼的横剖面则为反白以供辨识。

We will discuss this in more detail later. 这个部分往后会有更进一步的讨论。


Thrust is essential to flight. Thrust provides the difference in airspeed and wing speed. Airplanes use engines for thrust. Paragliders have none. This is why we don‟t do first flights in no wind or low wind. There is no thrust unless the pilot is running fast enough to provide sufficient airflow across the wing. Some people will argue that paragliders don‟t really “fly” in the strict sense. They merely fall gracefully. Once in the sky, paragliders derive their thrust by compromising Mother Nature; converting falling motion to forward motion; gravity to thrust.

推力 是飞行中必要存在的;推力造成了流速与风速之间的差异。而飞机利用引擎产生推力,飞行伞则 因为没有引擎动力所造成的推力,因此在首次飞行时,不会选在风速低或是无风的状态下进行。 有些人认为严格说来飞行伞并非实际在「飞」。他们是近乎优雅地掉落。一旦进入天空,飞行伞藉由 自然定律将下坠运动转化为前进运动;从地心引力而至推力。 Drag is the total of all forces parallel and opposite to the flight path. All aircraft control direction and lift by inducing or reducing drag. As long as there is a medium in which to fly, there is drag. That medium is air. 阻力是指在飞行路径中所有平行及反向力的总和。所有的飞行 器透过增加或减少阻力来控制方向及升力。只要有阻力这个媒 介的存在就可以飞行,而这个媒介便是空气。 A: Reduced drag, reduced lift, increased speed.

A: 阻力减少,升力降低,速度增加。 B: Increased drag, increased lift, reduced speed.

B: 阻力增加,升力增加,速度降低。 C: As drag increases, lift decreases, reduced speed.

C: 当阻力增加,升力降低,速度降低。

We steer our gliders by inducing or reducing drag on the wing. By pulling the right side toggle, we increase drag on that side. This makes the right side of the glider fly slower. Thus, the glider will turn right.

我们透过增加或减少伞翼的阻力来调整伞衣。透 过拉下右边控制环,增加右边的阻力。这使得右 边伞翼飞得较慢。 There is a lot of information about theories of flight on the www. Study them and choose your favorite. Or compile your own. As for me, you can call me crazy, but I agree with Plato.

更多的相关理论信息你可以在网站上查询。研究以上的理论并选择你最喜欢的,不然就自己编撰一套 理论;而我,你可以说我疯狂,但我仍然同意柏拉图的理论。


Questions: 问题

1. Circle the four physical forces acting on the wing: (a) forward motion (b) gravity (c) lift (d) drag (e) speed (f) velocity

选出 4 种产生在伞翼上的作用力:(a)冲力 (b)重力 (c)升力 (d)阻力 (e)速度 (f)速率。 2. Gliders derive their forward motion from : (a) motor (b) gravity (c) wind

伞翼透过下列何种方式来获得前进的动作 (a) 马达 (b) 比重 (c) 风。 3. With no airflow over the wing it will: fly (a) faster (b) stall (c) fly safer

如果没有气流通过伞翼则会 (a) 飞得更快 (b) 失速 (c) 飞的较安全。 4. Drag is: (a) total of all forces parallel and opposite to the airflow (b) a man in woman‟s clothes (c) forces perpendicular to the airflow

阻力:(a) 所有的作用力与气流平行并且是反向 (b) 穿着女人衣服的男人 (c) 作用力与气流垂 直。 5. As the angle of attack increases, the lift: (a) increases (b) decreases.

当攻角增加升力则:(a) 增加 (b) 减少。 6. As the angle of attack decreases, the speed of the glider : (a) increases (b) decreases

当攻角减少伞翼速度则:(a) 增加 (b) 减少。


Chapter 3

The equipment 装备

The three constants 三个常数 There are 3 'constants' in paragliding. Like the 3 corners of a triangle, they provide stability in flight. The glider, the harness and the site are the most significant aspects of every flight. Never change more than 1 of the 3 at one time. If you fly a new site, use a familiar wing and harness.

谈到飞行伞,就像三角形有三个角一样也有三个常数,它 们能提供稳定的飞行。在每次飞行中最重要的概念就是伞 衣、套带、及场地。决不要改变超过 1 个以上的常数。在 没有飞过的场地就使用熟悉的伞衣及套带。 What is a paraglider? 何谓飞行伞? Before design and stitching, a paraglider it is merely 60 sq meters of fabric and 350 meters of string. But in the right configuration it is a piece of high tech sport aviation equipment.

在设计及缝制完成前,飞行伞不过是 60 平方米的布料及 350 米长的绳子。但是在正确的结构成型后 却是专业的飞行装备。 This configuration is very precise. 非常精准的构造。 You might like to open a glider and look at it now. Here is how to open and layout. You should be on the kiting hill, the wind coming up the slope. Notice that the uphill and the down wind directions are the same. Your glider will come in a bundle.

这个时候你也许会想把伞打开来看看;以下便要教你如何打开并摆放。你的位置应该在斗伞的小山 坡,而风正吹上山坡。注意上坡风与顺风风向相同,而你的伞具则为伞包状。 1. Take it out of the stuff bag. 从袋子里将伞衣取出。 2. Take off the cinch strap. 解开系肚带。 3. Place the bundle on the ground with the air mouth downwind, or uphill. 把整捆伞以风口朝着顺风

的方向,放置在高处的位置。 4. Open the bundle by rolling it UP wind, or down hill. 朝着逆风侧或下坡处将伞衣摊开。 5. Walk to either side of the glider. 走到伞衣任一侧。

6. Unroll the material by pulling it out and walking backwards as far as it will go. 利用手将伞布向外 展开且不断向后退至最远处。 7. Do the same on the other side 利用相同的步骤完成另外一侧。 8. Walk to the trailing edge of the glider. 走到伞翼后缘。

9. Pick up the risers one by one and walk them back Up wind, downhill. 依序拿起主提带并向着逆 风侧朝下坡方向走。


The parts: 构成要件 air mouth


front view 正视图

side view 侧视图


upper tier, suspension lines 上层伞布悬吊绳


canopy leading edge 伞衣前缘


middle tier, 中层


Canopy 伞体


lower tier 下层


canopy trailing edge 伞衣后缘


Wingtips 伞尖


"A" lines A 组


"A" riser A 主提带


"B" lines B 组


"B" riser B 主提带


"C" lines C 组


"C" riser C 主提带


"D" lines D 组


"D" riser D 主提带


control lines 控制绳


Air inlet 风口


Riser set 整组提带


wing tips 伞尖


control toggle 控制环

Two large pieces of fabric are cut out in the shape of the wing (planform). One is placed on top of the other. These will be the upper and lower surfaces. The edges are stitched to leave a large air pocket between them, much like a pocket bread. A long slot is left open along the leading edge to allow air to enter.

依据伞的形状所裁剪而成的平面布料,经过缝制将上下层大小不同的伞布缝合;并于伞衣前缘预留气 口,以便空气进入。


Inside the wing, dozens of narrow strips of fabric run from the leading edge to the trailing edge. They are stitched to the upper surface and the lower surface. These are the cell separators. By preventing the bottom surface from dropping away from the top surface, they determine the thickness of the wing.

在伞的内部,许多窄布条,从伞翼前缘到后缘与上下层伞衣,所缝合形成一个个间隔。藉此可以将上 下层伞衣结合在一起,并确定伞的厚度。 Holes in the cell separators allow the air to pass from one cell to the other. This keeps the air pressure steady and allows the wing to inflate faster.

这些间隔所形成的空间,可以让空气在其中自由的流通,并保持压力稳定及快速展翼。 Along the lower surface are over 100 points where the lines are attached. They are attached directly to the bottom of the cell separators. These attachment tabs are distributed evenly from the leading edge to the trailing edge, from wing tip to wing tip.

在下层伞衣有超过 100 伞绳接点,连接 cell separator showing cross ports and line attachment tabs

于隔间底部;并且均匀地分布在伞衣表 面。

The fabric is rip-stop nylon. Most gliders are coated with silicon for UV protection. This allows manufacturers to offer a warranty of 3 years or 300 hours.

伞衣材质为尼龙格子布,大多数的伞均有硅利康抗 UV 的保护措施。以至于可以提供 3 年 300 小时的 飞行时数。 A glider weighs from 5 - 7 kilos. They are about 9 - 10 meters from wing tip to wingtip (wingspan). They measure about 2.5 meters along the chord at the center, from the leading edge to the trailing edge at the center. A medium size glider covers about 24 sq mts of surface area.

伞约重 5-7 公斤,翼展宽为 9-10 公尺;伞衣前缘至后缘幅宽 2.5 公尺,一顶中型伞面积则涵盖 24 平 方米。 The lines are made of acrylic or Kevlar. The load limit on a line is between 80 – 200 kg. The pilot hangs from at least 30 of these lines. So, the total load limit exceeds the load by over 30 times. The lines attachments are spaced so that the load is distributed along the total area of the wing. (see picture 9)

伞绳的材质一般为压克力或克维拉纤维(防弹碳纤维)。一条伞绳的载重介于 80-220 公斤,而飞行 员则悬吊在至少 30 条伞绳上。透过图片 9 的说明可以了解;伞绳在伞衣上平均分布并连接于伞衣 上;整个伞的载重超过飞行员的 30 倍之多。 The lines are arranged in rows that parallel the leading edge. From the front to the rear the rows are named, A, B, C, D. The control lines are arranged along the trailing edge.

伞绳平行地一行一行分布在伞衣前 缘,从前至后依序为 A、B、C、D, 而控制绳则沿着伞衣后缘排列。 Lines are distinguished by their function. Control lines are attached along the trailing edge. They are used to induce drag and control the speed and direction. Stabilo lines are attached to the very ends of the wingtips. They add stability to the glider. All the rest of the lines, A, B, C and D are suspension lines. They carry the load.


伞绳是透过功能性来区分的:控制绳沿着伞翼后缘连接到伞布,以便减少阻力及控制速度及方向。 Stabilo 则是连结至最外侧伞尖,以增加伞的稳定度;而剩下的伞绳 A、B、C 及悬吊绳则为重量负 荷。 How does it fly? 如何飞行 When the glider is laid out on the ground ready to inflate, it is upside down. The lower surface lies upon the upper surface with no air between. As the lines are pulled, the lower surface is pulled away from the upper surface, opening a space between, like a bellows, thus creating a vacuum. The air rushes in to fill the vacuum. Inflation of the wing is achieved by sucking in air through the air mouth until the air pressure inside is greater than the air pressure outside.

当飞行伞预备起伞前,是上下倒置于地面;下层伞衣在上层伞衣之上且无空气充满其中。当伞绳被拉 起,空气从风口进入到伞翼内并充满整个伞;当飞行伞被空气充满,至内部压力大于外部压力整个起 伞才算完成。 The pressure on each successive set of lines activates yet ANOTHER vacuum as the glider rises, until the glider is completely full and the internal pressure exceeds the external pressure. The shape of the glider is maintained by the air pressure inside and by the line tension. This is why it is important to maintain STEADY pressure on ALL the lines throughout the inflation and take off processes.

每组完美的伞绳张力应平均作用于伞衣,使得伞衣内的隔间,直到伞衣充气饱满直到伞衣内部压力大 于伞衣外部。因此维持稳定的伞绳张力,对于充气及起飞的过程是相当重要的。 The inflation is assisted by the wind blowing into the air mouth. This is why we inflate into the wind.

充气的过程是透过风吹进气口,使其充气饱满因此我们需迎风起伞。 As long as the wing is hard, it flies. As the tension on the lines is increased, the wing becomes more rigid. This is why it is important to keep tension on the lines while kiting the glider.

只要伞翼维持其钢体就能飞行。当伞绳张力增加伞衣越坚固;这也就是为何在斗伞时需要保持伞绳的 张力的重要原因。 The pilot, at the bottom of the lines, acts as a pendulum keeping the glider balanced and stable. This is why when kiting it is important to follow the glider.

在伞绳底部连接着飞行员,而飞行员如同钟摆,保持着伞的平衡与稳定。因此斗伞时随着伞移动是很 重要的。 The glider is controlled by increasing drag at the trailing edge. By increasing the drag on the left side but not the right, we can turn left. By increasing drag on the right but not the left we can turn right. By increasing drag on both sides, we can reduce our speed and/or increase our lift. We can do this by pulling on the control lines.

飞行伞的控制是透过增加伞翼后缘阻力。如要向左转则增加伞翼后缘左侧阻力,反之则为向右转。若 是增加双边阻力,则降低速度或是提升高度,这些动作都可以透过控制主提带来完成。

Direction control and speed control 方向与速度控制 Side view - pulling on the control line, lowers the trailing edge, induces drag and slows the wing.

侧视图-透过拉主带来降低伞翼后缘,增加阻 力减缓伞的速度。


rear view of glider 飞行伞后视图 Straight and level flight, with the control lines all the way up

主提带全部抬高的直飞/平飞情形。 right control toggles pulled down, induce drag on that side causes glider to turn right

右边控制绳拉下,使伞增加阻力并向右 转。

left control toggles pulled down, induce drag on that side causes glider to turn left

左边控制绳拉下,使伞增加阻力并向左 转。

Pulling both sides, causes the glider to reduce speed, increase lift.

透过拉高两边主提带,来减少伞翼的速 度增加升力。

The wing flies BECAUSE there is air flow over and under the wing. 伞翼之所以飞行,是由于伞翼上下层有气流通过 Beginner gliders 入门伞 Some students think that they can save money by learning on an Intermediate glider. This will make your learning curve steeper and your learning time longer. You will spend most of your time with too much stress to learn anything, learning very little and very slowly. Save money, waste time.

很多学生认为从进阶伞等级学起可以省钱;如此会让学习曲线变的艰深相对地花更多的时间。同时大 部分的时间因为压力过大而无法有效学习,事倍功半。省了花费却浪费了时间。 Choosing a first glider 选择第一顶伞 Your first glider MUST be a beginner, dhv 1 or 1-2. And, try it before you buy it, if at all possible. Fly it under varying conditions, smooth, choppy, strong. If you cannot try it, you are at the mercy of your coach. If your coach tries to sell you his old competition glider, think about getting a new coach.


你的第一顶伞一定要是初学者用伞 DHV1 或是 DHV1-2 等级的。如果状况许可,决定购买前先试飞! 在不同的气流状况下试飞如:平顺、不稳定、强风。如果你不能自己尝试,那么你的教练会很乐意校 劳。假设教练试着卖你他的竞赛用伞考虑换个新教练吧。 You can increase your rate of learning by 以下几点将会使你加速学习效率: 

learn on a new glider 使用新伞学习。

use the same glider all the time 总是使用同一顶伞。

buy a glider rated beginner or dhv 1 or dhv 1 -2. DON‟T buy your coaches old competition or intermediate wing. It will slow down your learning process and may even get you hurt.

买初级或等级 DHV1、DHV1-2 的伞具。不要购买教练的旧竞赛伞或是进阶用伞,那会使你的 学习过程变慢或使你受伤。 

kite and fly under smooth conditions with light to moderate winds

在平顺的气流里斗伞练习。 The size of the wing is determined by the weight of the pilot. Heavier pilots require larger wings.

伞具大小取决于飞行员的体重;较重的飞行员需要较大的伞具。 Glider size and wing loading 尺寸大小及载重 Wing loading is defined as how many kilos per sq mt of surface area. Most wings are designed for wing loading between 2.2 kg/m2 for beginner gliders to 6 kg/m2 for Acrobatics gliders.

载重是根据每平方公尺表面 积所承载的公斤数而定。大部分的伞的载重介于:初级伞为 2.2 公斤/平方公尺;特技飞行伞则为 6 公 斤/平方公尺。 Gliders perform best with a specific wing loading. Wing loading will change a glider‟s stability, speed, handling, speed range, stall point, bank angle, sink rate. So, gliders are made in 5 sizes.

在载重范围内使用的伞具能够发挥其最佳性能,载重影响稳定 Size 尺寸

Kg 公斤


XS 特小

55 – 65


65 – 85

These are the most common weight ranges used by glider manufacturers and their limits for safe flight. There is some variation from one maker to the other.


85 – 105



95 – 115


XL 特大

110 - 125


140 – 240


These numbers refer to the total take off weight, also known as the “All up” weight. This is the total of everything that will go up in the sky, the glider, the pilot, the harness and all the equipment.

以上的数值是根据起飞时的净重,包含伞衣、飞行员、套袋等 所有的装备。

We can increase stability in strong wind or turbulent air by increasing the wing loading. This will also increase the speed. To increase the wing loading we add ballast to the harness before take off. Water is the most common ballast. A water bag is placed in the harness. It has a capacity of 10 - 20 kilos.


我们可以透过增加载重,以便在遇强风或乱流时来稳定伞具;同时也可以增加速度。在起飞前将压舱 置入套带。水袋是较为普遍的而其容量则为 10-20 公斤不等。 We will discuss this further in a later chapter. 这个部分会在后续章节中进一步讨论。

Harness - You should choose a harness with a mind for safety and comfort. You may changes gliders several times. But your harness will remain. You will probably use it for 3 - 4 years before upgrading. 套带的选择-在选择套带时通常考虑安全及舒适性,一个套带普遍使用 3-4 年才会汰旧更新。

This foam cushion back protector fits inside the harness in case of impact.

This harness has the reserve deployment handle on the right side, although the reserve parachute is located under the seat for a low center of gravity. 套带右侧有拉把,以便拉开副伞时所使用;即使副伞 的位置在坐垫下方重心较低的位置。

泡棉坐垫放置于套 袋内部在遇到撞击 时则可以保护背 部。

Pull these straps to adjust the length of the shoulder straps. 拉这两条带子来调整肩带长度。

Pull this strap to adjust the waist strap. 拉这个带子来调整胸带。

Get all the protection available 尽可能选购所有保护配备


Accelerator system 加速系统 The accelerator is a horizontal bar hanging below the harness. It is a foot activated system of lines routed through pulleys in the harness and connected to the A risers. The pilot uses his feet to push out on the speed bar. This draws the leading edge of the glider down to increase the angle of attack. This increases speed by as much as 10 kmh. 加速装置是悬在套带下方并且平行的杆子。透过滑轮 的连接到 A 组提带,并且由双脚来操控的。经过双脚 将加速杆向外推而使得飞行伞的攻角增加,如此速度 可以增加至每小时 10 公里。

Options to consider in a harness include 选购套带时需考虑以下几点: seating position adjustability 座位的调整性 reserve parachute location and accessibility 副伞的位置及连通性 pocket location and size 口袋的位置及大小 routing of accelerator lines 连接主提带的伞绳分布 number of posture adjustments 姿势的调整 weight of the harness 套带的重量 type of karabiners 扣环的形式 back and side protectors 背部及侧边口袋 height of hang points 悬吊位置的高度 You should choose a harness that;套带要选: is not too heavy for you 不要太重 accommodates your walking and flying 无论是走路或飞行都和谐。 easy seating and standing 站立及降落时都能轻易地坐进套带里。 you can reach the handle and deploy the reserve easily 可以轻松地拉开降落伞。

Helmet - helmet should be impact resistant. Full face helmet is advisable. It should fit snug so as not to drift when you you‟re your head. Some prefer light weight helmets made from carbon or Kevlar. Helmets should have no protrusions to snag the lines. This is a light weight carbon fiber helmet from Apco Aviation, with chin guard. Wind ports allow the pilot to hear the wind speed.

头盔/安全帽-为了预防重击,建议使用面罩式头 盔。合适的头盔当你转动头部时头盔并不会移 位,有些设计强调质轻,则使用碳钢或克维拉纤 维。理想的头盔不会有突出物使其与伞翼纠结。


Boots - should have ankle protection to prevent possible sprain on hard landing or twisting. They should have no hooks to catch the lines of the glider. They should have non slip soles.

Gloves - should be thin enough to allow feeling in the fingers and strong enough to prevent rope burn.

手套- 材质要薄以便操控伞衣,并且 强韧可以预 防因伞绳摩 擦所造成的 灼伤。

飞行靴- 为了避免扭伤或猛力的降落,因此须有保护脚踝 的为佳。又为了避免伞绳纠结靴子也不能勾状物。

Sun glasses - should have snug fit so they don‟t fall off. They should protect you from UV and protect eyes in case of impact with trees.

太阳眼镜- 需要合适的眼镜且不至于在天空中脱落。以下两 个原因是太阳眼镜不可或缺的原因:1、防止紫外线对眼睛 的伤害。2、若不愼降落于树林中,也不至于对眼睛造成撞 击。

Flight suit comes in heavy fabric for winter or lighter fabric for summer. Many zippers make it convenient and accessible. Bright colors make you easily seen from the sky. Special fabrics reduce drag. 飞行服是由冬季厚重或夏季轻巧布料制作而成,有着许多快速便利 的拉链设计。闪亮的色彩可以轻易地在天空被辨识,而特殊的材质 则降地了阻力。

Wind speed meter – will help you to get accustomed to determining the wind speed and gust factor. Later, you may want to get one which plugs into your vario.

风速计- 它会使你习惯于判定风速及阵风。之后你可能想拥有一个 内建风速计的高度机。


Radio - VHF transceiver is a standard in most of the world. Buy a radio which covers the frequency used by other pilots at the site where you will be flying. The local radio frequency may be posted on the website or at the site. It is important to stay in contact with other pilots in case you need help or can offer assistance.

无线电对讲机- 高功率无线对讲机 适用于大部分的国家。只要所使用 的频率,与在同一地点其他飞行员 的频率一样就可以。确定当你需要 协助时有人可以联络的上。

GPS is a useful device for those flying cross country. You can use it to track your flight path, note your elevation, speed, direction, and upload your flight path ….

卫星定位系统- 长程飞行时的 最佳利器。可以纪录飞行路 径、了解飞行高度、速度,以 及上传飞行路径...等等。

Flight deck and storage container hangs in front of the pilot for easy access. /Carry your GPS, vario, cell phone, camera, maps, snacks and drinks.

飞行平台暨置物袋悬挂于飞行员前方易于拿 取处。你可以放置卫星定位系统、高度机、 手机、照相机、地图、点心及饮料。

Vario altimeter - is useful when flying cross country. It tells us how fast we are going up or down, wind speed, current elevation, atmospheric pressure, temperature. Many of us are accustomed to guessing distance horizontally and have become quite accurate. But guessing distances vertically is an entirely new experience. We have no reference. Using a vario during initial flights, a new pilot can get a reference to develop sense a of altitude, descent, ascent rate and speed in the air. This is a Flytec vario with audible signal for ascent and descent to indicate lift and sink.

高度机(升降仪)- 在长距离的飞行,及寻找上升气流时是很实用 的工具。在训练的过程中也可以用来培养他对于高度的敏锐 度。大部分的人善于准确地判断水平距离,但精准地判断垂直 距离却是完全不同的经验。 在飞行初期使用高度机,亦能培养其对于高度下降上升率以及 空速的敏锐度。 这是 Flytec 高度机可以透过声音提示上升及下沉气流区。

Support your local club and coach through equipment purchases. 透过向当地俱乐部或协会购买装备来支持他们


Caution: Second hand equipment is available on the internet. In the interest of saving time, money and possibly your life, check with your coach for equipment suitability before purchasing. Then, have it inspected by a coach or dealer. 注意:网络上可以找到二手仪器设备;为了节省时间、开支、甚至保障生命安全,在购买前先询问你的教 练相关适用性,并请教练或经销商检验。

Quiz questions: 问题 1 Circle the three constants of paragliding: (a) pilot (b) wing (c) harness (d) site (e) helmet

圈出飞行伞三要素:(a) 飞行员 (b) 伞具 (c)套袋 (d) 地点 (e) 安全帽。 2 Circle the features of a beginner glider: (a) low aspect ratio (b) large air mouths (c) thickness (d) fast recovery (e) higher speed

何者为初学者伞具的特色:(a) 低展旋比 (b) 大风口 (c) 伞布厚度 (d) 快速回复 (e) 速度快。 3 Stabilo lines are located on the (a) far inside (b) far outside of the glider .

Stabilo 伞绳位于伞翼的 (a) 最里面 (b) 最外面。 4 The glider is controlled by pulling the (a) control lines (b) suspension lines

伞翼控制是透过拉动 (a) 控制绳 (b) 悬吊绳。 5 Increasing the wing loading will (a) increase (b) decrease the stability.

增加伞翼载重将(a) 增加 (b) 降低 稳定性。 6 Increasing the wing loading will (a) increase (b) decrease the speed.

增加伞翼载重将(a) 增加 (b) 减低 速度。 7 A glider with a weight range of 95 -115 kg is probably a: (a) Medium (b) Large (c) X large

伞具的载重范围为 95-115 公斤应为:(a) 中 (b) 大 (c) 特大。


Chapter 4

Ground Handling 地面操控 Tips 技巧 Kiting training will consume by far the greatest amount of your pre-flight training time. Reduce your kiting training time significantly by following these tips:

地面控伞是在飞行前最为耗时的训练。可以透过以下方式来大量减少地面训练的时间: It helps to think of paragliding as using the glider to negotiate a working relationship with the wind. The easiest winds to negotiate are 试着将飞行伞当成与风共同工作的工具,而最佳工作状态为;

 About 12 kph. In a lesser wind you will have to work hard to keep the glider inflated. Stronger wind may drag you around a bit. 风速 12 公里/每小时,若是风速小于 12 公里/每小时将会增加 起伞的困难度,稍强的风速则会增加阻力。  Steady direction and speed 稳定的风向及速度。 A beach or a riverside park offers these conditions.沙滩或河岸公园提供以上所需条件。

Simulator 仿真器 The student‟s learning time can be shortened dramatically by spending time in a simulator. A simulator allows the student pilot to hang in his harness in a manner that simulates actual flight.

学员的学习时间,会因为在仿真器上练习,而大幅度缩短。 仿真器可以透过与套带连接,使学员可以悬吊在仿真器上来 仿真飞行时的状况。 It is very useful for the student to adjust his harness to accommodate his frame and stature. This will take 1 – 3 hours. If it is done right, the student will have no trouble getting into the harness on the first flight. This will enhance the students comfort and safety. This, in turn, will enhance memory, perception and performance. Practice in the simulator allows the student to develop muscle memory of all the posture and motions.

这可以有效地依据学生的体态来调整套袋,而这需要 1-3 小 时的时间。假设做的正确,学员在第一次飞行时便能轻松无虞地坐进套袋中;如此便能增进学员的舒 适与安全,并加强记忆、洞察力以及表现。在仿真器上练习,可以培养所有姿式及动作的肌肉记忆。 A good simulator will allow the student to: 一个好的仿真器允许学员:    

Get in and out of the harness naturally as in flight 在飞行中自然轻易地进出套袋。 Practice weight shift turns and toggle turns 练习重心位移及利用控制绳转弯。 Various decent techniques 操作不同的下降技巧。 Deploy reserve parachute 展开副伞。


Harness adjustment 套带调整 Before your first flights, your coach will have you sit in your harness and hang from the karabiners to adjust your harness settings. This may take 1 – 3 hours of trial and error to reach the point where you can tip in and out of the harness effortlessly. So, be patient. If you do this correctly, it will increase your rate of learning dramatically.

在你第一次飞行前你的教练会让你坐在套带里借着 D 形环来悬吊,这也是用来调整套带设定的最佳方 式。这也许需要 1-3 小时的错误尝试,以便达到轻松进出套带的设定点;有耐心点,如果做的正确便 会大大地增加你的学习比率。 Do not take off until your harness has been adjusted to fit you. There are several adjustments to be made. 在套带未调整到适合前不要起飞。以下有几个需要调整的部分: Shoulder strap 肩带 Chest (waist) strap 胸带 Seat board tilt 坐垫翘起角度调整 Lumbar support 腰垫 Thigh straps 腿带 See the section on harness 参考套带章节 If you should take off and find it difficult to get comfortably into the harness because your harness is not adjusted correctly, here is what you will do:

当你发现起飞时很难舒适地坐进套袋,那是因为套袋没有调整好;这时候你该这么做: 1. Put both brake toggles in one hand. Apply hanging pressure of the arm on the toggles.

用一只手,以手臂悬挂的力量握住两边控制环; 2. Keep the toggle centered in front of your face. 保持控制环的位置于脸部正前方; 3. With the other hand, put one thumb on the seat board and push down while lifting both knees. 另外一只手则利用大拇指,当双膝抬起时放在坐垫上 并且向下压; 4. Change hands and do the same. 换边做相同的步骤; 5. Practice flying one handed if you plan to take pictures. 如果飞行中要拍照,练习用一只手操作控制环。 Practice this in the simulator.


Process 步骤 The process of laying out and hooking in should be made a habit to the point where you can do it quickly. Courtesy requires you to set up off on the side, out of the way. Then, gather your glider in a rosette and walk to the take off area.

伞具从展开到连结的整个过程,需要牢记使其变成习惯且可以快速完成。飞行伞是冒险运动中成长快 速的项目之一,而飞行场地也逐渐变得拥挤;当你能从到达起飞场下车迅速地完成着装起飞,而不阻 碍其他飞行员就是一种礼貌的表现。先在一旁整理伞具再大收伞拿起伞衣移动到起飞区。


Layout 摆设 Set up streamers and/or wind socks in a location that you can see them while kiting. Layout the glider with the upper surface on the ground, the lower surface facing up, the trailing edge upwind of the leading edge. The suspension lines should be running down across the trailing edge and stretched out entirely.

在起飞场中放置绳子或风筒,并使其不致与伞绳纠结,以便斗伞时观察风向。将上层伞衣平铺于地 面,下层伞衣面上,而伞翼后缘位于迎风面。 Inspection of the glider: 检查 项目包含: Print out the inspection check list at the end of the book. Walk around your glider and check each item. Make this a habit each time you lay out and put away your equipment. 将书末的检查表打印出来;沿着伞翼逐项检查。当你在铺伞或折伞时使检查其成为习惯。

Establish a sequence and rehearse your hook -in procedure until you can do it swiftly, blindfolded. 套带与伞衣连接的步骤,需要不断反复练习至纯熟的反射动作。 There are 2 basic positions for hooking in, the forward and the reverse. Reverse inflation has become the International standard except in the smallest of winds. 以下为两种主要的起伞方式:正面及反手起伞。许多飞行员偏好反手,因此反手起伞为除了在极小风 速状况外之国际标准。 Attaching the risers for reverse Inflation 反身连结主提带及充气 反身連结主提带及充气运用反身将套带及伞衣連结的方式,來预备反手起伞的动作。反手起伞提供飞 行员较多的控 制,特别在阻力发生时。步骤同上述方式铺伞,并面向伞衣

1. 双手同时取左右边组提带。 2. 顺时针旋转 180 度至图 3 所示。 3. 如图示。 4. 将靠近左边扣环处的主提带扣进左边扣环。 5. 靠近右边扣环处的主提带扣进右边扣环 6. 双手抬起至胸前手心面外并向左倾斜 15 度。 7. 保持图 5 所示位置(左手在外侧,右手位于兩主提带之中)向下握 住控制环。 8. 右手取兩边 A 组左手时指勾住另外一侧之控制绳。



Reverse inflation posture 反身充气的姿势 ( right hand ) 1. Reach inside with your right hand and take the right brake toggle. 右手向内握住右边控制环。 2. Reach outside with your left hand and take left the toggle. 左手向外握住左边控制环。

3. Step back from the glider enough to take up all the slack in the A lines and risers. Your feet should be spread about as wide as your hips. 保持手臂伸直双脚张开身体向后移动使伞衣充气 张开。 4. Keep your arms extended fully. Bend forward and push your butt back until the risers are taut. Be ready to push your but back for the inflation. 保持手臂完全伸直,身体向前弯曲,臀部向后直到 主提带被拉紧;臀部向后推使伞衣充气张开。 5. You must keep your hips even and parallel to the glider without the jerky up and down motion. 要 注意臀部与伞翼平行且平均,而不是剧烈的上下拉扯动作。 6. Place the palms of your hands under the A risers. Be ready to lift them but not pull them. 利用手 掌抬起 A 组主提带不要用拉的。 Correct 正确-Lifting the A‟s maintains the aerodynamic shape. 平举起 A 组并保持伞具航

Wrong 错误-pulling on the A‟s distorts the glider causing it to drag rather than lift. 用


力拉扯 A 组而造成阻力大于升力的情况

Here is a silly but effective memory device to help you get your reverse inflation process ready. The inflation initial pull posture is very similar to sitting down on a toilet. Also, the lifting of the “A” riser is very similar to splashing water on your face. So, imagine that you are squatting on the toilet and washing your face at the same time.


当你在练习反手充气起伞动作时,这里有个增进记忆的方式要告诉你,有点愚蠢但却有效;要拉起伞的开 始动作很像向下坐在马桶上,而抬起 A 组主提带的姿势如同洗脸时拨水到脸上的动作。因此想象一下你边 坐在马桶上边泼水洗脸的情形。 Squat and splash. Silly, isn‟t it? Yeah, but it works! 蹲、泼,蹲、泼;是有点蠢但是有用。

10 Point check 10 点检查 I start at the top and work down. 以下便是最适合我的检查项目,从头到脚为: 1 helmet secure? 安全帽是否穿戴稳固?

6 risers secure?not twisted?主提带连结稳固无纠结?

2 glasses on? 太阳眼镜是否戴了?

7 reserve handle secure?副伞把手是否牢固?

3 radio? 无线电对讲机开机了吗?通讯是否正常?

8 lines snags?crossed? 伞绳是否纠结交错?

4 chest strap secure? 胸带是否扣牢?

9 Weather conditions? 天气状况?

5 thigh straps connected? 腿带是否扣紧?

10 thigh straps again? 再次检查腿带!

The 10 point check is one of the ABSOLUTE ESSENTIALS of preflight. Make it a habit.

在飞行前完成 10 点检查是绝对必要的。而其中则包含不同的检查项目,你的教练会为你解说不同之 处;重点是要培养成像如厕后洗手般的习惯。


Reverse Inflation process 起伞充气过程 When you are sure that you have the above posture correct, you are ready to inflate. The inflation is a smooth and steady dynamic interaction involving constant feedback through the tension in the lines.

当以上的动作你都能正确无误地执行时,你已经准备好充气起伞了。充气的过程应是平顺稳定地,透 过伞绳张力与伞翼之间的力学互动。 1. Push your butt back SHARPLY while stepping back until the risers are taut, as the hips pull the risers, the risers pull the lines, and the lines pull the glider. Be sure you keep your hips even and parallel to both the glider and the ground. 当步伐向后退时臀部用力向后推,直到感觉臀部紧拉主提带,透过主提带牵

动伞绳,使得伞翼被拉起。此时臀部的位置应该与伞翼及地面平行一致。 If you have an older glider, you may need a gentle lifting nudge on the A risers.

假如你用的是老旧的伞,或许需要轻轻地将 A 组主提带提高。 In stronger wind, you can use the force of the glider gathering air to counterbalance your body weight.

在较强的风力下,你需要利用伞的力量,使得伞衣聚集空气,以便平衡你身体的重量。 If your hips are kept straight, and you do not brake, the glider will come up evenly.

如果你的臀部保持直立,且不使用煞车,伞翼便会平均地升起。 2. As it approaches the 90 degree location, allow the glider to pull you into the standing position.

当伞到达 90 度角的位置,让伞翼将你向后拉直到身体成为站立姿势。 3. Arrest the forward motion of the wing with a gentle tug on the brakes.

温柔地带点煞车,可以抑制伞翼向前摆动的情形发生。 4. Kite the glider in the reverse position with just the hanging pressure of your arms on the toggles and a gentle wrist action, like puppy paws.

利用手臂的力量,温柔地如同小狗爪子般,使手腕悬挂在控制环上。 5. Soften your knees to add some pressure to the risers and get the glider under control and stable, as you turn around and lean forward to face your direction of travel. 当伞翼在稳定的控制之下,你可以在转身时,身体前倾,膝盖微弯,使主提带的载重增加以便向前

面对航行方向。 Keep the glider directly over your head. Move the glider forward by leaning forward. Move it back by applying a little brake. Keep your knees bent to add weight to the wing.

维持顶伞过头的姿势,透过身体前倾使伞翼往前;借着拉下煞车使伞翼向后。记得保持双膝弯曲以增 加伞的荷重。 Your weight should be on the risers and on your feet. Practice changing your weight distribution between these 2 points. 你身体的 重量应是在主提带及双脚上;试着练习将重量分散 于这两点上。

The glider goes up BECAUSE you pull it down! Weight adds stability. 将伞绳向下拉而导致伞翼上升载重增加稳定度


Once you have the glider stabilized, you are ready to turn around. There are 4 things you can do to maintain the glider‟s stability during this process. 当你使伞翼稳定

下来之后就准备转身了;在这个过 程中有 3 个方法可以保持 伞翼的稳定:

1. use your weight to pull down on the karabiners 透 过身体的重量拉 下扣环。 2. maintain steady brake pressure, hanging pressure of your arms. 在 控制绳上保持手臂悬吊稳 定的压力。 3. Twist your body around the risers rather than the risers around your body. 转动身体绕过主提带而非主提带绕过你的身体。 4. lean forward and move forward as soon as you have come through the risers. 一旦穿过主提带尽速地向前倾并往前移动。 When reverse kiting your glider, “Puppy Paws” gives you good control. Keep your elbows in close. Let your arms hang from the toggles. The arms should be vertical with no muscle action. Keep your knees bent to act as springs. Let your body weight hang from the risers. Play one weight mass against the other. More tension on the toggles lets the glider drop back. More weight on the risers lets the glider go forward.

当你反身顶(斗)伞时,透过”小狗手掌姿式”来获得良好的控制。双肘 紧靠并使手臂悬挂在控制环上,双膝弯曲如弹簧般有弹性,手臂应垂直 而非使用肌肉的力量。使得身体重量悬挂在主提带上,并左右移动。较 多的力量加诸于控制环,则使得伞翼向后坠落;如增加主提带上荷重,则可使得伞翼向前移动。

PE instructor and novice pilot, Eugene demonstrates a relaxed puppy paws. 体育老师&入门飞行员 Eugene 示范轻松的小狗手掌 式。


Forward inflation 正手起伞 Attaching the risers 连结主提带 For the forward inflation, layout the glider as described earlier. Clear your lines and risers and lay them out on the ground, esplanade, the A' to the inside, the D's and brakes on the outside.

正手起伞时,伞衣如同前述方式摆放;检查伞绳且主提带 A 组在内侧,D 组及控制绳于外侧,置于地 面(草地)。 1. Stand between the risers, your back to the wing.人站立于左右主提带之间背向伞衣。 2. Reach down and pick up the right riser grasping it by the attachment point.

手向下抓起主提带,虎口置于 D 形扣环与主提带之连结处。 3. Open the karabiner. 打开扣环。 4. Position the attachment point so that the A riser is facing forward.

将 A 组面向前方抓住扣环连接处松开主提带。 5. Slip the karabiner through the attachment point. 将扣环穿过连接点。 6. Now, attach the speed bar line to the riser. 将加速器链接至主提带。 7. The risers should be attached so that the A riser is facing forward and outside. This can be confusing because on many harnesses the attachment points are diagonal to the harness. Verify that the brakes toggles are toward you. 注意主提带连结时 A 组必须面向前且位于外侧。因为许多套带的连结点是斜的因此造成困

惑;要确认控制环是面向你的! 8. Do the same for the left side. 左边亦同。

9. Now, make sure there is no twist in the lines or risers. 确定伞绳或提带没有纠结。 10. DO A 10 POINT CHECK. (See below) 10 点检查 (如下列) 11. Drop both arms to your sides behind the karabiners.

两侧手臂向后穿过主提带并将控制环握在手掌。 12. Remove the toggles lodging them firmly in the palm of your hand. 拉开控制环并放置于手掌中 13. Lift your arms while draping the risers over your forearms. (or shoulders) 举起手臂使提带越过上手臂(或肩膀)成折状下垂。 14. Grasp the A riser between the thumb and forefinger at the D link allowing the other risers to hang on your forearms. (or shoulders) 使主提带垂挂在前手臂(或肩膀) ,利用大拇指及食指抓住 A 组

提带 D 形扣环处。 Inflation posture 正手起伞姿势 

When you inflate the glider most of your effort will be from the karabiners. But initially you may tease the glider up using the A lines. So, your posture is very important. 当你在起伞时,大部分的作用力来自于扣环;但还是利用 A

组引导伞翼向上抬升,因此你的姿势相当重要。 

Stand far enough from the glider to remove all the slack from the lines. Do not let the leading edge fall forward.

