Itamar Goldminz 3/15/2013

Personal Profile Foundation Chapter Management Chapter

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 2

Personal Details

Itamar Goldminz [email protected] Opower

Date Completed


Date Printed


Insights Learning and Development Ltd. Jack Martin Way, Claverhouse Business Park, Dundee, DD4 9FF, Scotland Telephone: +44(0)1382 908050 Fax: +44(0)1382 908051 E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 3

Contents Introduction


Overview Personal Style Interacting with Others Decision Making

5 5 6 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Possible Weaknesses

8 8 9

Value to the Team


Communication Effective Communications Barriers to Effective Communication

11 11 12

Possible Blind Spots


Opposite Type Communication with Itamar's Opposite Type

14 15

Suggestions for Development


Management Creating the Ideal Environment Managing Itamar Motivating Itamar

17 17 18 19

Management Style


The Insights Wheel


Insights Colour Dynamics


[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 4

Introduction This Insights Discovery profile is based on Itamar Goldminz’s responses to the Insights Preference Evaluator which was completed on 3/15/2013. The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings. Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the present day. Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment. Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you. Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally and interpersonally.

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 5

Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Itamar’s work style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal Style Itamar likes to develop models for improving the way to solve difficult problems. He is good at organising and bringing ideas into the plan. As he likes conversation to be purposeful, and may argue practicalities to the point of hair-splitting, he tends to be convinced only by reason. Although disinterested in purely scholastic pursuits, knowledge is important for its immediate usefulness to him. He is quiet, reserved and distant, with a thoughtful appearance. He displays little emotional response to situations which others may perceive as crises, and is usually seen to deal with them in a calm and cool way. He may sometimes take over the work of others rather than leave important tasks undone, or done poorly. He is seen as practical, trustworthy and dedicated to preserving traditional values. He can be a veritable storehouse of information on the things he knows well and understands. He tries to use logical principles to make sense of the ideas that constantly arise in his mind. Both for himself and others, fun, relaxation and free time are scheduled and prioritised events. Enjoying theoretical, complex and global concepts, Itamar is a strategic thinker who can clearly see the benefits and flaws of most situations. When pressured, he will be seen as critical, precise and sceptical. His desire for privacy sometimes generates a vague feeling in others that there is an unlived life that may be passing him by. He approaches people and events as a dispassionate observer, with the objective of arriving at the most comprehensive truth. His interest lies in seeing possibilities beyond what is already present and known, by using his insight, ingenuity and intellect. He is usually neat, tidy and orderly, both at work and at home. Itamar is an analytical thinker, who prefers to be fully objective in his work. Although he will never ask for it, he does need positive feedback and a rationale for what he is doing. Itamar is analytical, impersonal and interested in underlying principles. A capacity for cool emotional detachment makes Itamar a good decision maker, because he thinks clearly under pressure. He prizes his gift of intelligence and has a strong bias towards the attainment of personal competence. He is unlikely to be comfortable expressing his inner feelings to strangers. He sometimes feels less than adequate when he thinks of the effort of living up to his own high standards of perfection. The process of objective analysis is a source of great enjoyment to him, with the outcome often of much less importance. Unless someone else can put his ideas into practice, they may be lost.

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 6

Interacting with Others Itamar needs minimal supervision and will work hard in a system that gives him independence. He may become evasive or reactive if overwhelmed by the constraints and demands of others. Although he has a good understanding of facts, figures and ideas he may sometimes struggle to present them to others and have them understood and accepted. Itamar will tend to talk openly only about subjects he knows well and which allow him to share his great breadth of information. He may also be rather uncomfortable in “touchy-feely” situations. When he turns his highly honed critical appraisal skills on the people around him, honesty may be translated into unintended hurtfulness. Itamar may express affection non-verbally and appreciate others' company on a rather abstract level. He may be highly critical of carelessness or lack of discipline in others. He tends to withdraw when stressed. His inner feelings may emerge when he is by himself, especially when he has time alone to go over the day's conclusions. He is excellent at detecting the flaws in an idea but may neglect to praise good work. He is reluctant to display his emotions to others. He is likely to prefer the dialogue which is going on in his head with his internal critic to participation in “meaningless” social chit-chat with others. With his original mind, fine insight and vision, Itamar is seen as an independent and natural thinker. Bringing an enthusiasm and loyalty to his work, Itamar encourages co-operation and flexibility within the team. He may perceive outgoing, extraverted people as rather noisy and shallow.

