Case Study | Google Apps for Business

Jason’s Deli cuts costs and improves collaboration by switching to Google Apps for Business

At a Glance What they wanted to do I$ $J"7&%2"$26.!"(3/."$/7"#43/6(2"$7/(*%&$ and homegrown email system without !6)&')#-$/6*$)*3$$)#4+/63"$)#5(%3*(62*6("> What they did I$ Selected Google Apps for Business for its #/4+%33&"=$2&/6'4!%3"'$./'"&$5/($".%)&$ and document sharing and range of collaborative features. What they accomplished I$ Established a scalable, inexpensive communication and collaboration hub for the national restaurant chain’s thousands of employees.

Organization Jason’s Deli is a national restaurant concept and caterer with 225 corporate and franchise stores coast to coast. Headquartered in Texas, the company specializes in soups, salads and sandwiches. Founded in 1976, Jason’s Deli has !""#$%$&"%'"($)#$*+"$+"%&*+,$')#)#-$./0"."#*$!,$"&).)#%*)#-$%(*)12)%&$*(%#34 5%*$%#'$+)-+45(62*/3"$2/(#$3,(67$5(/.$)*3$("2)7"3$8+)&"$"#36()#-$*+%*$)*3$')3+"3$ are fresh and tasty. That willingness to listen to customers and try new ideas led the company to improve communication and collaboration throughout the /(-%#)9%*)/#$8)*+$://-&"$;773$5/($<63)#"33=$%$#/4+%33&"$2&/6'4!%3"'$7&%*5/(.> Challenge ?/($,"%(3=$@%3/#A3$B"&)$("&)"'$/#$%#$/7"#43/6(2"$7/(*%&$%#'$+/."-(/8#$ email system to support messaging and document sharing among its 10,000 employees. However, as the successful chain added stores and built out its catering business, both the portal and the email infrastructure lagged behind its growth. “Not only were they cumbersome products for our executives and ".7&/,""3$*/$63"$*/$2/&&%!/(%*"$%#'$2/..6#)2%*"=$!6*$*+",$%&3/$36C"("'$ frequent crashes and slowdowns,” notes CIO Kevin Verde. In addition, Verde says, there was little support for document sharing, and the available feature set was limited. Without easy access to standard corporate documents, logos and presentations, sales teams and franchise owners 8"("$5/(2"'$*/$'67&)2%*"$*+")($"C/(*3>$;*$*+"$3%."$*)."=$"D"26*)0"3$&%2E"'$ 0)3)!)&)*,$)#*/$/#-/)#-$3*/("$%#'$2%*"()#-$"C/(*3$%#'=$*+"("5/("$+%'$')F26&*,$ ("0)"8)#-$%#'$*(%2E)#-$*+")($".7&/,""3A$7(/-("33>$G+",$%&3/$5/6#'$)*$')F26&*$ */$2/..6#)2%*"$).7/(*%#*$2/(7/(%*"$."33%-"3$3).6&*%#"/63&,$*/$37"2)12$ groups such as franchise owners.

“Collaboration using Google Sites saves a tremendous amount of time, improves the quality of the pitches, and helps close more deals. That leads to increased productivity for the sales force.” —Kevin Verde, CIO

H"('"$%#'$+)3$3.%&&$*"%.$*()"'$*/$E""7$67$8)*+$*+"$'"0"&/7."#*=$67-(%'"3=$ maintenance and corporate scaling needs of the portal and email system, !6*$*+"$*%3E$7(/0"'$*//$2/.7&"D$%#'$*)."42/#36.)#->$@%3/#A3$B"&)$2/#3)'"("'$ moving to Microsoft SharePoint or a similar system, but wanted to avoid the %''"'$2/.7&"D)*,$%#'$2/3*$/5$%#/*+"($/#47(".)3"$3/&6*)/#> Solution Jason’s Deli deployed Google Apps for Business in early 2010 at the urging of "D"26*)0"3$8+/$8"("$63)#-$*+"$*//&3$%3$8/(E%(/6#'3$*/$*+"$2+%)#A3$6#8)"&',$ portal and email applications. The company now has more than 1,700 user

About Google Apps for Business

://-&"$;773$5/($<63)#"33$/C"(3$3).7&"=$ powerful communication and collaboration tools for enterprises of any size – all hosted by Google to streamline setup, minimize maintenance, and reduce IT costs. With Gmail, Google Calendar, and integrated chat, 63"(3$2%#$3*%,$2/##"2*"'$%#'$8/(E$*/-"*+"($ with ease, even in private domains. And, using Google Docs, which includes word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation *//&3=$*+",$2%#$3+%("$1&"3$%#'$2/&&%!/(%*"$)#$ ("%&4*)."=$E""7)#-$0"(3)/#3$/(-%#)9"'$%#'$ available wherever and whenever users 8/(E>$://-&"$P)*"3=$://-&"$:(/673=$%#'$ Google Video add further capabilities for web publishing, secure sharing, and video storage and access. For more information visit