当使伞充气时,大部分的作用力在 D 形扣环上。开始时你可 以利用 A 组使伞张开,因此你的姿势相当重要。站在距离伞衣够远 的地方并移开伞绳松散的部分,不要使伞翼前缘向前塌陷。 

Keep your hips parallel to the wing 保持臀部与伞翼平行。


Variant: bend elbows, hands on shoulders, close to the ears 替代姿势:手肘弯曲手、 手置于肩并靠近耳朵。

be centered on the wing 飞行员与伞翼置中。

wing centered on the wind 伞翼置中于风向。

DO NOT distort the wing profile by excessive tugging on the A risers. 不要因为过度拉扯 A 组而破坏伞形。

in light winds, spread your hands wider, like Jesus on the cross 在微风时将手臂尽量展开如耶稣被钉在十字架上。

release the A's early in the inflation process 在充气过程中早一点松开 A 组。

maintain even pressure on the risers 保持主提带的施力平均。

be ready to arrest the gliders forward motion when it reaches its apex by applying just enough brake 当伞到达顶端时,准备好拉控制绳,以便提供足够停止伞翼向前冲的力量。

be ready to load the glider by pulling down gently at the hips 利用臀部下移的动作来增加伞的载重。

Inflate 1. Count to three loud and clear with a steady rhythm so your ground crew knows when to release the glider. 清楚宏亮且有节奏地数到 3 如此帮忙撑伞的人才知道何时该放开伞衣。 2. On “3” step forward and pull forward with your hips and hands. 数到 3 时脚步向前利用手及臀部的力

量向前拉。 3. Feel the wing rising behind you 感觉伞翼在身体后方升起。 4. Maintain steady pressure on the A‟s and the risers. You want to obtain pressure of the wing rising on the karabiners.在 A 组及提带上维持稳定的压力,当伞翼升起时保持压力作用于扣环上。 5. As the glider comes over head, release the A risers, use hanging arms to arrest the forward motion of the glider. Continue your forward motion while monitoring the amount of tension on the risers by the tug at your karabiners. 当伞翼过顶时,松开 A 组及提带,只有手臂的力量挂在控制环上,以便 抑制伞翼向前冲并且维持压力。 6. Don‟t allow the glider to get ahead of you. If there is no wind at all you may have to run faster. 不要让 伞翼超过你,如果当时没有风你就得像猫尾巴着火似得狂奔了。

Writer/translator Doris Wang does the bird…作者/译者示范小鸟式


Stabilizing the wing 稳定伞翼 “Do da’ “Bird’! “ Once the glider is over your head, you need to stabilize it and control it. The posture you assume is critical to the rate at which you learn and your ability to kite. The picture below shows some features of the ideal posture. 当伞翼过顶后你需要稳定并且控制它;如果你的姿势正确你会学的更快。下图便是

理想的姿势示意图。 1. When you want to go forward, there are 2 things you need to do, brakes up and head down. This posture makes these actions inverse related and automatic.

当你要前进时必须做到以下两点:煞车全放头朝下,这个姿势与动作是自然且反向相关的。 2. When you want to stop, the same is true. The head and torso go up as the brakes go down.

当你要停止时亦是相同原理,当拉煞车时头与躯干向上伸直。 3. You automatically load the leading edge of the wing as you take off. This prevents frontal collapse and increases the speed on launch.

当你起飞时会自然增加伞翼的载重,亦可以避免伞翼前缘塌陷及增加起飞时的速度。 4. When the glider drops back, you can feel it in the reduced tension on the brake lines. When it goes forward, you can feel the increased tension on the brake lines.

当伞翼向后坠时你会感觉到控制绳的张力松弛,而当伞翼向前时控制绳的张力会增加。 Sometimes the wing will respond to the wind above by rolling, pitching or yawing slightly. You will respond in the following manner. Make your corrections before the destabilization becomes too great. Stabilizing the wing is a matter of finesse. All of your control inputs are delicate and gradual. The glider is 5 meters away from you. It will take a second or 2 for the wing to respond to your inputs.

有时候伞会根据风的情况而有前后左右上下摆荡的状况出现。根据以下的处理方式你可以在不稳定的 情形加剧前改正伞翼。稳定伞翼是一种手段,你的控制应当是小心且渐进的。由于伞翼离你有 5 米远 因此在做完动作后伞翼会在 1-2 秒后回应。 Y.B.Human? does the bird in light wind…Y.B.Human 在微风状况下示范小鸟式

And, again in stronger wind… 再一次示范,强风下…


For pitch correction: 前后摆荡的修正 Apply brake on both sides to bring the glider backward or to prevent over flying. Lean forward on the harness to bring the glider forward over head

带两边煞车使伞向后移避免伞翼过度飞行,在套袋里身体前倾使伞向前置于头顶。 Roll control: 左右摆荡控制 When you think roll control, think 'pendulum'. Follow the wing. Side step gently in the direction of the lower wing tip. This will allow the lower wing to fly.

关于左右摆荡你可以想象钟摆运动,随风起舞。侧移至伞尖较低的一方会使较低的一侧升高。 Pull the brake toggle gently on the side of the high wing tip. 温和地拉下较高一侧的控制绳。

For yaw control: 上下摆荡的控制 Sometimes the wind direction will change by 10 degrees or so. The glider will naturally re-center itself to the wind. You will have to re-center yourself on the glider. Pay attention. You will feel through the risers and the toggles a change in your orientation, a twisting. When you do, you will

有时候风向会有约 10 度左右的改变,而伞翼会自然的置中于风向你也必须置中于伞衣。注意透过主 提带及控制绳你可以感觉到方向改变或是旋转。此时你可以: Step to the side of the wing which is dropping back. 跟着掉落一侧的伞翼移动。 Apply a little toggle on the side that is forward. 拉向前的一侧伞翼的控制绳。

Roll control: brake the high side, side step toward the low side. Gentle and steady control inputs. 拉下较高一侧的伞绳,向较低一侧伞亦以控制左右摆荡。 缓和且稳定地控制。

Kiting exercises: Dances with Wind 与风共舞,斗伞练习 A Task-based Approach 任务取向方法 The 2 easiest people I have ever taught were a Tai chi instructor and a dance instructor. Like Salsa, Rumba or Waltz, posture is very important. Be aware of your posture.

飞行伞如同跳舞般讲究姿势,在我所教过的学员中就属打太极拳和跳舞的人最容易教。 Feedback from your dance partner is very important. Be constantly in communication with your wing through signals sent to you through the suspension lines. Keep constant tension on the lines so the message can get through.

你的舞伴所显露出来的讯息是很重要的。时常注意经由飞行伞吊绳所传递而来的讯息,而且要不断的 保持吊绳的张力以便接收伞衣所传递的讯息。 Be sure to use a beginner wing. The more docile the wing, the easier it is to learn to control. Attempting to learn kiting skills on anything else is like learning to Tango on ice skates with a hyperactive high school prom queen on acid who can‟t dance.

使用初学者用伞;越容易训练的伞则越容易控制。试着用其他等级的伞具来学斗伞技巧,就像与过动 的中学舞会皇后,穿着滑冰鞋,在冰上学探戈舞步,气死那些不会跳舞的。


Glider responses to your control inputs will be delayed by a second. Your control inputs travel along 10 meters of line and 12 sq mts of fabric. WAIT! The most common mistake of new pilots is over controlling.

飞行员对于伞衣的控制是靠着 10 公尺长的绳子与 12 平方米的布料,因此伞衣对飞行员控制的反应约 迟 1 秒。最常发生在新学员的错误就是过度控制,当完成动作时请「停一停」。 The take off run is always done in the forward position. Pilots seldom look at the glider during inflation or take off. To do so involves turning the torso which influences the position and control of the glider. It induces an instability. So, why do we kite in the reverse position?

当正手起伞时助跑是必要的,且飞行员在起伞或起飞时甚少看着伞衣。因此,我们上躯干的转动会影 响姿势及伞的控制,也包含了伞衣的不稳定性。那为何我们要反手控伞? We start training in a posture which allows us to see the glider and later abandon that posture. The reverse posture allows the student pilot to observe the glider response to inputs. This position is like training wheels on a bicycle which are later abandoned in favor of the more efficient and effective sense of feel.

因此,当我们学习反手斗伞时,可以让学员观察伞衣对于飞行员控制的反应,而后便可以舍弃反手斗 伞。如孩童学骑脚踏车总是先学三轮车然后再学两轮车是一样的道理。 The next phase is designed to help the student to develop sensitivity to the glider by feel through the tension on the lines.

下一段将帮助学生透过感觉伞绳的张力来培养对伞衣的敏感度。 Throughout this activity maintain some tension on the lines and risers to the karabiners. The lines communicate to you the way a string and paper cup telephone do. If there is no tension, there is no communication.

透过这个训练来保持伞绳与组带及 D 形扣环间的张力。就像由纸杯及棉绳所制成的传话筒一般,如果 棉绳没有拉紧声音便无法传递。

Task 1: Build a wall and hold it 任务一:筑一面墙并保持充气 Goal: hold a wall for 30 seconds and drop it while maintaining tension on the lines at all times so that the A lines never go slack.

目标:维持充气的状态 30 秒使 A 组伞绳一直保持拉紧的状态然后平置。重复上述动作到伞翼前 缘离地面一公尺高。试着保持稳定,身体维持倾斜并前后移动脚步。 Do the above until the glider's leading edge is about 1 meter above the ground. Try to hold it there stably by leaning back and forth, rocking on your feet. KEEP YOUR HIPS PARALLEL TO THE GLIDER. KEEP YOUR KNEES BENT SLIGHTLY AND LOOSE. 保持你的臀部与伞翼平行,使双膝柔软微弯。

Task 2: center on the wind 任务二:依据风向置中 Goal: destabilize and re-stabilize the wall by side stepping

目标:透过侧移来调整充气的伞衣并保持置中。 Take one step to your right. Notice that the left tip off the wing is now higher than the right. You have off centered form the wind and destabilized the wing.

移动脚步至右侧,此时注意到左翼高于右翼,这就表示过度调整并间接改变了伞衣。 Go back the center position where the leading edge is parallel the horizon. Take a step to the left. The same happens but on the other side.



Go back to the center. Do this a few times and get a feel for just how much you must move to the left or right to destabilize the wing. Pay attention to how long the glider takes to respond to your inputs.

重复此步骤几次便可以知道该向右或向左移动多少距离可以使伞衣置中充气,并注意伞衣对于你 的控制需要多少时间响应。 Task 3: center on the wind 任务三:依据风向置中 Goal: destabilize and re-stabilize the wall by hip twisting Perform the above task. But rather than side stepping, twist your hips throwing the left hip back. Notice how that wing tip rises. Drop it down again. Do it in the other direction. Do this a few times until you can do it while whistling Dixie. As you may have by now guessed, these are the methods of yaw control.

目标:透过转动臀部来调整充气的伞衣并保持置中。练习以上的步骤但以转动右臀像前来代替侧 步,并且注意伞翼如何升起。将伞衣平置,以另一个方向再练习一次,反复练习到能够自然反射 为止。由上可知这是所谓的偏角控制。 Task 4: raising and dropping using hips only 任务四:透过使用臀部将伞衣提起及放下 Goal: no hands inflation Set up for a reverse inflation. Thrust your bum back and lean back a bit until you have tension on the risers at the karabiners and the lines. Notice how the glider starts to climb up. Move forward to the standing position again. Notice how the glider drops back down again.

目标:不用手起伞 准备好反手充气,用力将臀部向后推,身体往后倒,直到感觉主提带上的拉力,作用在套带扣 环、及伞绳上。此时伞衣会开始向上攀升,向前移动并保持站立的姿势则可发现伞衣向下墬。

STEP TOWARD THE GLIDER WHENEVER YOU DROP IT 每当放下伞翼时向伞衣移动 This will allow the leading edge to fall backward and leave the air mouth open making it easier for your next inflation.

当伞衣下墬时切记养成向伞衣移动的好习惯,以便伞翼前缘平置于地面,并保持气口张开;利于 下一次的起伞。 Task 5: raising and dropping using A's and D's 任务五:利用 A 组.D 组来提起放下伞衣 Goal: inflate using A's and D's Set up for a reverse inflation. Pull on the A's firmly but steadily while drawing the D's forward toward the glider. Notice how the glider rises up. Allow it to rise about 1 meter. Hold it for a brief second or 2. Now reverse the action drawing the D's toward you and the A's toward the glider.

目标:利用 A 组、D 组起伞 准备好反手充气,明确且稳定地拉起 A 组同时 D 组往前朝着伞衣移动。注意伞衣升起的情形并使 其抬高至一米高且维持 1 至 2 秒。此时以反方向操作(拉起 D 组同时 A 组往前朝着伞衣移动)。 保持伞的稳定及伞绳的张力。


Task 6: raising and dropping using A's and toggles 任务六:利用 A 组及控制绳来提起放下伞衣 Goal: inflate using A's and brakes Set up for a reverse inflation. Pull on the A's firmly but steadily while releasing tension on the brakes. Notice how the glider rises up. Allow it to rise about 1 meter. Hold it for a brief second or 2. Now reverse the action drawing the brakes toward you and the A's toward the glider. Notice how the glider drops back down again.

目标:利用 A 组及控制绳(煞车)起伞 准备好反手充气,明确且稳定地拉起 A 组,同时放松控制绳的张力。注意伞衣升起的情形,并使 其抬至一米高且维持 1 至 2 秒。此时以反方向操作(拉起煞车同时 A 组朝着伞衣移动)。观察伞 衣放下时的情形。 As you may have by now guessed, these are the methods of pitch control. 除了上述的方式外尚有

左右控制的方式。 Task 7: finding the 'drag' point about 45 degree from the vertical, 任务六:从垂直 45 度角处找寻

阻力点 There is a point in your inflation where the glider goes past a 'hump' before going up to the horizontal overhead position. I call it the drag point because it is where; if you don‟t pull up forcefully enough initially, the glider will begin to drag you. Your initial pull must provide enough inertia to get past it. Once you have found it, it will be easy to manage.

充气的过程中,当伞衣抬升过顶之前会有一个沉降点;我称之为阻力点,因为若没有在此时增加 足够的拉力,则人容易被伞拉走。首次拉起飞行伞必须提供足够的力,才能克服伞衣的阻力。只 要找到了阻力点就可以轻松控制你的伞。 Use task 4, 5 or 6 above to get the glider up to about 45 degrees. You will feel an extra pull on the karabiners when the glider reaches the drag pint. Make a mental note of it. Do this 3 or 4 times.

透过上述步骤 4-6 的练习,将伞衣提高到 45 度角,你将察觉当伞衣升高至 45 度角时,D 形扣环 处会有一股拉力。重复作 3-4 次并把此情形烙印在心。 Task 8: Now, get over it! 任务七:超越它! Goal: get past the drag point. Perform task 6 above but use an extra amount of energy. Make a mental note of how much ADDITIONAL energy is required to pass the drag point and bring the glider over head. As the glider reaches about the 75 - 80 degree point, sit deeper in the harness to arrest the forward movement of the glider. In a 12- 15 kmh wind this should be enough. Don't be concerned if the glider overshoots. We will address this in the next task.

目标:超越阻力点 利用步骤六的说明再加上一点力量,并且记得需要加多少力量,才能使飞行伞超过阻力点并且过 顶。当伞衣到达 75-80 度角时增加伞的载重(降低重心)使伞衣向前移动。在风速达到 12-15 公 里/小时是足以应付的,不需要太在意伞衣过度飞行的问题;针对这个主题后续会再讨论。载重的 多寡影响了飞行伞的稳定性,因此需要保持一定的载重。



Task 9: Arrest 任务八:制动 Goal: arresting the forward pitch Perform task 7 above but this time; apply brake as you sit deeper in the harness. Use just a steady gentle pull on the brakes to stop the glider.

目标:遏止向前摆动 执行步骤七,但当坐进套带的同时轻轻地拉下煞车,使伞衣停止。 Task 10: Arrest 任务九:制动 Goal: arresting the backward pitch using weight shift perform task 7.Stablize the glider above your head. Apply brake control to induce backward pitch. As the glider falls to about 70 degrees, lean back in the harness until you are about to fall over. The glider should come back forward.

目标:透过身体重心的移动来遏止向后摆动 执行步骤七使伞衣稳定地维持在头顶。借着拉煞车使得伞衣向后移动,当伞衣降至 70 度时身体 向后倒进套带中,直到几乎跌到在地上的时候,此时伞衣应已回复前进的状态。 Task 11: Arrest 任务九:制动 Goal: arresting the backward pitch using A risers Perform task 9. Rather than using weight shift, with both hands on the A risers induce forward pitch by pulling. The glider should come forward. Use a combination of brake and weight to arrest the forward pitch.

目标:透过使用 A 组来阻止伞衣向后摆动 执行步骤九,以双手拉 A 组,来代替身体重心位移,并使伞衣向前移动。同时使用煞车及身体重 心也可以制止伞衣向前摆动。 Task 12: controlling the deflation 任务十一:起伞控制 Goal: neatly bringing the glider down to the ground on the trailing edge Stabilize the glider overhead. Grab both brakes and pull firmly and steadily until the glider begins to drop back. By leaning back, maintain steady pressure on the riser at the karabiners. This will slow the glider rate of decent. Practice this until you can bring it down light as a feather.

目标:整齐地将伞翼后缘放置于地面 使伞衣稳定地维持在头顶,拉左右两边煞车并稳定地抬起伞绳,直到伞衣开始落下。身体向后仰 躺并维持稳定的张力作用于主提带的扣环上,如此可以减缓伞衣下沉的速率。需不断练习如同摆 放羽毛般不费吹灰之力。 Once you have mastered these tasks, that is to say, you can do them confidently while balancing your check book, you are ready for…当你完全熟练以上任务你就可以进入下一个主题…

Kiting 斗伞 Flight control 飞行控制 Be mindful that these activities only APPROXIMATE in- flight conditions. The primary difference is that when you are on the ground, you will not pendulum. Instead, you will have to sidestep to stay under the glider. While in the sky, gravity will pendulum you back into center. These activities are to allow you to become accustomed to the postures.

以上的练习都是模拟飞行中的状况,而主要不同之处是当你在地面时你不会摇摆不定;相反地你 会侧移至伞衣底下。当你在天空时,重力会自然地使你置于伞衣中心。以上的练习都是为了让你 更熟悉姿势。


Turning around - you will find that there is a chance of destabilizing the glider inducing unwanted roll, pitch or yaw. To avoid this, use loose knees to put a load on the glider. And roll your body around the riser rather than the riser around your body until you are in between the riser facing forward. As you do so, lean forward through the risers, with your legs behind you.

转身- 你会发现伞衣因不稳定,而造成前后或左右摆动不必要的摆动。为避免以上情形的出现, 放松你的膝盖并使身体重心压低,同时转动身体直到身体位于左右提带中间并且面向前方。此时 你的身体向前倾双脚会在身体的后方。

Launch posture 起飞姿势 

Increase the load on the wing by leaning forward. 透过向前倾来增加伞的载重。

Your arms should be swept back behind you. 此时手的位置应在身体后方。

Your hands should be hanging on the toggles by the fingertips 而借着手指将整个手臂的重量。

with just enough pressure to keep the wing stable. Usually this is just the weight of the arms. 悬挂在控煞车环来使伞衣稳定。

Your legs should be behind you, knees bent, allowing you to push off like a skater. 脚则位于身体后方,膝盖弯曲使你可以像溜冰选手般向前推进。。

Your torso should be parallel to the ground. 身体应与地面平行。

Your head should be bent back so you can see straight out in front of you. 头抬起以便正视前方。

Forward launch 正手起伞 The glider is launched by increasing the weight transfer from the feet to the hang points of the harness. Use the feet to push off forward allowing the glider to glide. The faster the glide, the more stable the launch. 飞行伞之所以能飞行,是由于飞行员将重量从脚部透过与套带的连接点,传

至伞衣增加其载重而产生浮力。透过脚的推力使得伞以可以滑行;而滑行得 越快起飞时就更稳定。 Creeping forward 缓慢地前进 We induce forward motion of the glider by leaning forward. We stop the forward motion by applying brake and reducing our forward lean. 透过身体前倾增加伞衣前进的动作;而透过拉控制绳的动 作及减少身体前倾的幅度来停止向前。

Backing up the glider 使伞衣倒退 To move the glider backward, apply a little more pressure on the toggles until you feel the glider dropping back slightly. Then, take a small step backward. Backward motion is done in small steps at first.



In this phase we practice some of the techniques used in flight, while standing firmly on the ground or while hovering slightly above the ground. 当在地面上站立不动或在地面上漫步,都是在练习飞

行中可以使用的技巧。 Weight shift turning left and right 利用重心向左右转 While standing on the ground, it is not possible to fully execute a weight shift turn. However, we can approximate it by dropping the hip on one side.

站在地上很难将这一个动作准确地完成但是透过转动臀部也能尽量地作到练习。 With the glider kiting steadily over head, drop the left hip back. The glider will yaw left. Return to a balanced posture. The glider will return to normal flight.

当稳定地起伞过顶,将左臀向后转则伞衣会向左移动。当左臀回到平衡的位置时,伞衣也会回复 平衡。 Do it to the other side. Practice this several times. 以相同的方式操作另一侧。重复练习几次。 Control line turning left and right 操作控制绳左右转 With the glider steady over your head, apply 10 cm toggle to the left side. After 1 second you will feel the glider begin to yaw left. If you turn your body in that direction, you will have completed a left turn. Maintain downward pull on the suspension lines throughout this exercise.

当稳定地起伞过顶时,将左边的控制绳吊环向下拉 10 公分,约一秒钟后你会察觉伞衣向左移 动;此时若转动身体向左便完成左转的动作了。透过这个练习来维持吊绳向下拉的动作。 Let the left toggle up again. Now, do the same to the right side.

松开左边煞车环,以相同的步骤操作右侧。 Practice this several times. 重复练习几次。 Roll control - combine control lines and twisting of hips 摇摆控制 – 结合控制绳与转动臀部 By combing the 2 above techniques, you can make your turns flat smooth, graceful. Practice this. Also, by countering these 2 techniques, you can develop a sense of their efficiency. Induce a yaw or roll using weight shift and re-stabilize using the toggles.

透过以上两个技巧的结合与练习,可以使你的左右转更平顺。透过重心的位移来达到摇晃摆动的 效果,而透过控制绳的使用来稳定伞衣。 Little ears 小夹翼 Kiting the glider steadily overhead, reach up with both hands and grasp the outermost A line on each side. DO this with the brake toggles in your hands. Grasp them with the thumbs down and the elbows out. Take them as high up as you can. Now, forcefully, and briskly, pull down. Hold them in this position for several seconds.

稳定地起伞过顶,手向上延伸拉下两边最外侧的 A 组伞绳并同时握着煞车环。尽量以手能碰触的 最高处以手肘向外拇指向下轻快的且有力地向下拉并握紧。维持这个姿势几秒的时间。 You may need to load the glider a bit more as the wing will try to drop back. 当伞衣向后倒时你需要

增加伞衣的载重。 Release the A lines and allow the wing to reopen. 放开 A 组伞绳让伞翼张开。 B line stall - B 组失速 With both brake toggles in your hands, reach up and grasp the “B” riser at the D links. Use a firm yank to pull them down to your shoulders. Load the glider when you do this, as it will try to pitch back. Hold them down for a few seconds.


Release them allowing the glider to reopen. Be ready for the forward surge. Apply brake pressure to stabilize the glider.

双手握住煞车环,手向上延伸拉下在 D 型扣环上的 B 组,并用力拉下至肩膀。当伞衣欲向后倒时 记得增加伞衣的载重,并保持这姿势几秒钟的时间。松开伞绳以便伞衣可以充气并带煞车以稳定 伞翼的平衡。 Asymmetric deflation 不对称充气起伞 Grasp the D link of the A riser on the left side. Give it a firm hard yank. The left side of the wing will deflate while the right side flies. The wing will try to turn left. You will counter steer using the right brake and leaning to the right.

用力拉下左边 A 组伞绳的 D 型环。当伞翼右侧飞行时左边伞翼呈现夹翼状,此时伞衣会转向左 侧。利用反方向操控右侧煞车且身体向右侧弯。 Getting acclimated to the air 适应气流 Here are some techniques to help desensitize student pilots. It is important for students to get used to the fact that the glider can actually support their weight. These techniques can be used to help them to get over their initial fear.

多数飞行员在第一次飞行时,会在紧要关头退却;有一个飞行员就曾在起飞场边缘退缩了 8 次, 原因就出于在首次正式飞行前就已经挂树 8 次了。让学员彻底了解伞具能够支撑飞行员重量是很 重要的,这也会使他们克服最初的恐惧。 Bunny hops 兔子跳 The ideal training hill has a 20 – 25 degree slope. With a brisk breeze, you can apply toggle pressure and feel the lift. Or, run down the hill and apply toggles to get 1- 2 meters altitude. Practice plenty of hops to perfect your take off posture before your first flight.

理想的训练丘为 20-25 度斜坡,有稳定的微风,透过控制控制绳让学员感觉浮力。或者跑下斜坡 并利用控制绳而升高 1-2 米。在第一次飞行前,透过大量的兔子跳训练使得起飞姿势完美。

Bunny hops will lead to a seamless transition from ground to air. 兔子跳可使从地面到天空的动作平滑连贯 Push ups 推上去 Some training fields don‟t have a slope. So, your coach may be prepared to give you a lift up. This can be done by either pushing your buttocks or tethering you with a short tow rope. The push up is the easiest.

有些场地并没有缓坡,因此你的教练会准备好推你一把好让你升空;透过推你的臀部或是用绳子拉都 可以,这也是最简单的方式。 Short rope tow ups 短绳拖曳 The tow rope will get you a little more altitude. The tow bridle will be attached to the harness at the karabiners. When you do this, the wing will pitch back a little. Do not apply brake at this point.

绳子可以使你增加高度,而绳结则位于扣环上连接到套带。过程中伞翼会前后摆荡,这个时后千万不 要拉煞车。 You can use the above three techniques to practice your PLF. 利用上述 3 个技巧来练习五点着陆。 PLF Parachute Landing Fall 五点着陆-降落伞式着陆


The PLF is used when we land too fast or too hard. Immediately upon touching the ground:

这个技巧用于当我们降落的太急太猛,或是将立即与地面接触时。 1. Feet together, knees bent, elbows in, fists balled, body crouched forward, and to 1 side

双脚并拢膝盖弯曲手肘内缩握拳身体向前蜷曲倾向一侧。 2. roll forward onto the shoulder 利用肩膀向前滚。 3. Continue to roll over that shoulder. 继续滚动过肩。 4. Allow the feet to follow over. 双脚随之翻转。 Keep rolling until all the momentum is used up.继续滚动至动量完全消耗。 The key to a safe, successful, and even enjoyable PLF is a completely relaxed body, limp as a wet noodle with all of the extremities in close.

安全成功至享受于五点着陆的要点在于身体的放松,松弛地像湿润的面条,而且躯干末端尽量靠近。 Students should practice the PLF several times or until they are comfortable with it.

学生都要多次练习这个技巧直到熟练习惯。 I know one pilot who came in on a tail wind landing and PLF rolled 4 times before finally coming to a stop. Seeing him wrapped thoroughly in string, not moving, we were a bit nervous that he might be hurt. Then, he jumped up and laughed like a madman proclaiming, “That was fun. Can we do it again?” Practice your PLF until your body knows it better than your brain.

我就认识一个飞行员顺风降落时翻滚了 4 圈之后停住。看着他被伞绳缠绕一动也不动,我们都有点紧 张,也不知道有没有受伤;然后他跳起来像个疯子一样大笑说:真有趣,可以再来一次吗? Kiting tips: 斗伞技巧 Carry your glider on your DOWN WIND shoulder. This way you will not get dragged off your feet in case of a gust 用背风侧的肩膀来提伞衣,这样才不会因为一个阵风袭来而把你吹走。 Make a standard system of your glider handling skills during kiting. 在斗伞时建立一套操纵伞翼的 标准系统。


Learn to handle your glider alone when kiting. 学着在斗伞时操纵伞翼。 Learn to pay out the lines as you spread your kite. This way you don‟t have to unhook your harness. 当你展开伞衣时要如同展开风筝似的注意伞绳,如此便可以省去解开套带的麻烦。 Never drag your glider along the ground. It may snag and tear.

绝对不要把伞衣放在地上拖行,这可能会造成纠结或是撕裂。 Inspect the ground for debris, wires, glass which may tear your fabric.

观察地面上是否有垃圾、铁丝、或是玻璃等会造成伞布撕裂的物品。 Let the wind do the work. The more you rely on the wind, the less energy you have to expend.

借风使力;你越是倚靠风,就可以花费越少的力气。 Learn to enjoy kiting. You will be doing it the rest of your life. 学着享受顶伞的乐趣,这个动作将会

一直延续下去。 Kiting is a great aerobic exercise. Do it to lose weight. Don‟t lose too much or you will have to get a new glider. 斗伞是个很棒的有氧运动,可以达到减肥效果。那么你就可以换小号的飞行伞了! In light wind have friends hold up your glider leading edge. This will make the inflation process easier. They should put tension on the leading edge so that it does not sag.


Make sure they do not put fingers in the air mouth.


For higher winds, fold the air mouth over until ready to inflate. 在风速较高时,将风口向前折直 到准备好充气。

Now, let's look at some of the problems you may be having with the inflation and launch process.

现在就谈到起伞及起飞时所会遇到的问题。 Common errors in inflation include: 常见的错误有:


Too much pressure on the A's A 组施力过多。

Not enough tension on the risers 主提带的压力不足。

Over controlling with the toggles 过度操纵控制绳。

Jerking the A‟s or risers 用力拉扯 A 组或主提带。

Failing to arrest the glider at the top 当伞翼过顶时没有及时停止。

arresting the glider too soon 停止伞翼的动作过早。

failing to load the glider 伞翼没有足够的荷重。

Poor inflations 不佳的起伞状况 Uneven inflations - one side comes up before the other 伞翼不均-一边高一边低 problem 问题

solution 对策

practice 练习

re-center on the wind

building a wall and centering



not centered on the wing

re-center on the wing

building a wall and centering




canopy unevenly laid out

lay out the canopy evenly

be a glider caddy for other pilots




twig or snag in the lines

careful line inspection



posture problems

stand with hips parallel to the glider on inflation

wind is cross, downwind side comes up first


姿势问题 twisting the hips 转动臀部。

pulling one A riser harder than the other 其中一边 A 组拉力

起伞时臀部直立并与伞翼平 行。

practice kiting in slightly stronger winds to develop your feel at the risers

在稍强的风速下培养对伞组张 力的感觉。

try putting A's in one hand

practice no hands inflations

将 A 组放在同一只手上。


too much tension on one brake

inflate without brakes

practice kiting with no brakes in




one arm or leg longer than the other 手脚不等长。

Surgery 手术。

get used to it 学着习惯。

if one side consistently comes up before the other,

controlling the glider with hips only


twist your hips so that riser is back further and will come up faster 转动你的臀部使提带向后





Wing fold along the wing span - usually caused by excessive pressure on the A's. Too much pulling on the A's causes distortion of the wing along the chord. Try lifting the A's with flat palms rather than grabbing them with the hands. If the problem persists, bind your thumbs against your hands so you are unable to grasp the risers while kiting on flat ground.


伞翼前扣-因为过大的力量施加于 A 组而造成的。A 组过多的拉扯导致伞翼沿着翼弦扭曲。试着用手 掌平举起 A 组取代用手抓。如果情形持续发生,在斗伞时将大拇指弯曲抵住手掌而不能抓住伞组。 Parachutal drag - same cause as above. Because the wing is distorted, it is in a stall position and cannot achieve forward motion. Release the A's and allow the wing to maintain its normal form. Use more hip in your inflation rather than arms. Alternately, older gliders get deformed over time. This may cause parachuting. In THIS case, lifting on the A's is a solution. 降落伞阻力-成因同上,因为伞翼扭曲而造成失速现象无法前进;此时应松开 A 组并维持正常形状。 当起伞时使用臀部的力量取代手臂的拉力。相对的老旧的伞因为使用时间长而变形这也会造成伞体形 成降落伞状。在这个情况下多点 A 组的拉力则可以改善。 45 degree stop - the 45 degree point is the drag point. At this point the weight of the glider is balanced against the lifting force of the lines. If you don't have enough power the glider will stop there. The trick is to use enough force on your initial inflation to get past the drag point. Try using the forward inflation. 45 度停止点-45 度为阻力点;当伞翼达到此点时,伞的重力与伞绳的升力达到平衡。如果力量不够 伞翼就会停在 45 度;技巧在于第一次起伞时,使用足够的量使伞翼超过阻力点。 Overshooting - failure to arrest the glider at the top of its arc. Practice raising and lowering the glider, stopping it at the top of its travel by using the toggles and sinking in the harness to add weight to the risers. In light winds, follow the glider and stay under it. Practice surging the glider in slightly stronger wind until you have a feel for it. Then repeat the exercise in slightly lighter winds. 超越-在伞翼成弓形时未能及时停止而伞衣超过飞行员。练习抬高或降低伞翼,当伞翼过顶时,利用 控制绳或坐入套带来增加组带的载重。在微风状态下,随者伞翼移动并保持置于伞翼下。在稍强的风 力下练习,带着伞翼向前猛冲直到有感觉;然后在稍弱的风例下重复练习。 Take off problems 起飞时的问题 Jerk up - as the glider comes up, the pilot gets pulled quickly off the ground and promptly dropped on his ass. Arresting the glider is done at a rate relative to the wind speed. In a light wind, use the toggles to arrest the glider abruptly. In a strong wind, arrest the glider‟s forward motion gently, or not at all. Practice with your coach to ballast you from behind. Come back when winds are lighter. 猛拉-当伞翼离开地面,飞行员很快被拉离地面,立即重落在地。制止伞翼的时机根据风速有所不 同;在微风状态下,断断续续地使用控制绳来抑制伞翼。在强风下和缓地或是抑制伞翼向前移动,或 者什么也不做。在有教练在你的背后稳定的情形下练习,或等到风小点再继续。 Different launch conditions will require varying techniques.



Drop off - the pilot gets off the ground and drops off into the jungle below. This happens because of not enough speed on the take off. This is a common problem among: 掉落-飞行员起飞后掉落在起飞场下方的丛林中,是由于起飞时速度不足所造成。以下是常见的问 题: problem 问题

Solution 对策

Practice 练习

afraid to commit

study theory until your body is convinced that the wing will support you 研读理论直

do bunny hops and low slope launches



take off with wind speed 12 km/h or better

在风速每小时 12 公里或更高的情形下起

find another take off zone with sufficient room to run.



害怕。 take off zone too short, not enough speed



cliff launch

find another take off zone



cliff launch is not suitable for a beginner

断崖式起飞不适合初学者。 visual focus on the ground

train your visual focus to the horizon


当走路、骑脚踏车、或斗伞时练习 注视地平线。

视线集中于地面。 failure to load the wing

lean forward as far as possible on launch


伞翼没有足够载 重。 subconscious aversion


mental block


practice watching the horizon while you walk, bicycle, kite your wing

practice your take off form from a good model, video tape and review

从好的模范或录像带中练习起飞姿 势。 They are not convinced that the glider can carry them and have not yet fully committed to the launch

Go back to the class room and study theory. Do bunny hops on a training hill.

他们还没说服自己飞行伞可以支撑他们 的重量,而且还没做好起飞的准备。


not understand that the glider needs air flow over and under the wing in order to fly. 不了解飞行伞需要气流经过伞翼上

Study theory. Practice running flights on flat ground.




Questions 问题 1. Kiting practice can be stopped when : (a) you have had your first flights (b) never (c) after 10 hours of flying 斗伞练习在何种情况下可以停止:(a) 已有过几次单飞经验 (b) 从不停止 (c) 10 个小时飞行后 2. Inspection of the glider should include: 伞具检查应包含: (a) _________________

(b) ______________________ (c) _______________________

(d) _________________

(e) ______________________ (f) _______________________


3. When using the A risers to assist the inflation process, the motion should be: (a) pulling back (b) lifting up (c) pulling out 当在充气过程中,利用 A 组提带时应注意:(a) 向后拉 (b) 向上抬升 (c) 向外拉。 4. When inflating the glider, arrest the gliders forward motion: (a) as the glider comes up (b) when it reaches the top (c) as it approaches the top 伞衣充气时阻止伞翼猛然前冲的时机为:(a) 当伞翼升起时 (b) 当伞翼到达顶点时 (c) 当伞翼向上接

近顶点时。 5. When kiting the glider, your eyes should be focused on: (a) the horizon (b) the glider (c) your hands 斗伞时你的焦点应该要注视:(a) 地平面 (b) 伞翼 (c) 双手。 6. You are kiting your glider in the forward position. The left wing tip begins to drop. You should: (a) Brake left, step left (b) brake right step right (c) brake left step right (d) brake right step left 当你正手起伞左边伞尖落下时你应该:(a) 拉左煞车向左走 (b) 拉右煞车向右走 (c) 拉左煞车向右走 (d) 拉右煞车向左走。 7. The actions used to stabilize the glider after inflation are: (a) brakes (b) weight (c) forward motion (d) all of the above 在伞衣充气后应如何稳定伞翼:(a) 利用煞车 (b) 重心(c) 动作向前 (d) 以上皆是。 8. Which is the best description of the launch posture?(a) knees locked (b) standing straight, arms out front (c) sitting in the harness, knees up leaning forward, arms swept back, weight on the karabiners 以下何者为最佳起飞姿势之叙述:(a) 膝盖固定不动 (b) 直立手臂向前 (c) 坐在套袋内膝盖向上 (d) 身体前倾手臂向后使重心作用在扣环上。 9. When doing a reverse inflation, the force is from the (A) hips (B) A risers, and the direction of the pull is (a) back (b) down (c) back and down 当反手充气时的力量来自于(A) 臀部(B) A 组带, 而作用力方向则是(a) 向后(b) 向下 (c) 向后及向 下。 10.Inflating the glider requires (a) a quick sharp jerk (b) a series of jerks (c)steady even pressure … on the risers. 伞衣充气的方式…(a) 快速用力猛拉 (b) 连续猛拉 (c) 平均稳定的施力 于主提带上。 11.List the ten items on the 10 point check list: 10 点检查项目为: a ________________________

b________________________ c ________________________

d ________________________

e ________________________ f ________________________

g ________________________

h ________________________

i ________________________

12.connect left items with the right 左右配对 lean forward, or pull brakes evenly

roll control 左右摆荡控制

身体前倾或平均利于控制绳 brake one side and twist hips

yaw control 上下摆荡控制

拉下一侧煞车并且转动臀部 pull one side brake and step toward opposite side 拉一边煞车并步向反侧

pitch control 前后摆荡控制


Chapter 5

Weather to fly – beginner 适合初学者飞行的天气 Micrometeorology 大气象学 Conditions 状况

Great day in the morning. The coach says that you are going to have your first flights today if the weather is good. So you check the weather. What you WANT to hear is, “The cold front has just passed and we will have clear skies, with occasional small cumulus clouds. Humidity is low. Temperature is warm. Atmospheric pressure is steady. Winds will be at 8 – 14 km/h with little gusting and no chance of rain. “

天气良好的一天。教练告诉你如果天气好你将会飞生平第一趟,所以你看了气象,你所想听到的是 「冷锋已经远离,天空转为晴朗,伴随着小积云。湿度低,温度暖和,大气压力稳定。风速为每小时 8-14 公里偶有阵风,降雨机率 0。」 The three factors by which we judge the winds are:

我们判断风的三个要素 Speed 速度 direction 方向 gusts - variation in speed or direction 阵风-风向及风速的变化 As a beginner you will want to minimize variables as much as possible during kiting practice and first flights. This is to enable you to learn in a relaxed state of mind free of fear or worry. This will also allow you to understand the causal relations of events. So here is a description of the ideal weather conditions:

在斗伞及第一次飞行时身为初学者,应尽量将变动因子减到最少。这是为了能够不使恐惧或紧张影响 学习,并使你了解事件的因果关系。以下是对于理想天气状况的描述: for kiting 斗伞 for first flights 第一次飞行 Under these conditions you will learn much faster and much safer.

这样的情形下你会学得更快更安全 A good training day for you will something like this. There will be small cumulus clouds overhead. Or there will be no clouds at all. The wind will be at a constant speed and a steady direction.

一个良好的学习天气应该是:天空中有小的积云或者是完全无云,而风速与风向则是稳定没有变化 的。 The barometer will be steady or have very little change. There will be no frontal activity. This steady wind will be before 11 a.m., when thermals have yet to develop. This is often good for kiting. First flights will be after3p.m. when things are stabilizing.

气压应是稳定或仅有些微变化,并且没有锋面活动。而上午 11 点前,当热气流尚未发展时风是稳定 的,且也是适合斗伞的时间。第一次飞行则是下午三点以后,当气流稳定的时候。 If you take your first flights in the a.m., it may be bumpy. Immature bubble thermals can create turbulence that will make your first flights miserable.