Decision Making What may seem like instinctive action exhibited by Itamar is the result of long observation and thought which enables him to be alert to all the likely consequences of the decision. His natural introversion does not prevent him from making critical and incisive comments with conviction and presence. All his well classified thoughts, ideas and plans, no matter how final they appear, are subject to last-minute modifications whenever new information arises. He applies analysis and objectivity to discover the underlying principles, relying on clear thinking in making decisions. He is impressed by reason and logic and prefers to focus his thinking on the underlying principles. If something does not seem rational, he runs the risk of dismissing it out of hand, even if it is a critical issue. He has the ability to use both reflection and consultation in reaching conclusions. He tends to be influenced by the idea, rather than the people behind the idea. He makes decisions after a great deal of thought and he may not be dissuaded by emotional or muddled arguments. Itamar is self-reliant and is not frightened to take “the path of maximum resistance” in his efforts to produce the best results. He may occasionally be slow at coming to a decision, or try to have a decision reversed, as he has a need to analyse all the available alternatives. His decision making is based on prior reflective,

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 7

contemplative thought. He may lack patience with others who are less focused on the job in hand. He tends to make sound future decisions only after deeper reflection. He views life as an intellectual challenge and needs to think things through before deciding. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 8

Key Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths This section identifies the key strengths which Itamar brings to the organisation. Itamar has abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the fundamental gifts he has to offer. Itamar’s key strengths:

Accuracy. Pragmatic, rational thinker. Responsibility. Will find ways to work more effectively. Understands underlying principles. Uses common sense. Curious about processes. Values truth and high ideals. Will work late to get the job done. Painstaking, conscientious, industrious and dependable. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 9

Key Strengths & Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness is simply an overused strength. Itamar's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas as possible weaknesses. Itamar’s possible weaknesses:

Occasionally his criticism may de-motivate others. Does not enjoy fast change. Can miss opportunities by being cautious around strangers. May appear unsociable. Tends to be drawn into “splitting hairs”. Occasionally becomes too focused, risking “tunnel vision”. Often requires extra time to complete tasks. Can look for flaws and errors in almost everything. When immersed in a task he may be less receptive to change. May worry unduly - prone to pessimism. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 10

Value to the Team Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Itamar brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members. As a team member, Itamar:

Has intensive problem-solving capabilities. Will often be able to supply vital background details. Ensures decisions are made logically. Ensures reflection, analysis and precision. Will not allow others' failings to prevent the team's success overall. Critically perceptive with an eye for detail. Takes a no-nonsense approach. Often questions facts and rebuts false assumptions. Seeks and provides attention to detail. Ensures that the team uses correct methods. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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Communication Effective Communications Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Itamar. Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues. Strategies for communicating with Itamar:

Ensure that he understands the rules. Respect his position. Focus on the task at hand. If details need to be communicated, be prepared for a deferred decision. Be consistent. Bring proof and evidence of performance. Use written communications whenever appropriate. Speak slowly and sincerely. Recognise his intellectual effort and commitment. Allow him time to gather his thoughts and to express his feelings. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Allow time for him to think of the consequences. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Itamar. Some of the things to be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and mutually acceptable communication strategies. When communicating with Itamar, DO NOT:

Exaggerate. Exert unnecessary pressure. Be vague or rush him. Ask lots of questions in quick succession. Comment on his personal appearance. Be too light hearted or superficial. Talk emotionally, quickly or loudly. Assume that outward calm reflects inner feelings. Hug him unexpectedly or at an inappropriate moment. Get too excited or emotional. Interrupt his thought processes. Try to control the conversation. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 13

Possible Blind Spots Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues. Itamar’s possible Blind Spots:

Itamar gives the impression he believes in economy of effort. He must be careful that this is not seen as, nor leads to, laziness. A potential failing for him may be that he may not gain sufficient intimate experience of the world. He draws conclusions based on factual analysis, which he likes to organise. He may be less inclined to organise people or situations unless this is an essential part of his role. He is a private person who keeps an emotional distance from others and a physical distance when communicating. Itamar's ideas may occasionally get lost because he tends to rethink them continually, preferring to keep them private. He may rely so much on his logical, analytical thinking that he overlooks the people issues. He has a tendency towards perfectionism which leads him to refine and polish his ideas to a point where they may even fail to emerge. He can be reserved and hard to get to know, only willing to share his inner feelings with people he trusts. An adoption of a simple lifestyle may be perceived by others as a somewhat miserly choice! Sometimes rather closed minded, he may believe that someone else's ideas will not work as well as his own. Since he is a natural critic, he tends not to demonstrate his appreciation of the positive attributes or contributions of those around him. When he makes the effort to adopt a more accepting approach to life and his dealings with others, Itamar will achieve greater acceptance of his innovations. Quiet and reserved, he may appear cool and aloof. He is inclined to be guarded except when with close friends or colleagues of long standing. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 14

Opposite Type The description in this section is based on Itamar's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often, we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. Recognising your Opposite Type:

Itamar’s opposite Insights type is the Inspirer, Jung’s “Extraverted Feeling” type. Inspirers are outgoing and enthusiastic, seeking favourable social environments where they can develop and maintain contacts. Verbally effusive, they are good at promoting their own ideas. They can create enthusiasm in others for their cause. They have a wide network of acquaintances and relationships. Itamar will notice that the Inspirer tends to misjudge the abilities of self and others. Inspirers often leap to favourable conclusions without all of the information. To Itamar they may appear inconsistent. Inspirers find controlling and planning their time difficult. The Inspirer is a smooth talking persuader and may appear indifferent to people, such as Itamar, who appear to be not such “extraverted achievers” as themselves. However, Inspirers sometimes take conflict or rejection personally and bitterly. Many Inspirers are convinced that they are naturally superior and may come across to Itamar as somewhat boastful. They will prefer communicating orally rather than through the written word and may dislike and avoid tasks that require attention to detail or heavy paperwork. Itamar may perceive Inspirers as shallow or superficial, due to their glib way with words. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 15