accounts for internal employees and 23 franchises partners, who use the system to access Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Sites. G+"$".%)&$%#'$2/&&%!/(%*)/#$3,3*".$56&1&&3$H"('"A3$#""'$5/($3)#-&"$3)-#4/#$ %22"33$*/$.6&*)7&"$%77&)2%*)/#3=$3*(/#-$7%338/('$.%#%-"."#*=$(/&"4!%3"'$ 2/#*"#*$%22"33=$%#'$3677/(*$5/($%#$%((%,$/5$./!)&"$'"0)2"3$%#'$"4.%)&$2&)"#*3>$ G+"$3"(0)2"$)3$63"(45()"#'&,=$5"%*6("3$%$5%3*$%#'$("37/#3)0"$)#*"(5%2"=$%#'$%&&/83$ for posting broadcast messages to all users. O#$*+"$%("%$/5$'/26."#*$.%#%-"."#*=$://-&"$;773$56&1&&3$H"('"A3$2+"2E&)3*$/5$ #"2"33%(,$5"%*6("3$S$)#2&6')#-$0"(3)/#$2/#*(/&=$+)-+"($&).)*3$5/($1&"$3)9"$%#'$*/*%&$ 3)9"=$(/&"4!%3"'$7"(.)33)/#3$*/$%22"33$%#'$"')*$1&"3=$%#'$+)"(%(2+)2%&$1&"$3*(62*6()#-> Google Apps also solves disaster recovery, archiving and compliance problems. T"(+%73$./3*$).7/(*%#*&,=$!"2%63"$/5$+)3$3*%C$3)9"$%#'$*+"$2()*)2%&$#%*6("$/5$".%)&$ and document sharing, Google Apps places no burdens on the data center and enables easy transition from the portal and homegrown email systems. Verde says that Google Apps has met and exceeded all of the company’s requirements. !"#"$%& U)-(%*)#-$5(/.$*+"$!6('"#3/."$/7"#43/6(2"$7/(*%&$%#'$".%)&$3,3*".$+%3$ *%E"#$%$3)-#)12%#*$&/%'$/C$/5$OG$)#$*"(.3$/5$3,3*".$67E""7$%#'$"#'463"($ 3677/(*>$VW6($+"&7$'"3E$*)2E"*3$5/($".%)&X2/&&%!/(%*)/#$3677/(*$+%0"$!""#$ reduced by close to 50 percent,” Verde says. G+"$2&/6'4!%3"'$3"(0)2"$%&3/$/!0)%*"3$*+"$#""'$*/$32%&"$3"(0"(3=$3*/(%-"$%#'$ bandwidth, or to build another site for disaster recovery. Instead, users can be easily added to the service; archiving, business continuity, data retention policies %#'$2/.7&)%#2"$%("$!6)&*$)#>$;#/*+"($*)."$%#'$./#",43%0"($)3$://-&"A3$3677/(*$ 5/($./!)&"$'"0)2"3=$%3$OG$63"'$*/$+%0"$*/$.%)#*%)#$'"0)2"437"2)12$3"(0"(3$*/$ support the employees’ array of smartphones, tablets and laptops. “With Google Apps, we’re able to meet the needs of our users with less assistance 5(/.$OG=$%#'$("')("2*$OG$3*%C$"C/(*3$*/8%('3$%2*)0)*)"3$*+%*$%("$./("$')("2*&,$*)"'$ to our bottom line,” Verde says. Although the IT team provided multiple channels for training – including documentation, videos, mentors and Q&A sessions – many users adapted easily to the intuitive interface with minimal support. As proof, catering sales teams #/8$63"$://-&"$P)*"3$*/$7/3*$%#'$3+%("$%6')"#2"437"2)12$7("3"#*%*)/#3>$G+",$ alert one another to calendar opportunities such as seasonal church and school "0"#*3$%#'$*+"#$*8"%E$*+")($3&)'"$'"2E3$%22/(')#-&,>$VY/&&%!/(%*)/#$63)#-$://-&"$ Sites saves a tremendous amount of time, improves the quality of the pitches, and helps close more deals. That leads to increased productivity for the sales force,” Verde notes. ?(%#2+)3""3$!"#"1*$5(/.$://-&"$B/23$!"2%63"$*+",$2%#$"%3)&,$%22"33$ corporate logos, menu updates, food preparation documents and other critical )#5/(.%*)/#>$Z)E"8)3"=$@%3/#A3$B"&)$"D"26*)0"3$2%#$3*%,$)#$2&/3"$2/#*%2*$8)*+$ franchisees via broadcast messages, delivering critical corporate information ./("$[6)2E&,$%#'$).7(/0)#-$".7&/,""$("&%*)/#3> Executives are utilizing Google spreadsheets to map out corporate goals and ensure that everyone is collaboratng. Before Google Docs, all corporate information was housed in departmental silos; now every department’s goals %("$*(%2E"'$)#$%$3)#-&"=$3+%("'$37("%'3+""*=$%#'$'"7%(*."#*$+"%'3$2%#$3""$ the status of every major project. “The easy and transparent access to our -/%&3$"#36("3$8"$3*%,$/#$*+"$3%."$7%-"$%#'$2/#*)#6"$*/$.%E"$2//(')#%*"'$ decisions,” says Jason’s Deli CEO Rob Tortorice. K$LMNN$://-&"$O#2>$;&&$()-+*3$("3"(0"'>$://-&"$%#'$*+"$://-&"$&/-/$%("$*(%'".%(E3$/5$://-&"$O#2> ;&&$/*+"($2/.7%#,$%#'$7(/'62*$#%."3$.%,$!"$*(%'".%(E3$/5$*+"$("37"2*)0"$2/.7%#)"3$8)*+$8+)2+$*+",$%("$%33/2)%*"'> PPQLR4NNMR

Jason's Deli cuts costs and improves collaboration ... Services

X XR2Q4&X3A*%5A*XUXA234N$AQ%XAQ5563AW3A*5U WU52N73AQ5AQ%XAR%W4N 3A2N*4X67#A portal and email applications. The company now has more than 1,700 user. Jason's Deli cuts costs and improves collaboration by switching to Google Apps for Business. Case Study | Google Apps for Business.

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