假如第一次飞行时间为上午这时可能会颠簸。发展未成熟的热气流会形成乱流,并使你的首次飞行感 觉糟糕。


Kiting 斗伞 Your wind speed for kiting should be between 8 and 16 km/h. In winds less than 8 you will need to create your own airflow. It will require a great deal of running to get the glider over your head. This technique is better learned later. Winds greater than 16 will require greater skill to prevent being dragged.

时速 8-16 公里的风速下是适合斗伞的。在风速低于 8 公里时你需要额外的助跑,使得伞翼过顶。风 速超过时速 16 公里时,则需要更好的技巧以避免被拖曳。 There should be with as little variation in speed or direction as possible. There is a good reason for this. Kiting a glider in varying winds requires finesse and coordination which require an understanding of the glider and wind dynamics. In order to learn the basic mechanics and postures, you will need a steady wind conditions. If you were learning to drive a car, would you want to do it in a Ferrari, on the highway?

风速及风向的变化越小越好,理由是:在变化的风况下斗伞,除了需要技巧与协调,还需了解伞及风 的动力原理。为了学好基本操作原理及姿势,你必须在稳定的风况下练习。当你学开车时,你是否会 开着法拉利跑在高速公路上? Your kiting field should be as large as possible with no obstruction upwind that might create turbulence; houses, buildings, trees. There will be steady ground cover upwind, nothing to create dramatic temperature variations, parking lots, tin buildings, fresh plowed farm fields. A beach site or riverside park will be most suitable. A farm field among other farm fields will be good.

斗伞场地应尽量越大越好,且要避免可能造成乱流的障碍物如:房子、建筑物、树。地表有稳定而不 会造成剧烈温度变化的情形,如停车场、铁皮屋、刚犁过的田地。海滩或是河滨公园是最合适的,或 者是众多农田中的一块田地亦可。 There will be turbulence downwind for any object. Your kiting efforts will be futile unless you are ½ the wind speed time the height of the object away.

在任一个物体的背风处,都会有乱 流的产生。如果你不是位于这个物 体的 1/2 风速及高度的地方,你所 做的斗伞练习都是无益的。

Tai-chi master Precious Powell, „masters‟ kiting on his first try at San Yuan Beach, Taitung Taiwan . Noon sun allows him to track the glider by watching the shadow of the wing.( right) 太极专家 Precious Powell 在台湾台东三元海滩展现第一次斗伞练习之专业架式。 正午时,脚底下的影子让他轻松掌握伞翼的状况。

First flights 首次飞行 Under ideal conditions, the shape of your take off zone will have a 2.5:1 – 4:1 slope. It will give you at least 40 meters to run. The surface of the take off zone and landing zone will be grass and earth or sand to absorb any impact in the event of a drop. You will have 60‟ to your left and right of your flight path. There will be no variation in the wind speed or wind direction. The wind will come up the slope at exactly 90‟


理想情况下,起飞场应有 2.5:1~4:1 的斜坡,如此可以提供 40 米的助跑距离。起飞及降落场的表面, 最好是植草、铺砂或者是泥土,以减少坠落时的冲击力。上述比例的斜坡,风可以垂直吹上斜坡,并 可以提供左右各 60 度的飞行路径。此外在风向及风速上也不应有改变。

Puli ( South) take off zone offers a good slope for both training flights and bunny hops. 埔里南侧起飞场有个适合训练及兔子跳 的缓坡。 To Cheung , Ilan and Wan Li, Keelung, offer smooth sea air and a very large landing zone for training flights.宜兰头 城及万里翡翠湾均有平稳的海风吹拂, 与广大沙滩可供降落练习。

(See the chapter on turbulence) 请参考乱 流一章。 The landing zone will be in view from the take off zone. You will be in radio communication with a coach on the take off zone and another on the landing zone. They will talk you through the first flights giving you pre-established commands, telling how far to pull the controls and exactly when to flare.

在起飞场你就可以看到降落场,你也会与两地的教练随时保持无线电通讯。在你第一次飞行时,他们 则会引导你起飞及降落的标准程序,并指导你何时该拉煞车、该拉多少等。 Your landing will be in steady winds of 8 to 16. This is easy to perform a no–step landing. Stronger winds will require a bit of skill to run on landing. Stronger winds will require skills to prevent being dragged.

风速将会是时速 8-16 公里,如此便能轻易的触地降落,若是在强风下降落,则需要往前跑,并且有避 免被拖曳的技巧。 There will be wind indicators on both the landing and take off zones. There will be very few pilots in the surrounding area. You will have your coach‟s complete and undivided attention.

在起飞场及降落场都会有风筒,天空中将会有极少的飞行员,而教练也会全神贯注。 These flights will be short because they are for 3 purposes:

这趟飞行将是短暂的,因为以下三个理由: Develop take off and landing form 培养起飞及降落的方法 Convince your body and mind that it is possible 说服身体及心理飞行是可能完成的 Help you to become relaxed in the sky 使你在天空时感觉放松


Table of wind speed 风速表 Km/h 时速/

Windsock/flag 风筒/旗帜

Description 描述

Min skill level 技巧程度



Smoke rise straight up, no movement, butterflies





Flutters, limp

Cigarette smoke reveals wind direction, leaves on tops of trees begin to move, dragonflies , butterflies


不规则跳动或 若有似无

烟指明风的方向,树顶的叶子开始移动,蜻蜓飞舞 Beginner




30 – 45 degrees

Smoke leans 45 degrees, small branches and short grass moves, sparrows, swallows

30-45 度

炊烟倾斜 45 度角,小树枝、短草移动,麻雀燕子 飞舞。

45- 90 degrees, flap 45-90 度,持续 20


Tree branches move, smoke lies at 30 degrees from horizontal, audible wind, small birds and insects are grounded, eagles, pigeons, egrets, tiny white caps appear


树枝移动、吹烟倾斜与地平线呈 30 度角,听得见




风声,小鸟及昆虫停在地面,老鹰、鸽子、白鹭鸶 飞舞、小浪花。 25



Solid 90 degrees, snap

Larger white caps, waves spray, smoke lies flat, grass fields ripple, small trees and bamboo sway

正 90 度,拍动

水面上出现浪花水花四溅,炊烟与地面平行,草地 随风呈波浪状,小树及竹子摇动。

90 degrees, snapping briskly

Many large white caps with spray, some debris is picked up, branches and leaves rustle, bamboo creaks

90 度以上,迅



子发出吱吱嘎嘎声。 White caps and spray, medium trees sway,

白浪及浪花,中型树摇动。 40

take down the wind sock



Advanced 高级

Here is a description of the ideal conditions for first flight: 首次飞行的理想状况: The wind speed is 12 km/h blowing straight up the 25 degree slope. There is no variation in wind speed or direction. The sun is shining through small cumulus clouds. The temperature is a gentle 22 C. Birds are singing. Swallows over the ridge show you where the lift is. Falcons above indicate the thermals. The ground is covered with short grass free of sticks, stones or debris. There are no spectators. There are no other pilots in the sky.

时速 12 公里的风直吹上 25 度斜坡,风速及风向没有变化、阳光照耀,天空中有小的积云,温度则在 摄氏 22 度;鸟声喧嚣,燕子飞在山脊上告诉你上升气流在哪里,猎鹰则指明热气流的位置。地上短 短的草皮没丁点枝条、石头、垃圾,如婴儿般轻柔平滑的肌肤。一旁也没有观看的人群,天空中也没 有其他飞行员。 A barbecue is smoking in the distance. There are 3 happy people there to spread, carry and fold your wing for you. Angels are singing and all is right with the world.

远方炊烟袅袅还有三个快乐的人帮忙铺伞、撑伞并且折伞;连天使都愉快地唱起歌来的好天气。 These conditions occur far less often than we wish. So, some variation must be tolerated. Also, there are trade-offs. For example, if the ground is not smooth, a slightly stronger wind will get you off the ground sooner. If the wind is lighter, a good running surface is essential. If the temperature is over 30, you‟re going to rely more on those 3 happy people to spread your glider. And if the ground is rough, the wind is unstable coming up a cliff, the temperature high, and you are out of shape, you‟re going to be needing those angels.

但现实总不如预期,所有有些变量是必须接受的,这也是相对的。例如:假设地表不是那么平坦,那 稍强的风速下可以使你更快离开地面;假如风速慢一点,那么你需要足够的助跑是必要的。而当风速 超过时速 30 公里时,你就更需要仰赖那三个帮手来帮你展开伞翼了。若是地表崎岖风吹上断崖又不 稳定,气温很高、再加上身材变形走 样那你铁定需要天使的加持了。 This chart is a summary of limits of wind conditions:

下列表格是关于各种风速下的限制的 摘要: It is the coach‟s decision when conditions are suitable. Ultimately, it is the student pilots‟ decision to fly. If you don‟t „feel „good about it, wait. As one of my coaches was fond of saying, “The mountain will always be there.”

教练会决定当下的情况是否适合,而 后才是飞行员自主决定是否飞行。如 果你觉得情况不佳那就再等等吧,就 如同我的教练常说的「山又不会跑 掉!」


Weather conditions will greatly influence your rate of learning. 天气状况将严重影响你的学习速率 Factors which will alter the above recommendations include:

以上建议事项视情况会有所改变: 

The ground surface quality – debris and ruts will prevent you from getting a good run

地面的质量-垃圾或凹陷会阻碍助跑的情形。 

The angle of the slope - a steeper slope may produce more turbulence

斜坡的角度-较陡峻的斜坡容易有乱流。 

The length of the slope- on a longer slope you can tolerate a lighter wind.

斜坡的长度-较长的斜坡则容许你在微风的情形下起飞。 

The gustiness of the wind 阵风的情形。

Quality of training 训练的质量。

Confidence and competence of the pilot 飞行员的自信与能力。

Familiarity with the glider – fly the same glider you train on will require less retraining

对于伞翼的熟悉度-持续使用训练时所的伞具,可以免去再度训练的问题。 

New or old glider - a new glider is much easier to train on

伞具的新旧-伞具较新则易于训练。 

Turbulence of the air 空气中的乱流。

Amount of kiting training the pilot has had 飞行员所接受斗伞训练的时间长短。

WHEN to fly is just as important as WHERE to fly 何时飞行与何处飞行同等重要


When to fly 起飞时机 The general sequence for weather development will be as follows. Slopes facing the morning sun will develop sooner.

这是起飞前一般注意事项的教导指南,视地点变化而有所改变,但一般流程将会是相同。一般而言山 坡面向日出的情形下气流会发展的较快。 8 AM 上午8 点 maybe slight wind, no thermal. Maybe a good time to do sled rides, just glide down to the landing zone. Maybe beginners can get their first flights. 也许有微风,没有热气流影响的情况下,是飞行伞滑翔的好时机,也就是滑翔至降落场。有时候初学 者可以在此时进行第一次飞行。 10 00 上午10点 Bubble thermals develop, like in glass of 7 Up creating bumpy conditions. Wind sock will pop up and down, left and right indicating change in direction and speed, every 3 – 7 mins lasting 1 2 mins. Lift rate, sink rate 1 – 5 m/s. small cumulus clouds. new pilots are grounded 起气流开始一天的发展而变的不稳定,就像七喜汽水在玻璃杯中不断发泡一般。风筒上下跳动左右飘 动显示每3-7分钟风向、风速不断转变并持续1-2分钟。升降率每秒1-5米,空中出现小积云、新学员 留在地面上。 11:00 上午11点 Bubbles will increase frequency, size, 1 - 5 minutes, lasting 2 -3 minutes, at a rate of 4 m/s. The wind sock will dance 30 degrees left and right. Advanced pilots may fly with ballast. 气泡上升的次数和大小将会增加;以每秒4米的速率,1-5分钟完成一次循环,且持续2-3分钟。风筒 则向左右摆荡角度约30度,高级飞行员会压舱飞行以增加稳定性。 12: 00 中午12点 More developed. Bubbles have merged into large columns of rising warm air. Large sinking air surrounds the rising air. The wind speed may vary as much as 15 km/h. Larger cummies. Direction may change 45 degrees at inland sites. Advanced pilots have wingtip deflations and oscillations in lift of as much as 8 m/s. Beginners and novices stay on the ground. 整个气流系统循环更加发达,会有大量热空气合并上升;高级飞行员若能在升率每秒8米的情况下操 控伞翼,那么他会非常愉快,但新手或是初学者应停留在地面,因为会有大量的下沉气流围绕在上升 气流附近;此时气流紊乱不稳定,伴随着摆荡或是伞尖夹翼。而风速变化有可能大到每小时15米,在 内陆点的风向变化则可能达到45度角的变化量。 1 下午1点 More of the same. This is a good time for beginners, to go get lunch or assist advanced pilots on launch. 气流或许与正午时相同或更不稳定,亦或是平稳却风速过高。初学者可先去享用午餐,或是协助高级 飞行员升空起飞。 3 or 4:00 下午3或4點 It may still be a bit strong but more stable. Beginners may get their first flights. Novice and Intermediates may be practicing their top landings and descents.. 渐渐趋向稳定,也许有点强劲,但却较平稳。这段时间或许适合初学者做第一次飞行,而入门及进阶 飞行员则可以练习点降落。 4 or 5 下午4、5点 This is the 'Glass Off'. Lift and wind speed are smoothest. The lift is everywhere but not as high as before. It will be gentler and steady. Wind speed will be lower. It is a good time for pilots to get some longer flights and practice their turns and rapid descents. This is often the best conditions for beginners to get their first flights. 为黄昏气流状态,升力和风速最平顺。到处都是上升气流,但没有之前的高。风速更慢也更加柔和及 平稳,此时可以有较长的滞空时间,或是练习转弯、迅速下降技巧。通常也是初学者放飞的好时机。


Question 问题 1. Ideal slope for first flights will have what glide ratio? (a) 1:1 (b) 2.5:1 (c) 1: 2.5 (d) any cliff

适合第一次飞行的理想山坡应有怎样的滑降比?(a) 1:1 (b) 2.5:1 (c) 1:2.5 (d) 任何 一个断崖。 2. The most dangerous time to fly is: (a) 10 am (b) noon (c) 2 pm (d) 5pm

最危险的飞行时间为 (a) 上午 10 点 (b) 正午 (c) 下午 2 点 (d) 下午 5 点。 3. The safest time to fly is: (a) 11 am (b) noon (c) 3 pm (d) 4pm

最安全的飞行时间为 (a) 上午 11 点 (b) 正午 (c) 下午 3 点 (d) 下午 4 点。 4. White caps are just forming on the sea. Wind speed is probably around: (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20 km/h.

海面上刚出现白浪风速大概是 (a) 5 小时/每公里 (b) 10 小时/每公里 (c) 15 小时/每 公里 (d) 20 小时/每公里。 5. One should be careful when downwind from an object because of the presence of: (a) bad odors (b) butterflies (c) turbulence (d) stronger winds

当逆风在物体后方产生时要当心出现 (1) 运气差 (2) 蝴蝶 (3) 乱流 (4) 强风。 6. The leeside of a mountain, hill or large house is … (a) safe (b) not safe (c) to land in.

降落在山的背风处、山丘、大房子是 (1) 安全 (2) 不安全 的。 7. Three ways to check if you are taking off into a leeside wind are: (a) check the wind at your take off zone (b) watch the wind direction down below (c) check the wind direction at the top of the hill (d) look at the direction of the clouds

有 3 个方式可以检查是否于背风处起飞:(a) 检查起飞场的风况 (b) 检视下方的风 向 (c) 检视山顶上的风向 (d) 查看云的行进方向。 8. The best way to check for a leeside wind is: (a) check the wind at your take off zone, (b) watch the wind direction down below, (c) check the wind direction at the top of the hill, (d) look at the direction of the clouds

检视背风的最佳方式为:(1) 检查起飞场的风况 (2) 检视下方的风向(3) 检视山顶 上的风向 (4) 查看云的行进方向。 9. What is the ideal wind speed for first flights?第一次飞行时的理想风速是? 10. What is the ideal gust factor for beginning flights? 适合初学者飞行的阵风速度为? 11. What is the ideal wind direction variation? 风向改变的情形?


Chapter 6

Care and maintenance 照顾与维护 Glider 伞 Gliders are made of plastic. They are highly susceptible to damage by Ultraviolet rays from the sun and by chemicals. You just paid as much as 3000 USD for it. And, soon your life will be hanging from it. To protect your investment, and your life, here are the “Do‟s” and “Don‟ts”

飞行伞伞衣是塑料制品,对于太阳紫外线及化学物质很敏感且容易受到损害;试想你才花了美金 3000 元,而且你的生命维系于这个装备;为了保护你的投资及生命安全,这里有一些可以与不可以 的项目。

Don’t…! 不可以…!  …expose your wing to sunlight excessively Uv is your glider‟s worst enemy. Gliders are rated by their hours of Uv exposure. Most gliders carry a warranty based on 250 – 300 hour of Uv exposure. Get a quick pack carry bag with UV resistant material. Use it. Keep your glider out of the sun.

过度使伞具曝晒在阳光下 紫外线是伞具最可怕的敌人,依据伞衣在阳光下曝晒的时间而定,通 常伞衣的保固以在紫外线曝晒 250-300 小时以内为基准。使用防紫外线材质的快(大)收袋,使伞衣 避免太阳的照射。  …lay the glider on sharp objects, a gravel driveway or an unfinished take off zone. Be especially careful when „pioneering‟ new sites or at beaches that are popular. Watch for broken bottles or recently covered beach fires. Be as aware of the ground as you are of the sky

将伞衣放置在尖锐的物体上如 布满碎石的车道,或尚未完成整地的起飞场。当你在开辟新场地 或是热门的海滩地点时,注意碎玻璃瓶或是余温尚存的沙滩营火。在天空时亦须注意地面状况。  …get it wet Avoid flying in the rain, flying at the beach, landing in water.

弄湿 避免雨中飞行或是在沙滩上飞行降落在水里。  …store in a damp place. Basements, garages and attics and some closets are not suitable. If you wouldn‟t leave your child there, don‟t leave your glider there. Keep your glider in your bedroom or family room, where there is a/c and or a dehumidifier.

放置于潮湿处如 地下室、车库、阁楼或室不合适的柜子。不要把装备放在你连小孩都不会丢下 的地方。把伞衣放在有冷气或是除湿机的卧室或者起居室。  …expose to heat. The trunk of your car can get pretty hot. The ambient temperature will increase the deterioration rate of the fabric. Watch out for the exhaust fumes from your car. Don‟t leave the glider in the car.

暴露在高温之下 车子的后车厢温度可以很高,而周遭的温度会升高加速伞衣变质恶化。注意车 子所排放出来的废气。不要把伞衣留在车里。  …get near flame. A lighted cigarette or fire works are instant death. A spark can trigger a flammable reaction that will consume your glider in minutes. Quit smoking. Stay away from people who are smoking. Politely warn spectators who are smoking.

靠近火焰 点燃的香烟或是烟火都是立即的伤害,一个火花便会立即造成伞具的损坏。戒烟并远离 瘾君子,并且礼貌地告知抽烟的旁观者。  …pull or drag across debris or jagged objects. Walk over and gently lift the lines and fabric. …

将伞衣拖拉过垃圾或尖锐物体 应该走过去并轻轻抬起伞绳及伞衣。  …pull on a snagged line. Line snags can stretch the lines, weaken the line attachments, break the lines, and stretch the stitching on the fabric. Pulling evenly on a whole group of lines is acceptable.


用力拉扯纠结的伞绳 纠结会使伞绳延伸、使伞绳接点脆弱、甚至使伞绳断裂,导致伞衣缝线脱 落;平均施力于全部的伞绳则是可接受的。  …expose to harsh chemicals Many chemicals can break down the molecular structure of the material. Avoid any petrochemical products, cleaning agents, paints, and solvents. To be on the safe side, use only water. Store your glider in an environment free of chemicals. Wash with only water. Read your owners manual. Wash off bugs, dead or alive, and other organic matter which can decay and cause corrosion.

暴露于化学物质之下 许多化学物质会破坏物质的分子结构,避免接触石油制品、清洁剂、颜 料或是溶剂。为了安全起见使用清水即可。将伞具放置于没有化学物品处,使用水来清洁,并 阅读使用者手册。将活的或是死的昆虫,还有会腐朽败坏的有机体完全去除。  …drag in the dirt. Each line is made up of hundreds of minute fibers. As the sand particles accumulate in the sheathing of the lines it can cut these fibers gradually reducing their strength. If it gets dirty, wipe it with a damp cloth or wash it with only water.

拖行于泥土中 每一条伞绳都是由数百条微小的纤维组成的;当砂砾附着在伞绳上时,这些颗粒 会渐渐地切割伞绳中的纤维,进而降低伞绳的张力。万一伞衣脏了用湿布擦拭或用水清洗。  …sit on a packed glider. The glider is lose packed so as to reduce the distorting during the folding process and the tendency to stretch the stitching.

登坐于包装好的伞衣上 由于伞衣蓬松地被折放在袋中,以避免变形并且使缝合处得以延伸。  …step on or kneel on your glider. The pressure on a pebble below the fabric can puncture it. When walking backwards during kiting be mindful of the lines. Or use a flicking motion with the risers to move the lines to the left and to the right to open a space between them.

站立或跪在伞衣上 在伞衣底下的小石头会穿透伞布,当你在顶伞并向后退时小心踩到伞绳。利 用向左右轻甩主提带以分开伞绳,使得伞绳间有足够空间供你站立。  …drop the glider on the leading edge. The leading edge takes a lot of abuse. It is easily the first place to lose porosity. The impact of the dropping the glider on the leading edge is around 9 kg dropping from a height of 5 meters.

使伞翼前缘与在落下时与地面接触 飞行时伞翼前缘,在迎风前进时已经受到很多的磨耗,也是 最容易出现孔洞的部位。当伞翼落下并以伞翼前缘触地的冲击力,约为从 5 米高处掷下 9 公斤的 重物。 Check your line lengths periodically by matching the left side line with the corresponding right side line. If there is a difference, consider having the lines checked and changed. Lines can tolerate a variation of up to 5 cm. Check your owner‟s manual for this information. Line charts are available from the dealer. Glider companies recommend changing lines every 1 - 2 years, or 100 hours of flight time. The real world is slightly different. Check your owner‟s manual.

定期检查伞绳是否左右等长,若有差异则要考虑检查或是更换。伞绳的差异容许范围为 5 公分,请 参考你的使用者手册。你可以在经销商那里取得伞绳规格表;飞行伞制造商则建议每 1-2 年或是 100 小时飞行时间需更换伞绳。以上建议则与实际情况有所不同请参阅使用者手册。 Here is a quick way to check the line lengths: 快速检查伞绳长度的方法: 1. Attach the 2 risers to a fixed object at a location where you can stretch out the lines all the way. 将两 侧主提带固定于你可以完全伸展伞绳的物体上。 2. Spread the glider out neatly. Stand at the leading edge of the glider. 完全展开伞衣站在伞翼前缘。

3. You will be comparing the combined length of the upper, middle and lower cascades of a line set. 你 将会比较整组上、中、下串连的伞绳长度。


4. Reach down and take the A1 left and A1 right lines at the attachment point to the lower surface of the wing. Make sure you have THE SAME line on both sides. 向下从下层表面连结点拉起左右边 A1 伞 绳,并确定这两条伞绳的位置是相同对称的。 5. Pull the lines tight and match them for length. If they are more than 5 cm different write them down. 拉紧两条伞绳并比较长度,假设长度差异大于 5 公分请纪录下来。

6. Do the same with the A2 L and R lines. 依相同的方式左右边 A2 伞绳;其余 A3、A4 等等皆同。 7. Now do the B lines. Be sure to write down any lines that are very different. 接下来比较 B 组伞绳, 确定记下长度差异很大的伞绳数据。 8. Do the C‟s, and the D‟s. C 和 D 组伞绳方式皆同。 Obtain a line chart from your owner‟s manual or from the website of your glider manufacturer. Check the line lengths individually against the line chart. If 2 or 3 lines are different, have them checked and changed. 拿出使用者手册或是从网站上的伞绳长度表来一一核对长度,假设有 2 或 3 条长度不同,请

检查并更换。 If more, have the whole set changed. 如果数量较多请整组更换。 Inspect your glider for damage as outlined earlier. 尽早检查伞衣外观是否有磨损。 Reach inside the air mouth to clear debris out of the wingtips. Kite the glider upside down, building a wall, to clear debris out of the trailing edge. 从风嘴向内清除伞衣至伞尖内的垃圾,以上下颠倒的方式斗伞、

筑一道墙好让垃圾从伞翼后缘掉出。 Take your glider back to the agent to replace broken lines or patch small tears or perforations. Observe how he does it. Next time, you may be able to do it yourself.

把伞具带回经销商处更换损坏的伞绳或者采取小范围修补。观察更换的过程,下次你或许可以自己动 手更换。


Break Line Length - Many of these gliders are made for people with longer arms. You may find that when flaring, you need to take 2 or even 3 wraps on the lines. In this case, your coach may consider shortening your brake lines. This adjustment should be done by a skilled and experienced coach or agent. However, in many cases this will void the warranty. Check with the agent and manufacturer. These are variations on the standard knots for the toggles.

许多伞具的设计似乎像是为了长手臂的人所设计的;特别是当你做拉飘动作 时,你需要将伞绳绕 2-3 圈在手腕上。这个情况下你的教练会考虑缩短控制绳 的长度,而这个调整动作须由经销商或有经验的教练来执行。然而这可能与 保固内容有所抵触,请与你的经销商或制造商联络。控制环上的绳结有着不 同的变化。 Accordion pleat your glider when folding it so that the mylar ribs on the leading edge lay flat together. 手风琴式折迭法指的是当整理伞衣时,让风口处的聚酯薄膜平整的迭合在一起: 1. Spread the glider, upper surface down. Clear snags as follows:

将伞衣平置于地面,上层伞衣朝下;从伞翼后缘取一组伞绳,仔细地依循下列方式清除纠结: Hold the riser high. 高举主提带。 Shake snags out of the brake line.

轻柔地拉控制绳并且摇动伞绳直到纠结除去。 Do the same with the D lines, C, B A in that order. 接着检查 D 组,C 组、B 组、A 组。 2. Place all of the lines on the fabric, risers on the trailing edge. Do the same for the other side. 将伞绳整组分左右各自放在伞翼后缘中心位置。 3. Go to the center of the leading edge. Take the number 1 mylar on one side and pull it into to the center.

走到伞翼前缘中心,从中心第一片聚酯薄膜开始往中心平整重迭。 4. Pull the number 2 mylar to the center and lay it flat on the number 1. Have your partner pleat the trailing edge

再将第二片迭在第一片上。请伙伴帮忙拉紧伞翼后缘。 5. Stack all the mylars for that side. 将一侧薄膜完全折迭在一起。 6. Do the same on the other side. 另一侧亦如法泡制。 7. Fold the two halves like a book. 将两边像书本一般对折。 8. Place the risers on top. 将主提带拉出至于伞衣上方。 9. Lose- fold the glider into 4 sections. DON‟T roll it tight. This will prevent stretching of the threads. 将伞衣连同主提带向前卷迭成 4 部分。如果伞衣没有如同下图卷的很紧而是蓬松的,你的伞具可 以维持较长的寿命;这样一来也可以避免缝线被拉长。 10. Use the cinch strap but not too tight. 利用系肚带将伞衣蓬松地扣起。


Glider testing 伞具测试 Your glider should be tested for at least: 你的伞具至少要经过以下几项测试: porosity - according to the owner‟s manual. The porosity test puts the fabric under air pressure and checks for how long it takes for the air to leak out.

透气性─根据使用者手册,这项测试是将伞布置于一定气压下,观察空气泄漏需要多久的时间。 line break strength - one line is removed and broken to see how many kg is required to break it. 伞 绳断裂强度─取出一条伞绳,看需要多少公斤的力量才会使伞绳断裂。 line stretch - lines are measured for stretch or shrink

伞绳强度─伞绳透过伸缩的方式来测试。 Harness 套带 Check your harness periodically for abrasion wear on the webbing.定期检查套带边带的磨耗。 Be mindful of possible pinching of the speed bar lines. 注意加速器连接绳与套带有否缠绕。 The harness can be wiped down with a damp cloth if dirtied. 如果套带脏了可以用湿布擦拭。 Reserve parachute 副伞 (紧急降落伞) Your reserve should be repacked annually by a certified professional. Many clubs host an annual repacking clinic. Pilots are supervised to repack their reserve. This is usually done in a large indoor facility such as a school auditorium. It is followed by a meal and drinking. Be mindful of repacking clinics which do the drinking first.

副伞需每年经由合格专业人员重新折迭,许多协会都会举办副伞体检的活动;飞行员均在监督之下完 成重新折迭副伞的动作。通常这样的活动会在室内大型场地举办,例如学校礼堂。 ALWAYS check the handle of your reserve parachute to make sure it is fully attached and pinned down. Accidental deployment of the reserve can ruin your day.

时常检查副伞把手并确定把手完全向下插入。副伞意外地展开有可能发生,这也会搞杂你一天的心 情。

Buying good equipment is an investment in fun. Proper care and maintenance is an investment in your life. 购买好的装备是对于兴趣的投资 而良好的照顾与维持则是对生命的投资


Chapter 7

From Take- off to Landing 从起飞到降落 Your first flights will be supervised by 2 instructors; one on the takeoff and one on the landing. They each have radios to encourage and direct you. 你的首次飞行将由 2 位教练导航,一个在起飞场另一个在降落 场;均配有无线电对讲机用来鼓励及引导你。

Preparing 准备 In the sky you will be immobile for a while. It is a good idea to do some stretching exercises before flight.

飞行前做些暖身运动是个好主意,飞上天之后会有好一段时间维持不动。 Do leg stretches, deep knee bends, side stretches, back bends, toe touch…. A good 10 minute work out is suitable.

动作:腿部伸展、膝盖弯曲、身体侧弯、背前弯、前伸展触脚指。10 分钟彻底的有氧热身运动最为适 当。 Review the previous chapter on Inflation and Launch 复习前章充气及起飞内容。

Let‟s review the 10 point preflight check. It just might save your life.

还记得 10 点检查吗?让我们快速练习一下,或许就可以拯救你的生命。

10 Point check 10 点检查 I start at the top and work down. 以下便是最适合我的检查项目,从头到脚为: 1 helmet secure? 安全帽是否穿戴稳固?

6 risers secure, not twisted? 主提带连结稳固无纠 结?

2 glasses on? 太阳眼镜是否戴了?

7 reserve handle secure? 副伞把手是否牢固?

3 radio? 无线电对讲机开机了吗?通讯是否正常?

8 lines snags? crossed? 伞绳是否纠结交错?

4 chest strap secure? 胸带是否扣牢?

9 Weather conditions? 天气状况?

5 thigh straps connected? 腿带是否扣紧?

10 thigh straps again? 再次检查腿带!

Make YOUR OWN 10 point – check! Make it a habit! 创造属于你自己的 10 点检查并使其成为习惯!


Take off technique 起飞技巧 By now you will have done many bunny hops from the training hill. You have effected a seamless transition from the land to the sky. 现在你已在训练用的小山坡做过多次的兔子跳跃练习,动作也达到从地 面到天空一气喝成的水平。 A smooth fluid transition from ground to sky is the sign of good technique. If you are leaping into your harness, porpoising on launch, stabbing at the toggles, you need to work on your technique. Have an experienced pilot stand by and watch and critique after your launch. Or have someone video your take off.

从离开地面到天空,一气喝成的动作是好技巧的象征。假若你在坐进套带起飞时,发生跳跃式摆荡或 是拉扯控制绳,那么你需要加强练习。找位有经验的飞行员观察及评论你的起飞技巧;或者找人将起 飞过程拍摄下来。 Now you will do supervised flights under benign conditions. Here is a review of the important features:

你已经在教练的指导下放飞,以下则是要点复习: pre-flight check 起飞前检查-特别是胸带、腿带、无线电、伞组、控制绳。 pre-launch check ( 10 point check) 预备飞行前检查。 balanced inflation - lift the A risers evenly, centered on the wing, centered on the wind

平衡地展开伞翼-平均地将伞组拉起,身体置中于伞翼且平均受风。 arrest the glider at the top 控制伞翼并置于头顶。 gentle toggle pressure 温和的煞车压。 visually inspect the wing for line tangles, deflations, debris 目视伞翼是否有任何伞绳纠结、溃伞、及杂 物。 turn around smoothly 平滑地转弯。 lean forward to load the glider 身体前倾压低伞衣。 push off with the feet so the glider can 'glide' 利用脚的推进力使伞「滑翔」。 steady run with hips straight and not bouncing 臀部摆正稳定地奔跑不跳跃。 sufficient speed 有效的速度。 check air traffic before take off 起飞前观察天空中的交通状况。 gentle toggle pressure at the point of departure from the ground 在离地的瞬间轻拉控制绳。 stay running and leaning until well into the air 保持身体前倾跑步的状态,直到飞上天空。 get comfortable in the harness 舒适地坐入套带。 clear and initiate your first turn 确定无障碍后操作第一次转弯。


Control 方向控制 Coach and student in-flight radio commands 教练与学员第一次无线电导航飞行 Practicing these radio commands from your instructor and responses in the simulator will make sure that you understand them and make sure that your postures are correct. This will reduce your in flight training time and your anxiety. 在仿真器上利用对讲机练习听从教练的指令,并确定能准确无误地作出对应指令的 动作。如此亦能减少飞行训练时间及恐惧。 You‟re going to learn control in three sets of goals; direction, elevation and finally, finesse. 透过三个目标的达成:方向、高度、精准来学习方向的控制。 Your first flight, or flights, will give you the chance to learn to direct the glider toward the landing zone. This will give you control in 2 dimensions, left, right, forward. The level of precision is not critical. So, the commands will be simple, using only 5 toggle positions: This set of commands will get you through your initial landing training flights. 第一次或前几次飞行中,你将有机会学习将飞行伞导向降落场这时你可以控制的范畴为二度空间:左、右 及前进;这个阶段对于准确度并不特别苛刻,故所使用的五个指令都很简洁。这一组指令可涵盖在首次飞 行及训练中使用。 all up, 全放 ¼ , shoulder, 1/4 高度,肩膀 ½, chest, 1/2 高度,胸 ¾ , waist, 3/4 高度,腰 and full down 全部拉下

1 Direction 方向 The commands for turning are simple, 转向指令同样简单 “You are going to make a 90 degree left turn. On my command, look left, lean left, pull left toggle ¼. Do it, NOW.” 「你将进入 90 度左转,听我的指令,向左看、向左倾、左边控制环拉下至 1/4 高度。 马上做。」 “And slowly release. Center your body on the seat board.” “ Very good. Now return to straight flight, both hands up. ”「然后慢慢松开,身体复归置中。很好现在回复到水平飞行,双手向上。」 “Remember to use hanging pressure of your arms on the toggles.”「记得手臂保持悬吊于控制环 上。」 After doing a couple of 90‟s, you will do 180‟s. You will pay attention to the bank angle. In a 90 degree turn, you don‟t build up enough inertia to bank. 在几次 90 度转弯后就进行 180 度转弯;你将会注意到倾 角的问题;在 90 度转弯过程中。你倾身时不会建立足够的惯性。 “You are going to do a 180 degree turn. On my command you will look left, lean left and brake left to ¼ with hanging pressure on the right toggle. And, do it NOW!” 「准备进行 180 度转弯,听我的指 令,向左看、向左倾、左边控制环拉下至 1/4 高度。马上做。」 After about 120 degrees of rotation, “You can begin to slowly let up on the toggle, NOW.”约旋转至 120 度左右,「你现在可以开始慢慢地放开控制环。“ “ Very good. Center your body on the seat board. Now return to straight flight, both hands up.” 「很 好,身体复归置中。现在回复到水平飞行,双手向上。」 The gradual progression is to allow your stomach to get oriented with your head. 渐进式的过程可让你的 胃与头脑同步适应。


2 Elevation 高度 During the next flights you will begin to develop control in 3 dimensions, managing your elevation. These additional maneuvers will allow you to control your descent rate, the radius of your turn and your elevation in relation to the landing zone. This will help you to get a sense of your glide ratio and your speed. Your instructor will talk you through 90 degree, 180 degree, 360 turns, figure 8‟s and S turns to steer you through the standard landing approaches described below. 在接下来的飞行中,你将开始培养 以三度空间的方式控制,并管理你的高度。你可以利用这些额外的技巧来控制下降率、回旋半径、以及与 降落场距离的相关高度;亦可帮助你了解滑降比及速度感。你的教练会在标准降落程序的过程中指导你进 行 90 度、180 度、360 度、以及 S 型转弯等动作。 It will include a more precise set of commands, and controls. You may be instructed to pull or release the toggles in 5 cm increments each time the instructor says “pull” or “release”. 其中包含了较精确的指令及控 制。当每次教练说「拉」、「放」时,你被指导以每次 5 公分的增加率拉下或松开控制环。 “On my command you will begin a left turn. You will look left, lean left and pull left in 5 cm increments each time I say pull. Do it NOW.” 「听我的指令你将开始向左转,向左看、向左倾、当我 说拉的时候,逐次拉下左边控制环 5 公分。马上做。」 “ Pull, pull, pull, pull.” “Hold it there.” 「拉、拉、拉」,「停止不动。」 “You will begin to let up slowly. Do it NOW.” “ Release, release, release.” “Return to level flight and center yourself on the seat board.” 「你将开始慢慢地松开控制绳,马上做。」「放、放、放」, 「身体复归置中。现在回复到水平飞行。」 Throughout this exercise, pay attention to your rate of decent and your glide ratio. This is how you will lose elevation on your future landing approaches. 在以上的练习过程中注意下降率及滑降比,这是你降低 高度及未来降落进场的方式。 If you use vario during this exercise, you will be able to hear the increase in decent rate when you raise the toggles. 假如你在练习时使用高度器,当你将控制环放松时会听到因下降率增加而产生的声音。 Your instructor may have you use a vario so you can associate numerical values for elevation with the visual sensation of that elevation. 教练会让你使用高度器以便你能将高度变化数值化。

3 Finesse 精准 ( next chapter) In the third set of goals, in a later chapter, you will learn to coordinate your toggle action, weight shift, and your bank angle into a smooth seamless transition from straight to turning flight and back again. 在下一个章节你会学到控制环作动、重心位移、以及倾角与转弯后回复水平飞行等一气喝成动作之第三个 任务目标。

Landing is easy. The ground will always find you. Landing where you want to, safely and gracefully, is a bit of a challenge. The entire process can be broken down into 2 segments: the landing setup and the final approach. We will first discuss the final because this is where the safety and graceful part are assured.

降落是容易的,因为你总是会回到地面上。但要安全平稳地降落在任何你想降落的地点,就有点挑战 性了。完整的程序可以分为 2 个部分:降落计划,以及最后进场。我们会先讨论最后进场的部分因为 这是确保安全及平稳的部分。 During your first flights your coach will talk you through the landing setup so that you can focus your attention on perfecting the final approach. After you have become competent and confident with your final approach, you can begin to develop the landing setup.

在你第一次飞行时,教练会带你完成降落计划;因此你可以专心在最后进场的步骤。当你有能力且有 自信完成最后进场步骤时你便可以开始培养降落计划。


General rules to remember are: 一般须注意的规则有: Take off and Landing is always done into the wind.迎风降落 Keep your eyes on WHERE YOU WANT to land, not on where you don't want to land. Review object fixation.将视线放在你想降落的地点而非不想降落的地点。参考物体锁定章节 Be careful not to over fly the LZ. 小心不要飞过降落场 Time your flare correctly. 注意拉煞车的时机 Make a habit of good landing technique. 养成良好的降落技巧 The final approach is the last leg of the landing approach. It is the most critical because we are closest to the ground. The final is a transition in speed, glide angle and posture which takes place within the last 20 meters of elevation.

最后进场的动作是整个降落程序的最后一段旅程。也因为最接近地面而越显困难;在最后的 20 米高 度,是速度的转换、滑翔角度及姿势等,同时在进场时所一气喝成的。 Ideal conditions for practicing landing skills are steady winds of 8 -12 km/h. This will allow you to gracefully step out of the air without having to run. Your decent rate and ground speed will be gentle.