Opposite Type Communication with Itamar's Opposite Type Written specifically for Itamar, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Itamar Goldminz: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

Don't always expect brief, specific answers. Deal with “here and now” projects. Be personable and give sufficient time to “peripheral” matters. Be alive and entertaining. Indulge in speculation and offer opinions readily. Maintain regular, informal feedback. Itamar Goldminz: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

Delegate routine or boring tasks to him. Use destructive criticism or create unnecessary conflict. Talk with him using a low-key voice tone. Be dismissive of his feelings and emotions. Forget to be aware and tolerant of his views. Talk slowly, mumble or whisper. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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Suggestions for Development Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training. However, listed below are some suggestions for Itamar’s development. Identify the most important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a personal development plan. Itamar may benefit from:

Attempting to respond more quickly to his more extraverted colleagues. Resisting the urge to introduce long-winded, complex solutions to straightforward issues. An awareness of when he is acting defensively or cynically. Remembering that many people will interpret his apparently shy demeanour as aloofness. Knowing it is OK to relax and laugh at himself. Changing his perception of aggression being a weakness to that of an essential gift that is occasionally necessary to get things done. Becoming more generous, warm and caring. Asking himself “what is the worst thing that can happen?” then being prepared to accept it should it occur. Taking the opportunity to make group presentations. Realising that social interaction is essential to personal growth. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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Management Creating the Ideal Environment People are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. This section should be used to ensure a close match between Itamar’s ideal environment and his current one and to identify any possible frustrations. Itamar’s Ideal Environment is one in which:

Time is carefully allocated to allow him to express his view. There is space for graphs, charts and other sources of reference. He can employ technology. Information and data are well organised. He has good access to relevant sources of information. He can concentrate quietly. He is encouraged to express views and opinions. He has time to prepare for meetings or discussions. Everyone makes good use of their time. He has access to year planners and diaries with an appointment system for visitors. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 18

Management Managing Itamar This section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Itamar. Some of these needs can be met by Itamar himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management. Go through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal management plan. Itamar needs:

Respect for his desire to observe activities from a distance, and his preference not to become to directly involved in “team” activities. Technical research projects. To be convinced by reason, not emotion. Occasional exposure to less structured projects to develop his openness to unconventional solutions. Encouragement to find and communicate efficiency improvements. Personal and professional development to be supported and encouraged. To be gently drawn into the team's social mainstream. Respect for his workspace. A manager who appreciates his need for thinking time. His own space with little day to day supervision. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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Management Motivating Itamar It has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environment in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to provide motivation for Itamar. With his agreement, build the most important ones into his Performance Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation. Itamar is motivated by:

Having access to data and verifiable evidence. Rewards for quality, not quantity. An internal desire “to do the right thing in the right way”. Being given every opportunity to “get on with it”. Being encouraged to expose logical inconsistencies. Being encouraged to research new technical developments. Respect for the correctness of his work. Being technically stretched. Having a “low profile” position within the team. Being free to subscribe to the technical journals of his choice. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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Management Style There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational applications. This section identifies Itamar’s natural management approach and offers clues to his management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further explored. In managing others, Itamar may tend to:

Overlook the need to encourage others. Avoid large social gatherings. Be attached to rules and procedures for their own sake. Be uncomfortable in emotionally charged discussion. Not fully appreciate the energies of others. Be unimpressed with slick or brash arguments and presentations. Feel frustrated if others ignore the rules or procedures. Appear unruffled despite the enormity of the task. Become so immersed in his own thoughts that, although aware of this distraction, he fails to react spontaneously when his support is needed by others. Be uncomfortable amongst clutter or chaos. Personal Notes

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

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The Insights Wheel Itamar Goldminz 3/15/2013









116 15






104 42











125 105



26 27

30 129 28








128 29








46 50










54 153




156 133











2 36








108 9










Conscious Wheel Position

55: Reforming Observer (Accommodating) Personal (Less Conscious) Wheel Position

15: Reforming Observer (Focused)

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Insights Discovery 3.1

Itamar Goldminz

Page 22

Insights Colour Dynamics Itamar Goldminz 3/15/2013

Persona (Conscious) 6




Preference Flow RED


Persona (Less Conscious) 6





5.16 86%

1.40 23%

0.48 8%

2.80 47%







100 5.52 92%

3.20 53%

0.84 14%

4.60 77%


0 43.9%

(Less Conscious)

[email protected] © Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved.

Itamar Goldminz - 55 Reforming Observer (Accommodating ...

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