在时速 8-12 公里的稳定风速下最适合练习降落技巧,这可以让你在温和的下沉率及地速下,优雅地从 套带离开并且不用奔跑就落地。

Here are sample commands for landing: 以下辨识降落时的简单指令: Conditions 状况

Commands: 指令

20 mts agl 地平面上 20 米

Pull to shoulders, more, more hold it there 拉到肩膀处,煞车多一点再多一点维持不动。 Lean forward to stand up in the landing position 向前倾并站 立成降落姿势。

3 mts agl 地平面上 3 米

Good. Get ready to slowly release brakes on my 3. 1, 2, 3 好,我数到 3 时准备缓办地放开控制绳,1.2.3

1 mt agl 地平面上 1 米

And flare…now! very good 然后做拉飘,做得很好。

On the ground 地面上

Let up the brakes and kite glider… good 煞车全放并且斗伞…很好

Glider is dipping the right wingtip 伞翼右边伞尖下沉

Step right, brake left… good 向右移向后左移…很好


Here is a variation using the 2 – 3 cm prearranged technique

以下是使用 2-3 公分技巧的其他变化 Conditions 状况

Commands 指令

20 mts agl, hanging pressure on the toggles

Both side pull, pull, pull hold

地平面上 20 米,巡航速度

双边拉下,拉,拉,维持不动。 Lean forward to stand up in the landing position 向前 倾并站立成降落姿势。

3 mts agl 地平面上 3 米

Up, up, up, hold good

往上、往上、往上、停,很好。 1 mt agl 地平面上 1 米

Flare! Good 拉飘,很好。

On the ground 在地面上

Brakes up, and kite the glider to the end

煞车全放,然后斗伞到尽头。 Glider is dipping the right wingtip

Step right , Pull left, pull, hold, release. Good



Pilot, Robert Watson, gentle on the brakes as he top lands in 15 kmh winds at Puli South. 飞行员 Robert Watson 在每小时 15 公里的风速下,轻柔地操纵 控制环降落于埔里南侧起飞场。 Notice that he uses the “ bird” posture, which we learned in kiting, to load the wing and trim the brakes as he touches lightly down. 注意我们在斗伞时学到的小鸟 式,重心向前倾增加伞的载重, 缓缓下降并微微修正控制环。


It is important to maintain a „soft focus’, a field of vision rather than focusing your vision on any specific item. 而保持柔焦是很重

要的,开阔你的视野,要 比起把焦点放在某个特定 物体上好。 The ground should be at the bottom of your peripheral vision. Your landing target should be just below the center of your field of vision. As you approach the landing, visually sweep the ground in front of you about 3 meters.

地面应该在你视线范围的最末端,而降落目标应该位于视野中心之下的位置。当你即将降落时,要环 视你前方 3 米的地面情况。

As you approach the ground, 3 - 10 meters agl, assume the landing posture: 当你接近地面约地平面 3- 10 米高 时,采取降落姿势: lean forward, 向前倾

hanging in the standing position, 成站立姿势悬挂着

one leg forward of the other, 双脚一前一后

Ready to run or walk out the remaining momentum. 预备着陆时跑步或行走以消耗动能 74

The 4 step final is used primarily with winds 0 - 12 km/h. It consists of 4 phases; steep glide, round out, near ground glide and flare. 最后进场的 4 个步骤,主要适用于风速 0-12 公里每小时。其中包含了急速

滑降、水平滑翔(round out) 、近地滑翔以及拉飘(flare) 。

Agl, 距离 20 - 30,米

Phase 过程 steep glide - toggles about 1/4 - ½ 急速滑降-控制绳拉下约 1/4-1/2 的长度。

to get down through the turbulent layer of air with sufficient pressure and speed to resist deflation during the round out. 下降时借着适当压力及速度通过不稳定气流,并且避免伞翼塌陷。 2-3, m 米

round out - gradually releasing brakes to increase ground speed and increase glide ratio; roll forward out of the harness, into the standing position, ready to run, knees bent, one foot in front of the other 水平滑翔-逐渐松开煞车增加地速及滑降比。从套带中向前滚动成站立姿势,预备跑

步动作,膝盖弯曲、双脚一前一后。 changes the vertical component of the glide to horizontal motion. You are bringing the glider parallel the ground. This allows for better speed control in the near ground glide. 改变伞的垂直运动至水平运动,以便使伞与地面平行。这可以使得水平滑翔时有较佳的速度控

制。 1 m, 米

near ground glide - brakes just above trim speed 近地滑翔-控制绳的位置高于正常飞行速度。

allows you to gradually lose speed with good control to a point where you can flare. 在良好的控制下可使速度逐步降低,并到达可以拉下控制绳落地的高度。 1/2m, 米

flare - firmly, steadily pull brakes as far down as they will go, while rolling forward out of the harness, knees bent, one foot forward of the other into a standing position. Stall the wing. If the wind is very low, you may need to flare very hard. You will need to wrap the brakes lines around your wrists once or twice. 拉飘-肯定及稳定地拉下煞车到底;当身体前倾离开煞车时,膝盖弯曲就一脚前一脚后 的站立姿式,使伞失速。假如风速非常低,你得透过将煞车绳多绕 1.2 圈在手腕上,并 且很用力做拉飘的动作。


Lesson goal: to land on your feet consistently in steady winds 0-12 km/h and kiting the glider upon landing 课程目标:稳定地在时速 12-18 公里的风速下,用脚站立降落并且顶伞 2 分钟。 In winds over 12 km/h, you are already approaching zero ground speed. So, the near ground glide is not necessary. Nor is it possible. And a gentle brake application is all you need to stabilize the glider.

在强风状况下则有不同的处理方式;风速超过每小时 12 公里,近地滑翔是不需要的也不可能发生的 情形,此时地速达到 0,所以轻微的煞车动作就足够。

高度 (米)

Phase 过程

20 米

Steep glide - toggles about ¼, 急速滑降-控制绳拉下约 1/4 的长度。

Same as above, but a short glide ratio 与上述同但滑降率大。 3米

round out - gradually releasing brakes to increase ground speed and glide roll forward out of the harness, into the standing position, ready to run, knees bent, one foot in front of the other. 水平滑翔-从套带中向前滚动成站立姿势,预备跑步动作,膝盖弯曲、双脚一前一

后。 lean forward to put a load on the front risers 身体前倾并增加前主提带的荷重。 1米

Near ground glide - brakes nearly all the way up, just above trim speed, roll forward out of the harness, leaning forward as in launch posture, knees bent, one foot forward of the other into a standing position 近地滑翔-煞车高于巡航速度位置,向前伸展并前倾,使身体离开套带坐垫,膝盖弯

曲双脚向前预备站立姿势。 near ground glide will be short, maybe none at all, 这步骤将会是短暂的或许完全不需要。 Ground 地面上

Flare - firmly, steadily pull brakes to stop the glider but not to drop it. Keep your weight on the risers not on your feet. This is a good time to practice kiting. Or you may stall the wing to drop it to the ground. 拉飘-肯定及稳定地拉下煞车到底;当身体前倾离开煞车时,膝盖弯曲就一脚前一脚

后的站立姿式,使伞失速。 Lesson goal: to land on your feet consistently in steady winds 12 - 18 km/h without getting dragged. 课程目标:稳定地在时速 12-18 公里的风速下,用脚站立降落并不因阻力而被拖曳。

Take off is optional. Landing is mandatory. 起飞是选择性的,降落却是强制的 76

Landing Setup. 当你确定可以安全平稳地降落在地面,我们就来讨论降落计划。 The purpose of the landing setup is to 降落计划的目的在于。 

standardize your actions with other pilots 与其他飞行员动作一致。

habituate to a set of automatic procedures 使整个降落程序自然成为习惯。

assess air and ground conditions while on approach 在进场时评估地面及气流情形。

let others know your intention to land 使他人注意你的降落意图。

modify your course 改变路俓。

maintain stability through turbulence 通过乱流时保持稳定。

lose altitude 降低高度。

stay within glide of the LZ 保持在降落场上方滑翔。

I will present some of the more common landing approaches; the Figure "8", the "S", the DBF also known as the Aircraft Landing Approach, Boxing the Field and Straight on.

以下介绍普遍使用的进场方式:8 字型、S 形及顺风航程(downwind leg) 基线航程(base leg) 最终航 程(final leg) DBF 又称为飞机降落程序、绕场及直线进场。 In the Figure 8 Approach we make a series of 8's downwind of the landing zone as we approach until we are at a 3:1 glide to the point at which we want to land. This is considered the safest and easiest for beginners because it doesn't require the pilot to fly downwind.

在降落场背风处进场时,我们会做一连串 8 字型,直到以 3:1 的滑降比例降落在理想的降落点。这 被认为对初学者而言是最安全最快的,因为不需要背风飞行。

The figure 8 requires each turn to be slightly more than 180 degrees so we don‟t over fly the landing zone. Also, each progressive 8 is shorter than the last. This is so that we don't get out of range of the landing.

每次做 8 字型转弯都要转超过 180 度,才不至于飞过降落场;同时每做一次 8 字型转弯,距离都要比 前一次短,才能保持于降落场的范围之内。 Keep your turns flat so as not to lose too much elevation. Make a mental note of your ground track. Use a marker on the ground, a house, tree or road.

当转弯时保持伞翼水平,才不至于损失过多高度。将地上的轨迹记忆在心里,利用地面上的物体如房 子、树或是路来当标志。 Watch for an upper sheer layer where the wind speed may change. Pass through it while flying straight and with speed rather than on a turn. This will assure you more stability.



S turn Approach S 形进场 The S turn is essentially the same as the 8 approach but with a slightly advancing ground track. You will creep closer to the LZ with each pass.

S 形进场本质上与 8 字型进场相同但加了一些进阶的地面追踪。在每次接近降落场时,你就与地面更 近些。 Your turns will be 180 degrees or less. As you proceed toward the LZ, you will lose elevation until you are at the 3:1 glide. At this point you will turn to the final approach.

所有的转弯动作会视 180 度或者小于 180 度。当你飞向降落场时,你会损失高度直到达滑降比 3:1, 此时你可以转弯并进场了。 Estimating elevation and glide ratio 评估高度及滑降比 How do you know when it is time to come into the landing zone? How do you know when you are at 3:1 glide? How do you know when you are at 20 meters elevation? It is important to be able to guess your elevation on landing approach. Return to the exercises at the beginning of this book. They will prepare you to be able to gauge your glide angle. When you know that you are at a 2.5:1 glide to the landing target, you can begin your final approach.

要如何知道何时进场?如何知道滑降比为 3:1?或已经到达 20 米的高度了? 在进场时能够猜测高度是很重要的。回顾本书开头的练习,这些可以让你有能力去推断滑翔角度。当 你与降落目标处于 2.5:1 的滑降比时,你便可以开始进场了。 2.5:1 is a good starting point because it can be altered with a little braking action or by taking up on the brake. The speed and decent rate are traded off to a safe margin.

2.5:1 是好的出发点,因为只要稍微松开,或拉下控制绳就能改变伞的状态。速度及下沉率会改变安 全性。 Common landing problems with beginners include 初学者常见的降落问题包含: turning too slowly - pilot drifts out of pattern 转弯太慢-飞行员偏离航道。 turning too fast - too much altitude is lost in steep banked turns

转得太快-在急转弯时损失太多高度。 turns not fully 8 - pilot may arrive at the LZ too high and over fly the LZ

不完全的 8 字型转弯-飞行员可能在抵达降落场时,高度过高或是越过降落场。 beginning the final too late - rapid loss of altitude in the last few meters of elevation can cause you to fall short of your mark. Know your glide ratio.


The Aircraft Pattern, also known as the DBF, Downwind, Base, Final is an industry standard. Satisfies all the criteria set forth above. The downwind leg is flown parallel to the landing field. The Base, or crosswind leg is flown at the halfway across the downwind end of the field. The final is flown up the middle, into the wind, to a point 1/3 up the field. 飞机降落程序又称为顺风航程 (downwind leg) 基线航程(base leg) 最终航程(final leg) ,这是普遍使用的 标准也适用于以上所提到的准则、及直线进场。 The DBF is good because it offers the pilot many safe options to alter the landing approach when he notices change in wind conditions. In the picture above, noticing that the wind speed is higher, he can use the turn point marked B1 rather then B.

飞机降落程序的优点在于,当飞行员发现风向或风速等情形改变时,他可以有许多安全降落程序上的 选择;以上图而言,因为风速较高所以在进场时飞行员选择 B1 起始点而非 B 点。


The DBF method of approach is defined by the angles involved. The pilot starts the approach at a 1:1 glide, 45 degrees, from the edge of the field.

飞机进场程序是根据进场角 度而定义的。飞行员开始进 场以滑降比 1:1,也就是场 边 45 度角 (以地平面为基 准) 。

The Downwind leg starts at point A on the map, directly across from the desired landing point. Point B is where you can begin your base leg turn. Point B is at a 45 degree angle from the landing point. Based on your glide form point A you will decide when to begin the base leg turn. In stronger winds, you will turn earlier. Use the 3:1 rule to make the C turn, base leg, decision.

顺风航程始于图上定点 A,正对于降落点。定点 B 则是基线航程的起点,为降落点 45 度角处;根据 从定点 A 处滑翔状况你将决定何时开始基线航程。根据 3:1 定律来决定 C 转弯基线航程等。

The D turn or final approach decision will again be made based on the 3:1 rule.

D 转弯为最后进场步骤亦同样根据 3:1 定律。 Reread the section on the final approach. The DBF gives you good reference information throughout the process which allows you to alter your approach to accommodate changes in lift and wind.

将最后进场这个章节复习一次;飞机降落程序在进场时,提供相当好的参考信息,让你可以根据升力 以及风向的状况来改变进场步骤。 If you are too high during the D leg, you can extent it. If you are low, you can cut it short.

假设你在 D 航程时太高你可以将这段航程延伸;反之如果太低则可以缩短。

Boxing the field is nothing more than extending the DBF a few rotations. It is a good method for accustoming yourself to judging angles. Arrive at the LZ with good elevation. Proceed to trace the perimeter of the LZ at a 1:1 glide ratio, 45 degrees, of the edge. At about 100 meters, begin the DBF. 绕场不仅是转圈更是 DBF 的延伸,更是让你习惯判断角度的好方法。维持一定的高度进场,沿着降 落场周围以 1:1(与地平面呈 45 度角)的滑降比绕行。约 100 米的高度开始以飞机降落程序进场。


Remember: 切记       

 

Arrive at the LZ with plenty of ground clearance, 100 meters, to assess the situation. 在抵达降落 场时保持与地面距离 100 米以便评估状况。 Check the wind direction and speed. 查看风向及风速。 Be aware of ground conditions which may produce wind gradient. 注意地面是否有影响风速变化 的情形产生。 Practice the DBF in calm conditions. 在平稳的状态下练习飞机降落程序。 Be careful of falling short of the LZ in strong winds. 强风状况下要注意无法滑翔到降落场。 Be careful of over flying the LZ in light winds. 微风状况下要小心飞超过降落场。 If landing at a new LZ, check it out from the ground before using it. If you cannot, then arrive with enough clearance to check it out thoroughly from above. 如果降落在新的场地记得在使用前道降 落场查看。倘若不行,在降落前保持足够的高度在空中观察。 Practice the PLF. 练习降落伞落地。 FLARE!! 拉飘!!

Calm winds 静风 Your near ground glide will be longer than usual. It is important to have a well timed aggressive flare or a good PLF!

近地滑翔的过程会比平常来的久。及时且恰当的拉飘或降落 伞落地是很重要的! Landing Courtesy 降落礼节 As a courtesy to other pilots, get your gear off the landing area as soon as possible. If landing outside the LZ, immediately let others know that you are alright. Either radio them or smile and wave. One pilot landed next to a stream and decided to take a nap. He awoke at the sound of the ambulance coming to rescue him.

当个有礼貌的飞行员尽速将装备移开降落场。假如落在降落 场以外的地方,请迅速透过无线电或是微笑招手,让其他人 知道你安无恙。曾经有飞行员,降落在河床旁并小憩;当他 醒来时紧急搜人员已经抵达准备营救他了。 Landing and Kiting 降落与斗伞 It is good practice to kite the wing after landing. You can run the wing in light winds. Or you can kite the wing standing still in 12 - 20 km/h winds. See how long you can hold it up. Try to:

降落之后是练习斗伞的好时机。你可以在微风之下迎风奔 跑,或在时速 12─20 公里的速度下立于风中,看你能够维持 多久。试试以下技巧: pull ears 耳朵 pull yourself off the ground 离开地面。 walk backwards 向后移动。 crab sideways 侧向偏移。 walk the wing through a zig- sag set of cones 之字形移动穿过三角柱。 drop the wing to one tip and bring it back up 使一边伞尖落下再拉回。 Refer to the daily cycle chart to know what is the best time for this.



Killing the glider 停止飞行伞 Landing in strong wind sometimes there is a danger of getting dragged. Here are several remedies in order of preference. 在强风下降落有时候会有被拖曳的危险;以下有几个补救措施供你参考。 Grab the C or D risers and pull hard to collapse the glider. Grab any line attached to one of the wing tips, A, B, C or D. Start reeling it in as fast as you can until you have fabric.用力拉下 C 或 D 主提带使伞塌陷并停止:抓住任何一条接到翼尖的伞绳

A、B 、 C 或 D 组。用最快的速度开始缠绕直到伞布为止。 Pull the A risers down into a frontal collapse. 将 A 组带拉下至溃伞。 Review the section on perception in Chapter 1 复习第 1 章提到有关感官的段落。

Doris landing at To Cheung, Ilan Beach.


Chapter 8

Meteorology 气象学 The Air we Swim in 我们遨游的天空 As a fish swims in water, we also fly in a fluid. This fluid we call 'air'. Air is made up of 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. Understanding of the weather all connects air density.

空气是什么更进一步地观察。如同鱼儿在水中游泳,我们也在称之为空气的「流体」中飞行。空气是 由 21%的氧和 79%氮气所组成,须体认所有天气与空气密度息息相关。 Air has mass. As such, it has density, the mass per unit of volume, 1.239 milligrams per cubic centimeter. Hence, it is attached to the earth by gravity.

空气是有质量的。例如,它有密度(每立方公分 1.239 毫克),所以空气被地心引力所吸引,而围绕 在地球周围。 So, as it piles up, the air at the bottom gets compressed by the air at the top. This quality is called atmospheric pressure. The higher we go, the lower the atmospheric pressure.

当空气被堆在一起,底部空气被上部空气所挤压就形成「大气压力」 ,我们飞的愈高大气压力就愈 低。 Air density is effected by pressure, humidity, altitude and temperature. Wind is the result of differences in these qualities between one area and another. Air flows from a high pressure to a low pressure area. Air flows from a cool area to a warm. The principles of interactions are simple to describe. But the results are complex.

空气密度受压力、湿度、高度和温度所影响,风就是上述这些因子,在不同区域有不同状况所产生的 结果,空气由压力高之处流向压力低处、空气由冷流向较暖区域…等,这些交互作用的原则很容易说 明,而结果却复杂多了。 And what are those basic principals? 所以,基本因素是… ?

Temperature effects 空气因子 Raising temperature decreases density. Molecules are driven apart. 温度升高则密度因空气分子被分 散而 降低。 Moisture effects 湿度因子 Water molecules are lighter than Oxygen or nitrogen. So, as H2O content in the air increases, the density of the air decreases. 水分子较氧或氮分子轻,因此当空气中水分子增加时,密度就降低,Because the density is lower than the surrounding air, the air rises. As air ascends, its temperature is reduced by about 1 degree C every 100 meters. This is called the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate, DALR, or more commonly, the Lapse rate. When it reaches equilibrium temperature with the surrounding air, water molecules condense to form dew, and clouds. This temperature is called the Dew Point. The Dew Point changes with temperature and humidity. The higher the humidity, the higher the dew point temperature. 密度较周围空气低,这团空气就会上升,空气每上升 100 公尺温度就随之下降 1℃,这现象称为甘绝 热直减率 Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate, DALR,或简称气温递减率 Lapse Rate。当气团温度下降至与周围空 气一致时,空气里的水分子就开始凝结成雾或云,此时的温度称为凝结点,凝结点温度随空气中的湿 度变化,湿度愈高则凝结点温度愈高。


Pressure effects 压力因子 Density increases with atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is the result of air piled upon air. Imagine a thousand mattresses piled up, one upon the other. Each one supports the weight of the sum of the ones above. So, each one is compressed 1 more than the one above it. The one at the bottom will be compressed the most, the highest atmospheric pressure. The one at the top will be compressed the least, the lowest atmospheric pressure.

密度随大气压力攀升。大气压力是空气堆栈一起的结果。想象一千个床垫ㄧ个个迭起,每个床垫支撑 着上部床垫所承受的重量,因此每个床垫比上一个被多压缩一个床垫,最下层的承受最多的压缩(最 大的大气压力),最上层承受最少(最少的大气压力)。 Altitude effects 高度因子 The higher we go, the lower the density. Altitude effects are the most complex because it involves a combination of the other three. With altitude, temperature decreases, moisture varies and pressure decreases.

高度愈高则密度愈低。高度因子的影响是最复杂的,因它牵涉到上述三个因子的结合,高度愈高则温 度下降、湿度降低和压力减少。 Where does the wind come from? 风从何而来? Our discussion begins with the sun. Solar radiation warms the surfaces of the earth. The warm air rises. Cooler air rushes in to replace it. Some surfaces warm fast; land, deserts. Others warm slowly; oceans, forests, lakes. Air circulates from cooler to warmer areas.

风从哪里来?我们在此的讨论由太阳作为开 始。太阳辐射使地球温暖,空气变暖后即升 高,使得周围冷空气递补其空位,有些地球表 面加热速度较快,例如沙漠区,有些慢如海 洋、森林和湖泊,空气的循环是由冷流向暖的 区域。 The clearest example of this is the island (or mountain) system. As the sun rises overhead, the island heats up quickly. The air over the island rises. The air over the sea rushes in to replace it. It is in turn warmed by the island surface and rises. More air comes in from the sea to replace it.

最清楚的例子是岛屿系统,当日正中午时,小岛温 度快速上升使上部空气上升,则海面上的空气就立 刻递补进来,然后再次被加热并上升,更多的空气 由海面上移入取代之。 At night, the system is reversed. The sea has been slowly soaking up radiation all day. It is slow to cool. The ground, on the other hand, cools quickly. As the sun sets, the air over the sea rises. The air over the land rushes in to replace it. You can see similar convection currents wherever there is a difference in surface temperature.

你可在任何有表面温差的地方,看到与上述雷同的 空气对流现象。


Where do thermals come from? 热气流从哪里来? The short answer is this: The sun produces heat. Hot air rises up producing a vertical wind. These are thermals. At some locations you can watch the thermal and wind, turn off and on with the sunlight.

最简单的答案是:太阳辐射产生热能,导致热空气上升形成风,这些便是热气流。在某些地点你可以 观察到太阳光照射的情形影响热气流及风的形成。 The rising air on the very small scale we refer to as thermals. This air contains moisture. The moisture condenses when it reaches a certain temperature at a certain elevation which we call the Dew Point. Fresh plowed fields are the best thermal generators. So are road surface, buildings, villages, small ravines.

刚犁好的土地是最佳的热能生产者;道路表面、建筑物、村庄和小山谷也都是如此。 When the clouds get bigger, they begin to generate their own lift. They can become big enough to provide gentle lift for a pilot. They can become big enough to suck a pilot up into them. Some surfaces dissipate the heat before it can build up. So, the air around these surfaces stays warmer longer and doesn‟t rise up until late in the day.

当云变大时,就会产生升力,这个时 后便足以提供飞行员温和的升力,甚 至可以将飞行员吸上去。有些云的表 面在发展的过程中便会消散,所以在 表面周围的空气,会一直维持温暖的 状态,但不会上升直到傍晚。 Clouds block the solar radiation. Clouds trap the surface heat. Moisture evaporates. It reaches the dew point and condenses. Air cools as it gets higher. When it gets cooler than the surrounding air, it sinks.

云会困住表面热度,会锁住太阳辐 射、湿度蒸发,当达到凝结点然后凝结;空气愈升高愈冷却,冷空气便下沉。 Lapse rate 温度垂直递减率 The Lapse Rate is a measure of instability. Instability is good for us because we rely on the rising air to get high. Air that is rising is considered unstable. Air that is not rising is considered to be stable. As a parcel of air rises, the pressure on it decreases. It expands. Expanding, it cools. This rate of cooling is called the lapse Rate.

气温递减率是测量天气的不稳定性,而这不稳定则使我们可 以借着上升气流升高。上升的空气是不稳定的,反之则是稳 定。当一块气团上升时它的压力降低,然后一边扩张一边冷 却。气温随着高度而递减的速率,就是所谓的温度垂直递减 率。 Humidity varies with altitude. When air rises to the elevation where the water droplets condense, they become large enough to be visible. Clouds are formed. The temperature at which clouds are formed we call the Dew Point Temperature.

湿度随着高度的改变而有所不同;当气流上升到水滴凝结的高度时,水滴会变大到可以看得见。水滴 凝结成云的温度便称为露点温度。


The elevation at which this temperature occurs is called the Dew Point, or the Dew Line. In the winter, frost or snow forms on the mountain slopes at the Dew Line. Here, it is known as the frost line. So, if you want to know cloud height, just look at a nearby mountain. But, if it is not winter, or the frost/dew line is not visible, how can we determine the cloud base?

在露点温度产生的高度,我们称为露点或是露水界限。当冬天山顶斜坡,霜或雪出现在露水界限也可 以称为土壤的霜浸限度;所以当你想 知道云的高度时,看看附近的山。但如果是在冬天或是土壤的霜 浸限度/露水界限,而无法目视时,要怎么判定云底的高度呢? We can determine how high the clouds are by knowing the dew point and calculating the lapse rate. The lapse rate for a dry parcel of air is 1 degree C for 100 m.

我们可以利用已知的露点,来计算温度垂直递减率,并判定云的高度。干燥气团的温度递减率为每升 高 1 米的高度温度便下降摄氏 1 度。 Sometimes the rate of change of the temperature will change. As the air rises, the temperature drops. Then, at some elevation, the temperature will rise for a brief time. Then it will begin to drop again. When the temperature change reverses like that, we call it an inversion.

有时候温度改变的速率也会改变,当空气上升温度下降到了某个高度,温度会短暂上升然后开始下 降。当温度改变随着高度而递减时称为逆温。 An inversion may occur because a whole layer of cool air has risen. The height of the inversion tells us where the thermals will stop rising. it also tells us what temperature we need at the ground in order for thermals to is to the inversion layer.

当整层冷空气上升时就有可能产生逆温。逆温层的高度,让我们知道热气流停止上升的界限。 This is the environment into which thermals are born. Thermals rise at their own rate within the above conditions, stopping at the inversion layer.

这是热气流产生环境,热气流以上述的 情况,用它们自己的上升速率上升,并 停在逆温层。 Here are some signs of instability and stability.

下面要告诉你一些不稳定及稳定的征 兆。 Usually, when a clear morning follows a clear night, you can expect unstable conditions. Cumulus clouds usually indicate instability Stratus clouds indicate stability.

通常在晴朗的夜晚之后是晴朗的早晨, 你可以预期不稳定的状况产生。积云表 示不稳定气候,而层云则是稳定气候的 表征。 Smoke rising high means unstable conditions. 炊烟升高亦显现气候的不稳

定。 Air mass rising becomes less stable. An air mass sinking becomes more stable.

气团上升稳定性较低,而下沉气团则较 稳定。


Clouds 云 There are basically 2 types of clouds: Cumulus clouds are formed from local thermal rising or from cap clouds over mountains. Stratus clouds are the result of a very large area of moisture rising simultaneously. If we can think of cumulus clouds as throwing up a pillow of moisture, then stratus clouds are like throwing up a blanket. Cumulo-stratus clouds are somewhere in between. They are like a patchwork quilt of moisture.

有两种基本型的云: 积云,由区域性暖空气上升,或山顶上的云所形成。层云,是大范围区域有湿空 气上升的结果。若我们将积云想象成丢掷一团充满湿气的枕头,那么层云就是像在丢掷一床棉被或毯 子。积层云,是介于两者之间,像是湿气拼成的拼凑物。 When cumulus or stratus clouds are over 2000 meters above sea level we call them 'alto' cumulus or 'alto' stratus. Clouds which are above 6000 meters are called cirrus. The presence of cirrus clouds usually means frontal activity and a change in weather within 24 hours.

当积云或层云高于海平面 2000 公尺以上,就称之为高积云 alto-cumulus 或高层云 alto-stratus。在高于 6000 米高度出现的云称之为卷云。卷云的出现通常意指锋面活动以及 24 小时内会有天气变化。 Clouds which are heavily laden with rain are termed 'Nimbo' cumulus or 'nimbo' stratus.

当积云或层云附荷着相当重量的雨水,就称之为积雨云或层雨云。 Under stable condition, cumulus clouds will be more stratified. These will be friendlier. Under unstable conditions, cumulus clouds will be more dispersed, and developed vertically. These will be a danger to a new pilot. The presence of clouds will block the suns radiation and hinder thermal development.

稳定情况下,积云会分成较多层,比较安全;不稳定时则开始分散,并发展成垂直云层,就会对新手 飞行员造成危险性。云的形成会阻挡太阳辐射并且限制热气流的发展。

For more information go to 你可以连到上述网址以获得更进一步信息。


Signs and wonders - dangers! 讯号与惊奇─危险! Watching the winds will become a habit. Be prepared for when you are far from the take-off or landing zone and need to check wind condition. Trees will lean downwind. Bamboo trees lean very obviously and easily. Trees with large leaves will show the white underside of the leaves on the upwind side. Watch for flags on schools and government buildings. Watch for birds, which way they are facing and how fast or slow they are going. Watch which way the clouds are blowing. If in doubt about the wind direction, you can let up on your toggles and see which way the glider goes. It will center on the wind.

观察风向会成为一种习惯;当你还离起飞场及降落场很远的时候,你就需要准备好判定风况。树木会 向背风处倾倒、竹子则很明显容易判断。有着大树叶的树木你会看到较白的一面在背风面,注意看学 校或政府机关建筑物上的旗帜、观察鸟类朝哪个方向飞,速度快或慢、看天上的云往哪边移动。 假设你还是无法确定风向,你可以放开控制环看伞翼朝哪边飞,它会自己对齐风向。 Here is a list of some of the most hazardous weather related conditions and how to prevent them. These are the ones that you should be most on the watch for.

下列项目,说明了最危险天气,及其相关状况并如何避免它们,这些应该是你要最注意的事。 Cloud suck -Watch the weather report before going out to fly. If there are large cumulus clouds, stay on the ground. Also, be well practiced and confident in the use of the rapid decent techniques.

云吸─飞行之前必看气象报告!若有较大规模的积云出现,待在陆地吧。多多练习快速下降的技巧来 增加信心。 Lee side landings - be aware of the wind conditions, directions in relation to the local terrain. Learn to visualize the airflow. Know that there is rotor turbulence on the leeside of mountains, trees and buildings. Never take off without a speed bar. Leeside landing -

背风降落─ 注意云的状况和方向与当地地形的关系;学习想象空气的流动,了解在山、树林和建筑物 的背风处都有旋转的乱流,没有加速器绝不可起飞。 High wind landings - Do not take off if the wind speed is above your skill level.

高风速起飞及降落─当风速超过你能力所及时不要起 飞。 Shear turbulence - be aware of the sheer layers and conditions at each level. Pass through levels well above stall speed.

剪力乱流─ 小心每一层剪力层和大气状况,以高于失 速速度通过每一个剪力层。 Thermal turbulence - be ready to control pitch oscillation upon entering or exiting thermal.

热乱流─在进出热气流时,随时准备好控制前后倾斜 摆动。 Cross wind take off - Practice cross wind control under benign conditions. Don't take off if you are not skilled at cross wind launches.



Down wind landings - be aware of wind direction. Be skilled at controlling your landing approach.

背风降落─小心风的方向,要具备控制自己下降接近地面的能力。 Most of the winds close to the ground come from the solar heating. They are the result of the hot air rising and local air rushing in to take its place. It happens on the global scale, continental scale, island scale..

太阳辐射造成地表风的形成,而风则是热空气上升冷空气递补的现象;这样的情形也发生在全球、大 陆、或是岛屿气候。 If you look at the wind socks on the 4 corners of your LZ, you may find them all pointing in different directions as thermals lift off of the LZ 注意看降落场 4 个角落的风筒,你或许会发现当热气流上升

时,它们都指向不同的地方。 Types of turbulence 乱流类型 Turbulence is when the air flow goes chaotic. There are many causes. 乱流指的是,当气流通过时变得

混乱。乱流有很多种: Mechanical turbulence occurs when an object disrupts the flow of air. This is why we NEVER LAND ON THE LEE SIDE OF A MOUNTAIN!!! The turbulence will destabilize and deflate your glide and even push it down. 机械乱流 当物体阻碍气流通过时所造成的,这也是我们从不降落在山的背风区的原因。 Thermal turbulence 热气流乱流 What goes up must come down. As air rises up against standing air, there is an area of friction along the boundary of the thermal. The stronger the thermal, the greater the friction. This results in turbulence. When a thermal rises fast enough, this descending air can be adjacent to the rising air. It happens sometimes that a glider can have 1 wing in the rising air and one in the sinking air. Be aware of the rate of thermals rising, the instability of the air. Pass through this area with speed and with sufficient pressure on the toggles to keep the wing firm. These conditions are more common around noon when the system is strongly developing.

升者恒降;当空气上升遇到直立气流时,会在两层气流交界形成阻力层,而热气流越强的阻力层越 大,这也造成了乱流的形成。当热气流上升速度够快时,下沉气流毗邻上升气。有时候伞翼会发生一 边处于上升气流,另一边处于下沉气流,要注意热气流上升的速度及气流的不稳定度。通过不稳定气 流时,要有速度及保持控制环上的有效压力使 得伞翼稳定。上述的情况最可能发生在中午气 流正在强烈发展的时候。 Shear turbulence 剪力乱流 It occurs when 2 layers of air are moving at different speeds or in different directions. The boundary between these layers creates friction and chaotic airflow. Pass through it with speed so as not to induce a stall. Be aware of the wind speeds at elevation by watching the indicators.

当两个不同速度或是方向的气流移动时所产生 的,在两者交界处所产生的摩擦及不稳定气流。通过时维持相当的速度才不会导致失速产生,同时透 过观察指标了解不同高度时的风速。


A shear layer sometimes forms later in the day as things begin to cool off. It may 30 agl and slowly goes up until it is at the level of your take off one. Be mindful of it. Ask other pilots if there is a shear layer.

剪力层的产生通常在接近傍晚,当温度逐渐降低的时后。大约会从地平面上方 30 米,开始缓慢地上 升到起飞场,要特别小心。你也可以询问其他的飞行员是否有剪力层的产生。 A glider passes through a shear layer and experiences pitch oscillation as the wind speed suddenly decreases.

当飞行伞通过风速突然降低的剪力层时,产生了前 后摆荡的状况。 Vortex turbulence is the turbulence set up by another aircraft passing through the air. The wingtips of the aircraft create vortices which spin off in neat trails and linger in the air behind the aircraft. Never follow too close to another glider. Land well ahead of a glider which has just landed to avoid his wingtip vortex.

涡流乱流是指,当其他飞行体通过时所造成的乱流情形。飞行器的机翼,在飞行器后方衍生出均匀且 滞留的涡流;因此千万别与其他伞翼靠的太近。降落时降在刚落降落的伞翼前方以避免涡流乱流的产 生。 Rotors are a special case of mechanical turbulence. Imagine a wave of air crashing on the mountain top as a wave crashes on the beach. Watch for rotors on and behind mountain tops, take off zones that are steeper than 30 degrees. They are especially notorious on cliff launches.

旋流 是机械乱流的特殊情况。想象气流冲上山顶的情 形,如同冲上海滩的浪潮般。注意山顶后方背风处旋流, 或是坡度超过 30 度的斜坡。以上便是在悬崖起飞场最恶 名昭彰的几个缺点。 Most of the upslope wind is converted to vertical. The remainder is converted to a rotor. Set up your glider in front of the rotor. Be sure to leave yourself room before the edge to make sure your glider is stable before leaving the ground.

大部分的上坡风,在吹上山顶后垂直 上升,而剩余的就变成旋流。当你起 飞离地前,要有足够的空间可以让你 确定伞翼是稳定的。


Quiz 1.

The effect of temperature increase is to (a) increase (b) decrease density.

温度增加则密度 (a) 增加 (b) 减少。 2. 3.

4. 5.

The addition of moisture (a) increases (b) decreases air density.

湿度增加则空气密度 (a) 增加 (b) 减少。 As dry air ascends, the temperature (a) increases (b) decreases at a rate of (c) 1°C (d) 2°C (e) 1.5 °C per (f) 100 (g) 200 (h) 300 meters. 当干燥空气下沉,温度便以 每(a) 100 米 (b) 200 米 (c) 300 米 的速率(d) 上升 (e) 下降 (f) 1°C (g) 2°C (h) 1.5°C 。 The presence of stratus clouds usually indicates (a) stability (b) instability. 当层云出现时则代表了(a) 稳定 (b) 不稳定。 Smoke rising steadily higher indicates (a) stable (b) unstable conditions.

炊烟稳定地升高表示(a) 稳定 (b) 不稳定 的状况。 6.

The 2 basic types of clouds are described by their (a) formation (b) color (c) shape.

两种基本类型的云是根据它们的 (a) 形成原因 (b) 颜色 (c) 外观。 7.

„ Nimbus‟ refers to clouds which are (a) low (b) high (c) carry rain.

雨层云是指 (1) 高度低 (2) 高度高 (3) 夹带雨的。 8. The best direction to escape cloud suck is the (a) front (b) rear (c) side of the cloud.

脱离云吸最佳的方向为朝着云的 (a) 前方 (b) 后方 (c) 侧边。 9. Shear turbulence is the result of: (a) 2 layers of air in different direction or different speed, an aircraft cuts the air (b) the jet stream comes down to the ground level.

剪力乱流是 (a) 由风向及风速不同的两层气流 (b) 飞行器穿过气流使得喷射气流下降至地面 所 造成的。 10. The turbulence which follows a moving aircraft is called (a) shear (b) vortex (c) thermal turbulence.

由移动中的飞行器所造成的乱流称之为 (a) 剪力 (b) 涡流 (c) 热气流 乱流。 11. A rotor is formed (a) upwind (b) downwind of an obstruction.

旋流发生于物体的 (a) 迎风面 (b) 背风面。 12. Common places to find a rotor are (a) ______________ (b) ________________ (c) ______ ______ (d) ____________.

容易产生旋流的地方有 (a)




13. It (a) is (b) is not safe to land in a rotor.

在旋流中降落是 (a) 安全 (b) 不安全的。 14. We should avoid the leeside of a mountain or building because we may find a (a) pot of gold (b) our destiny (c) a rotor.

我们应避免接近山及建筑物的背风面,因为会有(a) 金子 (b) 命运 (c) 旋流。 15. The greatest danger of cliff launches is the rotor. (

在悬崖起飞最大的危险在于旋流的产生。 (


)T (



16. Flying into a rotor will (a) get you lift (b) get you high (c) get you hurt or killed)

飞入旋流会造成 (a) 上升 (b) 升高 (c) 受伤或死亡。 17. It is safe to fly into cumulus clouds. (

飞入积云中是安全的 (



)T (


) 错误。

18. Thermal is caused by sun warming some surfaces of the earth more than others .(

热气流是由于太阳使一地地表温度高于另一地,此叙述 (


) 正确 (

) 错误。

)T (


19. The on shore breeze refers to the sea breeze blowing onto the (a) land (b) sea

海洋风指的是海洋为风吹往 (a) 地表 (b) 海面。 20. On shore breeze blows during the (a) day (b) night.

海洋风在 (a) 白天 (b) 夜晚。 21. Warm air rises and cool air rushes in to replace it. This is the development of (a) wind (b) density (c) flatulence

暖空气上升冷空气下降来填补空隙,这里的现象指的是 (a) 风 (b) 密度 (c) 放屁。 22. When a layer of cool air sits above a layer of warmer air, we have (a) an inversion layer (b) a shear layer (c) a parfait

当暖空气上层存在着冷空气,这个情形称之为 (a)逆温层 (b) 剪力层 (c) 大气层。 23. When moist air rises to the dew point it becomes (a) a thermal (b) a cloud (c) a turbulence

当水气上升到露点便成为 (a) 热气流 (b) 云 (c) 乱流。


Chapter 9

Equipment variations 装备差异 The Performance Safety Spectrum 安全范围的表现 Variations in the design and construction influence the performance of the glider by

不同的设计和结构会影响伞翼的性能: 1. reduce parasitic drag 增加寄生阻力。 2. increase speed 增加速度。 3. increase lift 增加浮力。 4. increase responsiveness without inducing as much drag 增加飞行员对伞翼的回应减少阻力。 5. reduce sink rate 降低下沉率。 6. increase glide ratio 增加滑降比。 Many design factors which increase performance also reduce safety. A competition glider is more likely to experience deflations under turbulent conditions. It is also more sensitive to changes in the wind. But, it will have a better glide ratio, lose less elevation on turns, greater speed, turn sharper … An experienced pilot will know how to respond to it. His senses and reflexes will be trained to react appropriately. 许多设计概念会增加伞的性能表现同时降低安全性。一顶竞赛用伞较像是在乱流里体验夹翼,同时对 于风向的改变较为敏感。但也有较佳的滑降比在转弯时有较佳的抬升,速度快转弯准确,有经验的飞 行员知道如何反应。透过他的感觉及反射将训练他作出适当的反应。 Choosing a glider is a balance between performance and safety. Wings are designed to get the best glide ratio possible. But there is a trade off. The better the glide ratio, the less the safety.

选择一顶伞取决于其性能表现及安全性的平衡。伞的设计是为了获得最佳的滑降比,但却无法同时获 得相对的安全性。较佳的滑降比,较少的安全性。 The chart below describes some of the feature differences between beginner, intermediate and advanced gliders. 以下的章节介绍了初级进阶级高级飞行伞的不同之处。

Ratings 等级 Wings are rated according to safety criteria. 伞翼是根据安全性能而区分等级的。 The size of the wing is determined by the weight of the pilot. Heavier pilots require larger wings. Performance is determined by safety. The wing is rated by its resistance to deflation and by how fast it recovers from a deflation.

伞的大小取决于飞行员的体重,较重的飞行员需要较大的伞;而伞的性能则取决于安全,透过伞抵抗 折翼的能力及在折翼发生时恢复的速度快慢而定。 The 4 primary rating agencies are 以下为两个主要的测试机构 DHV 德国,网址 AFNOR 法国,网址 CEN in the EU 欧盟,网址 EN in the EU It is highly advisable to buy equipment that has been tested and rated by one of these agencies. 经过以上机构所认证的器具可以安心购买。


The rating systems 检验制度 EN


CEN AFNOR dhv Action 功能 Inflation 起伞 Deflation 折翼 responsive 对于控制的反应 re-inflation 再次起伞

1 beginner 入门 1



2 performance 表演用 1 -2 2

quickly 很快。 a bit hesitant 有点迟缓。 not likely 不常发生。

D 3 Competition 竞赛用 2-3 3 some effort to stabilize on launch 起飞前需要额外平衡伞翼。

occasional wingtip deflation more frequent 偶尔夹翼。 经常夹翼。

a bit retarded more responsive 有点迟缓。 反应灵敏。

immediate response, be careful 立即的反应需要小心。

spontaneous 自然而然的。

requires control inputs 需要飞行员的控制。

slight hesitancy 有点犹豫。

Other important differences between gliders include 其他飞行伞的重要差异包含: less sensitive -----------------------------------------------------------------------较不敏感。 more forgiving -----------------------------------------------------------------------较容许失误的。 less responsive --------------------------------------------------------------反应较不敏锐

very sensitive 很敏感。 unforgiving 较不容许失误的。 more responsive 反应敏锐。

more stable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------较稳定。 faster recovery --------------------------------------------------------------------迅速恢复。

less stable 较不稳定。 slower recovery 恢复较慢。

lines 伞绳

shorter, more lines 数量较多且短。

A/R 展翼比

lower 较低。

medium 中 等。

higher 较高。

air inlet 进气口

larger ports 较大。

smaller 较小。

very small, 非常小。

thinness 厚度

fat 厚。

thinner 较薄

very thin 非常薄。

Cost 价格

lower 较低。

low 低。

very high 很高。

production run 市占率

many 很多。

longer lines, fewer 数量较少且长。

more 较多。

fewer 较少。

very few 很少。

only a handful 特定族群。

Pilots discuss gliders in terms of their 飞行员讨论飞行伞的项目如下 Sensitivity- how quickly it reacts to changes in the air. 敏感度─对气流变化的反应快慢。 Responsiveness- how quickly it responds to pilot inputs. 反应─对飞行员的操控的反应。 Stability- how resistant it is to changes in the quality of the air and to pilot error. 稳定性─对于气流 改变或飞行员不当操作的抵抗能力。 Recovery- how quickly it recovers from deflation. 恢复能力─发生折翼时能够多快恢复。 Forgiveness- how dramatically it responds to pilot error. 容错─当飞行员不当操控时伞具如何回



The gliders are put through a series of tests. They are rated for each test, either 1, 1-2, 2, 2-3 or 3. There is a lot of variation within each of the ratings. If a glider were to score a '1' on all of the tests. It would be rated a '1'. If it had received a 1 -2 on any one of the tests, it would be rated '1 - 2'. Also, if it had received a '1 - 2' on 16 of the test and a 1 on the remaining test, it would also be a 1 - 2.

这些伞都经过很多个别的测试,如 1、1-2、2、2-3、 3。在这些测试中有很多不同的项目。如果在测 试结果中有全部的结果都为 1 则这顶伞就会是等级 1。如果在 17 个测试结果中有 16 个数值为 1-2 另 一个为 1,这顶伞仍会被评定为 1-2。 There is a great deal of difference between gliders in the same class. Read the test reports before buying a glider 购买伞具前可以先到以下网页上参考测试数据。, ,, Choosing a first glider 选择第一顶伞 Some think that they can save money by learning on an Intermediate glider. You will spend most of your time with too much stress to learn anything, learning very little and very slowly. Save money, waste time.

很多学生认为从进阶伞等级学起可以省钱;如此会让学习曲线变的艰深相对地花更多的时间。同时大 部分的时间因为压力过大而无法有效学习,事倍功半。省了花费却浪费了时间。 Only buy a glider rated beginner or dhv 1 or 1-2. 只购买初级或等级 DHV1 或是 DHV1-2 的伞具。 You can increase your rate of learning by: 因为以下几点你将会加速学习效率: learn on a new glider 使用新伞学习。 use the same glider all the time 总是使用同一顶伞。 kite and fly under smooth conditions with light to moderate winds 在平顺的气流里斗伞练习 Aspect Ratio 展翼比 (展弦比)

A higher aspect ratio glider will be more inclined to deflations and spin. But, it will achieve a better glide ratio. Glider 1 above is a beginner or trainer glider. Glider 2 is an advanced wing.

展弦比越高越容易夹翼 或旋转,相对地有较佳 的滑降比。上图 1 为初学者或是训练用伞而图 2 则为高级伞。 Fineness refers to the dimension between the upper surface and the lower surface. Intermediate gliders will be finer than beginners. Advanced gliders will be finer yet.

精致 指的是上下层伞布之间的尺寸。进阶伞衣会比初级伞还要细致,然而高级伞则更精致。 A finer glider will have much smaller air inlets. This makes the glider harder to inflate, easier to deflate and harder to maintain internal pressure.

较细致的伞衣有较小的风口,这也 造成伞翼较难充气,但容易塌陷不 容易保持伞翼内的压力。


A glider with a more pronounced arc will have more stability because it has more vertical surfaces. Advanced gliders will generally be flatter when viewed from the back or front. (See diagram above)

伞衣有较多明显弧形的较稳定,因为有较多直立表面。高级伞往往从后面向前看,或是反向看都比较 平(参考上图) 。 A more advanced glider will have a higher wing loading. This might compensate for the smaller air intakes.

一个较高级的伞具,会有较高的风载,这或许是风口较小的补偿。 We can further increase stability in strong wind or turbulent air by increasing the wing loading. This will also increase the speed. To increase the wing loading we add ballast to the harness before take off. Water is the most common ballast. A water bag is placed in the harness. It has a capacity of 10 - 20 kilos.

我们可以透过增加载重,以便在遇强风或乱流时来稳定伞具;同时也可以增加速度。在起飞前将压载 置入套带。水袋是较为普遍的而其容量则为 10-20 公斤不等。 The table below compares wing loading performance 以下的表格提供不同载重的性能表现: top of the weight range 体重上限

bottom of the weight range 体重下限

benefit 优点

benefit 优点

detriment 缺点

slightly better glide ratio 些微较佳的滑降比。

less penetration 较少的滑翔。

detriment 缺点

better penetration 较佳的滑翔。 greater speed 速度较快。

be ready to flare hard in no wind conditions 在无风的状态随时准备好 将操控绳拉到底以便降 落。

safer no wind landing more likely to deflation in 无风状态的降落较安 turbulence 较常在乱流里折翼。 全。

more deflation resistance 避免折翼。

deflations will be more dramatic 折翼较明显

deflations recover less dramatically 折翼恢复时较不剧 烈。

deflations more likely in strong wind conditions 在强风时较容易发生折翼

more responsive to requires more active control inputs flying 对于控制的反应灵敏。 在飞行时需要比较活泼。 better in strong winds 强风时表现较佳。

better in light thermic conditions 在热气流微弱时较佳

Many pilots choose a glider so that they are just below the middle of the weight range. This is because you can adjust your wing loading up but not down.

许多飞行员选择飞行伞时以在体重范围中间值以下为标准,如此便可以适时地调整伞具的载重。 During training it is important to keep things simple. Keep the same wing loading. Later you can experiment flying with different wing loadings under the same conditions.

在训练时保持简单是很重要的,例如维持同一个伞具的载重。 In order to reduce drag, advanced gliders are designed with fewer lines. Some advanced designs have unusually long lines to locate the pilot further from the fabric of the wing. This creates more pendulum in the swing in turns.

为了降低阻力高级伞的伞绳较少;有些更不寻常地利用伞翼上的长伞绳将飞行员置伞布前端,当伞翼 转弯摆荡时则制造更大的钟摆运动。 Harness – At this point you will be interested in a harness which will offer you hours of comfort on those long cross country flights. Competition harnesses are very sensitive. The hang points are lower. So, the center of gravity is lower. This helps to communicate more twisting of the glider to the pilot. It also makes the glider more sensitive to the pilot‟s body motions. Weight shifting is far more effective.


The trade off is that perturbations in the glider are immediately transmitted to the pilot. Don‟t train on a competition harness. You will learn very slowly as you will be often in a panic state.

套带 在这个阶段你会关注在,当你越野飞行几个小时飞行时的舒适度。竞赛用套带非常的敏感,悬吊 点较低因此重心较低。飞行员透过套带在伞翼旋转时与伞翼沟通,然而也使得伞翼对于飞行员肢体动 作更加敏锐,重心位移也较有效率。缺点则是当伞翼有扰动时也立即传递给飞行员。训练时不要使用 竞赛用套带,否则你会学的很慢因为你总是处于慌张。 Quiz 问题 1. Paragliders are tested and rated for performance based on : (a) safety (b) speed (c) agility (d) fashion

伞具检验及等级标准是根据 (a) 安全 (b) 速度 (c) 敏捷 (d) 流行。 2.

A beginner pilot should fly only gliders rated (a) 1 (b) 1-2 (c) 2 (d) 2 - 3 (e) 3 or below.

初学者应该使用 (a) 1 (b) 1-2 (c) 2 (d) 2-3 (e) 3 或是更低。 3.

All gliders rated 1-2 are the same. (

所有等级 1-2 的伞具都相同。( 4.



)对 (

) 错。

A glider which is more forgiving will be (a) more (b) less sensitive.

容许度越大的伞具,敏感度越 (a)高 (b) 低。 5.

A competition glider will have a (a) higher (b) lower aspect ratio than a beginner glider.

竞赛伞比起初学伞有较 (a)大 (b)小 的展弦比。 6.

Larger air mouth will (a) increase (b) decrease parasitic drag.

风口越大则阻力 (a) 越大 (b) 越小。 7.

More lines will (a) increase (b) decrease stability while (c) increasing (d) decreasing parasitic drag.

当寄生阻力(a)增加 (b)减少时,伞绳较多的伞具稳定度 (c)增加 (d) 减少。 8.

Wing loading is higher on a (a) competition (b) performance (c) beginner glider.

(a)竞赛用 (b)表演用 (c)初学用 的伞具伞翼荷重较高。 9.

Flying top of the weight range will (a) increase (b) not influence (c) decrease the sink rate.

飞行重量为伞具载重上限时会(a) 增加 (b) 不影响 (c) 降低 下沉率。 10. Flying top of the weight range will (a) increase (b) not influence (c) decrease the glide ratio.

飞行重量为伞具载重上限时会(a) 增加 (b) 不影响 (c) 降低 滑降比。 11. During more turbulent air, it is better to fly (a) top (b) middle (c) bottom of the weight range.

在乱流中飞伞具载重之(a) 上限 (b) 中等 (c) 下限 较佳。


Chapter 10

Refining skills 技巧升华 Oscillation control 摆荡控制 Oscillation can be influenced by altering the width of the karabiners. Wider setting will transfer more oscillations of the glider directly to the harness and the pilot. This is good when an advanced pilot wants to get more feedback from the glider. It also enhances lift when conditions are very light. A narrow setting will give you a smoother ride during bumpy condition. Ideal riser width is usually between 38 and 42 cm. Check your glider manual for recommended measures. Some pilots will make this adjustment while in flight. But for maximum safety, land and adjust. Then, take off again.

透过调整扣环距离来改变摆荡控制的情况。距离较宽时,伞翼摆荡会直接传递较多至套带,以及飞行 员;这对于想获得更多来自伞具回馈的高级飞行员来说,这是很好的。同时在气流微弱时也加强了升 力。当你通过不稳定气流时,扣环距离较窄时,则提供较稳定的飞行。理想的扣环距离为 38-42 公 分,参考你飞行伞手册里的数值。有些飞行员会在飞行的过程中调整,但为了安全考虑,最好是降落 后调整然后再起飞。 Your glider may oscillate forward and backwards, pitch oscillation. It may also oscillate left and right, roll oscillation. Make a habit of flying with 2 kg of pressure on the brakes. This will be just about the natural hanging pressure of your arms. It will serve several purposes:

你的伞翼可能会向前向后摆荡,或是左右摇摆。飞行时保持 2 公斤的压力在控制绳上使其成为习惯。 这大概是手臂自然悬挂在控制绳上的状况,其原因为: minimize the oscillations naturally 自然地减少摆荡的情形。 support your arms so you don‟t have to 不需要额外的施力来支撑你的手臂。 allow you to become sensitive to the feedback from the glider through the control lines 使你对于

伞翼透过控制绳传达的讯息更敏 锐。 Roll oscillation 左右摆荡 Roll oscillation is most often self correcting. Apply a little brake on both sides and it will stabilize immediately.

左右摆荡的情形多半可以自行改 正,只要透过拉下两边控制绳便



For active flying, fly with hanging pressure of the arms, slightly wider karabiner width to get more feedback from the glider. 主动飞 行,是经由手臂悬吊压力以及扣环间距稍微加大来获得伞衣较好的回应。 Pitch oscillation is gradually corrected by counter steering. When the wing goes forward, over- flying the pilot, apply light brake. As it drops back behind the pilot, release the brake. ALL CORRECTIONS ARE MADE SMOOTHLY AND GRADUALLY. This requires finesse and timing. Practice it under smooth conditions.

前后摆荡则需 要渐进式的反向操作; 当伞翼向前飞越过飞行员时, 拉下控制绳;当伞翼向后落时,松开煞车。注意以上的 调整需要和缓渐进的方式进行。这个动作须要精确的时 间掌控,因此要在和缓的天气状况下练习。 This is a skill you should practice under steady wind conditions, during glass off. See exercises at the end of the book.

而这个技巧应该在稳定如黄昏气流时练习,参考书末的练习。 Another factor that will greatly influence your comfort is your posture during takeoff. Review the section in chapter 7.另一个会严重影响舒适度的因子是起飞时的姿势,请参考第 7 章。

Speed control 速度控制 The 4 Cardinal speeds Here they are in increasing order.

四个重要的速度-以速度渐增的排序 如下。 You have mastered the speed skill section when you can transition from min sink to max glide to trim speed smoothly without oscillation. A trick you will enjoy is to porpoise the glider at speed. Do this by inducing the speed bar while flying downwind. Gradually release the speed bar and apply a little brake to gain lift. Alternate brake and speed bar smoothly.

当你可以平稳且没有发生摆荡现象地,从最少下降率转换至最佳滑翔、平稳速度时,表示你已经熟练 加速的技能。你或许可以在天空享受如海豚般窜出水面的速度乐趣。可以试着在顺风飞行时使用加速 器,渐渐的松开加速器并拉煞车来增加升力。平稳地轮流使用加速器及煞车。


Accelerator is a device for increasing the speed of the glider. IT IS A SAFETY FEATURE! Here is how it works. The A risers are attached to a set of lines which run through the harness. They are connected to a bar which fits under the feet. Pushing out on the bar with the feet pulls down on the leading edge of the glider lowering the angle of attack which increases the speed.

加速器是用来增加伞翼的速度,也是安全的装置,其使用方式如下: A 组穿过套带与一组伞绳相连接,而底下连到一个横杆使脚可以放置 其上。透过双脚向外推出使得伞翼前缘被拉下并减少攻角角度来增加 速度。 Be careful when using the accelerator on performance and competition gliders. Under unstable conditions they may have frontal collapse.

One sign of a frontal deflation is pressure on the accelerator suddenly become lighter. You should release the accelerator immediately. Then, apply brake to pressurize the wing.

当使用表演用或竞赛的飞行伞时要格外小心, 特别是在不稳定的气流情况下,会出现伞翼前 缘塌陷。当塌陷产生时加速器会突然失去张力 变轻,此时你应立刻放掉加速器并拉下控制绳 增加伞翼压力。

Ground speed is the combination of air speed and wind speed. With a negative airspeed, the ground speed decreases. This is why we always

take off and land INTO the wind.地速是空速



Name 名称

Toggle position 控制环的位置


Description 叙述 When to use 使用时机

Stall speed

失速速度 18–24

As far down as possible 尽你所能的拉下控制绳 most critical of speeds. Air flow over and under the wing stops. Your wing is no longer aerodynamic! Know the stall point of your glider. Once you know where it is, DON’T GO THERE unless necessary.是最关键的速度,通过伞体上下的气流静止

了。伞翼不再符合航空力动学原理。了解伞翼的失速点且知道控制绳拉下到哪个 位置会造成失速是重要的。当你了解了之后除非已经学到如何控制以及使用时机 才操作这样的动作。


To reset the glider after a serious deflation; advanced maneuver used to deflate the glider after landing 在伞翼严重塌陷后重新设定;高级以及花

式技巧, 用于降落后制止伞衣运动。 Minimum sink 最小下降 率 20 -25

Just below half brake travel 在控制绳一半以下的位置 The speed at which you descend the slowest 下降速率最慢的情形。

3 Best glide 最佳滑翔 30 - 47

Just above or below trim speed 在平稳飞行的位置上下。 This speed will change with the wind speed and direction.最佳滑翔速度会随着风


2 Trim speed 巡航速度 32 - 43

stay aloft the longest period 可在气流中停留最长的时间。

To glide the farthest distance 可滑翔至最远的距离。

No brakes, no accelerator. 不拉煞车不使用加速器。 Most often used (on some gliders trim speed is achieved with hanging weight of the arms. Check the manual.) 这是最常用的飞行速度(在某些飞行伞的设计里平


1 Accelerated 加速的 45 - 62

A comfortable compromise between stability, speed and glide 伞及稳定速度


Speed bar out all the way, no brakes 推出加速器煞车全放。 Lowers the angle of attack, gradually 缓慢地降地攻角角度。 Prevent getting blown back, get somewhere fast, To get out of a bad position. 预防被向后吹,或是快速抵达某个地方、迅速脱离困境等。


Direction control 方向控制 It is absolutely essential to clear turns before turning and to signal turns when in traffic. During your first flights your coach will tell you, “Look left, signal left, Lean left, Left toggle,” so that you do not forget. From then on, it will be understood that “Turn left” presumes the whole set of actions.

当空中交通繁忙时,在转弯前打讯号并确定净空是绝对必要的。在你第一次飞行时你的教练会指导你 「看左边,打左边讯号,身体向左倾,拉左边控制绳」因此你不会忘记。尔后当你听到左转时,你便 会记得这一连串的动作。你会遇到不遵守空中交通规则的飞行员,而你可以成为问题之一或者是想办 法解决。 Until now all of your turns have been by control toggle. It is quite simple. Pull left, go left. Pull right, go right. You should become accustomed to using the brake lines as en extension of your arms, sensing the amount of pressure the air is asserting on the wing while in turns. Focusing your eyes on the horizon, you can maintain a sense of your bank angle. A high bank angle will increase your sink rate. By combining weight shift and counter steering with your steering you will begin to do efficient turns. These are turns with a minimum of speed loss and/or sink.

直到现在我们所做的转弯动作都是借着控制绳完成的,这是很容易的;拉左边控制绳便向左转,反之 拉右边就向右转。你应该习惯于用控制绳当你手臂的延伸,来感觉当转弯时有多少压力作用于伞翼之 上。将视野专注于地平面以便维持转身角度的敏锐;大量的转身角度会增加下沉率。藉由重心位移及 反向操纵,来操控你的伞;你可以开始作一些有效率的转弯动作。 Your first fights were oriented by the LENGTH of brake pull. Future fights will be by the amount of tension on the brake lines.

你的第一次飞行是根据控制绳索拉下的长度作为根据,在接下来的飞行就得根据加诸在控制绳上的压 力而定。 One technique for controlling the bank angle is to weight shift toward or away from the turn. Weight shift is a valuable skill to fine tune your direction control. By leaning away from the turn you can keep the wing flat, thus sinking less in the turn when flying slow. Develop this skill slowly so as to prevent spin. Leaning in on a turn will bank the glider more. Use this technique when flying faster. Centrifugal force brings you through the turn sooner. The glider reestablishes the best glide position sooner thus sinking less during the turn. (Don‟t be afraid to throw your weight around a little. You will be surprised at how much weight shift a glider will tolerate.)

另一个控制转弯时的角度的方法,是藉由重心位移的方式。重心 位移是在转弯时,用来调整方向的有用的技巧。藉由转弯时身体 向反方向倾,使得伞翼维持平衡,并在转弯时减少下沉率。慢慢地培养这个技巧以预防旋转;在转弯 时透过倾身使得伞翼倾角变大,试着在飞行速度较快的时后练习;离心力作用会让你在转出时变的更 快。此时伞翼会迅速回复到最佳滑翔,因此转弯时下降率也会变少。不要害怕试着将身体重心随意摆 动,你会发现伞翼所能承受的,超过你的想象。

Get the posture right. The glider will follow. 姿势正确伞翼便自然顺从。


Develop sensitivity to the INTERACTION between following forces:

培养对于以下力量之间相互影响的敏锐感: Pendulum 钟摆效应。 Bank angle 转身角度。 Speed 速度。 Decent rate 下降率。 Control Line tension 控制绳张力。 Suspension line tension 悬吊绳张力。 Weight shift alone can be used to effectively induce a turn. Practice this GRADUALLY. It will be a useful technique when:

单独使用重心位移,也可以使转弯增加效率;慢慢地练习也可以是有用的技巧当: your hands are busy pulling in BIG EARS and you need to turn.

双手因为拉耳朵且必须转弯时。 crabbing into a strong headwind. 测飞到强逆风区。 scratching along the ridge for lift 沿着山脊盘气流。 Weight shift skills are also helpful when leveling the wing when coming out of a turn. A gradual weight shift toward the outside of the turn while altering the brake pull will smooth out the transition of the bank angle.

当你要从转弯恢复直线飞行时重心位移也是有帮助的。当拉下煞车时,逐渐地重心位移到转弯方向的 外侧,可以使转身角度平稳地回复。 Your goal: smooth turns using brake and weight shift , without pitch or roll oscillations up to 180 degrees to the left and then to the right. 你的目标是:利用煞车及重心位移使得转弯平顺,不会造成前后左右甚至超过 180 度的摆荡情形。 Efficient turns 有效的转弯 Here is an interesting exercise that can help you to sharpen your awareness of your gliders behavior and to improve your turning efficiency.

以下是一个有趣的练习,可以让你知道伞翼的表现,此外也改善你转弯的效率。 Approach your turn with about 25% brake. Look left, signal left, lean left as you raise the right toggle slightly and lower the left toggle to ½. To flatten out the turn, apply more outside (right) brake or, weight shift outside (right) slightly Smooth turn completion requires you to weight shift and balance brakes to level out the wing as you come out of your turn.

利用拉下 25%的控制绳来进行你的转弯动作。看左边,打讯号,当缓缓升起右控制绳时,拉下左控 制绳至 1/2 的长度距离,身体左倾。要从转弯回复平飞时,拉外(右)侧煞车或者轻轻的重心为一向外 (右)侧。当你从转弯回复平飞时,你需要重心位移,并平衡两侧煞车,使得伞翼平衡。 Weight shifting gracefully 优雅地重心位移 Weight shift transitions should be smooth and steady. They don‟t need to be slow. They should not be jerky or abrupt as this may destabilize the wing. The more compact your body mass, the more stable your weight shift.


重心位移的转换应该是平顺且稳定的,但不一定是缓慢的。不应该是突然用力的这样会造成伞翼的 不稳定。当身体受到的冲击越多,你的重心位移更需要稳定。 The correct posture will assure smooth weight shifts. So:正确的姿势需要平滑地重心位移,因此: Keep the knees together 双膝并拢。 Cross the ankles 脚踝交叉。 Except when using the accelerator, keep the feet close to the under side of the harness.

当脚踩加速器时则保持于套带下方的位置即可。 The point of contact with the seat board will be your left and right „Tuberosity of Ischium‟ or boney part of your butt. 身体与坐垫的接触点只有左右边臀骨。 Roll your weight from one butt bone to the other. 将身体重量透过一侧臀骨加到另一侧。 Some pilots prefer to cross the legs one over the other when weight shifting. This requires extending the legs. It takes additional time and destabilizes your posture. It is sufficient to cross the knees only.

有些飞行员偏好重心位移时将大腿横跨在另一侧大腿上。但这需要腿部的延伸需要额外的时间亦造成 你姿势的不稳定,因此只有膝盖交叉是较有效率的。 Developing turning control skills 培养转弯控制的技巧 Practice turn techniques in step wise fashion from the simple to the complex. Here is a sample curriculum and suggestions for managing these tasks:

你应该从简单的转弯步骤练习至复杂才是明智的。以下则是让你完成任务及目标的简单课程,其中也 有让你管理这些任务的建议: Task 1: 45 degree turns, both directions, with no surging or oscillation

任务一:45 度角左右转,没有突然的前冲或摆荡 Strategy: Use weight shift and toggle to roll into and out of the turn and return to level flight. Keep your bank angle at less than 15 degrees. Look at the horizon. Only occasionally looking down for ground track or location reference.

利用重心位移及控制绳从转弯回归到平飞,维持转身角度少于 15 度;保持注视地平线,除了偶尔 查看地面路径或是降落参考时。 Task 2: 90 degree turns, both directions with no surging or oscillation

任务二:90 度角左右转,没有突然的前冲或摆荡 Strategy: In the previous exercise, the 45 degree turn does not give the glider enough time to reach a state of dynamic equilibrium. If you pay attention to the line tension, bank angle and your posture you will notice that at near the 90 degree turn point everything begins to stabilize IN THE TURN.

在上述的练习 45 度角转弯,并没有足够的时间,使伞体达到动力平衡的状态。假设你注意伞绳的 张力转身角度及姿势,你会发现在越接近 90 度角的转弯时伞翼越稳定。 Task 3: 180 degree turn left, then 180 right, with no surging or oscillation

任务三:180 度左转然后 180 度右转,没有突然的前冲或摆荡 Strategy: Continue through your turn until you are over your previous ground track. Develop your 180‟s into neat “S” turns within a fixed area. Choose a farm field below that is about 150 meters long, for reference. Fly “S” turns to cut it in half. This will give you an idea of what your turning radius is.

继续转向直到回到先前的路径。将 180 度转弯发展成在固定区域简洁的 S 形转弯。选定一个 150 米长的田地作为参考,透过 S 形转弯将其切成一半,可以使你了解转弯半径为何。


Task 4: steeper banked 180 degree turns.

任务四:较 180 度更深的转身角度 Strategy: Focus on leveling out smoothly and getting back on the same ground track. Make the turns at varying bank angles. Pay attention to how much altitude is lost at each different bank angle.

注意转弯后回归平飞时的流畅及保持相同路径;透过不同的倾斜角度来做转弯的动作,并且记得不 同的转身角度其高度损失的程度为何。 Task 5: 360 degree turns.

任务五:360 度转弯 Strategy: Do 1 full wide radius rotation at a shallow bank angle and then level out. Do another in the opposite direction. Repeat this as your body and mind become accustomed to vertigo.

以浅的转身角度作一个大范围回旋并逐渐回复;之后再做一个反方向的旋转。重复此步骤直到身体 适应晕眩的状态。 Task 6: Multiple 360‟s.

任务六:连续 360 度转弯 Strategy: Do 2 in a series. As you become accustomed to vertigo, increase the number of rotations. Then increase and decrease the radius of the turn. Practice rotations ending and starting at a fixed ground reference.

连续做两个 360 度转弯。当你习惯晕眩之后,增加旋转的数量,然后增加或减少转弯半径。透过 地面的物体作为参考,来练习转弯的开始与结束于固定的位置。 Except for task 4, don‟t use a vario. It will distract you. 除了第四项任务外不要使用高度机那会阻碍你。 Use roads below to mark your ground track. 利用底下的道路来当你的地面路径。 Bifurcate a farm field to mark your turn radius. 将田地切成一半当作转弯半径。 Use your take off zone as a height reference. 利用起飞场当作高度参考。 Make all your weight shift transitions by gradually rolling from one buttock to the other.

使身体重量缓慢的透过一侧臀骨加到另一侧。 Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., use your shadow to monitor your ground track.

在上午 11 点到下午 3 点利用影子监测你的地面航迹。 Remember that when we fly, we fly the air, not the ground. We fly „airspeed, not „ground speed‟. So, there is a tendency to drift in the wind. When you fly a 360, you will drift on the down wind leg, flying further down wind. To you, your flight path will „feel‟ like a perfect circle. To an observer on the ground, it will look like an ellipse. You can compensate for this by flying longer on the upwind leg, shorter on the downwind leg. Practice controlling your ellipse. This will be useful when you want to stay in thermal.

记得当我们飞行时是在空中而非地面,也就是空速而非地速。所以有可能会在空中飘的倾向,当你 360 度转弯飞行时,在顺风航程时会因为飘移而飞的更远些。对你来说你的非形路径感觉像是标准的 圆形但对于观察者而言却像是椭圆形。试着在逆风航程里飞久一点,使顺风航程短一点以作为比较。 练习控制你的椭圆形路径,当你想停留在热气流里时这将会很有帮助。

Always clear your turns and signal in traffic. 随时记得转弯前要确定净空并且打讯号。 104

Compensating for wind 不同风向的应变措施 Drifting in turns 转弯时的飘移 In no wind conditions your 360 turn will appear as a 360 degree ground track. However, into wind will produce different ground tracks as illustrated below. The effect will be to cause your turn to drift down wind. You will want to compensate for this on the upwind leg, downwind leg and on the crosswind leg. Sometimes it is helpful to gather momentum on the downwind leg and use it on the crosswind leg.

当你在无风状态下做 360 度转弯时, 你的路径会与地面上的轨迹一致;然 而当风速的变因增加时,你的航迹与 地面的轨迹则有差异如图所示。这使 得你在转弯时朝顺风方向飘移;藉此 你可以用来抵销逆风、顺风及侧风航程中所产生的飘移现象。有时候在顺风航程中,可以有效聚集动 能,以便在侧风航程中运用。 Wind and glide path 风及滑翔路径 The speed and direction of the wind will influence your glide path. A headwind will not influence your glide ratio with regard to the air mass in which you are flying. But, it will effect your glide with respect to the ground. This is very important on landing approach. The following pictures illustrate.

风速及风向会影响你的滑翔路径;当你在气团里飞行时逆风并不 会影响你的滑降比,但却会影响对地滑翔。这在降落程序中是很 重要的,请参考以下图片解说。 Higher winds 风速较高时 There are times when the wind speed may exceed the speed of your glider. You will be unable to penetrate. As a beginner or novice pilot you should not be flying under these conditions. But, shit happens. So, here is how to handle it. First, increase speed by letting the toggles up. If penetration is still not sufficient, gradually push out on the speed bar until penetration is achieved. If this is not sufficient, release the speed bar and crab the glider. Crabbing is like tacking in a sail boat. Instead of flying directly into the wind, you will fly slightly cross wind. Shift your weight to one side and release the brake on that side. Apply brake on THE OPPOSITE SIDE. The glider will fly toward the weighted side. The wind on the opposite side will act as a sail to increase your thrust just enough to increase penetration. Balance the weight shift on the one side against the brake action on the other side being careful not to spin the glider.


有时候风速会超过伞速,使你无法向前。初学者及入门生不应该在此状况下飞行;但总会发生,以下 便是处理方式: 首先,透过将控制绳上移来增加速度,如果情形没有改善慢慢地推出加速迄直到有前进迹象为止。 如果没有作用,松开加速器并使伞翼作航向偏流修正,如同航海时抢风转变航向。你会有点飞侧风 而不是朝着风直飞去;将重心位移至其中一侧并松开同一侧的煞车,拉下另一侧的煞车。此时伞翼 会朝着载重增加的一侧飞行。相反侧的风则会像船一样,增加足够的推力以增加前行的状态。重心 位移与拉煞车侧相反以便平衡且不使伞翼旋转。 Venturi 文图里效应 (又称细腰管效应) The nature of a venturi is to increase the local speed of the air. Here is how it works. As the air space is restricted, the velocity of the flow increases. So, if you fly into an air space where the area is restricted by a mountain or other obstacles, you can expect the air flow to increase. You can expect turbulence also. The best thing to do is don‟t go there. The venturi principle helps us understand why there is stronger wind in the compression zone on the top of a hill or mountain.

自然的文图里效应是指地方性的空气流速增加,形成原因如下: 当空间被限制,流速增加;因此当你飞到空域被山或是其他障碍物限制的地方,你可以预见空气流 速的增加,当然也会有乱流的产生。最好的解决之道是不要靠近。文图里效应原则帮助我们了解, 为何在山丘或山顶压缩地带风较强劲。 Turbulence and how to live with it 了 解乱流并与它共存 Active flying refers to the ability to sense the behavior and position of your glider and respond to it spontaneously, the development of a dynamic feedback loop between the air, glider and the pilot. The glider tells you things about the quality and texture of the air through the suspension lines and the control lines. The pilot talks back through the control lines by pulling and releasing and through the suspension lines by weight shifting.

主动飞行意指了解伞翼的行为与位置并 自然的响应的能力,是介于力学的反馈与气流、伞翼以及飞行员间的一个环节。伞翼透过悬吊绳及 控制绳来告诉你有关气流的质量与结构,而飞行员则透过拉放控制绳,或是藉由重心位移来影响悬 吊绳的方式,以便回馈于伞翼。 When you were in ground training, you were taught to sense the position of the glider during inflation and kiting through the lines. When there is no tension on the lines, they can tell you nothing. And, likewise, you have no input.

当你在地面训练时,你被教导在将伞充气或斗伞时,要透过伞绳来感觉伞翼的位置。当伞绳没有张 力时你没有办法知道伞翼的状况也无法控制。 In the sky, the same is true. There is a minimum amount of pressure on the toggles required for you to „communicate„ with the wing. Most gliders are designed with this in mind. That amount is about 2 kg. This is hanging pressure of the weight of the pilot‟s arms. In turbulent air, a little more pressure may be necessary for effective communication. By flying with the hanging arm posture, you can constantly refine your communication skills. When the glider gently or suddenly pulls on the left or right control line it is telling you something. And you will learn to appropriately respond spontaneously.


在空中也是一样;你需要透过在控制环上施加最小需求的压力来与伞翼沟通,大部分的伞翼都是如 此的设计,约为两公斤的压力。这亦相当于飞行员手臂悬挂在控制环上的压力。在遇到乱流时则需 要增加压力以便有效的控制伞翼。透过这样的技巧你可以精进你与伞翼的沟通技巧,当控制绳突然 地往左上或右上拉,伞亦在透露一些讯息,而你则会学习到如何适当地自然响应。

Fly the Air Mass you are IN. 进入气流中并徜徉其中

Instabilities and deflations Symptoms and conditions 征兆与状况 Here are some difficulties, instabilities you may have, signs before onset, preventive measures and recovery strategies.

以下便要谈到飞行中困难、不稳定的状态包含状况出现前的前兆、预防措施以及如何回复等等。 Type of instability

Recovery 复原

Frontal deflation

Apply firm tension to both control toggles ½ to 3/4, Be ready to gradually release and let the wing fly again.


拉下控制绳直到 1/2─3/4 的长度位置,并且准备好缓慢地松开控制绳,直到 伞翼恢复飞行。 Wing tip deflation

If speed is slow, pump out the deflated side while weight shifting HARD to the stable side. If speed is faster, pump the stable side while weight shifting to the stable side


假如伞速慢时,用力地重心位移向稳定侧并拉扯塌陷端;若是不稳定的状况下, 则用力拉稳定的一端,同时重心位移至同一侧。

Asymmetric deflation

Weight shift away from the deflation, apply ½ brake on the stable side. You may need to pull the stabilo line or brake on the deflated side


向没有塌陷的一端位移并拉下稳定侧 1/2 的煞车。你也许需要拉下塌陷侧 Stabilo (连接伞尖之最外侧伞绳) 或是煞车。

Deep stall





1 , brakes up all the way. 2 try the speed bar. 3 weight shift left, then right to reestablish air flow over the wing.

控制绳松开至最顶端使用加速器。向左右重心位移使伞翼重新充气。 Full stall


Hold controls down hard until glider is overhead, then rapidly let the toggles up to reinflate the wing



Feels like 感觉像…

Possible causes 可能肇因为…

a rustling noise above, front of seat board lowers as you lose altitude, loss of tension in the A risers and lines, loss of tension in the control lines on BOTH sides

Turbulence, strong thermal, improper speed bar application, failed to load the wing on launch.

头顶上有沙沙作响的声音,坐垫前缘下 坠如同损失高度般;A 组及其他伞绳没有

乱流、强气流、不正确使用加速器、起飞时未施以足够 的载重。 Frontal deflation 前夹翼

张力,两侧的控制绳也失去张力。 A rustling noise, slackness of outer A lines followed by slackness of control line on ONE side, possibly glider tries to turn to that direction

头顶上一边有沙沙作响的声音,同一边 之外侧 A 组伞绳松弛,同时伞翼朝着此

angle of attack of one part of the glider is different from the rest, caused by a gust, entering a thermal

当翼尖一部分的攻角与其他不同时。可能的原因包含, 一阵强风 、进入热气流中。 Wingtip deflation 翼尖塌陷。

方向飞。 Sudden slackening of ALL lines and risers on ONE side followed by a flapping noise, glider tries to turn in that direction

所有的伞绳均沙沙作响,伞翼倾向朝着 主提带发出拍打声的一侧飞去。 No forward motion of the glider, wind stops, pilot starts sinking with slight roll, pitch and yaw oscillations, brief momentary slackened line tension on the control lines AND suspension lines

Weight shifting too far, turbulence, flew into or out of thermal, same as above.

过度重心位移、乱流、进出热气流等等,与上述相同。 Asymmetric deflation 不对称夹翼。

造成此情况的原因有以下几个原因: Slowly excessive braking brought the glider to a stop

转身过慢使得伞一几乎静止。 Passed through a wind speed gradient 通过风速梯度区。


Passed into a wind shadow or leeside of a mountain



间失去控制绳的张力然后紧接者悬吊 绳。

Deep ( parachutal ) stall 深沉失速。

Back of the seat board drops out, sinking fast, slackening of control lines followed by slackening of suspension lines, flapping noise behind you, wing appears to be out of control

It is induced by pulling the brakes down fast and hard to arrest the gliders forward motion. The glider drops back and then surges forward. The wing is distorted.

坐垫后侧下墬并快速下沉,然后控制绳 松弛紧接着悬吊绳,此时你听到后面传 来拍打声,伞翼失去控制。

全失速则是较剧烈的;它包含了快速急剧地拉下控制绳 以阻止伞翼向前冲的动作,然后伞会开始后墬前冲直到 伞翼变形。 Dynamic stall 动力失速。

Each of these „accidental‟ instabilities has a corresponding „intentional‟ instability (see rapid descent techniques). The best way to learn them is to attend an SIV clinic. You will practice them under supervision of a trained professional. Practice big ears and the recovery procedure in a simulator until they become second nature. Then, practice on a stable day with your coach.

以上每一个意外的不稳定性,都有其相对应的不稳定现象(参考迅速下降技巧章节) 。最好是参加花 式技巧训练课程班。你也可以在仿真器上练习,上述使伞翼复原步骤直到成为习惯;然后在气流平 稳的天气,加上有足够高度的情形下,经由具经验且合格的教练进行指导。


Wing tip deflation is the most common of rapid descent technique. You will quickly become familiar with this maneuver. It is the most benign. In most cases it makes the glider more stable. 翼尖塌陷 (Big ears 大夹翼) 是最常见的快速下降技巧,很容易上手,也是最温和的方式。绝大多数的 情况下使伞翼更稳定。 Stalls 失速 These are the signs of an impending stall: 即将发生的失速有以下几个警讯: Decreased pressure on the control lines 控制绳张力减少。 No signs of wind, sound or feel 没有风的迹象,声音或感觉。 Loss of air flow 气流衰退。 Glider reacts sluggishly 伞翼回应缓慢。 Canopy begins to buffet 伞衣开始拍击。 The best preventions of a stall are the 3 A’s: 预防失速最好的方法有 3A: AIRSPEED 保持空速 (Airspeed) 。 AWARENESS of control line pressure and position 了解 (Awareness) 控制绳的压力与位置。 ACTIVE flying 主动 (Active) 飞行。 Recovery requires you to re-establish airflow.

而恢复则需要重新建立气流。 Here we define 2 types of stall, full stall and deep stall. 以下就是两种失速的定义:全失速、严重失速。 Full stall 全失速 Is more dramatic. It is induced by pulling the brakes down fast and hard to arrest the gliders forward motion. The glider drops back and then surges forward. The wing is distorted.

全失速则是较剧烈的;它包含了快速急剧地拉下控制绳以阻止伞翼向前冲的动作,然后伞会开始后 墬前冲直到伞翼变形。 Deep stall 严重失速 It is also called a parachute stall because the wing behaves like a parachute. Your descent rate will be around 5 m/s, 18 km/h. If you are close to the ground when this happens be ready to PLF. The airflow over the wing becomes turbulent eddies as the wing descends vertically like a parachute. There are a number of reasons for this to occur.

这也称为降落伞失速因为伞翼会呈现如同降落伞般形状。下沉率约在每秒 5 米,时速 18 公里。如果 发生时离地面很近,准备好降落伞式五点落地。伞翼上方的气流变成旋涡乱流,使得伞体如同降落 伞般垂直下降。 Spin 回旋 A Spin can occur when you try to turn too sharply while flying slowly. One side of the wing is stalled. The other side rotates around it. To recover, let the brakes up all the way and allow the rotation to slow. Then re-establish the airflow over the stalled side. You may have to pull the control on the outside wing. As a last resort, and if you have the necessary ground clearance, stall the glider.

当你在慢速飞行时,尝试着急旋转很可能出现回旋的情形;一侧伞翼失速而另一侧则绕着它旋转。 若要回复正常则需要,使控制环抬升至顶端,让旋转的情形减缓,以便气流重新充满塌陷侧。 这时候你可能需要拉下外侧控制绳;最后如果有足够的地面净空区则使伞失速降落。


Flying judgment and perception 飞行判断及预防 When flying without instruments 未配带仪器飞行时 for information about …欲知道有关…时


location, ground track, direction, 地点、

ground point references, sun, 地面参考物体、太阳。

地面航迹、方向。 elevation, 高度。

triangulation, size comparison, 三角测量、物体大小比 较。

air speed, 风速。

wind feel and sound, toggle position and control line tension 风吹拂的感觉及声音,控制环的位置及控制绳的张 力。

ascent/decent rate, 上升/下降速率。

pressure on the seat board, size comparison, 坐垫的压 力,物体大小比较。

The best way to know where you are is in relation to the earth. The sky will keep changing. But the earth remains pretty much the same. Remain aware of your position in relation to land marks. Schools, parks, farm fields, mountains, rivers, highways, bridges, etc. all make reliable referents. They also remain visible to you as you get higher. Except around noon, the sun is still your best compass.

由于天空不断地改变,因此了解自己与地面的关系,是判定自己身处何方的最佳方式。但是地表也是 不断地改变。所以不断地注意自己与地标如:学校、公园、农田、山、河流、公路、桥梁、等等的关 系,这些都是很好的参考物体;即使在高空也能看的很清楚。除了正午时分,太阳为最佳的指标。 The relative size of ground objects is a good gauge of your elevation, ascent or descent rate. A car on the ground will be about the size of your hand, thumb or finger nail at 40 meters, 50, 150 meters. Also, we orient largely by the angles. What angle do you have to look down to look at an object on the ground? This angle will get more acute as you get higher. Get used to using the angles.

地面上的物体大小,也是你高度、上率及下沉率的最佳指标;地面上行驶的车子大小为手掌、大拇指 或是手指头约 40、50、150 公分长;然而东方多使用角度来判断,当你从天空俯瞰地面物体时你是 以哪个角度呢?而当你高度越高角度的判断会越精准,要习惯使用角度来判断你的高度。 These angles will be your gauge or airspeed also. This will also inform your airspeed. The rate at which you turn your head to observe a passing object gives you a clue as to your ground speed. The tension on your control lines will increase with airspeed. You will require less toggle pull to induce changes in the wing. The change in ground speed as you go from upwind to down wind will inform you of airspeed and wind speed. Difference in line tension required to maintain heading will inform you of wind direction.

同样地角度也可以用来判断空速;当你通过一个物体时,转头看通过的物体经过的速率,也可以看出 一点地速的蛛丝马迹;空速增加时控制绳的张力也同时增加,这时候煞车的控制要减少,才能使得伞 翼改变行进状态。在你从逆风到顺风过程中,地速的改变也透露了空速及风速。当你需要维持航向 时,伞绳张力的差异就提供你风向的信息。 When you feel the seat board drop out form under you, you know you are going down… fast! In fact the amount of tension you feel is your best indicator of your rate of ascent or descent.

当你发现坐垫向你身体后方落下,你可以知道自己正快速地往下降;事实上你所察觉的伞绳张力,正 是你上升下降速率的最佳指针。


Position and glide (see chapter 2 page) 位置与伞 (参考第二章) Be sure to use Field of vision (see chapter 2 page) techniques for information to determine clearance of any obstacles and to be sure of your glide path.

确保在决定滑翔路径及净空时参考使用本书所提出的「视野」(参考第二章)的概念 Obstacle clearance (see chapter 2 page) 障碍排除 (参考第二章) Object fixation (see chapter 2 page) 物体锁定 Dive syndrome (see chapter 2 page) 急剧下降并发症

Right of way 航道规则 Rules of right of way are larger a matter of courtesy and common sense. They may vary from one country to the other. They pretty much follow the International right of way rules for water traffic and for motor traffic in countries which drive on the right hand side of the road.

航道规则牵涉到大量的礼貌及常识,而这因国家不同而有差异;但大多数的规定则与国际上水道航 行,或是惯用右侧驾驶的国家相同。 What I‟m presenting here is the right of way rules promoted by the USHPA and the FAI

而这里所要介绍的是美国滑翔翼暨飞行伞协会(USHPA)所使用的规则。 On take off 起飞时 Pilots taking off must check the on coming traffic to make sure there are no gliders approaching before taking off.

飞行员起飞前,要确定航道上没有其他飞行员准备起飞或降落。 Pilots in the sky must keep the airspace in front of launch clear of traffic to allow pilots to take off. (Some sites with heavy traffic use a whistle system to announce top landings and take offs or to announce their presence in the launch window.)

而在空中的飞行员,亦得保持起飞场前方净空,以利在起飞场的飞行员起飞。(有些空域繁忙的场地 则会利用哨音,来引起其他飞行员注意场上起飞降落的人员;甚至是开关窗的警示。) As a matter of courtesy, pilots will give way to new pilots and /or tandems. (A ribbon system is sometimes used to mark new pilots‟ harnesses.)

基于礼貌飞行员会礼让初学者/双人伞飞行员起飞。(有些甚至会在新学员的套带上绑上缎带以便识 别。) On landing 降落时 The low pilot must land as soon as possible to clear the air space and landing zone for the pilots above.

高度较低的飞行员必须尽快降落,以便腾出空间使随后的飞行员可以顺利降落。 Pilots must remove their equipment from the landing zone as soon as possible.



General rules 一般原则 1. When 2 gliders are approaching at 90 degrees, the glider approaching from the RIGHT has the right of way. The other glider must yield by altering speed or course.

当两顶伞以 90 度角接近时,则位于右侧的飞行伞可以继续 前进;位于左侧的飞行伞,要改变速度或是航道,以礼让右 侧飞行员通过。 2. Two gliders approaching head on, should both turn to the right.


3. A glider overtaking ( passing ) another, must pass on the RIGHT.

当两顶伞通过彼此时则双方均向右转。 4. A glider should ALWAYS give minimum 10 meters vertical clearance (safety margin), over and/or under another glider. (Practical courtesy would indicate that you give greater clearance to NEW pilots.)

当伞与伞在天空飞行时,需要保持与较高较低的伞翼约 10 米的安全垂直距离。(更有礼貌的 则会给予新学员更大的空域净空。) 5.

Paragliders must yield to ALL OTHER aircraft, except powered ultralights.

飞行伞需礼让除了动力轻航机以外的其他航空(飞行)器。 6. Look in the direction of the turn before turning to clear your airspace and to signal your intention to turn.

在转弯前需要确定净空无障碍并且打出欲转弯的信号。 7. The lower pilot has the right of way. The higher pilot must yield to the lower pilot.

高度较低的飞行员有航道优先权,所以位于高处的飞行员,要让 出空域给高度低于他/她的飞行员。 8.

When flying in traffic, a pilot should signal his turn by sticking out his arm in the direction of the turn a few seconds before the turn.


All pilots must rotate the same direction as the first pilot to enter the thermal. 在第一个飞行员进入热气流中时,其他飞行员需遵循相同的方向旋转。


Thermal soaring 热气流盘旋 1. The first pilot to enter a thermal establishes the direction of rotation. All later pilots must rotate the same direction. (When pilots in thermal all turn in the same direction, there is less chance of collision. )

当第一个飞行员进入气流中盘旋时所选定的旋转方向,随后进入 气流中的飞行员均需遵循。(当飞行员在同一个热气流当中若保 旋转方向较不易产生碰撞的情形。) Ridge soaring 山脊盘旋 2. The lower pilot has the right of way. The higher pilot must yield to the lower pilot. (This is because the higher pilot has better visibility.)

高度较低的飞行员有优先权,位于高处的飞行员需让出 空域。(由于高度较高的飞行有较佳的视野。) 3. The pilot closer to the ridge has the right of way over the pilot farther away. (….because the outer pilot has more options while the inner pilot is more at risk.)

较靠近山脊的飞行员比远离山脊的飞行员有优先权。(由 于远离山脊因空间较多有更多的航道选择。) 4. When approaching head on, the pilot with the ridge on his LEFT MUST turn right to yield for the other pilot. The pilot with the ridge on his RIGHT has the RIGHT of way.

当彼此接近时,飞行员左侧为山脊的一方,须向右转让出航道给另一位飞行员;飞行员右侧 即为山脊的一方有优先权。 5. When passing on the ridge, the pilot passing must PASS on the ridge side of the other pilot, between the ridge and the glider he wants to pass. ( because the pilot making the pass is creating a potentially dangerous situation. So, he should put HIMSELF at risk rather than the other pilot. )

当同时飞越山脊时,欲通过的一方,须从另一个飞行 员靠近山脊的那一侧,与山脊之间穿过。(因为当飞 行员通过时,会造成潜在的危险,因此他必须承担这 个风险而非其他飞行员。) 6. Always turn AWAY from the hill when turning around. (There is less chance of getting blown into THE HILL.) 总之,转弯时时记得远离山脚。(可以降低被吹向山脚的危险性。) 7. Pilot in the thermal has the right of way over pilots who are entering the thermal. (Pilot entering the thermal has more options without sacrificing elevation.) 在气流中盘旋的飞行员有优先权。(正进入热气流中的飞行员则有较多不需要牺牲高度的选择 性。) And the number 1, most important rule is:


QUIZ 问题 1. Glider moving forward and back is called (a) pitch (b) roll (c) yaw oscillation.

伞翼前后移动称之为前后(1)前后摆荡(2)左右摆荡(3)上下摆荡。 2. Harness adjustment should be done before take off. (

套袋调整应在起飞前完成, (

)对 (




3. Three factors that will influence your comfort in the sky are harness adjustment, seating posture, ease of getting into and out of a seated position. If these are not correct you need to______________ your harness.

三个会影响你在天空舒适度的因子为套袋调整、坐姿、进出容易度。如果这些都不对,你需要 套袋。 4. Put the 4 cardinal speeds in order of ascending speed. ( speed (

) minimum sink (

) stall (

) trim

) best glide.

将 4 个主要的速度依序排列为:(

) 最小下沉率 (

) 失速速度 (

) 巡航速度 (

最佳滑翔速度。 5. Trim speed is established with the: (a) weight of the arms hanging on the toggles (b) speed bar half way out, toggles at ½ (d) toggles all the way down.

巡航速度产生是由于 (1) 手臂悬挂在控制环上的力量 (2) 加速器向外推出一半的距离。 6.

Before turning, the pilot should always do 4 things. Put them in order: weight shift, pull toggle, look, signal.

转弯前,以下 4 个动作飞行员需要完成,请依顺序列出:( ( 7.


) 重心位移 (

) 拉煞车

) 打信号。

T F When turning in strong wind, it is important to compensate for the wind speed to plan ground track.

在强风之下, 注意风速及地表计划是很重要的。 ( 8.



If 2 gliders are approaching the landing zone, the lower glider must _________________ his decent rate and the higher glider must _______________ his decent rate.

假设两顶伞同时接近降落场,高度较低的伞必须 9.



After landing, pilots must _______________________________ as soon as possible.



10. When 2 gliders are approaching at 90 degrees, the glider ____________________ has the right of way. The other glider must yield.





Ridge Lift 山脊上升气流 Your first flights will be in wind which is deflected upward by the mountain, ridge lift. 你的首飞将会在风

向因为山势转而向上,亦即山脊上升气流的情况下进行。 The factors which affect the quality of your lift are as follows: 而影响山脊风的要素如下: slope of the hill

steeper slope provides greater lift 山脊越陡升力越大

山丘坡度 height of the slope

higher is better 越高越好。

山坡高度 length of the hill


a longer hill channels more wind straight up. Air will flow around the outside of a short hill.长度较长时,风可传送上山丘的量也会较多。若是距离较短,风则会

聚集在山丘外侧。 wind strength

stronger wind provides more lift



wind direction

90 degree provides best lift. Lift decreases quickly as the angle changes.


90 度角时升力最佳,而当角度变小升力减少的越快。

Ridge soaring 山脊盘旋 First flights will be straight through the lift band and out to the landing zone. Later, to maximize your lift you should turn as soon as possible after take off.

首飞时路径将会是直飞穿过上升气流朝降落场飞去;而后为了维持最大升力起飞后尽快转弯。 At the end of the ridge you will want to turn around and come back. You may lose some altitude in the 180 degree turn at the end of the ridge. You can reduce the elevation loss by using the outside brake to dampen the turn and by leaning out from the turn to level the glider. ALWAYS turn AWAY from the mountain to prevent crashing into it.

在山脊的边缘时你会转弯回来,而 180 度转弯会 让你在边缘时降低一些高度。此时若拉下外侧煞 车,且向外侧重心位移,便可减少高度的损失, 也可以使伞翼平衡。作转弯动作时,要记得总是 远离山的方向转以避免撞山。 Pilot “A” is high in the lift band and can fly over the ridge. Pilot B is low in the lift band and must fly close to the hill to climb back up. Pilot “C” has passed through the lift band and has to fly out to land. A 飞行员位于上升带最高处因此能飞越山 脊;B 飞行员则位于上升带低处需贴近山脊才能飞高;C 飞行员已经飞出上升带需朝降落场飞去。

Riding the ridge is sometimes the only way to get high. Because it sometimes gets crowded, pilots must obey the Right of Way rules.

盘山脊上升气流有时是唯一可以增加高度的方法,因为有时候空域交通拥挤,飞行员得遵守空中交通 规则。


When flying low on the ridge make a habit of watching the clearance with the trees and the treetops below for clearance with your harness.

当在山边飞行低于山 脊时,要注意保持与 山边树枝或树顶之间 的安全距离。 Ridge soaring often requires flying back and forth in front of the take off zone. Be mindful of pilots taking off and top landing. Be mindful of new pilots.

山几盘旋常需要在起飞场上空来回飞行,特别注意其他起飞或原点降落的飞行员,尤其是新手飞行员 If the wind is slightly crossed, turning TOWARDS the wind after launch will keep the glider firm, stable and get you in better lift.

当风向有点侧风时,在伞翼升空后立刻转向与风垂直,可以使伞翼稳定并且有较佳的升力。 Some ridges are simply a straight line. Some are complex, spurs and draws. These create turbulence and wind shadow. When the wind is cross, you will get better lift on the surfaces which are facing the wind. Other faces will be in the wind shadow, and will have high sink rate and/or turbulence.

有些山脊构造较简单为直线,有些则有山脚及谷地,而复杂的地形会造成乱流或风影,当侧风时在面 向风的表面会有较佳的升力,其他的表面则会在风影效应下有高下沉率或者乱流的情形。 If soaring a cliff, be very mindful of the rotor size and location. The lift band may be narrower.

在悬崖上方盘旋,要注意旋涡的大小及位置,而且上升气流范围小。 Once you have learned how to control the speed of your glider, and you are comfortable flying at minimum sink you are ready to learn to soar the ridge. It may take several flights.

一但你学会如何控制伞速,而且在最小下沉率的速度下,也可以舒适的飞行;那么你已预备好学习山 脊盘旋了。这个需要飞个好几趟。 Choose a day and time when the air is smooth and brisk, at least 12 km/h directly up the slope and there are few pilots in the sky.

找一天当有平顺且丰富气流又飞行员少的时间,至少时速 12 公里直吹上山坡的日子练习。 Watch other pilots ridge soaring so you can know where the lift starts and ends. This will tell you where to begin your turns and how wide the lift band is.

观察其他飞行员山几盘旋的情形以便得知哪里有上升气流,你也可以知道何时该转弯且范围有多大。 After launch, immediately turn the glider.

起飞后立刻使伞翼转向。 Maintain your course along the ridge as long as you are going up.

当你向上升起时要保持飞行路径。 When you are out of ridge, or out of lift, clear your turn and turn away from the hill 180 degrees.

当你离开山脊或是上升气流时,净空并且 180 度转向远离山丘。 As you get higher, you may get closer. Later you will learn to even get above the ridge.



Be careful not to fly into the venturi area if the wind is strong.

当风势强劲时要小心不要飞到文图里效应区了。 Be mindful not to be pushed back. 小心不要被风向后推了。 When the lift quits, be ready to fly out to the landing zone.

当上升气流衰退时准备往降落场飞去。 Remember to make your turns efficient. 切记转弯要慢要平且有效的。 Continue each turn around to stay in the lift band. 维持转弯后仍在上升区。 Bring the wing back closer to the hill and fly along the ridge again.

将伞翼带回靠近山丘的地方沿着山脊再飞一次。 Start your ridge soaring training flying far from the ridge and getting progressively closer.

练习山脊盘旋时要从远离山丘的地方开始练起之后再慢慢靠近。 In light lift, sometimes it is necessary to fly close to the hill while searching for updrafts. Stay not less than 1 glider width away from the ridge. You must be always ready to turn away from the mountain in a nano second. You must also be ready to fly slow in lift and fast in sink. By remaining in a “Steady state of dynamic equilibrium” you can maintain fine control. Also, your „default direction‟ will take you out of danger, away from the mountain.

有时候,在微弱上升气流的情况下,必须靠近边坡寻找上升气流。至少保持与山边有一个伞翼宽的距 离,随时准备好在十亿分之一秒的时间下转至远离山的方向;遇到上升气流飞得慢同时预设方位会将 你带离危险的山区。而在下沉区时则快速通过。透过维持稳定的力学平衡,你可以精准的控制伞翼。 Let me explain. If you brake left, the glider will go left. If you weight right, the glider will go right. Now, what will happen if you do both at the same time? The potential energy for the right turn is balanced against the potential energy for the left turn. You have established a balance of power. If the ridge is close on your left, in this position, you need only let up on the left toggle to initiate an immediate right turn. With the ridge on the right side, weight shift left and toggle right.

假如你拉左边控制环伞翼会向左,当你重心向右则伞翼也向右;那么当你同时执行这两个动作时会发 生什么情况?潜在向左向右转的力量,相互抵销平衡;假设山边靠近你的左侧,这个情况下,你只需 要松开左侧控制绳,以便开始立即向右转。山若是在右边,重心向佐拉右边控制绳。 Some problems you might experience. 你可能会经历的一些问题 If you turn too late on take off you will fly right through the lift band.

起伞后转身过慢会使你直接飞越过上升区。 Turns always lose altitude. Turning too often will cause you to sink out.

转弯时总是会降低高度因此过度的转弯动作会使你下沉。 Flying too fast will increases your sink rate.

飞太快会增加下沉率。 Flying too slow may cause you to stall and drop into the forest below.

飞的太慢可能会造成失速或掉进底下的森林。 Gaps in the ridge will sometimes cause increase in air speed. Be ready for this so as not to get sucked back.

山脊间的间隙有时会造成空速的增加,要有心理准备以免被往后卷入。 Flying in the venturi area, just over the crest, there is a danger of getting blown back. The wind speed increases as the air is compressed. So, fly with a speed bar. And only fly back with adequate height.


当飞行在文图里效应的区域飞到颈部受压缩的地区时会有被向后吹的危险。当空气受到挤压而使 得风速增加因此飞行时使用加速器,并且有足够的高度才能向后飞。 Flying too far from the landing zone. Be mindful of your glide ratio and distance to the LZ.

飞离降落区太远,要注意滑降比及与降落场的距离。 Turning in the sinking area will cost a lot of elevation. Fly slow in lifting air. And, get out of sinking air as fast as possible by flying fast in it.

在下沉区转弯会损失很多高度。再上升气流区时飞慢一点,而在下沉区就得越快越好。 When the wind goes cross, a greater cross angle produces less lift. Try to find the faces where the wind is more directly on.

当侧风时,侧风角度越大则升力越小。试着找到表面风是垂直吹上的地方。 Top Landing 原点降落 There are few sites that allow top landing as a safety matter. If you find a site where there are few spectators and few pilots, take advantage of the opportunity to do fly overs. Top landings are generally a intermediate maneuver. But some sites like Torrey Pines, San Diego, Puli -South, Taiwan, have such a large take off zone, smooth slope, laminar air flow that it is practical to land new pilots there.

Always ask before top landing! Respect the site rules. 原地降落前请先询问,并尊重规则。 Practice top landings under the supervision of your instructor on the radio. Approach top landings during the latter part of the day when the lift and wind are smooth. Do many passes over the top at minimum sink. With each pass gradually reduce your elevation until you are just close enough to touch down.

在教练的指导之下透过无线电练习。在接近黄昏,气流及风速较稳定时进行原点降落练习;在最小下 降率的情形下飞过场地上方几次,每次接近时降低一点高度,直到够接近地面为止。 Make sure you know the site, sink, lift, rotors. Let others on top aware of your intention to land. If you cannot make the landing, fly through and come around again.

确定你了解这个场地包含下沉、上升、乱流等等。让其他在山顶的人知道你要降落;假若无法进场; 飞越过起飞场并重来一次。 The higher you are, the further back you will make your approach. Keep an eye on the wind sock as you make your approach in case there is a change wind. Make sure you understand where the turbulence and rotors are.

高度越高时你的进场路径也 越远。行进间随时注意风筒 以免风向改变;确实了解乱 流及旋流的位置。



1. A high slope offers better ridge lift than a low one. (



较高的山坡比较低的山坡有较佳的山脊上升气流 (


) 错。

2. A long slope offers better ridge lift than a short one. (



较长的山坡比较短的山坡提供较好的山脊上升气流 (


) 错。

3. A steep slope offers stronger ridge lift than a shallow one. (

陡峻的山坡比缓坡有较强的山脊上升气流 (




) 错。

4. A wind which is not perpendicular to the ridge will be weaker than the perpendicular. (

风向并非垂直吹上山脊之风速较垂直吹上山坡的微弱 (


) 错。

5. All turns should be made (a) toward (b) away (c) from the ridge .

转弯时应 (a) 面向 (b) 远离 (c) 从 山脊。 6. The lift band is (a) narrower (b) wider late in the day.

一天中傍晚的上升带较 (a) 窄 (b) 宽。 7. A venturi in the ridge will cause the wind speed to (a) increase (b) decrease.

出现在山边的文图里效应会造成风速的 (a) 增加 (b) 减少。 8. What accessory is useful to prevent getting blown back behind the ridge? ______________________________


9. You should only fly back behind the ridge if you have enough (a) money (b) speed (c) Elevation.

当你有足够的 (a) 钱财 (b) 速度 (c) 高度。 10. Before you top land you should be sure to get (a) speed (b) control (c) permission.

在你原点降落前要确定有足够的 (a) 速度 (b) 控制 (c) 同意。




Complex launches 复合的起飞 We foot launch our gliders by exploiting wind and ground interactions which produce smooth updrafts of air. Some geographic features create turbulent airflow which complicates or even prohibits launch.

我们透过脚使飞行伞升空,是利用风与地表的互动来完成气流上升的步骤。而有些地形则影响甚至阻 碍了升空的目的。 Spur 山脚 A spur is an arm of the mountain sticking out. It is the part of the mountain that the water erosion has missed. Spurs make unique launch sites because they offer 2 faces to the winds. A pyramidal spur can offer 3 faces allowing launch in almost any wind.

山脚如同手向外延伸般,它也是山在水侵蚀过程中所遗 漏掉的那个部分。在支脉起飞有其独特之处,因其在两 种风向下均可起飞。锥状的山脚有三个面,可以提供在 不同风向下起飞的条件。 A spur should be wide enough that it offers room to spread the glider, and complete the inflation, inspection and run. 30 meters is enough for beginners in light wind. 20 meters is suitable for advanced pilots. It should also be wide enough that when taking off from the END of the spur, the winds coming around the sides do not collapse the wingtips.

山脚的面积需要够大可以完成以下动作:完全展开伞 衣、检查、充气、助跑。30 米的助跑距离对于初学者来在微风下已经足够,而近接飞行员仅需要 20 米的距离。而支脉也要够宽,当你起飞时侧边吹上山坡的风,不至于使伞尖塌陷。 Draw 谷地 A draw is a very small valley between 2 spurs. When the wind is straight up the draw it is stronger there then elsewhere. This strength is caused by the convergence of winds. It creates turbulence. As the wind is compressed by the slope below, the hills on the right and left and by the atmospheric pressure above, it goes into eddies. These eddies destabilize the wing. When the wind is cross, one side of the draw will be strong. The other side will be in the wind shadow. It will have strong sink and strong turbulence and rotor.

谷地是在两个山脚间非常小的山谷,为一种侵蚀或风蚀地 形。由于合风效应,因此当风直吹上山脚时,谷地的风要比 别处的风势强。这种风有造成乱流的缺点。当风吹上山脚时,谷地顶端左右侧的大气压力受到压缩的 情况下便形成旋涡,使得伞翼不稳定。当侧风时谷地的一侧风是会较强劲;另一侧则在强下沉气流或 是乱流的风影区(wind shadow) 。 When launching in a draw, be mindful of variation in wind direction. 当在谷地上方起飞时要注意风向的

变化。 On light wind days, watch for flat spots where your glider may go parachutal. To avoid this, fly well above stall speed. 在风力微弱的天气时,你的伞翼经过无风区时,也许会出现如降落伞下沉的情形;要避免

这情况发生最好的方法是伞速高于失速速度。 A combination of cliff (discussed below) and a draw adds yet another source of turbulence. 悬崖 (接下来



Cliff launch 断崖式起飞 Most books list cliff launches as special skill and/or advanced skill. The USHPA offers a special skills certification for it. Cliff sites are of special concern because they create turbulence. There is a dramatic transition in both the wind speed and direction. The pilot is making a dramatic transition from land based to air born. Most of the Wrong!! airflow is converted to rising air, very little air flows over the take off zone to help inflate the glider. Develop your launch skill. Then come back to the cliff launch under instructor supervision.

大部分的书将断崖式起飞列为特别/高级的起飞 技巧;美国滑翔翼暨飞行伞协会 USHPA 更提供 此项技巧认证。断崖场地之所以需特别注意,在 于乱流的产生,尤其是风速及风向的剧烈转变; 飞行员在从地面到升空的过程中,如产生巨大的 转变使其具危险性。当风吹入断崖式起飞场时, 有少量的风进入起飞场,大部分的气流之所以上 升是因为辐合风。 培养你的起飞技巧然后在教练的监督下完成断崖 起飞。 Under calm conditions the pilot needs a lot of running room to achieve the speed necessary to launch ( the red rings ) . Under strong conditions the pilot will hit a wall of rising air when he leaves the ground ( the black rings ). Neither of these situations is suitable for a beginner pilot.

处于静风状态之下,飞行员需要空间助跑增加速度以利起伞。在强风状态下当飞行员离开地面时会碰 到上升气流;这些都不是适合初学者的情况。 Lay out the glider upwind of the rotor rather than running the glider through the rotor. 将伞衣铺放于旋流的上风处而非顶着伞翼冲过旋流。

Leeside is suicide 背风等于自杀

Make sure that the wind is coming UP the slope, into the take off zone . If you are not at the top of the mountain, check the winds aloft. Make sure that the wind you are feeling is not a 'lee side' wind.

确定风是从迎风面的山坡上吹入起飞场。如果你不是在山顶,必须先 确定上层风向,并确定不是背风。


This is a disaster so common that it deserves special attention. What appears to be an upslope wind to the pilot on the hill is actually the downwind side of a large well formed rotor. Look for tell tales of wind direction on the top of the mountain and in the valley below.


这样的不幸需要更多人的注意。 飞行员以为这是上坡风,但实际 上却是因为背风区所形成的旋 流。为了避免这样的灾难发生在 你身上,观察山顶上的风向及底 下山谷的风向便可以察觉。

Besides the arrow, there are 3 things in this picture which tell you that this is not a genuine upslope wind but a leeside rotor. Can you tell what they are?

除了图中的箭头之外,还有其他 3 个状态,都显示这是个背风旋流而非上坡风。你可以判断得出是什 么吗? The way to distinguish a leeside rotor from a genuine upslope is to look at wind indicators in the valley below, smoke, flags, tree tops, and on the mountain above, tree tops, birds, and clouds.

要判断真正上坡风而非漩涡,你需要观察底下的村落、炊烟、旗帜、树顶,以及山顶上的树顶、鸟、 及云。

No Wind Launches 无风起飞 The glider flies because it has an air flow over and under it at 15km/h. So, when there is no wind, you will have to produce the wind yourself. The way to do this is to run… fast!! A no wind launch is much easier and safer on a site that has lots of room to run. A no wind launch on a short cliff site is an invitation to a tree hanging.

飞行伞之所以能够飞翔,是因为伞翼上下有时速 15 公里的气流通过。因此当四周没有风的状态下, 你得自己制造所需要的风。而最简单的方式便是快速奔跑;当起飞场有足够的空间可以奔跑时会是比 较简单的,如果你是在悬崖是起飞场的话,则会导致挂树的下场。

Landing in winds over 18 km/h winds 时速超过 18 公里的风速 Beginners should not fly in this wind. However, your coach may have you practice this in light winds in case of emergency.

初学者不应在这个情况下飞行;然而你的教练或许会让你在风速的较小的情况下练习避免紧急情况发 生。


高度 (米) 20 米

Phase 过程 steep glide - toggles at trim speed, 急速滑翔─控制绳维持在巡航速度。

same as above, but a shorter glide ratio 与上述同但滑降率较大 Under these conditions, your brake action will consist of wrist action only.

这个情况下煞车需保持在手腕的位置。 round out - you won‟t need a round out


水平滑翔─不需要。 lean forward to put a load on the front risers 身体前倾并增加前主提带的荷重。 1米

near ground glide - brakes nearly all the way up, just above trim speed. There will be very little or no near ground glide.

近地滑翔─几乎不需要煞车且煞车高于巡航速度的位置,而近地滑翔的情况很少几乎没有。 none at all 完全不需要 Ground 在地面

Don't flare. Spin on the riser to face the glider. Run towards the glider as it comes down. Pull the toggles abruptly. Use the C or D risers to collapse the glider.

当触地时不要做拉飘的动作,并转动身体及主提带 180 度面对伞衣;准备好当伞翼落下 时向伞翼前进同时猛力拉煞车。在更强的风速下拉 C 或 D 组提带来停止伞翼而非煞车。 Lesson goal: to land on your feet consistently in steady winds over 18 km/h without getting dragged. 课程目标:稳定地在时速 18 公里的风速下,用脚站立降落并不因阻力而被拖曳。 Now that you are sure that you can get on the ground safely and gracefully, we can begin to discuss the

Strong winds 强风 Remember that your glide ratio erodes in strong winds. You may descend near vertically in strong winds. Be careful that you make the glide to the landing zone. Don't be caught short. Be ready to collapse the glider. Strong winds will allow you to begin your setup further upwind of the landing zone. You will be able to glide further downwind.

记得强风会减损滑降比,因此你在强风之下有可能接近垂直降落。要注意滑翔至降落区,,并准备使 伞塌陷。强风会将你带至降落场的迎风处,你可以借着顺风滑翔至远处。


Down wind landing 顺风降落 Down wind landings must be avoided. It is possible to survive a low wind downwind landing. But you had better be ready to run fast and flare hard with wraps on the brakes or do a PLF. Remember that your glider is traveling at 20 km/h. Add the wind speed to this.

而顺风降落则要避免,在风速低的顺风降落是可能存活的;但是最好准备好快跑,用力的将控制绳绕 在手腕上来做拉飘的动作。记得伞速为每小时 20 公里,而风速还需要加上伞速。 The best solution is prevention. 最好的方法是避免这样的情形发生。

Switching winds 风向转变 If the wind is switching, split the difference on your landing final approach. If it is switching NE and NW, then you come in for a N. At the last moment you can adjust your flight path.

假设风向不断转换,在最后进场时从不同 风向中间进入;也就是假设风向从东北风 转西北风。那么进场时由北方进入,最后 降落时再调整航线。

Turbulent landings 乱流降落 Sometimes a landing zone will throw off ground thermals. These can ruin your landing and your day. This can happen anytime from 9 am till 3 pm. To be ready for it, be sure to come in with some speed to cut through it fast and some brake. This will pressurize the wing to prevent deflation.

有时候降落场会有热气流升起,而这可能 会破坏你的降落及这一天。从早上 9 点到下午 3 点都有可能发生;记得保持速度快速地通过且带点煞 车,藉此维持伞压并防止夹翼。 Point landings 定点降落 The ability to land within a 10 meter radius is a survival skill. But at some point, accuracy landings are overrated. It is a neat trick to land on a point. But it isn't worth breaking your legs over.

能够在直径 10 米的范围内降落是生存技巧,但有时却过度强调定点降落。定点降落是很棒的技巧, 但不值得摔断腿来达成。 To perfect this skill, you first want to be able to fly a straight line, turn onto a straight line, and, then, land on it. Practice this at high altitude. Use a ground line for reference. A road will do well. Work on controlling speed and heading. A little weight shift left or right can alter your heading. Then, draw a line on the landing zone parallel to the wind. Practice flying the line and landing on it.

要使技巧完美,首先你要能够飞直线或转成直线飞行并降落;利用地上的线,或者是道路作为参考。 练习控制速度及方向利用重心位移转右或转左;然后在降落场划一条假想线与风向平行,练习飞在假 想在线并降落其上。 Then, work on the point. This involves gliding the right distance. Alter your glide angle by changing your speed. Make an "X" on the line you have been flying. Practice landing on it.

接下来练习定点;这就牵涉到正确的滑翔距离,透过改变速度来改变滑翔路径。在飞过的假想在线划 个 X,并练习在上面降落。


To perfect your point landings, make an effort to land near the spot every time you land. Be mindful of other pilots on landing approach. In a conflict situation, the lowest pilot has an obligation to get down faster.

为了能完美地定点降落每次在进场时努力的靠近落点。要注意其他进场的飞行员,在有冲突的情况 下,高度较低的飞行员有义务尽快降落。

QUIZ 1. List three geographic features that can cause turbulent air: __________________、 _______________________、 ________________________.

列出 3 项会造成乱流的地理特征: ___________、___________、_______________。 2. One advantage of a spur is that: ___________________________________________. 山脚的优点是:

3. One danger of a spur launch is that: ________________________________________. 山脚地形起飞的缺点是:

4. List three sources of turbulence in a draw: _____________________________________________________________

列出 3 个山谷乱流来源___________、___________、_______________。 5. On a cliff launch watch for a rotor: above, in front of, behind, below the cliff.

在悬崖式起飞场要注意来自悬崖 (a) 上方 (b) 前方 (c) 后方 (d) 下方 的乱流。 6. It is safe to take off from the leeside of the mountain in light winds. (




) F.

) 错。

7. Three indicators that you are on a leeside hill are: 1_____________________ 2_____________________________ 3 _____________________________

哪 3 种状态下你可以确定是处于山的背风处? 1.



8. In a no wind launch it is necessary to (a) jump (b) run very fast (c) use a reverse inflation (d) have a lot of space for inflation.

无风状态下起伞下列何者是必要的 (a) 跳 (b) 快跑 (c) 反手起伞 (d) 很大的空间可供起伞。 9. One advantage of a launch in a draw might be: ____________________________________________________________.



Chapter 11

Macro-meteorology; The big picture, a very simplified explanation 大气象学 宏观、概略的解释

It‟s all about convection. It all starts with the rays of the sun beating down on the earth. The equator gets more sunshine than the polar regions. So, it generates more heat. The heated air rises up and circulates towards the poles. At the poles it is cooled, sinks and travels back to the equator where it starts the cycle again.

赤道附近的中纬度地区,受到太阳辐射较两 极为多,所以气温较高。而遇热上升的气 流,向两极汇集,由于两极温度较低造成气 流沉降而回流至赤道,在此形成循环。 Simple. Right? Good. 这很简单对吧? Except that it is slightly more complex than that. Because the earth is constantly spinning, the Coriolis force causes complications. At around the 30th parallel the air sinks creating a local circulation. Meanwhile, at the 30th parallel an ascension begins and sinks again at around the 60th parallel. There is another ascension which sinks at the pole.

除了上列所陈述的另外还有些微不同之处;由于地球自转时所 产生的柯氏力(偏向力)而使得情况变的复杂。当气流受到柯氏 力的影 响,在纬 度 30 度地 方造成了 地方性循 环,在这个地方性的上升下沉气流的影响下,也 同时造成了纬度 60 度此处的地方性循环;此外还 有另一股上升气流沉降于极地地区。 But again, it isn‟t quite as simple as that.

The rotation of the earth causes the air masses to travel in a counter-clockwise rotation in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. You can witness this counterclockwise rotation in the form of typhoons and hurricanes.


然而整个大气环流也不完全如上所述的简单;这个偏向力使得地球上的气团偏向,北半球偏右而南半 球偏左。你可以从台风及飓风的形成中,观察到逆时钟旋转的状况。当不同温度性质的气团相遇时, 两气团之间的表面称之为锋。而冷锋则代表冷空气向暖空气移动。 These masses of air vary in temperature as they move. The faces at which they interact are called fronts. A cold front advancing is a cold air mass moving in. The polar air masses are the most stable as they are least effected by Coriolis forces. Nevertheless they change shape. As the boundaries move equatorially, they appear to us as advancing cold fronts. As they recede, they appear to us as warm fronts advancing. Situated over the boundary layers, flowing around the globe at 200 km/h are the jet streams. Each hemisphere has 2 jet streams, one at around the 30th parallel and one around the 60th parallel. The jet streams undulate toward and away from the equator with the passing of air masses.

极地气团因为受到柯氏力的影响较小因此最稳定,然而他 们改变了形状。当极地气团的边缘向着赤道移动,则成为

移动的冷锋;当他们溃散则转变为暖锋行进。 在这个边缘之上以每小时 200 公里的速度环绕 地球的称之为喷流,南北半球个有两个喷流: 一个约位于纬度 30 度,而另一个则约为纬度 60 度。喷流朝着赤道方向波动起伏,并且随 着气团的移动而远离赤道。 Between the polar air mass are many other air masses at various temperatures. They are near 2000 kilometers in diameter. These air masses get warmer as they move closer to the equator, colder as they move away. The interaction between these air masses gives us the changes which we call weather.

在极地气团中仍有许多不同温度的气团存 在,而这些气团约有直径 2000 公里之大;随着气团越靠近赤道则温度越高,反之,若远离赤道则温 度越低。这些气团之间的活动就形成的了所谓的气候。 When 2 air masses of different temperature come together, the area where they contact is called a front. Imagine two soap bubbles touching. If the warm air mass is moving into the area of a cold air mass, we say that the warm front is advancing. If a cold air mass is moving into the area of a warm air mass, we say that the cold front is advancing. If neither air mass is moving we say that the front is stationary.


The net effect of these shifting air masses and air currents is a piling up of air here and a lessening of air there. As the air is piled up, it weighs more at ground level. This is what we call a high pressure area. When there is less air piled up, we have a low pressure area.

当两个温度不同的气团接近时,两气团交会区就称为锋面;想象两个肥皂泡泡碰触时的情形。假设暖 空气向着冷空气移动就称之为暖锋过境;反之则为冷锋过境。而当两个气团势均力敌,而无明显移 动,则称之为滞留锋。在气团的变化以及空气流动的影响至之下,而会产生气流在这里堆积或是在那 里减少的情形。当气流不断堆积造成下层接近地表处重量较大的情形称之为高气压;当气流堆栈的情 况减少时则称之为低气压。


the two most common frontal systems. 以下是两种锋面系统的典型叙述。

This cold front will pass in a day or 2 and leave nice soaring weather behind. 冷锋会在一两天内远离并


This warm front may linger for days. It is a good time to stay home and watch paragliding videos, or catch up on family activities, write a book about paragliding.

暖锋或许会徘徊个几天,而这时后便是在家看飞行影带或参与家庭活动的好机会,或者写本有关 飞行伞的书吧!


Pressure systems 气压系统 Some characteristics of pressure systems are that the air flow around a high pressure system is clockwise, in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise around a low pressure system. Knowing this you can look at the pressure systems map and anticipate the wind direction in your region.

气压系统特征为:位于北半球的高气压以顺时钟方向运动,而低气压则违逆时钟方向。了解这个规 则,有助于你观看气压系统,并预测你所在地区的风向。 A cold front is usually followed by a high pressure system. The air is pushing down in the middle of the system and forcing all the moisture and clouds away. The first day will be nice flying. Then, things get pretty boring. They form inversion layers and stability. The winds are light if any. Air is sinking at the center of a high pressure system. So, the air flow, and the prevailing winds will be away from the center.

冷锋常伴随着高压系统而出现,气流在系统中心位置,向下推挤使得水气及云远离。冷锋报到的第一 天会是个飞行的好天气,然后逐渐变的无趣。此时会出现逆温稳定的现象,就算有风也很微弱。高气 压中心气流呈现下沉情形,因此风向普遍为远离中心。 Low pressure systems are rising air in the center pulling the moisture up with it. Hence, the wind blows inward toward the center at ground level. There are many clouds and rain. The ultimate low pressure system is a typhoon. You may have seen movies of these over the sea, literally sucking up the ocean.

而低压系统则为气流往中心聚集使得 水气上升,因此风便从地表向内往低 压中心吹,同时也有大量的云和雨。 这个低气压的极致则为台风。你或许 曾从影片上看到,海面上出现像要把 海水吸干一般的现象。 This weather map shows the wind direction at different locations. The longer the lines are the stronger the wind. The concentric circles are called isobars. They indicate the barometric pressure at that location. The lines on the weather map read like the lines on a topographic map of land features complete with hills and valleys. Pressure difference correlates directly with wind force. So, when isobars are closer together we have stringer winds.

这个天气图指出不同地点风向不尽相同,箭头线条越长则表示风力越强。这个相同中心圈成的图形称 之为等压线,它们表明一个地方的气压;在天气图上的线条阅读方式如同地形图一般。 It is these same pressure differences which signal your vario that you are going up or down. Remember, atmospheric pressure decreases with elevation and increases as we sink.

一样的压力变化使高度机在你上升下降时发出声响;记得当高度增加时则大气压力降低,而当高度下 降时则压力增加。


Soaring Weather on Taiwan Island Taiwan is said to be one of the most unpredictable places. And it is easy to see why. Taiwan is on the edge in many ways. Taiwan lies on the edge of the largest land mass and the largest body of water in the world. Taiwan is on the Tropic of Cancer. Taiwan is also on the edge of the mid-latitude tropopause and the tropical tropopause. In the summer Taiwan is constantly bombarded with low pressure systems which often develop into typhoons. In the spring the monsoons bring very high humidity from Thailand and the Indian Ocean. In the winter the cold winds blow down from the Chinese mainland. 台湾是众多天气无法预测地方之一,这很容易就能了解。台湾在

很多方面都处于边缘地带:例如台湾位于世界上最大陆地及水体 的边缘,台湾位于北回归线上。台湾位于中纬度及热带对流层。 在夏季,台湾会时常被从低气压系统发展而成的台风所侵袭。春 季时从泰国及印度洋而来的季风带来许多水气,而冬天有从中国 大陆而来的冷空气。 All of this causes the jet stream to vacillate east and west of the island. This leaves Taiwan constantly changing from one pressure system to another. For free flight pilots, it is quite simple. Watch the fronts. They occur every 5 - 8 days as the jet stream shifts. With each change, the instability is just enough to make things interesting. 上述的情形,造成了喷流在岛上东西方之间波动,这也使得台

Wan Li

To Cheung

Puli Ming Li Ji Chi

湾的天气总在一个个的压力系统之间变化。对于自由飞行的飞 行员来说,就相当简单;你只要注意锋面系统的变化即可。每 5-8 天当喷流转换时就会出现天气变化,注意每个改变,这不 稳定的现象,刚好足以使得事情变的有趣。 Taiwan has only 2 seasons, hot and cold. During the summer months, the SE wind prevails at ground level. Fly the east coast. During the winter months, the NW wind prevails at ground level. Fly the west coast. Pretty simple, right? As 1 paragliding junkie gypsy planned, take up dual residency; in Taitung for the summers and Puli or Saijya for the winters. This way he can fly all year. 同时台湾有两个明显的季节变化,那就是冷和热。在夏季几

Lu Yeh Saijya

image courtesy of NASA TERRA

个月里地面多吹东南风,这时候在东海岸飞最好。然而冬天里的几个月,地面风则以西北风为主,这 时候就到西海岸飞;把握这个原则就相当简单了,对吧!如果你是飞痴又是吉普赛游牧民族,又可以 同时在两个地方有居所,那么夏天住台东冬天住埔里或是赛嘉。这么一来你就可以飞一整年。 Taiwan is small enough to succumb to island system development. Yet parts of Taiwan behave according to continental weather systems. The on-shore breezes reach as far as 60 km inland in some places. This accounts for the consistent west wind all year round at the take off zone on Tiger head Mtn. Puli, Nantou County and Saijya, Pingtung County. 台湾受到海岛形气候的影响,然而台湾部分地区则为受到大陆型气候的影响。海洋风在某些地方可以 到达内陆 60 公里远。这也是南投县埔里虎头山,以及屏东县赛嘉起飞场,常年有稳定西风吹拂的原 因。 In the winter the island cap clouds prevent thermal development along the east coat, especially in Ilan and Hualien. But if you get off in the morning, you can get a couple of hours of airtime. 在冬天岛屿帽状云使得热气流沿着东海岸发展特别是在宜兰及花莲一带;如果你在早上起飞,你可以 有好几个小时的滞空时间。


In the summer the same occurs along the west coast. Small cumulus clouds migrate inland from the west coast and combine with the cap clouds to form towering thunderheads. Saijya and Puli overdevelop early. Oh well. We should have gone to Kaotai. So, pilots become like migratory birds, east coast in the summer, west coast and inland in the winter. 在夏天,相同的情形出现在西海岸。小积云从西海岸结合帽状云在岛上移动,而形成塔状般的雷暴云

顶。这使得赛嘉与埔里的天空很快的过度发展,早知道我们就该在高台爽飞…。因此飞行员就像候 鸟,夏天待在东海岸冬天待在西海岸。 The Huadong Valley presents its own weather system. As the valley heats up, in the morning, it starts to draw air in from the south through Taitung. This is what makes Luyeh such a good location for cross country flying. The south wind blows you straight up the valley. Usually the valley also takes in air from the north, through Hualien. So, the valley is inhaling from both ends. The convergence point moves up the valley during the day, and then back down again. This convergence point is pretty easy to spot. Just look for the tall localized thundershower. It is usually over Fu Li or Guan San in the a.m. It last about 15 minutes and clears up. It is often followed by magnificent rainbows. The Huadong valley combines thermal flying and mountain flying with a breathtaking view of a marvelous geographic feature. And, Lu Yeh Kaotai is a very well organized starting point with all the amenities. 花东纵谷则有自己的天气系统;当早上山谷变热暖和时,便从南边的台东吸取气流,这也是鹿野成为 越野绝佳地点的原因。这南风将你直吹上山谷,通常山谷有来自北方花莲的气流;因此山谷结合了这 两个气流。这个辐合点在一天中持续地向上移动然后衰退。只要观察地方性的雷雨就很容易推断出来 了。它通常会在早上越过富里或是关山,大约 15 分钟就会回复晴朗,也常常伴随着明显的彩虹。花 东纵谷结合了热气流及山脉飞行,同时可以欣赏到另人叹为观止、令人窒息的美景。而鹿野高台各项 有组织的便利设施,更是个很好的启程点。 The northwest part of Taiwan with its high population density and mountainous terrain offers very few take off zones, fewer landing options and very strong winds. Fortunately the coastal sites Jin San, Wan Li and Wai Ao, are only an hour away with their gentle sea breezes. 在台湾西北部由于人口密度高、且高山平台起飞场地小、降落场选择性少、风力强劲等因素的限制; 使得位于海岸线上有着温和的海风、一个小时车程以内的距离的金山、万里、外澳等场地大受欢迎。

Typhoons 台风 Taiwan is in a class of her own for the number of typhoons. As the typhoon approaches, there is no telling precisely which way it will go. For 2 or 3 days before it touches ground, we enjoy beautiful clear skies with thermals going very high. The winds are steady and not strong. 台湾经常受到台风的侵袭,当台风接近时无法精确预测台风路径。但是在台风登陆前 2-3 天,会有可

以飞很高的热气流晴朗的天气。风很稳定不会太强烈。 The systems usually approach from the southeast, east or south. They set up a tailwind which lasts for a couple of days. It is a real treat when a typhoon enters Taiwan at Kenting in the south and departs through Keelung in the north. Long distance flights can be made from early in the day in the tail of the typhoon, an activity called “Riding the Tiger”. Pilots can fly as long as the sun shines and longer. At places which face south, like Kaotai, cross country records are made and remade. 台风多从东南、东或者是南方而来,而有几天顺风情形发生。如果台风从垦丁登陆台湾南部,则使得 北部以及基隆一带免于灾殃。这时候就能够一早趁着台风的尾巴飞越野了,这也是所谓的「骑老 虎」 。只要太阳还在照耀,飞行员就能在面南的起飞场,如高台,飞越野破纪录啰。 This brings me to a brief historical note. When paragliding was in its infancy in Taiwan, there was a club which flew out of Kenting , Pingtung County. It was surely a breathtaking view and a marvelous addition to the landscape. Then there was a fatality. Since then paragliding has been prohibited there. This was when there was very little knowledge or experience. This would make an excellent starting point for International attempts to fly the entire length of Taiwan Island. 这勾起我的回忆,当台湾在发展飞行伞初期,在屏东垦丁有个飞行俱乐部;那是个令人窒息的美景, 有着非凡的景致;然而一场意外,导致飞行伞在当地被禁止。这个时期正是知识以及经验都严重不足 的时候,也有可能是尝试飞越台湾的最佳起始点。


Chapter 12

Emergency Procedures 紧急降落程序 The best way to handle emergencies is to avoid them. We avoid them by being prepared. The best way to be prepared is to:

处理紧急事故的最佳方式为事前预防;我们则透过预先准备来面对紧急状况的发生。预备的最好方式 为: be aware of the situation 了解现状。 to assess the risks 风险评估。 then to minimize them by effective management 透过有效的技巧使其影响降至最低。

Situational awareness 体认现状 One of the fascinating aspects of this sport is the unique level of awareness that it requires. A good pilot has developed the ability to be aware of what is going on at the macrocosmic and the microscopic simultaneously. A dust particle from a pig farm or steel mill, at 1100 msl tells where the thermal is coming from. Meanwhile, the angle of the sun on the horizon tells how long the thermal is going to last.

这个运动最迷人的概念,就是需要无与伦比的体认层次;一个好的飞行员,要同时培养了解大宇宙与 小宇宙的能力。你在地平面上1100米的高度,发现了从养猪场或是钢铁工厂而来的尘粒,可以让你了 解热气流来自何处;同时太阳光照在地平线的角度,也透露了热气流能持续多久。 Situational awareness is based on knowledge and perception. Activities in this book are designed to help you to hone your perceptions making you sensitive to the environment around you AS IT PERTAINS TO SPORT AVIATION. The section on rapid descent technique will make you sensitive to what your glider is doing over your head, without having to look at it.

体认现状则是建立于知识与感官之上的。本书中的练习是根据航空运动的设计,来磨练你的感官,并 增加你对于周遭环境的敏感度。在迅速下降技巧章节则训练你的敏锐度;当伞翼过顶时不需要抬头看 便能知道伞的状态。 The body of knowledge in this book contains most of what you need to know to assess a situation for flight. By way of summary, here are some of the questions you can ask yourself:

本书中包含了许多飞行中你需要了解的状况及知识;透过节录摘要,你可以问自己以下的问题: Am I in good physical and mental condition to flight? 我的身心状态适合飞行吗? Am I hung over? Drunk? Under the influence of pharmaceutical or recreational drugs?

我是否宿醉?酒醉?或是处于药效作用的情形? Am I exhausted? 是否精疲力竭? Do I feel suicidal? Preoccupied with weighty matters? 有自杀念头?有沉重的心理负担? Is my equipment in order? Reserve? Speedbar? Preview the checklist at the end of this book.

装备能否正常运作?副伞?加速器?预览本书末所附的检查表。 Are my instrument batteries charged? 仪器所需的电池是否有充电? Be sure to do a 10 point check. 记得作10点检查。 Are the take off zone and landing zone suitable to my skill level? Am I sufficiently familiar with them both? 起飞及降落场是否适合我的程度?对于场地是否有足够的了解? Is the ground free of debris, stones, ruts? 地面上是否有垃圾、石头或凹洞?


What are conditions at the LZ? 降落场的状况为何? Is the wind speed high enough that I can easily establish airflow over the wing? Low enough that I can manage the glider without getting blown back? 风速是否足够让我轻易地建立气流通过伞顶?风

速是否够低可以控制而不被向后吹? Is the speed (less than 8 km/h variation) and direction (less than 30 degrees variation) sufficiently stable? 风速(变化量小于每小时8公里)与风向(变化量小于30度)有效及稳定吗? Is the wind, in fact, coming directly up the slope? 风是否为垂直而上的上坡风? What is the weather report? 天气预报为何? What does the sky look like? 天空看起来如何? How soon will the clouds develop? 云层发展的速度? What are the chances of cloud suck? 发生云吸的机率为何? Is top landing an option? 有机会原地降落吗? Do I have a ride back to the top? 有回收车到山顶吗? After you run this through your head a few dozen times, it will become automatic. 当你问过自己上述问

题几十次后,就会变的自然而然了。 Risk management 风险评估 It is important to understand the risks in any adventure sport. Before taking off, we must know how to assess the risks, what the factors are and how to reduce the risks.

了解其风险性对任何一个冒险体育活动都是最重要的。在起飞之前,我们必须知道怎么评估风险,是 什么因素造成,该怎么减少风险。 The factors which can influence the risk are:

可能影响风险的因素是: pilot 飞行员 wing 伞 harness 套袋 safety gear 安全装置 other pilots present 其他飞行人员 weather conditions 天气情况 site conditions 地点情况 other 其他

The Risk Pie 风险饼 Think of the risk pie as a pie for sale. But, if too many pieces are missing, it cannot go. Label each slice of the pie with the items above. So, if it is a bit too gusty for your skill level, take away a slice of pie. If the site has many spectators and cars, take away another. If there are R/C planes in the air, take away another. Perhaps you have never flown this wing before or it is a bit less forgiving than you are accustomed to. Perhaps it is a competition and you are under more stress than usual. Maybe you just came back from a funeral. Maybe your vario battery died. At the beginning of your carreer a simple pie is sufficient. Later, as things get more complicated, you will need to complicate your pie. Choose your own factors to meet the circumstances.


想象一下风险饼就像是一个等待出售的饼,但是如果缺了好几块切片,它将无法卖出。就好像是,用 签条标明项目在饼的每一块切片上,因为一些小小的突发状况,如技术水准因素,而缺了一块切片; 或因为现场的许多观众和汽车因素,又少了一片;或因为天空有R/C飞机因素,减少了一片。或许之 前您从未飞行过这个翼伞,所以容许并原谅这些小失误。或许这个竞赛,让您处在比平常更加紧张的 压力之下。或许你刚从丧礼、回来或许你的高度机没电了。 在你刚开始飞行时简单的派就足够了,之后当事情变的复杂,你的派也要随着改变;根据现状来选择 变因。 The risk pie satisfies everyone. Some people live by the maxim, “No fear, no fun.”Others live for safety. Choose your own margin.

这个风险饼适用于每一个人;有些人的座右铭是「没有恐惧,就没有乐趣。」有些人则是安全至上。 自己决定自己的界限。 Cloud Suck Rapid decent techniques 迅速下降技巧 There are times when we want to get out of the sky in a hurry: the weather system developed too quickly and threatens rain or cloud suck, you over flew the landing zone, another pilot has landed badly and needs assistance, you lost track of the time, a passing aircraft threatens the stability of the air, you have to go pee pee, your wife is having a baby.

在某些情形下我们会想迅速地回到地面:即将下雨的或是云吸等天气系统过度发展的情形;飞过降落 场发现有飞行员需要协助;滞空过久而遗忘时间;经过的航空器搅乱了气流的稳定;想上洗手间,老 婆就要临盆了等等情形。 Cloud suck is one of the greatest dangers to paragliding pilots. The thing to do is avoid clouds. In case of cloud suck the best thing to do is fly away form it. If the cloud suck is too great, the thing to do is go down. By deforming the wing, we can increase the decent rate of the glider. Some of these techniques sacrifice stability. Little ear actually increases stability.

云吸对于飞行员来说是最危险的情况之一,最好避免接近云。要避免云吸最好的方法是远离云。假如 云吸过剧想办法下降吧;透过改变伞翼形状来增加飞行伞下沉率。有些技巧相对较不稳定,而小耳朵 则增加其稳定性。 The techniques you use will depend on the rate of decent you want and the amount of stability you want. For example, if you are suddenly under a small cloud which is gently wafting you skyward at a modest 2 3 m/s, techniques 1 - 5 below will be sufficient. If the cloud is a thunderhead, or perhaps you have to urgently urinate, you will choose numbers 6 - 8 below. approximate order of stability: 以下所介绍的下降


descent rate, m/s 下降速率 每秒/米

Speed bar 加速器


find sinking air 找下沉气流


little ears 小耳朵


big ears 大耳朵

3- 4

little ears with speed bar 小耳朵+加速器

3- 5

B stall B 组失速


Spiral descent 螺旋下降

10 -27

full stall 全失速

> 10

cut the lines, deploy the reserve 切断伞绳掷副伞

32 ft/sec 2

你所使用的技巧会依据下沉率及稳定度而有所不同;例如突然间你在云底以每秒 2-3 米的速度上升,技 术上而言以下 1-5 项技巧都适用。但如果云吸产生威胁或需要迅速下降时,则建议使用 6-8 项技巧。


Most people will choose the maneuver they are most comfortable with. So it is important to be comfortable with as many as possible.

大部分飞行员都会选择自己觉得最舒适的花式技巧,因此要尽量熟练。 Here are some details about the techniques above The following maneuvers should be done AWAY FROM THE MOUTAIN WITH PLENTY OF CLEARANCE OF OTHER GLIDERS AND/OR OBSTACLES. 以下的花式技巧,应在远离山边,并且没有其他飞行伞或障碍物的大量净空区域之下进行。以下为上述

花式动作之补充说明: 1 Sinking air can be found 如何找到下沉气流: next to thermic rising air 在上升气流旁 away from the ridge lift 远离山脊 out from under the cloud to one side or the other, 90 degrees from the down wind. 朝云层的两边

远离并向背风处旋转 90 度。 2 Speed bar should be applied firmly with steady pressure rather than jamming it on like you might the accelerator of a car. 加速器应稳定并平均施力,不要像开车时猛踩煞车一般。 3 The technically correct way to apply little ears is with the brake toggles in your hands. Some advanced pilots may choose not to under benign conditions. Steer the glider using weight shift. Some gliders come with a handle and pulley on each side for this. Recommend gloves to prevent rope burn on the hands. When releasing, be ready to stabilize the glide. In some cases it may be necessary to pump out the ears using the brakes 正确进行小耳朵时应将控制绳握在手中,有些高级飞行员在有利的情况下不把控制绳握在手中。有 些飞行伞在主提带外侧有滑轮的设计。建议在操作此动作时要带手套以避免灼伤。在回复时随时准 备好稳定伞翼,有时候则需要拉扯控制绳来使伞翼回复。 Look up at the outer A lines. Some gliders come with split "A" risers so that they are easier to find. Grasp them both firmly and with firm even pressure, pull them down. You will feel a momentary slight weightlessness as your body mass reorients. Release the risers sometime before 50 meters above the ground. This is to allow the glider to open before reaching the ground. Use weight shift to steer the glider.

抬头看 A 组伞绳,


的 A 组伞绳这是有


在身体适应的过程 量减轻。在抵达降

中你会察觉瞬间重 落场上空约 50 米 此时可以利用重心

需回复正常飞行,以便准备降落, 位移来调整伞翼。

4 Big ears, use the same procedure as above but take 2 outer A lines instead. You will need greater pressure to pull them down. Your descent rate will be greater. 大耳朵的操作与小耳朵相同,差别在于大耳朵要拉下 2 条 A 组伞绳,此时需要较大的力量,相对 的下降的速率也较快。 5 Some gliders have a chance of frontal deflation using speed bar and ears. Apply speed bar with smooth steady pressure. Use weight shift to steer the glider.


有些伞具在乱流的情形下使用加速器及耳朵时会造成前夹;因此建议需平顺地使以稳定的压力在 加速器上,并且利用重心位移来调整伞翼。 6 B- stall With brake toggles in your hands, facing the wind, reach up and grasp the B risers at the D links. Pull them down to your chest and hold them there. As you do, the glider will pitch back a little. Then, there will be a slight easing of tension as the glider comes back overhead. B 组失速,是利用握着控制绳的双手向上伸展,并拉下 B 组伞的 D 型扣环并且迎风而行。将 B 组 拉下至胸前且维持在胸前的位置;此时伞翼会稍微向后摆荡,这时候施加些微拉力便可以使伞翼 回复至头顶的位置。 Release the B lines to return to normal flight. When you release the B risers, the glider will surge forward. Dampen the surge by applying slight brake pressure. Use brakes to reduce pitch oscillations. 放开 B 组并回复到正常飞行,当松开 B 组时伞翼会向前猛冲;随时准备拉控制绳并注意节奏预防前 后过度摆荡。

7 Full stall is the 'reset' for your glider. In case of any kind of deflation, inducing a full stall will reestablish a dynamic stability from which you can recover stable flight. 全失速相当于重新设定飞行伞。为了避免任何情形之折翼,透过全失速的方式来诊断,并且回复稳定 飞行。 Pull both brake toggles down under the seat of the harness and hold them there. Then, release them. The glider will resume normal flight. This should be done with sufficient elevation and under supervision of a qualified instructor, over water with a retrieval boat. 将控制绳拉下至套带坐垫的位

置并保持,然后松开回复至正常飞行。整个过程须在水面上有救生艇,及合格指导员陪同,并保 持相当高度之情形下操作。 8 Spiral can be approached with speed or from a near stall. Speed will increase centrifugal force. Starting from a near stall will increase your decent rate. You should learn this under supervision of your instructor. Practice it until you can control the decent rate, bank angle, pitch angle, decent rate, speed, center of rotation. 螺旋可以透过速度或者是接近失速的状态下 达成,如果开始于速度那么会增加离心力及 重力。若是经由几近失速的状态下开始则可 能增加下沉率。练习时须经由合格指导员或 教练陪同,并由低速,大弧度螺旋,学着控 制转身角度,摆荡角度,下沉率速度,将身 体置于螺旋中心,直到可以控制下沉率。 The rapid decent technique that you chose will suit the situation and your preference. 你所选择快速下降的方式,会依当时的情况及 先后顺序而有所不同。

For reference only. Not for accuracy.


2 pilots practice ears in light lift

Attend an SIV course! 参加紧急安全降落课程

Storm Cloud Escape Routes 暴雨脱离路径 If you should find yourself under, or in, a cloud and you need to get out, it will be helpful to have this image in your mind. This is the basic structure of a storm cloud. If you go back, you will get rain. If you go forward, you will get gusts. The sides will afford you the shortest safest route to safety.

当你察觉自己处于云底云中需要脱 离时,牢记下图会有极大的帮助; 图标为基本暴云的结构,如果往回 飞则会飞入云里,向前飞则处于强 风锋面的作用之下,选择两侧方向 行进则为最安全的快捷方式。 Water landings 水上降落 It is not advisable and easy to avoid. But, it may happen that you land in water. The greatest danger is entanglement. Your survival relies on your being able to get out of the harness and away for the gear as soon as possible. There are several things you need to be prepared for this.

不建议而且也很容易避免;然而也可能会发生在水中降落的情形。而最大的危险在于纠缠;你的存活 与否,取决于你能多快解开套袋及装备。以下有几点需要预先做好准备的: 1 carry a knife that is easily accessible in case you get tangled in the lines 携带刀子并放在容易取 得的地方预防伞绳纠结。 2 know how to swim 要会游泳。 There are several things to remember to do as you approach your watery landing:

当你接近水边降落时有几个要点须注意: For moving water 移动的水体 1 let the glider fall so the leading edge impacts first. This will allow the glider to retain the air inside it. If you are along way from shore, you may need the flotation device.

让伞衣落下使得,伞翼前缘首先接受撞击,如此便可以保持伞翼内部的空气;假如你离岸边很远你则 需要浮板。


2 Land with your body up stream from the glider. The glider will not be tossed into your body. 降落

时身体位于伞翼的上游,如此伞翼才不会被冲到你身上。 3 Disconnect your thigh and chest straps before you hit the water. This will make it easier for you to get out of the harness. 在落水前先解开腿带及胸带,如此便可以轻易的离开套袋。 4 Choose a landing in as shallow water as possible and as close to a shore as possible. 选择落水 的地点离岸边越近且越浅越好。 5 When the glider fills with water it will be near impossible to drag. It will in fact drag you. 当伞翼充 满水的时候是很难拉动的,事实上你反而会被伞翼拖着走。

For still water 静止的水 6 Get out of the harness as fast as you can. Some harnesses will flip and hold you under water. 迅

速离开套袋,有些套袋会翻转并使你沉入水里。 7 If you have to, use the harness as a flotation device by holding onto it, not sitting in it. 必要时利

用套袋当成浮木抓住,而不是坐在上面。 8 stay away from the glider and lines so you don‟t get tangled. 远离伞衣及伞绳避免纠缠。

Tree Landing 树降 Preparation: carry a folding handsaw, folding knife or Leatherman tool, dental floss, drinking water, stuff bag. Use the dental floss to pull up a rope when rescue workers come.

准备:携带折迭手锯、折迭刀、或是李德门工具钳、牙线、饮用水、大收袋。当搜救人员投掷绳索 时用牙线拉。 As you approach the tree landing, choose a tree with a big canopy and strong limbs. Choose short tree if possible. Make your body into a small tight mass so your limbs don‟t tangle with the tree limbs. Stalling the glider on the crown of the tree is the safest option. The glider will catch on the top and you will fall through the branches and probably not reach the ground. You will be suspended by the lines like a child‟s swing. If you are going to hit the trunk of side of the tree, you want to reduce your speed by stalling Grab branches as you go down.

当你接近挂树时,选择一颗有大片遮蔽及树干主枝的树木;可能的话选择矮一点的树木。使你的身 体尽量缩小,而不至于与树枝纠缠。在树的顶端使伞失速是最安全的选择,如此伞会挂在树顶,而 你会从树枝中间穿过,不至于掉落到地面。你会像儿童荡秋千一般被伞绳悬吊着;假设你将要撞击 到一旁的树干,在落下时要抓住枝干来降低速度。 Get on the radio and announce your position. Secure yourself first either to the tree or on the ground. THEN think about retrieving your equipment. Once you have disconnected from the karabiners, it is helpful to tie off the lines just above the risers. This will prevent the risers from passing through the lines and complicating the tangles.

透过无线电对讲机告知位置,无论是在地上或树上确保自身的安全,然后再抢救伞具。一但解开扣 环,在主提带上方打个结,可以避免主提带穿过伞绳,使得纠结变的更复杂。 Retrieving the glider will be the most time consuming process. Bamboo is easy. Gently pull the glider downstream of the bamboo. The bamboo will yield and the glider will slide off. Coconut and betel trees are also easy. Unless you can climb like a monkey, open the D links. Pull each line down.

抢救伞具会是最耗时的过程,而竹子是容易解决的。顺着竹子温柔地将伞绳向下拉;这时候竹子会 弯曲使伞衣从一侧滑下。椰子树及槟榔树也是属于简单的,除非你可以像猴子一样来去自如,否则 解开 D 型扣环一一的拉下每一条伞绳吧。 Fruit trees are short and offer a lot of toe holds. Climb up the middle of the tree and lift the lines off the top. Very tall trees in the jungle will require you cut off large limbs or even the tree itself.


水果树较矮小但有许多枝节,你可以爬上树中间从顶端拉起伞绳。丛林中很多高耸的树则需要砍去枝干 或是锯树。 Respect the land owners property. Apologize and pay for damages. In most cases they will be too amused to request damages. They are even helpful. 要尊敬地主的财产,如有损失要道歉或是赔偿。大部分都是太愉快到了忘记要求赔偿,甚至他们还会帮 忙。 As you bring the glider down from the tree it is helpful to roll it up and start stuffing it into a bag. Start from one wing tip or the other. You can tidy it up and untangle it later. 当你将伞具从树上抢救下来之后,从一侧伞尖开始将伞翼卷起并放到袋子里是很方便的。稍后再重新整 理并清除纠结。 Your first tree landing you will probably have help to get out. Buy them dinner or at least beers. In the future you will be doing your own rescues. 你的第一次挂树大多会有人协助脱困,记得请他们吃饭或至少买个啤酒;之后你大概就会自救了。

Power Lines 电线 In the event that you land on power lines, stay still in your harness. Don‟t contact more than 1 wire. Do not ground yourself. Wait for the electric company to cut the power before you attempt rescue. If some fool tries to probe you with a stick, make sure that he does not. The ground effect will electrocute you both. The little 110 V lines on some farm fields are not a problem. The 220V are usually shielded. But you cannot be sure of that. Anything over 220V will probably fry you instantly.

当你挂在电线上时,待在套袋里不要碰触超过 1 条电线,不要让自己接地。等到电力公司断电后你 才尝试着自救。如果有笨蛋试着用棍子碰触你,千万别让他得逞,否则接地效应会同时作用在你门 两个身上。有些农地上 110 伏特的电线不构成危险,而 220 伏特的电线通常会被包覆。但是我们都 无法确定,任何超过 220 伏特的电力都会使你立即被烤焦。 Most flight manuals recommend that you stay at least 33 meters above power lines. I use the following rule:

大部分的飞行手册,建议你要与电线至少保持 33 米的距离;而我使用以下的规则: 220V 伏特 600 V 超过

30 m 米 100 m 米

This gives me sufficient room in case of a gust or lack of penetration or a collapse.

如此一来假设有阵风、停滞不前,或是塌陷情况产生时仍有足够的空间可以反应。 Blown back 倒飞 If you are getting blown back with absolutely no way to penetrate, try crabbing (see section on crabbing). If crabbing is ineffective, seek a safe landing on top. If that is not possible, you will have to fly back. Get as high as possible. Fly slow in lift and get high. Then, turn down wind and fly fast straight back as far as possible. Fly with about 4kg weight on the toggles to pressurize the wing. Land as far away from the mountain as you can.

假如你被向后吹而无法向前进,试着侧移 (参考有关侧移的章节) 。如果侧移没有作用,找个安全的 山顶降落吧。若两者皆无法达成你就想尽办法飞高并飞回来;在上升气流中飞慢一点且飞高:然后 转到顺风方向并且快速直飞越远越好。飞行时透过增加控制绳约 4 公斤的力量,来稳定伞翼,并且 降落离山越远越好。 Some pilots recommend deep spiraling through the turbulence. This practice is not yet popular and untested to this date. It is best left to the advanced and test pilot.


有些飞行员建议利用螺旋下降来通过乱流,至今仍尚未普遍被使用。这最好还是留给高级飞行员及 试飞员吧。 Emergency Parachute deployment 紧急降落伞的展开 Emergency parachute will be effective only if it is deployed 100 meters above ground level. The chute will begin to open only after the entire length of the bridle and lines have tension. SO, when you throw, THROW HARD!!!

紧急降落伞仅在地平面上 100 米才有最佳效益,当降落 伞的所有伞绳都被拉紧后他才会开始展开。因此当你 丢副伞时记得用力! Your reserve should be checked every 12 months. Deployment follows these steps:

你的降落伞每 6 个月要检查一次,按照以下的步骤展开你的降落伞: Don‟t think about it. Just do it. 不要思考只要做。 Look at the handle 看着把手。 Reach for the handle 抓住把手。 Pull the handle and chute 拉开把手及降落伞。 Look for the clear air to throw it in so it does not get tangled in the lines of the wing 朝着空旷的地 方掷去,以便预防与飞行伞伞绳纠缠。 6. Throw it IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR SPIN 向着你旋转的方向丢掷。 7. If it doesn‟t open, pull it in and throw it again 如果降落伞没有展开拉回来再丢一次。 8. Once it is opened, pull in your paraglider arm over arm into a bundle on your lap. 一但降落伞展开 后,将飞行伞伞衣朝手臂往上拉成一团,并放置在大腿上。 9. Be careful not to move around too much or you will start oscillation. 不要过度移动以避免摆荡情形 发生。 10. About 4 meters above the ground be ready to do a PLF 大约在地平面上 4 米的高度要预备做五点 落地翻滚。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Have your reserve repacked. 重新整理降落伞。

No Thigh Straps 腿带未扣 There have been numerous fatalities because people have taken off without thigh straps. Since 4 years ago, all new harnesses are manufactured with some form of failsafe to prevent this. These are simple strap arrangements which connect the chest strap to the seat board, usually called a T-strap.

有数个致命事故导因于起飞时未将腿带扣上;4 年前,新式套带多了可以预防未扣腿带的设计。利用 简单的带子,通常称之为 T 形带,与胸带连结到坐垫。 It is highly recommend that all pilots use a harness with a T- strap. Older harnesses should be retired.

强烈建议所有飞行员使用有 T 形带的套带,旧式设计应该被淘汰。 If your harness doesn‟t have a failsafe, you can get one and have it installed at a tentmaker.

假如你的套带没有这项安全设计,你可以请帆布店帮你安装一个。 If you are flying with a harness that has no safety strap and you forget to fasten your thigh straps, there is a remedy.

假如你买到没有安全带设计的套带,而且还忘记扣腿带;这里有几个小要诀。 You will find yourself hanging in the air by the arm pits. 你会发现自己只透过手臂挂在天空。


Release the toggles. 放开控制环。 Grasp the risers. 抓着主提带。 Pull up as much as you can. 尽你所能的抓着往上。 Bending at your waist, lifting your legs as high as you can. 弯腰尽可能地抬高你的脚。 Hook your ankles on the risers over your head. 利用你的脚踝往上扣住主提带。 Reach behind you with one hand and pull the seat board up under your butt. 利用一只手向后拉起

屁股下的坐垫。 Once seated, fasten the thigh straps, then the chest strap. 当你坐定后扣上腿带然后再扣上胸

带。 This is an activity you can practice in a simulator. 你可以在仿真器上练习这个练习。

QUIZ (1) The safest way to increase your descent rate is: (a) full stall (b) find sinking air (c) speed bar (d) little ears. 增加下沉率最安全的方式为 (a) 全失速 (b) 找到下沉气流 (c) 使用加速器 (d) 小夹翼。 (2) Risk Pie is a system for (a) managing risk (b) feeding a family of 4 (c) increasing your glide ratio 风险饼是 (a) 风险管理 (b) 养一家四口 (c) 增加滑降比 的系统。 (3) To pull in the ears we pull which lines down? (a) outer A‟s (b) inner A‟s (c) outer B‟s (d) outer C‟s 小夹翼是透过拉下哪些伞绳而完成的动作?(a) 外侧 A 组 (b) 内侧 A 组 (c) 外侧 A 组 (d) 外侧 A 组 (4) If the glider should go into a full stall the pilot should: (a) pray (b) pull the brakes all the way down until the wing is stable overhead (c) release the brakes all the way and then pull 假如傘翼進入全失速,飛行員應 (a) 禱告 (b) 煞車往下拉到底直到傘譯在頭頂上穩定下來 (c) 先完全鬆 開煞車再往下拉。 (5) The danger of a spiral is getting locked into spiral. T 操作螺旋的危險性為螺旋鎖死。(




(6) The best escape route from a cloud is: (a) upwind (b) downwind (c) out the side 逃离云吸的最佳路径为: (a) 迎风 (b) 逆风 (c) 从侧边。 (7) The first concern of a water landing is: (a) get free of the lines so you don‟t get tangled (b) save the glider (c) floating 水上降落首要考虑的是:(a) 避免被伞绳缠绕 (b) 保全伞衣 (c) 漂浮。 (8) To be prepared for a tree landing you should always carry: (a) a good book (b) bug spray (c) a folding handsaw (d) a rope 为预防树降你应该随时带着 (a) 一本好书 (b) 防蚊喷雾 (c) 折迭手锯。 (9) If you hang on a power line you should (a) don‟t touch the ground (b) get out of the lines (c) drop to the ground 假如你挂在电线上应该 (a) 不要触地 (b) 离开电线 (c) 落在地上。 (10) To prevent getting blown back you should ALWAYS attach your: (a) reserve parachute (b) ballast bag (c) speed bar 为避免倒飞你应该总是连接:(a) 副伞 (b) 压舱袋 (c) 加速器。 (11) In a fast spiral it is possible to faint from the (a) speed (b) G force (c) altitude (d) acceleration 在快速螺旋转动中是可能因为 (a) 速度 (b) G 力 (c) 高度 (d) 加速度 而昏眩。


Chapter 13

Thermal Soaring 热气流盘旋 The finer points of thermal soaring are beyond the scope of this book. So, I‟ll just wet your appetite. A thermal is warm air rising. Knowing how to find one, get in it and stay in it is a skill that will take you a long way. To fly in thermals you should first be able to perform maximum efficient turns, know your right of way rules, control your bank angle, know your rapid decent techniques, control your speed between min sink and best glide, judge your angle and distance to landing,…Careful observation of conditions will inform you of the rate of development of ridge lift and soaring conditions.

热气流盘旋的精髓远超过本书所要传达的,因此这里浅谈即止。热气流指的是暖空气上升,但要知道 如何找到气流且停留在其中,则需要花费很长时间培养的技巧。在热气流中飞行前,你首先需要会做 大量有效转弯、了解空中规则、控制转弯角度、并了解下降技巧,在最小下沉速率与最佳滑翔速率间 的速度控制、判断降落时的角度及距离等等。 These conditions, in order of their occurrence, will give you a clue that conditions are thermic:

以下情况的发生,可以让你知道热气流的发展状况: Lower temperature at the launch than at the LZ 起飞场的温度低于降落场。 Local wind direction changes at ground level. This is because as thermals break off, the draw in the ground air around them. 地方风会在接近地表时改变,这是由于热气流破碎,且受到地表周围的空气牵引所致。 Cumulus clouds forming 积云成型。 Soaring birds circling 鸟儿盘旋飞行。 Other gliders in the sky 天空中有其他飞行伞。 Odors from down below are present at the take off zone 从山脚下传来阵阵气味

In the picture above, A, B and C represent elevations in the order in which we usually use them; ridge lift, thermal lift, light cloud suck lift.

在上图 A、B、C 各代表了 3 个升力的主要来源。依据常使用的顺序为:山脊风、热气流、轻微的云 吸。


Locating thermals 热气流定位 Here are some clues that will help you to locate thermals. We divide the airspace into thirds from the ground surface to cloud base. Different clues will prevail at each third.

以下有些提示可以让你了解热气流的所在位置;从地表到云层底部分为 3 等份,在每个部分都包含不 同的线索。 Elev 高度

Clue 线索

approx elev

最高高度 upper 1/3

上层 1/3

Eagles, hawks, other pilots, cumulus clouds with sharp clear lines

Around 1000 agl, cloud base


高于地表 1000 米 的云层底部。

middle 1/3

Use both terrain clues and cloud clues


地表上 300-700 米。

中层 1/3 lower 1/3

下层 1/3

300 – 700

Bugs, swallows, pigeons, airborne debris, ground source, Ground odors, factory, Upslope wind, sunny slope, fresh plowed fields, towns, flags, banners, smoke

0 to 300 agl

lift type 上升 气流类型 Cloud suck

云吸。 Thermal


ridge lift


0-300 米之地平面 高度。

昆虫、燕子、鸽子、飞舞的垃圾、地面资源、地面气 味、工厂、上坡风、向阳坡、刚犁过的田地、城镇、 旗帜、布条、烟。 When looking for ground clues, consider this: thermal air seeks the highest point much the way water on the ground seeks the lowest point. Let me illustrate. Dip your hand in a bucket of paint. The paint will run down your hand to the lowest point, the finger tips and drip DOWN from there.

当你在寻找地面线索时,要考虑到:热空气遇热上升到最高点,就如同水蒸气凝结落至最低点一般。 更进一步解说:手上沾满油漆时,油漆会从手上沿 着手指而从最低处滴落。 Likewise, thermals will creep along the surface of the earth to the highest point and „drip‟ UP from there.

相同地,热空气也会从地表缓慢地上升至最高点, 然后再从最高点「滴落」下来。 Thermals will generally be blown into the first ridge facing the wind. Small bugs will be lifted by these thermals. Swallows will come to eat the bugs.

热气流通常会被风吹至正对风向的第一个山脊,小 昆虫会因为热气流而升起,燕子随后出来吃昆虫。

When a thermal gets pushed up against a mountain, the lift may be too close to the mountain and too narrow to allow full circle turns. So, what you will do is make a series of 8‟s until you get above the ridge or until the thermal is wide enough to permit circling. Then, fly circles as high as it will take you drifting with the thermal back over the ridge.

当热空气被推挤到山上时,上升气流可能太接近山,或太窄而无法完成 360 度转弯,这时候你可以做 一连串 8 字型转弯,直到高于山脊或是热气流够宽允许转圈,然后随着气流不断向后盘旋直上。


Cumulus clouds that have ragged and dissipated edges are at the end of their cycle. Look for the ones with sharp clear lines. But be ready for some lift and turbulence... The height of the cloud shields the sunlight. So, the cloud appears darker. White clouds are gentle. Silver clouds are playful. Elephant- grey clouds will be aggressive. Better wear gloves to hold in those big ears. Charcoal grey clouds are NOT for the novice pilot. Look for a big blue hole and fly towards it.

当积云呈现不完整消散的状态,表示已经进入衰退期了。寻找另一个有显著形状的积云,但是准备好 会有上升及乱流的情形发生。云层的厚度会阻碍太阳光线的穿透,而使得云的颜色变暗;白色的云是 温和的,银色的云很有趣,大象灰色的云是挑衅的,飞近这些云时最好带上手套拉大耳朵。铁灰色的 云则不适合入门飞行员,最好往蓝色天空飞去。

Finding a thermal 寻找热气流 Finding a thermal with a vario is easy. When the variometer starts singing, you are going up. You are in a thermal. But you don‟t know where in the thermal you are.

利用高度机(升降仪)来找热气流是最容易的。当高度机开始发出声响时,就表示你在上升,也就是你 在热气流里。但是你无法知道位于热气流中何处。 If you are not using a vario, you can tell the thermal by the tugs and pulls on your suspension lines and control lines and by the increase in pressure between the seat board and your derriere. One thing about thermals is that they try to push you out. As you approach the thermal it will lift the part of the glider which it first encounters. The glider will turn gently away from the thermal. So, you must be sensitive and ready to turn the glider back into the thermal. If the right wingtip is lifted, lean to the right and apply right toggle. This will put you firmly in the lifting air.

如果你没有使用高度机,透过悬吊绳及控制绳被往上牵 引,而坐垫与臀部之间的压力增加,亦能察觉热气流的存 在。因为热气流试着将你推出,所以当你接近时会有一侧 伞翼被抬升;此时伞翼会轻微地远离热气流,因此你必须 准备好敏锐地将伞翼转进热气流里。假如右边伞尖被升 起,向右倾并拉右煞车,这可以使你稳定地进入上升气流 里。 If the left wingtip is lifted, the thermal is on your left. Lean left, brake left. If the thermal is in front of you, it will raise the leading edge, pushing the glider behind you a little. The tension on your brakes will slacken. This is a good thing because you want the glider to gain speed so it can penetrate the lifting air rather than go into a stall. So, let the brakes go up slowly but keeping just enough pressure on them to pressurize the wing.

假设左伞尖被升起,则表示热气流在左边,向左倾拉左煞车。若是热气流在你前方,则会让伞翼前缘 升起使伞翼有点向后退。此时控制绳的张力会松弛,这对于增加伞速是有益的,因为你试着在上升气 流中前进而非失速。缓缓地放松控制绳,并维持足够的力量以稳定伞翼。 Then, you want to find the center of the thermal. The center will have the strongest lift. You will need time and practice to develop sensitivity and finesse sufficient to steer continuously toward the increasing lift.

然后要找出热气流的中心,最强上升气流的位置。你将需要时间来培养最确实有效率的敏感度,以朝 着上升气流修正航向。 If at some point you get kicked out of the thermal, the best thing is to go back to the last place where you had lift and start again.



Your success will be a matter of visualizing the size, shape of the thermal and staying in it.

成功的要诀在于,透视热气流的大小、形状,并且待在里面。 In the diagram, glider B did not respond to the upward tug on his left wing. He got kicked out. Glider A immediately turned right when he felt the lifting. He went into a 360 turn until he found the core of the thermal.

在图中当 B 伞左侧伞翼略为上升时,并没有及时响应所以逐渐远离气流。而 A 伞则因为感觉右侧拉升 所以立即向右转,他利用 360 度转弯保持在热气流里,直到找到热气流的中心。 Effect of lift on glide path 航行路径的有效 升力 ( blue) When the lift exceeds the sink rate, soaring is possible. Your glide path will be ascending.

(蓝色路径) 当浮力超过下沉率就有机会盘 旋,而航行路径会增加。 ( yellow) When the strength of the lift is equal to the sink rate, your glide path will be horizontal.

(黄色路径) 当浮力等于下沉率时,则维持水 平航行路径。 ( green) When the lifting air is zero, the glide path will be descending.

(绿色路径) 当浮力等于 0,则航行路径会下 降。 ( red) When the air is SINKING, the glide path will be steeper.

(红色路径) 当空气不断下沉,则航行路径会很陡峻。 Controlled airspace 禁航区 Controlled airspace in most countries will take one of these shapes or a variation. The local coach at the site where you fly will instruct you where the controlled air space is if there is any. If they don‟t, you should ask if there is any restricted air space nearby.

多数国家的禁航区,多为左图所示或者混合并行。 飞行场若是有任何禁航区,则当地的教练会告知。如果没有,你自己要询问附近是否有禁航区域。 I expect this book to be used by Chinese pilots in many countries. It is important to gather information from the internet, the local airports, the military about where the controlled airspace is in the area where you will be flying. Download sectional charts for the area where you will be flying.

衷心期盼这本书能在许多国家被华人所使用。能够从网络上收集相关数据是很重要的。如你将飞行的 区域内的国内机场,或是军事禁地,下载你所飞行空域的相关数据表。


Crabbing 侧移 Crabbing is a technique for getting better penetration when the headwind is greater than your glider‟s speed.

当正风大于伞速而无法前进时,最 常使用侧移的方式来获得较佳的破 风性。 The glider goes forward because it is converting gravity to thrust. Crabbing allows you to do that more efficiently. The process is not unlike sailing a sailboat into the wind at an angle to the direction that you want to go.

伞翼之所以前进是因为将密度转变 为推力,而侧移会让你事半功倍。 这过程如同迎风航行帆船一般,朝 着航行方向,顶风调整角度而前进。 It is easier to penetrate the wind at an angle to the wind than it is directly into the wind. This is done by weighting one wing greater than the other and applying the OPPOSITE brake. When the wind hits the pulled down trailing edge on the one side, it twists the glider so that the other wingtip is pointing more into the wind. Normally this would cause the glider to turn. But by weight shifting in the opposite direction we counterbalance the tendency to turn. The turning force is converted to sliding sideways motion. T his is a relatively easy process.

透过伞翼与风向形成的角度,使得前进的情形比顶风时更容易完成,其操作方式如下:重心位移至一 侧然后拉下反向之煞车,当风接触伞翼时会拉 下一侧的伞翼后缘,此时伞翼旋转使得其中一 侧伞尖朝着风,而这使得伞翼转向。但是透过 重心位移至相反的一侧,使得伞翼平衡减少转 向发生。 Allow the glider to slide, or crab, in one direction, as it creeps forward slowly. Then, change sides and crab the other direction.

当伞缓慢前移时,持续让伞朝一个方向滑翔或 侧移,然后再换边操作。 Use the toggle to control the heading of the glider. Use the weight shift to control the direction. It helps to think of the trailing wingtip with the flap pulled down as a rudder on a ship.

利用控制绳来操控伞翼前进,利用重心位移来 控制方向。可以帮助你利用拍打式,拉下伞翼 后缘的伞尖,如同操控船舵一般。 The glider will go in the direction which you are leaning although it is facing the direction in which you are facing.


伞翼会朝着身体倾斜的方向前进,即使伞衣面对的方向与你所看到的一致。 If you get the posture right, everything else will follow.

如果姿势对了其他的就自然依循。 Lean left, right knee over left knee, brake right, until the end of your run.

身体左倾,右膝跨过左膝,拉右煞车直到感觉转弯了。 Then, lean right, left knee over right knee, brake left, until you come back. Practice this posture in a simulator or in an arm chair.

然后身体右倾,左膝跨过右膝,拉左煞车直到你转回来。利用仿真器或是有扶手的椅子来练习。 Practice in the sky under mild and stable conditions so that when you need it under strong conditions you are capable and confident. Be careful not to induce a flatspin. A beginner glider might flatspin 180 degrees if the controls are too deep. If it does, go all up with the brakes and full centered with the weight. Most gliders will self-center and fly straight. Advanced gliders are less predictable.

在天气状况温和稳定的时候练习,即使遇到更强烈气候时也有能力且自信地完成,然而要小心造成 水平旋转。初级飞行伞如果过度控制有可能会造成 180 水平旋转。假设这个情形发生了,煞车全放 并利用身体重量将伞翼置中。大部分的伞翼会自然置中并水平飞行,但高级伞则较无法预测。

Switching thermals 热气流的转换 Sometimes a thermal will be broken up by switching winds. If you stay in the same place and circle, you will lose what you gain at each interval. Here is an exercise in timing that will help you to maximize your gain. Fly figure 8‟s or S‟s (see Figure ___). Each loop should pivot on the center of the thermal segment. Flying slowly in lift will maximize your time in the lift. You will gain more altitude this way. Fly fast while in sink. When the thermal moves west, you must be on the west leg. When it comes back to the SW, you must be back in the SW. Watch the wind sock for changes in wind direction. Pace yourself. The thermal segments get bigger and further apart as they get higher. Fly with a vario until you get it.

有时候热气流会因为风向的转变而变的破碎。假如你 停留在同一个地方盘旋,你将会失去这段期间内所获 得的高度。这个练习要告诉你如何逐步地获得最大高 度;利用 8 字型或 S 型转弯(参考图

) ,每次的转

弯都要以热气流中心为准轴,当在热气流里速度要尽量慢,使升力达到最大值,如此也可以获得更多 的高度;在下沉气流区就得飞快一点。如果热气流移到西侧,你也要在西边执行航程;当风向转换成 西南时,你得回到西南方。观察风筒以便得知风向。你要自行推断,当热气流升高时,它的范围会变 的更大且距离更远,使用高度机直到你完全掌握为止。

Blue holes and Blue thermals 蓝色缺口以及蓝色气流 Throughout this book all the thermals we have shown you are acompanied by cumulus clouds overhead. Every now and then you might encounter a thermal with no cloud over it, just blue sky. Hence, the name.

整本书所提到的热气流,都是伴随着积云而存在的;偶尔你会发现晴空无云只有蓝天,同时也有热气 流的存在,这顾名思义称之为蓝色气流。 A blue hole, on the other hand, is a lage area of blue sky surrounded by clouds. Typically there is no lift under a blue hole. if you want to get somewhere, expect to lose a lot of altitude crossing it.


另一方面谈到蓝色缺口,则是白云覆盖的天空,出现了一块蓝蓝的天。基本上在蓝色缺口之下是没有 上升气流的;如果你想继续飞到某个 地方去,当你飞过这区域时,得有准 备会损失很多高度。 Blue holes are important to be aware of if you are getting cloud sucked. Just head for the blue hole.

如果你正面临很强烈的云吸状况,蓝 色缺口就扮演着很重要的角色;你只 要朝着这个缺口飞过去就可以了。 It is one of our great privileges to share the sky with soaring birds. Eagles and hawks abound in Taiwan. They make good thermal markers. They are gentle and curious creatures unless provoked. If you happen to be in a thermal with one, keep your distance. If you are near their nest, they will attack. They may give you a warning cry. Every year there is at least one report of an eagle attack in the world. Be ready to take evasive measures. A spiral dive is probably the best escape.

与盘旋的鸟类分享天空,是伟大的殊 荣。在台湾鹰与隼是热气流的最佳指 标,除非被倾犯了,不然牠们是温驯 且好奇的生物。若碰巧在气流里遇 到,要记得保持距离。假设你接近牠 的鸟巢,牠们会攻击你,牠会先用叫声警告你。每年都会报导有老鹰袭人的事件,准备好出其不意的 离开,或许螺旋下降会是最好的脱逃方式。

Quiz 问题 (1) Cloud formation is your best indicator of thermal in which section of the airspace? (a) top 1/3,(b) middle 1/3, (c) bottom 1/3 在下列哪个空间高度,云的型态会是你最佳热气流指标? (a) 上层 1/3 (b) 中层 1/3 (c) 下层 1/3。 (2) Ground cover is your best indicator of thermal in which section of the airspace? (a) top 1/3 (b) middle 1/3, (c) bottom 1/3. 在下列那个空间高度,地被植物会是你最佳热气流指标? (a) 上层 1/3 (b) 中层 1/3 (c) 下层 1/3。 (3) Soaring birds are your best indicator of thermal in which section of the airspace? (a) top 1/3 (b) middle 1/3, (c) bottom 1/3. 在下列那个空间高度,空中盘旋的鸟类会是你最佳热气流指标? (a) 上层 1/3 (b) 中层 1/3 (c) 下层



(4) Which will appear first as the ridge system develops? (a) butterflies, (b) swallows, (c) dragon flies 当山脊气流系统发展时,哪一种动物会最先出现? (a) 蝴蝶 (b) 燕子 (c) 蜻蜓。 (5) The area immediately outside of the thermal will often be (a) cold, (b) sink, (c) strong lift, (d) calm 在热气流外围区域常会是 (a) 寒冷 (b) 下沉 (c) 强上升气流 (d) 平静。 (6) Circle all the correct answers: To fly in thermals you should first be able to: (a) perform maximum efficient turns (b) know your right of way rules (c) control your bank angle (d) know your rapid decent techniques (e) control your speed between min sink and best glide (f) judge your angle and distance to landing (g) know the dew point. 从下列选项圈出正确的答案:在热气流中飞行首先要能够(a) 表现最大有效转弯 (b) 了解航道规则

(c) 控制侧飞角度 (d) 熟悉迅速下降的技巧 (e) 在最小下沉率及最佳滑翔之间的速度控制 (f) 判断进 场角度与距离 (g) 了解露点。 (7) As you approach a thermal, it is most probably located on the side which the wingtip moves (up, down). 当接近热气流时,大部分热气流位置在伞尖向 (a)上 (b) 下 移动的那一侧。 (8) If you get out of a thermal, the best thing to do is go (a) left (b) right (c) back to the last place you had lift (d) back to bed 若你脱离了热气流,最好的处理方式是 (a) 向左 (b) 向右 (c) 回到最后发现上气流的区域 (d) 回家睡

觉。 (9) If the rate of rising air is greater than your sink rate you will go (a) up (b) stay the same (c) down 假设上升率大于下沉率,则你会 (a) 向上 (b) 维持不变 (c) 下降。 (10) In a switching thermal you will get the best lift if you fly (a) straight (b) figure 8 (c) spirals 在热气流不断转变的情形下,假如你 (a) 直线飞行 (b) 8 字形飞 (c) 螺旋飞行 会得到最佳上升率。 (11) A thermal with no cloud over it is called (a) blue hole (b) blue thermal (c) butt hole 热气流之上没有云出现的情形称之为 (a) 蓝色缺口 (b) 蓝色热气流 (c) 屁眼。 (12) A blue hole in an area of cloud which has strong lift is called (a) blue hole (b) blue thermal (c) butt hole. 在一个布满云的区域之下,所出现的蓝色缺口且有着强劲的上升气流称之为 (a) 蓝色缺口 (b) 蓝色热 气流 (c) 屁眼。 (13) If you see an eagle circling and rising it means that (a) there is probably a thermal (b) he has a new girlfriend (c) he likes you. 当你看见老鹰盘旋并上升这表示 (a) 或许有热气流在那个区域 (b) 牠有新女朋友 (c) 牠喜欢你。 (14) The direction to turn in a thermal is determined by: a) Coriolis force (b) the birds (c) the first pilot to enter the thermal 在热气流中如何决定转弯方向的依据为 (a) 柯氏力 (b) 鸟类(c) 以最先进入热气流中飞行员为标准。


Inspection check list 检查表 Inspection of the glider consists of: 伞具检查项目: no. 编号

Item 项目

date/sign 日期/签名


check the upper and lower surfaces for tears. 检查上下伞布是否有破损。


all the stitching for pulled threads 所有拉力点之缝线接合处。


the trailing edge for separation, tears, 伞翼后缘的间隔处及破损。


the leading edge for abrasion 伞翼前缘是否有破损。


the line attachment points for stitching 伞绳接合点之缝线。


the lines for kinks, abraded sheathing 伞绳纽结处保护层是否有磨损。


broken lines 伞绳断裂。


the D link attachments for abrasion on the lines or loose screws D 型扣环上的伞 绳连接点是否有磨损或是螺丝松脱。


the lines for tangles or snags or debris 伞绳纠结缠绕或有垃圾。


the risers for abrasion or lose stitching 主提带磨损或缝线脱落。


the control lines for abrasion at the pulleys 控制绳上的滑轮有否磨损。


inside the glider for debris, stones, bottles, dead animals 伞衣内部是否有垃圾、 石头、瓶子、或动物死尸。

13 14 15 16

DHV report It is a popular misconception that gliders are tested for performance. They are tested only for safety. It is assumed that because a glider is less safe, that the performance is higher. This is generally true. But many of the new gliders with a Beginner or Intermediate rating, like the Apco Vista below, perform nearly as well as the Advanced or competition gliders. This is why so many pilots worldwide with advanced ratings fly 1 - 2 gliders.

大多数的人都误解飞行伞测试以表演为目的,但事实并非如此;飞行伞并非以滑降比为测试标准,或 是下沉率、速度等;而是以安全性为考虑。也就是说性能表现越佳则伞具越不安全,普遍而言这是正 确的。但是许多初级或进阶评等的伞具,如下列 Apco Vista 的表现几乎与高级或竞赛伞一样优越,这 也是世界上许多高级飞行员都选择等级 1-2 的伞具的原因。 Pilots are rated for their performance level. Gliders are rated for their safety level. A glider is rated 3 because only if you have the skill level of an Advanced pilot can you manage that level of instability and sensitivity. Only an advanced level pilot has developed the response time to manage it.

飞行员评等是根据表现水平,而伞具则是依据安全标准来界定。当你有高级飞行员的技巧才能控制等 级为 3 的伞具的敏锐及不定性。只有水平到达高级飞行员才能有相对的管理能力。 Go to and read the test reports. Compare gliders of the same rating. Read the details on gliders that you fly.

连上 网页读取测试报告,并且比较相同评等 的飞行伞,也看看你自己所使用的伞的数据。


Here is a sample description of a detailed test report from the dhv. 以下是来自 DHV 的测试报告样本: Type 型号 Certificate-No 测试报告编号

Apco Vista S DHV GS-01-1691-07

Holder of certificate 测试报告所有者

Apco Aviation Ltd.

Manufacturer 制造商

Apco Aviation Ltd.

Classification 评等

1-2 GH

Winch tow 可否拖曳

Yes 有

Number of seats min / Number of seats 座位/乘载人数 Accelerator? 加速器? Trimmers?微调装置

1/1 Yes 有 No 无

test item 测试项目

minimum weight range 体重下限

Take-off 起飞 Inflation 充气 Rising behavior 上升状况 take off speed 起飞时的速度 Take-off behavior overall 起飞之情形 Straight flight 水平飞行 Roll damping 翻滚回正 Turn handling 转弯状态 Spin tendency 失速之倾向 Control travel 控制行程 Agility 轻柔度 Symmetric stall 对称性失速

1 evenly, immediately 均匀,快速 Immediately comes over pilot 快速到 达顶端 average 普通 easy 容易 1 High 高 1-2 slight 轻微 average 普通 average 普通 1-2

maximum weight range 体重上限 1-2 evenly, immediately 均匀,快速 Delayed 迟缓 average 普通 Average 普通 1-2 average 普通 1-2 slight 轻微 average 普通 average 普通 1-2

Deep stall limit 深沉失速之行程

average60cm-75cm 普通

average60cm-75cm 普通

Full stall limit 全失速之行程

average65cm-80cm 普通

average65cm-80cm 普通

increase in steering power 控制之压 力增加情形

high 高

Average 普通

front collapse 对称性夹翼(前夹)



pre-acceleration 伞往前冲之倾向

average 普通

Opening behavior 恢复之状况

Spontaneous, delayed 自开,迟缓

Asymmetric collapse 单边夹翼


Slight 轻微 Spontaneous, delayed 自开,迟缓 1-2

Turn 转向

90 degrees 90 度

90-180 degrees 90-180 度

Rate of turn 回旋比率 Max roll /pitch angle 最大 左右/前后摆荡角度

average 普通 < 45 degrees 小于 45 度

average 普通 < 45 degrees 小于 45 度

Loss of altitude 损失之高度

average 普通

average 普通

Stabilization 稳定性

Spontaneous 自开

Spontaneous 自开

Opening behavior 恢复之状况 Counter steering an Asymmetric collapse 反向旋转后单边夹翼

Spontaneous, 自开 1-2

Spontaneous, 自开 1-2

Stabilization 安定性

Counter steering easy 反转容易

Counter steering easy 反转容易

Control travel 控制行程 Control pressure increase 控制之压力增加情形 turn in Opposite direction 反向旋转

average 普通

average 普通

high 高

high 高

Easy, no tendency to stall 容易,无失速倾向

Opening behavior 恢复之状况

Spontaneous, quickly 自开,快速

Full stall(symmetric exit) 全失速-恢复时前夹 Spin out of straight flight


Easy, no tendency to stall 容易,无失速倾向 Spontaneous, delayed 自开,迟缓 1-2




水平飞行时-失速旋转 Spin out of turn 转弯时-失速旋转



Spiral dive 失速螺旋下降



Entry 进入

easy 容易

easy 容易

Spin tendency 失速旋转之倾向

B line stall B 组失速

Slight 轻微 turn continues through 180 - 360 degrees 持续旋转 180-360 度 1

Slight 轻微 turn continues through 180 - 360 degrees 持续旋转 180-360 度 1

Entry 进入

easy 容易

easy 容易

Exit 恢复 Big ears 大耳朵

Spontaneous 自开 1

Spontaneous 自开 1

entry 进入

Easy 容易

Recovery 恢复

Spontaneous, quickly 自开,快速

Landing 降落


Easy 容易 Spontaneous, quickly 自开,快速 1-2

landing behavior 降落表现 Asymmetric collapse(accelerated) 加速后-单边夹翼

easy, average 容易,普通 1-2

easy, average 容易,普通 1-2

Turn tendency 转向 change of course 改变航道

9 0 - 180 degrees 度 9 0 - 180 degrees 90-180 度

9 0 - 180 degrees 度 180- 360 degrees 180-360 度

Rate of turn 回旋比率 max roll/ pitch angle 最大左右/前后摆荡角度

average 普通 45 degrees 45 度

average 普通 45 degrees 45 度

Loss of altitude 损失之高度

average 普通

average 普通

Stabilization 安定性

Spontaneous 自开

Opening behavior 恢复之状况 Big ears accelerated 大耳朵使用加速器

Spontaneous, impulsive 自开,冲动 1

average 普通 Spontaneous,

entry 进入

Easy 容易

Recovery 恢复

spontaneous, quickly 自开,快速

Exit 恢复


1 Easy 容易 spontaneous, quickly 自开,快速

instruction checklist 教学检查表


This checklist is merely for student and/or instructor to keep a record of what was taught and when. I doubt that any instructor will cover all of these topics or in this order. But most of this will be in your beginner course. 这个检查表,只是给学员/教练纪录,在何时教了哪些内容的纪录表。 student: 学员:

began: 训练(始):

nation: 国籍:

Ended 训练(终):

tel: 电话:

email: 电子邮件:

address: 地址:

blood type: 血型:

1 2

Topic 主题 weather topics 天气主题

Date 日期

instructor: 教练: tel: 电话: Nat‟l License:

Location 地点

wind/ground interactions 风/地面



lee side winds 背风


assess conditions 状况评估


glider introduction 伞具介绍


hook in sequence 伞具连结步骤


risk management 风险管理


flight theory 飞行理论


psych of flight 飞行心理学

10 rules of the air 空中规则 11 controlled airspace 飞航禁区 12 13 FAI rules FAI 规则 14 rating system 检定系统 15 radio use 无线电使用 16 weight range 体重范围 17 glider types 伞的型号 18 safety in flight 飞行安全 19 reserve chute 副伞 20 21


instr. Init 教练

notes/grade 备注/评分


ground training 地面控伞 Date 日期

Location 地点

22 Maintenance 维护 23 eqpt inspection 装备检查 24 Deploy 展开伞具 25 Folding 折伞 26 preflight inspection 飞行前检查 27 building a wall 筑墙 28 Centering 置中 29 forward inflation 正手起伞 30 adjust harness 套带调整 31 inflation posture 充气动作 32 take off posture 起飞动作 33 low wind 风速低时 34 medium wind 风速中等时 35 landing posture 降落姿势 36 PLF 五点着陆(降落伞式落地) 37 weight shift 重心位移 38 toggle control 控制环控制 39 Preflight 起飞前 40 rosette the wing 大收伞 41 accordion folding 手风琴式折法 42 fast fold 快速折 43 reserve deployment 副伞的展开 44 reverse inflation 副伞充气 45 kiting for 30 sec 斗伞 30 秒 46 bunny hops 兔子跳 47 Low alt. Tether 绳子拖曳


instr. 教练

Notes 备注


in flight 飞行中 Date 日期

Location 地点

48 getting in harness 坐进套带 49 flight plan 飞行计划 50 preflight check 飞行前检查 51 landing approach 进场 52 Turns 转弯 53 180 degree180 度转弯 54 360 degree360 度转弯 55 flat turns 水平转弯 56 banked turns 57 ridge soaring 58 big ears 59 speed bar 加速器 60 stall point 失速点 61 wing overs 摆荡 62 B stall B 组失速 63 pitch control 前后控制 64 roll damping 左右摆动 65 Crabbing 偏航修正 66 Ballasting 压舱物 67 low wind landing 低风速降落 68 medium wind landing 中等飞速降落 69 top landing 原点降落 70 71 72


instr. 教练

Notes 备注

Glossary paraglider


log book




maximum glide ratio




minimum sink rate


学 AGL - above ground level


msl - mean sea level


air flow


paragliding site






airspeed indicator


preflight check


all up weight


quick link








relative wind


angle of attack

攻角, 冲角

ridge lift






projected aspect ratio




aspect ratio




bank angle
















center of gravity







coordinated turn






cross ports crosswind




cross country flying






stall point


deep stall


stalling turn




steering lines




surface area


dynamic stall


suspension lines


end cell closure




flight check


take off zone


glide angle






tell tale


glide path





伞翼 伞衣



glide ratio






ground speed


trailing edge


gross weight



不稳定气流; 乱流














horseshoe stall




landing zone


wind gradient


leading edge


wind sock




wing span


lift to drag ratio


wind speed


lock out


wing loading




偏转, 偏航角


Recommended Operational Limitations The factors that influence the suitability for flight are dynamic. These criteria are flexible. For example in lighter wind one can tolerate little more gusting. With a steady airflow one can stand little more cross wind. With a more stable glider one can tolerate little more. Just how much is up to your coach. 影响飞行适当性的因素是有关动力学的,而标准是具弹性的。例如在微风的情形下容许阵风的发生, 而再稳定的气流之下允许一点侧风;稳定一点的伞可以承受的情形就会多一点,此外就跟你的教练有 关系了。 If you are at a beach site in the late afternoon, the wind is smooth and steady, at 15 kmh you might try a gentle dhv 2 wing under coaches supervision. 假设下午时你在海滩,风平顺且稳定;在时速 15 公里的情形,且在教练的指导下你,可以试进阶 (DHV2)的伞。 The following specs have been extracted and extrapolated from various sources including the USHPA instructors manual. 下列讯息是从不同数据中粹取出来的精华其中并包含 USHPA 指导手册。 training/beginner Ideal

acceptable range


时速 8 – 12 公里

时速 5 – 19 公里



不超过山坡垂直面的 15 度角

Variation 变化

no change 不可改变


None 无

5 kmh in 10 seconds 10 秒之内时速 5 公里



2.5:1 到 4:1



DHV 1 - 2

wind speed 风速 Variation 变化 Direction 风向

novice limitations 入门 not over 25 kmh 不超过时速 25 公里 Less than 8 kmh, less than 30 degrees 少于时速 8 公里角度变化小于 30 度 not more than 30 degrees from perpendicular to the hill 不超过山坡垂直面的 30 度角

Gusts 阵风

up to 8 kmh change in not more than 5 seconds 达时速 8 公 里的情况不超过 5 秒钟

Slope 斜坡

至少 4:1

Glider 伞具

Do not exceed dhv 1 - 2 rated wings 不使用超过 DHV 等级 1-2 的伞具


Courtesy Rules 1. Always respect a landowner’s wishes. 尊重地主的想法 2. Pick up all litter. 随手时起垃圾 3. Avoid landing with crops or livestock. 避免降落在一群动物之中 4. Obey site rules. 服从场地规则 5. Obey right-of-way rules. 遵守空中交通规则 6. Help less experienced pilot. 帮助没有经验的飞行员 7. Sell your used equipment only to those capable of handling it. 只把装备转手给有能力控制的人 8. Maintain a positive attitude. 保持积极的态度 9. Maintain pleasant public relations. 维持良好的公众关系 10. Take a first aid course. 接受一流的课程指导 11. Support your local schools/instructors 支持本地学校及指导员

The following is a summary of sites in Taiwan to enable you to choose where you want to fly, where you want to learn and if you want to fly there at all. Things that make a good site are also things that make a site safe. 以下为台湾飞行场地的概略整理,你可以选择在哪里飞或是在哪里学飞。场地好与坏的因素,同时也

是安全与否的要点。 High, gentle slope, large take off zone and landing zone, stable air and smooth flow. The purpose is to minimize variables as much as possible. 一个有高度位于缓坡的起飞场及降落场,稳定平缓的气流。变因越小越

好。 And, that is the purpose of management. Things that decrease the safety factor by increasing the variables include:

变因增加使得安全性降低,这正是需要管理的原因: Skill level of other pilots 其他飞行员的技术水准 Knowledge level of other pilots 飞行员的知识水平 Courtesy 礼貌 Size and slope of take off zone 起飞场的尺寸与坡度 Size and visibility of landing zone 降落场的大小与可见度 Presence of turbulence 乱流标示 Amenities 设施服务 Spectator crowd control 群众控制 Variations in wind direction 风向改变 We enjoy the freedom to fly because we do it responsibly and courteously.

我们有着负责及礼貌的态度,才能享受飞行的自由。 In the diagrams, colors indicate wind direction. Length of arrows indicate relative strength of wind. Curls indicate location of turbulence. 下面的图表里颜色标示风向,箭头长度显示了相关的风速强度,卷曲则指出乱流的位置。






台北县万里乡 185m


夏季、秋季 上升风


南投县埔里镇 620m


夏季、秋季 热气流


屏东县三地乡 400m


冬季、春季 热气流


花莲县寿丰乡 550m


夏季、秋季 热气流


花莲县丰滨乡 400m


夏季、秋季 上升风


台东县鹿野乡 895m


夏季、秋季 热气流


台东县鹿野乡 368m


夏季、秋季 上升风、热气流






Name 中华民国滑翔 运动协会 中华民国飞行 运动基隆分会 台北分会 桃园分会 新竹分会 南投分会 高雄市协会 高雄县协会 高雄市委员会 台东分会 花莲分会 宜兰分会







Greenbay, Wan Li, Taipei County


起飞场:大、原地降落、草皮植被 双人伞及旁观者众、无其他设施 降落场: 广大沙滩或小草地 些微费用:上下山交通费、场地费、保 险及双人伞体验。 越野距离:10 公里 高度:400 米 滞空时间:3 小时 最佳风向:北、东北、东

适合一日游,可体验自由飞行的乐趣。 周末此地非常商业化有许多的双人伞体 验活动及围观者。因此在此训练的飞行 员需要非常小心。

To Cheung, Wai Ao, Ilan, 宜兰县-头城外澳起飞场

有大片草地可供斗伞练习,规划良好安全围观者及双人伞少。管 理者为飞行伞界中最具知识、耐心、及关心的人之一。如果你想 体验平稳轻松的飞行,在任何地方作上火车来到外澳,一通电话 有专人接送。带老婆小孩到海滨公园玩耍,而你斗伞累了也可以 到海里泡泡水,消消暑。是我的安全斗伞练习及第一次飞行的首 选场地。当起飞场朝下方的草地延伸时,这场地便符合国际标 准了。(见封面照片)


起飞场:25 度小草坡、有露营地、可原 地降落 降落场: 大片沙滩、热气流旺盛、交通 车、饮食、淋浴及厕所、住宿。 费用:双人伞体验、保险 最高高度:海平面上 400 米 滞空时间:2 小时 最佳风向:南,东南,东 不太有越野飞行的机会。但却是很好 的俱乐部、公司、及北部地区绝佳训 练场地。此外亦提供伞具维修。

Saijya, Sandimen, Pingtung


黄色路径显示第一次可能飞行航道, 利用 S 型转弯降低高度朝降落场接 近。蓝色路径则为之后在山脊盘旋训 练之可能路径。 是台湾第首座场地,也是目前南部唯一的一个,但交通不 便利。且须与轻航机及遥控飞机分享空域,须注意。

Doris 等待挂数救援时,从不同角度享 受埔里美景。


起飞场: 中型大小、悬崖、可原地 降落、草皮植被、双人伞及旁观者 众、有简单的饮食及厕所。 降落场:大草坪、热气流旺盛、有 饮食及厕所。 费用: 上下山交通车、场地费、保 险、双人伞体验 XC: 50 km 越野距离 50 米 最高高度:海平面上 1700 米 滞空时间:4 小时 最佳风向:西南、西、西北风时则 要小心侧风起飞

Kaotai, LuYeh, Taitung


起飞场:小、断崖、不可原地降 落水泥表面、许多双人伞及旁观 者饮食及厕所设备完善。 降落场: 超大草地、热气流旺 盛、周末有上下山交通车 费用:双人伞飞行体验 越野距离: 100 公里 最高高度:海平面上 1700 米 滞空时间: 5 小时 最佳风向:西南、南,东南则要 注意侧风起飞。(900 起飞场则为 南、东、北) 此外亦提供伞具维修。

高台是台湾管理最完善的飞行场 地之一,有最远距离的越野飞 行、最高飞行高度、飞行季节最 长、及最便利的住宿选择,值得 一游。若高台再度扩展即可成为 一世界级的飞行场地。此地为观 光著名景点,故周末假日有多多 人驻足围观。你也可以搭火车到 鹿野,再连络接送上下山。 在高台做山脊盘旋时要注意风向的转变, 这会使得原来的上升区变成下沉区。切记 鹿野 900 起飛場 装上加速器避免风速突然增加。


Ming Li TOZ, Hualien

花莲明利起飞场 起飞场:TOZ: 长草坡地、无任何设 施、可原地降落 降落场:广大草地、热气流旺盛 、周 末有上下山交通车 费用:双人伞体验 越野距离: 30 公里 最高高度:海平面上 1700 米 滞空时间:5 小时 最佳风向: 东、东南、南

明利起飞场有良好﹑长且缓的热气流 滑翔飞行。是练习热气流飞行极佳场 地。


Ji Chi Beach TOZ 矶崎海滩起飞场

当你周末想飞行时,矶崎是个可以让小朋友在沙滩玩耍 的好地方。注意起飞的时机你便可以原地降落。

起飞场:: 长草坡、无其他设施、原地降落 降落场:广大的沙滩及草地、热气流旺盛、 无交通服务、露营区、凉亭、淋浴设施、饮 食。 费用:海水浴场门票 越野距离: 20 公里 最高高度:海平面上 500 米 滞空时间:2 小时 最佳风向:东北、东、东南



Tiger Mtn, Puli, Nantou 台湾之心-南投埔里虎子山

起飞场:25 度长草坡、厕所、露营地淋浴设 施、可原地降落、斗伞 降落场:中型草地、热气流旺盛、有上下山交 通车 费用:双人伞体验、保险 越野距离:到日月潭 20 公里、清境农场、中 台禅寺 最高高度:海平面上 1500 米 滞空时间:5 小时 最佳风向:西北、西、西南


在台湾地理中心有两个起飞场,中 高级飞行员可以在北起飞场享受陡 峻悬崖剎时间的上升快感。 而南场地(图上、右)则提供新学员 平稳的气流及缓而长的草坡。学员 透过蜻蜓点水式地触地再起飞,便 可以很快完成原地降落练习。起飞 场有足够的空间提供降落、双人伞 载飞及斗伞等活动的进行。 飞行场邻近有度假饭店温泉及休闲 农场等。

另参阅第 53 及 79 页照片





作者因其常年适合的风向、少雨、持续稳定 的海风吹拂、临近公车站、7-11、以及民宿 饭店于降落场周边;至国际机场约一个小时 车程、低人口密度而选择为主要训练场地。 背风情形则发生于冬季一个月 5 天当冷锋过 境时。面积广大的冲积平原提供了充足的降 落区域。气流够缓慢,使新学员不至于飞越 平原。位处 40 米下岩壁触发的对流,提供了 1.5-3 米/秒源源不绝的热气流可做为起飞与山 脊盘旋的资源。 The authors have chosen this as their home site for training because of favorable winds all year round, very low rainfall, consistent sea breeze, bus stop, 7 - 11 and hotels at the LZ, 1 hour from the international airport, low population density. Leeside winds during frontal activity in the winter, 5 days a month. Large alluvial plain provides ample landing zones. Thermal is slow enough that new pilots cannot fly beyond the plains. Convection from the rock face, 40 meters below generates a consistent thermal 1.5 – 3 m/s which facilitates ridge soaring and take off.

起飞场:40 度草坡、可原地降落(中、高級飛 行員以上)、斗伞。 降落场:沙灘、旱地或草地、有上下山交通 车。 费用:双人伞体验。 越野距离:10 公里。 最高高度:海平面上 500 米。 滞空时间:6 小时。 最佳风向:北,西北、西、西南。


References 参考资料 Books 书籍 Pagen, Dennis , Understanding the Sky, Sport Aviation Publications, 1992 Pagen, Dennis, Paragliding Instructor’s Manual, United States Hanggliding Paragliding Association, 2001 Whittal, Noel, Paragliding - The Complete Guide - Noel Whittall, The Lyons Press, 1995 Pagen, Dennis , The Art of Paragliding, Sport Aviation Publications, 2001 Pagen, Dennis, USHPA Paragliding Instructors Manual, Oueng,Simon; Paragliding; 1991

Video 影片 Sanderson, Jocky, Speed to Fly, An Escape Productions, 2004 Sanderson, Jocky, Security in Flight, An Escape Productions, 2004 White, Dixon, The Art of Kiting, Adventure Productions, 2007 Discussion and/or unpublished documents were generously contributed for reference by the following: 感谢下列伞友参与讨论或热情提供未出版之文件: Fan Su, Uncle Fan, Ilan Paragliding Association 范叔,宜兰飞行协会 Steven Liao, 小廖 Simon Oueng, Oueng Kwang Dze 翁光智, David Jebb Gabriel Jebb Gin Seok Song Online 网络资源

foto: Y B Human? cavorting at glass-off at sunset in Puli. This



The Heart of Taiwan!

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This book does NOT replace a coach. It is a supplement to your coach. Paragliding should be learned under the supervision of a certified instructor in a language in which you are fluent.

Malcolm Vargas &'( )

 。 。


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